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Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-69,revising TS Section 3/4.3.1 Re RPS Instrumentation to Delete Operability Requirements for APRM Neutron flux-upscale,setdown & Inoperative Functions in Operational Conditions 3 & 4
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/20/1996
From: Abbott R
Shared Package
ML20101F403 List:
NMP2L-1619, NUDOCS 9603250491
Download: ML20101F400 (2)





8 5 NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION /NINE MILE PolNT NUCLEAR STATK)N. P.O. BOX 63. LYCOMING. N.Y.13093/IEL (315) 3491j FAX (315)349 4417 RCHARD B. A880TT vw p=w.e Neer Gen === March 20,1996 NMP2L 1619 1 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk '

Washington, DC 20555 '

i RE: Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Docket No. 50-410 l NPF-69 Gentlemen:

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation hereby transmits an Application for Amendment to Nine Mile Point Unit 2 (NMP2) Operating License NPF-69. Also enclosed are the proposed changes to the Technical Specifications set forth in Appendix A to the above mentioned license. Supporting information and analyses demonstrating that the proposed changes involve no significant hazards consideration pursuant to 10 CFR 50.92 are included as Attachment B.

Niagara Mohawk proposes to revise Technical Specification (TS) Section 3/4.3.1, Reactor Protection System Instrumentation. The proposed revisions will delete the operability requirements for the Average Power Range Monitor (APRM) Neutron Flux-Upscale, Setdown  ;

and Inoperative functions in Operational Conditions (OCs) 3 and 4 and modify the operability i requirements in OC 5.

The revisions to the APRM functions are being proposed to support the replacement of Local  !

Power Range Monitors (LPRMs) during the next refueling outage (RFO-5) currently planned for the Fall of 1996. The existing TS requires that the subject APRM functions be operable during a refueling outage. If either function is inoperable, all operations involving core 4 alterations (e.g., f ael movements) must be suspended. With the existing TSs, LPRM l replacement, together with other inoperable LPRMs, could result in inoperable APRMs and l suspension of core alterations. Niagara Mohawk requests approval of this amendment by August 1,1996 to support our refueling outage schedule.

l l

The revisions will also support the installation of the Nuclear Measurement Analysis and Control (NUMAC) Power Range Neutron Monitoring (PRNM) System. The NUMAC PRNM is designed to replace the existing APRM System and to support the eventual installation of the Oscillation Power Range Monitor (OPRM) system required for the detection of reactor .l' j instability conditions. The proposed modification is consistent with NMP2's response to i Generic Letter 94-02, "Long-Term Solutions and Upgrade of Interim Operating Recommendations for Thermal-Hydraulic Instabilities in Boiling Water Reactors."

9603250491 960320 .O o\

PDR ADOCK 05000410 (

P PDR 1 \

l Page 2 I The NUMAC-PRNM modification is scheduled to be installed during refueling outage (RFO-6) currently planned for the Spring of 1998. Because the installation of the NUMAC-PRNM modification will render the APRMs inoperable for a period of time, the proposed I

change is necessary to support the modification.

The proposed changes are consistent with NUREG 1433, Improved Standard Technical Specifications. The changes are also consistent with General Electric Licensing Topical Report, NEDC-32410P-A, " Nuclear Measurement Analysis and Control Power Range Neutron Monitor (NUMAC-PRNM) Retrofit Plus Option III Stability Trip Function,"

October 1995, except for minor differences described in the attached supporting information.

NEDC-32410P-A provides licensees guidance for the review and evaluation of the NUMAC-PRNM modification as well as a " marked up" APRM TS to support the modification.

NEDC-32410P-A was approved by the Commission by letter dated September 5,1995 to the NUMAC Projects Manager.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.91(b)(1), Niagara Mohawk has provided a copy of this license amendment request and the associated analyses regarding no significant hazards consideration to the appropriate state representative.

Very truly yours, Richard B. Abbott Vice President - Nuclear Generation RBA/JMT/ kap Attachments

! xc: Regional Administrator, Region I l Mr. B. S. Norris, Senior Resident Inspector l

Mr. D. S. Hood, Senior Project Manager, NRR Mr. John P. Spath NYSERDA 2 Empire Plaza, Suite 1901 Albany, NY 12223-1253 Records Management o

