ML20064B967 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Peach Bottom |
Issue date: | 12/30/1982 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML19262G943 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 8301040259 | |
Download: ML20064B967 (10) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:. '. Unit 3 PBAPS LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Page 1.1-1 APRM Flow Bias Scram Relationship To 16 Normal Operating Conditions 4.1.1 Instrument Test Interval Determination 55 Curves 4.2.2 Probability of System Unavailability 98 vs. Test Interval 3 3.4.1 Required Volume and Concentration of 122 Standby Liquid Control System Solution 3.4.2 Required Temperature vs. Concentration 123 for Standby Ligt:id Control System Solution 3.5.K.1 MCPR Operating Limit vs. Tau, LTA 142 3.5.K.2 MCPR Operating Limit vs. Tau, PTA & P8X8R 142a Fuel 3.5.1.A Deleted 3.5.1.B Deleted 3.5.1.C Deleted 3.5.1.D Deleted 3.5.1.E Kf Factor vs. Core Flow 142d 3.5.1.F MAPLHGR vs. Planar Average Exposure, 142e Unit 3, 8X8 PTA Fuel 3.5.1.G Deleted 3.5.1.H MAPLHGR vs. Planar Average Exposure, 142g Unit 3, P8X8R Fuel (P8DRB284H) 3.5.1.I MAPLHGR vs. Planar Average Exposure, 142h Unit 3, P8X8R Fuel (P8DRB 299) 3.5.1.J MAPLHGR vs. Planar Average Exposure, 1421 Unit 3, P8X8R Fuel (Generic) 3.5.1.K MAPLHGR vs. Planar Average Exposure, 142j Unit 3, P8X8Q LTA (P8DQB326) 3.6.1 Minimum Temperature for Pressure Tests 164 such as required by Section XI 3.6.2 Minimum Temperature for Mechanical Heatup 164a or Cooldown following Nuclear Shutdown 3.6.3 Minimum Temperature for Core Operation 164b (Criticality) 3.6.4 Transition Temperature Shift vs. Fluence 164c 6.2-1 Management Organization Chart 244 6.2-2 Organization for Conduct of Plant Operation 245
-iv-8301040259 p DR ADOCK O PDR gkohhh
PBAPS 3.4 BASES STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM A. The conditions under which the Standby Liquid Control System must provide shutdown capability are identified via the Plant Nuclear Safety Operational Analysis (Appendix G). If no more than one operable control rod is withdrawn, the basic shutdown reactivity requirement for the core is satisfied and the Standby Liquid Control system is not required. Thus, the basic reactivity requirement for the core is the primary determinant of when the liquid control system is required. The purpose of the liquid control system is to provide the capability of bringing the reactor from full power to a cold, xenon-free shutdown condition assuming that none of the withdrawn control rods can be inserted. To meet this objective, the liquid control system is designed to inject a quantity of boron that produces a concentration of 660 ppm of boron in the reactor core in less than 125 minutes. The 660 ppm concentration ir. the reactor core will bring the reactor from full power to a subcritical condition, considering the hot to cold reactivity difference, xenon poisoning, etc. The time requirement for inserting the boron solution was selected to override the rate of reactivity insertion caused by cooldown of the reactor following the xenon poison peak. The minimum limitation on the relief valve setting is intended to prevent the recycling of licgid control solution via the lifting of a relief valve at too low a pressure. The upper limit on the relief valve setting provides system ptotection from overpressure. B. Only one of the two standby liquid control pumping loops is needed for operating the system. One inoperable pumping circuit does not immediately threaten shutdown capability, l and reactor operation can continue while the circuit is being repaired. Assurance that the remaining system will perform its intended function and that the long term average ; availability of the system is not reduced is obtained for a one out of two system by an allowable equipment out of service time of one third of the normal surveillance frequency. This method determines an equipment out of service time of ten days. Additional conservatism is introduced by reducing the allowable out of service time to seven days, and by increased testing of the operable redundant component.
PBAPS Unit 3 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.5.I Average Planar LHGR 4.5.I Average Planar LHGR During power operation, the APLHGR The APLHGR for each type of fuel for each type of fuel as a function as a function of average planar of average planar exposure shall not exposure shall be checked daily exceed the limiting value shown in during reactor operation at the applicable figures during two >25% rated thermal power recirculation loop operation. During single loop operation, the APLHGR for each fuel type shall not exceed the above values multiplied by the following reduction factors: 0.71 for 7X7 fuel; 0.83 for 8X8 fuel; 0.81 for PTA, 8X8R, P8X8R, and LTA fuel. If at any time during opera-tion it is determined by normal sur-veillance that the limiting value of APLHGR is being exceeded, action shall be initiated within one (1) hour to restore APLHGR to within pre-scribed limits. If the APLHGR is not returned to within prescribed limits within five (5) hours reactor power shall be decreased at a rate which would bring the reactor to the cold shutdown condition within 36 hours unless APLHGR is returned to within limits during this period. Surveill-ance and corresponding action shall continue until reactor operation is within the prescribed limits. 3.5.J Local LHGR 4.5.J Local LHGR During power operation, the linear The LHGR as a function of core heat generation rate (LHGR) of any height shall be checked daily rod in any fuel assembly at any during reactor operation at axial location shall not exceed >25% rated thermal power. design LHGR. LHGR < LHGRd LHGRd = Design LHGR 13.4 kW/ft for all 8X8 fuel
- MCPR Operating Limit Fuel Type For Incremental Cycle Core Average Exposure **
BOC to 2000 MWD /t 2000 MWD /t before EOC Before EOC To EOC PTA &P 8X8R 1.26 1.27 LTA 1.26 1.28
- If requirement 4.5.K.2.a is met.
** These values shall be increased by 0.01 for single loop operation. -133d-l
- MCPR Oparating Limit Fuel Type For Incremental Cycle Core Average Exposure **
BOC to 2000 MWD /t 2000 MWD /t before EOC Before EOC To EOC PTA &P 8X8R 1.33 1.39 LTA 1.33 1.40
- If surveillance requirement of section 4.5.K.2 is not performed.
** These values shall be increased by 0.01 for single loop operation.
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, Unit 3 PBAPS 5.0 MAJOR DESIGN FEATURES 5.1 SITE FEATURES The site is located partly in Peach Bottom Township, York County, partly in Drumore Township, Lancaster County, and partly in Fulton Township, Lancaster County, in southeastern Pennsylvania on the westerly shore of Conowingo Pond at the mouth of Rock Run Creek. It is about 38 miles north-northeast of Baltimore, Maryland, and 63 miles west-southwest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Figures 2.2.1 through 2.2.4 of the FSAR show the site location with respect to surrounding communities.
5.2 REACTOR A. The core shall consist of not more than 764 fuel assemblies. B. One Pressurized Test Assembly and four Lead Test Assemblies may be inserted in the core. C. The reactor core shall contain 185 cruciform-shaped control rods. 5.3. REACTOR VESSEL The reactor vessel shall be as described in Table 4.2.2 of the FSAR. The applicable design codes shall be as described in Table 4.2.1 Of the FSAR. 5.4 CONTAINMENT A. The principal design parameters for the primary containment shall be as given in Table 5.2.1 of the FSAR. The applicable design codes shall be as described in Appendix M of the FSAR. B. The secondary containment shall be as described in Section 5.3 of the FSAR. C. Penetrations to the primary containment and piping passing through such penetrations shall be designed in accordance with standards set forth in Section of the FSAR.