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Cask Rigging Analysis 1600 Series Cask W/Redundant Ears. Extra-conservative Analysis Concludes Cask Rigging Is Adequate to Handle Applied Load
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 01/24/1979
From: Dennison D
Shared Package
ML19269C861 List:
NUDOCS 7902140279
Download: ML19270F492 (32)




e 790214 g o g g

CASK RIGGING ANALYSIS - 1600 SERIES CASK WITli REDUNDANT EARS Introduction Preparations are being made to retrieve fuel rods from several failed bundles al the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant and ship them to General Electric's Vallecitos Nuclear Center for detailed hot cell examination to determine the cause of gadolinia rod failures. The fuel rods will be punctured and the fission gas released to 1000 mil stainless steel bottles. The rods will then be sheared into sections of appropriate length to fit into a G.E.1600 series cask for shipaent from the site. The purpose of this analysis is to assure that the wire rope rigging which is used to attach the G.E.1600 series cask to the site overhead crane meets NRC load requirenents*.

Description of Cask and Rigging The G.E.1600 series lead lined cask is fabricated in the shape of a right cir-cular cylinder with outside dimensions of 3815 inches diameter and 68 inches height.

The weight of the cask (assuming approximately a 500 pound payload) is 20,000 lbs.

The DDT certificate of competent authority, the NRC certificate of compliance, the cask drawings and other related documentation on the cask have already been received by Vermont Yankee personnel.

The rigging which will be used consists of four independent lifting slings. Each sling will be fabricated from 1-inch diameter improved plow steel (IPS) wire rope with independent wire rope center (IWRC). One end of each sling will have a heavy duty wire rope thimble which during application will be cated with a certified shackle which in turn, will be attached to a cask lifting lug (cask ear). The 0+ hor end of each sling will have a standard soft eye loop which will be mated to the

  • Description of a dynamic load test performed on the 1600 cask itself is outlined in Reference 1.

hook of the site non-redundant hoisting crane. The two wire ropes attached to the primary cask ears will be a matched set with total length of 16 feet.

The two wire ropes attached to the redundant ears will be a matched set approximately 16h feet long and will include a turnbuckle which is needed to adjust these cables so they will be taut. All the hardware including the wire rope, turnbuckie, thimbles and shackles will be certified for the re-quired breaking strength, and will be load tested to 40% of that breaking strength, s

Dynamic Load Calculation To provide assurance that the transport mechanism is adequate to preclude the possibility of cask drop when subjected to a dynamic load situation, a series of calculations covering the maximum potential dynamic loads and the safety factors for two separate cases were performed. Case I involves the conditions where the cask is at rest on a solid surface and is then suddenly lifted at maximum hoist velocity. Case Il covers the situation where the cask is comple-tely supported by the crane and the hoist instantaneously either accelerates to or deaccelerates from maximum velocity. This rigging calculation is similar to that submitted to the NRC in May 1978 for a Cf-252 source cask which was used at Vermont Yankee for control blade surveillance activities in June 1978. (see Re-ference 2).


The calculations for Case I are based onthe following assumptions and conditions.

1) The cask, maximum weignt of 20,000 pounds, is completely at rest on a solid surface with slack in the lifting mechanism. The crane attains its maximum hoisting velocity of 17.6 ft/ min (3.52 in/sec) prior to supporting any por-tion of the cask weight and then instantaneously lifts the full weight from tne surface while maintaining mexinum (zero load) velocity.


2) The effective metallic cross-sectional area of each 1-inch rope is 0.394 in2, the length of rope available for stretch is at least 192 inches, and 6

the modulus of elasticity of the rope is 11x10 psi. Since the slings are 5.8 degre2s from vertical when the upper attachment is at the same point, the actual cumulative force on the ropes under static load condi-tions is 20,100 pounds.

3) There is no deflection or sag in any component of the hoist mechanisms other than the slings. In the interest of conservatism in determing the safety factors, it will be assumed that the total load is borne by only two wire rope slings and that the other two act to provide a fully redundant system.

The total dynamic load or force for vertical motion is equal to the static load component plus the dynamically generated component. For this case, the standard impact formula for a weight falling an an elastic body can, with appropriate con-version, be applied such that V2 EA TOTAL DYl4AMIC FORCE (P) =W+W 1+

Wlg, dere W = static load (20,100 pounds),

A = effective cross-sectional area of two ropes (0.788 in2 ),

V = velocity at impact (3.52 in/sec),

E = modulus of elasticity (11 x 106 psi),

1 = length of stressed component (192 inches), and g = gravitational acceleration (386.4 in/sec2 ),

1 . ) (11x106)(0.788)

P = 20'100 + 20'100 1 + ((20,100)(192)(386.4) f \

P=20,10011+M1+.0720)=20,100(1+1.035)=40,910 pounds



The calcula_tions for Case II are based on the following assumptions and con-ditions.

1) The cask, weight of 20,000 pounds, is fully supported by the crane. The hoist is (a) initially at rest and then raises the cask with the hoist instantaneously achieving maximum velocity or (b) lowering the cask at maximum velocity and then the brakes act instantaneously to stop the down-ward motion of the hoist. s 2-3) These are the same as for Case I.

Again, the total dyncmic load is equal to the static load component plus the dynamically generated component. Since for this case the static weight of the cask is already under the control of the lift mechanism, the dynamically gene-rated force component is the sane as that for a weight moving horizontally at constant velocity which is suddenly stopped by an elastic body. With appropriate conversion the formula becomes V EA where the factors are the same as for TOTAL DYNAMIC FORCE (P) = W + Wj )

Case I.

6 P = 20,100 + 20,100 (12.4)(11x10 )(.788)

(20,100)(192)(386.4) f \

P = 20,100 1+ 0.0720[=20,100(1+.268)=25,500 pounds Summary Each sling will be manufactured from wire rope, shackles, thimbles, etc. which will be certified for a breaking strength of 44.9 tons (89,800 pounds) and they will be individually proof tested to 40% of that strength (36,000 pounds).


Static Load = 20,100 lbs.

  • = 8.93 (per sling)

Static Load Safety Factor =

2 00 Dynamic Load = 40,910 l bs .

  • = 4.39 (per sling)

Dynamic Load Safety Factor = 40 9 CASE II:

Static Load = 20,100 lbs.

Static Load Safety Factor = 2j8 800 = 8.93 (per sling)

Dynamic Load = 25,500 lbs.

Dynamic Load Safety Factor =

2j8 Q = 7.04 (per sling)

Conclusions '

s The results of this very conservative analysis indicate conclusively that the cask rigging is adequate to handle the applied load which, even with the most severe handling conditions is 4.39 times less than the sling breaking strength.

Under normal operating conditions using experienced crane operators, the actual dynamic loads will be substantially less than the theoretical worst conditions shown here.


~1) Letter from R.G. Sears to 1600 Series Cask File, " Experiment Description -

Dynamic Load Test, 1600 Redundant Cask Ears", January 8, 1979.


2) Letter from R.F. Thibault (General Electric, I&SE, Massachusetts) to W.F. Conway (Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.)," Control Blade Sur-veillance - Cask Analysis, May 24, 1978.

e 6


p-3 January 8, 1979 cc: J. H. Cherb I S'i 4-D. K Dennison M/C 4C T. C. Hall M. E. Sauby M/C 138 J. I. Tenorio J. D. Tuttle To: 1600 Series Cask File


EXPERIf1ENT DESCRIPTION - DYNAMIC LOAD TEST, 1600 REDUNDANT CASK EARS This test was done to verify the adequacy of the 1603 cask's redundant ears in an emergency situation.

1. Test Location: The Vallecitos Nuclear Center Hillside Cask Storage and Handling Facility.
2. Test Equipment:

1603 cask Redundant ear Four labeled bolts (premeasured)

A fork truck Wrenches, slings, shackles, etc.

3. Test Cate: July 27, 1978
4. Test Procedure:

'a . The 1603 was placed under the crane with the fork truck.

h. The redundant ear was attached to the 1603 using the bolts. Torque was 20 ft pounds,
c. A shackle was set in the ear and rigged with a sling.
d. The sling was connected to the crane hook.
e. The sling was pulled tight (see position 1 attached sketch).
f. Using the jog button on the crane control, the cask wcs slowly raised until position 2 was reached.
g. At position 2 th'e crane was jogged again pulling the ground support point off the ground. The cask over centered with a jerk (position 3A) and swung to a stop (position 3B).
h. The fork truck was used in lowering the cask to safety to position 1. -


4. i.

The bolts and redundant ear were removed and surveyed fe sossible contamination.

J. The ear and bolts were checked for damage and the bolts remeasured.

5. Results:
a. No deformation or cracking was found on t;te ear, base metal, or welds,
b. No visible damage was found in the bolt inspectien.
c. The bolts were remeasured to the~ nearest 0.001" and no permanent set was observed.




a. Lifting the 1603 with one ear proves that the ear is capable of handling twice its required' emergency service load.
b. The 1603 experienced a sudden load transfer. As reported in item 4.g above, the cask broke loose from the ground support point and swung into position with a jerk. The actual event was a more severe load than the sudden load transfer criteria specified by Roark*. The dynamic loading of a sudden load doubles the static load involved. Therefore, the redundant ear was suc ces-fully tested without damage to four times its required emergency service load.


.s ss m R. G. Sears - Reviewed and Approved: \

T. C. Hall, Manager Equipment Engineer RP&S Equipment Engineering bjs

  • Roark, R. J. , Formulas for Stress and Strain, 4th Ed.,1965, McGraw-Hill, p 21 e


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LOADING SU:0!ARY Tht actual loading will incorporate all four cable slings and all four lifting cars by using turnbuckles in the redundant ear cables.

These will be adjusted to establish tension in all four lines. For the analysis, however, it is assumed that the entire weight is taken by two of the riggin: cables.

It is planned that the non-redundant look on the crane will be s utilized. There is a substantial cargin of safety between the 10 ton cask load and the 110 ton rated crane capacity.

Two cases of dynamic load ore shown for ccuparison in the rigging section and the attached Table I of E.afety factors; however, only Case II with the load suspended is considered applicable for review against the criteria for static plus dynamic load.

The material used in the redundant ear and bolting is stainless steel. The yield strength is based on the minimum yield strength of 30,000 psi as listed in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section III Table I-2.1 (100 F or less).

The safety factors in Table I for the redundant ear are based on yield and those for the cable are based on na ufacturer's published breaking strength. Shear yield is based .577 cimes the tensile yield strength per distortion energy theory.

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This memo derives the stress applied to the redundant cars of the 1600 cask from the static weight of the cask (19,500 lbs) plus the payload (500 lbs). All of the weight is assumed to be carried by the two redundant cars (10,000 lbs/ car) with no load on the primary ears.

The discussion on dynamic load and safety factors is contained in the Loading Summary section of this cask rigging review package.

Only the redundant cars and their load path co the cask are here addressed. These ears are not considered an integral part of the cask since they are removed for shipping and are installed on site prior to the cask lift. In addition, the redundant cars have been added since the issuance of the NRC Certificate of Corpliance a9044 Revision 2.


Four major load analyses are contained here on the following components:

1. Ear Pull-Out -- The effect of the shackle pin on the ear.
2. Ear Tensile Loading -- Adequac, of the car crossection.
3. Ear k' eld Loading -- The ef fects of shear and moment on the welds joining the two plates forcing the lifting ear.
4. Bolt Loading -- The stresses on the four 1" bolts connecting each car to the cask.


1:! CT:

1. Ear Pull-Out i l6re O gefis O 20,CC c
  • Each ear is subjected to a 10,000# load at the shackle pin.

s 3' ,


/' Ail shear area is conservatively j.?d considered to be above the top of


the hole.


& 27 3 ta 1

A 2-1/8" shackle pin -

Shear Area, A 2x2.94"x1" = 5.88 sq in r = F/A F = 10,000#

T 10,000#

y = 5.88 sq in -

= 1700 psi 13

2. Ear. Tensile Lead

- (" .__


/ 2 'D r o -

e. .. . . : -


~ p f'

_, e l

The following analysis taker, no credit for any load being carried by the welds above the minimum tensile area. This causes the totai load to be applied through the minimum tensile area and is, therefore, conservative.

Tensile Area = (6" - 2.12")x1" = 3.88 sq in o = F/A and again F = 10,000#

o = 10,000#/3.88 sq in = 2580 psi

3. Ear Weld Loading j Io,cco" The model shown in the Figure will be used. No credit will be taken for the , 3" __

1/8" welds in the vicinity of the bolt holes or the 1/16" seal welds at '

'l .

4 the top and bottom of the ear. So 11" ,i of wald remain per side. ,p i r

T/ vcD cce s l'

.i 7

_d -

!. E '

_, 7

.=  %-

Weld Shear and Normal Stress 1

< 2:

Based on Shigley* .,

pp 284-286 7 Shear wsG .5 rem" 7 = .V.


= 10,000# ,,



2x.707x.376"x11" g x

= 1710 psi Igf Normal Stress oy =M M - Acting Moment I C - distance to centroid (max.)

I - moment of inertia

  • Shigley, Mechanical Enoineering Design, 3rd Ed. , McGraw Hill,1977

Centroid of Weld _

6. n "

J ?E-x  : E-' -


. e it I . 1 .

.xL y ..

y -I I,~.::

G. TNT @ D Mc ing its C C Z ^s '~s*Q Weld Centroid Calculation '

6.75 (3.38-X) = 2(2.5+X) + 2.25 (6.12+X) 22.8 - 6.75X = 5 + 2X + 13.8 + 2.25X 11X = 4 X = .364

. ' . The centroid is located 7.61" froa the right side of the illustration.

Moment of inertia Sten 1 Using the parallel axis theory I = E (I cg *A ) I cg

  • bh 3

Without the weld skip 3 2 I = .707x.375x14 /12 + .707x.375x14x.61 A - Weld Area d - Parallel axis offset

= 60.63 + 1.38 = 62.0 in 4 b - Weld throat h - Weld length 9

o 1600 5enes D 0 i $ P No 5980 Cod Weght 19,500 lbs 8 864 Kgs 20.1/ 4 in d.o m

= 46 n  ! M; )

3,,e mbly W e'9h' 2 5.9 50 lbs .11.800 K gs Tte Down - h Assembly Cro wing No 106D3986G1  ; n ,, c o ,,, ,

g Modes of ironspodotion . Motor Vehicle Only 7 7 /8.n diom

= 3 7 in.

Watt tood at 100'F Ambient 600 Watts linee Cavity r,ss.le Load 500/300/300 Grams os Fiss.le Class its 3,37,.in diom protective -

p r 36 in. Jacket v 1 Box Section Oute: Jacket 68 in. - _ _ ___. s

[ l i \

b s x\ c jl l o IP' *k

. g ' w %.,

Bom Section Inner Jocket 64 in. 'A ' N~ r

', \


. A 'd Bolt 5 ;,9 Cask Lif ting Ears 62 in. - -- _--.

I- =!

- Inner Jack et i d. 401/2 in. - s I

h Y f[

. J h

--_. N / Lid Ec1 I

\ / ' 3 /4 in teod q N / r e v/-

11- 3 ,s-Me /

, I - ,

il ] y M

I, u "

I j-.

94.?/4 in. l l e f

M .,\ . ' , . ; - 0 O

I l ..

,. 3.. sc , t.

. .wp 9. A..j. 1 -

I .- , Cask Ear

- k. .+-  ;, p . .,-

.W- a ' j.


[ .'

. ~

.E )

ly5 in Lead


' 'b l

c.! 4 0 l

l O(7'9 [ '

- Toh /. w " Jacket

! ,', " Y, . ,

Cask j, ,

I 81.7 / 8 in i

4. --t.Js i h.g s l

68 in ll[


(. . ,? ;s . p i

l' Inner $; 3.>J.

Jocket ,g'x ', Cask Cavity 1 j' d. T 'c. - . .

ll _

l 79 5/8 in. '! '~ ~

2 6-1/2 in. dia rr-ll ,,1 ;;,'c, , .3. , x 54 in.

7 ,- ~. lI l e, gr p. 9l }

l ll p?yV

, y z., -


,e, ~ 7 ,

w l"l

,j .w . x

t. . - . t. rM:1 ll Isotope ll 'Thi .'~ ~

[,$.N M Product l

lW7 g wf /l l - ,

c ll .W','l' l i

l n_b -

pa: . - l

.-w -  ; - W.i W


qs ' ,' ^ ,

^;f.. n .,

. , - o l)j i

?l]L., Dffi) to Drain Line~ g. - ~1, ,

," 6 in Lead Drain Plugg y~~ w,gy*Q,Q@.s ; .' . A ;"' .p j. '7.h t.v 4



, il -

i lI & '%Lmsam_x .

.A.e w .LJh O,i 31 '4 .-_2 --__ _--.

_ mm. n .

&~ w:-~- a w, .wr u

= Base Cask 38.1/2 in diom

. . _ _ _ _ . - Pollet 6 8 in. sq --- - - - - - - - - -


( C)

Page 4 - Certificate No. 9044 - Revision No. 2 - Docket fio. 71-9044

9. For packaging of neutron sources, measurements shall be made to detemine that the dose rate does not exceed 1000 mrem /hr at 3 feet from the surface of a dry cask with no additional shielding within the cask.
10. The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the general license provisions of Paragraph 71.12(b) of 10 CFR Part 71.
11. Expiration date: May 31,1980.

s REFERENCES General Electric application dated January 8,1969.

Supplements dated: February 12, 20, and 27, March 10, 24, and

. April 18,1969; November 20, 1970; January 29 and March 12,1971; and July 3 and tiovember 15, 1973.

Nuclear Plant Services supplement dated: July 7, 1975.

FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION fl& h Charles E. MacDonald, Chier Transportation Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Materials Safety APR 1?3 G77 Date:

. O O Page 3 - Certificate No. 9044 - Revision fio. 2 - Docket No. 71-9044

5. (b) Contents (continued)

(1) Type, form, and maximum quantity of material per package (continued)

(iv) Irradiated UC and ThC fuel particles clad in graphite and contained within a standard HTGR


hexagonal cross-section g .,;hite block. Decay heat not to exceed 600 watts. Each graphite block shall be contained within a sealed cylindri-cal inner container. constructed in accordance with '

General At0mic Ccepany Drawing No. 021583, Issue A with three 1/2-inch by 4-1/2-inch radial fins to provide centering within the cavity.

1,400 grams U-235 equivalent mass in each inner container with no more than one inner container per package.

(c) Fissile Class III Maximum number of packages (1) Contents 5.(b)(1)(i),

per shipment 5.(b)(1)(ii),or 5.(b)(1)(iii):

Two (2); or (ii) Contents 5.(b)(1)(iv):

One (1) .

6. The U-235 equivalent mass is determined by U-235 mass plus 1.66 times U-233 mass plus 1.66 times Pu mass.
7. For packaging of neutron sources, the cavity drain line shall be closed with a ph;g with a melting temperature of 200 F and the cask cavity shall b_ filled with water with a 5-inch air space within the cask cavity. When needed, sufficient antifreeze in the l cask shall be used to prevent damage to any component of the package due to freezing.
8. For packaging of other than neutron sources, the cask shall be

' delivered to a carrier dry anc the cavity drain line shall be closed with a plug which will maintain its seal at temperatures up to at least 620 F.

. O _

Page 2 - Certificate fio. 9044 - Revision fio. 2 - Docket flo. 71-9044

5. (a) Packaging (continued)

(3) Drawings The packaging is constructed in accordance with the following General Electric Company Drawings !tos.:

212E255, Rev. 3 106D3986, Rev. 1 174F237, Rev. I 135C5598, Rev. 1 10603973, Rev. 1 s (b) Contents (1) Type, form and maximum quantity cf material per package (i) Byproduct material and special nuclear material as solid metal or oxides. Decay heat not to exceed 600 watts. All material shall be clad, encapsulated or contained in a metal encasement and tested for leak tightness prior to loading in the package in accordance with the statements and representations contained in the licensee's submittal dated Feb uary 12, 1969.

> ^

' 500/gm U-235 equivalent mass; or (ii) tieutron sources in special form.

500 gm U-235 ecuivalent mass. Decay heat not to exceed 50 watts; or (iii) Irradiated Pu02 and UO2 fuel rods clad in zircaloy or stainless steel. Decay tieat not to exceed 600 watts. All fuel rods shall be con-tained within a closed 5-inch Schedule 40 pipe with a maximum useable length of 39-5/8 inches.

,l M gm fissile material with no more than 300 gm fissile material per 5-inch Schedule 40 pipe.

O e

  • r.' -

(' -

, form NRC413 U.s. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMIS51oM (12 73) CERTIFICATE OF COMPT.l ANCE 10 CFR 71 or Radioactive Materirls Packa;es 1.(a) Certificate Numeer 1.(b) Revision No. 1.(c) Package Identificaden No. 1.[c) Pages No. 1.(e) Tctal No. P 2 USA /9044/8( IF 1 4 onaa

2. PREAMBLE 2.(a) This certifiests is issued to satisfy Sections 173."l33a.173.334.173.335, and 173725 of the Cecartr ent of Transportation Hsr:r Materials Regulations (49 CFR 170183 and 14 CFR 103) and Sections 146-19-1:a and 146-19-1C0 cf the Cepart: ent of Transportatial Cangerous Cargoes Re;ulations (46 CFR 146-149). as amenced.

2.(bl lhe packaging and contents cascribed in item 5 below, rneets the safety seedards sei terth in Subcart C of Title to, C:de of Federal Regulations. Part 71, **Pacxaging of Radioactive Materials for Transoort ar:d Tram:crtation of Racicactive Material Und Certain Conditions."

2.(c) This certifieste does not relieve the censignor from compliance with any requirement of the regulaticm of the U.S. Cepart. ment c TransDortation or other applicebte regulatory agencies, including the government ci any c:untry tnrcegh or into which t":e packa will be transported.

3. This certificate is issued on the basis of a safety ansivs's report of the package design or a:c4c:tien- s Prepared by (Na:ne and addre:r): Title and identification of re:crt er sc:ticaticn:

General Electric Company General Electric Ccapany apolication dated P. O. Drawer B January 8, 1969, as supplemented.

Pleasanton, California 94566

- 3.!c) Oceket No.71 0044 4 CONCITIONS

  • This cartificate is concitional upon the fulfilling of the requirements of Subpart o of 10 CFR 71. as a:Clicacie, and the concitions scecif in item 5 beton.

S. Description of Packaging ano Autnerizeo Cantents. Mcce! Numoer. Fissile C! ass, Ctter Canoitions, aro Feferetices:

(a) Packaging (1) Model fio. : GE-1600 (2) Description Steel enctsed lead shielded shipping cask. A double-walled steel cylinder protective jacket encloses the cask during transport. It is bolted to a steel pallet. The cask is closed by a lead-filled flanged plug fitte'd with a silicone rubber gasket and bolted closure. The cavity is equipped with a drain line and the ' physical description is as follows:

Cask height, in 67.5 Cask diameter, in 38.5 Cavity height, in 54.0 Cavity diam'ter, in 26.5 -

Lead shielding, in 5.0 Protective jacket height, in 81.4 Protective jacket width, in 63.0 Packaging weight, lbs '.3,050 -

a c General Electric Company APR 13 sI7 cc: w/enci -

Mr. Alfred W. Grella Department of Transportation Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc.

ATTN: Mr. J. Stewart Corbett P. O. Box 1866 Bellevue, Washington 93009 Boston Edison Company ATTN: Mr. J. E. Larson ,

800 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02199 4

r' .

. , s. C cuno : w:s i' l* e%lisnn~,},,

'=.  : . .:c'.ia ? ? ;u '.A7c =. c c ' 5:. ;.'

.-s'e:a on. a. :. : u z:

L , :- 7 , c}


%, - APR 131977

> . r., , 4 FCTR: RHO 71-9044 General Electric Company ATIN: Mr. G. E. Cunningham P. O. Drawer B Pleasanton, California 94566 Gentlemen: .

Enclosed is Certificate of Compliance No. 9044, Revision No. 2, for the Model No. GE-1600 shipping package. This certificate supersedes, in its entirety, Certificate of Compliance No. 9044, Revision No.1, dated August 15, 1975.

Changes made to the enclosed certificate are indicated by vertical lines in the margin.

General Electric Company, Boston Edison Company, and Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. have been registered as users of this package under the general license provisions of Paragraph 71.12(b) of 10 CFR Part 71 or 49 CFR 5173.393a.

This approval constitutes authority to use this package for shipment of radioactive material and for the package to be shipped in accord-ance with the provisions of 49 CFR 5173.393a.

Sincerely, d

Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Fuel Cycle an'd Material Safety


As stated cc: See Next Page

y , y' d-d)_3_8 t 1 1 .878

.838 - 035" d-dr/ [ 8) 1

(, ,

L = 2Y + P/8 = 2 (.035) + 1/8 (1/8) = .086 in/ thread Assuming 1" bolt engagement N = 8 A = nLC = 8 x .086 x n x .878 = 1.90 sq in s t Shear Stress at the highest loaded bolts.

T=B yf

= 1580#/1.90 sq in = 832 psi e


Lochng at the worst case o = B1/A Tensile stress area for 1" UNC = 0.606 sq in o = 1580#/.606 in sq = 2610 psi Bolt shear load R


=R 2y = 10,000#

4 T =T = 10,000# = 4120 psi ly 2y 4 x .606 sq in Principal Stress

  • E o= 2610 + 2610 2 + 4120 = 5630 psi Thread Shear Stress

-,Jih H d = 1" dt= .878 d

1 T7

~/ .\ .y



7- g  ;

/ .,

dr= .838 1 s i--

= t 7e l~

d. L S x l^L -

As = nLC t Where n = # of engaged threads L = 2y + P/8 L = width of thread at d t Ct = circumference of thread at dt= rd Y _d-d t t

X ~ d-d P = 1/8" (1" UNC bolts have 8 threads / inch)

X = 1/2 (P-P/4) = 3/8P = 3/8(1/8)

  • Shigley, p 29
4. Bolt Loading The geometry of the ear will level the bolt in both shear and tension. In addition, I j 10CCC" the thread loading will be q 7; investigated. -

0 M

A 1 .,4 Sunming Moments 7 5 *'

4 s y' v


47,500 = 7.5R1x + 11R2x ,


~ k.z Assuming in the worst case ,


that each bolt takes equal i moment.

p} -! T 2,x



u 7.5RyA_ = 11R LA P'1x , 11_ , 1,47 R

2x 7D R = 1.47 R 2x 1x 47,500 in# = 22R7 ,

R = 2160#

2x R1x = 3170#

Since each reaction force is made up of two bolts B


- 1580#

B = 10804 2

Step 2 Subtract skips Centroid 3

I = 62.0 - (1/12x.707x.375xl .5 +1.5x.707x.3 5(.75+.36)2) 3

- (1/12x.707x.375x1.5 +1.5x.707x.375(4.25+.36)2)

= 62.0 - (.07+.49) - (.07+8.45) = 52.9 in4 per weld

. u - i. c - :-jg

$Y j-._

i i.-

$--- cm,cc a I = 106 for 2 welds Moment M = FXL = 10,000# x 3.00" = 30.000"#

y , MC 30,000 (7+.61)

= = 2150 psi I 106 Principle Stress (Shigley, p 29) 2150 , = 3100 psi y,

2150 2 + 17102 2
