MONTHYEARJPN-99-029, Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 72 Re Reporting Requirement for Nuclear Power Reactors1999-09-20020 September 1999 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 72 Re Reporting Requirement for Nuclear Power Reactors ML20212E4181999-09-15015 September 1999 Petition Per 10CFR2.206 Requesting OL for Unit 2 Be Modified or Suspended to Prevent Restart Until Reasonable Assurance That Licensee in Substantial Compliance with Terms of OL & Has Proper Consideration for Public Health & Safety JPN-99-022, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Requirements for Industry Codes & Stds1999-06-22022 June 1999 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Requirements for Industry Codes & Stds ML20202J6321999-01-20020 January 1999 Transcript of 990120 Meeting in Peekskill,Ny Re Decommissioning.Pp 1-132.With Related Documentation ML20198L2731998-12-21021 December 1998 Comment Supporting NEI Re Proposed Rules 10CFR50, 52 & 72 Re Changes,Tests & Experiments ML20198E9721998-12-21021 December 1998 Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC-Licensed Activities. Orders That Wh Clark Prohibited for 1 Yr from Engaging in NRC-Licensed Activities JPN-98-052, Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50,52 & 72 Re Changes,Tests & Experiments.Util Endorses & Supports Position Presented by NEI & Commends Commission for Initiative to Address Disconnects1998-12-21021 December 1998 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50,52 & 72 Re Changes,Tests & Experiments.Util Endorses & Supports Position Presented by NEI & Commends Commission for Initiative to Address Disconnects JPN-98-050, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Monitoring Effectiveness of Maint at Nuclear Power Plants.Encourages NRC Staff to Withdraw Proposed Change & to Work with Nuclear Power Industry & Other Stakeholders to Accomplish Goal1998-12-14014 December 1998 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Monitoring Effectiveness of Maint at Nuclear Power Plants.Encourages NRC Staff to Withdraw Proposed Change & to Work with Nuclear Power Industry & Other Stakeholders to Accomplish Goal ML20155F4561998-08-26026 August 1998 Demand for Info Re False Info Allegedly Provided by Wh Clark to Two NRC Licensees.Nrc Considering Whether Individual Should Be Prohibited from Working in NRC-licensed Activities for Period of 5 Yrs IA-98-261, Partially Deleted Transcript of 980520 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re J Stipek.Pp 1-461998-05-20020 May 1998 Partially Deleted Transcript of 980520 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re J Stipek.Pp 1-46 ML20238F5271998-05-20020 May 1998 Partially Deleted Transcript of 980520 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re J Stipek.Pp 1-46 ML20238F5241998-05-0606 May 1998 Transcript of 980506 Enforcement Conference Held in King of Prussia,Pa Re Con Edison,Indian Point.Pp 1-75 JPN-97-037, Comment on Final Direct Rule Changes to Paragraph (H) of 10CFR50.55a Codes & Standards. Effective Date of New Rule Should Be Delayed Until Listed Concerns Can Be Resolved & Appropriate Changes Incorporated1997-12-0101 December 1997 Comment on Final Direct Rule Changes to Paragraph (H) of 10CFR50.55a Codes & Standards. Effective Date of New Rule Should Be Delayed Until Listed Concerns Can Be Resolved & Appropriate Changes Incorporated ML20149D2521997-07-11011 July 1997 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,App R,Section III.G.2.c to Extent That Requires Installation of Automatic Suppression Sys in Certain Fire Areas.Exemption Approved for Listed Fire Areas.Exemption for Fire Zone FH-FZ-5 Denied ML20148M6471997-06-19019 June 1997 Comment Opposing Porposed NRC Bulletin 96-001,suppl 1, CR Insertion Problems ML20133N0511997-01-0505 January 1997 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Draft Policy Statement on Resturcturing & Economic Deregulation of Electric Util Industry ML20149M4621996-12-0909 December 1996 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Draft Policy Statement on Restructuring & Economic Deregulation of Electric Utility Industry ML20077G3481994-12-0808 December 1994 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR2,51 & 54 Re Nuclear Power License Renewal ML20070P0561994-04-19019 April 1994 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re NRC Draft Policy Statement on Use of Decommissioning Trust Funds Before Decommissioning Plan Approval ML20029C5771994-03-11011 March 1994 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR20 Re Draft Rule on Decommissioning.Informs That 15 Mrem/Yr Unreasonably Low Fraction of Icrp,Ncrp & Regulatory Public Dose Limit of 100 Mrem/Yr ML20059C3031993-12-28028 December 1993 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-21-2 Re Definition of Commercial Grade Item ML20045H8751993-07-19019 July 1993 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR55 Re Exam Procedures for Operator Licensing.Supports Rule ML20045F2451993-06-28028 June 1993 Comment on Proposal Re Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning NRC-licensed Facilities.Opposes Proposed Criteria JPN-93-045, Comment on Proposal Re Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning NRC-licensed Facilities.Opposes Proposed Criteria1993-06-28028 June 1993 Comment on Proposal Re Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning NRC-licensed Facilities.Opposes Proposed Criteria ML20044F5681993-05-20020 May 1993 Comment on Draft Commercial Grade Dedication Insp Procedure 38703,entitled Commercial Grade Procurement Insp. Endorses NUMARC Comments JPN-02-034, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50.54 Re Receipt of Byproduct & Special Nuclear Matl1992-07-0606 July 1992 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50.54 Re Receipt of Byproduct & Special Nuclear Matl JPN-91-021, Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR71,170 & 171, Rev of Fee Schedules;100% Fee Recovery. Endorses NUMARC Comments. Approx 300% Increase in NRC Fees for FY91 Will Have Major Impact Upon Operating & Maint Budgets of Plants1991-05-13013 May 1991 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR71,170 & 171, Rev of Fee Schedules;100% Fee Recovery. Endorses NUMARC Comments. Approx 300% Increase in NRC Fees for FY91 Will Have Major Impact Upon Operating & Maint Budgets of Plants JPN-91-005, Comment Re SECY-90-347, Regulatory Impact Survey Rept. Util Concurs W/Numarc Comments.Analysis of Info from NUREG-1395 Insufficient to Complete Evaluation.Root Cause Analysis of Seven Themes Listed in SECY-90-347 Recommended1991-01-28028 January 1991 Comment Re SECY-90-347, Regulatory Impact Survey Rept. Util Concurs W/Numarc Comments.Analysis of Info from NUREG-1395 Insufficient to Complete Evaluation.Root Cause Analysis of Seven Themes Listed in SECY-90-347 Recommended ML20066G4411991-01-23023 January 1991 Comments on Proposed Rule 10CFR2,50 & 54 Re Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal.Substantive Typo in 901015 Filing on Behalf of Licensee Noted ML20058G6341990-10-30030 October 1990 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re fitness-for-duty Program JPN-90-068, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR51 Re Renewal of Nuclear Plant OLs & NRC Intent to Prepare Generic EIS1990-10-22022 October 1990 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR51 Re Renewal of Nuclear Plant OLs & NRC Intent to Prepare Generic EIS JPN-90-067, Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR2,50 & 54 Re Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal.Endorses Comments Submitted by NUMARC1990-10-15015 October 1990 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR2,50 & 54 Re Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal.Endorses Comments Submitted by NUMARC ML20065H7541990-10-15015 October 1990 Comment Re Proposed Rules 10CFR2,50 & 54 on Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal.Commission Assessment of Four Alternatives Should Be Expanded to Include Not Only Safety Considerations But Other Atomic Energy Act Objectives JPN-90-052, Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-55 Re Revs to FSAR1990-07-0909 July 1990 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-55 Re Revs to FSAR JPN-90-050, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR55 Re Operators Licenses Mod for fitness-for-duty.Proposed Rule Will Place More Stringent Restrictions on Licensed Operators & Unnecessary1990-07-0202 July 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR55 Re Operators Licenses Mod for fitness-for-duty.Proposed Rule Will Place More Stringent Restrictions on Licensed Operators & Unnecessary ML20033G4331990-03-27027 March 1990 Order Impositing Civil Monetary Penalty in Amount of $50,000 for Safeguards/Security Violations Noted During 890605-07 Insp ML20012C6491990-03-0909 March 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Fracture Toughness Requirements for Protection Against PTS Events. Any Utilization of NRC Proposed Application of Reg Guide 1.99, Rev 2,would Be Inappropriate W/O re-evaluation by NRC ML20006D3341990-02-0606 February 1990 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Systematic Assessment of Experience 900206 Meeting in Bethesda,Md Re Proposed Power Level Increase for Plant.Pp 1-147.Supporting Info Encl ML20005F6521989-12-13013 December 1989 Comment on Proposed Draft Reg Guide DG-1001, Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants. Util Concurs w/industry-wide Position Presented by NUMARC & Offers Addl Comments ML20246P6061989-07-0707 July 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components. Significant & Independent Industry Efforts Already Underway to Address Issue ML20245K1941989-06-16016 June 1989 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR50,72 & 170 Re Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in NRC-Approved Storage Casks at Nuclear Power Reactor Sites JPN-89-008, Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants1989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20235V9011989-02-24024 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants. Supports NUMARC Position.Proposed Rule Will Hinder Important Initiatives to Improve Maint JPN-88-063, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program.Util Has Constitutional Concerns Re Proposed Random Testing Which Should Be Fully Addressed Prior to Rule Being Promulgated.Endorses NUMARC & EEI Comments1988-11-18018 November 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program.Util Has Constitutional Concerns Re Proposed Random Testing Which Should Be Fully Addressed Prior to Rule Being Promulgated.Endorses NUMARC & EEI Comments ML20205L8521988-10-21021 October 1988 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR20 Re Cleaning or Disposing of Nuclear Waste.Incineration of Radwaste Oil Should Not Be Allowed JPN-88-015, Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Licensee Announcements of Inspectors.Rule Includes Requirement Contrary to Mgt Notification Practices.Rule Should Clarify Length of Time Applicable Once Inspector Arrives on Site1988-04-18018 April 1988 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Licensee Announcements of Inspectors.Rule Includes Requirement Contrary to Mgt Notification Practices.Rule Should Clarify Length of Time Applicable Once Inspector Arrives on Site JPN-88-002, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Proposed Policy Statement on Integrated Schedules for Implementation of Plant Mods.Concerns Re Schedule as License Amend Expressed1988-01-25025 January 1988 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Proposed Policy Statement on Integrated Schedules for Implementation of Plant Mods.Concerns Re Schedule as License Amend Expressed JPN-87-062, Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR4,11,25,30,31,32,34,35,40,50, 60,61,70,71,73,74,75,95 & 110 Re Retention Period for Records.Proposed Changes Ineffective in Reducing Record Vol & Rule Remains Inconsistent & Complex1987-12-31031 December 1987 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR4,11,25,30,31,32,34,35,40,50, 60,61,70,71,73,74,75,95 & 110 Re Retention Period for Records.Proposed Changes Ineffective in Reducing Record Vol & Rule Remains Inconsistent & Complex JPN-87-053, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Revising Backfitting Process for Power Reactors.Minor Alterations Urged Re Conditions Under Which Backfit Needed to Assure Adequate Protection1987-10-15015 October 1987 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Revising Backfitting Process for Power Reactors.Minor Alterations Urged Re Conditions Under Which Backfit Needed to Assure Adequate Protection JPN-87-051, Comment Opposing Draft NUREG-1150, Reactor Risk Ref Document. Reduced Uncertainty in Risk Assessment Found to Be Significant W/Respect to NUREG-1150.NUREG Also Does Not Consider Value of Operator Actions.Addl Comments Encl1987-09-28028 September 1987 Comment Opposing Draft NUREG-1150, Reactor Risk Ref Document. Reduced Uncertainty in Risk Assessment Found to Be Significant W/Respect to NUREG-1150.NUREG Also Does Not Consider Value of Operator Actions.Addl Comments Encl 1999-09-20
[Table view] Category:TRANSCRIPTS
MONTHYEARML20202J6321999-01-20020 January 1999 Transcript of 990120 Meeting in Peekskill,Ny Re Decommissioning.Pp 1-132.With Related Documentation ML20238F5271998-05-20020 May 1998 Partially Deleted Transcript of 980520 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re J Stipek.Pp 1-46 IA-98-261, Partially Deleted Transcript of 980520 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re J Stipek.Pp 1-461998-05-20020 May 1998 Partially Deleted Transcript of 980520 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re J Stipek.Pp 1-46 ML20238F5241998-05-0606 May 1998 Transcript of 980506 Enforcement Conference Held in King of Prussia,Pa Re Con Edison,Indian Point.Pp 1-75 ML20006D3341990-02-0606 February 1990 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Systematic Assessment of Experience 900206 Meeting in Bethesda,Md Re Proposed Power Level Increase for Plant.Pp 1-147.Supporting Info Encl ML20076H8011983-09-0101 September 1983 Table C-8 to Sc Sholly Testimony on Question 5,to Be Included as Page C-8 to App C ML20076J1551983-06-15015 June 1983 Corrections to Special Proceeding Transcripts ML20072A0791983-06-0808 June 1983 Testimony of J Holt,K Toscani & P Posner Before House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy Conservation & Power Re Public Role in Planning,Testing & Implementing Emergency Response Procedures ML20023D7571983-05-26026 May 1983 Transcript of Commission 830526 Meeting in Washington,Dc, Re Emergency Planning & Preparedness.Pp 1-117.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20071L8821983-05-20020 May 1983 Testimony of RW Carlisle Re Potential Hazards of Nuclear accidents.Long-range Educ in Nuclear Radiation Should Be Implemented.Robots Should Be Developed to Dismantle Plant After Meltdown ML20071H1591983-05-20020 May 1983 Statement of Clergy,Religious & Laity Concerned About Indian Point.Common Citizens Reject Idea That Expertise Irrelevant. Value of Human Life Is Supreme Value ML20071H1841983-05-20020 May 1983 Testimony of AP Orourke Re Actions Taken to Improve Emergency Planning Since Commission 830505 Order.Unions Representing Bus Drivers Fully Support Orientation Course on Radiological Emergency Response Procedures ML20071H2311983-05-19019 May 1983 Statement of T Weiss Re Proposed Evacuation Plans.Plants Should Be Shut Down Permanently.Planning for Nuclear Accident Futile.Public Safety Should Be Top Priority ML20071H2221983-05-18018 May 1983 Statement to Be Incorporated in Minutes of Commission 830526 Public Hearing.State/Federal Govt Must Force Counties to Devise Evacuation Plans.Problems W/Emergency Plans Must Be Resolved Before 830609 ML20023B9681983-04-28028 April 1983 Testimony of La Cohen in Rebuttal to Testimony of D Gutman. Testimony to Be Included W/Aslb 830420 Transcript. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20204F3871983-04-26026 April 1983 Transcript of 830426 Hearing in White Plains,Ny.Pp 14,419-14,596.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20069L1211983-04-25025 April 1983 Testimony of Re Gendron Re 830309 Emergency Excercise Observation ML20073R3321983-04-19019 April 1983 Reorganized Testimony of Jr Thornborough & D Bohning Re Contention 6.2 Concerning Impact of Shutdown on Physical Environ Near Facility ML20073R3051983-04-19019 April 1983 Testimony of D Gutman Re Prevailing Wind Patterns ML20073R3261983-04-19019 April 1983 Testimony of RR Holt Re Sample Surveys & Bystander Behavior ML20073G3961983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of GL Fitzpatrick on Commission Question 6 Re Energy,Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20073H0341983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Fc Dunbar Re Energy,Environ & Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdown.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20073G9921983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of CR Dean,Hm Hochman & Ph Rubin Re Energy,Environ & Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdown ML20073G3411983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of C Wang on Commission Question 6 Re Energy, Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3. Related Correspondence ML20073G3111983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Wj Wagers on Commission Question 6 Re Energy, Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3. Related Correspondence ML20073G2391983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of RA Rosen on Commission Question 6.3 Re Economics of Closing Plants.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20073G3751983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Pc Freudenthal on Commission Question 6 Re Energy,Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3.Natural gas-fired & oil-fired Internal Combustion Engine Cogeneration Would Be Implemented.Related Correspondence ML20073H0081983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Ma Conant Re Energy,Environ & Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdown.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20073G3631983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Am Stewart on Commission Question 6 Re Energy, Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3. Substantial Portion of Generator Capacity Would Be Lost to Natural gas-fired Cogeneration.Related Correspondence ML20073G9681983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Wl Fleisher Re Economic Benefits of Plant Shutdown.Related Correspondence ML20073G3011983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of ET Meehan on Commission Question 6 Re Energy Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3. Substantial Economic Penalty to State of Ny,Util & Util Svc Area Would Result.Related Correspondence ML20073H0041983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Rh Bower Re 830309 Emergency Exercise ML20073G5491983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Sh Streiter on Commission Question 6 Re Direct Costs of Closing Plants ML20073G8251983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Mj Larkin Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G6891983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Wexler Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G9491983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Jm Parmelee Re Energy & Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdown ML20073G8011983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of C Northrup Re Observations Made During Nov 1982 Westchester County Nuclear Disaster Planning Training Session ML20073G7751983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of P Hochman Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G6691983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of D Saltzman Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G5631983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of N Mills Re 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G7361983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Bk Hickernell Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G7161983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of W Conklin Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073H1591983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of K Toscani,K Feit & L Culpepper Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073H0251983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of N Powell Re 830309 Emergency Exercise ML20073G6231983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of M Waters Re 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073H1321983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of B Lang Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073H2111983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of ED Spilka Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20073J2631983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Dp McGuire Re 830309 Emergency Preparedness Exercise.Areas Discussed Include Public Info Ofc,Accident Assessment,Executive Decisionmaking,Operation Coordination & State Police Function.Affidavit of Svc Encl ML20073G5901983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of R Duffee Re Response of Peekskill Hosp to 830309 Emergency Evacuation Drill ML20073G8731983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of H Poritzky Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise 1999-01-20
[Table view] Category:DEPOSITIONS
MONTHYEARML20202J6321999-01-20020 January 1999 Transcript of 990120 Meeting in Peekskill,Ny Re Decommissioning.Pp 1-132.With Related Documentation ML20238F5271998-05-20020 May 1998 Partially Deleted Transcript of 980520 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re J Stipek.Pp 1-46 IA-98-261, Partially Deleted Transcript of 980520 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re J Stipek.Pp 1-461998-05-20020 May 1998 Partially Deleted Transcript of 980520 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re J Stipek.Pp 1-46 ML20238F5241998-05-0606 May 1998 Transcript of 980506 Enforcement Conference Held in King of Prussia,Pa Re Con Edison,Indian Point.Pp 1-75 ML20006D3341990-02-0606 February 1990 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Systematic Assessment of Experience 900206 Meeting in Bethesda,Md Re Proposed Power Level Increase for Plant.Pp 1-147.Supporting Info Encl ML20076H8011983-09-0101 September 1983 Table C-8 to Sc Sholly Testimony on Question 5,to Be Included as Page C-8 to App C ML20076J1551983-06-15015 June 1983 Corrections to Special Proceeding Transcripts ML20072A0791983-06-0808 June 1983 Testimony of J Holt,K Toscani & P Posner Before House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy Conservation & Power Re Public Role in Planning,Testing & Implementing Emergency Response Procedures ML20023D7571983-05-26026 May 1983 Transcript of Commission 830526 Meeting in Washington,Dc, Re Emergency Planning & Preparedness.Pp 1-117.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20071L8821983-05-20020 May 1983 Testimony of RW Carlisle Re Potential Hazards of Nuclear accidents.Long-range Educ in Nuclear Radiation Should Be Implemented.Robots Should Be Developed to Dismantle Plant After Meltdown ML20071H1591983-05-20020 May 1983 Statement of Clergy,Religious & Laity Concerned About Indian Point.Common Citizens Reject Idea That Expertise Irrelevant. Value of Human Life Is Supreme Value ML20071H1841983-05-20020 May 1983 Testimony of AP Orourke Re Actions Taken to Improve Emergency Planning Since Commission 830505 Order.Unions Representing Bus Drivers Fully Support Orientation Course on Radiological Emergency Response Procedures ML20071H2311983-05-19019 May 1983 Statement of T Weiss Re Proposed Evacuation Plans.Plants Should Be Shut Down Permanently.Planning for Nuclear Accident Futile.Public Safety Should Be Top Priority ML20071H2221983-05-18018 May 1983 Statement to Be Incorporated in Minutes of Commission 830526 Public Hearing.State/Federal Govt Must Force Counties to Devise Evacuation Plans.Problems W/Emergency Plans Must Be Resolved Before 830609 ML20023B9681983-04-28028 April 1983 Testimony of La Cohen in Rebuttal to Testimony of D Gutman. Testimony to Be Included W/Aslb 830420 Transcript. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20204F3871983-04-26026 April 1983 Transcript of 830426 Hearing in White Plains,Ny.Pp 14,419-14,596.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20069L1211983-04-25025 April 1983 Testimony of Re Gendron Re 830309 Emergency Excercise Observation ML20073R3321983-04-19019 April 1983 Reorganized Testimony of Jr Thornborough & D Bohning Re Contention 6.2 Concerning Impact of Shutdown on Physical Environ Near Facility ML20073R3051983-04-19019 April 1983 Testimony of D Gutman Re Prevailing Wind Patterns ML20073R3261983-04-19019 April 1983 Testimony of RR Holt Re Sample Surveys & Bystander Behavior ML20073G3961983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of GL Fitzpatrick on Commission Question 6 Re Energy,Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20073H0341983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Fc Dunbar Re Energy,Environ & Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdown.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20073G9921983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of CR Dean,Hm Hochman & Ph Rubin Re Energy,Environ & Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdown ML20073G3411983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of C Wang on Commission Question 6 Re Energy, Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3. Related Correspondence ML20073G3111983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Wj Wagers on Commission Question 6 Re Energy, Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3. Related Correspondence ML20073G2391983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of RA Rosen on Commission Question 6.3 Re Economics of Closing Plants.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20073G3751983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Pc Freudenthal on Commission Question 6 Re Energy,Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3.Natural gas-fired & oil-fired Internal Combustion Engine Cogeneration Would Be Implemented.Related Correspondence ML20073H0081983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Ma Conant Re Energy,Environ & Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdown.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20073G3631983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Am Stewart on Commission Question 6 Re Energy, Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3. Substantial Portion of Generator Capacity Would Be Lost to Natural gas-fired Cogeneration.Related Correspondence ML20073G9681983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Wl Fleisher Re Economic Benefits of Plant Shutdown.Related Correspondence ML20073G3011983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of ET Meehan on Commission Question 6 Re Energy Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3. Substantial Economic Penalty to State of Ny,Util & Util Svc Area Would Result.Related Correspondence ML20073H0041983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Rh Bower Re 830309 Emergency Exercise ML20073G5491983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Sh Streiter on Commission Question 6 Re Direct Costs of Closing Plants ML20073G8251983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Mj Larkin Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G6891983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Wexler Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G9491983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Jm Parmelee Re Energy & Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdown ML20073G8011983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of C Northrup Re Observations Made During Nov 1982 Westchester County Nuclear Disaster Planning Training Session ML20073G7751983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of P Hochman Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G6691983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of D Saltzman Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G5631983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of N Mills Re 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G7361983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Bk Hickernell Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G7161983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of W Conklin Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073H1591983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of K Toscani,K Feit & L Culpepper Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073H0251983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of N Powell Re 830309 Emergency Exercise ML20073G6231983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of M Waters Re 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073H1321983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of B Lang Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073H2111983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of ED Spilka Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20073J2631983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Dp McGuire Re 830309 Emergency Preparedness Exercise.Areas Discussed Include Public Info Ofc,Accident Assessment,Executive Decisionmaking,Operation Coordination & State Police Function.Affidavit of Svc Encl ML20073G5901983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of R Duffee Re Response of Peekskill Hosp to 830309 Emergency Evacuation Drill ML20073G8731983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of H Poritzky Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise 1999-01-20
[Table view] Category:NARRATIVE TESTIMONY
MONTHYEARML20202J6321999-01-20020 January 1999 Transcript of 990120 Meeting in Peekskill,Ny Re Decommissioning.Pp 1-132.With Related Documentation ML20238F5271998-05-20020 May 1998 Partially Deleted Transcript of 980520 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re J Stipek.Pp 1-46 IA-98-261, Partially Deleted Transcript of 980520 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re J Stipek.Pp 1-461998-05-20020 May 1998 Partially Deleted Transcript of 980520 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa Re J Stipek.Pp 1-46 ML20238F5241998-05-0606 May 1998 Transcript of 980506 Enforcement Conference Held in King of Prussia,Pa Re Con Edison,Indian Point.Pp 1-75 ML20006D3341990-02-0606 February 1990 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Systematic Assessment of Experience 900206 Meeting in Bethesda,Md Re Proposed Power Level Increase for Plant.Pp 1-147.Supporting Info Encl ML20076H8011983-09-0101 September 1983 Table C-8 to Sc Sholly Testimony on Question 5,to Be Included as Page C-8 to App C ML20076J1551983-06-15015 June 1983 Corrections to Special Proceeding Transcripts ML20072A0791983-06-0808 June 1983 Testimony of J Holt,K Toscani & P Posner Before House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy Conservation & Power Re Public Role in Planning,Testing & Implementing Emergency Response Procedures ML20023D7571983-05-26026 May 1983 Transcript of Commission 830526 Meeting in Washington,Dc, Re Emergency Planning & Preparedness.Pp 1-117.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20071L8821983-05-20020 May 1983 Testimony of RW Carlisle Re Potential Hazards of Nuclear accidents.Long-range Educ in Nuclear Radiation Should Be Implemented.Robots Should Be Developed to Dismantle Plant After Meltdown ML20071H1591983-05-20020 May 1983 Statement of Clergy,Religious & Laity Concerned About Indian Point.Common Citizens Reject Idea That Expertise Irrelevant. Value of Human Life Is Supreme Value ML20071H1841983-05-20020 May 1983 Testimony of AP Orourke Re Actions Taken to Improve Emergency Planning Since Commission 830505 Order.Unions Representing Bus Drivers Fully Support Orientation Course on Radiological Emergency Response Procedures ML20071H2311983-05-19019 May 1983 Statement of T Weiss Re Proposed Evacuation Plans.Plants Should Be Shut Down Permanently.Planning for Nuclear Accident Futile.Public Safety Should Be Top Priority ML20071H2221983-05-18018 May 1983 Statement to Be Incorporated in Minutes of Commission 830526 Public Hearing.State/Federal Govt Must Force Counties to Devise Evacuation Plans.Problems W/Emergency Plans Must Be Resolved Before 830609 ML20023B9681983-04-28028 April 1983 Testimony of La Cohen in Rebuttal to Testimony of D Gutman. Testimony to Be Included W/Aslb 830420 Transcript. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20204F3871983-04-26026 April 1983 Transcript of 830426 Hearing in White Plains,Ny.Pp 14,419-14,596.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20069L1211983-04-25025 April 1983 Testimony of Re Gendron Re 830309 Emergency Excercise Observation ML20073R3321983-04-19019 April 1983 Reorganized Testimony of Jr Thornborough & D Bohning Re Contention 6.2 Concerning Impact of Shutdown on Physical Environ Near Facility ML20073R3051983-04-19019 April 1983 Testimony of D Gutman Re Prevailing Wind Patterns ML20073R3261983-04-19019 April 1983 Testimony of RR Holt Re Sample Surveys & Bystander Behavior ML20073G3961983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of GL Fitzpatrick on Commission Question 6 Re Energy,Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20073H0341983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Fc Dunbar Re Energy,Environ & Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdown.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20073G9921983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of CR Dean,Hm Hochman & Ph Rubin Re Energy,Environ & Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdown ML20073G3411983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of C Wang on Commission Question 6 Re Energy, Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3. Related Correspondence ML20073G3111983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Wj Wagers on Commission Question 6 Re Energy, Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3. Related Correspondence ML20073G2391983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of RA Rosen on Commission Question 6.3 Re Economics of Closing Plants.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20073G3751983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Pc Freudenthal on Commission Question 6 Re Energy,Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3.Natural gas-fired & oil-fired Internal Combustion Engine Cogeneration Would Be Implemented.Related Correspondence ML20073H0081983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Ma Conant Re Energy,Environ & Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdown.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20073G3631983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Am Stewart on Commission Question 6 Re Energy, Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3. Substantial Portion of Generator Capacity Would Be Lost to Natural gas-fired Cogeneration.Related Correspondence ML20073G9681983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Wl Fleisher Re Economic Benefits of Plant Shutdown.Related Correspondence ML20073G3011983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of ET Meehan on Commission Question 6 Re Energy Environ & Economic Impact of Shutdown of Units 2 &/Or 3. Substantial Economic Penalty to State of Ny,Util & Util Svc Area Would Result.Related Correspondence ML20073H0041983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Rh Bower Re 830309 Emergency Exercise ML20073G5491983-04-12012 April 1983 Testimony of Sh Streiter on Commission Question 6 Re Direct Costs of Closing Plants ML20073G8251983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Mj Larkin Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G6891983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Wexler Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G9491983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Jm Parmelee Re Energy & Economic Consequences of Plant Shutdown ML20073G8011983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of C Northrup Re Observations Made During Nov 1982 Westchester County Nuclear Disaster Planning Training Session ML20073G7751983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of P Hochman Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G6691983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of D Saltzman Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G5631983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of N Mills Re 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G7361983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Bk Hickernell Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073G7161983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of W Conklin Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073H1591983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of K Toscani,K Feit & L Culpepper Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073H0251983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of N Powell Re 830309 Emergency Exercise ML20073G6231983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of M Waters Re 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073H1321983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of B Lang Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise ML20073H2111983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of ED Spilka Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20073J2631983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of Dp McGuire Re 830309 Emergency Preparedness Exercise.Areas Discussed Include Public Info Ofc,Accident Assessment,Executive Decisionmaking,Operation Coordination & State Police Function.Affidavit of Svc Encl ML20073G5901983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of R Duffee Re Response of Peekskill Hosp to 830309 Emergency Evacuation Drill ML20073G8731983-04-11011 April 1983 Testimony of H Poritzky Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise 1999-01-20
[Table view] |
c My name is Barbara K. Hickernell.
I reside at 12 Terrich Court, Ossining, New York.
I observed the March 9, 1983 Indian Point Drill ectivities at the Ossining Municipal Building.
I arrived at 7:40 AM cnd at 8:00 AM,'Lt. Joseph Burton, who was reported to duty, ushered me into the police communications room, offering me a choice of seats fromuwhich to observe Ossining's participation in the Drill.
Upon his arrival, Ossining Village Police Chief, Ronald Goldfarb, offered me coffee.
At 8:10 AM, a reporter (Ed Tragleveri) from the Gannett papers errived, stating that the only Drill news his office knew up by that time was a mock personnel accident 7 - a worker with a broken leg was taken by the Verplanck Ambulance to Northern Westchester Medical Center in Mount Kisco. (We wondered aloud why that hospital was chosen and not one of the closer ones - Phelps in North Tarrytown or Community in Peekskillr-which are easier to reach via main roads.)
At 8:25, an announcement (with lots of static) was heard: " Emergency Drill underway at Indian Point"r "An alert situation exists - notify elected officials on the alert status on emergency plans."
Because of the static and poor reception, an Ossining police officer requested the officer at the radio to " call him back, tell him to speak a little clearer."
Within 5 minutes the Ossining town officials were notified.
During this time there was a conversation about the safety of the Indian Point plants with one officer stating that Indian Point I ran for 23 years with no problems and questioning if the new ones were less safe.
1 At 8:40 Police Chief Goldfarb came by and told Ed and me that his only duties right then were to be sure that the local officials were j
notified - and that he had done this.
Shortly after this, an unidentified village employee came in, was briefed, and commented "What am I supposed to do?"
Another unidentified one answered "We all stay here and fry while the others get away."
l 8304180372 830411 PDR ADOCK 05000247 T
Mickernell - Pege 2 At about 8:45 AM, Town of Ossining Supervisor Wishnie came in, was briefed, and then asked "What's the scenerio?"
He was told "There is none so far."
. At about 9:09 an announcement came on the radio: " Stand by for a message."
The message was: "This is a drill.
The County Executive ordered all schools closed in the 10 mile area and the children sent home as of 8:58."
At 9:12 the Mayor of Ossining was called.
The conversation was "The reason I called you is that we are in the middle of a drill.... This is a drill."
Right after that the Chief said to call all cars in.
A radio
-announcement said "All card 10-6."
He then said to find out if there is a special number we should call.
The next. phase began at about 9:19 when we were invited to move to another room where Lt. Burton gave out radiation dosimeters to two officers who immediately left with them.
He passed out to the remaining officers preprinted 3x5 card forms for the officers to record their radiation readings. (A card is attached.)
His instructions were "Dosi-meter readings should be taken every hour on the hour, record them.
Wear the unit on the outside of the jacket."
I noted that the batteries were purchased fresh for the occasion, coming from sealed containers all in a paper bag, that there were problems in placing some of the batteries in the units, and that one officer put his dosimeter on the inside of his jacket pocket.
Lt. Burton explained that the dosimeters were the same kind as X-ray technicians wear and they' will be taken back and sent away for readings.
Lt. Burton also passed out what appeared to be circular radiation badges and KI tablets (14 tablets per each sealed bottle) to each officer.
The latter were to be left in their pockets and taken only under direct orders from the Westchester C0unty Health Commissioner.
He told them to stay in radio contact.
One officer commented that the KI tablets expired in June 1981.
o Hicksrnell - Pega 3 There were also three geiger counters in the box of equipment for the Drill and Lt. Burton said that "we don't know how to work them."
He also commented that the following communities are on the same radio frequency: Croton, Ossining, Briarcliff Manor, and North Tarrytown.
We returned to the main communications room.
At 9:45 the sierens were activated.
Since I was sitting next to an open window, the siren was clearly audible in the background.
About 24 calls questioning the sirens were received by the police who responded "This is just a test."
4 An automatic Emergency Broadcast System message came on over the radio in an adjoining room and we were brought in to listen to it.
At 9:50 the " situation escalated."
There was a conversation between the police and town officials in which one told the other (not sure who told rwhom) that they were not notified that the sierens were going off before they actually did. (Later Mr. Wishnie told me that they did get a i
call stating that the sirens were going off but there was no notification of the escalation of the situation.)
At 9:53, the police and town officials were looking through their Emergency Management Response books and after reading some portions said "we now wait for instructions."
i A tow tuck company was notified (mock) so that a Route 9A breakdown (in particular).could be cleared.
Mr. Wishnie said this was particularly important since 9A will be tied up by construction for the next few months.
Someone came in and asked if certain radios were in place and was told that these radios were delivered by the County Police the previous evening,.
The previous Thursday or Friday, we were told, the KI, dosimeters, and TLDs were delivered.
H'ickorn211 - Pegn 4 At 10:27 the Walkie Talkies were used.
The Town of Ossining police ware contacted.
At 10:35 the police couldn't reach the County EOC by walkie talkie.
Mr. Wishnie then proceeded to call them to find out what was happening since there had been no communication from them lately.
He spoke with en Officer Gross who said "We're in the EOC and don't know what's going on."
Nk. Wishnie was told there was a site emergency and the plume was going north at this point.
Af ter this call, Chief Goldfarb commented
'*We had a lot more information last year and still that wasn't enough."
Chief Goldfarb explained that they had three ways to communicate:
i two way radio, hot line, and telephone.
He commented that it was too bad something wasn't going on so that they could see how useful those radios cre going to be.
At 10:55 I left leaving Rick Gendron to observe.
Overall I was impressed by the dedication of the local officials to test out equipment which would be needed in an actual radiological em.ergency, and was even more impressed by the concern Chief Goldfarb and Town Supervisor Wishnie showed when they hadn' t had any communication from the EOC and then took the to call to see what was happening.
Since they were told t at the mock plume was going N, one would assume h
that people would es a.te either east or south, the latter coming right through Ossining's ma;.t roads (9 and 9A).
9A, however, was experiencing a three mile backup that morning because the State Department of Transportation was cutting trees in preparation for road construction.
I would hope that there wo6ld be better communication to our police and town officials in an actual emergency and that protective gear be issued to the police and other town employees who might have to be outside while the population is either sheltering or evacuating.
The morning's observation brought it home even more clearly to me that the drill was one on paper only, that it was not testing the emotional responses of the emergency workers in a real situation.
Osmining Observation - Plage/Sanchez /Indusi Ms. Plage's notes recorded that at 12:15 a call came to the Ossining police from the county police asking them to cover Croton Point, when cctually they were supposed to ask them to cover the intersection of Routes 9 and QA.
Chief Goldfarb called the county back to ask them to v:rify this.
At 12:50 a call came back from the county police to switch the orders, i.e., Ossining police to 9/9A and county police to Croton M'. Plage wrote in her notebook that " confusion ensued as to Point.
s who was supposed to be where."
At 1 PM Chief Goldfarb ordered resumption of Croton Point obervation.
The county car was to go up to Montrose exit on Route 9.
She pointed out that a countywide radio-frequency would avoid such confusion, according to Chief Goldfarb.
From 12:45 to 1:30, no events or information relating to the exercise occured.
Ms. Sanchez's notes quote an unidentified local official saying that there is "still room for improvement between the local people and municipalities. More funds are needed.
More activity between the county and s tate level.
Locally, we had less to do than last year.
Attitudes can be affected if further drills take place.
The State legislature should provide more funds for each participating group.
All information has been coming in one half hour late."
She commented that "everyone admits that they are not set up for the situation."
Again, the observation is made that nothing has happened relating to the drill aince the last communication at 12:05.
Ms. Induci begad observingiat 2:45.
At 3:00, Ms. Indusi noted again that nothing had~been heard since 12:05.
At 3:40, Ms, Indusi reported a comment by the police officer, "I don't know.
We haven't heard anything since a little after noon."
At 4:08, Chief Goldfarb l
announced, "I just talked to Nordella.
He said by 4:30 it'll be all over."
At 4:33 Patrolman DiLoreto said, "Now it won't be over until l
At 4:50 a call came through, " Police involvement in the Indian Point drill is no longer needed," and calls were made to notify others of the announcement.
Ms. Indusi's notes reflect that Town Supervisor Wishnie commented, " Communications are late, coming in approximately 45 minutes after the happening."