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Amended & Supplemental Motion to Reopen Contention 22 in Light of Newly Discovered Evidence.News Article & Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/12/1983
From: Burstein C
Download: ML20082T999 (13)


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Christine N. Kohl, Chairman Dr. W. Reed Johnson Howard A. Wilber In the Matter of LOUISI ANA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Docket No. 50-382 OL (Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3)


Now before this honorable Appeal Board through undersigned counsel, comes Gary Groesch, Chairman of the Waterford 3 Joint Intervenors, who with respect moves aga
.n to reopen Contention 22 in the light of further newly discovered evidence which appeared this day -in Gambit weekly newspaper, which is appended hereto and made part hereof. Because the study made by Harstead Engineering on the Waterford 3 base mat as well as that made by the Staff rely on falsified documents for their basic assumptions, it must now be shown affirmatively that this fact has no effect on the safety of Waterford 3 and its potential to give reasonably long service.

WHEREFORE mover reurges his request for a public hearing.

2 <* .,

Carole H. Burstein Co-Counsel for Joint Intervenors 445 Walnut Street New Orleans, Louisiana;70118 Telephone s . (504) 866-6363.

8312160205 831212 3

PDR ADDCK 05000382 G PDR



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.m, By RON FilDENHOUR == n.=es.uatn e

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, w, anan a-a o .ai assive records deficiences includ- July, beneath the nearly completed plant that is M insmisapparently forged signatures.

ing records and manufac-1bp LP&L quality assurance man 1bm related to seasona! fluctuations in the level Gerrets sa-s he knew nothing of the of the Missinippi River, just 500 yards fured inspection reports point to possible records or construction problems con- away. While concluding that the cracks flaws in the won. suu of the founda- cerning the foundation. Gerrets specifi- currently present no threat to the founda-taan at louisiana Pbwer and IJaht Com- caDy denies having seen memoranda from tion's structural integrity, they added that pany's Waterfoid Ill nuclear power plant, quality assurance inspectors working for their conclusion could be affected "by sig-GemNr has learned. The deficiencies LP&l's prime contractor. EBASCO, nificant changes in loads or environmen-came to light as a result of Gambits on- which detailed the problems and called for going investigation of the possible res. sons tal conditions over the course of time" a comprehensive review. Other sources say The NRC has ceasequently ordered for cracks ehlch have appeared in the Cernts received copies of the memo. Ger- LPAL to maintain a surveillance program foundation of the nuclear power plant rets said be could not remernber whether throughout thelife of the plant to " assure sine 1977, cracks which have led the or not be had seen non-conformance Naclear Regulatory e-- the continuing structur.d integnty" of its

'= to cm3 reports prepared by ERASCO staff deal. foundarian.

T/wrt (Jet smrneedtik f at " permanent surveillance" of the foun- ing with some of the problems, thoughit When EBASCO's Quality Assurance

,ytgliserry w curret to the aarion in case of future problems. is Gerret's legal responsibility to review aD managemant karned that safety inspec-forschasion dkf not Anow e60erf The cracks e suled no thmet to the such nports and to pass on any significant tors m uanns whoicsale inegulari.

g gg, g public in a report issued by a federal deficiencies to the Nuclear Regulatory ; ties in the records of all phases M nuclear regulatory agency on Nov. 23, out C{ - . Gernts said he was not sure foundation't construction m early June, when the report was made the engine rs whether forged documents and other according to Osmhrs sources, theinspec-who came to that conclusion did not know records problems should have been tors were ordered to halt their review of about the 'nassive deficiencies in records nported to the Nuclear Regusatory Com-daniling potestaal flaws in the construc- the suspect records. The order to stop ar'wnon. reviewing the troubled ncords came less thon ot the foundation. wet Oerret's boss, nuclest engineer Akhough high level managsunent offi- than two weeks Efter GamNt reposted R.S. Iadda had a different naponse. that cracks had been appearing in the cials for Waterford's arclutect/easineer "We wiD tahn this very seriously l* Leddick plant's massive foundation since 1977 and andprimecontractor ERASCOServices, said, and he stated flatly that che NRC Inc., have known about the potentially that small amounts of water have been should have been informed if seach prots seeping into the plant through them since sigmfkant construction deficiencies in the lems adst "We are not going so sloss over i

plant's foundataon for at least a vuor, the that time. Sources close to the interrupted where safety is an issue," caid secords teview believe that tle inegulari-pubuc record seflects no attmopt t'y any addick, who came to LPal's Waterford ties it turned up reflect _ u vevo defi-responsible official of either ERASCO or plant in July of this year after the financial LP&L to notify the N aclear Regulatory ciencies that are dinctly related to the collapse of Washington Public Power cracks and assomased water seepage in the Commina.on (NRC) of the probians, am Services, where he held a simitar position. fc..ndarmn apperent vsolation of federal regulations Structural engineers for the NRC attrib-governing the w- uvece en 1 bcensms Manyof theinegularitiesdiscoveredby Eksf ofdSerks uted the cracks in Waterford's "f.aating" the mur.zled inspection and earlier spot of nucient po'ver plants. LP&L officials foundation to " flexure," unanticipated cerwear* isesos=aem.aarem = have known of the probiuns at least since checks of the same records involve civil movement in the water charged sands and perhaps crirannat violations of federal,isas .p

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Jomt intervenors, a conhtion of en iron; the latervenors tz satisfy two of three cri- " pour packages? i safety regulanons, according to docu- terna mouons to reopen must meet: that According to Hill, the pour packages I snents obtained by Gamber. A large share mentabsts and arti-nuclear citizens '

organizaticas that have been nghting the motion address a significant safety reflected all of the problems found in the of the violations were knows ebest by Waterford since 1974, filed a similar issue and that a different result might haw other document packages. Some con-EBA5CO management is early December motion in 1979. In that motion they been reached had the newly proffened tained what be described as " horror sto-1932, accordmg to Gam />rfs sources, and ties" Asked to assess a memorandum shodd have twen reported in the NRC argued that defects in Waterford's matenal been conside ed in the first place.

workmanship and materials made the De information contained in the docu- obtamed by Gembat desenbtng problems i w stum a week of that time. piAt an unacceptable risk to public ments Gambit has obtained would in the way concrete wu poured in a place- l la the report issued Iwo weeks ago, health and safety, citing "smproperly arguably have met those staahrds ment directly beneath Waterfo-d's reactor, I NRC engmcers concluded that the tracks irregulanties outhned in the docsiments Hal rand that i, described a pour in wfuch o*fer no threat to Waterford's safe opera include wholesale instar:ces of required "everything that could have been done teen or to the surrounding environment, safety-related construction documents wrong wu done wrong" although they made that assessmect. coa. 77at s/y#caffort of Sunilar records deficiencies in quahty discip#fstderrghetering that are missing outright; missing docu-dational on the assumption that the foun- ments that haw been replaced by phony assurance programs, as the NRC.

dation was built "in accordance with pracfkts arnd thorcugh documents manufactured after the fact; mandated safety program is technically approved procedures, specifications and inansigtrrurstar f faulty documents that have been altered known, haw led to large (mes and ewn rerdations? The engineers, assigned to Pmgrantniark controls to the or " doctored"; and some instances the shutdown of construction operations NkC headquarters m Bethesda, Mary. involving possible forged signatures on at other nuclear power plants. Perhaps the land, based their analysis of the plant's d'8I l8*/80#IC8fl04*

cortstwtfon randoperahn of safety inspections okayms the workman- best known of those is the Wilham H. I structural integrity on information sup. ship on critical safety-related structures. Zimmer nuclear power plant located 27 phed by three .ourcer LP&L, an engi. /suclear p&sntsis miles from Cincinnati, Ohio. Zimmer's to thtprottelfore of Reviewers also discovered that large num- f neerms consuh=g firm lured by LP&L to bers of peple employed as safety and operating utihty, Cincinnati Gas and Elec- ,

perform an independent engineenna anal- thepubdc healthisndsq[ tty tnc KG&Eh was fined M000 by the ,

yus of the foundation, and NRC Region endof the ensfrorinsent. "o"ou t May s. wMinspectms that must wen not cenified W Wormed E W Mar ncmds deMencies in l IV, the NRC region charged with over. ggg, accordma to approved specifications and their QA program in November 1981 and  ;

T "88"#88## EN sight responsibthty for W terford. given stnct orders to set their records and i There is no indication in the public #88f#MdI8CIPb"I8Md prxedures. They additiona!!y discowred the construction program they represented l contml. Thgh a gs4 tLat those approved procedures, specif'ica-record that either the NRC or the indepen. tions and cnteria for aa:rpting completed straight. When CG&E officials chose to l dent engineenns firm, Harstead Engi- assuronesprograrn that niets# manufacture phony records and doctor 1 work were frequently ignored.

neerms Associates. Inc., were ever told Nucler Regrda*ory those that existed instead of taking the >

Currentission requirertstrats, og Some or all of these derciencies were '

about the records deficiencies uncocered found in nearly every res:ords " package" more tune <:onsuming and costly route of by the vanous records review. Had that orgaMnsperforrraing word , acading to M& sum. ancurig thern wMng to E gh '

mformation been made available to either thatit utbnately relatedto the The records reviewed included " soils" fines - and got caught in the act - the party. Gambit's sources beheve, they @ 0/8P antl operadon am documents detaihng the placement of the NRC ordered all safety-related work '

might have come to a different conclu- regidred to conduct the work ht cn.shed shell base beneath the plant's 12- stopped, effectisely closing the gates at sion, or at least withheld judgment untd foot thick concrete foundation, the place- Zimmer in November 1982.

the structuralmtpheations of the deficien- 8 Pre-Pl annedersddocurnanted ment of the waterstops under the Hill, wbo was working as a records cies had been exammed in detail.

trsanner to hidtpenderstly wrffy reviewer at Zimmer when the NRC orde-foundation, the placement and " cad-if true, that assertion could haw a pro- the adeguacy of the cornpitted weldms" of the steel rei#rcing bar in the red it closed, beheves that Waterford's found impact on a critical legal con- work,to (de records that- concrete and the pounns of the concrete problems are worse than those he saw trosersy that has been swirling around ,,dl co thec -< - "

itself. there. Hill resigned his position at Water-Waterford and the cracks in its foundation ford last July and left the nuclear power sirse late June.

of andsmanufactured Cr.d-welding is the process of joining

',ndustry at the same time. He is speaking diffns and to assure thata# the ends of the rtinforcing bars togettn-Reactmg to GamNrs May 21st report Cad-welding is considered t critical ele- out now, he told Gambit, because he that new cracks have been appearing spo.

had/riduals bryotred with the believes in nuclear power and wants it to work areproperly trahsedand ment in ensuring the foundation's radically in the plant's foundation smce strength. The forged inspector't sigra- survive. He is afraid however that deci-the first cracks were discovered in July quaNfledro caryout their tures were found primarily in the cad- sions like the ones he says he saw being 1977, the Nuclear Regulatory Commis- respondb#ities, welding ncordsamising debts mat esse made on a routme basis by the inanage-saon dispatched an Inquiry Team to New -Nuclear R@lelM ment at Waterford will ultimately lead to a cad-welds - which are buried in coccrete Orleans on June 28 to investigate those on AnnualRW, senous nuclear accident that wi!! sound the reactor and other buildmss now stand and other GamNr allegations of quahty the death knell for the entire industry.

assurance breakdowns. After unsuccess-M on - were ever actually done.

LP&L's apparent decision not to inform George Hill, the supervisor of the tan fully seeking to discover what other facts of records reviewers whose work was the NRC oi the quahty essurance deficien-Gamba nught know about problems at ordered stopped last June, began a 100 cies in the construction records for Water-

%sterford, the Inquiry Team visited the poured... concrete" But they were unable ford's foundation is one examp'e Hill uses to produce hard evidence to support their percent review of all foundation-related plant uself on June 30 to inspect the foun- construction records several weeks carber to illustrate his point. GamNt has also dation. The Inquiry Team issued its m I' d- cortention and the NRC supported an LPAL mow made in August 1981 to das. without authorir.ation from his immediate intervicwed several other en rent and for-ings on July 14, reporting that they had superior. Earber spot checks of the same mer quality assurance personnel from found far more extensive cracking in the miss the Intervenor's tr.otion. records convinced Hill that the 100 per- Mterford, all of whom screed to discuss plant's foundation than LP&L had pre- When reports of new cracks in the foun. their knowledge of breakdowns in the QA dation surfaced in May, however, and were cent review was necessary, he has since vionly acknomledged. Their report rec- told Gambit, but he feared that EBAS- program there on the condition that they ommewded that the NRC do a follow up theu aupported by the Inquiry Team were not named. Even those who no CO's Quality Assurance Manager would mvestigation mto five separate areas at report, the Intervenor's argument gained veto the idea. Hill's reviewers completed longer work in the nuclear power industry Waterford, including making a serious new life and they filed a motion to re+ pen (although most still do) said they were their contention. The NRC staff report inspections of all the soils and cad-effort at determining the source of the welding records and were in the process of afraid of retaliation if LP&L or EBASCO foundation's crac kmg. issued two weeks ago is a response to the Interwnor's contention, officially titled checking the records on the pouring of the officials discovered their identities.

l'lesen days later a group officia!!y concTete for the foundation when they Similar breakdowns in the quality known as the Joint Intervenors filed a Contention 22. NRC staffers recom. were ordered to stop. By then Hill's group assurance program for Waterford's instru-motion asking the NRC to withhold mended that the new motion be denied, mentation system and most of the plant's basing their assessment on the failure of had already reviewed 70 of I,200 concrete LPAL's bcense to oferate waterford. The ,


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-J v a svuems, includmg several critical quahry control inspectors ta quahry assur- struction, was raned $200,000 two year ment to hide their problems ratta than y r$tetr:s, were reported to the NRC ance regulations, procedures and criteria. ago by the Nudear Regulatcry Comnus- face them brought the plant down. It is a PCL in the spring of 1982. Those The NRC also levied a $20,000 fine sion (NRC) for numerous construction F -- - - H2H and many cther nuclear kdoors resulted is an agreement against LP&L for those QA program and records LW6 One year later workers are afraid will destroy the een the NRC and LPAL to order the breakdowes. la the debate within the the NRC ordered the plant closed down industry. George HiD's first austrmnent at vastors sho installed the systems to NRC over what action to take against because of continuing violations of the Waterford, was with (EBASCO's) Quahty r4ctety reanspect all the 9..n% LPAL, some NRC staffers compared the NRC-snandated quahty easurance (QA) Assurance Instauntions Review Group,

,rk any dncovered to be below stand- QA breakdowns at Waterford to the QA program, the program dessned to ensure more commonly caDed QAIRG. QAIRO do a 100 percent review of an quahty problems at Zammer and several other that nuclear power plants are budt safely is one of five main subdivisions of EBAS-eance documentarion and to com- plants that have had senous quahry assur- and wiH run accsdect free. Most industry CO's quahty assurance organizauon, an ly all their craftsmen and ance fadures, analysts now believe that Zimmer wul outfit that has mushroomed since the eventua:ly be canceGed. spring of 1982 when the company's entire Hd!*s charge that Waterford is worse QA organization numbered less than a than Zm therefore, is very senous, dozen. QAIRO is responsible for E especially coming from someone oho reviewirig au the records packages of each EO GE HI worked at Zimmer during its last year of contractor as the plant nean completion, construction. His nuclear specialty is as a a critical task in the penod of transanon E quality assurance records reviewer and when the prime contractor prepares to sudator, precisely the area where Zunmer turn the fanhty over to its owning utabty.

ran into its most critical problems. When Nuclear Regulatory Commiasson regu-Zimmer closed down Hdi moved on to lations require the utdity to maintain a HO ESTINSPEIOR Waterford immediately, taking a job working with a team of quahty assurance auditors reviewing construction records complex. comprehensive set of documents designed to ensure the quahty of the mate-rials and workmanship that go into a l

j 10N R!DENHOUR Waterford. -I'u never go back. I spent dealing with Waterford's steci skeleton. its nuclear power plant, all of which are seven yarn in the industry. Zunmer hke to foundation and the site's preparation, designed to thwart an accident and the g corse Hiu is a man who beheves got me. I was there a year. When I went to cuentia!!y the same job he had been doing release of a cloud of radioactive steam. In deeply m nuclear power, a field that Waterford I knew it was bad, but I said it at 7unm the worst case scenarios for most nuclear 1 has panided him with a handsome can't be any worse than Zunmer. I didn't what HiD and several of his peers say generating stations,includmg Waterford, me for the past several years. But realize that yes, there was one worse. they found e hen they arrived at Waterford the loss of life goes into the tens of days are in the past. Gone are the Waterford is a lot worse" was similar to what they came from at thousands. The quality assurance pro-

  • hen HiU moved around the country, Waterford Ill,14uisiana Power and Zimmer: serious records and construction gram is designed to prevent that. NRC f a relatively smau number of highly Light's nearly complete nuclear power deficiencies throughout the plant on the Regulations hold the utahty who builds nuclear records speciahsts eho plant currently under construction at 1htt, one hand and senior management team and operates a plant responsible for seems

.ite from place to place as nuclear is the fifth plant ildl worked at in his seven under increasing pressure to crank the that its QA program is properly imple-r piznts across the country get ready years in the nuclear power todustry. Zim- plant up on the other. It was. Hdi and mented, although Commission regula-me on lme. Ild!left the industry and met was his fourth. Zammer, short for the other former and currect Waterford tions a!!ow much of that responsibihty to LConplus annualincome when he William H. Zimmer nuclear power plant, employees interviewed by Gambat have be delegated to the prime contractor and cd ammy from Waterford !!! on July 27 miles from Cinciner'i, Ohio, whose said, a situation they found au too famil- the comparues they issue sutsontracts to.

M3L He loved the urk, Hdi now construction is now suspended, has lar: the combination of deep-seated con- Hillis one of probably fewer than a but there were too many compro- become a buzz word throughout the struction and quality assurance records thousand quahry assurance records spe-s along the may for his taste. He nuclea power industry. It has become a deficiencies plus growing economic pres- ciahsts w ho move from one nuclear power

!v gne fed up at Waterford. synonym for the worst in nuclear con- sure on the utahty to bnns the plant on plant under construction to the next as m out of the industry forever" Hd struction. Cincinnati Gas and Electric, the line. That combination and the conse- they near completion a'id their records

.n an interview six weeks after leaving utdaty company managing Zammer's con- quent decisaan by Zunmer's top manage- packages have to be reviewed. Hiu and

  1. ag Tfau #emdth .datat?_ .

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Things of M '

Endearment I I j ., BatxWich may run for ) E m pire .

i' -. the legrstature,inends Alook at the man Part 11 of Gambts j i


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i i Scuttlebutt. Page 8. buildings ByWendell Barker. Page 33.

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AtWaterford ~

B GAMBlTsinvestidation into cracks in the foundation of g'

. LP&L's nuclearpower,olant has led to a trail of missing . t records, falsified documents and a possible total I.L

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' Si t i t l 0 l llll tl t lli t tl E S $ l t s ti till S S 11tVJ221$ tll }\\\ ittl$}$tyt)388ttti,11pt35_tytJl}gth))L9)}}}}te men hke him review the documents ehich i reflaat she adual installatens in a grven Genbetin recent imervW. last June raise serious question about l plant. After a whde, they say, they begin a N gy. = Many of the records irregularities that assumption, suggesting instead I to dewtop a feel for the difference between real prooterns and what they cau g ' discownd in the muzzled inspecten involve possible enil and criminal that the mnstrucuon of Waterford !!! is potennaDy riddled with errors hter- [ " paper problems" records problems violations of federal safety regula- a!!y from the foundauan up. l wheth are clencal errors or other nunor afety reords inspecorn at Water- taons, according to Waterford docu- Recordsirregulanues outhned in the l defiornoes that can be rised by simply ford 118 were ordersd to halt their ments in Gambat's possession, and documents in Gambst's possession "sharperung your prncd," m the phrase of ins;mtion of i Wuo remrds at should have been reported to the fed- that have apparently not been reported one. Other problems, however, are more the ptant last surnmer after discowring eral agency which regulates nuclear to the NRC include wholesale substanuve, refhtmg breakdowns m the wtmlesale erngularstre a remrds con- pomer plant constructen and opera- instances of missing, manufactured , installation quahty assurance program, certung the construction of Water- tjon, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory and doctored documents and some i problems that mean that some portion of ford's foundataon. e'ar+-== instances of apparemly forgal safety the plant has simply not been budt accord- The order to stop reviewing the in a report on the safety implica- inspector signatures on cntical safety-ing to NRC codes or other crucial foundation's e.u n. records was tions of the cracks and water seepage related structures. Records reviewers industry standards. given less than two seeks after Gambst issued two weeks ago, NRC engmeers aho dncovered that large numbers of When those problems are discovered, reported that eracks had been concluded that the cracks offer no the people employed as safety and acordans to Hd! and other QA remrds appearing in Waterford's massive threat to the plant's safe operation or construccon inspectors were not certi-sprualats interviewed, pencd sharpening "fkisting" foundauon sancs 1977 and the surrounding environment. That fled. They additionally found that won't resolve them, not properly anyway. that small amounts of water had been assessment, however, was made condi- specifications and procedures were One of the ways specinhsts hke Hdi begin sceping into the plant through the tional on the assumption that the often ignored in work involving the to have a feel for definenoes m that cate- cracks from that time. foundation was buik *in accordance crushed shell base that was placed gory is the sheer weight of numbers: whe Sources close to the interrupted wkh approved proceduns, speofica- beneath the 12-foot thick concrete the records packages of any portion of a remrds review beheve that the irregu- tions and regulanons" foundauon, the placement and " cad-plant has a high ratao of what appears on tartues it turned up are directly related The records o ne..l.d6. ducovered welding" of the steel remforang bar in the surface to be simply paper problems, to the cracks and water seepage in before the rew;cw of foundatiori. the concrete and the pouring of the people hke George Ha! have learned to Waterford's foundation, they told related documents was ordered halted concrete itself. take a very close look at not only the records but the actual Installations they ref1cct That kind of comparison has led interoffice memorandum dated December rics of records: concrete pour packages, of records inspected by his team, conclud-to the discovery of serious, potentiaHy 9,1932, was a broad range of deficencies cadwelding activines, waterstop spbcm3 ing his memo with a recommended plan criocal QA breakdowns at several nuclear in virtually every records package and tensile strength test of welded PVC of action to facilitate the comprehensive projeds throughout the country, it is what examined. The situation demanded a waterstop. In the concnte pot:r packages, review he was calhng for. He would need, eventually led to the shutdown of Zimrner. complete review of all the civil / structural Davis wrote, "an packages haw required he said, complete access to all appropriate George Hill's first assignment with records packages in EBASCO's QA documents missing from their folders" documentation, adequate space and files I BASWs QAIRO was with a team of resords vault, according to Hdl. "This Missms documents covered "insta!! anon, and more personnel. records reviewers aho were spot checking evaluation" the coordinator, J.M. " Joe" inspection and acceptance of safety. No comprehensive review of the foun-the ovil/ structural records for Waterford: Davis, wrote, "indacates that a compre- related items, activiues and testing" Doc- dation construction records was ordered all the ncords connected to the construc- hensive review of civil structural docu. uments that are in the packages. Davis nor, to hear Hi!! and others tell it, permir-tion of the foundanon, the walls and ather mentation be performed to assure said, show the " failure of implementation ted. Roughly six weeks later, according to parts of the plant's civil structure. Hd!'s compliance with estabhshed program of specification and procedure require- Gamber's sources, Joe Davis was trans. team was concentrating on the quality requirements at time of installation / ments and acceptance of itera outside of ferred to other, less sensitive duties wittun suurance records assonated with Water- inspection" the criteria" estabhshed in the quality EBASCO's QA organization: the result. ford's foundation. What they found, the Des' memo contained a synopsis of anurance program. Davis noted similar at least in part, of the posiuon he took in coordinator of Hill's team wrote la en records deficiencies found in. four catego- deficiencies in the cther thne categories the December 9 memo and his attempt to I i rare works of art for the season Exclusively japanese woodblock prints at from the robert tumer galleries the following pieces are now available I

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      %ce              tagna e n s L maca push the pimi tronhalls,(ecorse Hill was                                       records or the installed systems they mere                     rmemen to stav amty from any records                 nuclear power plant under construction, it tapped roIake liasn' plate As f at as Hdi                                      suppned to trad nev did not know if                            that might prow problematic, however, so j takes on a hfe of its own. Reports, letters, I

me sons cened. the mfarmation en Ilasn* Materford was budt to the federal safety ' he de ned a plan to deal with that possi- ; memos and a long hne of other records [ memo demanded a wmpechemne reuem speafwations i Pal. ongma!!y agtml to bibt y He put his people to work to the QA ! produced dunng the buildmg of a nuclear I of all %aterford aul uruduval rnords meet or not. More importantly, Hdl and records vault and simply avoided tellmg umt are auigned numben and have to be I li ako suneued a senous breakdown m company were consmced, they didn't his supennors esaetly what they were up handled in a certam way. He problems i ! the sonstrustion Q \ programs of 1 pal , wa et to knom, espnially if the news was to ths plan was basic and he demed it found become a part of the plant's official i l H W t i and the suhmntrador who dhi bad. The more they found out, the less with both Amerkan Bndge and the foun- history once committed to paper Techni. l t l most of the suspest foundation work, they wanted to hear % hat top manage. ; ment undentood better than anythmg f' dation records of L A. Jones in m nd. cal!), at least, once reported every prob-J \ Jones ( en trudion Company. a ut. , lem has to be resolsed; someone has to uation that should hase beeri reported to , else, accordmg to Hdi and several othen either fis it or say that it was never really a i the Niu within N houn of its dncesen, mtensemed by GamNt, mas that %'ater- problem, say why and then sign it. auordmg to f ederal quahts auuance reg ford was 97 percent complete, years At Zimmer, lidt learned that there are utanom t hat did not happen. behmJ ichedule, nearly 12 bdhon cner its an mfimte number of places for a problem Hill. meanwhde, mas m the pmccu of ongmal cost projedions and the date for  : to get lost in the paperwork bhzzard of a mahmg two f atef ul deauons t ust - prehminary testmg and fuel loadmg was l f nuclear power plant. Despite that, he aho waterford mas goms to be his last nudear fast apprtwhmg '

                                                                                                                                                                                                  ; knew that the system was a lot bke an old power plant He was aettmg out *iec . !                                            In early february 1983 Hd!'s QAlRG l                            "He decided that we um                          mule- it could be made to mork, but some-ondh. he told himself, he was soms to do ; team ragiwd its first awgnment unda l going to do thejob we *m                                                                                  l times           you had          to tack it first.

ihn pib right "I md for onse" Hdi sold his supenmon reuem the QA raords of plan meluded an arrangement to tnckSo theHdP EmNr. "I'm somg to do one of thew a sontrador whose work had supposedly 3W3 droforthecliertf. l system. After untmg up their reports and ' things naht" He was not the on!s quahty been completed two years earlier, the "htfhtfIht ClifMI WGMffd ' sendmg them through channels, lhll's suuranic spruahst at waterford eager to American Hndge Company Other Q A stJ fo or not. men used their own underground postal do hn tob the w as f aleral regulations said auditon raaed questions about the status system to tale reports oser the heads of u should br done Ib lebr uan Hdi and a of Amencan Rndge's QA records the pre- those who might not send the bad news l handful of like mmded Q\ speaahsts at nous summer, but their complaints feu en on. l %aiciford gathernt together and enteral deaf can then By the time Hdt got the They made it work, after a fashion, for mio an estraordmary pad "%ednided" pob, however, the Amerwan Bndge Q A about four months. But then in June, one of the parthipants has sinse told . definenoes could nolonger beignored. j mhen Hill's reuemers were about to go QmNr. "that me mere goms to do the sob

                                                                                         % hile Hill took on the Amencan 1                                                                         ; through the document packages dealms that me mere suppned to do for the ; bent,                                  Lindge amgnment determired to do the j                                                                       ,

with the way %'aterford's massne concrete a hether the dent manied us to or not" job the was he thought it should be done, i Reuem the documents fint. Determme ' foundation was poured, they were ordered i Hdt and the others operated on one he also promned himself that before he their status. particularly the number and ! out of the QA records vault. HdPs fight bauc premne the top management at left %'aterford he would cnake sure the nature of any potential safety-related defi- . effectnely ended with that order, W Ater ford, both for 1 Pat and i trouNed foundation records were thor- ciennes. Then generate your paperwork. although he fought at least one more skir- , I H OCO, did not aant to knom w hat was ; oughly reviewed He was afraid that all of your findmss, to one bunt I mah before he left the plant at the end of emng. cither with the quahts suurarke i HAMUs Q A Manager mould order tus Once paperwork is generated m a July


1 l e l 1 t A O  %.' and theu employms his undeiground mau the soils and cad-welding records pack-rystem to outmaneuwr points of bureau. ages before forgmg ahead to review docu-cratic or anagerial resistance, Hill ments tracmg the way the concrete was WH H fS s snaged to push EBASCO and LPAL into an agreement to comple'ely remspect all Amencan Bridge installations by early May. His review of Amencan Bridge's QA poured. Hill's reviewers wrote massive non<onformance reports on both areas, reports that are the first formal step toward reporting a breakdomi in the qual-doomentation, newding to documents ity assurance program to the NRC. De in Gambit's possession, showed that non-conformance report for the soils i I 3PE TO S OU D wmpany responded satisfactority to the American Bridge faded to provide av documentation for oser 30 percent of their work. Of the work that war docu-mead, awdmg to Hdl, ronghly 30 per-packages ts over 200 pages iong, according to Gamber's sources, and the report on cad-melding numbers more than 60 pages. De problems they found mirrored those i By RON RIDENHOUR written up by Joe Davis six months carher, Inquiry Ram Report. After alate August cent of the documentation did not reflec* meetir;g with NRC officials in Bethesda, thetruestatusof theactualin-plantinstal- l except that they were longer, more Maryland, LP&L answered tha Iretiry lauon. detaded, and in the case of cad-weldms, Roughly three weeks after Hdi and his alhes began their quiet campaign, other events on which TeamGeorge Report in wnting on ScotemW 29. Sometime during usat period Hill much more serious. their efforts could how a dramatic impact While LP&L's written response relies assigned a few reviewers to begm a a uct A h,gh percentage of the document were beginning to develop. In late Febru- heavily in one section on Gerte Hill's 10(s percent review of all the QA dus- packages had required records missing. Of merk on Amencan Bridge,it fads to men- mentation associated with Waterford's the records that were present, many had ary Gambit came into possession of a number of traernal documents from tion any of the serious denciencies in the foundation. His plan, Hill has since said, been manufactured sometime after the QA records of the plant's foundation dis- was to start htera!!y at the ground and work was actually done.The people work. Waterford related to construction and enanagement problems there, part cularly covered by HdPs team. Two months later, work up. The first documents packages ing as quality controlinspectors were fre-in the area of quahty assurance. Those on November 28, NRC staff ergineers, they reviewed, accordingly, traced the quently not certified and sometimes not documents sparked three news articles relying heavily on information provided " sods" Q A documentation, includm3 the qualified to be QC/QA inspectors. detaihng breakdowns in LP&L and by LP&L that made no mention of the way the one-foot-thick layer of crushed Accepted work was frequently not E BASCO's QA programs and raising QA deficiencies in the foundation, recom- shells uhich form the foundation's bed measured against the required procedures, important questions abows the plant's mended that the NRC deny the inter- was put down. Next H41's reviewers went criteria or regulations. In the area of cad-safety. venor's motion to hold up the plant's completely through the cad-welding welding, the problems equalled and

            -March 19,1983: " Quality Control        licensing because of the cracks in the           records. Cad weldmg is the process of        exceeded those outhned by the December Failure at LP&L" reported senous con-       foundatio's.                                     Joining the steel remforcing bars together,  Davis memo. In addition to all of the struction and quahty assurance records deficiencies in four major safety systems rected,the correction is recorded             Partly twause there are so many management of Waterford's QA program from the NRC and one of LP&l's own                Nuclear Plarit                                    The ,e,uit is a hte,ai mountain or     records, and partly eecause many of management consulting firms and a                 Records *                                     " 'wa=*"h='d e                            <* "="h = c'='r s"*'*d 's>=$'
         $20,0tX) NRC fine.                                                                              a caputer to access and locate parti-     the eyes of outsiders, it is a difficult
            -Apnl 16,1983: "Quahty Assurance in Doubt" reported a long runnmg contract D$ %                                           cular g, arts of the records system.

These documents, topther, te!! the matter to research the quality of con-struction at a nuclear power plant. dispute between LPAL and the manufac. Guarantee of story of the co struccon of ih,

                                                                                                                              .                    o. is,e yea,s a number of ,epo,te,s
        *.ver of Waterford's reactor, a dispute that apparently left Waterford's most sensiuve gg                                            nuclear power plant: every guarantee of quabty and every problem should haw looked at the %hterford til plant, but until recently httle information has reactor systems without thcar federally.                                                        be reveakd by the paper trail Some of      been available.

mandated quahty assurance programs for j'he rules for record-keeping in a the documents are on public record: That has begun to change. Gam-more than five years. m nuclear power plant are rigid, and some are in the hands of the Nuclear br has obtamed access to a small part

            -May 21,1983: " Cracking Founda.               for a good reason: safety. Because a          Regulatory Commission; most are           of the enormous record-system from t ons at Waterford" revealed that Water.          nuclear-plant accident could cost             kept in vaults at the plant itself or in  the Waterford Ill plant, and the ques-ford's massive costerete foundation, a            thousands oflives and millions of dol-        the ofnces of the company buildmg         tions we raised as a result of looking structure LPAL*s engineenna specifica.            lars, the entire w=u u-u process is            the plant.                                owr those records, and talking with tions said would be watertight,is cracking        morutored and remrds are kept of all              These records are so important that   people knowledgeable about the con.

g.nd that water is seepmg in. matenals and mstallationt Every criu- without them a nuclear power plant struction of the Waterford plant, have Those articles in turn led to the forma. cal piece of material which goes into a may never be allowed to go on hne. led us to more information. Now, for tion of an NRC Inquiry Team that first nuclear power plant must, by federal One plant in Oluo, at Zunmer,is now the first time, it is possible to see a visited Gambri on June 18 and then went regulaten, be traceable to its source. in a state oflimbo and may never open small part of the story of the Water-to Waterford on June J0. The Inquiry Every time concrete is poured. steel is because the records were not properly ford III nuclear pwer plant, as that Team's Report, issued on July 14, recom. welded, or any other action is taken, a Lpt. Recordsin a nuclear poner plant story appears in the documentary mended that the NRC further invesugate record is kept. Every inspection is are the heart of the entire system of record and as it is perceived by key peo-five separate issues raised by Gambir's recorded. If a deficiency is found, that quality control and quality assurance, ple who saw Waterford from the news stones. IJeven days later, July 25, a too is recorded, and when it is cor- by wtuch safety is established aside. coahnon of anti-nuclear organizations _ who have been trying to stop Waterford smce 1974 filed a motion askm3 the NRC Unknown to any of the parties to these a process considered absolutelv critical to problems just mentioned, the cad-weldmg to deny LPAL an operating hcense for developments outsMe of LP&L and guarantee the integrity of a nuclear power records contained what seemed to Hdi to

         %aterford, saying that the cracks in its     EBASCO's QA organizations, Hill's cam-          plant *r foundation, particularly in a foun- be severalinstances of forgery. Records foundation presented an unacceptable         paign to smoke out the QA breakdowns in         dation like Waterford's which was            supposedly guaranteeing that cad-welds ruk to t'ie pubhc's heahh and safety. Just   the construction of Waterford's founda-          designed and built witinout pihnss.          had been completed and inspected accord-ten dsys after that, on August 4, the NRC    tion worked, at least for a while. Using the       Those reviews were completed by mid-      ing to code mere signed with the names of informed LP&L that Waterford's hcense        cornbination of collectmg all the informa-       May. At that po51. Hill ordered his         safety inspectors, a, parent!y by someone to operate would be withheld until the       tion before putting the results to paper         reviemers to write up their findings from   else. "It was just flat falsification, " 11111 Looking or Men's Gi ts?                                                                        -

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k Phihppe Entremont, Music pim1or ar d conductor k ...-

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k g e-- '- g told Gamtst. "That's serious. That's big that previous reviews of the records were k g kg I toe. Ihey M Zimmer down for less than that

                                                                                                                                                                                                            "cursorf Tb punctuate that, he gointed out that his staff had already wntten seven
                                                       ,                                                                                 After writing the non-conformance                                  non-conformance reports on Q A deficien-81                                                                                                 4 g                                                                                                   g      reports on cad-weldmg and soils. Hill told his reviewers to start working on the con.

caes that had gone undetected in previous reviews. "These NCR's are each broad in O O kg scope and identify multiple deficiencies" k cret: pour documents packages. On June 3, after his reviewen had looked at only 70 H:'rs memo said. M Reminding his supervisors that this was

                         .-                                                                                                         of 1200 concrete pour packages from the the second attempt to review th founda-g                                                                                                    g     four:!ation, Hill says he was ordered by the head of QAIRG, a woman named, as                                    tion records, Hilrs memo referred to the Joe Davis memo written in December, k.
                                                                       ,                                                      k -

he recalls, Peggy Burgard, to pull his peo-pie off the concrete packages for good. saying that his review discovered the p . g June 3,1933, was a Fnday. On the fol- "same generic cond,tions" identified in 1 , , g lowing Monday, June 6. Hill wrote a the Davis memo and "in addition docu-strongly worded memorandum to his mented frequent cases of unauthorized immediate supervisor, John Czyrko, pro- changes and additions to records by k testing the order to stop his review of the unk nown personnel" Those problems, the concrete packages. He had been given memo goes on, are in addition to the

                          .-                                                                                                                                                                                forged inspector's signatures already men-g              g                                                                    g               g         verbal instrucuons to cancel the review"
                                                                                                                                    " Hill wrote, "because the . . . documenta-                             tioned. Hdi finally warns that "the wide-tion had been reviewed by Qualified g

kg Reviewers under a Quahfied QA Pro-spread occurrence and frequency" of the specified deficiencies " renders the validity g , gram" Disputing that assessment, Hill of these records indeterminate" and in S M violation of federal safety regulations. g- g g warned of the potential consequences of the decision to pull his people off, saying Theprobier of theunauthorizedchanges

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and the forged inspators' signatures, Hd! On the day those five met, however, safery-rtiated concrete had been properly any evidence of LP&L ever having said further warned, could be violations of according to a memo Mdhiner wrote for documented, evaluated and mrrected as anything to the contrary. There is particu-federal entmnal statutes, the remrd, they agreed on a plan to follow nacssary;and(3)the Applicant had fully larly no mention of any contrary informa-It is strong stuff. Hdi sent it up through up Hitrs ccmplaintst Stinson, Grant, complied with NRC regulations in report- tion,present at any time during the last 0 BASCO's channels but heard nothms m Czyrka and Hdl would all work together, ing deficiencies to the NRC" year, a period of time during which, return. After tno weekn of silence on the according to the memo, to draw up a plan Hill's comments and information accordmg to George Hdi and others inter-issue H di's underground mailman "for the review of the remaining J.A. notwithttandms, Gerrets' 1991 afGdavit viewed by Gemkr LP&L should have dropped a copy of his memo and some Jones' concrete records" That plan was is used in the NRC staff report as a state- re,nor'ed a!! the deficiencies noted in the back-up durumentation on the desk of supposed to be presented to LP&L on ment that remams vahd. Nowhere in the Decemt;cr 9,1982. Joe Davis memoran-LPAUs Quahty Assurance Manager, Tom July Ig. One week later, according to pubbe record examined by Gambr is there dum and Hdrs June 6 memo. Gerrets, and agam he waited for a reac- Mdhaser's memo, Stmson was supposed tion. There was none, he says. to present another plan. The second plan Hal gave notice that he was leaving the was supposed to outhne a procedure for plant at the end of the month in early July, reviewing all remaining contractors. but this was a matter he was not wdhng to Hdi sais that he did indeed help put leave hansmg. Dunns the first week in together a plan to review the Jones con-July he went to I BASCO's chief Quahty crete records, but that it was never imple. Anurance ingineer, Brian Grant, a per- mented to his knowledge. Hill finally left son he trusted. He showed Grant his %aterford on July 29 When he dad, all of 12-3-75 First concrete placement for QA/QC documentation for concrete memos, discussed the situation with him the questions he raised concerning the Waterford's foundation completed, work in foundation and found no ders-and Grant agreed to accompany Hd! to deficiencies in the quahty assurance 12-15 75 Quality Assurance Engineer 'i'"Ci'S-talk to LP&Us QA Manager Tom Gerrets, records for the plant's foundation were F.L. Phearson wntes memorandum for 8-21-81 LP&L Tdes motion asking NRC a meetmg that took place on July 7. sid! unresolved and unreported to the the record desenbmg serious problems in for summary dismissal of Intervenors ihat meetmg lasted one and one half NRC. pouring concrete in the placement directly Contention on concrete defects. hours and dunns it, accordmg to a memo , LP&l's contnbution to the information 915-81 NRC rdes motion in support of beneath where %sterford's reactor now Gerrets wrote for the record four days m the NRC staffs November 28 report stands. LP&L request for summary disposition of later, Hdi explained his conserns, empha. i recommending that the ireervenor's Intervenor's Contention 22. sirms the problems with the documenta. I attempts to re-open the safety and 12 ,16-75 Stop Work Order Number 10 20 31 Atomic Safety and Licensing tion for cad-weldmg, sods and concrete. It ensironmental questions be denied One tsced at %aterford, halting the Board grants LP&Us request for summary mas untien on July 11, four dan after the expreues confidence in the company's paunas of concrete because, accordmg to disposition ofIntervenor's Cantention 22. meetire Mtween Hdl, Grant, Gerrets and quahty assurance program at Waterford. the official record, heavy rains ddute the 33 9 82 EBASCO QAIRG team coor-I Pat's chief Quahty Anurance Engineer, Larher in the same document, the staffs concrete nuxtum dinator Joe Davis wntes memo recom-I L "Lon" Bass. July !! was the same recountmg of the history of the soundness 7-26-77 First report of cracks m. Water' mendmg " comprehensive review" of all day that Gerrets held a meeting with all of the foundation quotes an affidavit ford's foundation made. Waterford civil / structural documentation the top IBASCO and LPAL managers signed by QA supervisor Tom Gerrets in 9-15-77 NRC inspection report okays dealing with construction of plant's foun-laated at the Waterford job site. Gerrets, August of 1981. LP&Us " repair" of cracks in foundation. dation, specifying wholesale instances of hass and 1 P&Us Site Director, G.B. In that affidavit, accordmg to the NRC 41179 Joint Intervenors fde Conten- missing, manufactured, and doctored

     " George" Rogers, were all there. So was         staff report, Gerrets swears that he             tion 22, assertmg that LP&L faded to dis-         records plus uncertified mspectors and the L BASCO's Project Direc'or for Water.            " reviewed the history of concrete placements"   cover defects in materials, construction          acceptance of safety-related work that did ford, R.J. " Bob" Mdhiser, and EBAS-             and QA/QC efforts at Waterford Ill, and          and workmanship in concrete work on               not meet estabbshed enteria in nearly all CO's Quahty Anurance Manager, L.A.               concluded that "(1) no sigruficant defects       Waterford in attempt to prevent NRC              the document packages randomly checked
     " Larry" Stmson Accordmg to Hdl, the             in safety-related concrete had gone unde.        hcensing of plant.                                in EBASCO QA records vault.

orJer pullms his revww team off the con- tected by Appbcant's QA/QC program, 8-19-41 LP&L Quality Assurance Man- mid-January, *83 Joe Davis transferred, crete patkages had come from Mdhiser as demonstrated by the Staffs indepen- ager for Waterford Tom Gerrets fdes affi- George Hdi named his replacement as and Samson m the first place. dent inspections; (2) all known defects m davit saymg that he reviewed Waterford coordinater of civil / structural records n ,. . . . . w . sggg Shop The Fabulous ***""CL"'a% '

                                                                                                                                                                 '" """" S" GALLERIA FOR CHny}Q TJ~

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Mondri,95 Set,10 4 30 7.get own., io. tss3 [ _ ____ _ _

e review tearn for EBASCO QAIRG. () Gem 6st news artxles.

                                                                                                                    .         3ri                     G"               J ? ' Vr - ~ -                                                   -

m. 5-lM3 Gembrt mterviews LPAL and 7-1943 Brian '3 rant wi4tes memo to

  • EBASCO QA personnel regarding the brry kuson resterating problems raised ' - '

cracks in Waterford's foundauon dating ,  ;. ', by George Hdl. back to 1977. Both men deny that any new 7-25 83 R.S. Mike leddick arrives at ya f ( , i M cracka have appeared since then. Waterford to assume position as Vice a r;p , S 1143 Non<:onformance Report 6212 President in charge of Nucless Oncranons '-


_" .g,; a wntren, reportmg new cracks and accom- and highest level LP&L executive at L panying water scepage have appeared in Waterford site. j , .

                                                                                                                                                                     . ' Q-                                L7,                  I plant's foundation.                               1-25-83 Joint Intervenors file motion t
                                                                                                                                              ;:Asw h 4    -4                -

F3mm ~T'A M ' 'k - m6d-May, '83 George Hd!'s QAIRO records review team writes several non-with 22, c, NRC asing seeking their to Gembat claims on Contentiong, reopennews

                                                                                                       *2 4

y g [ M { j-l,, p'j)M8[kf( ' "I -

                                                                                                       %gg g ,3 , Q *
  • s-e-conformance reports detaihng multiple stones and NRC Inquiry Team Report.
                                                                                                                                                               "7                        ..     , 4 ,                Jc N b deficiencies in several areas of quahty           7-2943 George Hdi leaves Waterford,              . g / O Mf,U$i'gM/%j.                                                                                     lp~       Q 2, ,4 anurance records dealing with the con-struction of Waterford's foundation.

quits nuclear poner industry. )gfW@3 q g%:P, .' Q- ,, " 1-included are a 200 page NCR on sods 3-443 NR(' orders LP&L to meet head

                                                                                                        ; ph 4,p V. N '

5 -

                                                                                                                                                                                                              -    ' ,g g, g@/ *f 'T; '

of NRC Offic; of Inspections and ) L g' e ,;y('p i' preparation beneath the foundauon and a Enforcement at NRC headquartert in f y " Mg% ' 7; F


[pe k g]'cs,. mpage NCR detad ng flaws in the cad- liethesda, Maryland, to discuss Inquiry welding records, meluding several Team Report and LP&L's response to it.

                                                                                                                                     .g , >                                                                          , f - % , ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                  , ff,$

I yT , , w-Q

                                                                                                      #, d Q @ 9 mutances invciving the forgmg of signa-         NRC informs LPAL that operating tures of five QA inspectors for cad-                                                              s Qh h6                       c.

a - Q. , welding. license for %'aterford will be withheld until company provides an appropriate h 7!- D. Q' a , ,c N* i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 . dpeh'"'t,~                        i 5-2143 Gambat story reportmg cracks in %aterford's foundauon appears.

response. 3-2743 LP&L CEO James M. Cain, h h D hh, 7h 'N3M *'* , P 3 ?4 D 6-3-33 George Hall's QAIRG records 4h e.: I h


i ..! = , ? m i b i 24 W, 3 Leddick, Gerrets, and one other LP&L  % rewewen ordered to halt their inspection of concrete pour package documents that QA executive meet with NRC IAE offi- 48 =g f, cials. LP&L agrees to answer Inquiry 4 are shoming problems sunilar to those that Team Report in writing by the end of Sep- .i Kf (i led to May NCRs. Tasteis a word which to mai , tember. M43 George Hill wntes memo to his 91943 Harstead Encieermg Associ- p. 7 J{,-if supervisor, John Cryr ko, protesting order ates, Inc., an independcnt engineering < well describes Blue Willow. V to halt QAIRG inspection of concrete pour package documents, warning that firm hired by LP&L to do structural anal- .bg There are things that 4.s . < deficiencies being discovered include ytis of Watcrford's f.mndation. Gss the Mb M*WyA violations of federal safety regulations first of two engineering studies on the di taste Very good. And gifts 4-and passibly of federal criminal laws. question. Harstead says the foundation's Iq , 7 , Hdrs memo refers to 12 9 82 Joe Davis engineenng design is soiand. 9-2743 EBASCO engineers file affi- '~cgi in Very good taste. Y.od l,? memo and says that his reviewers turned davits with NRC answering !ctnvenors 4% up so many simdar problems that the sta. motion to reopen Contenuon 22. Affi- ,. s . There's a complete deli, with v% tus of allinvolved documentation and the davits swear that plant's foundation is .M installations it retiected were rendered

       =detaminate" - meanmg that there properly designed and cons ructed.

9 2M3 LP&L files mt en response to sa


dailyluncheon specials, aE delicious fresh frozen entmes .A.c" was no way to tellif the work was done Prorcrly or not, raising safety concerns. inquiry Team Report sMng that founda- $'h, ;Q k 6 9 83 John Cayrko, George Hd!'s superunor, writes memo to EBASCO tion and other QA problems reported by GamNt have been adequately responded $4. - e# and soups, salads, freshly ag*- to by LP&L and ita pnnie contractor. Quahty Assurance Manager Larry Stin- 10-1443 Harstead Engineering files M" b3ked breSdS, pleS RHd Cakes. 'g son, forwardmg softened version of Hd!'s scand rtport saying that Waterford s  %,; complamt and request to continue review foundation design and construction are y And mom. - of QA records for foundauon. both adcquate and offer no threat to the e5

                                                                                                           ;e 6-2043 Copy 4 George Pfill's M83           public health and safety. Harstead report                y.                       You'll also find exclusive                                                                              m memo placed on U. of LPA L QA Man-             gives no hint that they were informed of ager Tom Gerrets.                              construction deficancies reported by            -g   M Soigne Chocolates, a variety
  • 61843 NRC Inquiry Team comes to New Orleans to begin investigation of Davis and Hdi memos.

13-17-83 NRC staff engineers ask

                                                                                                    .p C

of preserves, p,ickies and - - GamNr allegations about concrete crack. , mg anit other breakdowns in LP&L QA LP&L to answer a series of questions 5o, mustards, as well as Lou,siana i omgram ar werfont dealms with Waterford foundation design j .. , 6-30 33 NRC Inquiry Team visits annomtruction. 11-1843 NRC staff files answer to t j' rumi cafts and pottery.

   %sterford, findmg many more cracks in                                                                  ,

its foundauon than previously reported or Jomt Intervenors motion to reopen Con-tention 22, recommendmg that it be


4h Stopin at Blue Willow adnowledge by LPAL. , denied. Based on information supplied by 7 743 George Hill, Brian Grant Tom LP&L and NRC Region IV, the office 9 - and let your laste decide. Gerrets and Lon Bass meet in Gerrets' with oversight responsibihty for Water- , ' of' ice at Waterford to discuss contents of ford, the staff engineers conclude that the ,q' S Hill's M83 memo. Hdi urges a complete foundation's deugn and construction are reuem of the concrete packages. Hill 7. - 4,%.p.y K.y m -

                                                                                                                                                                      . w 3 A,f gp ;

emphastres cad.weldmg and sods prob? sound and present no threat to the pt.blic- OfNS#y VM j -?.y Q N g e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1       ,;;

lems. Their conclusion comes with one cawat: it g y fGhh,"gt(,;pth,q((lep gg,hs $: 14 g,' , ' 1 rebes on the word of Region lV and LP&L pQgyp 6q

                                                                                                                                                                          *O- W~4:Q                  f.NQ&N.g' f                                                                                                                                               '

7-1143 Tbm Gerrets writes memo for thst the plant has been constructed the ra-ord, detailms has version of 7-7-83 accordmg to estabbshed NRC procedures, k D 11q>h g~sA j meetma with Hal, Grant and Bass. 7 Il 83 Tom Gerrets ineets with top requirements and regulations. There is no hint in the document that the NRC engi-

                                                                                                         $[h,                                                  , ,

g;g? Ly .


management at LP&L for LP&L and t ,Q p ' , , . d, [e i BASCO to discuss Hill memo. locluded neers who wrote it have been informed of the construction deficiencies listed in the y.-

                                                                                                         $E e

Vv, g@@Wm ,>g,ggglgyg{.$

                                                                                                                                                       ,f.                ,

t=%f W NWf9.i@ Wa- '


at the meeting besides Gerrets are Davis and ildi memo. S 'd'^DM/hv3 d" K P WTMMN M 46V t*'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ?          . [

f BASCO QA Manager Larry Stinton, 1 B ASCO Project Manager Bob Mdhiser, 12443 GemNt interviews LPL&L's Leddick and Gerrets. confronting them 9V M)W}NQh$$r$MW4Mjf" %% l tP&L Sate Director George Rogers and with Hill and Davis memes. Ieddick says p:

  • Q ~v3 %M yg'%d. . My ' 4'; m' 3 %C-
                                                                                                                          ~~                                                                                                  g.,
                                                                                                                                                                               ~          '

L Pat Ouef Quahty Assurance Engineer that forged cad-weld inspections and E ton Bau. They agree on a plan to deal other construction deficiencies reported with Hdrs complames. Accordmg to their plan Sunson was to dewlop and present a by Hill and Davis are required by federal regulations to be reported to the NRC q' 8220 Willow Statet plan for conducting a comprehensive within 24 hours of their discovery. Gerrets ..o (ScrOSS from the streetcar bartl) reurw of civil / structural records of foun- says he does not remember ever having { 5s; dation by 718-83. Stinson was also to seen Hill and Davis memos before, ( v dewlop a plan for a comprehensive and although he does recall talking with Hill 4 t on soms QA document review for a!! cors- about the need to review the concrete pour  ;. 9, i ! tradors t v 7-23-83. I- i 71443 NRC Inquiry Team Report packages. Gerrets, says that none of the construction deficiencies hsted in the HiD m. g gg;

                                                                                                                         . A /,g-gp - M g;ig,g b c                  'ya               ,g s               ,-


                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ,,,'s'   . N' I issued, recommending investigation by NRC into five separate issues raised by and Dans memos have been reported to the NRC.

if ~ 4a@s <w of - i

                                                ...................-0                      Dearoe so                  * * * * * * * * -
  • s * * *
  • s * * *
  • e n ev n t e ' e n n n . **** 31-

O t' o i CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that service by First Class Mail has been made by me this day on the parties named in the attached list. New Orleans, Louisiana, December 12, 1983 4'e de_  ? LLM Carole H. Burstein

i o f O UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION l _efore the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board B f In the Matter of l LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Docket No. 50-382 OL (Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3) SERVICE LIST Administrative Judge Administrative Judge Christine N. Kohl, Chairman Sheldon J. Wolfe, Chairman Atomic Safety & Licensing Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comuni - Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Administrative Judge Docketing & Service Section (3) Office of the Secretary W. Reed Johnson U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm. Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board Washington, D.C. 20555 i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comun. .i Washington, D.C. 20555 Administrative Judge Bruce Churchill, Esquire Howard A. Wilber Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge Atomic Safety & Licensing 1800 M Street, N.W. Appeal Board Washington, D.C. 20036 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cossa. Washington, D.C. 20555 , Sherwin E. Turk, Esquire Office of the Executive Legal Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comun. Washington, D.C. 20555 Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comun. Washington, D.C. 20555.

                                                                * * ~ " " *  '      - , - , - _ , . . . _ ,     ,}}