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Initial Exam 2010-302 Final SRO Written Exam
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/24/2011
Progress Energy Carolinas
50-324/10-302, 50-325/10-302
Download: ML110240256 (48)


76. During a LOCA with a LOOP the following plant conditions exist:

2A RHR pump Injecting and has just exceeded its NPSH Limit 2A CS pump Injecting and approaching its NPSH Limit All other ECCS Pumps Unavailable Reactor Water Level 2/3 core height and steady Which one of the following identifies:

(1) if continued RHR Pump operation outside its NPSH limit is authorized lAW 001-37.4, Reactor Vessel Control Procedure Basis Document, and (2) the required procedure to maintain adequate core cooling lAW RVCP?

A. (1) Continued RHR pump operation is NOT allowed.

(2) LFP-01 Alternate Coolant Injection, Section 5, Fire Protection! Demineralized Water Tank Injection B. (1) Continued RHR pump operation is NOT allowed.

(2) 20P-18, Core Spray System Operating Procedure, Section 8.3, Shifting Suction Source from CST to Suppression Pool C. (1) Continued RHR pump operation is allowed.

(2) LP-01, Alternate Coolant Injection, Section 5, Fire Protection! Demineralized Water Tank Injection D. (1) Continued RHR pump operation is allowed.

(2) 2OP-18, Core Spray System Operating Procedure, Section 8.3, Shifting Suction Source from CST to Suppression Pool Page: 76

77. Unit Two was operating at rated power with the OPRMs inoperable when a trip of 2A RFP occurred followed immediately by a trip of the 2B Reactor Recirc pump.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

(assume first 5 minutes of event)

The RO is required to determine the current operating point on the OPRM Inoperable, (1) Power to Flow Map, which is directed by (2) Supplementary actions.

A. (1) Two Loop Operation (2) ONLY 2AOP-04.O, Low Core Flow, B. (1) Two Loop Operation (2) 2AOP-04.O, Low Core Flow AND OAOP-23.O, Condensate/Feedwater System Failure, C. (1) Single Loop Operation (2) ONLY 2AOP-04.O, Low Core Flow, D. (1) Single Loop Operation (2) 2AOP-04.O, Low Core Flow AND OAOP-23.O, Condensate/Feedwater System Failure, Page: 77

78. During normal power operations on Unit One, two weeks following a refueling outage, a loss of both Fuel Pool Cooling pumps occurs.

Which one of the following completes the statement below based on the above conditions lAW OAOP-38.O, Loss of Fuel Pool Cooling? -

The procedure that will mitigate the rising fuel pool temperature is (1) and the Fuel Pool temperature will be monitored using (2)

A. (1) 1OP-17, Residual Heat Removal System Operating Procedure, (2) E41-TR-R605, Point 17, on Panel H12-P614 (Control Room Back panel)

B. (1) 1OP-17, Residual Heat Removal System Operating Procedure, (2) a calibrated thermocouple near the skimmer surge tankinlet (RB 117 elevation)

C. (1) OOP-13.1, Supplemental Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System Operating Procedure, (2) E41-.TR-R605, Point 17, on Panel H12-P614 (Control Room Back panel)

D. (1) OOP-13.1, Supplemental Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System Operating Procedure, (2) a calibrated thermocouple near the skimmer surge tank inlet (RB 117 elevation)

Page: 78

79. Which one of the following choices complete the statements below identifying the status of the Main Turbine Bypass System lAW TS 3.7.6, Main Turbine Bypass System if two Turbine Bypass Valves are inoperable on each Unit?

The Unit One Main Turbine Bypass System is (1)

The Unit Two Main Turbine Bypass System is (2)

A. (1) OPERABLE (2) OPERABLE B. (1) OPERABLE (2) Inoperable C. (1) Inoperable (2) OPERABLE D. (1) Inoperable (2) Inoperable Page: 79

80. During accident conditions on Unit Two, primary containment is being vented through SBGT trains due to high containment pressure.

SBGT 2A Train red Emerg Oper light on XU-51 is extinguished.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The minimum charcoal compartment temperature that will trip SBGT2AFanis (1)

If a fire were to occur in the SBGT train, the deluge system is nianually initiated lAW (2)

A. (1) 180° F (2) 20P-10, Standby Gas Treatment System Operating Procedure B. (1) 180° F (2) OOP-41, Fire Protection and Well Water System C. (1) 210° F (2) 2OP-10, Standby Gas Treatment System Operating Procedure D. (1) 210° F (2) OOP-41, Fire Protection and Well Water System Page: 80

81. During an equalizing charge on 125 VDC Battery 1B, the following annunciators are received:

UA-14 4-1 BATTRM lB VENT FAN TRIP UA-06 2-5 SUB IF 480V FEEDER BKR TRIP Which one of the following completes the statement below with 1 B Battery Room temperature at 60°F?

The procedure that directs securing the equalizing charge to mitigate the above conditions is (1)

The equalizing charge is secured due to a concern with (2)

A. (1) APP UA-14, BATTRM lB VENT FAN TRIP (2) room temperature B. (1) APP UA-14, BATTRM lB VENT FAN TRIP (2) hydrogen concentration C. (1) 1OP-51, DC Electrical System Operating Procedure (2) room temperature D. (1) lOP-Si, DC Electrical System Operating ProOedure (2) hydrogen concentration Page: 81

82. Unit One is operating at power when a nitrogen leak causes Drywell Pressure to rise to 2 psig.

Which one of the following completes the statements below based upon the conditions above?

RBHVAC (1) to maintain Secondary Containment integrity.

Drywell pressure control is provided by isolating the affected pneumatic system lAW (2)

A. (1) automatically isolates (2) PCCP, Primary Containment Control Procedure B. (1) automatically isolates (2) OAOP-14.O, Abnormal Primary Containment Conditions C. (1) must be manually aligned (2) PCCP, Primary Containment Control Procedure D. (1) must be manually aligned (2) OAOP-14.O, Abnormal Primary Containment Conditions Page: 82

83. Unit Two is operating at rated power when the following alarms are received:

DG-4 CTL POWER SUPPLY LOST DG-4 LO STARTAIR PRESS DG4/E4 ESS LOSS OF NORM POWER DG-2 CTL POWER SUPPLY LOST Subsequently, DG4 control power was transferred to its alternate DC source and DG4 was returned to Standby.

Which one of the following identifies the DC panel that is currently supplying DG4 control power and the impact on the operability of DG4 lAW LCO 3.8.1, AC Sources Operating and [CO 3.8.7, Distribution Systems Operating?

A. 125V DC Distribution Panel 1B; DG4 is operable on its alternate source for up to 7 days.

B. 125V DC Distribution Panel 1B; DG4 must be declared inoperable the entire time it is on its alternate source.

C. 125V DC Distribution Panel 2B; DG4 is operable on its alternate source for up to 7 days.

D. 125V DC Distribution Panel 2B; DG4 must be declared inoperable the entire time it is on its alternate source.

Page: 83

84 MOM fOR BOP PARAMETERS 034 Which one of the following identifies an AOP for one of the primary BOP systems specified in this step that the operator would enter and execute concurrently with the RSP lAW 001-37.3, Reactor Scram Procedure Basis Document?

A. OAOP-12.0, Loss of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

B. OAOP-16.0, RBCCW System Failures C. OAOP-23.0, Condensate! Feedwater System Failures D. OAOP-37.1, Intake Structure Blockage Page: 84

85. Unit Two is operating at rated power when a failure of the Feedwater Level Control System causes maximum feedwater flow and rising reactor water level.

Which one of the following is the reason a REACTOR SCRAM is indirectly initiated during this event lAW the Bases for TS, Feedwater and Main Turbine High Water Level Trip Instrumentation?

A. Mitigates the reduction in MCPR during the overfeed event.

B. Prevents fuel damage during significant reactivity increases.

C. Prevents filling of the Main Steam Lines by collapsing voids.

D. Protects the main turbine from damage due to water entering.the turbine.

Page: 85

86. OAOP-32.O, Plant Shutdown From Outside Control Room, is in progress.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The Auxiliary Operator assigned the position of MCC Operator on Unit One is directed to perform Attachment (1) to ensure RCIC availability.

Based on the indications below, after the 1-E51-F007, RCIC Steam Supply Inboard Isolation Valve, NORMAL / LOCAL Switch is placed in LOCAL, indicatior will (2)

(red light is on)

A. (1) 3A, Unit 1, Station 3, Remote Shutdown Panel Initial Switch Alignment (2) change B. (1) 3A, Unit 1, Station 3, Remote Shutdown Panel Initial Switch Alignment (2) remain the same C. (1) 5A, Unit 1, Contingency Action, Equipment Status (2) change D. (1) 5A, Unit 1, Contingency Action, Equipment Status (2) remain the same Page: 86

87. Unit Two is operating at rated conditions.

2-RCC-V28, RBCCW Drywell Supply Valve, had an electrical short resulting in closure of the valve.

lAW Tech Spec LCO, Primary Containment Isolation Valves, which one of the following statements is correct?

(Reference provided)

A. No Required Action because 2-RCCV28 is in its required ispIation.position.

B. No Required Action because 2-RCC-V28 is not a designated PCIV.

C. Enter Condition A and take the appropriate Required Actions.

D. Enter Condition C and take the appropriate Required Actions.

Page: 87

88. Unit One is in a Refueling Outage when a fuel bundle is dropped in the Spent Fuel Pool.

0815 Refuel SRO reports lowering Spent Fuel Pool level 0830 FUEL POOL LEVEL LOW annunciator is received 0845 Refuel SRO reports Spent Fuel Pool level is recovering 0900 PROCESS RX BLDG VENT RAD HI annunciator is received Which one of the following meets the declaration and reporting time requirements specified in the emergency plan for the conditions above?

(Reference provided)

Declaration of an ALERT by (1) and notification of State/Counties by (2)

A. (1) 0845 (2) 0900 B. (1) 0845 (2) 0945 C. (1) 0915 (2) 0930 D. (1) 0915 (2) 1015 Page: 88

89. Which one of the following identifies the procedure that directs the following step and the bases for the step?


A. (1) PCCP (2) assure long term core cooling B. (1) PCCP (2) minimize off-site releases per Alternative Source Term calculations C. (1) RVCP (2) assure long term core cooling D. (1) RVCP (2) minimize off-site releases per Alternative Source Term calculations Page; 89

90. Following a small break LOCA on Unit Two, the following conditions exist:

Drywell temperature on CAC-TR-778 Point #1 320° F Point #3 263° F Point #4 250° F Drywell pressure 4.5 psig Suppr Chamber pressure 3.5 psig

  • Suppr Pool level +5 inches Which one of the following completes the statements below?

(References provided)

The calculated Drywell Average Air temperature is (1)

The procedure that is required to be performed based on these conditions is (2)

A. (1) 265°F (2) SEP-02, Drywell Spray Procedure B. (1) 265°F (2) SEP-03, Suppression Pool Spray Procedure C. (1) 277°F (2) SEP-02, Drywell Spray Procedure D. (1) 277°F (2) SEP-03, Suppression Pool Spray Procedure Page: 90

91. Unit Two is operating at rated power when the following annunciators are received:

PROCESS RX BLDG VENT RAD HIGH PROCESS RX BLDG VENT RAD HI-HI AREA RAD RXBLDG HIGH OAOP-05.O, Radioactive Spills, High Radiation, and Airborne Activity, has been entered.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The cause of these radiation alarms is due to a (1)

QAOP-05.O is (2)

A. (1) RWCU line leak in the triangle room (2) performed concurrently with RRCP B. (1) RWCU line leak in the triangle room (2) exited and RRCP is performed ONLY C. (1) dropped and damaged new fuel bundle (2) performed concurrently with RRCP D. (1) dropped and damaged new fuel bundle (2) exited and RRCP is performed ONLY Page: 91

92. With Unit Two operating at rated power a complete loss of UPS occurs.

The SCO has directed the RO to insert a manual reactor scram due to rising drywell pressure. Plant conditions are:

Manual Scram pushbuttons Depressed Mode Switch Shutdown position RPS Lights NOT lit ARI Initiated Drywell pressure 2.1 psig APRM Downscales Not lit SCRAM VALVE PIL AIR HDR PRESS HI/LO In alarm Which one of the following choices completes the statement below?

The SCO will direct the RO to perform Section of LEP-02, Alternate Control Rod Insertion.

A. 2, De-energize the Scram Pilot Valve Solenoids B. 3, Reset RPS and Initiate a Manual Scram C. 5, Insert Control Rods with the Reactor Manual Control System D. 7, Maximize Cooling Water Header Pressure Page: 92

93. Following a LOCA on Unit One, with NO RBCCW pumps in service, the following peak Drywell air temperatures were obtained:

CACJR-778 347° F @ 88 ft elevation CAC-TR-4426 347° F @ 23 ft elevation Which one of the following completes the statements below forRBCCW pump restart lAW 1 OP-21, Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water System Operating Procedure?

(Reference Provided)

Attachment (1) is used to determine when the RBCCW pumps may be started.

The RBCCW pumps may be restarted (2) minutes after the peak local temperatures have cooled to <230°F.

A. (1) 4, RBCCW Pump Restart Determination Using CAC-TR-4426 (2) 30 B. (1) 4, RBCCW Pump Restart Determination Using CAC-TR-4426 (2) 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and 21 C. (1) 5, RBCCW Pump Restart Determination Using CAC-TR-778 (2) 30 D. (1) 5, RBCCW Pump Restart Determination Using CAC-TR-778 (2) 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and 21 Page: 93

94. Unit One is t 20% power during plant shutdown with plans to perform a rapid shutdown from the current power level.

Excessive cooldown is of concern due to recent power history.

Which one of the following actions is allowed to be performed pjQr to inserting the manual scram to minimize cooldown?

A. Raise reactor water level to 195 inches lAW OGP-05, Unit Shutdown.

B. Secure both Steam Jet Air Ejectors and start Mechanical Vacuum Pumps lAW OGP-05, Unit Shutdown.

C. Raise reactor water level to 195 inches lAW OGP-12, Power Changes.

D. Secure both Steam Jet Air Ejectors and start Mechanical Vacuum Pumps lAW OGP-12, Power Changes.

Page: 94

95. Unit One is in an accident condition and is executing RVCP with the following conditions:

Reactor Water Level -60 inches Reactor Pressure 800 psig Reference Leg Temperature 208° F Injection sources available None (Reference Provided)

Which one of the following identifies the required procedure(s) that is/are required to maintain adequate core cooling? .

A. Enter STOP. Do NOT perform Emergency Depressurization.

B. Enter STOP and perform Emergency Depressurization.

0. Remain in RVCP. Do NOT perform Emergency Depressurization.

D. Remain in RVOP and perform Emergency Depressurization.

Page: 95

96. Considering the following sequence of events:

10:00 12/18/10 2A SLC Pump declared INOP 14:00 12/20/10 2B SLC Pump declared INOP 18:00 12/20/10 2A SLC Pump declared OPERABLE Which one of the following is the latest time the Reactor would be required to be in MODE 3 lAW Tech Spec 1.3, Completion Times and LCO 3.1.7, Standby Liquid Control (SLC) System?

A. 10:00 12/25/10 B. 22:00 12/25/10 C. 22:00 12/26/10 D. 02:00 12/28/10 Page: 96

97. At the start of your shift (0800 hours0.00926 days <br />0.222 hours <br />0.00132 weeks <br />3.044e-4 months <br />) an l&C technician plans to work on a nuisance alarm. The annunciator audible alarm feature will be altered by installing a modified annunciator card. The work will be completed in 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

Which one of the following completes the statements below lAW 001-01 .01, BNP Conduct of Operation Supplement?

The installation of the modified annunciator card requires a (1) dot to be placed on the annunciator.

Attachment 24, Annunciator Removal From Service Form, is (2) to be completed for documentation of the disabled annunciator.

A. (1) white (2) required B. (1) white (2) NOT required C. (1) black (2) required D. (1) black (2) NOT required Page: 97

98. Unit Two is shutdown to support Drywell entry due to Recirculation Pump oil level concerns. Reactor coolant temperature is 200° F.

E&RC has determined by sampling that the Drywell atmosphere is not suitable for unfiltered release.

Which one of the following completes the statements below lAW 20P-24, Section 8.13, Primary Containment Purging (Deinerting) Through the SBGT System?

This section (2) be performed under the current plant conditions.

If Drywell pressure was above 0.7 psig, deinerting could result in (1)

A. (1) can (2) contamination of the RB 50 B. (1) cannot (2) contamination of the RB 50 C. (1) can (2) exceeding ODCM Main Stack release rates D. (1) cannot (2) exceeding ODCM Main Stack release rates Page: 98


Unit Two is in an ATWS condition with the given Drywell Monitor indications.

6 1O-C I

Which one of the following identifies the Loss or otf Potential Loss of the Fission Product Barrier(s) lAW OPEP-02.1, Brunswick Nuclear Plant Initial Emergency Action Level Matrix?

(Reference provided)

A. Fuel Clad Barrier ONLY.

B. Reactor Coolant System Barrier ONLY.

C. Both the Fuel Clad and Containment Barriers.

D. Both the Containment and Reactor Coolant System Barriers.

Page: 99

100. The NRC has notified the Control Room of an Imminent Airborne Threat.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

The Control Room is required to dispatch (1) operator(s) to both Unit One and Unit Two Reactor Buildings lAW (2)

A. (1) one (2) OAOP-40.0, Security Events B. (1) one (2) OEDMG-001, Extreme Damage Mitigation Initial Response C. (1) two (2) OAOP-40.0, Security Events D. (1) two (2) OEDMG-001, Extreme Damage Mitigation Initial Response Page: 100


1. Steam Tables
3. EOP-UG Attachment 6, Figure 21 (MSL)
4. OEOP-O1-UG, Attachment 5, Figure 1, Drywell Spray Initiation Limit
5. Unit Two Technical Specification, LCO
6. OPEP-2.1, Emergency Action Levels
7. EOP-O1 -UG Attachment 4, Drywell Average Air Temperature Calculation
8. 1 OP-21, Attachments 4-6, RBCCW Pump Restart
9. EOP-UG Attachment 6, Figures 17, 18, & 19 (Unit One TAF, LL4, and LL5 graphs)

ATTACHMENT 5 Page 21 of27 FIGURE 6 RHR NPSH Limit L1 290 0

w 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 RHR PUMP FLOW (GPM)



OEOP-01-UG Rev. 57 Page 80 of 151

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 19 of 19 FIGURE 21 Reactor Water Level at MSL (Main Steam Line Flood Level) 300 Lii I






200 1,150 60 200 400 600 800 1,000 REACTOR PRESSURE (PSIG)



OEOP-01-UG Rev. 57 Page 105 of 151

ATTACHMENT 5 Page 16 of 27 FIGURE 1 Drywell Spray Initiation Limit 450 r


0 w

350 w

300 UJ I

250 w


0:: 200 U-150 100 50 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 DRYWELL PRESSURE (PSIG)


OEOPO1-UG Rev. 57 Page 75 of 151

- PCIVs 3.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS Primary Containment Isolation Valves (PCIVs)

LCO 3.6.1 .3 Each PCIV, except reactor building-to-suppression chamber vacuum breakers, shall be OPERABLE. .

APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, and 3, When associated instrumentation is required to be OPERABLE per LCO, Primary Containment Isolation Instrumentation.


1. Penetration flow paths may be unisolated intermittently under administrative controls.
2. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each penetration flow path.
3. Enter applicable Conditions and Required Actions for systems made inoperable by PCIVs.
4. Enter applicable Conditions and Required Actions of LCO, Primary Containment, when PCIV leakage results in exceeding overall containment leakage rate acceptance criteria.

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. NOTE A.1 Isolate the affected 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> Only applicable to penetration flow path by penetration flow paths with use of at least one closed - V two PCIVs. and de-activated automatic closed manual valve, blind flange, or check valve One or more penetration with flow through the valve flow paths with one PCIV secured.

inoperable except for MSIV leakage not within limit. AND (continued)

Brunswick Unit 2 3.6-7 Amendment No. 233

PCIVs ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. (continued) A.2 NOTE Isolation devices in high radiation areas may be verified by use of administrative means.

Verify the affected Once per 31 days penetration flow path is for isolation devices isolated. outside primary containment AND Prior to entering MODE 2 or 3 from MODE 4, if primary containment was de-inerted while in MODE 4, if not performed within the previous 92 days, for isolation devices inside primary containment (continued)

Brunswick Unit 2 3.6-8 Amendment No. 233

PCIVs ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. NOTE B.1 Isolate the affected 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> Only applicable to penetration flow path by penetration flow paths with use of at least one closed two PCIVs. and de-activated automatic closed manual valve, or blind flange.

One or more penetration flow paths with two PCIVs inoperable except for MSIV leakage not within limit.

C. NOTE C.1 Isolate the affected 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> except for Only applicable to penetration flow path by excess flow check penetration flow paths with use of at least one closed valves (EFCVs) only one PCIV. and de-activated automatic closed manual valve, INi or blind flange.

One or more penetration 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> for EFCVs flow paths with one PCIV AND inoperable.

C.2 NOTE Isolation devices in high radiation areas may be verified by use of -

administrative means.

Verify the affected Once per 31 days penetration flow path is isolated.


Brunswick Unit 2 3.6-9 Amendment No. 233

PCIVs ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME D. One or more penetration D.1 Restore leakage rate to 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> flow paths with one or more within limit.

MSIVs not within MSIV leakage rate limits.

E. Required Action and E.1 Be in MODE 3. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> associated Completion Time of Condition A, B, C, or D INI not met in MODE 1, 2, or 3.

E.2 Be in MODE 4. 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> F. Required Action and F.1 Initiate action to suspend Immediately associated Completion Time operations with a potential of Condition A, B, C, or D for draining the reactor not met for PCIV(s) required vessel (OPDRVs).

to be OPERABLE during MODE4or5. OR F.2 Initiate action to restore Immediately valve(s) to OPERABLE status.

Brunswick Unit 2 3.6-10 Amendment No. 233

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ATTACHMENT 4 Page 1 of 7 Drywell Average Air Temperature Calculation OEOP-01-UG Rev. 57 Page 53 of 151

ATTACHMENT 4 Page 2 of 7 Drywefl Average Air Temperature Calculation NOTE: Inputs for calculating Drywell Average Air Temperature may be obtained from:

Recorders CAC-TR-4426-1A, -1B, -2A, -2B, OR

- Microprocessors CAC-TY-4426-1, -2, OR

- IF power is NOT available to Items 1 and 2, THEN Recorder CAC-TR-778, on the Remote Shutdown Panel.

OEOP-01-UG Rev. 57 Page 54 of 151

ATTACHMENT 4 Page 3 of 7 Drywell Average Air Temperature Calculation RECORDER CAC-TR-4426-1A, -1B, -2A, -2B 90 elevation TR-4426-1A, Point 1258-22 TR-4426-2A, Point 1258-23

÷ x 0.05 =

Total No. of Average Weighted Temperatures Temp Average TR-4426-2A, Point 1258-24 Temp Between 70 and 80 elevation TR-4426-1B, Point 1258-3 TR-4426-2B, Point 1258-2 x 0.09 Total No. of Average Weighted Temperatures Temp Average TR-4426-2B, Point 1258-4 Temp Between 28 and 45 elevation TR-4426-1B, Point 1258-5 TR-4426-1B, Point 1258-7 x 0.40 =

Total No. of Average Weighted Temperatures Temp Average TR-4426-2B, Point 1258-6 Temp TR-4426-2B, Point 1258-8 Between 10 and 23 elevation TR-4426-1A, Point 1258-12 TR-4426-1B, Point 1258-9 x 0.38 =

Total No. of Average Weighted Temperatures Temp Average TR-4426-2B, Point 1258-13 Temp OEOP-01-UG Rev. 57 Page 55 of 151

ATTACHMENT 4 Page 4 of 7 Drywell Average Air Temperature Calculation RECORDER CAC-TR-4426-1A, -1B, -2A, -2B (Cont)

Below 5 elevation TR-4426-1A, Point 1258-17 -

TR-4426-1A, Point 1258-18 ÷ x 0.08 =

Total No. of Average Weighted Temperatures Temp Average TR-4426-2A, Point 1258-19 Temp TR-4426-2A, Point 1258-20 Drywell Average Air Temperature (Sum of Weighted Average Temps)

OEOP-01-UG Rev. 57 Page 56 of 151

ATTACHMENT 4 Page 5 of 7 Drywell Average Air Temperature Calculation MICROPROCESSOR CAC-TY.-4426-1 ,-2 90 elevation TY-4426-1, Point 5822 TY-4426-2, Point 5823 ÷ x 0.05 Total No. of Average Weighted Temperatures Temp Average TY-4426-2, Point 5824 Temp Between 70 and 80 elevation TY-4426-1, Point 5803 TY-4426-2, Point 5802 +/- = x 0.09 =

Total No. of Average Weighted Temperatures Temp Average TY-4426-2, Point 5804 Temp Between 28 and 45 elevation TY-4426-1, Point 5805 TY-4426-1, Point 5807 ÷ = x 0.40 =

Total No. of Average Weighted Temperatures Temp Average TY-4426-2, Point 5806 Temp TY-4426-2, Point 5808 Between 10 and 23 elevation TY-4426-1, Point 5812 TY-4426-1, Point 5809 ÷ = x 0.38 =

Total No. of Average Weighted Temperatures Temp Average TY-4426-2, Point 581 3 Temp OEOP-01-UG Rev. 57 Page 57 of 151

ATTACHMENT 4 Page 6 of 7 Drywell Average Air Temperature Calculation MICROPROCESSOR CAC-TY-4426-1, -2 (Cont)

Below 5 elevation -

TY-4426-1 Point 5817 TY-4426-1, Point 5818 x 0.08 Total No. of Average Weighted Temperatures Temp Average TY-4426-2, Point 5819 Temp TY-4426.-2, Point 5820 Drywell Average Air Temperature (Sum of Weighted Average Temps)

OEOP-01-UG Rev. 57 Page 58 of 151

ATTACHMENT 4 Page 7 of 7 DryweH Average Air Temperature Calculation RECORDER CAC-TR-778 Above 70 elevation TR-778 Point 1 x 014 =

Weighted Temp Between 28 and 45 elevation TR-778 Point 3 x 0.40 = °F Weighted Temp Below 23 elevation TR-778 Point 4 x 0.46 = °F Weighted Temp Drywell Average Air Temperature (Sum of Weighted Temps) 0EOP01-UG Rev. 57 Page 59 of 151

R ATTACHMENT 4 Reference Page 1 of 1 Use R19 RBCCW Pump Restart Determination Using CAC-TR-4426 Did a local drywell maximum air temperature reach or exceed 260 deg F?

YES Did it occur on Elevation 29 or below?

Was the maximum local Did it exceed temperature equal to 285 deg F?

260 deg F?

NO Use Table I on YES Attachment 6 Use Table 2 on (for temperature Attachment 6.

greater than 260 deg F.)

Restart RBCCW pumps.

1 OP-21 Rev. 50 Page 78 of 82 1

ATTACHMENT 5 R Reference Page 1 of 1 Use R19J RBCCW Pump Restart Determination Using CAC-TR-778 Did a local drywell maximum air temperature reach or exceed 258 deg F?

YES Did it occur on Elevation 29 or below?

Was the maximum local Did it exceed temperature equal to 284 deg F?

258 deg F?


NO Use Table Ion Attachment 6 Use Table 2 on (for temperature Attachment 6.

greate 258 deg F.)

Restart RBCCW pumps.

1OP-21 Rev. 50 Page 79 of 82

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 1 of 1 R19j Required Drywell Cooldown Time Prior to RBCCW Pump Restart R Reference Use NOTE: For the local drywell temperature ranges given below, the peak local temperature must have cooled to equal to or less than 230°F for the time indicated before RBCCW pumps may be restarted.

NOTE: CAC-TR-4426 only: If any air temperature indication at or below the 29 elevation reached or exceeded 285°F, then the Required Drywell Cooldown Time shown in Table 1 or Table 2 will be determined using the highest indicated air temperature 260°F currently existing at or below the 29 elevation. This action takes precedence over temperature indications above the 29 elevation.

NOTE: CAC-TR-778 only: If any air temperature indication at or below the 29 elevation reached or exceeded 284°F, then the Required Drywell Cooldown Time shown in Table 1 or Table 2 will be determined using the highest indicated air temperature 258°F currently existing at or below the 29 elevation. This action takes precedence over temperature indications above the 29 elevation.


>450°F >400°F and >350°F and >300°F and CAC-TR-4426:

450°F 400°F 350°F >260°F and 300°F CAC-.TR-778:

>258°F and

, 300°F 43 minutes 39 minutes 36 minutes 30 minutes 22 minutes TABLE_2

>450°F >400°F and >350°F and >300°F and CAC-TR-4426:

450°F 400°F 350°F >285°F and 300°F CAC-TR-778:

>284°F and 300°F 7 hr 4 mm 6 hr 23 mm 5 hr 30 mm 4 hr 21 mm 2 hr 27 mm 1 OP-21 Rev. 50 Page 80 of 82

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 12 of 19 FIGURE 17 Unit 1 Reactor Water Level at TAF 0


-20 C/)


E -30 0




> -50 200°F LU


z - 80



,150 1,100 60 200 400 600 800 1,000 REACTOR PRESSURE (PSIG)



OEOP-O1-UG Rev. 57 Page 98 of 151

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 14 of 19 FIGURE 18 Unit I Reactor Water Level at LL-4 (Minimum Steam Cooling Level) 0


- 20 C,)

LU I - 30 C) z



> -50 LU

-J U -60 LU C) - 70 U

z -80

- 90

- 100 1,100 60 200 400 600 800 1,000 REACTOR PRESSURE (PSIG)


LL-4 IS -30.0 INCHES.

OEOP-01-UG Rev. 57 Page 100 of 151

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 16 of 19 FIGURE 19 Unit I Reactor Water Level at LL-5 (Minimum Zero Injection Level) 0


- 20 LU z 30 C-)


-J -40 LU LU 50

-J -

C LU F - 60 C-:,

C - 70 z

- 80

- 90

-100 60 200 400 600 800 1,000 REACTOR PRESSURE (PSIG)


LL-5 IS -47.5 INCHES.

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