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Informs That Reactor Operations Committee for Facility Failed to Meet in Period 930624-1217,in Violation of Requirements in TS Section 6.2f Due to Lack of Urgent Business,Heavy Staff Teaching Loads & Busy Schedules
Person / Time
Site: University of California - Irvine
Issue date: 04/12/1994
From: Geoffrey Miller
Shared Package
ML20065L751 List:
NUDOCS 9404210271
Download: ML20065L760 (1)


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gh BERKMLY e DAVIS e IRVINE e 1.0S ANCiU $ e RIVERSIDE e SAN DIEGO e SAN FR ANCISCO SANTA HARBARA e SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY IRvlNE. CALIFORNIA 92717 NUCLEAR REACTOR FACILITY surtRvisoR: on. a rt uit.tER April 12,1994 TEL: (714) 856 6649 oR 714 8564)82 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Document Control Desk, Docket: 55-326 Washington, DC 20555, License R-116 Licensee renort of violation of Technical Snecification. Section 6.2.f.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I have to inform you that the Reactor Operations Committee (ROC) for the UCI Nuclear Reactor Facility failed to meet in the period June 24th 1993 to December 17th,1993,in violation of the requirements in the Technical Specifications that the Committee shall meet at least quarterly.

Thus the summer quarter was missed, in 1993 there were three regular meetings (February 24th, June 24th, and December 17th). Meetings were also held on 12/17/92 (regular),1/27/93 (Emergency Planning Group), and 2/18/93 (Exit meeting with NRC Inspection Team).

The reasons were connected with lack of urgent business, heavy staff teaching loads, and busy schedules of committee members.

It is important to emphasize that continual surveillance on behalf of the ROC is maintained by the personnel of the Office of Environmental llealth and Safety, who routinely review both performance and records at the facility involving not only safety matters, but also operations and general maintenance. The results of their reviews are given to the Reactor Supervisor on a number of occasions and result in small corrective actions. The Committee is satisfied that the facility has continued to operate with proper regard for the health and safety of the public in spite of the absence of a fonnal meeting, and no hazard has resulted, nor has the likelihood of hazard been increased.

The NRC review team commented that the type of operations conducted at UCI throughout the reactor's history - namely radiochemical sample irradiation, and not nuclear engineering training or testing - have meant that there has been very limited need for committee business in temis of review of new experiments, new operators, plans for changes, etc., and thus a less frequent required meeting schedule would seem appropriate. Thus amendment will be requested for the Technical Specification Section regarding this requirement.

Sincerely, C'"V Th' V

George E. Miller Reactor Supervisor ec: Reactor Operations Committee members 9404210271 940415 PDR ADDCK 05000326 P