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RAI Regarding 2009 Steam Generator Tube Inspection Results (ME3998)
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 12/17/2010
From: Nadiyah Morgan
Plant Licensing Branch 1
To: Harden P
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Morgan N, NRR/DORL, 415-1016
TAC ME3998
Download: ML103500490 (5)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 December 17, 2010 Mr. Paul A. Harden Site Vice President FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Beaver Valley Power Station Mail Stop A-BV-SEB1 P.O. Box 4, Route 168 Shippingport, PA 15077



Dear Mr. Harden:

By letter dated February 11, 2010, as supplemented by letter dated May 17, 2010, FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (the licensee), submitted information summarizing the results of the 2009 steam generator tube inspections for the fourteenth refueling outage at Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No.2, in accordance with Technical Specification

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff is reviewing the submittals and has determined that additional information is needed to complete its review. The specific questions are found in the enclosed request for additional information (RAI). The NRC staff is requesting a response to the RAI within 30 days of receipt.

The NRC staff considers that timely responses to RAls help ensure sufficient time is available for NRC staff review and contribute toward the NRC goal of efficient and effective use of staff resources.

P. Harden -2 If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact me at (301) 415-1016.

Sincerely, Nadiyah S. Morgan, Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch 1-1 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-412


RAI cc w/encl: Distribution via Listserv

REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY THE OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION REGARDING 2009 STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION RESULTS BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT NO.2 DOCKET NO. 50-412 By letters dated February 11, 2010 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML100491087), supplemented by letter dated May 17, 2010 (ADAMS Accession No. ML101410292), FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (the licensee),

submitted a summarization of the 2009 steam generator (SG) tube inspection results for Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit NO.2 (BVPS-2). These inspections were performed during the fourteenth refueling outage. On October 23, 2009, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff conducted a conference call with the licensee to discuss ongoing SG tube inspection activities. By letter dated November 18, 2009 (ADAMS Accession No. ML093140728), the NRC staff summarized the details of the conference call. In order to complete its review of the documents listed above, the NRC staff needs the following additional information:

1. Discuss the results of the secondary side inspections performed in SGs A, B, and C, including the results of foreign object search and retrieval, possible loose part inspections, and the visual inspections of the annulus and tube lane regions. If all loose parts were not removed, discuss whether an analysis was performed to confirm that tube integrity would be maintained during the next operating cycle. If all locations with potential loose part indications from eddy current exams were not visually inspected, discuss how these tubes were dispositioned.
2. Discuss the results of your inspections of the plugs in SGs A, 8, and C.
3. During your 2009 outage, some preliminary information was provided to the NRC staff that there was an indication of outside diameter stress corrosion cracking associated with a free span ding in SG A, approximately 44.6-inches above the sixth hot-leg tube support plate in the tube in row 41, column 36 (R41C36). In the May 17, 2010, report, the tube in R41C36 is not included in the SG A table for tubes with service-induced indications. This indication is also not referenced in the February 11, 2010, report. Discuss how this indication was dispositioned.



4. Page 3, Section d.3 of the May 17, 2010, report states that if the plus point probe indicated no "flaws" were present within the wear scar, a wear call was assigned to the plus point report. Clarify if "flaw" should have actually said "crack-like flaws."
5. When the tables for service-induced indications in the February 11, 2010, and May 17, 2010, reports are compared, many of the indications are shown to have different arc lengths. Explain the difference between the reports.

P. Harden -2 If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact me at (301) 415-1016.

Sincerely, IRA!

Nadiyah S. Morgan, Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch 1-1 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-412


RAI cc w/encl: Distribution via Listserv DISTRIBUTION:

PUBLIC RidsNrrLASLittle RidsAcrsAcnw_MailCTR LPLI-1 RlF RidsNrrPMBeaverValley RidsOGCRp RidsNrrDorlDpr RidsNrrDciCsgb RidsRgn1 MailCenter Ridsl\JrrDorlLpll-1 AJohnson ADAMS Accession No.: ML103500490 *See memo dated September 1, 2010

    • via email OFFICE DORULPLI-1/PM DORLILPLI-1/LA DCI/CSGB/BC DORLILPLI-1/BC NSalgado NAME NMorgan SUttle (ABaxter forL RTaylor (MYoder for) BVaidya for DATE 12/17/10 12/17/2010 ** 9/2/2010* 12/17/10 OFFICIAL RECORD COpy