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NRC-2019-000217 - Resp 1 - Final, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/14/2019
FOIA, NRC-2019-000217
Download: ML19080A008 (40)


l',IRC FOIA l.OG.; 06112/2018 -12/31/20.18.

Tracking Number JY.PG Requester Name Requester, O(ganlzatlon Des*crlptloil Closed Date Appeal the .zeto:outcome of the i:equesfed seiirch* In' NRCs2018-000243 Appeal Julian Tarver response to FOIA 20170498 . 12/27/2018 Appeal *the large ;:imount Qf* redacllons:made *to. the NRC~2018-000245 Appeal ;JuHan: Tarver reauestecl record in response. to FOIA 201703$5 11/27/2018 Appeal*the denl~l of Information of'the ranking, rating an~

listlng *of ap*plicants to the Senior Executive* Service Candidate Program {SESCDP) {Class of

' 2017), perfon:nance ap*praisal ratings.of branch chiefs,-and all documents:.pettalning_1o Human Resources* .

Managemerit System (HRMS) Planned.Accomplishment Reports for NSIR/OSO:an DRES/DI:;: as":described (NRC-,

NRC-2018"000536 Appeal Natalie 'Koss Potomac lei:ial Group PLLC 20:18*00094) 11/07/201.8 App11fal the denial pf expedHecf prq~s fn r:esponse to NRC NRC:2018-000575 Appeal Mr. Terr.y. J lodge . Don't Waste Michigan 20,18*000563 -07/0212018 Appeal the search* performed for documents prepared in connection with*tiie*.aOth ses$lon*of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate *Ch1,mge (IPCC') which was held on April*

NRC-2018-000581 Appeal Julian Ta*rver

  • 21~2a, 2009; to*Ahtalva, Turkev (NRc;-~01s-oooss1) 08/10/2010 Appealing .the search performed for the list of requlf(ng clearances,oftop:secret.efld . above (NRC-20:18-NRC;20:t8;Q00582 Appeai
  • Julian Tar:ver 000347). OB/06/201B

. Appeal th!;t 1'011 d~rjlal *of the-requesfed search.fpr records*

relatecrto*the*work-.of:tfie Intergovernmental Pan~I on Climate*change (IPGC), between its;creatfon by the.Uniteif Nations EnvliQnmental Programin Novem~er198S and

~mpletlon of the fil'$t,ass~l'f!enl repor( In 1990 (NR:C.

NRC:2018-000583 Aopeal Julian Tarver 2018-000358) '08/10/2018 Appeal the denial *of the requested search for all records *of ttie* Fede~! Rea! Property PrpJile\(FRPP)'for the NRC NRC-201.8-000584 AopeaJ jufian Tarver (NRc:.2018-()003.~). 08/13/2018:

Appeal the.fact'that:the requestwas processe~-r'eil beyond the assigned due date, In response to. NRC-20.18-NRC-2018-000585 . Appeal Julian Tarver 00.0006 . *01/1912ofs*

Appea.1 the full denial of the*request~d ~tell for the m0$l r.ecen!/cumint NR~*employee manual/handboqk *and/Qr NRC-20.18-000586 . Apoeal jullan Tarver orientation e!!!.Qram (NRC-201'~0034!3.) 0.8/27/201'8

~peal:the search P,erfonned .for the *list of all the.purchase card.holders within the NRC lncludlrtg:liames, dept, ;:ind NRC.20j8-000587 Appeal Jullan*Tarver email *address (NRC-2018-000350) 08f06J2Df8 Appeal.the search .performed for-a listing. of9Speclal Government Employees (SGE)" employed by*NRC from NRC-2018-:000588 iA!>Peal. J.ulia'rt Tarver October- 1, 201,6 tnrough* current .daia (NRC-2018-000366) 08/23/20.18

  • Appear the :search performe.d for a list"of cont~ct~i's/subtontraetors managing :atrof NRG offices NRC~2018-0005B.9* ADDeal* Juli~h- Tarver (N~201a:aooass1, OB/4.0f2018 Appeal the searcl\* performed for fh!:!* resign letter of m;1med NRC-2018-000590 Aooeal Julian-Tarver iridivldtial's, fonnerNRC staff (NRC.:.201~000369) 08/10/2018 Appeal*the denlal*of the requested search for the same search-asf'OIA.2016-0557'[AII records classified "no_n.: -

publlc~ *plai:!i!cl ln*AOAMS on Aprjl 1~. :201~) but,for May NR~2018.000591 Aooeal Jtilian'Tar-ver 1l!l. 2017 *(NR<,.201~00018) -08/15/2018.

Appeal the search _j:lerfofrnec1 for th"Et ~st 12 month correspOndence.logs.Uiat records lette~ from members-of NRC-2018-000592 Appeal Julien* Tarver Cong~:and the NRC (NRC-2018-0DG359) 08/30/2018 Appeal the denial of a s.earch for docl!ments- relat(ld to the NRC employee's--ethlc waivers Jn r.esolvlng financial ..

conflicts of.lnteresl, January 1, 2016'to *cuirent dale (NRC-NRC-2018-000593 ~ooeal Ju6an*Tan,er 201 B-00.0360.) 08/09/2018.

Appeal*the d~nlal Qf:a search for. a copy.-of ttie* Oefense Information Weapon D$ta Glossary.& tnesaurus, wrr;gQO.

NRC-2018-000594 Appeal JuDan Tar.ve_r ed. ao (NRe-201a..oooa64)* 08/27/2018 Appeal the sea*rch performecUor*a11 contracts. and.any sort NRC-201"8-000.595 jtlippeal Julian Tarver Qf-a9.reements wiih"Rand Comoratlon-*(NR,C-2011H)00019). 08/~ml.18 AP.peal the*denial ofthe*req11ested record.s,in NRe;201B-000598" Acliear Julian* Tao,er NRC,,2017-000535 * *OB/10/2018 Appeal: the search performed and *t1te redactions inade to lritemal communication relate(! *to FOIA 2017-0415 (NRC-Nf{C-2018-000597 Apoeal' Julian Tarver 201S.-000°1)49) 06/15/2018

~ppeal the*redactioris*made to the coples'-of-the following initial FOIA .-Qques~.: 20;17-QO;i4.20174l!)3B 2017-0397 lilRG-2018-PD0598 Apr,ear . ;Julian T~l'Ver 201'.7:.0398*2017a(j367* 2017'-o.a6a (NRC:,201&0001=7.0). 10/05/2018

_.I Appeal *tt,e search* petrom,~ tor DOE-CPE'(Departmeot of

.. Energy, Center of Excellence) agreement(NRC-2018, NRC-20-18~000599 Aooeal Julian. Tarver 000020) . 08/14/2018 Appeal'lhe search* performed fpr the orgariizaiion charts, NRC-2016"000600 A.ppeal Julian Tarver staff-roster <if*V.µc:6a-Mo1mialn:*proj~t {NR¢;.201 SW00034l 10/19/2018 Appeal the full .derilal:Ofthe requested *.search for lntemal/extemal communlcatlon.related:to.. FOIA request

?()17-00.34; ancf.named lru;llvl!fu~irs Ootober 10, 20:1~:


  • ADDeal ;Jullan*Tarver D~lasslficalion ReJriewrequest (NRC-2018-000071) 08/14/2018 Appeal the redactions to the released records In rilsponse Nf{t;.2018-000602 An., Junan*Tarver to. NRC-2018-000027* 09/07/2018

Appe~I the searclJ performed for recoros:inc!udlng iritelligence- reportslrioticei;* pertaining. to a* series of tomput1:1r attacks that are* known by ihe name. "Moonlight NRC-2018-D006j)3 Appeal J.i,Jlian Tarver . Maze" tNRe-201e-o.o~n ** 09107/2018 Appeal thl(t searcti,performed for the lltle: (U.) Proposal.

nucleQr radla~ion effljcts on m~t.erials at_cryqgenic NRC-2018-000604 Aoceal Julian Tarver. temperatures {NRC-2018-000351) 08128/2018 Appeal the full*denial of requested search of records ofall radla.lion measurements taken In .Japan or. within 300 nal!tical mi~ oHhe.'Fukushima* Daiichi Nuclear Power

. Plant, duiiilg'timeframe M$1rch-11,-2010,fo*March 11, 2012 NRC*2018:.00iJ605 Appeal Julian 'Tarver {NRC-2018-000352}' 0812112018 Appear the.full; denial of the requested rei;orcls of. PRM 50-

-115; NRC,201"7*0132:- Oocketfr1g,a!ld req!Jest for N.RC-201B-DDD606 Appeal Julian Cbmment*Federa)Regisfer* (NRC-20~ 8-000339) 08121/2018 Appeal !lie full denial of the requested*search for records.

within ,the date range 1*2/01/2013 througJ).current ',late.

peru,ining to the deplc;iynient,..actlvation;. imP.lementatlon, .

installation, inifiafizatlon:andlor developl)'lent of any devisel!,,equipnienf, communication sysi~s. satellite systems, or support systems; .use of existing equipment, newly develoP.ed or legacy systems for the purpose of tra*cklrig,.survelJling, listerilng, tergQtlr'lg*or*harmlng any NRC~201 B-000608* Appeal Julian Tarver persQns.:{NRC-2018-000345) 0.8/271201.8

App,eal' the search performed for any lnfomtatlon *on *soviet Stlentists who went 10 l\lorth Kprea after-the fail *of the NRC-2018-000610.* Af')peal Julian Tarver Soviet Union, 1aee-1~aB date range (lliR¢.,201B-D00344.) '10105/20fB Appeal the search perfpfl!led for a list of, public corilpari18$

involved in classified work past"2010through current (NRC NRC-2018-000611 APileal Julian Tarver 2018-000346) 10/05/20113 Appeal th~ fuJ~ det')ial.-of the secona quarter .Ope"'IJng;Plan:

NR62018~00.0812* 'Appeal

  • Julian T;,uyer FY2013 (NRC.2.01s;-00007.8) 08/27/201/3 Appe13l ,the search*p.erfomied for a copy of all written NRC

.decliisslficalltm determlnationslhat nave*been Issued ..

slnCQ 2015 to remo_ve l_nfo~atlon from :restricted*

dissemination (RD or FRO).under the Atomic. Energy Act NRC.2018-000613 Aooeal Julian, Tarver {~RC-2018-00Q34o) 10/05/2018 Apiieal .the'search-gerf9rmed for information-on howypu

.* wt,uldprotect nuclear power *plants.:rrom EMP* alfack:frnm*

hacker,; an!! .others.form of EMP attac~ .{NRCs2!}18* . .*

NRC.201B-D00614* Appeal ;Julian Tarver P00343) 09/28/2018 Appeal of privacy-based redacljons pursuant.to_ FOIA NRC-2018-000615 Appeal Mr.-David A Lochbaum Union ofConcemed Scientists .exemption 6 in response*1 to NRC-2018-000318 07/24/2018 Appeal tl)e lack*qf resP,onse for the 2008 Annual Threat*


NRC-2018-000716 Appear ..-Junan Tarver .08106120{8

Appeal the lack of response for external

. eommunlcatiori rellil~ to FOIA case's: .2017-0392,.2017*

01aBA:'. 2011~osoa;.201 r.01 asA1 20.n.0542, 2011.01.a4e.,

NR,C-2.018-000718 Api;ear JuDan Tarver and 2.Q.17-:(1502 (NRC-201S.OOOQ39) . OB/Q9/2018*

Appeal the lack of.response for M!-093160812, Ml:.093000202, Ml:.0~296023, -MLP9292004~,

. ML092820192, ML092800136,. ML092790530-and ML0927$:IQ78 (NRC-'2018-000184)

NRC-2018-000719. Appeal Julian Tarver 12/27/20,18 Appeal the lapk of.response to:SECV 05-189 an~ its relate.d ~RM, SRM related to:SECY 16.0144, and.

.. Commission v.oting.reconfofSECY 16-0144 (FOIA,2018-NRC:2018-000727 Appeal Julian TarYer 00,52) 08/13/2018*

Appeal .the full .denial.of coplas*9f CON:2017-0002, CON-2.017-0003;,CQN-20,17-0004, OON*2017-0005, and all inierhaVextemal communication related to *coN-2017-0004 NRC.2011M!OOZ2B:

  • Apceal Julian Tarver 'NRC!2018-000169) 08115/20'18 Appeal lack of r~pph~ forall ,~lea~ecJ.recorcls. ih-FOIA 201.7-()603 (NRC-2018:-00060)

NRC-2018-0007-34 Appeal Jullan"Tarver 10/19/2018 Appeal*the flill denial of SECY 79,-263 (4/16/1979) (NRG-NR0~2018-0.00743*. Aooaal JLillan Tarver 2'0113:0000.12} '09/28/201.8 Appeal lhe**searC;h pei:forme(I ,9f SQY QOntracf/agteement

. between.NRC and Federal law*e.nforcem1:1nt tr-ili:ilng*cente, (NRC-20~ 8-0000:11)

  • NRC:2018-0.00744 Aooeal JullahTarver 09/1 '7/2018 APP.Ela! the .si;mnil:r, .of th&*lhdex Qf,aiHnterageni:Y.

agreements(NRC-20.18-009~'1) . .

NRC-2018-000745 Appeal Julian Tarver 09/18/2018 Appeal the search.performed of lntemal/extemar ..

90mniunlcatlor( related to name .liidlviilOl!l's*M~rch 3, 20.16 i:nan~81CJrydecla~lficaJl.on..revleW'(MDR) reqlfeiit* (N~C-2018-000069) .. '. * .

N*i:tc:2018.000746 AmJeaf Julian Tarver 09/18/20.18 Appeal-the full denlat of How tofil~ a FOIArequest with Atoniic 'EnEitgy.Comnilssion :(NR~Z018-000386)

NRC-2018-0QOt47 Appeai. junan,Tarver. ()9/1'81201'8' Appeal .the search performe.d .of ttie Org chai1/ptirpose of OIG Autlit Unit; .org-chart/job duties of the. Safeguards Information P-rpgrar:r'I.-Manager and :safeg1,1ards Information Security $peel all~ (!'IRC-2017-000M'T}

NRC-2018-000748 Apneal Jullan'Tarver 10/1212018.

Appeal the lack of response of All contracts ehif agreemerits:between.NRC and,.ODNI (Offli:e*.ofthe NRC-2018-000749 Anneal Julian Tarver Director.of National lntelllaence} <NRC-2018-000031} 09/26/2018.

Appecil l.ect<.of response otcopies <>f:¥Pe.a~s.and .

lnt~allexlen:'ial cximmunlcatlons i:eiated.tb,theiii: .20.17~.

01g_1~; . 2.0*1;r..u:182A, 2017.,0009A, 20l7~0024A.{i.oiA1PA, 20~8-0075). . * . .

NR~2i'l*1~QQ015!> Abpeal Jullan,"tarve.r 09/27/2018 Appeal lacl(of~respO~e Qf.Jlst1;1d. re<;orclif:fpuitd,ln ,pE,1ckage.

  • ML161.9'5A365\{NRc:20:i 8--000023) . . * * .

NRC-2018*000751 J.ullail TarvE!r 09/28/2018*

App.ea! l~ckcif.-resniie*.to'Manag~rhE!11lDirecti~:ch.apter 111late(l '.!O'.fitearms-(FOIAfPA.2Q16*0054J. .

NRC-2G18:i)QQ75t* Anpeai JlilianTarv..eF

~ppeal lack:of:response tjf.tlie sarrie, toplc:*as,28~7-0456, *but .f~date range Jan,11ary:t; t99P tlJr:qLigh

. P~emb,r*3t *~Q04. (F0.iNP~'.".2i).1.8a.QQ70)

NRC*2018.:000J53' . Ai:ioeat. j1,11fan Tarve~

~ppeal lack.oft:esponse of'same''*as* F.OIA 2017-0247 .t>urfoF*dat~ range Janui:iry 1. 20.oo*tlirt>ugh.

December 31 ;-201-1 (F.OIAiPA*201JPOli.72)*

N'RC-20)8-000754 Apoeal. Julian Tat\ler '09/28/2018*

AP,j:>eaJ;tfle*la¢!c:ofrespons$,Jor-*bopies*of the*followln9*

inrtlal FOIA* requests: ,201-7,0034,:2017-0038,. 2Q17-03971

  • 2011~oa9s, io1:i~o.~!;1; 2011'-03~~ 'CN at:i-20'18'-()00110.>

.Appea( Junan. tar.var /

~ppeal'the lack of res.pdnse:to .lhe:Usl'of:all publfc an~, non-P..iltilic:secY;pap'ets.:from.20;15)hrough**(NRC..

  • 20:ia-oOQ1~6) ,. * . ..

Jullan, Tarver *1Pi04/2Q'i8 NRC-201S-:OD0798 Aooeat Jullan* Tarv!!r,outcorrie,ot:Forms;,,705,:,'/.Ci4i.703,*ai1d*1*24. 1.1/20/2018 APJ!8ijl'.f1e*fµll;tfi;ll')ia*;Qf th~~que_iJled search.If>.~

P,i,lrfoi;n,of'?ny pull;tiases.-pf,A<loli$!pl'Oi:fi}_cts;i20'.1~ulll;!.nt

, ~ate. '{lns!!:Jnform.-tio,n. Tec.hno!ogy.:(tr) d,epc1r:tm~nt .


  • l1we(lt0i'y;repotts forlhq1.1ipmentde1!Jil{11iJ:~'mpirtfJf .

hatdWare;in*pos_s~sion:of liiRe<oniqy*slmllar records; .ana.

rei:;ords;:eleetrorilc pt*otherwis~,;ofthem~t recent irweritory cif:sofiw.-r:e:Rcenses:~i:yqyr*agency*(NRC*20fa~

b'Ol)391) .. . '

auUan:Tarvet . 1073112018 A'i>P!iat'the,searcll*pqi:formed*df:POl!cies:aoH *pr.o.*~aur*

. ~ardlflg'i:! non-N.RC ayiator: Qs~, Jpctil.d(ng

~nmannefaetlai,;l!Y~r:ns, ~1;1ma~ned:af!riatv.et1icl!!B or.

dto'19s (NRC~2Q1'&000626) * .

NRC.:.2018,000800 :Aoi>eal Julian Tamr *11/02/20:1:8

App_ea!Jhe ad.mln!straliv~.closure*of:~quest;fcir*l;J.S, NRC*

Setisitive*~nipartmented li'if<,tmation:Facillty.{SCIF)

Sectlrey *GiJlde~rid Standard Operatmg Procedure (SOP)

(NRC-2018-0130382). * . . * .

. NRC-2018-000801 Appeal. (tulian *Tarver 10/24/201'8 Appeal .Qie administratMt c.toslng of*f8<1Uesffor*ljl *list of all noii-acllvelactive email.iiccotirits,@NRC, and names.of wno*.asslgned*to:emaU*ad~ress *clilRC..:2018-0PPB:tQ)

NRC~2018-:0Ci.OB<i2 IAnneal Juiiai'i'-Tahiet 1:Z,2712!>:1 B; full denlal*.~-the request,ed-5ef!rch for,P,ast, intelllgen~.reports pri Wiitlmedla**foliri~ation (NRC,2ote:,

NRC-2018-e00803 Appeal Julian:Tarver 000628) t:1/15/201.8 AppeaMtie d.enlal .of'tlie .lwo hours..oMree .tfm~ fo.r R!GC>rds*sho)l'>'ing(P.asf.time~ thattn.e :Chalrmarror.*Deputy i=x!Htirt!vQ.Diret:tot-tpd~eacfqr,and'P.repa~driess Programs* (DEDR:):wa1vec1 reftesher,milnlnjrj:,er Dfl: 12.2, NRC,201e.0008M Appeal Julian*Tarver page,.a:seclipn'(¥.)'.(fl!RC-2Q.,18-QP0381l

  • 11119/2018 App~al. theJ.11n:1enlal:ofthe tequesteij sean;I) for:a,~py*of any .~oqumerits,.memos,.and/or-llsts;Jhat'.CQntaln** .

re1erence!Ho a.Chinese hacker. n~me~ Htran NRC-2018-000805 Appeal Julian Tarver (NRC-201 S:000385) '* 10/24/21>1:S*

Appeal .the 'SE!Srch p~rforrn of.'NRC. pplicy.:barring <.9mme1Jt NRC:-201&:Qb(J.806: Appeai .. ;Julian: Tarv'3r. on. r.eqords*re(eased under:FQIA;(NRC.*2018-QQ-0627L 1:1/0Q/21>:18 Appeal perfotmed:of any *agreement'wilh.:Yahoo NRG°-:2018-000807 ~P11eal Jlilla*n Tahler. Inc. (illRC-2Q1~000i,25):  : .. 11102120:1.a*

Aptieal*the*ruu i'ler:i.1~1:i>f,"How:-many,P2S:papable.radlo

!,inlis'~i:id ll)'.s,tems;ar~:!n:.u~*P,Y,'. own_eC,; *r1:1a~d *q~ * ,..

p~heiw!se*utmz~~ by N~Q,'.Y!*!rl~.and_ moi1~1 bre8l<90Wn" NRC-201S:000808* Ao*oeal . JLillan'Tarver (NRC.:20.18-0.00624) 10/24/2018 AppeQ!;the,redar;tions:tQ th~ rere,i:1.e1:h'ecprds 'in l')IRC-2018

~~2018-000Q09 Appeal Julian Tarver 000388'. 1*1/07/20,113 App~a!Jhe:search perfottn.eif:of the,fypes*ai'ld,.~!iltes*of*all

  • actions (vo~it'tirl.9lnal ;p6steifda~d:thicugb*awarii.or..

cancellatlons)*issj.1E!C:H>r-maiiaged by'Naa cohti'acllng .

o.ffjt:es; during the peri~.6cto6er t, 200Q:through Jailuc;iiy NRC-20~8-00081*1 Aooea). .Juiiao Tarver 3'1, :20'16.{NRC:20f8~tioi> 1*17~5'20f8 7$.pear.. ttte,~ai:ch .pei:foimett.;of. iriitl;iices:repelvf!d by*NRt fr<>ni**Yahoo:lnp;, an~(Faceboo1Uront2010-curreilt*.(NRC-fll.RC:.2018-.00081-2 A1,1iea1* Juliari'Taiver. iote-,()oos1q:)  : *f1./.1fj/2018 Apj;>ea!.tlie~~~.P.~rfQmie.~ of.*~11 emailll, .lett~.ts,relateif*to named lndivlduaJ:belween'.USDOO (tlriiled states.

  • bep;;irtrrJ~itt df:Ju~lcej.~F.(C in ~017!~:1a(N~Cc2b1.~

NRC..2018-Q00813* Aopeal . Julian 000618) . . W29/20t8

~ppeal,fhe se~ch penonnej;l .of* lnl:ld_ent i'J!ports related .to.

pai,t,pr9tei;!lliRC faci!i1) .20f7,an~*2Q'ia* {!'lRG~

NRc;.2018;-0.00815 Appeal Julian Tarve, 201:~0PG,21 > . *1212612018

Appl)!al lhe*full (leflial o(the reqU!:!Sted ~archJpr Memora'rida *ofUriderstand.lng,ana Meritorahdurri of Ag~~m~nts tietween* NRG aii(I regii;m'ai;ii-,teUigilrice'.

NR(}.201 ~0008:16, Appeal Julian *Tarver cei:iters-aniHusion centtirs *(N~c:20:1 ~00623) 10126/2018 Appeal-the seal¢.\ perfprmQd*of,all repords*relat8!1 tcr NRe:201.e-oooa1:a i\ppe~I. :J~liari Taryer Westi>*oi:o Eiaoflst--Chu~ *(lilt{_c.2ota:oooa20> . 1ci/3t/201 g Ai>p~I th~r response fqrf!:l..C;QPY of ~ue111B:0Jily for,CON-

  • i91"?;-0002, C:ON*20~7-Q003; CON-2(1'1.7=(1004 *qod',CON*

N~~to1s.ooooa1 .~ooeal. J.uiiarn:ai:ver . 2of7-0b05JNRC::201B~000338) ~s*iSS:ued untimely, *,1 ~/05/2018*

Aj:ipeal -thallhiiagericys ~ponse ,to COM,99-0002;.JSM NRC-2019-QOQ038. Aooeal Juli!ln. Tarver *c,1-172411999)-(NRC~~oj ~00193) wa.s :not*tssue.H-tlmi31y t1/05/20t8, Ap~a.l. !ac~_ofresPO_nse l9 _;a!l'wtiist1eibl9We.rcom111aints su~*mitt~, to N~¢ sJrice:2o.1°3/111cludlnq ,~ui not limli~~. ts,..

the*riame;of.lh'e. whlstleblower,, slatus,of

!rWesllgatl1;m/cli:ilm, alleg~cl *v1oiation, dateisubiriitteit,.ctate clo~ed; ancl:ilctii:>ii -taken,artd:theabseei~ ofthe released

.NRC-201~00039:* Aooeal Julian Tarver , records:in the-response (NRC.201ajj003!>7,.) 1j/1512D~fr N!Peal'tne :ful! dei:iia!,of*th~*20~~o10*1nfQniiaiiQn*o1gest, NRc:201~00111 .

NRC:2019.:()00040 *Aooeal* . Julian tamr 11/05/2018 Appi:,al 1he sei;irch performed*-pf his(qrieiuitnucl~ar W1;1apon*a_!:elaen.ts, 195.Q:-1'98.0. Jhe;~'e:afle<f:broke.n arrow

~entst:(N~c;201~ooa1s)* .

  • NRC*20:t9-000041 AiiDea1. ~ulfan 'FaiVer HH5/2018*

.Appe~1*tne'$earch,j;erfPl'!Tled* ciUhe.P.utilished,papef-~Are*

. YQWP!'9p~~ To-S_Urvive.An. FBrRaid.~(Your-.F.acmiy?~

{N!i~2018,00Q374l NR'C>-2019-000042 Ao*pear Julran*Tarver 1.1/09/20f8

~ppeal~t!J.e *search perfQrmed.:of Popt~s of 1;111 '.¢.rilplaii)ts

~ubmlUed al;>ollt:yoi:.IM'i!:)'3n~s tte,aijqUp~rs

. for;tite ,qaiE1radar ¥~~ 2Q.14i 2!Jt5, '2016 ~c1*io17:.(fiRC0


NRC:.2019:.000043' Aopea1* :JLilfan*.Tarver- 12L1'1/2018:

l~of:enrisfiecl,uraoium PP.~al !he ~arch.'performed oMri~ormatlctnr~tipuH~e.i:e.~l P.Sr g~m*a{l<f t,he;~n~!31enrlchrpent NR:C-20~9"-0'0Ci044 :Apt>eal ;JullaifTarver level ;tfirJIJiH.(sed In ri.iva.l'.r~.iqtonMNRC-26:ra-ood370l

  • 11/2112018,

~PP~~Lih~l'J.hf!'.i3l)!!.n~s..~p~nstf to 'the ~eq1,1s!il:~-

NURE~:1sp~* (NRC-201lJ.000~88) W~S, _ndt1SSUl!d tlinely NRC.20j 9"0.000Jf5

  • f.\i>p~at .. J.u!liiii: Tani,er- *.111o!i/2'0:t:B:

A'ppeal thatttie ~gency'e .felipOns!:! tQ'hli!,re.questtor

~rds a~ut,auqufflY.'lnOl~ent;'lnvolvinb:the')i;,ss-or.

posslbie comprtimts1fof,classiljet1'(Nf!Plf.*cciinputer secunty*;y13J~l secµri!Y*relate~; janui!Jjy 1, iQi o*lbro11gh ~,:rent c1a:te*=(Ni:iC.2o1*s-.!)OOS1~) was *not is~ed,'limely.

NRC-2019-000'046 Aooeal Jillian* Tarver 1;fl05/201.B*

Appeal:that=lt\8.~~rtcy's rp$ppnse*tohls-rl!qUest'.for COP.!81!

of a'rjy*an~*alf emergertcy*tncldenram,.dl$rbAflce;reports.

  • . that list "~r" as an.a~¢ or suspected.cau~*df
  • Incident, JanuaiY, t; ~010,cun;entda~ :(~RC.-201S:.0Q03BO) was noUssued'timely.

NRC-2019-000047 Appeal

  • Julian:Tan,er 11105/201.B*

App~al .the search,.perfonnE!d*of.a coiJY.:qf.fhe,d~ft'lhreat

&l[IS(l&Sment ~iOinal'ihreat*~e'ssment(orHanfor.d sue (f'IRC:,"2018-000377_)

NRC..2019-000.048* Ai:/0&$1* Jollari Tar.ver 12/()4120'.18 Appeal thi:1.Hhe ,;1gency's responsQ. ttfML092120263

~!'i,IRR/QCI (Office otthe.Nucl~r Reguiafory, Regi,ii~tloniDivision of COIJ!P.biler'it.ln~giity) fiscal,y'e!3r

' 2ode**chec1<1isl tor Identifying poiehtlar risl(**(NRC.201 e,.

NRC,2019-000067 APneal' Julian *Tarver 000006) W88*not' issued:tlmely: *WOS/20.18:

AppeaEth~Wt~ f,lgeney:,. re~pr;,nse!toitlie [$quest !Qr lnternahmd*extemal. CQmmunlcatiQtts*relating.1o*fiYe

  • specHled'FOIA.i'equests/app'eaiswas.ri()t lssued*timely.

IIIRC,2019-00006.8. -Aoc* Jillian Tatver 1,1105/2018' Ap,peallng:.ttie zero:records. outcome-as*.there: is*a*~Y.* lo.

NRC:.20~9-0b.0101 Ai>Pea1 Julian Tarver ~ow*nstrr'i11.of'NRC's*f~\er,J91lowers (NRt~2*0.1e-ooos8'si

  • 12/19/20iil Appealli,g the 'full'wilhh'oldirig'otthe records*undEir.'(b)(4),

as they*a'(e not:exetnpt, .pQr .othetf:~de.1'!=11 agencles*~afl.

NR!:r'-28.19-0l!OiO~ A'ppeai* ilui.ian 'Ti3Ner tiaveJeguested Jhe *samQ.,recbrds (l'llRP.2018!-0fl0365) 12126/201:8 App_eall11g,the\~c!r.i'iiriist~live c;!os!h'g,of !,his, ~q119sJ . (NRC-*

NRi:;.2019--000103 Ai>Deal JUliatt'Tar;ver. 201 B--000456) . ' 12(03/20.18 Aj>peallng the zero*resol~. of-the ,requested' rec:cird;_(NBC.

NRC-;!019-000104 Appeal Julian Tar\ief. 201B,-Ooqae1) . * '12/26/201 B N~e-2p19-ooorns Appeal * ;luOan * ~P.e.allng'.the,1;earc'1~rfonned*(NRc.;2018-00Q662l t1rLH/aD,1B AJ>P.~BHl'!g,th~1(11rc1en1"'1. !>f*:U!~~quested:seal'clj, ((j be NRC,~01Q-OOO'f06* Aflll&al Julian*Tarver 1i>et:ronned {NR,C-2018-0\106~8) . * '12103/2018*

~allr,gith1Jadmi1Jis~fiVe*c.lO!IIJJQ.C!lf'tt;f~'tequest*(111Rc- .

NRC-2019.()00107 Appeal. Julian.t~rver 2°01'8'-000454) * * .

  • 12/0Si2018 Appealing :the*filli der'li~l of reqt.i1:3sJed-records-(NRc-201S.

NR~20191000.108 App~j JLiliahTarver 000399) . * . . 12/03/20:18 NRC.2019*000109 APP.eal JiJlian*Tarver Aoce1,1llng*ttiecloslng.qfttils reque~*(NRC-2018-.li0Q402) 12/03[201JJ NRC-2019-000.,'1'0 Appeal. JuRan Tarver Apneallog'1hecJo!:llng ofthls.r.et1ue$1-(NRC:-20l8°0D0874); :12/11/2018'

Appeal!ng;the full ~eoial ofthe se.arch req4~ted {NRe-NRC-201~-000111 APr:ieal Julian Tar:ver 2018-000666). 12/03/2018 Appealing-the zero1ocated fecords related to'the NRC-2019-000112 Appeal Julleiri Tarver r.equested;search {NRC-2018-000655) 12/11/2018 Appealing the fu.D d(mlal ofthe,requ~led search,(NRC-NRC-2019-00011*3 Aooeal. Julian Tarver 2018-000:664) 12/03/2018 Appealing the full*denlal of the* requested search fo be, NRC-2019-oQ0114 Appear Jillian Tarver performed. (NRC-:0018-000663) 12/0312018 Appeallng'the zero results being loca_ted (NRC:-2018-NRC-2019-000115 Apoeal Julian Tarver 000644) 12/17/2018 Appealit!g the*.denial .ot:fhe requ~t'from hefng processed NRC-2019-000116* Appeal .Julian:Tarver (NRC-2018-000651) 12/03/2018 App~a)ing the*fuD dental of having_ request processed NRC-2019,000117 Appear Julian Tarver (NRC-2018-000~54)' 12/03/2018.

NRC-2019~000118 Appeal Julian Tarver

~ppeali11g. thef!.iU denial ofreque~tectSEr<Jr.c;li (NRCa201a-000652} 12/03/2018.

Appealing the fuU.denial of request being-processed (NRC*

NRC-20~9:.0ci0119 Appeal Jullein Tarver. 2018-000656) 12/03/2018*

Appealing 'the full" deliial*of*the .requested search .(NRC-NRC-.2019-000120 NRC-2019-000122 Appeal Appeal.

JulianTarwr Julian Tarver 201a~oeibs~o) . . 12/03/2016 Appealing the.closing orthe request (NRC-20.18-000469) 12703/2018 App*ealing the fulldenlal cif tlie *re*quested search tc;-be NRC-2019-000123 Appeal Julian Tarver IP.i!A°ormed .(NRC.-20.1 ~000453) 12/03/2018 Appealing the zero o.uJcome of.the requested recorµs NRG-20.19.000124 Appeal. Julian: Tarver 'NRC-2oi 8-000451,)' 1211812018 NRC~2019-000125

  • Appeal Julian Tarver APPEialini:i the resp*onse to' NRC-2018-0006'43 12/:18/2018 Appe_aling the zero resuils loqated fri .response jo .NRC-NRC-20.19:.()00126 ADP.e81 . Juiian Tarver 2018-000642 12/03/2'o18 Appealin'i1 the fulidenial*ofthe requested tecords.(NR&-

NR~2019-0Q0.127 Appeal Julian Tarver 2018-000468) 12/03/2018 .

Appeann*g the full denial of !he:~queste~ recor~s .(NRG-NRe~2019~000'128 Appeal Julian* Tarver 2p1 a~ooii>JE?2> 12/03/2018; Appealing the full deriliih:>f .the' requested records (NRC..

NRC-2019-0'00129 'Appeal Jullan TarYer 20:18*0006471 1210a12018-Appealing the*:z;ero Ol!tcome of the-,requested. ~rds NRC-2019::000130 ,ll;ppeal jufian TarYer CNRC:201a:o_ob40~> * . 12/l7/2018 NR<:;-2019-000131 APD'eal. Jullan .Tarver Appealing the zero records lc;,pated (NRC-2018*000641) 12/03/2018

. Any and all files held.~y ,the -Office of:Speclal- Counsel regarding the* Nu~ear-Regula19ry,CommlssJori's

!i;ivestlgatioj'l'lnto Exelon anefthe company's NRG-2018-000482' Cons1,1ltation* Madison Hopkins !3etter Government Association decommissioning fund 07/26/2018

,. Putilfc: Empl6yees for Records *pertalnlrig to the E(iyirorimerit~n:~rotection Ag.ency NRC-2018-000741 Consultation JeffRuch Envlronniental!Resoorisil:iill{y' 'EPA)1P.rotectlve* Action 'Guides -lPAGs) . '09l11/2018


AD fBCQl'QS,P.ertaining*to*S.ectlon ? consultations that have been or conducted related to.power plant operations/constnlctli>n at Turkey Point, Including but not.

llmltedto any*docum¢nts cor'lcemin'gthe extent*to wfilch take of American Crocodiles bas b.een, or may. be; authorized througb that*process, and pertaining to the

.. obijgations for Florida.Power *s; Lig~ 'Company;(F.PL) '

rela~d to any*takiogs of the American. Ctocodil~ at 'Tu"rk~y-NRC-2018-0'00.819 Cons.liltaUon Matthew Haller City of Miami Po.Int, for. the. last 10 years 10(05/2018 All records between llste(I entities and individuals

  • concerning carbon.pollution from power plants.and federal regulations for Rmltii'lg .It, whether known as the Cle*an NRC-2018.Q00823
  • Consultation Kristen Lomllardl Center fQr Public .Integrity- Power Plari,or'.under anoUler desigr'latiori 09120120.18 All records not' In ~AMS related to the petition for rulemaklng .submitted by Mark Edward leyse and designated as PRM:.S0-108 and NRC-2014-NRC-2016-000474 Request Mr. Edwin s tvman l:lnloil of Concerned.Scientists
  • 0171 by .the 1;1taff 1'0/15/20.18 All lntemal/extetnal c;ommunfcatlon related to*FOlltCase NRC-2017-000055 Reauest Julian Tarver 2016-0326. 12/10/2018 Memo~ aricl case summaries for Fitness for Duty (FFO) cases Involving drugs or alcohol'between March 31 2008 and'Oct. *1 ~16 in whli:h-lh~ Office of:lnvesUQ~tions.(01) investigated Instances of lndlvldUals violating 'f:fP drug NRC:-2017-00011ir . Request Michael McClatcl)y McClatchy and alcohol procedures a.t licensee:sites 11/28/2018 I Dlgitalcoj:)les of all records,associated with closed NRC.2017-000404 Reauest David Lochbaum Urilon of .Cbncemed Scientists: allegation* RIV~2013-,A-0128 09/27/2018 .

All correspondence between the NhCandlh&.Gov.emmenf NRC-2017-000421 Request Mr. Edwin *S L:.yman: Union ofConcemed Scientists Acco.untabDlty Office (GAO)*since.Jani.Jary 1 2014

  • 10/09/2018 NRC"2017-080491 Reauest Julian Tarver Coples of-policies related to use of poligraph exams, 12/1,712018 Org chartfpurpQse,of'OIG Audlt:.!Jnlt; Org chart/job duties Qf U,8' s*a~guard!r JriformatlpiiProgram (l!lanager and NRC-2017,00054'1 Reqµest Julien Tarver Safeguards Information Security 06/21/2018 Dlgitat copies *of documents in ADAMS. but not publicly available-signed lly. Jeck R. Oavis .or formally concurrecl by*

Jack B, Oavis whi;m*he'was Director ofthe Japan Lessons-1iJRe-2011--0oos10 Request Mr. Edwin S Lvmen Union of Concerned ScienUsts teamed Directorate 10/09/2018 NRC>2017-000575 Request Aaron lamDI Ali records In reg1:1rds to,rib-2013-'~-0128 06/27/20:18

!nvestigation- Case F.ile # C 18-001 (Narrowed to ROI~

NRC-201MD0663 Request Roy¢aeacom Interview Transcripts-Memos* ofilntervlews)* 06/21/2018

- . Digjtal.qoples*or all,npn-pubUc*nJ!i:Qnls dated'S/1/17-6/30/17 regarding H~cs valve LaSalle Unit 1 (docket no.

50-3r3) and.the reactor-Shut doWn Ulat month:As per telephone can with requester 10/3/17: scope narrowed .to RIii records ONLY exciudlng photos vli;leos alr~ady. public rec;ords and licensing l'{icords*n!'>d.upllcates .but drafts NRC:20:17*000696 Reauest David l:ochbaum* Unicin,<>f Gcmcemed SclJmtlsts reauested (June.1-3i> 2017 dockefS0-373 Qrily) 09/27/2018

NRC-2017*000697 Request . ran Spivack Multiple:OIG Investigations 07/11/20:fS.

Index.of all NRC. forms showing f!Jrm #. and*title of.each

. NRC-2016-000043 Reauest Julian Tarver form '06/.14/2018

leased *reCQrds In \heWall Street ,!ournal,-FOI~ 2017-NRC:2018-000058 Request Julian Tarver 06/22/20t8
  • NRC-2018-000060 Request Julian* Tar.var All rel~ased records in. FOIA 2017-0.603 . .06/~ 4/201.8 NRC-201Sa000064 Reauest J1.ilian**Tarver Firs!i100relepsed pages of.FOIA 2017~0429, 06/12/2018 Internal/external CQmmunlcatio!'I* related to'named lndividu~l'.s Mim;h 3,.2016:man~atory*depl~siflpatlon NRC-2018~00069 Request JuifanTarver review,(MDR)*request * * * .()6/12/20113 NRC-2018-000073' Request JullarfTatver SECY*Papers: 79-246,,.79~253,79-274; 79:.298 and 7g;.313 06/15/2018 Records showing.all lost, stolen and tevcked.NRC badges, NRC-2018-000076* !Julian T~ivet i,lanuary 1, 1990-U,n,ugh* Decem~r 31, -201'4 06/15/20.18 Copies of records related to the training.and qualification Of .

~ HeadguartenfOperations Offlcers-(HOO)*and ,

Headquarters Emergency. R~sponse.Qflii:ers.{FIEROl exclusive df pictures arid)*lc;leos and CQples of.reco~s

. since.:january 1* 2002 evaluating assessing anjjfor reviewing 'the st!lffing level.s of the NRC*Operations Center NRC-20-18-00009.7 Request Mr.*. Edwln*S*Lyman Bnioli of:Conc:eme~'Sclentlsts ex'clus!ve*"of.piclures-and.vldeo*s*

  • 10/,12/2018 All intemal/extemal communication and' NRC-2018-000105 . Re.auest- Juli~n Tarver F.OIA.2017~468 . 12/18/2018 All internal and external communication ln*

~umbers: 2018--0002A 2011~047.9 2011-04852017-0168*

NRC-2018-000153 Reauest Julian Tarver 2011ao2ao 12/28/2018 on subject of "U.S. French.German-British NRC,20f8-000155* Req~est Juliar, Tarver. Agreemenf' April 2005* 08/10/201.8 NRC-2018-000:I n Request Jufi,an Tat.var 2009"2010 lrilclJTlaUon Digest 06/14/20:1.8 ML093160812, Ml!.093000202,. ML09296023, Ml092920o:42,. ML()9282.!)192, }JJl:.092800:136:

NRC-2<i1B-0001S4 Request Junan Tarver- !VIL092790530' and ML09279078. 12/27/20'18 NRC:.2018.Q00:185 Reauest Julian; Tarver ML092:11(l!;,44i .ML-092090769 .and .ML091_94016? "06/19/20:18, NRC-2018-0001.88 Reauest Julian Tarver NUREG-1500 .06/15/2018 NRC-2018-000191 . Request Julian. Taij(er NUREG~,15~8 *-* 06/19/2018*

AD documents pertaining* to forrilal,or Informal compralnls to

~e Office of lrispeptor General.(PIG) related,t9*0IG repc;,ttirtg, investlg_atlons or findings from Ag~n*cy personnel and/orformer Agency personnel; and non-Agency personnel, from 2012 lo the .pre.sen~:. All.dQcumi,!nls pertaining to formal *or Informal investigations Qf the OIG *

. related to.QI~ reporting, lnvestlgetlorisdrfindlngs; A complete copy of NRC's System of QU(lllty Control; All documents Wtd rep~rts.tlescribing the process, plans, obs!:lrvaJons,. finding .and deflclenci!!S Identified durin.9. lhe lest three lnvestlgetloil peer*reviews i>fNRC's OiG cases against the Quantatlve *Assessment Review Inspector General as..<feflRed Hy*the Qolflii;II of Inspectors General o.n Integrity and Efficiency* (CIGIE); and tl'te dates of the NRC:2018-000249 Reauest Natalle MJ<oss Potornac:Leaal (3i:oup-.Pl:.LC next"CIGIE QAR peer .review 11/28/2018

.. Dlgltah:opies'of records abolit"reactor vessel o-rlng fallures.fproblems expe~enced at"the Indian P.Qlnl Energy Centf;!F*since Jan*uary*:t. 2003. An* NRC* inspeclipn report

  • Req1.1est .. . Mr; Eilwln S t.yman Umon .of.Concerned.Scfentists. ring_ pr:ol!lem~Jhe, facility sJncEj2003. 1,1/28/2818

.. Digital.copies ofrecof.ds about-reactor vessel o-rir'lg

- problerils:exp.erienced at operating nuclear power*reacto"-

- in *ttie !,Jnfted*.States, except .for the Indian PQinl tJnit-2 and 3 reactors, slnCB' January*t, 2003. lnfonnation for o-ong problems at lndlan*Polnt Was *previousfy'.requesteci (NRC'-

NRC-20.18-000253. Request Mr; Eiiwm S Lvman Union of-Concerned Scientists 201 B-0'00251.l, 10/31/2018.

. Alf di>cuments*refating..tQ Final Rule :IO .C.F:R 6.3 -and,ils prepa~tlon _Qr prom_ulgatlon*gen~rate~ or received by NRC or.any consullaat or.contractor-; includlng:all Interactions or exchanges wltti EPA or DOE or any consultants or Egan, Fltzpatrfclt. Malsch & contrfictors.ofeithet or those agencies; for time periQd NRC-20~ B--000259 Requ~st Charles J F.itzpalrlck

  • l:awnmce, .PltC J~nuaor1, 2005:-through* March 13; 2009 08/07/2018 NRC-2018-000262 Reauest* SUsan H Stiaclro Susan H. Shapiro Attorney At Law .

Records*pertalnlng to lndiari Point as spe.cflied ln*!he .11 items *listed . 1:m112~1a All records; inf:ludlng*any applicalii>n, associated With U.S.

Atomic Energy Commission, Ucenseit.R~actor .Operator, ldentlfied'Jlcense number Issued to named lndMduann* or NRC-2018--000263 Request . Mr. Michael B Heister QGTPLLC around 1970; 1971  :,or 19?Z. *

  • 12/20/2018 ComP.lete*copy ofthe NRG's*files oh named lndlvldiJal's.

complalnts, lm~ludlng*the final* NR.C* doe1,1ments and the NRC-2018-000266 f{equest. Bradley Wilson John H. Raskin & Office. of Investigations rep.or.ts 09/10/2018*

T.he studies/reports 1:dnducted by the C(Jnti'actor "LliikVisum Consulting Group'!*fQrthe Offi.ce,of ProJ!tct On Government Enforcement'from when ft wai:i hired In 2012 to-the firi;;if NRC-2018-000296 Reouest Daniel*Schoolen Overslahl .sludv comoleted in March 2013 08/2912018

Digital .copies of the *stucjy .of Reprisal and Chilling Effect for- Raising .Misslon-R~late~,Cohcems and Differing Views at lheNRC" (ML17352A430), transmittal memo (ML1735A41.1) and all. other-documents in AOAMS NRC-2018-000318 Requ~sl Mr. David A'Lochbaum Union of .Concerned *sclen.tlsis

  • pacl<age ML17352A434. 06/29/20l8 The 1.00 pages of;F.OIA log, and a FOIA' log of all NRC,2018-000322 Request Clinton Kennedy Julian Tar.ver's".past.FOIA*requests* 1'.1/14/2018*

Any information on the license history, radioactive use

  • type, quantities, where*,useil, *etc.*,9n !he follo\\'Jng-P,rOper;tY al 1151-W. Elm Avenue; rilonroe, Ml 48162 (Monroe*

County): License, nu'!lber:, 21-32092-01 First license date:

5/21/1998'Llcense*explratfon date: 5/31/2008 License holder:JKO Monroe, Inc. Institution, code: 32092 Last NRC-2018-000336* Reauesl MarkEResch Oragun Co rporallon* lnspeqlllln daie: 11/1/1998. 08/10/2018*

Any documenis related to cita:!ions:issued and/or violations pertaining to:nlicleat medicine safety fOt Mcmcrief Army NRC-2016,-000353 .Reauest Jane.lie N OHvo Carlton 'Fields Health' ,Clinic, 4500 Stuart Street,. Rirt.Jackson, SC 29207 08/10/2018 All correspondence tt;rnr from *Nuclear Regulatory Chairman ,Kristine Svinick, between the :dates of June. 1, 2017 and*th~ dale*ofsearch whlcftmenllon the*phrases "Nuclear*Energy lristitute~or &,"NEI~ ora~ to or*froman NRC.-20:18-000357 Reauest SamMlnlz E&E News email address witlr the domain name" 07/09/2018 Coples ~f,all OO!llplaints submitted abo!ll your .c1gen~ts cafeteria at Headquarters for,the calendar years 2014',

NRC'-2018.:000363 Request* Jillian. Tarver 2015, 2016i:!r'id2017 oane1201a 9opy of records showing legal expenses charged to:your agency by,oqtside <:Qunsel an~/or. iaw firms in FY *2014, FY NRC-20~8-000365* Request Julian Ta*rver 2015, FY2016 and FY'.2017 10/12/2018 lilfomiation about the cost of enriched uranium per:gram flfld: lhe general enlichmerit*level thaNs *used' fn*naval NRC.2018-00037!) Request Tarver reactoi:s. *06/25/2018 publlsliecj P<!per "Are* You *prepared T.q; Survfvl3 An FBI NRC-2018-0003.74 Request Juna*n Tarver Raid AtYour Facility?" * .06/20/2018 "l:llstoiies of nuclear weapon accidents, 1950-1980. * NRC-2018,000376

  • Request Julian* Tarver (:ailed brcikeri arrow events." ' 06/15/2018 Gopy, of the draft threat assessment and final threat NRC-2018'-00037-7 Request Julian Tar.var assessment:fOr- Hanford .Site 0_6/28/2018 A security. incident involving 1he*.loss,or possible compromise ;of classJfled (l'ilSClf. computer security-related or p!lysjcal security related,, .January 1, 2Q10 ihrough NRC-2018-0003_79 Reauest Julian. Tarver pt.1rrent.dJ:1te .. 0.8/27/2018

' Coples of any and all.emergency*incldent and disturbance*

repotts that list "cyber .as an a<;li.lal or suspected catisj3 of*

NRG-2018-000380 Reauest Julian Tarver Incident, January 1, 2010,current date 06/27/2018

Rerds*showing past limei>.lhat lhe Chalnnan or Deputy Executive Director fol' Reactor and Preparec!ness Programs.(DEDR) Waived refresher training per- DH 12.2, NRC-2018-o0038.1. Request Julian TaiVet page 8 &ictioh (v)

  • 08/10i2018 Past written j\Js6ficatior;is thal 0a*.NRq offl~ has:ciet~milned that a NRC coritractot requires i.)assilied '.or uncilaiisil'ied NRC:2018-000382 Reauest Jurian *Tarver Navel Nuclear Prooulsion lnfomialion OB/03/2018 l,J;S. NRC SE!nsilive*Comp.artmen.ted Information Fa.cl6[y (aclFJSeeurily Gulde and* Standard Operating Prncedure
  • 08/03/2018..

Typesand dates of.all actions (from'ori~inal posteddated through :award or ~ncellatlons) Issued or*managed by NRC i;ontracting offices, during the peri9"d ,ectober 1, 2005*

NRC-2018-000384 Reauest *Julian "farver through Januarv.31, 2016 08/03/20~8 Request:a c:;opy*of a11y documents, memos, .and/or lists* that

  • Reauest Julian*Tarver CHU:Sn) . 08/10/2018 Hovdo file a.FOtA.request.wilh Atomic Energy NRC-201&-000366 Reauest Julian Tarver Commission 07/2.0/2018 Coples of pasUni.tial FOJA reqtiests that NRC.ttas:sent to of
  • Department Energy (DOE); Office of Naval Reactors.'for NRC-2018-000387 Reauest Julian Tarver orocesslng 08103/2018 NRC-201'8'-0Q0388 Reauest Julian Tarver First 1.00'naaes release*1n.FOIA 2017-0114 07120/2018 NRC-201.8-000389 Request . Julian *Tarver Forms 190, 7.05, 704, '70~. 187, 126.and*124 08/17/2018 Records *showing most recenUnveritory.of firearms; current Inventory of.all ammuriition.stockpiles; all orders
  • for ammunition; Including telpts 20100:urrent dl!te;*.

copl~s ofall re~rdsf~celpis for purchase of weapons .

gear, Jan~ary 2010-cu,rerit:.and current inventq,y of-all NRCa2018-o00390 Request Jullai'I Tarver weapons.gear.maintained by NRC . 06/29/2018 Any purctiase1fofA<lobe producls,,201Q,cul'(8nl'<late range: .Jnformiltlon**rechncilogy. '(IT) departmentinventory reports.for IT equipment detailing .computer hardware.In possessiorr of NRG or any slinllai"-records; 'l:lnd* records, electronic. or otherwise, of the mosJ recent inventory*of NRC.2018-000391 Request Julian Tarver, softwa~ li~nsei; at*youi' agen*cy OB/17/2018 NRC-2018"()00392 Reauest*

  • Julian T.arver SECY 17-0095; SECY i17-.0100 andSEC'i'.1~099 10129/2018 "Copy of.'lhe*primary.brieflng rrJalerlals xxxx*for
  • purposes.of the presidential transition process, specificallY.

any presentations created* for*or- delivered to members of the. presidential translllon team:for the;new admll!lstrallbn di.lring*the Nov/Dec2016 lime frame"; 11st of briefi11g n:t$r1Eiis provide to \he Commissioner ol:NRC in 2017; i!ind list of'all.brleflng materials .pri>vided*to the FOIA officer*

I .

NRC-2018-000394 Reauest Julian Tarver

  • In Auausl.2016 * * * .08/16/2018

9<>py,:npµterfile(s) containing air pul>licty*releasaQle fields ofdata-within the Aavisory*Comi'nittee on.°Reactor NRC-2018-000396 Reauest Steve Reilly USA Today Safeguards{ACRS) WebACTS database "08/24/201'8, First 20 pages. of.ML17137h24B, .congressional Budget Justification for- Pi' 2018;' List of-all documents under .

ML172978585; ML16.015A020; ML14080A297; Ml.05122027~; ML12272A645_;

ML,12083A054,ML,10021"0148*, ML04190Q056,.

ML112P10376;-ML112010327, ML132a8.A282,.

  • ML112(110701; Rrst 100 pages of-ML14029M24; and List, showing all records and"ihere ML ADAMS # iri package NRC-2018-000398 Re~uest Julian Tarver ML16195A365. 101181201a The 20 oldest pending FOIA*requests being proc,essed

{lnitial-r.~uests*o'!IY):.a!Fcorrespondences .wjih, the requester-regarding the 1'0oldesl'open/pending-FOIA requests, 'processing_ notes contained in the case file for the abov.e 10*oldest requests: FOIA.log from*end date of last log through cu~nt *~ate;*FOIA log showing !ndhi.idual's NRG-20)8;000399 Reauest J.ulian Tarver loast five oldest request 10/1.7l2D18 NUREG-0350;:and Index. of all NUREG ~eties draft reports for comment :from office,ot:'Admlnlstration;*Printih9. and NRC-2018-000401 Reauest Julfan Tarver Mail 'Ser.vlce.s*Bi:arich 09/21/20.18


  •$lal/extl;!mal-com.tnunicalicinS:pf FOIA ~018-.0055; fhlemaUexlemal mails.related lo 2017-0189A, 2011-0508, 2011~0J92A, 2017-0458, 2017-0193.A;2017-0313; air lntemal/extemal,cominunications relat~d 'to FOIA CON-*

2017-ci004; lntemaVexternal emails and processing notes/memos for 2Q1S.00()09/\ and 2018-0.0QJ4; intema.1/exter'nal*conimunjcailon* and pro~ssiilg notes'Of 20.18,000!:iA, 2016-0738, 2018-0000005, 2017.--0485;,aad jilfi:!mai*erriails;.alid processing not1:1s in 2018-QOOD44, ..

NRC~201a-000402 Request Jtillan Ta,:ver 2018-000009, 2018-oooo~. and*201 BtQ00024 10/17/2018 All emails ~ent tolfroin NRC employe~s ln-whlcti_ the*

internet-domains "," "lri.lmporg;com,","

"DonaidTru'mp;com," or"donaldjtrurrip,com" are in em.iii

  • addressps .in t~e to, from,.cc, bcc,:subje~t or* body iieids o'f th13 message, from "June 3, 2016-December.5; 2016; all documents* to/from or involving, ttie trump* organization or other trurnp.rtarrieC, entitles, betw~n Janl!ary *1., *2oto* and June 1-, 2016; copies of documents In r~latlon. tc.rthe lr:utnp transition*team as 5Pecified; materlals* or discussing the elector.ii cotrege members bf the electoral college, ornraithfe"SS,electors," as Well *as materials relating NRC-2018-000403' ReQuest . Julian:Tarver to*the briefing request*from,elecloral colleae members* 10/17/2018'

Organfzatlon chart; Jpb tli.ltle_s, cell number. and*pay-.scale ol NRC. staff as llsted;*OIG Report 13-A*2;; Orgarilzatli;in imart,]ob duties/purpose of Central Top Secret Control

. Officer; Organization* chart; *staffroster*and putpose*of NRO Security _infraction P!'Ql;llclm and lntera:Sency Security Classification Appeal~ *Panel'.(ISCAP); *employee manual NRC*2Q18-000404 Rl:!auest Tarver for FOIA Offli;er*posltion 08/31/20:18 Past .!Imes that(ISa), (DS9.) and/rir (NSrR)-has, been sent*

.. notice that a:person i!l challenging '8 cl~sinCi,llion cjecislon; anti past clas11ification challenges, DH 12.2 page-8 NRC-2018-000405 . Reauest :lullan*Tarver. $ection' CH)(I}. 09/21/2018 Putpose of NRC* Facility Secunty*Program: and Spec!al NRC-2018-000406 Reqµest Julien. Tarver_ A~ss:Prcaranr 88fl4/2018 G!,lrrem ll~ting:-of eltNRC classifice~on 9UldesJn 1,1se, record*showlrtg next schedule review of. ihe above gJ,lldes; a.nd training guides/publicatiom~ for classifier training-for ari NRC-.201.8-000407 Requ~st Julian. Tarver individual ls'.delei:Jated classifii:atlon aulhprity .09/11/2018 Records Including: intelligence reports/notices *and not

. l,imlted*to tha_t pertaining to:th1;1. ma!ware ~Black Energy;" .or*

"Havexi" ,pastJnteUigence reports.-authored by NRC staff

  • an~or other ageni:(es related to (ISIS) or..(ISIL),. January 1-~

NRC:2018-00()408' Reauest Julian Tarver 2016 througli current OB/24i2!>18

~ertaln.rec9~s relat!ng to a February 15, 2018 letterfrom NRC-:Sen!or Allegation Coordinator to National Society.of Professional Engineers, in reference to *concerns regarding Westinghouse -Electric Carporation*and'Virgil c. Summer

~ucl~r Generating Station Urilts 2* and 3 (Allegation, No.

Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & NR0-2017~A-9014).:antl Its attachment: St~teme!]t:of NRC-2018-.008410 . Requ*est Ms. Diane**Curran. Eisenberg, .L.LP.

  • Concems'.(ML1'8047A025) 06/14/2018'*

CopiElS of aH**emails* (!ncluding atta~hments)-exchanged

. J>etwee.n *the named. Nucleilr Regalatory,-Corrif!'llssion employees with any email .address using the NRC-201.8-000434. . Request Lauren Dillon Democratic Natii:JnaLCommlttee "@Who.e*" emall :domain- . 06/14/2018, Records pertaining to. the meeting on March *s, 20:18, Including Ms. Krlstioe*L. Svlrilckl .and representatives of

~ye C_ounty, Nevada,.w~lctrwas:the subject,.ofNRP!s

. E9an.- FI(zpatrick, Malsch & March 6.2018 "Mer;noran~um-to Iha Parties", time period NRC.201.8-00'0435 . Reauest .Ghatles J* Fitzpatrick. Lawren~. PLLC from-Jsnuarv* 1~ 2018 to .March .9,. 201'8 07/26120,18

AH elecfron{c*communic;atio11s, inc.l!iding ,attachme111s,. sent

- oi'"received Eiy the NRC Office of Public Affairs ertlP.loyees between October 1, *2017 and Decef'!lber 31*,, 201'7 with the following 'f5eY.Wort! groups,*least one-of the

. ~ey'wort! *groups *a_re Included .In th~ body of the text, the*

~dd~ss line, the s"!bJect lin~. -or in_ any attac,h,ments ~r hyperllnks.

{"Assoclatl!(I.Press~;QR "AP."} AND "BGA" rAssociated-Press* OR "AP"},Ar\lD"Better Goverrim~i1t Association~

("AssQrilatecl Ptess"OR:~AP",}ANO "Maaison Hopkins"

("Associated Press"'OR"AP") AND "Breit :chase~

'f.'.Associatetl P.ress" OR:~AP".) AN!) "Power Struggle~

("Associated Press** OR "AP")'AND. "power-slJ:uggle"

(~Associated Pres~* OR "AP")' AND'!ceBetter GQv" NRc-201a~ooo437 Re<1uest Madison Hopkins Better Govemment.Assoclation rAssoclated Press" OR "AP") AND"BetierG'ov* 09/17/2018 Commission voting*.record of, COM,99-000SONJD,. :relating:

NRC-201~00444 ReQuest Julian Tarver to release In* FOIA 2018-00001 o 11/21/2018 NRC-20'18-000445' *Reauest Julian Tarver NSIR 02-0037 and* 03-0071 08/3112018*

NRC:2018'~0004{6 Request Jul/an* Tarver FOIA;log_ ~m.end date of last-Jog, through cumint date 10/1~/2018 NRC-20,18-000447 Reauest' Julian Tarver. Past.Intelligence recorts, ,noti~s arid bulletins on J,J.F,O:s 08/31/2018 All emalls.~/from Ethlcs.Resource@nrc;govin Januaiy NRc-2orn,00044a ReQU!:!;;it Junan Tarver 2017only; 09/1'1/2018, Past incident reports related to [J;F..os*over or near a NRC-2018-000449 Request Julian Tan,er iniclear,site 06/31/2018 Names of.all active staff that are Authcirlzed"Derlvate NRC*2018-000450. Request Jull~n- Tarver oerilassmers . 08/31/201:B Same as F.OrA 201 a-:0900057 (A list ~f-cases cl(!sed by-the Defense Nuclear- Facilities Safety Board*o10:(0ffiee of th'e ln11p~ctor G1meral)), .out date tange 1990::Dece'r!lber .31, NRC-201a~ooo451 Request J.ullan Tarver 2012 09/04/WfB.

All memci.s to/rrom named White* House. staff member-**

2017-current; *and all emails.tb/fronmamed*\Nh1te House NRC-2018:000453* Request Julian Tarver staff member,.20.16;.current. C

.. 09/14/2018, AILiptemal/eictemal ,emails related to:, FOIA,2017-0~ and.

201't-04e'9~and an Internal .ext(!mai emails, processing notes and memos relate~ :to a list of FOiA c;:1ses; appeals, NRC-20~ 8-000454 Request Julian Tarver . $nd."SECY-79~t63' 10118/2018 All reJea~d re(;Ordi;.ln*FOIA~case~: 2017-9294, .2017-0308, 2017-0293, 2017-0661, 2017-0~13, 2017-0428,.and NRC-2018-000455 Re<1uest* Julian *T.arver 2011"°489 10/26/2018 ML16216A709, ML16216A708, ML16216A7.07.,

ML't6216A106, ML16216A705, Ml:,09265045.9, ML:~5007A248; ML16201AOB6, ML16201A093; M1.1.i 191A610, ML:132ssA2sa; *Mi:.1~$.1Aaos ar:id*

  • NRC-2018-00<i456 . Request . junan Tarver ML00369.8864 10/17/2018

NRC-20~ 8-0004!v. Request Julian Tarver Form #: 494, *913 and 14 10/29720.18 NRC-2018-000458 Request* Julian Tarver Broctiure "Rei>oi'ting Safetv Concerns to* the NRC'.' 10/29/2018 R~port-titled,. ~Inquiry Into the"te$11mony of th.e. Executive NRC-2018-000459 Request Julla.n Tarver Director r=or- Operations," 1918 09/1.4/2018 NRC-2018-000461 ReQuest. Julian Tarver lndex-ofall-yellow.a,,no.1,mcements 1.1101/2018 Oi:ganlzation chart, job duties/purpose and cell number assigned_io riainet! NRG staff; and namesftiUes*ot.all .

NRC-2018:.()00462 Reauest Julian Tarver 'auidar:'lce doi:umeril$ authi>red*by named: staff 09/18/2018" All. ~ocun:ients t_hat*r_!!fer or relate to.any-leglslative packages, draft legislatlve packages, or o~er*materials prepared subsequent to February 2;.1999, that address proposed*l~glslatioif to allow the NRC to recover the

- Pnlsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman gerierlc costs associated.with i;pent fuel storage-rrvm the NRC-201&-00Q463. Reque11t Jay'E .SliberQ lLP Nuclear Waste Fund * * '10/16/2018 ML0426.50352, MLQ50280428; ML080440139, and NRC-20-1 &:000467 ReQU~ Julian Tarver .. ML080440144 . . 10/22/20~8 NRC,;20'18-000468 ReQuest* Jullan*Tar.ver Names of NRC li!PPrQVed Aµthorlzed Derjvatlve.classlfier. 09/14/20.18 White House memo dated January 20, 20.17, Final cos NRC-2018-000469 Reauest Julian Tarver 'Chief of,StaID-Regulatory. .Freeze Memo .09/14/2018

  • Memo dated Felin:rc)ry 2;.20.17; ahcl email.dated January 21,.201 r; to NRC from*named lndlvldi.Jal; all memos 'lo/from NRC;and riamed lniJivid1.1al; all memos*from named.

NRC-20.1!3-000470. Request Julian Tarver lndividu!i,I Io NRC, 207-cu.rrent::~nd emails~ ~RC*froin named Individual on January 31', 20:f.7 QB/1312018 Organizational chart, Job di.Illes/purpose* and cell number NRC.201S.000471 Reauest Julian:Tarver assigned. to. named NRC staff 1*2/14/2018 B.ack\e 1980s, Batteile's-Jefferson W~ffacility-in Coi1:1mbui;; Ohlo;was ;,pOWQring_ d.owri" some ofils atomlp researcti program, One aspect.of iis considerations r~ardinQ:"!!i!e*rehabiiitalioli w1:1s what would h!!PP!:ln to the la~ on the**area. ToJhat end, B!!ltelle scier,tlsts:authc;i,red the followlng ~port $abourln,. T. D., R. S. Hayward, B, Comaby, and R. L Faulk. 1986, Biologli:al coi1sequences*

University of Missouri, School of of lake reco11ery. Technical Report to u;s.E:P.A. from .

NRC-2018-000472 Request. Dr. Douglas *B Nollie Natunil"Resoun;es Biittelle C_olilmbus-Dlvision, Coh.inibus; Ohio. 11/13/2018.

Ali backgrounct and .supporting doqu~entatlon inc;l.uding corresporiderice regarding the NRC*Confinnatory Order (3.12;.18 attached)"for. Entergy Nuclear Operatons, Inc, and Entergy Opelllllons, Inc. https://l"\fWl:'/'.nro.99v/readlng-rm/doc-collections/news/2018/18-002.iv.pdf and NRC:.2018-000479 ReQuest Diane Turco".18c,12A191.pdf 08/09/2018 Any MLTS,lnfomiatioil*on *the foRowing site:. Photon Fleltl Inspection Inc.; 1705 Boxwood, Saginaw, Michigan NRC.2018-000iJBO Reatiest

  • tlndsev .Sorenseh PM Er:wlronmental License Number:: 21~210:10:-01) .. 08/13/2018

Dor;umentaUon pertainin_g to related lo the facility located.

at 1099:Jvanhoe R~. Cleveland, Ohio, Including radiological materials usage, licensing, decbnlamlriallon, decommissio.ning, survey, release, *authoriziilipn, .

certifi(lSlion, or other ratlloioglcal related .activities at tne NRC-2018-000484 Request Andrew .Ferenc. facility. 08131/201.8 Copies:ofall reports or records*.pertaining*to the sp'ecified irifonnallc;>n*.on the Atomic Energy Commissi~n (1947.-1974) approved llcenses of CQ°mniercial entities to dlsPQse l;l~ufh:~~rol.ina.S!"a!I Business radioactive waste in the state and.federal.waters along the NRC-2018-0004'86 Reduest f'"rarikK11ai:>o Chamber*of Collimarce East:Coast;of the* Unitl;!d Slates 06/14/2018 Allach*ments 11-2,1 .to.the Marcil 30, 2017,*Holtec NRC-2018-000487 Request Wallace L Taylor Allori'aey*at.Law applicatlonletter 08/29/2018.

All documentnelatlng to any NRC.exempt distribution license .for certain industrial' d.evi~s (ui:ider 10 C.F.R.

~O.~J fora*device.contalnlng Amerlcium-241, tJ)at was approved;otissued by*the NRC between October-*201e NRC-2018--000497 Request Bridget s McCabe Baker Hostetler and A:>til 2018 12/06/2018 ML18019A140; EOC OE Note-2018; all records*pertaining to the.authoring of, relliewof, al')d'response to Government Accountability ML18019A140;* and all records._pertalnlng*to, NRC-201 B-NRC-2018':000499 Request . Jack .Kolar* Proiect 000304 06/26/201'8' Any:documenis*pertainlng to* the*resulls; of-le!itlng for levels detected of-the rele.ise of iodine*if 31 into:the *atmosphere from lhe Three ~he Island nuclear power:plant In NRC.20.18-000512 Ret1uest Kevlri Keffer Pennsillvarila ln*2010* oa1031201 e*

All communlcati9.ns befyieen.the u.s. NRC-(and especially Region IV)-and the Balley ~ Oliver Law Finn, Rogers, Arkaris<J.s; reg~rding any req!Jests*-for.docunienls from \he*

NRC-2018-000514 Request Michael Heister QGTPlLC NRC'or.the production of. a witness .06/28/2018 All i'e!=t>rds not already,publlcly avail~ble that are -~fated* to Lead Test~semblies .an<l Accident Tolerant Fuel *(either topic, not.just recor:ds covering both) dat~ Janua!Y* 1, NRC:-2018.,000515 Request . Mr. David A Lochbaum Uniorl' of Coricai'lied* S'cientists 2017-, and .after * .06/22/2018 Any .and all r'ninutei! and notes kEipt llyi arid copies*of documents received* or exchanged by, *the NRC S.taff from a meell11g conven(!d April 24,. 201 a* at the .Nucl.ear*

Regulatory Commission ofljces;in Rockville, MD tliat involved NRC Staff and pEirsorineHrom Holtec NRC.2018*00.0517 Request Mr. tenyJ Lodge. Don't Waste Michigan lntematlonal, Inc; .06/15/2018 Pioneer Eavironm_ental Ser.vices; Anydocumentationforafacifity IQcate<.! at 1820.Enterp(ise NRC*2018-000520 Request Beth Cole LLC . CourV-1820-Temple, Llbertvville, Illinois. * * '08/10/2018 Environmental Data Resources, The.most.ret:enl-copy ofth'e.MLTS (Materials License NRC-2018-000521 Reauest Connie Marini Inc. . . :rracking Svslerill Database {active and retiredfacllitlesl I *111091201 e*

All documents r;,n lhe,new,constr.uctioo of tmi:!ilghfand Uranium Mill'(Converse County, WY) In tHe ye~ts 1*971 and 1972, Including ell work. pei:fonned'bY*Fllior'Utah,. and NRC-2018-000523 Reouest Joseph Lazzareschl any asbestos: materials uS!!d 10/25/2018 Re~umes an~ poslli!)n .(!ascriptions for the. n~med f'JRC-2018-000528 Reauest Gur'11ta Sinai) ProDertv.of'the People lniflviduals* 06/19/2018

. All inquiriesRnvesligations (closed and*open)that may.

have been*condupted lnto:practJCl38 at ldah.O*State NRC-20:18-000529 Request Paul P Murphy CNN Un1Versity. (ISU) 10/15/2018

.. Jhe Reports of lnvei;tigatlo.n for Office of Investigations NRC-20.1S:.000537 Reauesf Richard Young 'Ol)*cases*S.2003,022 and.3-2016-i>~ 1 07/16/2018 Copy of'doctbi'ierits hcerning reports of invesUgatlons

  • irito. animal testlng*or~nvolving .the* death of animals NRC.2018"00D5a9 RequE!st Wl.lllam. Robinson OaUvMaii.c;om inv!i>lveii'withln.the. department since the, bealmilna. of 2014; ;Q'B/28'2018 Chernobyl, Ukraine: Most* recent report/data rin safety and curterifslafus on nuclear plant radiatlon.exp~i.Jre anc;f
  • NRC-2018-000542 Reauest Clay.Keys clean up. 10/23/2018 Copy of the.f~llowlng Offlce,o.f Investigations (O!,) reports, together with .all supporting do'cumentalion' for*each report:

NRC-2018-000543* . Reauest Ra~ler WestlnghQUse Electric Comnany 2-2017..;007*, 2-2017.~010,.2*2017;():11, imd 2*2017-013 09111/2018 Bigltal'"coples*of records.associated with NRC*OI Jnves~gations Report No~ 4-~01 ~-!>32 (see ML1.8129A078)',

Records tliat,may"lie excluded f(om the* scope-oflhis n!!'quest are records of an aamin~tralive .rial~ *(e;g.,

etnailersettirig the 'time.and*ro.cation of'staff. meellngs*for NRC-2018-000544 Request h/lr,; David A Lochbaum Union of Concerned .Scientists* discussions about this OJ ln13ulry) 09'i1 ~/2018 NRC-2018-000545 ReQuest Mr. David A Lochbaum Unlpn of Concerned Scientists Digital copy of ML14093AOBB related~ DP.0-2014-001 - OB/14/20:18 NRe-2018-000546 Request Mr; David A Loclibaum Unlon*ofConcerlied Scleritisls Digital ,copies of M~1 B059A091 and Mt.18059A237.* 06/14/2018

~olTie.form o(-conlirmation that 1:.successfuUy passed*the*

NRC-201&,000547 Requ,est Mr; Michael R Ruboc;ki Duane Arnold Energy Center

  • march.2018 genetic fundamentals exam for BWR'.s OB/.21/2018 Copies of'thefollowing Offlce*of lnves.tlgatipns (01) reports, togetherw.ith.all supporting documentation: 1~2015-020 and 1-20-16;-001 (this*investigatioii reference number has NRC-2018-000548 Re-quest - RayKuyler Westlnghous~ Electric Company been co~cted) 09/05/2018
  • A dlgllal copy,-of NRQ Yellow..Anno.uncement YA-18*0051 NRC-2018'-000552 . Request Mr. !:>avid A-Lochbaum Union ofConcerned *SclenUsts. datetl May 25, 2018,
  • 06/18/2018 Digital ;copies .of*afl* training materials *dated January. :I, 2()15,. anc! after about sensitlve-1,1nclassifled npn-safeguards lnfonnation (SUN$l). ~nd CiiUcal Energy.

NRC-2018-000553 R!3Quest. Mr. David.A L:ochbaunt Uriipn of Concerned Scientists lnfrastiucture lnformalioo (CEIi 08/27/2018 A.GIS shapefile of all of lhe Nuclear'P.ower plant locations NRC-201S:-000556 Realiest Ms. Hilarv K Ariderseli TWG D'evelopment in.Texas * * * *

  • 09/03/2018

Mqst recent-records pertai_hing to any of.the foll9wing t~pef}

of unllqµldate!i obligations: l:Jripali:l *chec::ks, unreconciled checles, unclaimed 'checks, undelivered checl<s, o.utslandlng credit balance$i*!3nd cliecks exempt from NRC-2018-000557 Request Chris C!;lrlucci EMC SoiiJtlons I.LC unctaimei:I property reporting. "08131/201:8 Copies,of the following FQIAs' a*nd the agency responses:.

NRC-2018-000558 Req!Jest Clay Keys FOJA/PA-201&.-0080 and FOIA/PA-201<i-0179 0.6/13/2018 Olgllat.copy of,ML14108AOS2, Measuring at-Transition Della-Risk for Plant Change Evafuation,. dated April 18, NRC-2018~000559 Request Mr. David A Locnbaum Uhion of:Concemed $dentists 2014. 06/19/2018 Updated electronic *ust.and:clelails:foi' sites In NRC-2018a000560 Re!luest Ms. *Samanth.i L Sederaoe Envlroslte Corporation- 13pss_el!slon{use,ofradioactive malerial~.reglila:ted by:NRC *10/a1/201B F!lease see attached documentfor information Thomas* *

. Edison *state;Universlty is requesting ;related lo NRC-an~

~eaclor operator (RO) ana Senior Reactor Operator NRC-201.8~000561 Request JimePaci Tliomas Edison State U_niversity- (~RO)Jicense$ 06/29/2018 The com_plete* security tr'aihi_ng record, includir;ig the Jog of training hour's, for:a Nuclear-SecurityOfficer.thatwa.s

  • NRC-20-18-000562 Request Mrs. Tara*S*Csecsinovils employet:I from 6/28l04-1"0J30/o*s at Braidwood -llilnols .06[19/2018 Most recent continuity of operations plans*(COOP) that

!f~a! speclficallY. with large scale. fi!Tflergencies, .such a~.

.. . , pandemic situations (not snow day proiocols, etc.), and Johns Hopkins Centet for Health !focuments !hat contain the* most- recent Primary Mission NRC-2018-000565 Request Amanda Kobokovich Securitit asential' FimctlOns*(PMEF) OSlOS/2018 Records perjalning to,the selection of Branch Chief File  ;

Information and assessment-of.the candidates, a)ld. b~sls for selection; of named .Individual (NR:C. Form 178} for vacancy. AlsQ, infoimalion*-that*

fµl:!tifies selection ofa candidate yfa* two prpcessas-le.,

~ollc!ta:!iOn of-lnt~rest and via specifle(! vacarjcy 1:1nnouncemenf that allows GG' t4 to:apply foi*a c;;!G15 NRC-2018-000566 R:ea1,1est Mr. ROY K MATl:IEW supervisory vacancy 09/27/2018

.Requesting namEi..and .cohtactlr'ifon:na~c:in 6!'ily of whQ maintains NRC Specific licenses and Sealed. Source NRC-2018-000569 Request Steohanie. Fishman Devise: Reglstty .(SSDR) 07/09/2018 Any al'.ld all enylronmental.sampling results associated witll Honeywell lntemational's. tlranium Conversion Plant in NRC-201.8-000572* Request Kevill' Thompso:n Thol'npSQn* Barney Nfetropplls, f!llnols, Uc!lnse No.. Sl:18"526 06/29/2018 All iritemal m:emorandums; emal_ls, -reports, notices of .

v.ioli:ltiQI) .or other-.dqcumenl$,pertainlng_ to the .Honeywell lhtemationari; Uranium Conver$ion Plant, License NO, NRC-201S.000573 Reailest Kevin* :rhompson Tliomtison Bamev S.UB-526 06/29/2018

An :updated copy of any ani:I al~.!)"1lsJandlng/stale. dated check lists,*wlilch m;iy also b.e-known as Limited Payabmty*

Can*cenation Report.of'refunds and*credils*. (Undeltverable checks) specifically-the lndfvlduals, buslnesse.s and vendor chec!<s:for llscal:year 201..;;.201a

  • 8/10/2018 Recwester mpdlfled requ~t Please search NRC-20~8-000576 Request Paul.Mee, only for payea iUISilant.draxl~e Inc. *
  • 08/1.5/20.18 Any.license closure documentation that show that NRC

~eleased the folJQWlng*site 'for unrestricted use, issued-to EpiGenesls,, P.0,:Bo>C1007,,

Princeton, NJ 08543, Ucense 29-30471*01 (Issued:

S~ptember 30,.1~88), for radlciiso!ope Uf!e 2005*

Easlpark Br;>ule'!arcfln-Cra,nbury; New Jei:5ey location; NRC-2018*000517 Request Je$!11Ca B Leonard IES Engineers which operated ln*199S.2002 08/13/2018 All documentatlonoi:) errors made*by.He~dquarter..s Operalions:Offic:e~ (H00s).duiing calen"ar year 2017, and documentatl.on .on all Incidents responded'lo ~y*the*

Headquarters Opetations Center- (HOC) during calendar NRC:20~S.:0Ci0578 Reiiuest Sam Mintz E&ENews yeat201'1 09/1'4/2018 Dlg)tal copy of Yellow.Announcement.YA-1.8-0056 dated !)n NRC-2019.000579 R!!auest Mr. [)avid A. Lochbaum Union of-Concerned Scientists

  • or about:June.25, :2018 07/20/2018

' Dlgil);il copy of Yellow Announcement YA-1'8-005S*dated*on NRC:2018-000580 Request Mr. David A Lochbaum Union of Concerned .Scientists* or about.June 25, 20.18 08/28/2018 NRC:2018-000.616* Mustafa* Musawwlr- Responslve:records :to F,OIA/PA~20.18-0064. 07/03/20:18 lnvoice.s received by NRC .from Yahoo Irie., :and Facebook NRC-2018-00061-7 Request Julian Tarv~r from 201'0*currerit 08/03/2018 All emails; fetters related to namecl'lndlvlduaHtetween USDOJ (United States -Depa'rtment*ofJuslice) & NRC In NRC~20~ 8-000618 Reauest Julian 1'aiver 2017/2018 08/03/2018 List Of all .l} email at:cQunts @NRC, anti NRC.2018..Q00619 Request Julian. Tarver names.of who a~lgned to !'!mail address 07/30/2018 NRC-2018-000620 Reauest Julian Tar:ver All tecotds-related to. Westboro Baptist.Church 08/03/201'8 lnctdent*rep~rts telated,to past protests at NRC facllllle.s In NRC.:2018-000621 Request, Julian Tarvet 2017 and 2018 08/03/2018 Coples-of past NICS (Nali9nal lnslal)t Criminal Background Check -System) firea~ *. ba~rour'ld-check denials Jan. 11 NRC,2018-000622 Reauest JuRan Tarver 2018*- th~ugh current date 08/28/201'8

~emoranda of Understar:.i~Jng am.I M~moraridum of Agreem~nls between NRC and regional iritellige~

NRC:2018-000623 Reauest Julian iarver centers and*fuslon *centers 08103/2018 How many.P.25 units.~nd systems are in*use' by, owned;*leased or olherwlse utilized by 'N.RC, yea~y and NRC-2018-000624 Request Julian Tarver model breakdoWJ1 07/27/2018 NRG-2018-000625

  • Reauest Julian Tarver Anv.agreementwith Yahoo Inc. *07/27/20"18*

Policies and proi:edures regarding approval for any, norr l'l°RC* avlator'i.ise, including unmanned aerial systems; NRC-2018-000626 Reauest Jr.illan. Tarver unmanned aerial vehicles or drones 08/17/2016 NRC policy barring comment on records releas.ed under, NRC-20:fB-000627 Request. julian Tarver FOiA 07/27/2016 NRC-2018-000628 Reauest Julian Tarver Past Intelligence reports on Wiklmedia foundation 07/27/2018

.. Any encl all records, fo include but rtot limited*to reports, memos; photos, etc., related .to th!! theft.of two &:gallon

~ns.ofloW enriclied uranium from the Geriera~l;lec;lric NRC-2018-000631 Reauest Brandon Wissbaurn WECTNews Plant in Wilmington, NC on Jan *.26, 1'979 10123i201s, Any- and all documents associated with any i'epi:im~d Issued .to named individual during_2012/20"13 contalnecl in any of the agency's system of records to* which named lndlv!dual, has :flad acce~s*di.Jring .his*employment*wlJh tile N~C-2018-.()00633 Reauest HeaJher*G. White The Federal.Practice Group agencv 08/18/2018 The *most.recent'revlsion of NRR Office Directive CO~

106, Control of Ta!!k* lnterf'ace Agreements; and all

~lweeKly TIA-Status Reports dated Jarauary 1, 2016, and NRC-2018-000636 Reau.est Mr. Edwin S Lvman Union of Concerned .$cleritlsts after* 10/li912f>"18 All doc;uments pertaining .to:Office of Inspector General (CIG) Investigations Nuclear Security Incident Response*

{NSIR) !itaff abuses:of overtime and

_complicity In i;uch..abuses l:!etween 2014 &!ld ttie p~sent, and" all documents pertaining to, disciplinary action taken against NSIRstaff and management based .on lnvestfgatlve-firidlngs;,the comP,lete February,20.16.tvy Planning *Group Report regai:dlng a revlew*and analysis of NRC'.s dlve~ty.and lnclu.sion pe'.rformance trends a,:id recqtnmendatlons to enhance and better manage NRC's diversity and inclusion initiatives; and T-ha voting records in 2018 to .elect l'!ew leadersbiP fortbe Fer;leral Wbm~n*s .

NRC-2018*00063'7 Request N.atalle*M Koss Potomac Legi;tl P.l.L.~ Pmgratn Adyisory committee '10/04/2018 NRC~2018-000$39 Request . Mr. g. m'!chaet miiler Miller Strategic Group Reauest records for all purchase'card holder$,, as* specifieef . 08/21/2016' SpeclfiQ" EXl'IJBITS*flsted in the Reports of Investigation issiltid from the comP,leted F.OIA 201 a-000537, as specified: ~eport of Investigation 3-2003-022; request Exhibit numbers 1,, 2, 4, .5; ~.191 and 2'3; and Report cif

.lnvesligation:3~2016-011; request Exhibit nuinbeis 1, 2,

_ancl*30 NRC-2018-000640

  • Request Richard Young 10/11/2018' Current reCQrtls cla.ssilication manual ,a.classify. records; manual that NRC uses to get acquainted with measures lo inlemet'usage*of'indivlduals*and organizations; an,:! listing_

NRC-2018-000641 Request juJlan Tarver of manuals*on the. NRC lntranet.emplovee oniy,websile 09/21/2018

Coples,of all $le, federal, and lpcal' law enfon;em~mt non-disclosure agreements; and Memoranda of Unders~ndlng and* Memqranifum ofAiJll*!ment~ between NRC and F.BI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)~ DOJ.:(Departmertt of

  • Justice), OHS (Department or-Homeland Secµrity), CIA (Central lritelligenc;e-Agency),. and NSA 1National Security NRC-2018aOQ06lJ2 Request Julian Tarver Ag~) . . .. 09/14/2018

~sting-Qf all closed. OIG *(Pffice* Qfthe lrjspector*General) lnves(!galions/cases in 2017-201.8:*.aridOIG report Index NRC-2018-000$43 Rpquest Julian Tarver fQr2017 and'2018 09/06/20~8.

Coples.of past invoices from Mlcrosoft.ln*2011 & 201*s; all invoices.from Go.og\e, Inc.;: an *contract with'l'larris Corporation, G4S Securitt1iroUp; 10-Code*security Company 11nd i=rostKennels; and records regarding-the apquJsitlon, posse~ion* and use*:of Wi-Fi lriteri;eplion NRC-2018-0006.W Request Ju*nan Tarver devices 09/24~018 All intet'i'lallex,emal ppnimunlcalion,.emalls, nptes, ,memos related*to.2018-0507, 2018-0186, 2018-0242, 2018-0003A, 2on-04ea. 201a-osos,.201a-0163, 201&-0010, .201a:.

NRC:2018-000645 Request Julian Tarver ooosos~ 201a-000022, 2018-000504 and 2018-000052 11728/201-S Cover-or tiUQ pag!!'.of~ch annual or bj.:annual report that gpes. to:Congress; and annual report to Congress ¢:claims*

I\IRC-2018-000646 Request* Julian Tar-v~r Qf da!mlges c;a1,1~ by-NRC 10/22/2018

'* All records and intelligeiice'reports related to=Church'of Scientology, bitcoln; flecker group: Ha¢Rweiser, Saad Al-Qshtaol and Dakota;access pipeline-In .North. Dakota; listing 9r printout of NRC Intelligence Bulletin .publlc;ations published by lntelllgence*Staff, lf:uhavaUable, provide cover/title page of each buUelln; .and alfintelllgen*ce l)ulJeUns.related to*animal rights extremjsts jn 2017 and 2018 09/19/20J8 NRC-201 a-000541

.. Reaiiest Julian Tarver

ASG-1s .curter'lUy under the Clackamas .County Dis.aster Management Offipe to p'tlrform*a Technological Hazard Risk Assqssment:for Ciackamas County In *Oregon, If any lnfonnalion is to be withhelif, please notify me and

,' ASG-will request the County" Disas\er Management *.Gffice file a i:;epara!e: request. Io COmP.lete th!:1 a!iS~ssment. we

.need .tp.1den6fy. and *quantify-any' lnfonna)i9rt(!n.radiqac;tiye materials stored/used within the Co!,mly. We are requesting .information on the i:ciinp!lriies.or i:,usihesses thai currently have. radlbaC!_iye material licenses/permits wltlJln Clackamas, CQunty Oregon. If possible; please provi~e a ~opy of the. lice.nse/permlt indicating the* specific

[sotope and rns.xlmum- a~vity avthori~d fpr each ,item.

This lnfonnalion ~n be.provlded*.elet:lfohically(CD) if available. ASG Is willing lQ pay the appllcabli! fees, If any, NRCr.2018-Q00648 Reauest* Joe*Potaczek Alliahce.Sc;iluliomfGmui>, Inc ass.ociated with proce~sing our FQIA and PA i:equest 08/21/2018 A.U response letters, *emails, noles, .and -memos related to - .

NRC-2018*000649 Request Julian Tarver CON=2Ci17~0005.and'FOIA~20ft.-0004 . 12/18/2(}1ij l.og;0f an *named lntllvldi.lal's past FOIA requests;.all emails related to named indlviduaHroni November 1.5,. 2Q17 tl:lro4g)*f May'30, 201 ~,only,; *and records shoWing NRC staff talking_ abo1,1t-how tp respol"!d to my F<<;)IA reguests,.

NRC.20,18*000651 Request Ju!lan September 2017 .lhrough May 30, 2018 .09/27/2018 AR*communlcallon betwe*en NRC:and F~I-Data Intercept

'rechn~logy ,Unit (DITU); NRC. and DIA _(Defense

!nteillgence* A~ency), f!nd CIA .(Central intelll9~iice Agen~y)

NRC-20:18.000652 Request .Ju!lan*Tarver fn*,2018onlv;'.and newest 100' erriai!s lo/from FBI and NRC* 09/28/2018.

Records*df~usslnQ .con.~i'tls rei;aardlhg'FOIA and Privacy Ac!, lncludfng corr~mmdence with Congress !'flgarcfing NRC~201a;oooa54 Request Julian Tan,er FOIA reform*201s tnrough,currentd1;1te 09/28/20.18 Any reports, records, talking points, .tompla!nts or other responsive.materiats*regar'dfng'intemet\'.Vebslte, NR0-20.18~000655 Request Julian Tarver Cryptome,org 1'0/04/2018 NRC-201~-000856 Request Julian Tarver All.records on *Motu;imed Atta *09/21/2018 Co~munlcations,. correspondence and einaBs* relating to use an~ ope~llons*of-Ce!I S/te*~imul11ti>rs,,2017 and-2018 NRC.2018-000658 Reauest Juiian'Tarver 10/17/20.18 N8C.2018:.000B.59 R!!lquest Jullan.Tant!:lr _FOIA log-from end da1'! of'last.log through*current date 10/22/2018 NRC.2018-000660 Reauesf Julian Ta.rver Recciros related .lo twci named individµafs. 09/21/2018 NRC-2018-000661 Request JullanTsr.iler .Press. telease*index for 2018 09/21/201.S:

NRC-2Q18-000B62 Reauest Julian Tarver

. popy of;ear;:h title/~ver. 1>89!! of'all cpurt complaints "lawsuits,? acoeals*, and cetitlons m*201a 10/1712018

NRC-2018-000663 Request Julian Tarver

.. rn em~lls In ?017 and 2018 tol~rom NRC,.FOIA stafHo email suffix; 10/04/2018 NRC-2018.:000664. Reauest Jillian Tarver 0 Newest 1oo emaHs from/lo 10104/2018 NRC-201S..000665 Reauest Julian Tai'\ter List of all followers to NRC twltter*accolint 10/17/2018 Plscusslonuelated-to encryption pf the Google Android NRC-20j 8'-'000666 Request ilullan*Tarver Mobile'Oneration*System

  • 1,0!05/2018 Coples of past death th_real$ sentonecelved :by NRC, NRC*201J!*000.667 Reei!1est Ju(ianTaMr date 1.tJ/15/21H 8 Digital c;oples:of Exhibits *1 a-to 22 ln~luslve (the intervlpw -

reports)*from'.tbe*Ol'Repor't'of lmiestigatlon*fof C!ISe No. 3-2003-022 and Exhibits 3 lo 28 ln*cli.Jsive .(the interview transcrlpts),from*lhe.01 Report of Investigation for.'Case No. 3~2016-0.11. Both of*!Jtese* 01 Reporis .of Investigation

  • NRC,.2018-000668 Reauest Mr, Edwin S Lvman Union ofConcemed. Scientist!! were released In re_snonse*tQ FOIA-201'8-000537; 12/3112(1tB Pl'QJ~ct On Government' Copy of the-Office of Adminlstratioli*(ADM), P<,llcy and.

NF~C-2018-000$69 Request Daniel* Van'.Schooten oversight Ptocedores, Helpful Tools:*"Waifs to Raise :Differih!i:Vlews" 10/04/2018 Records. relatlng*to,any nuclear material llcense lssu.ed for

' Yuma Proving Ground; records relatln9:t? llcensing-and/or approval of tbe* use .and/pr testing. of the M2B/M29, and the M1010. spotting'roundJ'or f!te M28/M2.9 Da.vy Crockett Nuclear Weapon System: ;md r.ecords relating* to lic;enslng andfor approval or'the*use of.any other weapon or weapon NRC-201S..00067Q Rl!ffllest Glenn E. Whalev svslem at Yuma ~ving Ground *between *1 $55 and 1965 oa12a1201 a.

An .employee e-maif*contact list in Ex~i Spreadsheet Fo~at, if possible. for an ll!RC employee.s In -the States of NRC-2018-000673 . Reauest Steve Ham secure Lead .Solutrons .LLC NJ, NY', VA, wv* and Washington D.C. seoarated bv sfate 08/31/2018 All rec9rds, inc;;luding_intelligence repo~, emails, memos,

. NRC-2018-0ci0674 Request Juna*n Tar.var and*reports of'Omi;lr *Mateen 1,0/05/20.18 A!I records .tha\.relate or refer to*ldentlty slllchlng,.soclal radar;. emai8nonitofing,:web-1:!ased soelal;mediai or soclal NRc-20*18-oOoe1s Reauest Julian Tarver link analysis 10/12/20'.18 l)ie N1.,1clear Regulatory'Comm!ssion (N~C) Co11VE1ntion NRt-2018-000676 Request Julian Tarver stiendlna each v.ear totals from 2000. throuah current date 11/21/20"18

The ODNI Intelligence CommunjtyOu!side Employment*

Annual Repor:t for 2015-present, email1:1, .intelligence. *

- notices*and reports sentto NRC licensed facilities related to-Jilly 4, 2018:-past lntemgence. reports on radicalri_gJ'lt wing extre111i~ts: past lntelllgence,repo_rts on extremist" religions;.any FBI intelligence b1,1lletins related to July 4,

  • 201 Bfintelllgence rer:,orts oil improvlsed*exploslve devices (11;:D!>) and Scientology; -past intelllgen~ repo_rts sent to, ot.

I autJiored -by, NRC .st$ff,o(I Bun:ilgg Man*Festlval: and ,any F.Bl intelligen~*bulietins J;ent tcfNRC related to*May Qay NRC-2018~000677 Request Juilan: Tarver  : prates~ 11/01/2018 NRC Programs/Next Sentry, 2014-current NRC-2018-000678 Request JulianTarwr date 12/06/2018 NRC-2018-000679 Request Julian Tarver P,ollcy.*on* Confidential Hurpan Sources *11/13/2018.

Discussions related to the removal of meladata about NRC~2018:.000680 . Reqilelit Jlillari Tarver* databases from the NRC Website, 11/13/2018 NRC Aerial eurveRlance evidence-and filght"logs, 2017* arid NRC:.20f8-00068~ Reauest . Julian 2018 only f1/21/201B

~ewest Annual Leadership and Climate*Survey; NRC NRC-2018*000682 Request Julian Tarver Customer S~tlsfactlpn Survey results H/16i20*1e

- All commi.mication between Department.of-State nal)'led NRe-20,18-000683 Request Julian Tarver indMdual and NRC 11/21/2018 Alt meq,ps sentto/from.NR,C en.d the White House*in .20-17 NRC-201B-000q84 Request Julian Tarver and 20"18 1:1/13/2018 NRC-2018-000685*

  • Request Julian T1;1i:ver . All records related to ProJect Gunrunner "11/21/2018:
  • Llstlilg*of all past criminal Investigation$ referred to the Depattri'Jent of*Homeland Security or.the Federal Buteau Of NRC.-201B00006Bli Request Jullan Tarver
  • Investigations for-prosecution ln; 12/19/2018*

Records showing NRCissued misslng,:stolen, or NRC-2"<UB-000687 Reauest Julian*T.arver unaccounted"forfirearms, 2010 through current date 11/20/2018*

All. Offi~e of"GE!neral Coi1nsel's*.mem95 related to named NRC-2018-POPBBB Request Julian Tarver indlvJ!J.ual, dated November 1, 2017 through current date "11/13/2018 NRC-201S.OOQ689* 'Request Jullan:Tar:ver popy'ofalf subpoenas-served on NRC in 20*17 and 2018 -1*1/28/20.18

.Guidelines for access, retention,*use, and"dlssemination by

.the National *Counterterroi:ism and *other agenciesi of information -In databases contalnlni;pion terrorism

~RC,2018-000690 ~equest .iuiian* Tarver Information 11/21/2018 Mail coyer reguests'by ariy1al!'enfon:ement l!!Qenc;les, NRC-2018-0008"Q1 REia11est ~ulian"Tarver 20.i o~current date m211201s

- AH do~ments, lnc;ltidlng*t11temal*.emalls, relating to Decl1:1sslfication:Revlew cif each memQ.produced by the HOl;Jse *lnteiligence Committe~. Repµbli"cans and NRC-2018-000"892 Reauest Julian Tarver Democrats,- 20:16-throughcurrent date i:1/30/2018 Index.of all request for proposals (RFP) that:NRC opened forbidding*from 2014 througJl airreni date; list of all RFPs NRC-2018-0006S3 Request Julian Tarver that NRC. opened for bidding "{or 2017-2016 .12114/2018

Records showing pa_stfcurrenf-NRC employ_ees solii::lling NRC-2018-000694 R8Quest* Julian Tarver prostitutes belween-201 o and" ctirrent date 11/20/20:18

. All restraining and/or proJective *orders*-served on* NRC, NRC-201&-000695 Request JiJll(lri Tarver 2014* through* current date *

  • 12/07/2018 AIJ *ln~lligl!nP.8 records/se!'lt from Nation~ Countertefl'Orism NRC-201&-000696 . Reauest Jullari Tarver Center,toNRG in:2017 and*201.8 H/13/2018 High value Interrogation group phase II proposelri, NRC-2018-000697 Request Julian Tarver ~ubin1$slons;:~nd ;results.c0f award pro~s . 1,1/21/2018

~I CQmmunlcatlons.between NRC and .nEJmed lnifiv!dOal In NRC-2018-000698 Request Jullan"Tar:ver 20f7 and 2018 11/09/2018 All commurilcatlons'between NRCanC, the Rouse Permanent 'Select Committee* on *Intelligence (HPSCI) in NRC-201&-000699 RE!Quest Julian Tarver 2018 12/13/2018 All communications between NRC and,named*indl\/ldual in NRC-201 &.'0007-00 Reauest Julian Tarver 20.17 and.2018 1'2/0412iJ'ta All memos from the*.omce of Attorney General-and NRC In*

NRC-20,18-000701 Request* 2017 ani:12018 11/13/2018

~I agi'eemems*of:any klrid llelwl\len NRC and.the.*Nation*a1 Geospatial Intelligence-Agency (!"'!3A); NRC use.of NRC-2018-00Ql03 Request .Julian Tarver domestic li:nagery gathered N~ 1.1/21/2018 All emails from/to NRC and FBI .Dlrectorln.2()17 and. 201B:*

all records lihowihg *NRC providing *a.ny FacebPok information to the Fal, 2014'-current date. -AU communlcaUons. between FBI. T~chnlcal L:lalson Unit (TLU) and NRC In 2017/2018.All cominuiii~tions, efn/iils, _paper NRC-2018"000704 Rea1,1est Julian. Tarver format; memo fromlto FBI Dlrector..2016,to*Pr.esent: 12/04/2018 All records sent to/or,from:Cell Site Simulators manufacturesi.vend~rs. federal, s'iate.and local government agencies, arid any-wireless. servl~ .provider;. all policies, l!!gal analy,sls and training matei:lals thJ:it re.laJe or re.ferto C~II $lie Slm11lators; all'records 1hat NRC*haneleased or NRC-201 ~000705 Reauest .Julian Tar\ relate-or refer to ~II Site Simulators or Its use 1'2/.19/2018 Correspondence beiween NRC end Congrel3s ori* Drones; correspondence lietween NRC!lild thet>epar.tment.qf Justice (DOJ)regardlng drone,*201~rrent date; ~n~all the* Offic:e of'~aneral Counsel (O.GC) memos-relate!:! *to NRC-2()1.8-000706 Reauest .JuUan Tarver drones, 201~rrent date *

  • 1*1127/2018 All malntalr:ied co11tacts, 11mall at!dress of staff assigned to NaUonal Security Council and .National Cpuntertef'f'Qrism Center;:.all contracts agreements; MeniorandulT!-of AgreeinenUMemorant!um Of Understanding (M()A/MOU) related'.to JolnfTem>rism*1'ask Force (.JTTF), and with* ....

Lonllf:ord Solufi.ons; and contract~. and any agreement with NRC:201 S:-000707- Reauest Julian. Tarver - Rocket'Media; Group. 11/21/2011!

- Policies J'!;!lated to National' Security L~tters (NSL)}coP.le.s cif all NSL,ser:v.ed Ori NRC and NRC NSL teiminaiion NRC-2016-0"80708 Request JLillan Tarver procedures, 2QM-ci.11tent 11/15/2018 AR communications between NRC and:'frump's advisers* in*

2017,and 201~:*.all corresponden~e between*Preliideni Elect Trump's transition. f!!am*and NRO Adminis~tors, NRC-2018-000709 Reauest Julian Tarver. 2016-current 11/20/2018 All docunienls reflecting, alspi,1ssl11g, or re_laU:ng In* any way to; th13,d!:)cision in 2017 to revise NRCemployee ttajning "to. remove ail refQrences tq_ employee wlil~eblowe(

protection$ under tlie Energy Reorganization* Act (ERA) and the Occupational Health*and sareiy Adrriinlstratlon NRC-2018-00071*1 Request BIiiie P .Garcl!! Clifford &Ga~e. L!-P (OS.HM:.;;* -a*s~pec_lfied 08/31/20.18 Records .P.ertaining to close-out appraisals, ~edback fro,m deP,Srting supervisQ~, and0 appropriateweig_ht when determining the employee's* annual :rating *of record, as NRc~201s-0oon2* Request John Budzvnskl. specified 10/29/2018 Records pertainirig to lhe*feedback from supervisors when, "at any tlrne d11nng the ratln_g,period, a11y significant deC?fine ..

in perfom'la1JC8 from the beginning-of the appraisal period should be brcugliNo th!:l:.el)'l_P.loyeE!'S * (1) provide the employee-time-to ir)1pr.ove,*and (2).~yoid sµrprlselj, In the !lnn11al !IPPralsal, ,; and* definition *of a11y NRe-20:18.0001ta Request John*Budzvnski signiflcantdecllne In performance;" as specified 09/28/2018. .

'The number (count) of'DP.Os and number (oount)'ofNon-concurrences opened for-each year statting.iri 2014 arid NRC-201a~(loo114 Riiquest John,BuUer Nuclear Energv Institute Including the numbers thus far for 2018 6Bia112ot0-AU 'publlccornments/reedback; .received In regard.s'to "mal<ing the rederar: government-more -efficient, effective and accountable t~ the Amert~ ,people." iii r.eli:i~ori to President Trump'.s Executive .Order 1~781,than;>MB

!!hared v,rlth NRC, as w~II as any accompanying materials-NRC-2018-000720 Request Michael .Raimltzkv abounhose comments .09/07/2018.

All dbct.iments *reflecting, dfscusslng, or.relaUng:ln any way

~o* the "NRC's. ltnplementaUortof S)585. -. Dr,, Chris Ktrkpatrl~ Wtilstleblower ProtectlQn Act of 2015, 1'15.lh

.Congi'e!,s (2017~2018), signed lri.tQl!Jw-on 9~J:>~r.:1.~,

NRC-201.8-000722 Request Billie P -Garde Clifford & Garde, 1-1..:P 2017 08/31/2018 NRC-2018-000123 Request Ernie L~m~ardl Review of rererred rei;Ord ,from the Department Qf energy. 09107/2018 Reql!ester narrowed s~pe of his* request to:the )Nritten.

narrative .from the,2016 succession planning -spreadsheet or,oihet docliment'that capturesithe results" of the meeting NRC-2018:.0007,24 . Reauest Trov P.roett as .it pertains to named individual 08/29/2018

t All documenl!!/matarlars generated ln*response to*FOIA/PA 2013-0070 In December:20.12, title~ "Documentation.on

  • radioactive isotqpes at:the fotmerTrea't:!ure lsland*Naval NR.C,2018-00073[). Request Robin Respaut Reuters News Siat!on, 1945 through' 1992"
  • 08/~412018 Posltlon*tiUe and grades of:career ladder of that posiUon wilhln**the bargaining uni!; the. F.~lr.i.aoor*Standards Act

- The.NaUonal T~asur:y (Ft.SA) exeniplion.slalusfor each poslllon .and grade lder.tllfied, and'the* of bargalnlr11pinit employ~es. at NRC-201!3-000732 Reauest Jessica .Home Employees Union eaQh.grade of each position 09/07/2018 All investigat!pns and slan~?rd*fonns.(SF86).'1hat were completed; as. Well .as, the NRC* S!:!ct.irity. Adjudicator's and/or NRC;s Office of Administration, Dlvision*of-.Facilities and Security, -Personnel *Security-:E!ranct:i's commenls/handwri~en notes for each investigaUon NRC-201 B:,000735 Reauest Ms: *Kel~.Leiah Binder 10/17/2018.

NRC-2018-000738 Request Tony Kledzik Perry Nuclear Power Plant Clean copy of named Individual's Ileen$!! 09/0412018 Rec(,:taini119: to; the storage,:processing, manufacturing, handiing *and/or disposal of toxic, radioactive-and hazardoui."sutistarit:es at the Mlctiael E.

Andre Evans & Associates, DeBakey VA Medical Center (hereinafter "MEDVA MC")

NRC-2018-:000740 Request Andre Evans Pt.LC from 1990~present, .as soei;ified 1.0/09/2018 Copy of.any end a1LN8P investigation documents, 1.n.ciudlng but not limited to Jhe Qfflce of Investigations (01 Report*and the*correspondirig Notice,bfVlolation, relating to*documents provided ti> System One*i;iolding, LLC NRC-2018:-000742 Reauest Andrew J. Ruxton Clark Hill PLC 'Svstem Qne)*on August 16, 28~6'bynamed'iodivldual 12'1ll/2018 Records of contracts/agreements with various,companies, ..

NRC-2018-000758 Request Julian Ta*rver as*specified 1:1702(2018 Records .pertaining to physlcal or information security of NRC-2018-000759 Reauest Julian Tarver NRG or.various41censees, as,specifiifd 11/15/2018 .

Records p~inin9 to ~arch warrants,.s1,1rveil1ence~,

NRC-2018-000'160 Request Julian T81Yer stJbpoenas, .and -wiretaps, as specified 12/18/2018 lilspe.ction Procedures 71130:03, 04 and-.05; Inspection Chapier'0609; all policies sod guidance r.egar.ding the preservation of text message; training. materi1,1ls, memos, guidelines,. policies, ,ancflegal briefs about Scher v. U11lted Slates (1938); training me!terial, gt.ildelihes, poHcy statements, and memoranda aboutthe.'sharing,of intelligence commurJlty information betw!38n the .NSA and any domestic law er.iforcemenfagent:y*(Jo ~nclude NRC);

and records reflecting criteria -0r melrics*for receiving a cash Incentive under Section 6 o.f the Reducing Over-NRC-2018-000761

  • Request Jilllan classificatien Act from :2010-currelil 1'1719/2018 NRC-201 e:-D00782 Reauest. Jullan:Tarver Records pertaining to force.on-Fo~. as specified 1-1108/2018 All records on Iranian Revolutlon*Guards Coips (l~GC)

NRC-2018-000763 Request Julian Tarver and Iranian: Quds Force 11121/2018

J.\11 records ofrth.e Hells.Angels Motorcycle Club,.Sin*Clty Malia Garig, Aryan family arid Aryan Brotherhood, arid NRC-2018-000764* Request Julfan Tarver White Supremacist .Prison Gan'g *211 Crew. 11/21/2018 Job dulies/desctipli!)n and organization chart*of named NRC-2018-000766 Request Julian Tarver N~Cstaff 12/27/201.8 Records related, lo Federal Employ(!es Com.perisJ1t{on: A~-

NRC-2018-000767 RegLiest ;Jullali Tarver (FECAl claims, as described 1.1 /27/2018 Records pertaining to ot!'ier.f(i:!adom of lnfonnation Act NRC-2()18-000768 Reguest Julfari Tarver (FOIA) requests, as specified 1'2/18/2il.18 All records that'the l:lepar:tment,of=Slate {DO~)*sentwilh "January .21, 201.6 ~etter:from DOS staff to NRC staff, GON,

. NRC-2818-000769" Request Junan Tarver 2016-0007 . 12/26/20f8 Newest"NO Fear Act" report; re.i:!)rds showing each No.

Fear.Act investlgaiion conducteci.between* 2014 and*

NRC-2i.H 8-000770 Reauest Julian T~rver< P.resent date; .12/13/2018 Flrst"100pages of NRC F.lnanclal Report fotfY 2017 NRC:2018-0007-'T.1 Request Juliari Tarver 10/29/20.18 Records !*owing all *financial.expenditures spent *ot reimbursed *for. stays at the Hiiton f.lotels worldwide "any NRC-20.18-000772 Request Jtillan Tarver Hillon-propertyt for-2016 through.current 11/21/2018

  • All letlers serit to *NRC from named* individual,-,prlsciner*in NRC-2018'-000773 Reauesl' Julian T.arver . Washington State. P.risori ~ystero, 20.18.only 11115[2018 listing of all close'd:Office of !he lnspe~or *~enerAI (GIG)

NRC-2018,-000774 Request Jullan*Tarver Investigations, Jan~ry 1*, ~16 througb'current*~ate 11/09/2018 BSA Guidarice/protocol;-Manlial of Investigative Operations & Guidelines,(MIQG);*,Special Operations Division p'rocedure,s; NRC.Agent Code of Conduct; guide,*

"Sensitive lnve$tlgatl~e.ActMties Cliecidlst~ ,table of corit19nts and chapter il)dex*of the NRC Agent's Manual; and iecords show!J1g all .the title* pages .of each *manual* ..

NRe-201a-o.oon5 Reatiest Julian Tarver by:NRC 11/19/201.8

  • All lettei'$, e~alls, and *memos.the U.S. Department of Justice-requesting .J~gal. senilce.s ,for court cases! 2010-NRC-201S-.000776 Reauest Julian *Tarver current *1111.6/201 B Alf*rej:iorts; tecotds,-telking*pointsi. complaints, or-other. .

NRc;201&ooom Re(luest Ju.nan Tarver respcmsive ree()rds *relatecl to website ctyptOme.Org 11/21i201B

~ny:mports, records; ~lklng points, complaints, or-other NRC-2018-000178

  • Reauest .;Julian* 'Farver msoonslve,records relat~<Ho named. lr,dlvldual 11/15/20~8 NRC-2018..:00.0779* .Request Julian Tarver Rei:Qnls-~howing !ill ~cord. swtems *malnlJ1lned by. f!JRC 11/a0/20:IB All *g!,iides, manuals, Jin(! regulations related to NRC and NRC-2018-000780 Request :Julian.'Tarver the* F.reedom*of lnfonnation.Act CFO.IA):' '11/07/2018 NRC-2018-000781 Request Julian 'f.aiver CoP.les of.all,annuat.feports sent to*-OJG*in.20:16 and 2017 11/1'4/20:fB any document/recOrds deslnlct!Qn NRC-2018-000782 Reauest Julian Tarver- guideltnes arid *colicles, *1'1/14/2018

Alt photos matntalne4 for Internal or promotional 1,1se, f~om NRC,;2018-00.0783 Request Julian* Tarver NRC's most recent Hat.toween partv 11/1&/2018 Alt emeU,address~.that are i'IQt-containing a staff NRC-2018-000784 Request JUlli!n Tarver member' (example, 12/27/2018*

T~le of contents and chaplerJnde>C'*of'NRQ's*Agents *

  • Manual; ~PY *of NRC Agent Code.of C-onduct; ~nd;records NRC-2018-000785 Reauest Julian Tarver showina all manuals maintained bv NRC
  • 11/19/2018

~I cqmmunlcaUon r4:1laled to*ttie Indian Point AlleQallon RI*

NRC-2018-000789 Request Paul Blanch 2015-A-0.074 10/01/2018 Written narrative from the 2016 sqce:es.s!_on planning spreadsheef or other docume~ staff in OCHCO, that <:c!Ptures the results of the meetihQ. as It NRC-2018..()00790 Request Troy. Pruett pertains to named ,individual 09/11/2018 NRC-201S:.000193. Request. Miss l!ll!Bram Laouan Alf types:of.records 09/05/20.18 A Class 2 aipy of document WCAP-17504, titled NftC-2018-000794 Request Mr*.Gortlan janl<Ovlc Wesilnghouse -Generic-Set'point Melhodology* 10/30/2018' NRC OIG*lnvestlgatlon .~eport retated*to the Diablo Canyon seismic.Issues raised in Differing Professional Opinion DPO 2013--002 and'i..etter submitted to Senator Barbara Boxer' (January.22, 2015), Ranking Member, Senale Committee on Environment and Public Works, with NRC-2018-000795 Reauest Dr. Michael Peck copv'to S. Bums, Chpfrman, NRC (ADAMS M~ 15170A453' 09/13/2018 A listing_ pf Active Radi~on Oncology-Therapy facili! the stales of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, Maryland, .

North Craolina, South Carolina; Tennessee,_;Connectlcut, NRC-2018-000796 Reauesl' Mrs. Wendy Voshell SMS Indiana , Jllinols, Ohio and Washlnaton 10/18(2018 Any documentation on what materials are; or tiave been utillzad or*stored*at"1 &2 Tumer Place,.Block4901 lot1 and Block 5201 Lot 5; Plsca~ay, Middle*sex County,.New Jersey 08854, Property ao1u*lions Inc. Project#: 20181169 NRC-201S.000l97 Reauest Lvla*Grav-Etherson Propertv Solutions Inc. 09/14/2018 A copy-of all Information. provided 'to .Federal Energy Regulatqry Commission (FERC)*an~ .pfpelln~ and Hazamous Materials Safety Admlnlstratlon*:(PHMSA) that*

was dlscusse.d"ln letter from the FERC C-hairman lo Sandy NRC:2018-000820 Reauest* Paui M Bianch Galef dated Seotember fti, 2018 *

  • 10/23/2018 Af!Y records regarding YuccaMounlf!in .created'_within the last .90 days ln(:luding regulatory fillngs, official letters,-ai'ld NRC-2018-00082"1 Reauest Mr.. Aldan Hunt emails 10/05/2018

Any pennit and 'disposal Information-al 2 Turner Place, Blocts 4901 1:ot 1.02, PiscaJaway; Middlesex County, NJ 08854, Property s_olulions 'Inc. Project#:' 20181169; Jomier oper.atiJrs - T;enneco-Ohemlcals Inc., Shield-Aerosol Company; Nuodex,. Inc., Huls America,. Inc.,. Creanova Inc.,

Evonlt5: Industries, Evonik*Corporatio'n, Evonll<"Degussa NRC-2018-000824 Re.aliest L~la* Gral{:-Etherson Pro~,Solutions Inc. Corporation, and Degussa Corporation 10/1 112018 An employee* e-mail conta~ lh;t for all' NRC employees *in tM,stafesof*CT,. DE,. MA,.-ME, *N!,t, RI a_ncl VT, .separated NRC-20.18-000827 Reciuest .Steve'Ham S~ura Lead Solutions LLC by state if.Possible 10/10/2018 An exhaustive and complete lisf'of:$ites that store radio~ctive n'iaierlal sutiJ~ct to the-Nuclear Reguiatory Commission (NRC) licensing requirements. This da\a!;et would go b;; m.; far as possible or..01/01/198() tb the NRC-2018-000828* Reauest Mr, Jalen Benlamln ERIS .currem*date 10/18/21)18

~I records**related to the close-out appraisal and 'feedback ptovitled to named individuals; and in regards to named indivl!'fual's FY2017 close--0ut'and'.final" peJ:formance appral~ls; records in regards to perfomiance feedback lhrou9_houHhe-year.*and any slgnlllcanf;deellne related to named indlvldual's*per:formance;*documents i:ind re!:(lrds pertinent to*1he Mll!8d Individual's per.forman~ en!i

~nduct; and memory Joggers by named lndivldu1:1rs.relatecj NRC-20:19-000"ciQ3 Request John Budzvnskl to named- Individual's performance 10/18/2018 Any information reg~rding a Material "Licensing Tracking System listing at 7915 M1:1.ryland Avenue, Hammond, Pioneer Envkonmental Services, ln~lana;,faclllty, name: IR1Sf,IDT,.inc*. and .Docket No NRC-2019-000005 RE1a1,1est Beih Cole LLC 3038777 10/12/2018 Listing.of all*lost, _stolen NRC owned items for 2016-eurrent NRC-20,9-000006 Reauest Julian T;;irver date 12127/2018 All reco~s. on .Ana~hlsf extremism .and/or anarchist NRC-2019:.000001 *Reauest Junan Tar-ver extremlsts,-and An131'Chlsm. C 1'1121/20-18 Past requests for comment In 2016'thrugh. current date, from the Htiffington Post; al'.ld*Jhe NRC-OPA:,..and'listiiig of all cell'phone numbers, asslgnedto*Office of.Pilbllc,Affaits NRC-2019-000008 Request: Julian 'tar.ver staff 1.1]08/2018 Legal opiniQns* on *Patriot Act - con~lituti6nallty*of surveillance activity; all cortesP,Ondence between* NRC and.

S.outherri PQVflrty'LilW eenterJn 2onand2018;.CQpies of all lawslilts,served on NRC.frondtie Ameri~n Civil Liberti~s.LJni~n.(ACL!J); n_ewesJ NRC litigaJion report; records showing past NRC requests sent to'the D!ipartment of Justice* (POJ):Oeputy Assistant (3eneral, .fo.r-a* legl:il opinion* 201 o~cilrrent;*and copy:of l;lny past lawsuit NRC-20.19-000009 Reauest Julian Tarver served on NRC l:!y.Muck Rock 11/30/2018 NRC-2019-000010 Reauest. Julian Tarver All records on Norte*del Valle and Slnaloa*c;artels 1°1/21/2018

Dates of past meeting of the. Shooting Incident Review Group (SIRG), 2010 through present; all cortnnunicalion*,

emails, P,aperfonnat, memos, from/to named*lndividual; 2016 through present date: and*all communication between the Federal'Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Technical.Liaison NRC-2019-000011 ReQuest Julian Tarver . Unit {TLU} and NRC*ln 201.7/201~ 11/21/2018 Listing:.of:allNRC*Fedetal*fireanns-lic'enses. master invetitory*of all .NRC firearms and*who .they are*asslgned to NRC-2019-000012 Request. Jullari Tarver at cur:tent tlmi:, 12/27/2018.

All budget records *related to "Going Dark," from .January_ 1,.

NRC-.2019-000013 Request ;fullan Tarver. 2010 throliah current 1.1/21/20'18 IAII communications "Emails" between NRC and Terrorist NRC-2019~000014 Reauest Julian Tarver Screening ~enter 1n*201a* 11121/2018 Reports-of Incidents or*injury,or !!eattn11:1bmltted:bY NRC to:.

the*-Oepartmentof J11slice*~ Civil Rights Diyision; 2000.

NRC-2019-000016 Request* Julian Tarver current date 11/21/2018

. AnY. and.all .records,from NRC~ OffK;e of'fhe General

.. Counsel (OGG) r'elating to requests for-approvals. or .

denials ofdepartur~ from the Domestic Investigations and*

NRC-2019-000016 . ~eque$t Julian Tarvet Operations Gulde (DIOG) 1.1/2,1/2018 Names.and position titres of all NRC classificatlon NR&-2019-000017 Radue.sf Julian Tarver '. authorities 11130/2018 NRC-2019-000016 Requ~ Julian Tarver All reoorts of Jost firearm-or am"'o.ln *2010 thrQugh current 1.1/26/2018

.. Records showing NRC using FlriFisher'and/or*FfnSpy .

NRC:2019.:000020' Request Julian Tarver. ~

softWare. programs 12/10/2018 NRC-2019-000021 Reauest Julian. Tarver NRC materiaJ,witness-warranUlsts 11/21/2018 .


All requests sentvla *l:J.S. mall*or NRC. Office of Aclininlstratlon PubUcatlon Branch, in 2016, -2017,. ~nd NR&-2019-000022 Request Julian Tarver 2018, for"a NRC publication 12/18/2018 Count.of Active Denial Systems (AD~) owned,. l~esed, or pperatEid .by N.R..C. !nfonnalion regarding -acql,ils!IIQR, maintenance, upgrade and subscription,CQsts of any product from CRITCOM/CIOO.M' USA .and for hacking team and 11imilar records. Total number of-Harris* Corporation Klngfish Systemsldevlces used by, owned <>r*leasecf'by the, NRC*. Records showing contracts and* other commercial entitles thal-have provi!:,led software wlnerabillties exploits NRC-2019-000023 Reauest Julian*T1;1rver to .the 'NRC* 12/06120:18 Records.on, about, mentioning or*concemlng. the; records and* cpmmunications relating to',tf'!e Central .Callfomla NRC-2019-0.00024

  • . Reauest Julian Tarver Darknet Strike Fo~ U/21/2018
  • , Count of Sensitive Compartmented*lnformatlon facmues NRC-2019-000.025 Reauest Jull~n Tarver operated *by NRC, and the tolal*sq1,1are*feet or estimate of 1Q/04/2018*-NRC and criminal police NRC:2019-000026 Reauest. Julian organizatrons in 2018 only. 11/21/2018*

NRC-201});,000028 Request Julfan Tarver l.oa of all FOi,&; appeals for FY2018 .. 10/22/20.1 8

'Any and all data*NRC relafe_d:to,protests,af NRC-2019',000029* ReaiJest Julian Tarver Dbrlald .Trump events, *2"<Jf6-current 11/21/20:18

~I the data NRC~omitted to ~e Anny*Cor'ps of En9in~rs* National lnverltory*of Dams for high hazard and NRC-2019-000030 Recwest Michael .Casev the.Associated .Press, slgilificant ha2:Sl'd dams, as sce'clfied 11/18/2018 NRC-2019:.000032 Request- Mr. Vicente*Crlsltrio Mariano A full.copy of the-Initial 1~1ao lhatwas*filed 10/09/2018" Memoranda of Understanding between* the Ainer{cah B.o.arcl of I\IU:tlear Medicine, thi;! American Boa.m of

. Radiology for.Therapelitlc*Radiology,. ~nd. the Board .of Radiology ,for Diagnostic~adiology .with th;e*NRC,.

In wlilcti the respective l:Joards verify that theli"approved*

residency training* programs are in compliance with .lhe

  • training and 'experi111nce regulrements*of 10 CFR. Piut.~

Vriiver,siJY of California, Los for racliQpnsrmaceutl~ .1f'!f1rapy; and tetfers. from "the NRC NRC-2019.Q00035 Reaue~t" Or. Carol.:S Marcu~ Aiiael~s accepllng- tl'le,respectlve'boards' assurances 11/28/2018 Alr*emalls containing JHe*phrases "Breit Kavanaugh* and/qr "Kavanaugh* tesulUng from an electronic autoinaJe~


search of-the erilall.accounfs* assocl.afed with .the named NRC, staff at the Department of 'fransportalien from July 1, NRC-1019-000036 Request Keviil*:Bdgardus *E&ENews,Oct.12, 2018 . 1'2/04/2018 NRC-2019-00.0050

  • Request Jullan*Tarver ML16309A~2 . 10/29/2018 NRC,.20:t9.0Q0052 Reauest .Jµl11;1nTarver llicl~ent"reDOrts *of all .theft*Qf..nuc!ear,ltertts In 2Q17 1m11w1a Recor!:I showing *nam!l&,_pµrpose, lltle of,. and: etc.. on each N~C~20\9-0000S4 Requ~. JJ.iJlan Tarver record <>r database* maintained by NRG 11121/2018..

NRC:2019-000055 Reauest Juliatr Ta All records on Muslims <>Mmerica 11/2112018 I\IRC-2019°000056* ReQ!,lest Jullan Tarver PNS""l.9-26, 79-27, 79-28, 79-24, and79°25 12/28/2018

- . Cc;,py.*of .the-primary brieflri"g matetlals. Q'8ated by. the

Con11'nisslonel'!3 for.pUrpQ!!89 of the presidential lranslUon process, specifically any presentations created for or d!llivered *to members of the P@alpenlial tre~ltlcin team for ffie new admlr
ilatration -<luring the Nov/Oec2016*tlme frame; .Hst*.of.briefing materlals,provlde*lo the Commissionli,:of NRC ln*2017;.~nd list-of afl*briefirig materials provided*to,the t!OIA,officet'in August 2016 NRC-2019-000057 Reauest- Julian Tarver 12/03/201EJ

ijecords showing who attendecflhe Federal ~ureau of lnvestlgaliori's J),latlonal *securify. Brandi "National *secutlty .

tnforrnatlon Classification Training~; (:()PY. of the* basic i:orAIPA dlsclbsure training course; records.of names of staff and on whai dates ware sent for'traini_ng*to the Depai:trnent ofHomelilrid Security, Federal Law Enforcement Trainlng*Center, *20.15-current; all presentatloni;.:d'eall;id, h~ld or*milntaine.d by-,NRC f.&latlng to *vGCiJng Dari<;" lhe phenomenon of ~w enforcement losing visibility on criminal.pormnunications from June 1,

  • 2013-current; all presentations held'by-NRC ooncenif11g

' the*encr.ypted messaging appflcalion signal; copies ofall records- pre~nted at FOIA litigation serr\lnar; ancf-c:opies of all oriline courses that staff have*to take*related to records NRC-2019-000058 Reauesl Julian "Farver andFOIA 11/07/2018' All records about Edward.SnoWden, Sant-ChalWal, Vicente*

austamante, Tamerlan Tsamaev, lbragino Tolasheli, NRC-201!Ml00059 Reauest Julian Tarvsr Abdelbaset AI-Mearahi,. and Vladimir Kryuchkuv 11/2112018 AU notes, emails, memos, processing emails*lrilemal and- .

8idemal1m 2018--000593 and*20~8°000360; first 1011 released pages ln-20*13,-02a2r!lnd all intemal}md external memo!!, *emails, notes; -an(l lettets'related to fOIAs: 201.8-ooo5st, 201a-oooa6.t. 20,'a-000Q83,*2018-oooas8,. 201a-000590, *201a0 000369, 20~8.000589,2018~00368,'2018-000587, 201~00350, 20!18-000582, 2018-00!)347, 2018-NRC-2019-'000060 Reauest Julian Tarver 000598, 2017-000535, and-2018-000535 : 11/07/20.18 1iJUREGs 13~0 Vol.29; :i:iQ90 Vol .40,. Sf!il 009D Vol *. ~9; records of parallel construction; records at;out,condiicting

~ofidentl!!l lnforrnalion oper.aJjons .or lntelfig~nce gathering, that are.di~t.ri~\ited to'inforrnailtil; polielas .on socl~ media monitoring, Tecords*provi~lng advlce*or. direction of handllng the,medla; NRC Whlslleblowers, d_lgttal.evldeni::e, and NReuse of'Global Positioning System fecfmology; declassiflcatlon review ttalnlng, 1J1Bnuals and guides-for NRC staff; .all pollc;ies regardlni, ,he agencyis use* _of*

nQtwork lnvesti_gative technlques,:remote*access l)oJans, or similar technolog!es, January .1, 2000-cun:em; all:notlces publislied in *the Fi!l.deral ~eglster from 2016..:current; :

Nallonal Security .lnforrn~ll!>n ClassifiCfllian Gulde; and NRC. policies whic::ll '{"pem:iilted" government.prosecutor) alfered or otherwise changed physical evidence (chain.of NRC-2b1 g.()00061 Reauest Julian Tawer custodv'bhihvslcal.eilidencel* 11720/201.8

All records* p.ertall)lng to .the implementat1011 and development ofllltelligence Community Directive 11'9 anil the *newest protest monitoring"reports and Intelligence

.. ~u.lletins~;. "all intelligence r,eco~s sent to NRC from. the Bureau of P~ons*ln .2018°; "records s'1owlng* all

  • inlelllgence,group;;, programs, at loca(state, and.federal level.that NRC:subscribes to at time-"; *any and all MOA, MOU; agreements with any lntelqgence cen~r or, grot,ip";~records's.howlng what prptest, terrqr.lst,. o.r th~at

' groups NRCha~ been*inv:esligatlng In ~018~: "all records incl4din1fbut-not llmlted to investigatr,/e, intelligence; photos of.kilown,rriembers, of Earth Llberation front {E~F) ln.20:17-2018":*nrequests from NRe sentto.FBl.ln 201°8.

0 requesting. intelligenc;e*or*lnvest1g11tive;records on any

- .. group,;or pers~m*~. "all*communli:alions belWJ!en NRq and nationai lavJ-enfcitemenftelecommunicalions system Irr 2!)18"; "p.ast comm!,llilr;:atlon betweeh NRC and*f8.I inleUigence oversight board!'; "requests* sent to Defense Intelligence .Agency .from NRC* requesting any*sort. oJ

- re1:9rcis-.for.2018 only': and "alt,record~ lnc;ludlng

  • Investigative, lntelRgence, photos, ~fknown.members of NR0-2019--000062 Req11est Jullan Tarver GreenQeace** 11/07/2018 Jlll~rrioranduril of Understl!nding (MOU), M1;3morand!Jm of Agreemenl.(MOA), contracts.or other agreements with Defense Dlstribu.ted;-.u;s; Strategic.Perspective .Institute;:

. Clcom USA; SECDEU Group; Mlctosoft;.Amazon.cotn; Dept of l'lomeland Security-Scien*ce & T!!chnology-plrectorate; Jolnp:ipeclal ,Op!!ratlons.Cpmmai,d; all lnteffig!Hli.e*fuslbn centers:* Cutting* Edge CA, lilc.,

Raytheon,Cyber .Solutions, Irie., Tracking Point;..lnc;; Joint Terrorism Task For!,8;. Geo Gr9up;, Terrori~~ Screening.

Center; Crowefsttike, .Inc.; *Ailled Associates lnte~atlcinal; NRC-201f;J.000083

  • ReQ!lest Jullan*Tarver and Rescue 'Fqrensl~ 1~/07/20.18 Inspection and Enforcement (IE) Information Notices* 79.*

NR~201S-000064 Reauest Jullan Tarver 09; ie-08, 19-05 aniJ-79-0SA *  : '11/06/2018 201S-2022 N~G,Strateglc Plan &!_'Id leiter (o IHe;tJ.S.

NRC-20:19-000065 Reauest Julian Tarver President of*noll!,8 .of NRC-2018-2022 *Strategic Plan 10/29/201.8 All .emails lo'ar;id/or fromGeneral Counset.Offi~ arid email

~ufflx@ATG:WA.g<>v;* all,emalls to ~nd/or f;om 'NR:C 811d

'* email sulfex.@l) or @0001 .Y11.'A.9ov, acd:.all pommunie,aUon paper format between*W~hlngton Sta~

NRC-2019-000066 Reauest Julian Tarver Del>artmelit Of Corrections arid NRC, 2018, f1123i20.1.8 Any}e*coms-rega~lng. nilmed Individuals ~s described; NR_C-2019-000069 Reauest Lvnn Mlcllael Han anti FOIA/PA-2010:00159 .. 12/2712018 NRC-20'19-0000-70 Reauest Julian 'Farver Newest.12 weekly,lnfonnatlon teDol'r"SEGY" oaper I '1'1/06/2018

$R (Staff RequlrementsJMemorandum forCOMSECY 17-OOHl"and COPY of Commission voflng tecoril forth1fabove; NRC-2019-000071 Reauest Julian Tarver and COMSEC'.V 17f0t)19 10/30/2018 Soui:c,:e al'!d relatec:I records of.the*asbestos.stored atlhe

voided Entergy -Class ~ Landfill .site Qn the. grounds cif Nuclear-One" https://iNwW:.adeq,state;!WebDatabases/ln-spections0nline/0819~1nsp.pdf; all records involving.

asbestos.or asbestos-contaii'iing'ptoducls.or those suspected ofbelng,so; ail doc;µments r~cel~ed or generated relaiing to dust<ir air monltoiihg,_safety practices and protocol and training procedures regarding* .

asbestos and/or nuisance dusts in general; all documents*asbesios.abatement;.all documen1s*re1aUng*to asb~tos waste dispo~al and transportation;* all documents relating to. liceris~. permits and ,certificatioris'gnirited.Or revoked; ell documents received or generated re!allng to compliance:* a,;d:an documents received or generated *by you, reiaUng tp health or safety. lnsJ?ectlons by local, state or federal *regulatory agencies regarding asbestos*and/or nuisance dusts. in general, In regards lo EPA ID ARDOOD632752, AFIN 58-00002; Arkansas Nuclear One,:l4tl8Slale Route 333,,Russellvllle.* AR 72802', from.

NRC:.20f9-0.00074*. Requ$st Gottlieb .I Marmet

  • von Briesen & Ropet sc 1970 to the present

.. 11/19/2018, All records notalreai:ly publicly.available for-allegations RIV 2012-A>-0106 anti f9r*Officie*of lrivesligatidns case 012008-NRC-2()19-1)00077 ReQuest Mr. Jackle L Rodgers Jr. Smllh*-Lewis LLP 046F and 014-2013-016

  • 12/26/2018 All records .of communications discussing any regulatory ii1ve11tigation; n:,ports, or:concems regarding Bioscience& Inc;*.(MA$..DAQ:S1-DB)..and nal'n~ 1ndivldual; communlcaUons*dlscusslng, Food and Drug11 Adniinistratiori (FDA):concems,thafled tp* Sold Biosciences' hold *encl partial-hold and:lhe-resoli.Jtion*<>f theslf holdii; and
  • communications dlstusslng any*,regulatoryJnvestfgallons,

. repqrts, ~r concern~ regarding the. adve!'S~ ~vent*Qf. Soiid's-.

first clinical trial in spring 201'8,and the _putcome/resolutlon NRC.2019-000078 Request Robin Respaut Reuters News cif that,hofcl, .tlinefmme Js ilan!,lary ~, 2017 to-presQnt '10/29/2018,

~opies of all SF:311 Forms. submiHed:to the National Archives ani:t Records Administration. '(NARA) fpr all NRC.2019-000080 Request Emma Best MuclcRoc!< available years 11/14/2018 All i:om'mei'its submitted for.Docket ID NRC 2015-0225and 2017~0153, and copy.of notice *for 2017;0153 fn. the NRC.2019-000082 Reauest Julian Tarver F.ederal Realster 11/02/2018:

Please.provide th&.Nuclear ReguJatoryCommisslons' F.reedom of. lnfonnation A(:J anif -Prhiai?Y Act, agen*QY directives, procedures, -~uid policies. ltmust'lnclude but hcit limited to the-Nuclear Regulatory Commissions' procedures for resP.(lndlng_ and*processing both .FOiA*and Privacy Act NRC-2019-000083 Request Mr. James* Chelmowsk! lproduciion of records to:Jhe Requester 1*1/07/201B

~ecoi'ds regarding the ai;qui$ltion .maintenance, upgrade,

.. and stibscriptl_qn -cost oh,iny pr.oducls rela"led lo C9.nbacts between NRC .and Raytheon cyber~products; contracts witl'I Westbridge*,:-echnologieS'lnc., UberTechmilegi~ lrip., any soclai"medla silrveUlance software or*equlpment cempany;:

contracts,.putchase orders or other financial records frQm the acqulstilon*of .FinRsher.*soflware; contracts.with the.

N$O*Group; any con1ract(s) f'or_protest*monitoling; contracts/agreements with the Nailonal'Ceriter for Missing

  • and .Explolted *Ghlldren; -contracts/agreemeritswltt,, and
  • any .c(>mmunications-during 2018 with, the Office of Personnel Management* (OPM)'s-'Fl,!deral.lnvel!tlgalive Services Divislon;.all agreementslconiracts with McAfee; agreement with Jntemalional crimlnal.police*-0iganlzation; all contracts and agreements wtth International Business 1\11achJnE!s*c1.eM) and Hew!!!II Packard l;nterpnse.(HP~); all agreemer,ts* between NRC and. national taw*enforcement telecommunlcatloils system; and all agreements between

. NRC and the Bureau.of Alcohol, Tcibacoo;Fiitlarms and Explosives (ATFl ..

NRC,2019-000084 Request J1,1llanTarver 1"1/07/2018

. All documents. relating to-Patt 818 Authi.>~llons fron:i tlie NRC-2019-000086 Request Andrew Bast CBS News past 24 months regarding Saudi Arabia 11/f9/2018 All *documents relii!ting to a possil;,le 123 Ag~ementor,810 NRC.2019",001)()87. Reauest An.drew Bast .CBS.News Ailreementwith Saudi A~bl!:I from the.;past 24. months . ,1:1/:19/20.18.

NRC-2019-000088 Reauest Copy Of Index/Osting of .all oast Intelligence publications 11!16/2018 OT.D's (Offl(:e of tfle*Technlcal Directot).presentation, -

NRC,.2019-000089 Request JilUan Tarver memos, and briefs regarding SS7, 2014' through l)resent 11/21/2018

  • All communications between NRC and*National Center foi:


  • Reauest Jtilian tarver Miss'it'ig*arid .Exploited Chlldmn, in 2oj,s . *~ 1121:J201a

. All records related 1o Black Lives Matter-(Bl:M), 20.15

  • . thro1,1gh *.current;* EilJd all reccinl$ ~ated *Jl!!y:anlf Aug_u_st N,RC,20:19-000091 Reauesl' Julian: Tar:vei' 2016 BL:M Movement. 11/21/2018 Recoros on!Scientolbgy*Human Trafficldng:~otices from NRC-2019-000092 Reauesf Julian Tarver . other biw*emercement 1Jroups . t'1121/20"1B NRC-2019-000093 Request JuDan Tarver NRC Manual '.for processing. FOIA-requests ' 11/16/2018 NRC:2019-000094 Request Tarver NRC Reading Rooin Usl" 11/.16/2018 NRC-20.11Wl0009S* Reaµest Julian Ti:!rver 0fficlal NRQ CodEIS of All.ire for HQ office .11/19/2&1'8

. NRC-2019-000096* Request, , JuOan Tarver Coov ef current en:iPIQV8E!*Ori!3n~tior:i guide for new staff 12/04/20,i'B*

Records showing each C9nfi'a~ for

services; naines and.tiUes of each NRC personal NRC-2019.-008097 Reauest Junan.Tar:ver COntraqtot,. fuU and'part-titne; 11/30/201.8' NRC-2019-000!)98 Request Julian Tarver . All invQices paid 01,1t to Grayshlft,LLC 11/28/2018 NRC.2019-0.08099 Reouest Jurian Tarver Media Relations Policy 1.1/21/2018 List of all t>riefiilg materials provided to*ttie FOIA *Officer In NRC-2019-0001*38" Reciuest Julian Tarver August2016 . 12/03/2018 "Re()"ort.On The Accident aHhe GherriQby!'Nuclear;Power NRC-2019s000141 NRC-2019-000149 Reauest Reouest Cla11Kevs Mr.,John Ricker.

Statl_on," NUREG-1250, 1987 All .Information requl:!sts submitted to this agency*including t,ut noiiimlted to FOIA reques~ .

12/11/2018 12/21/20.18