ML20127M861 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Monticello |
Issue date: | 05/14/1974 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20127M816 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 9211300493 | |
Download: ML20127M861 (7) | |
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UNITED STATES ATOMIC E!ERGY CCEIISSION DOCKET NO. 50-263 NOFTFERN STATES PO';ER C0" IPA?Ti NOTICE OF ISSUA"CE OF ClitelGEC TO TECICIICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF PROVISIONAL Oi-MTING LICEl!S2 The U. S. Atomic Energ Condssion (the Comission) incued on February 11, 1974, and published in the Federal Rezicter on February 13, 1974 (39 F.R. 5529), a notice of consideration of a proposed change in the Technical Specifications of Provisional Operating Licence No. DPR-22 isnued to the Northern States Power Company to per tit the u;e of fuel asenblies using a partial loading of 8 x 8 fuel (containing U-233 and including a fuel asse:rbly containing segmented test reds) and to author 120 chhnges in the limiting conditionc for operations associated with fuel censification for the 8 x 8 and 7 - 7 fuels for the Monticello Nucler Generating Plant Unit 1 (the facility).
The riinnesota Pollution Control Agency (M?C?s) filed a "Recuect for Hearing and Petition to Intervene" dated March 15, 1974, under 10 CFR 2.714 of the Cordsnion's Rules of Practice. Subsequently, on April 16, I
l 19~h, MPCA filed a "'.ml of Request for Hari:.
- and Petition to I:nervene" tased upon the consolidation of there issues with the licensing proceeding involving the conversion of the provisional ooerating Itcense of i
the Monticello fr.cility to a full term license (see: c'enic Safety and Licensing Eord's Memorandum and Order Ruling on Petition for Lean cc Intervene dated April 30, 1974). A: cording;1y, the Corriniccion has issued Chang;e No.14 to th: Technical Specifications of Provisional Operating License No. DPR-22
,,.ya, 9211300493 740514 PDR ADOCK 05000263 p PDR-
2- -
6 to the Morthern States Pmr Cmoany (tla licensee). This chance effectiva irmediately, authcrtzes the items wnien were tha subject of the February 11, 19?h notice, ea mfemnced above.
".'he licensee is presently authorized to pcssess and enerate tM facillty located in Wrirht County, Minnesota, at powar levels un to 1670 Wt usinr: a.
full core 7 x 7 fuel (containing U-235).
2e Comrissian has found that the application for the above action =ted Icyc:mr 19, 1973, as aupolemnted by filines dated rece-ter 14. 1973.
Januar'I 15, 1974, February 8, 27 and 28, 1974, and Aoril 1,1974. cor. plies with the requiI= rents of the Atcrtic dierg/ Act of 1954, as amenaea (the Act), and tM Cxt:Lision's rentlations ntolished in 10 CFR Chanter I. The Comission's Directorato of Licens$n comleted the major portion of its evaluation of tM action nu issted a Safety d' valuation en April 8,1974, concluddr.:: that there la masonaole assurance that tna health and safety of the cualic will not be encare;erea by tre oneration of the facility uith the 8 x d fuel and the related l
charms to tM Tectnical Soecifications as authorized by Chana No.14, which is incorporated in License do. MR-22 a2 menccrcnc ao. 3 thereto.
Cenies of (1) .the Atomic .%fety nnd Licensin ; Board's Wmorandum and Order
! Ruling cn Petition for Leave to Intervene dated April 30. 1974, (2) Amadment
.!o. 3 with C'rcr;c .To.14 to the Tecnnical Cpecifications of Prtrtisional Coeratin.'
- dcense Mo. DPR-22, (3) the Dimetorate of Licensing's Safety F.valu . tion dated
'.oril 0, 1974, (4) the Safety Evaluation by the Dlmotorate of Licensing concitTTently isnued with Amrvi~ent No. 3 which considers abnor-al ecre transients
l l and the effects of fbel densifientien. (5) the 9CMical Fenort on the General
"!'I!tt ric-Canoeny-8 x &assently by-the Dr.'ctorate-of-Licensing-dated--
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- l February S,1974, and (6) tne Itport of the Mvisory Comittee on reev-
) Safeguards dated rebrtury 12, 1974, on the stbject of opiration of boiling j water ruactors with 8 x 8 fuel bundles, are available for ptblic inspaction at the Ccnniaa4m's Ptblic Docurent Boom at 1717 II Street, N. W., Washingtrn, D. C., and at the s21viiw=uital Librar( of Minnesota at 1222 S. ". 4th Street, I h y14a, Minnesota 55414. Single copies of these items nay De chtained
{ upcn regtxast sent to the Deputy Director for reactor Projects, Directorate j of Licnnsing, U. S. Atontic Encray 02arission, Washington, D. C. 2054.5.
l 4
NotLm is'being given that the Ccrmiission also has issued, as part of a
j the coom Anurxir. ant No. 3 to the license, revisicna to the Todnical 4 ,
Specificaticos for the fac:i.11ty which incitzb diangen in the speciNration 1
- provisions Inlathig to (1) presuru relief, (2) control rod scran tucs, j (3) stanciby gas treatnuit systens, and (4) reactor wssel tonperature f neasurar.cnts.
l 4
'me applicaticn, as utpplcr.cntud, for thme four chanos czmplim with ,
1 l
, the stancards and r@camnts of the Act and the Ceminsion's rulm arn i
regulations. Itle Cattrinsion has founci that those changca co not involve a A
significant hazards consirinration and that the approval of thme acticns will toc ~c inirical to tito ccnton cbfense and security or to the health
- anu safety of the ptolic. 'Lho ihgulatory staff's revici of thcse dangm is reflectcc in a cancurrcitly issued safety A.valtntian.
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- _j For further details with respect to these four iteas, cee (1) the i ,
applications for amend:mnt dated January 23, 1974 and March 1, 1974, as b
.i supplecented on March 8 and 19, and April 10 and 26, 1974, (2) Anen< int
.I No. 3 to License No. DPR-22, with any attachents, and (3) the Comissicn's
- concurrently issued Safety Evaluation. All of these items also are available l l
4 for inspection at tin two public document room previously stated hemin. I Conies of itens (2) and (3) also may be obtained upon request addressed to I
the U. S. Atomic F.ncrj Ca=ission, Washins@cn, D. C. 20545, Attention:
a Deputy Director for Reactor Pmjects, Directorate of Licensing - Regulation.
Oatoa at Dethesda, Maryland, this bIAY I 4 GN
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' ' [b, =' ". l W ASHtNGTON. D.C. 20545 s?,+a heits Y NORIMERN STATES PCWIR CG PANY
Licens3 No. DPR-22
- 1. 'Ihe Atanic Energy Comuission (the Camrission) has found that:
A. @e applications \for anendm3nt by the Northern States Power Conpany (the licensee) dated Novenber 19, 1973, January 23, 1974, and March 1,1974, as supplenented, camply with the standards and requiremmts of the Atcmic Energy Act of 1954, as anended (the Act),\and the Camtission's rules and regulations set forth in 10 CPR Chapter I;
B. @e facility will operate \dn conformity with tle license, the provisions of the Act and the rules aid regulations of the Camti ssion; C. Were is reascnable assurance ') that the activities authorized by this annndmer: can be conduct without endangering the health and safety of ths public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in empliance with the Contrissian's regulations; D. We issuanaa of this anendnunt will no be inimical to the camcn defense and security or to the health an' safety of the public;
. E. 'Ihe request for a hearing and petition for eave to intervene (by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) okthe proposed action of those .itms relating to operation with 8 x 8 fuels and limiting conditions for operation associated'Vith ftel densificatico for 8 x 8 and 7 x 7 fuels has been withdrawn and the proceeding dismissed,'and~~ j g A , -c % ,
F. Prior public notice of those itens relating to pressure relief, control scram tines, standby gas treatnnnt, and reactor vessel tenperature measurements is rot required since they cb not involve a significant hazards crnsideration.
e e ---
- x)CCr ?lo. 50-263
int. U. S. Atomic Energ Car.icsion Cornin31cn) issued en
"etrusr/ 11,1974, and p 110 hoc in th6 '%deml "erister en Februar713, N /
1974 (39 F.R)s5529), a notice of ccusiceration of a proposeo change in the Technical S'becifications of E$ovisional Ocerating License ilo. DPR-22 issuea to the lor rMm States Pcwer Conoany to pemit the use of Nel N
assernlies using a parbial Ibac11ng of 8 x 8 fuel (containinn U-235 and b
inclucin: a fuel assennly/ am.taining semner.ted test rods) and to author 1:e chan c3 in the ll:riting conditions for operatiens associated with fuel densificaticn for trI 8 x 8 and 7'x 7 fuels for the ionticello iuclear .
/ x Cenerating Plant L%1t 1 (the facilit%).
1 / s The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ( IPCA) filed a "Eequest for I Hearing and Pet'ition to Intervene" dated March 15, 1974, under 10 C m 2.714 of the[Camission's Rules of Practice. h@squently, an Aprn 16, 1974, MPCA filed a "dithdmwal of Eequest for ileabag ana Petition to Intersene"'. On April 30, 1974, the Atcr:ic Safety and - censing Ecani, desis:nated to rule on the HPCA reauest, accepted the MPCA thdrawal and als :isseo the proceedin:; designated in tre Comission's notice wublished an February 13, 1974. Accordinzly, tne Ccmission has issued Change fio.14 to the Technical Specifications of Provisional Doeratin: License !!o. DPR-22 orric s * ,
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Ferra AEC-318 4 Rev. 9 33) AECM 0240 e*o c42 is e s aas-, s a s.a e.
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