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Request for Additional Information Regarding Technical Specification Changes for Heavy Loads Over the Spent Fuel Pool
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/02/2010
From: Jason Paige
Plant Licensing Branch II
To: Nazar M
Florida Power & Light Co
Paige, Jason C, NRR/DORL,301-415-5888
TAC ME3379, TAC ME3380
Download: ML102910178 (4)



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~ November 2, 2010

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Mr. Mano Nazar Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Florida Power and Light Company P.O. Box 14000 Juno Beach, Florida 33408-0420 SUB.JECT: TURKEY POINT UNITS 3 AND 4 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES FOR HEAVY LOADS OVER THE SPENT FUEL POOL (TAC NOS. ME3379 AND ME3380)

Dear Mr. Nazar:

By letter dated February 16, 2010 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML100600441), Florida Power and Light Company (FPL) requested an amendment to Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-31 and DPR-41 for Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4. The application proposes changes to the Technical Spedfications (TSs) that would delete TS 3/4.9.7, "Crane Travel- Spent Fuel Storage Areas," retain the operational limits associated with TS 3/4.9.7 in licensee-controlled documents, and delete TS 3/4.9.12, "Handling of Spent Fuel Cask," based on the installation of a new single-failure-proof spent fuel cask handling crane meeting the requirements of NUREG-0554, "Single-Failure-Proof Cranes for Nuclear Power Plants," May 1979.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has completed its initial review of this license amendment request, and has determined that additional information is necessary to complete the review. Draft requests for additional information were sent via email to Mr. Bob Tomonto on September 9, 2010. A call was not requested by FPL but the NRC requests that you provide responses within 30 days of the date of this letter.

If you have any questions, please contact me at (301) 415-5888.

Sincerely, /'1)

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IJason C. Paige, Project Manager

Plant Licensing Branch 11-2 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251


Request for Additional Information cc w/encl: Distribution via Listserv

REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION HEAVY LOADS OVER SPENT FUEL POOL FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY TURKEY POINT UNITS 3 AND 4 DOCKET NUMBERS 50-250 AND 50-251 By letter dated February 16, 2010 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Accession No. ML100600441), Florida Power and Light Company (FPL) requested an amendment to Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-31 and DPR-41 for Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4. The application proposes changes to the Technical Specifications (TSs) that would delete TS 3/4.9.7, "Crane Travel- Spent fuel Storage Areas," retain the operational limits associated with TS 3/4.9.7 in licensee-controlled documents, and delete TS 3/4.9.12, "Handling of Spent Fuel Cask," based on the installation of a new single-failure-proof spent fuel cask handling crane meeting the requirements of NUREG-0554, "Single-Failure-Proof Cranes for Nuclear Power Plants," May 1979. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has completed its initial review of this license amendment request, and has determined that this request for additional information (RAI) is necessary to complete the review.


The guidelines of Section 9.1.5, "Overhead Heavy Load Handling System,"

Revision 1, of the NRC Standard Review Plan (SRP) (NUREG-0800) provides current NRC staff guidelines for the design operation and maintenance of overhead heavy load handling systems. These guidelines are generally consistent with those of Section 5.1 of NUREG-0612, "Control of Heavy Loads at Nuclear Power Plants," July 1980, with the exception of more restrictive guidelines for the selection of slings used with critical loads in Section 9.1.5 of NUREG-0800. The Certificate of Compliance accompanying a general license for an independent spent fuel storage installation would typically specify handling system conformance with the guidelines of NUREG-0612 and NUREG-0554, "Single-Failure-Proof Cranes for Nuclear Power Plants."

RAI1: The license amendment request includes the following statement regarding the status of the Turkey Point cask handling crane upgrade:

Florida Power and Light (FPL) is in the process of upgrading the spent fuel cask handling crane to a single-failure-proof crane design (design rated load of 130 tons for the main hoist and 25 tons for the auxiliary hoist), which includes the replacement of the main and auxiliary hoists, trolley, bridge and electronics.

The license amendment request also described that the precedent license amendment for St. Lucie, Units 1 and 2, was based on certification that the replacement cask handling cranes were designed, installed, and load tested to the single failure proof criteria of NUREG-0554. Provide an equivalent

-2 certification that the Turkey Point cask handling crane upgrade has been completed.

RAI2: The license amendment request includes the following statement regarding the implementation of periodic nondestructive examination (NDE) of critical welds in the upgraded Turkey Point cask handling crane:

The alternative of a cold proof load test is not utilized and not required. Welds on the replacement trolley and bridge structure whose failure could result in the drop of the critical load, will be nondestructively tested during initial fabrication. As such, nondestructive testing subsequent to site load testing of the replacement crane and thereafter is not required.

The technical basis for the linkage between a test to demonstrate ductile behavior of the bridge base material (the "cold-proof' test) and periodic NDE of critical welds is not clear. Describe the basis for concluding that periodic NDE of critical welds is not required considering the initial qualification of the structure and periodic inspections. Otherwise, propose an alternative schedule for periodic NDE of critical welds.

RAI3: The license amendment request includes the following statement regarding lifting devices to be used with the upgraded Turkey Point cask handling crane:

Lifting devices and interfacing lift points used for handling heavy loads will meet the associated guidance in NUREG-0612, Section 5.1.6 and the requirements of the FPL site heavy loads program.

In Regulatory Issue Summary 2005-25, Supplement 1, the NRC staff described operating experience that indicated single operational errors resulted in synthetic round sling failures. The staff considered this condition incompatible with the intent of single-failure-proof handling systems. However, operating experience suggested that metallic slings resist similar load handling errors. Accordingly, the staff included guidance in Revision 1 to SRP Section 9.1.5 specifying the use of metal slings (chain or wire rope) when a single-failure-proof handling system is required. Describe administrative controls that would limit the slings used with single-failure-proof handling systems to metal slings or propose an alternative method of providing inherent protection against load drops resulting from improper placement of corner protection and similar operational errors.

November 2,2010 Mr. Mano Nazar Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Florida Power and Light Company P.O. Box 14000 Juno Beach, Florida 33408-0420 SUB..IECT: TURKEY POINT UNITS 3 AND 4 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES FOR HEAVY LOADS OVER THE SPENT FUEL POOL (TAC NOS. ME3379 AND ME3380)

Dear Mr. Nazar:

By letter dated February 16, 2010 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML100600441), Florida Power and Light Company (FPL) requested an amendment to Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-31 and DPR-41 for Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4. The application proposes changes to the Technical Specifications (TSs) that would delete TS 3/4.9.7, "Crane Travel- Spent Fuel Storage Areas," retain the operational limits associated with TS 3/4.9.7 in licensee-controlled documents, and delete TS 3/4.9.12, "Handling of Spent Fuel Cask," based on the installation of a new single-failure-proof spent fuel cask handling crane meeting the requirements of NUREG-0554, "Single-Failure-Proof Cranes for Nuclear Power Plants," May 1979.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has completed its initial review of this license amendment request, and has determined that additional information is necessary to complete the review. Draft requests for additional information were sent via email to Mr. Bob Tomonto on September 9, 2010. A call was not requested by FPL but the NRC requests that you provide responses within 30 days of the date of this letter.

If you have any questions, please contact me at (301) 415-5888.

Sincerely, IRA!

Jason C. Paige, Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch 11-2 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251


Request for Additional Information cc w/encl: Distribution via Listserv DISTRIBUTION:

PUBLIC RidsOgcRp RidsNrrDorlDpr LPL2-2 R/F RidsAcrsAcnw_MailCTR Resource RidsNrrDssSbpb RidsNrrPMTurkey Point RidsRgn2MailCenter RidsNrrLABClayton (Hard Copy) RidsNrrDorlLpl2-2 ADAMS Accesslon Num b er: ML102910178 *BjY memo OFFICE LPL2-2/PM LPL2-2/LA SBPB/BC LPL2-2/BC NAME JPaige BClayton GCasto* DBroaddus(TOrf for)

DATE 10/20110 10/20/10 09/01/2010 11/02/2010 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY