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NRC Staff Hearing File Update 4
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/2012
From: Catherine Kanatas
To: William Froehlich, Kastenberg W, Nicholas Trikouros
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 22142, 50-346-LR, ASLBP 11-907-01-LR-BD01
Download: ML12090A205 (10)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20555 - 0001 March 30, 2012 Administrative Judge Administrative Judge William J. Froehlich, Chair Nicholas G. Trikouros Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Mail Stop: T-3F23 Mail Stop: T-3F23 Washington, DC 20555-001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Administrative Judge Dr. William E. Kastenberg Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Mail Stop: T-3F23 Washington, DC 20555-0001 In the Matter of FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.

(Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1)

Docket No. 50-346-LR

Dear Administrative Judges:

Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. §§ 2.1203 and 2.336 and as modified by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards (Board) Memorandum and Order dated June 15, 2011 (Order), the staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Staff) is providing an index identifying documents subject to disclosure under the Boards Order. On or about April 6, 2012, materials in the hearing file may be accessed through the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) and through the Electronic Hearing Docket (EHD). The index contains the ADAMS accession number, document date, and the document title.

Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(c), attached is the Affidavit of Samuel Cuadrado De Jesus, certifying that all relevant materials required by this section have been disclosed, and that the disclosures are accurate and complete as to documents identified by March 22, 2012.

The NRC Staff notes that it has made a good faith effort to identify and characterize all documents meeting the criteria of 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(b) and 10 C.F.R. § 2.1203 in this proceeding. In identifying these documents, the Staff does not concede their relevance to the license renewal issues to be decided in this proceeding.

The NRC Staff notes that it is currently expecting to publish the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) with open items and SER in July 2012 and October 2012, respectively. As previously noted, the Staff is currently unable to project dates for the publication of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) and the Final SEIS at this time.

Respectfully submitted,

/signed (electronically) by/

Catherine E. Kanatas Counsel for the NRC Staff U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O-15 D21 Washington, DC 20555-0001 (301) 415-2321


Attachment 1: Hearing File Index Attachment 2: Affidavit of Samuel Cuadrado De Jesus Attachment 1 - Davis-Besse License Renewal Hearing File Index Update 4 - March 30, 2012 ID No. Accession Number Document Title Date NRC000552 ML102450565 08/27/2010 Davis-Besse, Unit 1 - License Renewal Application and Ohio Coastal Management Program Consistency Certification.

NRC000553 ML102460429 08/27/2010 Davis-Besse, Unit 1, License Renewal Application Boundary Drawings.

NRC000554 ML11179A134 06/27/2011 IR 05000346-11-010, on 04/25/2011 - 05/13/2011, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, License Renewal Inspection.

NRC000555 ML11284A242 10/07/2011 IR 05000346-11-012; on 08/22/2011 - 08/26/2011; Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station; License Renewal Inspection.

NRC000556 ML11292A005 10/14/2011 G20110747/LTR-11-0568/EDATS: SECY-2011-0556 - Ltr. Rep. Edward J. Markey re:

Safe Operation of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant.

NRC000557 ML11298A097 10/21/2011 Davis-Besse, Unit 1, Reply to Request for Additional Information for the Review of License Renewal Application (TAC No. ME4640) and Amendment No. 20.

NRC000558 ML12069A208 11/17/2011 2011/11/17 Davis-Besse LR - FW: DB Shield Building Investigation and Technical Summary Report NRC000559 ML11327A079 12/02/2011 09/13/2011 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station.

NRC000560 ML113360416 12/02/2011 12/15/2011 Notice of Public Meeting with First Energy Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Their Technical Analysis Regarding Cracking Identified in the Davis-Besse Shield Building.

NRC000561 ML11327A008 12/02/2011 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on September 29, 2011, Between the NRC and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning RAI Pertaining to the Davis-Besse, LRA (TAC No. ME4640).

NRC000562 ML11342A100 12/07/2011 Davis-Besse, Unit 1, Reply to Request for Supplemental Information for the Review of the License Renewal Application.

NRC000563 ML11347A341 12/12/2011 12-12-11 Letter to Honorable Dennis Kucinich Providing Documents that First Energy Nuclear Operating Company Provided to the NRC.

NRC000564 ML11339A086 12/13/2011 11/22/2011-Summary of Telephone Conference Call Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning RAIs Pertaining to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station LRA.

1 of 5

Attachment 1 - Davis-Besse License Renewal Hearing File Index Update 4 - March 30, 2012 ID No. Accession Number Document Title Date NRC000565 ML11341A118 12/14/2011 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on June 15, 2011 Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station LRA.

NRC000566 ML11348A021 12/21/2011 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on November 1, 2011 Between the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station LRA NRC000567 ML113560164 12/22/2011 01/05/2012 Meeting Notice with Davis-Besse to Discuss Present the Results of its Evaluation of Shield Building Cracking and for the NRC to Present the Results of its Independent Assessment of that Evaluation.

NRC000568 ML11333A396 12/27/2011 Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application (TAC No. ME4640).

NRC000569 ML11353A015 12/27/2011 Schedule Revision for the Safety Review of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1, License Renewal Application (TAC No. ME4640).

NRC000570 ML113630420 12/29/2011 Press Release-III-11-037: NRC to Hold Meeting With FirstEnergy to Discuss Davis-Besse Shield Building Cracks.

NRC000571 ML11355A095 12/29/2011 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on December 8, 2011, Between the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning RAIs Pertaining to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, LRA (TAC No. ME4640).

NRC000572 ML12018A338 01/13/2012 Davis-Besse, Unit 1, Reply to Request for Additional Information for the Review of the License Renewal Application and License Renewal Application Amendment No. 23.

NRC000573 ML11364A017 01/19/2012 11/14/2011 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, LRA.

NRC000574 ML11363A171 01/23/2012 Summary of Telephone Conference call held on December 12, 2011 Between the U.S.

Nuclear regulatory Commission and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Request for Additional Information.

2 of 5

Attachment 1 - Davis-Besse License Renewal Hearing File Index Update 4 - March 30, 2012 ID No. Accession Number Document Title Date NRC000575 ML12018A165 01/27/2012 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on November 9, 2011, Between the NRC and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning RAI Pertaining to the Davis-Besse, LRA (TAC NO. ME4640).

NRC000576 ML11363A174 01/30/2012 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on August 22, 2011 Between the U.S.

Regulatory Commission and FirstEngery Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Request for Additional Information.

NRC000577 ML12032A131 01/31/2012 Schedule Revision for the Environmental Review of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1, LRA (TAC No. ME4613).

NRC000578 ML12018A022 02/01/2012 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on June 28, 2011 Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the DA 6 28 2011 v2 DB NRC Telecon Summary.

NRC000579 ML12018A046 02/03/2012 June 30, 2011 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between the U.S.NUCLEAR Regulatory Commission and Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Request for Additiional Information Pertaining to Davis-6 30 2011 v2 DB NRC Telecon NRC000580 ML12018A146 02/09/2012 June 16, 2011, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between the NRC and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning RAI Pertaining to the Davis-Besse, License Renewal Application (TAC No. ME4640).

NRC000581 ML12045A016 02/16/2012 Summary Of Telephone Conference Call Held On January 24, 2012, Between The U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission And FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Requests For Additional Information Pertaining To The Davis Besse Nuclear, License Renewal NRC000582 ML12024A276 02/21/2012 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held On October 31, 2011, Between The U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission And FirstEntergy Nuclear Operating Company Concerning Request For Additional Information Pertaining To The 10 31 2011 DB NRC Telecon Summary.

NRC000583 ML12025A047 02/22/2012 09/07/2011-Summary of Telephone Conference Between NRC and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, License Renewal Application (TAC No. ME4640).

3 of 5

Attachment 1 - Davis-Besse License Renewal Hearing File Index Update 4 - March 30, 2012 ID No. Accession Number Document Title Date NRC000584 ML12038A197 02/22/2012 October 5, 2011, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station....

NRC000585 ML12067A348 02/23/2012 2012/02/23 Davis-Besse LR - teleconference cancellation NRC000586 ML12039A013 02/24/2012 09/16/2011 Summary Of Telephone Conference Call Held On Between The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission And Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company Concerning Requests For Additional Information Pertaining To The Davis-Bess DB NRC Telecon Summary.

NRC000587 ML12067A349 02/27/2012 2012/02/27 Davis-Besse LR - Davis-Besse License Renewal Commitment List through LRA Amendment 23 -- PDF and WORD Versions NRC000588 ML12033A060 02/27/2012 August 2, 2011, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Concerning Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Licen NRC000589 ML12052A171 02/27/2012 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on July 15, 2011 Between The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission And FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Requests For Additional Information Pertaining To The Davis Besse, License Renewal Application NRC000590 ML12052A285 02/28/2012 08/29/2011-Summary of Telephone Conference Call Between NRC & FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co., Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to Davis-Besse License Renewal Application (TAC No. ME4640).

NRC000591 ML12068A005 02/29/2012 2012/02/29 Davis-Besse LR - RE: FW: Teleconference summary -- FENOC Comments NRC000592 ML12068A008 02/29/2012 2012/02/29 Davis-Besse LR - Teleconference summary for FENOC's review NRC000593 ML12031A183 03/02/2012 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on July 13, 2011, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and FirstEntergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Request For Additional Information Pertaining to the DA7 13 2011 DB NRC Telecon Summary.

NRC000594 ML12072A348 03/12/2012 2012/03/12 Davis-Besse LR - FENOC"s response to Abandoned Equipment 4 of 5

Attachment 1 - Davis-Besse License Renewal Hearing File Index Update 4 - March 30, 2012 ID No. Accession Number Document Title Date NRC000595 ML12072A316 03/12/2012 2012/03/12 Davis-Besse LR - FW: FENOC License Renewal RAI Letter L-12-015 (Part 1 of 3)

NRC000596 ML12072A321 03/12/2012 2012/03/12 Davis-Besse LR - FW: FENOC License Renewal RAI Letter L-12-015 (Part 2 of 3)

NRC000597 ML12072A325 03/12/2012 2012/03/12 Davis-Besse LR - FW: FENOC License Renewal RAI Letter L-12-015 (Part 3 of 3)

NRC000598 ML12072A349 03/12/2012 2012/03/12 Davis-Besse LR - RE: March 13 or 14?

NRC000599 ML12072A327 03/12/2012 2012/03/12 Davis-Besse LR - RE: March 13 or 14?

NRC000600 ML12088A450 03/28/2012 2012/03/28 Davis-Besse LR - DB Teleconference: Class 1 Valves Open Item phone: 888-560-8501 participant passcode: 41359 NRC000601 ML12088A452 03/28/2012 2012/03/28 Davis-Besse LR - RE: DB Teleconference: Class 1 Valves Open Item phone:

888-560-8501 participant passcode: 41359 NRC000602 ML12088A451 03/28/2012 2012/03/28 Davis-Besse LR - Re: DB Teleconference: Class 1 Valves Open Item phone:

888-560-8501 participant passcode: 41359 5 of 5





(Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1) )



I, Samuel Cuadrado De Jesus, do hereby state as follows:

1. I am employed as a Project Manager in the Division of License Renewal in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissions (NRC) Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. I serve as a project manager for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1, license renewal application (LRA). Among other things, I am managing the preparation of the hearing file and mandatory disclosures in connection with the LRA at issue in this proceeding.
2. I hereby certify that all relevant materials required to be disclosed pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336 (b) and (c) in the captioned proceeding have been disclosed in the attached Initial Disclosures and that the disclosures are accurate and complete for documents identified as of March 22, 2012.
3. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Executed in Accord with 10 C.F.R. § 2.304(d)

Samuel Cuadrado De Jesus Executed in Rockville, Maryland this 29th day of March, 2012





(Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1) )


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the Letter from Catherine E. Kanatas to the Board, dated March 30, 2012; Attachment 1 -- Davis-Besse License Renewal Hearing File Index Update 4, dated March 30, 2012; and the Affidavit of Samuel Cuadrado De Jesus Concerning Mandatory Disclosure Requirement of 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(b), dated March 29, 2012, in the above-captioned proceeding have been served on the following by Electronic Information Exchange this 30th day of March, 2012.

William J. Froehlich, Chair Office of Commission Appellate Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Adjudication Mail Stop: T-3F23 Mail Stop: O-16G4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: E-mail: Nicholas G. Trikorous, Administrative Judge Office of the Secretary Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Attn: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff Mail Stop: T-3F23 Mail Stop: O-16G4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: E-mail: William E. Kastenberg, Administrative Judge David W. Jenkins, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel First Energy Service Company Mail Stop: T-3F23 Mail Stop A-GO-15 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 76 South Main Street Washington, DC 20555-0001 Akron, OH 44308 E-mail: E-mail:

Hillary Cain, Law Clerk Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Mail Stop: T-3F23 Washington, D.C. 20004 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Stephen Burdick, Esq.

Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: E-mail: Alex Polonsky, Esq.

E-mail: Kathryn M. Sutton, Esq.

E-mail: Timothy Matthews, Esq.

E-mail: Mary Freeze, Legal Secretary E-mail: Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Michael Keegan 1000 Louisiana Street Dont Waste Michigan Suite 4000 811 Harrison Street Houston, TX 77002 Monroe, Michigan 48161 Martin J. ONeill E-mail: E-mail: Beyond Nuclear Anita Rios 6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 400 Green Party of Ohio Takoma Park, MD 20912 2626 Robinwood Avenue Paul Gunter Toledo, Ohio 43610 E-mail: Email: Kevin Kamps Email: Derek Coronado Terry Lodge Citizens Environmental Alliance (CEA) Counsel for Citizens Environmental of Southwestern Ontario Alliance, Dont Waste Michigan and Green 1950 Ottawa Street Party of Ohio Windsor, Ontario Canada N8Y 197 316 N. Michigan Street, Suite 520 Email: Toledo, OH 43604 E-mail:

/Signed (electronically) by/

Catherine E. Kanatas Counsel for the NRC Staff U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O-15 D21 Washington, DC 20555-0001 (301) 415-2321 E-mail: