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Revised Page 4-8 to LOCA Analysis Rept. Supplemental Discussion of NEDO-24855 Encl
Person / Time
Site: Dresden, Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/13/1980
Shared Package
ML19343A975 List:
NEDO-24146A, NEDO-24146A-01, NEDO-24146A-1, NUDOCS 8011240393
Download: ML19343A990 (2)


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/] 7 TAL/IMFNY NEDO-24146/'iEDO-25346A 3

Table 4C MAPLilGR VERSUS AVERAGE PLANAR I XPOSURE d PLANT! Dresden 2,1/Ouad Citie. 1 FUtg. TY12.: _ 7J [.' H i Average Planar Exposure MAPL!IGR PCT Oxidation (FNd / t ) (kW/ft) (*F) Fr a c t i c>n, 200 14.3 2198 0.034 1 000 14.5 2197 0.034

>,000 14.7 2198 0.032 10,000 14.5 2198 0.032 15,000 14.0 2198 0.074 20,000 13.7 2197 0.073 25,000 13.6 2198 0.070 30,000 13.2 2127 0.056 35,000 12.1 2043 0.04 3 40,000 11.0 1873 0.022 Table 4D MAPLl!GR VERSUS AVERACE PLANAR EX.'OSURE PLANT: Quad Cities 1 FUEL TYPE: EEIC - PU Average Planar Exposure MAPLHGR PCT 0xidation (FNd / t) (kW/ft) (*F) Fraction 200 14.1 2198 0.042 1,000 14.3 2194 0.040 5,000 14.6 2197 0.039 10,000 14.2 2198 0.038 15,000 13.5 2198 0.112 20,000 13.3 2195 0.114 25,000 13.2 2195 0.136 30,000 12.6 2200 0.117 35,000 12.1 2198 0.117 l 40,000 11.9 2196 0.136

( 45,000 9.4 1747 0.018 50,000 8.2 1M7 0.001 l 4-8 j 0 1 n 4- M93- ------ - - - - - --- --- - - - - - - - - - - -



- 1 ATTACHMENT lf Supplemen tal Discussion o r l

NFDo-2t855. Section 2.1 Pro;jections based on typical rod patterns inoicate that the mixed oxide fuel will not exceed 9 KW/ft durinF, Cycle 6 steady-stace op< ration. A 204 maximum local increase in LHGH is expected as a ri;: ult of the woru t single railure transient. The peak LHGR based on realistic conditions would, therefore, be approximately

!O.8 KW/Pt which is almost a factor of two less than the 1% plastic strain c.afety limit.

The LHGR Limiting Condition of Operation for improved '7x7 fuel (17 5 KW/f t) cannot be reached durine; steady state operation oc the highly depleted mixed oxide fuel. However, if it it assumed that the highest reactivity fuel in the core in put nL 1.HG R 1.i mi ts ( 13. ll KW/ft for 8x8 fuel) then the power required to produce 1% plastic strain in the 7x7 cladding will be greater than 150% or the design maximum steady state power throughout cyc Le 6. The margin to 1%

plastic strain is therefore no lower for the MO2 fuel during cycle 6 than other 7x7 fuel. In fact, for solid pellet fuel at end of cycle 6 the decign maximum LHGR for the mixed oxide assembly is approximately 12 KW/ft v; hen the 1% plastic strain LHGR is approximately 21 KW/ft (175%).

D**QD *D ~T o obu o 2.1 o
