Letter Sequence Approval |
MONTHYEARML12032A1352012-01-23023 January 2012 Revised Pilgrim Relief Request (PRR)-21, Revision 3, Contingency Repair Plan for Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Standby Liquid Control Nozzle Weld, RPV-N14-1 Project stage: Request ML1204408312012-02-13013 February 2012 E-mail from R.Guzman to W.Lobo Regarding Relief Request PRR-21 RPV SLC Nozzle Weld Repair - Withdrawal Acknowledgement and Request for Additional Information Project stage: RAI ML12128A1522012-04-0505 April 2012 Revised Pilgrim Relief Request (PRR)-21, Revision 4, Contingency Repair Plan for Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Standby Liquid Control Nozzle Weld, RPV-N14-1 Project stage: Request ML12174A1472012-07-10010 July 2012 Safety Evaluation for Relief Request PRR-21, Rev 4, to Install a Weld Overlay on RPV-n14-1 Standby Liquid Control Safe-End Nozzle Weld at Pilgrim Project stage: Approval 2012-02-13
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Category:Code Relief or Alternative
MONTHYEARML18128A0672018-06-0808 June 2018 Arkansas, Units 1 and 2; Grand Gulf, Unit 1; Indian Point Unit Nos. 2 and 3; Palisades; Pilgrim; River Bend Station, Unit 1; and Waterford, Unit-3 Relief Request No. EN-17-RR-1, Alternative to Use ASME Code Case N-513-4 CNRO-2017-00022, Relief Request Number EN-17-RR-1 - Proposed Alternative to Use ASME Code Case N-513-4, Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Flaws in Moderate-Energy Class 2 or 3 Piping, Section XI, Division 12017-11-17017 November 2017 Relief Request Number EN-17-RR-1 - Proposed Alternative to Use ASME Code Case N-513-4, Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Flaws in Moderate-Energy Class 2 or 3 Piping, Section XI, Division 1 ML17093A8942017-05-12012 May 2017 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Relief Requests PNPS-ISI-001 and PNPS-ISI-002, Relief from ASME Code Volumetric Examination Requirements for the Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC Nos. MF8092 and MF8093) ML16257A5732016-09-15015 September 2016 Issuance of Relief Request No. PRR-52-Relief from ASME Code, Section XI Requirements for Pressure Testing of Class 1 Pressure Retaining Components as a Result of Repair/Replacement Activity and Use of Code Case N-795 ML16194A3262016-08-0404 August 2016 Issuance of Relief Request No. PRR-53 - Relief from ASME Code, Section XI Requirements for Ultrasonic Inspection Qualifications of Weld Overlays ML16096A2692016-06-0606 June 2016 Arkansas; Grand Gulf; James A. Fitzpatrick; Indian Point; Palisades; Pilgrim; River Bend; and Waterford - Relief Request RR-EN-15-2, Proposed Alternative to Use ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-786-1 ML16042A2912016-03-15015 March 2016 Issuance of Proposed Alternative Relief Request PRR-51, Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code ML16057A1772016-02-16016 February 2016 Supplement to Request for Approval of Pilgrim Relief Request (PRR)-52, Proposed Alternative in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(2) Pressure Testing of Mechanical Joints as a Result of Performance of a Repair/Replacement Activity and Use of ML15338A3092016-01-0505 January 2016 Relief Request PRR-50, Relief from the Requirement of the ASME Code, Implementation of Code Case N-702 CNRO-2015-00017, Entergy Submits Relief Request RR EN-15-1 - Proposed Alternative to Use ASME Code Case N-789-1, Alternative Requirements for Pad Reinforcement of Class 2 and 3 Moderate Energy Carbon Steel Piping for Raw Waster Service, Section XI, D2015-06-0505 June 2015 Entergy Submits Relief Request RR EN-15-1 - Proposed Alternative to Use ASME Code Case N-789-1, Alternative Requirements for Pad Reinforcement of Class 2 and 3 Moderate Energy Carbon Steel Piping for Raw Waster Service, Section XI, Division ML15103A0692015-04-21021 April 2015 Relief Request PRR-24 Regarding Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds and Nozzle Inner Radii Examination ML14198A1572014-08-0101 August 2014 Relief Requests PR-03 and PR-05 Regarding the Inservice Testing Program (Tac MF0370) ML12174A1472012-07-10010 July 2012 Safety Evaluation for Relief Request PRR-21, Rev 4, to Install a Weld Overlay on RPV-n14-1 Standby Liquid Control Safe-End Nozzle Weld at Pilgrim JAFP-11-0112, Relief Request (RR-8), Alternative Examination Requirements for Nozzle-to-Vessel Shell Welds and Nozzle Inner Radius Sections Using American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code Case N-702 and BWRVIP-108NP2011-10-0303 October 2011 Relief Request (RR-8), Alternative Examination Requirements for Nozzle-to-Vessel Shell Welds and Nozzle Inner Radius Sections Using American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code Case N-702 and BWRVIP-108NP ML0923705492009-09-11011 September 2009 Relief Request (PRR)19, Install a Weld Overlay on Jet Pump Instrumentation Nozzle Weld RPV-N9A-1- Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML0911304562009-04-30030 April 2009 Relief Request ISI-2008-1, Use of Later ASME Section XI Code Edition and Addenda for Repair and Replacement, Pressure Testing, and Destructive Testing Activities-Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station CNRO-2009-00003, Letter from Entergy Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Request ISI-2008-1 Use of Later ASME Section Xl Code Edition and Addenda for Repair and Replacement, Pressure Testing, and Non Destructive Examination Activ2009-03-17017 March 2009 Letter from Entergy Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Request ISI-2008-1 Use of Later ASME Section Xl Code Edition and Addenda for Repair and Replacement, Pressure Testing, and Non Destructive Examination Activities ML0813004082008-05-27027 May 2008 Relief Request No. RV-07, Alternate to the ASME OM Code 5-Year Test Interval for Main Steam Safety Relief Valves - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML0805801992008-02-14014 February 2008 Request for Approval of Relief Request No. PRR-16, Implementation of BWRVIP Guidelines in Lieu of ASME Section XI Code Requirements on Reactor Vessel Internals and Components Inspection ML0724201612007-09-27027 September 2007 Relief for the Reactor Core Shroud Stabilizer Assemblies ML0618701632006-06-28028 June 2006 Request for Approval of ASME Code, Section XI, Third Ten-Year Relief Request, PRR-42, Examinations of Component Welds with Less than Essentially 100% Examination Coverage ML0606601322006-04-0505 April 2006 Relief Request No. PIL-05-R-002, ML0602400552006-03-22022 March 2006 Relief Request No. PRR-9, ML0601201272006-02-17017 February 2006 Relief Request No. PPR-05 ML0519902762005-08-29029 August 2005 Entergy Relief Request PR-03 High-Pressure Coolant Injection Pump ML0519201572005-06-29029 June 2005 Fourth Ten-Year Inservice Inspection Program Plan and the Associated Relief Requests for NRC Approval ML0429203582005-02-25025 February 2005 Request - Alternative Repair Plan for Generic Letter 88-01, Reactor Pressure Vessel Nozzle-To Cap Weld in the Control Rod Drive Return Line ML0423100082005-01-0606 January 2005 Relief Request No. PRR-29, Relief from System Hydrostatic Test Requirements for Small Bore ASME Code Class 1 Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Vent, Drain and Branch Lines and Connections ML0427406642004-10-14014 October 2004 Relief Request Nos. R-33, R-71, R 3-40(A) and R-41, James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and No. 3 and Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML0429505512004-10-12012 October 2004 Response to NRC Request for Additional Information and Revised Relief Request, PRR-39, Rev. 1 ML0417401842004-07-0606 July 2004 Relief Request, Nos. RR-34 and PRR for the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection (ISI) Interval, MC1999 and MC2006 ML0410700882004-07-0606 July 2004 Relief Request to Use American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME Code) Case N-600 ML0407807052004-04-30030 April 2004 Relief Request, Fourth 10-Year Inservice Testing (IST) Program and Request for Approval of IST Relief Requests ML0408205162004-03-22022 March 2004 Relief Request Nos. RR-68, RR3-37, and PRR-34 (TAC MC1559, MC1560, & MC1561) ML0402600132004-02-26026 February 2004 Pilgrim Relief Request Review, Relief Request No. 38, Relief from ASME Code, Section XI, Appendix Viii, Supplement 11, Qualification Requirements for Full Structural Overlaid Wrought Austenitic Piping Welds. JPN-03-020, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 & 3, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Relief, Relief Request to Use ASME Code Case N-6002003-08-11011 August 2003 Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 & 3, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Relief, Relief Request to Use ASME Code Case N-600 ML0312701492003-05-0808 May 2003 Relief Request, Relief from ASME Code, Section XI, Appendix Viii, Supplement 10, Performance Demonstration for Ultrasonic Examination Systems ML0306402042003-04-11011 April 2003 Relief Request, Examinations of Reactor Pressure Vessel Circumferential Shell Welds ML0224002392002-09-17017 September 2002 Relief, Code Relief Request from Section XI, the Pump and Valve Inservice Testing Program Regarding Inclusion of Additional Excess Flow Check Valves ML0216800622002-06-0505 June 2002 Code Relief, Pilgrim Relief Request (PRR)-27 Relief from 1989 ASME Code Section XI Requirements for Certification of VT-2 Visual Examination Personnel 2018-06-08
[Table view] Category:Letter
MONTHYEARML24240A1692024-09-18018 September 2024 Cy 2023 Summary of Decommissioning Trust Fund Status IR 05000293/20240022024-08-21021 August 2024 NRC Inspection Report No. 05000293/2024002 PNP 2024-030, Update Report for Holtec Decommissioning International Fleet Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program Rev. 3 and Palisades Transitioning Quality Assurance Plan, Rev 02024-08-0202 August 2024 Update Report for Holtec Decommissioning International Fleet Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program Rev. 3 and Palisades Transitioning Quality Assurance Plan, Rev 0 ML24151A6482024-06-0303 June 2024 Changes in Reactor Decommissioning Branch Project Management Assignments for Some Decommissioning Facilities ML24129A1042024-05-26026 May 2024 Preapplication Readiness Assessment Plan for the Holtec Decommissioning International License Termination Plan ML24136A2382024-05-14014 May 2024 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 2023 ML24135A3212024-05-14014 May 2024 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, January 1 Through December 31, 2023 IR 05000293/20240012024-05-0707 May 2024 NRC Inspection Report No. 05000293/2024001 L-24-009, HDI Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Data Reports - 20232024-04-29029 April 2024 HDI Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Data Reports - 2023 L-24-010, Request for Preapplication Readiness Assessment of the Draft License Termination Plan2024-04-22022 April 2024 Request for Preapplication Readiness Assessment of the Draft License Termination Plan L-24-007, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations – Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC (HDI)2024-03-29029 March 2024 Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations – Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC (HDI) IR 05000293/20230032024-02-29029 February 2024 NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000293/2023003 and 05000293/2023004 L-24-002, Late LLRW Shipment Investigation Report Pursuant to 10 CFR 20, Appendix G2024-02-0202 February 2024 Late LLRW Shipment Investigation Report Pursuant to 10 CFR 20, Appendix G ML23342A1182024-01-0909 January 2024 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Security Inspection Plan L-23-019, Proof of Financial Protection 10 CFR 140.152023-12-18018 December 2023 Proof of Financial Protection 10 CFR 140.15 ML23334A1822023-11-30030 November 2023 Biennial Report for the Defueled Safety Analysis Report Update, Technical Specification Bases Changes, 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation Summary, and Regulatory Commitment Change Summary – November 2021 Through October 2023 L-23-012, Master Decommissioning Trust Agreement Changes for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 1, 2 and 3, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Palisades Nuclear Plant and the Non-Qualified Trust for Big Rock Point2023-11-13013 November 2023 Master Decommissioning Trust Agreement Changes for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 1, 2 and 3, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Palisades Nuclear Plant and the Non-Qualified Trust for Big Rock Point ML23306A0992023-11-0202 November 2023 And Indian Point Energy Center, Notification of Changes in Schedule in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.82(a)(7) ML23300A0022023-10-27027 October 2023 10 CFR 72.48 Biennial Change Summary Report IR 05000293/20234012023-08-31031 August 2023 NRC Inspection Report No. 05000293/2023401 & 2023001 (Cover Letter Only) IR 05000293/20230022023-08-0404 August 2023 NRC Inspection Report No. 05000293/2023002 L-23-008, Correction to Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations – Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC (HDI)2023-05-23023 May 2023 Correction to Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations – Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC (HDI) ML23135A2152023-05-15015 May 2023 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, January 1 Through December 31, 2022 ML23136A7792023-05-15015 May 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, January 1 Through December 31, 2022 L-23-004, HDI Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Data Reports - 20222023-04-24024 April 2023 HDI Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Data Reports - 2022 L-23-003, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations2023-03-31031 March 2023 Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations ML23088A0382023-03-29029 March 2023 Stations 1, 2, & 3, Palisades Nuclear Plant, and Big Rock Point - Nuclear Onsite Property Damage Insurance ML23069A2782023-03-13013 March 2023 Request for Scoping Comments Concerning the Environmental Review of Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 1 Subsequent License Renewal Application ML22361A1022023-02-24024 February 2023 Reactor Decommissioning Branch Project Management Changes for Some Decommissioning Facilities and Establishment of Backup Project Manager for All Decommissioning Facilities IR 05000293/20220042023-02-15015 February 2023 NRC Inspection Report No. 05000293/2022004 ML22356A0712023-01-31031 January 2023 Issuance of Exemption for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ISFSI Regarding Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report - Cover Letter ML22347A2782022-12-21021 December 2022 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Security Inspection Plan Dated December 21, 2022 L-22-042, Oyster, Pilgrim, Indian Point, Palisades and Big Rock Point - Proof of Financial Protection 10 CFR 140.152022-12-14014 December 2022 Oyster, Pilgrim, Indian Point, Palisades and Big Rock Point - Proof of Financial Protection 10 CFR 140.15 L-22-041, Supplemental Information to Enhance Exemption Request Detail for Pilgrim ISFSI Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Due Date Extension2022-12-0909 December 2022 Supplemental Information to Enhance Exemption Request Detail for Pilgrim ISFSI Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Due Date Extension IR 05000293/20220032022-11-18018 November 2022 NRC Inspection Report No. 05000293/2022003 ML22276A1762022-10-24024 October 2022 Decommissioning International Proposed Revisions to the Quality Assurance Program Approval Forms for Radioactive Material Packages ML22266A1922022-09-23023 September 2022 And Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Request to Withdraw Prior Submissions from NRC Consideration ML22269A4202022-09-22022 September 2022 Citizen Lawsuit ML22272A0352022-09-22022 September 2022 S. Lynch-Benttinen Letter Regarding U.S. Citizen Intent to Sue U.S. Fish and Wildlife and NOAA Fisheries Representing the Endangered Species (Na Right Whale) Which Will Be Adversely Affected by Holtec International Potential Actions ML22241A1122022-08-29029 August 2022 Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 72.212(a)(2), (b)(2), (b)(3), (b)(4), (B)(5)(i), (b)(11), and 72.214 for Pilgrim ISFSI Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report IR 05000293/20220022022-08-12012 August 2022 NRC Inspection Report No. 05000293/2022002 ML22215A1772022-08-0303 August 2022 Decommissioning International (HDI) Proposed Revisions to the Quality Assurance Program Approval Forms for Radioactive Material Packages ML22206A1512022-08-0101 August 2022 NRC Office of Investigations Case Nos. 1-2022-002 & 1-2022-006 ML22221A2592022-08-0101 August 2022 LTR-22-0217-1-NMSS - Town of Duxbury Letter Opposing the Irradiated Water Release from Pilgrim (Docket No. 05000293) ML22193A1662022-07-28028 July 2022 LTR-22-0154-1 - Heather Govern, VP, Clean Air and Water Program, Et Al., Letter Regarding Radioactive Wastewater Disposal from the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (Docket No. 05000293) ML22175A1732022-07-28028 July 2022 LTR-22-0153-1 - Response Letter to D. Turco, Cape Downwinders, from A. Roberts, NRC, Regarding Holtec-Pilgrim Plans to Dump One Million Gallons of Radioactive Waste Into Cape Cod Bay ML22154A4882022-06-0101 June 2022 Letter from Conservation Law Foundation Regarding Irradiated Water Release from Pilgrim ML22154A1622022-05-26026 May 2022 Letter and Email from Save Our Bay/Diane Turco Regarding Irradiated Water Release from Pilgrim ML22136A2572022-05-16016 May 2022 Submittal of Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for January 1 Through December 31, 2021 ML22136A2602022-05-16016 May 2022 Submittal of Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for January 1 Through December 31, 2021 2024-09-18
[Table view] Category:Safety Evaluation
MONTHYEARML21217A1752021-08-0505 August 2021 Amendment No 255 Pilgrim Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Only Physical Security Plan - Public Version ML20328A2972020-12-0101 December 2020 Amendment No. 253 - Non-Safeguards Version ML19276C4202020-01-0202 January 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 252, Request to Remove Cyber Security Plan Requirements for the Permanently Defueled Condition ML19274C6742020-01-0202 January 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 251, Revise Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme to Address Permanently Defueled Condition ML19142A0432019-12-18018 December 2019 Letter and Safety Evaluation, Exemption to Allow Reduced Emergency Planning Requirements; Revise Radiological Emergency Response Plan Consistent with Permanently Defueled Reactor ML19235A0502019-08-27027 August 2019 Issuance of Amendment No. 249 Order Approving Direct Transfer of Renewed Facility Operating License and ISFSI General License and Conforming Amendment ML19170A2502019-08-22022 August 2019 Enclosure 3, Safety Evaluation for Direct and Indirect Transfer of Renewed Facility Operating License to Holtec Pilgrim, LLC, Owner and Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC, Operator (L-2018-LLO-0003) ML19122A1992019-06-11011 June 2019 Review of Spent Fuel Management Plan ML18284A3752018-11-30030 November 2018 Issuance of Amendment No. 248, Revise Site Emergency Plan for On-Shift and Emergency Response Organization Staffing to Address Permanently Defueled Condition ML18128A0672018-06-0808 June 2018 Arkansas, Units 1 and 2; Grand Gulf, Unit 1; Indian Point Unit Nos. 2 and 3; Palisades; Pilgrim; River Bend Station, Unit 1; and Waterford, Unit-3 Relief Request No. EN-17-RR-1, Alternative to Use ASME Code Case N-513-4 ML17066A1302017-07-10010 July 2017 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Issuance of Amendment No. 246, Revise Administrative Controls Section of Technical Specifications to Change Staffing and Training Requirements for Permanently Defueled Condition (CAC No. MF9304) ML17093A8942017-05-12012 May 2017 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Relief Requests PNPS-ISI-001 and PNPS-ISI-002, Relief from ASME Code Volumetric Examination Requirements for the Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC Nos. MF8092 and MF8093) ML17058A3252017-04-12012 April 2017 Approval of Certified Fuel Handler Training and Retraining Program ML16250A2232016-10-28028 October 2016 Issuance of Amendments Proposed Changes to Emergency Plan to Revise Training for the on - Shift Chemistry Technician ML16251A6202016-09-13013 September 2016 Entergy Fleet Request for Approval of Change to the Entergy Quality Assurance Program Manual (CAC Nos. MF7086 - MF7097) ML16082A4602016-06-0606 June 2016 Issuance of Amendment Cyber Security Plan Implementation Schedule ML16096A2692016-06-0606 June 2016 Arkansas; Grand Gulf; James A. Fitzpatrick; Indian Point; Palisades; Pilgrim; River Bend; and Waterford - Relief Request RR-EN-15-2, Proposed Alternative to Use ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-786-1 ML16093A0282016-05-31031 May 2016 Entergy Services, Inc., Proposed Alternative to Utilize ASME Code Case N-789-1, Relief Request RR-EN-15-1, Revision 1 ML16124B0872016-05-0303 May 2016 E-mail Review of Safety Evaluation for Proposed Alternative Relief Request No. PRR-51 ML16042A2912016-03-15015 March 2016 Issuance of Proposed Alternative Relief Request PRR-51, Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code ML16008B0772016-03-0303 March 2016 Safety Evaluation Regarding Implementation of Mitigating Strategies and Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation Related to Orders EA-12-049 and EA-12-051 ML15338A3092016-01-0505 January 2016 Relief Request PRR-50, Relief from the Requirement of the ASME Code, Implementation of Code Case N-702 ML15166A4012015-06-19019 June 2015 Request for Alternative PRR-26 for the Fifth 10-year Inservice Inspection Interval ML15114A0212015-05-0606 May 2015 Issuance of Amendment Regarding the Minimum Critical Power Ratio License Amendment Request ML15103A0692015-04-21021 April 2015 Relief Request PRR-24 Regarding Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds and Nozzle Inner Radii Examination ML15084A0252015-03-23023 March 2015 Non-Proprietary - Safety Evaluation - Fourth 10-Year Interval Inservice Inspection - Request for Relief PRR-24 ML14272A0702015-03-12012 March 2015 Issuance of Amendment 242 Re Revision to Technical Specification 2.1, Safety Limits to Resolve Pressure Regulator Fail-Open Transient ML14336A6612014-12-11011 December 2014 Issuance of Amendment Regarding Cyber Security Plan Implementation Schedule Milestone 8 (Tac No. MF3482) ML14295A6852014-10-31031 October 2014 Issuance of Amendment Regarding Heavy Loads to Facilitate Dry Storage Handling Operations ML14210A2662014-08-0808 August 2014 Arkansas, Units 1 & 2, Big Rock Point, James A. Fitzpatrick, Grand Gulf, Unit 1, Indian Point, Units 1, 2 & 3, Palisades, Pilgrim, River Bend, Unit 1, Vermont Yankee, Waterford, Safety Evaluation Quality Assurance Program Manual, Rev. 24 & ML14198A1572014-08-0101 August 2014 Relief Requests PR-03 and PR-05 Regarding the Inservice Testing Program (Tac MF0370) ML14083A6312014-03-27027 March 2014 Relief Request PRR-22 Regarding a Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Program for Class 1 and 2 Piping Welds ML13149A2152013-05-29029 May 2013 Correction to Staff Assessment Letter to Recommendation 9.3 of the Near-Term Task Force Related to the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident ML13127A1792013-05-21021 May 2013 Staff Assessment in Response to Recommendation 9.3 of the Near-Term Task Force Related to the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident ML13025A3062013-03-14014 March 2013 ANO 1 & 2, Big Rock, FitzPatrick, GGNS, Indian Point 1, 2 & 3, Palisades, Pilgrim, RBS, Vermont Yankee, and Waterford - Correction to Amendments Issued on 12/28/12, Revise QA Program Manual and Staff Qualification Technical Specifications ML12261A1302012-11-13013 November 2012 Issuance of Amendments to Renewed Facility Operating License Changes in Cyber Security Plan Implementation Milestone ML1220100482012-08-0707 August 2012 Issuance of Amendment No. 237 Revision to Condensate Storage Tank Low Level Trip Setpoint ML12174A1472012-07-10010 July 2012 Safety Evaluation for Relief Request PRR-21, Rev 4, to Install a Weld Overlay on RPV-n14-1 Standby Liquid Control Safe-End Nozzle Weld at Pilgrim ML11152A0432011-07-22022 July 2011 License Amendment, Cyber Security Plan ML1106500092011-03-28028 March 2011 Issuance of Amendment No. 235 Revised Technical Specifications for Setpoint and Setpoint Tolerance Increases for Safety Relief Valves and Spring Safety Valves ML1100502982011-01-26026 January 2011 Issuance of Amendment Regarding Revised Pressure and Temperature (P-T) Limit Curves and Relocation of P-T Curves to the PTLR ML1022901632010-08-25025 August 2010 Relief Request PRR-20, Alternative Examination Requirements for Nozzle-To-Shell and Inner Radii Welds Using ASME Code Case N-702 and BWRVIP-108 - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML0936208072010-01-22022 January 2010 Cover Letter, (Non-Proprietary) Order Extending the Effectiveness of the Approval of the Indirect Transfer of Facility Operating Licenses for Big Rock Point, Fitzpatrick, Indian Point, Palisades, Pilgrim, and Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power St ML0936208952010-01-22022 January 2010 Safety Evaluation,(Non-Proprietary) Order Extending the Effectiveness of the Approval of the Indirect Transfer of Facility Operating Licenses for Big Rock Point, Fitzpatrick, Indian Point,Palisades,Pilgrim, and Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power ML0928706472009-10-29029 October 2009 Request for Threshold Determination Under 10 CFR 50.80-Big Rock Point, James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Palisades, Pilgrim, Vermont Yankee ML0927301372009-10-0909 October 2009 Safety Evaluation by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Corporate Restructuring Conversion of Companies and Stock Split-Off by Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc and Subsidiaries ML0923705492009-09-11011 September 2009 Relief Request (PRR)19, Install a Weld Overlay on Jet Pump Instrumentation Nozzle Weld RPV-N9A-1- Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML0911304562009-04-30030 April 2009 Relief Request ISI-2008-1, Use of Later ASME Section XI Code Edition and Addenda for Repair and Replacement, Pressure Testing, and Destructive Testing Activities-Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML0906402242009-03-26026 March 2009 License Amendment, Revised Technical Specifications (TS) Section 2.1.2, Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (SLMCPR) for Two-Loop and Single-Loop Operation ML0815703662008-11-20020 November 2008 License Amendment, Issuance of Amendment Adoption of TSTF-448, Revision 3, Control Room Envelope Habitability 2021-08-05
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UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 July 10, 2012 Site Vice President, Operations Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 600 Rocky Hill Road Plymouth, MA 02360-5508
Dear Sir or Madam:
By letter dated January 23, 2012 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12032A135), and superseded by letter dated April 5, 2012 (ADAMS Accession No. ML12128A152), Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., requested relief from certain American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME Code) requirements at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (Pilgrim). As an alternative to the ASME Code requirements, the licensee proposes to implement a weld overlay (WOL) repair in accordance with ASME Code Case N-504-4, Alternative Rules for Repair of Class 1,2, and 3 Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping,Section XI, Division 1. The alternatives proposed in Pilgrim Relief Request (PRR}-21, revision 4 (Rev. 4) would be used to perform a WOL on the RPV-N14-1 Standby Liquid Control Safe-End Nozzle Weld at Pilgrim The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has reviewed the licensee's submittal and determined that the proposed alternative will provide an acceptable level of quality and safety.
Therefore, pursuant to paragraph 50.55a(a)(3}(i} of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, the NRC staff authorizes the use of PRR-21, Rev. 4 at Pilgrim for use during the remainder of the unit's fourth 10-Year inservice inspection interval which ends June 30,2015.
All other ASME Code,Section XI reqUirements for which relief was not specifically requested and approved remain applicable, including third-party review by the Authorized Nuclear Inservice Jnspector.
- 2 If you have any questions, please contact Richard Guzman, the NRC's Project Manager for Pilgrim at (301) 415-1030 or email richard.guzman@nrc.gov.
George A. Wilson, Chief Plant Licensing Branch 1-1 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-293
Safety Evaluation CC: . Distribution via Ustserv"
By letter dated January 23,2012 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12032A135), and superseded by letter dated April 5, 2012 (ADAMS Accession No. ML12128A152), Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy, the licensee),
requested relief from certain American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME Code) requirements at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (Pilgrim or PNPS).
As an alternative to the ASME Code requirements, the licensee proposes to implement a weld overlay (WOL) repair in accordance with ASME Code Case N-504-4, Alternative Rules for Repair of Class 1,2, and 3 Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping,Section XI, Division 1, as modified by the licensee in its submittal letter. The alternatives proposed in Pilgrim Relief Request (PRR)-21, revision 4 (Rev. 4) would be used to perform a WOL on the RPV-N14-1 Standby Liquid Control Safe-End Nozzle Weld at Pilgrim.
2.0 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), paragraph 50.55a(g)(4),
ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 components (including supports) must meet the requirements, except the design and access provisions and the preservice examination requirements, set forth in the ASME Code,Section XI, "Rules for Inservice Inspection (lSI) of Nuclear Power Plant Components," to the extent practical within the limitations of design, geometry, and materials of construction of the components. The regulations require that inservice examination of components and system pressure tests conducted during the first 10-year interval and subsequent intervals comply with the requirements in the latest edition and addenda of Section XI of the ASME Code incorporated by reference in 10 CFR 50.55a(b) 12 months prior to the start of the 120-month interval, subject to the limitations and modifications listed therein. The code of record for the current fourth PNPS lSI interval is the 1998 Edition with 2000 Addenda of the ASME Code,Section XI.
-2 Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a){3), alternatives to requirements may be authorized by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) if the licensee demonstrates that: (i) the proposed alternatives provide an acceptable level of quality and safety, or (ii) compliance with the specified requirements would result in hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety. The licensee submitted the subject relief request, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(i), which proposed an alternative to the implementation of the ASME Code,Section XI requirements based on ASME Code Case N-504-4 as modified by the licensee for the deposition of a WOL for the remaining service life of the identified component.
Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.147, Inservice Inspection Code Case Acceptability, ASME Code,Section XI, Division 1, lists the code cases that are acceptable to the NRC for application in licensee's ASME Code,Section XI lSI programs. A licensee may use a code case specified in the RG without prior approval by the NRC if it meets the conditions specified for the code case.
3.1 ASME Code Component Affected RPV-N14-1 Standby Liquid Control Safe-End Nozzle Weld 3.2 ASME Code Requirements ASME Code,Section XI, Subparagraph IWA-4421 (a) and Subarticle IWA-4520 require that repair/replacement activities be performed and examined in accordance with the Owner's Requirements and the original Construction Code of the component or system. Alternatively, IWA-4421(b) and (c) allow use of later Editions/Addenda of the Construction Code (or a later different Construction Code such as ASME Code Section III) and revised Owner Requirements.
IWA-4430 and IWA-4600(b) provide alternative welding methods such as temper bead welding when the requirements of Paragraph IWA-4421 cannot be met. IWA-4520 requires that welds and weld repairs be performed in accordance with the Construction Code identified in the Repair/Replacement Plan. IWA-4530(a) requires the performance of pre-service examinations based on Subartic/e /W8-2200 for Class 1 components. Table IW8-2500 prescribes inservice inspection requirements for Class 1 butt welds in piping.
As an alternative to the above, ASME Code,Section XI Code Case N-504-4 specifies requirements for performing the following:
ASME Code Case N-504-4 provides alternative requirements to reduce a defect to a flaw of acceptable size in austenitic stainless steel materials by deposition of a structural WOL on the outside surface of the pipe or component. The NRC has conditionally approved this Code Case in RG 1.147, revision 16 with the following condition:
The provisions of [ASME Code,] Section XI, Nonmandatory Appendix Q, "Weld Overlay Repair of Class 1, 2, and 3 Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Weldments," must be met. In addition, the following conditions shall be met: (a) the total laminar flaw area shall not exceed 10 percent of the weld surface area, and no linear dimension of the laminar flaw area shall exceed the greater of 3 inches or 10 percent of the pipe circumference; (b) the finished overlay surface shall be 250 micro-inch (6.3 micrometers) root mean square or smoother; (c) the
- 3 surface flatness shall be adequate for ultrasonic examination; and (d) radiography shall not be used to detect planar flaws under or masked by laminar flaws.
3.3 Duration of the Alternative The repair performed using this relief request is applicable to the fourth 10-Year lSI interval for PNPS which began July 1, 200S, and will end June 30, 201S.
3.4 Licensee's Proposed Alternatives for ASME Code Case N-S04-4 3.4.1 ASME Code Case N-S04-4 and ASME Code,Section XI Appendix Q apply strictly to austenitic stainless steel piping and weldments. As an alternative, Entergy proposes to use Code Case N-S04-4 and ASME Code,Section XI Appendix Q to perform WOL welding on SB-166 (nozzle body), Alloy 82 welds, and austenitic stainless steel (nozzle safe end) using Alloy S2M (ERNiCrFe-7A) filler metals.
3.4.2 ASME Code Case N-S04-4, paragraph (b) and ASME Code,Section XI Appendix Q, Subparagraph Q-2000(a) require that weld metal used to fabricate WOLs below carbon steel (0.03S%) austenitic stainless steel. As an alternative, Entergy proposes to perform WOL welding using Alloy S2M (ERNiCrFe-7A). Therefore, this requirement does not apply.
3.4.3 ASME Code Case N-S04-4, paragraph (e) and ASME Code,Section XI Appendix Q, paragraph Q-2000(d) require that as-deposited austenitic weld metal used to fabricate WOLs have a delta ferrite content as depicted by a ferrite number (FN) of at least 7.S.
As an alternative, Entergy proposes to perform WOL welding using Alloy S2M (ERNiCrFe-7A) which is purely austenitic. Therefore, this delta ferrite requirement does not apply.
3.4.4 ASME Code Case N-S04-4, paragraph (f)(1) and Appendix Q, paragraph Q-3000(b)(2}
require that the end transition slope of the WOL "not exceed 4So." As an alternative, Entergy proposes to allow the end transition slope to exceed 4So provided the following condition is met: The as-built configuration of the WOL is analyzed by Finite Element Analysis to demonstrate compliance with the applicable stress limits of the Construction Code.
3.4.S ASME Code Case N-S04-4, paragraph (h) requires that a system hydrostatic test be performed in accordance with IWA-SOOO. As an alternative, Entergy proposes to perform a system leakage test in accordance with IWA-SOOO and ultrasonic testing (UT) acceptance examination in accordance with the requirements and acceptance criteria of Appendix Q, Section Q-4000.
3.S Licensee's Basis for Alternatives to Code Case N-S04-4 3.S.1 ASME Code Case N-S04-4 and Appendix Q apply strictly to austenitic stainless steel piping and weldments. As an alternative, Entergy has proposed to use Code Case N-S04-4 and Appendix Q to perform WOL welding on SB-166, Alloy 82 welds, and
-4 austenitic stainless steel using Alloy 52M (ERNiCrFe-7A) filler metals. This proposed alternative is acceptable because the WOl design, fabrication, examination, and preservice/inservice inspection requirements of Code Case N-504-4 and Appendix Q may also be applied to nickel alloy WOls of non-austenitic stainless steels such as low alloy steels and nickel alloys. While some material requirements in Code Case N-504-4 and Appendix Q may only apply to austenitic stainless steels, Entergy has identified these requirements and proposed alternatives to appropriately address them.
3.5.2 ASME Code Case N-504-4, paragraph (b) and Appendix Q, paragraph Q-2000(a) require that weld metal used to fabricate WOls below carbon steel (0.035%) austenitic stainless steel. This requirement was included in Code Case N-504-4 and Appendix Q to reduce the sensitization potential of the austenitic stainless steel WOl, thereby reducing its susceptibility to intergranular stress-corrosion cracking (lGSCC). As an alternative, Entergy has proposed to perform WOl welding using Alloy 52M (ERNiCrFe-7A) weld metal. While carbon content is not a critical factor in assessing resistance of nickel alloys to IGSCC, the chromium content is. This point has been clearly documented in Section 2.2 of EPRI Technical Report MRP-115, "Materials Reliability Program Crack Growth Rates for Evaluating Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking (PWSCC) of Alloy 82, 182, and 132 Welds."
The only well explored effect of the compositional differences among the weld alloys on IGSCC is the influence of chromium. Buisine, et al.
evaluated the IGSCC resistance of nickel-based weld metals with various chromium contents ranging from about 15 percent to 30 percent chromium. Testing was performed in doped steam and primary water.
Alloy 182, with about 14.5 percent chromium, was the most susceptible.
Alloy 82 with 18-20 percent chromium took three or four times longer to crack. For chromium contents between 21 and 22 percent, no stress corrosion crack initiation was observed ...
To conclude, Alloy 52M weld metal has high chromium content (28 -31.5%); therefore, it has excellent resistance to IGSCC.
3.5.3 ASME Code Case N-504-4, paragraph (e) and Appendix Q, paragraph Q-2000(d) require that as-deposited austenitic weld metal used to fabricate WOl have a delta ferrite content of at least 7.5 FN. This requirement was included in Code Case N-504-4 and Appendix Q to reduce the sensitization potential of the austenitic stainless steel WOl, thereby reducing its susceptibility to IGSCC. As an alternative, Entergy has proposed to perform WOl welding using Alloy 52M (ERNiCrFe-7A) weld metal which has a purely austenitic microstructure. Therefore, the requirement to measure delta ferrite does not apply in this application. The susceptibility of nickel alloys to IGSCC is dependent on its chromium content as explained above. Furthermore, the chromium content of the first layer of Alloy 52M weld metal could be reduced due to dilution with the underlying base and weld materials. Because this is the case, Entergy has self imposed the following restriction on the first layer of the WOl:
The first layer of Alloy 52M weld metal deposited may not be credited toward the required thickness. Alternatively, a diluted layer may be
- S credited toward the required thickness, provided the portion of the layer over the austenitic base material, austenitic weld, and the associated dilution zone from an adjacent ferritic base material contains at least 20 percent chromium. The chromium content of the deposited weld metal may be determined by chemical analysis of the production weld or from a representative coupon taken from a mockup prepared in accordance with the WPS [Welding Procedure Specification] (or a representative WPS) for the production weld.
3.S.4 ASME Code Case N-S04-4, paragraph (f)(1) and Appendix Q, paragraph Q-3000(b)(2) require that the end transition slope of the WOL "not exceed 4So". It is Entergy's intent to comply with this requirement. However, the close proximity of the WOL to the instrument lines of the Jet Pump Instrument Penetration Seal Assembly limits Entergy's ability to lengthen the WOL along the penetration seal assembly. This interference could necessitate the design and installation of an end transition slope that exceeds 4So.
Should this condition exists, Entergy will analyze the as-built configuration of the WOL using Finite Element Analysis to demonstrate compliance with the applicable stress limits of the Construction Code or ASME Section III.
3.S.S Code Case N-S04-4, paragraph (h) requires that a system hydrostatic test be performed in accordance with IWA-SOOO when a flaw penetrates the full thickness of the pressure boundary. For non-through-wall flaw conditions, Code Case N-S04-4 allows performance of a system leakage test. Pressure testing is not addressed by Appendix Q. As an alternative, Entergy proposes to perform a system leakage test in accordance with IWA-SOOO. This proposal is consistent with the pressure testing requirements of IWA-4S40 and Code Case N-416-3, except that, the non-destructive examination (NDE) requirements of IWA-4S40 and N-416-3 would not apply to a WOL. The WOL acceptance examination will include both liquid penetrant and UT examinations. Liquid penetrant examinations will be performed in accordance with ASME Section III while the UT examination will be performed in accordance with Appendix VIII, Supplement 11 of ASME Section XI as implemented by the Performance Demonstration Initiative (POI).
The UT acceptance standards are as specified in Tables IW8-3S14-2 and 3.
3.6 NRC Staff Evaluation of Alternatives to Code Case N-S04-4 Under the rules of ASME Code,Section XI, IWA-4421, repairs shall be performed in accordance with the Owner's Requirements and the original Construction Code. Later editions and addenda of the Construction Code or of ASME Code,Section III, either in their entirety or portions thereof, and ASME Code Cases may be used. Code Case N-S04-4, as modified by the identified alternatives, will be used by the licensee for installation of a weld overlay on the RPV-N14-1 Standby Liquid Control Safe-End Nozzle Weld. Code Case N-S04-4 was conditionally approved by the NRC staff for use under RG 1.147, Revision 16. Therefore, the use of Code Case N-S04-4 as an alternative to the mandatory ASME Code repair provisions is acceptable to the NRC staff, provided that all conditions and provisions specified in RG 1.147, Revision 16 are complied with.
The requests for alternative shown in paragraphs 3.S.1, 3.S.2, and 3.S.3 above all relate to the same topic, Le., application of Code Case N-S04-4 and ASME Code,Section XI,
- 6 Appendix Q to S8-166, Alloy 82 welds, and austenitic stainless steel using Alloy 52M (ERNiCrFe-7A) filler metals instead of strictly austenitic stainless steel piping and weldments. Therefore, the bases for paragraph 3.6.1 below apply to paragraphs 3.6.2 and 3.6.3 also.
The licensee's proposed implementation of ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix Q for the lSI and subsequent additional examinations of the WOL is acceptable since RG 1.147, Revision 16 requires this condition to be met when using ASME Code Case N-504-4.
ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix Q, provides an alternative to the requirements of IWA-4420, IWA-4520, IWA-4530, and IWA-4600 for making repairs to, and the examination of, Class 1, 2, and 3 austenitic stainless steel pipe weldments by deposition of a weld overlay on the outside surface of the pipe.
3.6.1 The first and second proposed modifications to the Code Case N-504-4 and ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix Q, provisions involve the use of a nickel-based alloy weld material rather than austenitic stainless steel. The licensee stated that Paragraph (b) of Code Case N-504-4 requires that the reinforcement weld material shall be low carbon (0.035% maximum) austenitic stainless steel and ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix Q is for Weld Overlay Repair of Class 1, 2, and 3 Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Weldments. In lieu of the stainless steel weld material, Alloy 52M, a consumable welding wire, which is highly resistant to SCC, was proposed for the overlay weld material. The NRC staff notes that the use of Alloy 52M material is consistent with weld materials used to perform similar WOLs at other operating boiling water reactor (8WR) facilities. The NRC staff also notes that the licensee is performing the subject WOL on dissimilar metal welds made of Alloy 821182 material. For material compatibility in welding, the NRC staff considers that Alloy 52M is a better choice of filler material than austenitic stainless steel material for this weld joint configuration. Alloy 52M contains about 30 percent chromium which would provide excellent resistance to SCC if exposed to the reactor coolant environment. This material is identified as F-No. 43 filler metal and has been previously approved by the NRC staff for similar applications. Therefore, the licensee's proposed use of Alloy 52M for the WOL as a modification to the requirements of Code Case N-504-4, Paragraph (b) and ASME Code Section XI, Appendix Q is acceptable as it will provide an acceptable level of quality and safety.
The third proposed modification is to Code Case N-504-4 Paragraph (e) and ASME Code Section XI, Appendix Q which require as-deposited delta ferrite measurements of at least 7.5 FN for the weld reinforcement. The licensee proposed that delta ferrite measurements will not be performed for this overlay because the deposited Alloy 52M material is 100 percent austenitic and contains no delta ferrite due to the high nickel composition (approximately 60 percent nickel). Code Case N-504-4 and ASME Code Section XI, Appendix Q are designed for WOL repair of austenitic stainless steel piping.
Therefore, the material requirements regarding the delta ferrite content of at least 7.5 FN, as delineated in Code Case N-504-4, Paragraph (e), and ASME Code Section XI, Appendix Q for an austenitic stainless steel WOL material are not applicable to Alloy 52M, a nickel-based material which would be used for the WOL. Therefore, the NRC staff finds that the requested alternative will provide an acceptable level of quality and safety.
-7 3.6.2 Same as 3.6.1.
3.6.3 Same as 3.6.1 3.6.4 The fourth proposed modification is to Code Case N-504-4, paragraph (f)(1) and ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix Q, Subparagraph Q-3000(b)(2) which require that the end transition slope of the WOL "not exceed 45°." The licensee intends to comply with this requirement. However, the primary purpose of this weld overlay is to make the weld configuration able to be UT inspected, but due to the geometry of the configuration of the weldment and interferences from other equipment the licensee may not be able to comply with this requirement. The licensee will demonstrate compliance with the applicable stress limits of the Construction Code or ASME Code,Section III on this weld configuration. Therefore, since the weld configuration will meet the applicable stress limits of the original Construction Code or ASME Code,Section III, the NRC staff finds that the requested alternative will provide an acceptable level of quality and safety.
3.6.5 The licensee's proposed modification to Paragraph (h) of Code Case N-504-4 is to perform leak testing in accordance with ASME Code,Section XI, IWA-5000. Use of a leak test at normal operating temperature and pressure in lieu of a hydrostatic test has been incorporated in ASME Code,Section XI beginning in the 1998 Edition with the 1999 Addenda. Pilgrim is currently in its fourth 10-year lSI interval and the lSI Code of record for the fourth 1O-year lSI interval is the 1998 Edition with 2000 Addenda of the ASME Code,Section XI. As the licensee's alternative is consistent with the current practice, the NRC staff finds the licensee's basis for this alternative as acceptable.
Based on the discussion above, the NRC staff concludes that the alternatives proposed in PRR-21, Rev. 4 to perform a WOL on the RPV-N14-1 Standby Liquid Control Safe-End Nozzle Weld dissimilar metal weld will provide an acceptable level of quality and safety. Therefore, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(i), the NRC staff authorizes PRR-21, Rev. 4 for the instal/ation of a WOL on the RPV-N14-1 Standby Liquid Control Safe-End Nozzle Weld dissimilar metal weld. This relief request is authorized for use during the remainder of the unit's fourth 10-Year lSI interval which ends June 30, 2015.
All other ASME Code,Section XI requirements for which relief was not specifically requested and approved in this relief request remain applicable, including third party review by the Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector.
Principal Contributor: E. Andruszkiewicz Date: July 10, 2012
' ML12174A147 'via memo dated r-Q-~fL~~ I DORULPLI-1/PM DORULPLI-1/PM DORULPLI-1/LA DE/EVIB/BC I DORULPLI-1/BC NAME I SBasturescu RGuzman KGoldstein SRosenberg* GWilson DATE I 6/28/12 6/28/12 6/26/12 6/06/12 7/10/12