ML19257A564 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 07002623, 07106698 |
Issue date: | 12/12/1979 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML19257A563 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 8001040634 | |
Download: ML19257A564 (4) | |
Docket No. 71-6698 NO. 6698 FOR RADI0 ACTIVE
By Order dated April 6, 1979, the Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards suspended the use of seven casks used for transpor-tation of spent reactor fuel pending a showing that these casks were of Compliance No. 6698 (Revision 8).]./gn approved by the NRC in Certificate fabricated in accordance with the desi As required by the April 6th Order as a condition to rescission of the ordered suspension, the Nuclear Assurance Corporation (NAC) and Duke Power Company have reviewed their quality assurance records and have made physical measurements of five of the affected casks (Serial Nos. NAC-1A, NAC-1B, NAC-lC, UAC-lD, and NAC-lE).!/ The Commission's Office of Inspection and Enforcement has inspected the quality assurance records of the casks built by Excelco Developments, Inc. for NAC.
The results of these various reviews and inspections indicate that two casks (Serial Nos. NAC-1A and NAC-lC) are bowed and therefore do not meet the requirements of Certificate of Compliance No. 6698.
It is not known at this time whether the cause of the bowing in these two casks occurred during their manufacture or during their actual use.
The NRC staff has found that 1/ Seven casks designated as Model No. NFS-4 have been fabricated to the design approved in the Certificate:
Serial Nos. NAC-1A, NAC-1B, NAC-lC, NAC-lD, NAC-lE, NFS-4A, and NFS-4B.
These casks are used to transport spent reactor fuel.
The basis for the April 6th Order was the discovery that measurements of the dimensions of the inner shell of one cask (Serial No.
MAC-1A) indicated that the shell was warped or bowed, but the exact cause cc extent of the warp or bow was not known at the time.
These casks were originally manufactured by Excelco Developments, Inc.,
Tor NAC.
Duke Power Company is the present owner of casks Serial Nos. NAC-1A and NAC-lB.
NAC owns the remaining casks in the NAC-1 series.
Casks Serial Nos. NFS-4A and NFS-48, owned by Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (NFS), were also subject to the April 6th Order, but NFS has not submitted any information in response to the Order.
Accordingly, the suspension as provided in the April Order remains in full effect with respect to these two casks.
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_2 casks Serial Nos. NAC-1B, NAC-lD, and NAC-lE substantially conform to Certificate of Compliance No. 6698 (Revision 8), except for certain minor differences that are unrelated to bowing or warping of the cask cavity shells.3/ Therefore, the NRC staff believes that these three casks can be returned-to service, subject to certain restrictions incorporated in Revision 9 to Certificate of Compliance No. 6698 (attachment to this Order and discussed in Part II infra), without undue risk to the health and safety of the public.
II While the review of casks Serial Nos. NAC-18, NAC-lD, and NAC-lE show that these casks conform to the design authorized by Certificate of Compliance No. 6698 (as revised to include the minor technical amendments discussed in footnote 3), the staff has determined the three casks should not be returned to unrestricted service without further technical evaluation, on the basis that:
3/ As part of the quality assurance review under the April 6th Order, Nuclear Assurance Corporation (NAC) reviewed and compared the drawings approved in Certificate ilo. 6698 with fabrication drawings to which the casks were actually built, reviewed the quality assurance records, and made physical measurements of the casks' cavities.
This review indicated that certain tolerances and dimensions on the fabricated casks differed from those shown on Nuclear Fuel Services (NFS) Drawing No. E10080 (Revision 16), which is the drawing approved in Certificate of Compliance No. 6698.
By letters dated June 8, July 26, and October 31, 1979, NAC requested an amendment to Certificate of Compliance No. 6698 to incorporate changes in dimensions, tolerances, and notations, that were unrelated to bowing or warping of the cask cavity shells.
Revising the Certificate to include these requested changes would resolve the discrepancies between the drawings approved in Certificate No. 6698 (Revision 8) and the as-built casks, Serial Nos. NAC-18, NAC-lD, NAC-lE.
NAC has requested that Certificate of Compliance No. 6698 be amended to incorporate Revision 19 of NFS Drawing No. E10080 as the approved design drawing. Casks Serial Nos.
NAC-1B, NAC-lD, and NAC-lE have been constructed in accordance with Revision 19 to Drawing No. E10080. The staff is issuing Revision 9 to Certificate No. 6698 (attached as Appendix A to this Order) to incorporate the requested changes as well as to impose various restrictions further described in this Order. All items identified in the NRC's inspections will be resolved to the NRC's satis-faction with the incorporation of Revision 19 of Drawing No. E-10080 and revised Condition No.13 into Certificate of Compliance No. 6698 (Revision 9).
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the bowing observed in casks Serial Nos. NACei A and NAC-lC, both of which are of the same design as the other casks, may be an indication that casks of this design are susceptible to buckling of the inner shell in unrestricted use; 2.
the cask design has not been analyzed to show that the inner shell would not buckle in unrestricted operation; and 3.
it cannot be concluded without such analysis that the cask would meet the requirements in 10 CFR Part 71 under Normal and Hypothetical Accident Conditions.
Accordingly, Certificate of Compliance No. 6698 has been revised (Revision 9) to include additional restrictions which would permit limited use of casks Serial Nos. NAC-1B, NAC-lD, and NAC-lE, and which would also require certain additional inspections of the casks at periodic intervals.
The staff believes these restrictions are sufficient to assure the integrity of the inner shell under normal conditions of transport and that the possibility of buckling under accident conditions would be reduced.
Revision 9 to the Certificate reduces the maximum decay heat load of the contents permitted in the cask from 11.5 kilowatts to 2.5 kilowatts.
The casks are also required to be shipped dry (i.e., water is no longer permitted in the cask cavity during shipment).
These provisions will substantially reduce the pressures within the cask cavity under the normal and hypothetical accident conditions, specified in 10 CFR Part 71.
In addition, the temperatures and thermal gradients through the cask walls and longitudinally along the shells would also be reduced.
These restrictions will lower the stresses present in the inner shell during use of the casks under normal and accident conditions.
The revised Certificate also requires the inner shell of each cask to be inspected and measured at intervals not to exceed six months.
The casks are to be withdrawn from service if the measurements indicate any changes in the dimensions of the inner cavity.
Also, the cask cavity is required to be pressure tested quarterly for possible leakage.
Even if the inner shell were to buckle under the hypothetical accident conditions in.10 CFR Part 71, and if this should lead to a violation of the integrity of the inner shell, the amount of material released would not be expected to exceed the amount pennitted in 10 CFR Part 71 based on the guidance provided in Regulatory Guide 25.
III Accordingly, pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 2 and 71, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT:
Certificate of Compliance No. 6698, Revision 9, supersedes in its entirety Certificate of Compliance No. 6698, Revision 8, dated October 25,1978; and 1689 193 (2) The suspension of the use of NAC casks with Serial Nos. NAC-1B, NAC-lD, and NAC-lE is hereby rescinded.
The Order of April 6, 1979, except as stated above, remains in effect i1 accordance'with its terms.
IV Any person who has an interest affected by this Order may request a hearing, within twenty (20) days of the date of this Order, with respect to this Order. Any request for a hearing shall be addressed to the Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555. Any request for a hearing shall not stay the immediate effectiveness of this Order.
If a hearing is requested by a person whose interest is affected by this Order, the Commission will issue an order designating the time and place of hearing.
The issue to be considered at such hearing will be:
Whether the restrictions added by Revision 9 to Certificate of Compliance No. 6698 are necessary to provide reasonable assurance that the casks will meet the Normal and Hypothetical Accident Conditions in accordance with 10 CFR Part 71.
FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Willian J. Dircks, Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Effective Date:
DEC 121979 Silver Spring, Maryland 1689 194
10 ChR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE For Radicactive Materials Packages 1.f a ) Certificate Number 1.(b) Revision No.
1.(c) Packaae Identification No.
1.(d ) Pages No. 1.(e) Total No. Pages 6698 9
USA /6698/B( )F 1
- 2. PRE AMP' E 2.(a)
This certificate is issued to satisf y Sections 173 393a,173.394,173.395, and 173.396 of the Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR 170189 and 1d JFR 103) and Sections 146-19-10a and 146-19-100 of the Department of Transportation Dangerous Cargoes Regulations (46 CFR 146-143), as amended.
The packaging and contents described in item 5 below, meets the safety standards set forth in Subpart C of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71, Packaging of Radioactive Materials for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive Material Under Certain Conditions.'
This certificate does not relieve the consignor from compliance with any requirement of the regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation or other applicable regulatory agencies, including the government of any country through or into which the package will be transported.
- 3. This certificate is is?ued on the basis of a safety analysis report of the package design or application-3.(a)
Prepared by (Name and address):
Title and identification of report or application:
Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc.
NFS application dated October 6,1972, P.O. Box 124 as supplemented.
West Valley, NY 14171 3.(c)
Docket No.71-6698 4.
CONDITIONS T his tertificate is conditional upon the fulfillin; of the requirements of Subpa,t O of 10 CFR 71, as applicable, and the conditions specified in item 5 below.
Cevription of Packaging and Authorized Contents, Model Number, Fissile Class, Other Conditions, and
Packaging (1) Model No.:
NFS-4 (2) Description A steel, lead and water. shielded shipping cask.
The cask is a right circular cylinder with upper and lower steel encased balsa impact limiters.
The overall dimensions are 214 inches in length and 50 inches in diameter.
The gross.. weight of the cask is approximately 50,000 pounds.
The inner cavity is 178 inches long and 13.5 inches in diameter.
The thickness of the inner shell is 5/16 inch and 1-1/4 inches for the outer shell.
The two stainless steel shells are welded to a 2-inch thick stainless steel shield disc at the bottom.
The annulus between the inner and outer shells is filled with lead (max. lead thickness 6-5/8 inches, minimum 5 inches).
The lid is stainless steel frustum of cone 7.5 inches thick.
The lid is secured to the cavity flange by six ASTM-A320, Grade L43,1-1/4 inch diameter bolts.
The seal is provided by two polytetrafluoroethylene 0-rings.
Four neutron shield tanks, each with surge tank and rupture disc, provide a 4-1/2 inch thick (borated) water-ethylene glycol mixture around the outer shell.
Four trunnions, two located on either side of the upper or lower impact limiter, are provided.
Other cask features include two drain valves located in the bottom shield disc, vent valve, head closure gasket leak check valve, rupture disc-pressure relief valve system located in the cavity flange, fuel canisters for PWR and BWR shiplents, and spacers to accommodate shorter fuel assemblies.
For transpor; the cask may be enclosed in an expanded metal cage.
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Page 2 - Certificate No. 6698 - Revision No. 9 - Docket No. 71-5698 5.
Packaging (continued)
(3) Drawin'gs The NFS-4 shipping cask is constructed in accordance with Nuclear Fuel l
Services, Inc., Urawing No. E 10080, Rev. 19 (Sheets 1 through 4).
The I
fuel assemblies are positioned within the fuel canisters shown in Figure 2.1.3 of the application dated October 6,1972.
Spacers may be used to accommodate shorter fuel assemblies within the fuel canisters.
Contents (1) Type and form of material The minimum cooling time of each fuel assembly and rod shall be 120 days, and (i)
Irradiated PWR or BWR uranium oxide fuel assemblies with the following maximum active dimensions and maximum compositions prior to irradiation:
Fuel Assembly Data PWR BWR Envelope, inches 8.60x8.60x150 5.44x5.44x144 Enrichment, w/o U-235 3.6 3.0 Weight of Uranium, kg 480 197 H/U atomic ratio 5.51 (ii) Fuel assembly enriched in the U-235 isotope to not more than 2.5 w/o, with active fuel dimensions not to exceed 4.2" x 4.2" x 110" long.
(iii) Byproduct and special nuclear material in the form of irradiated uranium oxide fuel rods.
(iv) Solid nonfissile irradiated hardware and neutron source components.
(v) Fuel assembly enriched in the U-235 isotope to not more than 4.1 w/o.
with active fuel dimensions not to exceed 7.8" x 121" long.
(vi) Byproduct and special nuclear material in the form of irradiated uranium and plutonium oxide. fuel rods.
Prior to irradiation, the maximum enrichment in U-235 plus plutonium not to exceed 4.0 w/o.
(vii) Irradiated PWR uranium oxide fuel assemblies including additional irradiated fuel rods inserted and secured in the guide thimbles.
The fuel assemblies shall conform to the maximum active dimensions as described in Item 5(b)(1)(i) and partially disassembled fuel assemblies shall be equipped with an assembly carrier as shown in Battelle Drawing No. 00-001-676, or equivalent.
1689 196
Page 3 - Certificate No. 6698 - Revision No. 9 - Jocket flo. 71-6698 5.
(b) Contents (continued)
(1) Typc a'nd form of material (continued) 1.viii) Irradiated BWR uranium oxide fuel assemblies.
Frior to irradiation, the maximum enrichment in the U-235 isotope shall not exceed 4.0 w/o with active fuel dimensions not to exceed 5.63" x 5.63" x 83.8" long.
(2) Maximum quantity of material per package.
flot to exceed a decay heat generation of 2.5 kw and l
Item 5(b)(i) above:
One (1) PWR fuel assembly, or Two (2) BWR fuel assemblies; ar (ii) Item 5(b)(1)(ii) above:
Four (4) fuel assemblies contained within the fuel basket shown in NFS Dwg. No. l A-T-1107, Rev. 0; or (iii) Item 5(b)(1)(iii) above:
Maximum Fissile Maximum Enrichment Mass Limit (w/o U-235)
(kg of U-235) 3 2.0 4
1.6 5
1.5; or (2) Maximum quantity of material per package (continued)
'v) Items (b)(1)(iv) above:
As needed, appropriate component spacers shall be used in the cask cavity to limit movement of contents during shipment; or (v) Item 5(b)(1)(v) above:
One (1) fuel assembly; or (vi) Item 5(b)(1)(vi) above:
Fuel rods within the fuel canisters described in 5(a)(3).
The maximum mass of U-235 plus plutonium shall not exceed 4.0 kg. A suitable fixture may be used to secure the fuel rods within the canister; or 1689 197
Page 4 - Certificate flo. 6698 - Revision fio. 9 - Docket flo. 71-6698 5.
(b) Contents (continued)
(2) Maximttn quantity of material per package (continued)
(vii) Item 5(b)(1)(vii) above:
The maximum compositions of one PWR fuel assembly including additional rods shall conform to Item 5(b)(1) or (viii) Item 5(b)(1)(viii) above:
Two (2) BWR fuel assemblies.
Prior to irradiation, the maximum uranium content per assembly shall not exceed 122 kg.
Fissile Class III Maximum number of packages per shipment One (1) 6.
The cask shall be shipped dry (no water coolant in cask cavity).
The water-ethylene glycol mixture in the neutron shield tanks may contain up to 1.0 weight percent boron. This mixture shall not freeze or precipitate in a temperature range from -40 F to 320 F.
The cask contents shall be so limited under normal conditions of transport that 27 times the neutron dose rate plus 1.4 times the gamma dose rate will not exceed 1,000 millirems per hour at three (3) feet from the external surface of the package.
The vent and drain valves shall be 1/2" FG466TSW Miser ball valves (Worchester Valve Company,Inc.).
The ball of the valve may have a bleed hole to equalize the pressure between the cask cavity and the ball passage in a closed position. Alternatively, the vent and drain lines may be sealed with pipe plugs.
In addition to the requirements of Subpart D of 10 CFR Part 71, each package prior to first use shall meet the acceptance tests and criteria specified on pages A-21 thrJ A-34 of the fluc. lear Fuel Services, Inc. application dated October 6,1972, as amended, March 1,1973 and fluclear Assurance Corporation letter dated flove.dber 1,1974. The results of these tests shall be documented and retainea for the life of the cask.
At periodic intervals not to exceed (3) years, the thermal performance of the cask shall be analyzed to verify that the cask operation has not degraded below that which is licensed.
Following the initial acceptance tests, the heat source may be that provided by the decay heat from the contents of the package provided that the heat source is equal to at least 25% of the design heat load for the package.
Each cask that fails to meet the thermal acceptance criteria given on pages A-21(a) and A-21(b) using the TAP computer program, or equivalent, shall be withdrawn from service until corrective action can be completed.
The rupture discs for the neutron shield tanks shall be type "B" or "DV" (BS&B Safety Systems, Inc.) or equivalent.
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Page 5 - Certificate fio. 6698 - Revision fio. 9 - Docket ido. 71-6698 13.
In lieu of the requirements of 10 CFR 571.54(h), the licensee shall perform periodic naintenance and testing of. 0-rings, drain and vent ball valves, relief valves, and rupture discs of-the cask as indicated in the table given below.
During inactive periods, the maintenance and testing frequency may be dirreg?rded provided that the package is. brought into full compliance prior to the next use of the package.
Cask Component Period Test / Action Ball Valve Each shipment Hydro test to 80 psig*
Ball Valve Annually Replace seats and seals 0-rings Each shipment Test to 80 psig*
0-rings Quarterly Test to 167 psig*
0-rings Annually Test to 1006 psig*
Inner Containment Vessel Quarterly Test to 250 psig*
l Cavity Relief Valve Annually Test at set point Cavity Rupture Disc Annually Replace fleutron Shield Tank Rupture Disc Annually Replace Impact Limiters Annually Test for leakage
- There shall be no visual (pressure gauge) indications of pressure drop for the component under test during a 10-minute test period.
Otherwise, corrective action shall be taken and the test repeated until such time as the component meets the specified. test.
(Test to pressures equal to or greater than those indicated.)
- least every six (6) months, commencing six months following the first shipment
- f irradiatea fuel under Revision fio. 9 to Certificate of Compliance lio. 6698, the licensee shall perform physical measurements of the cask inner shell.
Any cask vihose inner container dimensions are measured to deviate by more than +0.015 inch
-at comparable points from the dimensions documented in Appendix C to liAC letter dated June 8,1979 shall be removed from service.
The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 571.12(b).
Expiration date:
December 31, 1980.
1689 199
Page 6 - Cert 1ficate No. 6698 - Revision fio. 9 - Docket flo. 71-6698 REFEREf4CES liuclear Fuel Services,' Inc. application dated October 6,1972.
Supplements dated:
flovember 9,1972; January 10 and 22, February 1 and 28, liarch 1,14, and 21, May 4, June 4, and July 26,1973; July 17,1974; flay 4,1976; and flovember 9, 1977.
fiuclear Assurance Corporation supplements dated: flovember 1,1974; August 13 and December 24, 1975; September 13, 1976; October 20,1977; May 25, July 18, and September 25, 1978; and June 8, July 26, and October 31, 1979.
FOR THE U.S. t1UCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSI0tl Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety DE C 1 2 I9 N Date:
1689 200