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April/May 2007 Exam Nos. 05000327-07-301, 05000328-07-301 - Final Scenarios & Outlines. (Part 1 of 2)
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/09/2007
50-327/07-301, 50-328/07-301
Download: ML071500196 (148)

See also: IR 05000327/2007301


Final Submittal

(Blue Paper)


EXAM NOS. 05000327/2007301

AND 05000328/2007301

APRIL 9 - 11, 2007 AND

MAY 9, 2007 (written)

As Given Simulator Scenario Operator Actions ES-D-2

I Appendi x D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 I

Facilit y: Sequoyah Scenario No.: 1 Op Test No.: NRC

\.. Examiners: Ope rators :

Initial Cond itions: 100% Power.

SG BD Rad Monitor OOS

B PZR Spray Valve Isolated


Turn ove r: Reduce Power to 90% for Turbi ne Steam Valve testing

Target CTs: Insert negat ive reactivity using rods and/or borat ion prior to compie tion of FR-S.1 step 4.

Isolate AF'N flow to the faulted SG prior to transi tion from E-2

Event No . Mall. No. Event Type" Event Description

1 R-RO Reduce power from 100%



2 RX07A I-RO/SRO Controlling PZR pressu re channei fails high - Tech Spec evaiuation .

( T+ 15 TS-SRO

3 lor C-BOP/S RO MFP Master Pressure Controlle r Drifts iow - Require s taking manua l

rxcOpc4620 control of the Master controller to match steam and feed flow,



4 CN09 C-BOP Degrading Condenser Vacuum - Requirespower reduction


5 RD07D4 C-RO Dropped Rod - Tech Spec evaluation .


6 RD07F10 M-AII 2'd Dropped Rod during recovery - Reactor Trip required


7 RP01C C-RO RTBs fail to open - ATWS - Insert rods; Initiate borat ion

8 MS03A C-BOP #1 SG Safe ty Valve failed open; Requires isolation of Faulted SG ,

. (N)or ma l, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)ompo nent, (M)ajor


Appendix D 1 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 I

Scenario 1 Summary


The crew will assume the shift at 100% power with instructions to reduce power.

Short ly after turnover, the input to the PZR pressure controller fails high, requi ring

action to control RCS pressure in accordance with AOP-I.04. The SRO will enter

technical specifications.

When the plant is stable and technical specifications have been addressed, the Feed

Pump Master speed controller will fail low, requiring action to raise feed to match

steam flow in accordance with AOP-S.01.

When feed is restored in manual, a loss of condenser vacuum will occur. The crew

will respond in accordance with AOP-S.02, and reduce load to maintain vacuum.

Wh en vacuum is restored, one rod will drop . The crew will take action to stabilize the

plant in accord ance with AOP-C .01. Wh en stabilization steps have been performed,

a second rod will drop, requiring a reactor trip.

Th e reactor will not trip automatically or manually. The crew will enter FR-S.1. In

FR-S.1 , SG safety valves will lift, and 1 SG safety valve will stick open, requiring

action to stop the RCS cooldown after the reactor is subcritical.

Th e scenario may be terminated after performance of FR-S.1 or upon transition to



EOP flow: E-O - FR-S.1 - E-O - E-2 - ES-1 .1

PSA significant equipment OOS: B CCP

PSA significant transient: ATWS

Appendi x D 2 NUREG 1021 Revision 9


ESG-I SCN File 0 1/2 5/07


Simulator IC*16 100%, BOL 1-1000 M\VD/MT UI

IC ' B' T ra in work week cn ' 0' Rods @21 6 step s,all others @ 228 step s;

[B) = 1093ppm ; Ba Blender setting: 29% Xe/Sm @ equilihrium

Console Operator actions: Place simulator in run and perfo rm the


  • Adjust horic acid blender to 27%
  • Place IA-A CC P in service and rcmovc \B-B-Place IB-B CCP in P-T -

I. and tag with HO.

0 Place Loop I Spray valve in manual and tag with Pink T ag.

  • Place Train \ Veek n sign

MFs, RFs, IRF RMR19 f:3 SG BD Rad Moni tor OO S: I-IUI-l20A & I2IA. Place Pink Tags on

OR s are UHF RM90l20 f:1 srcn modules.

active IMF AN OV 723 f:2

w he n the

IMF RC06B f:O Loop I PZR Spray Valve Isolat ed (I-PCV-68-340D)

sex file is


IM F CVOIB f:1 \B-B CC P OOS (Initial cond itions)

IMF RPOIC f:1 Reactor Trip Siznal Failure (ATWS)


1. Reduce Power to <93% for Turbine Valve testing. Reset integrators for PW

and BA to zero.

( Pzr Press Ch, PT- 68-340 fails high.

2. IM F RX07 A f:1 k:2

Support staU'reporl:

When 1Ms or MSS is contacted to trip blstables using AOP-I.04 App endix A.

inform the crew thai the 1Ms will report to the MCR in - 45 minutes.

3. lOR RX COPC4620 MFP Master Controller failure ; controller output fails low resulting in

f: .OOI k:3 lowering feed flow to all SGs.

Suv port starrreoort:

o When MSS or IMs are contacted, inf orm the crew that the 1Ms will

report to the MCR in - 45 minutes.

4. IMF CN09 f:O .1 k:4 Loss Of Condenser Vacuum

NOTE : Modulatelreduce f (i.e.: 0.1 to .05) to slow condenser vacuum loss

to maintain < 2.0 psia. Intent is to require a turbine load reduction to

maintain vacuum.

Supporl staf[report:

  • When [Ops Personnel] dispatch ed to investigate, wait - 2 minutes and

D;\l F CN09 after rep ort that vacuum breaker fla nge is leaking.

flan ge is repaired. * lf7wn [Maintenance Personnel] dispatched to assist. wait - 3 minutes

and report thatflange is tightened/tempororily repaired.

Page- I of 2

G:\Pre p Week filcs\As Su bmitte d Ope rati onal Exam\Scenarios\S cenario 1\3-19 -07 ESC- I.doc


ESG-l SCN File 0 1/25/07


( 5. IMF RD07M2 f:l k:5 Dropped Rod : M2 son ' A' rod.

Support uatusma:

  • MSS is notified to initiate maintenance, wait "'5 minutes THEN

DELETE MALFUNCTION Not ify UO that System Engin eerfound

blow n f use in stationary gripper coil circuit. Fuse is rep laced, and rod

is ready for retrie val.

  • Reactor Eng. notified for po wer peaking. [uel failure, & xenon

oscillation considerations, inform crew to proceed with rod retrieval

usinv A OP-C.01 consi derations (i.e.: <1 hour).

6. IM F RD07FI0 f: l k: 6 Dropped Rod-R x Trip initiator: FlO cs ' 0' rod.

2nd dropped control rod- Reactor Trip required per AOP-C.Ol;

7. IMF RPOIC f:l Rea ctor Trip Signa ] Fail ure (ATWS)


When the reactor protection system (RPS) receives a trip signal, both

Malfunction removal reactor trip breakers will not open The turbine will NO T trip from IIny

allows breakers to trip reactor trip signal but will trip fro m a Hi-Hi S/G level or S1 signal. Any

in follo wing step. functions that receive an initiation signal from P-4 auxiliary contacts of the

reactor trip breakers will not work properly, The reactor first out

- annunciation willfunction properly.

NOTE: Malfunction removal allows breakers to trip.

( 8. IRF RPR05A f:1 k:9

IRF RPR05B f:l D:15

Associated Remote Fu nctio ns- wa it 5 minutes follow ing AUO

not ificati on to insert : RPR05A & RP R05B - simulates local opening Rx

k: 9 Trip Breakers (RTA & RTB)

Support sta([report:

  • A UG rep orts to crew that the RTBs are op en.

9. IMF MS 03A f:l00 e:7 Single main steam safety valve fails open (SC #1) triggered on MT trip .

Support sta([report:

  • Rep ort (as outside A UO) to crew that you observe steam comingfrom

too 0{U1 West Valve Vault (for S/Gs #1 or #4).

Termination Criteria Complete Fa ulted SG Iso lation and verify Heat Sink established/available.

Page 2 of 2

G:\Prep Week Iiles\As Submitted Operational Exam\Scenarios\Scenario t\3M19-07 ESC -I .doc

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # ....:...____ Page 3 of _ 4;,,:.


Event Description: Reduce Power

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

Booth Instructor:

No action required for event 1

Indications available:

None Applicable

Direct a load reduction in accordance with 0-GO-5, Normal

SRO Power Operations, and 0-SO-62-7, Boron Concentration




Returning the Boric Acid Blender to service after unplugging, cleaning , or

maintenance on Boric Acid System could introduce debris, sludge, air or

solidified boron into CCP suction resulting in pump damage. Extreme care mus t

be exercised to properly flush the Boric Acid pip ing following an outage.


If a large amount of boration is required (plant shutdown), pzr heaters should be

energized to cause spray operation for equalizing boron concentration in RCS and

pressurizer .

ENSURE makeup system aligned for AUTO operation

in accordance with Section 5.1.



Steps 2 and 3 are N/A for minor power changes OR if immediate boration is required to

Appendix D 3 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I App endix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # -'-_ _ _ _ Page 4 of _ 4"'



Event Description: Reduce Power

Time I Position I Aoolicant's Actions or Behavior

maint ain shutdown marg in, to maintain rods above the insertion limit, du ring an

emergency shutdown (AOP-C.03), du ring recovery of a dropped/misaligned rod (AOP-

C.01), or at Chemistry recommendation in mod e 3, 4, 5 or 6.

RECORD the quantity of bo ric acid required to achieve desired

boron concentration using Appendix D.

RO gals

PERFORM Appendix I Independ ent Verification of

- Calculation for Amount of Boric Acid or Primary Water.

(N/A if App. D was periormed by SRO to verify data

Cre w

from Rx Engin eering)


DETERMINE availab le bo ric acid volume in in-se rvice BAT .



PLACE [HS-62-140A] , Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control

Switch to the STOP position.


PLACE [HS -62-140B] , CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the

BORATE position.


ADJUST [FC-62-139] , Boric Acid Flow Controller to th e

RO desired flow rate.

App endix D 4 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

- ---- --

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES*D *2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # -'- Page 5 of _4:.::;



Event Description: Reduce Power

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

SET [FQ -62-139]. Batch Integ rator to the desired quantity.


PLACE [HS-62-140A] . Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control

Switch to the START position.


ENSURE Boric Acid Pump aligned to blender in FAST speed

by right red light LIT on [HS-62-230A] OR [HS-62-23 2A].




Flow oscillatio ns and/or erratic controller response may require manual operation of

Boric Acid Flow Controller [FC-62-139] until stable conditions exist.

VERIFY Boric Acid Flow established .



It may take approximately 15 minutes before any changes to reactivity are indicated on

nuclear instrumentation or RCS temperature indication.

RO IF reactor is critical. THEN MONITOR nuclear instrumentation

Appendix D 5 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D -2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # ....:..____ Page 6 of _4



Event Description: Reduce Power

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

and reactor coolant temperature to ensure prop er response

from boration.


BAT op erability limits are prescribed by TR M (Modes 1-3) or (Modes 4-6).

MONITOR Boric Acid Storage Tank level.



IF Volum e Control Tank level increases to 63 percent,

( THEN ENSURE [LCV-62-118] , Volum e Controi Tank Divert

RO Valve OPENS to divert excess water to the Holdup Tank.


Sample may be obtained at norm al RCS sample intervals provided the unit is at power

and the unit response following the boration is as expected.

WHEN boration is complete, THEN

Control Switch to the STOP position.

  • CHECK no primary water flow on either [FI-62-142A]

OR [FQ-62-142].


  • ENSURE [FC-62-142] , Primary W ater to Blender Flow

(dial indicator) is set at 35%.

  • ADJUST [FC-62-139], Boric Acid Flow Contr oller to the

( desired blend solution in accordance with TI-44 Boron

Table s.

App endix 0 6 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # ....:.... Page 7 of _4.:.:0 '---1

( Event Description: Reduce Power

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  • ENSURE [FCV-62-128j is CLOSED.
  • PLACE [HS-62-140Bj , CVCS Makeup Selector Switch

to the AUTO position.

Control Switch to the START position.

  • IF RCS boron sampl e required, THEN NOTIFY Chem

Lab to obtain RCS boron sample.



Appendix D 7 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Reguired Operator Actions Form ES*D*2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # ....:....__ _ _ Page 8 of _ 4""



Event Description: Reduce Power

Tim e I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior


Boration is done in batch es until the total boron and/or power change is comp leted.

REPEAT this section as required to complete total boron

RO change.

WHEN total boration is complete, THE N:


  • REALIGN the blende r controls for AUTO makeup to the

CVCS in accordance with Section 5.1.

- * NOTIFY Chem Lab to obtain RCS boron sample.


IF in modes 1, 2, or 3, THEN ENSURE requiremen ts of TRM

US are met.


Lowering load on the Main Gene rator will cause VARs to trend in the positive direction

(towa rd outgoi ng). Th is will require lowering generator voltage. Refer to GOI-6 Section E

for MVAR limits for generator stability.


Appendix D 8 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # ....:... Page g of 40


Event Description: Reduce Power

Time I Position I Aoolicant"s Actions or Behavior

PERFORM the following as required:

IF Automatic Voltage Control is in service,


ADJUST Main Generator VARs USING [HS-57-22] Exciter

Voltage Auto Adjuster as necessary during power escalation.


1) Guidance on restoration of EHC Controls after a BOP runback is contained in

Appendix B, Turbine Runback Restoration.

2) For core operating recommendations for situations such as end of core life coast

down or unusual powe r maneuvers, contact Reactor Engineering for guidance.

3) It is recomme nded that AFD be controlled within the target band.

4) Th e following general approach should be used during power reduction:

(a) borate RCS to reduce RCS TAVG within limits of TREF , (b) reduce turbine load to

match TREF with TAVG (c) periodically take rod control to MANUAL from AUTO and

insert the bank to move AFD near the target value, (d) return rod control to AUTO when

not using the bank to control AFD, and (e) repeat th e above as necessary to accomplish

the load change .

5) Actions effecting reactivity are directed in the following step. 0-SO-62-7 requirements

shall be adhered to for reactivity changes (i.e. reactivity balance, amounts of boric acid

or water). All appropriate verifications and peer checks shall be utilized during


INITIATE a load reduction.


MONITOR turbine load decreasing.



Do NOT exceed a load change rate of plus or minus 5%/minute or a step change of

( 10%

Appendix D 9 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # . 1 Event # ....:..____ Page 10 of ....:4::;:



Event Description: Reduce Power

Time I Position I Aoolicant's Actions or Behavior


TAVG is programmed from 578.2°F at 100% power to 547" F at zero power at a rate of

0.312°F per % power.

MONITO R the following during the load reduction:

TAVG following TREF program.

All RPls, group step counters for rod insertion limits and

Crew inoperable rods or rod misalignment, Loop z,T, and NIS

for correct power distribution and quadrant power tilts. Core

AFD within - 5% control band around the power

level dependent target value.


Valve position limit and governor control meter are displayed on EHC Display

panel 1,2-XX-047-2000 (M-2).

Valve position limit approximately 10% above the current

BOP governor control indication as turbine load is changed.

Le ad Exa miner may d irect initiation of t he next event at his discretion


Appendix D 10 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # ...;2 =---____ Page 11 of 40

( Event Description: Controlling PZR pressure channel PT 68-340 fails high

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

Booth Instructor:

When directed, initiate event 2

Indications available:



Recognizes, announces cont rolling pressure channel failure,

and takes Prudent Operator Action (POA) to manually close

RO the PZR Spray Valve.

Refer to alarm response procedures



Determine Instrument Failure has occurred and direct entry to

US AOP-1. 04, Pressurizer Instrume nt Malfunction, section 2.1


Appendixes H is a layout of PZR pressure control provided for operator reference.


A failure of channel III (P-68-323) will affect the automatic actuation of PCV 68-334, PZR

PORV, in the normal pressure control circuit. LTOPS operation of this PORV is

unaffected by this failure.


A fail ure of chann el IV (P-68-322) will affect the automat ic actuation of PCV 68-340A,

PZR PORV , in the normal pressure control circuit. LTOPS operation of this PORV is

unaffected by this failure.


Append ix D 11 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I


Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event #


2 Page 12 of 40

Event Description: Controlling PZR pressure channel PT 68-340 fails high

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

Evaluator Note: Operator may take action to close the Pzr Spray Valve prior to entering

the AOP

MONITOR pressurizer pressu re stable or

trending to desired pressure. NO

  • RESTORE pressurizer pressure USING manual control

of the following:

  • PIC-68-340A


RO * PZR Spray controllers

PIC-68-340D (Loop 1)


PIC-68-340B (Loop 2)


  • Pres surizer Heaters

CHECK PI-68-340A indicates NORMAL. NO

( PERFORM the following:

  • ENSURE LOOP TAVG L'.T REC /SEL selector switch

XS-68-2B in LOOP 2, 3, or 4.



68-340D in PT-68-334 & 323.


340B in PT-68-334, PT-68-323 , or PT-6 8-322.

EVALUATE th e following Tech Spe cs for appli cability:

  • 3.2.5.b. DNB Parameters action. If pressure drops

below 2205 psig (2220 psia), 2-hours to restore to


US * 3.3 .1.1 (3.3.1), Reactor Trip System Instrumentation

(Action 6)

  • (3.3.2), Engineered Safety Feature Actuation

System Instrumentation (Action 17)

WHEN malfunction has been identified AND isolated OR


( RO

controllers in AUTO.

Appendi x 0 12 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES*D*2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # _ 2=-- Page 13 of 40


Event Description: Controlling PZR pressure channel PT 68*340 fails high

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

PERFORM the following:

  • ENSURE Master Pzr Pressure Controller PIG-68- 340A

Output Percent Meter is less than 40%.



contro ller, and PZR HTRS in AUTO.


If performing AOP in conjunction with AOP-1.11 for an Eagle LCP failure, then actions to

hard trip bistables should be delayed until Eagle system reset is attempted. Actions to

hard trip bistab les must be completed within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> UNLESS affected loop is restored

to operable status by resetting Eagle rack.


NOTIFY 1M to remove failed pressurizer pressure channel from

service USING appropriate Appendix:

US * Appendix A

Whe n Techni cal Specifications ar e id entifi ed or at discret ion of the Lead

Examiner , proceed t o the next event


Appendix D 13 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendi x D Reguired Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # _3~ Page 14 of 40

( Event Description: MFP Master Speed Controller Failure

Time I Position I Aoolicant"s Actions or Behavior

Booth Instructor:

When directed, initiate event 3

Indications available:


All SG levels decreasing

Refer to alarm response procedure



Direct entry to AOP S.01 , Loss of Normal Feedwater, Section

( US 2.2


Appendix C may be used to determin e the program feedwater DIP for current power.

MAINTAIN feed water pressure on program:

PLACE affected MFP speed controller(s) in MANUAL:

  • PC-46-20, MFPT 1A(2A) 1B(2B) Speed Control.

BOP * SIC-46-20A, MFPT 1A(2A) Speed Controller

  • SIC-46-20B , MFPT 1B(2B) Speed Controll er

CONTROL speed on affected MFP(s) to restore feedwater

pressure to program . (MFPC IIp '" 194 psid @ 100%)


Appendi x D 14 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendi x D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

c Op Test No.:

Event Description:

NRC Scenario # 1 Event #

MFP Master Speed Controller Failure

....::,.3 Page 15 of 40

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior


Feed flow transients may impact core thermal power.

MAINTAIN steam generator level(s) on program. STEAM GEN

LVL HIGH-LOW DEVIATION annunciator clear.


INITIATE repairs on failed equipment.



GO TO appropriate plant procedure.



When SG levels are controlled with Master Speed Controller in manual or at Lead

Examiner's discretion, proceed to the next event


Appendi x D 15 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 4 of 40


Event Description: Loss of Condenser Vacuum

TIme I Position I Aoolicant's Actions or Behavior

Booth Instructor:

When di rected , initiate Event 4

Indications ava ilable:




Condenser Vacu um deqradlnq, Air in leakaqe increasing.

Evaluator Note: Booth Operator is rnodu latino Condenser Vacu um

Refer to alarm response procedure



VERIFY alarm via [1-PlTR-2-2] recorder.

(' BOP

VERIFY required number of CCW pumps are inservice.


CHECK condense r vacuum exhaust on ICS using eithe r:

a. 1F2700A if 1-FCV-2-255 is closed


b. 1F2263A if 1-FCV-2-255 is open.

IF condenser vacuum exhaust flow> 45 CFM, THEN ENSURE

1-FCV-2-255 OPEN.


Appendix D 16 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 4

( Event Description: Loss of Condenser Vacuum

Time I Position I Aoolicant's Actions or Behavior

IF alarm is valid, THEN GO TO AOP-S.02, Loss of Condenser

Vacuum .



Use of the highes t reading operable condenser pressure instrument is conservative

and recommended by engineering.

MONITOR condens er pressu re for turbine trip criteria.


BOP * CHECK turbine load greater than or equal to 30% .

MT Low Condenser Vacuum Trip @ 3.9 psia increasi na

CHECK condenser pressure less than or equal to 2.7 psia .


1-AR-M2-C, C-6, CONDENSER VACUUM LOW @ 2.7 psia


ENSURE condenser vacuum pumps RUNNING.


Operator starts 1B Condense r Vacuum Pump

ENSURE condenser vacuum breaker CLOSE D.


Appendix D 17 NUREG 102 1 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 4

( Event Description: Loss of Condenser Vacuum

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

CHECK required CCW Pumps RUNNING [M-15].



ICS points F2700A and F2263A will alarm if Condenser Vacuum Exhaust Flow is > 45


DETERMINE volume of condens er inleakage USING the

followi ng plant comput er points:

BOP * F2700A

- * F2263A

  • F2260A


VERIFY inleakage value is < 45 elm as indicated by both

F2700A and F2263A. NO

PERFORM the following:

  • ENSU RE FCV-2-255, Condenser Vacuum Exhaust

BOP Bypass, is OPEN.

  • IF greater than 5% RTP, THEN NOTIFY Chem Lab to

reevaluate Vent Flow Rate Monitor setpoint in

accordance with 0-SI-CEM-030-41 5.0.

Appendix D 18 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 4


Event Description : Loss of Condenser Vacuum

Time I Position I Aoolicant's Actions or Behavior

DISPATCH an operator to PERFORM the following:

  • CHECK loop seal on vacuum breaker [Turbine Bldg,

706' elev].

  • CHECK the following components:


  • Conde nser shell intact

..* Main Feedwater Pump rupture discs intact

Main Turbine exhaust hoods

operating properly.

ENSURE control rods controll ing in AUTO .

- RO


CHECK condenser pressure STABLE or DRO PPING. (NO)

REDUCE turb ine load to maintain cond enser vacuum USING

one of the following:

BOP * AOP -C.03, Rapid Shutdown or Load Reduction.



  • Valve Position Limiter.

On Lead Examiner's cue, erocee d to the next event


Appendix D 19 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES*D*2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 5


Event Descriplion: Dropped Rod

Time I Position I Aoolicant's Actions or Behavior

Booth Instructor:

When directed, initiate Event 5

Indications available:





DEFEAT (Later)


DEFEAT (Later)

1 Rod Bottom-Liqht illuminated on M-4 IRPI Displav

Acknowledge alarms


Direct entry to AOP-C.01 , Rod Control System Malfunctions,

US section 2.2

Evaluator Note: Control rods may have been placed in manual prior to entering


PLACE rod control in MANUAL.


VERIFY ONLY ONE rod dropped.


Appendix D 20 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix 0 Reguired Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 5

( Event Description: Dropped Rod

Time I Position I Anollcant's Actions or Behavior


If a dropped rod occurs at low power level, retrieval of the dropped rod is NOT the

conservative action to take and could violate Tech Specs (if Mode 2 has been entered).

MONITOR reactor power greater than 5%.


REDUCE load to control T-avg:


  • MONITOR T-avg greater than 541' F. (LCO 3.1 .1.4)

BOP * CHECK main turbine loaded.

( 0 REDUCE turbine load to establish T-avg within

3'F of T-ref. (not required)

MONITOR Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio (QPTR) less than 1.09

USING one of the fo llowing:



  • O-SI-NUC-OOO-133.0 , Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio.

NOTIFY MSS to initiate maintenance for affected rod.


Appendix 0 21 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I App end ix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 5


Event Description : Dropped Rod

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior


Core therm al power must be reduced to less than 75% within one hour and shutdown

marg in must be verified within one hour UNLESS dropped rod can be restored in one

hour. (MOVABLE CONTROL ASSEMBLIES - Group Height, LCO action c)

PERFORM the following to comply with LCO 3.1 .3.1: SRO

determines an d enters LCO 3.1 .3.1 action C. (Movable

Con trol Assemblies - Group Height)

INITIATE power reduction to less than 75% USING one of the



  • AOP-C.03, Rapid Shutdown or Load Reduction


( * 0-GO-5, Normal Power Operation.

  • VERIFY adequate Shutdown Margin within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and

once every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> USING SI-NUC-000-038.0.

MONITOR QPTR less than 1.02 USING one of the following:


  • 0-SI-NUC-000-133.0, Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio.

IF QPTR exceeds 1.02 AND core thermal power is greater than

50%, THEN PERFORM the following:


  • PERFORM 0-SI-NUC-000-133.0 at least once per hour

to comply with Tech Spec LCO 3.2.4.

  • ENSURE core thermal power reduced as required by

LCO 3.2.4.

  • COMPLY with all other applicable actio ns of LCO 3.2.4.


Appendix 0 22 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendi x D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 5


Event Description: Dropped Rod

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

Power range high flux trip setpoint must be reduced to less than or equal to 85% within

four hours UNLESS dropped rod is restored. (LCO action c). LCO 3.2.4,

Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio may require more limiting setpoint if QPTR exceeds 1.02.

NOTIFY MIG to prepare to reduce high neutron flux trip

setpoint to less than or equal to applicable value from LCO 3.1 .3.1 action C.3 or 3.2.4 action A.1 .a USING 0-SI-IXX-092-



NOTIFY Reactor Engineer and COMPLETE notifications

USING SPP-3.5, Regulatory Reporting Requirements.



CHECK the following:

  • repairs COMPLETE


[M-48 , window A-6j


Prior to retrieving a dropped rod at power, SRO and Reactor Engineer will

determine length of time the affected rod has been dropped/misaligned. Any

attempt to realign the rod should be coordinated with Reactor Engineer's

recommendations to prevent localized power peaking, possible fuel failure, and to

minimize xenon oscillations.



App endix D 23 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # t Event # 5 of 40

( Event Description: Dropped Rod

Time I Position I Aoolicanl' s Actions or Behavior

  • RESET affected neutron flux rate module [M-13].

When technical specifications have been identified or at discretion 01 the Lead

Examiner, proceed to the next event


Appendix 0 24 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

1 Append ix D Required Operator Actions Form ES*D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # _ ;6;.:...:. 8=--_ _


. Page 25 of 40


Event Description; Dropped Rod, ATWS , Stuck open SG Safety Val ve

Time I Position I Appli cant's Actions or Behavior

Booth Inst ructor:

When directed, initiate eve nt 6

Indications available:

Second dropped rod .

No reactor t ri p indication.

EVALUATOR NOTE: S/G #1 main steam safety valve fails open on Turbine trip.

Recognize a second rod has dropped and determine reactor

- Crew

trip required


US Direct reactor trip and turbine trip

RO Attempt to trip reactor

BOP Verifv turbine trip

US Direct entry to FR* S.1, Nuclear Power Generation/ATWS


Steps 1 and 2 are immediate action steps.


Appendix D 25 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES*D*2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # ..;6:::.,.:..

7~ , Sc--_ _ Page 26 of 40


Event Description: Dropped Rod, ATWS, Stuck open SG Safety Valve

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior





  • Neutron flux DROPPING
  • Rod bottom lights LIT

RO * Rod position indicators less than or equal to 12 steps.

TRIP reactor.

IF reactor trip breakers will NOT open,


MAINTAIN auto or manual rod insertion at max achievable

rate UNTIL rods are at bottom , Insert negative reactivity within

35 seconds of seco nd dropped rod,



( BOP * ALL turbine stop valves CLOSED

CHECK AFW System operation:


  • START pumps.

TD AFW pump RUNNING as necessary.






  • MD AFW pump recirculation valves FCV*3*400 and



App endix D 26 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event #


Event Description: Dropped Rod, ATWS, Stuck open SG Safety Valve

Time I Position I Aoolicanrs Actions or Behavior

EMERGENCY BORATE RCS by performing the following:



ENSURE at least one CCP RUNNING. INITIATE Emergency

Boration USING EA-68-4 .

  • ADJUST emergency borate valve [FCV-62-138] to

obtain boric acid flow between 35 gpm and 150 gpm on

[ FI-62-137A] .

0 MONITOR emergency boration flow:

  • CHECK emergency boration flow establish ed on [FI-

62-137A] .

0 IF boric acid flow less than 35 gpm,



- * CLOSE recirculat ion valve for the BAT aligned to the


0 1-FCV-62-237 for BAT A.

( 0


0-FCV-62-241 for BAT C.

2-FCV-6 2-237 for BAT B.

  • VERIFY charging flow path established:

0 FCV-62-90 OP EN 0 FCV-62-91 OPEN

0 FCV-62-86 or FCV-62-85 OPEN.

  • CHEC K pressurizer pressure less than 2335 psig.

VERIFY Containm ent Purge isolated:

VERIFY conta inment purg e and vent dampers (System 30)


CLOSED . [Panel 6K and 6L]

Append ix D 27 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I App endix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No .: NRC Sc enario # 1 Event # _ 6;;.:....;. , 8=---_

7.:..; _ Page 28 of 40

( Event Description: D ropped Rod , ATWS, Stuck open SG Safety Val ve

Time I Position I Aool icant's Actions or Behavior

MONITOR SI NOT actuated :

Crew S,1. ACTUATED permissive DARK [M-4A, D4].

Evaluator Note: Crew may elect to manually initiate Safety Injectio n, Main Steam Line

Isolation and/or isolate AFW prior to procedural direction (POAs/Fold out page) if

cond itions dictate based on excessive cooldown.

Crew Reactor T RIPPED.

PERFORM the following:


breakers and MG set output breakers [MG Set Room,

US Aux Bldg el. 759].

  • DISPATCH perso nnel to locally open breakers to MG

sets [480V Unit Boards A and B].

Turbine TRIPPED:

BOP * ALL turbine stop valves CLOSED,

MONITOR reactor subcritical:

RO * Power range channels less than 5%.

  • Intermediate range SUR NEGATIV E.


Appendix D 28 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES*D- 2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Sce nario # 1 Event # ....;:.:



, 8::...-_ _ Page 29 of 40

( Event Description: Dropped Rod, ATWS. Stuck open SG Safety Valve

Time I Position I Aoo licant's Actions or Behavior


GO TO Step 19,

ENSURE status tree monitoring initiated .


MONITOR boration termination criteria:


- * CHEC K for all of the following:


0 all control rods FULLY INSERTE D

0 RCS temperature greater than 540°F

0 no RCS dilution has occurred.

WHEN emergency boration is no longer needed, THEN STO P

eme rgency boration USING EA-6S-4, Emergency Boration.

RO/US RET URN TO procedure and step in effect.

Directs transition to E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection


App endix D 29 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Te st No .: NRC Sce nario # 1 Event # _ :6:<,..:. , 8::....-_

7.....: _ Page 30 of 40

( Event Descripti on : Dropped Rod, ATWS, Stuck open SG Safety Valve

Tim e I Posit ion I App lican t's Actions or Behavior




  • Neutron flux DROPPING
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Rod position indicators less than or equal to 12 steps.



BOP * Turbine stop vaives CLOSED.


VERIFY at least one train of shutdown boards ENERGIZED.


DETERMINE if SI actuated:


  • Any SI alarm LIT [M-4D]

Mav manuallv actuate 51.

Evaluator Note: BOP may isolate TDAFW flow to #1 SG, or all SGs based on POAs-

overfill or exce ssive cooldown.

PERFORM ES-0.5, Equipment Verifications WHILE continuing

BOP in this procedu re. (At end of scenario)


-. RO DETERMINE if secondary heat sink available:

Appendix 0 30 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Append ix D Required Operat or Act ions Form ES*D*2 I

Op T est No .: NRC Sc enario # 1 Event # ...;6:::,

  • ..:..


8:...-_ _ Page 31 of 40

( Event Desc ription: Dropped Rod , ATWS, Stuck open SG Safety Valve

Time I Position I Ap plicant's Actions or Behavior

a. CHECK total AFW flow greater than 440 gpm .

b. CHECK narrow range level greater than 10% [25 ADV]

in at least on e S/G.

c. CONTROL feed flow to maint ain narro w range level

between 10% [25% ADVj and 50% in all S/Gs .

CHECK if main steam lines should be isolated:

a. CH ECK if any of the following conditions have

occ urred:

- * Any S/G pressure less than 600 psig AND


ISOL ENABLE permissive DARK [M*4A , A4]

( OR

RO * Any S/G pressure dropping



  • Phase B actuat ion

b. ENSURE MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CLOS ED.

May have alread y closed MSIVs.


Loss of seal injection flow could adversely affect RCP seals.

Ap pend ix D 31 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # ..;6~,..:.7,.,:,8::....-_ _ Page 32 of 40

( Event Description: Dropped Rod, AlWS, Stuck open SG Safety Valve

Time I Position I Applicant' s Actions or Behavior

CHECK RCP trip criteria:

a. CHECK the fo llowing:


  • RCS pressure less than 1250 psig. (NO)


  • At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING

MONITOR RCS temperatu res:

  • IF any RCP running ,


CHECK T-avg stable at or trending between 547 degrees F

and 552 degrees F.

_ RO


  • IF RCP's stopped,


CHECK T-cold stable or trending to between 547 degrees

F and 552 decrees F.

CHECK pressurizer PORV's, safeties, and spray valves:

a. Pressurizer PORV's CLOSED.

b. Pressurizer safety valves CLOSED .

RO c. Normal spray valves CLOSED.

d. Power to at least one block valve AVAILABLE.

e. At least one block valve OPEN .

Appendix D 32 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No .: NRC Scena rio # 1 Event # ...;6"'-,.;,.


8'--_ _ Page 33 of 40

( Event Description: Dropped Rod , ATWS , Stuck open SG Safet y Valve

Time I Position I Aoolican t's Actions or Behavior

CHECK S/G secondary pressure boundaries INTACT:

RO * All S/G pressures CONTROLLED or RISING


  • All S/G pressures qreater than 140 oslo.


Direct entry to E*2, Faulted SG Isolation


Unisolating the Faulted S/G increases the potential for personnel injury, equipment

damage, and an uncontrolled RCS cooldown. This option is NOT be considered

UNLESS needed for RCS cooldown.


CHECK MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CLOSED.

CHECK ANY S/G secondary pressure boundary INTACT:


  • Anv S/G pressure controlled or rising.

Append ix D 33 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Reguired Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6,7,8

Event Description: Dropped Rod, ATWS, Stuck open SG Safely Valve

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

IDENTIFY Faulted S/G(s):

CHECK S/G pressures:

  • Any S/G pressure DROPPING

RO/BOP in an uncontrolled manner.


  • Any S/G pressure

less than 140 oslo.


Secondary heat sink requires at least one S/G available.

Caut ion

Isolating both steam supplies to the TD AFW pump when it is the only source of feed

flow will result in loss of secondary heat sink.


Eval uato r Note: AFW may have previously been isolated per E-O fold-out page

ISOLATE Faulted S/G (s):



  • CLOSE TD AFW pump steam

supply from faulted S/G


0 FCV-1*15 (S/G 1) or

FCV-1-1 6 (S/G 4).

  • VERIFY S/G blowdown valves CLOSED ,
  • VERIFY atmospheric relief CLOSED .

CHECK CST level greater than 5%.



Chem Lab samples mav reauire resettina Phase A and ooenlnq blowdown isolation

Appendix D 34 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Scena rio # 1 Event # ...;6;:,....:.,

7,:..::8:....-_ _ Page 35 of 40


Event Description: Dropp ed Rod . ATWS, Stuck open SG Safety Val ve

Tim e I Position I Applica nt' s Actions or Behavior

valves as necessa ry.

VERIFY secondary radiation NORMAL:

NOTIFY Chem Lab to take S /G activity samples.

NOTIFY RADCON to survey main steamlines and S/G


CHECK following rad monitors, including available trends prior

Crew to isolation:

  • Main steaml ine NORMAL
  • Condenser exhaust NORMAL

- * S/G blowdown recorder RR-90-120 NORMAL

  • Post-Accident Area Radiation Monitor recorder

RR-90-26 8B, points 3 (blue), 4 (violet), 5 (black) and 6

(brown) NOR MAL. IM-31 (back of M-3011

Appendix D 35 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I

Op Test No.: NRC Sce nario # 1 Event # . 8::......._

_ 6:::.,:,..:.7",,: _ Page 36 of 40


" Even t Description: D ropped Rod. ATWS. Stuck open SG Safety Val ve

Time I Position I Apolicant's Action s or Behavior

CHECK SI termina tion criteria:

RCS subcooling based on core exit TICs greater than 40°F.

Secondary heat sink:

  • Narrow range level

in at least one Intact S/G

greater than 10% [25% ADVj


  • Total feed flow to Intact S/Gs

greater than 440 gpm.

Secondary heat sink:

Crew * Narrow range level

- in at least one Intact S/G

greater than 10% [25% ADVj


  • Total feed flow to Intact S/Gs

greater than 440 gpm.

RCS pressur e stable or rising.

Pressurizer level

greate r than 10% [20% ADV].

GO TO ES-1.1 . SI Termination.

Sc enario ma y be termin ated when c rew t ransit ion s to ES-1.1, SI Termi nation


App endix D 36 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # ES-0.5 Page 37 of 40

( - -

Event Description : Equipment Verifications

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

ES-O.5 Act ions

CHECK ERCW system oper ation:

BO P * VERIFY at least fou r ERCW pumps RUNNING.

  • VERIFY DIG ERCW supply valves OP EN.


.BOP * Pump 1B-B (2B-B)

  • Pump CoS.



VERIFY generator breakers OPEN.



BOP * MD AFW pumps


App endix D NUREG 1021 Revision 9

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES*D-2

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # ES-O.5 Page 38 of 40

( Event Description : Equipment Verification s

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior


AFW level control valves should NOT be repositioned if manual action has been taken to

control S /G levels, to establish flow due to failure , or to isolate a faulted S /G.

CHECK AFW valve alignmen t:




c. VERIFY MD AFW pump recirculation valves FCV-3- 400

and FCV-3-401 CLOSED.

VERIFY MFW Isolation:

  • MFW pumps TRIPPED
  • MFW regulating valves CLOS ED

BOP * MFW regulating bypass valve controller outputs ZERO

  • MFW isolation valves CLOSED
  • MFW flow ZERO .

MONITOR ECCS operation:



Appendix D NUREG 1021 Revision 9

App endi x 0 Requ ired Operator Actions For m ES-D -2

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # ES-0.5

- - of 40

Page 39

( Event Description: Equipment Verifications

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

VERIFY CCP flow through CC PIT.

  • CHECK RCS pressure less than 1500 psig .

BOP * VERIFY SI pump flow.

  • CHECK RCS pressure less than 300 psig.
  • VERIFY RHR pump flow .


  • Phase A ACTUATED:


- A alarm LIT [M-6C , B5] .


B alarm LIT [M-6C, B6].

  • Containment Ventilation Isolation ACTUATED :


TR AIN A alarm LIT [M-6C , C5] .


TRAIN B alarm LIT [M-6C , C6].

BOP * Status monitor panels:


0 60 DARK

0 6E LIT OUTSIDE outlined area


0 6J LIT.

  • Train A status panel 6K:



  • Train B status panel 6L:



Appendix 0 NUREG 1021 Revisi on 9

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2

Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # ES-0.5 Page 40 of 40


Event Description: Equipment Verifications

Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

MONITOR containm ent spray NOT required:




  • Containment pressure less than 2.81 psig

VERIFY pocket sump pumps STOPPED: [M-15. upper left


  • HS-77-410 . Rx Bldg Aux Floor and Equipment Drain

BOP Sump pump A

- * HS-77-411, Rx Bldg Aux Floor and Equipm ent Drain

Sump pump B.

DISPATCH personn el to perform EA-0-1 . Equipment Checks

Following ESF Actu ation.



Appendix D NUREG 102 1 Revision 9

Operations Chemistry Information

( . --

.' .

Bor,o~ Results ' -

Sam ple Po in t Bo ron Date I Tim e Goa l Limit

U1 RCS ppm 1093 Today / Now Variable Variable

U2 RCS ppm 816 Today / Now Variable Variable

U1 RWST ppm 2601 Tod ay / Now 2550 - 2650 2500 - 2700

U2 RWST ppm 2569 Tod ay / Now 2550 - 2650 2500 - 2700

BAT A ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable

BATB ppm 6850 Tod ay / Now Variable variable

BATC ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable

U1 CLA #1 ppm 2556 Toda y / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

U1 CLA #2 ppm 2575 Today / Now 2470-2 630 2400-2700

U1 CLA #3 ppm 2591 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

U1 CLA #4 ppm 2589 Toda y / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

U2 CLA #1 ppm 2531 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400*2700

U2 CLA #2 ppm 2650 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

U2 CLA #3 ppm 2522 Tod ay / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

U2 CLA #4 ppm 2526 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

Spent Fuel Pool ppm 2547 Toda y / Now ~2050 ~2000

. Midpoint, . >

, r* .. : . ", .(.l. o,'.. ~_. ~::~ .. .. ....


2.18-2.48 2.33

" . ~ , '.~ ';~" :. *~: Pri ~~y. .t o ~e.c 9ndary. L~akrat~: 'I)forrri~tion >(Tot~1 C~M R~*90*~9!119r: ' . . .

  • * ;!. ...

.;tl**)'l~ ... "" ... "'... ~ ,..\~ . . ... . .v " o\ ~ <_ . : .*""',. ", ., . *.1. .:i, ~ ,"" . ~. .. * * 'J" , * _,_ * ~..,. . ,x. ~ ~ -. t . ... $;-~

Indicator Units U1 Date ITime U2 DatelTime

SI 50 S/G Leakage? Yes/No No Toda y / Now No Today / Now

S1137.5 CVE Leak rate gpd < 0.1 Toda y / Now < 0.1 Today / Now

5 gpd leak equivalent cpm 380 Toda y / Now 68 Toda y / Now

30 gpd leak equival ent cpm 1980 Tod ay / Now 83 Today / Now

50 gpd leak equivalent cpm 3250 Today / Now 206 Today / Now

75 gpd leak equ ivalent cpm 4850 Toda y / Now 455 Today / Now

150 gpd leak equivalent cpm 9750 Toda y / Now 870 Toda y / Now

CVE Air Inleakage cfm 10 Tod ay / Now 12.5 Today / Now

Bkgd on 99/119 cfm 50 Today / Now 40 Today / Now

G:\Prep Week lilt:s\As Submitted Operational Exam'Scenarios'Scenario 1\3- 19-07 ESG- I TO Sheets.doc 02/ 13/07



0 SM

0 US/MCR Unit 1

0 UO Unit 1 Off-going - Name

0 AUO Station SON

0 STA (STA Function) AUG Camp Actions On-coming - Name

Part 1 - Co mp let ed by Off-go ing Shift/Reviewed by On-coming Shift:

Abnormal E *


  • tL u *ICondltlons

MAIN CONTROL ROOM(7690) (593-5409)

Train B Week

  • 1-PCV-68-340D Valve Controller setpoint drift; (WO 06-080000-000). Pin k tag on 1-M-4.

TURBINE BUILDING (7771) (593-5416)

  • 1-RM-90-120&121 SG BD Rad Monitor 005; In vestigate the pump/instrument failure (WD 06-

080880-000). Pin k tag on 1-M-12.


  • All equipment normal

AUXILIARY BUILDING (7775) (593-54 14)

  • CCP 1B-B Out of Service: Tagged for maintenance to repair leak on pump discharge. (WO 06-

080025-000) (Out for previous 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />). ETR 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

Re s Leakage (SI-137.0) I

Total 0.03 gpm I Iden t ified 0.02gpm I Unidentified 0.Q1 gpm. (Today 0600)

Gi' Prep Week files'As Submitted Operational Exam'S cenarios'S cenar io 1'03 -19-0'7 ESG-l TO Sheets.doc



SlfTest in Progress/Planned: (Including Need for New Brief)

  • SI-401 release package (wi Chern Supvr) for SGBD releases to the river.

Maj or Activities/Procedures in Progress/Planned:

  • Reduce to <93 % turbine power for Turbine Valve Testing. Initiate boration per Rx Engineering

Spreadsheet. Spreadsheet has been verified by the STA.

Radiological Changes in Plant Dur ing Shift:


V ~ '~"¥0~~ ,: " , ',~  ;  ;::8 '",.£:, '"7 ,!, ' LCO/ODCMfTRM ACTIONS . ':

S', ~


.~ , (' '~ :;;$" ;; -;.;-,,:" ,~¥ '\L " ~ -", I

  • ODCM 1.1.1 action 31 for 1-RM-90-1201121 ODS

Part 2 ' Performed by on-coming shift

0 Review of Operating Log Since Last Shift Held or 3 Days, Whichever is Less (N/A for AUO's)

0 Review of Rounds Sheets/Abnormal Readings (AUO's only)

Review the Following Programs tor Changes Since Last Shift Turnover:

0 Standing Orders 0 LCO(s) in Actions (N/A for AUOs)

0 Immediate Required Reading 0 TACF (N/A tor AUG's)

Part 3 - Performed by bo th off-going and on-com ing sh ift

0 Walkdown of MCR Controi Boards (NIA for AUG's)

Relief Time: Relief Date: today

TVA 40741 [03 -2001] OPDP-l- t [03-14,2001

G:\Prep Week files\As Submitted Operational Exam'Scenarios'Scenario 1\3-19-07 ESG*l TO Sheets.doc 02113/07


Disabled Annunciato rs


Equ ipment Off* Norma l (Pink Tags)

UNID And No un Name Panel Pro blem Descrip t ion w o I PER Number

- MCR WO List

10 And Noun Nam e Panel Probl em Descriptio n WOlPER Number




G:\Prep Week filcs\As Submitted Operational Exam\Scenarios\Sce nario l\J*1Q.o1 ESG* l TO ShCCIS.doc 02113/07


Date: Today Time: Now


~.' .:.. ,Gerierallnformation '.'

Res Boron: 1093 ppm Today I BA Controller Setpoint: 27% * I RCS B-10 Depletion: 2 ppm

Operable BAT: A I BAT A Boron: 6850 ppm I BAT C Boron : 6850 ppm I RWST Boron: 2601 ppm

Nominal Gallons per rod step from 219 : 7 gallons of acid, 36 gallons of water

  • Venfy bonc acid flow contro ller IS set at Adjusted SA Controller Setting law 0-SO-62-7 section 5.1

f'?" : " , ;' '::,: . '.-~ :;< . ... *.~ '. '*:f ..' :;Estim. ated ' 'f*o*-r a. ~1 c*.-Chang*e in Tave **

va lu' e's

~ _ . __~. . ~. , I: ~ * * ~ \ . " ~ . . * * * *

  • 1

_ __ Ga __llons of_ac id:

_ 26

_ _ _- ' - Ga llons of wat er: 138 Rod Steps: 4 1

Power reduction amount Estimated Final Rod Position Estimated boron addition

10% 198 Steps on bank 0 101 gallons

30 % 174 Steps on bank 0 295 gallons

50% - 152 Steps on bank 0 485 gallons

    • These values are approximat ions and not intended nor expected to be exact. The values may be superceded by

Rx Enginee ring or SO-62-7 calculated values. The se values are calculated assum ing 100% steady state power

operation only. Engineering data last updated one week ago , Data Valid until one week from now.

Number of dilutions: 0*** Number of borati ons: 0 Rod steps in: 0

Gallons per dilution : 0 Ga llons per boration: 0 Rod steps out: 0

Tota l amo unt diluted: 0 Total am ount borated: 0 Net chang e: 0 IN/O ut

. ::~ ' "~, ~ p urr~nt Shift EStimated Reactivity:Mimipulations .. . *1

Number of dilutions : 0 Number of borations: 0 Rod steps in: 0

Gallons per dilution: 0 Gallons per boration : 0 Rod steps out: 0

Total expected dilution: 0 Total expected bo ration: 0 Net change : 0 In/O ut


Rx Power - 100% MWD /MTU - 1000 Xenon & Samarium at Equilibr ium

      • The boron letdown curve is flat for the next 25 EFPD.

Next Un it 1 Flux .Map is scheduled - three weeks from now

Unit Supervisor:

Na melDate


G:\Pn:p Week tilc:s\As Submitted Operational Exam'Sccnarios'Sccnario 1\3-19 -07 ESG-I TO Sheets.doc 02/ 13/07

Operations Chemistry Information

( .

. .Bo'ron .Res ults ... :. ~ .. .



, 1




.. :

-- ~ ~~. ~


Sample Point Boron Date /Time Goal Limit

U1 RCS ppm 1093 Today / Now Variable Variable

U2 RCS ppm 816 Toda y / Now Variable Variab le

U1 RWST ppm 2601 Today / Now 2550 - 2650 2500 - 2700

U2 RWS T ppm 2569 Today / Now 2550 - 2650 2500 - 2700

BAT A ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable

BAT B ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable

BAT C ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable

U1 CLA #1 ppm 2556 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

U1 CLA #2 ppm 2575 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

U1 CLA #3 ppm 2591 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

U1 CLA #4 ppm 2589 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

U2 CLA #1 ppm 2531 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

U2 CLA #2 ppm 2650 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

U2 CLA #3 ppm 2522 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

U2 CLA #4 ppm 2526 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700

Spent Fuel Pool ppm 2547 Today / Now .? 2050 z 2000


U2 RCS 2.18-2.48 2.33

i~' :n:~'~: "'.;; F?ri.rj1ae:~~~1~:qri~ ar;Y ': Le.~krate,J!lf9 rma~Lq~~- (T9tc.l:I. ~~PM., RM~90':991119 ) , ~~_ ~~ :...::..::

Ind icator Units U1 Date / Time U2 DatelTime

SI 50 S/G Leakage? Yes/No No Today / Now No Today / Now

SI 137.5 CVE Leakr ate gpd < 0.1 Today / Now < 0.1 Today / Now

5 gpd leak equivalent cpm 380 Today / Now 68 Today / Now

30 gpd leak equivalent cpm 1980 Today / Now 83 Today / Now

50 gpd leak equivalent cpm 3250 Today / Now 206 Today / Now

75 gpd leak equivalent cpm 4850 Today / Now 455 Today / Now

150 gpd leak equivalent cpm 9750 Today / Now 870 Today / Now

CVE Air Inleakage cfm 10 Today / Now 12.5 Today / Now

Bkgd on 99/119 cfm 50 Today / Now 40 Today / Now

G:\Prep Week files'As Submitt ed Operat ional Exam\Scenarios\Sccnario 1\3-19,07 ESG- I TO Sheets.doc 02/13107



0 SM

0 US/MCR Unit 1

0 UO Unit 1 Off-going - Name

0 AUO Station SON

D STA (STA Function) AUO Comp Actions On-coming - Name

Part 1 - Completed by Off-going Shift/Reviewed by On-coming Shift:

Ab IE * tL


  • *IC dt

MAIN CONTROL ROOM(7690) (593-5409)

Train B Week

  • 1-PCV-68-340D Valve Controller setpoint drift; (WO 06-080000-000). Pink tag on 1-M-4.

TURBINE BUILDING (7771) (593-5416)

  • 1-RM-90-120&121 SG BD Rad Monitor DOS; Investigate the pumplinstrument failure (WO 06-

080880-000). Pink tag on 1-M-12.


  • All equipment normal

AUXILIARY BUILDING (7775) (593-5414)

  • CCP 1B-B Out of Service: Tagged for maintenance to repair leak on pump discharge. (WO 06-

080025-000) (Out for previous 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />). ETR 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

Res Leakage (SI-137.0)

Total 0.03 gpm !Identified 0.02gpm I Unidentified 0.01 gpm. (Today 0600)


G:\Prep Week files'As Submitted Operat ional Exarn'Sce narios'Scenario 1 \3 ~ 1 9 w0 7 ESG- l TO Sheets .doc 02/ 13/07



( 31fTest in Progress/Planned: (Including Need for New Brief)

0 SI-401 release package (wI Chern Supvr) for SGBD releases to the river.

Major Activities/Procedures in Progress/Planned:

0 Reduce to <93% turbine power for Turbine Valve Testing. Initiate boration per Rx Engineering

Spreadsheet. Spreadsheet has been verified by the STA.

Radiological Changes in Plant During Shift:


I Z';; if~':fl:~17:;t;"t~\ Y iA; ' .J~' i4",j' f." ~?),LCOIODCM!TRM ACTIONS ~~\~'. ,~;k:" M~ ..ft~ '

                                                                                                                        *            '....
                                                                                                                                   -: :    ~ :.t.:j$f;;~;*
                                                                                                                                        ','v          '-." " . :. 'i-~
                                                                                                                                               .... Jl.I:~'
   0      TS 3.5.2.a, TRM for lB-B CCP DOS.
   0     ODCM 1.1.1 action 31 for 1-RM-90-1201121 ODS
    Part 2 - Performed by on-coming shift
                   0       Review of Operating Log Since Last Shift Held or 3 Days, Whichever is Less (N/A for AUO's)
                   0       Review of Rounds Sheets/Abnormal Readings (AUO's only)

( Review the Following Programs for Changes Since Last Shift Turnover:

                   0       Standing Orders                                    0        LCO(s) in Actions (N/A for AUOs)
                   0       Immediate Required Reading                         0        TACF (N/A for AUO's)
    Part 3 - Performed by both off-going and on-coming shi ft
                   0     Walkdown of MCR Control Boards (N/A for AUO's)
                         Relief Time:                                                         Reiief Date:        today
    TVA 4 074 1 [03-200 1)                                           O POP-l -1 103-14-200 1
     G t'P rep Week files\As Submitted Operational Exam' Scenarios' Scenario 1\3* 19*07 ESG*l TO Sheets.doc                                       02113/07
 SHIFT TURNOVER CHECKLIST                                              Page 3 of 3                               Today
                                                                      Disabled Annunciators


                                                     Equipment Off*Normal (Pi n k Tags)
 UNIO And Noun Name                                       Panel          Problem Description                  WO I PER Num ber
                                                                            MCRWO LIst
 10 And Noun Nam e                                   Pan el         Problem Description                     WOlPER Numb er
  G:\Prep Week f il es'As Sub mitted Operat ional Exam'S cenarios'S cenario 1\3* 19-0? ESG-! TO Sheets.doc             0211 3/07
                                                      UNIT ONE REACTIVITY BRIEF
                                                                   Date: Today Time: Now


 Res Boron: 1093 ppm Today                                       I   BA Controller Setpoint: 27% *           I RCS B-10 Depletion: 2 ppm
   Ope rable BAT: A               I BAT A Boron: 6850 ppm                       I BAT C Boron: 6850 ppm I RWST Boron: 2601 ppm
                        Nominal Gallons per rod step from 219:                          7 gallons of acid, 36 gallons of water
 * Verity boric acid flow controller IS set at Adjusted SA Controller Setting law 0-SO-62-7 section 5.1
            Gallons of acid: 26                                     Gallons of water: 138                             Rod Steps: 4
        Power reduction amount                              Estimated Final Rod Position                      Estimated boron addition
                        10%                                        198 Steps on bank D                               101   gallons
                        30%                                        174 Steps on bank D                               295   gallons
                        50%            -                           152 Steps on bank D                               485   gallons
    ** These values are approximations and not intended nor expected to be exact. The values may be superceded by
    Rx Engineering or SO-62-7 calculated values. These values are calculated assuming 100% steady state power

( operation only. Engineering data last updated one week ago . Data Valid until one week from now.

   Number of dilutions: 0***                                  Number of borations: 0                           Rod steps in: 0
   Gallons per dilution: 0                                    Gallons per boration: 0                          Rod steps out: 0
   Total amount diluted: 0                                    Total amount borated: 0                          Net change: 0 IN/Out
    Number of dilutions: 0                                    Number of borations: 0                           Rod steps in: 0
    Gallons per dilution: 0                                    Gallons per boration: 0                         Rod steps out: 0
    Total expected dilution: 0                                Tota l expected boration: 0                      Net change: 0    In/Out
                         Rx Power - 100%                   MWD/MTU - 1000                   Xenon & Samarium at Equilibrium
                         ***The boron letdown curve is flat for the next 25 EFPD.
  Next Unit 1 Flux Map is sched uled - three weeks from now
   Unit Superv isor:
   G:\ Prep Week filcs\As Subm itted Operati onal ExarrrSc enarios'Scenario 1\3- 19-07 ESG-l TO Sheets.doc                             02J1 3i07
                                                 Operations Chemistry Information


          Sample Point                                                                                                      Limit
                 U1 RCS                              ppm            1093                                                  Variable
                 U2 RCS                              ppm             816                                                  Variable
               U1 RWST                               ppm            2601                                 2550 - 2650    2500 - 2700
               U2 RWS T                              ppm            2569                                 2550 - 2650    2500 - 2700
                  BAT A                              ppm            6850                                   Variable       Variable
                  BAT B                              ppm            6850                                   Variable       Variable
                  BATC                               ppm            6850                                   Variable       Variable
              U1 CLA #1                              ppm            2556                                  2470-2630      2400 -2700
              U1 CLA #2                              ppm            2575                                  2470-2630      2400 -2700
              U1 CLA #3                              ppm             2591                                 2470-2630      2400-2700
              U1 CLA #4                              ppm             2589                                 2470-2630      2400-2700
              U2 CLA #1                              ppm             2531                                 2470-2630      2400-2700
              U2 CLA #2                              ppm             2650                                 2470-2630      2400-2700
              U2 CLA #3                              ppm             2522                                 2470-2630      2400-2700
               U2 CLA #4                             ppm             2526                                 2470-2630      2400-2700
          Spent Fuel Pool                            ppm             2547                                   ~2050          ~2000
                                                                                                           2.18-2.48         2.33
 ~~~ ~y :.~.
 *      *  ** *
                t >*:*:.1 Pfimaiy; t~Si"c~ti~arY
                                   0'- * * ",, >~  .     . *--""leakrate Inforn1aflon
                                                                  _~        , . '. .              ~              To   '         . . ;'%
                                                                                             {'f.p'tal 'CPM RM-90';991119) - ~~~~~~
                                                                                                                                  " ",  ""
                                                                                                                                           . ~,
               Indicator                          Units                 U1        Date I Time                  U2        DatefTime
        SI 50 S /G Leakage?                       Yes/No               No         Today 1 Now                 No        Today 1 Now
      SI 137.5 CVE Leakrate                           gpd             < 0.1       Today / Now                < 0.1      Today 1 Now
       5 gpd leak equivalent                         cpm               380        Today 1 Now                  68       Today 1 Now
      30 gpd leak equivalent                         cpm              1980        Today / Now                  83       Today 1 Now
      50 gpd leak equivalent                          cpm             3250        Today / Now                 206       Today / Now
      75 gpd leak equivalent                          cpm             4850        Today 1 Now                 455        Today / Now
      150 gpd leak equivalent                         cpm             9750        Today / Now                 870        Today / Now
          CVE Air Inleakage                           cfm               10        Today 1 Now                 12.5       Today 1 Now
           Bkgd on 99/119                             cfm               50        Today 1 Now                  40        Today / Now


  G:\Prep Week files\As SubmittedOperational Exam\Scenarios\Seenario 1\3-19-07 ESG- I TO Sheets.doc                              02113/07
                                                                     APPENDIX C


        o    SM
        o    US/MeR                               Unit          1
        o    UO                                   Unit          1                                      Off-go ing - Name
        o    AUO                                  Station       SON
        o    STA (ST A Function)                                    AUO Comp Actions                   On-coming - Name
   Part 1 * Completed by Off-going Shift/Reviewed by On-coming Shift:
   Abnormal E ui ment Lineu IConditions:
                                                MAIN CONTROL ROOM(7690) (593-5409)
        Train B Week
     *   1-PCV-68-340D Valve Controller setpoint drift; (WO 06-080000-000). Pink tag on 1-M-4.
                                                     TURBINE BUILDING (7771) (593-5416)
     *   1-RM-90-120&121 SG BD Rad Monitor ODS; Investigate the pump/instrument failure (WO 06-
         080880-000). Pink tag on 1-M-12.
    *   All equipment normal
 [I                                             AUXILIARY BUILDING                   (7775) (593-5414)
      *  CCP 1B-B Out of Service: Tagged for maintenance to repair leak on pump discharge. (WO 06-
         080025-000) (Out for previous 16 hours). ETR 12 hours.
                                                              . Re8 Leakage (81-137.0)                                                  I
                        Total 0.03 gpm I Identified 0.02gpm I Unidentified 0.01 gpm. (Today 0600)


  G:\Prep Week files'As Submitted Operational Exam'Sce narios'Scenario 1\3-19-07 ESG-I TO Sheets.doc                          02/ 13/07
  SHIFT TURNOVER CHECKLIST                                              Page 2 of 3                                                       Today

( "I{fest in Progress/Planned: (Including Need for New BrieO

  0      SI-401 release package (wi Chern Supvr) for SGBD releases to the river.
  Major Activities/Procedures in Progress/Planned:
  0      Reduce to <93% turbine power for Turbine Valve Testing. Initiate boration per Rx Engineering
         Spreadsheet. Spreadsheet has been verified by the STA.
  Radiological Changes in Plant During Shift:
  I '{\      !fr:*1'*'iif '1# ~iii.<*,j
            ",',;:Fi'>,            " t ,,: .,'" i,f . . " . LC()/ODCMITRM ACnONSf"i~¥; ;;                           -:""*.' .;:;;1 ' '" " l;Y "o ;~ :J ('  *1
   0    TS 3.5.2.a, TRM 3. 1.2.2. for 1B-B CCP OOS.
   0    ODCM 1.1.1 action 31 for 1-RM-9Q-1201121 OOS
   Part 2 . Performed by on-coming shift
                D        Review of Operating Log Since Last Shift Held or 3 Days, Whichever is Less (N/A for AUO's)
                D        Review of Rounds Sheets/Abnormal Readings (AUO's only)
                Review the Following Programs for Changes Since Last Shift Turnover:
                D        Standing Orders                                       D       LCO(s) in Actions (N/A for AUOs)
                D        Immediate Required Reading                            D       TACF (N/A for AUO's)
   Part 3 - Performed by both off-going and on-coming shift
                D      Wal kdown of MCR Control Boards (NIA for AUO's)
                       Relief Time:                                                            Relief Date:       today
   TVA 40741 [03-2001]                                               OPOP-1-1 [03-14-2001


     G:\Prep Week files\As S ubmitted Operat ional Exam' Scenarios' Scenari o 1\3-19-07 ESG* I TO Sheets.d oc                                     02/13/07
   SHIFT TURNOVER CHECKLIST                                          Page 3 of 3                                Today
                                                                    Disabled Annunciators


                                                    Equipment Off*Normal (Pink Tags)
   UNID And Noun Name                                    Pane l        Problem Description                   WO I PER Numb er
                                                                          MCRWO List
   10 And Noun Name                                 Panel         Problem Description                      WOlPER Numb er

( (

    G:\P rep Week tiles\As Submitted Operational Exam' Scenarios'Scenario 1\3- 19-07 ESG- I TO Sheets.doc             02/ 13107
                                                           UNIT ONE REACTIVITY BRIEF
                                                                      Date: Today Time: Now


  RCS Boron : 1093 ppm Today                                        I   BA Controller Setpoint: 27% *            I RCS B-10 Depletion: 2    ppm
      Operable BAT: A                    I BAT A Boron: 6850 ppm I BAT C Boron: 6850 ppm I                             RWST Boron: 2601 ppm
                               Nomina l Gallons per rod step from 219:                     7 gallons of acid, 36 gallons of water
  * Venfy boric acid flow controller                IS set at Adjusted SA Co ntroller Se tting law 0-SO-62-7 section 5.1
 '---               Gallons of acid: 26                      1_'       Gallons of water: 138                   ~          Rod Steps: 4               _
  ,, '~"r;f,':¥' :' : <; '<     >>t>\ ., ,Estimatea ro~slDbror( for:~merge.ncy steRP'~wer 'reduCtion *~..                     *r:z " .    > :~J,
  , , . ~. ; . (Assuming Xenon e.quilibJiLm and no'r:eac.\ivity effects di.jeto')~enon. 2l3 total'reactivityfrom reds, 1JQfrom boronj .: t i; ':
          Power reduction amount                                 Estimated Final Rod Position                    Est imated boron addition
                              10%                                     198 Steps on bank D                                101   gallons
                              30%                                     174 Steps on bank D                                295   gallons
                              50%            -                        152 Steps on bank D                                485   gallons
        "* Th ese values are appr oxim ations and not intended nor expected to be exact. The values may be sup erceded by
        Rx Engineering or SO-62-7 ca lculated va lues. These va lues are ca lculated ass um ing 100% steady state power
        ope rat ion only. Engineering data last updated one wee k ago . Data Va lid until one week f rom now .
       Numbe r of dilutions: 0***                                 Number of borations: 0                           Rod steps in: 0
       Gallons per dilution: 0                                    Gallons per boration: 0                          Rod steps out: 0
       Total amount diluted : 0                                   Total amount borated: 0                          Net change: 0 IN/Out
                                                                                                                                                    ,* 1
       Numbe r of dilutions: 0                                    Number of borations: 0                           Rod steps in: 0
       Gallons per dilution: 0                                    Gallons per boration: 0                          Rod steps out: 0
       Total expected dilution: 0                                 Total expected boration: 0                       Net change: 0    In/Out
                               Rx Power - 100%                   MWD/MTU - 1000                Xenon & Samarium at Equilibrium
                               ***The boron letdown curve is flat for the next 25 EFPD.
    Next Unit 1 Flux Map is scheduled - three weeks from now
     Unit Supervisor:                                                                  _


     G :\Pr ep Week fi l t:S\A.~ Submitted Operational Exam'Scenarios'Scenario 1\3- 19-07 ESG- I TO Sheets.doc                             02113/07

      r-.                                                     r<;
                                                             Unit 1


0.0     10 0 .0  1732 . 0     216 . 0       -24 . 5    -2 72 8 . 0            1 0 9 3. 0                             100 .0
1.0      93 .0   1608 .0     204.0          - 83 . 7  - 2742 . 5    - 50 . 4  1100 .8      7.8        0          87   99 . 7
2.0      93 .0   1 604 .5    204 .0         - 83 . 7  - 2764 . 3     18.4     1 09 8 .0   -2.9      168           0   99.0
3.0     10 0. 0  17 2 9 . 6  216 .0         -2 4. 5   - 2 7 62 . 9   6 4 .4   108 7 .9   -10 .0     594           0   9 8.8
4.0     10 0 . 0 1 7 34 .4   21 6 . 0       - 24. 5   - 274 7 . 7   - 1 0 .4  1089 .6      1. 6       0          18   98 . 9
5.0     1 00 .0  17 33 . 7   21 6 . 0       - 24 . 5  - 2736.8      J11 . 7   1091. 4      1. 8       0          20   99 . 0
6 .0    100 .0   1732 . 8    21 6 . 0       - 2 4 .5  - 2729 . 0     -8 .6    1 0 92 .7    1. 3       0          15   99 . 1
7. 0    1 00 . 0 1732.2      21 6 . 0       -24 . 5   -2723 .7       - 6. 0   1093 . 7     0 .9       0          10   99 . 2
8.0     10 0 . 0 17 31. 7    216.0          -2 4 . 5  -272 0 . 1     - 4.1    1094 . 3     0.6        0           7   9 9 .3
9 .0    100 .0   17 31. 4    21 6 . 0       - 24 . 5  -2 71 7 . 8    -2 .6    109 4 . 7    0 .4       0           4   99 .3

1 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 17 31.2 2 16 .0 -24 . 5 -2716 . 4 - 1. 5 109 4 . 9 0 .2 0 3 99 . 4 11. 0 100 . 0 17 31.1 216 .0 -2 4 .5 -2715 . 7 - 0.8 1095 . 1 0.1 0 1 99 . 5 12 .0 1 00 . 0 17 31. 0 216 .0 -2 4 .5 -2 715 .6 -0 .2 1095 . 1 0.0 0 0 99 . 5 1 3.0 100.0 1 73 1. 0 21 6 . 0 - 24 .5 - 2 71 5. 7 0.1 10 95 .1 0 .0 1 0 99 .6 14 .0 1 0 0.0 17 31. 0 216 .0 -2 4 .5 -271 6 . 1 0.4 1095 . 0 -0. 1 4 0 99 .6 15 .0 100 . 0 17 3 1.1 216 .0 - 24 . 5 - 2 71 6 . 7 0. 6 10 9 4 . 9 - 0.1 5 0 99 .6 1 6.0 100 .0 17 31.1 216 .0 -2 4 .5 - 2 71 7 . 3 0 .7 109 4 .8 -0 .1 6 0 99 . 7 17.0 10 0 . 0 17 31. 2 21 6 . 0 - 24. 5 - 2 71 8 . 0 0. 7 1094 .7 - 0. 1 7 0 99 .7 18 . 0 10 0 .0 1 73 1.2 216 .0 - 24 . 5 - 271 8.7 0 .8 1 0 94 .6 - 0. 1 7 0 99.7 19 .0 100 . 0 17 31. 3 2 16 .0 - 24 . 5 - 2 71 9 . 4 0.8 1094 .5 - 0.1 7 0 99 . 8 20 . 0 1 00. 0 1731. 3 216 .0 -2 4 .5 - 2 72 0 .1 0.7 109 4 .3 - 0 .1 7 0 99.8 2 1. 0 100 . 0 1 7 31. 4 2 16 . 0 - 24. 5 -2 72 0 . 7 0 .7 1 09 4.2 - 0. 1 6 0 99 . 8 22. 0 10 0. 0 1 7 31. 4 216. 0 -2 4 .5 -272 1 .4 0.7 1 094 . 1 -0 .1 6 0 99.8 23 .0 10 0. 0 17 31. 5 21 6 .0 - 24 . 5 - 272 1. 9 0 .6 109 4 . 0 -0.1 6 0 99 .8 24 . 0 1 00 .0 1 7 31. 5 216.0 - 24 .5 - 2 72 2.5 0.6 1093 . 9 - 0. 1 5 0 99 . 9 25 . 0 1 00. 0 17 31. 6 2 16 .0 - 2 4. 5 -27 23.0 0.5 1093 .8 -0. 1 5 0 99 .9 26 .0 100 . 0 17 31. 6 21 6 .0 - 24 . 5 -2 7 2 3 . 4 0 .5 1 09 3 . 8 - 0 .1 5 0 99 . 9 27 . 0 10 0 . 0 1 731. 6 2 16 .0 - 24 . 5 - 27 2 3 . 9 0.5 10 9 3 .7 - 0 .1 4 0 99 . 9 28 . 0 100 .0 17 31. 7 21 6 .0 - 2 4. 5 - 2 72 4 . 2 0.4 1 093 .6 - 0. 1 4 0 99 .9 29 .0 100 .0 1 731. 7 216 .0 -2 4 .5 -272 4 .6 0 .4 109 3 .6 -0.1 4 0 99.9 3 0 .0 1 0 0. 0 1 73 1.7 216 .0 - 24 . 5 -2 72 4 . 9 0.4 1093 .5 - 0. 1 3 0 99 .9 31. 0 1 00 . 0 17 31. 8 2 16 . 0 - 24.5 - 2725 . 2 0. 3 109 3 . 5 0 .0 3 0 99 .9 32 . 0 10 0 . 0 17 3 1. 8 216 .0 -2 4 . 5 -2725 .5 0 .3 1093 . 4 0 .0 3 0 9 9.9 33 .0 100 . 0 1 7 31. 8 216.0 -24 .5 -2 72 5 . 7 0 .3 1093 .4 0.0 2 0 99 .9 34 . 0 100 .0 1 731 . 8 216 .0 - 24 . 5 - 2725 . 9 0 .2 109 3 . 3 0.0 2 0 99 .9 3 5 .0 1 00 . 0 1 7 31 . 9 216 . 0 - 24. 5 - 2 72 6. 1 0.2 1 093 .3 0.0 2 0 10 0 .0

          ::--.-,                                                      i '""'\.,                                                 ' -...,     "
                                                                     Unlt 1
  36.0        1 0 0. 0 1 7 31. 9     216 .0     -2 4 .5        - 2726 . 3        0 .2   1 09 3 . 3   0 .0       2              0         100 .0
  37 .0       1 0 0 .0 17 31. 9      2 16 .0    - 24 . 5       - 2726 . 5        0 .2   1093 . 3     0.0        2              0         1 00 . 0
  3 8 .0      100 . 0  1 7 31. 9     2 16 .0    - 2 4. 5       -2 72 6 . 6       0. 2   1093 .2      0.0        1              0         1 00 . 0
  39 .0       1 0 0. 0 173 1 . 9    2 16 .0     - 24. 5        - 272 6 . 8       0. 1   1093 .2      0 .0       1              0         1 0 0. 0
  40. 0       100 . 0  1 7 31. 9     216 .0     - 24 . 5       -2726 .9          0.1    1093 .2      0 .0       1              0         100 .0
  41. 0       10 0 . 0 17 31. 9     216.0       -24. 5         - 2727 . 0        0. 1   1093 .2      0 .0       1              0         100 .0
  4 2 .0      100 .0   1 731. 9     216 .0      -24. 5         - 2 72 7.1        0 .1   1 09 3 . 2   0.0        1              0         1 00 . 0
  43 .0       100.0    1 7 31. 9    216 .0     - 2 4. 5        -2 72 7 .2        0.1    1 0 9 3 .1   0 .0       1              0         10 0 .0
  4 4 .0      1 00 . 0 1 7 32. 0    2 16. 0    -24 . 5         - 2 72 7 . 3      0 .1   1093 . 1     0 .0       1              0         1 0 0. 0
  45 .0       1 0 0. 0 17 3 2 . 0   2 16 .0    -2 4. 5        - 2 72 7 . 3       0 .1   1093 . 1     0 .0       1              0         1 0 0 .0
  46 . 0      100.0    17 3 2. 0    216.0      - 24 . 5       -2 7 2 7. 4        0.1    1093 . 1     0 .0       1              0         100 . 0
  4 7 .0      1 0 0.0  1 7 32. 0    216 .0     - 2 4.5        - 2727 . 5         0.1    1093 . 1     0 .0       1              0         1 00 .0
  48 .0       1 00 . 0 17 3 2 . 0   2 16 .0    -24. 5         - 2 72 7 . 5       0 .1   1 09 3 . 1   0 .0       1              0         1 00 . 0
  49 . 0      1 0 0. 0 17 3 2 . 0   216 .0     - 24 .5        - 2 7 2 7. 6       0 .1   1093 .1      0 .0       0              0         1 00 . 0
  50 .0       100 . 0  17 3 2 . 0   216 .0     - 24 .5        -2 72 7. 6         0 .0   1093. 1      0.0       0               0         100 . 0
  51. 0       100 . 0  17 3 2 . 0   216 .0     -2 4.5         -2727.6            0 .0   1093.1       0 .0      0               0         100 . 0
  52. 0       1 00 . 0 1 732 .0     216 .0     - 24 .5        - 2727 . 7         0. 0   1093 .1      0.0       0               0         100 . 0
  53 . 0     100.0     1 7 32 . 0   2 16 .0    -24 .5         - 2 7 2 7. 7       0 .0   1093 .0      0 .0      0               0         1 0 0. 0
  54 .0      100 .0    17 3 2 . 0   216.0      -2 4. 5        -2727 .7           0 .0   1093 . 0     0 .0      0               0         100.0
  55 .0      100.0     1 7 32 . 0   21 6 . 0   - 24 . 5       - 2 7 2 7. 8       0 .0   1093.0       0 .0      0               0         1 00 . 0
  56 . 0     100.0     1 7 3 2. 0   216 .0     -24 . 5        - 2 72 7 . 8       0 .0   1093 .0      0 .0      0               0         1 0 0. 0
  57 . 0     1 0 0. 0  173 2 . 0    216.0      -2 4 .5        -2 72 7 .8         0 .0   1093 .0      0 .0      0              0          100 . 0
  58 .0      10 0 .0   17 3 2 . 0   216 .0     - 24 . 5       - 2727 . 8         0 .0   1093 .0      0 .0      0              0          100 . 0
  59 .0      100 .0    1 7 32 . 0   216 .0     -24 . 5        -2727 .8           0 .0   1093 .0     0.0        0              0          1 00 . 0
  60.0       1 00 . 0  17 3 2. 0    2 16.0     -24. 5         - 2 72 7 . 9       0 .0   1 0 9 3. 0  0 .0       0              0          100.0
                                                                                                   Tota l     88 4          166
  1 000  IMWD / MTU               Ho l d Tavg = Tref     + / - 1.5 F                  Small hourly b o r a t i on / dil u t i o n
  682 0    BAT ppm                                                                    v olumes ma y b e a c c umu l at ed
                                                                                      for l ar ger single addi tions

Reason fo r Downpower Unit 1 Cyc le 1 5 TV test Date RxENG Name Beepe r 70808 Comments

 SQN                                                                    0-80-62 -7


                                                                        Page 157 of 195
                                        APPENDIX 0
                                         Page 1 of 1
      NOTE 1          One calculation is requ ired for each major change .
      NOTE 2          Boric acid amounts to achieve required RCS boron concentration may be
                      significantly higher than calculated amounts if CVCS demin resins are
                      removing boron. Amount of boron removal by mixed bed resins will
                      depend on RCS boron, resin age, whether demin bed was previously
                      borated, and letdown temperature. Chemistry should be consulted if
                      required to evaluate resin bed removal.
      [1]  IF REACTF not used,
           CALCULATE amount of primary wa ter or boric acid required using TI-44 .
                   RCS BORON                    PPM CHANGE
                  *1t):1      ppm
                                                                        TOTAL GAL(s)
   NOTE            REACTF datasheets are to be signed by the prepa rer and reviewer.
       [2]  IF REACTF used attach printout to procedure.                                    ~
       NOTE            IV is not required if appendix is performed by an
                       SRO to verify data provi ded by Rx. Eng.
       [3]  ENSURE independently verified by an SRO in acco rdance
            with Appendix I.


       SQN                                                                     0-SO-62-7
                             BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL

( 1,2 Rev. 45

                                                                               Page 29 of 195
 Unit_ _  -l-
              I       _                                                       Date---,,--,,,,"-'"i!-_ _
 6.4       Borate
           CAUTION           Returning the Boric Ac id Blender to service after unplugging,
                             cleaning , or maintenance on Boric Acid System could introduce
                             debris , sludge, air or solidified boron into CCP suction resulting in
                             pump damage. Extreme care must be exercised to properly flu sh
                             the Boric Acid piping following an outage. [C.2]
            NOTE             If a large amount of boration is required (plant shutdown), pzr
                             heaters should be energized to cause spray operation for
                             equalizing boron concentration in RCS and pressurizer.
            [1]   ENSURE makeup system aligned for AUTO operation
                  in accordanc e with Section 5.1 .
            NOTE             Steps 2 and 3 are N/A for minor power changes
                             OR if immediate boration is required to maintain shutdown

( margin, to maintain rods above the insertion limit, during an

                             emergency shutdown (AOP-C.03), during recovery of a
                             dropped/misaligned rod (AOP-C.01), or at Chemistry
                              recommendation in mode 3, 4, 5 or 6.
            [2]   RECORD the quantity of boric acid required to achieve desired
                  boron concentration using Appendix D.
             [3]   PERFORM Appendix I Independent Verification of
                   Calculation for Amount of Boric Acid or Primary Water.
                   (N/A if App. D was performed by SRO to verify data
                   from Rx Engineering)                                                      tit
             [4]   DETERMINE available boric acid volume in in-service BAT.
                                             _ _ _ _ _ qals
              [5]   PLACE [HS-62.140A], Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control
                    Switch to the STOP position .                                                 I
                                                                                          - 1-"-   rsr:
        SQN                                                                      0-SO-62-7
                              BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL

( 1,2 Rev. 45

                                                                                 Page 30 of 195
 Un it.                _                                                        Oate                    _
 6.4        Borate (Continued)
            [6]   PLACE [HS-62-1 40Bl, CVCS Make up Selector Switch to the
                  BORATE position.
             [7] ADJUST [FC-62-1391, Boric Acid Flow Contro ller to the
                   desired flow rate .                                                          /
                                                                                         -  1* -  rsr:
             [8]   SET [FQ-62-139] , Batch Integrator to the desired quantity.
                                                                                           lSI      CV
             [9]   PLACE [HS-62-1 40Al, Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control
                                Switch to the START position.                                    I
                                                                                         -1-* -   ----c::;-

( [10] ENSURE Boric Acid Pump alig ned to blender in FAST speed

                   by right red light LIT on [HS-62-230A] OR [HS-62-232AJ.
             NOTE             Flow oscillations and/or erratic controller resp onse may require
                              manual opera tion of Boric Acid Flow Cont roller [FC-62-1391
                              until stable conditions exist.
             [11] VERIFY Boric Acid Flow established .
              NOTE            It may take appro ximately 15 minutes before any changes to
                              reactivity are indicated on nuclea r instrume ntation or RCS
                              temperatu re indication.
              [12] IF reactor is critical,
                   MONI TOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant
                   temp eratu re to ensure proper response from boration.                                D
              NOTE             BAT operability limits are prescribed by TRM (Modes 1-3)
                               or (Modes 4-6).

( [13] MONITOR Boric Acid Stora ge Tank level. D

          SQN                                                                    0-SO-62-7
                                 BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL

( 1,2 Rev. 45

                                                                                 Page 31 of 195
 Unit'---                 _                                                     Date                 _
 6.4          Borate (Continued )
              [14] IF Volume Control Tank level increases to 63 percent,
                    ENSURE [LCV-62-118], Volume Control Tank Divert Valve
                    OPENS to divert excess water to the Holdup Tank.
              NOTE              Sample may be obtained at normal RCS sample intervals
                                provided the unit is at power and the unit response
                                following the boration is as expected .
               [15] WHEN boration is complete , THEN
                    [aL PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid to Blender Flow
                          Control Switch to the STOP position.
                                                                                         -1 s ;-

( [b] CHECK no primary water flow on eithe r

                          [FI-62-142A] OR [FQ-62-1421
                    [c]   ENSURE [FC-62-142], Primary Water to Blender Flow
                          Controller is in AUTO position and the potentiometer
                          (dial indicator) is set at 35%.
                    [d] ADJUST [FC-62-139], Boric Acid Flow Controller to the
                          desired blend solution in accordance with TI-44 Boron
                          Tables.                                                        - 1" -
                     [e]  ENSURE [FCV-62-128] is CLOSED.
                     [f]  PLACE [HS-62-140B], CVCS Makeup Selector Switch
                           to the AUTO position.
                     [9]   PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid to Blender Flow
                           Control Switch to the START position.                          -1- "-
                      [h] IF RCS boron sample required , THEN
                           NOTIFY Chem Lab to obtain RCS boron sample.

" "

        SQN                                                                     0-SO-62-7
(        1,2                  BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL                       Rev. 45
                                                                                Page 32 of 195
  Unit.                _                                                       Date             _
  6.4       Borate (Continued)
            NOTE              Boration is done in batches until the total boron and/or power
                              change is completed.
            [16] REPEAT this section as required to complete total boron
             [17] WHEN total boration is complete, THEN
                   [a]   REALIGN the blender controls for AUTO makeup to
                         the CVCS in accordance with Section 5.1 .
                   [b] NOTIFY Chem Lab to obtain RCS boron sample.

( [18] IF in modes 1,2, or 3, THEN

                   ENSURE requireme nts of TRM 3.1 .2.6 are met.
             [19] IF in modes 4,5, or 6, THEN
                   ENSURE requirements ofTRM are met.
              [20] ENSURE boration is logged in Unit Narrative Log.                            o
                                           End of Section 6.4


                                 Seq uoyah Nuclear Plant


                                          Un it 1 & 2
                             Genera l Operating Instructions
                            NORMAL POWER OPERATION
                                        Revision 0047
                                       Qual ity Related
                              Level of Use : Continuous Use


  Effective Date:   10-10-2006
  Responsible Organization:     OPS, Operations
  Prepared By:     Jimmy Morris
  Approved By:     D. A Porter
                                 Current Revision Description
  Revised step in section 5.4 concerning control rods, ref. NB 060297. Added references to
  existing precautions to applicable sections concerning voltage control as a minor editorial
  change, ref. 060531. Added step to section 5.1 concerning MFPT master controller output,
  ref. PER 100196-03.


        SQN              NORMAL POWER OPERATION       0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                      Rev. 0047

( Page 2 of 93

                                    Table of Contents
 1.0    INTRODUCTION                                                  3
 1.1    Purpose       :                                               3
 1.2    Scope                                                         3
 2.0    REFERENCES                                                    4
 2.1    Performance References                                        4
 2.2    Developmental References                                      5
 3.0    PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS                                   6
 3.1    Precautions        ,          ,                               6
 3.2    Limitations                                                  11
 4.0    PREREQUiSiTES                                                14
 5.0     INSTRUCl:IONS                                               16
 5.1     Power Ascension From 30% to 100%                            17
 5.2     At Power Conditions                                         58


 5.3     Power Reduction From 100% to 30%                            64
 5.4     Power Coastdown at End of Life                            " 77
 5.5     LOAD FOLLOW OPERATIO NS                              __     82
 6.0     RECORDS                                                     86
 Append ix A:      DELETED                                           87
 Appe nd ix B:     TURBINE RUNBACK RESTORATION                       88
 Ap pendi x C:     ISOLATION OF MSR STARTUP VENTS                    90
                    CONDENSATED PRESSURE                             91
                    Source Notes                                      92
  Attachment 1:      NORMAL POWER OPERATION
        SQN                NORMAL POWER OPERATION                  0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                   Rev. 0047

(, Page 3 of 93

  1.1      Purpose
          This General Operating (GO) Instruction provides guidance for power ascension
          from approximately 30 to 100% power, at power conditions, power reduction from
           100 to 30% power, Power Coastdown at End of Life operati ons, and Load Follow
           This instruction provides additional guidance for turbine control restoration following
           a turbin e runback.
  1.2      Scope
           This GO contains the following sections:
                5.1 Power Ascension From 30% Power to 100%
                5.2 At Power Conditions
                5.3 Power Reduction From 100% to 30%
                5.4 Power Coastdown at End of Life
                 5.5 Load Follow Operations
        SQN               NORMAL POWER OPERATION                0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                Rev. 0047

( Pace 4 of93

  2.0     REFERENCES
  2.1      Performance References
          A.   1,2-S0 -5-1, Feedwater Heaters and Moisture Separator Reheaters
           B.  1,2-S0-5-2, NO.3 Heater Drain Tank and Pumps
           C.  1,2-S0 -5-3, No. 7 Heater Drain Tank and Pumps
           D,  1,2-S0 -2/3-1, Condensate and Feedwater System
           E.  1,2-S0-2-9, Condenser Vacuum and Turbine Steam Seal Systems Operation
           F,  0-SO-12-1, Auxiliary Boiler System
           G.  0-SO-35-4, Monitoring Generator Parameters
           H.  0-SO-58-1. Main Generator Bus Duct Cooling System
           I.   0-SI-NUC-000-038.0, Shutdown Margin
           J.   0-SO-62-7, Boron Concentration Control
           K.   1,2-S0-62-9, CVCS Purification System
           L.   0-SO-68-3, Pressurizer Spray and Heater Pressure Control System
           M.   0-SO-85-1, Control Rod Drive System
           N.   0-PI-OPS-000-666.0, River Temperature Limits Specified by NPDES permit
           O.   0-SI-OPS-092-078.0, Power Rang e Neutron Flux Channel Calibration By Heat
                Balance Comparison
           P.   0-SI-CEM-000-050.0, 72-Hour Chemistry Requirements
            Q.  0-SI-CEM-0 30-407.2, Radioactive Gaseous Waste Effluent Particulate and
                Iodine Dose Rates from Shield and Auxiliary Building Exhausts
                (Wee kly/Special) and Condenser Vacuum Exhausts (Special)
            R. 0-SI-CEM-030-415.0 , Gaseous Efflu ent Requirements (Gross Alph a, Noble Gas
                and Tritium
            S.   0-SI-OPS-000-001.0, Initial Startup System Parameter Log
            T.  TI-40, Determination of Preconditioned Reactor Power
       SQN               NORMAL POWER OPERATION                   0-GO-5
     Unit 1 & 2                                                   Rev. 0047

( Paqe 5 of 93

 2.2     Developmental Refere nces
         A.   Mem orandum from System Engineering concerning MSR operation - RIMS S57
              880322 999
          B.  Memo from Reactor Engineering - RIMS S57 941219 934
          C.  S57-880322-999 and S57-880808-851
          D.  W Letter GP89-076 (RIMS No. S53 890427 984)
          E.  W Letter GP 89-155 (RIMS S57 891026 972)
          F.  W Lette r GP 86-02( B44 86 1112 002)
          G.  SSP-2.3, Administration of Site Procedures
          H.  TVA-NQA-PL N89-A
          I.  GOI.J 0, Reactivity Contro l at End of Cycle Life (Troja n Nuclear Plant)
          J.   FSAR, Section 13.5
          K.  Memo from Reactor Engineering - Aug ust 6, 1996 (G Bair)
       SQN                 NORMAL POWER OPERATION                 O-GO-S

( Unit 1 & 2 Rev. 0047

                                                                  Paae 6 of 93
 3.1     Precautions
         A.    To ensure that NIS Reactor Power level indications remain within 2% of true
               power during power level changes, a check should be performed about every
               20% power level change , when greater than 15% power, by comparing
               calorimetric power to each NIS Power Range drawer. The 20% power level
               check does not preclude the operating crews from making necessary changes
               in response to changing plant conditions .
          B.   TRM requires LEFM core thermal power (U2118) to be used to
               perform 0-SI-OPS-092-078 .0 above 15% reactor power. LEFM indication is
               available if the following conditions are met:
          *    LEFM status NORMAL on ICS Calorimetric Data screen .
          *    LEFM core thermal power (ICS point U2118) shows good (green) data.
          *    LEFM MFW header temp (ICS point T8502M A) greater than or equal to 250°F.

( If LEFM indication is NOT available above 15% reactor power, then TR

          action must be entered.
          C.    The following should be used to determine the most accurate reactor power
                indication for comparison with NIS:
          *     When reactor power is greater than 15%, use LEFM calorimetric power
                indication (U2118).
          *     If LEFM is NOT available , then use average loop ~T (U0485 or M-5 indicators)
                up to 40%. Above 40%, use computer point U1118.
           D.   The turbine should be operated in "IMP OUT" control during normal unit
                operation. "IMP IN" operation results in system swings and should only be used
                during the performance of valve tests. (W Ltr GP 89-155 ;
                 RIMS S57 891026 972)
           E.    Pressurizer heaters and sprays may be operated as required to maintain
                 pressurizer and RCS boron concentration within 50 ppm. If loop boron
                 concentration is changed by 20 ppm or greater , use the pressurizer backup
                 heaters to initiate automatic spray.
       SON                  NORMAL POWER OPERATION                  O-GO-S
     Unit 1 & 2                                                     Rev. 0047

( Paae 7 of 93

 3.1     Precautions (continued)
         F.   Condensate DI polishing operations during powe r asce nsion are controlled by
              stay ing within system parameters and by recomme ndations from the Chemistry
         G.   The valve position limiter should be periodically positioned appro ximately 10%
              above the current governor control indications (keeps governor valves off of the
              limiter) as turbine load is changed . This prevents inadvertent load increases by
              limiting governor valve opening and allows a faste r response of the runback
              feature which ensures main feedwater system will supply the required amount
              of flow.
          H.  Any off-frequency turbine operation is to be reported to Engineering for record
              keeping . The report will include duration and magnitude of off-frequency
              operation .
          I.  Opera tion at off-frequencies is to be avoided in order to prevent the probable
              occurrence of turbine blade resonance . Prolonged periods of operation at
              certain off-design frequencies could cause excessive vibratory stresses
              which could eventually generate fat igue crack ing in the blades . Off-frequency
              operation is permitted to the degree and time limit specified on the chart
              "Off-Frequency Turb ine Operation", Figure A.26 of TI-2 8.
          J.  The potential exists for condensation formation in steam extraction lines when
               feedwater heaters are isolated.
          K.   Initial Startup After Refueling - After refueling operat ions, the NIS indications
               may be inaccurate until calibration at higher power levels. The NIS calibration
               procedures will adjust the PRM trip setpoints to ensure that the excore
               detectors do not contribute to an overpower condition at the following RTP hold
               points . Reactor Engineering and/or Systems Engineering will dete rmine
               procedure performance. [C.3]
               1.    At < 50% RTP a flu x map and single point alignment, a hot channel factor
                     determination, an axial imbalance comparison, and a PR NIS calibration
                     will be performed . The PR high range trip setpoint will then be increased to
                     its normal value of 109% .
               2.    At < 75% RTP, calorimetric calculations and ReS flow verification may be
                     perfo rmed , EAGLE-21 updated prior to increasing power, a flux map , a hot
                     channel factor determination, an axial imbalance comparison may be
                      requi red if not performed at < 50%, a detector calibration (if!'!. AFD ::: 3%) ,
                      and a PR NIS calibration may be performed.
        SQN                 NORMAL POWER OPERATION                   0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                     Rev. 0047

( Paq e 8 of 93

  3.1     Precautions (continued)
               3,   If not performed at 75% hold point. an axial imbalance comparison and a
                    detector calibration (if 1\ AFD ~ 3%) should be performed at - 100% RTP.
                    Engineering will determine if PR NIS calibration must be perfonmed.
                    Calorimetric calculations, RCS flow verification , a hot channel factor
                    determination, and a reactivity balance will be performed and EAGLE-21
                    updated . Reactor Engineering will notify Operations that normal full power
                    operations may proceed .
               4.   Preconditioned Power Levels and Maximum Allowable Rates of Power
                    Increase are specified in TI-40 , Determination of Preconditioned Reactor
               5.   During initial startups , based on West inghouse recommendations, a lowe r
                     power ramp rate limit has been implemented for power levels above the
                     intermediate power threshold. The Intermediate Power Thres hold is
                    uniUcycle dependent and is determ ined by the Vendo r. Refer to TI-40.
               6. l CS will automatically monitor pre-conditioned power level as follows :
                     a.   Point U1127 is reactor power in percent of RTP based on either
(                         secondary calorimetric or RCS 1\T depend ing on power level.
                     b.   Point U01 03 is a 20 minute rolling average of reactor power
                          rate-of-change fitted over a 20 minute period. U0 103 is a leading
                          indicator of %/hour power ramp rate and can be used in deciding to
                          speed up or slow down the ramp rate.
                     c.    Point U0104 is a 1 hour rolling average of reacto r power
                           rate-of-change fitted over a 1 hour period. U0104 is used in
                           demon strating compliance with fuel pre-conditioning power ramp rate
                      d.   Point K0058 is the current ly qualified (or pre-cond itioned) power level.
                      e.   These points can all be monitored with the ICS group display "TI40".
                           Append ix A may be used if the ICS is unavailable.
           L.   TI-40 power increase limits that are exceeded , in anyone hour, are evaluated in
                accordance with SPP -3.1 .
        SQN                  NORMAL POWER OPERATION                   0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                      Rev. 0047

( Page 9 of 93

  3.1     Precautions (continued)
          M.   Power Coastdown At End Of Life:
               1.     Reactor power changes should be limited to less than or equal to 1%
                      per hour to avoid causing xenon peaking which could force a plant
                      shutdown .
               2.     Do not perform unnecessary unit power maneuvers or testing (e.g., turbine
                      valve testing). Such testing could result in an uncontrollable Xenon
               3.     Nonessential work on systems which could cause a plant upset should be
                      deferred .
               4.     Secondary Plant runbacks such as Main Feed Pump Turbine trip or
                      #3 Heater Drain Tank runback will require a unit shutdown if Reactor power
                      is not promptly returned to pre-trans ient level due to the resulting severe
                      Xenon transient. If a system power alert is in effect, and electrical
                      generation is critical, unit load should be reduced as necessary keeping
                      TAVG on program. Contact Reactor Engineering for an evaluation and
                      guidance concerning unit shutdown or reduction of load.
               5.     Management should be consulted to evaluate the feasibility of a unit restart
                      if a reactor trip occurs with RCS equilibrium boron concentrat ion less than
                      50 ppm. If the reactor is to be restarted, the power level shall be limited to
                      nominal pre-trip power level.
           N.  Axial Flux Difference Management:
               When the reactor is operating at a steady power or during normal load changes ,
                maintain "'I within the operating limits of the Core Operating Limits Report
                (COLR). It is recommended that the core axial flux difference (AFD) be
                maintained within +/- 5% of the target band at all times , excluding the
                performance of 0-PI-NUC-092-036 .0, "Incore - Excore Calibration," and End of
                life power coast downs. Operating time outside the band, which is given in
                TI-28 Attachments 1 and 2, should be minimized. Reactor Engineering should
                be contacted if time out of the +/- 5% target band exceeds approximately
                30 minutes.
           O.   The position of control bank D should normally be ~ 215 steps when power
                level is steady state at or above 85% RTP. At steady state power levels below
                85%, control bank D should normally be ~ 165 steps. If rod position is more
                than 2 steps below this guidance for long term, then impact may occur to safety
                analysis assumptions.
           P.    During heatup and cooldown transients, RCS density changes will cause
(                changes in NIS indicated power. At constant reactor power, a 1°F change in
                 T AVG may cause as much as a 1% (or more) change in indicated NIS power.
        SQN                 NORMAL POWER OPERATION                  0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                    Rev . 0047

( Paqe 10 of 93

  3.1     Precautions (continued)
          Q.   Opera tion of main generator without automatic voltage control could impact grid
               voltage requirements. The South East Area Load Dispatcher (SELD) should be
               notified immediately if generator is in service without automatic voltage
               regulator. Also, refer to Section E of GO I 6 for MVAR limits.
           R. Main Generator operation withou t Automatic Voltag e control requires that
               Narrati ve Log entries be made (time, date , reason & duration) and that
               notification be made to Operations Duty Specialist (ODS) within twenty four
               (24) hours.
           S.  Main Generator operation outside of the Voltage Schedule in GO I-6 requires
               that Narrative Log entries be made (time, date, reason & duration) and that
               notification be made to South East Area Load Dispatcher (SELD) within one
               (1) hour.
           T.  The following limitations are applicable to Unit Two ONLY.
               1.    tn winter months #7 HDTP     capacity is not adequate to pump #6 Heater
                     drains when all Conde nsate Demineralizer pumps are in service. Current
                     practice is to run two Cond DI Pumps and I or throttle the conde nsate

( system to reduce backpressu re. The preferred method is to throttl e

                     condens ate pressure instead of running only two Conden sate
                      Demineralizer booster pumps at full power due to pump runout concerns.
                2.    Siemens-Wes tinghouse analysis has determined that the maximum unit
                      power with one MFP operation is 65% under worst case conditions. The
                      plant could operate higher if plant conditions permit.
                3.    MFP flow from the lead MFP should not exceed 53.7% of the total flow.
                      Flow rates above this would result in HP steam flow tot he lead MFPT .
                      Computer points 1(2)U0 504 and U0505 can be used to monitor.
         SQN               NORMAL POWER OPERATION                    0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                     Rev. 0047

( Paqe 11 of 93

  3.2      Limitations
           A.  When the axial flux difference monitor alarm is inoperable , the AFD must be
               logged every hour by performing 0-SI-NUC-000-044.0.
               (SR &
           B.  When both the plant computer and NIS QPTR alarm systems are inoperable,
               the QPTR must be calculated every 12 hours by performing
               0-SI-NUC-000-133.0. (SR
           C.   Do not exceed a load change rate of plus or minus 5% per minute or a step
               change of 10%.
           D.   River water temperatures shall be maintained within the limitations of the
                NPDES permit as specified in 0-PI-OPS-000 -666.0.
   Westinghouse should be contacted if the turbine is operated outside of its operating limits
   as stated below.
           E.   To prevent high vibratory stresses and fatigue damage to the last stage turbine
                blading , do not operate the turbine outside of limits listed below:
                [W Ltr GP 86-02 (B44 861112 002)]
                1.   At loads less than or equal to 30% (350 MW), the maximum permissible
                     backpressure is 1.72 psia. (3.5" Hg)
                2.   At loads greater than 30%, the maximum permissible backpressu re is
                     2.7 psia (5.5" Hg) with a 5 minute limitation before tripping the turbine.
           F.   Do not allow the generator to become underexcited .
           G.   In the event of a change in the rated thermal power level exceeding 15% in
                one hour, notify Chemistry to initiate the conditional portions of
                0-SI-CEM-000-050.0, 0-SI-CEM-030-407.2 and 0-SI-CEM-000-415.0 due to the
                thermal power change .
           SQN                  NORMAL POWER OPERATION                    0-GO-5
         Unit 1 & 2                                                       Rev. 0047

( Pace 12 of 93

     3.2     Limitations (c ontinued)
             H.   The following Main Turbine vibration limitations and actions should be adhered
                  to :
                  1.    Vibration levels wh ich exceed 7 mils (alarm setpo int) should be verified by
                         Predictive Maintenance Group .
                  2.    Vibratio n levels greater than 7 mils and less than 14 mils should be
                         continuously monitored by Predictive Maintenance Group .
                  3.     IF vibration level is grea ter than or equal to 14 mils , THEN TRIP the
              I.  Westinghouse recommends that if any throttle valve is held closed for more
                  than 10 minutes, then it should be re-tested immediately upon reopen ing in
                  accordance with 1,2-PI-OPS-047-002.0.
              J.  The generator may be operated without a bus duct coole r up to appro ximately
                   729-MW turbine load .
              K.   To ensure sufficient voltage for a safe shutdo wn after loss of both units, voltage
                   and reac tive power shou ld be maintained within the limits of GOI-6.
              L.   With LEFM calorimetric power indication available, full power operation is
                   defined as approximately 3455 MW T not to exceed 3455.0 MW T averaged over
                   a 8-hour period. [C.1] If LEFM is available, power shall be monitored using
                   plant computer point U211 8 Instantaneous Value. DO NOT allow averag e
                   thermal power to exceed 3455 MW thermal for two consecutive hours.
              M.   The following restrictions apply if LEFM calorimetric power indication (U2118) is
                   1.     Applicable action of TRM must be ente red.
                   2.     AFD limits in COLR and T1-28 must be made more restrictive by 1%.
                   3.     Rod insertion limits in COLR must be raised by 3 steps .
                   4.     If reactor power is greater than 40% , power should be monitored using
                          U1118. If U1118 is also unava ilable , use the highest reading NIS channel.
                    5.    If reactor power is less than 40%, use the RCS average !'>T as the
                          preferred method for determining power level.
               N.   IF equilibrium conditions are achieved, after exceeding by 10% or more of rated
                    thermal power the thermal power at which the heat flux hot channel factor was
l ..                last determined , THEN cond itional performance of 0-SI-NUC-000-126.0, Hot
                    Channel Factor Determination is required.
        SON                NORMAL POWER OPERATION                  0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                   Rev. 0047

( Paqe 13 of 93

  3.2     Limitations (continued)
          O. At low power levels , the LP Heaters may be unbalanced in extraction steam
               supply use and heat pickup across the condensate side of the heater string .
               This condition should correct itself as the unit approaches 45-50 % Turbine
               Power. (Ref: PER 99-003789-000)
           P.  With one LP heater string out of service (isolated ), power is limited to 86%
               (Unit 1) or 90% (Unit 2). This is based on LP turbine blading limitations . (Ref:
               DeN E21203A).
        SQN                 NORMAL POWER OPERATION                 O-GO-S
      Unit 1 & 2                                                   Rev. 0047

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          STARTUP No.                _               Unit      l                 Date   nil.,
  1)   Throughout this Instruction where an IFITHEN statement exists, the step should be
       N/A 'd if the condition does not exist.
  2)   Prerequisites may be completed in any order.
           [1]     ENSURE Instruction to be used is a copy of effective version.
           [2]     TAVG is being maintained within 1.5°F of T REF.
           [3]     SG level controls are being maintained in AUTO
                   (N/A if auto control NOT available).
           [4]     Control rods are being maintained within the operating band of
                   C6fe Operating Limits Report (COLR)
                   (N/A if shutting down due to dropped or misaligned rod).
           [5]     Steam dump control system is in the TAVG mode
                   (N/A if Tavg Mode NOT available).
           [6]     The EHC system should be in OPER AUTO
                   (pushbutton lit).
            [7]    Generator pressurized with hydrogen according to capability
                   curve. (TI-28, Fig. A.14)
   During start up after a cold shutdown the Condensate 01 normally will be aligned for full
   flow polishing until the MSRs are in service.
            [8]     ENSURE Condensate DI polishing operation in accordance
                    with RCL recommendations.


        SQN           NORMAL POWER OPERATION               0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                           Rev. 0047

(, Paae 15 of 93

          STARTUP Noo          _             Unit   I                      Date~
  4.0      PREREQUISITES (continued)
           [9]   ENSURE each performer documents their name and initials :
                            Pr in t Name                    Initials

( (

       SQN              NORMAL POWER OPERATION               0-GO-5
     Unit 1 & 2                                              Rev. 0047

( Page 16 of 93

  Steps of this procedure must be performed sequentially, unless specifically stated
  1)  RADCON should be notified during normal plant operations if power level increases or
      decreases are either stopped or started.
  2)  Guidance on restoration of EHC Controls after a BOP runback is contained in
      Append ix B, Turbine Runback Res /ora/ion. [CAl
       SQN                  NORMAL POWER OPERATION                0-GO-5
     Unit 1 & 2                                                   Rev. 0047

( Page 17 of 93

         STARTUP No.                 _                 Unit _ _                  Date         _
 5.1     Power Ascension From 30% to 100%
  1)  Main Generator operation without Automatic Voltage control requires that Narrative
      Log entries be made (time, date, reason & duration) and that notification be made to
      Operations Duty Specialist (ODS) within twenty four (24) hours.
  2)  Main Generator operation outside of the Voltage Schedule in GOI-6 requires that
      Narrative Log entries be made (time, date, reason & duration) and that notification be
      made to South East Area Load Dispatcher (SELD) within one (1 ) hour.
  3)  Operation of main generator without automatic voltage control could impact grid
      voltage requirements . The South East Area Load Dispatcher (SELD) should be
      notified immediately if generator is in service without automatic voltage regulator.
      Also , refer to Section E of GOI 6 for MVAR limits.
  4)  Confirmation from Chemistry Section SHALL be obtained prior to exceeding 30%
      reactor power.
          [1]     ENSURE Section 4.0, Prerequisites complete.
          [2]     VERIFY from Chemistry Section that SG and feedwater
                  secondary chemistry is within acceptable limits.                         o
                                                                            Chemistry personnel contacted
          [3]     IF this is a startup following refueling, THEN
                  ENSURE applicable portions of 0-RT-NUC-000-001.0 are
                  COMPLETE for operation above 35% power.
                                                                                        Rx Engr.
       SON                NORMAL POWER OPERATION                  O-GO*S
     Unit 1 & 2                                                   Rev. 0047

( Paae 18 of 93

         STARTUP No.                                Unit _ _                    Date    _
 5.1     Power Ascension From 30% to 100 % (continued)
  1)  This step may be performed out of sequence as necessary to meet power level.
  2)  O-SI-OPS-092-078.0 may be performed at the discretion of the Operator if one or more
      PRMs is indicating close to the +/- 2% tolerance.
          [4]     PERFORM the following at approximately 35% reactor power:
              [4.1]    IF LEFM indication is available,
                       CALCULATE Calorimetric power:
          Calorimetric power= U2118                  =               %
              [4.2]    IF LEFM indication is NOT available,
                       CALCULATE reactor power:
            Average value of RCS 6.T (U0485)=               -   -  _ %
               [4.3]    VERIFY all NIS Power Range channel drawers are
                        within +/- 2% of the calculated reactor power:
                          N-41      (XI-92-5005B)     YES D      NO D
                          N-42      (XI-92-5006B)     YES D      NO D
                          N-43      (XI-92*5007B )    YES D      NO D
                          N-44      (XI-92-5008B)     YES D      NO D
               [4.4]    IF any of the above steps are checked NO,
                        PERFORM O-SI-OPS-092-078.0.
         SQ N               NORMAL POWER OPERATION                    0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                      Rev. 0047

( Paqe 19 of 93

           STARTUP No.                                  Unit _ _                    Date       _
  5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
   1)  With reactor enginee ring concu rrence, power increase per steps 5.1 [6] through 5.1[9]
       may be performed in parallel with this step.
   2)  if startup is following refueling operations and secondary side chemistry is acceptable
       for power increase, then N/A Step 5.1[5]. (Startup Reactivity Calibrations and Tests
       will be perfo rmed at" 45% Reactor Power if not performed at " 30% Power).
           [5]     IF startup is following refueling activities and secondary
                   chemistry hold is precluding power ascension , THEN
                   ENSURE the following have been performed prior to
                   exceedi ng 50% rated therma l power: (May be performed in
                   any order)
               [5.1]      0-SI-NUC-000-126.0, Hot Channel Factor Determination.


                                                                         Rx Eng          Date
               [5.2]      0-SI-NUC-092-079.0, Incore-Excore Axial imba lance
                                                                         Rx Eng          Date
                [5.3]     0-PI-NUC-0 92-002.0, Detector Single Point Alignment.
                                                                          Rx Eng         Date
       SQN                  NORMAL POWER OPERATION                   0-GO-5
     Unit 1 & 2                                                      Rev. 0047

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         STARTUP No.                                  Unit _ _                     Date      _
 5.1     Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (con ti nued)
              [5.4J      0-PI-IXX-092-N45.0, PR NIS Calibration.
                                                                          MIG           Date
              [5.5]      PR High Flux Trip reset to 109%. [C.3].
                                                                          MIG           Date
              [5.6]      Applicable portions of 0-RT-NUC-000-0010
                         COMPLETE for operation above 50% power.
                                                                         Rx Eng         Date
          [6J      DETERMINE the following from TI-40 AND RECORD in
                   narrative log AND below:
               [6.1J      Reactor preconditioned power level.          _                 o
               [6.2J      Ramp rate restrictions.       _                                o
  N/A Substep 5.1[6.3] and 5.1[6.4] if not initial startup after refueling outage.
               [6.3]      Intermediate power threshold         _                          o
               [6.4]      Ramp Rate above the intermediate power threshold.
          [7J      MONITOR TI-40 limits (using ICS trend features if available).          o
        SON                  NORMAL POWER OPERATION                   0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                      Rev. 0047

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          STARTUP No.                 _                Uni t _ _                    Date        _
 5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
  Raising load on the Main Generator will cause VARs to trend in the negative direction
  (toward incoming). This will require raising generator voltage. Refer to GOI-6 Section E for
  MVAR limits for generator stability. Refer to precautions Q , R, and S.
           [8]      PERFORM the following as required:
                [8.1]     IF Automatic Voltage Control is in service,
                          ADJUST Main Generator VARs USING
                          [HS-57-221 Exciter Voltage Auto Adjuster as necessary
                          during power escalation.
                [8.21 -   IF Automatic Voltage Control is NOT in service,
                          ADJUST Main Generator VARs USING

( [HS*57 -231 Exciter Voltage Base Adjuster as necessa ry

                          during power escalation.
   1)  Steps 5.1[9] through 5.1 [15] may be performed concurrently or out of sequence.
   2)  Valve position limit and governor control meter are displayed on EHC Display
       panel 1,2-XX-047-2000 (M-2).
   3)  V alve position limit and governor control meter are displayed on EHC Display
       panel 1,2-XX-047-2000 (M-2).
   4)  Act ions effecting reactivity are directed in the following step. 0-SO-62-7 requirements
       shall be adhered to for reactivity changes (i.e. reactivity balance, amounts of boric acid
       or water). All appropriate verifications and peer checks shall be utilized during
       perfo rmance.
            [9]      INITIATE power increase to between 45 and 49% and
                     MAINTAIN valve position limit approximately 10% above
                     current governor control indication as turbine load is changed.        0


          SQN                   NORMAL POWER OPERATION                  0-GO-5
        Unit 1 & 2                                                      Rev. 0047

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            STARTUP No.                   _               Unit _ _                     Date    _
  5.1       Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
   Contro l rods may be used along with dilution during reactor power increase to maintain
   AFD within the target control band.
             [10]     IF diluting the RCS to increase TAVG. THEN
                      CONTINUE dilution and increase turbine load to maintain T REF
                      with TAVG.(0-SO-62-7)                                                 0
             [11]     PERFORM the following during power increase:
   TAVGwill be programmed from 547°F at no load to 578.2°F at 100% load at a rate of
   0.312°F per % power.
                  [11.1]     MONITOR TAVG following TREF on program .                       o
                  [11.2]     MONITOR pressurizer level on program
                              (25 to 60% as a function of TAVG).                            o
    If LEFM is available, computer point U2118 should be used as true reactor power. If LEFM
    is NOT available , use U1118 when greater than or equal to 40% and the average value of
    RCS to.T when less than 40%.
                  [11.3]      MONITOR all RPls , group step counters for rod insertion
                              limits and inoperable rods or rod misalignment, Loop to.T,
                              and NIS for correct power distribution and quadrant
                              power tilts.                                                   0
     Generator MVARs may be reduced if the Generator Stator Ground Fault Relay indication
     approaches the alarm value of 50%. Automat ic trip function is disabled by TACF
     1-03-029-057 for Unit 1 and TACF 2-05-012-057 for Unit 2. Refer to GOI-6 Sect ion E for
     MVAR limits for generator stability.
                   [11.4]      MONITOR generator conditions in accordance with
(                              0-50-35-4, Monitoring Generator Parameters. [C.6]             o
         SQN              NORMAL POWER OPERATION                 0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                 Rev. 0047

( Pace 23 of 93

          STARTUP No,              _                Unit _ _                    Date     _
 5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
  The turbine load increase should be stopped until the main feedwater reg valves are
  operating in the acceptable band,
              [11 .5]  ENSURE main feedwater reg valves are operating
                       properly in auto (within +/- 5% from zero deviation is
                       acceptable).                                                   o
              [1 1.6]  IF main feedwater reg. valves are NOT maintaining
                       within the 5% band, THEN
                       NOTIFY Instrument Maintenance.                                 o
  The potential exists for condensation formation in steam extraction lines when
  feedwater heaters are isolated.
   Instrument Maintenance support may be required if controller adjustments are needed.
               [11.7]   ENSURE Feedwater Heaters 5 and 6, MSR Drain Tank,
                        and #7 Heater Drain Tank level controllers are adjusted
                        to maintain levels within normal ranges.                       0
         SQN                    NORMAL POWER OPERATION                  0-GO-5
       Unit 1 & 2                                                       Rev. 0047

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           STARTUP No,                    _                 Unit _ _                   Date      _
   5.1     Power Ascensio n From 30% to 100% (co ntinued)
           [12]      WHEN reactor power is approximately 35%, THEN
                     VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4A, window C-5:
                                     P-B LOW POWER
                                     LOW FLOW TRIP
                                           BLOCK                 is DARK.
            [13]      IF unit is returning to service after a power reduction and the MSRs were
                      removed from service, THEN
                      PLACE MSR HP steam warming valves to OPEN position:
           MSR           - HANDSWITCH            WARMING VALVE                  INITIALS
              A1               HS-1-142               FCV-1-142
                                                                            1st          CV
              81               HS-1-144               FCV-1-144
                                                                            1st          CV
              C1               HS-1-146               FCV-1-146
                                                                            1st          CV
              A2               HS-1 -136              FCV-1-136
                                                                            1st          CV
              82               HS-1-138               FCV-1-1 38
                                                                            1st          CV
              C2               HS-1-140               FCV-1-140
                                                                            tst          CV
             [14]      ENSURE #3 and #7 heater drain tanks on recirc in accordance
                       with 1,2-S0-5-2 and 1,2-S0 -5-3.                                        0
             [1 5]     ENSURE the remaining available pumps are aligned and
                       ready for service in accordance with 1,2-S0 -2/3-1:
                  [1 5.1]     Condensate booster pumps.                                        o
 (                [15.2]      Hotwell pump.                                                    o
         SON               NORMAL POWER OPERATIO N                0-GO-5
       Unit 1 & 2                                                 Rev. 0047

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           STARTUP No..             _               Unit _ _                       Date         _
   5.1     Power Ascension From 30% t o 100% (continued)
    1)  Whe n placing additional condensate pumps inservice, or HDT pumps in service,
        ensu re that the main reg valves respond correctly and then stabilize in the acceptable
    2)  The following step may be performed out of sequence and may be marked N/A if it
        was previously performed in 0-GO-4.
            [16)    WHEN the condensate booster pump reaches approximately
                    140 amps, THEN
                    START the following pumps in accordance with 1,2-S0-2/3-1:
                [1 6.1 r Third HW pump (if available).
                [16.2)   Second car.
         SQN                 NORMAL POWER OPERATION                 0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                    Rev. 0047

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           STARTUP No.                                  Unit _ _                     Date   _
  5.1      Powe r Ascensio n From 30% to 100% (con tinued)
   Valves 106A and 1068 shall be verified t o be controlling properly after each #3 HOT
   pump start.
   1)  When placing additional condensate pumps or HOT pumps in service, ensure that the
       main reg valves respond correctly and then stabilize in the acceptable band.
   2)  With verbal approval from the Operations Superintendent , pumping forward of the #3
       and #7 Heater Drain System may be deferred until turbine load is approximately 60%,
       if system conditions warrant.
   3)  Steps 5.1[171 through 5.1 [22] may be performed out of sequence.
           [17]     DETERMINE if#3 and #7 heater drain tank pumps can be

( aligned to pump forward:

               [17.1]     WHEN confirmation obtained from Chemistry
                          Section that #3 heater drain tank chemistry is within
                          limits, THEN
                          START pumping forward using two (2) #3 heater drain
                           tank pumps using 1,2-S0-5-2.
               [17.2]     WHEN confirmation obtained from Chemistry
                           Section that #7 heater drain tank chemistry is in limits,
                           START pumping forward using the #7 heater drain tank
                           pumps using 1,2-S0-5-3.
            [18]    IF turbine load increase continues without the #3 heater drain
                    tank pumps pumping forward, THEN
                [1 8.1]     MAINTAIN Condensate Booster Pump suction pressure
                            greater than or equal to 75 psig
                            (PI-2-77).                                                    0
                [18.2]      MAINTAIN Main Feedwater Pump suction pressure
(                           greater than 330 psig (PI-2-129).                             o
          SQN              NORMAL POWER OPERATION                   0-GO-5
       Unit 1 & 2                                                   Rev. 0047

( Paqe 27 of 93

           STARTUP No.                                Unit _ _                    Date      _
   5.1     Power Ascension Fro m 30% to 100% (con ti nued)
    1)  MSR heatup limits are restricted to 100°F per hour or 25°F in a 15-minute period
        (aut omati c mode) or 50°F in a 30*minute period (manua l mode). (SECO limits,
        contract 85P62-836839)
    2)  On t he LP turbi ne in let, do NOT exceed an instantaneous chan ge of 50°F or a
        rate of change of 125°F/Hr fo r turbi ne expansion co nsiderations .
    3)  For a cold start, the HP bundle warming valves should be opened at least
         15 minutes before bringing the MSR in service.
    Placing MSRs in service before 35% turbine load can cause turbine rotor long condition.
            [19]   WHEN   ~ 35% turbine load, THEN

( [19.1] IF cold start (LP turbine inlet metal temperature less than

                        300°F), THEN
                         DEPRESS the RESET pushbutton on the moisture
                         separator reheater control panel.                               o
                [19.2]   CLOSE the following steam inlet leakoff isolation valves:
                         MSR         VA LVE      POSITIO N        INITIALS
                                      1-679       CLOSED
                                      1-714       CLOSED
                                      1-680       CLOSED
                                      1-715       CLO SED
                                      1-681       CLOSED
                                      1-716       CLOSED
                                      1-682       CLOSED
                                      1-717       CLOSED
                                      1-683       CLOSED
                                      1-718       CLOSED
                                      1-684       CLOSED
 (                        C-2
                                      1-719       CLOSED
          SQN                 NORMAL POWER OPERATION                   0-GO-5
        Un it 1 & 2                                                    Rev. 0047

( Paae 28 of 93

             STARTUP No.              _                Unit _ _                       Date     _
   5.1       Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
    Due to required interlocks on MSR valves the following valves listed in the table should be
    perform ed in sequential order. For example: Open FCV-1-241 and when full open , then
    open FCV-1-141.
                 [19.3]    ENSURE MSR HP steam supplies ALIGNED as follows:
             MSR           EQUIPMENT            HANDSWITCH              POSITION         -.j
                        MSR BYPASS ISOL            HS-1-241A              OPEN           0
                          MSR MAIN ISOL            HS-1-141A              OPEN           0
                        MSR BYPASS ISOL            HS-1-243A              OPEN           0
                        - MSR MAIN ISOL            HS-1 -143A             OPEN           0
                        MSR BYPASS ISOL            HS-1-245A              OPEN           0
(                         MSR MAIN ISOL            HS-1-145A              OPEN           0
                        MSR BYPASS ISOL            HS-1-235A              OPEN           0
                          MSR MAIN ISOL            HS-1-135A              OPEN           0
                         MSR BYPASS ISOL           HS-1-237A              OPEN           0
                          MSR MAIN ISOL            HS-1-137A              OPEN            0
                         MSR BYPASS ISOL           HS-1-239A              OPEN            0
                          MSR MAIN ISOL            HS-1-139A              OPEN            0
     1)   Control valves ramp open for 120 minutes for turbine cold start.
     2)   MSR Control valves ramp open from the 400°F position to full open in one hour when
          Hot Start button was previously depressed during performance of 0-GO-4 or 0-GO-11.
                  [19.4]    DEPRESS the RAMP pushbutton on the moisture
                            separator reheater control panel to initiate steam flow to
                            the reheater.                                                    0
                                      (step continued on next page)
         SQN                  NORMAL POWER OPERATION               0-GO-5
       Unit 1 & 2                                                  Rev. 0047

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           STARTUP No.                                  Unit _ _                 Date _
   5.1     Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
               [19.5]      IF MSR controls will NOT function in RAMP mode,
                         * THEN
                           PERFORM the following:
                           A.   DEPRESS MANUAL pushbutton on MSR control
                           8.   ADJUST manual potentiometer to gradually open
                                MSR TCVs over approx. 120 minutes WHILE
                                continuing in this procedure.
                [19.6]     OPEN all MSR OPERATING vents
                           (6-3 thru 6-93) on panel XS-6-3.
                [19.7L      CLOSE all MSR STARTUP vents
                           (6-1 thru 6-91) on panel XS-6-1.
                [1 9.8]     PERFORM Appendix C to locally isolate MSR startup
(                           vents .
                [19.9]      ENSURE MSR HP steam warming valves are CLOSED:
           MSR               EQUIPMENT             HANDSWITCH       POSITION
            A1          MSR WARMING LINE              HS-1-142       CLOSED         0
             81         MSR WARMING LINE              HS-1 -144      CLOSED         0
             C1         MSR WARMING LINE              HS-1 -146      CLOSED         0
             A2         MSR WARMING LINE              HS-1-136       CLOSED         0
             82         MSR WARMING LINE              HS-1-138       CLOSED         0
             C2         MSR WARMING LINE              HS-1-140       CLOSED         0
       SQN                  NORMAL POWER OPERATION                0-GO-5
     Unit 1 & 2                                                   Rev. 0047

( Paqe 30 of 93

         STARTUP No.                _                Uni t _ _                   Oate   _
 5.1     Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
              [19.10)    IF this power ascension is during the months of October
                       ."1 through March 31, THEN
                         REFER to 0-PI-OPS-000-006 .0 and consult System
                         Engineer for position of MSR doghouses' vent dampers.
              [19.11]    IF this power ascension is during the months of April 1
                         through September 30, THEN
                         OPEN MSR doghouses' vent dampers .
          [20)    IF pumping forward with #3 HOT, THEN
                  ENSURE 1,2-LCV-6-106A and B are maintaining #3 heater
                  drain tank level.                                                   o
  Benchboard instruments PI-5-87A for #7 heater and PI-5-84A for
  #6 heater may be used to determine heater shell side pressure .
          [2 1]   IF #7 heater drain tank (HDT) pressure is indicating an
                  overpressure condition, THEN
                  PERFORM 1,2-S0-5-3, Section 8.0, Infrequent Operation to
                   prevent #7 HDT overpressurization.
         SON              NORMAL POWER OPERATION                0*GO*5
       Unit 1 & 2                                               Rev. 0047

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           STARTUP No.                            Unit _ _                    Date   _
   5.1     Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
           [22]   WHEN approximately 40% turbine load:
               [22.1]   VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4A, window E-?:
                                C*20 AMSAC
                                                        is LIT.
               [22.2]   CLOSE the drains on the operating main feedwater
                        pump turbine (N/A other pump).
              A       DRAIN VALVES         HS-46-14         CLOSED
               B      DRAIN VALVES         HS-46-41         CLOSED
        SQN                NORMAL POWER OPERATION                 0-GO-5
     Unit 1 & 2                                                   Rev. 0047
                                                                  Page 32 of 93
          STARTUP No,               _                 Unit _ _                  Date         _
 5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
  With verbal approval from the Operations Superintendent, placing the second main feed
  pump in service may be deferred until power is approximately 55% (Unit 1) or 65% (Unit 2).
  Logic prevents opening the standby MFPT condenser isolation valves if the pump is NOT
  reset prior to exceeding 9 million Ibs/hr flow on the running pump.
          [23]    WHEN approximately 40 to 45% turbine load, THEN
                  PLACE second MFPT in service by performing the following:
               [23.1]   IF the Operations Superintendent has approved one
                        MFP operation during the power ascension, THEN
                      - A.   1.RECORD which MFPT is in service.
                           _ __ MFPT
                        B.   MONITOR loading of the MFP in service as load is
                             increased.                                               0
               [23.2]   WHEN sec ond MFPT is to be placed in service,
                         PLA CE second MFPT in service in accordance with
                         1,2-S0 -2/3-1,                                               o


            SQN                NORMAL POWER OPERATION                 0-GO-5
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              STARTUP No.                               Unit _ _                    Date   _
    5.1       Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
     Th is step and individual substeps may be performed out of sequence.
              [24)    PERFORM the following as system parameters permit:
                 [24.1)    VERIFY three (3) Hotwell pumps running
                           (if available).                                               D
                  [24.2)   VERIFY two (2) Condensate booster pumps running.              D
                  [24.3)   VERIFY MFW pump(s) in service (only 1 required if
                           approved by Operations Superintendent).                       D
                  [24.4]-  VERIFY two (2) #3 heater drain tank pumps running.            D
                  [24.5)   VERIFY one (1 ) #7 Heater Drain Tank pump in service.         D
                  [24.6]   ENSURE one gland steam exhauster running and one
                           stopped in AUTO position:
                       EXHAUSTER          HANDSWITCH            ("")          ("")
                             A             HS-47-209A        AUTO 0       START 0
                             B             HS-47-209B        AUTO 0       START 0
                   [24.7)   IF gland seal water is being supplied from opposite
                            unit, THEN
                            RESTORE normal gland seal water alignment (supplied
                            from this unit) in accordance with 1,2-S0 -37-1, Gland
                            Seal Water System.                                           0
       SQN                 NORMAL POWER OPERAliON                 0-GO-5
     Unit 1 & 2                                                   Rev. 0047

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         STARTUP No.                                Unit _ _                    Date      _
 5.1     Power Ascens ion From 30% to 100% (continued)
  Steps 5.1[25] through 5.1[30] may be performed out of sequence.
          [25]   IF the second #7 heater drain tank pump has not been started,
                 START the second #7 heater drain tank pump in accordance
                 with 1,2-S0-5-3.
  Hydrogen pressure should be maintained greater than or equal to 66 psig.
          [26J   ENSURE generator hydrogen pressure is sufficient for
                  anticipated load in accordance with TI-28, Figure A.14,
                 Generator Capability Curve.
           [27]   VERIFY river water temperature within the limitations of the
                  NPDES permit as specified in 0-PI-OPS-000-666.0.                   o
  After refueling operations , the NIS indications may be inaccurate until calibration at
   higher power levels. DO NOT increase power greater than 50% until Reactor
   Engineering has ensured that applicable portions of O-RT-NUC-000-001.0 are
           [28]   IF applicable portions of 0-RT-NUC-000-001 .0 are complete
                  for power increase above 50% of rated thermal power, THEN
                  N/A the following Step 5.1 [29]. (Reactor Engineering)
          saN                  NORMAL POWER OPERATION                   0*GO-5
        Unit 1 & 2                                                      Rev. 0047

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            STARTUP No .                 _                Unit _ _                    Date      _
    5.1     Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
            [29]     IF startup is following refueling activities, THEN
                     ENSURE the following have been performed prior to
                     exceeding 50% rated thermal power: (may be performed in
                     any order)
                     A.   0-S I-NUC-000-1 26.0, Hot Channel Factor Determ ination .
                                                                           Rx Eng          Date
                     B.   0-SI-NUC-092-07 9.0, Incore-E xcore Axial Imbalance
                           Com parison .
                                                                           Rx Eng          Date
                      C.   0-PI-NUC-092-00 2.0 , Detector Single Point Alignment.
                                                                           Rx Eng          Date
                      D.   0-PI-IXX-092-N45.0, PR NIS Calibration..
                                                                             MIG           Date
                      E.   PR High Flux Trip reset to 109%. [C.3].
                                                                             MIG           Date
                      F.   Applicable port ions of 0-RT-NUC-000-001.0 COMPLETE
                           for operation above 50% power.
                                                                            Rx Eng         Date
             [30]     WHEN reactor power is appro ximately 49%, THEN
                      PERFORM the following: (in any order).
  r               [30 .1]    ENSURE indicated Axial Flux Diffe rence is within the
 '-                          limits specified in the CO LR (TS
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          STARTUP No.                   _              Unit _ _                     Date   _
  5.1     Powe r Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
               [30.2]       PERFORM a conditional 0-SI-NUC-000-044.0, Axial
                         .. Flux Difference.
   QPTR alarms pertain to the plant computer and annunciator panel AR-M4-B, windows B-3,
   C-3, and 0 -4. Alarms may sporadically occur at 1.5% when the setpoint is 2%.
               [30.3J       PERFORM a conditional 0-SI-NUC-000-133.0, Quadrant
                            Power Tilt Ratio.
               [30.4]       IF QPTR exceeds 1.015, THEN
                            CONTACT Reactor Engineering for evaluation.
   Ramp load rate increases shall be within the limits stated in TI-40.
           [31 ]    RECORD the following fromTI-40:
                [31 .1 ]    Power ascension ramp rate from T1 -40.         _             o
    NIA substep 5.1 [31.21and 5.1[31.3] if NOT initial startup after refueling outage.
                [31.2]       Intermediate power threshold setpoint.      _               o
                [31 .3]      Ramp Rate above the intermediate power threshold.           o
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            STARTUP No.                                 Unit _ _                     Date    _
   5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
            [32]    CONTINUE reactor power ascension to 74%.                              o
    Control rods may be used along with dilution during reactor power increase to maintain
    AFD within the target control band.
            [33]    IF diluting the RCS to increase T AVG. THEN
                    CONTINUE dilution and increase turbine load to maintain T REF
                    with T AVG. (0-SO-62-7)                                               0
    Valve position Iirnit and governor control meter are displayed on EHC Display
    paneI 1,2-XX-047-2000 (M-2).
             [34]    MONITOR the turbine load increasing and
                     MAINTAIN valve position limit approximately 10% above
                     current governor control indication as turbine load is changed.      0
     Steps 5.1 [35] through 5.1 [37] may be performed out of sequence.
             [35]    WHEN greater than or equal to 50% reactor power, THEN
                 [35.1]     VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4A, window E-4:
                                  P-9 LOW POWER
                                 TURB TRIP-REAC
                                    TRIP BLOCK               is DARK.
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            STARTUP No.                               Uni t _ _                    Date   _
  5.1       Power Ascension Fro m 30% to 100% (continued)
                [35.2)   . VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4B, window B-3:
                             NIS POWER RANGE
                              UPPER DETECTOR
                              HI FLUX DEVN OR               is DARK.
                                AUTO DEFEAT
                [35.3]     VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4B , window C-3:
                               NIS POWER RANGE
                               LOWER DETECTOR
                                HI FLUX DEVN OR             is DARK.
                                  AUTO DEFEAT
                [35.4]     VER IFY annu nciator XA-55-4B , window D-4:
                               COMPUTER ALARM
                                 ROD DEV & SEQ
                                 NIS PWR RANGE               is DAR K.
             [36]   ENSURE MFPTC vacuum normal (greater than 20 inches HG
                    vacuum ) using PI-2-331A and PI-2-331B on Panel L-69.               0
    During power operation above 50%, condenser air inleakage should be maintained less
    than 6 CFM .
             [37]   IF conde nser air inleakage exceeds 10 CFM, THEN
                    INITIATE actions to identify the source of inleakage and
                    NOTIFY Engineering and the Operations Superintendent or
                    Plant Manager.
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           STARTUP No.               _                Unit _ _                   Date     _
   5.1     Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
    1)  Steps 5.1[38] through 5.1[41] may be performed out of sequence.
    2)  O-SI-OPS-092-078.0 may be performed at the discretion of the Operator if one or more
        PRMs is indicating close to the +/- 2% tolerance.
            [38]     PERFORM the following at approximately 55% reactor power:
                [38.1]   IF LEFM indication is available, THEN
                         CALCULATE Calorimetric power:
            Calorimetric power= U2118                  =     - -- %
                 [38.2]  IF LEFM indication is NOT available , THEN
                         CALCULATE reactor power:
            Calorimetric power= U1118                  =     - - -%
                 [38.3]   VERIFY that all operable NIS Power Range channel
                          drawers are within +/- 2% of the calculated calorimetric
                              N-41       (XI-92-5005B)       YESD       NO D
                              N-42       (XI-92-5006B)       YESO       NOD
                              N-43       (XI-92-5007B)       YES 0      NOO
                              N-44       (XI-92-5008B)       YES 0      NOD
                  [38.4]  IF any of the above steps are checked NO, THEN
                          PERFORM O-SI-OPS-092-078.0.
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            STARTUP No.                                  Unit _ _                   Date    _
   5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
    1)   More restrictive turbine load limit for Unit 1 is based on ensuring adequate MFP
         suction pressure to allow pumping against higher S /G pressures following S/G
         replacement. (Ref: DCN E21203A).
    2)   Siemens Westinghouse analysis has determined that the maximum Unit Two unit
         power with 1 MFP operation is 65% under worst case conditions. Operation at higher
         power levels are dependent on current conditions. This would require System
         Engineering evaluation.(Ref: DCN D21732A).
             [39]  ENSURE second MFPT is in service PRIOR TO increasing
                   turbine load above 55% (Unit 1) or 65% (Unit 2).
             [40]  EN_SURE at least one bus duct cooler is in service USING
                   0-SO-58-1 PRIOR TO increasing load above 729 MWe.
    #3 and #7 heater drains must be pumping forward prior to exceeding 60% turbine
     load. This load limit assumes that both MFW pumps are in service. If only one
    MFWP is running , turbine load must be further limited to maintain adequate MFWP
    suction pressure.
             [41]  ENSURE both #3 and #7 heater drain tank systems are
                    pumping forward PRIOR TO increasing turbine load above
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             STARTUP No.             _                Unit _ _                    Oate         _
    5.1      Power Ascensio n From 30% to 100% (co nti nued)
     1)  Valves 106A and 106B shall be verified to be operating properly after each #3
         HOT pump start.
     2)  At appro xima tely 79% turbine load with LCV-6-105A or B open and only two #3
         HOT pumps are in service, the required NPSH for the MFP w ill be insuffi cient.
     1)  When placing HDT pumps in service. ensure main feedwater pumps and main reg
         valves respond correctly and then stabilize in an acceptable band.
     2)  LCV-6-105A will come open at about 70% turbine load if condensate discharge
         pressure is high. Minimize duration at this load to reduce wear on the valve. As load
         is increasedlo 100% condensate pressure will gradually decrease allowing the #3
         HDT pumps to pump forward and the condenser bypass valve(s) to close.
(    3)  Steps 5.1[42] through 5.1 [45] may be performed in any order.
             [42]   WHEN approximately 70% turbine load, THEN
                 [42.1]  PLACE the third #3 heater drain pump in service in
                         accordance with 1,2-S0-5-2. [C.2]
                 [42.2]  ENSURE valves LCV-6-106A and LCV-6-106B are
                         controlling #3 heater drain tank level properly.
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              STARTUP No.                                Unit _ _                     Date     _
   5.1        Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
    Evaluate starting and stopping of Condensate Demineralizer pumps using
    condensate pressure, MFP inlet pressure, condensate booster pump inlet pressure,
    and #3 and #7 HDT pump and bypass valve operation. The USISRO may start or stop
    Condensate Demineralizer pumps at his discretion, but if any of the following occurs
    the pumps must be started:
    1)    Condensate Booster Pump sucti on pressure is less than 125 psig, as indicated
          on [PI-2-771 .
    2)     Main Feedwater Pump suction pressure less than 420 psig, as indicated on
    3)     Injection Water Pump discharge pressure is less than 265 psig, as indicated by
           an alarm on_XA-55-3B window E-1.
     1)    Should #7 heater drain tank pump(s) amps swing or if system pressure needs to be
           increased by approximately 40 psig, then Cond DI Booster pumps can be started;
           however, two of the three pumps must be started at the same time.
    2)     When placing condensate pumps in service, ensure main reg valves respond correctly
           and then stabilize in an acceptable band.
               [43]   EVALUATE starting two condensate demineralizer booster
                      pumps in accordance with 1,2-S0-2/3-1 (This step can be
                      N/A'd or signed-off at time when pumps are started).
     If starting up following refueling operations and reactivity calculations and tests were
     completed at ", 30% reactor power, then reactivity calculations and tests must be performed
     again at ", 75% RTP.
               [44]   IF all applicable portions of 0-RT-NUC-000-001.0 are complete
                      for power increase above 75% of rated thermal power, THEN
                      NIA the following Step 5.1 [45]. (Reactor Engineering)
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          STARTUP No.                                   Unit _ _               Date       _
 5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
  After refuel ing , NIS indications may be inaccurate until calibration at higher power
  levels. DO NOT increase power above 75% until applicable portions of
  O-RT-NUC-000-001 .0 are complete.
          [45]    IF startup is following refueling , THEN
                  PERFORM the following prior to operation above 75% power:
                  (may be performed in any order)
              [45 .1]    ENSURE the following have been performed (may be
                         N/A'd by Reactor Eng. and Instrument Main!. if NOT
                         A.   O-SI -NUC-OOO- 126.0, Hot Channel Factor
                              Determination .
                                                                     Rx Eng          Date
                         B.   O-SI-NUC-092-079.0, lncore-E xcore Axial
                               Imbala nce Comparison.
                                                                     Rx Eng          Date
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           STARTUP No.            _              Unit _ _                      Date       _
   5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
                      C.  O-PI-NUC-092-036.0. Incore/Excore Detector
                          Calibration (N/A if NOT required or if t.\AFD < 3%).
                                                                     Rx Eng          Date
                      D.  O-PI -NUC-092-002.0, Detector Single Point
                                                                     Rx Eng          Date
                      E.   O-PI-IXX-092-N45.0, PR NIS Calibration.
                                                                     Rx Eng          Date
               [45.2] NOTIFY Systems Eng to perform O-PI-SXX-OOO-022.2 to
                      check RCS Loop ~T Zeros. [C.7]                                   0
               [45.3] ENSURE applicable portions of O-RT-N UC-OOO-001.0
                      are complete for operation above 75% RTP.
                                                                                    Rx Engr.
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       STARTUP No.         .                       Unit _ _                    Date - - -

5.1 Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)

1)  O-SI-OPS-092-078 .0 may be performed at the discretion of the Operator if one or more
    PRMs is ind ica ting close to the +/- 2% tolerance.
2)  Steps 5.1[46] and 5.1[47] may be perfo rmed out of seq uence .
        [46]     PERFORM the followi ng at approximately 75% reac tor powe r:
            [46.1]    IF LEFM indication is available , THEN
                      CALCULATE Calorimetric power:
        Calorimetric power= U2118                   =      - - -%             D
             [46.2]   IF LEFM indicat ion is NOT available, THEN
                      CALCULATE reactor power:
        Calo rimetric power= U1118                   =     - - -%             D
             [46.3]   VERIFY that all NIS Power Range A channel drawers
                      are with in +/- 2% of the calculated calorimet ric power.
                             N-41       (XI-92-5005B)         YES D      NOD
                             N-42       (XI-92-5006 B)        YES D      NOD
                             N-43       (XI-92-5007B)         YESD       NOD
                             N-44       (XI-92-5008B)         YES 0       NOD
              [46.4]   IF any of the above steps are checked NO, THEN
                       PERFORM O-SI-OPS-092-078.0.
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          STARTUP No.              _               Unit _ _                   Date       _
 5.1      Power Ascension From 30% t o 100% (continued)
  1)   LCV-6-105A and/or 1058 may be th rottli ng open d ue t o condensate system
       pressure being higher t han #3 HOT pump discharge pressure.
  2)   Turbine runback will occur if #3 HOT pump flow t o the condensate system drops
       below 5500 gpm (for greater than 10 seconds), condensate bypass valve
       LCV -6*105A or 1058 opens, and turbine load is above 81 % (Unit 1) or 82%
       (Unit 2).
           [47]   PRIOR to increasing turbine load above 77%:
                  ENSURE the following:
               [47.1] _ LCV-6-106A and -1068 are controlling properly.
               [47.2]   LCV-6-105A and -1058 are CLOSED.
  Ramp load rate increases shall be within the limits of TI-40.
           [48]    RECORD power ascension ramp rate from TI-40.           _           o
   1)   Operation above 75% Load with only two Hotwell Pumps in service requires further
        evaluati on.
   2)   Steps 5.1[49] through 5.1[52] may be performed out of sequence.
            [49]   CONTINUE the power ascension to 90% reactor power.                  o
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            STARTUP No.                 _                Unit _ _                     Date     _
   5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
    Control rods may be used along with dilution during reactor power increase to maintain
    AFO within the target control band.
             [50)     IF diluting the RCS to increase TAVG, THEN
                      CONTINUE dilution and increase turbine load to maintain T REF
                      with TAVG. (0-SO-62-7)                                               D
    Guidance on restoration of EHC Controls after a BOP runback via the valve position limiter
    is contained in Appendix B, Turbine Runback Restoration. [CA)
             [51]     MONITOR the turbine load increasing and
                      MAINTAIN valve position limit approximately 10%
                      above the current governor control indication as turbine load is
                      changed.                                                             D
     When the turbine impulse pressure relay number is illuminated on Panel L-262, the relay is
     closed and Runback circuit is armed.
              [52]     WHEN greater than 77% Turbine Load, THEN
                       VERIFY [PIS-47 -13RLY11 light W ,'Turbine Runback From
                       Loss of 1 MFP' is illuminated on Panel L-262.
              [53]     WHEN greater than 82% Turbine Load, THEN
                       VERIFY the following relay lights are illuminated on Panel
                       L*262 :
                  [53.1]      [PIS-47*13RLY2)l Turbine Runback From #3HOT.[2)              D
                   [53.2]     [PIS-47*13RLY 3)1 NPSH Protection VLV-6-106B closes
 (                            on #3 HOT pump trip. QJ                                       D
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          STARTUP No.                _                 Unit _ _                  Date       _
 5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
  1)   Reactor power can be increased greater than 90% as long as adequate MFP suction
       is maintained.
  2)   Steps 5.1[54] through 5.1[58] may be performed out of sequence.
           [54]    WHEN approximately 85 to 90% reactor power
                   OR when determined by Unit SRO (if power raised above
                   90%), THEN
                   ENSURE third condensate booster pump in service in
                   accordance with 1,2-80-2/3-1. [C.2]
  A nominal CBP suction pressure of approximately 180 psig, as indicated on [PI-2-77], will
  alleviate bypassing to the condenser at full power.
            [55]   IF condensate pressure is high resulting in #3 or #7 heater
                   drain tank bypassing to the condenser. OR the normal level
                   control valves are near full open, THEN
                [55.1 ]   THROTILE [14-550] to attain desired condensate
                [55.2]    IF unable to throttle [14-550] , THEN
                          REFER to 1,2-S0 -5-2, Section 8.0 to adjust condensate
                [55.3]    EVALUATE removal of the condensate demineralizer
                          booster pumps (N/A if NOT in service).                       o
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           STARTUP No.                 _              Unit _ _                    Date   _
   5.1     Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
    Two Cond 01 Booster pumps must be started at the same time.
            [56]    EVALUATE starting available condensate demineralizer
                    booster pump(s) to raise system pressure - 40 psig.
             Pump Started          YES 0          NO 0
            [57]    WHEN reactor power is approximately 90%,
                    PERFORM the following:
                [57.1] -   ADJUST Power Range instrumentation in accordance
                           with 0-SI-OPS-092-078.0.                                    o
                [57.2]     INITIATE performance of 1-PI-OPS-000-020.1
                           or 2-PI-OPS-000-022.1, Appendix B.                          o
    The potential exists for condensation formation in steam extraction lines when
    feedwater heaters are isolated.
                 [57.3]    ENSURE the following level controllers are maintaining
                           levels within normal ranges:
                           A.   Secondary plant heaters.
                            B.  MSR drain tanks.
     DO NOT exceed an average of 3455.0 MWT during an a-hour period. rC.11
             [58J    MONITOR NIS, dT and calorimetries on plant computer
                     (pt. U2118) while increasing reactor power.                       o
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             STARTUP No.                _                 Uni t _ _                    Date       _
    5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
     1)  Feedwater venturi unfouling may impact U1118 indication. LEFM calorimetric power
         (U2118) is not affected by venturi unfouling.
     2)  If U1118 is being used to monitor reactor power due to LEFM unavailable, then
         Calorimetric Calculation should be performed prior to exceeding 97% reactor power.
     3)  Steps 5.1[59] through 5.1[63] may be performed out of sequence.
             [59]    IF Unit is returning to full power after a turbine load reduction
                     to less than 50%
                     AND U11 18 is being used to monitor power,
                     PERFORM the following prior to exceeding 97% power:
                 [59.1]     NOTIFY Systems Engineering to
                            perform O-PI-SXX-000-022.2, Calorimetric Calculation,
                            Section 8.1 , if necessary.                                       0
                  [59.2]    PERFORM applicable sections of 0-PI-SXX-OOO-022.2
                            to adjust Feedwater Flow Constant. (N/A if NOT
                                                                                            BOP Eng
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                                                                    Page 51 of 93
        STARTUP No.                _                 Unit - -                       Date - - -

5.1 Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)

Ramp load rate increases shall be within the limits of TI-40.
        [60]    RECORD the following fromT I-40:
             [60.1]     Power ascension ramp rate from TI-40.             _                o
N/A substep 5.1[60.2] and 5.1 [60.3] if not initial startup after refueling outage.
             [60.2]     Intermediate power threshold setpoint'--_ _                        o
             [60.3]     Ramp Rate above the intermediate power
                        threshold.- - -                                                    o
         [61]    CONTINUE power ascension to 100% RTP.                                     o
Contro l rods may be used along with dilution during reactor power increase to maintain
AFD within the target control band.
         [62]    IF diluting the RCS to increase TAVG , THEN
                 CONTINUE dilution and increase turbine load to maintain T REF
                 with T AVG. (0-SO-62-7)                                                   0
 Valve position limit and governor control meter are displayed on EHC Display
 panel 1,2-XX-047-2000 (M-2).
          [63]   MONITOR the turbine load increasing AND
                  MAINTAIN valve position limit approximately 10% above the
                  current governor control indication as turbine load is changed.           0
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          STARTUP No.             _                   Unit _ _                     Date    _
 5.1      Power Asc ension From 30% to 100% (co nti nued )
  Steps 5.1[64] through 5.1 [66] may be performed out of sequence.
          [64]    WHEN reactor power approaches 100%, THEN
                  ADJUST governor valve position limiter - 2% above governor
                  valve position.                                                       0
  Governor valve position limit meter may NOT match the governor valve position
  mete r; therefore, mon itor t he megawatt meter and valve pos ition limit light
  con tinuously during th e fo llowi ng step.
  1)   Operation with the VALVE POS LIMIT light LIT is acceptable if unsatisfactory load
       swings are experienced.
  2)   Actions effecting reactivity are directed in the following step. All appropriate
       verifications and peer checks shall be utilized during performance.
           [65]   IF unsatisfactory load swings are experienced as the unit
                  approaches full power, THEN
               [65.1]   WITH turbine load set for maximum of 100% power,
                         SLOWLY and CAUTIOUSLY PULSE the governor
                        VALVE POSITION LIMIT in LOWER direction while
                         monitoring megawatts for a decrease and VALVE POS
                         LIMIT light to ILLUMINATE.                                      0
               [65.2]    WHEN the limiter just reaches the governor valve
                         STOP limiter adjustment.                                        o
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         STARTUP No.                _                  Unit _ _                     Date         _
 5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
  Do not raise the limiter position unless the turbine control is positively controlling
  the turbine (limit light NOT LIT).
  Actions effecting reactivity are directed in the following step. All appropriate verifications
  and peer checks shall be utilized during performance.
          [66]    PERFORM the following if the limiter prevents reactor
                  operation at approximately 100%:
              [66.1]    ADJUST SETTER/REFERENCE controls to reduce
                     -  turbine loading until the VALVE POS LIMIT light is NOT
                        LIT.                                                                  0
              [66.2]    INCREASE VALVE POSITION LIMIT to allow a load
                        increase using the SETTER/REFERENCE controls,
                        NOT to exceed 3455.00 MWT.                                             0
        SQN                NORMAL POWER OPERATION                  0-GO -5
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          STARTUP No.                                Unit _ _                       Date        _
 5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
  1)  Full power ope ration is defined as 100% power operation at app roximately 3455 MW T
      instantaneous value, U2118 not to exceed 3455.00 MW T average thermal power in an
      8-hour period. [C.1]
  2)  Do not intentionally operate the reactor at greater than 100% power
      (e.g., if reactor power is less than 100% for any time period then operation at slightly
      greater than 100% to "make up" for "lost" power is not permissible). [C. 1]
  3)  Computer point U2118 should be trended on a trend recorder in the unit horseshoe
      and monitored for increasing reactor power trends above 3455 MWT. Prompt action
       shall be taken to decrea se reacto r power whenever an increasing power trend is
      observed . [C .1]
  4)   Do not exceed an 8-hour average value (U2126) of 3455 .00 MWT. Do not allow U2125
       (one hour avg) to exceed 3455 .00 MW T (100%) for more than one hour. [C.1]
  5)   Portions of step 5.1[681 may be perfor med in paralle l with step5.1 [67] if required.
          [67]    WHEN the unit stabilizes at 100% reactor power,
                  TH EN
                   PERFORM the following: (may be performed in any order)
               [67.1]    ADJUST Governor Valve positio n, rod height, and/or
                         RCS boron concentration as neces sary to establish core
                         thermal power at desired value and Auctionee red Hi
                         T-avg approximately equal to T-ret.                                  0
               [67.2]    NOTIFY load coordinator that the power increase is
                         complete .                                                           0
               [67.3J    NOTIFY RADCON that power has stabilized at 100%.                     0
                                    (step continued on next page)
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            STARTUP No.             _                  Unit _ _                   Date      _
  5.1        Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (contin ued)
   Use of seal steam spillover bypass FCV-47-191 should be minimized to reduce the effect of
   unit trip on seal steam pressure.
                [67.4]   IF Seal Steam spillover bypass [FCV-47-1911 is IN
                         SERVICE, THEN
                         THROTTLE Seal Steam spillover bypass to control
                         [FCV-47-1911 as required to control seal steam
                         pressure.                                                     D
                [67.5]   IF river temperature is less than 45°F, THEN
                         CONSULT Engineering to determine if third CCW pump
                         should be removed from service.                               D
                [67.6]   CONTACT vibration engineer in Predictive Maintenance
                         Group to monitor MFWP vibration.                              0
   A bias adjustment in the upward direction (> 50%) shoul d NOT be used unless
   evaluated by Sys tems Engineering si nce this could impact a MFPT's maximum
   spe ed and the ability to fUlly load in the even t the other MFPT trips.
                 [67.7]   IF feed pump vibration is above desired levels,
                          CONSULT with vibration engineer and system engineer
                          to determine which feed pump to bias to reduce
                          vibration.                                                   0
                 [67.8]   IF MFPT master controller output is NOT indicating
                          45% to 55%
                          CONSULT with MFPT controls system engineer to
                          evaluate if adjustment is required per 1,2-S0-2/3-1.         0
       SQN                    NORMAL POWER OPERATION                   0-GO-5
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          STARTUP No.                   _                Unit _ _                    Date        _
 5.1       Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
           [68]     IF startup is following refueling activities, THEN
                    ENSURE the following are performed at approximately 100%
                    Rated Thermal Power: (may be performed in any order)
               [68.1]      0-PI-SXX-000-022.2, Calorimetric Calculation.
                                                                                       Systems Eng.
               [68.2]      0-PI-SXX-000-022.1, Delta T and Tavg Update. [C.7]
                                                                                       Systems Eng..
               [68.3]      0-SI-NUC-000-126.0, Hot Channel Factor Determination.
                                                                          Rx Eng            Date
               [68.4]-     0-SI-NUC-000-120.0, Reactivity Balance
                                                                          Rx Eng            Date
                [68.5]     0-SI-NUC-092-079.0, Incore-Excore Axial Imbalance
                                                                          Rx Eng            Date
                [68.6]     0-PI-NUC-092-036.0, Incore-Excore Detector
                                                                          Rx Eng            Date
                [68.7]      0-PI-IXX-092-N45.0, PR NIS Calibration
                            (May be N/A'd if Engineering determines calibration
                            performed at < 75% RTP is adequate.)
                                                                                          Inst Maint
                 [68.8]     Applicable portions of 0-RT-NUC-000-001.0 are
                            complete for full power operations.
                                                                                           Rx Engr
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           STARTUP No.                              Unit _ _                  Date _
  5.1      Power Ascension From 30% to 100% (continued)
   This step may be performed out of sequence if required.
           [69]  IF Steam Generator WR level recorders were re-scaled to
                 80% - 90% in 0-GO-2, THEN
                 NOTIFY MIG to re-scale LR-3-43A and LR-3-98A, Steam
                 Generator Wide Range Level Recorders, to 0% - 100%,
           [70]  IF unit shutdown to minimum load, THEN
                 GO TO Section 5,3.
           [71]  IF-unit is to be maintained at normal power, THEN
                 GO TO Section 5.2.
                                           END OF TEXT


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           STARTUP No.                _               Un it _ _                    Date           _
 5.2       At Power Conditions
                                              CAUT IONS
  1)   Full po we r operation is defined as approximately 3455 MWT NOT to exceed
       3455.0 MWT averaged ove r an a-hour period . [C.1)
  2)   Power sho uld NOT exceed one hour average (U2125 ) of 3455.00 MWT f or more
       th an one hour.
  3)   Power shall NOT exceed an a-hour ave rage value (U2126) of 3455.00 MWT
       (readin gs at 0700,1500 and 2300 hours).
  1)   Main Generator operation witho ut Automatic Voltage control requires that Narrative
       Log ent ries be made (time, date, reason & duration) and that notification be made to
       Operatio ns Quty Specialist (ODS) within twenty four (24) hours.
  2)    Main Generator operation outside of the Voltage Schedule in GOI-B requires that

( Narrative Log entries be made (time , date , reason & duration) and that notification be

        made to South East Area Load Dispatcher (SELD) within one (1) hour.
  3)    Operation of main generator without automatic voltage control could impact grid
        voltage requirements. The South East Area Load Dispatcher (SELD) should be
        notified immediately if generator is in service without automatic voltage regulator.
        Also, refer to Section E of GOI B for MVAR limits.
   4)   Do not intentionally operate the reactor at greater than 100% power
        (e.g. if reactor powe r is less than 100% for any time period then operation at slightly
        greater than 100% to make UP for LOST power is not permissible). [C.1)
   5)   Steps in this section may be performed out of sequence .
            [1 ]    TRE ND Computer point U2118 on a trend recorder in the unit
                    horseshoe and monitor for increasing reactor power trends
                    above 3455 MW T .                                                         o
            [2]     IF increasing power trend is observed , THEN
                    ENSURE PROMPT action is taken to decrease reactor power
                    as necessary. [C.1)

( 1 st CV

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            STARTUP No.                _               Unit _ _                      Date   _
 5.2        At Power Conditions (continued)
  If LEF M is lost w ith reactor power at 100%, core thermal powe r should NOT be raised
  t o take advantage of U-1118 reading lower.
  The following restrictions apply if LEFM calorimetric power indication (U2118) is
  Applicable action of TRM must be entered .
  AFD limits in CO LR and TI-28 must be made more restrictive by 1%.
   Rod insertion limits in COLR must be raised by 3 steps .
             [3]     IF ICS point U2118 is unreliable or unavailab le,
                     PERFORM the following :
                 [3.1]     MONITOR thermal power by using one of the following:
                           *    ICS point U1118 (if available)                            o
                           *    highest reading NIS power range channel. [C.1]            o
                 [3.2]     RESTORE calorimetric power indication prior to next
                           required performance of O-SI-OPS-092-078.0,                    o
                 [3.3]     IF LEFM CANNOT be restored prior to
                           O-SI-OPS-092-078.0 being required,
                           ENSURE power is less than or equal to 98.7%
                           (3411 MWr) prior to perform ing O-SI-OPS-092-078.0:
                           *     REDUCE turb ine load as necessary .                      o
                            *    MAINTAIN T AVG and AFD on program using
                                 boration and/or rod insertion as necessary .             o
         SQN                   NORMAL POWER OPERATION               O-GO*S
(     Unit 1 & 2                                                    Rev. 0047
                                                                    Page 60 of 93
           STARTUP No,                  _                Unit _ _                  Date      _
  5.2      At Power Conditi ons (continued)
                 [3.4]      PERFORM O-SI-OPS-0 92-078 ,O using U-1118 or
                            alternate method ,                                           o
                 [3.5]      MAINTAIN power less than or equal to 98.7%
                            (3411 MWf) UNTIL LEFM is restored
                            and O-SI-OPS-092-078,O is re-performed using LEFM
                            data.                                                        o
            [4 ]     MAINTAIN rod control system in automatic to allow prope r
                     plant response to load redu ctions and runbacks.                    o
            [5]      DURING steady state opera tion ~ 85% RTP MAINTAIN contro l
                     bank 0 greater than 215 steps if possible and A FD within the
                     nominal +/- 5% target band and also within the AFD limits
                     spe cified in the COLR.                                             o
            [6]      DURING steady state operati on < 85% RTP MAINTAIN control
                     bank 0 greater than 165 steps if possible and the axial flux

( difference (AFD) within the nominal +/- 5% target band and also

                     within the AFD limits specified in the COLR.                        o
            [7]      OPERATE the turbine in IMP OUT due to inherent system
                     swings during operation in IMP IN. (Operation in IMP IN is
                     permitted during governo r valve testinq.)                          o
   Valve position limiter shou ld normally be maintained - 2% above governor valve position
    unless load swing s occur.
             [8]     IF unsatisfactory load swings are observed , THEN
                     ADJUST governor valve position limiter as necessa ry to limit
                     governor valve motion.
                                                                                     1st    CV


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          STARTUP No.               _                   Unit _ _                     Date          _
 5.2      At Power Conditions (conti nued)
  Do NOT ra ise t he l im iter position unless the tu rb ine control is posit ive ly co ntro lling
  the t urbine (limit light NOT LIT).
           [9]     IF governor valve motion limiting is no longer needed ,
               [9.1]     ADJUST SETTER /REFERENCE contro ls to reduce
                         turbine loading until the VALVE pas LIMIT light is NOT
                         LIT.                                                                   o
               [9.2]     INCREASE VA LVE pas LIMITER setpoi nt to
                         - 2% above current load, ENSURIN G load does NOT
                         change.                                                                o
           [10]    IF an axial xenon osci llation develo ps and requires
                   suppression, THEN
               [10.1]    MOVE control bank inward when AFD is moving posit ive
                         above target A FD, OR
               [10.2]    MOVE control bank outward when AF D is moving
                         negative below target AFD, AND
                          HOLD A FD at target until oscillation is suppressed .                 o
                [10.3]    IF this basic first overtone control is insufficient,
                          CONTACT Reactor Engineering for assistance.                           o


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          STARTUP No.               _               Uni t _ _                    Date         _
 5.2      At Power Conditions (continued)
  Lowering load on the Main Generator will cause VARs to trend in the positive direction
  (toward outgoing ). This will require lowering generator voltage. Conversely, raising
  generator load will cause VARs to trend in the negative direction and will require raising
  generator voltage. Refer to GOI-6 Section E for MVAR limits for gener ator stability. Refer
  precautions Q . R. and S.
          [11)     PERFORM the following as required:
              [11.1]    IF Automatic Voltage Control is in service.
                        ADJUST Main Generator VARs USING
                        [HS-57 -22] Exciter Voltage Auto Adjuster as necessary
                        during power escalation.
               [11.2)   IF Automa tic Voltage Control is NOT in service ,
                        ADJUST Main Generator VARs USING
                        [HS -57-231 Exciter Voltage Base Adjuster as necessary
                        during power escalation.
   Deboration using a mixed bed demin is normally used when less than 50 ppm but may be
   used between 50-100 ppm if recomme nded by Chemistry or if required due to dilution
   capability NOT available.
           [12]    PERFORM the following as necessary to maintain T-avg and
                   thermal power at desired value:
               [12.1]    ADJUST RCS boron concentration in accordance with
                         0-SO-62-? Boron Concentration Control                              0
                [12.2]   ADJUST control rod position in accordance with
                         0-SO-85-1. Control Rod Drive System                                o


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          STARTUP No.               _               Unit _ _                     Date   _
 5.2      At Power Conditions (con tinued)
              [12.3]    ADJUST turbine load slightly                                  o
              [12.4]    DEBORATE RCS periodically using a mixed bed demin
                        in accordance with 1,2-S0 -62-9 (if RCS boron less than
                         100 ppm)                                                     0
  Appendix 0 provides recommended power values for maintaining condensate pressure if
  secondary plant equipment must be removed from service for maintenance.
           [13]   IF unit shutdown or load reduction is required, THEN
                  GO TO Section 5.3 of this instruction.
           [14]   IF Load Follow is required, THEN
                  PERFORM Section 5.5, Load Follow Operations .
           [15]   IF at end of cycle and a power coastdown is required,
                  PERFORM Section 5.4, Power Coastdown At End Of Life.
                                           END OF TEXT


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           STARTUP No.                                 Unit      I                   Date Tu4,
 5.3       Power Reduction From 100% to 30%
  1)   Th is section may be used to reduce power to -30% during plant shu tdown OR a
       portion of this se ction may be performed to reduce power as req uired by plan t
       co ndition s. Steps which are not required for partial load reduction may be marked N/A
       with SM conc urrence as specified by SPP-2 .2.
  2)   Appendix D provides guidan ce on recomme nde d powe r valu es to maintain
        condensate pressure if seconda ry plant eq uipment must be remo ved from service for
  3)    Steps 5.3[2J thro ugh 5.3[6] may be perfo rmed out of seque nce .
           [1]      ENSURE Section 4.0, Prerequ isites complete.                          RIll'
           [2]      REVIEW of Pre cautions and Limitations Section 3.0 has been
                    completed.                                                               ~
           [3]      NOTIFY RA DCO N of imp ending load red uction .                          J!(
           [4)      NOTIFY CON DI operators of load red uct ion and to remove
                    beds as needed .                                                         [B'"
           [5]      NOTIFY Load Dispatcher of impending load reduction.                      IQ'"
   Lowering load on the Main Gen era tor will cause VARs to tre nd in the positive direction
   (toward outgoing). This will req uire lowering generator voltage. Refer to GOI-6 Se ction E
   for MVAR limits for generator stability.
            [6]      PERFORM the followi ng as req uired:
                [6.1]     IF A utomatic Vo ltage Con trol is in service,
                          ADJ UST Main Generator VARs USING
                          [HS- 57-221 Exciter Voltage Auto Adjuster as necessary
                          during power escalation.                                        !/fl
                [6 .2)    IF Automatic Vo ltag e Con tro l is NOT in service ,
                          ADJUST Ma in Generator VARs USING
                          [HS-57 -231 Exciter Voltage Base Adjuster as necessary
                          during power escalation.
        SQN               NORMAL POWER OPERATION                   0-GO-5
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          STARTUP No,              _                 Unit    I                    Date~
 5.3      Power Reduction From 100"10 to 30"10 (continued)
  1)  Guidance on restoration of EHC Controls after a BOP runback is contained in
      Appendix B, Turbine Runback Restoration. [CAl
  2)  For core operating recommendations for situations such as end of core life coast down
      or unusual power maneuvers , contact Reactor Engineering for guidance . [C.5]
  3)  It is recommended that AFD be controlled within the target band.
  4)  The following general approach should be used during power reduction:
      (a) borate RCS to reduce RCS T AVG within limits of T REF. (b) reduce turbine load to
      match T REF with TAVG
      (c) periodically take rod control to MANUAL from AUTO and insert the bank to move
      AFD near the target value, (d) return rod control to AUTO when not using the bank to
      control AFD;' and
      (e) repeat the above as necessary to accomplish the load change.
  5)  Actions effecting reactivity are directed in the following step. 0-SO-62-7 requirements
      shall be adhered to for reactivity changes (Le. reactivity balance, amounts of boric acid
      or water). All appropriate verifications and peer checks shall be utilized during
           [7]   INITIATE a load reduction .                                                o


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           STARTUP No.                _                Unit _ _                      Date    _
 5.3       Pow er Reduction From 100% to 30% (continued)
           [8]      MONITOR turbine load decreasing.                                      o
  Do NOT exceed a load change rate of plus o r minus 5%/minute or a step change of
  T AVG is programmed from 578.2°F at 100% power to 547°F at zero power at a rate of
  0.312°F per % power.
            [9]      MONITOR the following during the load reduction:
                 [9,1]    TAVG following TREF program,                                    o
                 [9,2]    All RPls, group step counters for rod insertion limits and
                          inoperable rods or rod misalignment, Loop "'T, and NIS
                          for correct power distribution and quadrant power tilts.        o
                 [9.3]    Core AFD within +/- 5% control band around the power
                          level dependent target value.                                   o
  Valve position limit and governor control meter are displayed on EHC Display
   panel 1,2-XX-047-2000 (M-2).
                 [9.4 ]    Valve position limit approximately 10% above the current
                           governor control indication as turbine load is changed.        o
             [1 0]   IF AFD remains outside the AFD target band for approximately
                     30 min or more, THEN
                     CONTACT Reactor Engineering as to why and when the AFD
                     might be returned to the target band.                                 0
        SQN                 NORMAL POWER OPERATION                0-GO-5
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          STARTUP No.                                Unit _ _                    Date         _
  5.3     Powe r Reduction From 100% to 30% (con tinued)
   1)  8 hutdown of the condensate demineralizer booster pumps should be based on header
       press ure, the ability of the drain tank pumps to pump forward , or 8ystem Engineering
   2)  The following step may be marked N/A if reducing power as specified by AOP-8 .04,
       Conde nsate and Heater Drains Malfunction , or as specified by Appendix D. In this
       case, all available condensate and heater drain pumps should remain in service to
       maintain adequate condensate pressure.
           [11]    WHEN reactor power is approximately 85 to 90%, THEN
                   PERFORM the following:
               [11.1 ]  IF three condensate demineralizer booster pumps are in
                        service, THEN
                        EVALUATE removing one (1) condensate demineralizer
                        booster pump in accordance with 1,2-80-213-1.
               [11.2J   IF two condensate demineralizer booster pumps are in
                         service, THEN
                         EVA LUATE removing both condensate demineralizer
                         booster pumps in accordance with 1,2-80-2/3-1.
                [11.3]   STOP one (1) condensate booster pump in accordance
                         with 1,2-80-2/3-1.
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         STARTUP No.               _                Unit _ _                   Date    _
 5.3     Power Reduction From 100% to 30% (continued)
  0-SI-OPS-092-078.0 may be performed at the discretion of the Operator if one or more
  PRMs is indicating close to the +/- 2% tolerance.
          [12]    PERFORM the following at approximately 80% reactor power:
              [12.1]   IF LEFM indication is available, THEN
                       CALCULATE Calorimetric power:
          Calorimetric power= U2118                  =      - - -%            D
              [12.2}-  IF LEFM indication is NOT available, THEN
                       CALCULATE reactor power:
          Calorimetric power= U2118                  =      - - _%            D
               [12.3]  VERIFY that all NIS Power Range A channel drawers
                        are within +/- 2% of the calculated calorimetric power.
                            N-41     (XI-92-5005B)      YES D     NOD
                            N-42     (XI-92-5006B)      YES D     NOD
                            N-43     (XI-92-5007B)      YES D     NOD
                            N-44     (XI-92-5008B)      YES D     NOD
               [12.4]   IF any of the above steps are checked NO, THEN
                        PERFORM 0-SI-OPS-092-078.0.
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           STARTUP No.             _                Unit _ _                     Date    _
  5.3      Power Reduction From 100% to 30% (continued)
   Turbine Impulse pressure relay lights are located on L-262.Relay lights are dark when
   relays are NOT armed. Relay NO.4 is a spare.
           [13]    WHEN turbine load less than 71% (Unit 1) 72% (Unit 2),
                   PERFORM one of the following (N/A substep not performed):
               [1 3.1J  VERIFY Turbine Runback circuits are NOT armed by
                        performing the following:
                        A.   ENSURE [PIS-47 *13RLY11 1 (Turbine runback from
                             MFP loss) is NOT LIT.
                        B.   ENSURE [PIS-47*13RLY21 1 (Turbine runback from
                             NO.3 HOT) is NOT LIT.
                        C.   ENSURE [PIS-47*13RLY31 , (Closure of
                             LCV-6-106B from Loss of any #3 HOTP) is NOT
                [13 .2] VERIFY Turbine Runback circuits are NOT armed by
                        performing the following:
                        A.   ENSURE [FU2*47 *13AJ, (Turbine runback from
                             MFP loss) REMOVED (Aux Inst Rm. R71).
                        B.   ENSURE [FU2*500*R071 K3J 1 (Turbine runback
                             from NO.3 HOT) REMOVED (Aux Inst Rm R-75).
                        C.   ENSURE jumper betwee n P1 8-1 and P1 8-2 in
                             Pnl 262, (Closure of LCV-6-106 B from Loss of any
                             #3 HDTP) REMOVED .
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           STARTUP No,               _              Unit _ _                   Date         _
 5.3       Power Reduction From 100% to 30% (continued)
  Valves LCV-6-106A and 106B shall be verified to be controlling properly during unit
  load reduction .
  1)  One MFWP is normally removed from service at 45% turbine load but, if necessary,
      may be removed from service at power level less than 55% (Unit 1) or 65% (Unit 2) if
      approved by the Operations Superintendent
  2)   If holding at a power level less than 60% the condensate demineralizer booster pumps
       may be left running.
  3)   Shutdown 01 the condensate demineralizer booster pumps and
      #3 heater drain pumps should be based upon header pressure and ability of the drain
       tank pumps to pump forward.
           [14]   WHEN between 55 to 70% turbine load, THEN
                  PERFORM the following:
               [14.1]    SIMULTANEOUSLY STOP both operating condensate
                         demineralizer booster pumps in accordance with
                         1,2-S0-2/3-1 (N/A if NOT in service).
               [14.2]    VERIFY #3 HOT runback NOT armed by ensuring either
                         (N/A method NOT used)
                         Step 5.3[13.1]B completed
                         Step 5.3[13.2]B completed.


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            STARTUP No .                                Unit _ _                   Date     _
  5.3       Power Reduction From 100% to 30% (continued)
                [14.3J    .STOP one of the three #3 heater drain tank pumps in
                         . accordance with 1,2-80-5-2.
                [14.4]     DISPATCH an AUO to perform one of the following to
                           align steam seals to the unit:
                           A.   IF Auxiliary 8team Header is available and other
                                unit is greater than 55% load, THEN
                                ALIGN opposite units #3 Extraction to supply steam
                                seals in accordance with 0-80-12-1 .                      D
                           B.   IF the #3 Extraction on the opposite unit is NOT
                                available THEN
                                PLACE the Auxiliary Boiler in service in accordance
                                with 0-80-12-1 , OR
                                 ENSURE steam seals are being supplied from the
                                 unit's main steam supply.                                D
   0-81-0P8-092-078.0 may be performed at discretion of Operator if one or more PRMs is
    indicating close to the +/- 2% tolerance.
             [15]    PERFORM the following at approximately 60% reactor power:
                 [15.1]    IF LEFM indication is available,
                            CALCULATE Calorimetric power:
             Calorimetric power= U2118                    =     - - _%            D 34.55
                 [15.2]     IF LEFM indication is NOT available,
                            CALCULATE reactor power:
             Calorimetric power= U1118                    =     - - _%            D 34.55
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           STARTUP No..             _               Unit _ _                    Date _
  5.3       Power Reduction From 100% to 30% (continued)
               [15.3J   VERIFY that all NIS Power Range A channel drawers
                      . are within +/- 2% of the calculated calorimetric power.
                            N-41    (XI-92-5005B)     YES 0     NO 0
                            N-42    (XI-92-5006B)     YES 0     NO 0
                            N-43    (XI-92-5007B)     YES 0     NO 0
                            N-44    (XI-92-5008B)     YES 0     NO 0
               [15.4]   IF any of the above steps are checked NO,
                        PERFORM O-SI-OPS-092-078.0.
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         STARTUP No.                                 Uni t _ _                    Date   _
 5.3     Power Reduc tion From 100% to 30% (continued)
  Steps 5.3[16] through 5.3[18] may be performed out of sequence.
          [16]     WHEN between 40% and 65% turbine load, THEN
                   STOP one of the two #7 heater drain tank pumps in
                   accordance with 1,2-S0-5-3.
          [17]     WHEN reactor power is approximately 50%, THEN
                   VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4A, window E-4:
                                P-9 LOW POWER
                                TURB TRIP-REAC
                                  TRIP BLOCK                is LIT.
           [181    WHEN approximately 45% turbine load, THEN
                   PERFORM the following:
               [18.1]    IF operating with two main feedwater pumps in service,
                         SHUTDOWN one main feedwater pump in accordance
                         with 1,2-S0-2/3-1.
                [18.2]   STOP the second #7 heater drain tank pump in
                         accordance with 1,2-S0 -5-3.
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          STAR TUP No.             _                 Uni t _ _                   Date    _
  5.3     Powe r Reduction From 100% t o 30% (continued)
   0-SI-OPS-092-078 .0 may be performed at the discretion of the Operator if one or more
   PRMs is indicating close to the +/- 2% tolerance.
           [1 9]     PERFORM the following at approximately 40% reactor power:
                [19.1]   IF LEFM indication is available,
                         CALCU LATE Calorimetric power:
           Calorimetric power= U2118                  =      -   - _%          D
                [19.2J   IF LEFM indication is NOT available,
                         CALCULATE reactor power:
           Calorimetric power= U2118                   =     - - - %           D
                 [1 9.3] VERIFY that all NIS Power Range A channel drawers
                         are within +/- 2% of the calculated calorimetric power.
                              N-41     (XI-92-5005B)   YES D      NOD
                              N-42     (XI-92-5006B)   YES D      NO D
                              N-43     (XI-92-5007B)    YES D     NOD
                              N-44     (XI-92-5008B)    YES D     NOD
                  [19.4]  IF any of the above steps are checked NO,
                          PERFORM 0-SI-O PS-092-078.0.
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          STARTUP No.            _                 Unit _ _                     Date      _
 5.3      Power Reduction From 100"/0 to 30"/0 (continued)
  AM8 AC is blocked when less than 40"10 turbine load for greater than 360 seconds (time
          [20]    WHEN less than 40"10 turbine load, THEN
                  VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4A, window E-7:
                                 C-20 AMSAC
                                                      is DARK.
          [211    WHEN approximately 35"10 reactor power, THEN
                  VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4A, window C-5:
                           P-8 LOW POWER
                            LOW FLOW TRIP
                                 BLOCK                    is LIT.
           [22)   WHEN approximately 30"10 turbine load, THEN
               [22.1]  STOP the two operating #3 heater drain pumps in
                       accordance with 1,2-8 0 -5-2.
               [22.2)  STOP one of the two operating condensate booster
                       pumps in accordance with 1,2-80-2/3-1.
               [22.3]  STOP one of the three operating hotwell pumps in
                       accordance with 1,2-80-2/3- 1.
       SQN                 NORMAL POWER OPERATION                0-GO-5
     Unit 1 & 2                                                  Rev. 0047

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         STARTUP No.,                _              Unit _ _                   Date   _
 5.3     Power Reduction From 100% to 30% (co ntinued)
         [23]   STAB ILIZE the plant at approximately 30% reactor power with
                reliable steam flow/feed flow indications.                          0
         [24]   IF further load reduction is required,THEN
                GO TO 0-GO-6, Power Reduction from 30% Rea ctor Power To
                Hot Standby,
          [25]  IF main turbine shutdown is desired while holding reactor
                power at approximately 30%, THEN
                GO TO 0-GO-11, Turbine Shutdown Without Reactor
          [26]  IF reactor shutdown and turbine shutdown is required THEN
                GO TO 0-GO-6, Power Reduction from 30% Reactor Power To
                 Hot Standby.
          [27]   IF unit is to return to 100% power operation, THEN
                 GO TO Section 5.0 of this instruction.
                                           END OF TEXT
          saN               NORMAL POWER OPERATION                     0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                       Rev. 0047


                                                                       Page 77 of 93
            STARTUP No.              _                   Unit _ _                    Date      _
  5.4        Power Coastdown at End of Life
   Do NOT exceed the positive Ax ial Flux Difference (AFD) limit of TI*28 d uring power
   1)    The power level of the reactor and turbine slowly coastdown from full power
         appro ximately 0.8% per day with TAVG and T REF maintained on program. The core
         cycle may be extended for 30 days or more. The coastdown enables the plant to
         reach the refueling date with a core bumup within the prescribed bum up window if the
         normal cycle length is insufficie nt for the calendar refueling date.
   2)    For core operating recommendations during coastdown or unusual power maneuvers ,
         contact Reactor Engineering for guidance. [C.5]
             [1]   ENSURE Precautions and Limitations have been reviewed.                 o
             [2]   ENSURE ReS boron concentrat ion is less than 50 ppm,
                   OR at a higher level acceptable to chemistry .
             [3]   ENSURE HUTs have sufficient capacity to hold excess water
                   from the dilution process.
    TAV G is programmed from 578.2°F at 100% power to 54JOF at zero power at a rate of
    0.312°F per % power.
             [4]    MONITOR T AVG on program with T REF within +/- 1.5°F.                   o
        SQN                  NORMAL POWER OPERATION                 0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                    Rev. 0047

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          STARTUP No.                _               Unit _ _                     Date      _
 5.4      Power Coastdown at End of Li fe (continued)
  Lowering load on the Main Generator will cause VARs to trend in the positive direction
  (toward outgoing). This will require lowering generator voltage. Refer to GOI-6 Section E
  for MVAR limits for generator stability. Refer to precautions Q , R, and S.
           [5]      PERFORM the following as required:
                [5.1]     IF Automatic Voltage Control is in service,
                          ADJUST Main GeneratorVARs USING
                          [HS-57-221 Exciter Voltage Auto Adjuster as necessary
                          during power escalation .
                [5.2] -   IF Auto matic Voltage Control is NOT in service,
                          ADJUST Main Generator VARs USING
                          [HS-57-231 Exciter Voltage Base Adjuster as necessary
                          during power escalation.
           [6]      WHEN RCS boron is less than or equal to approximately
                    40 ppm OR when recommended by Chemistry, THEN
                    DE-BORATE RCS periodically as necessary to maintain TAVG
                    on program using 1,2-S0-62-9 (Placing Mixed Bed Demin in
                    ~~~) .                                                               0
            [7]     IF de-boration using Mixed Bed Demineralizer or dilution
                    becomes ineffective for maintaining TAVG on program
                    with T REF,
                    WITHDRAW control rods to maintain TAVG on program
                    USING 0-SO-85-1 .


          SON                 NORMAL POWER OPERATION                      0-GO-5
        Un it 1 & 2                                                       Rev. 0047

( Paae 79 of 93

             STARTUP No.                                  Unit                          Date
    5.4      Power Coastdown at End of Life (cont inued)
             [8]     IF an axial xenon oscillation develops and requires
                     supp ression, THEN
                 [8.1]     MOVE control bank inward when AF D is moving positive
                           above target AF D,
                                                                                         1st    CV
                 [8.2J     MOVE control bank outward when AFD is moving
                            negative below target AFD ,
                                                                                          1st   CV
                            HOLD AFD at target until oscillation is suppressed.               0
                 [8.3]      IF this basic first overtone control is insufficient, THEN
                            CONTACT Reactor Engineering for assistance.                       0
         SQN                  NORMAL POWER OPERATION                   0-GO-5
      Unit 1 & 2                                                       Rev. 0047

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           STARTUP No.                                   Unit _ _                       Date      _
 5.4       Power Coastdown at End o f Life (continued)
  Th e annu nc iato r fo r Bank 0 Rod Wi thdrawal Lim it High (XA-55-4B, window 21) will be
  illuminated wh en rods are wit hdrawn to z 220 steps on 0 control rod bank.
           (9)      W HEN control rods have been withdrawn to the fully
                    withd rawn pos ition , THEN
               [9.1)       DECREASE t urbine load slowly (less than 1% per hour)
                           as necessary to mainta in TAVG on program with T REF.              o
               [9.2]       MAINTAIN valve posi tion limit approxima tely 10% above
                           the current governo r control indication as turb ine load is
                           ch anged .                                                         o

( T he governor valve pos ition li mit meter may NOT match the governor valve position

   meter; therefore, monitor t h e megawatt meter and valve position lim it light
   continuously during t he fo ll owi ng adjustment.
   O peration with the VA LVE POS LIMIT light LIT is acceptable if unsatisfactory load swings
   are experienced .
            [10]     IF unsatisfactory load swings are expe rienced as the tu rbine
                     load is dec reased , THEN
                [10.1)      SLOWLY and CAUTIOUSLY PULSE the governor
                            VALVE POS ITIO N LIMIT in the LOWER di rectio n wh ile
                            mo nitoring meg awatts fo r a decrease and the VALV E
                            POS LIMIT light to ILLUMINATE .
                                                                                          1st    CV
                 [10 .2)    WHEN the lim iter just reaches the governor valve
                            position (Valve Pos Limit light shou ld be lit), THEN

( STOP limiter adjustmen t. o }}