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Sanitized Version of Proposed Tech Spec Change Requesting Increase in Reactor Thermal Power Limit
Person / Time
Site: Cook American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 04/07/1982
Shared Package
ML17326A948 List:
NUDOCS 8205030424
Download: ML17326A949 (9)


I .0 OE."-:NlTIONS OE.""iNEO TERMS I .1 The OEFINEO TERMS of this section appear in capitalized type and are appl icabl e thr oughout these Technical Speci ficz=ions.

'THERMAL'OWER 1.2 THERMAL POWER shall be .he total reactor core heat transfer rate o the reactor coolant.

RATED THERMAL POWER 1.3 RATED THERMAL POWER shall be a total reactor care heat transfer rate'to he reactor coolant of 3411 HWt.

OPERATiONAL H00 1.4 An OP RATiONAL MOOE shall correspond to any one inclusive combina-tion o core reactivity condition, power level and average reac.or coolant tanoerature specified in Table 1.1.

ACiI ON ACTiGN shall be those additional requll ements spec'.fied as corollary statements to each principle specification and shall be par=. of the specifications .

OPERABL"- - 0?E?ABILITY 1.6 A s.stan, subsys-am, train, componen-'or devicie shall be G'PER'BL=

orhave OPERAB LITY wnen it is capable of perfor.~isa its specified func-ion(s). ImoIlciz in tnis dei inition shall e e assu . t n ~ c-.

all necessary a" endant.instrument'ion, con..r" Is, im,.al <<nd erne."ency electrical power sources, cooling or seal wa:er, lubrication or ot.'".er auxii iary =oui,"men~ =ha: are reouiired for the sys-.w, s bsys:=m:-=in .

component or device -.o perform i;s func-..'on(s) are also capable of per;orming .hei r reIa".>> support function{s).~

Qn Au us~ I'981 <<nd mucus"' I, Ical the foiiowirc s<<f<<v ro centers,. and swi:rhaea. we. e ~ discove.ed M i ~ ~ t" C ~ inadecua-e lsat ihave i iC>> ~%%~I ~

~ ~ <<ii i ~

su"por:: mo=or cor,~roi centers, Unit 2 only num"e. s HCC-2-.-'.i4-A (b) -I Swi t".",gear (a> =GOY

~ussas/ i p aors ne s numoel s 4 4 t I I A, ~C)


n 9 i ot 'ii i I = Ac I@I nd 5 for Unit 2, ad (c) Swj.chcear "uses/Cabine-;s 11 A,Z. C and 0;or Unit 1 and 2. Ai .C, =nd 0 -.or "OCV snail 'e dec Iared ccerabie providiing ~e following restric ions

'ni..:he ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~i&

<<'-ove e-uj-;..en:

C. CQGK - UN".T 2 sso 5 os o VP'II'

Attachment Ho. 0 to AEP:NRC:00637A Doriald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit No. 2 Technical S ecification Chan e

TABLE 2.2-~1Cnntl>>ued}

HEACTOlt Tpll SYSTEH lHSTlluHEHTATIOH Tnrp SETPOIHTS HOfATlOH 1+L S H01'E 1: OverlelllpeI a lure hT < hT f K1-K2 1 (T-T )~K3(P-0 )- f1 (hl)]

~ ~

wbere: 'nT 0

indicated AT at AATEO THEflHAl. POWElt II Average Leroperature, 'F ln l I ca te 1 T a t HATEO THEAHAL pOWEB < 5>4. o a v<J I Pressurizer pressure, psig pr 2235 psig (indicated ltCS nenlnal operating pressure)


1lr S a l<(~S

": Tbe function general.ed by tbe lead-lag controller for T av(J dynamic cooipensatlon

>)  ;

Time c( istants utilized ln tbe lead-la9 control1er for Tag <<1

~ 33 secs, secs. avg 4

I 2 l,apl ace t,rans fora> opera l.or 2a LD Ci lQ Ig ai n


TAIILE 2.2-1 )Conti~numl IIEACTAtt Ttl I P SYSTEM lttSTAttHEttTATIOH TltIP SETPOItlTS tto rATrntl~Co>>t l nue>d

. v3S i)t)te 2 Dverpnwer hT < AT [K K T K (T T ) f2 (hI)]

o 0 5 tt~3S t 6 wtle! e ~ hT- Indlca Led hT a t ra t.ed power T --, Average tempera l.ure, F T" lndlcaLeil T at !LATED TllEttt<AL POWEll < 574-0'F avg a K) 1. 0/8 0.02/ F for increasing average temperature.and 0 for decreasing average temperature K

6 0.00191 for T > T"; K "-

0 for T < T" 6

)3S it!.S Tbe function generated by Ll)e rate 1ag contro1ler for T 3 dynamic compensation avg 3

Time constant utilized ln tbe rate 'lag controller for T 10 secs. avg 3

S " Laiilace trans form operator f2(hl ) 0 for all hl I

flute 3: lbe ~'.bannel's maxim<co Lrlp l!olnl. sball not exceed its coo>1)uted trip point by more tban tu!rcent. W

Attachment No. 6 to AEP:NRC:00637A Oonald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Technical Specification Change


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OESIGH F"=FUTURES 5.3 REACTOR CORE rdEL ASSaatHLIES 5.3.1 The reac.or core shall contain 193 fuel assemblies with each fuel assembly containing 264 fuel rods clad with Drcaloy -4. ech fuel rod shall have a nominal ac.ive,uel length of 14< inches and contain a maximum total weicht of 1983 crams uranium.'ne initial cor loading shall have a maxinlum enrichment of 3.3.weight per" nt U-Z35. Reload

,uel shall be similar in physic I desicn to the initial cor loading and sha11 have a maximum nominal eirichment of 3.84 weight percent U-235.

COHTROL ROO ASS&e. 8LIES 5.3.2 ine reactor core shall contain 53 ull length and no par- length control r d assemolies. one full length centrol rod assemblies shall can ain a nominal I4Z inches of absorber r ateriaI. The nominal values of absorber material shall be 80 pere nt silver, 15 oerc nt indium and 5 oe. c n. ca4aium. A I I control. rods shall be clad with s ainless steel ublng.

5.4 R""4CTOR COOLANT SYS724 OE IGh gRESSURE AND ~)~ PHA~~JR ine r cwr c alan. sys-.m is d signed and shall be saint ired:

rdppce wi h ',e c dn >~oui, w lan is eci fiad, 1 ar r m ~ c 4.1,6 of -.".e r AR, wi-.h allowance ..r .", "'ecrara-icz ou. uan::o =.e ool-'cabI Su-.r i11anc R uir men=-.

V ~ ,=.r ~ "r ssur af 2-'~5 si", nd a -amce. z:ure is "aO

0. C. COOK - UNIT 2

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