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Supplemental Testimony of B Flicker Re Rockland County Emergency Plan.Info Being Gathered Re Evacuation of School Children.Affidavit of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/22/1983
From: Flicker B
Shared Package
ML20071C458 List:
Download: ML20071C489 (4)


{{#Wiki_filter:. -.. > j,. NTED CORRESPONDENCB ' * ~ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION g gggg. ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD Before Administrative Judges: James P. Gleason, Chairman '83 MR -1 A10:15 Dr. Oscar H. Paris Frederick J. Shon . u c.:. a, u r: DC:. i hG i. SERVic'. [ ltn the Matter of ) MNH Docket No. 50-247-SP CONSOLIDATED EDISON COMPANY 0-286-SP OF NEW YORK ) ) (Indian Point, Unit No. 2) ) ) POWER AUTHORITY O? THE STATE )- OF NEW YORK ) ) (Indian Point, Unit No. 3) ) i SUPPLEMENTARY TESTIMONY ROCKLAND COUNTY l NAME: Dr. B. Flicker ~ l. t Q. Please. state your full name and address. A. Dr. Bernard Flicker,'49 South Mountain Road, New City, New York. 10956 Q. Have you had the opportunity to review your prior testimony as submitted before the Atomic Safety and Licensing-Board. A.

Yes, Q.

Do you wish to update or supplement that testimony at this time? A. Yes. In-September, 1982, I was appointed as a representative to the Rockland County Citizens Advisory Committee. As a member of l that committee, I have been chairing the sub-committee.on schools, and am currently in the process of gathering information with' regard to the possibility of evacuation of school children in the event of'an accident at Indian Point. That information includes: 1. A specific survey of teachers' responses to an evacuation order. 2. A specific survey of bus drivers' responses to an evacuation order. 3. A specific survey of custodians' responses to an evacuation order. 8303020133 830222 PDR ADOCK 05000247 l-T PDR

<-.h e. o. 4. A specific survey of parent responses to an evacuation order.- 5. A specific survey of superintendents' appraisals of the possibilities of evacuation. 6. "A specific survey of school' board members' appraisals of the possibilities of evacuation. schools will respond to the survey which we are conductin prior to the date of Rockland County's further testimony before the Atomic. Safety and Licensing Board. At such time as I testify, I will be submitting supplemental information documenting our findings. l 9 d 0 h 4 3 5 E E = m Tid n



] (Indian Point, Unit 2) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE POWER AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK BY MAIL (Indian Point, Unit 3) Docket Nos. 50-247-SP


) ss.: COUNTY OF ROCKIAND ) TONI A!M SCALES , being duly sworn, deposes and suys that deponent is not a party to the action, is over 18 years of cge, and resides at: WEST HAVERSTRAW, NEW YORK That on the day of . February , 1983, deponent served the enclosed papers upon the parties listed in the attached pages by d: positing a true copy of same enclosed in a postpaid properly cddressed wrapper, in an official depository under the exclusive care cnd custody of the United States Post Office Department within the State of New York. ,bW lAWI -{d g' Sworn to Je. fore me this cOS TONI Alm SCALES day of :9///mm f-1983 n 4< -(,s_ e_e_- Mr4 NCffARY PUBLIG l ANASTASIA V. PONDt nom, mue. s:st. e n m ha 3404871 Qualues n neckland Cessty 4 Comaussenes tienes IAarsh 33 II

hW & W M T PDR D-c, P. C1:sson, Chairman Ch:rl:s M. Pratt, Esq. St nley 3. R11: berg, tog, ' rui:tr tive Judge Stephen L. Baum, Esq. General Ccunsel omia S;f ty and Licensing Board' Power Authority of the New York State Energy Of fice 2 Rocaef eller State Plass 3 Cilmours Drive State of New Yorg aver Spring, Maryland 20901 10 Columbus circle Albany, New York 12:23 New York, New York 10019 Atomic Safety and Licensing D. Prederick J. Shon Board Panel det:12tr:tive Judge Janice Moore, tso. posi? Saf:ty and Licensing Board Counsel for NRC Staf f U.S.139 clear Regulatory Commission cS. Muc1xr Regulatory office of the taecutive Washington, D.C. 20535 l Commission Legal Director pahington, D.C. 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atcate Safety and Licensing

h. Cse:r E.

Washington, D.C. 20555 Appeal Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Consission Paris >dsinistr:tive Judge trent L. Brandenburg, Esq. Washington, D.C. 20555 <oeta S:f:ty and Licensing Board Assistant General Counsel ,$. Muc1x r Regulatory Consolidated Edison Company Honorable Richard L. stodsky Commi' zion of New York, Inc. Meaner of the County Legislature C;&ngt's, D.C. 2 0555 4 Irving Place Westchester County New York, New York 10003 County of fice Building t White Planns, New York 10601 pr. Ernest C. Hill daicittr*.tive Judge .Ellyn R. W iss, Esq.

  • William S. Jordan, III, Esq.

21pporah S. Pleisher [ wrenca Livermore National, West Branch Conservation Labor:tIry Parson and Weiss tirr7 tty of California 1725 1 Stree t, N.W., Suite 50g Association 443 Buena Vista Road F. C. Dos 808 L-123 Washington, D.C. 20006 New City, New York 10956 Livermore, CA 94550 Charles A. Scheiner, Co-Chairperson eksting cnd Sstvice Branch Westchester People's Actton Mayor George V. segany

f fin cf the Secretary Coalition, Inc.

Village of Buchanan

.S. Nuc1:ar Regulatory Consission F.C. Dos 488 238 Tate Avenue 6:shtng ton, D.C.

20555 White Plains, New York 10602 tuchanan, New York 10511 Judith Kessler, Cocrdinator roan R71t, Project Director Alan Latsan, Esq. ndian P2 int Pro 3ect 44 Sunset Drive Rockland Citizens for Saf e Energy new Y;rk Patlic Interest Research C roton-On-H ud sonj New York 10520 300 New Meestead Road New City, New York 10956 C roup > Murr:y Street

  • Ezra 1. Bialik, Esq.

David H. Pikus, Esq. ew Y rk, l'ev York 10007 Steve Leipzig, Esq. Environraental Protection Bureau Richard P. Craja, Esq. Shea & Could ' fft:y M. Blum, Esq. New York State Attorney ew YIrk University Law School General's Cffice 330 Madison Avenue I 3 vand:r211t Hall Two World Trade Center New York, New York 10017 l0 W:shington Square South New York, New York 10047 Amanda Potterfield, Esq. new Y rk, New York 10012 Alfred B. Del Bello Jonnson 6 Coorge

hir100 J. Malkish, Esq.

Westchester County Esecutive $25 towa Avenue .itig3tiin Dtvtsien Westchester County Iowa City, Iowa $2240 Ph3 P:rt Authority of New York 148 Mart &ne Avenue cnd N m Jersey White Plains, New York 10601 Ruthanne C. Miller, Esq. Atccac Safety and >n2 CIrld Trade Center d;** Yirk, New York 10048 Andrew S. Reffe, Esq. Licensing Board Panel New York State Asse.-ely U.S. Nuclest Regulatory Albany, New York 12248 Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 't. Don:1d Davidof f Phyllis Rodrigues, Spokespe rson tractsr. Radiological Emergency Parents Concerned Acout Indian Pr:psr:dness Croup Point Charles Morgan, Jr. (*C. B Paul F. Colarulli r Cu n . 1750 goton Hudson, New York 10520 1cany, Nw York 12237 Joseph J. Levin, Jr. ' r:19 R pla n, Esq. C'cN7fs' q atirn21 trergency Civil Laurens R. Schwarts, Esq. 1899 L Street, N.W. Lie:rtiss Committee 1 75 Fif th Avenue, Suite 712 Washington, D. C. 20036 t a and Bertzberg

w Yark, New York 10010 200 Park Avenue New York, New York 10166

'ich:01 C. Diederich, Jr., Esq. Pelvin Coldberg stg2rcid, Lynch & Diederich Ronorable Ruth W. Me s sing e r Staff Atterney 4 C:ntrol Drive Member of the Councia of the New York Pucite Interest teny Paint, New York 10980 City of New York pesearen Group District to 9 Murray Street t ven C. Shelly City Hall New York, New York 10007 ntin of C*ncerned Scientists New York, New York 10007 ,246 Conecticut Avenue, N.W. utto 1101 Jonathan L. Levine, Esq. Creater New York Council P. C. Box 280 ochingtIn, D.C. 20036 on Energy New City, New York 10958 c/o Dean R. Corren. Director oenM W. Perry f fico sf General Counsel New York Universaty 26 Stuyvesant Street

ral Emergency Managerent Agency New York, New York 10003 00 C Strect. S. W.

x hington, D.C. 20472 3,,,gg3,, Indian Point Coordinator tew:rt M. Class 7 Tion 3l Crunsel New York City Audubon Society 71 West 23rd Street, suite 1828 ocn 1349 New York, New York 10010 20 r:1 targency Management Agency 6 Feoarc1 Plaza tchard P. Hartsman, Esq. Ps York. New York 10278 orna Salaman Mid-Atlantae pepresentative Fraends cf the Earth. Inc. 208 West 13tn Street hew York, New York 10011}}