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Discusses 651222 & 23 Meeting W/Plant in Bethesda,Md Re Design & Analysis Rept, Submitted W/Application for Cp. Meeting Attendees Listed
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 01/04/1966
From: Gaske M
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20125A422 List:
FOIA-92-198 NUDOCS 9212080210
Download: ML20128E913 (4)


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To a Files Free  : M. C. Caske. ACES Staff Subjoet: DEL-MILLSTOE POINT METIM AT 55758D4, MARYL&MD W l'2 * '

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MCRieER 22 AND 23, 1M S' y Yd@[.

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Thie neeties was the first between M111stene Point representati ,c t-the DEL Staff regarding the "Desige and Analysis Report" which %

sitted aloeg with the application for a sometruction permit for .the%" ~ . g, M111steen Point toester. Copies ef the "Deatga and Analysis- Report" were forwarded to Committee Members em Nevee6cr 18, IMS. present at ,

this meeting were the following g M111 stems Point M. C. Caska, Staff 1. J. Cee, Caesultest R. A. Evans Division of Roseter Licensian- R. Riebsk E. R. Nine R. 8. Boyd LA. W. Wofford E. G. Case R. L. Deem b Ceneral Electrie Co.

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Irg g .v. s. Blase ~

1. 8l C. J. Black D. F. Sullivan' L..F. Fidryeh R. L. fedeces M.LFreshet W. D. Gilbert :

i Divistae of Safety Standards. C. 5. Johnese L. J. Riehardsee '

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9212080210 920611 PDR FOIA LAWRENC92-198~. PDR.

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The meet sigstftellust yeints noted durias the meeting were as follows:

1. Tha ndipresentatives indicated that no additions had been made to the eseign o(He Millstone Point Reactor as a result of the Acts letter regarding pressure vessel failures. hey believe that a major pressure vessel f ailure is incredit te sai, apparently, do not presently plant to make any additions to the zesign of their reactor systems as a result of the ACES letter. Thc og und Millstone Point representatives did, however, indicate that they would address themselves to the problems of pipe-uhipping and potentist missiles Alek were specifically pointed out in the ACRS letter regarding Dresden 2.
2. The design of the Millstone Point taaetoe and that of Dre:: den 2 are quite similar. Copies of a comparisen between the principal design features of tha tw2 tacilities were distributed at the meeting. A copy of this comperison is attached. Although there is a fairly large difference between the stated met eleotrical output of the two facilities, $3Ny v for Millstosa sad 715 lei for Dresden 2), the Millstone Point R hr sf,,f' graater capability for a stretch imersase is power. ~ h Sp: y *
3. Although Yankee Atowie Electria Cosyaay ed New Engt / (dr . . ,%-t ,

are not participeats in the Millstone Point project, Mr. Roger J.,

been retained as a comeultaat for the pro,4est and was present darkglf G ,

.pm port ion o f the meet ing .

4 Mr. Wof ford of the Hi1& stone Point organisation stated that he believes the Proposed Design Criteria for Escisar Power Plant Construction Permits will be of advantage to industry and that power co1mpanism may actually specify the criteria as requirements een asking for bids from reacter vendors. Be stated, however, that the criteria may proveet the addition of mee items in proposed reactor designs because variseses from the criteria may be tee difficult to justify. Be aise stated that, since the proposed criteria whiah have been ethlished are for cesstrwetion permits, he assumes a similc.r set of aritaria will be published for the operation of reactors. Mr. Gilbert of CR said that his company believes that the cri-teria are beates11y very good but that they have some difficulty in inter-pretatise of the werde in the criteria.



s isated that there might be a problem relative to the seismic desi414' .the facility but that the Regulatory Staff eeuld not say suuk11M.g , been reviewed by their comeuttants.

v8eu/4 es that a sitconium-water reaction would involve a maximas of 27.3% of the aircomium in the core, and the acetahame design is based on this velve. Ybe Del Staff was to discuss the subject of metal.

water reactions is detail with the applicant af ter the meeting om December 22 and 23,1965.

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. < 7.* . These seis a auder of locked opes teclat!an' valves in the core -

and seaseineseg'spety ayatom 11nes. ne Dg!, 8taif was coeserand as to how the.eparettag organisation would insure that these valves are is a l 1eched spaa eseditism during resetor operation. ' Apparently reliance is to be placed on adotaistrative procedure to inevre that the valves are open, although the applicant indiented that this matter would be gives further consideration.

4. nere will be two MS EVA lines into the Millstone point plant.

hose will toes la on the same right of way, but probably on seperate towers. A lower voltage line, which will be used to provide power during the cometruction phase at the facility, will be retained and will also be available for emergency use. h is line will eens into the fasility by a differest route than the 345 ETA 11ase. As as-site emetgemey dieset 8*eerster will be provided at the site. In addittee, the possibility of connecting a gas turbine to the lower voltage lies to ingrove its reli-ability is being .imvestigated, t ;'..

  • A 4 +1 f
9. Dr. Does stated that he does met believe emeegh has to test filters, under potesttal aseident seeditions, te prove / , 4 - e effeetiveness. Be quostimmed whether a faster ef asre than 2 $E,.p.}

used in the assident analysis for the deplettaa of iodine by w WW Q plateout, and filtraties. .; , , f q,-h '

10. CE has looked at possible feel displacement which might oesur during an accident, he preliminary results of this investigatise are that the maximum reactivity dich eas be added by such movemmat is approzi-mately $1.50 locally and a few cents relative to the whole sere.
11. He questies was raised 4 ether, if an electrieal short resulted La two 4.oatrol rode beleg withdrama at a time, the safety system is ade-quate to cope with the power escursies which might result. GC % d amit analysed this situaties and is -to review the matter further.
12. C3 is to .iavestigate whether, during lees-et-seelaat assident conditions, hydraulie forces could be ersated dich might provoet the control rods free betag inserted into the sere.

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@W was raised as to whether the mesteer instrumenta-englifiers, might be oveeleeded dwing a treasiest ee? , is set timeer with impet and a scram not oeser during a assient. GE is slee to investigate this matter.

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14. He M111stees point organisaties La te review whether the eles-trical breakers are sized -for direet aberts and whether shorts seeld oseur-which sould inactivate the whole Millstone peias electrieal system.
15. . It. wee stated that, in cases where double imelation valves are e u n !: , : 4- M :i; : q :: : ::=1 :,2 - - ;b ;;::Y:' L: &

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14 . W sepersed that they have analysed and insured that allevable bypees of abensels in the IBM (Intermediate Raese Monitors) and APM

(&rerees Jouer Range Monttortag) syetses vill ast result la inadequate eere peeteettet. .

17. Test switches are to be installed for the scramming of individual control rods in the Millatoes potat teactor. The strewitry for thest test switches commects both of the scram besses. CE is to review the safety implications of this lose of independenes of the two safety chamaels.
18. A ball valve and a shear valve will be provided la series to permit isolation of the TIP (Trave 11ag In-Core Prebe) system. In the event the movable cables in the system are inserted into the reester at the time isoistion smet be established, the she er valves, which will be explosively epestted, will sheer the sabia and toelate the system.
19. CE provided eeptes of inforestion regarding the reester f f;.-

NDr temperature semaiderations for the M111 stems Petet Reester. . 4.

of this information is attaebed. The DEL Staff inquired as to that the NDf of their pressure vessel sagles is representative of, ' ' ir through the thishones of the vessel. GB apparently did met have t priate perseas available to meswer this questies and stated that , , .

review the matter further. 1:e , yp

20. The DRL Staff asked how far the centrol red blades ~ would save downward in the event the collet fingers ta- the control rod actuatica sys.

ten were in an open position at the time a rod ejeettee assident seeerred.

It is not apparent how unch good, if any, the sostrol rod drive thiadele supports wow 1d de is occh a sese. This matter is aise to be reviewed further.

21. CE reported that their analyses show that their boiling water reae-tors all have good operational stability med that the degree of stability -

is approximately the ease for all of their reseters.

22. CE is to provide further information regardias the differesse between the-core and containeemt spray systems for Dresdam 2 and it111stane Point.

At thefigene athe mastias, it wee agreed that the Regulatory Staff and the W seteupt to meet the fe11 swiss sebedule DEL Questiene fewarded to applicaat

. Ame. ore t. .ti. r.t.r d

- '" 4M6 nmL seetiag with applisant February 16, 1966 (appros.) ACRS St6ees.mittee leasting June 1,.1964 Caestrusties permit iseeed -


Primeipal Design Features...between W 11;;: = h'r ^-Bu::'z %^;

  • on4141%ce4. Point.M gi m Power 1ta.tten _ _.

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Form AEC.319 (Rev Mh s . ...e., m.E.* wnca 1.-ers t -s

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