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Application for Amend 65 to Licenses DPR-72 & CPPR-73, Containing Revisons to Chapter 3 of FSAR
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/06/1980
From: Mills L
Shared Package
ML19323H072 List:
NUDOCS 8006110259
Download: ML19323H071 (3)





400 Chestnut Street Tower II June 6, 1980 Mr. Enrold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Dear Mr. Denton:

In the Matter of the Application of ) Docke*. Nos. 50-327 lennessee Valley Authority ) 50-328 Submitted herewith is Ainendment 65 to the Tennessee Valley Authority application for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant units 1 and 2. This amenduent contains:

1. . Revisions to chapter 3
2. Documentation in the FSAR of items transmitted by my letters dated May 1,1930, seismic analysis of Vaste Pac., aging Area and Condensate Dc.aineralizer Waste Es vorator building, May 5, 1980, requests for exemptions from inservice inspection requirements, and May 19, 1980, information on diesel generators.
3. Responses to NRC questions on foundation engineering (Q2.64 and Q2.85) and the diesel generators (Q8.35 - Q8.47)
4. Revisions to TVA's response to hRC questions 5.9A on the inservice inspection program
5. Instructions for incorporating the new and revised material into the FSAR Very truly yours, TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTliORITY


. M. Mills, .anager Nuclear Rebulation and Safety Sworn to and subscribed before me this /#

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04ubu4-Notary Public- 6 My Coimaisa in Expires 4' &

8006110 W An Equal Opportunity Employer

SNP-65 TVA SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT Amendment 65 Instruction Sheet The following instructional information and check list is being fur-nished to help insert Amendment No. 65 into the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant SAR.

Since in most cases the original FSAR contains information printed on both sides of a sheet of loose leaf paper, a new sheet is furnished to replace sheets containing superseded material. As a result, the front or back of a sheet may contain information that is merely reprinted rather than changed.

. Discard the old sheets and insert the new sheet, as listed below. Keep these instruction sheets in the front of Volume I to serve as a record I of changer..

Remove Insert (Front /Back) (Front /Back)

List of Amendments /--- List of Amendments /---

3.7-1/3.7-2 3.7-1/3.7-2 3.7-9/3.7-10 3.7-9/3.7-10 3.7-10c/--- 3.7-10c/3.7-10d

. ---/--- 3.7-10e/3.7-10f l 3.7-35/3.7-36 3.7-35/3.7-36 3.7-39/--- 3.7-39/---

i ---/--- 3.7-39a/---

3.7-60/--- 3.7-60/

3.7-61/--- 3.7-61/---

3.7-62/--- 3.7-62/---

---/--- 3.7-79/---

---/--- 3.7-80/---

---/--- 3.7-81/---

---/--- 3.7-82/---

---/--- Figure 3.7-13/---

---/--- Figure 3.7-13A/

---/--- Figure 3.7-83/---

2 ---/--- Figure 3.7-84

---/--- Q2.85-1/---
---/--- QS.9A-12/---

---/--- Q5.9A-13/---

---/--- Q8.35-1/---

through Q8.47-1/---

, 65-i June 6, 1980 4

5465A 4

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