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Testimony of H Poritzky Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/1983
From: Poritzky H
Shared Package
ML20073G541 List:
NUDOCS 8304180410
Download: ML20073G873 (2)



, 'k Ob23rvar Hal Poritzky Location Yorktown Polica Department 7:55 Arrived at police station.

4 5 officers were on duty, including 2 sergeants.

8: 00 Sergeant:

"We received a call. which said the sirens sounded."

Officer: "We never hear the sirens."

8:15 Sergeant: "Anything you hear about Indian Point, give me a holler."

8: 24 Via radio:

"This is a drill.

Alert is on.

Station 29 Ten mile zone alert officials.

38 inform Suprr-visor of Ossining.

Contact Supervisor."

8: 28

" Hello Supervisor, we are on Alert."

" Call all cars:

alert has commenced."

8632 Acknowledgements from cars.

Calls to highway department, water department and parks department to inform of Alert.

8:43 Civil Defense Communication equipment brought in.

8:47 WVIP reporter approaches desk.

"Will the Chief be in for comeents during the morning?" Ans: "I Don' t know."

"How about the sergeant?" Ans: "No problem." "Can you tell me where the Yorktown tiren is?" Ans: " All over."

Person from water department entered seeking information.

Officer: "We'll call you when you are needed."

Person left.

Reporter from North County News arrived:

"I'm here to cover the Ham Radio.

Are they here yet?"

8: 55 Two radio persons admitted to-back room.

9: 04 Civil Defense radio man arrives.

9: 06 Two radio persons (see 8: 55) leave. Civil defense radio man admitted to rear.

9: 09-

"At 8: 50 the County Executive made the following announce-9: 20 ment.

This is a drill.

All school children within the 10 mile EPZ are to be sent home.

Contact the Lakeland and Yorktown schools and teLL them to simulate drill.".

Officer on phone: "It is a drill.

If it wasn' t you would follow procedures...We are going through the motions...We are calling two school districts."


"Were you able to reach schools?"

Phoner: "Yes, but they. were unaware.

I had to explain."

9: 22 Town Supervisor arrives. Admitted to rear offices.

9: 29 Incoming officer:

"D 1 you call my home?"


"We had to call all 02f-duty personnel."

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Hal Poritzky Pago 2 9:45 Sirens sounded.

Heard by observer Poritzky.

9:55 -

Sergeant gives instructions to three Town employees, 10:25 one each from departments of parks, highways, water, about kits to be carried in vehiclo.

Kits were legal size envelopes containing:

- dosimeter, to be worn on clothing

- tablets for thyroid (KI) with instructions from county health department

- dose cards to be filled out instructions:

- read dosimeter

- record reading on card

- have weather gear

- return kit when drill is over

Park Department to clear parks

- all to serve as traffic congrol officers

- allow people to leave but check contamination with dosimeter

- do not allow people to enter 10:25 Observer Poritzky departed.


Police Department did a professionally competent job.

They were inforacd about their role but there was an air. of skepticism pending. During the exercise an actual accident occured on the Taconic Parkway which drew ambulances.

When I was working as a teacher I was trained in dosimetry as part of the civil defense program, and I remember that one brief introduction to the subject would not have been enough to prepare a person to use the equipment. The Town employees had received no previous training in dosimetry.
