MONTHYEARML20217B4981999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards Copy of Receiving Rept from AEA Technology for Disposal of Two Tech OPS 660 Radioactive Cameras,As Follow Up to Insp on 990423-25 & Correspondence, from Ew Montier ML20211H2911997-09-22022 September 1997 Advises That QA Program Approval 0837 Hereby Terminated,As Requested in Ltr Dtd 970814.Licensee Authority to Use Cocs 6717,9032 & 9033 Under General License of 10CFR71.12 Terminated Also ML20128G9251996-10-0303 October 1996 Advises of Termination of QA Program Approval 0712 on 960910.COCs 6717,9027,9032,9033,9036,9245 & 9269 Also Terminated ML18101B4041996-02-14014 February 1996 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 6717,in Response to 960109 Request ML20059J2401994-01-21021 January 1994 Terminates QA Program Approval 0399 Per 931217 Request & Terminates Coc 6717 Under 10CFR72.12 ML20058K4181993-12-0909 December 1993 Advises That QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl package:0508 Expired on 931130 & Since Vendor No Longer Has Valid QA Program Approval,Registration as User of Cocs 6717,9032,9033,9035,9036,9039 & 9056 Terminated ML20058K4281993-12-0909 December 1993 Informs That QA Program Approval 0620 Terminated as Requested in .Cocs 6717,9033,9035,9036 & 9056 Also Terminated.Notifies That Records Required by 10CFR71.91 to Be Retained for Period of Three Yrs ML20046C8721993-08-0606 August 1993 Notification of Registration as User of Cocs 6697,6717,9006, 9007,9032,9033,9035,9036,9039,9056,9098,9127,9137,9141,9143, 9156,9157,9165,9166,9185 & 9245.Notifies That Cocs 9133,9135 & 9160 Expired ML20046C9471993-08-0505 August 1993 Requests Registration as User of Radioactive Material Packages on Encl List ML20045D6661993-06-17017 June 1993 Requests Registration as User of Radioactive Matl Package 0741 Under Terms of Certificate of Compliance 6717 ML20035F0991993-04-12012 April 1993 Requests User of Certificate of Compliances 6717,9028,9032, 9033,9035,9056,9127,9156 & 9157,w/exception of 9133 & 9135 Been Terminated ML20034G5671993-03-0404 March 1993 Requests Registration as User of Models USA/6717/B(u), USA/9006/B(u),USA/9032/B(u),USA/9033/B(u),USA/9036/B(u), USA/9056/B(u),USA/9126/B(u),USA/9127/B(u) & USA/9156/B(u) ML20034E2801993-02-23023 February 1993 Advises That QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl package:0648 Expired on 930131 & Terminated.Informs That Certificates of Compliance 6717,9021,9032,9033,9126,9128, 9148,9156 & 9157 Terminated ML20127N1741993-01-26026 January 1993 Advises That QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl package:O646 Expired on 921231.Notifies That Certificates of Compliance 6717,9021,9028,9032,9033,9036,9056,9107,9128, 9156,9127 & 9148 Terminated ML20127N1591993-01-26026 January 1993 Advises That QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl packages:0643 Expired on 921231.Notifies That Certificates of Compliance 6717,9127,9128 & 9156 Have Been Terminated ML20127N2011993-01-26026 January 1993 Advises That QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl packages:0490 Expired on 921231.Notifies That Certificates of Compliance 6717,9126,9127 & 9128 Have Been Terminated ML20058M5061990-08-0808 August 1990 Advises That QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl package:0315 Expired on 900630.General Licenses of Subpart C of 10CFR71 & Registration Under Provisions of 10CFR71.12, Terminated ML20043J0071990-06-21021 June 1990 Advises That QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl package:0533,expired on 900531 ML20012E0841990-03-0606 March 1990 Advises That QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl package:0167 Expired on 900131.Recipient Registered as User of Certificates of Compliance 6717 & 9021 ML20244B7061989-05-30030 May 1989 Forwards Application for QA Program Approval for Listed Packages.Fee Paid ML20247B9121989-05-0808 May 1989 Requests Registration as User of Certificates 9135,6717,9036 & 9056 & Forwards QA Manual.Fee Paid ML20246J5701989-04-20020 April 1989 Requests Registration as User of Listed DOT Type-B Transport Containers.Fee Paid ML20236E3321989-03-20020 March 1989 Notification of Registration as User of Certificates of Compliance 6717,9032,9033,9035,9127,9128 & 9135 ML20235J0511989-02-0202 February 1989 Forwards QA Program & Requests Registration as User of Certificates of Compliance 0542,6717,9160,9006 & 9135 ML20205Q8641988-10-25025 October 1988 Requests Approval of Encl QA Program for Radioactive Matl package:0508.Fee Paid ML20205R1851988-10-20020 October 1988 Notifies of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliances 6717,9032,9033,9035,9036,9039,9056 & 9135 ML20207M3871988-09-20020 September 1988 Requests Update to Registration as User of Radioactive Matl Shipping Containers ML20150B0851988-06-28028 June 1988 Advises That Registration of Each Location Separately as User of Shipping Package Not Necessary.Records Indicate That Recipient Already Registered for Packages Ref in ML20197D7491988-05-20020 May 1988 Requests Registration as User of Listed Certificates of Compliance Models ML20196A2401988-01-0606 January 1988 Notifies That on 880108 Amersham Corp Will Be Distributors of Gamma Industries & Gulf Nuclear Type B Packages ML20235X1641987-08-31031 August 1987 Notifies That Valid QA Program Necessary Prior to Registration as Package User or Delivery of License Matl to Carrier for Transport Per 10CFR71,in Response to ML20237L3491987-08-0707 August 1987 Requests Registration as User of Models T/O 684,684E,650, 660,660E,680 & 680E,SPEC - 2-T,Gamma 100,100A,200,200A,C-10, Century & SA & & SA (Universal),Inc Ir-50 & Ir-100 & Overpack ML20236H6621987-07-13013 July 1987 Requests Registration as User of Gamma Century Series 9135, Gamma C-10 6717,Gammatron 50A 9126,Gamma C-8 9128,Gamma Overpack 6717,GNI 20V 6717,GNI 20VS 9160,GNI RC-6C/U-110 6717,Tech Ops 650 9032 & Tech Ops 660 9033 Models ML20207S1121987-02-23023 February 1987 Forwards Application for Renewal of QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl package:0252.Fee Paid ML20207N5671986-11-17017 November 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models Century & SA,660, 680,2-T,C-1,C-10 & Pipeliner.Section K of Radiation Safety Manual Encl ML20211E9271986-09-22022 September 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models 6717-B,100A & C8 ML20214Q8361986-09-0808 September 1986 Forwards Application for QA Program Approval,Concurrent W/ Submittal of Application for Renewal of Industrial Radiography License to Region Iii.Registration as User of Listed Type B Packages Requested.Fee Paid ML20206F0021986-05-30030 May 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models 520,Gamma Century s, Gammatron 100A,C-8,C-10 Shipping drum,660 & 650 ML20135F8011985-09-13013 September 1985 Advises of Deletion as User of Model 6717-B,based on Lack of NRC Approved QA Program,In Response to ML20209G2241985-07-30030 July 1985 Submits Amended Request for Registration as User of Models 6717-B,650,660,660E,680,680E & 715.Amend Changes Registrant Name & Address ML20133L3001985-07-15015 July 1985 Requests Registration as User of Models 533,9039,6717 ( & SA),9135 & 9127 (100A) ML20133C2401985-07-0101 July 1985 Requests Registration as User of Gamma Industries Models Century SA,6717-B,100A & C8 ML20128C9441985-05-22022 May 1985 Advises That Application Fee Required for 850501 Request for Registration as User of Certificates of Compliance 9135 & 6717.Applicant Will Be Billed at 6-month Intervals ML20126B0661985-05-0101 May 1985 Requests Registration as User of Models 6717-B,Century s, Century Sa,Century Universal & Century Universal SA & Certificate of Compliance 0166 ML20134B5501985-04-0303 April 1985 Requests Registration as User of Gamma Industries Models 6017-B,100A,C-8,50A,Gulf Nuclear Models 20VS & 40VS,Source Product & Equipment Co C-1 & Tech/Ops Models 660 & 650. Instruction Manuals Encl ML20062A9681982-07-13013 July 1982 Requests Registration as User of Models 6717-B & 650 ML20041A4211982-01-26026 January 1982 Notification of Registration as User of Models 6717-B & 750 in Response to 811229 Request ML20040H0571981-12-29029 December 1981 Requests Registration as User of Models 6717/B & 750 ML20004C3831981-04-27027 April 1981 Forwards List of DOT Spec Containers W/Corresponding Certificate Numbers ML20126J9781981-04-0808 April 1981 Requests Registration as User of Model U-110A 1999-08-11
MONTHYEARML20217B4981999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards Copy of Receiving Rept from AEA Technology for Disposal of Two Tech OPS 660 Radioactive Cameras,As Follow Up to Insp on 990423-25 & Correspondence, from Ew Montier ML20046C9471993-08-0505 August 1993 Requests Registration as User of Radioactive Material Packages on Encl List ML20045D6661993-06-17017 June 1993 Requests Registration as User of Radioactive Matl Package 0741 Under Terms of Certificate of Compliance 6717 ML20035F0991993-04-12012 April 1993 Requests User of Certificate of Compliances 6717,9028,9032, 9033,9035,9056,9127,9156 & 9157,w/exception of 9133 & 9135 Been Terminated ML20034G5671993-03-0404 March 1993 Requests Registration as User of Models USA/6717/B(u), USA/9006/B(u),USA/9032/B(u),USA/9033/B(u),USA/9036/B(u), USA/9056/B(u),USA/9126/B(u),USA/9127/B(u) & USA/9156/B(u) ML20244B7061989-05-30030 May 1989 Forwards Application for QA Program Approval for Listed Packages.Fee Paid ML20247B9121989-05-0808 May 1989 Requests Registration as User of Certificates 9135,6717,9036 & 9056 & Forwards QA Manual.Fee Paid ML20246J5701989-04-20020 April 1989 Requests Registration as User of Listed DOT Type-B Transport Containers.Fee Paid ML20235J0511989-02-0202 February 1989 Forwards QA Program & Requests Registration as User of Certificates of Compliance 0542,6717,9160,9006 & 9135 ML20205Q8641988-10-25025 October 1988 Requests Approval of Encl QA Program for Radioactive Matl package:0508.Fee Paid ML20207M3871988-09-20020 September 1988 Requests Update to Registration as User of Radioactive Matl Shipping Containers ML20197D7491988-05-20020 May 1988 Requests Registration as User of Listed Certificates of Compliance Models ML20196A2401988-01-0606 January 1988 Notifies That on 880108 Amersham Corp Will Be Distributors of Gamma Industries & Gulf Nuclear Type B Packages ML20237L3491987-08-0707 August 1987 Requests Registration as User of Models T/O 684,684E,650, 660,660E,680 & 680E,SPEC - 2-T,Gamma 100,100A,200,200A,C-10, Century & SA & & SA (Universal),Inc Ir-50 & Ir-100 & Overpack ML20236H6621987-07-13013 July 1987 Requests Registration as User of Gamma Century Series 9135, Gamma C-10 6717,Gammatron 50A 9126,Gamma C-8 9128,Gamma Overpack 6717,GNI 20V 6717,GNI 20VS 9160,GNI RC-6C/U-110 6717,Tech Ops 650 9032 & Tech Ops 660 9033 Models ML20207S1121987-02-23023 February 1987 Forwards Application for Renewal of QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl package:0252.Fee Paid ML20207N5671986-11-17017 November 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models Century & SA,660, 680,2-T,C-1,C-10 & Pipeliner.Section K of Radiation Safety Manual Encl ML20211E9271986-09-22022 September 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models 6717-B,100A & C8 ML20214Q8361986-09-0808 September 1986 Forwards Application for QA Program Approval,Concurrent W/ Submittal of Application for Renewal of Industrial Radiography License to Region Iii.Registration as User of Listed Type B Packages Requested.Fee Paid ML20206F0021986-05-30030 May 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models 520,Gamma Century s, Gammatron 100A,C-8,C-10 Shipping drum,660 & 650 ML20209G2241985-07-30030 July 1985 Submits Amended Request for Registration as User of Models 6717-B,650,660,660E,680,680E & 715.Amend Changes Registrant Name & Address ML20133L3001985-07-15015 July 1985 Requests Registration as User of Models 533,9039,6717 ( & SA),9135 & 9127 (100A) ML20133C2401985-07-0101 July 1985 Requests Registration as User of Gamma Industries Models Century SA,6717-B,100A & C8 ML20126B0661985-05-0101 May 1985 Requests Registration as User of Models 6717-B,Century s, Century Sa,Century Universal & Century Universal SA & Certificate of Compliance 0166 ML20134B5501985-04-0303 April 1985 Requests Registration as User of Gamma Industries Models 6017-B,100A,C-8,50A,Gulf Nuclear Models 20VS & 40VS,Source Product & Equipment Co C-1 & Tech/Ops Models 660 & 650. Instruction Manuals Encl ML20062A9681982-07-13013 July 1982 Requests Registration as User of Models 6717-B & 650 ML20040H0571981-12-29029 December 1981 Requests Registration as User of Models 6717/B & 750 ML20004C3831981-04-27027 April 1981 Forwards List of DOT Spec Containers W/Corresponding Certificate Numbers ML20126J9781981-04-0808 April 1981 Requests Registration as User of Model U-110A ML20126H8071981-04-0101 April 1981 Requests Registration as User of Models 6717B,650,660 & 715 ML19343D1371981-03-25025 March 1981 Requests Registration as User of Model 6717B ML20126G8501981-03-20020 March 1981 Requests Registration as User of Gamma Industries Model 6717B ML19347E0611981-03-19019 March 1981 Requests Registration as User of Models U-110,C-8,C-10 & 520 ML20008F0241981-02-25025 February 1981 Submits List of Type B Packages & Requests to Be Registered as Users ML20003C8301981-02-19019 February 1981 Requests Registration as User of Gamma Industries Model 6717-B Overpack Shipping Container ML19341C6551981-02-0404 February 1981 Requests Registration as User of Models 6717 B,100A,C-8 & 500-SU ML19345B3791980-10-28028 October 1980 Forwards Revised QA Program to Dept of Transportation Originally Submitted on 801002.W/o Encl ML19291C5461980-07-16016 July 1980 Requests Registration as User of Model 6717-B ML19330A7501980-07-0101 July 1980 Requests Registration as User of Model 533 ML19330A7481980-05-0101 May 1980 Advises of Name & Address Change from Contra Costa Industrial X-Ray Co in Martinez,Ca to Contra Costa Insp Co in Concord,Ca ML19309E2401980-02-26026 February 1980 Requests Revision to Certificate of Compliance 6717 for Model 6717B Deleting References to Use of Asbestos as Thermal Insulator in Package Design.Requests That Words Asbestos Free,Appear in Description Paragraph ML19260B2711979-11-0101 November 1979 Requests Registration as User of Model 6716 B Shipping Container ML19207B0231979-05-21021 May 1979 Requests Registration as User of Model 6717-B 1999-08-11
MONTHYEARML20244B7061989-05-30030 May 1989 Forwards Application for QA Program Approval for Listed Packages.Fee Paid ML20197D7491988-05-20020 May 1988 Requests Registration as User of Listed Certificates of Compliance Models ML20196A2401988-01-0606 January 1988 Notifies That on 880108 Amersham Corp Will Be Distributors of Gamma Industries & Gulf Nuclear Type B Packages ML20207S1121987-02-23023 February 1987 Forwards Application for Renewal of QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl package:0252.Fee Paid ML20206F0021986-05-30030 May 1986 Requests Registration as User of Models 520,Gamma Century s, Gammatron 100A,C-8,C-10 Shipping drum,660 & 650 ML20004C3831981-04-27027 April 1981 Forwards List of DOT Spec Containers W/Corresponding Certificate Numbers ML20126H8071981-04-0101 April 1981 Requests Registration as User of Models 6717B,650,660 & 715 ML19343D1371981-03-25025 March 1981 Requests Registration as User of Model 6717B ML20126G8501981-03-20020 March 1981 Requests Registration as User of Gamma Industries Model 6717B ML19347E0611981-03-19019 March 1981 Requests Registration as User of Models U-110,C-8,C-10 & 520 ML20008F0241981-02-25025 February 1981 Submits List of Type B Packages & Requests to Be Registered as Users ML19309E2401980-02-26026 February 1980 Requests Revision to Certificate of Compliance 6717 for Model 6717B Deleting References to Use of Asbestos as Thermal Insulator in Package Design.Requests That Words Asbestos Free,Appear in Description Paragraph ML19207B0231979-05-21021 May 1979 Requests Registration as User of Model 6717-B 1989-05-30
[Table view] |
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February 26, 1980
, 2' l$b, REG 3,.. - r3
\\CH U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commisrion Transportation Branch Directorate of Licensing Washington, D. C. 20545 ATTENTION:
Charles E. MacDonald, Chief
Dear Mr. MacDonald:
Gamma Industries hereby applies for a revision on Certificate of Compliance USA 167171B.
This revision is a deletion of references to the use of asbestos as a thermal insulator in the package design and replaces the word asbestos with, " thermal insulation",
throughout the application.
We specifically request that the words, asbestos free, appear in the descrip-i tion paragraph of the Certificate of Compliance.
The original application for this certificate contains the specification data for Johns-Manville's Thermo 12 Pipe and Block Insulation with MIL-1-2781 specifications for the pipe and MIL-1-2819 for the block.
This data and the supporting thermal evaluation contained in that application should technically support this revision request.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this request.
Jours truly, GANA INDUSTRIES Applica nt...............,,,,,
Che:%110.VJ 37 Am a un tlic e Cab $bo'!y'.5? ' ' '[,I,'
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. Richardson Data Check Rec'd.
Radiation Safety Officer Receiva:1 By...g.Fo,
Revisions to 67171B Application PROGRESS THROUGH INNOVATION 8004220g [
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a liner of molded themal insulation such as Johns.
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Manville Thermo-12 or equivalent),1" on top and
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a bottom and 1-1/2" on sides. A molded polyurethane:
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filler'is provided between the thermal insulation,
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and radiography device to position and secure thel
. CT.,
device withi.n' the drum. ; ' general arrangement of',
. ',( $ '
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p the pro'tective 'overpack appears in Appendix 1.10.6.
.. s.,
'.. 3.,
. rt The Model 67'17-B byerpack' as described above is.,
' ' i..;
,..3 essentially identical.to the Model 6717 except for
. l,'
the posAtioning of the radiographic device inside.
' 2[.,
. N..
There have been no structural changes. In the
[d Model 6717-B, the radiography device may be
,l' positioned inside in such a manner as to provide
the maximum amount of protection to all portions e
. of the d'evice in tems of the thickness of thermal.
! 'I3.,j insulation and polyurethane foam available from
,y the overpack. Because of the protruding lock boxes
^. "
..,. < i s
on some cameras, it may be necessary to orient these protrusions about 30 from the horizontal and-consequently position the entire device on its side. '
In some cases, such as with the "P1peliner" model,
y the camera can be set in the overpack in its normal
l vertical orientation.
The capability of the overpack to withstand the conditions set forth in Subpart C of 10 CFR 71 will be explained in Section 1.0 below.
l t
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'.l..C?ACI~a2 LT1*.?JCION (10 CTR 1.23)
- I M ST3UCTURAL DESIGS 1.1.1 Dise- = n
4 The principal ss&--n-C membs:s and syste=s 1: the Madel 5717-B package
. c 7
are: (1) the p::inzp +
- -t vessel co===f-ing the sealed sour'ce of 192 Iridium: whi::me s the definition of special for:t material as defined in 10' CFA I 4 Tr):; C2) the secondary contai:xmer= vessel which is the radiogr zphi: lier"-= used :n hold the sealed s:c:rce in place and provide the neezesar:y *'*1Nr; (3) the insu'ated sinippi=g container or overpack wirth is 20 ga. c:cer and bolt ring posirdve :losure device.
Impact limiter s ar "w-tporated into.the everpack z=if % ude the outer steel drum, thee,--W
+ = i=sulation mi g on top. 5ctros and sides s.
and the moldedd pal'= e n=ne *'7'er between the asbes as a=5 the radio-graphic devices.c.'Te abure corpo:ents are identified on rza drawings in Appendix 1.10.55 azu 21D.E. racy work together to s*Hsfy the standards set forth in Sinbpz:I.:f.10 C:E2 71.
A detailed discussirs of tl$e structural
design and perfin-'-== these components vill be p.svided below.
1.1.2 Desiirr "- '+
The main purposse.:d he :me ns:h is; o pro e:t.:he radisp sphy device from the hypothetic:a1 z=ider: conditions. The two significaz= areas of concern are the 30 f c..
d o::and _he 21-75'F thermal exp:sure. Traz the attached drawings it caen he neen chat :ypical units are small ds s5=e and ruggedly constructed. IDamaei resul d_nr from a drop could have da--'- ental effects only in locali: red =eas. -(i.e lock box, etc.).
For _his reason, each j
unit is secure 117 hEdi #_fhit _he everpack hy 2 s=ug fir-d r rigid polyurethane Y
-1. 3.
.A data sheet is attached in Appendix 1.10. 8 and represents a typical material currently used throughout the industry for pipe insulation. Both mechanical and thermal properties can be found there.
J Rigid polyurethane foam is currently supplied by a number of vendors.
The cast-in-place foam should have a density of 4 to 6 pcf and be of a self extinguishing variety such as Polymir CFO-6SE.. Typical mechanical properties are as follows:
Density 4 pcf Compressive strength 120 psi 2
Thermal conductivity K=.15 (Btu)(in. )(Hr)(Ft )(OF) 1.4 Genera'l Standards for All'Isackages (Ib CFR 71. 31)
- 1. 4.1 Chemical and Galvan Reactions
The Materials from which the package is fabricated (steel, insulation, polyurethane foam), along with the contents of the package (steel, lead or depleted uranium) will not cause significant chemical, galvanic, or other reaction among the packaging components, or between the packaging com-ponents and the package contents.
- 1. 4. 2 Positive Cicsure The positive closure system consists of a 20 ga. cover secured to the 10 i
gallon drum by means of standard 18 ga. bolt ring. Tests on this package to simulate Type B accident conditions have shown this type of closure to be equal to or better than the clamp ring type used on the Model 6717 package (Refer to Section 1. 7 below). In addition, a lead and wire crimp seal will be used in conjunction with the bolt ring to prevent inadvertent and un-detected opening.
1 e
i i
- 1. 5. 2 Extc: =a'. ~3res sure l
e i
Since the sealedi s _ _e tse25 is special form materia.1, = vill withstand much greater p2rew-- es f=an the 25 psig. The overpack:s vented to j
the outside and' the==fere re2. eves a.ny pressure build =p ~~_at may occur.
Therefore, it its cr--WE tlat.here would be no loss of :entents if the ModeJ. 6717-B ;nar.isge we Inbjected to an external prersnre of 25 psig.
M ' Err *m1'Cc=ditions of Transpe-t The model 67177-3 a=hz.ge hts been designed and constru-ted, and the contents are scnP n -d gas de: scribed in Section 0. 2. L(b) above) that the performance rp-ents specified in 10 CFR 7I.35 aill be met l
when the packag;e is stibrented to the normal conditions of transport specified in App-~ - A :zi 10 CFR 71. The ability of the Model 6717-B r
package to satissfaccrfy withstand the normal conditi.c:ss =f transport has been assessied :s described below.
1.6.1 Heat-Construction mmterals ri:he packnge, including the i=ne radiographic device (steel shell==rel ping diepleted uranium), the com:- ment vessel (sealed capsule <.of.5' Ir_:dium i= Special Form) and the omrpack can be subjected to higiberm.a atures than those normally assxiated with i
transport condit:ionr wifnont significant detrimental effect. The thermal and polyurethane io.25.:ci han proven acceptable for T pe 3 thermal I
3 conditions which. s- - =rde be envircamental heat coc.ditems. All material can operate satitsfa=srCy at temperatures exceeding ISD F.
l l
1.6.2 Cold Materials of comc-M"- for :he packaging, the inner rafiographic device, and the sealed cmps:fa 2 252 Iridium are not significar:23 affected by the l
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