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EOC Licensee Meeting Slides
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 05/13/2008
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Download: ML081410440 (5)


NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station May 13, 2008

Participants Q Barry Allen - Site Vice President Q Vito Kaminskas - Director, Site Operations Q Clark Price - Director, Performance Improvement Q Brian Boles - Director, Maintenance Q Don Moul - Director, Engineering NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station 5-13-08 2

2007 Accomplishments Q Safety Record: OSHA Incident Rate = 0.24%

- Worked > 7.8 million person-hours without a lost time incident since August 2003 Q Unit Capability Factor = 98.57%

Q Forced Loss Rate = 0.11%

Q Completed 4 Confirmatory Order Independent Assessments (COIAs)

- Continued Improvement noted in Operations Performance, Corrective Action Program Implementation, Engineering Programs Effectiveness, and Safety Culture & SCWE Assessments Q Commenced15th Refueling Outage (December)

- Alloy 600 Mitigation/Weld Overlays

- Main Generator Rewind

- Condenser Steam Bellows Replacement

- Emergency Diesel Generator 1 and 2 Governor Replacement

- Reactor Head, Under-Vessel, and Steam Generator Inspections

- Feedwater Piping Replacement NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station 5-13-08 3

2008 Key Regulatory Interest Activities Q Scheduled Activities

- 15th Refueling Outage (Completed)

- Initial Licensed Operator Examination (Completed)

- NRC Security Force-on-Force Triennial Inspection (Conducted)

- Emergency Preparedness Integrated Drills (One Completed)

- Confirmatory Order Independent Assessments

- Operations Performance (In-Progress)

- Corrective Action Program Implementation (July)

- Engineering Program Effectiveness (September)

- Safety Culture & SCWE (October)

- NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection (September)

- Licensed Operator Requalification Inspection (November)

- NEI Phase III Security Based Drill (November)

NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station 5-13-08 4

2008 Key Focus Areas Q Station Priorities

- Safe, Secure, Reliable, and Eventless Operation

- Improve Operational Performance

- Improve Dose Performance

- Improve Outage Performance

- Implement Power Uprate

- Implement Improved Technical Specifications (ITS)

- Effective Maintenance Strategy Implementation

- Complete COIA Commitments

- Recognize and Celebrate Success NRC Annual Assessment Meeting Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station 5-13-08 5