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Notification of Inspection and Request for Information
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/28/2009
From: Brian Bonser
To: Franke J
Progress Energy Florida
Download: ML092400240 (9)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION II SAM NUNN ATLANTA FEDERAL CENTER 61 FORSYTH STREET, SW, SUITE 23T85 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-8931 August 28, 2009 Mr. Jon A. Franke Vice President, Crystal River Nuclear Plant Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA2C) 15760 W. Power Line Street Crystal River, FL 34428-6708



Dear Mr. Franke:

During the periods of September 28 - October 2, 2009, and November 30 - December 4, 2009, the NRC will conduct baseline radiation safety inspection activities at your Crystal River 3 Nuclear Plant site. The inspection will evaluate activities in the Occupational Radiation Safety Inspection cornerstone using NRC Inspection Procedures (IPs) 71121.01, and 71121.02, and will focus on radiation protection activities associated with the upcoming outage steam generator replacement tasks using the applicable sections of IP 50001. The inspection also will focus on solid radioactive waste processing and transportation activities which are part of the Public Radiation Safety Inspection Cornerstone using IP 71122.02. Further, the sites implementation of the Industry Ground Water Protection Voluntary Initiative will be reviewed using Temporary Instruction (TI) 2515/173. Finally, the inspection will review Performance Indicator data for both Occupational and Public Radiation Safety cornerstones using the applicable sections of IP 711551.

Experience has shown that this inspection is resource intensive both for the NRC inspectors and your staff. In order to minimize the impact to your on-site resources and to conduct a productive inspection, we have enclosed a request for documents needed for this inspection. It is important that all of these documents are up to date and complete, in order to minimize the number of additional documents requested during the preparation and/or the onsite portions of the inspection. The lead inspector has requested that the subject informational material be made available to the NRC staff by September 25, 2009, to allow preparation for the upcoming inspection We have discussed the schedule for these inspection activities with your staff and understand that our regulatory contact for this inspection will be Mr. D. Herrin of your organization. If there are any questions about this inspection or the material requested, please contact the lead inspector, George B. Kuzo at (404) 562-4658.

FPC 2 In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at reading-rm/adams.html (the Public Electronic Reading Room).



Brian R. Bonser, Chief Plant Support Branch 1 Division of Reactor Safety Dockets Nos. 50-302, License Nos. DPR-72


Occupational Radiation Protection Inspection Document Request cc w/encl: (See page 3)


NAME GKuzo BBonser DATE 08/27/2009 08/28/2009 E-MAIL COPY? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO FPC 3 cc w/encl: Daniel R. Westcott R. J. Duncan, II Supervisor Vice President Licensing & Regulatory Programs Nuclear Operations Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA1B)

Carolina Power & Light Company Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution Thomas D. Walt Brian C. McCabe Vice President Manager, Nuclear Regulatory Affairs Nuclear Oversight Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Carolina Power and Light Company Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution James W. Holt Jack E. Huegel Plant General Manager Manager, Nuclear Oversight Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA2C) Crystal River Nuclear Plant Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution Stephen J. Cahill Mark Rigsby Engineering Manager Manager, Support Services - Nuclear Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA2C) Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA2C)

Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution R. Alexander Glenn Attorney General Associate General Counsel Department of Legal Affairs (MAC - BT15A) The Capitol PL-01 Florida Power Corporation Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050 Electronic Mail Distribution Craig Fugate Steven R. Carr Director Associate General Counsel Division of Emergency Preparedness Legal Department Department of Community Affairs Progress Energy Service Company, LLC Electronic Mail Distribution P.O. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602-1551 Chairman Board of County Commissioners Christos Kamilaris Citrus County Director 110 N. Apopka Avenue Fleet Support Services Inverness, FL 36250 Carolina Power & Light Company Electronic Mail Distribution William A. Passetti Chief Florida Bureau of Radiation Control Department of Health Electronic Mail Distribution

FPC 4 Letter to Jon A. Franke from Brian R. Bonser dated August 28, 2009



C. Evans, RII L. Slack, RII OE Mail RIDSNRRDIRS PUBLIC RidsNrrPMCrystal River Resource

OCCUPATIONAL RADIATION SAFETY CORNERSTONE INSPECTION INFORMATION REQUEST SITE: Crystal River Unit 3 (CR3) Report 05000302/2009005 PRE-INSPECTION VISIT: Not Applicable INSPECTION DATES: September 28 - November 2, 2009, and November 30 -

December 4, 2009 NRC INSPECTORS: George B. Kuzo, George.Kuzo@NRC.GOV Ruben Hamilton, Ruben.Hamilton@NRC.GOV Wade Loo, Wade.Loo@NRC.GOV (1st Wk)

Latonya Mahlahla Latonya.Mahlahla@NRC.GOV (2nd Wk)

ACCOMPANYING PERSONNEL: Not Applicable LICENSEE CONTACTS: Radiation Controls - Bryan Akins, 352 464-7964[C]; ALARA - Kenny Young, 352 464-7462[C]; Transportation & Radioactive Waste Processing, Randy Macko, (352-795-6486 X3610); Effluents/ Process Monitors/Groundwater Monitoring - Lee Hughes (352-563-4715/352-464-7421[C] and/or Rudy Pinner (352 795-6486 X3141); and Licensing - D. Herrin (352-563-4633).

Inspection Procedures: IP 71121.01 Access Control To Radiologically Significant Areas IP 71121.02 ALARA IP 500001 Steam Generator Replacement Inspection IP 71122.02 Radioactive Material Processing and Transportation TI 2515/173 Review of the Implementation of the Industry Ground Water Protection Voluntary Initiative (Revision 1)

IP 71151 Performance Indicator Verification for Occupational and Public Radiation Safety Cornerstones Note: This is a broad list of the documents the NRC inspectors will be interested in obtaining and reviewing prior to the on-site inspection visit. The current version of these documents is expected unless specified otherwise. Electronic media is preferred, if readily available. (The preferred file format is Word or searchable pdf files on CDROM. Please provide three copies of each electronic media device submitted). Information in the document lists should contain enough information to be easily understood by someone who has a knowledge of the subject.

The lead inspector can answer questions regarding specific information needs with licensee staff and may request additional documents.



Prior to the Onsite Inspection

  • Provide List/Maps of:

o Current High Radiation Area, (HRA), Locked HRA (LHRA), Very HRA (VHRA), and airborne radioactivity locations - Note - only provide general area maps showing rooms w/

HRA, LHRA, VHRA, and/or airborne radioactivity area conditions.

Detailed maps of specific rooms/areas not needed

  • Provide Procedure/Guidance documents for:

o Administrative and physical access controls including posting, labeling, survey frequency, dosimetry, multi-badging, LHRA key control, control of divers, controls for non-fuel highly activated materials stored in Spent Fuel Pool (SFP), direct alarming dosimetry (DAD) use, Radiation Work Permit (RWP) development

  • Provide Corrective Action Program (CAP) documents including:

o listing of Nuclear Condition Report (NCR) documents issued/documented since October 1, 2008, for radiation protection (RP) program activities including access control/personnel contamination event (PCE), and intake evaluations o Audit and self assessments conducted/issued since October 1, 2008, for RP program activities

  • Provide list of scheduled work in HRA, LHRA, VHRA, airborne radioactivity area locations tentatively scheduled for the weeks of the onsite inspection (09/28 - 10/02; & 11/30-12/04/09)
  • Identify list of infrequently performed outage tasks or tasks potentially involving LHRA/VHRA conditions
  • Provide the Following Records/Evaluations o List 10 maximum personnel exposures (TEDE) for Calendar Year (CY) 2008 and Year-to-Date (YTD) 2009 o List of internal dose assessments (with assigned dose) for intakes since October 1, 2008 o List of Personnel Contamination Assessments since October 1, 2008 - general list, not details ALARA [7112102]

Prior to the Onsite Inspection

  • Provide Copy of all procedures related to:

o HP/ALARA not listed above (e.g. declared pregnant worker, shielding, etc.).

o HP/CHEM/OPs procedures related to crudburst & cleanup.

o ALARA manual (or equivalent high-level procedure).

o crudburst & cleanup trending point data from previous outage (e.g. dose rates and cobalt concentration).

o Flood-up and drain-down.

o List of CAP documents related to ALARA or crudburst activities since October 1, 2007.

Note: Not Necessary to duplicate CAP documents that overlap those provided with access controls.

o Any self-assessments or audits of ALARA program since October 1, 2007 Enclosure


  • Provide planning details and exposure estimates regarding o Highest five person-rem exposure tasks (projected) for upcoming refueling outage and associated ALARA planning packages, if available o If not included in highest dose rate tasks, also include ALARA packages for Steam Generator (S/G) replacement, STEAM GENERATOR REPLACEMENT [50001]

Prior to the Onsite Inspection

  • For the upcoming S/G replacement activities provide the following procedure/guidance documents if not included in previously requested information in the Access Control or ALARA sections above:

o Proposed radiological controls, administrative/physical, RWPs, special shielding for removal, transport and/or disposal of the subject equipment o ALARA planning details and exposure estimates regarding S/G removal and replacement, transport, and storage/disposal RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL PROCESSING AND TRANSPORTATION [7112202]

Prior to the Onsite Inspection

  • Radioactive waste (Radwaste) Information Input Into the Annual Effluent Monitoring Reports for CYs 07 & 08
  • Procedures/Guidance/Data Related to:

o Transportation of radioactive material/radwaste o Radwaste processing analysis, resin sluicing, and HIC dewatering.

o Part 61 Sampling and Analysis o Development/Evaluation of Scaling Factors and Application to Hard to Detect Radionuclides o Procedures for evaluation of Reactor Coolant System (RCS)/radioactive waste chemistry to verify stability of waste stream radionuclide composition

  • Provide the following:

o List of shipments made since October 1, 2007. Highlight 5 hottest shipments and any Type Shipments made since October 1, 2007, using Type A containers o List of changes made to solid radwaste processing systems since October 1, 2007 o List all permanently abandoned radwaste processing equipment or systems o The last two most recent 10 CFR Part 61 analyses for all waste streams. Note: only need to provide appropriate onsite contact or location were Part 61 waste stream analysis data are maintained o any data on indication of failed-fuel since October 1, 2007 o list of CAP documents related to shipping or radwaste since October 1, 2007. Note: only provide titles/ summaries o any self-assessments/audits of shipping/radwaste processing program since October 1, 2007

  • Transport Cask CoCs and associated documents for frequently used transport casks o Note: Copies not required prior to onsite inspection but listing of responsible staff/on-site document location and availability requested o Licensee procedures for cask loading and/or closure Enclosure


Prior to the Second Week Onsite [NOTE THESE DATA ONLY NEED TO BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO November 20, 2009, and not with the initial data submittal]

  • Provide procedures/guidance documents for groundwater monitoring program including:

o Sample collection and frequency o NEI Groundwater Protection Initiative (GPI) compliance including communication protocols o Processes for remediation (as applicable) o Record keeping o Quality Assurance

  • All 30-day reports, special reports, or voluntary/informal communication reports since August 1, 2008
  • Current maps showing locations of all groundwater monitoring wells
  • Most current site hydrology/geology report
  • Any revisions to FSAR or ODCM made as a result of the groundwater monitoring program
  • List of Structures, Systems, and Components (SSCs) ranked according to risk for release of contaminated liquid
  • Current 50.75(g) decomissioning files Performance Indicator (PI) VERIFICATION [71151]
  • Procedure/Guidance for collection and reporting of PI data
  • Records:

o CAP NCRs related to occupational and public radiation safety PI occurrences issued since October 1, 2008 o Pl reports since October 1, 2008 o Electronic Dosimetry Alarm Logs Since October 1, 2008 o List of Out of Service (OOS) Effluent Monitors and Length of Inoperability since October 1, 2008. Note: only Include monitors declared OOS for periods exceeding 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> GENERAL INFORMATION NEEDED

  • Organization Charts and Contact Phone Numbers for:

o Radiation Protection o Chemistry o Operations o Maintenance and I&C

  • Procedure for issuing NCRs and assessing issues for risk significance and actions