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Motion for Summary Disposition of Reed Contention 14 on Incorporated Cities,Towns & Villages.No Genuine Issue of Matl Fact Exists & Applicant Entitled to Favorable Decision
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 05/20/1983
From: Baxter T
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML20071H409 List: ... further results
Download: ML20071H888 (19)


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/0 \ N May 20, 1983 6




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(Callaway Plant Unit 1) )




Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 5 2.749, Applicant moves the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for summary disposition of Reed Contention 14. As grounds for-its motion, Applicant asserts that there is no genuine issue of material fact to be heard with respect-to Contention 14,. and that Applicant is entitled to a decision-in its favor on that contention as a matter of


This- motion is supported by Applicant's Statement of Material Facts as-to-Which There:is No Genuine' Issue to be.

Heard.(Contention 14), Applicant's Memorandum.of Law in Support of Motions'for Summary Disposition on Emergency Planning

'[ 8305250515 830520

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w.. - :_ = j Issues, the Callaway County /Fulton Radiological Emergency Response Plan, the Osage County Radiological Emergency Response l

Plan, the Gasconade County Radiological _ Emergency Response Plan, and the Montgomery County Radiological Emergency Response Plan, together with all pleadings and other papers in this proceeding.

I. Procedural Background Reed Contention 14, entitled " Incorporated Cities, Towns and Villages," states as follows:

Incorporated cities / towns / villages (identified in 13.B, above) are not included in the response effort. Neither the proposed Offsite plan or the SOPS of the respective counties, impacted by the plant, contains information concerning alerting and notification of said cities /

towns / villages (hereafter called towns),

communications available for town use in a radiological emergency, transportation of residents, to include non-ambulatory individuals, or methods and means for their determination of the need for and/or inplementation of radiological exposure controls as mandated by NUREG 0654, II, A2a nor is the legal basis for their exclusion from said plan and SOPS specified as required by NUREG 0654, II, A2b. The protection-(to include evacuation) of citizens within the towns is the legal responsibility of the mayors and town councils of said towns. Assurance of the complete evacuation of the citizens in these towns is most rapidly performed by the mayors cr members of the councils. If shelter is to be selected in lieu of evacuation, the assurance that proper

, protective measures have been implemented by all citizens is again best performed by

- the mayors or members of the councilc.

Since the town-governmentaxare-responsible for the safety of their citizens in the same manner that county courts are l

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L responsible for the safety of citizens in l

Lthe unincorporated portions of their-l counties, failure to include emergency plans for the towns can result in delay in protective _ response. The use of local responses (included manpower) within said towns is essential _if public health and safety is to be assured. Such resources are under the control of town governments.

. Final Particularization of Reed's Amended. Contentions 1, 2 and 3 (Oct. 1, 1982),'at.35-36. The referenced incorporated cities, towns and' villages from Contention 13.B are Mokane (in Callaway County), Chamois (in Osage County), Morrison and Gasconade (in Gasconade County), and Rhineland (in Montgomery County). Id. at 35. -The Board admitted Reed Contention 14 over the Staff's objections. Memorandum and Order (Specification of Contentiens), at 5 (Dec. 7, 1982).

II. Governing Legal Standards The Commission's regulations governing the_ content of applications provide that an operating license applicant ". . .

shall submit. radiological emergency response plans of. State and i

local governmental entities in the United States that are wholly or partially within the plume exposure pathway' Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ),-as well as the plans'of State governments


wholly or partially within the ingestion pathway-EPZ." 10 C.F.R. 5 50.33(g) (footnotes omitted). The Commission's regulatory standards for emergency response plans, in 10 C.F.R. 5 50.47(b), address " State and local response organizations" p o 4 - y y y v

within the.EPZ, " State and local staff," and " principal response organizations."

The planning standards .and evaluation crit'eria provided by NRC and the Federal Emergency Management Age.ncy (" FEMA")l/ on Assignment of Responsibility (Organizational Control (II.A)),

begin as follows:

1.a. Each plan shall identify the State, local, Federal and private sector organiza-tions (including utilities), that are intended to be part of the overall response organization for Emergency Planning Zones.

(See Appendix 5).

b. Each organization and suborganization having an operational role shall specify its concept of operations, and its rela-tionship to the total effort.

NUREG-0654 at 31. The remainder of the II.A criteria, includ-ing those cited in Reed Contention 14, build on and apply to these identified organizations which are intended to have an operational role.

The NRC/ FEMA definitions of " principal organizations" and "suborganizations" address those which have'some role (major, lead or supportive) in emergency planning or preparedness.

i-j If NUREG-0654, FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants." This document presents guidance for emergency plan review and approval. See Metropolitan Edison Company-(Three Mile Island

Nuclear Station, Unit No.-1), LBP-81-59, 14 N.R.C. 1211, 1460 (1981), aff'd, ALAB-698, 16 N.R.C. , slip op. at 13-15-(Oct.

22, 1982).

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NUREG-0654 at 5-1. The guidance observes that the assignment of roles, function and responsibilities ".

. . is a matter that i

is best defined by the various parties involved in developing _

plans and preparedness for each nuclear site. Where the guidance in this document indicates a function that must be performed, emergency planners at all levels, must decide and agree among themselves, which organization is to perform such 4

function." Id. at 5-2.

III. Argument

Since Reed Contention 14 was admitted, the plume exposuro EPZ boundary has been modified and Gasconade (in Gasconade County) is no longer within the EPZ. See Attachment 1 hereto.

2 The population of the remaining four incorporated cities /

towns / villages which are the subject of this contention 2/ is as follows:

Mokane 293 Chamois 546 Morrison 169 Rhineland 172 See Attachment 2 hereto (excerpt from 1980 Census).

Applicant admits and agrees with the first sentence of Reed Contention 14 -- i.e., that the above listed municipali-ties are not included in the response effort. This is not-to 2/. The City of Fulton has a joint response plan with Callaway County.

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l say that the residents of those municipalities are not provided for in the off-site plans. In fact, those residents are a part of the plume exposure EPZ for the Callaway Plant, and their health and safety in a radiological emergency are provided for in the off-site plans, without distinction, in the same manner as are all other county residents of the EPZ.

The issue raised by Reed Contention 14 is whether or not the governments of these municipalities must be included in the off-site plans as response organizations. The Commission's regulations governing emergency plans do not state that all incorporated municipalities within the EPZ must be assigned the role of a response organization in the required off-site emergency plans. Rather, those regulations address "lecal response organizations" without specifying that they be county, municipal or township governments, or even that they be governments. See 10 C.F.R. S 50.47(b). Which local response organization is assigned tasks in the off-site plans is irrelevant to the NRC as long as the local emergency plans are adequate, and there is reasonable assurance that they can be implemented and that adequate protective measures can and will be taken in the event of a radiological emergency. See 10 C.F.R. 5 50.47(a). The NRC/ FEMA guidance, quoted above, extends this point by observing that it is up to the involved emergency planners to decide which organization is to perform a necessary function. See NUREG-0654 at 5-2.

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Whether or not there are' deficiencies in the emergency response plans for Callaway County /Fulton, Osage County, .

Gasconade County and Montgomery County presumably is a matter addressed by Mr. Reed's other contentions in this proceeding.

Contention 14 does not in itself allege a planning deficiency.

Instead, Mr. Reed has concocted a circular argument which asserts that these municipalities have legal responsibility for their citizens, that they can "best" or "most rapidly" perform certain functions, and that use should be made of local resources under the control of town governments.

Even assuming for the moment that each of the three prongs ,

of Mr. Reed's argument'is valid, the NRC cannot and should not reallocate local respense organization assignments under the local response plans unless it is first determined that some J

substantive deficiency exists under the current allocation of responsibilities. Absent some deficiency, NRC should defer to the consensus decisions reached by local planners. An intervenor's view that another allocation might be better is irrelevant. Mr. Reed does not contend that the local plans will not work unless these municipal governments are included.

During discovery, Applicant posed the following question to Mr.

Reed: -

71. Is Contention 14 based upon your

' view of the legal " chain of command" within

.the subject incorporated cities, towns and villages? If the. contention is based to any extent on principles of sound emergency planning, specify the function (s) in'the



i-3 ,

emergency; response' plans for the Callaway

, Plantiwhich'can'only be performed by the

- officials of the subject incorporated. ~

l cities,' towns,x. 'and , villages, and in each case explain.why the function cannot be fulfilled by others.3/

Mr. Reed's reply was as follows:


.71. Sound emergency planning is based upon knowledge of what is to be done, the

.i efficient performance of tasks involved, and an expeditious initiation and com-pletion of protective measures. This is best accomplished by persons "on the scene" who have intimate knowledge of all of the job to thi done and potential problems which may interfere with!the mission. The Eederal government und5rstands this concept as'it'is. manifested in'all of its military and cisit cperations: proficiency at the lowest command echelon, including equipment and persannel. To place responsibility for a particularl function on a person who is not imme.diately available to do that job

> presents a delay in the accomplishment of that function. While said non-resident person;can fulfill the function, it does

> not mske for an effective or efficient operation. It is not sound planning to a delay factor in an emergency response effort if,it can be avoided.4/

Mr. Reed here concedes that a "non-resident" of the municipal-i ity can fulfill the emergency response functions in the off-site' plans (even though municipal residents may participate in the response without municipal government involvement), and

/ i 3

L/ Applicant's Revised" Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents of'Intervenor John G. Reed, October 20, 1982. r i

4/c -Reed's Response to Memorandum and. Order Dated 09 December 1982,' December 14, 1982.

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does not identify a single example of a function which must be performed by these municipal governments.5/ ,

In any case, each of the three prongs of Mr. Reed's argument in Contention 14 is faulty. Mr. Reed advances no authority for the proposition that as a matter of law the four subject municipal governments must be assigned an operational responsibility in the Callaway Plant off-site plans. He cites NUREG-0654 criterion II.A.2.b as requiring that the legal basis for excluding these municipal governments must be specified.

In contrast, that criterion calls for an identification of the authorities for those response organizations included in the plans. Applicant need not present authority to exclude any local government; rather, Mr. Reed must present any legal authority which supports his thesis that they must be included.

The guidance in NUREG-0654 is not that authority.s/ Further, this unsupported legal theory flies in the face of political facts. While a municipal government undeniably has some legal responsibilities for its electorate, it does not follow, as Mr.

5/ While the matter is not pivotal to this motion, it is not necessary for government officials to be "on the scene" immediately to implement protective actions for the residents of these towns. The notification and communications actions under the plans are not dependent upon personal. appearances by government officials or emergency workers at the residences of the affected population.

s/_ The other criterion cited in Contention 14 -- II.A.2.a --

merely requires the presentation of certain information for l response organizations included in the plans.


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1 Reed apparently reasons, that all responsibility for the health and welfare of those citizens rests with that level of govern- _

. ment alone.

, The second argument in Reed Contention 14 is that the mayors and town councils of these municipalities can "best" and "most rapidly" assure that protective actions (i.e., evacuation i

or sheltering) have been completed. There is no need, however, for government executives or legislators at any level to perform such verification functions. Plans for implementing protective actions for the general public are set forth clearly in the State and local plans. See, e.g., Annex I to local ,

plans. Those plans call for law enforcement / security personnel assigned to patrol duty to insure that protective actions have been undertaken. See id. at TAB 3 and Applicant's Motion for Summary Disposition of Reed Contention 1 (on adequacy cf law enforcement personnel resources).

Lastly, Mr. Reed argues that use should be made of local resources under the control of the town governments. In fact, the only such resources identified by Mr. Reed in either the contention or his responses to discovery requests are the persons of the mayors and town councils, who nevertheless are Javailable in their personal capacities to participate in designated response organizations. The following exchange during discovery illustrates the point:


66. Specify the emergency response efforts of the cities listed in Contention 13.B which you believe should be delineated ,

in SOPS.2/

66. All emergency response efforts that apply to counties and the City of.

Fulton should apply equally to the other incorporated towns that are wholly or partially.witnin the 10 mile EPZ. Formal organizations are made up of people, it may be necessary to create.such organizations if an effective emergency response effort is to be established.8/

70. What resources, either in '

equipment or personnel, of the governments of the subject incorporated cities, towns and villages, are required to implement the

emergency response plans for the Callaway Plant?9/
70. The use of local personnel is required to effectively evacuate the citizens in and around population centers.

i The fact that such towns do not have the equipment or formal organizations to commit to the response effort is prime-facae evidence that they need to build a capabil-1 ity to protect their citizens in the event -

of an accident that involves the release of dangerous radio-nuclides. 'As towns or i- villages incorporated under Missouri State

, statute, they have a right to become involved in the planning effort.10/

e l In short, there are no resources of the subject four municipal governments which are implement the 4

2/' Applicant's Revised Interrogatories'. . . , supra n.3.

jb/.' Reed's Response . . ., supra n.~4. ,

l s9 / - Applicant's . Revised Interrogatories - . . . , supra n.3.. '

10/ 0 John'G'. Reed's Responses to Applicant's! Revised Interrogatories,. November'12, 1982.

l t


off-site emergency response plans. Rather, Mr. Reed has I

attempted to create an artificial legal requirement for such ,

involvement, which then would lead to the creation and equipping of new municipal government organizations -- all without a demonstrated deficiency in the capability to complete required tasks under existing plans.

In another proceeding, an intervenor claimed, on appeal, that the Licensing Board had erred in not finding that the City of San Juan Capistrano, which includes about one-half of the EPZ population, must be a " principal response organization" that must fulfill detailed emergency planning requirements.

The Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board rejected that argument, noting that "[t]he Commission's guidance recognizes that in any emergency planning zone there will be overlapping layers of government, and that these must be integrated into a cohesive emergency response." Southern California Edison Company, et al. (San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3), ALAB-717, 17 N.R.C. , slip op. at 60 (March 4, 1983). Observing that the City of San Juan Capistrano does not itself have extensive resources that would be of use in an emergency, but that it has been integrated in the planning effort, the Appeal Board concluded: .

It would be highly unusual for a governmen-tal entity, bereft of extensive resources of its own, to be required to take a lead role in planning the response to a radio-logical emergency.

.. ~ -

Id. at 61. Here, where the municipalities involved have no identified governmental resources and an insignificant portion ,

of the EPZ population, the intervenor's position has even less merit.

IV. Conclusion For all of the foregoing reasons, there is no genuine issue of material fact-to be heard with respect to Contention 14, and Applicant is entitled to a decision in its favor on e

that contention as a matter of law.

Respectfully submitted, SHAW, PITTMAN, POTTS & TROWBRIDGE Thomas A. Baxter, P.C.

Jeffrey J.A. Gibbs Counsel for Applicant 1800 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 822-1000 May 20, 1983




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Callaway County Osage County _

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County Boundary Line Montgomery County //,,-/g,Gasconade Countyl Fulton



Number o" Inhabitants MISSOURI I ~l i




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Census of Popu ation U.S. Department of Commerce



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Census of Population .




CHAPTER A Data IndeX l Number of , h .. n o. . ._ . _ . ..t .n. .. t h . t._ _. .._ .

Ier date are presented. For a listing of the indrvidual tables and their case


Inhabitants The state Table PART 27 Earliest Census to 1980 1

/ MISSOURI Site of Place. 7 Urban and Rural: 1930 to 1980. 8 PC801. A27 Counties and Independent Cities Land Area and Population. . 2 Urban and Rural . . . .

. 3 County Subdivisions . .. . 4 Places All Places. . . . . 5 Incorporated Places of 5.000 or More . . . 6 Inside and Outside SMsA's

. Issued February 1982 Urban and Rural . ... ..... . .. . .. . 9 Size of Pf ace. .. .. . . .. .. ... .. 10 ,

SMsA's s** Component Parts. . . . ... . . . ... . 11 f y'"f%'g Type of Residence. . ...... ..... .. ....

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277 e 90 i taense asy . . . . . . 9 tess .. 'e see 89 743 14 823 teraerve. se== . . . . . . . . ap*isa . . 223 214 2')e '

d . $senere ... 1 971 I wl i 170 g ty==

synee csves.,.. .. ... escename. . . tes ael

.M" -

tseese see . .

. .. isassa . 3 081 2 914 aos 2 778 Co a m .. . ee,nessa , ;i 79, g,g c'--M esso es n....... . 132 14 Cesese m ., tre 3 SP , I 623 1 200 !

g s. m ..

.. .

. $ t ..... Fi2 u.3 .i. l.l

-e,.... . ...

tsee sov . . . .. . . . . euren .. F33 tot F88 sameer et... 3 $37 3en 3 ;og i k-- agsee vesse..

tesgn est ..... ... .

. *sp......

.Ov'een. .

Ht 67 Peo 44 800 a02 Censpee sist . . . . . . . . . .

Che*0 Leet eoos ..

. Stea . .

. teev..

3 246 76 2 791 2 362 '

3 g- tse free any .. . . boven . . til SF3 420 n ep=eo ca. . Diess . 44e sit Wl l

AF es uyon .emge.. .Oss . . . . . . .

uere ==use .

Chwurn os, ...

. . e .. mas . .a v i gy ;


A . . 240 266 20s . 9 to,e . . . i ut i g73 I

,m hasuren en .. . 9 5 eves .. 6 42$ 1 3t t 237 . mgenney . . . g 330 $ ,,, j panese ver .. iske . . . 364 294 }i0 Onyeven e c.e,... 34

$ i,jy . 3, .

tem som m.. . 9 tess ..

. 5 293 ... ... O.aBene <*, . .t,,.. .. , Se,e , g ,,7 , j3 ; '

L tes.ese asy . . .(some . . 290 289 284 '. a <*v . . v.meise. . Ju Ju 235~'

s am,ve rev.. . as=v . Ise lei IFF

. (ectr 08, educe .. . Deeded . ' )4

. h Base usy . tese . . . . . . . . 602 628 6' 4 Oscue ces. . immene . . 'ai i i 103 ;

I . . (siteauer er ** . . tel e21 eie Det ew . , . . . . e euen ,. y,4 l

  • OiO, p 260 I W Otose ese as . . .-. Optiews s% . . . . uoome. . . n;a 34 3 37;

' < nuspa is .. . irea . . . . . 2H 220 203 Ostiese ns.a . . . . . 0, ase .. pg 243 2,3 l 4' housses ee... . 9essed .. . . . . I MS I See i 330 Oweien vesev .any . . Se to, . 433 igF ip.

hasnesume see .. . 5se (sae===* . . 39 F alI Owesses pov- . see . . . . seg %g gg' his eve e en ... . $8ee ... . .. 94 91 ...F4 . . 1 677 3 og .

Ime Spega cey . 2) 92F 4 779 2 MS De,eean .e Oswe.e ge,p . .,. . ,o,,,,.. ' ,224 e gg, g gyj syneens seen.,

. aarteen .... .

. . oueness . . .. 219 213 t re Osv a. ce, . .. . , 9 in,, , ,,p,. 7 16 B00 13 Jag tusse es.m .. . . . .Co'es .. 291 294 2FF I NUM8ER OF INHA81TANTS W S50Wu 27 8


..w~v..w. y.


e ..

pyz,y. _- g ..

gy .


, X ..

t t

T Table 5. Pepeladen of Maces: 1960 to 1980-con.

.es,se a - e, -oosesse sree es

- r 9m es. . .o - es.e ese ~,

E ceases assipiesed caemie, ceases aseiymed canie.


  • 1980 1970 '9eo g 19e0

_ 1970 19ee

'- tagss== come .. . .. .am.. Ils 183 113 'ise 8imore es, .. .. .... .. . eimaiemse, . . . . . . . . . . 73i 431 ole tamuse9 asuse . . Duas . Ido 112 nue feween any .... . . . /.Q ate-se . . ...........g.

j_ Lenenne m. . see . . . . . J 248 a $33 n,e naswam ene .. I 229 I sit 1 Con

. a 2se ..4 ena . . . 2p Least (e es,... . in Our . 674 S2O 43F use nossa cay .. .. .. . . 9.. ., .asa 350 327 sesean . . . .... .. .. ...

t sous some .. . , ,. . . .ss... I $41 I aF4 1 223 u . 130 12e iSF mee teena eg . . . . .. auss . . . ,,,. I son 97 i ese enum. IPs

. . . . . 373 tassa noma .. . .

. Langesen . . . t F% 231 awe anese ent ... . .. . ese aiese . I los 2 f t9 2 968 1

. tionasse..... . 30 e4 F1 itse nsas euge . ... ... .. 9 Cheess . . . . . .. ....

a ice Larov *s== . . . . . . . One . . . .. .. IFS Id 854 Impossue se== . .... 'ese*en .. ..a . .

m Lessoude eww., . . . Oshmer . Geest.,

. ael 426 618 useasse even ...

... . homen ...

. .. 224 170 20e 211 IS3 263 aero e s est.. . t 39 203 stealte saw .. . . .... . . . Weseau . .. . .. . .

- Joe 274 3p p 297 matesase sense.. . 9 tape . lee amiewavi esen . . . . . . eassgenes,

. 224 233 97 an.e rev .. .. . . . . . . . O*mann ... 2 462 9 434 he l .Z

. OF 108 stess c89..... . m:0=use . I tes 924 moei cean .emy . .

aberse es, ..

.(.. . i Fi ice t23 ====== mv... . .. .

. (ges ... 911 930 F34 96s i

EseWesa c8, ..

. eneren. . . .. 5eM S IC' s Se7 ***usef est ........ ... . is lose . . .

$ 1 Fa 6 234 4 412 l l .==*ee.., eh 540 129 suurin seness Osv ose .,

anesisus os, .. . sams , , , , eng .Osv.......... .... a 107 5 803 9 417 l 3 tt a27 inyin theen enge ... . tee asseg , . 237 334 301 j c mesma tav .. . Duseen . 60% $ 37a $ 007

., j i --.= mese ese so... ...

. geso . . . M2 342 moraumes es, . ... . 8issae . ... . . . ... $0e M2 496 '

. Se lese ,

334 tem ewess sense . . as erse . . .... i44 117 mouvonsur c't . . e sei S 03 2 021 taressessa es, . . . . Se tapa . .. . S 838 4 e07 e 70t amenesse m . . e.,pe , , a 423 10% 49 meense edage . . . 8'eus .. . . . . . . . . .

. . . 133 136 183 ammmenes . 9 teen . 30 40 essen ses es . m, ..

12 FSS 12 $12 messes ese.... ... .

. tensgo . e0t $39 MF

.. . . s'98. . . .. . . . . . 391 Me 263

. . . . 9same tass .

g- meesee m .. $$1 350 106

. tes . . . .. . 2 #1e 2 e22 2 art es==e, Inymeos es== (eae

. . ..esgo

. .. . , . . . . . . . . i% 176

.. _ cow . . . . . ist


. tempowe . , a 920 I ate i 218 huusgu tev .. . ...

4 meesresp ssee.. .... Adue . . . . . . . . . 426 Se7 421

. 9 Less . 2 012 I at 6%0 i eneresse os, . . . enseesa povos es, . . .

39 7 400 M2 Out Grene cm, , toes . ..... 4 047 2 02S 1@

. inse . . . If F4d '2 056 9 $72

. eeneup . . . . . . antaan ese es . .. . 4 Oet 2 025 t2 1 ansreses eneese e* ..e,ne,. . anye mese .

3 871 2 Set 2 22t teevene ice sw.. . . . . . ...

742 see 431 Osa Cnose . . . g s.eens ..

anyaws ee es,... .e Oumane cm,esen ........ .. . 3ee 3a0 rinna

. Se3 44) 339 . 9 teen . I F20 t 400 Duneme pee sense .

. ... 1 112 m anwes iin,, es . . a.een . . 309

. seemse . .. . .. .. . .. . I43 I% i39

- 310 330 can amus so ..

ane ne.e es== , ... sensass , ad

. .. . Case Gewesus .. . 232 10I iF1 anervesmo anapse s(Dri It '9 ouns veeus.... 124 142 IW

. Se isso . 1 676 O SOS Oeusse sense .. . . . . . . . Oue .

asev de ca ..

MF M4 543 amene s es se innesee. . . . .

4.= ansee .

9 154 9 980 7 107 Ceesse udsee ... . . .... . . One . . . Osv. ... . .. ... . . . 227 20t 159,

^ moveses ce,e . %47 t 18F 134 e10 Onenes anes . des .. .. . Os, . . . . . ... . ..

i3F # F0 IPs es,...

. De see . . i Ost 942 Ostenes see venge . . .. . Os, n . . . . . . . .

1.- anse e . ieseiene . . MI 330 231 244 231

- 270 ansesver est . . tas . ... ele e09 447 anemone es .. . iseseye . Geese est .. . . .. tesemusie. ... . .. 3 000 2 SN 2 034

'" 2 10$ 2 Den 2 10e 0 se aan city ......

aasseen es== . . Otraes . 2$2 2p 23 7 9 Chens ...... . 3 677 7 Ole 3 770 Os asussen esen.. . Came Ceedsee .. . . 80 FF F1 y aneee ases= . unrep . Che ansees cav.. . . . is=ess . . 272 330 anyes ase... . Seen .

442 8%

3a4 ga See Fe Oman seen .. . .. aten .... .. . . . . 123 iSI 290 135 ansse twv ..... Diese . . 334 Obuent u*e . ce

. . .. . .,. . . 9 tabe : _ 0ON 9 '% 6 257

  • 38 7 3e0 CD =e== veses . m*8eem .. Fra -p' anser seen . . venap . ... .

ane ee es, . aueen . . 12 274 1 34 H IDF 120 12 SM 13F Sen rev.... ' . . .. Scest .. . .. . I 26e 1 226 1 000

.. nue .. ..

enese cwe . . isme . Seemnes two,.. . . 909 FM 087 s

annessema e .... .. . amenegames, 8 FF les 201 235 i%


Seese . .. . seems .. . . .. .. 12$ #2 513 mese .emse . . les==== . . 223 234 e7 @*=e cnv . . so, ..

annen == . . . . . . ba=== . . I 947 .. . .. 922 883 800 g eneyg .emy ..

i Ma i 470

. Ge*en . . 47 23 .anse Oesss essin c e,.. . tese .. .. .. . . . I o92 I Des F4:

(-.- asere .enge . AGus . . . . . . II - ...

. Caneuejos me.. . . . I 924 1 090 Fat

.- man ce . . . .. . .

ana g,e, .emy ,

tempowe . . . M1 474 e00 40eNf e4 ... . . . . e0

. sene . . 257 207 22e Ouhse eq . reser ,,..,

anse even .... ... . . weaum . F8 80 338 33g 274


100 i assumessen cev.. . eween . . . 314 29 . . . .Oswam ist es . . . ... .. .. .. ... . Se 13 7"

. . 3% De sse ep me... ... .. ...

uma esen . . . . . . . . 1rea., t I82 ea0 See Gersom osv... . $s oss -

323 20$ 274 amure essa se== , . . mesensasa 154 369 tai 3 Fa e one 332 Oneses es== .. . . he=en ..

ananen Cs, osv., . . os, e... 343 375 aos 93 10e e33 onw ee use.. ... . Cause 472 ea0

' semper .es, ... . . Beeman . . 13 414 12 908 13 170 Oswese erv .... . . Se taan .

ale ammase e ( samme, M1 pe si' 0=ssemes

. .. It 420 24 sit 22 F63 Deen es, .ess.. . . . . . . Gausses.._ 2 341 2 aio 2 3F9 anspo au,e say... .. . 9 imme . . . . .. Omesen - 29m 2 334

. 2 F74 3 722 3 132 I 534 sumou an._ tese __ _ 4 gio annen osv .. . fossi . .. . 6 I44 5 917 1 319 3 247 2 NS

.. . lowe ese me..... 4 347

.Iseman ip me . ............ 4 390 3 247 2 793 4 22$ 4 lll $8 Lams tp se :

teneue rp me .. ... I Fel i FI2 1 faa passage es,... . . . . . . . . Se tese -

12 . .

i 848mpe use ... .. .. 4 $42 -$ Ota l 106 ansion anses, Cet est .. . . . . annenfee .... ..

g 2 557 3 4e9 3 res 2 933

  • is se 2 454 2 337 puis cav . ....... . . .. .. . .. ammeus .. I $90 I as2 370 337 231 I N3 musee ts es .. . 2 ISF 2 II9 2 102 asteams feeven esee,ne --- .. . . . .. ... asseensa . plane - - ...

270 834 Its

, sammeses, Cs, es, . .. . usassay, . 2 101 2 ISF t 997 1 253 1 229 r

aamouses esise -

1 914 8eeser vampe .. . . .. . .... f.eaan Isa

. . Less - ..... '34 Ili 199 puime est less aamse 233 222 i a m memese ser ...... . ... . anev . ... #8 53I 524 8esus use .._ _ _ _ ausses,. .. .,

I 000 1 0$1 8 Geo assysasen esen - - Lsseguen . . 129 13I 11F  !!3 232 240 p me est use amse 1 210 fuessee pass sense: _ If Las i 221 1 337 I 313 assuse, inse esen - Isma - -

1 332 3 417 .


. 74 5 $20 4F2 femmese put vemp - _ le Lam -

ananome asv _ . '

ice 234 732 531 Fed M

( -

- - _ _- esen anne, syv .

.- . . . . . . . . . m ne as femmas sume punt . neun samenus esos .. ..


$3 tag 223

....Osv.......... 208 337 293 8eneumsg es, - $4 ge

^r 88Pue=8e soon -

Desses .

8te 302 Sa0 F33 anemes ames a,sy (siman - - ate 3M 340 05 10 m aanse Gov es . pus - I edF 1 202 12s0 8emeur est .Ces- 1 $FI 43g ammunnes vesen . Id Id pasens sen iemge le Lums . . ...... . 79 F.03

$g anm Geese es asun , .

mm- 99

_ g. aneps : 3 M4 3 377 134 fisu,ssuem pas asy - semos . .. Iseesse -- t3e 3 174 eman -

F- anmsman vos est - . sesmas - 3 esa 1 320 936 336 gg, gf anums lamme egen . See PW vide est- . Pesy... .... 7 3a3 $ 149 i-131 139 teF 3 teF asas muun esse._ sessess _ _ 142 tel 221 Puisse es, -

_ aanse veums opp._ - Lausume 3 34l 2 4E5 Jefeween ..... .... .. 2 722 $17 g,g c assen,1 Cast . 2 301, f'Wes 089 suun essmann

... m88veme ...... 8 Ill ... ... fadusaug asse _- 39 Fg gi f- mummma asy ..... - ts8esus's _ 271

. Lamme' . 134 IF3 g . . . . . . 263 213 fanse, esen 142

  • - ausse es, ...... ........Suur..........

memese es,_ _ _mp measuev- . 21 2 35,5 l ,24506 234

. . . . 402 See m9 fise Gs, es, i $$$

h uma Gsv see . . . maner -- ISI 114 110 ftp (seio est -

tensesus l 39, g opy I 006

,- inspes asy . .... Cameer Fai

_ tws ts - die 301 383 701 400

% ftse Emmt est - - Den - -

Immun est .... ..... ...... . helme _ . . . . . . . . 248 230 241 feie (see est le taas -

722 582 524 f ameno cas ..... . . . . .. . . mensen . . ..... . ... . . . 9 W3 7 Sif F 452 sawsee suun anspeamul -

e 442 3 745 $ 943

-_ tumens est - _ weaun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Cee 9 F3e 4 414 les eas 454 ahmes eems- .... . .. Esus tum gumsame ese -- .. Caessay 105 lie lie finne Gov est - - phone 2 lid ,

"- ..... $19 427 359 plane aussa ery - 2 022 I IN tamest osv -- mene a67

_ femus _ 743 804 084 flunimag ese _ -sh- des p3 i Rue Came esma _ anusse.... 246 240 270 flamme sed spy - 2 0*$ I 832 0 463

_ Cass - 3 301 a- 3 396 2 ese g' W32 MIES048R1 -


.- 9. .

  • -. ..u . t. .n.

s s.%,.pn. . - . m.s .w :.. -

-,9 m. w. a., t.y)~r z.~.n.2 v.. .* .. ' - -

..N. m, qp. ..

+; . .

s e

  • er . . .


TeWe 5. Pepsiedes of Meces: 1%0 01900-con. .

- M'w4.

re s s, . u es e. . es. ease, e.. ..m e . es .,s , e, tes eu. e.r .

han ,. m ed n esse  : , M Messe * .- ,

condes ceases oesissee.d coudes , , J co,nses,,,, posisessed

. i.,0 .

n ,,,, i. I., .i=

e s. 2u 24 w. ee. . . F=


. sn ni e iss.,e . .

. . ,., e.,4, .i .u.


- .u.e _



_, -... .. . . . . . ..C.O.s.,.......,.....


es u....

es.E . .

i u, im iO2 92F i in in



( ,i . 33 2 .n.


200 i 08 2 Os, F.

436 ee8 #89.. . ifweiv . . eat eos esp 84Is sur .- - (mened.. . . .. SeJ . . . . . .

Busur hd est....... twaus ..... . 42 139 14 el) Il 924 ifwenun cev... .4.. . vesen , eg e egg 434 9 Oisen .. ese 100 3FI 9eenn eema . . . . . . . .. . . mee . . . 220 IF2 Sams Oese 0, 2 $,1 .

8esuus.ess Sweegs t ose imus esv _ use enssus . . 3 er0 3 HP 2 101 .mus .. . nsese. .. 3ra 32 272 Summ ese Dessede esse ,

, pessen . .

. 2 $20 e es 2 Fel ill 2 801 s ee Des Ogue Gesesse eese..

1ressins, es, . .

. erasen . .

58 teen . 10FF 39 l get 4 730 huum eesse sse . . Cas 2m 22t 213 see mmes'.. . musess . 332 *M iFP sm u seesde ems,... .... .. . .. . Os,mus . . . .. ias lil let bassim eens. . . ... . slueev .. . . . . 189 '12 IlP Messem peg . Tese . . . . . . . . . 17 eli le GM 13 Iol huusum esp .. . . uses . .. . I 2ee # 329 1 683 . . *** unee es au . ees 300 44 hemuf est.... . .. . . . Jeesus .. 3.2 321 ist hea *y pi .. 'e 743 la 390 13 eM hues es, - - .. . tse ... . 243 234 20 7 les semes . . . .. . . . uwem .. 28 7 los iFe hace ese - . . . te v. . . ... . g e2g ses es t tot seus Oesa esse..

%sioe m ,

. tw=*ea . 14 381 440 812 42$

Anass esy. .... .. . 5seasse . . .. y 133 P5e e37 hamn Cav sup . . . . treasump . . . . .J 'llk $40 $# . %s** - 2 492 2 SF4 2 747 emmans esen ... . . .. . aussues.. .1 '

ee W 91 l'3 ils'meen ins s tav . .en. .. . . svag S$e 402 19$

g' ipte@drg,s, .. . . . . . . que . , . t GF3 8 741 5 21e Gihn esse...... . hian . . ...'. Set 8't SGI iss . mes. . . et e4 93 haamus sengs.... . . . . . . Osy . . . . . H 'On J es .

g ,'*inG"we,semus gee e m ,, . .. . . hoques . 212 220 2M

. . . essesmee., .

  • \e34  !)4 29 2 ins
  • 4essee samme . . . . . Dee . . H0 ' ad 8M esse .. . . . . . . ' sees .

Resumissen essa... . . 10 4 294 202 ,

. *sa s' . . .

assume es, .. . (eas . .. . . 3 iis 54 7 2e8 is** Las=de 's== . . $$ S2 F4 as,esmo one ., .. . mesess . .

  • 31 F19
  • 33 30e IF 383 insa uses (as m . . esto ime sie 453 soe asu en aumm.. , . ese . . . . h 's 197 / 202 2G3 iss==s ice dDP . . b* Lean ,

] 20 432 '$ es# ..

tum sum *. . . . . . .. . . Asusse . . A le 80 ise's t** . . . . . . . O*9'4* . 143 100 272 aussen ene sesse . . nsween .. 222 IN M2 temese s . . . . . .(neet 3M ad ato essen asse .. .. mass . i0i 12%  : sl sysivens os, . feewe '20 #et #1 461

%esap eake .dme, ese 813 'e'4 r e0 e3 tuse 1 pus est.. . %sse . . . . 408 , d, .2 284 327  %*seset s*v . . W ' 30 I

  • eM l 400 asan esen.. . Guessh . . 'M I40 ' to kwe t % asen. inween a 32 822 821 Immset est . . Casse - 4 eel ' 24'8 'S base r*f . **'ses ee 2 aie 2 '0F 2 $31 W seen .. . .Che. 'N 144 90

' e9 geeeings ps, , .

ia _ _ _ . ' '? s eri s ,(.o eeg

  • 470 e ;g2 e 122 amuse seum . . erien . I o n bues sous . . . . 4u*** . 2 10 17 t es b3 Id (W9 . . $sest . I all 0 eel 6 49% %ssee.gsih ps, . De est . $32 4 )4 ees 58eteep ede . f ees 412 1 'A l 834 essed os, . tese . . . . I #22 i F93 ' 442 9eseemsw *s== teaua e6 35 es

.(eseen .y es .. 98 8 etna veas Lee < *e asure=e . 232 2C,3 22I Leesp .os se . 22 42 sumas ise sw. .

I 80 3 . 911 r ee; somseye . ems, 'ye g . 104 2C1 172

. ase . . . . 4 See ' e=esa y. . 2ec i72


. e - es, es, . . ... . . . .9 .se . H1 te a,# li = .e, eSeen . . . .

.. aq as, 3

! . .ne, tieus, suma .. 8tusie . . . 78 $3 me. 'sawes.e .anse mee, . 34 ei, e ice hayese est . . menu, . . . . Sie est ato 9e .e . usyr , ea see r F17 Ese enese . ese s'2 10 2  %=e s**e . 4, (,see g 2' l et l es . ps ..... . au si . . i 2e =e , e m. .. <su e, as

. 9 e.e. .u.s. .i C ' ee . -

,a 's:

- l w e ,.i  ;

- . . .u.. . . .

huruss two ... . . strie . . . 3 2rle 2 IJ1 t'i tuseme semus . . is Less .. I 16 7 3 Fel 1 "3e hge ( ase re, . 'y, a 7)* 2 tej

. se e. . .e a 3ci l ausmuse sse ........ . Rome . . 272 30 F 17) .s e ne y J. a 3** 4 ng 2 e42 ama-se esas enum.. . feev . . . 7'l l'i t la

.. . 9 tems . . $ 702 4 til e all %Aan v, eye g es: 1i 4 cet aus ama sov neesess,.... .

. eer eensa . 8 %It i 171 1 3'O Aeo se y . ;2 +

0 54 og tusses est . ..

. tsaus . 291 20 3 2%1 -' s.,..,e y . a e g,1i l

4 33 3 aal Amyreses sem . . feed . . . . . Fel 149 es t hw=samesse u, ',m, )* 0 sie 2w

.Cseme ese me .. 33 20 9w y at l 32 2, L ouanse tas se . 70s 174 es p ' , y e, agl I 13 ) 327 buts est....g ......e....... 8telun ... . I3 303 I3 SFI H I32 impues seen .. e me en el i g 234 Asurus ess . 9 Om . . . H t37 '73 hee ea seege Oswe 39 asummmes,e . . . . . . . .

asM esmo ... . . .

.. .... .. .... . . .. .. aseso124

. Genesimsp..

. 223 30 S 24%

200 23a  %,sivese me .. tr . . . 353 pi ia2 emmans =dmus ... - Onwoum . . I10 Ill Ila arisp .,e me . . . .

hun sed soms., . ameus ... . 1a0 115 132 essen. y me 333 jet t al Ghahmos esse . . . bet 8WER.. . III M Ii1 ammasaser esy..... .. ... . . Can . . ... . . 447 117 442 hse.e tsee .emsp . tese . . . . . t es ile Fg Enquage asum .. ...! .  : Susand . .. . 128 t19 iSS . Cs=en se as .. i 30 og 73 ame,s y . as .

3t lupuse sdage ..... .. .. . somem. ... . . . . M1 228 tee ss.,se iest tav . . . . . 9 issa . 4 341 4 124 3 ill 9 ans ese.._ _  : Is Lass . . . .. ... . .. Il 523 54 219 12 111 Sasse spege m . ...

...=9$same e een i s'a 1 *12 ins .,. ..

9 Owus _

.. 9 Owspo _ 37 3M 31 434 21 ite inese, *isi .auge . rei g2 so D Our es,es, -... . s'enes . = . I del 2 Us 2 FH bearvis us . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 222 Jia iso D Omd samur _ Caussed ...... .. .. 40 -38 .. fee eum tomare emge . .. too enes,s. . ....... '

54 lse Gassmee est .  : San Geessie .. ........ 4 een a des 4 ad3 teausses two ... . . See ansees . ier 2g'g a .

9 muasie seus _  : abey - _ _ _ g., 312 29 7 SF teeyues ,enge , . . two, , 3m i gg g 34 Is Gsegr eur 9 tass ... = 8 Set 2 033 I 323 tess en, . .. .. . (or . . . . Fit ... ,.

' 8" Is aumme esp :- 8tmes .... .'  % 3 329 - 3 979 3 3ee tone rev.. . . . . ser'emma 2 371 2 11 F 2 'ee is asin spy 9 Less . ... .. .... . . . P $$a g te0 F 342 Ie'esst eduqD . ... ..

10 49 D huma ssy : "

Fe ett -72 748 M 4F1 lesse Last semge., . . . . .Rhe ......

anseems.. 32e e ao 9 Lems asy..... ... - . . . . . . . . . 413 001 422 234 F10 024 fasse es, . . .... . . . Gegen .. . 2 2:, go,s i Fi2 9 ansees asy .. .. ........... Cass ... ..... FM ... ... flameses .emg . . . Oswa ... Joe i32

. $se Commune : Sol eel 420 fous tems . 9 Less .. . . ,.ge

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