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10CFR50.59 Rept for Jan-Dec 1989.
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1989
Shared Package
ML20012C645 List:
NUDOCS 9003220320
Download: ML20012C646 (37)


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/j SNRC-1690 <

EECLOSURE A 1- 10 CFR 50.59 Report Period from-January 1, 1989 ,

- through December 31, 1989 c

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i Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Docket.No.'50-322 I

i 9003220320 900315 PDR ADOCK 05000322 s R PDC


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SNRC-1690-Enclosure A Page 1 of 36 SM 84-090 Description of Change

'This change' revised the' vibration velocity alarm setpoints to establish. correct setpoints for vibration monitoring " Alert".and.

" Danger" alarms for various pumps to agree with ASME XI inservice testing requirements. .The vibration monitoring system provides indication of pumps' operating condition.


I. RNo . . This change did not functionally alter the operation of the vibration monitoring system. The change just revised setpoints'to bring them within the ASME XI limits.

II. .No. The new vibration setpoints will initiate an alarm when vibration velocity exceeds acceptable limits.

III. No. The new.setpoints are consistent with allowable.

vibration limits of operation for safety related pumps. The new'setpoints will protect the pumps from damage.


. -.'i SNRC-1690 Enclosure A Page 2 of 36

! SM 85-060 =(DOP 84-05)

Description of Change This change installed an uninterruptible power supply for.the

-loads connected to panel 1Dil-PNL-N2.- This change will prevent

-the loss of historical data in the Radiation Monitoring System (RMS)i computers, which are powered from 1D11-PNL-N2.

Summary I. No. The equipment associated with this modification-is.not safety related and has no interaction with safety related equipment.

II. No. This change does not alter the original intent of operation of the RMS computers.- Any_ failure of this equipment during an accident would have no adverse effect on safety related power supplies.

III.-No. The equipment installed by this modification performs no safety _ function.

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. j SNRC-1690:

-Enclosure JL-

  • Page 3 of'36 SN 85-062  ?(DOP~85-084)

Description of Change

This change provided floor sleeve penetrations through the Control Room floor slab, EL. 63'-0", and installed a sill plate _,

'txrlater mount the new Colt Control Console. This modification made'available penetrations-that are required to route control and instrument-cables between the Control / Process Computer Room ,

and the_ Relay Room. Additionally, this change installed. wall l sleeve penetrations through the Process Computer Room / Relay Room block wall along with conduits connecting-the Control Room floor sleeves with.the-Relay Room wall sleeves.

Summary-I. fN o .- - 'The addition of floor and wall sleeve penetrations and the installation of a sill plate did not affect the integrity of the seismic structure. The change also'did not affect the differential pressure barrier rating of*the Control Room floor. The modification did not affect any existing equipment (Category I) that is required-for' safe shutdown of the. plant.

II. No. This modification does not change any systems required for the safe. shutdown of the plant as evaluated in the USAR.

,III. No. . This modification does not affect any safety related equipment.


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-Enclosure A Page14 of 36 SM 86-049 (DOP 83-147)

Description of Change Replacedithe~ service water chlorination pumps (1W23-P-244A and

- B), previously positive displacement pumps (PDP), with


- progressive cavity pumps. .This replacement eliminates potential piping-failures and smooths out the control of flow since the 1

. pulsacion of the PDPs is eliminated. 1 The residual chlorine sample pump 1P33-P-046 was also replaced.

The new pump also required the addition of a priming tank and a duplex strainer because it is not self-priming'and may be easily

' damaged by particulates.

There was an interlock on'the circulating water bearing cooling strainer' backwash and-the operation of the service water chlorination pumps. This interlock prevented backwashing of the

strainer when,the chlorination pumps were in service. The l purpose of'this interlock was to prevent chlorine from being -!

discharged without monitoring. Due to the need for continuous chlorination, this interlock was-jumped out. By this modification, the interlock was also removed.  ;



I.- No. No safety related equipment was involved in this modification. The probability of occurrence or'the  ;

consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the safety l analysis report remain unchanged.

II . - No. . This modification involved only non-safety related  !

equipment which does not directly interface with safety. l related systems.  :-


III.'No. No safety related equipment was involved in this modification. No plant system, provided to mitigate the l

' consequences of postulated accidents, was impacted or. i

-degraded ~because of this modification. No radiological I impacts on the general public result due to this modification.

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D SNRC-1690 0 Enclosure A >

-l Page 5 of 36' i

SM 86-058l --

-(DOP 86-058) ,

b Description of Change This change-implemented modifications to the' plant security.

L' system. The change removed the existing E-Field installation and replaced it with a-newly designed installation. The change '

satisfies commitments to the NRC and conforms with the Security Plan.

Summary I. No. This' modification does not affect the operation of any safety related. system.- The change affects the. security system which is non-safety related and improves the operation of the system.

II. No. The replacement systems provided by this change are similar to and improvements upon those that previously.were in use at Shoreham.

III .: No. The security system is not subject to technical specifications and the change does not impact any safety related system.

f SNRC-1690 Enclosure A '

Page 6 of 36 i

' SM - 8 6-0 61 ' (DOP-84-043)

Description of Change The-telephone room in the Office and Service Building' houses the  :

Main Switchboard forJthe Plant Staff telephone system. ' Door > the access'to this= room and it is required to be a security door. Door OS-27-07 was fitted with balanced magnetic switches to provide' security. surveillance of the door.

Additionally, the' dutch door panels were bolted together on the outer face of the-panels to create a single panel to meet security requirements.  ;

Summary I. -No. This modification does not affect the operation of any-safety related' system. Door OS-27-07 is not fire-rated and the security alarm system to which the new-alarm is connected is non-safety related.

II. No. This: modification does not affect the operation of any safety.related system.

III. No.- No. safety related equipment is affected by.this modification.' .The modification adds security surveillance related equipment to a door in a QA Category III area and assists in' controlling the security of the plant telephone communication system.. -


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SNRC-1690. I Enclosure A Page.7 of 36 SM 86-065 (DOP 84-236) ,

Description'of Change-F


Replaced diesel driven fire pump fuel oil tank (IM43-TK33) level indicator 1M43-LI-054, a Crosby pressure. gauge that senses pressure and converts it to level,~with a Jerguson liquid level.

gauge IM43-LG-269. Minor piping modifications were executed to install gauge ~IM43-LG-269.

Additionally, existing level switches mounted on the diesel driven-fire. pump _ fuel oil tank (1M43-TK33) were replaced. -The new level' switches were. direct replacements of the existing switches only with different setting capabilities.

Summary I. No. The equipment affected'by this modification is non-safety related, QA Category II and III. The

modification improves the verification accuracy of the diesel-driven fire pump fuel oil storage tank level capacity.

II. No. -This. modification ensures the accuracy of the diesel driven fire pump fuel oil storage tank level. The modification does not interfere with the operational capabilities of the tank nor with other equipment important to safety.

III. No. This modification improves the reliability of the diesel' fuel tank indicator. The operational functions of the tank remain' unchanged.

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SNRC-1690 Enclosure A .i Page 8 of 36 SM 86-067 ~ ( DOP 18 5-0 31 )-  !

Description of Change This change' involved the installation'of removable gratings to t cover-the portions of nine' floor penetrations identified as -r having been damaged or having a high potential for damage. The removableigratings are supported by the curb plates and concrete ,

walls around each of-the floor penetrations.

I SummaryL I. No. No safety related equipment is involved in this change and the_ gratings do not interface with any safety related equipment. .

l II. -No. This modification is not safety related'and it does not' impact the accident analyses in Chapter 15 of=the USAR.

III. No. See I and II above. -'



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SNRC-1690 Enclosure A Page 9 of 36 SM 87-025' Description of Change This chango entailed changing piping configurations so that low ~

pressure steam supply lines to the Dryer Regenerator Booster

-Ejectors (IN62-EJ-009A&B) and Offgas Inlet Booster Ejectors (1N62-EJ-007A&B)-became independent of the low pressure steam supply lines to the offgas;preheaters (1N62-E-102A&B). This allows for greater operating flexibility.

Summary I. No. This modification provides operating flexibility in operating the preheaters and the ejectors independently.

The preheaters and ejectors are-non-safety related,'and the change does not impact any interface with a safety related system.

I I .. No. -The modification changes the operating flexibility of a non-safety related system and introduces no change in safety

-related equipment.

III. No. Only a minor rerouting of' piping was made. The design basis of the system remains unchanged.-


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L SNRC-1690 Enclosure A Page 10 of 36 SM 87-029 -(DOP 85-182)

Description of Change This modification permanently mounted a computer' interface box (CIB) in the control rod test instrument panel 1H11-PNL-610 and j the installation of permanent wiring necessary to connect it to 1 the panel.. The CIB interfaces the Control Rod-Information System and the_ Plant Process Computer System. The CIB, which allows for.

an: efficient, accurate and reliable means of analyzing scram times for satisfying Technical Specifications surveillance requirements, had been previously installed as a' temporary 4 modification, j Additionally, phone jacks were installed in the front of the panel: with the wiring between the jacks, the CID and panel 1H11-PNL-610 made permanent wiring.

Summary I. -No. The components this modification are non-safety related and do not interface with any safety related equipment.

II. No. This modification does not affect safety related equipment nor does it impact the accident analyses discussed .i in Chapter 15 of the USAR.

.i '

III. No. This modification increases the quality of measurement associated with verifying compliance to Technical y

. Specifications. -i l


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1 SNRC-1690-Enclosure.A Page 11-of 36 SM 87-034~ (DOP 85-166)

Description of Change This change provided for the installation of Gaitronics handsets in plant elevators to assure-a form of two-way communication


between the elevators.and the Control Room or Security if needed.

Summary. o I.- No. The-Gaitronics handsets are not safety related. .The addition of the handsets will increase personnel safety in the event of an emergency in the elevators.

II. No. This modification is not safety related.

' III. No. See I and II above.  ;

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F Uh SNRC-1690 6r Enclosure A Page112 of136 O SM'88-027

-Description of' Change

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" -This modification implemented changes to sixteen (16) Moisture


l,' Separator and Heater Drains (N35) system pipe supports resulting s from the stress evaluation-performed in accordance with LILCO E Deficiency' Report (LDR):88-072 to re-evaluate the stress' levels,

in the affected piping and the structural. adequacy of the piping-supports.

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Summary I. No. The N35 system piping and;-its supports are QA Category-II',.non-safety related. The modification ensures structural integrity.of the1 supports and-piping under higher revised ~i loads. The existing functions and purposes of the piping system remain unchanged.

II. .No. The modified supports will continue to-serve the same function as originally required.

III. No. The new' support configurations conform to all previously existing design criteria under higher revised loads and continue to' fulfill their originally _ designed function.

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SNRC-1690 Enclosure A Page 13 of 36

! SM 89-002' (DOP 89-018)

Description of Change Replaced the original Electric Apparatus Company motor, supplihd by Velan for the core _ spray pump-discharge outboard valve lE21*MOV033B, with a new Reliance Electric motor type P21G6098D.

'The original motor burned out and no direct replacement was available. The motor overload heater was sized to match the' characteristics of the new motor.

Summary-iI. No. This modification only replaces a burned out motor for E21*MOV033B with a suitable replacement. The new motor has similar characteristics to the one originally installed.

The new motor was evaluated and approved as a qualified replacement.

II. No. The motor replacement does not cause the core spray valve or system to function in a manner different from that previously evaluated.

III. No.: No change.has been introduced to the design bases

. requirements as this modification only provides for the replacement of the motor.

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SNRC-1690 Enclosure A Page 14 of 36-SPCN 88-0370 Description of Change SPCN 88-0370 revised Station Test Procedure (STP)-31, " Loss of Turbine Generator and Offsite-Power", to provide for a one (1)'

second time delay for current transformer (CT) saturation direct

-current-(DC) time constant. This allows the Normal Station Service Transformer (NSST) to fast transfer to the Reserve

' Station Service Transformer (RSST) prior to loss of offsite power.

The test objective of STP-31 is to demonstrate acceptable performance of the station's electrical supply systems._ The USAR states that a-loss of' auxiliary power test will be performed, but does'not define the method /mannersin which a loss of offsite power is to occur. STP-31, as revised, assures that the test is

_ performed in a methodical manner, demonstrates acceptable performance of the station's-electrical supply system, and meets USAR requirements.

Summary l I. No. The tests will continue to demonstrate reactor transient performance and electrical equipment / system

. performance during the loss of the main generator and off-site power. The revision of STP-31 enhances the controlled, stepwise manner in which the tests are l


l II.- No. See I above.

.III. No. See I above.


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SNRC-1690 Enclosure A-Page 15 of 36 SPCN 88-1171

-Description of Change m

SPCN 88-1171 revised and clarified the station organization add

'personne1' responsibilities identified in Station Procedure (SP)-

12.002.01, " Station Organization and Personnel Responsibilities".

The revision included organizational changes to ensure that the integrity of the Nuclear Quality Assurance Department-(NOAD) .is it is capable of executing its oversight function-independently, reporting of the Director, Office of Training to the President, and realignment of Corporate Management responsibilities and reporting requirements. The Commission has boen informed of.these changes by SNRC-1403 (12/8/87), SNRC-1412 (1/28/88), and SNRC-1465 (6/13/88) respectively.

Summary I. No. These' changes were administrative'in nature and do not affect plant operations. Changes which affected Shoreham's Quality Assurance. Program were made in accordance with 10CFR50.54 (a) (3) and 10CFR50, Appendix B and do not reduce the commitments in the program description previously.

accepted by the NRC.

II . --. No.. No physical alterations of plant configuration or changes to setpoints or operating parameters have been made.

III. No.. See I and II above.

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f. ' - Enclosure A

.Page 16 of 36


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[q SPCN 88-1809- i p

, Description of Change SPCN 88-1809 adds new sections 8.10, " Reactive Current -

Compensator (RCC) On-Line Checks", 8.11,'"Underexcited Reactive.

_ Ampere Limits (URAL)", and 8.12, " URAL Initial Operation in .

Automatic Mode" to Station Procedure (SP)-46.115.01, "Alterrex F

Startup'and Celibration Procedure". These'new sections were

'added in the expectation that they may have been needed for 5


future testing and adjustment.


., Summary y'i I. No. SP-46.115.01 is a routine plant function to enable proper adjustment of the Alterex System in accordance with GE document GEK 14870C.

II. No. Startup and calibration of the Alterrex System is a normal plant evolution accomplished prior to initial synchronization and also includes the additional on-line checks once the generator is on-line.

'III. No.- This,is a routine operation which does not affect the.

margin of safety defined in the bases for any-technical specification.

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SNRC-1690 Enclosure A Page 17 of 36 SPCN 89-0104 Description of Change i SPCN 99-0104; converted Temporary Procedure (TP)-25.122.01,  !

" Service Water Macrobiological Monitoring Unit (MMU) Installation-and Operating Procedure", to a permanent station procedure SP-S4.001.01. SP-S4.001.01 provides instructions for installing-and operating a MMU in the Service Water System via a slipstream -

around selected' service water heat exchangers to allow for '

monitoring.of macrobiological marine growth to trend the  ;

performance of the hypochlorination system. This method, in  :

conjunction with adjustment of service water system chlorination '

rates, will be utilized to minimize macrobiofouling.

Summary l I. No. Governing station procedures-require the periodic review and appropriate disposition of temporary procedures.-

Upon review and recommendation of the Review of Operations ',

Committee, and in accordance with Station Procedure 5

SP-12.006.01," Station Procedure Preparation - Review, Approval, Change,' Revision, and Cancel", the temporary procedure was required to be retained and reclassified-as a station procedure. This change does not impact the SAR or Technical Specifications. The design conditions of the ,

service water system have not changed.

'II. No. -See I above.

III. No. See I above.-

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SNRC-1690  :'

Enclosure A _

Page 18 of 36

-SPCN 89-0203 Description of Change SPCN 89-0203 added a new section 8.5, " Reactor Feedwater Thermal. ;f Stratification Test", and associated Appendices A and B, to Station Test Procedure (STP)-821, " Balance of Plant (BOP) -

Thermal Expansion Testing, Additiostl Systems". The purpose of r this test is'to monitor the reactor #eedwater piping u.2d support system for the effects of thermal stratification phenomena.

. Summary I.. No. The reactor feedwater thermal stratification test solely monitors the magnitude of thermal stratification with the Condensate /Feedwater System operating in its normal

, configuration. The' test is a conservative action which will help-to ensure the reliability of the system and does not jeopardize the plant's design bases.

JII. No. The performance of this test does not create a i possibility for an accident or malfunction of'a different type than any evaluated previously in the SAR.

_III. No. This. test provides a means to evaluate-potential events not the design bases of the plant. The performance of the test will enhance, rather than reduce, the margin of safety for the system. ,

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SNRC-1690 Enclosure A Page 19 of 36 SPCN 09-0229 )

j Description of Change i

SPCN 89-0229 deleted text referring to Test Condition-4 (TC-4) from Station Procedure (SP)-12.075.01, " Administration of Startup Testing". SP-12.075.01 provides administrative controls for the ,

, preparation, scheduling, performance and evaluation of startup  !

testing. Similar changes were previously forwarded to the NRC {

via LILCO letter SNRC-1520 dated December 9, 1988. NRC Region I  !

Inspection Report 50-322/89-02 found this change acceptably made .

in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59. 1 Additionally, SPCN 89-0229 revised and clarified the organization, responsibilities and activities of personnel ,

involved in startup testing. j Summary I l I. No. Shoreham utilizes a flow biased APRM thermal flux scram l which the NRC has determined to be ineffective for protection against regional flux oscillations. Therefore, Shoreham must manually scram the reactor on a dual recirculation pump trip in RUN mode. TC-4 would require testing be performed at natural circulation conditions and i L approximately 35%. core thermal power. Since the NRC has ,

determined that Shoreham does not have adequate protection 1

for regional flux oscillations in the RUN mode and no l

recirculation pumps running, TC-4 was deleted from the Startup Test Program. General Electric has agreed with this

i. conclusion.

II. No. See I above.

t g III. No. See I above.

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g SNRC-1690 i Enclosure A l Page 20 of 36 j i

SPCN 89-0436  !

i Description of Chance SPCN 89-0436 deleted section 8.4 of Station Test Procedure (STP)-19, " Core Performance". Section 8.4 involved thermal j limits calculations at test condition-4 (TC-4), natural  :

circulation conditions. Similar changes were previously l forwarded to the NRC via LILCO letter SNRC-1520 dated December 9, i 1988. NRC Ragion I Inspection Report 50-322/89-02 found this t

! change acceptably made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59.  :

i Summary I. No. Shoreham utilizes a flow biased APRM scram with time .

delay to provide a simulated thermal power. The Commission t has determined this type of scram circuit to be ineffective for automatic scram protection during regional thermal l hydraulic instabilities. Therefore, the Commission has i requested (Bulletin 88-07, Supplement 1) that plants, like  :

Shoreham, that do not have effective automatic scram  ;

protection for regional oscillations manually trip the '

reactor in response to every situation in which two recirculation pumps are tripped with the reactor in the RUN mode. Test Condition-4 would require Shoreham to operate with both recirculation pumps tripped in the RUN mode to <

perform section 8.4 of STP-19. Therefore, the deletion of section 8.4 is appropriate. ,

II. No. See I above.

III. No. See I above.


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i SNRC-1690 Enclosure A Page 21 of 36 SPC'N 89-0437 Description of Change SPCN 89-0437 deleted section 8.4 of Station Test Procedure (STP)-22, " Pressure Regulator". Section 8.4 involved pressure regulator measurements at test condition (TC-4) , natural circulation conditions. Similar changes were previously forwarded to the NRC via LILCO letter SNRC-1520 dated December 9, 1988. NRC Region I Inspection Report 50-322/89-02 found this change acceptably made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59.

Additionally, SPCN 89-0437 deleted reference to STP-21, and added the LPRM signal to form 22.8.5-1, "GETARS Signal List", and to form 22.8.5-2, " Pressure Control Related Variable Response".

Summary I. No. Shoreham utilizes a flew biased APRM scram with time delay to provide a simulated thermal power. The Commission has determined this type of scram circuit to be ineffective for automatic scram protection during regional thermal hydraulic instabilities. Therefore, the Commission has requested (Bulletin 88-07, Supplement 1) that plants, like Shoreham, that do not have effective automatic scram protection for regional oscillations manually trip the reactor in response to every situation in which two recirculation pumps are tripped with the reactor in the RUN mode. Test Condition-4 would require Shoreham to operate with both recirculations pumps tripped in the RUN mode to perform section 8.4 of STP-22. Therefore, the deletion of section 8.4 is appropriate.

II. No. See I above.

III. No. See I above.


SNRC-1690 f Enclosure A  !

Page 22 of 36 SPCN 89-0438 f M 89-0471 1 Description of_ Change SPCN 89-0438 deleted section 8.5 of Station Test Procedure r (STP)-9,," Water Level Measurement". Section 8.5 involved water level measurements at test condition-4 (TC-4), natural circulation conditions. Similar changes were previously forwarded to the NRC via LILCO letter SNRC-1520 dated December 9, 1988. HRC Region I Inspection Report 50-322/89-02 found this change acceptably made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59.

SPCN.89-0471 deleted section 8.5 of Station Test Procedure *

(STP)-23, "Feedwater System". Section 8.5 addressed level setpoint changes at test condition-4 (TC-4), natural circulation '


Summary I. No. Shoreham utilizes a flow biased APRM scram with time delay to provide a simulated thermal power. The Commission has determined this type of scram circuit to be ineffective for automatic scram protection during. regional thermal hydraulic instabilities. Therefore, the Commission has requested (Bulletin 88-07, Supplement 1) that plants, like Shoreham, that do not have effective automatic scram protection for regional oscillations manually trip the reactor in response to every situation in which two recirculation pumps are tripped with the reactor in the RUN L mode. Test Condition-4 would require Shoreham to operate with both recirculation pumps tripped in the RUN mode to perform section 8.5 of STP-9 and STP-23. Therefore, the deletion of section 8.5 is appropriate for both procedures.

II. No. See I above.

III. No. See I above.


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, SNRC-1690 i Enclosure A Page 23 of 36  ;

SPCN 89-0482 Description of Change SPCN 89-0482 deleted sections 8.4 and 8.6 of Station Test 1 Procedure (STP)-30, " Recirculation System". Sections 8.4 and 8.6 ]

involved performing testing at natural circulation conditions in i RUN mode. Similar changes were previously forwarded to the NRC 1 via LILCO letter SNRC-1520 dated December 9, 1988. NRC Region I Inspection Report 50-322/89-02 found this change acceptably made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59. I l

Summary I. No. Shoreham utilizes a flow biased APRM scram with time '

i delay to provide a simulated thermal power. The Commission has determined this type of scram circuit to be ineffective '

i for automatic scram protection during regional thermal hydraulic instabilities. Therefore, the Commission has requested (Bulletin 88-07, Supplement 1) that plants, like Shoreham, that do not have effective automatic scram protection for regional oscillations manually trip the reactor in response to every situation in which two  ;

recirculation pumps are tripped with the reactor in the RUN mode. Test Condition-4 would require Shoreham to operate with both recirculation pumps tripped in the RUN mode to perform section 8.6. Section 8.4 testing starts at test -

Condition-3. Both recirculation pumps are tripped and pump coastdown data is taken and plant operation would be at natural circulation conditions in the RUN mode. The pump coastdown data will be taken during STP-23 turbine trip at test Condition-3, so section 8.4 of STP-30 can be deleted to avoid operation at natural circulation. The deletion of ,

section 8.4 and 8.6 is appropriate.

II. No. See I above.

III. No. See I above.


k SNRC-1690 Enclosure A Page 24 of 36 SPCN 89-1818 t Description of Change SPCN 89-1818 revised Station Procedure (SP)-12.003.01,

" Qualification and Certification of Personnel Performing Safety a' Related Work", by modifying the table of qualification requirements to comply more closely with the requirements of ANSI N18.1-1971 and Regulatory Guide 1.8 - September 1975. l Specifically, the following changes were made to Appendix 12.1:

1. The qualification reference was changed to the appropriate l paragraph from ANSI N18.1-1971 or R.G. 1.8 where applicable.  !

The qualification reference for the Operations Staff Manager was changed from the USAR section (13.1.3) describing the '

Plant Manager'c qualifications to the ANSI N18.1 paragraph describing the qualifications for a Technical Manager because this position is comparable to that of the Operations Staff Manager. All Section Heads not specified by name in ANSI N18.1 were assigned the Engineer in Charge requirements of ,

ANSI N18.1.

2. The asterisks indicating references to the Operating Nuclear Power-Plant Experience requirements in the USAR have been deleted. These requirements are not in ANSI N18.1 and they '

are not applicable to Shoreham personnel because Shoreham is not going to operate. .

3. The requirement to have a D.S. degree in Engineering or a Related Science has been revised to conform exactly to ANSI N18.1 and R.G. 1.8. .

4 The Operations Manager is now required to hold an SRO license rather than a certification. ,This change was made to conform to ANSI N18.1.

5. The number of years experience requirements were revised to conform to ANSI N18.1 and R.G. 1.8. Previously the Total Power Plant experience requirement may have been less-than that required by ANSI N18.1 because a degree was required by the procedure, However, ANSI N18.1 doesn't always require a degree and where this degree requirement was deleted from -

this procedure, the Total Power Plant experience had to be revised to conform to ANSI N18.1 and R.G. 1.8.

Summary I. No. The change is unrelated to any accident analysis and does not affect the function or operation of any plant system or equipment.

II. No. No physical alterations of plant configuration or changes to setpoints or operating parameters were made.

III. No. The change is consistent with Shoreham's non-operating, defueled condition. The change is unrelated to any margin of safety.

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SNRC-1690 Enclosure A SPCN 89-1872 Description of Change SPCN 89-1872 created a new Station Procedure (SP)-S4.000.02,

" System Blowdown and Dry Layup". SP-S4.000.02 will govern and provide the guidelines for the blowdown of systems that are to be placed in dry layup during Shoreham's non-operational, defueled condition.

Summary I. No. .The plant will not be operating during the performance of'this procedure. The execution of this procedure is a conservative action taken to protect systems in accordance

with Shoreham's System Layup and Implementation Package program.

II. No. See I.above.

III. No. See I above.

l f SNRC-1690 i Enclosure A Page 26 of 36 SPCN 89-2031 Description of Change

'SPCN 89-2031 revised Station Procedure (SP)-21.002.01,

" Operations Narrative Logs, Records, and Watch Relief", by adding ,

! text to section 8.2.16 to insure that personnel assignments to the Fire Brigade and Communicator are understood at crew briefings. Additionally, Appendix SPF 21.002.01-6, " Shift Turnover Sheet Main Control Room", was rearranged to include the assignment of the Fire Brigade Leader and to relocate Fire Brigade assignments to Sheet 1.

Summary I. No. Procedure SP-21.002.01 provides detailed instructions to Operations personnel for the maintenance of narrative logs to ensure that the day to day evolutions are properly documented and to describe procedures for operator watch relief. The changes made to this procedure are administrative in nature and do not affect plant operation.

II. No. No physical alterations of plant configuration or changes to setpoints or operating parameters occur by this change.

III. No. See I and II above.

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L SNRC-1690 Enclosure A Page 27 of 36 SPCN 89-2173 i

Description of Change SPCN 89-2173 created a new Temporary Procedure (TP)-23.709.02, "RWCU Pump Cooling Test". The purpose of this temporary procedure is to determine if the Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling Water (RBCLCW) System can be isolated from the Reactor

Water Cleanup (RWCU) pump cooling loads while maintaining the pump in operation with reactor coolant temperature less than 3

100'F, and to evaluate the RWCU pump cooling requirements for the long term layup conditions anticipated for Shoreham's non-operational, defueled condition.

L Summary I. No. This Temporary Procedure does not constitute a change to the station configuration or station procedures as i'

described in the Safety Analysis Report, nor does it require.

any changes to the Technical Specifications as its performance will not create a situation where the isolation or monitoring portions of the RWCU system will become c inoperable.

II. See I above.

III. See I above.

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SNRC-1690 Enclosure A Page 28 of 36 SPCN 89-2176 i

Description of Change SPCN 89-2176 revised Station Procedure (SP)-12.003.01,

" Qualification and Certification of Personnel Performing Safety Related Work", by modifying the qualification requirements for the I&C Engineer and the Computer Engineer to comply with the requirements of ANSI N18.1-1971. Shoreham Technical Specification 6.3.1 and USAR section 3D-1.8 state that the unit staff shall meet or exceed the qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971.

ANSI N18.1-1971 does not require the I&C Engineer to have participated in certain activities identified in USAR section, nor does it require either the IEC Engineer or the Computer Engineer be degreed (4 yr.). The changes to SP-12.003.01, and the associated USAR change, will bring the qualifications of these individuals in-line with ANSI N18.1-1971.

Summary I. No. The change is unrelated to any accident analysis and does not affect the function or operation of any plant system or' equipment.

II. No. No physical alterations of plant configuration or changes to setpoints or operating parameters were made.

III. No. The change is in accordance with Technical Specification section 6.?.1 and USAR section 3B-1.8. The I&C Engineer and the Computer Engineer must-still meet the qualification requirements of ANSI N18.1-1971. The change is unrelated to any margin of safety.



SNRC-1690 i Enclosure A Page 29 of 36 LSPCND TPC 89-94 7BPCNl TPC 89-I5 Description of Change ,

Temporary Procedure Change (TPC)-89-94 revised Station Procedure (SP ) -12. 50 0. 01, " Fire Protection Program Description", by changing the composition of the Fire Brigade with the deletion of one (1) Fire Protection Technicien and the addition of an Operator. Temporary Procedure Change (TPC)-89-95 revised .

procedure F-1.500.02, " Fire Brigade Organization Response, i Practice and Drills", in the same manner (see also SEPS89-012 of this report).  !

Governing station procedures require the periodic review and ,

appropriate disposition of temporary procedure changes. Upon review and recommendation of the Review of Operations Committee, and in accordance with Station Procedure SP-12.006.01, " Station Procedure Preparation-Review, Approval, Change, Revision, and Cancel", TPC-89-94 and TPC-89-95 were required to be retained and approved for procedure revision.

Summary I. No. These changes are administrative in nature and are unrelated to any accident analysis and do not affect the ,

function or operation of any system or component.

II. No. No physical alteration of plant configuration or changes to setpoints or operating parameters occurred. The  ;

change does not affect the function or operation of any plant system or equipment.

III. No. Reducing the number of Fire Technicians on the Fire Brigade by one, and replacing the Fire Technician with an '

Operator, does not reduce the effectiveness of the Brigade.

The number (five) of members on the Brigade remains in compliance with technical specifications. The change is unrelated to any margin of safety as defined in the bases for any technical specification.

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Enclosure A Page 30 of 36  !

SEPS89-001  ;

Description of Change l As described in SNRC-1615 dated July 20, 1989, this change i

! announced a number of personnel and organizational changes at the 1

Shoreham Nuclear Power Station. The changes, as identified in i

SNRC-1615, were reviewed and a safety evaluation was prepared pursuant to 10CFR50.59 (a) (1) within the broad premise that the i
plant. organization and personnel constitute, in part, "a segment  ;

of the facility as described in the safety analysis". l Summary I. No. . The organizational structure of the Shoreham plant l staff was not changed and the replacement persons for the '

positions vacated by the changes have the requisite qualifications as outlined in the USAR. These changes were administrative in nature.

II. No. See I above.

III..No. See I above.

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SNRC-1690 '

Enclosure A Page 31 of 36 i

SEPS89-002 f Description of Change This change revised the USAR qualii'ication requirement that the Radiation Controls Manager shall participate in management 3 activities of an operating nuclear plant for two (2) months above t 20% power by making it a conditional requirement (i.e., the word "shall" was changed to "should"). Shoreham Technical i Specification section 6.3.1 and USAR section 3B-1.8 state that i the unit staff shall meet or exceed the qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971. ANSI N18.1-1971 does not require the Radiation Controls Manager to have participated in the activities as stated above (and as identified in USAR section The change does not delete the qualification, but does revise the wording to

-eliminate it as a requirement. This information was submitted to the NRC via LILCO letter SNBC-1618 dated August 29, 1989. .

Summary I. No. The change is unrelated to any accident analysis and does not affect the function or operation of any plant system or equipment. ,

II. No. No physical alterations of plant configuration or changes to setpoints or operating parameters were made.

III. No. The change of wording from "shall" to "should" is in accordance with Technical Specification section 6.3.1 and USAR section 3B-1.8. The Radiation Controls Manager must still meet the qualification requirements of ANSI N18.1-1971. The change is unrelated to any margin of safety.


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e SNRC-1690  :

Enclosure A Page 32 of 36 SEPS89-011 N

Description of Change These changes terminated the position of.On-shift Advisor (SEPS89-011), and Shift Technical Advisor and Nuclear Engineer (SEPS I 89-013). USAR section 13.1.2 identifies and establishes the  ;

requirements for the normal plant operating. shift and the minimum plant operations staff during periods when the reactor vessel is fueled and shutdown. The On-shift Advisor, Shift Technical .!

Advisor and Nuclear Engineer positions are required for the normal plant operating shift. However, these positions are not required during periods when the reactor vessel is defueled and shutdown. The LILCO/New York State Settlement Agreement does not permit LILCo to operate Shoreham. Shoreham is currently in a  ;

non-operating, defueled condition with the fuel stored in the Spent Fuel Storage Pool.

Summary  ;

No. The change is unrelated to any accident analysis and I.

does not affect the function or operation of any plant system or equipment.

II. No. No physical alterations of plant configuration or changes to setpoints or operating paramaters were made.

III. No. The change is consistent with Shoreham's non-operating, defueled condition. The change is unrelated to.any margin of safety.


SNRC-1690 Enclosure A Page 33 of 36 SEPS89-012 Description of Change This change revised the Shoreham Emergency Plan section 5.2 to read "The onsite Fire Brigade will be manned by the Shift Watch 3 Supervisor, one Fire / Safety Technician and the three equipment operators". The change involved revising the composition of the Fire Brigade with the deletion of one (1) Fire / Safety Technician  :

and the addition of an Operator. The change is consistent with '

(SPCN) TPC 89-94 and (SPCN) TPC 89-95 previously discussed in this. enclosure.. This change was previously reported to the NRC i via LILCO letter SNRC-1543 dated October 6, 1989.

Additionally, a subsequent change was made to delete the Watch Supervisor as the Fire Brigade Leader while Shoreham is in a I

defueled condition. This change was reported to the NRC via LILCO letter SNRC-1647 dated November 29, 1989.

Summary I. No. These changes are administrative in nature and are unrelated to any accident analysis and do not affect the function or operation of any system or component.

II. No. No physical alteration of plant configuration or changes to setpoints or operating parameters occurred. The change does not affect the function or operation of any plant system or equipment.

III. No. Reducing the_ number of Fire Technicians on the Fire .

Brigade by one, and replacing the Fire Technician with an Operator, does not reduce the effectiveness of the Brigade.

The number (five) of members on the Brigade remains in _

compliance with technical specifications. The change is unrelated to any margin of safety as defined in the bases for any technical specification.

Additionally, while Shoreham is in its defueled condition, the Fire Brigade Leader does not need to possess a Senior Reactor Operator's license to assess the potential safety.

consequences of a fire and advise control room personnel.

The Fire Brigade continues to be in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements.

4 W t 7 SNRC-1690



Enclosure A Page 34 of 36 SEPS 89 o14 l Description of Change j L This change revises the organizational structure of the Radiological Controls Division as identified in USAR Figure 13.1.2-3. The changes involve functional organization changes .

! that do not reduce the manpower level below those required by the  :

l USAR. The changes only reflect the administrative control

changes of various functional activities.

Summary t

I. No. The change is administrative in nature and is unrelated to any accident analysis and does not affect the function or operation of any plant system or equipment. j II. No. No physical alterations of plant configuration or changes to setpoints or operating parameters were made.

III. No. The change is unrelated to any margin of safety.

i gd h SNRC-1690 Enclosure A Page 35 of 36 i SEPS89-022 Description of Change -

This change involves the operation of filter 109 (Radwaste Exhaust Filter Train) without the charcoal filter section in place.

I Summary i

t I. No. In Shoreham's current non-operating, defueled condition, there are no concerns of iodine generation. '

Therefore, there is no concern for potential releases which i

! could exceed Technical Specification section 3/4.11.2.

Daily sampling of Reactor Coolant and Fuel Pool systems has shown no levels of radioiodine concentrations in the current ;

plant status. Weekly sampling of the station ventilation exhaust radiation monitor charcoal filters has shown no levels of radiciodine concentrations.

II. No. See I above.

III. No. See I above.


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E SNRC-1690 Enclosure-A Page 36 of 36 SEPS89-023 l: Description of Change L


This change involved modification of the organizational structure and staff in the Engineering Support Organization in accordance with the Settlement Agreement and to support Shoreham in a 4

defueled condition. The only function that was deleted during i this reorganization was the Engineering Assurance function.

l (Reference USAR section 13.1) ,

l. +

Summary b I. No. The staff level and organization of the Nuclear Engineering Department (NED) does not have a direct relationship to the' initiation of an accident. All design '

controls and functions performed by NED are performed under previously approved Programs and Procedures. Revisions are a result of reduced work scope and not a reduction in work program or procedure requirements.

II. No. See I above.

III. No. See I above, i
