Category:Meeting Summary
MONTHYEARML22309A0062022-12-12012 December 2022 Public Non-Sensitive Meeting Summary on Clarification Call with Holtec Regarding Request for Additional Information for Indian Point Unit 2 Master Decommissioning Trust Agreement as Per Indian Point Nuclear Generating Facility Unit 1 and 2 ML21342A1402021-12-0909 December 2021 Summary of Public Meeting in Tarrytown, Ny, to Discuss Indian Point Units 1, 2, and 3 (IPEC) Post-shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report ML21055A9122021-02-24024 February 2021 (E-mail Dated 2/24/2021) Summary of Feb 8, 2021, Pre-submittal Meeting for Relief Request No. IP3-ISI-RR-16, Code Case N-513-4 Periodic Inspection Frequency Extension ML20321A0002020-11-17017 November 2020 Summary of 9/30/20 Pre-Submittal Meeting with Entergy to Discuss Proposed One-Time Exemption Request - Biennial Emergency Preparedness Onsite Evaluated Exercise Requirements ML20289A7322020-10-15015 October 2020 2020 Annual Assessment Meeting for Indian Point - Meeting Summary ML20083F5962020-03-23023 March 2020 Summary of Teleconference with the National Marine Fisheries Service for Indian Point Biological Opinion ML20059P1292020-03-0303 March 2020 Summary of Partially Closed Pre-submittal Public Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. to Discuss the Proposed License Amendment Request to Replace the Indian Point Unit No. 3 Crane with a New Holtec High-Lift Crane (EPID L:2019-LRM ML19330F5182019-11-29029 November 2019 Summary of Public Meeting Between the NRC and Entergy Regarding Pre-Submittal of a License Transfer Application to Holtec International for Indian Point Energy Center ML19319A0242019-10-0202 October 2019 NEIMA Meeting - Courtney Williams Comments ML19319A0282019-10-0202 October 2019 NEIMA Meeting - Marilyn Elie Comments ML19319A0272019-10-0202 October 2019 NEIMA Meeting - Linda Puglisi Comments ML19319A0252019-10-0202 October 2019 NEIMA Meeting - Jenean Eichenholtz Comments ML19198A2392019-07-17017 July 2019 Annual Assessment Meeting for Indian Point Energy Center - Meeting Summary ML18200A2722018-07-19019 July 2018 Summary of Annual Assessment Meeting for Indian Point Energy Center ML18131A0572018-05-11011 May 2018 Summary of 04/12/2018 Meeting with the State of New York Regarding the Indian Point Generating Unit No. 2 Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Penetration Alternative Weld Repair ML18117A3162018-04-30030 April 2018 Summary of 04/03/2018 Meeting with Entergy on Planned Submittal of Propose Alternative for Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Nozzle Weld Repair ML18107A4972018-04-27027 April 2018 April 10, 2017, Summary of Public Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Regarding Upcoming License Amendment Request to Add Setpoint Verification Requirement to Technical Specification Surveillance Requirements ML18099A0712018-04-16016 April 2018 March 20, 2018, Summary of Meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institute and Other Industry Representatives Regarding the Surveillance Frequency Control Program ML18002A2562018-01-30030 January 2018 11/30/2017 and 12/19/2017 Summary Telephone Conference Calls with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Concerning Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the Indian Point License Renewal Application ML17256A2862017-09-25025 September 2017 Summary of Telephone Call on 09/06/17, Between NRC and Entergy Concerning Next Steps from the Site Audit on 08/1-3/17 ML17180A5032017-09-21021 September 2017 04/19/2017 Summary of Teleconference with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Concerning Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the Indian Point Unit Nos. 2 and 3 License Renewal Application ML17237A2132017-08-25025 August 2017 Memo E-mail to File -Summary of July 26, 2017, Meeting with Entergy to Discuss Proposed License Amendment Request, New Criticality Safety Analysis ML17173A7672017-07-28028 July 2017 Summary of 6/20/2017 Meeting with Entergy to Discuss Plan for Decommissioning Licensing Actions of Palisades, Pilgrim, Indian Point, Units 2 and 3, and Vermont Yankee ML17160A1652017-06-27027 June 2017 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on May 31,2017, Between the NRC and Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Indian Point, License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MD5407/MD5408 ML17172A1972017-06-20020 June 2017 Summary of Annual Assessment Meeting for Indian Point Units 2 and 3 ML17157B5422017-06-20020 June 2017 Conference Call on 2nd Round RAIs - Final ML17082A3112017-04-11011 April 2017 Summary of Clarification Call with Entergy Regarding Follow-Up RAIs on ISG-2012-02 ML16281A2162016-10-25025 October 2016 10/04/2016,Summary of Public Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Regarding Proposed Changes to the Service Water Integrity Program for the Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Units 2 and 3 (IP2 and IP3) License Renewal Application (LRA) ML16209A3712016-08-17017 August 2016 July 21, 2016, Summary of Conference Call Held Between NRC and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Concerning the Draft RAI for the Review of the Indian Point, Units 2 & 3, License Renewal Application, Set 2016-01 (TAC Nos. MD5407 & MD5408) ML16188A0202016-07-0505 July 2016 Summary of Annual Assessment Meeting for Indian Point Units 2 and 3 ML16133A4992016-06-21021 June 2016 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Entergy Concerning the Indian Point LRA Safety Review ML16035A4802016-02-12012 February 2016 Jsc Meeting Summary Attachment ML15351A2032015-12-30030 December 2015 Summary of Conference Call Held on December 9, 2015, Between the NRC and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Concerning the Draft Audit Plan for the Service Water Integrity and Fire Water System Aging Management Programs ML15190A2912015-07-22022 July 2015 070115, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Entergy Concerning the RAIs Pertaining to the Indian Point LRA Safety Review ML15152A0762015-05-29029 May 2015 Summary of Annual Assessment Meeting for Indian Point Units 2 and 3 on 5/20/2015 ML15120A6442015-05-0606 May 2015 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Entergy Concerning the RAIs Pertaining to the Indian Point LRA Safety Review ML15107A1752015-04-28028 April 2015 041615, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Entergy Concerning the RAIs Pertaining to the Indian Point LRA Environmental Review ML15093A5052015-04-14014 April 2015 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Entergy Concerning the Indian Point LRA Environmental Review ML15051A5022015-03-10010 March 2015 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Entergy Concerning the RAIs Pertaining to the Indian Point LRA Environmental Review ML15022A1602015-02-11011 February 2015 and 01/13/15, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Entergy Concerning the RAIs Pertaining to the Indian Point LRA Environmental Review ML14197A5832014-09-18018 September 2014 Summary of the June 19, 2014, Category 1 Public Meeting with Entergy to Discuss Seismic Hazard Reevaluations Associated with Implementation of Japan Lessons-Learned Near-Tear Task Force Recommendation 2.1 ML14260A4312014-09-17017 September 2014 Revised Summary of Annual Assessment Meeting for Indian Point Energy Center on 6/4/2014 ML14238A7262014-09-10010 September 2014 Summary of Conference Call Held on July 30, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc., Regarding a Draft Request for Additional Information on Removal of Certain Aging Management Review Items ML14219A6742014-08-14014 August 2014 July 15, 2014 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Concerning the Environmental Review of the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3, License R ML14206B1282014-08-0101 August 2014 June 19, 2014 & July 16, 2014 Summary of Conference Calls Held Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Regarding Entergy Response to a Request for Additional Information ML14178A8682014-06-25025 June 2014 Summary of Annual Assessment Meeting for Indian Point Energy Center on 6/4/2014 ML14136A0052014-05-27027 May 2014 Summary of Phone Call Between New York State Department of State and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on May 7, 2014, Regarding the Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Review ML14105A3542014-04-24024 April 2014 Summary of Conference Call Held on March 26, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Concerning a Draft Request for Additional Information on the Reactor Vessel Internals Program ML14078A3992014-03-21021 March 2014 Summary of Conference Call Held on February 20, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Concerning a Draft Request for Additional Information on LR-ISG-2012-02 and Draft LR-ISG-2013-01 ML13256A0862013-09-24024 September 2013 Summary of Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. and Netco on Indian Point Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool Management 2022-12-12
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December 18, 2007 LICENSEE: Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
FACILITY: Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3
OF TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CALL HELD ON DECEMBER 3, 2007, BETWEEN THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION AND ENTERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS, INC. CONCERNING REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR GENERATING UNIT NOS. 2 AND 3, LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff) and representatives of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy) held a telephone conference call on December 3, 2007, to discuss and clarify the staffs requests for additional information (RAIs) concerning the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3, license renewal application. By letter dated October 29, 2007, the NRC staff sent Entergy RAIs on the Reactor Vessel Surveillance Program and the Reactor Neutron Embrittlement Time-Limited Aging Analyses. Entergy responded by letter dated November 28, 2007. During the telephone call, the NRC staff informed Entergy that for the RAI questions in Section 4.2, where the staff refers to neutron fluence and flux, it is asking for specific fluence and flux values and the source of those calculated values. In addition, the NRC staff requested that Entergy provide confirmation that the referenced source of the surveillance data complies with Regulatory Guide 1.190, and that the surveillance data have been used in the Pressurized Thermal Shock and Charpy Upper-Shelf Energy analyses. Entergy indicated that they would review the information requested again and supplement the response, as appropriate.
The enclosure provides a listing of the participants.
The applicant had an opportunity to comment on this summary.
/RA Rani Franovich for/
Bo Pham, Senior Project Manager Projects Branch 2 Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos.: 50-247 and 50-286
As stated cc w/encl: See next page
Barry Elliot NRC Mike Stroud Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy)
Ted Ivy Entergy Floyd Gumble Entergy John Curry Entergy Nelson Azevedo Entergy Charles Caputo Entergy Alan Cox Entergy Don Fronabarger Entergy Ron Finnin Areva ENCLOSURE
PUBLIC RidsNrrDlr RidsNrrDlrRpb1 RidsNrrDlrRpb2 RidsNrrDlrRer1 RidsNrrDlrRer2 RidsNrrDlrRerb RidsNrrDlrRpob RidsNrrDciCvib RidsNrrDciCpnb RidsNrrDraAfpb RidsNrrDraAplb RidsNrrDeEmcb RidsNrrDeEeeb RidsNrrDssSbwb RidsNrrDssSbpb RidsNrrDssScvb RidsOgcMailCenter RFranovich RConte, RI BPham ECobey, RI KGreen MCox, RI JCaverly RBarkley, RI RAuluck MMcLaughlin, RI KChang NMcNamara, RI MKowal CHott, RI JBoska DJackson, RI BElliot PCataldo, RI STurk, OGC NSheehan, RI OPA LSubin, OGC DScrenci, RI OPA BMizuno, OGC SBurnell, OPA DMcIntyre, OPA EDacus, OCA TMensah, OEDO
Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 cc:
Mr. Michael R. Kansler Mr. John A. Ventosa President & CEO/CNO GM, Engineering Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
1340 Echelon Parkway 440 Hamilton Avenue Jackson, MS 39213 White Plains, NY 10601 Mr. John T. Herron Mr. John F. McCann Senior Vice President Director, Nuclear Safety & Licensing Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
1340 Echelon Parkway 440 Hamilton Avenue Jackson, MS 39213 White Plains, NY 10601 Sr. Vice President Ms. Charlene D. Faison Engineering & Technical Services Manager, Licensing Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
1340 Echelon Parkway 440 Hamilton Avenue Jackson, MS 39213 White Plains, NY 10601 Mr. Fred R. Dacimo Mr. Ernest J. Harkness Site Vice President Director, Oversight Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Indian Point Energy Center 1340 Echelon Parkway 450 Broadway, GSB Jackson, MS 39213 P.O. Box 249 Buchanan, NY 10511-0249 Mr. Patric W. Conroy Director, Nuclear Safety Assurance Mr. Anthony Vitale - Acting Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
General Manager, Plant Operations Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. 450 Broadway, GSB Indian Point Energy Center P.O. Box 249 450 Broadway Buchanan, NY 10511-0249 P.O. Box 249 Buchanan, NY 10511-0249 Mr. T.R. Jones - Acting Manager, Licensing Mr. Oscar Limpias Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Vice President Engineering Indian Point Energy Center Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. 450 Broadway, GSB 1340 Echelon Parkway P.O. Box 249 Jackson, MS 39213 Buchanana, NY 10511-0249 Mr. Joseph P. DeRoy Mr. William C. Dennis Vice President, Operations Support Assistant General Counsel Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
1340 Echelon Parkway 440 Hamilton Avenue Jackson, MS 39213 White Plains, NY 10601
Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 cc:
Mr. Paul D. Tonko Mr. Raymond L. Albanese President and CEO Four County Coordinator New York State Energy Research and 200 Bradhurst Avenue Development Authority Unit 4 Westchester County 17 Columbia Circle Hawthorne, NY 10532 Albany, NY 12203-6399 Mr. William DiProfio Mr. John P. Spath PWR SRC Consultant New York State Energy, Research and 48 Bear Hill Road Development Authority Newton, NH 03858 17 Columbia Circle Albany, NY 12203-6399 Mr. Garry Randolph PWR SRC Consultant Mr. Paul Eddy 1750 Ben Franklin Drive, 7E New York State Department Sarasota, FL 34236 of Public Service 3 Empire State Plaza Mr. William T. Russell Albany, NY 12223-1350 PWR SRC Consultant 400 Plantation Lane Regional Administrator, Region I Stevensville, MD 21666-3232 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road Mr. Jim Riccio King of Prussia, PA 19406 Greenpeace 702 H Street, NW Senior Resident Inspectors Office Suite 300 Indian Point 2 Washington, DC 20001 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 59 Mr. Phillip Musegaas Buchanan, NY 10511 Riverkeeper, Inc.
828 South Broadway Senior Resident Inspectors Office Tarrytown, NY 10591 Indian Point 3 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. Mark Jacobs P.O. Box 59 IPSEC Buchanan, NY 10511 46 Highland Drive Garrison, NY 10524 Mr. Charles Donaldson, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Mr. R. M. Waters New York Department of Law Technical Specialist Licensing 120 Broadway 450 Broadway New York, NY 10271 P.O. Box 0249 Buchanan, NY 10511-0249 Mayor, Village of Buchanan 236 Tate Avenue Buchanan, NY 10511
Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 cc:
Mr. Sherwood Martinelli 351 Dyckman Peekskill, NY 10566 Ms. Susan Shapiro, Esq.
21 Perlman Drive Spring Valley, NY 10977 John Sipos Assistant Attorney General New York State Department of Law Environmental Protection Bureau The Capitol Albany, NY 12224 Robert Snook Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General State of Connecticut 55 Elm Street P.O. Box 120 Hartford, CT 06141-0120 Ms. Kathryn M. Sutton, Esq.
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 Mr. Paul M. Bessette, Esq.
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 Mr. Martin J. ONeill, Esq.
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 The Honorable Nita Lowery 222 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 310 White Plains, NY 10605