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NRC-2019-000205 - Resp 1 - Final. Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed
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Issue date: 03/08/2019
FOIA, NRC-2019-000205
Download: ML19072A209 (62)





m.iniBolk Pa*ckage maxiBulk *Pac*kage

-Revision .5*~ ..

September 19,. 2014

  • - *-* *- * - - - , - - - - - - - ~ - ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - * - *-**** - - .. --

.ASPECT * , ..

ASPECT 12K;OPERATING MANUAL lntr.oc(ucti.on:

The ASPECT 12K .is designed for use in the transpprtation ofnon,fissile radioactive material in, special form by air, land, arid sea. Tli'ere are no restrictions regarding transport mode, stowage; exclusive use., or type of.conveyan~ ft;,t shipment:of ttie package. Tl:l¢re are no special* controls or pre~1.1Jions: for handlihj;ithe package. *

  • The p~ck_age meet~ the more 13tring~~t Qfth!,!J!3Qu!i;itqry requirefrieutli of the. CNSC :r~gulations, the PTNS Regulatiqns which refer fo IAEA-TS~R-1, 1996 :(Revised), and the USNRQ-'s** 10 .CFR .Part 71.

P~c;l<alJe descripti.on:

The ASPECT 1?K package is 394 mm (15 ~ inches) in diameter'arid 5:47 nim (21.6 loches) high. The maximum total *auth*orized gi'c;,'ss mass of the* i?ackage:is' 149 kg (~28 11:if

  • The radioactive material is .sealed ih source capsules, ,each of which must confo~m to t_he-requirements for special form as defined in IAEA 'rs:R~1, 1'996 (Re~isedj, *the USNRC's 1*0 .CFR Part 71, :and the USDOT's .~9 CfR 173. T~ese sdutce cap~uleis\act .as.the*prirnaJy containment Jorthe raqiq;:19tive contents. These radioactive special form *source capsules are* housed l11.the inner-container:.

The ASPECT 12K may contain one pf ttiree possible in.her q' the*maxiBulk container, the miniBulk container, ortfie 1o~Channel corit~_iner. Eaq_h inner confajner fµlfil!s iwo fu~ctii;>li.!l: ltpro'(ides

'shielding 'for the radioactive.material and it assures proper positioning ciftfie r~dioai::tive,source.

1, maxiBulk. miniB1.1lk tO~ChanneL Diameter 170mm 140:mm 180.r'n'm Height' 250mm tao*mm 280mm.*

Mass . 79kci; .. 37'k!l 60 k!l:

Uranium Mass 69'ko'. 3tko 52kg' Each inner container is cylin.drical in shape and .fabricated 'using .a stainless ,steel shell and uses depleted

.uranh,mi. a*s,shieiding. The urarji~m* shi¢1ding~is qpn'ipleJ~iy.encased *in stainless steel. T~e. inn!3r ...

-contaJners )lousErthe:speci~I {ori:n ra~ioac(iV~ cap~!,il~§l, .. . . ..

  • In the case of the maxiButk and mini Bulk inner containers, the source*capsules arelocateti in cavities Within. the aepleted uranium'shield. The$!3'Ccipsuies*maJl*b~ p9sitlOh$d by a.metal in~ert:wjthir:dhe. ~,iiiy to fac;,ilita!~ l9ading and.un!qatjil'!g tt:Je <:91Jtc1ine.r. T.~~ qavity js cl9sed by a sta_inless steel-enqa~~~ .
depleted .uranium 'plug:that is bolted to the container *Jhii;;. plug.sepures the radioc!ctive sources within 'the shielded positicm.within th_e container, With tt,e plug installed; access fo lhe sourc~s'is pr~~iuqed., Ab9veJheplug,,.Ei s~par~tEl in1,1er:conJaiQElf ~V8f i!l install.Eld; Qolte~ toJp:~ container bqqy, This cover provides additional security to*assute thatthe radioactive sources remaii'iwith,iri the shield99 position within tl:ie*container:
  • In the .case of the 10-Chann.el.container;Jhe special fqrm .source capsules are incorporated into so.wee.

Mlders to form source assemblies'. the:radioactive*soilrce*assemblies are housed iri.stainless,steel .

sourtj:l tl!b~.s witl)jn the ur~nili[TI shii:)ld, A cap, .Sel:!ls:each* source't1,1~e an,d PfQVicles:a p9si(iye siop for:

e1;1ch,source assembly. A uranium shield surrolirids'tne sc,urce _tt.ibe. source hold-down caps'are sized to accommodate various source assembly lerigths*and are.fastalled on these threaded source tub~ .end .

fittr ngs to sec\,Jre the -source *assembli_es in ttie storage position during transportation*.. A cover is installed qver toe source hold-dpwn c,ap~ ~nd bolt~d to the contl:!iner; body to* :prqyide additiorial *security ~.uiing ASPECT12K Page*2'of12 Revisio11 !?



.- ' .. ~ . 12K *OPERATING MANUAL

- . . ~ . ' . . ' .

trl:!nspbrt.,\Nl~h thtfcoverinstalled, acc¢'ss to the's6urcehqld-doWn>caps'ls precl~decl. Tne cover also, provides an interference to prevent loosening of the source:hold-aown caps during transport .

The. inqer container is ~oused inside the :outer cont~iner.-. The_ :outer container *consi~ts_ of.a, rnonolithic thermal_ ce,ramii:: i11sulaUon lioer withiri .a ste~l drum.. The.,s\~el drum* is faibricated froll) mh:iiroum H3 gauge

{1.2 mm (;Q5'irictJ) thick) steel.or staii:,tess st~eL *

  • The*outer *coritainer,ip clo~ed :bY means of a minimum 18 tiauge (1.2,mm (:05..inch)*thjck) steel cove~ and secured by a c)amp ring heap clos_ure. The* head closure is fastened<by means of a bqlt, AdditionaUy,
  • -fourbott tabs E!re w_elded t_o the un.derside 9f the, cover; ana th¢s~- are- ~_ngaged by MB~1.25 x-1_ ~mm 13o)ts througti the side a11vall of the *contaifler, A tamper sea\; fabrjcated from eithsr plastic. or wire, is ~,tta~hed tp*

the, clamp ring. This seal assures t~atthe package cannot* be 0J5ened inadvertently and -provides e"'idence 6f uriauthori~ed accesf The volume betVieen.the monolithic th~rinal ceramrc)nsulation liner an91he drum cqv~r can-be l,lsed ~Q fra11sport qther iaccesso[Y._equipment, _providEld ~h~t th13 maximum authorizea mass limitis,satisfied.* * ** *

  • The. package is designed to bfl .easily .moved using a mechanical lifting_ devi~ and *straps or ccible~ placed through the' two handles, the outer container; These handles*a1so serve as tie ,down devices..

"(he model and serial f'!Umbers are ma~ed ori .thi:l inner qontainer. The gross weight. and assigned

_identi~catlon, ~re.marked on the out~r container: ,

The general arraogemeri~ of the ppcikage is showh 'in* figures .1.1 t~rQUQf:) 1.5, Flgure{;1 ,Figure q

  • ASPfE.CT 12~ with .cover removed trans 'orl .
  • ASPECT12K Revision 5

.. ,,---** --:-.---:,-----,--,-- -*-----------~


ASPE_CT 12K. OPERATING -MANUAL Figuf8:'1-? A;SPEC_T'12~ with . '*t=igu~,t.4. ASPECT:12Kwith_in_h§( Figure 1.q ,ASPE.OT12Kwitfi inner maxiBUlk container miniBulk contalrier innet'.10-Channel con/a/Mr

  • Contents Th~ p:ackages are deiigl'!ecl to:c1:mtain eipl:!cial fomtcapsules, "The foilqwing table des-crlbes th1f~pacity, of the pac:kages and .,d~cay'heaLAII. ra~iom1c:lide5.ara no,jcftssii¢ rnat~ri~l-. * . . * '
  • maxiBulk miniB.ulk . , to-Chann$L :'.

Max Activltv * ::

  • J:Mi: * * **,Max,Activltv
  • Pwr *- . Max Activitv 1 - Pwt *
    • ~*Indium , :8,59* .* 250* ..6,750
  • 58 :at 2-,200 ..
  • 19 '56 1,500*1
  • 13


_:5,12  :~7_( 10;000' .r51 37,0

  • 1'0,000; 5.1; 56. 1,500:*. '.8*,

. -~;~e~biuril~ ... .5~3K 56 li500. .8 ~- 56 *. - ,t,500 i '.8. ,56

  • 1,500. . 8. .
  • Cas1um .. . 6;97 : 2.50, 6.750 . A7 * . 5:6,. . .150
  • 1 . :N/A* N/A ' .N/A .
  • '*suCobaiC'~" . . '16.7 . 0;022 I 0.6 ' i0:o1 * .'0,003-*: -... 0.08'. Q.001 .* . 'NIA" NIA ._ NIA ,

Prior to*Lqadil'!g:

tn~se steps:rnll~tbe foriowed:pri<:>np lpaqlng t!,e _i;;sp*ect 1iK fQr'.shipn,eohWTyp~ BquantitiE!S of n:rdjqactive material: * , * *. ** ** , *

  • 1'. Verify"thattbe ¢6bteiits that.yo!,! .1nter:1ctto:stiip ar~ spe9ial fot"in.. . . . _ _. .
2. V~rify thaf. the :isqiopEl cippears otf 'tn~ C~rtifjct;:ite .:of. Confqrmari9El, :,anq that tfl~ arrif?urit 9f cUries thafyoilplan to :ship are :less than or equal to the:*authorized humbet:ofounes:
3. Verity, tha.t the p1:1ckage tneets the '.qesfgrr'.identified.**in t~e* ;packag~. apprc;iyat 'A~p:ect Tectirtology .installs a: narm:1plate aftef. f~bri_c;~tiQ~ c1ncf ilispedioo indicati_ng Jfrat~t!Je p1:1¢kage meflhe conditions:outie package .approvat'at that'time, . . . . . .* ' .
4. Verify'.that both quarte*r.1y: an&:an*ciual ,ni.$infenance ha;-beElr'I perf(Jhtled ~s requf(ef

'the following insp/.fotion :must be penorme~ prior le, l;adin~:.

f.. Visuaiiy ihsp:ect ali-visible screw~. *eye*'bolts an~: studs for:cratks.

2. C_heck the closure nufs:to. ensure}hl:!l,they*r;urifreelyol')'.tl}e_ pac:kage sµ.,d.s.

S. Replace a.ny unsllit!lble components, only thqsE! componen!s S!Jpt!lied, ~Y Aspect ;fechnplC>gy

'shall be used,

.4, ,Thidiu"m' ~Upp,l_ieq'.l;ly Aspect T!3c~nplog/i~ ~ g,mpctneh,t of)~ij!Typ~ ,ij.p~qk~g~:: v~rifyl_hat ASPEQT12K ,,Page:4:of12 -Revision.


ASPECT 12K OPERATING MANUAL qo(h_ t~"E! A~PEGT' 12K .~nc!Jne druiTJ *are fn \Jflil)'lpair~d physical cqnqitioh: :surfage d_ents and small holes are allowable in the outer:-housirig ahdctheidruin:,_providing that the .ASPECT 12K' is* secured iii the center of tne drum: Surface dents. thahlo not*impair*the proper tra:nsport and bperati6n.c;,f the inner container c1re:alsb:a!lqv,,ed. . . . .

Loading of. ~~dioactM:l ~ci11tents For miniB'~lfd mEl?CiBµlk.(s~E! Contents tEibl~ qh pagE:l 4:).

1. Lb~d the special forms. fntb the center cavifY. working from a. ;properly shielded area or h'of cell, . * * *
t .fo~ert shielded.. plug: intc;> cqntainer over. the center cavity, and bqlt it in *place. with _two staJriiess steel bolts. * . . . . .

3: Posifl.on cavity ln stainiess *steel confain~r lid over the plug ofthe minil3uik / maxiBuik. When properly placed\, ii Wii'I sjt (oLJghly flushWith :the'.side of jh'e' package: . .. . . ' . . "

4. Bolt the -~ontainer lid in place *.using* two ey~bolts '(to .assist in* lifting) and two cap .head

~crew~; . * * * * ** **

5. . Jnstall spac;;erJn *i1Jner:cavify ofthf! 9uter c<>1.1,ainer:

. 6. .Place.the inneq;ontaiher ii;rthe cavity intti.e outer arum, 7.. 'R¢fu9ve t~~ ~YE:lPi:ilis *~ddireplac\;l t!i~m *\Vitti 9.ap scr~~§. *The ¢yebqltscban b(:r pl~ce(l. in* the grocj.v~.9fltle 11Jo11plith,i~ 10, phanne! .cbiltaine_r (papadty 1,5QO curie~ .of lr~t~2/$e,75,. of Yb~169).

1. ~c:ia{j ~triJf!QY*~~ 1.Q ~e'~le,d.. s.our~(:lS;, 9!1§! ~aqh.'.(ma){imym CJf j 5Q ~uries ecip~), into lh~ t~bes (ctiannels*marked.1-JO)'woi'kingJrorh.a,propetly shiel_ded area.or fi'ot cell: * . *
  • NOTE;_S~!Jrces. fo,r the*Vi~in'g,.s.erie~*; ~~m,maiviai.series, a'rld Oserix s~ries of d~vice~ wili 11e~ t~e Ji,Jmpe,r:ccio"f!C~Clr to *~~d/!JnJ<>~d ~*uources fr9m)lle co11t~i!'!~r. (See page 1.i>

. 2. Use the*H>Channel iloadfr1g.-Pfan sheetto reqord .the *sealed*s.ources'that wilH:ieJransported jn,the:p?tckage, Fax pr email the*,10 Ctt~hne)'t.ciading, Plan ~h~eHo th~-Ccirisignee: .

3. :fr:ista,IF~ ,u~e:'fitting over:each,tµbe;er:,cL. . . . .

<4.. .

  • Clt;i~e li:>p E:ind *s~cure. with. eyeboit. *. .
  • 5 81ace thi3Jhrier container' in the cavity in tne c;>uter dnnh. .

f 9r antQf, !h.e -inn~r: ci,rjJajner µ,nfigur~ti~;,os;. these Stf:lp~:wnt Q!:! the:SalJle,

1. :Jnstill th'e ih(lertid; :t~e Qptioh~l*corivenience. h~ndle may"be'us~ci:if ~esired'.r **.

, i. Pl;;ic:~Jhe 'two eye~olts 'fem9ved frorr]'Jhe:ip_ner contairietihtQ the Ud ca\,ity. . ..

'-3: ;l\99iUonal equipment may _be* tran~porfed in the 'space :between* the drum: lid and the n:ic>nol.ithic thermal cer$mi.cinsulato:flid. . . ,- .. . . . .

. '4. ln§t~!!JI)~ :dn.,im liq,, Bolrtlie licl: ti'.>.Jhe drtJni'by ,using suppli~d sta!n!ess steel bolts,. Bol.t. th_e i a lid ripg and apply tamper seal fo ft. *.. * * ** * * **

Prep,ratfon, *for Tf~n~port The fa/lowing s_teps:afa '.minimum m!ist' be usei:I to*pfepar:e ~.tie ASPECT '12K foftransport. * .

  • *1. Gheck Jtie lev¢1 .of removab(~ r1;1.dio§ctive ¢C>r,ta_lT!in~Uon;. it mQ~t b'1;i §S !PW as r.e.:a!3Q!1abl¥ *

-*-- ..... ________________ .. *--*---* ~---*---


ASPECT 12K OPERATING :MANUAL achievable. The contaminc1tion may b.e .de~ein:line<:l l:!y rnec3suring the aqtivity on wipes*ta~e.h frOIJ'l'repi'esentative areas using an ~bsorbent materiaHuid moderEite*pressme. ;packages may be shipped on a :non,exch.isive use oasis only if out!:)r .surface contaniihation levels are le$s tlian the. values- given below. it is it is the s'1ipper's* r$spoi:i_sibillty *to ensLJre that the follgwing regul~tory co.nditions; are .!llet, 49 QFR 173.A43 ands;e¢tior:i 50~ of TS:-~-1 require*

thafthe nq~0ijxed (remm,able) contarriipation on* the e~~mal ,5-urfacei; of,,the o.:iter pac~age

~E:!ing shipped. on a, non-exclu$ive :use. ba'sis riot e~~ee~ H>-4 µCi/cm 2 '(O:ooo., µQilcin 2 )

average~l emir. a. ~00 *cm .(46:5 \n }ai'ea* of any pi:irt of tl:ie.~urface .~ssuming* a Wipe 'efficiency 2 2 oto.10.(orthe E!Ctt.ial wipe efficiency used):

2. Measure*th1;1 maximum surface radiation level ofthe outer package, tliedrum, This _radiation level mu1?t be as low as. reasonably i;ichiev;:ible, and must.not*exceed 2 m$vlhr (200 mRlhr).

Measure the max[ml,Jm radiation :1evel *at one meter (39.4 in) from the surface. This radiation level must.not e~ceed 0.1 msv/hr (1 o mR/hr). *

3. En~~r¢ 'thatthe tamper seal*is; properly ~pplied.
4. The outer container's handles *are the* only structural parts of tfle package designed to meet lift :and tie down requirements. .
5. Properly mark and label the package. D.escribe the outer package on a shippir:ig paper.

These must be .accomplished- in *accordance with 49 CFR 172.310 and 172.403, and parag~phs 535,540, 542~543. and 546 ofT&R-'1.

6. Wrltteri' instrlictic:ms to th~ carrier ar~ required for packages .that require e)l(glLJsive use shjpment;hpW~v~r. the ASP!=CT 1~1(is*<;lesigr:i.ed notfo req~irl:! exciusive shipment.

Package Uriloacting The corisigne~ mu,st follow*the~e_requirJ3ments at a mini.mum in *order to receive and safely open tl:le A.SPEC,T 12K package_ i~ ~cc,ordarice with app!icable regulations.

Recelp~ Q,f 'Package fr9m C~i'ri~r .

1. Make arrarigernents to either ~eceive the package when lhe. carrier offers it for,delivery; or to ti:!~~ possession of the packag~*expeditiously at the earner's terminal *

. 2. Monitor the;extenial surface radiation level asj;oon as practical after .receipt. The package must :be monifored within 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> after the* received *c1uring t1ormaf'working hours, or flot later than 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> after start of business ~hei1ext working day ifit*iSi'eceived after working hours. (Ari rai:lioactive sources in the.ASPECT fik-package are,cfassified as special fothi radioactive materia.l; so it is*onlyrequiredto-hioriitor the external sµrfaces of the patkage for* tefnoyable contaminatiti.n if there is evidence *of degradation of:package integrity, SllCh ~S package that is crushed or otherwise damaged:) . . .- -

3. Chetkthe .external package for excessive cl_ents or damage if'they might reasonably .be exj)ected to .impair the inner package,- including the pre~l')(e of the- tamper seal and lid bolt indicating tliai:--the package is;-imd. bas beein, securely dosec:t .
  • 4. Mak~ any required notifications if the above requirements have not been :met- pdor to

. proceeding to unload the package;

5. The .1()' cha'nnel container rriay be ,i:mloaded on.e source c1t a.,tinie' industriai radiography device or source changer using an exchangettUbe. °FcW6ther inrier; CQhtainers*

and other circumsta'nces; a :fiotcell may be the only way to provide adequate shielding dUring the unl,0adin9, process; .

A~PECT12K Page.6 of 12 Revision 5

ASPECT 12K OPERATING MAN.lJAL Sbip~ing lnstruction!S 1". Packages*containing ir~192 may generate significant amounts of heat, aiid the outer lid tnay reach 50.C ih .temperature, Use precautibh to avoid burns. * .. *

2. The foilo!"fing instruction may tie found on the ~hipper*s*"Decli;!ration for Dangerqus Goods forin, under the Additional Handlit)g Information section:

To allow for safe dissipation. of heat, do nc,t cover with. other materials. Allow for adequate air clrculatic>li around t~e package.

  • If this -statement is on the Shij)per;s declaration, do not* place. any other cargo dire.ctly- on top -of the pac~ag~; nor close the siqes oHhe package_.
  • Removal .of Contents Caution: The inner*container may be hot to the touch, ,gloves are recommended for use in handling inner CC>ntainer. * . , * . * * * *
1. --~~move ttie tamper seal and outer container-lid and bolt ring.
2. Re.move *any additional items that may have ~n sl')ipped iri ttie upper portion of the drum ..
3. lift the 'inner insLJlation lid to expose the inner contpiner-; thE;re is .a handle *that may *b.e used
  • fqr your convenience. . . . . . '
  • 4, u~ the pr:oviqed eye t;>olt(s) to assistln liftihg,th(;! container out of the.t; .
5. Remoye_the h:mer* contai.ner to a suitable loc.;ation for tr:ansfer:rin~ Its n;!dioa~ve:contents.

for the .rn.axiBulk or" r:nini~u1k corit!'liner:, '.toiiow Jhese rem_aining steps

l. .Loosen* and remove the four bolts fro'm'the lid *or the inner container
2. Ren:iove th~ 1ict, exposing.the container'$ plug. * .
3. RemovE! .thedwo. inner bcil~. * * * .
4. Lift the. plug, u~ .appr9priate: measllrS?, th~*plug:weighs approximately 3* pounds),rn
5. Transfer spec:ial forms.* * * * * *
  • For the .10 ct)ann(;!I o;,ntainer,. follow. these. rer:naining steps:
1. Loosei:, and ren:i9vethe eyebol~ fr9rn the licj of the coritainer.
2. Remo,;,~:the lid, exposing the sou_rce tube ~ps.

~. Loosen the soum~ tube caps and transfer souroo.~.

Prep~ra~ion ofan Empty Package for T~nsport

1. Test to verify that the ASPECT 12K package ~oes not contain. a radioactive source *by diecki119. the radiation. l~\lels. lchi~. test. should 'be perfi:mned by :authorizEJd and monito~ed
  • pers9nnel who hi;ive been traJneq in radiatii:m safety and equipped with a properly op~rating survey instrument. . . * .. * ..
2. The empty packaging ~ntains depleted Uraniuh:J and 'may be sl')ipped as either a labeled radioactive material' package or as an ,excepted p~ckag_e, article manuf~ctur,ed from *deple~~d Uranium as*requirecj by applicable U.S. Dep~rtmerit ofTranspi;irtation regulations. .

3, Perform a contamination survey of the internal surfaces of the package (inner coritainer cavity and* underside of the liq). If th.e non-fixed surface 1,ontamination exceeds local requirements for empty package s~ipm_erit, decon~amin_a~e as 11ecessary.

A~PECT12K Page 7 of12 Revision 5



4. Assemble the packi,ige .in th~ same man.ner f;l~ a loE1deq package, (with the exc;:eption that
  • th.ere WiH *not be .any radioactive material:loaded* in the package; Secu,re the inner container iii thE;l outer container, close;the inner lid, :and tighterrbolts. Reiiristall padlo:cks, arid outer container cover, ring, and ring bolt: Applytamper seEil.
5. Perform. a* radia~iq6 survey to colifirrn 'thaftt,Ei.package is empty and meets the. requirements fpr shipment of empty .packages..

lnsp!;!ctlorj anc:t ~a:inteitance Pr!)Qram Quatterly Inspections*

The followingin~pections be ieast quarterly:

1. Visually'it'fspeqt for qbvio:Us damage. .
4. Visually inspeqt all visible screws, eye bolts and studs. for cracks: .
3. Che.clc the closure nut$ to en*sure that they nin .freelfon the pack~ge studs.
4. RElplac~ any uri,ljluitable CQrripQnerits. Qnty thpse
  • replac~mt;int. compbnents ~upplied by A~pectreehni;>lqgy.shall be llsed. * * * * * * * . *
5. The ASPECT 12K drum .is a component of the Type B package. Verify. that both .the ASP~CT *~ 21< and. th~ drum are i.n gnimpaired ptlys1cal, Suna~ cj~nt~ ~nd small hqles are /3IIQWE!ble ih the outer ~Qu.~ing ancj t!'f~ *arum, providing that the ASPECT 12K i~

secured in the center of the. drum.i Surface *dents that do-not .impair the, proper transport and b~eratlon ,C>fthe inner container are also,allowe& ' ' . .

Annual Maintenance Program

1. 'DIS!;lSSemble the J_nn~t <::oi'ltainer ljd a.rid. piug and check for co11b=m:iinati9n :and damage,.
2. Ens\,lre Jh~t all parts fit together smoothly. *
3. For the inner container, inspect the plug and*cbr:itair:ier housing .for: cracked welds. .


  • The eyetioits .and caJj screws must be repiaced annually'With replacemenrparts.~uppliep by.Aspect T~chnb!Qgy. * .
5. Refum components_ as required.,o.AspectTechnology for repairs.

Sp~cifications for ASP.1:CT12K 'Replacement Parts:

Inner drum lid:

18-8 Stainless Steel:.Pl!'H~12-A2, Class 6<3, MB-t2/h 1 SpcketHead*CElp*screws 304.Stainless S.t~el,.DIN 580,MS..1.25 Eyebolts m~il~4lk plµg aridJiq: . .

18-8 StainlE;lss.Stee1,*01N;912-A2,.Class6G, MB-1.25 in Socket Head'.Cap.Screws 1o chartn*e1 eyebolt: .

304 ~t~inleS!J ste~I. 01,N 580,,M8-1:25 eyet>:olt' inini$ull(plug andiiJct 18-8 Stainless Steel, DIN 912~A2. Class 6(3, MB~ 1,21? x 1 $bqket Head Cap Screws ASPE.CT 12K page 8 of.12 Revision 5 ..

.,* *-.****-- - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - ~ -

ASPECT 12K OPE.RATING MANUAL 10 Clla,nn~I. LQadJng Plan Please ,lj_se th!s sh¢~t to recgrq _the source infqrmi;\tjon for ~ach*sl)ipm_ent of th!:l Aspe_ct ,10 chi:i_nnel cootainer. Thes channels are clearly marked and record tlie information for the source that is placed in each channel. Each*cnann*e1 will hold a,mai_dmum of 150 curies of lrs192 ot s~1s.J1iease fax.or emaiUhe 10 Channei Loading* Plan. sh$et .1:1nd.copies of decay graphs tq ttie re9ipi1j!nl of th~ package,

$hipper Narne: $hip Date:~--"'"**-----

Shipper Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ AWBfl.:*

  • Shipper Phone: 'C9ntajner*S/N: --'---~
sourc~ Model* S/N Isotope .curies channel 1 Charinel2 "Channel 3 Clwn!lel 5
  • .charinel 7 Channe1*a

.Channers ChEinn~I 1.0 Maxirr1um* of 1,SOO curies TotalCuries ASP_E:Cf 12K Revision 5-



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ASPECT'12K Page 1"2 of 12 Revision.5



1,0 GENERAL INFOR.MATION 1.1 Introduction The ASPECT 12K is designed for use in the transportation of non~fissile radioactive material in special form by air, land, and sea. *There are no restrictions regarding transport mode, stowage, exclusive.use. or type of conveyance for shipment of the package; This Safety Analysis Report (SAR) demonstrates that the .package meets the more stringent of the regulatory requirements of the Ca.nadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) regulations, the Packaging and Transport of Nuch~ar Substances (PTNS) Regulations which.refer to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA} TS-R-1, 1996 (Revised}, and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) 10 CFR Part 71. The application is for the approval of a new design.

1.2 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION 1.2.1 Packaging The-ASPECT 12K package is 394 mm (15,5 inches) in diameter and 547 mm (2~ .6 inches) high. The maximum total authorized gross mass of the package is 149 kg (328 lb),

The radioactive material is sealed in source capsules, each of which conforms to the requirements for special form as defined in IAEA TS-R-1, 1996 (Revised),-USNRG 10 CFR Part 71, and the United States Department of Transpqrtatiori (USOOT) 49 CFR 173. These source capsules act as the primary cont;iinment for the radioactive contents. These radioactive special form source capsules are housed in the inner container.

The ASPECT 12K contains one of t!'lree possible inner containers:,the maxiBulk container, the miniBulk container, and the 10-Channel container. Each inner container fulfills two functions. It provides shielding for the radioactive and, it assures proper positioning ofth~ radioactive source.

maxiBulk'. ITiiniBulk 10-Channel Diameter 170mm 140mm Heidht 250mm 180mm 280mm Mass .. 79ka 37ka 60ka Uranium Mass 69ka 31 ka . -s2ka Each inner container is cylindrical in shape, is fabricated using a stainless.steel shell, and uses depleted uranium as shielding. The uraniµm shielding*is completely encased in stainless steel. Copper and brass are used to separate the .depleted uranium from*the stainless steel to preclude the possibility of the formation of an iron-uranium eutectic ~lloy c!t temperatures below the melting temperatures of the individual metals. The depleted uranium component~ are covered with copper foil wJ1ere contact :with stainless steel is possible. The 10-Ctlannel source tubes are plated with copper.

In the case of the maxiBulk and miniBulk inner containers, the source capsules are located_ in cavities within the depleted uranium-shield. These capsules may ,be positioned by a metal insert within the cavity to facilitate loading and unloading the container. The cavity is closed by a stainless steel-encased depleted uranium plug that is bolted to the container base. This plug. secures the radioactive sources )

within th~ shielded position within the container. With-the plug installed, access to the sources is precluded. Above the plug, a separate inner container cover is installed, bolted to tlie container body.

This cover provides additional security to assure that the radioactive sources remain within the shielded position within the container.

In the case of the 10-Channel container, the special form source capsules are incorporated into source holders to form source assemblies. The !"adioactive source assemblies are housed in stainless steel source tubes within the uranium shield. A cap, welded at the distal end of each source tube, seals each ASPECT12K 1-1 02 Jun 14

source tube and provides a positive stop for each source assembly. Auran1um shield surrounds the source tube. The *uranium shield is secured in position by the stainless steel shell. Each source tube is held in place by a threaded end fitting which is welded to the stainless steel shell. Source hold-down caps are sized to accommodate various source assembly lengths. and are i_nstalled on these threaded source tube end fittings to secure the source assembli!=!S in the storage position during transportation. A cover is installed over the source Mid-down caps and bolted to the container body to provide additional security during transport. With the cover installed, access to .the source hold-down caps is precluded.

The cover also provides an interference to prevent loosening -of the source hold-down caps during transport.

  • The inner container is housed inside the outer container. the outer container consists of a monolithic thermal ceramic insulation liner within a steel drum. The steel drum is. f~bricated from minimi.lril 18 gauge (1.2 mm (.05 inch} thick) steel or stainless steel. * * *
  • The outer.container is closed by means of a minimurn 18 gauge (1.2 mm (.05 inch) thick) steel cover and secured by a clamp*i'ing head closure. The head closure is fastened by.rrieans of a bolt. Additionally, fo1,1r _bolt tabs are welded to the unµetside of.the cover, .and these are engaged by MS,1.25 x 16mm BolJs through the side wall of the container. A tamper seal, fabricated from either plastic*or wire, is attached to
  • the clamp ring. This seal asf?ures that the package cannot be opened inadvertently i;ind provides evidence of unauthorized access. The volume between the monolithic thermal ceramic insulation liner and the drum cover can be used to transport oth'er accessory equipment, provided thatthe maximum authorized mass limit is satisfied. *
  • The package is designed to be easily moved using a mechanical flfting device and straps 9r cables placed through the two hcmdles. attached to the puter contafner. These handles also serve as tie down devit:E!!!.

The model and serial numbers are marked on the inner container. The gross weight and assigned idel'.ltifi~tion are marked on the outer container. *

  • Norie of these materials is used as a neutron absorber. or mode.rator, nor are they subject to chemical, galvanic, or other reaction, including generation of gases; .

The general arrang,ement of the package is shown in Figures 1.1 through 1.5.

Descriptive .assembly drawings of the Aspect 12K package ~re enclo_sed in Appen~lix 1.3. Fabrication procedures for the package ar:e included i!l the assembly drawings of the package.

ASPECT12K 1-2 02Jun 14


Figure U ASPECT 12KPackage as presented for Figure 1.2 ASPECT 12Kwith'*coverremove_d tran

  • ort Figure 1.3 ASPECT12Kwith Figure 1.4 ASPECT 12K with inner Figure_ f5 ASPECT 12K with inner inner maxiBulk container
  • miniBufk container 10-Channel container 1.2.2 <<:ontents The packages ate designed to contain.special form capsules. The following table describes the-capacity of the packages and decay heat. All radionuc:lides are non-fissile rnaterial.
  • max1Bulk miniBillk 10-Channel
  • Max Activity Pwr_ Max Activity Pwr Max Activity *Pwr Radionucide mW/Cl TBQ ! Ci w TBq Ci w TBq Ci w 4

liidium 8.59 250 I 6,750 58 81 2,200 19 56 1,500 13

"'Selenium 5.12- 370 !- 10,000 51 370 10,000 51 56 1,500 8

  • ~Lvtterbium *5.38 56 I 1,500 8 56 1,500 8 56 1,500 8

'"'Cesium* 6.97 250 i 6,750 *47 5.6 150- 1 19. I 500 3;5 oucobalt 16.7 0.022 I*. 0.6 0.01 0.003 0.08 0.001 .0.03. 0.8 0.013 1.2.3 .Special Requirements for Plutonium.- Not Applicable 1.2.4 Operational Features - Not Applicable ASPECT12K 1-3 02Jun 14


1.3.1 List of Documents: None 1.3.2 Engineering Dra'oVings

.*1.3,3 Deterl"!'lination pf Package Category Appendix 1.3.2: E"gineering Drawings 0170100 revision 7: ASPECT Model 12K and Outer Container B170101. revision 4: maxiBulk lnn~r Container BH01Q5 ~yision.0: mini/ maxiBulk OU Shield I Plug B170210 revision 4: 10 Channel Inner Container B170219 revision 0: 10 Channel Inner Container DU Shield 8170300 revision 4: miniBtilk Inner Container ASPECT12K 1-4 03Jul 14

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1.3.3: Determination of Package Category United States Dep~rtment of Energy (USDOE) and USN RC (bµt not CNSC nor IAEA) define three "Categories" for packaging .contents in excess of a Type A qua~tity. These are:

. Category I for contents greater than 3,000 A, or A2, or greater"than 1.11 PBq (30,0D_O Ci);

Category II for contents between 3,000 and 30 A1 or A2, and not greater than 1.11 PBq (30,000 Ci); and, Category Ill for contents less than 30 A 1 or A2 ,.and less than 1.11 PBq (30,000 Ci).

For each inner package, the maximu.m activity was determined to be well be!ow 3000 A, and 30,000 Ci, (see table in Section 1.2.2). Therefore, the Category for the~package with any of the 3 inner packages would be Category II.

. 2.0 . Structural Evaluation 2;1 *Struct1,1ral l;)eslgn 2.1.1 Discussion The ASPECT 12K ~ansport package is comprised ofthree structural components: the special form source capsules, the inner container, and*the outer container.

The source capsule is the primary containment vessel. It satisfies the criteria for special form*ra~ioactive material. '

The ASPECT 12K contains one of three possible inner containers: the maxiBulk container, the miniBUlk container, or the 10-Channel container. Each inner.container.fulfills two functions. -It provides S,hielding for the radi.oactive material, and, it assures proper positioning of tile lc!dioactive source. Each *inner .

container is fabricated using a stainless*steel shell, top and bottom. The only structural welds on.any of' the inner containers are those that join the top and the bottom to the ~ylindrical housing.

The outer container provides mechanical proteciion to the inner container during transport. It consists of a-body and a bolted cover, secured with a clamp ring hec:1d closure. The space ~etween the inner container and tne outer container is filled with a monolithic thermal ceramic insulator, which prevents shifting of and damage to the contents during transport.

Security is provided tiy means of the head closure which is fastened by four bolts through thet .container sid~wall and by the bolted clamp ring to which is a~xed ~ plastic or wire t~mper seal, This s_eal assures that the package cannot be opened inadve~ently and* prpvides evidence of unauthorized access.

The package is designed to be easily moved by hand. using two handles that also serve as tie down devices.

  • 2.1.2 D~ign Criteria*

The.ASPECT 12K is designed to comply with the requirements*oftheCN_SC regulations, the PTNS Regulations which* refer to IAEA TS-R-1, 1996 (Revised), and theUSNRC's 10CFR Part 71. The .

package is simple in. design. There are no design criteria which cannot be evaluated by straightforward

~pplicatior:i ofthe appropriate section of these regulation_s.

2.1.3 Weights and Centeis of Gravity The-maximum weight of the ASPECT 12K is 149 kg,(328 lb}. Weights of the individual inrier containers are pres~rited i.n the table in Section 1.2.1.

  • Th.e center of gravity of the ASPECT 12K was lo<;ated experimentally 280 mm (11 inches) from the bottom of the*package alo~g the cylindrical a)IC1s: This is shown in ~e des~riptive assembly drawing in**

Appendix 2.12;5. . .

2.1.4 ldentJfication of Codes and Standards for Package Design The ASPECT 12K is fabricated using steel and stainless steel, and the st,:uctural welds of the package are designed; and will be fabricated, welded and inspected in accordance with: *

  • AWS D1 ..1, Structural Welding Code - Steel
  • AWS D1.3, Structural Welding "code- Sheet Steel, for carbon steel in thicknesses 4.8 mm (3/16 inch) thick or less
  • AWS D1 .6; Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel, for stainless steel in thic1tn*esses. 1.5 mm (1/16 inch) thick or greater ASPECT12K 2-1* 03 Jul 14

Because this package's contents are limited to less than 3000 A 1, the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Vessel c.ode are not applicable for the design and construction of the containment systems of this transport package.

  • 2.2 Materials 2.2;1 Materjal Properties and Specificc1tlons Mat~rials properties used in the analysis of the ASPECT 12K are:

Stain.less monolithic thermal Steel Carbon Steel Copper Brass Uranium ceramic 300 Series (Kaolite 1600)

Modulus of '190GPa 210GPa 110GPa 100 GPa 205GPa 0.2GPa Elasticity (27 Mpsi) (30Mpsi) (16Mpsi) (15 Mpsi) (30Mpsi) (30kpsi)

Poisson's 0.29 0.29 0.37 0.33 0.21 .0.28 Rafio 8000 kgfm3 7870kgfm3 8900kg/m3 8500kg/m3 19,QOO kgfm' 360 kg/m3 Of/nsity (0.29 lblin3> (0.28 lblini (0.32 lblin3) (0.31 lb/in3) (0.69 lb/in1 (0.013 lb/in3>

(Ultimate) 517MPa 420MPa 394MPa 478MPa 365MPa 1.2MPa rensile (75 kpsi) (61 kpsi) (57 kpsi) (69 kpsl) (53 kpsi) (0.18 kpsi)

$trength 207MPa 350.MPa 259MPa 240MPa 172MPa N.A.

Yield Strength (30 kpsi). (51 kpsi) c~*kpsi) (25 kpsi)

(35 kp5i)

Coefficient of 1.80 x10-sfK 1.17 x 10-sfK 2.40x10-sfK 5 1.80*X 10- f'K 2.os x 10-srK

  • 9.07 X 10,;fK Thermal Expansi!)n (1.0 X 10-5fF) (6.5 X 1(rfF) x (1.30 10,;fF) (1.0 X *10-sfF) (11.4 X 10,;fF) (5.04 X 10,;l°F)

Thermal 16W/m-"K 52Wfm-"K 390W/m-°K 110W/m~°K 27.5W/m-°K 0.147Wfm-°K Conductivity (9:2 B!Wh-ft,0 F) (30 Btufh-ft-0 F) (2.25 Btli/h-ft-"F} (63 Btu/h-fl-0 F) (16 Btufh-fl-°F) co.oa Btufh..ft- F) 0 500 J}l(g-°K 486Jfkg-°K 390J/kg-°K .39(! jJkg-°K 120 J/kg,°K 837 J/kg-°K Specific Heat (0.12 Btullt>-0 F) (0.12 8tuflb-0 F) (0.!)9 Bfufl!).:.0 F) (0.09 Btu/lb-°F) (0.03 Bhillb-0 F) .(0.21 Btu/lb-0 F) 2.2.2 Chemical, Galvanic, or Other Reactions

-~ ' I' The package has be~n designed of materials cho~elJ to assure that there will be no significant chemical, galvanic or other reaction arnong the packaging components, ainong_package contents, or between packagi~g comp()nents and package contents. The materials from which the package is fabrica.ted (stainless steel, carbon steel., uranium, copper, brass) *along with the contents of the package, will.not cause significant chemical, galvanic, or other reaction *among.the packaging components, or between the packaging components and the package contents.

  • Copper ar:id ~rass are used to separate the depleted uranium from the stainless steel to preclude *the p9ssibility Qf the formation of an iron-uranium eutectic alloy at temperatures below the melting temperatures of the individual metals.

The shield is cpmpletely enclosed within a stainless steel Y,{elded enclosure that prevents exposure to air and moisture and therefore precludes the possibility of oxidation of Ute shield.

ASPECT12K 2-2 .03.Jul 14

2.2.3 Effects of Radjatiori on Materials The ASPECT 121< is designed using material that wiU withstand damaging effects of radiation. The materials in close proximity to the radioactive sour9e are stainless steel and depleted uranium, which are not ar;fversely affected by radiation. - * *

  • 2.3 Fabrication and Examination 2.3.1 Fabrication The pack.ages will be fabricated in accordan~ with engineering drawings _and QA controlled Work Instructions and travelers. Structural welding will be petform*ed in'accordailce with the standards identified-in Section 2.1'4. Specifically; structural welds* are used to join the bolt tabs to the underside. of the outer steel cover, and the stainless steel top and bottom to the inner container sheil.

2.3.2 l:xaminaUon The packages V'ill be inspected in accordance with engineering drawings-and QA controlled Work Instructions arid travelers. All s~ciural welds will be inspected in accordance with standards identified in Section 2.1.4, or an equivalent standard.

  • 2.4 Gene~I Requirements for A_II.Packages The ASPECT 12K is designed to satisfy the general standards for all packages, as specified in 10CFR71.4.3.

2.4.1 Minimum Package Size The smallest outside dimension of the package is in excess of 140 mm (5.5 in} as described in the table in Se9tion 1.2.1.

2.4.2 Tamper-Indicating Features '*

A plastic or wire tamper seal is attachep to the bolt securing the outer .container lid clamp ring closure.

While intact. this is evidence that unauthorized persons have not tampered with the packaQ?.

  • 2.4;3 Positive Closure When configured for transport the ASPECT 12K cannot be inadvertenUy opened. Ogening the package would require removing the tamper seal and bolt securing the outer container lid clamp rng closure, removing four bolts-thro1Jgl:1 the outer container side. wall which engage bplt tab~ welded to the unders_ide cif th~ cover, removing the upper section of the monolithic thermal cer~m-ic insulatqr, and removing the bolts from the inner container cover.
  • The special form l?Ource ~psule is th~ primary c;ontainment system aQd is closeq by a s~al: weld th~t

~nnot be opened unintentionally nor by any pressure that rru~y arise within the package, as describ.ed in section 2:6.4.

  • 2.5 Lifting and Tie .Down Standards for All Pack~ges 2.s.1 lifting Deyices The ASPECT 12K outer container has two handles which can pe use.d to lift the package. Analysis and test performed by Source Production & Equipment Co., Inc. (SPEC}, St.* 8ose, LA, USA under *contract with Aspect Technology, LLC, in accordance with $PEC's USNRC approved Quality Assurance Program ASPECT1_2K 3 03Jul 14

(No. 0102) have shown that-these lifting handles comply with the applicable requirement. The analysis and test results are presented in Section 2:12.9.

  • In addition, if the hanc;t!es became sep_arated from the. drum, that would not impair .the ability 6f the package to meet oth~r requirements. There are no other attachments or other features that could reasonably be used to lift the package.

2.5..2 Tie-down devices The ASPECT 12K outer container has two handles that can be used to tie down the package. They have been shown by analysis to withstand the force* combination described in 10CFR 71.45.b without generating stress in any material of the package in excess.of its yield strength. The analysis ~nd test results are presented in Section 2.12.5. * -

In ad,dition, if the handles became separated from the drum, they would not impair the ability of the package to meet other requirements. There are no other attachments or other features that couid reasonably be used to tie down the package.

2.6 Normal Conditions of Transport The ASPECT 12K package has been designed and constructed and the contents are so limited (as described *in Section 1.2. 2 above) that the specified perfonnance requirements will be satisfied when the packagl;) is subjected to the normal conditions of transport. The structural evaluation ofthe ASPECT 12K demonstrates that the package satisfies.the applicable performance requirements specified inthe regulations:

  • there will be no loss .or dispersal of contents;
  • there will be no structural changes that reduce the effectiveness of components required for shielding, heat transfer, or cont~inment;
  • any loss of shielding* intt3grity wotJld not result in more than a 20% increase in the radiation level at any external surface of the package; and
  • there will be no changes that would affect the ability.of the package to withstand the hypoth~tical accident conditions tests.
  • The following evaluation of the ASPECT 12K package demonstrates .that this package '\!Viii satisfactorily withstand th'e normal ~11ditions of transport. The prototype*package used in the following tests (outer conta.iner SN 002 and maxiBulk co_ntainer SN 003) was fabricated by Source Produ~ioti & Equipment Co., Inc. ($PEC), St. Rose; LA, USA under contract with Aspect Techl')ology, LLC, in accordance with SPEC's USNRC approved QualiW Assurance Program (No, 0102).

2.6.1. Heat The ASPECT 12K package is fabricated from stainless steel, carbon steel, uranium, copper, brass and monolithic thermal ceramic. These materials will all maintain their structural integrity at the test temp_erature of38°C (100°F).

The evaluation of the nonnal transport heat condition is de~cribed and reported in Section 3.4 Thermal Evaluation under Normal Conditions of Transport and 3.4.1, Heat and Cold. The results .ofthe thermal evaluation demonstrate that the maximum-temperatures en<:9untered under the normal condJtions of transport will have no adverse effect <>n the structural integrity or shielding efficiency of the package. Summary of Pressures and Tempel'.8tures As presented in Appendix 3.6.1, ASPECT 12K Thermal Analysis under the Normal Conditions of transport, the maximum temperature of any component of the .inner container would not exceed 198°C and under the *condition of Solar lnsolation, t!'le. maximum temperature of any component of the*inner ASPECT12K 2-4 03 Jul 14 .

container would not exceed 238"C. As presented in Appendix 3.6.4; the maximum pressure within sealed spaces due to a temperature of 800 *c would be 374 kPa.

2.6.1 !2 Differential Thermal Expansion There will be no thermal stress as a result Qf differential thermal expansion of the materials of the inner container. Due to the relative coefficients of thermal expansion of the various components, th~_clearance between these parts will increase at the temperatures encountered during the normal conditions ct transport. ConsequenUy, there will be no thermal stress as a result of differential thermal expansion of the materials of the inner container.

2.6.1 .3 Stress Calculations The outer container is open to the atmosphere so there will be no pressure build-up within the package due to its temperature. Therefore, there will be no thermally-induced stress in this outer container.

The inner container cavity, although enclosed, is not sealed; no "O"-rings, gaskets or other sealing devices are employed. This cavity is open to the atmosphere. Therefore, there will be no pressure build up in this cavity during normaloperation.

The stainless. steel housing containing the depleted uranium shield is sealed by means of the welding of the housing. The spaqe inside;the stainless steel housing surrounding the uranium shield is filled with air.

As presented in Appendix 3.6.4., at a temperature of 800 *c the pressure within this constant volume space w9uld be 374 kPa. Also as presented in Appendix 3.6.4, the tensile stress inducad within this stainless_steel housing due to a.temperature of 800 "C is 7.05 MPa.(1030psi). This is only 10:2% of the yield strength of Type 304 ~tainless Steel at that"temP,erature (-69 MPa; :10_,ooo* psi).

As described in Section, there will be nb thermal stress as a result Of differential thermal expansion pf the materials of the inner container.

As presented in Appendix 3.6, 1, the Special Form Capsule, which serves as the containment system, will achleve_the temperature 238°C. However, as presented 1ri Appendix 3.6.5, the* maximum pressure within this sealed special form capsule due to a higher temperature of 800°C would be 374 kPa.

Although many different special form capsules may be used with the-ASPECT 12K, ttle most vulnerable speciartorrn capsule to 'be used with the ASPECT 12K wo1.1ld be fabricated from stainless steel and have an outside diam~ter of 13 mm and a wall thickness of 0.3 mm, (Titanium ha~ higher yield strength than

  • $tainless steel, and the~efore a titanium capsule with similar dimensions w9uld be less vulnerable;) Also as presented in Appendix 3.6.5, the maximum tensile stress indu~d within this stainless steel capsule (at a temperature of 800°C with internal pressure of 374 kPa) is 5.68 MPa (871 psi). Ttiis is only_S.3% qf the yield strength of Type 304 Stainless Steel atthat tem1>erature (~ MPa; 1Q,OOO psi).

There will be no thermal stress ~.s a resu~ of differential thermal expansion of the materials of the spe~al form source capsule as each.capsule is fabricated from a single material. In each special f9rm capsule de$ign, there is sufficient clearance betw~ri the *contents and the. capsule to preclude any thermal stress as a resulh>f differential thermal expansion of the content m'aterials against the material of the special form source capsule. As described in Section 4, all special form capsules to be used with the ASPECT 12K will have been subjected to the special form hypothetical accident condition tests to demonstrate their- ability to maintain containment under these cc:mditions.

Jherefore, the normal operating conditions will generate negligibl~ internal. pressures. The pressure generated will result in no reduction of the structural integrity or shielding efficiency of the package.

2.6.1"' Comparison with Allowable StreS$es ASPECT12K 2-5 03 Jul 14

We consider the upper ltmit for the allowable stress for the package materials to be the yieJd strength of the specific materials. The analyses presented in Appendices 3.6.4 and 3.6.5 demonstrate that, atan elevated temperature of 800 *c. the maximum stresses generated in the package under the normal conditions of !ransport heat .condition will not exceed 11 %.of the yield strength ~f the material.

  • The evaluation demonstrates that the package satisfies the applicable performance requirements* the regulations. **

2.6.2 Cold The effects of cold were considered during the design of the maxiBulk, miriiBulk and inner containers. The stainles~ steel materials chosen for the package enclosure are a face center~d cubic metal. Metals ofthis type are preferred for cryogenic equipment"because they do not exhibit a ductiie to brittle tr~nsition* at low temperatures. In generf.11, the mechanical properties of these materials improve with lowertemperatures:

  • Young's modulus at 22°K (-251-°C; -420"F)'is 5% to 20% greater than at 294°1< (21°C; 69.5°F).
  • Yield strength at 22°K .(-251°C; -420°F) is considerably greater than at 29~°K (21°C; 69.5°F}.


  • *Fati"gue properties ~t low temperatures are c:Jlso improved.

The depleted Uranium si,ield does ex"ibit.a ductile to brittle transition at approximately o*c (32°F). 2 To ass.ure th~t'ttiis ductile to brittle transition does not adversely.aft:edpackage integrity, we performed the .

hypothetical accident condition free drop test with the inner"package at a temperature at-40"C (-40°F).

This is-reported in Section 2.7.1. A radiation. survey performed after tilis test showebservable effects of the compression. test and there was no damagl:! or deformation. At the conclusion of this test, there was no reduction of structural integrity of the package. Based upon the satisfactory performance of this package tq the compression test, it is concluded that the ~SPECT 12K package *w111

~uccessfully withstand the comprl:!ssiori- condition.

A complete report is presented in Appendix 2.12;2.2.

2.&: 10 Penetration The ability of the ASPECT 12K to meet the _normal conditiOf1$ penetration requirement was ~ssessed by physical test performed by Source Produc;tion & Equipment Co., Inc. (SPEC}, St. Rose; LA, USA under contra¢t _with As~t Technology, LLC, in accordance with SPEC's USNRC approved Quality Assurance Program (No. 0102).

The same f1,11! scale prototype package used f9r the normal condition free drop test was used for the penetration-test. This Jest was performed on the same prototype used for other Normal Conqitions tests and Hypothetical Accident ConditiOI"! tests and was perfol'l1)ed after the Normal Condition Free Drop, Hypothetical Accident Free brop and Hypothetical Accidentf:>uncture Tests~ A steel bille~. with a diameter of 32 mm (1% in) and mass of 6 kg (13 pounds)and hemispherical end was dropped from a height of 1 m (40 in) onto several points of the exposed surface, which were determined to be* rii~st vulnerable to puncture. For each penetration test, the long axis .of the steel cylinder was_ perpendicular to the package surf.ace.

The first poirit of impact was the top of the package. A 2.25 mm (0.0885in) deep dent iii the top of the package resulted from the impact without penetration.

T.he second point of impact was the bottom of the package. Package damage consisted of superficial scratches to. the bottom of the drum.

The th.ird point of impact was the center of the side of the package.

The outer container was not opened until all tests were performed. When the outer container was ultimately opened, *the inside lid remained fully aff1>Cect

  • The inner container remaitied fully .secure. There was no breach or reduction in the effectiveness of the package ASPECT12K 2-8. 03Jul 14

The penetration tests did not reduce .the effectiveness of the ASPECT 12K package. There was no loss of radioactive contents from the package,- nor increas~ in radiation levels. A complete report is presented in Appendi>e which ciemonstrates that the package saijsfies.the applicable performance requirements specified in the regulations 2.7 Hypothe~~al Accident Conditions The evaluation of the ASPECT 12K package demonstrates that it would meet hypothetical *accident _

conditions. The package would retain sufficient shielding to ensure that the radiation level* at 1 m (39 in}.

from the surface of the package would not exceed 10 mSv/hr with the maximum* radioactive contents that the package is designed to contc:1iri *and to restrict the accumula~ed loss .of r:adioactive contents in a period of one week to no more than A2 * . . . .

2.7.1 Free Drop (9 me~er)

The ability of the ASPECT 12K to meet the hypothetical accident fr~ drop condition wai; assessed by physical testing of a full SCc:lle prototype performed by Source.Production & Equipment-Co., l_nc. {SPEC),

St. Rose, LA, .USA under contract with AspectTechnology, LLC, in accordance with SPEC's USNRC approved Quality Assurance Program (No. 0102). To assure conservativism, the ASP_ECT 12K package contained a maxiBulk inner container because this resulted in the maximum mass and, therefore, the greatest impact force; (149 kg (338 lb)).

The target used for this free drop test (and all of the free dr()p tests) is described in Section 2.6.7 and Appendix 2.12.4. This target satisfies the IAEA requirement essentially unyielding surface.

To ;::issess the possible adverse affects of extreme cold temperature, prior to the performance of the hypothetical free drop accident test, the package was buried in dry ice for a period *of 17 hours1.967593e-4 days <br />0.00472 hours <br />2.810847e-5 weeks <br />6.4685e-6 months <br /> until the temperature of the inner package reached -40°C. The outer package was at a temperature Of-74°C.

The package was removed from the dry ice and immediately subj~cted to the 9 m hypotl:letica_l free fall accident condition. No frac_ture .of the outer container or inner container was qbserved.

The*A~PECT*12K package was dropped_ twice from a height of.9 m (30 ft) onto the target, striking the surface in positions for which maximum damage was expected. lri each case, the center of gravity of the package was located directly O'(er the point :of imPc:1tt. *The rationale for ch9osing these_ orientations and

  • points of impact are described in Appendix 2.12.3. llpon completion of the free drops, the package was inspect~(:! for c;tamage.

As a resuit of the-test, there was no loss or dispersal of radioac_tive c6,ntents, no*significant increase in extemal radiation levels and no stibsiantial reduction in the effeptiveriess of the ASPECT 12K packaging.

  • A report of this test is presented in Appendix *the basis of this test, it is concluded that the ASPECT 12K .will *ni~intain its* structural (ritegrity and shielding effectiveness under the hypothetical free dr0,p accident condition.
  • End Drop -. Not Applicable; see Appendix 2J2.3for impact point.justification. Side Drop The point of impact for the se09nd drop test was flat o_n the*side of the package. *The.package was susperided from a .point on the top and a point on the bottom of the package and acfjusted to assur~ a flat irilPc:1ct. ' Comer*orops The _point of impact for the first drop test was the top edge cifthe package, *1anding on the bolt securing the clampii:tg ring. The package was $USpended from the bottom comer and adjµsted to.assure the center gravity was above the impact point.

ASPECT12K 2-9 03Jul 14 I Oblique Drops - Not Applicable; see Appendix 2.12.3 for impact point justification.

2;7.1.5 Summary of Results Atthe conclusion of the free d_rop test, the package was inspected for damage. The following.damage was noted:

  • After the fi~t drop, the edge of the*package striking the drop target was significantly defom:iea'. The edge dented inward approximately 45 mm (<2 in) and the tamper. seal broke. The bolt and,elosure ring remained intact f,lii~ the ~ver remajnecl secured to the package.
  • After the second ~rop, the two ridges along the drum bo(,Jy were dented inward and there were scratches on the drum. One of the handles was also dented, but remained attached. The bolt and closure ring remained intact and the cover remained secured to the package.

The drum lid was not opened until the.entire test sequence (conclud"mg with the Penetration Test) was completed.

At the conclusion ofthe free drop, puncture,- arid penetration tests; the cover was rerrioved ar:id the

  • package was inspected. The monolithic thermal ceramic insulator was cracked but remained positioned within the drum. The inner container remained fully secured within the outercontainer. The inner container was removed from the outer package and inspected. There was no damage to the inner container. A radiation survey after the testsequence revealed no increase in the exposure rates on the packa*ge surface or -al one meter fro in the package surface. There was no breach or redu'ction in the effectiveness of the package.

2.7.2 Crush The crush test is r:iot applicable, as:

  • in the package density of 1884 kg/rh3 (118 lb/ft;J) is excess ofthe specification of tOOO kg/m 3 (62.4 lb/ft'), . ' .
  • the radioactive contents are less than 1000 A2, and
  • the rad_ioactive co.ntents are limited to special form radioactive material 2.7.3 Puncture At the conclusion of the free drop tests, the same ASPECT*12K package that was.subjected to the 9-r'neter drop test was subjected three .times to the puncture test During the tests, the container was dropped from a height of 1 m (40 in) onto the target. The target was a steel*billet 152 nim (6:in) in diameter and 355 mm (14 in) high, with the top eoge rounded to a 3 mm (1/8 in).radius, which was rigidly mount~d on the targ~t used for the free <ii'op test. Tl'lree points of impactwere selected .to result in the maximum damage to the par::kage. The ratiomile for choosing these orientations an~ point;; of iJ'ilpacit are describe(! in Appendix 2.12.3. For each puncture test, the center .of gravity of the test package was positioned directly over the point of impact. the distance from the bottom of the test package to the top of the steel bar was 40 if! for each test. *
  • The point of impact for the first puncture*test was the cen\er of tile top of the package. This resulted in the top cover of the outer package be1ing dented but no rupture of the ol,lter container occurr!;!d. .

The point of impact for the second puncture test was _the center of the bottom of the package. This resulted in the bottom*ofthe drum be1ing denteq but no rupture occurred.

  • The point of impact for the third puncture test was ttie side of tlie package immediately at the location of of tile inner container. This resulted in the side the outer package being dented inward but no rupture of the outer container OCQ,Jrred.

ASPECT12K 2-10 03Jul 14

Summary of Results At the co.nclusion of the free drop tests and punct\.lre tests, the following package damage wa~ not~(j:

  • The top*edg~ of ttte outer container at the bolt closure was significantly deformed but the closure ring and con~ainer lid remained secu~d to the package
  • TIie outer container bottom surface, top surface arid side were dented
  • The ~mper seal broke, and one .of the handles was slighUy dented At the conclusion ofJhe. *tree drop, puncture,. and penetration tests, the cover was removed and the package was inspected. The monolithic ttieimal cerainrc insulator was cracked but rernainec! positioned within the drum. The inner containe.r remained fully secure~ within the outer c>>ntainet. The inner cont?iner was removed from the outer package and inspected. The~e was no damage to the inner cqntainer. A radiation suNey after the test sequence.revealed no increase in the ~xpos~re rates on the package surface or at one meter from the package surface. There*was no breach or"reduction in the effectiveness of the package.
  • As a result of these Free Drop and Puncture tests, there was no loss of structural integrity or reduction in shi~lding efficiency of the ASPECT 12K package. A report of-these test$ is presented in Appendix 2;12.2.3. On the basis ofthis test, it is concluded that-the ASPECT 12K will maintain its structural integrity and sh_ieldirig.effectiveness under the !typ9thetical free drop and punct~re accident conditions.

2.7.4 Thermal A hypothetical accident thermal test was not actua[ly performed on*the ASPECT 12K, Athermal evaluation is present~d in Section 3.5 and Appendices 3:~..t and 3.6:5. For purposes of this analysis,* it is assumed that the o,uter containerwas .slighUy deformed,and the monolithic*thermal ceramic insulatc,r material was essentially undamaged, as described in Section 2"7.1.

An analysis demonstrates that there would be no loss of strlJ.ctural integrity or shielding effectiveness of this package under the" hypothetical thermal accident condition. On the0basis of this analysis, it is

  • concluded that the ASPl':Ct 12K Will maintain its structural integrity and shielding effectiveness under the tiypolt,etical thermal a~ident condition.
  •" Summary ~(Pressures.and.Te_mperatures, During the duration of the hypothetical thermal accictent, the outer: container containing the inner rilaxlBulk container fs assumed to be directly In contact with the environmental temperature of 800°C. The analysis of ,he performance of the ASPECT 12K under these _conditions is Appendices 3:6:4. and
t6.!?. The maximum temperatures achieved by the various cqmppnents of the maxiBulk container were determined to be:

Maximum Component.

Temp{°C) eu11<caosu1e 274.1 Uranium Shield 257.1 Shell 246.5 Insulation 799.2 Drum (outer) 799.6 Drum (Bottom) .799:6 No.twithstanding this result; our subsequent analysis of the perforrri~mce. 6f the containment and sf:lielding of the package, presented in Appendices 3.6'.4 and. 3.6.5, are based on the conservative assumption that all components of the package reach a temperature of 800 °c. -

ASPECT12K 2-11 03Jul 14

The ASPECT 12K package is designed solely for the.transport ofSpecial Form Radioactive Material. As described in Appendix 3.6.5, at a temperature of 800 °C, the maximum pressure generated within this Special Form Capsule is 370 kPa.

  • The inner contair:ier cavity, although enclosed, is not-sealed; no "O"-rings, gaskets or otl'Jer sealing devices are employed. This,cavity is open to the atmosphere. Therefore, there WIii be no pressure build up in this cavity,during normal operation.

The stainless steel housing the d~pleted uraniµm shiel~ is sealed by means of the welding. The space between the uranium shield and the housing is filled with 1;1ir. As descril)ecl in Appendix 3.6.4, at a temperature of ~00°C, the max.imum pressure gen~rate.d withir, this *space is also 370 ~Pa.

At a temperature of 800°C, the surface of the uranium shield would be expected to oxidize. As descri~ed in Section 3.5.4, due to the limited oxygen in this sealed. space, this oxidation is ~xpected tp resulHn less than 1% increase in the radiation intensity surrounding the package. A physical test to verifythis analysis was performed using a reduced scale model as described in Appendix *3.6:6.

The external co11t1;1ineir, although .enc!osed, is not sealed. Therefore, there will be no pressure build up in this container ~uring the hypothetical accidentcondition.

As 11ote~. above the ASPECT 12K package is designed solely for the transport of Special ,Form Radioactive Material. The Special Form capsules provide the primary conta.inment for the radioactive materi~I. It is assumed that the special form capsule 1;1chieves a temperature of 800°C.

As was demonstrated in Section* 3.6:5 the maximum. pressure inside the capsule at that temperature is

  • 370 kPa anc:l the maxim1,1m ~tress generated within the stainless steel capsule is *5.6!J° MPa (871 psi),

which is less than 9% of the yield strength of the stainless steel capsule material at that temperature.

In addition to this analysis, all special (orm soµrce capsules authorized to be transported in the ASPECT 12K will have been sucqe~s~lly subjected to the SpecialFon:n thermal test of aoo.0 c.

As noted in Section 3.5;3; the maximum pressur~ generated within the space between the uranium shield and the housing is also 370 kPa from this tem~tature. As described in Appendix 3.6.4, tt:ie maximum stress generated within the stainless steel housing is 7.05 MPa, which is less than 11.% of the yield strength of stainless steel at 'that temperature.

As described in Appendix ~.6.4, there will be no thermal stress as* a result of differential the*rmal expansiQn'of the materials. of the irine(container. A physical test to verify Jhis analysi~ was performed using a reduced scale model 1:1s described in Ap.pendix 3.6.6.

  • Differential Thennal Expansion.

Ttiere *will be no thermal str~ as a result of differential thermal expansion of the materials of the: inner container'. As presented. in Appendix 3.6,4, due to the relative coefficients of thermal expansion of the various components, the clearance between these parts will_ increase at ~he hypothetical thermal accident temperature. Consequently, there will be .no thermal stress ~s a result of differential thermal expansion of

-the materials of the inlie~ con~iner.

There will be no thermal stress as a result of differential thermal expansion of the materials of the special form s.ource capsule as this capsule is fabricat~ .from a single material. In each special form capsule .

design; there. is sufficient .clearance between the contents and the capsule to preclude any thermal stress a

as result of differential thermal expansion of the content materials against the material of the special form source capsule. . , Stress Calculations, ASPECT12K 2-12 03Jul 14

The ASPECT 12K packag-e is designed solely for the transport of Sp-ecial Form Radioactive Material.

The Special'Form capsules provide the primary containment for the radioactive-material. It is assumed that the special form capsule achieves a temperature*of 800°C.

-Although many different special form capsules may be used with the ASPECT -12K, the most vulnerable special Jorm capsule to be used with the ASPECT 12K would be fabric;atedJrom stainless steel and have an outside* diameter of 13 mm and a wall thickness of 0.3 mm. (Titanium has higher yield strength than stainless steel, and therefore a titanium .capsule with similar dimensions would be less vulnerable.)

As was demonstrated in Appendix 3.6.5, the maximum pressure inside the capsule at the temperature .of 800°C is 370_ kPa, arid the maximum stress generated within the stainless steel capsule is 5.68 MPa (871 p-swwhich is less.than 9%9fthe yield strengtn of the-stainless steel capsule material atthat temperature.

There will be no thermal stress as a result of differential thermal expansion of the materials of the special form source*capsule as each caps1.:1le is fabri~ted from a single material. in each' special form* capsule design, there is sufficierircl~rance bety,,een the contents and the capsule to prec!µde any_th!:!rmal stress as a result of diff~rential thermal expansion of the content materials against the material of the special form source capsule. As described in Section 4, all special form capsules to be used with the ASPECT 12K will have been subjected to the special form hypothetical accident condition tests to demonstrate*

their ability to maintain containment under these conditions. -

A_s described in Appendix 3.6.4, the ,:naximum pressure generated within the space between the uranium shield ar:id tt,~ housing is also 370 kPa from this temperature and the maximum stress g~nerated within the stainless steel housing is 7.05 MPa, which is less than 11 % of the yielcl strength of stainless steel at that temperature.

  • As described in Appendix 3.6.4, there will be no'thermal stress as a result ofdifferentialthermal expansion of the materials of the inner container.

~.7.4.4 Comparison with allowable stresses.

We consider t~e allowable stress to be the yield strength of tt:ie specific material.

As_described in Section- above, the maximum stress generated within the most vulnerable stainless steel special form source capsule, which serves as the containment, is 2.72 MPa (417 psi),

which is less tl')a*n 9% ofthe* yield_ strengJh of the stainless sieel capsule material at that temperature.

The maximum stress generated within the -stainless steel housing is 7.05 MPa, which is !ess th;m 11 % of the yield strength of stainless steel at that tenipe~re.

  • Therefore, the stresses:gelierated during the hypothetical thermal accident condition-are well below the allowable stresses.

2.7.5 Immersion - Fissile Material: Not applicab_te. The ASPECT 12K is ~ot a fissile package.

2.7~6 *Immersion -All Packages

~-hypothetical accident immersion test was not actually performed oh the ASPECT 12K. An evaluation of the immersion of the package under 15 meters of water (representing an .increased pressure of 1$0 kPa)

Is presented in Appendix 2.12.8.

The ASPECT 12K package is.constructed entirely of metallic components and monolithic thermal ceramic insulator material which are all highly wc1tet resistant. Prolonged exposure to water will not redu.ce the shielding efficiency or structural integrity of the-package.- . . - .

J\.SPECT 12K 2-13 03Jul 14

The outer container is open to the atmosphere so there will be no pressure differential within the outer package. -

The inner container cavity (the location where the Special Form capsules *are located), although enclosed, is not sealed; no "0"-rings, gaskets or other sealing devices are employed .. This cavity is open to the atmosphere. Therefore, there will be no pressure_differ~ntial within the.inner c<>n!ainer cavity'._

The stainless steel liousing*containing the depleted uranium shield is sealed tiy ni!,lans of the welding of the housing. From this relationship, the collapsing pressure of the stainless steel housing is 2.15 MPa (313 psi).

As shown in Appendix'2.12.8, the increased pressure resulting frQm this immersion* condition (150 kPa) represeh~ only 7% of the collapsing pressure 9f the housing. Therefore, this immersion pressure will have no adverse affect on the structural integrity of the inner container body.

The ASPECT 12K package is designed solely for tl:te transport'of Specjal Form.Radioactive Material.

These Special Fc:irm capsules act as the-containment for. the radioactive mat!=lrial. Although many special form capsules may be .used with the ASPECT 12K, the most vulnerable special form capsule to be usEld with the ASPECT 12k would be fabricated from stainless.steel and have ~n- outside diameter of 1-3 mni and a wall thickness of C>.3 mm. (Titanium has higher yield *strength than stainless steel, and therefore a capsule with simJlar dimensions would be less vulnerable.) The increased pressure resulting from tliis immersion condition (150 kPa) represents only 3.5% of th~ collapsing pressure of this sour~ capsule.

Theref9re, this immers_io11 p~ssure wiH have no adverse affect on the structural integrity of the most vulnerable special form capsule which serves as the containment

  • Consequently, it is conclµded that the ASPl;CT 12K will maintain its structural integrity and shielding effectiveness under the hypothetical water immersion test condition.

2.7.7 Deep Water Immersion Test (for Type B Packages Containi~g More than 105 A2): Not Applicable 2.7.8 Summary of P!!!mage As described in Section 2.7 .3, at the conclusion of.the free drop tests and puncture tests, the following package damage was noted;

  • The top edges of the outer container at the boltclosure was significantly deformed but the closure ring and container lid remained secured to the package *
  • Thi;! outer container bottom surface, top*su_rface and side were dented
  • The tamper. seaf broke, and one of the handles was slightly dented No additional damage is incurred under the hyp~thetical thermal and immersion accident conditions.

2.8 Hypothetical Accident Conditions for Air Transport of Plutonium or Packages with Large Quantities of Radioactivity - Not Applicable 2.9 Hypothetical Accident .Conditions for Fissile Material Packages for Air Transport

  • Not Ap1flicable
  • 2.10 Special form The contents of the ASPECT 12K are limited to Special Form capsules satisfying the requirements of TS-R-1 as referenced in Subsf.lc_tion 1(1.)ofthe PTNS Regulations and USNRC regulations in 10 CFR 71.

Radioactive contents must be solid, and neither liquid nor fissile. Contents would include 1921ridium, 75 Seleriium, 169vtterbiuni, 137Cesium and 60Cobalt.

ASPECT12K 2-14 03Jul 14

Although many different special form capsules inay be used with the ASPECT 12K, the most vulnerable special form capsule to be used with the ASPECT 12K would be fabricated from stainless. steel*and have an outside diameter of 13 mm and a wall thickness of 0.3 min. (Trtanium has higher yield strength than st~inless st~el, and therefore a titanium capsule with similar dli'nens1ons wouid be !ess vuln_erable. Any

.capsule with a* smaller diameter Of -thicker wall will 1:1lso !:>e less vulnerable.)

The above-analyses demonstrate the ability. of this most vulnerable spi:!cial form source capsule to mai_ntain its. containment under both the normal conditions of transpoit and the hypothetical accident conditions.

The source capsules .that are used as containment in thls package st)ail-have all been certified,-prior .to their use, as special form radioactive matefial as delinea,ed in IAEA Safety Standards Series N9. TS:R~1 *

.Regulations for the $afe Transport of Radioactive Material 1996 Edition (Revised)! and 10 C~R 71.

2:11 Fuel Rods : Not Applicable 2.12 Appendix 2.12.1 List of Documents 2.12.2 Test reports

. 2.1_2.2.1 ~ormal Cond_ilions Drop and Penetration Test 2.12.2:2 Compression/Stacking Test

  • Hypothetical Accident F-ree Fali and Puncture Tests 2.12;3 Justification of Package Orientation 2.12.4 *orop test target 2.12.5 Lifting and :tJe. down analysis 2.12.6 Reduced External Pressure Analysis 2.12.7 Increased External Pressure Analysis 2.12,8.1 lmmers.ion - All Packages 2.12.9" Lifting tjandles Test 2.12.1 List of Documents:

Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers 10th edition Physical Metallurgy of Uranium Alloys, Proceedings of the Third Army Materials Technology Conference, Held at Van; Colorado, February12-14, 1974. Sponsored by Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center, Watertown, Massachusetts.

ASPECT12K 2-15 . 03 Jul 14

Appendix 2.12.2 Test Rel)orts Norma,I Conditions Drop and Penetration Test Test Report By: Krissie Zambrano Date: 22 January 2014


. Normal Conditions Drop and Penetration Test 1.0 Test Objectives The obje,ctive of this test is to demonstrate the ability of a Type B Transport Package to ,withstand, the Normal Conditions Free Drop Test and to define the method for performing the Normal Conditions Penetration Test in ai:cordarice with regulatory reqµirements contained in 10 CFR Part 71. TS-R-1, IATA's Dangerous Goods-Regulation~. and ts-G-1.1.

  • 2.0 Scope This test was performed on a prototype ASPECT 12K p~ckage as prepared for shipment 3.0 Equipment Used 3.1 Free Drop
  • Drop tower and associated target, lifting appar~tus (hoist) and release mechanism.
  • Target: a solid steel plate measuring 77cm x 90cm x 4.4cm (30.25in x 35;2~1n x *1.Bi.n), weighing 239kg (5281b). the steel plate was wet floated onto the'top surface ,of.a flat horizontal concrete*

block weighing approximately 4491kg(9,900lb). The concrete block is metal reinforced and rests in firm soil. The thickness ofthe steel plate exceeds the minimum required in the IAEA regulations (4.0cm (1.6iri)). The total mass of the drop target is over 4;763kg (10,5001b), which exceeds ten times the ma$s of the package tested (149kg (3281b)). Therefore, the ~rop test

_target ~tisfies the lf,1.EA.requirement for an essentially unyielding surface. A drawii:ig of the

, target is presented in Section 2~ 12.4.

  • Calibrated Model ND 2000 suh.ley meter with an external probe.
  • Tape measure. . , .
  • Recording equipment (video and photo cameras}.

3.2 Penetration

  • Calibrated Penetration Bar (steel cylinder with 31.8mm (1 %in) diameter and one end hemispherical, weighing 6kg (131b)).
  • Hollow tubing (u-sed to guide the steel cylinder to desired impact point). *
  • Calibrated'Model-ND 2000 su~ey meter with an external probe.
  • Tape measure.
  • Recording equipment (video and photo cameras).

4.0 Procedure 4.1 Pre-Test Prototype outer container 002 and inner container 003 were fabricated in accordance with an NRC approved QA Program; it was fabricated in the same way as production packages. Radioactive contents were used during the test. The target for the penetration test was marked on the outer container ,and the location of the highest radiation reading on each side was marked. TM source activity for the initial App

192 survey was 67.93Ci of 1r. The highest reading found at each location was as follows (the location of the highest reading was marked on the outer container and can be seen in Figure 1):

Initial Package Surface Survey, 01/16/2014 Actual Reading Extrapolated to 6750 Ci Surface Location mSv/~u mrem/h mSv/hr mrem/h Front 0.008 0.8 0.795 79.5 Right 0.008 0.8 0.795 79.5 Back 0.006 0.6 0.596 59.6 Left 0.006 0.6 0.596 59.6 Top 0.002 0.2 0.199 19.9 Bottom 0.004 0.4 0.397 39.7 Figure 1: Transport Package After Initial Readings On January 16, 2014 , prototype outer container 002 was loaded with the inner container 003. The maxiBulk inner container (See Figure 2) was chosen for testing, as it is the heaviest inner container. The recorded weight of the Prototype package was 149kg (3281b).


Figure 2: Inner Container and Contents A water spray test was not conducted as the package is made from stainless steel. The depleted uranium shield is also completely encased in stainless steel. No materials of construction would be affected by water or exposure to rainfall of approximately Scm/h for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. This condition was not analyzed; it is not significant in the structural design of the ASPECT 12K.

4.2 Normal Conditions Free Drop Test The weather conditions (from were 53°F, 53% humidity, and 5 mph wind from SSW.

The point of impact was on top of the package al the edge of the package's bolt ring closure. See Appendix 2.12 .3 for a justification of the impact point.

The package was attached to a harness such that when suspended in air and dropped, the impact would be on the predetermined point. The center of gravity was located directly above the point of impact.

The package was dropped from a distance of 1.24m (49in) onto a flat, essentially unyielding horizontal surface, striking the surface in a position for which maximum damage is expected (See Figure 3 and Figure 4). The package was suspended and released from a single point along the edge of the bottom of the drum that is located exactly opposite the location of the bolt and closure ring.

I Figure 3: Height Measured to 491n Figure 4: Drop Orientation of Package App2.12.2.1-3

Upon completion of the free drop, the package was inspected for damage (See Figure 5 and Figure 6) .

The package's cover edge was dented inward approximately 25.4 (1 .0in) . The bolt, closure ring , and tamper seal remained fully intact.

Figure 5: Package After Test (Upside Down) Figure 6: Dent at Closure of Package After Test

  • 4.3 Normal Conditions Penetration Test The same test package (outer container and inner container) used for the free drop test was used as the penetration test package. For further conservativism, the penetration test was performed after the 30' free drop and the puncture tests, which are required for the hypothetical accident conditions test. A calibrated 31 .8mm (1 diameter steel cylinder weighing 6kg (131b) was dropped vertically from a height of over 1m (40in) on several points of the exposed surface which were determined to be the most vulnerable to puncture. For each penetration test, the long axis of the steel cylinder was perpendicular to the package surface. The package was placed on a flat surface with the target exposed such that when the penetration bar was dropped in a vertical position, the hemispherical end was able to impact it directly.

The first point of impact was the top of the package (See Figure 7 and Figure 8). See Appendix 2.12.3 for a justification of the impact point. A 2.25 mm (0.0885in) deep dent In the top of the package resulted from the impact without penetration.

Figure 7: Height of Base of Penetration Bar for Figure 8: Impact Point at Top of Drum First Impact Point The second point of impact was the bottom of the package (See Figure 9 and Figure 10). Package damage consisted of superficial scratches to the bottom of the drum.


Figure 9: Height of Base of Penetration Bar for Figure 10: Damage to Bottom of Drum From Second Impact Point Second Impact Point of Penetration Test The third point of impact was the center of the side of the package. See Appendix 2.12.3 for a justification of the impact point.

Figure 11: Height of Penetration Bar for Figure 12: Damage to Side of Drum From Third Impact Point Third Impact Point of Penetration Test 5.0 Inspection The drum was opened after the penetration test was completed. Any damage to the inside of the package was a cumulative result of four different tests (the 4' free drop, 30' free drop, puncture, and penetration tests were performed in succession).

When the outer container cover was opened, it was observed that the maxiBulk had remained fully secure (See Figure 13). The inner container was removed from the outer package. There was no visible damage to the inner container other than minor scratches (See Figure 14). There was some crushing/breaking of the Kaolite insulation inside the drum, but there was no breach or reduction in the effectiveness of the package.


Figure 13: Fully Secure Inner Container After All Figure 14: Little to No Damage to Inner Tests Package After all tests were completed, the container was surveyed and no significant increase in radiation levels was found. The free drop and the penetration tests did not reduce the effectiveness of the ASPECT 12K package, and the package would continue to restrict the loss of radioactive contents to not more than 10-6 A2 per hour.

App Compression/Stacking Test Test Report By: Krissie Zambrano Date: 22 January 2014


Compression/Stacking Test The objective of this test is to determine whether the ASPECT 12K can withstand a compressive load the equivalent of 5 times the weight of the package.

The maximum gross weight of the package is 149kg (3281b). Five times the gross weight of the package is 745kg (1640lb). The following items were weighed prior to being stacked on top of an empty outer container of the same design as that used for the ASPECT 12K: a carbon steel container (See Figure 1) weighing 331 .6kg (731 lb), a SPEC 300 exposure device (See Figure 2) weighing 353.8kg (7801b), and a lead lid (See Figure 3) weighing 183.7kg (4051b). The total weight of the carbon steel container, SPEC 300 exposure device, and the lead lid was equal to 869.1 kg (19161b).

Figure 1: Carbon Steel Container Figure 2: SPEC 300 Exposure Device Figure 3: Lead Lid The SPEC 300 exposure device was placed in the carbon steel container. The lead lid was placed on top of the container and then the container was placed directly on top of the Aspect 12k outer container, creating a uniform load of 869.1 kg (1916 lb) , which exceeded the required load of five times the gross weight of the package . The load was applied for a period of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

App 2.12.2 .2-1

Figure 4: Stacking Test Configuration With Weights on Outer Container At the end of this period, the outer container was inspected. There were no observable effects of the compression test and there was no damage or deformation observed. Therefore, the compression did not reduce the effectiveness of the Aspect 12K J)ackage, and the package would continue to restrict the loss of radioactive contents to not more than 1O;a A2 per hour.

Figure 5: Drum After Stacking Test Figure 6: Top of Drum After Stacking Test App Hypothetical Accident Free Fall and Puncture Tests Test Report By: Krissie Zambrano Date: 22 January 2014


Hypothetical Accident Conditions Test 1.0 Test Objective The objective of this test is to demonstrate the ability of a Type B Transport Package to withstand the Hypothetical Accident Conditions 30' Free Drop Test and Puncture Test in accordance with regulatory requirements contained in 10 CFR Part 71 . TS-R-1 , IATA's Dangerous Goods Regulations. and TS-G-1.1 .

2.0 Scope This test was performed on a prototype ASPECT 12K package as prepared for shipment.

3.0 Equipment 3.1 Free Drop

  • Drop tower and associated target, lifting apparatus (hoist), lifting harnesses, and release mechanism
  • Target: a solid steel plate measuring 77cm x 90cm x 4.4cm thick (30.25in x 35.25in x 1.Bin thick) weighing 239kg (5281b). The steel plate wa.s wet floated onto the top surface of a flat horizontal concrete block weighing approximately 4491 kg (9900lb).

The concrete block is metal reinforced and rests in firm soil. The thickness of the steel plate exceeds the minimum required in the IAEA regulations (4.0cm (1 .6in)). The total mass of the drop target is over 4763kg (10500lb), which exceeds ten times the mass of the package tested (100kg (2201b)). Therefore, the drop test target satisfies the IAEA requirement for an essentially unyielding surface. A drawing of the target is presented in Appendix 2.1 2.4.

  • Calibrated Model ND 2000 survey meter with an external probe
  • Tape measure
  • Freezer with dry ice
  • Calibrated Thermometer
  • Stopwatch
  • Recording equipment (video and photo cameras) 3.2 Puncture
  • Prototype Transport Package in the
  • as-is" condition following the Hypothetical Accident Conditions, 30 foot drop(s)
  • SPEC's drop tower and associated target, lifting apparatus (hoist), lifting harnesses, and release mechanism
  • Calibrated Puncture Test Pin
  • Calibrated Model ND 2000 survey meter with an external probe.
  • Tape measure
  • Calibrated Thermometer
  • Recording equipment (video and photo cameras)


4.0 Procedure 4.1 Pre-Test Prototype drum 002 and inner container 003 were fabricated in accordance with an NRC approved QA Program, using the same methods as those used for production packages. Radioactive contents were used for the test. On January 17, 2014, the prototype drum and maxiBulk inner container used in the normal conditions free drop test was prepared for use for the hypothetical accident conditions of transport testing test. The same drum and inner container from the 4' free drop test was used for a more conservative approach (See Figure 1). The maxiBulk inner container was chosen for testing as it is the heaviest inner container. The recorded weight of the Prototype 002 loaded drum was 328 lb.

Figure 1: Transport Package Used in 4' Free Drop Test Prior to the drop, the test package was frozen in dry ice until the package core temperature reached

-74.0°F (See Figure 2) . The test package was dropped after removal from cold storage (See Figure 3).

Figure 2: Temperature Reading of Package in Figure 3: View of Package In Freezer Freezer 4.2 Hypothetical Accident Free Drop Test For each free drop test, the center of gravity of the test package was positioned directly over the point of impact. Prototype package 002 was subjected to two successive free drops from a height of 9.144 m (30 feet) onto the drop test target.


The first drop test was a corner drop. The test package core temperature was measured to be -44 .2°F (See Figure 4). The point of impact for this test was the edge of the top of the package. See Appendix 2.12.3 for a justification of the impact point.

The package was suspended from the opposite corner and adjusted to ensure that the center of gravity was above the impact point (See Figure 5).

Figure 4: Temperature Reading Prior to Drop Test Figure S: Corner Drop Orientation After the 30' free fall corner drop, the edge of the package striking the drop target was significantly deformed. The edge was dented inward approximately 44 .5mm (1 % inches). The drum lid was not opened until the entire test sequence was completed.

Figure 6: Damage to Drum From Corner Drop Flg_ure 7: Dented Drum From Corner Drop The second drop test was a side drop (See Figure 8 and Figure 9). The point of impact for this test was flat on the side of the package. See Appendix 2.12.3 for a justification of the impact point. The package was suspended from a point on the top and a point on the bottom of the package and adjusted to ensure a flat impact.


Figure 8: Side Drop Orientation Figure 9: View of Package Prior to Drop After the 30' free fall side drop, the two ridges along the drum body were dented inward and there were scratches on the drum (See Figure 10 and Figure 11 ). One of the handles was also dented, but remained attached. The drum lid was not opened until the entire test sequence was completed.

Figure 10: Damage to Drum From Side Drop Figure 11 : Additional View of Damage 4.3 Hypothetical Accident Puncture Test The same test package (outer drum and inner container) used for the 30' free drop test was used as the puncture test package. The puncture test target (See Figure 12) consisted of a calibrated solid, vertical, cylindrical carbon steel bar bolted to the center of the drop target. The calibrated bar measured 152.4 mm (6in) in diameter and 355.6 mm (14in) in height, with the upper edge rounded to a 3.175mm (1/8in) radius. For each puncture test, the center of gravity of the test package was positioned directly over the point of impact. The distance from the bottom of the test package to the top of the calibrated steel bar was 1.016m (40in) for each test.


Figure 12: Calibrated Puncture Test Target The point of impact of the first puncture test was the center of the top of the package (See Figure 13).

See Appendix 2.12.3 for a justification of the impact point. The top lid was dented but no rupture occurred (See Figure 14). The drum lid was not opened until the entire test sequence was completed.

Figure 13: Drop Orientation for First Puncture Figure 14: Damage to Package After First Puncture Test Test The point of impact of the second puncture test was the bottom of the package (See Figure 15). See Appendix 2.12.3 for a justification of the impact point. The bottom of the drum was dented but no rupture occurred (See Figure 16). The drum lid was not opened until the entire test sequence was completed .


Figure 15: Measured Height for Second Figure 16: Damage to Bottom of Drum From Puncture Test Second Puncture Test The point of impact of the third puncture test was the side of the package (See Figure 17). See Appendix 2.12.3 for a justification of the impact point. The side of the drum was dented but no rupture occurred (See Figure 18). The drum lid was not opened until the entire test sequence was completed .

Figure 17: Measured Height for Third Puncture Figure 18: Damage to Side of Drum From Third Test Puncture Test 5.0 Inspection At the conclusion of the free drop, puncture, and penetration tests, the package was inspected for damage. The damage following impact was noted:

  • The top edge of the drum at the bolt closure was significantly deformed.
  • The bottom surface, top surface, and side of the drum were dented.
  • One of the handles was slightly dented.

The lid was not opened until the after the penetration test was completed (part of the normal conditions testing). When the lid was opened, it was observed that the Kaolite insulation was cracked and had broken into multiple pieces (See Figure 19 and Figure 20) . The maxiBulk container had remained fully secure (See Figure 21 and Figure 22) . The inner container was removed from the outer package. There was no breach or reduction in the effectiveness of the package.


Figure 19: Image of Kaolite Lid After Removing Figure 20: Alternate View of Inner lid Damage Drum lid Figure 21: Inside of Container After Tests Figure 22: Alternate View of Inner Container Since the maxiBulk was loaded with radioactive material, the Kaolite pieces were replaced and the package was surveyed . The source activity was 67.93Ci. The radiation level at 1 m from the surface of the package did not exceed 10 mSv/hr with the maximum radioactive contents that the package was designed to contain . The package retained sufficient shielding to meet the hypothetical accident conditions testing requirements. See Section 5.0, Shielding Evaluation, for additional information.


2.12.3: Justification of Package Orientation 4-foot free drop test package orientation:

The failure criterion for the 4-foot drop test is a 20% increase in radiation levels and no loss or dispersal of the rad ioactive contents. Considering that the outer container is designed to withstand a 30-foot drop, significant damage is not expected when the outer container is dropped only 4 feet. Movement of the radioactive source away from the fully shielded position in the depleted Uranium shield therefore will not be a goal of this test. The most likely means of increasing radiation levels by 20% would be to cause the outer container lid to come adrift, allowing the inner package to separate from the outer container.

Considering the design of the outer container lid, it is most likely that this will occur if the outer container is dropped at the edge of the bolt ring closure. Such an impact could damage the bolt ring closure, which could result in the outer lid separating from the outer container. It has therefore been decided that this orientation will be used in the 4-foot free drop test (See Figure 1 ).

7I IT1//1/T//11/1/IT///,

Figure 1: Bolt Ring Closure Drop Orientation Penetration test package orientation:

The failure criterion for the penetration test is a 20% increase in radiation levels and no loss or dispersal of the radioactive contents. Considering that the package is designed to withstand a 30-foot drop, significant damage is not expected when the outer container is subjected to this test. Movement of the radioactive source away from the fully shielded position in the depleted Uranium shield therefore will not be a goal of this test. Furthermore. the impact on the bolt ring closure due to the 4-foot or 30-foot free drop tests far exceeds the impact that could result from the calibrated penetration bar hitting the bolt ring closure, so an increase in radiation levels by 20% would not likely be caused by the outer container lid coming adrift and allowing the inner package to separate from the outer container. Instead, a possible increase in radiation levels by 20% could be anticipated from the penetration bar causing a large enough dent in the package that would result in a significant decrease in the distance between the surface of the package and the source. For this reason, the seam along the center of the side of the outer container was chosen as the impact point because it is the weakest point of the surface of the outer container and it presents the minimum distance between the surface of the package and the source (See Figure 2). Additional impact points will be tested for conservativism, including the bottom (See Figure 3) and top (See Figure 4) of the outer container.

App 2.12.3-1

Figure 2: Side Penetration Orientation Figure 3: Bottom Penetration Figure 4: Top Penetration Orientation Orientation 30-foot free drop test package orientation:

The failure criterion for the 30-foot drop test is to fail to retain sufficient shielding to ensure that the radiation level at 1 meter from the surface of the package would not exceed 10 mSv/hr (1000 mrem/h) with the maximum radioactive contents which the package is designed to contain and to restrict the accumulated loss of rad ioactive contents in a period of one week to not more than A 2 (for all radionuclides 85 other than Krypton). The most likely means of failing the test would be to cause the outer outer container lid to come adrift and the inner package to become separated from the outer container.

Considering the design of the outer container lid, it is most likely that this will occur if the outer container is dropped on the comer of the bottom, or at the edge of the bolt ring closure. Such an impact could damage the bolt ring closure and cause the lid to become separated from the outer container. Chilling to

-40°F or colder could cause low temperature embrittlement of the depleted Uranium casting, allowing for a worst-case condition. Therefore, it has been decided that the impact point for the outer container will be the edge of the bolt closure ring for the first 30-foot free drop test (See Figure 1). An additional impact point on the side of the package (See Figure 5 ) will be tested for conservativism to further demonstrate that excessive damage will not cause a significant increase in radation levels.


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7I IT1?/!Ill!T//11!Ti//,

Figure 5: Side Drop Orientation App 2.12.3*2

Puncture test package orientation:

Considering the size of the puncture test pin relative to the outer container, as well as the overall design of the outer container, it is not expected that the puncture test pin will penetrate the device or cause internal damage. The next best chance for this test to cause maximum damage would be to damage the top , the bottom , and the side of the outer container. If the inner package can be damaged or moved out of position, it could drag the source assembly out from the center of the depleted uranium shield. This shift in position could result in abnormally high radiation levels.

When the test is performed, steps taken to ensure that the center of gravity of the exposure device is directly above the impact point at the time of release. This will ensure that maximum energy will be focused at the desired impact point.

  • *
  • CG *+- CG
  • *
  • CG I

Figure 7: Top Puncture Test Figure 8: Bottom Puncture Figure 6: Side Puncture Test Orientation Test Orientation Orientation App 2.12.3-3

2. 12.4 Crop Test Target N

g . App 2 .12.4, 1

2.12.5: Lifting and Tie Down Analysis Justification for 10 CFR 71.45b1: Lifting and Tie-down Standards for all Packages Criteria:

10 CFR 71.451 b states that "if there is a system of tie-<iown devices that is a structural part of the package, the system must be capable of withstanding, without generating stress in any material of the package in excess of its yield strength, a static force applied to the center of gravity of the package having a vertical component of 2 times the weight of the package with its contents, a horizontal component along the direction in which the vehicle travels of 1Otimes the weight of the package with its contents, and a horizontal component in the transverse direction of 5 times the weight of the package with its contents."

Calculations and Analysis:

I he drum and handles may be made trom either carbon steel, which has a yield strength ot ;jU,UUUps1, or stainless steel which has a yield slrength of 39,000psi. The maximum total weight of the package is 328 lb.


There is a load of 1640 lb applied at the center of gravity perpendicular to the plane of the page.

The following calculation is used to evaluate the adequacy of the tie down system for the combination of loads specified in 10 CFR 71.45(b) acting simultaneously.

  • App 2 .12.5-1

The following force vector can be determined by using the given load combination , which consists of three separate forces (where Vector A is the force that is horizontal along the direction of the vehicle, Vector B is the vertical force, and Vector C is the horizontal transverse force).

Vector A= 10(3281b) = 3280i + Oj + Ok Vector B = 2(3281b) = Oi + 656j + Ok

Vector C 5(3281b) Oi + Oj + 1640k The sum of the three vectors gives the resultant vector, R.

R = Vector A+ Vector B + Vector C = 3280i + 656j + 1640k The magnitude of the vector is given by the following formula:

r = ~(3280)2 +(656f +(1640f r = 3730 lb For simplicity and conservativism, we will assume that the 3730 load will act fully in each direction. Thus, angular contribution in the x, y, and z directions will not be taken into account. Instead, we will assume the full load will act in each direction.

If 3730 lb were acting on the x, y, and z planes, then the worst case for the handles of the drum would be the force pulling along the horizontal or y plane. This is the worst case because the handles withstand the greatest force in this direction.

The area used in the following calculation is an estimate based on approximately how much of the handle is welded to the drum. We assume that the area used by both handles is approximately 0.68 in2 , which gives the following:

F 3730 .

a = - = - - = 5485 psi A 0.68 Shear stress calculations will depend on the force in the vertical direction:

r = p = 656 =965 psi A 0.68 This solution proves that the design passes the requirements set forth in the CFR. All of the stresses generated are below the stress limit for the material used. Carbon steel, the weakest of the materials used, has a yield strength of 30,000psi. Stainless steel, which may also be used for the handles and drum, has a yield strength of 39,000psi.

  • App 2.12.5-2