MONTHYEARML20217P6801999-10-26026 October 1999 Informs That Effective 991026,SW Holmes Will Be NRC Inspector for Facility at Iowa State Univ,Due to Retirement of Previously Assigned Inspector ML20211J4131999-09-0101 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-116/99-201 on 990810-12.No Violations Noted ML20210N5601999-08-0505 August 1999 Informs That Rh Estwick,License SOP 70166,has Resigned Position as RO at IA State Univ Following Completion of Academic Program ML20202C8981999-01-26026 January 1999 Ack Receipt of SE Wendt ,Forwarding Rev to Iowa State Univ UTR-10 Reactor EP Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54. NRC Approval Not Needed Based on Determination That Changes Do Not Decrease EP Effectiveness ML20206S0501999-01-22022 January 1999 Forwards Revised Tech Specs,Reflecting Change in Facility Operating Status as Possession Only License,Per 990121 Telcon with NRC ML20198R2131999-01-0606 January 1999 Requests Issuance of Decommissioning Order for UTR-10 Reactor.Decommissioning Plan,Characterization Rept,Ltr of Intent & Environ Rept,Encl as Supporting Documentation ML20198R2301999-01-0404 January 1999 Forwards Environ Rept Prepared in Preparation for Proposed Decommissioning of UTR-10 Reactor,Per 10CFR51.21 ML20198L6571998-12-28028 December 1998 Forwards Complete Text of TSs for UTR-10 Reactor Facility Which Are Being Updated to Reflect Change in Facility Operating Status ML20198R2211998-12-21021 December 1998 Submits Revised Cost Estimate for Decommissioning UTR-10 Reactor ML20196B1581998-11-23023 November 1998 Informs of Completion of Review of Iowa State Research RO Requalification Program Submitted by Wendt in . Program Meets Requirements & Considered Acceptable. Implementation of Approved Program Should Begin Immediately ML20195F4761998-09-30030 September 1998 Forwards Copy of IA State Univ Revised Licensed Operator Requalification Program Which Is Being Provided for NRC Approval,Per 10CFR50.59.Revised Program Reflects That UTR-10 Reactor Has Permanently Ceased Reactor Operations ML20154A7991998-09-28028 September 1998 Informs That Licensee Has Chosen Decon Decommissioning Alternative & Will Proceed with Dismantling UTR-10 Reactor as Soon as Possible.Description Decommissioning Plan, Discussed ML20154K3621998-07-17017 July 1998 Requests Assistance in Determining New Route for Iowa State Univ to Use to Transport LEU Fuel to Savannah River Site ML20217A4371998-04-16016 April 1998 Informs of Intent to Cease Operating UTR-10 Nuclear Reactor No Later than 980515.Licensee Plans to Remove LEU Fuel from Reactor & Place Fuel Into Storage Pits by 980630 ML20217H2871998-03-30030 March 1998 Forwards Amend 12 to License R-59 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Revises TS to Clarify Grace Periods Associated W/Surveillance & Maint Intervals ML20217F4061998-03-18018 March 1998 Provides Advance Notification of Second of 2 Shipments of Spent Nuclear Fuel Consisting of Quantity of SNM of Moderate Strategic Significance.Info Required by 10CFR73.72 Provided on Encl Shipment Id Form ML20217N6811998-03-0303 March 1998 Provides Advance Notification of Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel.Info Required by 10CFR73.72 Provided on Encl Shipment Id Form ML20202F7211998-02-10010 February 1998 Forwards Rev to Request for Update of TS Which Was Submitted on 971222.Rev Is Result of Several Telcons W/T Michaels & Is Submitted for Approval ML20198Q6271998-01-0606 January 1998 Forwards Revised Licensed Operator Requalification Program for NRC Approval,Per 10CFR50.59.W/explanation for Changes ML20197G3491997-12-23023 December 1997 Notifies That TE Draur Has Resigned Position at Iowa State Univ Following Completion of Academic Program ML20197H9761997-12-22022 December 1997 Forwards Three Copies of Updated TS Section 1.0, Definitions, for Approval.Explanation of Changes Provided & Additions Are Underlined ML20211J4731997-10-0202 October 1997 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp of R-059 ML20216H0421997-09-0808 September 1997 Forwards Response to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp of License R-059 on 970721-25.Corrective Actions:Last Three Required Surveillance Activities Were Completed on 970108 ML20210M7961997-08-18018 August 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 50-116/97-201 on 970721-25 & Nov. Violations of Concern Because of Apparent Failure to Properly Assure,At Specified Frequencies,That Certain Safety Sys Were Operable as Required Prior to Reactor Operation ML20148C9891997-05-12012 May 1997 Notifies That Sf Wagner Resigned Position at Iowa State Univ Following Completion of Academic Program ML20135C1321997-02-24024 February 1997 Forwards Certificates for Newly Licensed Individuals at Iowa State University.W/O Encl ML20135C0871997-02-24024 February 1997 Forwards Certificate for Listed Newly Licensed Individual. W/O Encl ML20134B2921997-01-27027 January 1997 Forwards Results of Operator Initial Exam Conducted at Iowa State Univ on 970113.W/o Encl ML20133E5891997-01-0909 January 1997 Forwards Reactor Operator License Exam to Be Administered on 970113 & Copy of Guidelines for Guidance in Administering Exam.W/O Encl ML20132D9031996-12-16016 December 1996 Ack Receipt of Ltr Dtd 960924,transmitting Changes to Physical Security Plan Identified as Rev 4 to IA State Univ Reactor Security Plan Submitted,Per 10CFR50.54(p) ML20132H1621996-12-16016 December 1996 Informs of Resignation of Jo Oftelie,License SOP 70167 ML20132B0441996-12-13013 December 1996 Forwards Amend 11 to License R-59 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Revises TS to Include Change in Definition of Term Confident Secured & Change Administrative Control Section ML20135D2611996-12-0404 December 1996 Ack Receipt of Which Transmitted Changes to Emergency Plan for Iowa State Univ Research Reactor Facility Submitted Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54(q) ML20133H2611996-11-0707 November 1996 Informs That Proposed Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel by Iowa State Univ Commencing 961112 Has Been Postponed ML20134K1971996-11-0707 November 1996 Informs That Proposed Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel by Licensee Commencing 961112 Has Been Postponed ML20134J1801996-10-30030 October 1996 Informs of Impending Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel by Iowa State Univ.Info Required by 10CFR73.72 Encl ML20134J2061996-10-30030 October 1996 Informs of Impending Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel & Attaches Info Required by 10CFR73.72.W/o Encl ML20134L8321996-10-10010 October 1996 Forwards Drawings & Revisions to Tech Spec Definition Section ML20128F5911996-10-0202 October 1996 Forwards Initial Exam Rept 50-116/OL-96-02 Conducted on 960923 ML20129E3761996-09-24024 September 1996 Forwards Physical Security Plan,Update 4 for IA State Univ Reactor Facility.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR50.54(p)(2) ML20117G7261996-08-27027 August 1996 Submits Update of 3 Necessary Changes to TS for IA State Univ Reactor Facility,Suggested by NRC During Last Insp,For NRC Approval ML20101E6431996-03-13013 March 1996 Notifies NRC That Licensed Operator SOP70017,JT Adams Resigned Position at IA State Univ ML20101C9711996-03-13013 March 1996 Informs That Effective 960216 Jt Adams Resigned & Interim Reactor Manager SE Wendt Was Appointed by Dean of Engineering ML20100N2611996-02-28028 February 1996 Forwards Info Requesting Extension to Original Route Approval IAW 10CFR73,for Shipment of Irradiated Fuel Elements.Approval Expires 960420 ML20095J4101995-12-20020 December 1995 Forwards Update 3 to Physical Security Plan.Plan Withheld ML20094P8711995-11-0606 November 1995 Forwards Revised Licensed Operator Requalification Program for NRC Approval,Per 10CFR50.59.Paragraphs Changed from 950531,version Underlined ML20085E5181995-06-12012 June 1995 Provides Notification of Change of Rso.Effective 950608, Kc Kerns Added to Staff & Will Be Serving as RSO for Iowa State Univ.Resume of Kerns Encl ML20084V1871995-05-31031 May 1995 Forwards Requalification Program for Licensed Operators of UTR-10 Facility for NRC Approval Per 10CFR50.59 ML20078H9221995-01-30030 January 1995 Notifies of Resignation of Listed RO from Position at Iowa State Univ Following Completion of Academic Program ML20059L4151994-01-25025 January 1994 Forwards Insp Rept 50-116/94-02 on 940110-11.No Violations Noted 1999-09-01
MONTHYEARML20210N5601999-08-0505 August 1999 Informs That Rh Estwick,License SOP 70166,has Resigned Position as RO at IA State Univ Following Completion of Academic Program ML20206S0501999-01-22022 January 1999 Forwards Revised Tech Specs,Reflecting Change in Facility Operating Status as Possession Only License,Per 990121 Telcon with NRC ML20198R2131999-01-0606 January 1999 Requests Issuance of Decommissioning Order for UTR-10 Reactor.Decommissioning Plan,Characterization Rept,Ltr of Intent & Environ Rept,Encl as Supporting Documentation ML20198R2301999-01-0404 January 1999 Forwards Environ Rept Prepared in Preparation for Proposed Decommissioning of UTR-10 Reactor,Per 10CFR51.21 ML20198L6571998-12-28028 December 1998 Forwards Complete Text of TSs for UTR-10 Reactor Facility Which Are Being Updated to Reflect Change in Facility Operating Status ML20198R2211998-12-21021 December 1998 Submits Revised Cost Estimate for Decommissioning UTR-10 Reactor ML20195F4761998-09-30030 September 1998 Forwards Copy of IA State Univ Revised Licensed Operator Requalification Program Which Is Being Provided for NRC Approval,Per 10CFR50.59.Revised Program Reflects That UTR-10 Reactor Has Permanently Ceased Reactor Operations ML20154A7991998-09-28028 September 1998 Informs That Licensee Has Chosen Decon Decommissioning Alternative & Will Proceed with Dismantling UTR-10 Reactor as Soon as Possible.Description Decommissioning Plan, Discussed ML20154K3621998-07-17017 July 1998 Requests Assistance in Determining New Route for Iowa State Univ to Use to Transport LEU Fuel to Savannah River Site ML20217A4371998-04-16016 April 1998 Informs of Intent to Cease Operating UTR-10 Nuclear Reactor No Later than 980515.Licensee Plans to Remove LEU Fuel from Reactor & Place Fuel Into Storage Pits by 980630 ML20217F4061998-03-18018 March 1998 Provides Advance Notification of Second of 2 Shipments of Spent Nuclear Fuel Consisting of Quantity of SNM of Moderate Strategic Significance.Info Required by 10CFR73.72 Provided on Encl Shipment Id Form ML20217N6811998-03-0303 March 1998 Provides Advance Notification of Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel.Info Required by 10CFR73.72 Provided on Encl Shipment Id Form ML20202F7211998-02-10010 February 1998 Forwards Rev to Request for Update of TS Which Was Submitted on 971222.Rev Is Result of Several Telcons W/T Michaels & Is Submitted for Approval ML20198Q6271998-01-0606 January 1998 Forwards Revised Licensed Operator Requalification Program for NRC Approval,Per 10CFR50.59.W/explanation for Changes ML20197G3491997-12-23023 December 1997 Notifies That TE Draur Has Resigned Position at Iowa State Univ Following Completion of Academic Program ML20197H9761997-12-22022 December 1997 Forwards Three Copies of Updated TS Section 1.0, Definitions, for Approval.Explanation of Changes Provided & Additions Are Underlined ML20216H0421997-09-0808 September 1997 Forwards Response to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp of License R-059 on 970721-25.Corrective Actions:Last Three Required Surveillance Activities Were Completed on 970108 ML20148C9891997-05-12012 May 1997 Notifies That Sf Wagner Resigned Position at Iowa State Univ Following Completion of Academic Program ML20132H1621996-12-16016 December 1996 Informs of Resignation of Jo Oftelie,License SOP 70167 ML20134K1971996-11-0707 November 1996 Informs That Proposed Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel by Licensee Commencing 961112 Has Been Postponed ML20133H2611996-11-0707 November 1996 Informs That Proposed Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel by Iowa State Univ Commencing 961112 Has Been Postponed ML20134J2061996-10-30030 October 1996 Informs of Impending Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel & Attaches Info Required by 10CFR73.72.W/o Encl ML20134J1801996-10-30030 October 1996 Informs of Impending Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel by Iowa State Univ.Info Required by 10CFR73.72 Encl ML20134L8321996-10-10010 October 1996 Forwards Drawings & Revisions to Tech Spec Definition Section ML20129E3761996-09-24024 September 1996 Forwards Physical Security Plan,Update 4 for IA State Univ Reactor Facility.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR50.54(p)(2) ML20117G7261996-08-27027 August 1996 Submits Update of 3 Necessary Changes to TS for IA State Univ Reactor Facility,Suggested by NRC During Last Insp,For NRC Approval ML20101C9711996-03-13013 March 1996 Informs That Effective 960216 Jt Adams Resigned & Interim Reactor Manager SE Wendt Was Appointed by Dean of Engineering ML20101E6431996-03-13013 March 1996 Notifies NRC That Licensed Operator SOP70017,JT Adams Resigned Position at IA State Univ ML20100N2611996-02-28028 February 1996 Forwards Info Requesting Extension to Original Route Approval IAW 10CFR73,for Shipment of Irradiated Fuel Elements.Approval Expires 960420 ML20095J4101995-12-20020 December 1995 Forwards Update 3 to Physical Security Plan.Plan Withheld ML20094P8711995-11-0606 November 1995 Forwards Revised Licensed Operator Requalification Program for NRC Approval,Per 10CFR50.59.Paragraphs Changed from 950531,version Underlined ML20085E5181995-06-12012 June 1995 Provides Notification of Change of Rso.Effective 950608, Kc Kerns Added to Staff & Will Be Serving as RSO for Iowa State Univ.Resume of Kerns Encl ML20084V1871995-05-31031 May 1995 Forwards Requalification Program for Licensed Operators of UTR-10 Facility for NRC Approval Per 10CFR50.59 ML20078H9221995-01-30030 January 1995 Notifies of Resignation of Listed RO from Position at Iowa State Univ Following Completion of Academic Program ML20044H3011993-05-28028 May 1993 Informs That Effective 930521,DB Bullen Will Have Assumed Responsibilities of Facility Director for Reactor,Per 10CFR50.4 & Section 6.6.2(2)(a) of Ts.Ltr of Appointment,Ltr of Acceptance & DB Bullen Vitae Encl ML20034D5601993-01-20020 January 1993 Requests Performance of Route Survey from Engineering Lab Located on Campus to DOE Savannah River Site.Author Working W/Doe to Identify Shipping Date for HEU Fuel ML20116C3801992-09-15015 September 1992 Informs Licensee of Changes to Addl Cladding Sample Surveillances Listed in Ltr Dtd 920214.Photographs Taken W/ Optical Microscope Revealed Little,If Any,Useful Info.Motion Made to Discontinue Optical Microscope Photographs ML20104A8961992-09-10010 September 1992 Advises That Alten (Senior Operator License SOP-31064) Resigned Position at Univ ML20099G8941992-08-10010 August 1992 Forwards Corrected Annual Operations Rept for Iowa State Univ Research Reactor, for Jul 1991 Through June 1992.Rept Corrects Several Erroneous Dates.Encl Rept Should Replace Rept Submitted Via ML20113H6881992-07-0606 July 1992 Advises That Jt Adams Replaces RA Hendrickson,Who Resigned for Medical Reasons,Effective 920701.Mailing Address Listed ML20101R4461992-06-30030 June 1992 Advises That RA Danofsky (Senior Operator License SOP-30704-1) Will Request Termination of License to Devote Addl Time to Research & Administrative Duties ML20079L5851991-10-29029 October 1991 Forwards Update 1 for Emergency Plan for Iowa State Univ Nuclear Reactor Facility ML20082L3701991-08-26026 August 1991 Forwards Proprietary Update 2 for Physical Security Plan. Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(d)) ML20091B2201991-05-22022 May 1991 Notifies of RO Resignation Per 10CFR50.74 ML20070R7941991-03-27027 March 1991 Advises That R Makaili (Operator License OP-30737) Resigned Position at Univ to Take Employment Elsewhere ML20064A5771990-09-0404 September 1990 Notifies of Reorganization at College of Engineering.Nuclear Engineering Will Be Part of Mechanical Engineering Dept & Undergraduate Program Being Phased Out as Existing Students Graduate ML20059D1931990-08-28028 August 1990 Informs of Resignation of ST Carey from Reactor Operator Position ML20059D1951990-08-28028 August 1990 Informs of Resignation of DE Roth from Reactor Operator Position ML20055H4741990-07-20020 July 1990 Submits Decommissioning Rept for Reactor,Per 10CFR50.75(d) ML20033F0481990-03-0707 March 1990 Forwards Rev 1 to Amend 4 to SAR & Tech Specs,Correcting Value Entries Under Rod Worth & Max Reactivity Input Rates, in Support of Conversion from High to Low Enriched U 1999-08-05
[Table view] |
O-IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Dtpartmt nt of Mc(hanical Engincenng O F S C I E N C E A N D T E C 11 N O L O G l' N m lear I ngmecring Program s07 hutIcar Engineering Iab Ames. lowa 500: o224 :
8 sis 294-3 40 lAN 515 294-7224 Docket No. 50-116 i
June 12,1995 i
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington DC 20555
Subj: Change of Radiation Safety Officer
Dear Sir:
I was recently informed by Mr. Emery E. Sobottka, Director of Environmental Health &
Safety and interim Radiation Safety Officer, that Mr. Kenneth C. Kerns has been added to his staff and effective June 8,1995, will be serving as the Radiation Safety Officer for Iowa State University. This notification is provided in order to comply with 10 CFR 50.4 l
and section 6.6.2 (2) (a) of the UTR-10 Technical Specifications. The resume ofMr.
Kerns has been enclosed for your records. Questions concerning appointment of Mr.
Kerns as the Radiation Safety Officer may be directed to Emery E. Sobottka at (515)-294-5317 during normal working hours.
Sincerely, b, f ark John T. Adams Reactor Manager cc:
Dr. G. Bumet, Interim Dean, College of Engineering E. E. Sobottka, Dir., Environmental Health & Safety l
Dr. T. II. Okiishi, Chm., Mechanical Engineering Dr. D. B. Bullen, Facility Director Dr. R. A. Jacobson, Chm., Radiation Safety Committee Dr. E. B. Bartlett, Chm., Reactor Use Committee K. C. Keres, Radiation Safety Oflicer Regional Administrator, NRC Region Ill j
9506160565 950612 PDR ADOCK 05000116 H
PDR l'
o KENNETil C. KERNS 201 O?;eil Drive Ames, IA 50010 (515) 232-6355 EDUCATION 8/83 - 12/85 lowa State University, Ames, Iowa Degree: M.S., Zoology Emphasis: Physiology 8/79 - 5/83 Weber State Collece, Ogden, Utah Degree: B.S., Zoology CERTIFICATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Passed Part I of ABHP Certification Examination in 1993 Part II ABHP Certification Examination to be taken 1995 National Health Physics Society, Plenary Member Baltimore-Washington Chapter, HPS Member Lake Mead Chapter, HPS Member EXPERIENCE 6/95 - present Health Physics Manager, Iowa State University Environmental Health and Safety 118 Agronomy Lab Ames, Iowa 50011-1010 (515) 294-0746 9/91 - 5/95 llealth Physicist, EG&G Energy Measu ements Remote Sensing Laboratory, P.O. Box 1912, M/S RSL-24 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 295-8777 Radiation Safety Oflicer for the Remote Sensing Laboratory.
Radiation Safety Subcommittee Member for EG&G Energy Measurements.
Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) Exercise Working Group Chairman.
Member of FRM AC Working Groups for Health and Safety, Field Monitoring, Assessment, and Training.
Health and Safety Working Group Member for the Accident Response Group (DOD/ DOE response team for nuclear weapons accidents).
Exercise Planner for the FRMAC Program, participated in planning for several
' Federal Emergency Response Exercises.
4/89 - 9/91 Health Physicist, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, MD 20889-5145-Head Operational Dosimetrist for the AFRRI TRIGA reactor. Routinely used Ionization chambers, activation foils, and fission chambers to measure and characterize the various gamma and neutron fields employed in radiobiology experiments.
Member of the Medical Radiation Advisorv Team (MRAT), which provides health physics and medical advice for the diagnosis and treatment of radiation accident victims.
Health Physics Coordinator for the Defense Nuclear Agency Advisory Team (DNAAT). Coordinated the health physics response to nuclear weapons accidents and incidents.
Site Restoration Planning Cell Team Chief. Responsible for developing the Site -
Restoration Options Package for nuclear weapons accidents.
Instmetor for the Medical Effects of Nuclear Weapons Course. Presented lectures on the Human Radiation Exposure Experience, Medical Management of Internal Contamination, Cellular Radiobiology, and Radiation Pathophysiology.
Health Physics Advisor for the AFRRI Emergency Response Team 4/86-4/89 Radiation Health Officer, U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarine Tender USS FRANK CABLE (AS-40), FPO Miami, FL 30869 Manager of Radiation Protection and Personnel Monitoring Program aboard a nuclear-submarine tender. This program involved over 300 radiation workers.
- Maintained Radiological Controls Indoctrination and Training programs.
- Traireed and supervised medical personnel in the areas of medical response to radiological casualties and contamination control.
- Maintained the command's personnel dosimetry program which utilized LiF and CaF TLD's and film badges.
Hosoital Division Officer in charge of 20+ personnel. Responsibilities included job assignments and schedules, performance evaluations, promotion reconunendations, transfer and discharge recommendations.
SUPPORT INFORMATION RELATED TRAINING 1986 Radiation Health OfIicer School, Naval Undersea Medical Institute, Groton, CT 1989 Combat Casualty Care Course, FT Sam Houston, TX 1989 Medical Effects ofNuclear Weapons Course, AFRRI 1989 Senior Officer Nuclear Weapons Course (SONAC), Interservice Nuclear Weapons School, Kirtland AFB, NM I
1989 Pathological Effects ofIonizing Radiation, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C.
1990 Health Physics in Radiation Accidents Course, Radiation Emergency Assistance Center and Training Site (REAC/TS), Oak Ridge, TN 1991 Medical Management of Chemical Casualties Course, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Aberdeen, MD 1992 Internal Radiation Dosimetry, Skrable Enterprises, Las Vegas, NV 1993 Joint Hazards Evaluation Center (JHEC) Senior Manager's Training Course, Interservice Nuclear Weapons School, Kirtland AFB, NM l
1994 Cenification Review Course for HPs - Part II, Skrable Enterprises, Las Vegas, NV 1994 DOE Emergency Exercise Evaluator / Controller Training, Las Vegas, NV 1994 Diversity Training for Managers, Zweike Inc., Las Vegas, NV PUBL* CATIONS Kerns, K.C. and Farrar, E.S. (1986) Strptozotocin Treated Bullfrogs Fail To Develop Insulin Deficiency. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 4,765-769.
Kerns, K.C. (1985) Strepotozotocin Effects on Bullfrog Tadpoles and Adults. Masters Thesis, Iowa State University, Department of Zoology 63pp.
Kerns, K.C. (1993) Lessons Learned from FRMAC-93 Exercise. DOE /NV Pub. 367,43pp Kerns, K.C., Smith, J.M., Blanchard, R.L., and Burson, Z.G. (1994) United States Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center; Evaluation and Assessment Methodology, Standards, and Procedures Handbook. Proceedings from the International Workshop on Scientific Bases for Decision Making After a Radioactive Contamination of an Urban Environment.