MONTHYEARML20205B8961999-03-25025 March 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-326/99-201 on 990223-25.No Violations Noted.Various Aspects of Reactor Operations,Maint, Engineering Programs & Security Were Inspected ML20202A6841999-01-22022 January 1999 Forwards Amend 4 to License R-116 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Provides Surveillance Requirement Applicable to Shutdown Conditions,Air Effluent Release Limits Consistent with Current 10CFR20 & Clarifying,Editorial Changes ML20197J7101998-12-0707 December 1998 Responds to Recent Telcon in Which NRC Requested Clarification of Few Items Re Request for Amend to TS for Univ of Ca,Irvine Triga Reactor ML20151Z2901998-09-17017 September 1998 Forwards RAI Re Changes to Univ of California,Irvine Triga Research Reactor TSs for Surveillances During Shutdown Conditions Submitted on 980824.Response Requested within 60 Days of Date of Ltr ML20217E9371998-03-26026 March 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-326/97-201 on 971208-11 of Triga Research Reactor.No Significant Safety Issues Were Identified ML20199L6461997-11-29029 November 1997 Forwards Licensee Rept of Items of TS non-compliance & Facility Annual Rept for 960701-970630 ML20199L6571997-11-29029 November 1997 Informs of Several Violations of TS at Facility.Corrective Actions:Full Insps & Recalibrations Have Been Carried Out & Specific Schedule Established & Posted in Facility Detailing Dates of Required Surveillance Activities Projected ML20100E5021996-02-12012 February 1996 Responds to Violations Noted in License R-116.Corrective Actions:New Channel Instruments Designed to Provide Normally Closed Set of Contacts Initiated by bi-stable,providing Same Scram & Interlock Functions as Equipment ML20094S3951995-11-29029 November 1995 Informs of Omissions Found During Review of Records in Conjunction w/on-site Insp by Region IV Re Implementation of Operator Requalification Plan ML20091L3721995-08-13013 August 1995 Forwards Univ of CA Irvine Nuclear Reactor Facility Annual Rept for Jul 1994 - June 1995. Error Identified in Distribution of Previous Annual Rept.Rept for Jul 1993 - June 1994 Encl.W/O Jul 1993 - June 1994 Rept ML20065L7601994-04-12012 April 1994 Informs That Reactor Operations Committee for Facility Failed to Meet in Period 930624-1217,in Violation of Requirements in TS Section 6.2f Due to Lack of Urgent Business,Heavy Staff Teaching Loads & Busy Schedules ML20035E9651993-03-23023 March 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-326/93-01 on 930216-18.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Encls a & B Withheld Ref 10CFR2.790(d) ML20034D4201992-04-21021 April 1992 Confirms Telcon W/G Miller & W Eresian Re Evaluation of Requalification Program & Licensed Personnel Scheduled for 920706-07.Requests Reference Matl for Exam at Least 60 Days Prior to Exam Date ML20058K0841990-11-26026 November 1990 Advises of Changes Re Identity of Individuals in Administration Chain ML20058J0111990-11-0909 November 1990 Ack Receipt of Transmitting Rev 2 to Physical Security Plan & Supplemental Info Re Performance Characteristics of Intrusion Alarm Sys.Changes Acceptable IR 05000326/19900021990-07-24024 July 1990 Forwards Safeguards Insp Rept 50-326/90-02 on 900709-10.No Violations or Deviations Identified.Rept Withheld Per 10CFR2.790 ML20055G9271990-07-19019 July 1990 Provides Decommissioning Statement for Facility.Revised Estimates Will Be Reported to Commission at Intervals Not to Exceed 5-yrs ML20043H2191990-06-0505 June 1990 Forwards Updated Version of Physical Security Plan.Alarm Reporting Sys Redescribed to Agree W/Changes in Instrumentation Made Over Last 2 Yr Period.W/O Encl ML20012B8621990-03-0202 March 1990 Forwards Safeguards Insp Rept 50-326/90-01 on 900220-21.No Violations Noted ML19354E6331990-01-18018 January 1990 Responds to NRC 891222 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp of License R-116.Corrective Actions:All 13 Required Aspects for Each Licensed Individual Will Be Examined on Single Day & Retraining Performed Until Deficient Item Correct ML20005G1241989-12-18018 December 1989 Responds to Violations Noted in Exam Rept 50-326/OL-89-01. Corrective Action:Use of Lower Ranges of Linear Channel Will Be Fully Investigated & Mode Switch Electrical Transients Will Be Cleaned & Examined ML19324B4361989-10-25025 October 1989 Responds to NRC 890927 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp of License R-116.Corrective Actions:Reactor Daily Startup Checklist Modified to Require Reactor Operators to Verify Completion & Signoff of Appropriate Checklists ML20248D7371989-09-27027 September 1989 Forwards Insp Rept 50-326/89-01 on 890828-31 & Notice of Violation.Util Requested to re-evaluate Level of Mgt Attention Necessary to Assure Continued Safe Operations ML20247H8781989-07-24024 July 1989 Advises That Senior Operator Licensing Written Exams & Operating Exams Scheduled for 891025 & 26-27,respectively. W/O Stated Encls,Including List of Ref Matl Requirements to Be Submitted to NRC by 890911 ML19324B4391989-05-0505 May 1989 Informs That Reactor Operations Committee for Univ of California,Irvine Nuclear Reactor Facility Failed to Meet During 880818-890131,in Violation of Tech Specs,Due to Routine Operations Discontinued,Including Staff Reduction ML20205T3061988-11-0303 November 1988 Notifies of 890110 Meeting W/Region V in San Francisco,Ca to Discuss NRC Reactor Operator Licensing Program in Region V ML20151U7581988-08-11011 August 1988 Informs of NRC Interpretation of Section 10CFR50.74(a) Re Changes in Operator or Senior Operator Status.If Operator Goes from Licensed to Nonlicensed Position W/Possibility of Reassignment to Licensed position,50.74 Does Not Apply IR 05000326/19880011988-04-11011 April 1988 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-326/88-01.Position Re Calibr of Emergency Air Sampling,Air Flow or Vol Metering Devices Stated in Paragraph C of Reg Guide 8.25 ML20151G4091988-04-0404 April 1988 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-326/88-01.Corrective Actions:Review Sheet Being Created to Assure Review of All Checklists During Insps & Reactor Supervisor & Radiation Safety Officer Reviewed Issues ML20150D8641988-03-18018 March 1988 Informs of Relocation of NRR to Rockville,Md.Official Mailing Address Still Remains Same & Project Managers Have New Locations & Phone Numbers.Ts Michaels Still Lead Project Manager for Facility & a Adams Will Serve as Backup ML20148B0491988-03-0303 March 1988 Forwards Insp Rept 50-326/88-01 on 880127-29 & Notice of Violation.Expresses Concern That Licensee Not Providing Adequate Level of Mgt Attention to Facility Operations ML20149F4161988-01-12012 January 1988 Forwards Partial Response to NRC Compliance Bulletin 87-002, Fastener Testing to Determine Conformance W/Applicable Matl Specs, Including Procurement & Receipt Insp Program & Methods for Choosing Fasteners to Be Tested ML20235L6241987-09-25025 September 1987 Extends Invitation to Attend Region V 871110 Meeting in South San Francisco,Ca to Discuss NRC Reactor Operator Licensing Program.W/O Stated Encl ML20215C8981987-06-11011 June 1987 Informs of Recent Reorganization of Nrr.Branch Now Standardization & Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate. T Michaels Is Project Manager for Facility ML20207C3761986-12-16016 December 1986 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Items Noted in 861022 Notice of Violation. Corrective Actions Will Be Reviewed During Future Physical Security Insp.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) IR 05000326/19860011986-10-22022 October 1986 Forwards Safeguards Insp Repts 50-326/86-01 & 50-326/86-02 on 860910-11 & Notice of Violation.Notice of Violation & Insp Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20205P2821986-05-0707 May 1986 Forwards Exam Rept 50-326/OL-86-01 Administered on 860408-09 ML20210H9431986-03-27027 March 1986 Lists Change in Telephone Number for H Bernard,Facility Project Manager,Due to NRR Reorganization.D Tondi New Nonpower Reactors & Safeguards Licensing Section Leader. Correspondence Should Be Sent to Listed Address ML20138M9201985-12-13013 December 1985 Forwards Addl Info Re 830623 Response to Generic Ltr 83-08, Mod of Vacuum Breakers on Mark I Containments, Per 851105 Request IR 05000326/20090091985-12-13013 December 1985 Discusses Insps on 850326-0909 & Loss of Main & Auxiliary Feedwater Event on 850609 & Forwards Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $900,000 ML20137B7571985-11-21021 November 1985 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept ML20137B7751985-10-28028 October 1985 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept. Corrective Actions:Reactor Operations Committee Established Firm Schedule for Holding Meetings & Senior Reactor Operator Exams Will Be Conducted ML20205E4161985-09-30030 September 1985 Forwards Insp Rept 50-326/85-01 on 850903-06 & Notice of Violation ML20129E9971985-05-0909 May 1985 Responds to FOIA Request for Compilations of Results of Operator Licensing & Requalification Exams.App a Documents Placed in Pdr.App B Documents Already in PDR ML20095E9131984-08-20020 August 1984 Ack Receipt of Re Proposed Research Reactor Emergency plan.Sixty-day Extension of Deadline for Response to Questions Raised by NRC Requested ML20197G6711984-06-12012 June 1984 Forwards IE Safeguards Insp Rept 50-326/84-01 on 840319.No Noncompliance Noted ML20081J1571983-10-31031 October 1983 Requests All Interested NRC Branches Be Made Aware of Changes in Mailing Address for Univ.Mail Continues to Be Sent to Old Mailing Address Which Delays Internal Distribution ML20065B4901983-02-0202 February 1983 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-326/82-04.Corrective Actions:Reactor Operations Committee Met on 821202 & 830107.Future Meetings Will Be Held on Schedule ML20066G4131982-11-0202 November 1982 Forwards Public Version of Revision 0 to Emergency Plan ML20055C1551982-08-0606 August 1982 Notifies of Change in Administrative Personnel.Future Official Communications Re Licensing Matters Should Be Addressed to Wj Lillyman,Vice Chancellor 1999-03-25
MONTHYEARML20055G9271990-07-19019 July 1990 Provides Decommissioning Statement for Facility.Revised Estimates Will Be Reported to Commission at Intervals Not to Exceed 5-yrs ML20043H2191990-06-0505 June 1990 Forwards Updated Version of Physical Security Plan.Alarm Reporting Sys Redescribed to Agree W/Changes in Instrumentation Made Over Last 2 Yr Period.W/O Encl ML19354E6331990-01-18018 January 1990 Responds to NRC 891222 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp of License R-116.Corrective Actions:All 13 Required Aspects for Each Licensed Individual Will Be Examined on Single Day & Retraining Performed Until Deficient Item Correct ML20005G1241989-12-18018 December 1989 Responds to Violations Noted in Exam Rept 50-326/OL-89-01. Corrective Action:Use of Lower Ranges of Linear Channel Will Be Fully Investigated & Mode Switch Electrical Transients Will Be Cleaned & Examined ML19324B4361989-10-25025 October 1989 Responds to NRC 890927 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp of License R-116.Corrective Actions:Reactor Daily Startup Checklist Modified to Require Reactor Operators to Verify Completion & Signoff of Appropriate Checklists ML19324B4391989-05-0505 May 1989 Informs That Reactor Operations Committee for Univ of California,Irvine Nuclear Reactor Facility Failed to Meet During 880818-890131,in Violation of Tech Specs,Due to Routine Operations Discontinued,Including Staff Reduction ML20151G4091988-04-0404 April 1988 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-326/88-01.Corrective Actions:Review Sheet Being Created to Assure Review of All Checklists During Insps & Reactor Supervisor & Radiation Safety Officer Reviewed Issues ML20137B7751985-10-28028 October 1985 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept. Corrective Actions:Reactor Operations Committee Established Firm Schedule for Holding Meetings & Senior Reactor Operator Exams Will Be Conducted ML20095E9131984-08-20020 August 1984 Ack Receipt of Re Proposed Research Reactor Emergency plan.Sixty-day Extension of Deadline for Response to Questions Raised by NRC Requested ML20081J1571983-10-31031 October 1983 Requests All Interested NRC Branches Be Made Aware of Changes in Mailing Address for Univ.Mail Continues to Be Sent to Old Mailing Address Which Delays Internal Distribution ML20065B4901983-02-0202 February 1983 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-326/82-04.Corrective Actions:Reactor Operations Committee Met on 821202 & 830107.Future Meetings Will Be Held on Schedule ML20066G4131982-11-0202 November 1982 Forwards Public Version of Revision 0 to Emergency Plan ML20055C1551982-08-0606 August 1982 Notifies of Change in Administrative Personnel.Future Official Communications Re Licensing Matters Should Be Addressed to Wj Lillyman,Vice Chancellor ML20062D7871982-07-30030 July 1982 Forwards Annual Rept for Jul 1981-June 1982,License:R-116 ML20105B3561982-06-0101 June 1982 Submits Rept Re Security Incident in Response to 10CFR73.71(c) Detailing Loss of Security Effectiveness, Responses Made & Efforts to Revise Sys & Procedures to Reduce Chance of Recurrence.Portions Deleted ML20054L8021982-05-0707 May 1982 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept.Corrective Actions:Std Operating Procedures Revised & Fuel Element Handling Tool Will Be Padlocked & Key Retained by Reactor Supervisor ML20005B6011981-06-30030 June 1981 Forwards Response to 810619 Request for Addl Info Re Revision 1 to Physical Security Plan.Info Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19343D3371981-04-27027 April 1981 Forwards Revised Physical Security Plan for License R-116. Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19341C4401980-12-24024 December 1980 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-326/80-02.Corrective Actions:Escort Provided to Any Person Required to Perform Work in Facility Which Is Not Directly Associated with Radiation Producing Device ML20148K0891980-11-24024 November 1980 Forwards Executed Amends 8 to Indemnity Agreements E-16 & E-53.Amend 8 Supersedes Amend 7,therefore Execution of Superseded Amends Not Necessary ML19340C1721980-11-0505 November 1980 Repts Two Changes in Administrative Personnel & Const & Occupation of Addl Living Spaces on Campus.Forwards Map Showing Current Status of Residential Occupancy.Const Is in Accordance W/Mar 1968 SAR ML19340C1091980-10-31031 October 1980 Informs That Endorsements,Indemnity Agreements or Most Current Amends Have Not Been Received & Requests Provision of All Referenced Agreements ML19344F1411980-08-21021 August 1980 Responds to NRC 800812 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-326/80-01.Corrective Actions:Operating Procedure Revised to Include Annual Review of Reactor Operational Records ML19344F1431980-07-24024 July 1980 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-326/80-01.Corrective Actions:Reactor Operations Committee Will Establish Regular Schedule for Review of Facility Operations & Schedule Quarterly Committee Meetings ML19320B9951980-07-0808 July 1980 Forwards Annual Rept for Period 790701-800630. ML19260D9181980-02-0505 February 1980 Requests That All Amends Re Indemnity Agreements E-15,E-16, E-53 & E-58 Be Forwarded to Univ of CA for Approval ML20064J7701979-08-15015 August 1979 Forwards Info in Response to 790730 Request.Info Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19248D2101979-08-0606 August 1979 Forwards Annual Operating Rept Jul 1978-June 1979 ML19261D7881979-06-21021 June 1979 Forwards Executed Amend 8 to Indemnity Agreement E-16,Amend 4 to Indemnity Agreement E-58,Amend 8 to Indemnity Agreement E-53 & Amend 13 to Indemnity Agreement E-15 ML19276F1351979-03-21021 March 1979 Submits Annual Rept for Triga Reactor for Jul 1977-June 1978.Because Rept Is Late,Includes Matl Related to Unloading & Reloading of Reactor from Oct & Nov 1978 ML20064G0051978-10-23023 October 1978 Forwards Incident Rept on 780928 Involving Finger Dosimeter Ring Dropped Into Reactor Core.Present Status:Ban on Reactor Oper Pending Decision on Whether Removal of Objects Below the Core Should Be Attempted 1990-07-19
MONTHYEARML20197J7101998-12-0707 December 1998 Responds to Recent Telcon in Which NRC Requested Clarification of Few Items Re Request for Amend to TS for Univ of Ca,Irvine Triga Reactor ML20199L6461997-11-29029 November 1997 Forwards Licensee Rept of Items of TS non-compliance & Facility Annual Rept for 960701-970630 ML20199L6571997-11-29029 November 1997 Informs of Several Violations of TS at Facility.Corrective Actions:Full Insps & Recalibrations Have Been Carried Out & Specific Schedule Established & Posted in Facility Detailing Dates of Required Surveillance Activities Projected ML20100E5021996-02-12012 February 1996 Responds to Violations Noted in License R-116.Corrective Actions:New Channel Instruments Designed to Provide Normally Closed Set of Contacts Initiated by bi-stable,providing Same Scram & Interlock Functions as Equipment ML20094S3951995-11-29029 November 1995 Informs of Omissions Found During Review of Records in Conjunction w/on-site Insp by Region IV Re Implementation of Operator Requalification Plan ML20091L3721995-08-13013 August 1995 Forwards Univ of CA Irvine Nuclear Reactor Facility Annual Rept for Jul 1994 - June 1995. Error Identified in Distribution of Previous Annual Rept.Rept for Jul 1993 - June 1994 Encl.W/O Jul 1993 - June 1994 Rept ML20065L7601994-04-12012 April 1994 Informs That Reactor Operations Committee for Facility Failed to Meet in Period 930624-1217,in Violation of Requirements in TS Section 6.2f Due to Lack of Urgent Business,Heavy Staff Teaching Loads & Busy Schedules ML20058K0841990-11-26026 November 1990 Advises of Changes Re Identity of Individuals in Administration Chain ML20055G9271990-07-19019 July 1990 Provides Decommissioning Statement for Facility.Revised Estimates Will Be Reported to Commission at Intervals Not to Exceed 5-yrs ML20043H2191990-06-0505 June 1990 Forwards Updated Version of Physical Security Plan.Alarm Reporting Sys Redescribed to Agree W/Changes in Instrumentation Made Over Last 2 Yr Period.W/O Encl ML19354E6331990-01-18018 January 1990 Responds to NRC 891222 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp of License R-116.Corrective Actions:All 13 Required Aspects for Each Licensed Individual Will Be Examined on Single Day & Retraining Performed Until Deficient Item Correct ML20005G1241989-12-18018 December 1989 Responds to Violations Noted in Exam Rept 50-326/OL-89-01. Corrective Action:Use of Lower Ranges of Linear Channel Will Be Fully Investigated & Mode Switch Electrical Transients Will Be Cleaned & Examined ML19324B4361989-10-25025 October 1989 Responds to NRC 890927 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp of License R-116.Corrective Actions:Reactor Daily Startup Checklist Modified to Require Reactor Operators to Verify Completion & Signoff of Appropriate Checklists ML19324B4391989-05-0505 May 1989 Informs That Reactor Operations Committee for Univ of California,Irvine Nuclear Reactor Facility Failed to Meet During 880818-890131,in Violation of Tech Specs,Due to Routine Operations Discontinued,Including Staff Reduction ML20151G4091988-04-0404 April 1988 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-326/88-01.Corrective Actions:Review Sheet Being Created to Assure Review of All Checklists During Insps & Reactor Supervisor & Radiation Safety Officer Reviewed Issues ML20149F4161988-01-12012 January 1988 Forwards Partial Response to NRC Compliance Bulletin 87-002, Fastener Testing to Determine Conformance W/Applicable Matl Specs, Including Procurement & Receipt Insp Program & Methods for Choosing Fasteners to Be Tested ML20138M9201985-12-13013 December 1985 Forwards Addl Info Re 830623 Response to Generic Ltr 83-08, Mod of Vacuum Breakers on Mark I Containments, Per 851105 Request ML20137B7751985-10-28028 October 1985 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept. Corrective Actions:Reactor Operations Committee Established Firm Schedule for Holding Meetings & Senior Reactor Operator Exams Will Be Conducted ML20095E9131984-08-20020 August 1984 Ack Receipt of Re Proposed Research Reactor Emergency plan.Sixty-day Extension of Deadline for Response to Questions Raised by NRC Requested ML20081J1571983-10-31031 October 1983 Requests All Interested NRC Branches Be Made Aware of Changes in Mailing Address for Univ.Mail Continues to Be Sent to Old Mailing Address Which Delays Internal Distribution ML20065B4901983-02-0202 February 1983 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-326/82-04.Corrective Actions:Reactor Operations Committee Met on 821202 & 830107.Future Meetings Will Be Held on Schedule ML20066G4131982-11-0202 November 1982 Forwards Public Version of Revision 0 to Emergency Plan ML20055C1551982-08-0606 August 1982 Notifies of Change in Administrative Personnel.Future Official Communications Re Licensing Matters Should Be Addressed to Wj Lillyman,Vice Chancellor ML20062D7871982-07-30030 July 1982 Forwards Annual Rept for Jul 1981-June 1982,License:R-116 ML20105B3561982-06-0101 June 1982 Submits Rept Re Security Incident in Response to 10CFR73.71(c) Detailing Loss of Security Effectiveness, Responses Made & Efforts to Revise Sys & Procedures to Reduce Chance of Recurrence.Portions Deleted ML20054L8021982-05-0707 May 1982 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept.Corrective Actions:Std Operating Procedures Revised & Fuel Element Handling Tool Will Be Padlocked & Key Retained by Reactor Supervisor ML20005B6011981-06-30030 June 1981 Forwards Response to 810619 Request for Addl Info Re Revision 1 to Physical Security Plan.Info Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19343D3371981-04-27027 April 1981 Forwards Revised Physical Security Plan for License R-116. Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19341C4401980-12-24024 December 1980 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-326/80-02.Corrective Actions:Escort Provided to Any Person Required to Perform Work in Facility Which Is Not Directly Associated with Radiation Producing Device ML20148K0891980-11-24024 November 1980 Forwards Executed Amends 8 to Indemnity Agreements E-16 & E-53.Amend 8 Supersedes Amend 7,therefore Execution of Superseded Amends Not Necessary ML19340C1721980-11-0505 November 1980 Repts Two Changes in Administrative Personnel & Const & Occupation of Addl Living Spaces on Campus.Forwards Map Showing Current Status of Residential Occupancy.Const Is in Accordance W/Mar 1968 SAR ML19340C1091980-10-31031 October 1980 Informs That Endorsements,Indemnity Agreements or Most Current Amends Have Not Been Received & Requests Provision of All Referenced Agreements ML19344F1411980-08-21021 August 1980 Responds to NRC 800812 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-326/80-01.Corrective Actions:Operating Procedure Revised to Include Annual Review of Reactor Operational Records ML19344F1431980-07-24024 July 1980 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-326/80-01.Corrective Actions:Reactor Operations Committee Will Establish Regular Schedule for Review of Facility Operations & Schedule Quarterly Committee Meetings ML19320B9951980-07-0808 July 1980 Forwards Annual Rept for Period 790701-800630. ML19260D9181980-02-0505 February 1980 Requests That All Amends Re Indemnity Agreements E-15,E-16, E-53 & E-58 Be Forwarded to Univ of CA for Approval ML20064J7701979-08-15015 August 1979 Forwards Info in Response to 790730 Request.Info Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19248D2101979-08-0606 August 1979 Forwards Annual Operating Rept Jul 1978-June 1979 ML19261D7881979-06-21021 June 1979 Forwards Executed Amend 8 to Indemnity Agreement E-16,Amend 4 to Indemnity Agreement E-58,Amend 8 to Indemnity Agreement E-53 & Amend 13 to Indemnity Agreement E-15 ML19276F1351979-03-21021 March 1979 Submits Annual Rept for Triga Reactor for Jul 1977-June 1978.Because Rept Is Late,Includes Matl Related to Unloading & Reloading of Reactor from Oct & Nov 1978 ML20064G0051978-10-23023 October 1978 Forwards Incident Rept on 780928 Involving Finger Dosimeter Ring Dropped Into Reactor Core.Present Status:Ban on Reactor Oper Pending Decision on Whether Removal of Objects Below the Core Should Be Attempted 1998-12-07
[Table view] |
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i !
RY1 fA IPO NI 717 October 25th,1989 ;
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comraission, Region V, ,
1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210, i y
Walnut Creek, CA 94596 l i
[ Attention: Director Ross A. Scarano i Docket 50-326 i License R 116 Re: Reply to a Notice of Violation dated Sentember 27th.1989
' Gentlemen:
With respect to the referenced Notice of Violation we respond as follows: l Item A. " Reactor operations continued even though none of t.he Operator Monthly Maintenance checklists had been reviewed for the penod August through December .988." l r
(1) Comment:
As noted in remarks to the inspector this was an oversight on the part of the Reactor Supervisor and Assistant Reactor Supervisor, even though all maintenance iteins had been completed on schedule, and such a report made orally to the administrative staff.
(2) Corrective steps: i The reactor daily start up checklist has been modified to require reactor operators to verify the
- completion and sign off of appropriate checklists prior to any daily operation. This has been ,
implemented. ;
(3)Further action:
- Future operator training and requalification discussionrovill include reference to the importance of sig>off on documentation and additional review of riecessary conditions for continued operation. The staff, and the Reactor Operations Committee will study possible revision of the Operating Procedures so that single review may be all that is needed to assure compliance.
(4) Full Compliance:
l Compliance with existing procedures is considered to have been accomplished. ,
1 ;
l- Item 11. "The Reactor Operations Committee failed to meet during the period August 19,1988, to i January 30,1989."
(1) Comment:
This item was reponed to NRC by letter dated May 5th,1989. The reasons and the corrective g${' action were desenbed in the letter. A copy is attached for your information.
(2)Conective steps:
w tgJ The steps taken are described in the attached letter.
I (3)Further action: :
tM No further action is planned, except for consideration being given to requesting an amendment to
.r this Technical Specification item to reduce the frequency of required meetings.
%g (4) Full Compliance:
f Compliance with existing requirements is considered to have been accomplished.
EE t ma a. -
l Docket 50 326 Page1 10/25/89 0-l il 6
5 1
,. j i
j i 1
- i Item C.a. " Contrary to the above requirement the licensee did not document additional training !
provided to a senior reactor o
- j. requalification examination." perator who scored less than 80% on two sections!
(1) Comment' In his detailed report on this item (Inspection Report, page 7, line 20), the inspector noted: "The Reactor Supenisor stated that the two sections of the eumbiation were discussed with the SRO i as compensatory training. " This fact was documented by a note made on the front cover of the senior oprator's examination script maintained in the files as " Reviewed with PJR". The operator s initials are PJR. At the time this was felt to be both sufficient training and ;
(2) Corrective steps: -
This issue has been noted by the Reactor Supervisor, who acts as the training and requalificaticm :
dinctor. Future records '>.:11 be made clearer. !
(3)Further action: [
None contemplated.
(4) Full Compliance:
This issue did not ariar with the 1989 requalification, where all scores were satisfactory. The difference may have been because of a deliberate effort to make the examin'ition even more
" performance based".
Item C.b. " Contrary to the above requirement the heactor Supenisor did not conduct an operating ;
test for evaluating operators or senior operators during the period of 1988 and 1989 to the date of the inspection." ;
At this facility there have only been two licensed senior operators and one licensed operator during the period since 1987. One of the senior operators is the Reactor Supervisor, and the other acts as Assistant Reactor Supervisor. All three individuals are in close collaboration regarding operation, scheduling, maintenance, safety and all operational issues. Thus the other operators are often under direct assessment by the Reactor Supervisor and there has never been any question of their competence to operate the reactor safely. However, documentation of this ,
contact is weak or non existent.
(2)Conective steps:
None taken at this time. '
(3) Future Actions:
The Reactor Supervisor as training coordinator will implement a diary ofinctor operator ineetings, discussions, and observations of performance for each licensed individual.
Each operator will share responsibility for entries, although it will clearly be the Supenisor's responsibility for the upkeep of this dir.ty This lc,g should provide the necessary documentation for ongoing requalification. In addition, thi,0.eactor Operations Committee will discuss the possibthty of applying for a license amendmee obtam permission for a more flexible qu ifi tion progrant better suited to the needs of our cility than that imposed by NRCin (4) Full Compliance:
- The diary system should be fully implemented by the end of this year (December 31st,1989).
We hope this will satisfy full compliance as facility and depanment resources do not pennit arovis.on of additional full coursework for operators. Changes in the program will take much Longer to be drafted and approved.
t Docket 50-326 Page 2 10/25/89 4 '- .
I , .
Additional Item:
Your notice of transmittal asks for comments on "the level of management attention necessary to assure continued safe operations". We are pleased that you agire that such matters "do not represent a significant safety concem at this time". We comment as follows:
The Chemistry Depanment t.nd the School of Physical Sciences are currently reviewing the staffing sit uation at the facility. There had been a plan to combine a position of reactor operator and reactor hedth physicist, with other chemistry depanmental duties, into a full time staff position. The individual in mind for this position is no longer available. Whether to pursue this or some other model ofimproving paid staffing at the facility is currently under review, in the meantime, the Reactor Supervisor has made a commitment to assign additional hours of his time to facility management and operations, lie and the Assistant Reactor Supervisor ere discussing reassignment of cenain tasks between them to provide more assurance of timely documentation.
It is anticipat:d tl.at plans will be firm by January,1990. Meanwhile, the facility will continue to be operated safely under existing arrangements, but with closer attention to details of documentation, which appear to be the major issue for concern. Review by outside individuals from E,li&S will also pay closer attendon to details of documentation. They will be assisted in this task by newly created audit checklists.
Sincerely, Chang in Tien, Executi e Vice-Chancellor cc: 11.W. Moore, Dean, Physical Sciences M.C. Caserio, Chair, Chemistry u V.P. Guinn, Chair, Reactor Operations Committee 1 F.S. Rowland, Reactor Administrator l G.E Miller, Reactor Supervisor l
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l Docket 50 326 Page 3 10/25/89