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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures Qep 110-1, Station Director Implementing Procedure, Qep 310-1, Initial Notification & Qep 530-2, Emergency Drills.
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Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/23/1982
Shared Package
ML20028C646 List:
PROC-821223-01, NUDOCS 8301110651
Download: ML20028C651 (34)



QEP 530-0

' Rcvision 13 Dactmber 1982 ID/2W,2X EXERCISES AND DRILLS o


530-0 Exercises and Drills Rev. 13 12-23-82 530-1 Emergency Exercise Rev. I 12-16-80 530-2 Emergency Drills Rev. 8 12-23-82 530-3 .

Off-Shift Augmentation Drill Rev. 2 06-21-82 530-S1 Monthly NARS Drill Quad-Cities Station Rev. 4 10-01-82 530-S2 Monthly Test of the NRC Health Physics Network , Rev. 1 01-05 82 530-S3 Monthly Test of the NRC Emergency Notification System Rev. 2 10-14-82 i

1 APPROVED O oec 2 31982 Q.C.O.S.R.

8301110651 830105 DRADOCK05000g _ ,(f

6-QEP 530-2 Revision 8 O ENERGENCT DR1ttS Decenser 1982 ID/30 A. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to list the required drills and their frequencies and to test specific facets of the Generating Station Emergency Plans. '


1. GSEP, Section 8.3.2.
2. GSEP, Section 7.2.
3. QEP 440-1, Emergency Communication Facilities.


1. None.


1. None.


1. The communications drill is rated sat:lsfactory if the initiating party is able to transmit and receive acknowledgement for a brief exercise i message to each of the agencies, designated in the site specific annex within 15 minutes of the simulated declaration. (Simulated declaration will be established immediately prior to picking up the NARS phone to (

initiate the drill.) The drill can be rated satisfactory even if NARS  !

fails and backup systems are used to complete. notification; however, .

corrective actions are required in ev,ent of NARS failure. The drill l is rated unsatisfactory if the required transmission and acknowledgement l is not completed within 15 minutes.  !

2. If communications equipment fails to operate properly, contact Illinois ESDA; phone (217) 782-7860 and the Corporatie Command Center immediately '

following the drill. If the drill is rated unsatisfactory, immediately i notify the Production Nuclear Duty Person during normal business I hours, or the Production Nuclear Duty Person through the System Power l Dispatcher during other hours in addition to initiating action to have the system repaired. An additional drill will be conducted immediately upon completion of equipment repairs any time a drill is rated unsatis-factory.

3. If the NRC health physics network fails, notify the NRC 3egion III O office at (312)-932-2500.

4 DEC 2 31982 Q.C.O.S.k.

QEP S M t4 Revicica 8 -

l 4

4. l If the NRC Emergency Notification System phone fails, notify the NRC l Operations Center at (202) 951-0550.


1. Emergency drills, as described in GSEP, Section 8.3.2, GSEP, Section 7.2.,

and this procedure shall be conducted at a frequency as listed in the below table:


1. Communications Systems QEP 530-2 step F.2 ANNUAL
a. Microwave / radio communications GSEP 7.2.2 ANNUAL
b. NRC communications GSEP 7.2.4 ANNUAL
c. Station commuaications GSEP 7.2.2 ANNUAL
d. N.A.R.S. QEP 530-2 step F.3 MONTHLY GSEP 7.2.1
e. NRC health physics network GSEP 7.2.4 MONTHLY QEP 530-2 step F.7

[ f. NRC Emergency. Notification GSEP 7.2.4

( System QEP 530-2 step F.8 MONTHLY h

2. Environmental Monitoring Drill QEP 530-2 step F.4 ANNUAL GSEP
3. Medical Emergency Drill QEP 530-2, step P.5 ANNUAL GSEP
4. Health Physics Drill QEP 530-2, step F.6 SEMI-ANNUAL GSEP
a. Corrective actions taken as a result of written drill critiques are to be documented either as separate correspondence, or on the drill report itself.
2. Communications drill.
a. To verify communications procedures and communications equipment that would be required in the event of a major accident, the capability to communicate on the microwave / radio communications, NRC communications, station communications and the N.A.R.S communi-cations systems will be tested during the annual communications drill.


I DEC 2 31982 Q. C. O. S. n.

, QEP 530-2 R viaica 8 L

b. Conduct of test.  !

Standard messages will be transmitted from key locations to verify that information transmitted in the nuclear accident report and environmental assessment formats can be accurately transmitted and readily understood. Each message will be independent and will not relate to other messages. The communicators who ultimately receive the messages will be requested to return the completed message forms so that a comparative evaulation can be made.

c. Critique.

The communications drill checklist will be used as a guide while the drill is in progress. A verbal critique of communications procedures will be conducted immediately following the drill. A written critique will be provided for records,

d. Standard.

The drill is rated satisfactory if:

(1) The Exercise Nuclear Accident Report message is accurately received by the CCC, State EOC's and REAC, and local EOC's within 15 minutes from the simulated declaration of an emergency.

(2) nvironne 1 assessment messages are accurately received (3) Federal Emergency Response agencies are contacted by any facility.

(4) Communications by either primary or backup means is established l from:

(a) the control room to CCC, SPS, TSC, EOF, EOC and REAC; (b) TSC to EOF and CCC; (c) EOF to TSC, EOC, CCC, SPS and REAC; (d) CCC to TSC, EOF, EOC and REAC; ,

(e) Field assessment teams to EOF, TSC or CCC. i I

The drill is rated unsatisfactory if any of the above standards I are not achieved. Corrective action is required if any j primary or backup system fails to operate properly. l

3. N.A.R.S. Communications System. l 1


DEC 2 31992 l l Q. C. O. S. h l

E QEF53072 Revicirn 8 -


a. The dedicated Nuclear Accident Reporting System (NARS) communica-tions is the primary communication system to be tested. If NARS does not enable understandable communication, available backup system, to include dial phone, will be employed to contact desig- lll nated agencies to demonstrate communications procedures to be used in the event of NARS failure. Each station will initiate a monthly communications drill to verify the capability to notify designated company, state and local agencies if a general emergency was declared. Initiation capabilitiet from the EOF, TSC and Control Room will be demonstrated periodically.
b. Conduct of test.

The drill will be conducted in the following manner using QEP 530-SI.

(1) Establish and record declaration time.

(2) Activate NARS:

(a) Remove handset.

(b) Dial required code (23).

(c) Confirm stations on line.

NOTE f a


The hand set button must be pressed when transmitting.


(4) Call roll of activities (site specific annex) and record initials of acknowledging individual.

(5) Upon completion of acknowledgements, inquire if anyone has not been called and close the conference call.

(6) Contact agencies not acknowledging the drill by backup communi-cations means. -

(7) Record times of all acknowledgements.

(8) Initiate corrective actions if required.


Q. c. o. s. n.


  • QEP 530-2 R',vicica 8 L
c. Agencies to be notified:

O 1111nois Emerienc7 Services a nisas.ter asener Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety

  • Rock Island Communications Rock Island E.S.D.A.*

Scott County Sheriff, Davenport, Iowa Corporate Command Center

  • System Power Supply Clinton County EOC Iowa Office of Disaster Services Whiteside County EOC*

Whiteside County Sheriff l

NOTE Extensions with an asterisk are not manned 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day. Suc essful communications with all other agencies constitutes a success-ful test, if during other than normal working houEs.

4. Environmental Monitoring Drill.
a. Field monitoring teams will be selected to operate under the direction of a Rad / Chem Director or an Environs Director from the station. Two teams will be utilized unless otherwise specified.

A situation will be portrayed to indicate a simulated release based on actual meteorological conditions at the time of the drill. The teams will conduct sampling of water, grass or other I vegetation, soil, and air and conduct actual field monitoring of l samples. The controller accompanying each team will provide simulated readings to indicate the level of radiation expected from the plume at that location. Teams will record and report findings to the Environs Director in the EOF using radio or backup communications' Samples will be transported to and analyzed in the station laboratory facilities. Procedures used in analysis will be evaluated.

The corporate Environmental Center will be activated and its personnel will be required to process and analyze the simulated field readings and laboratory findings. Communications between field personnel, the Environs Director, and the environmental ,

, center will be tested. A controller will judge the performance of  !

l corporate personnel to support field activities and reach the appropriate recommendation for protective action.

l APPROVED DEC 2 31982 Q. c. o. s. a.

1 L

QEP 530-2 ,

R;vinicn 8 1

, b. Responsibilities.

The CECO. General Office will schedule, direct, and evaluate the drill. Environmental Center participants will be selected by the General Office from a list of qualified personnel. The Generating Station will:

(1) Provide two qualified individuals to act as .ontrollers and to assist in preparing the drill.

(2) Provide a list of personne.1 designated as qualified to perform duties of Rad /Chen Directorg Environs Director, and Environs Group field team member. Provide selected personnel that are reasonably available to participate in the drill.

(3) Provide communication, protective, sample gathering and transportation equipment to conduct the drill.

(4) Provide EOF and laboratory facilities to conduct the drill.

c. Critique.

A verbal critique will be conducted at the conclusion of the drill by the control team from the General Office and the station.

Following the verbal critique, the control team will meet to provide t'omments for the written critique to the General Office g

( representative. The written critique will be provided to the station after review at the General Office.

5. Medical Emergency Drill.
a. Commonwealth Edison esploys the Radiation Mangement Corporation (RMC) to provide procedures, training and drills for onsite and off-site organizations dealing with emergency medical treatment.

RMC will conduct the training and supervise medical and decontamina-tion aspects of the drill. CECO will supervise GSEP related notification aspects of the drill. The drill will normally be conducted on the day following the training sessions. Victims simulated to be contaminated and injured will be used as controllers.

The drill will include treatment and decontamination of the victims from the time the accident is reported until the hospital has decontaminated and treated the simulated patients. The drill will be followed by a critique.

b. Responsibilities.


APPRovi" DEC 2 31982 O


Q'. C. O. b. n.

. QEP 530-2 ,

. Revinica 8 h

The CECO General Office will:

O m Pre,are a gen-at schedu1e for.the dr111. .

(2) Provide backup assistance in concluding local scheduling when needed.

(3) Provide an observer to control and evaluate portions of the exercise outside of RMC's area of expertise.

(4) Provide written and oral critique connents.

r The Generating Station will:

(1) Arrange exact dates of drill with RMC, Ceco. General Office  ;

and off-site support agencies.

(2) Assign personnel to participate in on-site training.

(3) Assign personnel to participate as victims under RMC direction.

(4) Participate in the drill.  ;

L i

Radiation Management Corporation will: j (1) Conduct a training program. l i'

(2) Control the medical portion of the drill. , ,

(3) Evaluate the drill with qualified medical and health physics controllers. , ,

l 1 (5) Conduct an or11 and w[itten critique.

p  ?

c. Corrective actions.

Deficiencies in team or individual actions during the drill will i be corrected by instruction during the critique. Deficiencies in equipment or physical arrangements discovered during the exercise will be evaluated by RMC, CECO., and off-site support agencies and resolved following the written report.

l l


O occ 2 a me2 Q.C.O.S.n

-- .- ,_,.__m.. _.._..,om,-.m..,m y.- ,.-- n m_, .-.,mm-,..._.,--. -

QEP 530-2 Revicica 8 *

, 6. Health Physics Drill. .

a. One team of Rad / Chem Technicians will be selected to perform direct monitoring and< sample collecting functions. Controllers h

will provide the initiai situation and meter readings to simulate elevated radiation levels. The team will report elevated measure-ments in accordance with station procedures. Airborne and liquid samples collected will be analyzed in accordance with station procedures. Results of the analysis will be recorded. At least once each year the drill will include obtaining and analyzing an actual liquid sample from the plant. The controller will jecify collection of a sample that is required to be analyzed for normal plant operations whenever possible. Results of the analysis will be processed in accordance with normal procedures.

b. Responsibilities.

APPROVEC The CECO General Office will:

DEC 3 31982 (1) Schedule, direct and evaluate the drill.

l Q. C. O. S. tt l The Generating Station will:

(1) Provide a technically qualified individual to act as a controller and to assist in planning the drill.

(2) Proiide a list of qualified technicians. Provide selected g

_ personnel to participate in the drill. W (3) Provide equipment and facilities to conduct the drill.

c. Critique.

r A verbal critique will be conducted at the conclusion of the drill by the controllers from the General Office and the station.

Following the verbal critique, the control team will discuss l comments for the written critique. The written critique will be l provided to the station after review at the General Office.

7. NRC health physics network.
a. The NRC health physics network provides dedicated communications between the Station and NRC headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland, and Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
b. Phones are located in the Rad-Chem Supervisor's office, the on-site NRC office, and the emergency operations facility.
c. Conduct of test. The drill will be conducted in the following manner using QEP 530-S2:

(1) Choose one of the three phones available. Each phone must be tested once every three months, on a rotating basis, testing h

one phone per month.



, QEP 530-2 Revioica 8 s

. (2) Pick up the receiver and dial 22. This number should reach NRC headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland. Pick up the receiver and dial 23. This number should reach Region III headquarters in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. ?

NOTE No dial tone or ringing will be heard.

(3) The test message should be:

This is a test. This is the Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station.

Please verify that communications have been established by stating your initials.

(4) Should a test be unsuccessful, the NRC shall be notified and one of the other HP network phones shall be tested to verify that communication is possible. NRC Region III should be notified so that appropriate corrective actions may be taken.

8. NRC Emergency Notification System (red phone).
a. The NRC Emergency Notification System provides dedicated communi-cations between the station and the NRC Operations Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
b. Phones ate located in the on-site NRC office, the Emergency Opera-tions Facility, the Technical Support Center, and the station Control Room.
c. Conduct of test. The drill will be conducted in the following manner using QEP 530-S3:

(1) All phones must be tested each month.

(2) Pick up the receiver and wait. The phone should automatically reach NRC headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland.

(3) The test message should consist of:

. . This is. (NAME) from the Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station. I'm calling from our (FACILITY NAME) to test the Emergency Notification System. Please acknowledge the receipt of this message by stating your initials.

(4) Record the initials of the call receiver on QEP 530-S3.

(5) Should a test be unsuccessful, the NRC Operations Center shall be notified so that appropriate corrective actions may be taken. The Operations Center number is (202) 951-0550.

O APPROVEO DEC 2 31982 Q. C. O. i n

QEP 530-2 Revicica 8 ',


1. QEP 530-S1, Monthly NARS Drill Quad-Cities Station.


2. QEP 530-S2, Monthly Test of the NRC Health Physics Network.
3. QEP 530-S3, Monthly Test of NRC Emergency Notification System.


1. None.

L .


. o I;

l APPROVED DEC231933 Q. c. o. s. n. O (final)

t. . - _ _ _ _

QEP 110-0

_. Revision 9 l D cember 1982 ID/1A,1B STATION DIRECTOR

'Q D

110-0 '

Station Director Rev. 9 12-23-82 110-1 Station Director Implementing Proce' dure Rev. 8 12-23-82 110-2 Acting Station Director (Shift Engineer) Implementing Procedure Rev. 2 12-23-82 110-T1 RCT Task Prioritiza' tion Rev. 1 04-15-82 4

I e



Dec 2 a mez o.cas.a (final)

l 5

l QEP 110-1 Revision 8 STATION DIRECTOR December 1982 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE ID/1D A. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to outline the method used to implement the Station Director duties.


1. GSEP Phone List.
2. QEP 200-2, Classification of an Incident Involving Hazardous Material. j l
3. QEP 200-T1, Quad-Cities Emergency Action Levels. l
4. QEP 310-1, Initial Notification.
5. @tP 360-2, Plant Evacuation and Assembly.
6. QEP360-3,SiEeEvacuation.
7. QEP 110-T1, RCT Task Prioritization, g:-



1. None.


1. None.

,Q.C,Q, S. R.


1. Responsibilities.
a. To have responsible charge of the GSEP Station group and direct a staff in ors ==4*4== and. coordinating the emergency efforts at and within the immediate vicinity of' the station.

! b. To ensure adequate manning and access control of the Onsite TSC when activated.

c. To keep the- GSEP Command Center Director fully informed of the status of the emergency and the measures being taken to deal with the emergency. g
d. Establish agreements required for service specified in Section 4 of the site annex unless another Director has been assigned the responsibility of obtaining this agreement.

. . __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - _. - _. ..___ - -. _ - . - _a

QEP 110-1 ,

R;vicien 8 1

2. Notification.
a. Initial h (1) Shift Engineer.

(2) Senior NSO.

3. The Station Director has the authority for declaring an emergency, recommending protective actions to local authorities, and authorizing emergency radiation exposures in excess of 10 CFR 20.101 limits. This authority may not be delegated.


1. Obtain information as required from:
a. Shift Engineer.
b. Radiation Protection Department. The RCT's should conduct appro-i priate surveys and sampling activities until the arrival of the

! Rad /Chen Director. Prioritize RCT sampling tasks to ensure the acquisition of the most pertinent data during the early phases of a GSEP condition. Samples should be obtained in the order listed in QEP 110-T1, if possible.

2. CategorizetSeincidentusibgproceduresQEP200-2and200-T1.
a. Transportation Accident.
b. Unusual Event.
c. Alert. g APPROVED
d. Site Emergency. DEC 2 31982
e. General Emergency. Q. O.M NOTE _

In the case of a General Emergency, the

responsible state and local governmental agencies are to be notified within 15 minutes after dec1= ring the- condition as. a General Emergency. The necessary time should be taken to accurately detemine the condition of the emergency, and once the condition is l officially declared, the Red Phone and NARS Phone notifications must be completed within ,

15 minutes. It is not prudent, however, to use excessive amounts of time to classif7 O

the emergency and to avoid the inevitable g

timely notifications that must be made for a' General Emergency GSEP classification.


T QEP 110-1 Revicica 8

3. Notify the following as necessary per the instructions given by procedure QEP 310-1:
a. System Power Supply Load Dispatcher.
b. Station Director.
c. Command Center Director.
d. Operations Director.
e. Technical Director.
f. Maintenance Director.
g. Stores Director.
h. Administrative Director.


i. Security Director.

J. Rad /Chen Director.

4. Actions required-complete as necessary.
a. Personnel Accounting-contact Security Director.

( (1) Personnel accounted for or assembled.

(2) Personnel missing (list)


6 DEC 2 31982 i'


b. Injured personnel-contact Operations Director.

(1) Radiation Protection notified for first aid / survey and de-contamination.

i-(2) Ambulance arranged.

(3) Hospital House Supervisor Notified.

(4) Command Center notified.


QEP 110-1 .

Revicica 8 4

,] c. Plant Access-ccatact Security Director.

(1) Gate House secure. h (a) Locked by guard.

(b) Open to allow off-site access and notified to direct off-site assistance.

d. Evacuation planned-contact Operations Director.

(1) Non-essential personnel-list groups (2) Site evacuation-contact Operations Director.

(a) Route planned.

(b) Estimated dose expected. APPROVED (c) Assembly area. DEC 2 31O l-Q.C.O.S.ft 2.


(d) Survey personnel available.

(3) Local area evacuation proposed. (Refer to generic GSEP tables 6.3-1 and 6.3-2, and Section 7.3.3.)

(a) Sector (s) involved and avoidable dose.

(b) Coordination through:.

l 1. Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency.


2. Iowa Office of Disaster Services.

(c) Environs team notified for assistance and continuing information.


[%, e. Contact Industrial Relations regarding injuries (after incident is t under control).

  • l l

QEP 110-1 Revision 8 y, f .' Recovery.

(1) Determine extent of contamination.

(a) On-Site - contact Rad / Chem Director.

(b) OffSite - contact Environs Director.

(2) Protective measures set for personnel.

4 (3) Dose management set.

(4) Unit status set and stable-contact Operations Director.

. (5) Damage estimated.

(6) Development of specific recovery plans.


1. None.


l. None.

k I

t L, l i-

, APPROVED DEC 2 3 W82 q.c.o.s. R




IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE ID/3T A. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to outline the method to implement the GSEP duties of the Acting Station Director (Shift Engineer, or Shift Foreman).


1. QEP 200-T1, Emergency Action Leveels (EAL'.s).
2. QEP 200-T2, EAL - Procedure Cross Reference.
3. QEP 310-1, Initial Notification.
4. QEP 310-T1, Emergency Organization Augmentation.
5. QEP 310-T2, NARS Form.
6. QEP 360-2, Plant Evacuation:and Assembly.

/ 7. QEP 350-T1, Protective Action Guidelines (PAG's).


1. None.


1. None.


1. A cross-reference is contained in QEP 200-T2 which associates the
  • EAL's with applicable station procedures. ,


2. A preface is contained in front of the QGA and QOA procedure manuals which listo those procedures which relate to GSEP events. The preface instructs the reactor operator to inform the Shift Engineer of a condition requiring possible classification as a GSEP event.


1. Classify the event as either a Transportation Accident, Un, usual Event, Alert, Site Emergency, or General Emergency using the EAL Table,

. QEP 200-TI. ,


  • i

, QEP 110-2 .

Revision 2 'y

2. Perform notifications as follows:

1' .

a. Transportation Accident:

(1) Notify System Power Dispatcher, using the NARS Form. Fill out as much as possible on the form. Instructions on how to fill out the form are given in step F.3 of this procedure.

(2) Notify On-Call Duty Person to initiate appropriate GSEP Station Group activation. Refer to QEP 310-T1 for notification scheme.

(3) Notify NRC Operations Center using Red Phone. APPROVED (4) Await further GSEP instructions. DEC 3 31982

b. Unusual Event: Q.C.O.S.R.

(1) Notify System Power Dispatcher, using the NARS Form. Fill out as much as possible on the form. Instructions on how to fill out the form are given in step F.3 of this procedure.

(2) Notify,On-Call Duty Person to initiate appropriate GSEP Station Group activation. Refer to QEP 310-T1 for notification arh*=a.

(3) Notify NRC Operations Center using Red Phone. g (4) Perform necessary immediate and subsequent corrective actions.

Await further GSEP iristructions.

c. Alert:

(1) Notify System Power Dispatcher, using the NARS Form if Corporate Command Center is not manned. Otherwise, notify the Corporate Command Center. Fill out as much as possible on the NARS Form. Instructions on how to fill out the form are given in step F.3 of this procedure.

(2) Notify On-Call Duty Person to initiate appropriate GSEP Station Group activation. Refer to QEP 310-T1 for notification

' scheme. .

(3) Notify NRC Operations Center using Red Phone.

(4) Perform necessary immediate and subsequent corrective actions.

Await further GSEP instructions.

d. Site Emergency: ,

(1) Notify System Power Dispatcher, using the NARS Form if Corporate Command Center is not manned. g O

Otherwise, notify the Corporate Command Center. Fill out as much as possible on the NARS Form. Instructions on how to fill out the form are given in step F.3 of this procedure.


QEP 110-2

  • Rtvision 2 (2) Sound the assembly / evacuation siren.

(3) Notify On-Call Duty initiate appropriate GSEP Station Group acrivation. Refer to QEP 310-T1 for notification scheme.

(4) Notify NRC Operations Center using Red Phone.

(5) Perform necessary immediate and subsequent corrective actions.

Await further GSEP instructions.

e. General Emergency:

(1) Notify System Power Dispatcher, using the NARS Form if Corporate Command Center is not manned. Otherwise, notify the Corporate Command Center. Fill out as much as possible on the NARS Form. Instructions on how to fill out the form are given in step F.3 of this procedure.

(2) Sound the assembly / evacuation siren.

(3) Notify On-Call Duty Person to initiate appropriate GSEP Station Group activation. Refer to QEP 310-T1 for notification scheme.

(4) Notify NRC Operations Center using Red Phone.

G k

(S) If the Corporate Command Center or the EOF have not been activated notify state and local agencies. Using the NARS (Green) Phone, Dial 23. Notify all parties utilizing the NARS Form. .

l ll NOTE I

In the case of a General Emergency, the responsible state and local governmental agencies are to be notified within 15 minutes after declaring the condition as a General Emergency. The necessary time should be taken to accurately determine the condition of the emergency, and once the condition is

    • officially declared, the Red Phone and NARS Phone notifications must be completed within 15 minutes. It is not prudent, however, to use excessive amounts of time to classify the emergency and to avoid the inevitable timely notifications that must be made for a General Emergency GSEP classification.

(6) Perform necessary isusediate and subsequent corrective actions.

Await further GSEP instructions.

APPROVED DEC 2 31982 q.c.o.s. a.

QEP 110-2 ,

Rsvision 2 3 1

f] 3. NARS Form:

a. Items 1 through 7 are self-explanatory. h
b. To complete item 8, refer to the Protective Action Guidelines (PAG's) given in QEP 350-Tl and in GSEP Table 6.3-1.

(1) For a Transportation Accident, check box A.

(2) For all other GSEP conditions, enter the PAG table with the classification and release situation (item 6). Since projected doses would probably not be available, use the appropriate containment radiation level to determine the recommended protective action, and which box to check for item 8.

c. Item 9 is self-explanatory.
d. For item 10, only the chimney is an elevated release point.
e. Items 11 through 14 are self-explanatory.
f. Do not fill in item 15.
g. Items 16 and 17 are self-explanatory.
h. For a Transportation Accident only, fill in item 18. Item 19 is self-explanatory.
i. Item 20 should be the Shift Engineer or his designee at the Station.

J. Item 21 should be the addressee of the message (SPSO, NRC, etc.).

k. Item 22 may be filled in later.
4. Priotitization of Tasks for RCT Personnel: Samples should be obtaincd in the order listed in QEP 110-T1 if practicable.


1. None.


1. None.

APPROVED DEC 2 31982 q.c.o.s. n.

A y .

e (final)


S, e I

SP 'N '

QEP 310-0 Revision 10 I December 1982 ID/2Q,2R NOTIFICATION OF

() ,

RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITIES 310-0 Notification of Responsible Authorities Rev. 10 12-23-82 310=1 Initial Notification Rev. 4 12-23-82 310-T1 Guidance for Augmentation of the On-Site Emergency Organization within 30 Minutes Rev. 5 05-26-82 310-T2 State of Illinois Nuclear Accident Reporting System Form Rev. 1 04-01-81 310-T3 Prioritized Notification Listing , Rev. 5 12-08-82 O


(]) DEC 2 31982 Q.C.O.S.H.


a '

(~l V

QEP 310-1 Revision 4 INITIAL NOTIFICATION December 1982 ID/2R A. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to outline GSEP responses and the initial notification of offsite authorities for emergency conditions.


1. 10CFR20.403.
2. 10CFR50.72.
3. ED-17.
4. QEP 310-T1.
5. QEP 320-1.
6. QEP 440-1. -
7. QEP 310-T2.


1. None.


1. When ma, king initial notifications to any agency or control center for purposes of classifying, upgrading or downgrading an event, the follow-ing should be used as a list of minimum information that should be transmitted,
a. Name and title of the reporting person.
b. Location and type of incident (i.e., the emergency classification).
c. Date and time of i$1cident.
d. h ther a release of radioactive material is taking place.
e. Potentislly affected population and areas.
f. Whether protective measures may be necessary.




0. c. o. s n.

l QEP 310-1 R;visim 4 y

2. If verification of the authenticity of a notification is requested by outside agencies, suggest a call back using outside phone lines but do not provide outside phone number information.

g NOTE Once the NRC is notified of a GSEP condition, a con +4ana== commaa4 ~*4aa abaa=1 with the NRC Operations Center shall be maintained open and shall close only when notified by the NRC.


1. None. APPROVER,


DEC 3 31992

1. GSEP responses. Q.C.O.S.h
a. Transportation accident.

l (1) Declare transportation accident condition.

(2) Notify the System Power Dispatcher, using the Nuclear Accident Reporting Form shown in QEP 310-T2. Instructions on the use of this form are contained in F.2.b.(2) of this procedure and

( ED-17. h (3) Notify GSEP station group in accordance with QEP 310-T1 and QEP 320-1.

(4) Notify the NRC Operations Center. If call is made on ENS phone, NRC Region III may also answer. If NRC Region III does not answer, NRC Operations Center will contact NRC l Region III.

(5) Dispatch personnel for evaluation if deemed necessary.

(6) Notify appropriate local agencies as needed (i.e. , fire departments, hospitals, etc.)


b. Unusual event.

(1) Declare an unusual event condition.

(2) Notify the System Power Dispatcher, using the Nuclear Accident Reporting Form shown in QEP 310-T2. Instructions on the use of this form are contained in F.2.b.(2) of this procedure and '


(3) Notify GSEP station group in accordance with QEP 310-T1.



j Q2P 310-1 Rsvinica 4 (4) Notify the NRC Operations Center. If call is made on ENS O phone, NRC Region III may also answer. If NRC Region III does not answer, NRC Operations Center will contact NRC Region III.

l (5) Notify appropriate local agencies as needed (i.e. , fire departments, hospitals, etc.)

c. Alert.

(1) Declare alert condition.

(2) Notify the System Power Dispatcher if Corporate ' Command Center is not manned. Otherwise, notify Corporate Command '

Center. Use the Nuclear Accident Reporting Form shown in QEP 310-T2 for this notification. Instructions on the use this form are contained in F.2.b.(2) of this procedure and,of.

ED-17. J (3) Notify the NRC Operations Center. If call is made on ENS phone, NRC Region III may also answer. If NRC Region III does not answer, NRC Operations Center will contact NRC Region III.

(4) Activate the GSEP station group and augmentation personnel in

.- accordance with QEP 310-T1 and QEP 320-1.

A,_ .

(5) Activate the On-Site Technical Support Center and the Opera-tional Support Center.

(6) Notify appropriate local agencies as needed (i.e. , fire departments, hospitals, etc.)


d. Site emergency. I (1) Declare site emergency.

(2) Notify the System Power Dispatcher if Corporate Command Center is not manned. Otherwise, notify Corporate Command Center. Use the Nuclear Accident Reporting Form shown in QEP 310-T2 for this notification. Instructions on the use of


i this form are contained in F.2.b. (2) of this procedure and ED-17.

(3) Notify the NRC Operations Center. If call is made on ENS phone, NRC Region III may also answer. If NRC Region III l does not answer, NRC Operations Center will contact NRC j Region III.

(4) Activace the GSEP station group and augmentation' personnel in accordance with QEP 310-T1 and QEP 320-1.

O (5) Activate the On-Site Technical Support Center and the Opera-tional Support Center.


_3, DEC 2 31982 Q.C.O.S.H.

QEP 310-1

  • R;visica 4 g (6) Dispatch personnel for environs ~ monitoring, if required.

(7) Notify appropriate local agencies as needed (i.e. , fire departments, hospitals, etc.)

e. General emergency.

(1) Declare a general emergency.

(2) Notify the System Power Dispatcher if Corporate Conunand Center is not manned. Otherwise, notify Corporate Command Center. Use the Nuclear Accident Reporting Form shown in QEP 310-T2 for this -

notification. Instructions on the use of this form are contained in F.2.b.(2) of this p'rocedure and ED-17.


In the case of a General Eriergency, the responsible state and local governmental agencies are to be notified within 15 minutes ,

after declaring the condition as a General Emergency. The necessary time should be taken to accurately determine the condition of the emergency, and once the condition is officially declared, the Red Phone and NARS Phone notifications must be completed within l 15 Ainutes. It is not prudent, however, to

( use excessive amounts of time to classify h I

the emergency and to avoid the inevitable . -

timely notifications that must be made for a General Emergency GSEP classification.


(3) Notify the Illinois ESDA anc Rock Island Communications Center of the emergency situation and make recommendations consistent with Section 6.3 of the Generic GSEP. Also notify ,

the Iowa Office of Disaster Services, Clinton County EOC and Scott County EOC, and Whiteside County Sheriff and EOC. Use the Nuclear Accident Reporting Form for this notification.

- NOTE -

  • The responsibility for notifying state and local agencies of a general emergency cond'ition is given to the Station Director. However, if the CCC or the nearsite EOF have already been activated for a previous emergency declaration, this notification will normally be performed by the CCC Director or Recovery Manager. In addition, if the state EOC is ,

already activated at the time of the general emergency declaration, the CCC Director or Recovery-Manager may brief state officials APPROVEn -

l l

' before protective action recommendations are' given to local authorities via the Nuclear QC 3 3 g g l Accident Reporting System. Q.C.O.S.x

O QEP 310-1 R1visica 4 ,  ;


(4) Notify the NRC Operations Center. If call is made on ENS f Os phone, NRC Region III may also answer. If NRC Region III does not' answer, NRC Operations Center will contact NRC  ;

Region III.

i r

(5) Activate the GSEP statica group and augmentation personnel in l accordance with QEP 310-T1 and QEP 320-1.

(6) Activate the On-Site Technical Support Center and Operational Support Center.  ;

(7) Dispatch personnel for environs monitoring, if required. l QEP 310-T1 provides guidance for augmentation.

(8) Notify appropriate local agencies as needed (i.e., fire I departments, hospitals, etc.) &

(9) Provide plant status updates to the state and local authorities l until these functions can be performed by the Command Center

- Director. i

2. Agency notifications. ,
a. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. '

(1) The conditions listed below any or may not require GSEP actNation. However, any of these conditions require notifi- f'

' cation of the NRC Oper'ations Center within one hour and identification that the report is being made pursuant to j 10CFR Part 50.72. i i

i NOTE The Division Vice-President for Nuclear  !

Stations or his designee and News Information l Services shall be notified any time the NRC  ;

is notified pursuant to 10CFR Part 50.72.

(a) Any event requiring initiation of the licensee's emergency  !

plan or any section of that plan.

' (b) The exceeding of any Teclinical Specification Safety Limit.

(c) Any event that results in the nuclear power plant not being in a controlled or expected condition while opera-ting or shut down.

(d) Any act that threatens the safety of the nuclear power plant or site personnel, or the security of'special nuclear material, including instances of sabotage or attempted sabotage. 4 7 g gg.j g g CEC 3 3 iN2

,3_ Q. c. o. s. a. I

- .1

QEP 310-1 .

R:;visi:n 4 g

(e) Any event requiring initiation of shutdown of the nuclear

. power plant in accordance with Technical Specification &

Limiting Conditions for Operation. W (f) Personnel error or procedural inadequacy which, during normal operations, anticipated operational occurrences, or accident conditions, prevents or could prevent, by ,

itself, the fulfillment of the safety function of those structures, systems, and components important to safety that are needed to (i) shutdown the reactor safely and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, or (ii) remove residual heat following reactor shutdown, or (iii) limit the release of radioactive material to acceptable levels or reduce the potential for such release.

(g) Any event resulting in manual or automatic actuation of Engineered Safety Features, including the Reactor Pro- .

tection System.

(h) Any accidental, unplanned or uncontrolled radioactive release. (Normal or expected releases from maintenance or other operational activities are not included.)

(i) Any fatality or serious injury occurring on the site and requiring transport to an off-site medical facility for treatment.

(j) Any serious personnel radioactive contamination requiring extensive on-site decontamination or outside assistance.

gj (k) Strikes of operating employees or security guards, or honoring of picket lines by the employees.

(1) Any event meeting the criteria of 10CFR Part 20.403 for notification.

NOTE Even though the requirement for 20.403(b) events is 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> notification to NRC Region III, APPROVED a one hour requirement exists to the NRC Operations Center. DEC 2 31982 (2) 20.403 notification of incidents. Q. C. O. S. H.

(a) Immediate notification of NRC Region III:

Each licensee shall immediately notify by telephone and telegraph, mailgram or facsimile, the Director of NRC Region III Office of any incident involving" byproduct, source or special nuclear material possessed by him and which may have caused or threatens to cause:



QEP 310-1 R
visica 4 l

(i) Exposure of the whole body of any individual to 25 ren or more of radiation; exposure of the skin of the whole body of any individual of 150 ren or more of radiation; or exposure of the feet, ankles, hands or forearms of any individual to 375 ren or more of radiation; or


(ii) The release of radioactive material in concentrations which, if averaged over a period of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, would exceed 5,000 times the limits specified for such materials in Appendix B, Table II; or -

(iii) A loss of one working week or more of the operation of any facilities affected; or (iv) Damage to property in excess of $200,000.

(b) Twenty-four hour notification of NBC Region III:

Each licensee shall within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> notify by telephone and telegraph, mailgram or facsimile, the Director of the NRC Region III Office of any incident involving

- licensed material possessed by him and which may have caused or threatens to cause:

s (i) Exposure of the whole body of any individual to '

5 ren or more of radiation; exposure of the skin of

% the whole body of any individual to 30 ren or more of radiation; or exposure of the feet, ankles, hands or forearms to 75 ren or more of radiation; or l-(ii) The release of radioactive material in concentrations which, if averaged over a period of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, would l

exceed 500 times the limits specified for such 1 materials in Appendix B, Table II; or (iii) A loss of one day or more of the operation of any

! facilities affected; or (iv) Damsge to property in excess of $2,000, i

b. Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency.

(1) Using the NARS telephone, or its equivalent, report the information required by the ESDA Nuclear Accident Report i Form. (See Environmental Director Implementing Procedure d

ED-17 and QEP 310-T2.)

e APPROVE 0 0 . me n u Q. C. O. S. M.


QEP 310-1 R;vicien 4 , ,

(2) N.A.R.F. Using the letter designations in each of the sections of the N.A.R.F., describe the information as follows:

g (a) Section 1 - Name the site affected.  ;

1 (b) Section 2 - Classify accident using GSEP and its annexes.

(c) Section 3 - Name the reactor unit affected. For a transportation accident, do not specify a unit. 1 (d) Sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 - Self-explanatory.

(e) Section 8 (1) Specify "A" if there is no action expected of governmental officials. This would most likely occur during an unusual event but could apply to the alert or transportation accident classes. (2) Specify "B" if you advise the governmental officials to prepare fo'r future action involving the public. This is most likely to occur during an alert or a site area emergency but could ,.

apply to a transportation accident. (3) Specify "C" and indicate the recommended protective action if the public is to be involved. This is most likely to occur for a site area or general emergency and transportation accident.

Reference I will be especially useful for estimating the ,

evacuation range for a site area or general emergency.

1 (4) Specify "L" if use of potentially affected water

' should be discontinned. Recommand locations for this.


_ (5) Specify "M" if cattle in downwind sectors should be put on stored feed. Recommend number of miles.

h (f) Section 9 and 10 - Describe the situation concerning the status of effluent releases. Elevated releases are those from the Dresden Unit 1 and 2/3 chimneys, QC chimney, and LSCS vent stack. All other release points are considered ground level during an accident.

(g) Section 11 Self-explanatory. A P P ROV I .'

c. Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety. CIC 3 3102 (1) Immediate notification: OO i" Each licensee or registrant shall immediately notify the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety by telephone and tele-graph of any incident involving any source of radiation possessed by him and which may have caused or threatens to cause:

(a) A dose to the whole body of any individual of 25 rem or more of radiation; a dose to the skin of the whole body of any individual of 150 rem or more of radiation; or a dose to the feet, ankles, hands or forearms of any g

I individual of 375 rem or more of radiation; or,

QEP 310-1 R;vicien 4 i (b) The release of radioactive material in concentrations

(( s which, if averaged over a period of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, would exceed 5,000 times the limits specified for such materials in Appendix A, Table II (Appendix B of 10CFR 20); or (c) A loss of one working week or more of the operation of any facilities affected; or, (d) Damage to property'in excess of $100,000.

(2) Twenty-four hour notification:

Each licensee or registrant shall within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> notify the  !

Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety by telephone and tele-graph of any incident involving any source of radiation  ;

possessed by him and which may have caused or threatens to i cause: -

(a) A dose to the whole body of any individual of 5 ren or more of radiation; a dose to the skin of the whole body of any individual of 30 ren or more of radiation; or a dose to the feet, ankles, hands or forearms of 75 rem or  !

more of radiation; or, t (b) The release of radioactive material in concentrations  !


which, if averaged over a period of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, would

) exceed 500 times the limits specified for such materials in Appendix A, Table II (Appendix B of 10CFR 20); or, .

(c) A loss of one day or more of the operation of any facili-

  • I ties affected; or, (d) Damage to property in excess of $1,000. '


1. None.  !


1. None. l l


q. C. O. 6 n 1


, . QEP 340-0

$ $ Revision 11 Dacember 1982 ID/1Q,1R ' CORRECTIVE ACTIONS 340-0 Corrective Actions Rev. 11 12-23-32 340-1 -

Operation During Earthquake Conditions Rev. 4 05-18-82 340-2 Operation During Tornado Warning Rev. 1 06-20-80 340-3  !

Lock and Das Number 14 Failure Rev. 2 02-19-81 f 340-4 i Action to be Taken in the Event of .

an Oil Spill to the Mississippi River Rev. 3 12-07-81 j 340-5 f Station Fire Fighting Rev. 4 02-16-82 i t

340-6 Chlorine Dioxide Spill Rev. I 10-01-82 ,

I r

340-7 ,

[ Chemical Spill Clean-Up Rev. I 10-29-82


340-S1 l Fire Drill Worksheet Rev. 3 12-23-82 }

i r

i i

l i

l t


i 1

. i I


O DEC 2 31982  !


l (final)  :



p 4_













A ? P R O'/ I

  • Fire Company #1 -

Onsite plant personnel other than brigade Q.C.O.S.k.



G' -




s ,



r h



APPROVED O occ 2 aissa

"' c"'  :

cc: Corporate Fire Protection Engineer



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