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Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7.4, Snubbers, Consistent W/ Alternate Schedule for Visual Insp for Changes to Surveillance Requirements
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Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/12/1991
Shared Package
ML20082C164 List:
NUDOCS 9107180099
Download: ML20082C167 (7)


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Attachment 2 to U f01855 LS-91*003 in9[y Yase 5 of 11 L1HITiNG CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEll. LANCE RE0UIREMENTS


Table Secondary Containment. Ventilation Sys 'm Automatic Isolation 0ampers............................... 3/4 6-69 Standby Gas Treatment System..............................

3/4 6-70 3/4.6.7 ATMOSFHERE CONTROL Containment Hydrogen Recombiner Systems................... 3/4 6-73 Centainment/0rywell Hydrogen Hixing System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 6-75 Prd ry Containment /Drywell Hydrogen Ignition System...... 3/4 6-76 i

3/4.7 PLANT SYS _TEMS 3/4.7.1 SERVICE WATER SYSTEMS Shutdown Service Water System (Loops A, B, C). . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 7-1 Ultimate Heat Sink........................................ 3/4 7-2 3/4.7.2 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION SYSTEM........................... 3/4 7-3 3/4.7.3 REACTOR CORE ISOLATION C001.INA SYSTEH. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 . . . .7-7 y/4._7; 4_- f Cmo m . .... ........

......_.. _1/3J o _

b4Mt.3fI.N-I 6flWOef Vi%V4%p%JeCtioti Intc rval.,.. . ...p ..,,...

. . . . . _ .s M b 13 m.

t 19tre'*. 7. W Fimple'F l aTi Tor ~bnUUDe r WnCT.lona l TeC . . . . . . . . .,

.e 3/4.7.5 SEALED SOURCE CONTAHINATI0H............................... 3/4 7-15 3/4.7.6 MAlH TURBINE BYPASS SYSTEM................................ 3/4 7-17 3/4.7.7 LIQUID STORAGE TAHKS...................................... 3/4 7-18 3/4.7.B MAIH CONDENSER OFFGAS MONITORING Offgas - Explosive Gas Mixture............................ 3/4 7-19 Offgas - Hoble Gas Radioactivity Rate..................... 3/4 7-20 3/4.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS 3/4,8.1 AC SOURCES AC S o u rc e s - Op e ra ti ng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 8-1 CllHTON - UNIT 1 xii Amendment No. 40 9107180099 910712 F)DR ADOCK 0".000461 l P PDR t

  • Attachment 2 t o U-6018%
  • LS91-003 Page 6 of 11 N ANT sinEMS 2/4.7.4 SNUEElRS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.7.4 All snubbers shall be OPERABLE. The only snubbers excluded from the requirements are those installed on non-saf ety related systems 'and then only if
  • heir f ailure or f ailure of the system on which they are installed would ha, no adverse ef fect on any safety-related system.

AM L ICABILITY: OPERAT10t4AL CONDITIONS 1, 2, and 3. OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 4 and 5 f or snubbers located on systems required OPERABLE in those OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS.


With one or more snubbers inoperabic, within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> replace or restore the inoperable snubber (s) to OPERABLE status and perform an engineering evaluation per Specifications 4.7.4.f and 4.7.4 9 on the attached component or declare the attached system inoperable and follow the appropriate ACTION statem.i. for that system.

SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMEllTS 4.7.4 Each snubber shall be demonstrated OPERABLE rmance of the following augmented inservice inspection program the re uirements of Specification 4.0.5. Gainen te

a. inspection Types As used in this specification ype of snubbe hall mean snubbers of


the same design and manuf acturer, irrespective of capacity.

b. Visual Insoections cateqcritta



Snubbers are categorized as naccessible or accessible during reactor operation. Each of these 0, Q (inaccessible and g)11hlt)_Rgy A gspectedindeengen,Ql,yact r n M i @ dule t h . t 1

niUVTle-v sua -4nspect4cn-of-eech-type-of--Snub e-sh d " ^^ '-- ---


  • e f te e-4-vonths-but-w4 th4 n-lO-months-of-coseeno4ng-SCWG-CMAAMON. and--

k she44- 4nea ude-e44-snubbees. I f-eH-snubbees-erc f cu',d-OPRAME duri ng->

-Hrst-4ns.s v4ce-v4+ve4 4nspectient-the-second-4nserv4te-visuel--4cspee44a-

) -shah-be-perforned-et-the-f 4est-tefuel4ng-outage. Otherwher-subsNgues =

\ -visual-inspections-shal4-be-performed-4n-eecordance-wHb-the-fv44ains -

! *schecult** dele rrn'ened by Table. 4.*/.4-l. %e vl5nd intpec Co rs

'i nierva\ Cor each type of Snubber sbli be deterrn'.ned based U Pon 4 hc U i e r'A p rovided 'i n Table 9 71.4 -3 1 c\ nd me O rst

[ 'in$pcW.on InicevoA dettem'ined u5'ig %'.5 cr'ilerA W\ M 6d c e n w e pre u s ,ns w om .,nserva os e , u s . -

CLINTON - UNIT 1 3/4 7-9

_. j

- Attachment 2 to U 601855

. LS-91-003 l' age 7 of 11 PLANT SYSTEMS

$NUBEERS SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS (Continued) 4.7.4 (Continued) _ _m - - . _

- % . , Inoperable Snubbers SubsequentVijsu,L g%, per Inspection Period InspectiondeM od*,#

> 0

' . # ' 18 months t 25%

1 12 months i 25%

2, # .- 6 months t 25%

"' p # '3, 4 4 days t 25%

5, 6, 7 62 ay + 25%

Nu  % _

8 or more -

31 days 2 a

c. Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria __


Visual inspections shall ver fy (1)M[no+M5nvi'sibie Waecindica-h*D tions of damage or impairsd OPERABIL W 2 attac3ments to the fou [n- **

dation or supporting structure ar d i J m nd (3) fasteners forlattach

=- auttJ the snubber to the componenl. aiWtW1.he snubber anchorage are CNb=ead OP_MABW Snubbers.wh{c ear inoperable as a result of visual inspec-

'tions.LWay-be__e ermined 4 E5__ for the purpose of establishing the next

^ h=@% visual inspectioriinterval, provided that: (1) th,e cause of the rejection is clearly established and remeAtjkint.,_that_.pQ:' r snubber and for other snubberg) irrespective of(ithe type 3:n _th:t_ ty _ ,that mtiy be generi-cally susceptible; and (2) the affectTed snubber ts runctionally tested in . .

hs Js-J.q,und y ndigo11_andAtermined OPIRABt.f_ per Spt '.t catio_n i 4__.7.4f.i MSERT 2.

owever r -when-e44cid-port-of-e-hydredk ;nubEr ie'f;0nd'.; Y; .~;:.t';. ,

the-snubber-shah-be-dec4ered-inoperet>4e-et.d ::nn:t b: d:t:r'n:d ^"E" ELE ty-functionaHesting-for-the prpie-ef 2;t;bihhh; th; n;;t i: :!

ins pection-i nterv al r---AH-snubbero-connec t:d - t: : 'n:;;nbh ::--- . -

-hydreulic41uid-reservoie-shah 4e-count;d ;; 'n;p;r:bh ;n tb;-;.

_ _ - - - - - -~

d. Transient Event Inspection An inspection shall be performed of all snubbers attached to sections of systems that have_ experienced unexpected, potentially damaging tran-sients, as determined from a review of operational data or a visual inspection of the systems, within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> for accessible areas. and witnin 6 months for inaccessible areas following this determination, in additien to satisfying the visual inspection acceptance criteria, freedom-of-motion of mechanical snubbers shall be verified using at least one of the follow-ing: _(1) manually induced snubber movement; or (2) evaluation of in place snuboer piston setting; or (3) stroking the mechanical snubber thrown its full range of travel.

- - - - - e,m-%.

7 f.

' ~

+ '

l b ,

j - Mhe-inspection d nterval-shall-not4e-lengthened-move-then-ene-+teP=a' : ti m

! *The provisions-of-Specification-4rM-er: ::t-:pp!!::M:_

_ _ _ _ _ ~ _ ~ - -

CLINTON - UNIT 1 3/4 7-10

5 Attachment 2 [

to U.601855 +

LS 91 003 l Page 8 of 10 {

ifiSJ.RT 1 to 4.7.4.c l l

4 shall be classified as unacceptable and may be reclassified [

acceptable. t


IESERT.2 to 4.7.4.c  !


J All snubbers found connected to an inoperable common hydraulic {

fluid reseivoir shall be counted as unacceptabic for determining j the next inspection interval. A review and evaluation shall be- E performed and documented *,o justify continued operation with an unacceptable snubber. If continued operation cannot be justified.

the snubber shall be declared inoperable and the ACTION requirements shall be met.

l i

t h

i I

I i

f i

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9 5

t t

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_ . . . _ . _ . _ _ . ~ . _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ . - . . . . _ . . _ . _ . _ . _ . , _ . _ . _ , . . . . , , _ _ . _ . . . . _ _ . . _ . . _ . . . . , . . _

Attachment. 2 to U-601855 1.S-91-003 l' age 9 of 11 TABLE 4.7.9-1 SNUBBER VISUAL INSPECTION INTERVAL NUMBER OF UNACCEPTABLE SNUBBERS '

Population Column A Column B Column C or Category Extend Interval Repeat Interval Reduce Interval (Notes 1 and 2) (Notes 3 and 6) (Nates 4 and 6) (Notes 5 and 6)__

1 0 0 1 00 0 0 2 100 0 1 -4 150 0 3 8 200 2 5 13 300 5 12 25 400 8 18 36 500 12 24 48 750 20 40 78 1000 or greater 29 56 -109  ;

i 5

e i

I 3l4 7 - Ib.  !

. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _. _.. ._. . . . _ ._ ___..... ._..-.,_ _.~ ,_ _ . _ _ _ .

Attachment 2 T4bt N il.N "l (Conheed) .

Page 10 of 11 Note 1: The next visual inspection interval for a snubber population or cate-gory size shall be determined based upon the previous inspection interval and the number of unacceptable snubbers found during that interval. Snubbers may be categorized, based upon their accessibility during power operation, as accessible or inaccessible. These categor-ics may be examined separately or jointly. However, the licensee must make and document that decision before any inspection and shall use that decision as the basis upon which to determine the next-inspection interval for that category.

Note 2: Interpolation between population or category sizes and the number of unacceptable snubbers is permissible. Use next lower integer for the value of the limit for Columns A, B, or C if thLi integer includes a fractional value of unacceptable snubbers as determined by inter-polation.

Note 3: If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or less than the number in Column A, the next inspection interval may be twice the previous interval but not greater than 48 months.

Note 4: If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or.less than the number in Column B but greater than the number in Column A, the next inspection interval shall be the same as the previous interval.

Note 5: If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or greater than the number in Column C, the next inspection interval shall be two-thirds of the previous interval. However, if the number of unacceptable snubbers is less than the number in Column C but greater than the number in Column B, the next interval shall be reduced 3roportionally by interpoldtion; that is, the previous interval shall >e reduced by d factor that is one-third of tie ratio of the difference between the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous interval and the number in Column B to the difference in the numbers in Columns B dnd C.

Note 6: The provisions of Specification 4.0.2 are applicable for all inspec-tion intervals up to and including 48 months.

l i e 3


Attachment 2 to U-6018$$

1.S91-003 PLANT SYSTEM 5 Pace 11 of 11 BASES 3/4 7.3 REACTOR COPE !$0LATION COOLING SYSTEM (Centinued)

The surveillance requirements provide adequate assurance that RCIC will be OPERABLE when required. Although all active components are testable and full flow can be demonstrated by recirculation during reactor operation, a complete functional test requires reactor shutdown. The pump discharge piping is main-tained full to prevent water hammer damage.

3/4.7.4 SNUBBERS All snubbers are required OPERABLE to ensure that the structural integrity of  !

the reactor coolant system and all other safety related systems is maintained during and following a seismic or other event initiating dynamic loads.

Snubbers are classified and grouped by design and manufacturer but not by site.

For example, mechanical snubbers utilizing the same design features of the 2-kip,10-kip, and 100 kip capacity manufactured by Company "A" are of the same type. The same design mechanical snuboers manufactured by Company "B" for the purposes of this Technical Specification would be of a different type, as-would hydraulic snubbers from either manufacturer.

A list of individual snubbers with detailed information Of snubber location, size and system affected shall be available at the plant. The accessibility of each snubber shall be determined and reviewed by the Facility Review Group and approved by the Manager, Clinton Power Station. The determination shall I

be based upon the accessibility of the snubber during plant operations (e.g.,

radiation level, temperature, atmosphere, location, etc.). The addition or deletion of any hydraulic or mechanical snubber shall be made in accordance with Section 50.59 of 10 CFR Part 50.

When a snubber is found inoperable, an engimering evaluation is performed. in addition to the determination of the snubber mode of f ailure, in order to deter-mine if any safety related component or system has been adversely affected by the inoperability of the snubber. The engineering evaluation shall determine whether or not the snubber mode of failure has imparted a significant effect or degradation on the supported component or system.

- = : ::

(To pyovi_de_ f urthtr asturAqc.gohupgeliabilith p, representative sample of the installed snubbers will be functinnafly tested during plant shutdowns at 18 month intervals. Observed failures of these_sarglsnubbers wilj 3eguire t Qt'on d ,gsi n tk +fge ve n c i e s_g o f a .gjincqa Jea mme  :.J.

g Qn,j_tys .rwbi& cmc yisTG%pe.ctcd iU Q QeregegC1 .

~ ^ V-HydraulicsnubbersanFmechan(1Ta'lsnubbersmayeachbetreateYasadifferent entity for the above surveillance programs.

The service life of a snubber is evaluated via manufacturer input and informa-tion through consideration of the snubber service conditions and associated installation and maintenance records, i.e., newly installed snubber, .'ai re-placed, spring replaced, in high radiation area, in high tamperature area, CLINTON - UNIT 1 B 3/4 7-2 Revision 1

. . -