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Certificate of Negotiations W/H Carrow Re Eddleman Objections on Applicant Fourth Set of Interrogatories on Contentions 75,83 & 84.Differences Remain Unresolved. Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Harris  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/05/1983
From: Eddleman W
Shared Package
ML20077J062 List:
82-468-01-OL, 82-468-1-OL, ISSUANCES-OL, NUDOCS 8308120222
Download: ML20077J068 (2)


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w O C(.f' E IE C j w: CcvI UNITED STATES OP AMERICA gd August 5,1983 hg 6j NUCLEAR BEGULATORY COMMISSION *83 AUG 11 A10 :50 GFME U h t BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSINbMk$0 HIC Glenn O. Bright Dr. James H. Carpenter James L. Kelley, Chairman In the Matter of

) Dockets 50 400 OL CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT CO. et al. ) 50 401 OL (Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, )

Units 1 and 2) ) ASLBP No. 82-h68-01

) OL Certificate of Negotiations re Eddleman objections on Applicants ' 4th set of Interrogatories (re 75 and 83/84)

I was unable to contact Hill Carrow during business hours yesterday to discuss these negotiations because I was still typing up the answers until about 6pm. Through an oversight, I did not include such a notice in the mailing that includes my answers and objections to Apr11 cants 6/30/83 interrogatories (4th set) on contentions 75 and 83/84 Today I spoke with Car"ow by phone and we discussed the objections. No progress was made in resolving our differences.

Applicants believe they are entitled to all information they ask for.

I stand on my objections as stated in the resronse filed August h.

Hill Carrow kindly agreed that I could file this late; it will be included with filings due August 8, which is a reasonable time.

I hereby affirm that the above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

8308120222 830808 $ August 1983 Wells Eddleman PDR ADOCK 05000400 0 PDR l


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY C0!EISSION In the matter of CAROLIKA POWER k LIGHT CO. Et al. )) Dockets 50-h00 Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 and 501.h01 0.L.

CERTIFICATE 0F SERVICE Motion to Compel re 6hf, 67, G8, G9 I hereby bertify that copies Eft-T l P W 1)t?6 0 - YE h e +by -

R@ and of (dated August 5) Certificate of Negotiations re Eddlenan o f=

oDjections on Ao licants' HAVE been served t is 8 dayhth of set Auene of interrogoriegy 3, rg,p7psgpdy3/84 the US Hs11, first-class postage prepaid, upon all parties whose names are listed below, except those whose nanes are arked with an asterisk, for whom service was acconplished by Judges James Kelley, Glenn Bright and Carpenter (1 copy each)

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board US Nuclear Megulatory Commission Washington DC 20555 George F. Trowbrid6e (attorney for Applicants)

Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge ILuthanne G. Miller 1800 M St. NW ASLB Panel Washin6t on, DC 20036 USNRC Washington DC 2C55 5 Office of the Executive Legal Director Phv111s Lotchin, Ph.D.

Attn Docke ts 50-h00/h010 L. Ich sridle Run USNRC Chanel Hill NC 2751h Washington DC 20555 I Dan Read Docketing and Service section (3x) CEA!W /FLP Attn Docke ts 50-h00/h01 0.L. Waleigh,7107 NC Waveross Office of the Secretary 27606 20555

    • *d" * * "l*

a neton DC Governor's Waste Mgt. Bd.

511 Albemarle Bldg ,

John Runkle Karen E. Long 325 N. Salisbury St.

CCNC Box 991 Raleigh, NC 27611 307 Granville Rd Raleigh NC 27602 -

Chapel Hill Ne 2751b. Bradley W. Jones USNRC Region II Travi s Payne 101 Marietta St.

Edelstein & Payne Atlanta GA 30303 mox 12601 Raleigh NC 27605 Richard Wilson, M.D. Certified by h 729 Hunter St.

j Apex NC 27502 l


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