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NRC Submittal of Supplement 13 to the Hearing File for the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (Unit 2) OL Proceeding
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 02/15/2011
From: Roth D
To: Abramson P, Gary Arnold, Lawrence Mcdade
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 19594, 50-391-OL, ASLBP 09-893-01-OL-BD01
Download: ML110460720 (12)


UNITE D STATE S N UCLEAR REGULATORY C OMMI SS I ON WASHINGTON, DC 20555 - 0001 February 15, 2011 Administrative Judge Administrative Judge Lawrence G. McDade, Chair Paul B. Abramson Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop T-3 F23 Mail Stop T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Administrative Judge Gary S. Arnold Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 In the Matter of TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY (Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2)

Docket No. 50-391-OL; ASLBP No. 09-893-01-OL-BD01

Dear Administrative Judges:

The NRC Staff hereby submits Supplement 13 to the hearing file for the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (Unit 2) OL proceeding, Docket No. 50-391-OL.

Pursuant to the agreement of the parties, disclosures and the hearing file may be limited to final non-privileged documents relevant to the admitted contentions. Further, historical versions of the application need not be listed and privilege logs are waived.

This supplement to the hearing file includes materials required pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.1203, as well as the Staffs mandatory disclosures produced pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336, as modified by the agreement. Materials in the hearing file may be accessed through the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). An index containing the ADAMS accession number, date, and title or description of each item in the hearing file is appended hereto as Attachment 1. An index of documents protected due to proprietary or security concerns is appended as Attachment 2.

The Staff has taken a broad approach in identifying potentially-relevant documents for inclusion in the disclosures and hearing file. Additional public documents associated with the application, but not relevant to the admitted contention, are readily accessible in ADAMS. In addition,

L. McDade February 15, 2011 P. Abramson G. Arnold pursuant to the agreement of the parties, the Staff will continue to work with both parties to provide access to documents On or around February 15, 2011, the supplement to the hearing file will be made available via the Electronic Hearing Docket (EHD), which may be accessed at the following URL: The hearing file will be contained in a sub-folder entitled, Watts Bar Hearing File" of the Watts_Bar_50-391-OL" folder of the EHD.

Further, attached is the affidavit of Justin C. Poole certifying that all relevant materials required under the agreement of the parties by this section have been disclosed, and that the disclosures are accurate and complete for documents identified as of February 15, 2011.


/Signed (electronically) by/

David E. Roth Counsel for NRC Staff


Attachment 1 - Hearing File Index Attachment 2 - Protected Index Affidavit of Justin C. Poole cc: Service List

ATTACHMENT 1 WATTS BAR OPERATING LICENSE APPLICATION HEARING FILE AND MANDATORY DISCLOSURES HEARING FILE INDEX Supplemental Disclosures - February 15, 2011 Accession Document ID# Title Number Date Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 - Commercial Grade Dedication of Hardware and 13-0001 ML103400599 01/20/2011 Software Used in the Post Accident Monitoring System Audit Report.

Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 - Request for Additional Information Regarding Severe 13-0002 ML103470681 01/11/2011 Accident Mitigation Alternatives Review.

01/21/2011 Reschedule Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss Watts Bar 13-0003 ML110070740 01/11/2011 Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, Final Safety Analysis Report Section 7 Instrumentation and Control Originally scheduled for 01/19/2011.

13-0004 ML110110272 01/27/2011 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 - Status of Operating License Application Review.

01/20/2011 Rescheduled Notice of Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss 13-0005 ML110110706 01/12/2011 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, Final Safety Analysis Report Related to Section 7 Instrumentation and Control.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, American Society of Mechanical EngineersSection XI, Preservice 13-0006 ML110140074 01/13/2011 Inspection Program - Request to Use Subsequent Edition and Addenda of ASME Section XI Code for PSI Activities.

01/27/2011 Notice of Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss Watts Bar 13-0007 ML110140197 01/14/2011 Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, Final Safety Analysis Report Related to Section 7 Instrumentation and Control.

13-0008 ML110140346 01/12/2011 Watts Bar, Unit 2 - Submittal of Pre-Op Test Instructions.

13-0009 ML110210112 01/18/2011 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, Submittal of Pre-op Test Instruction.

02/03/2011 Notice of Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss Watts Bar 13-0010 ML110210400 01/21/2011 Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, Final Safety Analysis Report Related to Section 7 Instrumentation and Control.

02/03/2011 Notice of Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss Watts Bar 13-0011 ML110210471 01/21/2011 Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, Fire Protection Report.

Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 - Status of Regulatory Framework for the Completion of 13-0012 ML110210486 01/21/2011 Construction and Licensing for Unit 2 - Revision 5 and Status of Generic Communications for Unit 2 - Revision 5.

13-0013 ML110250678 01/25/2011 Watts Bar, Unit 2 - Status of Unresolved Safety Issues.

Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 - Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Section 2.4, 13-0014 ML110260467 01/24/2011 "Hydrologic Engineering".

ATTACHMENT 1 WATTS BAR OPERATING LICENSE APPLICATION HEARING FILE AND MANDATORY DISCLOSURES HEARING FILE INDEX Supplemental Disclosures - February 15, 2011 Accession Document ID# Title Number Date Watts Bar, Unit 2, Change to Developmental Technical Specification (TS) Section 3.1.8, 13-0015 ML110270108 01/27/2011 "Rod Position Indication."

Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, Request for Additional Information, Regarding Final 13-0016 ML110280128 02/09/2011 Safety Analysis Report Amendment Related to Section 9.5.1 "Fire Protection System."

02/10/2011 Notice of Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss Watts Bar 13-0017 ML110280154 01/28/2011 Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, Final Safety Analysis Report Related to Section 7 Instrumentation and Control.

02/14/2011 Notice of Meeting with Tennessee Vallye Authority Regarding Status of 13-0018 ML110310633 02/04/2011 Construction and Licensing of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2.

02/17/2011 Notice of Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss Watts Bar 13-0019 ML110330490 02/04/2011 Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, Final Safety Analysis Report Related to Section 7 Instrumentation and Control.

Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 - Request For Additional Information (RAI) Regarding 13-0020 ML110340040 01/31/2011 Individual Plant Examination.

02/15/2011 Notice of Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss Watts Bar 13-0021 ML110341601 02/04/2011 Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, Fire Protection Report.

NUREG-0847, Suppl. 22, "Safety Evaluation Report, Related to the Operation of Watts 13-0022 ML110390197 01/31/2011 Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2."

Submittal of "Hydrothermal Effects on Ichthyoplankton from Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 13-0023 ML110400383 02/07/2011 Supplemental Condenser Cooling Water Outfall in Upper Chickamauge Reservoir,"


Enclosure 1, "Hydrothermal Effects on the Ichthyoplankton from Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 13-0024 ML110400384 02/07/2011 Supplemental Condenser Cooling Water Outfall in Upper Chickamauga Reservoir".

Enclosure 2, Appendix A, "Hydrothermal Effects on the Ichthyhoplankton from the Watts 13-0025 ML110400385 02/07/2011 Bar Nuclear Plant Supplemental Condenser Cooling Water Outfall in Upper Chickamauga Reservoir".

13-0026 ML110400386 02/07/2011 Drawings HPMZ3 Figure 24-A Through 52-A.

13-0027 ML110400646 02/08/2011 2011/02/08 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: NRC Bucket List 2/10/11 13-0028 ML110400647 02/02/2011 2011/02/02 Watts Bar 2 OL - RE: NRC I&C RAI metrics

ATTACHMENT 1 WATTS BAR OPERATING LICENSE APPLICATION HEARING FILE AND MANDATORY DISCLOSURES HEARING FILE INDEX Supplemental Disclosures - February 15, 2011 Accession Document ID# Title Number Date 2011/02/02 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: 20110128 Open Item List Master TVA Update 02 13-0029 ML110400648 02/02/2011 11.docx 13-0030 ML110400651 01/28/2011 2011/01/28 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: Updated OI List 13-0031 ML110400652 01/28/2011 2011/01/28 Watts Bar 2 OL - Additional topic for our 2/3 meeting with TVA 13-0032 ML110400654 01/28/2011 2011/01/28 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: NRC Bucket List 1/27/11 13-0033 ML110400655 01/27/2011 2011/01/27 Watts Bar 2 OL - Proposed Agenda.doc 13-0034 ML110400657 01/21/2011 2011/01/21 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: Updated OI List 13-0035 ML110400658 01/19/2011 2011/01/19 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: NRC Bucket List 2011/01/18 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: 20110107 Open Item List Master TVA Update 01 13-0036 ML110400659 01/18/2011 11.docx 13-0037 ML110400660 01/18/2011 2011/01/18 Watts Bar 2 OL - NRC I&C RAI metrics 13-0038 ML110400748 01/14/2011 2011/01/14 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: Updated OI List 13-0039 ML110400749 01/14/2011 2011/01/14 Watts Bar 2 OL - Draft Open Item RAIs on Chapters 8 and 3.11 13-0040 ML110400750 01/11/2011 2011/01/11 Watts Bar 2 OL - GSI-199 13-0041 ML110410680 02/09/2011 IR 05000391-10-605, on 10/01/10 - 12/31/10, Tennessee Valley Authority.

13-0042 ML110420603 02/10/2011 2011/02/10 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: NRC RAI Matrix Question 2011/02/10 Watts Bar 2 OL - TVA letter to NRC_02-10-11_FSAR RAI Responses_CVCS 13-0043 ML110420604 02/10/2011 Inadvertent Op 2011/02/09 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: 20110204 Open Item List Master TVA Update 02 13-0044 ML110420605 02/09/2011 11.docx 13-0045 ML110420606 02/09/2011 2011/02/09 Watts Bar 2 OL - Draft RAI for Chapters 11 and 12 13-0046 ML110420607 02/08/2011 2011/02/08 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: Question re: RG 1.41 2011/02/08 Watts Bar 2 OL - TVA letter to NRC_2-7-11_Hydrothermal Effects on the 13-0047 ML110420608 02/08/2011 Ichthyoplankton Report 2011/01/31 Watts Bar 2 OL - TVA letter to NRC_1-31-11_ IPE COMMITMENT 13-0048 ML110420609 01/31/2011


13-0049 ML110420610 01/27/2011 2011/01/27 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: TVA letter to NRC_1-27-11_TS 3.1.8 13-0050 ML110420611 01/25/2011 2011/01/25 Watts Bar 2 OL 25-11_Ltr to NRC_Unresolved Safety Issues Status 13-0051 ML110420613 01/24/2011 2011/01/24 Watts Bar 2 OL - : 1-24-11_WBN U2 FSAR Section 2.4 letter--NRC ccs 13-0052 ML110430001 01/24/2011 2011/01/24 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: call summary WBN Unit 2

ATTACHMENT 1 WATTS BAR OPERATING LICENSE APPLICATION HEARING FILE AND MANDATORY DISCLOSURES HEARING FILE INDEX Supplemental Disclosures - February 15, 2011 Accession Document ID# Title Number Date 2011/01/21 Watts Bar 2 OL - TVA letter to NRC_01-21-11_Reg Framework 13-0053 ML110430002 01/21/2011 Submittal_Rev 5 2011/01/18 Watts Bar 2 OL - TVA letter to NRC_01-18-11_ 2-PTI-030G-01 transmittal to 13-0054 ML110430003 01/18/2011 NRC 2011/01/14 Watts Bar 2 OL - FW: TVA letter to NRC_1-13-11_ASME Sec XI Code 13-0055 ML110430004 01/14/2011 Request for PSI Activities 2011/01/12 Watts Bar 2 OL - TVA letter to NRC_01-12-11_2-PTI-074-01 & 2-PTI-077-01 13-0056 ML110430005 01/12/2011 transmittal to NRC Watts Bar, Unit 2 - Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) - Response to Requests for 13-0057 ML110450317 02/10/2011 Additional Information.

13-0058 ML110450495 02/10/2011 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN), Unit 2 - Submittal of Pre-op Test Instructions.

13-0059 ML110460050 02/08/2011 2011/02/08 Watts Bar 2 OL - Questions on documents to support Common Q Audit 2011/02/10 Watts Bar 2 OL - TVA letter to NRC_02-10-11_2-PTI-003B-06 & 2-PTI-067-13-0060 ML110460064 02/10/2011 02 transmittal to NRC

ATTACHMENT 2 WATTS BAR OPERATING LICENSE APPLICATION HEARING FILE AND MANDATORY DISCLOSURES PROTECTED FILE INDEX Supplemental Disclosures - February 15, 2011 Accession Document ID# Comment Title Number Date Watts Bar, Units 1 and 2, Revision 30 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-7, "Activation and Operation 13-P001 ML110140496 01/12/2011 Emergency Planning of the Operations Support Center (OSC)," and Revision 28 to EPIP-12, "Emergency Equipment and Supplies."

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Fire Protection Program - Commitment to 13-P002 ML110200372 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Correct Administrative Deficiencies Contained in Parts V and VI of Fire Protection Report and Re-submit.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part III -

13-P003 ML110200381 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Safe Shutdown Capabilities.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part I -

13-P004 ML110200382 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Introduction.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part II -

13-P005 ML110200383 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Fire Protection Plan.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part IV -

13-P006 ML110200384 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Alternative Shutdown Capability.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part IX -

13-P007 ML110200385 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Appendix R Compliance Matrix.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part V -

13-P008 ML110200399 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Manual Actions, Repairs, and Emergency Lighting.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part VI -

13-P009 ML110200400 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Table of Contents through Section

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part VI -

13-P010 ML110200401 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Fire Hazards Analysis, Section 3.2 through Section 3.11.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part VI -

13-P011 ML110200402 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Fire Hazards Analysis, Section 3.12 through Section 3.14.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part VI -

13-P012 ML110200403 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Fire Hazards Analysis, Section 3.15 through Section 3.20.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part VI -

13-P013 ML110200413 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Fire Hazards Analysis, Section 3.21 through 3.30.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part VI -

13-P014 ML110200414 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Fire Hazards Analysis, Section 3.31 through 3.37.

ATTACHMENT 2 WATTS BAR OPERATING LICENSE APPLICATION HEARING FILE AND MANDATORY DISCLOSURES PROTECTED FILE INDEX Supplemental Disclosures - February 15, 2011 Accession Document ID# Comment Title Number Date Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part VI -

13-P015 ML110200415 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Fire Hazards Analysis, Section 3.38 through 3.40.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part VI -

13-P016 ML110200416 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Fire Hazards Analysis, Section 3.41 through 3.54.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part VI -

13-P017 ML110200417 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Fire Hazards Analysis, Section 3.55 through 3.66.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part VI -

13-P018 ML110200426 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Fire Hazards Analysis, Section 3.67 through 3.70.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part VI -

13-P019 ML110200427 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Fire Hazards Analysis, Section 3.71 through Table 6-3.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part VII -

13-P020 ML110200428 01/14/2011 Fire Protection Deviations and Evaluations.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report, Part VIII 13-P021 ML110200429 01/14/2011 Fire Protection

- Conformance To Appendix A To BTP 9.5-1 Guidelines.

Watts Bar, Unit 2, Revised Fire Protection Report - Part X -

13-P022 ML110200430 01/14/2011 Fire Protection NFPA Code Evaluation.

Enclosure 1 - Proposed Changes to Unit 2 FSAR Section 13-P023 ML110260468 01/24/2011 Security 2.4, "Hydrologic Engineering.

Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2, & 3, Sequoyah and Watts Barr, Units 1 & 2 - Revision 17 to Emergency Plan Implementing 13-P024 ML110310406 01/27/2011 Emergency Planning Procedure, CECC EPIP-19, "Post Accident Care Damage Assessment."

Watts Bar, Units 1 & 2, Emergency Plan Implementing 13-P025 ML110310573 01/27/2011 Emergency Planning Procedure EPIP-2, Rev. 29, EPIP-3, Rev. 32, EPIP-4, Rev.

32 and EPIP-5, Rev 38.

Watts Bar, Units 1 and 2 - Revision 39 to Emergency Plan 13-P026 ML110340222 01/31/2011 Emergency Planning Implementing Procedure EPIP-6, "Activation and Operation of the Technical Support Center (TSC)".



I, Justin C. Poole, do hereby state as follows:

1. 1 am employed as Project Manager, Watts Bar Special Projects Branch, in the Division of Operator Reactor Licensing in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's ("NRC")

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. My responsibilities include oversight of the NRC Staff's review and evaluation of the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 operating license application

("OlA"). Among other things, I am managing the preparation of the hearing file and mandatory disclosures in connection with the OlA at issue in this proceeding.

2. I hereby certify that all relevant materials required to be disclosed pursuant to 10 C.F. R. §§ 2.336 and 2.1203, as modified by the parties' agreement of December 1, 2009, have been disclosed, and that the disclosures are accurate and complete for documents identified as of February 15, 2011.

- 2

3. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Executed in Rockville, Maryland this 15th day of February, 2011





(Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2) )


POOLE, dated February 15, 2011, have been served upon the following by the Electronic Information Exchange, this 15th day of February, 2011:

Administrative Judge Office of Commission Appellate Lawrence G. McDade, Chair Adjudication Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop: O-16G4 Mail Stop: T-3 F23 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: E-mail: Administrative Judge Office of the Secretary Paul B. Abramson Attn: Rulemaking and Adjudications Staff Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop: O-16G4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop: T-3 F23 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: E-mail: Administrative Judge Edward Vigluicci, Esq.

Gary S. Arnold Christopher C. Chandler, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Scott A. Vance, Esq.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tennessee Valley Authority Mail Stop: T-3 F23 400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 6A-K Washington, DC 20555-0001 Knoxville, TN 37902 E-mail: E-mail:

Kathryn M. Sutton, Esq. Diane Curran Paul M. Bessette, Esq. for Southern Alliance for Clean Energy Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP (SACE) 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Eisenberg, LLP Washington, D.C. 20004 1726 M Street N.W., Suite 600 E-mail: Washington, DC 20036 E-mail: E-mail:

/Signed (electronically) by/

David E. Roth Counsel for NRC Staff U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel Mail Stop O15-D21 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone: (301) 415-2749 E-mail: Signed: February 15, 2011