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FOIA Request for Documents Re Radioactive Contamination Incident in Which Tri-State Motor Transient Co Track Carrying Irradiated Fuel Elements from UCLA to Exxon Nuclear Co in Scoville,Id Was Found Contaminated at GE Ctr in CA
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 11/17/1981
From: Cushnir H
FOIA-81-481 NUDOCS 8204020243
Download: ML20050A761 (1)



ovenber 17, 1981 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Lirector Offico of Adninistration ACI REQUEST.

Freedon of Information Act f01 A-gi ypf U.S. !!uclcar Regulatory Connission g

iRC 'd ll-2 Lj-p) lashington, D.C.


adan/ Sir:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act as anonded (5 U.S.C. 522).for a copy of all documents in the possession of the I!RC related to a radioactive conte 1 nation incident in which a Tri-State IIotor Transit Co. truck carrying irradiated fuel elenents fron UCLA to Exxon 1:uc1 car Co. in Scoville, Idaho was found to be contaninated when it arrivod at the General Electric Center in Pleasanton, CA.

Tho incident occurred June 19-26, 1930.

I an particularly interested inn all correspondence between l

UCLA and the liRC concerning the shipnont before and after it took places copies of all liRC investigations into the matter, including allegations that an incorrect route was taken by the driver, and that unauthorized personnel rode in the truck.

The shipment of radioactive waste is done on public highways.

Contaminated casks and trucks could advorsoly affect public health.

I believe that knowledge of this incident is a natter of public interest and I therefore request that all production costs be waived.

As provided for in the anended FOIA, I will expect a reply within ton working days.

Thank you.

Sincorely, j

Howard Cushnir 26 ilostninster $13 Venice, CA 90291 l

8204020243 811117 PDR FOIA CUSHNI R81-481 PDR
