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Provides Notification of Change of Rso.Effective 950608, Kc Kerns Added to Staff & Will Be Serving as RSO for Iowa State Univ.Resume of Kerns Encl
Person / Time
Site: University of Iowa
Issue date: 06/12/1995
From: Adams J
NUDOCS 9506160565
Download: ML20085E518 (4)



O-IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Dtpartmt nt of Mc(hanical Engincenng O F S C I E N C E A N D T E C 11 N O L O G l' N m lear I ngmecring Program s07 hutIcar Engineering Iab Ames. lowa 500: o224 :

8 sis 294-3 40 lAN 515 294-7224 Docket No. 50-116 i

June 12,1995 i

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington DC 20555


Subj: Change of Radiation Safety Officer

Dear Sir:

I was recently informed by Mr. Emery E. Sobottka, Director of Environmental Health &

Safety and interim Radiation Safety Officer, that Mr. Kenneth C. Kerns has been added to his staff and effective June 8,1995, will be serving as the Radiation Safety Officer for Iowa State University. This notification is provided in order to comply with 10 CFR 50.4 l

and section 6.6.2 (2) (a) of the UTR-10 Technical Specifications. The resume ofMr.

Kerns has been enclosed for your records. Questions concerning appointment of Mr.

Kerns as the Radiation Safety Officer may be directed to Emery E. Sobottka at (515)-294-5317 during normal working hours.

Sincerely, b, f ark John T. Adams Reactor Manager cc:

Dr. G. Bumet, Interim Dean, College of Engineering E. E. Sobottka, Dir., Environmental Health & Safety l

Dr. T. II. Okiishi, Chm., Mechanical Engineering Dr. D. B. Bullen, Facility Director Dr. R. A. Jacobson, Chm., Radiation Safety Committee Dr. E. B. Bartlett, Chm., Reactor Use Committee K. C. Keres, Radiation Safety Oflicer Regional Administrator, NRC Region Ill j

9506160565 950612 PDR ADOCK 05000116 H

PDR l'


o KENNETil C. KERNS 201 O?;eil Drive Ames, IA 50010 (515) 232-6355 EDUCATION 8/83 - 12/85 lowa State University, Ames, Iowa Degree: M.S., Zoology Emphasis: Physiology 8/79 - 5/83 Weber State Collece, Ogden, Utah Degree: B.S., Zoology CERTIFICATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Passed Part I of ABHP Certification Examination in 1993 Part II ABHP Certification Examination to be taken 1995 National Health Physics Society, Plenary Member Baltimore-Washington Chapter, HPS Member Lake Mead Chapter, HPS Member EXPERIENCE 6/95 - present Health Physics Manager, Iowa State University Environmental Health and Safety 118 Agronomy Lab Ames, Iowa 50011-1010 (515) 294-0746 9/91 - 5/95 llealth Physicist, EG&G Energy Measu ements Remote Sensing Laboratory, P.O. Box 1912, M/S RSL-24 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 295-8777 Radiation Safety Oflicer for the Remote Sensing Laboratory.

Radiation Safety Subcommittee Member for EG&G Energy Measurements.

Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) Exercise Working Group Chairman.

Member of FRM AC Working Groups for Health and Safety, Field Monitoring, Assessment, and Training.

Health and Safety Working Group Member for the Accident Response Group (DOD/ DOE response team for nuclear weapons accidents).


Exercise Planner for the FRMAC Program, participated in planning for several

' Federal Emergency Response Exercises.

4/89 - 9/91 Health Physicist, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, MD 20889-5145-Head Operational Dosimetrist for the AFRRI TRIGA reactor. Routinely used Ionization chambers, activation foils, and fission chambers to measure and characterize the various gamma and neutron fields employed in radiobiology experiments.

Member of the Medical Radiation Advisorv Team (MRAT), which provides health physics and medical advice for the diagnosis and treatment of radiation accident victims.

Health Physics Coordinator for the Defense Nuclear Agency Advisory Team (DNAAT). Coordinated the health physics response to nuclear weapons accidents and incidents.

Site Restoration Planning Cell Team Chief. Responsible for developing the Site -

Restoration Options Package for nuclear weapons accidents.

Instmetor for the Medical Effects of Nuclear Weapons Course. Presented lectures on the Human Radiation Exposure Experience, Medical Management of Internal Contamination, Cellular Radiobiology, and Radiation Pathophysiology.

Health Physics Advisor for the AFRRI Emergency Response Team 4/86-4/89 Radiation Health Officer, U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarine Tender USS FRANK CABLE (AS-40), FPO Miami, FL 30869 Manager of Radiation Protection and Personnel Monitoring Program aboard a nuclear-submarine tender. This program involved over 300 radiation workers.

- Maintained Radiological Controls Indoctrination and Training programs.

- Traireed and supervised medical personnel in the areas of medical response to radiological casualties and contamination control.

- Maintained the command's personnel dosimetry program which utilized LiF and CaF TLD's and film badges.

Hosoital Division Officer in charge of 20+ personnel. Responsibilities included job assignments and schedules, performance evaluations, promotion reconunendations, transfer and discharge recommendations.

SUPPORT INFORMATION RELATED TRAINING 1986 Radiation Health OfIicer School, Naval Undersea Medical Institute, Groton, CT 1989 Combat Casualty Care Course, FT Sam Houston, TX 1989 Medical Effects ofNuclear Weapons Course, AFRRI 1989 Senior Officer Nuclear Weapons Course (SONAC), Interservice Nuclear Weapons School, Kirtland AFB, NM I

1989 Pathological Effects ofIonizing Radiation, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C.

1990 Health Physics in Radiation Accidents Course, Radiation Emergency Assistance Center and Training Site (REAC/TS), Oak Ridge, TN 1991 Medical Management of Chemical Casualties Course, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Aberdeen, MD 1992 Internal Radiation Dosimetry, Skrable Enterprises, Las Vegas, NV 1993 Joint Hazards Evaluation Center (JHEC) Senior Manager's Training Course, Interservice Nuclear Weapons School, Kirtland AFB, NM l

1994 Cenification Review Course for HPs - Part II, Skrable Enterprises, Las Vegas, NV 1994 DOE Emergency Exercise Evaluator / Controller Training, Las Vegas, NV 1994 Diversity Training for Managers, Zweike Inc., Las Vegas, NV PUBL* CATIONS Kerns, K.C. and Farrar, E.S. (1986) Strptozotocin Treated Bullfrogs Fail To Develop Insulin Deficiency. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 4,765-769.

Kerns, K.C. (1985) Strepotozotocin Effects on Bullfrog Tadpoles and Adults. Masters Thesis, Iowa State University, Department of Zoology 63pp.

Kerns, K.C. (1993) Lessons Learned from FRMAC-93 Exercise. DOE /NV Pub. 367,43pp Kerns, K.C., Smith, J.M., Blanchard, R.L., and Burson, Z.G. (1994) United States Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center; Evaluation and Assessment Methodology, Standards, and Procedures Handbook. Proceedings from the International Workshop on Scientific Bases for Decision Making After a Radioactive Contamination of an Urban Environment.