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Informs NRC of Affect of Installation Phase of Plant Integrated Computer Sys Project on Electronically Transmitted Data for Emergency Planning
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/1995
From: Byram R
PLA-4362, NUDOCS 9509250038
Download: ML18026A460 (12)



ACCESSION NBR:9509250038 DOC.DATE: 95/09/18 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKET FACIL:50-387 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Unit 1, Pennsylva 05000387 50-388 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Unit 2, Pennsylva 05000388 AUTH. NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION R BYRAM,R.G. Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.

RECIP.NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) I SUBZECT: Informs NRC of affect of installation phase of plant integrated computer sys project on electronically transmitted data for emergency planning.








' ': " Pennsylvania Power 8 Light Company Two North Ninth Street ~ Allentown, PA 18101-1179 ~ 610/774-5151 Robert G. Byram Sen/or Wce Pres/dent-Huc/ear 610/774-7502 Fax: 610/7744019 SEP 18 1995 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Mail Station P 1-137 Washington, DC 20555 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION EMERGENCY DATAAND THE PLANT INTEGRATED COMPUTER SYSTEM Docket Nos. 50-387 PLA-4362 FILE R41-2 and 50-388 The purpose of this letter is to inform the NRC Staff of the affect of the installation phase of the Unit 2 Plant Integrated Computer System (PICSY) project on electronically transmitted data for emergency planning; This project combines the Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) computer, the Plant Computer System computer, the Remote Data Analysis System (RDAS) computer and the Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) computer into one integrated computer system.

Beginning September 16, 1995, the PICSY project will be installed in Unit 2 during the 7th Refueling and Inspection Outage and is scheduled for completion on October 14, 1995. The Unit 1 PICSY project will be installed in Unit 1 during the 9th Refueling and Inspection Outage which is scheduled to begin in September 1996.

The installation of the PICSY project on Unit 2 has been designed to minimize its affect on emergency planning data requirements. All necessary training and procedural changes have been identified to support the needs for implementing the PICSY project. Activities have commenced to assure operators and emergency response personnel have the appropriate training and procedural guidance to accommodate both the installation and subsequent operation of the new computer system.

The following is a summary of the affect of the installation on emergency planning data requirements including dose assessment for both Unit 1 and Unit 2.

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PLA-4362 FILE R41-2 Document Control Desk During the installation of the Unit 2 PICSY project, data from the Unit 2 Plant Computer system will not be available in any emergency response facility. The loss of the electronically transmitted data from the Unit 2 Plant Computer will not decrease the effectiveness of operating the plant or managing an emergency since the data is available for verbal transmission from the Control Room and the relay rooms.'he lack of data from the Plant Computer affects other information systems that are used in emergency planning such as the Remote Data Analysis System (RDAS), the Emergency Data System (EDS), and the Emergency Response Data System (ERDS).

ar e i The following are the affects of the PICSY project on Unit 2 SPDS:

~ The SPDS function in both the TSC and EOF will remain operable during the installation of Unit 2 PICSY except for a 3 day period for cutover to the new computer system which is scheduled near the end of the PICSY installation window.

~ The SPDS function in the control room will be out of service during the entire installation of the PICSY project. If SPDS data were needed in the control room, this data could be obtained from the SPDS in the TSC that is located one floor above the control room. Also, the radiological release data is available from the Unit 1 SPDS that is unaffected by the installation of the PICSY project.

During the 3 day period for cutover, the SPDS function can be restored within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> if required. These temporary changes to the SPDS do not decrease the effectiveness of responding to an emergency.

The temporary loss of electronically transmitted data during the entire installation window of the PICSY project does not decrease the effectiveness of responding to an emergency since either (1) the data points would not be available because of being in the Cold Shutdown or Refueling mode, (2) the data is available at remote locations to be verbally transmitted ifrequired, or (3) the data is available from Unit 1. The outage of the Unit 2 plant computer only affects ERDS for Unit 2. Twenty-three out of 70 data points will be unavailable for electronic transmission during the Plant Computer outage. An additional 18 data points on both the Unit 1 and Unit 2 ERDS will be unavailable when the vent stack data control terminal interface with the RDAS computer system is taken out of service. These 18 vent stack data points will remain unavailable on the Unit 1 ERDS until the installation of the Unit 1 PICSY project on Unit 1 which is scheduled for the Fall of 1996. In the interim, these common vent stack data points will be transmitted via Unit 2 ERDS (after the PICSY project installation) to the NRC for an event on Unit 1. Table 1 lists

PLA-4362 FILE R41-2 Document Control Desk the data points that will be unavailable. The following provides an evaluation of the affect of not having this data:

The condensate storage tank level is available from the Unit 1 plant computer and could be verbally transmitted if required. This information is also available in the control room via hard-wired recorders.

In the Cold Shutdown or Refueling modes the Main Steam Line plugs and/or the MSIVs are closed; therefore, the Main Steam Lines are isolated and the radiation monitors would be reading downscale. This information is available in both the relay room and the control room via hard-wired recorders and indicators.

In the Cold Shutdown and Refueling modes, the Feedwater system is not in operation. Therefore, the Feedwater flow would be reading downscale.

In the Cold Shutdown and Refueling modes, the High Pressure Coolant Injection System is not operable. Therefore, the High Pressure Injection Coolant flow would be reading downscale.

The Low Pressure Coolant Injection flow can be obtained from hard-wired indicators and recorders in the control room and verbally transmitted. if required.

In the Cold Shutdown and Refueling modes, the Reactor Core Isolation Coolant flow system is not operable. Therefore, the Reactor Core Isolation Coolant flow would be reading downscale.

In the Cold Shutdown and Refueling modes, the control rods are fully inserted; therefore, the power level would be below the lowest reading on the IRMs and they would be reading downscale. No postulated event would cause all the control rods to be withdrawn at the same time, therefore the need for the IRM readings would be small; however, the IRM readings can be

4 PLA-4362 FILE R41-2 Document Control Desk obtained from the hard-wired recorders located in the control room and can be verbally transmitted ifrequired.

The vent stack data is available from the control terminals in both the control room and TSC and from SPDS..This information can be verbally transmitted ifrequired.

After the installation of PICSY on Unit 2, the vent stack data will be available on Unit 2 only. Ifan incident should occur on Unit 1, both the Unit 1 and Unit 2 ERDS would be activated in order to provide the vent stack data which is common to both units.

The temporary loss of data from the Plant computer and the vent stack control terminal interface with RDAS does not decrease the effectiveness of our response to an emergency.

After the ERDS outage, the system will be tested and within 30 days following the installation of PICSY the data point library will be updated and transmitted to the NRC as required by regulation.

The temporary loss of electronically transmitted data during the installation of the PICSY project does not decrease the effectiveness of responding to an emergency since either (1) the data points would not be available because of being in the Cold Shutdown or Refueling mode, (2) the data is available at remote locations to be voice transmitted, or (3) the data is available to be voice transmitted &om Unit 1. The outage of the Unit 2 plant computer only affects EDS for Unit 2.

The vent stack data for both the Unit 1 and Unit 2 EDS will be unavailable for electronic transmission when the vent stack vent control terminal interface with RDAS is taken out of service. Table 2 lists the data points that will be unavailable. The following provides an evaluation of the lost data:

The condensate storage tank level is available from the Unit 1 plant computer and could be verbally transmitted as needed. This information is also available in the control room via hard-wired recorders.

The Suppression Pool Bulk Temperature is available both in the control room via SPOTMOS and in SPDS in the TSC or EOF. The data can be verbally transmitted ifrequired.

PLA-4362 FILE R41-2 Document Control Desk ve In the Cold Shutdown or Refueling modes the Main Steam Line plugs and/or the MSIVs are closed; therefore, the Main Steam Lines are isolated and the radiation monitors would be reading downscale. This information is available in both the relay room and the control room via hard-wired recorders and indicators.

The, RBCCW radiation level is available in both the relay room and the control room via hard-wired recorders and indicators. This information can be verbally transmitted ifrequired w w In the Cold Shutdown and Refueling modes, the Feedwater system is not in operation. Therefore, the Feedwater flow would be reading downscale.

The reactor pressure can be obtained from indicators in the control room and from SPDS. This information can be verbally transmitted ifrequired.

In the Cold Shutdown and Refueling modes, the High Pressure Coolant Injection System is not operable. Therefore, the High Pressure Injection Coolant flow would be reading downscale.

The Low Pressure Coolant Injection flow can be obtained &om hard-wired indicators and recorders in the control room and verbally transmitted if required.

In the Cold Shutdown and Refueling modes, the Reactor Core Isolation Coolant flow system is not operable. Therefore, the Reactor Core Isolation Coolant flow would be reading downscale.

The APRM flux readings can be obtained from indicators and recorders located in both the relay room and the control room. This information can be if verbally transmitted required.

PLA-4362 FILE R41-2 Document Control Desk the IRM readings would be small; however, the IRM readings can be obtained from the hard-wired recorders located in the control room and could be verbally transmitted ifrequired.

~ Recirculation Loo Tem erature The recirculation loop temperature can be obtained from a recorder located in the control room. This data can be verbally transmitted ifrequired.

~ SLC Stora e Tank Level The SLC storage tank level is available from indicators located in the control room.

data can be verbally transmitted ifrequired. 'his

~ Area Radiation Monitors The area radiation monitor reading can be obtained from recorders and indicators located in both the control room and the relay room. This information can be verbally transmitted ifrequired.

~ Vent Stack Data The vent stack data is available from the SPING control terminals in both the control room and TSC and from SPDS. This information can be verbally transmitted if required.

DOSE ASSESSMENT The dose assessment program (MIDAS) obtains its vent stack inputs via manual entry from the Met/Vent printouts. Different sources for the input data are required because the Met/Vent printouts will not contain the vent stack data during the installation of the PICSY project since the control terminal interface with RDAS will be out of service. The required input data is available from the SPING control terminals in both the control room and the TSC. The temporary loss of the Met/Vent printouts does not decrease the effectiveness of our response to an emergency.

TRAININGAND PROCEDURES All necessary training and procedural changes have been identified to support the needs for implementing the PICSY project. Activities have commenced to assure operators and emergency response personnel have the appropriate training and procedural guidance to accommodat'e both the installation and subsequent operation of the new computer system.

PLA-4362 FILE R41-2 Document Control Desk Ifyou have any questions, please contact Mr. C. T. Coddington at (610) 774-7531.

Very truly yours, R. yra Attachment copy: NRC Region I Ms. M. Banerjee, NRC Sr. Resident Inspector Mr. C. Poslusny, NRC Sr. Project Manager Mr. R. Keimig Region I Mr. F. Laughlin Region I

ATTAC NT TO PLA-4362 TABLE 1 IPm'cess':.'Ci'n'if'",.,'.4':.;:f'!19:,.: .""~'"""' - Parameter Bescrjphon-'--.

VlV ... ('M CSL01 Condensate Storage Tank 1 Level CSL02 Condensate Storage Tank 2 Level NAR01 Radiation Level of Main Steam Line A NAR02 Radiation Level of Main Steam Line B NAR03 Radiation Level of Main Steam Line C NAR04 Radiation Level of Main Steam Line D NFF52 Feedwater Flow A into Reactor System NFF53 Feedwater Flow B into Reactor System NFF54 Feedwater Flow C into Reactor System NGF01 High Pressure Coolant Injection Flow NHF01 Low Pressure Coolant Injection A Flow NHF02 Low Pressure Coolant Injection B Flow

'IF01 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Flow NN109 IRM A Flux, % of Scale NN112 IRM D Flux, % of Scale

'NN115 IRM G Flux, % of Scale NN116 IRM H Flux, % of Scale NNX01 IRM A Range Switch Position NNX04 IRM D Range Switch Position NNX07 IRM G Range Switch Position NNX08 IRM H Range Switch Position NNZ54 IRM Detectors not Full in Position NNZ59 IRM Bypass EGRPRX1 Rad Release (Particulate) Reactor Building Vent Unit 1 EGRIRX1 Rad Release (I-131) Reactor Building Vent Unit 1 EGRNRX1 Rad Release (Noble Gas) Reactor Building Vent Unit 1 EGRPRX2 Rad Release (Particulate) Reactor Building Vent Unit 2 EGRIRX2 Rad Release (1-131) Reactor Building Vent Unit 2 EGRNRX2 Rad Release (Noble Gas) Reactor Building Vent Unit 2

ATTACH NT TO PLA-4362 EGRPTB1 Rad Release (Particulate) Turbine Building Vent. Unit 1 EGRITB1 Rad Release (1-131) Turbine Building Vent Unit 1 EGRNTB1 Rad Release (Noble Gas) Turbine Building Vent Unit 1 EGRPSGTS Rad Release (Particulate) SGTS Vent EGRISGTS Rad Release (1-131) SGTS Vent EGRNSGTS Rad Release (Noble Gas) SGTS Vent EGRPTB2 Rad Release (Particulate) Turbine Building Vent Unit 2 EGRITB2 Rad Release (1-131) Turbine Building Vent Unit 2 EGRNTB2 Rad Release (Noble Gas) Turbine Building Vent Unit 2 EGRP SITE Rad Release (Particulate) Site Total EGRISITE Rad Release (I-131) Site Total EGRNSITE Rad Release (Noble Gas) Site Total

ATTAC NT TO PLA-4362 TABLE 2 CSL01 Coridensate Storage Tank 1 Level CSL02 Condensate Storage Tank 2 Level MAT37 Suppression Pool Bulk Temperature D1 MAT38 Suppression Pool Bulk Temperature D2 NAR01 Main Steam Line Radiation A NAR02 ,Main Steam Line Radiation B NAR03 Main Steam Line Radiation C NAR04 Main Steam Line Radiation D NAR07 RBCCW Radiation NFF52 Feedwater Flow A into Reactor System NFF53 Feedwater Flow B into Reactor System NFF54 Feedwater Flow C into Reactor System NFP51 Reactor Pressure NGF01 HPCI Pump Discharge Line Flow NHF01 RHR System A Flow NHF02 RHR System B Flow NIF01 RCIC Flow NM551 APRM A Flux Level NN109 IRM A Flux NN112 Nuclear Instrument, Intermediate Range D NN115 Nuclear Instrument, Intermediate Range G NN116 Nuclear Instrument, Intermediate Range H NNX01 IRM A Range Switch Position NNX04 IRM D Range Switch Position NNX07 IRM G Range Switch Position NNXOS -IRM H Range Switch Position NNZ54 IRM Detectors Not Full in Position NNZ59 IRM Bypass NRT52 Recirculation Loop A Pump Suction Temperature NXL01 SLC Storage Tank Level PAR07 ARM-07-Offgas Area PAR15 ARM-15-Refuel Floor North EGRPRX1 Rad Release (Particulate) Reactor Building Vent Unit 1 EGRIRX1 Rad Release g-131) Reactor Building Vent Unit 1

ATTAC ENT TO PLA-4362 c in EGRNRX1 Rad Release (Noble Gas) Reactor Building Vent Unit 1 Rad Release (Particulate) Reactor Building Vent Unit 2 EGRIRX2 Rad Release (I-131) Reactor Building Vent Unit 2 EGRNRX2 Rad Release (Noble Gas) Reactor Building Vent Unit 2 EGRPTB1 Rad Release (Particulate) Turbine Building Vent Unit 1 EGRITB1 Rad Release (I-131) Turbine Building Vent Unit 1

EGRNTB1 Rad Release (Noble Gas) Turbine Building Vent Unit 1 EGRPSGTS Rad Release (Particulate) SGTS Vent EGRISGTS Rad Release (I-131) SGTS Vent EGRNSGTS Rad Release (Noble Gas) SGTS Vent EGRPTB2 Rad Release (Particulate) Turbine Building Vent Unit 2 EGRITB2 Rad Release (I-131) Turbine Building Vent Unit 2

EGRNTB2 Rad Release (Noble Gas) Turbine Building Vent Unit 2 EGRP SITE Rad Release (Particulate) Site Total EGRISITE Rad Release (1-131) Site Total EGRNSITE Rad Release (Noble Gas) Site Total