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OL - Fw: NRC RAI Master List for 6/10 Telecom
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Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/09/2010
- No Known Affiliation
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
Download: ML101610737 (39)


WBN2Public Resource From: Crouch, William D []

Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 12:53 PM To: Wiebe, Joel


Fw: NRC RAI Master List for 6/10 Telecom Attachments: Open Items List 5-25-2010 Master.xls From: Clark, Mark Steven To: Crouch, William D Cc: Hilmes, Steven A; Knuettel, Edward Terry Sent: Wed Jun 09 12:51:13 2010


NRC RAI Master List for 6/10 Telecom Bill:

Please forward the attached list to Joel for review at tomorrows telecom. Items changed are highlighted in yellow.

Thanks, Steve Steve Clark Bechtel Power Corp.

Control Systems Watts Bar 2 Completion Project Phone: 865.632.7694 Fax: 865.632.2604 e-mail: 1

Hearing Identifier: Watts_Bar_2_Operating_LA_Public Email Number: 31 Mail Envelope Properties (B75BE6D61CDE4A468D264343045CAC4F062D49B4)


Fw: NRC RAI Master List for 6/10 Telecom Sent Date: 6/9/2010 12:52:53 PM Received Date: 6/9/2010 12:53:24 PM From: Crouch, William D Created By: Recipients:

"Wiebe, Joel" <>

Tracking Status: None Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 572 6/9/2010 12:53:24 PM Open Items List 5-25-2010 Master.xls 200768 Options Priority: Standard Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date:

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Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments 1 November 19, 2009 (ML093260343, RAI 1) Originator: EICB (Carte) 12/15/2009 Presentation Slides: This item was partially Date: 3/15/2010 Responsibility: NRC (All) Closed NNC 11/19/09: The FSAR contains mostly description of The Watts Bar Nuclear Plant FSAR red-line for Unit 2 (Agency wide Documents Access and Management addressed during the December 15, 2009 meeting. RAI response received. the function that the various TVA systems must perform.

System Accession Number ML080770366) lists changes to the Unit 1 FSAR and depicts how Chapter 7 of TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item No. 1 on Therefore this question was asked to determine how the the Unit 2 FSAR will appear at fuel load. Have additional changes been made to Chapter 7 of the Unit 2 Page 1 of 15): TVA responded to this request for additional systems have been changed.

FSAR beyond those indicated in ML080770366? Which of the changes identified correspond to digital Information. NNC 4/15/10: The response addresses many systems instrumentation and controls (I&C) components and systems that have not been previously reviewed and and should be read by all EICB reviewers.

approved by the NRC?

2 November 19, 2009 (ML093260343, RAI 2) Originator: EICB (Carte) 12/15/2009 Presentation Slides: This item was partially Date: 3/15/2010 Responsibility: NRC (All) Closed NNC 11/19/09: The FSAR contains mostly description of Are there I&C components and systems that have changed to a new or different digital technology without addressed during the December 15, 2009 meeting. RAI response received. the function that the various TVA systems must perform.

the change being reflected in the FSAR markup? Are there any not-redlined I&C components and systems TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item No. 2 on Therefore this question was asked to determine how the that have been changed or replaced by digital base technology since Unit 1 was approved? Page 2 of 15): TVA responded to this request for additional systems have been changed.

Information. NNC 4/15/10: The response addresses many systems and should be read by all EICB reviewers.

3 November 19, 2009 (ML093260343, RAI 3) Originator: EICB (Carte) 12/15/2009 Presentation Slides: This item was partially Date: 3/15/2010 Responsibility: NRC (All) Closed NNC 11/19/09: The FSAR contains mostly description of Because a digital I&C platform can be configured and programmed for different applications, the review addressed during the December 15, 2009 meeting. RAI response received. the function that the various TVA systems must perform.

process can be divided between a review of the platform and a review of the application. For planning TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item No. 3 on Therefore this question was asked to determine how the and scheduling reasons, it is important to know beforehand which platform has been used in each digital Page 2 of 15): TVA responded to this request for additional systems have been changed.

component and system. What is the base platform of each unreviewed digital I&C component and system Information. NNC 4/15/10: The response addresses many systems (e.g., Common Q)? and should be read by all EICB reviewers.

4 November 19, 2009 (ML093260343, RAI 4) Originator: EICB (Carte) 1/13/10 Public Meeting: TVA identified a schedule for docketing Date: 3/15/2010 Responsibility: NRC (All) and Open NNC 11/19/09: LIC-110 Rev. 1 Section 6.2.2 states:

some Post Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) documentation, TVA (Hilmes) Due _________ "Design features and administrative programs that are Please identify the documentation that will be submitted for each unreviewed digital I&C system and and the new setpoint methodology. No other documentation was Carte to review the PAMS instruments for D3 analysis. unique to Unit 2 should then be reviewed in accordance component and the associated docketing schedule. discussed. with current staff positions.TVA will supply a TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item No. 4 on TVA to address the question of how a Foxboro IA description of the changes implemented at Unit 1 but Page 3 of 15): TVA responded to this request for additional common mode or complete failure impacts the plant have not been reviewed for Unit 2 by the NRC technical Information accident analysis as described in Chapter 15 of the staff...TVA will also provide the applicable portion of the FSAR. (Prove segments are independent) FSAR and the proposed TSs...In addition, the staff should review items that are identical for WBN Units 1 and 2 that have not previously been reviewed and approved by the NRC staff. These items are changes in the design and licensing basis for WBN Unit 1 that TVA has implemented without NRC prior approval under the 10 CFR 50.59 process."

NNC 4/15/10: The response addresses many systems and should be read by all EICB reviewers.

5 December 11, 2009 (ML093431118, RAI 5) Originator: EICB (Carte) TVA Letter Dated February 5, 2010: TVA provided the Unit 2 Date: 3/15/2010 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) Open NNC 4/15/10: Related to setpoints and SE setpoint methodology (WCAP-177044-P Revision 0 - dated and TVA (Hilmes and Crouch) Due__________ Section


File: radF8854.xls Page 1 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments By letter date February 28, 2008 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) December). RAI response received.

Accession Number ML080770366) TVA provided a "red-lined" version of the FSAR for WBN Unit 2. The TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item No. 5 on purpose of this FSAR "red-line" version was to depict how the Unit 2 FSAR will appear at fuel load. This Page 5 of 15): TVA responded to this request for additional This item requires futher discussion between TVA and letter identified significant FSAR changes and provided a X-REF number for each. Information the staff concening the setpoint methodology employed for WBN2.

Change 7.3-1 refers to the following two Summary Reports:

See Item 8.

TVA Letter, P. L. Pace to NRC, dated February.9, 1998, "Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 1 - 10 CFR 50.59(b)(2), Changes, Tests and Experiments Summary Report TVA Letter, P. L. Pace to NRC, dated September 30, 2005, "Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 1 - 10 CFR 50.59, Changes, Tests and Experiments Summary Report" Please submit the 50.59 Evaluations for each of these Summary Reports and identify which parts are relevant to the Unit 2 Setpoint Methodology.

6 December 11, 2009 (ML093431118, RAI 6) Originator: EICB By letter dated February 5, 2010: TVA provided the Unit 2 Date: 2/16/2010 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) Open NNC: WCAP-12096 Rev. 7 (ML073460281) is in ADAMS.

(Carte for Garg) setpoint methodology (WCAP-177044-P Revision 0 - dated Revised Response Amendment 95 of the FSAR, Chapter 7.3, shows that change 7.3-1 consists of updating a reference from December 2009). The Westinghouse Setpoint methodology document (WCAP- Due 7/23/10 NNC: WCAP-12096 Rev. 8 is the current revision for Unit revision 5 to revision 7 and making it applicable to Unit 1 only, while adding a new reference, applicable 17044-P Revision 0) identifies that the intermediate and 1.

only to Unit 2. TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item No. 6 on source range calculations were performed by TVA (2-NMD-Page 7 of 15): TVA responded to this request for additional 092-0131). Please provide the intermediate and source NNC 4/15/10: Hukam, please update this open item as Reagan, J. R., "Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology for Protection Systems, Watts Bar Units 1 and 2, Information. range calculations performed by TVA (2-NMD-092-0131). appropriate.

Eagle 21 Version," WCAP-12096 Rev. 7, (Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2). Unit 1 Only The Westinghouse Setpoint methodology document (WCAP- TVA to docket Rev. 8 and identify that Rev. 8 is the WCAP Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology for Protection System, Watts Bar Unit 2, Eagle 21 Version, 17044-P Revision 0) identifies that the undervoltage and current revision for Unit 1. TVA to identify any NRC WCAP-17044-P. Unit 2 Only. underfrequency calculations were performed by TVA (2 approval of Rev. 8.

068-0031). Please provide the undervoltage and Please provide both setpoint methodology documents identified above. underfrequency calculations performed by TVA (2-27-068- TVA to describe how TVA calculations for Unit 2 are 0031). different than Unit 1. If they are the same, TVA to docket such statement under oath and Affirmation.

Work with Item 7 for WCAP-12906 issues.

7 December 11, 2009 (ML093431118, RAI 7) Originator: EICB TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item Date: 1/13/2010 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) Open NNC 4/15/10: Related to setpoints and SE (Carte for Garg) No. 7 on Page 7 of 15): TVA responded to this Revised Response Section

request for additional Information. Due 7/23/10 The setpoint methodology has been reviewed and approved by the NRC staff in Section of NUREG- RAI response received. NRC to review response.

NNC 4/15/10: Hukam, please update this open 0847 (ML072060490), NUREG-0847 Supplement No.4 (ML072060524), and NUREG-0847 Supplement item as appropriate.

No. 15 (ML072060488). TVA will submit WCAP-12096, Rev. 8 if there is a change to the methodology.

TVA to provide Rev. 8 of the Unit 1 document Please describe all changes from the methodology that has been reviewed and approved by the staff.

(which is the current one) if there is a change in TVA will supply the 50.59 letter for Rev. 8 methodology and identify how the Unit 2 document differs from it.

TVA to locate transmittal letter that submitted Rev. 7.

TVA to determine the last revision of WCAP-12096 where there was a change in methodology.

Work with Item 6 for WCAP-12906 issues.

8 December 11, 2009 (ML093431118, RAI 8) Originator: EICB TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item Date: 5/24/10 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) Open TVA stated that they will follow TSTF-493 Rev. 4 as (Carte for Garg) No. 8 on Page 7 of 15): TVA responded to this and TVA (Hilmes/Crouch) Due__________ approved by the NRC.

request for additional Information File: radF8854.xls Page 2 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments There are several staff positions that provide guidance on setpoint methodology (e.g., Reg Guide 1.105, request for additional Information RAI response received. NRC to review response.

BTP 7-12, RIS-2006-17 and TSTF-493 Rev. 4). Please identify how the Unit 2 setpoint methodology The TS have already been provided to the NRC.

addresses staff guidance. This item requires further discussion between TVA and the staff concerning the applicability of the staff NNC 4/15/10: Related to setpoints and SE Section positions to WBN2.

See Item 5 NNC 4/15/10: Hukam, please update this open item as appropriate.

9 December 11, 2009 (ML093431118, RAI 9) Originator: EICB TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item Date: 3/15/2010 Responsibility: NRC (Darbali) Closed NNC 4/15/10: Related SE Section 7.3.

(Carte for Darbali) No. 9 on Page 8 of 15): TVA responded to this Change 7.3-2, identified in Watts Bar Nuclear Plant FSAR red-line for Unit 2 (ADAMS Accession Number request for additional Information 50.59 evaluation was submitted in the RAI response. NRC to ML080770366), refers to the following Summary Report: TVA Letter, P. L. Pace to NRC, dated September review.

20, 2002, "Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 1 - 10 CFR 50.59, Changes, Tests and Experiments Summary Report" Please provide the 50.59 Evaluation summarized in this Summary Report.

10 December 11, 2009 (ML093431118, RAI 10) Originator: EICB TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item Date: 3/15/2010 Responsibility: NRC (Darbali) NRC Review NNC 4/15/10: Related SE Section 7.3.

(Carte for Darbali) No. 10 on Page 8 of 15): TVA responded to this The original SER on Watts Bar (NUREG-0847) documents that the scope of the review of FSAR Section request for additional Information. NRC evaluating TVA response.

7.3, Engineered Safety Features Actuations System, included: included single-line, function logic and schematic diagrams, and descriptive information for the ESFAS and those auxiliary supporting systems TVA Letter (ML073550386) dated FEB 26 1992: NRC to discuss document requirements and provide that are essential to the operation of either the ESFAS or the ESF systems. The review included the docketed WCAP-12374 Rev. 1 (ML080500664). additional information to resolve this item.

applicant's design criteria and design bases for the ESFAS and the instrumentation and controls of auxiliary supporting systems. The review also included the applicant's analyses of the manner in which the design of the ESFAS and the auxiliary supporting systems conform to the design criteria."

Please provide the information referred to in the quotation and include a description of all changes since this information was reviewed and approved by the NRC staff.

If some parts of this information is included in the FSAR (e.g., Design Criteria) this information can be explicitly referenced in the response to this question.

11 December 11, 2009 (ML093431118, RAI 11) Originator: EICB TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item Date: 3/15/2010 Responsibility: NRC (Darbali) Closed NNC 4/15/10: Related SE Section 7.3.

(Carte for Darbali) No. 11 on Page 13 of 15): TVA responded to this NUREG-0847 Supplement No. 2 Section 7.3.2 documents an evaluation of a change in containment sump request for additional Information Requested information was submitted in the RAI response.

level measurement. Provide documentation to demonstrate that Unit 2 implements the containment sump level indication as described and evaluated in NUREG-0847 Supplement No. 2, Section 7.3.2, for Unit 1.

12 December 11, 2009 (ML093431118, RAI 12) Originator: EICB TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item Date: 3/15/2010 Responsibility: TVA Open NNC 4/15/10: Related SE Section 7.4.

(Carte for Darbali) No. 12 on Page 13 of 15): TVA responded to this Revised Response The original SER on Watts Bar (NUREG-0847) documents that the scope of the review of FSAR Section request for additional Information TVA to provide the following: Due 7/23/10 7.4, "Systems Required for Safe Shutdown," included single-line and schematic diagrams: "The scope of the review of the systems required for safe shutdown included the single-line and schematic diagrams and 1. Description of what is different from Unit 1 the descriptive information for these systems and for the auxiliary systems essential for their operation."

2. Road map between functions listed in 7.4 and the Please provide the single-line and schematic diagrams for the systems required for safe shutdown that FSAR section that describes the equipment that are applicable to Unit 2, and include a description of all changes since these diagrams were reviewed and performs the function.

approved by the NRC staff.

13 December 11, 2009 (ML093431118, RAI 13) Originator: EICB TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item Date: 3/15/2010 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) NRC Review of T.S. TS have been docketed.

(Carte for Garg) No. 13 on Page 14 of 15): TVA responded to this request for additional Information NNC 4/15/10: Related to setpoints and SE Section File: radF8854.xls Page 3 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments Chapter 7 and Chapter 16 of Amendment 95 to the FSAR do not include any setpoint values. Please request for additional Information RAI response received. NRC to review response. NNC 4/15/10: Related to setpoints and SE Section describe how and when setpoint values (e.g., TS allowable values) will be provided for Unit 2.

Please describe the documentation that will be provided to justify the acceptability of these values. NNC 4/15/10: Hukam, please update this open item as appropriate.

Related to SE Section

14 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 1) Originator: EICB Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC NRC Review NNC 4/30/10: Related to Eagle 21; therefore (Carte for Garg) (Carte & Garg) Garg is responsible.

Provide the justification for any hardware and software changes that have been made since the previous By letter dated April 27, 2010: TVA responded to this request for NNC: I do not recall saying that the NRC is not interested in U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff review for Eagle 21 and other platforms. information (Enclosure, Item No. 1) stated: "In discussion with the changes in other platforms. Please provide a description of staff, TVA's understanding is that the focus of this question is the changes to other platforms (e.g., SSPS).

Eagle 21 system. Please refer to Reference 2 [TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010], Question 10, and TVA letter to NRC dated For Eagle 21, this response points to Open Item No. 10.

August 25, 2008, 'Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) - Unit 2 -

Westinghouse Eagle 21 Process Protection System, Response to NRC I&C Branch request for additional information' (Reference 3

[TVA letter dated August 25, 2008]) for the discussion of changes to the Eagle 21 system."

A listing of changes to other platforms was provided in TVA letter dated April 27, 2010, Enclosure 1, items 21 and 23.

15 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 2) Originator: EICB Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) NRC Review (Carte for Garg)

Verify that the refurbishment of the power range nuclear instrumentation drawers resulted in only like-for- By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Awaiting NRC evaluation of response.

like replacements. information (Enclosure, Item No. 2).

Awaiting Garg to assign responsibility for the Nuclear Instrumentation system (NIS) 16 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 3) Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) NRC Review Identify the precedents in license amendment requests (LARs), if any, for source range monitors or By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Awaiting NRC evaluation of response.

intermediate range monitors. information (Enclosure, Item No. 3).

17 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 4) Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) NRC Review Identify precedents in LARs, if any, for the solid state protection system. Also, identify any hardware By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Awaiting NRC evaluation of response.

deviation from the precedent. information (Enclosure, Item No. 4).

18 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 5) Originator: EICB Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) NRC Review (Carte for Garg)

Identify any changes made to any instrumentation and control (I&C) system based on prior knowledge of By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Awaiting NRC evaluation of response.

failures. information (Enclosure, Item No. 5).

19 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 6) Originator: EICB Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) Pending Submittal (Carte for Garg) 6/18/10 File: radF8854.xls Page 4 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments Verify that the containment purge isolation radiation monitor is the same as used in Watts Bar Unit 1, or By latter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Awaiting NRC evaluation of response.

identify any hardware changes. information (Enclosure 1, Item No. 6) for the ratemeter.

A newer model, RD-52, of the RD-32 detector assembly used in Unit 1. The detector assembly replacement is due to obsolescence and improved reliability.

20 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 7) Originator: EICB Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (EEEB) Closed NNC 4/30/10: SRP Section 7.0 states: "The (Carte for Garg) organization responsible for the review of Provide environmental qualification information pursuant to Section 50.49 of Title 10 of the Code of By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Garg to coordinate with Weibi to ensure EEEB takes environmental qualification reviews the Federal Regulations (10 CFR) for safety-related actuation transmitters. information (Enclosure, Item No. 7). responsibility for this one. environmental qualification of I&C equipment.

The scope of this review includes the design criteria and qualification testing methods and procedures for I&C equipment."

21 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 8) Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: D. McNeil Date: 5/24/10 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal For the Foxboro Spec 200 platform, identify any changes in hardware from the precedent systems. No vendor system description is available for the Foxboro Spec The understanding reached in the meeting on April 14, 2010, 6/18/10 Provide the design report and the equipment qualification information. 200 system. The hardware description and qualification was that TVA should identify any changes, or state under documents are provided on a component level basis. A TVA oath and affirmation that there were no changes. If there generated system description is provided to assist the reviewer. were no changes, then the NRC would confirm by inspection.

The hardware differences from the unit 1 systems are provided in the loop and card comparison documents. As agreed with the A revised response was requested at the 5/24/10 public reviewer, the component level documents are not required to be meeting.

submitted at this time, but may be required based on the review of attached documents. The following documents are provided (Attachment 1):

1. Analog loop comparison
2. Analog card comparison
3. Analog system description The component level information is available for audit or will be submitted when requested by the reviewer.

22 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 9) Originator: EICB Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) Closed (Carte for Garg)

Verify the auxiliary feedwater control refurbishment results in a like-for-like replacement, and identify any By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for NRC to audit changes from the identified precedents. information (Enclosure, Item No. 9).

23 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 10) Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 12/22/09 Responsibility: NRC (EEEB) Closed NNC 4/30/10: SRP Section 7.0 states: "The Provide environmental qualification (10 CFR 50.49) information for safety-related control transmitters and By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Garg to coordinate with Weibi to ensure EEEB takes organization responsible for the review of complete the deviation section of the table. information (Enclosure, Item No. 10). responsibility for this one. environmental qualification reviews the environmental qualification of I&C equipment.

The scope of this review includes the design criteria and qualification testing methods and procedures for I&C equipment."

24 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 11) Originator: EICB (Carte) During the January 13, 2010 meeting, TVA presented a schedule Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC NRC Review NNC 4/30/10: Carte to address response with for completing various documents for the PAMS system. This (Carte & Darbali) respect to PAMS and Darbali to address schedule did not support TVA's desired schedule. TVA was so response with respect to RM1000.

File: radF8854.xls Page 5 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments Provide a schedule by the January 13, 2010, meeting for providing documentation in accordance with I&C schedule did not support TVA's desired schedule. TVA was so Awaiting NRC evaluation of response. response with respect to RM1000.

Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) 6. informed and said they would work on improving the schedule.

TVA said that the setpoint methodology would be provided shortly. No other systems of documentation was discussed.

By letter dated February 5, 2010 (see enclosure 1), TVA provided a list of documents and associated availability for PAMS.

By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for information (Enclosure, Item No. 11).

25 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 12) Originator: EICB Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 12/22/09 Responsibility: NRC (Darbali) NRC Review FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring (Carte for Darbali) Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 For the containment radiation high radiation monitor, verify that the information provided by TVA is By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Garg to coordinate with Weibi to ensure EEEB takes consistent with the information provided with the previously-approved license amendment request for the information (Enclosure, Item No. 12). responsibility for this one.

Duane Arnold plant or provide Phase 3 information.

26 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 13) Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 12/22/09 Responsibility: NRC (EEEB) NRC Review NNC 4/30/10: SRP Section 7.0 states: "The Provide environmental qualification (10 CFR 50.49) information for safety-related monitoring transmitters. By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Garg to coordinate with Weibi to ensure EEEB takes organization responsible for the review of information (Enclosure, Item No. 13). responsibility for this one. environmental qualification reviews the environmental qualification of I&C equipment.

The scope of this review includes the design criteria and qualification testing methods and procedures for I&C equipment."

27 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 14) Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (Carte) Closed For Foxboro I/A provide information regarding safety/non-safety-related interaction, common cause By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for failures, and communication with safety related equipment in accordance with ISG 4. information (Enclosure, Item No. 14): "There is no digital communications or interactions between Foxboro Intelligent Automation (IA) and any Safety-related system."

28 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 15) Originator: EICB Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) NRC Review (Carte for Garg)

For the turbine control AEH system, verify that the refurbishment results in a like-for-like replacement. By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Awaiting NRC evaluation of response.

information (Enclosure, Item No. 15).

Awaiting Garg to assign responsibility for the turbine control AEH system.

29 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 16) Originator: EICB Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) NRC Review (Carte for Garg)

For the rod control system, verify that the refurbishment results in a like-for-like replacement. By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Awaiting NRC evaluation of response.

information (Enclosure, Item No. 16).

Awaiting Garg to assign responsibility for the rod control system.

30 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 17) Originator: EICB Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) NRC Review (Carte for Garg)

Regarding the refurbishment of I&C equipment, identify any component digital upgrades and, if so, provide By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Awaiting NRC evaluation of response.

the supporting design information. information (Enclosure, Item No. 17).

Awaiting Garg to assign responsibility for the turbine control AEH system.

31 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 18) Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (Carte) NRC Review CERPI is non-safety related.

For the rod position indication system (CERPI), provide information in accordance with ISG 4. Need to By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Awaiting NRC evaluation of response.

consider cyber-security issues. information (Enclosure, Item No. 18).

File: radF8854.xls Page 6 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments 32 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 19) Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (Carte) NRC Review For the process computer, need to consider cyber security issues and emergency response data system By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Awaiting NRC evaluation of response.

needs. information (Enclosure, Item No. 19).

33 December 22, 2009 (ML093560019, item 20) Originator: EICB Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (Garg) NRC Review The loose parts monitoring system is not connected to (Carte for Garg) any other system.

For the loose parts monitoring system, provide information regarding interactions with safety related By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Awaiting NRC evaluation of response.

equipment. information (Enclosure, Item No. 20).

Awaiting Garg to assign responsibility for the loose parts monitoring system.

34 February 4, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 4/27/10 Responder: TVA Date: 4/27/10 Responsibility: NRC (All) NRC Review In the December 15, 2009 public meeting, TVA listed the significant changes made since the Watts Bar By letter dated April 27, 2010 TVA responded to this request for Awaiting NRC evaluation of response.

Unit 1 Licensing (see below). For each of the following significant changes: information (Enclosure, Item No. 21).

1) Is the change unique to Unit 2, or will it be the same as whats currently installed in Unit 1?
2) If its the same as Unit 1, was this change made under a license amendment or under a 50.59?
3) When do you plan to submit the detailed information regarding the changes?

Chapter 7.1 - Introduction Responsibility: NRC (Garg)

Reactor Coolant System Flow Rate Measurement Design Basis Analysis Parameters Loose Parts Monitoring Chapter 7.2 - Reactor Trip System Responsibility: NRC (Garg)

Deletion of Neutron Flux Negative Rate Trip Design Basis Analysis Parameters Alternate Method for Use of Condenser Steam Dump Reactor Coolant System Flow Rate Measurement Foxboro I/A Chapter 7.3 - ESFAS Responsibility: NRC (Darbali)

Design Basis Analysis Parameters Alternate Method for Use of Condenser Steam Dump Chapter 7.5 - Instrumentation Systems Important to Safety Responsibility: NRC (Carte)

Plant Process Computer Replacement Containment Sump Level Transmitter Replacement Safety Injection Systems Cold Leg Accumulator Level Measurement System Common Q/PAMs FSAR Section 7.5 Instrumentation Systems Important To Safety - SE Section 7.5.2 Chapter 7.6 - All Other Systems Required for Safety TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 Responsibility: NRC (Garg)

(Enclosure 1, Item No. 1 on Page 1 of 15): TVA responded to this request for additional Information.

Plant Process Computer Replacement Loose Parts Monitoring System Chapter 7.7 Control Systems Responsibility: NRC (Garg)

Alternate Means for Monitoring Control or Shutdown Rod Position Eliminate Pressurizer Backup Heaters on High Level Signal AMSAC Replacement Foxboro I/A WINCISE /Power Distribution Monitoring System (Beacon) 35 February 18, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: Responder: Date: 2/18/2010 Responsibility: TVA NRC Review LIC-110 Section 6.2.2 states: Design features and administrative programs that are unique to Unit 2 should File: radF8854.xls Page 7 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments Please provide a system description of the Digital Metal Impact Monitoring System that contains sufficient TVA Letter dated March 12, 2010 Enclosure 1, item 4 responded administrative programs that are unique to Unit 2 should detail to support a review of this system using current staff positions. to this request for information. be reviewed in accordance with the current staff positions. Unit 2 FSAR Section 7.6.7, Loose Part Monitoring (LPMS) system Description, describes a system design that is unique to Unit 2.

36 February 18, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 2/18/2010 Responsibility: TVA Closed FSAR Section 7.5.1, SE Section 7.5.2 Please provide a system description of the Post Accident Monitoring System that contains sufficient detail In previous letters TVA has provided the Common Q documents to support a review of this system using current staff positions. that address this item: NNC: Unit 2 FSAR Section 7.5.1, Post Accident Monitoring Instrumentation, describes a system design that is unique to Unit 2. LIC-110, "Watts Bar Unit 2 License Application Review," states: "Design features and administrative programs that are unique to Unit 2 should then be reviewed in accordance with the current staff positions."

37 February 18, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 2/18/2010 Responsibility: TVA FSAR Amd 100 FSAR Section 7.5, Instrumentation System Important to Is the plant computer a safety-related display system? As identified in TVA letter dated March 12, 2010, Enclosure 1, Safety, consists of two major subsections: 7.5.1, Post item 2, the plant computer system is non-safety related. Accident Monitoring Instrumentation (PAM), and 7.5.2, Plant Computer System.

FSAR section 7.5 describes both safety and non-safety related devices and systems. A revision to FSAR section will be Regulatory Guide 1.70, Standard format and content of developed for amendment 100 to clarify that 7.5 applies to both Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants, safety and non-safety related equipment. Revision 3 dated November 1978 states (see Section 7.1.1): List all instrumentation, control, and supporting systems that are safety-related including alarms, communication, and display instrumentation. FSAR Section, Safety-Related Display Instrumentation, describes, in the first paragraph, the PAM system, and the second paragraph states: All other safety-related instrumentation is discussed in Section 7.5. Therefore, to be consistent with the preceding paragraph, the FSAR states that the plant computer system is safety related.

Contrary to the FSAR the slides presented at the December 15, 2010 meeting indicate that the plant process computer is not safety-related. Therefore the docketed material is inconsistent and needs to be clarified.

38 Originator: EICB () Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: Responsibility: TVA Open The slides presented at the December 15, 2010 meeting Please provide a description of the interfaces between: (1) the Safety Parameter Display System and (2) Response will be provided no later than 7/23/10 Due 7/23/10 (ML093520967) indicate that the plant process the Technical Support Center and Nuclear Data Links with the plant control and safety systems. This computer has been replaced.

Description should contain sufficient detail to support a review of these interfaces using current staff positions.

39 January 13, 2010 Originator: EICB Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 1/13/2010 Responsibility: TVA Closed The equation for the calculation of the estimated (Carte for Garg) average hot leg temperature on page 7.2-13 of Revision Please describe the change to the calculation of the estimated average hot leg temperature (see FSAR Refer to revised equations in FSAR amendment 98. WBNP-96 of the Unit 2 FSAR is different than the Section, page 7.2-14 Version WBNP-96) in sufficient detail to support a review of this system calculation of the average hot leg temperature shown at using current staff positions. the top of page 7.2-14 of version WBNP-1 of the UNIT 1 FSAR.

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Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments 40 January 13, 2010 Originator: EICB Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 1/13/2010 Responsibility: TVA Closed The equation for the calculation of the power fraction on (Carte for Garg) page 7.2-14 of Revision WBNP-96 of the Unit 2 FSAR is Please describe the change to the calculation of the power fraction (see FSAR Section, page 7.2- Refer to revised equations in FSAR amendment 98. Awaiting TVA response. different than the calculation of the power fraction 13 Version WBNP-96) in sufficient detail to support a review of this system using current staff positions. shown at the top of page 7.2-14 of version WBNP-1 of the UNIT 1 FSAR.

41 February 19, 2010: Audit Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 2/19/2010 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Please provide the following Westinghouse documents: (1) Docketed by Letter dated April 8, 2010 Awaiting completion of TVA response. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 (1) WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rev. 1, "PAMS System Requirements Specification" (2) WNA-DS-01667-WBT Rev. 0, "PAMS System Design Specification" (2) Docketed by Letter dated April 8, 2010 (3) WNA-CD-00018-GEN Rev. 3, "CGD for QNX version 4.5g" Please provide the following Westinghouse documents or pointers to where the material was reviewed Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-1526, items (3), (4) and (5) WNA-and approved in the CQ TR or SPM: CD-00018-GEN Rev. 3, "CGD for QNX version 4.5g," WNA-PT-(4) WNA-PT-00058-GEN Rev. 0, "Testing Process for Common Q Safety systems" 00058-GEN Rev. 0, "Testing Process for Common Q Safety (5) WNA-TP-00357-GEn Rev. 4, "Element Software Test Procedure" systems" and WNA-TP-00357-GEN Rev. 4, "Element Software Test Procedure" are available at the Westinghouse Rockville office for audit and will not be submitted.

42 February 25, 2010: Telecom Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 2/25/2010 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal The drawing provided did not have the identification On December 16, 2009: EICB stated to DORL: "I am having trouble reading the drawings in the binder that Attachment 2 provides a drawing cross reference list for FSAR TVA provided readable drawings. 6/18/10 numbers as in the FSAR. It is interesting that TVA does was given to me. Is it possible to produce a set of full size drawing that are in the FSAR?" Chapter 7 and electronic copies of the fully legible current not have a readable version of the drawings in the drawings previously submitted in full size hard copies. FSAR.

On February 23, 2010: EICB received a set of enlarged Chapter 7 FSAR pages (drawings) that are still unreadable.

This type of delay and quality is unacceptable for someone who is concerned about schedule. Please produce a large and legible set of drawing that are the ones in Chapter 7 of the FSAR.

43 February 19, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 Responsibility: WEC Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring The PAMS ISG6 compliance matrix supplied as Enclosure 1 to TVA letter dated February 5, 2010 is a first The PAMS ISG6 compliance matrix supplied as Need revised compliance matrix 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 draft of the information needed. The shortcomings of the first three lines in the matrix are: Enclosure 1 to TVA letter dated February 5, 2010 is a first draft of the information needed.

Line 1: Section 11 of the Common Q topical report did include a commercial grade dedication program, but this program was not approved in the associated SE. Westinghouse stated that this was the program By letter dated April 8, 2010 TVA provided the PAMS and it could now be reviewed. The NRC stated that TVA should identified what they believe was Licensing Technical Report provided additional previously reviewed and approved. information.

Line 2: TVA stated the D3 analysis was not applicable to PAMS, but provided no justification. The NRC The revised Common Q ISG-6 Compliance Matrix is asked for justification since SRP Chapter 7.5 identified SRM to SECV-93-087 Item II.Q as being SRP attached.

acceptance criteria for PAMS.

Line 3: TVA identified that the Design report for computer integrity was completed as part of the common Q topical report. The NRC noted that this report is applicable for a system in a plant, and the CQ topical report did no specifically address this PAMS system at Watts Bar Unit 2.

NRC then concluded that TVA should go through and provide a more complete and thorough compliance matrix.

44 February 25, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 2/25/2010 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 File: radF8854.xls Page 9 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments The PAMS system described in Section 7.5 of the FSAR is implemented in various manners. TVA should See Response Awaiting TVA response. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 identify:

(1) Those variables that are implemented identical to what was reviewed and approved for Unit 1.

(2) Those variable that are implemented identical to Unit 1, but that have been changed (e.g., under 50.59) and not reviewed by the NRC.

(3) Those variables that are implemented in a manner that is unique to Unit 2 (e.g., using Common Q).

TVA should supply supporting information appropriate to the manner of implementation.

45 February 25, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 2/25/2010 Responsibility: TVA Open For each system implemented using a digital technology, please identify any communications between Awaiting TVA response. Due 7/23/10 divisions, or between safety-related equipment and non-safety-related equipment. Please describe the implementation of the associated communications isolation.

46 February 25, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 2/25/2010 Responsibility: TVA Closed The Watts Bar Unit 1 Ser (Section 7.2.1, page 7-3) identifies that the RTS includes a trip from the "general FSAR amendment 98, Section, page 7.2-29 second warning alarm". Please identify where this trip is described in the current FSAR, or what SSER approved paragraph states:

its removal.

"Auxiliary contacts of the bypass breakers are connected into the SSPS General Warning Alarm System of their respective trains such that if either train is placed in test while the bypass breaker of the other train is closed, both reactor trip breakers and both bypass breakers will automatically trip."

47 April 8, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 4/8/10 Responsibility: TVA Open FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring The PAMS System Requirements Specification (SysRS) references RG 1.97 Rev. 3 where the FSAR The licensing basis for WBN2 is Reg. Guide 1.97 Rev. 2. This Awaiting TVA response. Due 7/23/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 References Rev. 2. Please explain. item will be corrected at the next revision of the document scheduled for Nov 30, 2010.

Common Q is licensed to Rev. 3. Response requires a comparison analysis to Rev. 2 to show that the system meets the requirements.

48 April 8, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 4/8/10 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Reference 16 of the PAMS System Requirements Specification (SysRS) is the Unit 1 precautions The Unit 1 PLS was used as an input to the Common Q PAMS Awaiting TVA response. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 Limitations and Setpoints document. When and how will the transition to the unit 2 document be made. System Requirements Specification to ensure that the Unit 2 system would as a minimum meet the Unit 1 requirements.

The Unit 2 PLS is an output document based on the actual Common Q PAMS system design. The Unit 2 Common Q PAMS PLS update was completed March 31, 2010 and is scheduled to be incorporated into the PLS starting July 6, 2010 with a completion date of July 26, 2010.

49 April 8, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 4/8/10 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Please provide 00000-ICE-30156 Rev. 6. The PAMS SysRS incorporates sections of this document by The document will be available for audit in the Westinghouse Need Steve Hilmes to authorize funding. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 reference. Rockville office no later than 6/18/2010 and will not be submitted.

50 April 8, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 4/8/10 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring How should the "shall" statements outside of the bracketed requirements be interpreted? These sections are descriptive text and not 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 requirements. The next revision of the Watts Bar Unit 2 PAMS System Requirements Specification will remove shall from the wording in those sections.

File: radF8854.xls Page 10 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments 51 April 15, 2010 Originator: EICB (Garg) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 4/15/10 Responsibility: TVA FSAR Amd 100 NRC staff has issued RIS 2006-17, to provide guidance to the industry regarding the instrument setpoint A section will be added to the FSAR describing the setpoint This item is to be worked with item 108.

methodology which complies with 10CFR50.36 requirements. The staff has requested all the licensees methodology as part of amendment 100.

for the existing license to demonstrate how they meet the guidance provided in this RIS. The staff consider WBN 2 as a license amendment for all the setpoints in the TS. Provide the information on how WBN 2's setpoint methodology meets the guidance of RIS 2006 -17. You may also consider the guidance provided in TSTF - 493, rev.4 as a basis for meeting the RIS 2006 -17 guidance.

52 April 19, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Slifer Date: 4/19/10 Responsibility: NRC NRC Review FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Please identify the systems that will use the RM-1000 radiation monitors. As identified in TVA letter dated March 12, 2010, Enclosure 1, Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 item 3 the RM-1000 radiation monitors are used for the Containment High Range Post Accident Monitors.

53 April 19, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Slifer Date: 4/19/10 Responsibility: NRC Closed FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Please identify all FSAR sections that apply to the RM-1000. The containment high range post accident radiation monitors are Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 discussed in FSAR amendment 98 sections 7.5 and 12.3.

54 April 19, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Slifer Date: 4/19/10 Responsibility: NRC Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Please describe all the different environments in which the RM-1000 will be required to operate. Please The RM-1000 monitors are installed in the Main Control Room a 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 group these environments into two categories (a) Harsh environment, per 10 CFR 50.49, and (b) Mild mild environment.


55 April 19, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Slifer Date: 4/19/10 Responsibility: NRC Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring The "Qualification Test Report Supplement, RM-1000 Upgrades," Document No. 04508905-1SP Rev. A The detectors for these loops will be located in a harsh 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 states that the qualification was done in accordance with IEEE 323-1974 and -1983. Please describe and environment. The ratemeters will be located in the main control justify all differences in this qualification methodology and that endorsed by Regulatory Guide 1.209. room, which is a mild environment. The RM-1000 and associated Specifically address EMI and RFI I/F converters have been tested to the requirements present in IEEE Std. 323-1983 and -1974, as well as the System Requirements including EPRI TR 102323 (Sep. 94) in the design basis. There is nothing in IEEE Std. 323-2003 that would impact the way General Atomics performed there qualification. RG 1.209 also addresses the EMI-RFI testing that has already been performed (the results of the testing are included in the Equipment Qualification Test Report submitted under TVA letter dated March 12, 2010). Since RG 1.209 was not issued until 2007, General Atomics test reports not mention it, but all the necessary qualifications are met.

56 April 19, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Slifer Date: 4/19/10 Responsibility: NRC Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring The "RM-1000 Version 1.2 Software Verification and Validation Report," Document No. 04508006 Rev. A, The version 1.0 document was never issued. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 is an incremental report. That is to say it addresses the verification an validation for changes that resulted in Version 1.2; therefore, the NRC has not received a software verification and validation report for all The proprietary version 1.1 document (04508005) is other aspects of the software. Please provide the last complete verification and validation report, and all attached. The non-proprietary version will be submitted by incremental reports after the complete report. ___________.

The proprietary version 1.2 was submitted on March 12, 2010.

57 April 19, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Slifer Date: 4/19/10 Responsibility: NRC Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Please describe the ability to change the software of the RM-1000 at site, including all required equipment The RM 1000 radiation monitors are installed with the software Awaiting NRC to issue RAI. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 and administrative controls (e.g., temporary digital connections). installed and functionally tested by the vendor. Other than parameter/setpoint updates, software (Firmware) is not changed by TVA personnel.

58 April 19, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Slifer Date: 4/19/10 Responsibility: NRC Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5 Instrumentation Systems Important To 6/18/10 Safety - SE Section 7.5.0 File: radF8854.xls Page 11 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments Please describe all digital communications used in the installed configuration. It is TVA's understanding that this question is directed at the RM- 6/18/10 Safety - SE Section 7.5.0 1000.

There are no digital communications between the RM-1000 and any other plant system.

59 April 19, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: Responder: Slifer Date: 4/19/10 Responsibility: NRC Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Previously TVA provided the "RM-1000 Digital Radiation Processor Technical Manual," Document No. (a) The technical manual is applicable to versions 1.1 and 1.2 of 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 04508100-1TM Revision C dated October 2003. The "RM-1000 Version 1.2 Software Verification and the software.

Validation Report," Document No. 04508006 Rev. A is dated April 2008. (a) What software version does the technical manual address? (b) When was Version 1.2 implemented? (b) This information has been requested from the manufacturer.

A response will be provided no later than 6/18/10.

60 April 19, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 4/19/10 Responsibility: NRC Closed FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring The PAMS System Requirements Specification (SysRS) references RG 1.97 Rev. 3 where the FSAR Duplicate of Item 47 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 References Rev. 2. Please explain.

61 April 19, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 4/19/10 Responsibility: NRC Closed FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Reference 16 of the PAMS System Requirements Specification (SysRS) is the Unit 1 precautions Duplicate of Item 48. Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 Limitations and Setpoints document. When and how will the transition to the unit 2 document be made.

62 April 19, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 4/19/10 Responsibility: NRC Closed FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Please provide 00000-ICE-30156 Rev. 6. The PAMS SysRS incorporates sections of this document by Duplicate of Item 49 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 reference.

63 April 19, 2010 Originator: EICB (Carte) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 4/19/10 Responsibility: NRC Closed FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring How should the "shall" statements outside of the bracketed requirements be interpreted? Duplicate of Item 50 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 64 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 4/8/2010 Responder: TVA Date: 4/8/10 Responsibility: NRC (Carte) NRC Review FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the D3 Analysis was April 2, By letter dated April 8, 2010 TVA docketed WNA-LI-00058-WBT TVA provided roughly a page of description as to why a D3 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 2010. Rev. 0, April 2010. Section 4.11, "Plant Specific Action Item analysis is not required. The NRC requires additional 6.11." addresses the D3 Analysis. information to determine the acceptability of this response.

65 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 3/12/10 Responsibility: TVA Open FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the FMEA was August 31, No change to the original schedule Awaiting for document to be docketed by TVA. Due 9/14/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 2010.

66 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 3/12/10 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Watts Bar 2 PAMS Per letter WBT-D-1961 these items are available at the Awaiting for document to be docketed by TVA. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 Software Design Description (two documents, one for flat panel display and one for AC160)" was March Westinghouse Rockville office for audit and will not be submitted.

31, 2010.

67 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 3/12/10 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Commercial Grade See the revised WB2 Common Q ISG-6 Compliance Matrix (item Awaiting for document to be docketed by TVA. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.0 & 7.5.2 Dedication Instructions for AI687, AI688, Upgraded PC node box and flat panels." was September 28, 43) for the revised schedule.


68 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 3/12/10 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Summary Report on See the revised WB2 Common Q ISG-6 Compliance Matrix (item Awaiting for document to be docketed by TVA. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 acceptance of AI687, AI688, Upgraded PC node box, flat panels, and power supplies." was September 28, 43) for the revised schedule.


69 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 3/12/10 Responsibility: TVA Open FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Due 11/15/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 File: radF8854.xls Page 12 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Watts Bar 2 PAMS No change to the original schedule Awaiting for document to be docketed by TVA. Due 11/15/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 Specific FAT Report" was October 2010.

70 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 5/6/10 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Concept and Definition Per letter WBT-D-1961 this item is available at the Westinghouse Awaiting for document to be docketed by TVA. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 Phase V&V Report" was March 31, 2010. Rockville office for audit and will not be submitted.

71 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 3/12/10 Responsibility: TVA Open FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Design Phase V&V No change to the original schedule Awaiting for document to be docketed by TVA. Due 8/15/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 Report" was July 30, 2010.

72 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 3/12/10 Responsibility: TVA Open FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Implementation Phase No change to the original schedule Awaiting for document to be docketed by TVA. Due 10/15/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 V&V Report" was September 30, 2010.

73 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 3/12/10 Responsibility: TVA Open FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Integration Phase V&V No change to the original schedule Awaiting for document to be docketed by TVA. Due 11/15/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 Report" was October 29, 2010.

74 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 3/12/10 Responsibility: TVA Open FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Final V&V Report" was No change to the original schedule Awaiting for document to be docketed by TVA. Due 12/15/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 November 30, 2010.

75 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 3/12/10 Responsibility: TVA Open FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Watts Bar 2 PAMS No change to the original schedule Awaiting for document to be docketed by TVA. Due 10/15/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 Specific FAT Procedure" was September 30, 2010.

76 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 3/12/10 Responsibility: TVA Open FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Watts Bar 2 PAMS No change to the original schedule Awaiting for document to be docketed by TVA. Due 9/15/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 Specific Processor Module Software Test" was August 31, 2010.

77 March 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/25/10 Responder: WEC Date: 3/12/10 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for seven other documents was See the revised WB2 Common Q ISG-6 Compliance Matrix (item Awaiting for TVA to docket schedule for remaining 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 "TDB". Please provide a schedule for the docketing of the remaining documents. 43) for the revised schedule. documents.

78 April 26, 2010 Originator: NRC(Garg) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 4/26/2010 Responsibility: TVA FSAR Amd 100 FSAR Section adds a reference 6 to the FSAR. However, Reference 6 is for instrument setpoint This item will be addressed in FSAR amendment 100. Awaiting TVA response.

and has nothing to do with the diversity discussion on the FSAR Section. We believe the TVA wants to add reference 7 which is the diversity document, WCAP 13869, "Reactor Protection System Diversity in Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactors." Please confirm this and add commitment to revise FSAR to correct the reference. Also, confirm whether this WCAP has been reviewed by NRC, if yes, provide reference and if not, then submit the WCAP to NRC. Also provide the justification for this reference to WBN2.

79 April 26, 2010 Originator: NRC(Garg) Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 4/26/2010 Responsibility: TVA FSAR Amd 100 FSAR Section, Trip Setpoints, adds reference to 3, 4, and 5. However, reference 3 was deleted This item will be addressed in FSAR amendment 100. Awaiting TVA response.

by FSAR amendment 81. Reference 4 has been changed to ISA-DS-67.04-1982. Justify applicability of this standard for WBN 2. Why the latest ISA standard endorsed by NRC has not been used? Also reference 5 is a topical report for Eagle 21, system. Please confirm that this topical report also discusses the setpoint for Eagle 21 system and whether it meets the recent guidance for the setpoint issued by the staff. Also, W setpoint methodology do not provide discussion on the AS Found Tolerance and As left value determination and how these values are used for the instrument operability, therefore, add the discussion of these topics in the FSAR. and add reference to other documents if it is discussed in some other document. Provide this document to the staff for review and approval 80 April 26, 2010 Originator: NRC(Garg) Date: Responder: WEC Date: 4/26/2010 Responsibility: TVA Open File: radF8854.xls Page 13 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments FSAR Table 7.1-1, Note 12 has been added to the table but it's justification has not been provided to the A schedule for responding to this item will be provided staff for review and approval. no later than 6/18/2010 under item 102.

81 May 6, 2010 Originator: NRC (Carte) Date: 6/18/10 Responder: WEC Date: 5/6/2010 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring The PAMS Licensing Technical Report (WNA-LI-00058-WBT Rev. 0, Dated April 2010), in Section 7, lists The codes and standards documents listed in Section 7 of the Awaiting TVA response. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 codes and standards applicable to the Common Q PAMS. This list contains references to old revisions of PAMS Licensing Technical Report are the documents that the several regulatory documents, for example: Common Q platform was licensed to when the NRC approved the (1) RG 1.29 - September 1978 vs. March 2007 original topical report and issued the approved SER. The WBN2 (2) RG 1.53 - June 1973 vs. November 2003 PAMS is designed in accordance with the approved Common Q (a) IEEE 379-1994 vs. -2000 topical report and approved SER and the codes and standards (3) RG 1.75 - September 1975 vs. February 2005 on which the SER based. Since the current versions referenced (a) IEEE 384-1992 vs. -1992 are not applicable to WBN2, there is no bases for a comparison (4) RG 1.100 - June 1988 vs. September 2009 review.

(a) IEEE 344-1987 vs. -2004 (5) RG 1.152 - January 1996 vs. January 2006 (a) IEEE 7-4.33.2-1993 vs. -2003 (6) RG 1.168 - September 1997 vs. February 2004 (a) IEEE 1012-1986 vs. -1998 (b) IEEE 1028-1988 vs. -1997 (7) IEEE 279-1991 vs. 603-1991 (8) IEEE 323-1983 vs. -1974 (RG 1.89 Rev. 1 June 1984 endorses 323-1974)

However, LIC-110, "Watts Bar Unit 2 License Application Review," states: "Design features and administrative programs that are unique to Unit 2 should then be reviewed in accordance with the current staff positions." Please identify all differences between the versions referenced and the current staff positions. Please provide a justification for the acceptability PAMS with respect to these differences.

82 May 6, 2010 Originator: NRC (Carte) Date: 6/18/10 Responder: WEC Date: 5/6/2010 Responsibility: TVA Open FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring The PAMS Licensing Technical Report (WNA-LI-00058-WBT Rev. 0, Dated April 2010), in Section 2.3, lists The reviewer wants the response to specifically address A schedule for responding to this item will be provided Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 hardware/software changes to the Common Q PAMS previously reviewed by the NRC. However the Field Programmable Gate Arrays, and separate the no later than 6/18/2010 under item 102.

Common Q ISG-6 Compliance Matrix does not contain activities that address qualification of all changes commercially available digital components from those that specifically: are specific to the system or have limited application outside of Common Q.

2.c - CI527 AF100 Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) interface card

3. - Common Q TC514 AF100 Fiber Optic Modems (Evolutionary Product Maintenance/Improvements) i.e. a commercial modem vs. a specific processor board.

4.a - PM646A Processor Module 4.b - CI631 AF100 Communication Interface Module 4.e - DO620 Digital Output Card Please provide sufficient detail regarding the changes for the NRC to independently evaluate the acceptability of the changes.

83 May 6, 2010 Originator: NRC (Carte) Date: 6/18/10 Responder: WEC Date: 5/6/2010 Responsibility: TVA Open FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Please identify all FPGAs in the new or changed PAMS hardware. A schedule for responding to this item will be provided Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 no later than 6/18/2010 under item 102.

84 May 6, 2010 Originator: NRC (Carte) Date: 6/18/10 Responder: Clark Date: 5/6/2010 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Please provide: TVA Design Criteria WB-DC-30-7 Rev. 22, Post Accident Monitoring Instrumentation. Design Criteria WB-DC-30-7 Rev. 22, Post Accident Monitoring Awaiting TVA response. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 Instrumentation is attached.

85 May 6, 2010 Originator: NRC (Carte) Date: Responder: WEC Date: 5/6/2010 Responsibility: TVA Open FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Please provide a detailed description of the PAMS MTP data link to the plant computer. This description A response will be provided no later than 7/23/10 Due 7/23 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 should identify all equipment (model & version) and describe the functions that each piece of equipment performs. This description should be of sufficient detail for the NRC to independently evaluate the statements made in WNA-LI-00058-WBT Rev. 0, Section 5.3.

86 May 6, 2010 Originator: NRC (Carte) Date: 5/24/10 Responder: WEC Date: 5/6/2010 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 File: radF8854.xls Page 14 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments The PAMS Licensing Technical Report (WNA-LI-00058-WBT Rev. 0, Dated April 2010), in Section 6, lists The regulatory documents listed in the Common Q PAMS Awaiting TVA response. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2 references applicable to the Common Q PAMS. This list contains references to old revisions of several Licensing Technical Report are the documents that the Common regulatory documents, for example: Q platform was licensed to when the NRC approved the original (1) DI&C-ISG04 - Rev. 0 (ML072540138) vs. Rev. 1 (ML083310185) topical report and issued the approved SER. The WBN2 PAMS is However, LIC-110, "Watts Bar Unit 2 License Application Review," states: "Design features and designed in accordance with the approved Common Q topical administrative programs that are unique to Unit 2 should then be reviewed in accordance with the current report and approved SER and the regulatory documents on staff positions." Please identify all differences between the versions referenced and the current staff which the SER based. Since the current versions referenced are positions. Please provide a justification for the acceptability PAMS with respect to these differences. not applicable to WBN2, there is no bases for a comparison review.

87 May 6, 2010 Originator: Carte Date: 5/24/10 Responder: Slifer Date: 5/6/2010 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Regarding the Sorrento RM-1000 Digital Radiation Processor: Please identify the model and version to be The software is version 1.2. Awaiting TVA response. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2.

installed. Please include explicit identification of software version.

88 May 6, 2010 Originator: Carte Date: 5/24/10 Responder: Slifer Date: 5/6/2010 Responsibility: TVA Pending Submittal FSAR Section 7.5.1 Post Accident Monitoring Regarding the Sorrento RM-1000 Digital Radiation Processor: Please provide prior software V&V reports. See response to item 56 Awaiting TVA response. 6/18/10 Instrumentation - SE Section 7.5.2.

The latest report only addresses Version 1.2.

89 May 6, 2010 Originator: Carte Date: Responder: Clark Date: 5/24/2010 Responsibility: NRC NRC Review What FSAR functions are implemented using Foxboro Intelligent Automation (IA)? The list of FSAR functions is listed in TVA letter dated March 12, 2010, Enclosure 1, item 12 90 May 6, 2010 Originator: Carte Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: 5/24/2010 Responsibility: NRC NRC Review What FSAR Systems are implemented using Foxboro Intelligent Automation (IA)? The list of FSAR systems is listed in TVA letter dated March 12, 2010, Enclosure 1, item 12 91 May 20, 2010 Originator: Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: Responsibility: Pending Submittal TVA to submit excerpts of EDCRs 52421, 52987, 52321, 52351 and 52601 52421 - Excerpt attached 6/18/10 52987 - Excerpt attached 52321 - Scheduled to be issued Oct 14, 2010 This item has been transferred to open item 103.

52351 - Scheduled to be issued June 17, 2010 This item has been transferred to open item 104.

52601 - Excerpt attached 92 May 20, 2010 Originator: Date: Responder: Hilmes Date: Responsibility: Continuous review as TVA to review Licensee Open Item list and determine which items are proprietary. Next review due 6/18/10 items are added 93 May 20, 2010 Originator: Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Knuettel Date: Responsibility: Closed TVA to submit a letter committing to include setpoint methodology discussion in the FSAR no later than Letter Sent 5/25/10 amendment 100.

94 May 20, 2010 Originator: Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Clark Date: Responsibility: Closed TVA to locate and provide information on the TMI action item to add an anticipated reactor trip on turbine This item is described in FSAR amendment 98, Section trip to the design bases in the FSAR item 6 page 7.2.9, and Table 7.2-1 item 14, page 7.2-39.

95 May 20, 2010 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open TVA to review SER supplements 5 and 14 item 7.8.1 and supplement 4 item 7.8.4 and confirm if they are A response will be provided no later than 7/23/10 Due 7/23 identical to Unit 1. If not provide differences.

96 May 20, 2010 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open Due 7/23 File: radF8854.xls Page 15 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments TVA to provide information on implementation of IEN 79-22 and how it is addressed in the FSAR A response will be provided no later than 7/23/10 Due 7/23 97 May 20, 2010 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open TVA to review SER Supplement 7 item 7.4.25 deviation on Aux Control Room display of RCS cold leg A response will be provided no later than 7/23/10 Due 7/23 temperature for applicability to Unit 2.

98 May 25, 2010 Originator: Darbali Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open Unit 1 SER Supplement 7, RCS Cold Leg Temperature instrumentation. How does Unit 2 address this A response will be provided no later than 7/23/10 Due 7/23/10 change?

99 April 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: Responder: WEC Date: Responsibility: Open TVA will provide non-proprietary versions of the following Common Q attached proprietary documents and Due 6/30 the affidavits for the proprietary documents by June 30, 2010.

1. System Design Specification WNA-DS-01667-WBT, Rev. 1
2. System Requirements Specification WNA-DS-01617-WBT, Rev. 1
3. Watts Bar 2 - Common Q PAMS ISG-6 Compliance Matrix dated March 4, 2010
4. Watts Bar Unit 2 (WBN2) Post Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report LTR-RCPL-10-XX
5. Software Requirements Specification WNA-SD-00239-WBT, Rev. 1 100 April 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: Responder: Clark Date: Responsibility: Closed The following Common Q proprietary documents listed in the response and the affidavits for the proprietary documents will be provided by April 9, 2010.
1. System Design Specification WNA-DS-01667-WBT, Rev. 1
2. System Requirements Specification WNA-DS-01617-WBT, Rev. 1
3. Watts Bar 2 - Common Q PAMS ISG-6 Compliance Matrix dated March 4, 2010
4. Watts Bar Unit 2 (WBN2) Post Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report LTR-RCPL-10-XX
5. Software Requirements Specification WNA-SD-00239-WBT, Rev. 1 101 April 12, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: Responder: Slifer Date: Responsibility: Open TVA is working with the vendor to meet the 6/30 date, The non-proprietary versions of the following RM-1000, Containment High Range Post Accident Radiation Due 6/30 however there is the potential this will slip to 7/14.

Monitor documents will be provided by June 30, 2010.

1. V&V Report 04508006A
2. System Description 04508100-1TM
3. Qualification Reports 04508905-QR, 04508905-1 SP, 04508905-2SP, 04508905-3SP
4. Functional Testing Report 04507007-1TR 102 May 24, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/24/10 Responder: WEC Date: Responsibility: Pending Submittal Provide a schedule for resolution of items 80, 82 and 83 Item 80 - no later than ____________ 6/18/10 Item 82 - no later than ____________

Item 83 - no later than ____________

103 May 27, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/27/10 Responder: Clark Date: 5/27/10 Responsibility: TVA Open Submittal date is based on current EDCR scheduled TVA to submit excerpts of EDCR 52321 EDCR is scheduled for issue 10/13/10 Due 10/31/10 issue date.

104 May 27, 2010 Originator: TVA Date: 5/27/10 Responder: Clark Date: 5/27/10 Responsibility: TVA Open Submittal date is based on current EDCR scheduled TVA to submit excerpts of EDCR 52351 EDCR is scheduled for issue 6/17/10 Due 7/23/10 issue date.

105 April 29, 2010 Originator: NRC Date: Responder: Langley Date: 5/27/10 Responsibility: NRC NRC Review Provide As-Found/As-Left methodology procedure Submitted copy of TI-28 May 14/2010.

106 May 6, 2010 Originator: NRC Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Davies Date: Responsibility: Pending Submittal Confirm that the Unit 1 and Unit 2 CERPI systems utilize the same processor (AC110 or AC160). Per Westinghouse Unit 2 Drawing 6031420 Rev. 1, the 6/18/10 processors are model AC160 which are the same that are utilized for Unit 1 (Westinghouse drawing 2E10006 Rev. 4) 107 May 6, 2010 Originator: NRC Date: 5/28/10 Responder: Clark Date: Responsibility: Pending Submittal 6/18/10 File: radF8854.xls Page 16 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments Describe any control functions associated with the RM-1000 radiation monitors. The RM-1000 radiation monitors do not provide any control 6/18/10 functions.

108 May 6, 2010 Originator: NRC Date: 5/25/10 Responder: Webb/Hilmes Date: Responsibility: FSAR Amd 100 We are requested to docket the fact that the appropriate sections of chapter 7 of the FSAR will be updated This item is to be worked with item 51.

to include references to:

a. TI-28 to address as-found/as-left issues
b. RISC 2006-17 109 May 6, 2010 Originator: NRC Date: NA Responder: NA Date: NRC Responsibility: Wiebe NRC Action The reviewer was unable to identify the sections of the FSAR that correspond to the standard review plan NA J. Wiebe accepted this action.

sections 7.8 and 7.9.

110 May 6, 2010 Originator: NRC Date: Responder: Clark Date: TVA Responsibility: Clark Closed The reviewer was unable to locate the Eagle 21 WCAPs 12374 and 12375 for review within the NRC These items were docketed under ML073550386 records. We agreed to provide the ADAMS numbers for the submittal.

111 May 6, 2010 Originator: NRC Date: 5/28/10 Responder: Clark Date: Responsibility: Pending Submittal The reviewer was unable to locate information (SER) on the plant computer or annunciator systems and The annunciator system is not described in the WBN1 UFSAR. 6/18/10 asked us to provide the location within the FSAR where these systems are described. As such it is not included in the WBN2 FSAR. With the exception of the ERFDS functions in section 7.5 the plant computer is not described in the WBN1 UFSAR. As such it is not included in the WBN2 FSAR.

112 June 1, 2010 Originator: NRC Date: Responder: Clark Date: Responsibility: Closed What are the differences between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Eagle 21 Systems? This information is included in TVA letter dated March 12, 2010, Enclosure 1, Item 10.

113 June 1, 2010 Originator: NRC Date: 6/1/2010 Responder: Clark Date: Responsibility: Pending Submittal Are the new model Eagle 21 power supplies installed in Unit 1? Yes. See Attached workorder. 6/18/10 114 June 1, 2010 Originator: NRC Date: Responder: WEC Date: Responsibility: Open Provide the resolution of the Eagle 21 Rack 5 lockup on update issue. Due 7/23/10 115 February 25, 2010 Originator: NRC Date: 6/2/10 Responder: Clark Date: Responsibility: Pending Submittal Provide a list of digital 1E systems that have a digital communications path to non safety related systems See response 6/18/10 and if it has:

a. Been reviewed before for unit 1
b. Or installed in unit 1 under 50.59, or
c. Is unique to unit 2 116 June 3, 2010 Originator: NRC Date: Responder: WEC Date: Responsibility: Open Letter sent to Westinghouse requesting the basis The Eagle 21 boards originally had a conformal coating. However, the new boards do not. Provide the information and documentation for submittal to the NRC.

basis for deletion of the conformal coating.

117 Originator: Date: Responder: Webb/Powers Date: Responsibility: Open Does TVA use a single sided or double sided methodology for as-found and as-left instrument setpoint values. (RIS2006-7) 118 June 8, 2010 Originator: NRC Date: Responder: Clark Date: Responsibility: Open Submittal date is based on current EDCR scheduled TVA to submit excerpts from EDCR 55385 Due 11/15/10 issue date.

119 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 120 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 121 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open File: radF8854.xls Page 17 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Open Items Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only)

Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval RAI


No Issue TVA Response(s) Status/Current Action Resolution Path RAI Date Date Comments 122 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 123 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 124 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 125 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 126 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 127 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 128 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 129 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 130 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 131 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 132 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 133 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 134 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open 135 Originator: Date: Responder: Date: Responsibility: Open File: radF8854.xls Page 18 of 37 Tab: Open Items

Closed Items Agenda for Weekly Telecon with TVA Licensee Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No Issue TVA Response Status/Current Action Resolution Path Comments File: radF8854.xls Page 19 of 37 Tab: Closed Items

Safety Non Safety Unit 1 Review Related Related Interface System Eagle 21 Plant Computer While Eagle was installed prior to Unit 1 (ICS) Licensing, the interfaces to the ERFDS/P2500 main frame computers were analog. With the replacement of the ERFDS/P2500 mainframes by the Integrated Computer System (ICS), the interface became digital. Since ICS was installed under 50.59 the Unit 1digital communications interface has not been reviewed.

Common Q Plant Computer Common Q is not installed in Unit 1 (ICS)

Unit 2 Interface Review The digital Eagle to ICS interface in Unit 1 is via node boxes on a ring network. The interface for Unit 2 is direct from the Eagle cabinets to a network switch on a star network. While the Unit 2 ICS computer hardware interface is different than Unit 1, the Eagle interface is the same in both units; via a mono-directional communication path described in Reference 1. Due to the difference in the ICS connection, the Unit 2 interface is unique.

The Common Q to Plant Computer interface is via the safety related Maintenance and Test Panel (MTP) fiber optic interface which blocks all except the minimum low level TCP/IP commands necessary to support communications. A detailed description of the MTP communications is contained in WNA-LI-00058-WBT, Revision 0, Watts Bar Unit 2 (WBN2) Post Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report submitted under Reference 2. Additional communication isolation is provided by non-safety related data diodes (one for each train). The Common Q to ICS interface is unique to Unit 2.

Var. Variable Name Category U2 Variable Source 1 Auxiliary Feedwater Flow A1 D2 Foxboro Spec 200 Containment Lower Compartment Atmosphere 2 A1 D2 Foxboro Spec 200 Temperature 3 Containment Pressure (Narrow Range) A1 B1 C1 D2 Eagle 21 4 Containment Radiation A1 C3 E1 Rad Monitor 5 Containment Sump Level (Wide Range) A1 B1 C1 D2 Eagle 21 6 Core Exit Temperature A1 B1 C1 D2 Common Q PAMS 7 Main Steam Line Radiation C2 E2 Rad Monitor 8 Nuclear Instrumentation (Source Range) A1 B1 D2 Source Range NI 9 RCS Pressurizer Level A1 D1 Eagle 21 10 RCS Pressure Wide Range A1 B1 C1 D2 Eagle 21 11 RCS Temperature T Cold A1 B1 C1 D2 Eagle 21 12 RCS Temperature T Hot A1 D2 Eagle 21 13 Refueling Water Storage Tank Level A1 D2 Eagle 21 14 Steam Generator Level (Narrow Range) A1 B1 Eagle 21 15 Steam Generator Pressure A1 B1 D2 Eagle 21 16 Subcooling Margin Monitor A1 B2 C1 D2 Common Q PAMS Unit 1 Instrument 17 Auxiliary Building Passive Sump Level B1 C1 Racks 18 Containment Isolation Valve Position Indication B1 D2 Valve Limit Switches Containment Hydrogen 19 Containment Hydrogen Concentration C3 D3 E3 Monitor 20 Control Rod Position D3 CERPI 21 Nuclear Instrumentation (Intermediate Range) B1 D2 Intermediate Range NI 22 Reactor Vessel Level B1 C1 D2 Common Q PAMS 23 Containment Pressure (Wide Range) C1 Eagle 21 24 Shield Building Vent (Noble Gas Activity) C2 E2 Rad Monitor 25 ABGTS High Pressure Alarm Per Fan D2 Unit 1 Instruments 26 ACAS Pressure D2 Unit 1 Instruments 27 AFW Valve Status D1 Valve Limit Switches 28 Accumulator Flow Isolation Valve Status D3 Valve Limit Switches 29 Accumulator Tank Level D3 Foxboro IA 30 Accumulator Tank Pressure D3 Foxboro IA 31 Annulus Pressure D2 Foxboro IA Aux. Feed Pump Turbine Steam Supply 32 D3 Valve Limit Switches Isolation Valve Status 33 Battery Current (125 V DC Vital) D2 Ammeter shunt 34 Bus Voltage (125V DC Vital) D2 Direct 35 Bus Voltage (480V Shutdown) D2 Direct 36 Bus Voltage (6.9KV Shutdown) D2 PT 37 CCS Surge Tank Level D3 Foxboro IA 38 Centrifugal Charging Pump Total Flow D2 Foxboro IA

39 Charging Header Flow D3 Foxboro IA 40 Component Cooling Water To ESF Flow D2 Foxboro Spec 200 Component Cooling Water Supply 41 D2 Foxboro Spec 200 Temperature 42 Condensate Storage Tank Water Level D3 No change 43 Containment Air Return Fan Status D2 Breaker limit switches 44 Containment Cooling Valve Status D3 Valve Limit Switches 45 Containment Spray Flow D2 Eagle 21 Containment Spray HX Outlet Outlet 46 D2 Foxboro IA Temperature Containment Sump Water Level (Narrow 47 D3 Foxboro IA Range) 48 Containment Sump Water Temperature D2 Eagle 21 49 Diesel Generator Power D2 50 Diesel Generator Volts D2 51 ECCS Valve Status D2 Valve Limit Switches 52 ERCW Header Flow D2 Foxboro Spec 200 53 ERCW Supply Temperature D2 ICS 54 Emergency Gas Treatment Damper Position D2 Damper Limit Switches 55 Emergency Ventilation Damper Status D2 Damper Limit Switches Hydrogen Recombiner Status - Not Used in 56 N/A N/A Unit 2 57 Igniter Group Status D3 268 58 Inverter Current (120V ac Vital) D2 Ammeter shunt 59 Inverter Voltage (120V ac Vital) D2 Direct 60 Letdown Flow D3 Foxboro IA 61 MCR Pressure D3 Common Pressure Inst.

62 MCR Radiation Level D2 Common Rad Monitors 63 Main Feedwater Flow D3 Eagle 21 64 Normal Emergency Boration Flow D2 Foxboro IA 65 There is no Variable 65 NA N/A 66 Pressurizer Heater Status (Electric Current) D2 ICS Pressurizer Pressure Relief Valve Position 67 D2 Local transmitters (PORV, Block, and Code) 68 Pressurizer Relief Tank Level D3 Foxboro IA 69 Pressurizer Relief Tank Pressure D3 Foxboro IA 70 Pressurizer Relief Tank Temperature D3 Foxboro IA 71 RCP Seal Injection Flow D3 Foxboro IA 72 RCS Head Vent Valve Status D2 Valve Limit Switches 73 RHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature D2 Foxboro IA 74 RHR Pump Flow (RHR System Flow) D2 Foxboro IA 75 RHR Valve Status D3 Valve Limit Switches

76 Reactor Coolant Pump Status (Motor Current) D3 CT 77 Safety Injection Pump Flow D2 Foxboro IA 78 Safety Injection System Valve Status D3 Valve Limit Switches 79 Spent Fuel Pool Level Alarm D2 Common 80 Spent Fuel Pool Temperature Alarm D2 Common Steam Generator Blowdown Isolation Valve 81 D2 Valve Limit Switches Status 82 Steam Generator Level (Wide Range) D1 Eagle 21 83 Main Steam Flow D2 Eagle 21 84 Tritiated Drain Collector Tank Level D3 Common 85 Volume Control Tank Level D3 Foxboro IA 86 Waste Gas Decay Tank Pressure D3 Common 87 Radiation Exposure Meters E3 Not used Deviation 22 88 Airborne Radio-halogens and Particulates E3 Portable Monitor 89 Plant and Environs Radiation E3 Portable Monitor 90 Plant and Environs Radioactivity E3 Portable Monitor 91 Auxiliary Building Vent (Noble Gas) E2 Rad Monitor 92 Auxiliary Building Vent (Flow Rate) E2 Rad Monitor Auxiliary Building Vent (Particulates and 93 E3 Rad Monitor Halogens)

Condenser Vacuum Pump Exhaust Vent (Flow 94 E2 Foxboro IA Rate)

Condenser Vacuum Pump Exhaust Vent 95 C3 E2 Rad Monitor (Noble Gas) 96 ERCW Radiation Monitors E2 Rad Monitor 97 POST ACCIDENT SAMPLING E3 N/A Grab sample with 97a Reactor Coolant Chloride Concentration E3 onsite analysis Grab sample with 97b Reactor Coolant Dissolved Hydrogen E3 onsite analysis Grab sample with 97c Reactor Coolant Dissolved Oxygen E3 onsite analysis Grab sample with 97d Reactor Coolant Total Dissolved Gas E3 onsite analysis Grab sample with 97e Reactor Coolant Boron E3 onsite analysis Grab sample with 97f Reactor Coolant pH E3 onsite analysis Grab sample with 97g Reactor Coolant Sample Activity C3 E3 onsite analysis Grab sample with 97h Reactor Coolant Gamma Spectrum E3 onsite analysis 98 CONTAINMENT AIR N/A N/A 98a Containment Air Hydrogen E3 Not used Deviation 22

Not Used for WBN 1 or 98b Oxygen Content NA 2

98c Gamma Spectrum Sample E3 Grab Sample 99 Shield Building Vent Flow E2 Rad Monitor Shield Building Vent Monitor (Particulate and 100 E3 Rad Monitor Iodine)

Steam Generator Discharge Vent (Flow Rate Local standalone 101 E2 and Noble Gas) system 102 METEOROLOGY N/A N/A 102a Vertical Temperature Difference E3 Common 102b Wind Direction E3 Common 102c Wind Speed E3 Common 103 Radiation Exposure Rate E3 Portable Monitor NOTES:

1. In Unit 2 this variable is provided by the Foxboro Spec 200 hardware upgrade.
2. In Unit 2 this variable is provided by the RM1000 digital Containment Post Accident High Range Rad
3. In Unit 2 this variable is provided by the Common Q PAMS system
4. These variables are common for both units and are provided by the Unit 1 systems.
5. In Unit 2 this variable is provided by the single non safety related hydrogen monitor.
6. These variables are common for both units and are provided by common systems.
7. These variables are obtained via portable sampling equipment and laboratory analysis.
8. In Unit 2 this variable is provided by the non safety related Foxboro IA DCS.
9. In Unit 1, this variable was within the scope of the 50.59 for the Integrated Computer System (ICS) m
10. In Unit 1, this variable was within the scope of the 50.59 for the vital inverter replacement modificati
11. In service for Unit 1 Operation
12. In Unit 2, the transmitters for this variable have been changed to Rosemount and the transmitter ran
13. In Unit 2, the transmitter range for this variable has changed to 4-20ma.
14. The source/intermediate range replacement in Unit 2 uses the same digital component (shutdown m
15. In Unit 1, the transmitter and transmitter configuration were changed to improve reliability due to pro
16. For Unit 2, the hydrogen recombiners are abandoned in place.
17. Unit 1 replaced the rod position indication with the Combustion Engineering Rod Position Indication
18. In Unit 2, the separate medium and high range monitors are replaced with a single extended range

U1 50.59? Unique Notes to U2?

N Y 12 N Y 1 N Y 12 N Y 2 Y N 15 N Y 3 N N N Y 14 N Y 13 N Y 12 N N N N N Y 12 N Y 12 N Y 12 N Y 3 N N 4 N N N Y 5 Y N 17 N Y 14 N Y 3, 13 N N 12 N N N N 4 N N 4 N N N N N Y 8, 12 N Y 8, 12 N Y 8, 12 N N N N 11 N N 11 N N N N N Y 8, 12 N Y 8, 12

N Y 8, 12 N Y 1, 12 N Y 1, 12 N N 11 N N N N N Y 12 N Y 8, 12 N Y 8, 12 N N N N 11 N N 11 N N N Y 1, 11 Y N 9, 11 N N N N 11 N Y 16 N N Y N 10 Y N 10 N Y 8, 12 N N 11 N N 11 N N N Y 8, 12 N/A N/A Y N 9 N N N Y 8, 12 N Y 8, 12 N Y 8, 12 N Y 8, 12 N N N Y 8, 12 N Y 8, 12 N N

N N N Y 8, 12 N N N N 6, 11 N N 6, 11 N N N Y 12 N Y 12 N N 6 N Y 8, 12 N N 6 N N N N N N N N N N 6 N N 6 N N 6 N Y 8, 12 N Y 18 N N 6 N/A N/A N Y 7 N Y 7 N Y 7 N Y 7 N Y 7 N Y 7 N Y 7 N Y 7 N/A N/A N N

N N N N N N N N N N N/A N/A N N 6 N N 6 N N 6 N N adiation monitors.

) modification which replaced the P2500 and ERFDS mainframe computers.


range has changed to 4-20ma.

n monitor) but the analog electronics and detectors have been upgraded.

problems with the fill fluid in the original capillary type transmitters (DCN 39608). Unit 2 copied th ion system (CERPI) in 2003 (DCN 51072) under 10CFR50.59. The Unit 1 system has been upgr ge monitor.

the Unit 1 change (EDCR 52419 excerpts submitted March 12, 2010).

graded several times, most recently in 2009. Unit 2 copied the Unit 1 system including all upgrades thro

rough 2009.