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Expresses Concern Re Const of Facility Adjacent to in Dunes Natl Lakeshore.Serious Concern Exists Re Adverse Impact of Facility on Cowles Bog
Person / Time
Site: Bailly
Issue date: 12/16/1976
From: Ruppe P
To: Rowden M
Shared Package
ML19345B955 List:
NUDOCS 8012020838
Download: ML19345B954 (2)



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$h ith Mr. Marcus A. Rowden, Chairman Nuclear Regulatory Commission Q.{) Washington, D.C. 20555

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Dear Mr. Rowden:

p'f.,, I would like to express my growing concern over the 7 plans or' the Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO)

M to constract a nuclear generating plant on the shores of M. ; Lake Michigan in: mediately adj acent to the Indiana Dunes M'_ National Lakeshore.

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M. < I serve on the Subcommittee on National Parks anc' 71 4 Recreation of the Committee on Interior and Insular Aifairs.

R-y a Over the past three years we have debated, and finally

.! enacted late this year, major legislation to modify the -

fl0 boundaries of the Lakeshore. One of the most controversial

$, issues, and one in which I became deeply involved, was that E. of the adequate protection of Cowles Bog, a registered J.E 1 national natural landmark within the Lakeshore and immedia-Mf, q tely adjacent to the proposed Bailly nuclear site.

W i;;i During the deliberations on this legislation, members of the Committee agreed that it would be inappropriate for 4, the legislation to take a stand for or against the con-1;.i . troversial proposed nuclear plant outside the boundaries of

!. '-D the Lakeshore. There was serious concern, however, over

['* l possible .isting adverse impacts to the Bog, emanating from present activities of adjacent landowners , particularly J.;,; . NIPSCO. The legislation enacted, Public Lau 94-549, re-O ':. quires the Secretary of the' Interior to further evaluate

r. this situation and report his findings back to the Congress J.. so that more conclus '.ve legislative consideration might he
//- made by the Congress to assure adequate protec'. ion of the f

.:s Bog resource.

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fi .From reports I hear, I am quite concerned as to pos-

- '3 sible further adverse impacts to the Bog, particularly to 5' its water, which might result from construction of the

." . proposed nuclear plant in this location on the very edge

'j - of the Bog. Moreover, there are other considerations of

- adverse impact to the Lakeshore which come-into play rela-

?. ' tive to the proposed location of this facility.


.4 I am sure you are well aware of these issues, but I

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would houe that no irreversible actions will be taken E


related 'to possible construction of a nuclear facility at this location until the Congress has the benefit of the fi study being conducted relative to Cowles Bog and the Lake-

,.';} shore as dictated in Public Law 94-549.

.k Sincerely,

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.L. . . cc: Hon. Thomas Kleppe 3

Secretary of the Interior T


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