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Initial Submittal of the Scenarios for the Byron Initial Examination - June 2006
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/19/2006
From: Palagi B
50-454/06-301, 50-455/06-301
Download: ML062910346 (98)


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Byron Scenario No.: 06-1 Op-Test No.: 2006-301 Examiners: _______________________ Operators: ______________________ SRO

_______________________ ______________________ RO

_______________________ ______________________ BOP Initial Conditions: IC-16; 56% power, MOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state, 1B Diesel Generator OOS, 1C HD pump OOS.

Turnover: The plant is at 56% power, due to a forced down power from 100% 4 days ago to repair a seal leak on 1C FW pump, 595 Mwe, MOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state, 6400 EFPH, 1025 ppm boron concentration. The Unit was previously at 100% power for 89 days. The repairs were completed on 1C FW pump and 1C FW pump was returned to service last shift. The 1B Diesel Generator is OOS for Turbo Charger work. The DG has been OOS for 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> and is expected to be returned to service by the end of the shift. LCOAR for Tech Spec 3.8.1 Condition B has been entered; 1BOSR 8.1.1-1 was performed 30 minutes prior to shift turnover. 1C HD Pump is OOS for seal replacement and is expected back by the end of shift. Power Team has notified Byron Unit 1 to raise power to 1235 MWe as soon as possible. 1BGP 100-3 is in use and currently at Step F.63. The Shift Manager has directed a maximum ramp rate of 3% power per hour to commence as soon as possible. On-line Risk is yellow.

Event Malf. Event Event Type*

No. No. Description Preload MRF EG09 MAINT_O 1B DG OOS IOR ZDI1HSDG028 PTL ACB 1423 OOS IOR ZLO1HSDG0201 OFF 1B DG STOP Light IOR ZDI1HD01PC PTL 1C HD Pump OOS IMF TC03 Turbine fails to Auto trip from reactor trip IMF SI01A Prevent 1A SI pump start MRF RP30 OUT Fails K607 (Phase A) on Train A IMF PN0680 (1 5:00) ON Indication of RCP 1D Lower Oil Reservoir Level Low IMF PN1760 (1 4:50) ON Loose Parts Monitoring Impact Noise Level IMF TH16D (1 5:00) RCP 1D Trip IMF TH04D (2 1) 800 Loop 1D Hot Leg Leak 1 US Direct the Unit ramp to 1235 MWe power.

R RO Perform Reactivity calculation for ramp to 1235 MWe Ramp the Unit to 1235 MWe power N BOP Ramp the Unit to 1235 MWe power 2 IMF CV16 0 I RO Volume Control Tank (VCT) level channel 1LT-CV112 fails low Demanding Auto Makeup to VCT.

3 IMF RX01K 0 I BOP Steam Generator 1D controlling Steam Pressure channel fails low requiring Manual control of 1D SG Main Feed Reg Valve.

US Enter Tech Spec 3.3.2 for actions.

4 ED11D C ALL Loss of Instrument Bus 114 due to a bus fault. Tech Spec 3.8.9 required shutdown within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

5 IOR ZDIBKSEL AUTO C RO Uncontrolled inward rod motion requiring a manual reactor trip IMF RX17 -4.25 M ALL per 1BOA ROD-1.

6 IMF TC03 C BOP Turbine fails to Auto trip from reactor trip - Manual Turbine Trip required 7 IMF PN0680 (1 5:00) ON M ALL Indication of RCP 1D Lower Oil Reservoir Level Low IMF PN1760 (1 4:50) ON Loose Parts Monitoring Impact Noise Level IMF TH17D (1 5:00) RCP 1D Trip IMF TH04D (2 1) 800 Loop 1D Hot Leg Leak

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Transient Byron Demo 06-1 nrc.doc Page 1 4/21/2006

SCENARIO 2006-1 OVERVIEW The scenario will begin at ~56% power, MOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state. The 1B Diesel Generator is OOS for Turbo Charger work. The DG has been OOS for 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> and, is expected to be returned to service by the end of the shift. LCOAR for Tech Spec 3.8.1 Condition B has been entered; 1BOSR 8.1.1-1 has been completed in last 30 minutes. Power Team requires a Byron Unit 1 ramp to 1235 MWe power as soon as possible.

The RO will be required to perform a reactivity calculation and coordinate with the BOP and commence the ramp to 1235 MWe power.

After a Unit ramp is in progress, Volume Control Tank (VCT) level channel 1LT-CV112 will fail low resulting in Auto Makeup to the VCT. The crew will batch the dilution in increments as desired and place VCT in AUTO makeup after each batch. The failure will require placing makeup level control in Manual for the VCT. Tech Spec LCO 3.3.9 for BDPS includes this VCT level channel, however applicability is only for Modes 3, 4, 5. The SRO should place this on the Degraded Equipment List (DEL)

After the crew recognizes the repercussions of 1LT-CV112, the 1D SG controlling steam pressure channel, 1PT 545A, will fail low requiring manual control of the 1D SG feedwater regulating valve. The SRO will enter 1BOA INST-2, for the failed SG Steam pressure channel and direct actions to restore the 1D feedwater regulating valve to automatic control. Tech Spec 3.3.2, Conditions A and D apply.

Following the required actions for the SG pressure channel failure, a loss of Instrument Bus 114 will occur due to a fault on the Instrument Bus. This will require performance of 1BOA ELEC-2 to stabilize and recover the plant. The US will address Tech Spec 3.8.9, which requires a shutdown to Hot Standby within 8 Hours. Several actions will be required as a result of not being able to restore power to the Instrument Bus.

After actions have been taken to stabilize the plant, the rods will begin to insert requiring a manual Reactor Trip per 1BOA ROD-1. The Turbine will not trip from the Reactor Trip signal and will require manual action to trip.

Following immediate actions of 1BEP-0 and transition to 1BEP ES-0.1, an RCP oil problem develops for the 1D RCP leading to a trip of 1D RCP, and a small LOCA (800 gpm) on the 1D RCS Loop Hot Leg. This will require reentry into 1BEP-0 upon SI actuation. The 1A SI pump will fail to start and trip if manually started and the 1B SI pump will have to be manually started, as well as all other B Train equipment. Phase A Train A (K607) failure, along with the Instrument Bus 114 failure, will require manual valve operation of numerous B Train valves. The scenario will continue with 1BEP-0 and transition to 1BEP-1 to stabilize and recover the plant.

The scenario ends with entry into 1BEP-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant.

ERG Based Critical Tasks:

1. E-0J: Manually start 1B SI pump prior to transition out of 1BEP-0.
2. E-0O: Manually close Phase A valves before transition out of 1BEP-0.

SCENARIO 06-1 SIMULATOR OPERATOR NOTES Byron Demo 06-1 nrc.doc Page 2 4/21/2006

Simulator Setup:

Reset to IC-16; 56% power, MOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state, 1B DG OOS, 1C HD pump OOS.

Go to run.

Run batch file by typing bat a:/06-1 Align switches:

1B DG C/S PTL and OOS ACB 1423 PTL and OOS 1C HD pump C/S PTL and OOS Insure 1D SG selected to control from steam pressure channel 1PT545 (select 1FI-543)

Place LCOAR placards for: 1B DG LCO 3.8.1 Condition B Place On-Line risk to YELLOW Place Protected Equipment placards on 1A DG and ACB 1413 C/Ss Provide copies of turnover sheets Provide 1BGP 100-3 Flowchart to Step F63 Provide a copy of 1BOL 8.1 for 1B DG inoperability Perform Ready for Training checklist.

Insert all PRELOAD Events from page 1 Set AB Pot to 4.0 for 1025 ppm boron Event 1 Perform a reactivity calculation using 1BCB Figure 35 (Rod position will be assumed as ARO, 221 steps on CB D at completion of ramp). Commence a ramp up to 1235 MWe power as requested by the Power team.

Event 2 VCT level channel 1LT-CV112 fails low.

Initiate event after load ramp is in progress, when a batch is completed and the VCT Makeup MODE SELECT switch has been placed in AUTO, with the lead examiners concurrence.

Acknowledge all info passed to the SM, WEC, and maintenance.

SDG: CV3 IMF CV16 0 Event 3 Steam Generator 1D controlling Steam Pressure channel fails low (1PT545A).

Initiate event after event 2 actions completed Acknowledge all info passed to the SM, WEC, and maintenance.

SDG: RX16 IMF RX01K 100 If requested to trip bistables, and lead examiner wants to see this action:

MRF RP21 OPEN/CLOSE MRF RX 095 Trip MRF RX 096 Trip Event 4 Loss of Instrument Bus 114 Initiate event after event 3 actions are completed, with the lead examiners concurrence. Acknowledge info passed to SM, WEC, and maintenance. When asked, report the bus appears to be damaged and the Inverter 114 AC output breaker is tripped.

SDG: ED7 IMF ED11D Event 5/6 Uncontrolled Rod Insertion requiring Manual Rx Trip and failure of the turbine to Auto Trip.

Initiate event after actions for the loss of Inst Bus 114 have been addressed, including Tech Spec 3.8.9, and with lead Byron Demo 06-1 nrc.doc Page 3 4/21/2006

examiners concurrence. Acknowledge info passed to SM, WEC, maintenance, and in plant operators SDG: RD1 IOR ZDIBKSEL AUTO IMF RX17 -4.25; IMF TC03 (preloaded)

Event 7 Low 1D RCP Lower Oil reservoir Level Low and RCP 1D Trip followed by Loop 1D Hot Leg Break.

Malfunction actuates from the reactor trip and will occur 5 minutes following the reactor trip.

Acknowledge info passed to SM, WEC, and maintenance.

SDG: TH6 IMF PN0680 ON (1 5:00)

IMF TH17D (1 5:00)

IMF TH04D (2 1) 800 Byron Demo 06-1 nrc.doc Page 4 4/21/2006

Scenario No.: 06-1 Event No.: 1 Event


Perform Reactivity calculation for ramp to 1235 Mwe and commence the ramp to 1235 Mwe.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES: Directed to perform during turnover RO Performs reactivity calculation for Unit 1 ramp to 1235 Mwe power.

(Should calculate ~2500-3000 gal dilution and setup to add 40-70%)

BOP US Fill out Rx Change Briefing Sheet Direct actions for ramp to 1235 Mwe power.

Monitor effects of dilution Direct how rods will be moved during the power change.

RO Initiate dilution (BOP CV-5)

  • Place MU MODE CONT SWITCH to STOP position.
  • Set MU MODE SELECT to DIL or ALT DIL position.
  • Set 1FK-111 PW/Total Flow Cont Pot to desired dilution rate.
  • Verify 1CV111A in AUTO
  • Set 1FY-0111 Primary Water Control Preset Counter to desired volume.(batch values)
  • Verify 1CV111B & 1CV110B in AUTO
  • Place MAKE-UP CONTROL Switch to START
  • Verify proper operation of valves & PW pump (1CV111A &111B OPEN, PW pump is running, (and 110B opens, if in ALT DIL)
  • Verify expected PW flow on recorder 1FR-110
  • Monitor Dilution effects
  • Verify at least two B/U Heater groups ON and spray valves 1RY455B/C modulate OPEN.
  • Monitor for RCS Tave rise.

BOP Initiate turbine load ramp: Using graphic 5501(may use 1BGP 100-3 step or 100-3T4 load swing sheet)

Verify/Select Impulse Pressure IN

  • ENTER 1120 (or 1125 from Load Swing Sheet) in the REF DEMAND window
  • ENTER 5 MW/MIN rate in the RATE window Inform US/RO of pending rise in turbine load
  • SELECT GO (when RO reports expected Tave rise)

Verify load rises as expected.

NOTE: The next event may be entered at lead examiners direction after 5-10% power change and VCT makeup MODE SELECT switch has been placed in AUTO.


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Scenario No.: 06-1 Event No.: 2 Event


VCT level channel 1LT-CV112 fails low.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES: Annunciators:

1-9-A2 VCT LEVEL HIGH HIGH/LOW 1LI-112 VCT level indicator bottom of scale VCT Auto Makeup started RO/US Identify/report failure of 1LT-CV112 RO/US

  • Refer to BAR 1-9-A2 for operator actions
  • Stop AUTO VCT makeup by:

o Placing the VCT Makeup MODE SELECT switch in any position but AUTO, OR o Place the VCT Makeup Control switch to OFF, OR o Closing 1CV111A and 1CV11B Verify/recognize placing VCT Makeup MODE SEL switch to AUTO will initiate auto Makeup Identify/flag 1LI-112, 1CVLCV112A and VCT Makeup MODE SEL switch Re-verify Dilution line-up ALL

  • Identify loss of auto makeup capabilities to VCT Identify loss of auto modulate VCT Divert to Holdup Tank on high level (1LY-185 will work)

US Identifies Tech Spec 3.3.9 for BDPS includes this channel Places on Degraded Equipment List (DEL)

BOP Monitor plant for effects of power ramp and take any actions directed by the US NOTE: When actions have been completed to respond to failed VCT level channel and lead evaluators concurrence, Event 3 is entered.


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Scenario No.: 06-1 Event No.: 3 Event


Steam Generator 1D controlling steam pressure channel fails low (1PT545A)

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: Annunciators:

1-15-D1 S/G 1D LOW PRESS STEAMLINE ISOL ALERT 1-15-E1 MS PRESS RATE STM LINE ISOL ALERT 1-15-D3 S/G 1D FLOW MISMATCH STM FLOW LOW 1-15-D4 SG 1D FLOW MSMATCH FW FLOW LOW 1-15-D9 S/G 1D LEVEL DEVIATION HIGH LOW 1D SG steam pressure indication zero on 1PT545A 1D SG steam flow low 1D SG feedwater flow dropping 1B &1C FW Pump Speed dropping 1D SG Level dropping BOP/US

o Address 1-15-D9 Alarm response

  • Check 1D SG level, steam flow, feed flow, and determine cause.
  • Take Manual control feed flow to 1D SG.

US Enter and direct actions of 1BOA INST-2, OPERATION WITH A FAILED INSTRUMENT CHANNEL Attachment F

  • Notifies SM of BOA entry

o Determine SG level not normal

  • Take manual control of 1FW540 M/A station and restore SG level to normal
  • Take manual control of 1SK-509A M/A station to maintain MFPs speed to maintain MFRV D/P
  • Restore Automatic level control
  • Restore Automatic MFP speed control ALL
  • Identify/flag TSLB lites associated with failed channel Identify/flag failed channel
  • Request operator to locally trip bistables for the affected channel US Performs administrative requirements
  • Determines Tech Spec for 3.3.2 ESFAS Instrumentation Condition A and D apply
  • Requests IR/WR/LCOAR Considers recommencing ramp RO Monitor plant response to FW transient and take actions directed by the US NOTE: When the above actions have been initiated for the failed SG steam pressure channel and with lead evaluators concurrence, Event 4 is entered. (Bistables may be tripped at lead examiners discretion)


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Scenario No.: 06-1 Event No.: 4 Event


Loss of Instrument Bus 114 Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES: Annunciators:

1-3-D7 AF FLOW CONT VLV SETTING LOW 1 D5 BUS 114 INVERTER TROUBLE and numerous (6) others on this alarm module.

1-10-A3 PWR RNG HIGH STPT RX TRIP ALERT and numerous (7) others on this module.

1-12-C1 PZR PRESS CONT DEV LOW HTRS ON 1-13-A2 RCP BUS UNDERVOLTAGE RX TRIP ALERT 1-13-B2 RCP BUS UNDERFREQUENCY RX TRIP ALERT 1-13-D3 RCP 1D BRKR OPEN OR FLOW ALERT 1-18-A4 TURB STOP VLV CLOSED ALERT 1-18-E16 C-16 STPT EXCEEDED The right side of 1PM07J (NIs) is DARK including PR N44 1PM05J CRTs Dark RO/US Identify/report failure of Instrument Bus 114.

US Refer to 1BOA ELEC-2 for operator actions Place ramp on HOLD RO/ Verify control channels are operable for BOP

  • PZR pressure
  • PZR level
  • Tave
  • Delta-T
  • P Impulse
  • Steam flow
  • Feed flow US
  • Prepare to energize Bus 114 from the CVT RO
  • Direct local operation to prepare CVT to bus 114 and report of local indications of bus condition
  • Contact EMD to investigate damage to bus 114.
  • Refer to Tech Specs 3.8.9 Condition B for action to shutdown within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />
  • Direct local Inverter 114 shutdown.
  • Review Table D impacts for loss of Inst Bus 114 (Below is a portion of the list that will be an impact at this time. All are expected to be addressed)
  • Train B ESF loads will require manual actuation and no reset.
  • Rods will not withdraw in Manual
  • PORV 1RY455A will not open in Auto
  • VCT Auto makeup will not occur.
  • 1AF005E-H will close as soon as flow starts and cannot be controlled from the MCR.
  • 1SD054A-D, SD Blowdown failed closed
  • PR N44 is lost
  • SR audio counts are lost
  • Several TSLBs lit and 1PM05J CRTs are lost Comments:

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US Request maintenance to troubleshoot. Notify SM for IR/WR Consider recommencing the ramp.

NOTE: Actions in 1BOA INST-1(IF evaluator deems this action is necessary). These can be deferred to a request for additional NSOs to assist and the actions in this procedure will be given as a JPM during this exam. With the bus damaged, this is not directed action as part of this BOA action.

BOP Monitor plant for effects, address BARs, and take any actions directed by the US NOTE: When actions have been completed to respond to loss of Inst Bus 114 and lead evaluators concurrence, Event 5 is entered. (recommend continuing as soon as 1BOA ELEC-2 Table D and Tech Spec 3.8.9 have been addressed )


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Scenario No.: 06-1 Event No.: 5 Event


Uncontrolled Rod Insertion Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: Rods begin stepping in with no demand signal.

RO Identify/report Rods stepping in with no demand signal.

US Direct actions in 1BOA ROD-1, Uncontrolled Rod Motion RO o Refer to 1BOA ROD-1

  • Check turbine power - stable
  • Check/place Rod control in MANUAL
  • Check if Rods are still MOVING Place Rods in AUTO, if NOT previously
  • Place ROD BANK SELECT switch in Shutdown Bank D
  • Check if Rods are still moving
  • Manually trip the Reactor

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Scenario No.: 06-1 Event No.: 6 Event


Turbine fails to Auto trip from reactor trip - Manual Turbine trip required Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: Turbine Throttle and Governor Valves are open after the reactor is tripped US Implement 1BEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION and directs operator actions.

  • Notifies SM of EP entry
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Turbine throttle valves NOT closed
  • Turbine governor valves NOT closed
  • Manually Trip the turbine BOP Verify power to 4KV busses
  • Bus 141 alive light lit
  • Bus 142 alive light lit ALL Check SI status
  • SI First OUT annunciator is NOT lit (1-11-B1, 1-11-C1, 1-11-D1, 1-11-E1)
  • SI ACTUATED is NOT lit (1-BP-4.1)
  • SI Equipment is NOT running (SI pumps running, CV Cold leg injection SI8801A/B open)

Check if SI is required

  • PZR pressure is NOT < 1829 psig
  • Steamline pressure is NOT < 640 psig
  • CNMT pressure is < 3.4 psig
  • PZR level can be maintained > 4%


  • Ops expectation is to manually start AF Pumps, since LO-2 will occur.

US Transition to 1BEP ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response Request STA for monitoring BSTs Notify SM to evaluate for E-plan Comments:

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Actions for 1BEP ES-0.1 BOP Verify Generator tripped

  • PMG output breaker open RO Maintain RCS Temperature Control
  • RCS temp stable or trending to 557 °F Determine if Boration required
  • Determine NO boration required BOP Check FW status
  • FW isolation valves lit
  • Trip all HD pumps
  • Total feed flow to SGs- > 500 gpm
  • SG Blowdown isolation valves closed - 1SD002A-H (8)

Event 7 was initiated on a 5 minute time delay from the reactor trip and should be actuated during the steps above.


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Scenario No.: 06-1 Event No.: 7 Event


RCP 1D Trip and Loop 1D Hot leg break Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: Annunciators:

1-13-D6 RCP 1D LOWER OIL RSRVR LVL HIGH LOW 1-13-E9 LOOSE PARTS MONITORING SYSTEM TROUBLE 1-1-A2 CNMT DRAIN LEAK DETECT FLOW HIGH RM-11 1PR011J, CNMT ATMOS PZR pressure dropping PZR level dropping ALL Determine Safety Injection required and manually actuate.


  • Announce Transition back to 1BEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION. And for operators to perform their immediate actions.

Implement 1BEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION and directs operator actions.

  • Notifies SM of EP entry
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Turbine throttle valves closed
  • Turbine governor valves closed BOP Verify power to 4KV busses
  • Bus 141 alive light lit
  • Bus 142 alive light lit ALL Check SI status

SI ACTUATED lit (1-BP-4.1)

SI Equipment running (SI pumps running, CV Cold leg injection SI8801A/B open)

(1A SI pump did not and will not start. 1SI8801B did not open. 1B RH and CV will require manual start)

  • Actuate SI by taking either SI switch to ACTUATE (1PM05J or 1PM06J)

BOP Verify FW isolated

  • FW pumps tripped
  • Isolation monitor lights lit
  • FW pumps discharge valves closed 1FW002A-C Comments:

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RO Verify ECCS pumps running

  • CENT CHG pumps - both running - Manually start 1B when directed


  • RH pumps - both running - Manually start 1B when directed

[ E-0-J]

  • SI pumps - both running - Manually start 1B, 1A SI pump did not and will not start.


  • Verify RCFCs Accident Mode lights lit
  • Stop 1B RCFC running in High speed
  • Verify proper SX valve alignment for RCFCs to run in low speed
  • Start 1B and 1D RCFC in low speed.
  • Verify Phase A isolation - Group 3 monitor lights lit


  • Manually actuate Phase A,

[ E-0-O ]

  • Then close all B Train Phase A valves that are NOT LIT (Numerous)
  • Verify CNMT Ventilation isolation - Group 6 CNMT Vent Isol monitor lights lit Note: With the combination of the inventory loss from the LOCA, RCP trip criteria may be reached prior to the CNMT HI-3/Phase B. In this case, the following should be performed:
  • Check if trip criteria satisfied:
  • HH SI flow >100 gpm OR SI pump discharge flow >200 gpm AND
  • RCS pressure < 1425 psig Trip RCPs if controlled cooldown NOT in progress and above criteria satisfied US/BOP Verify AF system:
  • AF pumps running
  • AF flow control valves throttled 1AF005A-H (E-H will fail closed)

Verify CC Pumps running Start 1B CC pump Verify SX Pump running Start 1B SX pump Check if Main Steamline Isolation required

  • Check SG pressure > 640 psig
  • Check CNMT pressure < 8.2 psig If either condition NOT met then verify MSIVs and MSIV Bypass valves closed
  • Announce Adverse Cnmt conditions when > 5 psig Comments:

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BOP Check if CNMT Spray is required

  • Check CNMT pressure has NOT increased to greater than 20 psig BOP Verify Total AF flow:
  • AF flow > 500 gpm - Only A train AF005s will be open
  • SG levels maintained between 10% (31% Adverse) and 50%
  • SG NR levels NOT increasing in an uncontrolled manner BOP Verify ECCS valve alignment
  • Group 2 Cold Leg Injection monitor lights lit
  • Verify B train valves are properly aligned BOP Verify ECCS flow
  • RCS pressure <1700 psig
  • SI pump discharge flow > 200 gpm
  • RCS pressure > 325 psig RO Check at least one PZR PORV relief path is available
  • PORV isol valve - both ENERGIZED (1RY8000A/B)
  • PORV relief path - only one AVAILABLE (1RY456)
  • PORVs in AUTO (1RY455A will not open in auto due to loss of Inst Bus 114)
  • Isolation valves open BOP/US Verify Generator Trip
  • GCB 3-4 and OCB 4-5 open
  • SX valve open 1SX169A
  • Dispatch operator locally to check operation Examiners note: US and RO will likely continue in 1BEP-0 while BOP is performing the next 3 ventilation steps:


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BOP Verify Control Room ventilation aligned for emergency operations:

  • Dispatch NLO to trip VV supply fans
  • Operating VC train equipment running Train A
  • Supply fan
  • Return fan
  • M/U fan
  • Chilled water pump
  • M/U fan outlet damper NOT full closed 0VC24Y
  • VC train M/U filter light LIT
  • Operating VC train Charcoal Adsorber aligned for train A
  • 0VC43Y closed
  • 0VC21Y open
  • 0VC22Y open
  • Control Room pressure greater than +0.125 inches water on 0PDI-VC038 BOP Verify Auxiliary Building ventilation aligned
  • Two inaccessible filter plenums aligned
  • Plenum A fan 0VA03CA running
  • Plenum C fan 0VA03CF running
  • Damper 0VA438Y closed BOP Verify FHB ventilation aligned
  • Train A fan 0VA04CA running
  • 0VA060Y open
  • 0VA057Y open
  • 0VA051Y closed RO Check PZR sprays & PORVs closed
  • Normal spray valves closed 1RY455B and 1RY455C (NOTE: valves are failed closed due to loss of IA due to Cnmt Phase A)
  • PORVs closed (1RY455A/456)

RO/BOP Maintain RCS temperature control

  • Determine RCPs running
  • RCS Tave < 557°F and NOT trending to 557°F o Stop dumping steam
  • Throttle AFW flow to SGs maintaining > 10% (ADVERSE >31%) in at least 1 SG.

(Except the faulted SG)

  • Verify steam dumps closed
  • Verify 1MS009A thru D and 1MS067A thru D are closed (MSR RHTR shutoff and purge vlvs)
  • MFP turbine HP stop Vlvs closed o Close all MSIV and MSIV bypass Vlvs Comments:

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RO Check if RCPs should be stopped

  • None running US/BOP Check if SG Secondary Pressure Boundaries are Intact.

Check pressure in all SGs:

  • No SG Pressure dropping in a Uncontrolled manner
  • No SG completely depressurized Check if SG tubes are Intact: (RM-11 Grid 1)
  • SJAE/GS Exh Gas rad < 1PR27J Alert stpt
  • SG Bldn rad < 1PR08J Alert stpt
  • Main Steamline rad < 1RT-AR022 and 23 stpts Comments:

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Scenario No.: 06-1 Event No.: 7 Event


1D RCP locked rotor and 1D Hot leg break Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Check if RCS is Intact:

  • CNMT pressure < 3.4 psig
  • GO TO 1BEP-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant ALL Transition to 1BEP-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant US
  • Request the STA to monitor BSTs US Enter and direct actions of 1BEP-1
  • Notifies SM of BEP entry
  • Requests Emergency Plan evaluation At lead examiners discretion, the scenario can be terminated. Perform EAL classification. (EAL FA1)


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Unit Supervisor Turnover -FOR TRAINING ONLY PLANT STATUS Grid Status: "B" Train Week WWM: R. Freidel Shift: 95 to 96 Date: TODAY Green Unit 1 Unit 2 Mode: 1  % Pwr: 56 MW: 595 OLR: Yellow Mode: 1  % Pwr: 99.9 MW: 1229 OLR: Green CB: 1025 Xenon: Steady State Rod Height: 138 CB: 1168 Xenon: Steady State Rod Height: 221 IN PROGRESS IN PROGRESS

-1B DG Turbo Charger work -2HD099 contingency plan to Furmanite.

-1C HD pump seal replacement -SAT 242-2 bank 4 deenergized with EST tag

-1BOSR 8.1.1-1 is required every 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> (cooling fan 2 missing)

(completed 30 minutes ago)


-1BOL 8.1 1B DG 2HD0099B ACB 1423 1C HD pump LCOARs Exited: LCOARs Exited:


-1B DG -SAT 242 bk 4 fans



      • NO LIQ REL w/o permission from Ops Dir & SVP*** -U2 EH sample

-U1/U2 Cnmt Release Package prep

-Power Team has requested power ascension to 1235 Mwe as soon as the Unit is capable.

- SM directed power ascension at 3% power per hour.

Unit Supervisor Turnover - FOR TRAINING ONLY ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS Temporary Alterations X Unit 0 Logbook X Unit 1 Logbook X Unit 2 Logbook X Train Inop Status Board X Degraded Equipment Log X Daily Orders X

  • CRs X Abnormal Component Posit. X TURNOVER ITEMS Normal COMMENTS YES/NO NSO Shiftly and Daily Surv Yes SYS - Primary Yes SYS - Balance of Plant No -1C HD pump OOS; RTS by end of shift today Nuclear Instrumentation Yes MCB Instrumentation Yes MCB Controllers Yes Electrical Distribution - AC No -1B DG OOS; RTS by end of shift today Electrical Distribution - DC Yes Electric Operations Yes Blowdown (CW/SD) Yes Alarms (MCB) Yes Chemistry Yes Radiation Precautions Yes FME Issues Yes UNIT 1 TURNOVER EFPH: 6400 U-1 Reactivity: Dilute 38 gals=.3°F Nuke Engineer: K. Elam Boron to ramp to 780 MW: 525 700 MW: 360 gals BAT = 7581, BA Pot = 4.0 Equals 16 gpm @ Steady State FUEL DEPLETION:120 gallons/shift RWST = 2383 ppm 1A CV pp Cb = 1025 ppm U-2 Reactivity: Dilute 20 gal=.2°F Nuke Engineer: F. Funke Boron to ramp to 780 MW: 480 700 MW: 290 gals BAT = 7579, BA Pot = 4.61 Equals 18.4 gpm @ Steady State FUEL DEPLETION: 40 gallons PW/shift RWST = 2350 ppm 2B CV pp Cb = 1188 ppm Exceptional OOSs Requiring Special Plant Conditions MISCELLANEOUS Review BA Pot settings on turnover 2HD099B steam leak (~120 drops/min) Monitor 2X/shift Post Reviews: FS, US, Unit NSO, Turnovers Logs, MCR Tour, Daily Orders and Standing Orders OFF-GOING ON-COMING Unit 1 Unit Supervisor U-1 Unit Supervisor Unit 2 Unit Supervisor U-2 Unit Supervisor STA Center Desk Operator Turnover- FOR TRAINING ONLY PLANT U1 Mode: 1  % Pwr: 56 MW: 595 IN PROGRESS STATUS U2 Mode: 1  % Pwr: 100 MW: 1229 CW Warming line is OFF MUDS BOILER IA DRYERS ON LINE 0A: Standby U1: Wet L/U U1/U2 0B: Exhausted U2: Wet L/U AS U1 ES ADMINISTRATIVE
1. Temporary Procedures X
2. Temporary Alterations X
4. Unit 0 Logboook X
5. Center Desk Routine X
6. Daily Orders X
7. SM Notes X
8. Switching Orders / Electric Ops / Division LD X
9. Control Board Walkdown X
10. 1st Shift Annun Check Completed NA LCOAR C/O / RTS Surveillances Maint / WR TURNOVER ITEMS Normal
1. HVAC Yes
2. 345 KV Systems, Relay House No OCBs 12-13, 4-5, & 11-12 have temporary Cabinet Htrs
3. Air Systems (IA, SA) Yes
4. Fire Protection Yes
5. Blowdown Yes
6. Radiation Releases Yes
7. MCB Instrumentation Yes
8. MCB Controllers Yes
9. Tank Capacity Yes
10. Chemistry Yes
11. Radiation Protection Yes
12. Alarms - MCB Annun Yes
13. Alarms - FP / Other Yes
14. SYS - Safeguards No/14 1B DG OOS for Turbo Charger work
15. SYS - Primary Yes
16. SYS - Balance of Plant No/16 2HD099B has a steam leak - needs Furmanite
17. MDCT Yes
18. NDCT, Flume Yes
19. FME Issues Yes TIME DATE SHIFT OFF-GOING ON-COMING Now TODAY 95 to 96 Center Desk Unit 1 Nuclear Station Operator Turnover - FOR TRAINING ONLY PLANT Mode: 1  % Pwr: 56 MW: 595 ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS Grp: CBD 138 CB: 1025 ppm Xe: Steady State 1. Temporary Procedures X TURNOVER X
2. TCCPs EFPH = 6400 LCOAR C/O / RTS Surveillances Maint / WR 3. ESTs X 1B DG (1BOL 1B DG C/S 1BOSR 8.1.1-1 X
4. Unit 1 Logbook 8.1)

ACB 1423 C/S 5. Unit Routine X 1C HD pp C/S 6. Aux Elec Equip Rm General Inspection X

7. Daily Orders X
8. SM Notes X
9. Control Board Walkdown X
10. Abnormal Component Positions X
11. 1st Shift Annun Check Completed NA IN PROGRESS PENDING 1B DG Turbo Charger work/1A DG Protected Load Ramp to 100% power (1235 Mwe) at 3%/hr BA Pot = 4.0 Equals 16 gpm @ Steady State IC HD pp seal replacement FUEL DEPLETION:120 gallons/shift Dilute 38 gals =.3°F Exceptional C/Os Req Plant Cond:


1. No Major Procedures in Progress Yes
2. NSO Shiftly and Daily Surveillance Yes
3. SSPS Channels / Bistables Yes
4. ALARMS - SER / Annunciators Yes
5. ALARMS - Process / RM-11 Yes
6. SER / Alarm Typer / Trend Typer Yes
7. Alarms - FP / Other Yes
8. Tank Capacity Yes
9. Chemistry Yes
10. Radiation Precautions Yes
11. Nuclear Instrumentation Yes
12. MCB Instrumentation Yes
13. MCB Controllers Yes
14. Electrical Distribution - AC Yes
15. Electrical Distribution - DC Yes
16. SYS - Safeguards No/16 1B DG OOS
17. SYS - Primary Yes
18. SYS - Balance of Plant No/18 1C HD pp OOS
19. FME Issues 20.




The purpose of this power change reactivity worksheet is to establish a boundary for the amount of boration / dilution that may be required and to assist in meeting industry expectations for reactivity control during a power ramp. The worksheet assumes steady state reactor power prior to the ramp and DOES NOT consider Xenon effects. Since the worksheet establishes a boundary, the operator experience plays an equal if not more important role in ensuring proper reactivity controls. 40% to 70% of the boration / dilution amount will normally be added.


1. Basis: Approx Cycle Burnup: __6400____ EFPH Initial Cb: _1025___ ppm Initial Reactor Power: __56_____ % Initial CBD: __138___ steps Final Reactor Power: ___100____ % Final CBD: __221___ steps (est)
2. Determine the change in power defect:

Use BCB-1 Figure 17A, pages 1-4 or Table 2-1:

(-)__1800______ - (-)___1050______ = ____-550_________pcm final power defect present power defect Change in power defect

3. Determine the amount of reactivity change due to control rod repositioning:

Use BCB-1 Figure 2C, pages 1-4 or Table 1-7 (Ensure correct curve w/respect to core life):

____260_________ - _____10_________ = _____+250___________pcm present inserted rod worth final inserted rod worth Change in control rod worth

4. Determine the reactivity the boration / dilution will compensate for:

___-550________ + ____250_________ = ___-300___________

step 2 result step 3 result Reactivity to compensate for

5. Determine the Differential Boron Worth (DBW):

Use BCB-1 Figure 10B, pages 1-4 or Table 2-4: 7.36 pcm/ppm (Avg of 2 values)

(Use the DBW absolute value, i.e., positive)- differential boron worth

6. Determine the ppm change in RCS boron concentration:

(NOTE: + number indicates boration; - number indicates dilution)

(step 4 result) _-300/7.36___ = __-40.76____ ppm change in RCS boron conc.

(step 5 result)

7. Determine the amount of boration / dilution required: (Data taken using 570ºF)

Use Table 3-1 __~ 2720 gallons PW BORATION or DILUTION required

( circle one ) (BOLDED)


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Byron Scenario No.: 06-2 Op-Test No.: 2006-301 Examiners: _______________________ Operators: ______________________ SRO

_______________________ ______________________ RO

_______________________ ______________________ BOP Initial Conditions: IC-18; ~75% power, ~865 Mwe, MOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state, 1B Diesel Generator OOS, 1C HD pump OOS, and 1A FW pump OOS.

Turnover: The plant is at 75% power, as requested by the Power Team to support a grid outage, MOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state, 6900 EFPH, and 1000 ppm boron concentration. The Unit has been at 75% power for 3 days and was previously at 100% power for 96 days. The 1B DG is OOS for Turbo Charger work. The 1B DG has been OOS for 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> and is expected to be returned to service by the end of the shift.

LCOAR for Tech Spec 3.8.1 Condition B has been entered; 1BOSR 8.1.1-1 was performed 30 minutes prior to shift turnover. 1A FW pump is OOS for work on the speed increaser and not expected back for 2 more days. 1C HD Pump is OOS for seal replacement and is expected back by the end of shift. On-line Risk is yellow.

Event Malf. Event Event Type*

No. No. Description Preload MRF EG09 MAINT_O 1B DG OOS IOR ZDI1HSDG028 PTL ACB 1423 OOS IOR ZLO1HSDG0201 OFF 1B DG STOP Lite MRF FW024 0 1A FW Pump suction isol valve MRF FW027 0 1A FW Pump recirc isol valve MRF ED091C OPEN Deenergize 1FW002A, 1A FW Pump discharge valve IOR ZDI1FW01PA PTL 1A FW Pump OOS IOR ZDIFW01PAB PTL 1A FW Pump Aux Oil Pump OOS IOR ZDI1HD01PC PTL 1C HD pp OOS 1 IMF TH03C 30 100 C ALL SG Tube Leak in 1C SG at 30 gpm requiring plant shutdown per 1BOA SEC-8 and Tech Spec 3.4.13 application.

US Direct the Unit ramp down to 50% power RO Perform Reactivity calculation for ramp to 50% power R RO Ramp the Unit to 50% power N BOP Ramp the Unit to 50% power 2 IMF RX13A 0 10 I RO Controlling PZR level channel 1LT-459 fails to 0 causing a loss US of Letdown. This requires use of 1BOA INST-2 and addressing Tech Spec 3.3.1 for actions.

3 IMF RX05 0 I BOP MS Header PT, 1PT-507, fails low requiring manual FW pump speed control to stabilize the secondary plant.

4 IMF CV05 600 C RO PCV-131 controller fails closed in AUTO. This will require Manual control to maintain Letdown backpressure.

5, 6 IMF FW02A C BOP 1B FW Pump trips, followed shortly (~20 seconds) by 1C FW IMF FW06B M ALL Pump speed ramping to minimum, resulting in no FW flow IMF FW08B requiring a manual reactor trip.

7 MMF TH03C 350 60 M ALL Increases 1C SG Tube Leak to a 350 gpm SGTR.

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Transient Byron Demo 06-2 nrc.doc Page 1 4/24/2006

SCENARIO 06-2 OVERVIEW The scenario will begin at 75% power, MOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state. The 1B DG is OOS for Turbo Charger work. The 1B DG has been OOS for 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> and is expected to be returned to service by the end of the shift.

LCOAR for Tech Spec 3.8.1 Condition B has been entered; 1BOSR 8.1.1-1 was completed 30 minutes ago. 1A FW pump is OOS for work on the speed increaser and not expected back for 2 days. 1C HD pump is OOS for seal replacement and is not expected back until the end of shift.

After a board walk down and turnover, a 30 gpm tube leak will be initiated in the 1C SG. The crew must identify primary to secondary leakage based on SJAE/GS condenser and main steam line Radiation Monitors. This will require actions in 1BOA SEC-8 requiring plant power reduction to 50% power within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and shutdown to Hot Standby within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> after reaching 50%. Tech Spec 3.4.13 actions are addressed also requiring shut down to MODE 3 within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

After the crew has taken actions for the SG tube leak and commenced the down power to 50%, the controlling channel for PZR level, 1LT-459, will fail low requiring manual control to maintain PZR level and restoration of Letdown. The US will enter 1BOA INST-2, for the failed PZR level channel and direct actions to restore control to Auto including restore Letdown flow and return PZR level to program. Tech Spec 3.3.1, Condition K applies. The crew will take actions to place the bistable in trip for the failed channel and notify maintenance for repairs.

Following the required actions for the PZR level channel failure, the Main Steam Pressure transmitter, 1PT-507, fails low causing the Master Feed Pump Speed controller to lower FW Pumps speed, which results in loss of FW flow to all SGs. Action is required to take Manual control of FW pump speed to restore and maintain SG levels at program level for the remainder of the scenario. This failure is not addressed in a BOA or in Tech Specs. Maintenance should be notified and specific directions should be given to the BOP for controlling FW pump speed in Manual to maintain SG levels and proper FW discharge pressure to SG delta pressure.

While the BOP is stabilizing the MFP speed control, PCV-131, L/D backpressure control valve, will fail closed.

This will require manual control to restore backpressure and prevent the L/D line relief to lifting, if left in Auto. This failure is not addressed in a BOA or in Tech Specs. Maintenance should be notified and specific directions should be given to the RO for controlling letdown backpressure.

Once SG level control, FW Pump P, and PCV-131 manual controls have been directed, the 1B FW pump will trip requiring actions in 1BOA SEC-1 to runback the turbine, since the 1A FW pump is OOS, to maintain SG levels with only 1 FW pump running. Once the initial actions for the runback have been taken and turbine load is dropping, boration is commenced and/or rod insertion, the 1C FW pump speed control will fail to minimum speed resulting in no feed to the SGs resulting in a Reactor trip and entry into 1BEP-0. The crew may transition to 1BEP ES-0.1.

Following the reactor trip, a Steam Generator Tube Rupture (350 gpm in 1C SG) will occur requiring a Safety Injection and continuation in or reentry into 1BEP-0. The crew will diagnose the SGTR and transition to 1BEP-3.

The scenario ends with termination of high head ECCS and establishing charging flow per 1BEP-3.

ERG Based Critical Tasks:

1. E-3A: Identify the 1C Steam Generator as the ruptured SG and isolate prior to transition to 1BCA-3.1.
2. E-3----B: Cooldown to establish RCS subcooling margin, but prevent entry into 1BFR-P.1.
3. E-3----C: Depressurize RCS to restore RCS inventory prior to 1C SG PORV or Safety valve water release.

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Reset to IC-18; 75% power, MOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state.

Go to run.

Run batch file & CAEP by typing bat a:/06-2 Align switches:

1B DG C/S PTL and OOS ACB 1423 PTL and OOS 1A FW Pp Aux Oil Pp OOS 1A FW Pp OOS 1FW002A OOS 1C HD pump C/S PTL and OOS Place LCOAR placards for: 1B DG LCO 3.8.1 Condition B Place On-Line risk to YELLOW Place Protected Equipment placards on 1A DG and ACB 1413 C/Ss Provide copies of turnover sheets Provide 1BGP 100-3 Flowchart to Step F63 Provide a copy of 1BOL 8.1 for 1B DG inoperability Perform Ready for Training checklist.

Insert all PRELOAD Events from page 1 Set AB Pot to 3.91 for 1000 ppm boron Event 1 SG Tube leak in 1C SG at 30 gpm.

Initiate event after board walkdown and turnover, with lead examiners concurrence.

Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, and maintenance.

SDG: TH5 IMF TH03C 30 100 Event 2 PZR level channel 1LT-459 fails to 0, causing loss of Letdown.

Initiate event after actions of 1BOA SEC-8 are taken and the down power to 50% power is commenced, with lead examiners concurrence. Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, and maintenance. Trip bistable If requested by lead examiner.

SDG: TH7 IMF RX13A 0 10 MRF RP20 OPEN/CLOSE MRF RX029 Trip Event 3 Main Steam header PT, 1PT-507, fails low.

Initiate event after actions are taken for PZR LT failure are taken, Letdown is restored, and Tech Spec actions of 3.3.1 are taken, with the lead examiners concurrence. Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, maintenance.

SDG: RX22 IMF RX05 0 Event 4 Letdown Line Back Pressure Control valve 1CV-131 (1PK-131) fails closed.

Initiate event after BOP has gained control of MFP speed in manual and is restoring SG levels to normal and with the lead examiners concurrence. Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, and maintenance.

SDG: CV2 IMF CV05 600 Byron Demo 06-2 nrc.doc Page 3 4/24/2006

Event 5/6 1B FW Pp trips (5) followed by 1C FW Pp ramping to minimum speed (6), after a Manual Runback is initiated, causing a loss of all feedwater flow, resulting a Reactor Trip.

Initiate malfunction after actions are completed to stabilize the secondary plant and letdown backpressure, with the lead examiners concurrence. Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, and maintenance.

SDG: FW7 IMF FW02A IMF FW06B IMF FW08B Event 7 1C SGTR on Reactor trip.

Malfunction occurs upon reactor trip to cause a SGTR at 350 gpm in 1C SG.

Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, and request for STA.

SDG: TH5 MMF TH03C 350 60 Byron Demo 06-2 nrc.doc Page 4 4/24/2006

Scenario No.: 06-2 Event No.: 1 Event


SG 1C tube leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES: Annunciators:

1-16-A5 SG Leakage Exceeded RM-11 Secondary rad monitor alarms/levels rising SG BLDN RAD HIGH - 1PR08J SJAE/GLAND STEAM EXHAUSTER HIGH - 1PR027J MAIN STEAM LINE RAD HIGH - 1AR022J/23J PZR level dropping PZR pressure dropping Charging/letdown mismatch RO/US Refer to BAR 1-16-A5 for operator actions Implement 1BOA SEC-8, Steam Generator Tube Leak RO/US Maintain PZR level:

o Throttle 1CV121 & 1CV182 as necessary

  • Check PZR level stable or rising Monitor VCT level
  • Verify makeup is adequate to maintain VCT level Minimize Secondary Contamination BOP
  • Perform BOP MS-11, Operation with SG Tube Leakage
  • Notify RP to monitor and initiate 0BCSR 11.i.1-1, Gaseous RW Treatment Eff Dose Calc Monthly.

Identify leaking SG Trend Main Steam Line monitors Dropping Feed Flow with stable SG level Unexpected rise in any NR SG level Chemistry reports high activity via sample or N-16 monitor Determine SG Tube leak rate

  • Estimate leak rate o Computer point on HMI display o Charging/letdown/RCP leakoff flow balance o Change in VCT level o Grab sample o 1BOSR SG-1 SG Pri to Sec Leakage Estimation
  • Estimate leak rate > 10 gpm - GO TO STEP 9 US/ Confirm SG leak rate BOP
  • At least 2 independent indications - TREND in the same direction.

o Main steam line radiation monitors o SJAE/GS Exh radiation monitors o SG Bldn radiation monitors o N-16 radiation monitors o Grab sample Comments:

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ALL Initiate Unit Shutdown

  • Check leak rate rising at < 30 gpd/hour o If this is assessed to be > 30 gpd/hour actions of the RNO apply o Reduce power to < 50% within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> (Rapid Shutdown using 1BGP 100-4T1.1) o Shutdown Unit to MODE 3 within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of reaching 50% power. Proceed to continuing shutdown step using 1BGP 100-4 and 5.
  • SG leak rate > 150 gpd since leak initiation - perform RNO
  • Shutdown Unit to MODE 3 within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />
  • Continue in this procedure while performing Unit shutdown per 1BGP 100-4
  • Refer to Tech Spec 3.4.13 (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> to stop leak, 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> to MODE 3, 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> to MODE 5)

RO Performs reactivity calculation for Unit 1 ramp down to 50% power.

(Should calculate ~420- 470 gal Boration and setup to add 40-70%)


  • Direct a ramp rate to achieve 50% within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> (MWe/minute)

US Direct actions for ramp down to ~600 Mwe (50% power).

Monitor effects of boration RO Initiate boration (BOP CV-6)

  • Place MU MODE CONT SWITCH to STOP position.
  • Set MU MODE SELECT to BOR position.
  • Verify/enter gallons for batch into the Boric Acid Totalizer
  • Verify 1CV110A in AUTO
  • Verify 1CV110B in AUTO
  • Ensure Boric Acid Transfer Pump Control Switch is NOT in PULL OUT
  • Place MAKE-UP CONTROL Switch to START
  • Verify proper operation of valves & BA Transfer pump (1CV110A, modulates OPEN, and 110B open, BA Xfer pump is running)
  • Verify expected BA flow on recorder 1FR-110
  • Monitor Boration effects Verify at least two B/U Heater groups ON and spray valves 1RY455B/C modulate OPEN.

BOP Initiate turbine load ramp down: Using graphic 5501

  • ENTER 5 MW/MIN rate into the RATE window
  • ENTER 1000 MW in the REF DEMAND window
  • SELECT EXIT Inform US/RO of pending drop in turbine load
  • SELECT GO Verify load dropping as expected.

NOTE: The next malfunctions may be entered at lead examiners direction after required power change.


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Scenario No.: 06-2 Event No.: 2 Event


PZR Level Channel 1LT-459 fails Low (Controlling Channel).

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: Annunciators:

1-12-A4 PZR LVL LOW HTRS OFF LTDWN SECURED 1-12-A5 PZR HTR TRIP PZR Heaters off RO/US Identify/report failure of 1LT-459, PZR level channel.

US Enter and direct actions of 1BOA INST-2, OPERATION WITH A FAILED INSTRUMENT CHANNEL Attachment C

  • Notifies SM of BOA entry
  • Determine PZR level normal o Take manual control and restore PZR level to normal
  • Select an operable PZR level control channel
  • Select an operable PZR level control channel to the recorder Check Letdown and PZR Heaters
  • PZR level > 17%
  • Establish letdown per 1BOA ESP-2, Re-establishing Letdown (Refer to the next page for these actions)
  • Restore PZR heaters to normal Check PZR level control is in AUTO
  • Restore Master PZR level controller to AUTO
  • Restore 1CV121 controller to AUTO Locally trip bistable for the failed LT-459 -
  • Request an extra NSO to come to the control room for a briefing.
  • Refer to Tech Specs 3.3.1, 3.3.4, and 3.3.3 - 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> action in 3.3.1 to have bistable tripped.


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RO/ PERFORM 1BOA ESP-2 to Re-establish Letdown Flow:

BOP Check Letdown isolated:

  • 1CV8149A/B/C (Letdown Orifice Isol Vlvs) are closed.
  • 1CV459/460 (Letdown line Isol Vlvs) are closed.

Check Letdown Flowpath

  • Letdown Hx Isol Vlv open (1CV8401A for 1A Hx or 1CV8401B for 1B Hx)
  • Regen Hx Isol Vlvs open (1CV8324A/8389A for 1A Hx or 1CV8324B/8389B for 1B Hx)
  • Letdown CNMT Isol Vlvs open (1CV8152 and 1CV8160)
  • BTRS MODE Select Switch in OFF Align Letdown Controllers:
  • Place 1CV131 in Manual with 40% demand
  • Place 1CC130 in Manual with 60% demand Verify Charging Flow is established:
  • Check Charging Line CNMT Isol Vlvs open (1CV8105 and 1CV8106)
  • Throttle 1CV182 to maintain PCP Seal Injection 8-13 gpm per RCP
  • Throttle 1CV121 to establish at least 100 gpm Charging Flow.

Establish Letdown Flow:

  • Open Letdown Line Isol Vlvs (1CV459 and 1CV460)
  • Open Letdown Orifice Isol Vlvs to obtain desired flow (1CV8149A and/or B and/or C)
  • Adjust 1CV131 to control letdown pressure at ~ 360 psig
  • Adjust 1CC130 to control letdown temperature between 90 and 115 degrees F.
  • If desired, place the controllers for 1CV131 and 1CC130 in AUTO.
  • Verify 1PR06J In Service on the RM-11 NOTE: If bistable tripping is not required to be observed, when the above actions have been initiated for the PZR level channel and lead evaluators concurrence, Event 2 can be initiated.


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Scenario No.: 06-2 Event No.: 3 Event


Main Steam Header Pressure Transmitter (1PT-507) fails Low Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: Annunciators:

1-15-A4 thru D4, SG 1A/B/C/D FLOW MISMATCH FW FLOW LOW 1-15-A9 thru D9, SG 1A/B/C/D LEVEL DEVIATION HIGH LOW Steam flow/feed flow mismatch on all SGs All Feed Regulating Vlvs opening 1B/1C FW Pumps speed dropping Master and 1B/1C FW Pumps speed controller demand rising All SG levels dropping NOTE: Examiner needs to prevent RO from diagnosing this event.


  • Identify/report feedwater control system indications US
  • Direct stabilizing SG levels
  • Take Manual control of Master or 1B and 1C speed control
  • Manually adjust FW Pumps speed to restore Delta-P and SG levels Inform SM/Maintenance to investigate o Identify/flag components o Review impact of failure on Steam Dumps in Steam Pressure MODE Scenario No.: 06-2 Event No.: 4 Event


PCV-131 (1PK-131), Letdown Line Backpressure Controller fails closed in AUTO, while restoring SG level from event 4 Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES: Annunciators:

1-8-B5 LTDWN HX OUTLT PRESS HIGH Letdown flow rate drop < 120 gpm on 1PM05J - 1FI-132 Letdown line pressure ~ 600 psig on 1PM05J - 1PI-131 RO/US Identify/report failure of 1PK-131 when letdown is restored.

  • Direct Manual operation of PCV-131 RO
  • Take Manual control of 1PK-131 and adjust letdown backpressure to ~ 370 psig Identify/flag the controller to remain in Manual control.

US Discuss how letdown backpressure will be maintained with the RO Notify SM/Maintenance to investigate cause of failure NOTE: When actions have been completed for the 1PT-507 failure and PCV-131, with lead evaluators concurrence, Event 5 and 6 are entered.


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Scenario No.: 06-2 Event No.: 5 and 6 Event


1B FW Pump trips requiring a turbine runback (5). 1C FW Pump speed runs to minimum after the runback is initiated causing a loss of feedwater requiring a Manual Reactor Trip(6)

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: Annunciators:

1-16-B1 FW PUMP 1B TRIP 1-16-D2 FW PUMP DSCH FLOW LOW Feed flow dropping ALL

  • Identify/report loss of 1B FW Pump US/BOP Direct implementation of 1BOA SEC-1, Secondary Pump Trip
  • Close 1B FW pump recirc valve - 1FW012B
  • Check turbine load > 700 MW
  • Verify 1C FW Pump is running - recognize 1A FW Pump is not available
  • Initiate turbine runback - pushbutton or mouse selection on OWS panel G-5512
  • Check turbine load is dropping RO
  • Verify Rod Control is in AUTO
  • Initiate Boration as necessary - per REMA plaque (Use judgement since starting at lower power)


  • Recognize 1C FW Pump speed is dropping and SG levels are dropping US
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Turbine throttle valves closed
  • Turbine governor valves closed BOP Verify power to 4KV busses
  • Bus 141 alive light lit
  • Bus 142 alive light lit Comments:

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RO Perform immediate operator actions of 1BEP-0:

Check SI status

  • SI actuated o SI First OUT annunciator NOT lit (1-11-B1, 1-11-C1, 1-11-D1, 1-11-E1) o SI ACTUATED NOT lit (1-BP-4.1) o SI Equipment NOT running (SI pumps running, CV Cold leg injection SI8801A/B open)
  • Check if SI required
  • PZR pressure is NOT <1829 psig
  • Steamline pressure is NOT <640 psig
  • CNMT pressure is > 3.4 psig
  • PZR level can be maintained > 4%

NOTE: The crew may not recognize the SGTR at this point and may transition to 1BEP ES-0.1. If they elect to stay in 1BEP-0, then the actions expected will continue on page 13 at the ****.

US Transition to 1BEP ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response Request STA to monitor BSTs Notify SM to evaluate for E-plan BOP Verify Generator Tripped

  • PMG output breaker open Comments:

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Scenario No.: 06-2 Event No.: 7 Event


1C SGTR occurs after transition to 1BEP ES-0.1 Reactor Trip Response Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: PZR level dropping PZR pressure dropping SG 1C level rising faster than the other 3 with same feed flow rate Possible RM-11 alarms on 1C SG Bldn or 1C Main steamline ALL

  • Direct a Manual Safety Injection and return to 1BEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection US
  • Direct operators to perform the immediate actions.

US Enter and direct actions of 1BEP-0

  • Notifies SM of entry
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Turbine throttle valves closed
  • Turbine governor valves closed BOP Perform immediate operator actions of 1BEP-0:

Verify power to 4KV busses

  • Bus 141 alive light lit
  • Bus 142 alive light lit ALL Perform immediate operator actions of 1BEP-0:

Check SI status RO

  • SI actuated
  • SI First OUT annunciator lit (1-11-B1, 1-11-C1, 1-11-D1, 1-11-E1)
  • SI ACTUATED lit (1-BP-4.1)
  • SI Equipment running (SI pumps running, CV Cold leg injection SI8801A/B open)

Determine SI actuated

  • Actuate SI by taking either SI switch to ACTUATE (1PM05J or 1PM06J)


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  • FW pumps tripped
  • Isolation monitor lights lit
  • FW pumps discharge valves closed 1FW002A-C RO Verify ECCS pumps running
  • CENT CHG pumps
  • RH pumps
  • Verify RCFCs Accident Mode lights lit
  • Verify Phase A isolation - Group 3 monitor lights lit
  • Verify CNMT Ventilation isolation - Group 6 CNMT Vent Isol monitor lights lit
  • Check if trip criteria satisfied:
  • HH SI flow >100 gpm OR SI pump discharge flow >200 gpm RO AND
  • RCS pressure is NOT < 1425 psig BOP Verify AF system:
  • AF pumps running
  • AF flow control valves throttled 1AF005A-H Verify CC Pumps running Verify SX Pump running Check if Main Steamline Isolation required
  • Check SG pressure > 640 psig
  • Check CNMT pressure <8.2 psig BOP Check CNMT Spray is NOT required
  • Verify CNMT pressure has NOT been > 20 psig BOP Verify Total AF flow:
  • AF flow > 500 gpm

[ CT ]

  • SG levels maintained between 10% (31% Adverse) and 50%

[ E-3-A]

  • SG levels NOT increasing in an uncontrolled manner
  • Isolate 1AF013C and 1AF013 G to 1C SG Comments:

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BOP Verify ECCS valve alignment

  • Group 2 Cold Leg Injection monitor lights lit
  • Align SVAG Valve power switches and dispatch NLO to energize breakers BOP Verify ECCS flow
  • RCS pressure NOT <1700 psig RO Check at least one PZR PORV relief path is available
  • PORV isol valve - both ENERGIZED (1RY8000A/B)
  • PORV relief path - both AVAILABLE (1RY455A/456)
  • Isolation valves open BOP/US Verify Generator Trip
  • GCB 3-4 and OCB 4-5 open
  • SX valve open 1SX169A
  • Dispatch operator locally to check operation Examiners note: US and RO will likely continue in 1BEP-0 while BOP is performing the next 3 ventilation steps:

BOP Verify Control Room ventilation aligned for emergency operations:

  • Dispatch NLO to trip VV supply fans
  • Operating VC train equipment running Train A
  • Supply fan
  • Return fan
  • M/U fan
  • Chilled water pump
  • M/U fan outlet damper NOT full closed 0VC24Y
  • VC train M/U filter light LIT
  • Operating VC train Charcoal Adsorber aligned for train A
  • 0VC43Y closed
  • 0VC21Y open
  • 0VC22Y open
  • Control Room pressure greater than +0.125 inches water on 0PDI-VC038 Comments:

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BOP Verify Auxiliary Building ventilation aligned

  • Two inaccessible filter plenums aligned
  • Plenum A fan 0VA03CB running
  • Plenum C fan 0VA03CF running
  • Damper 0VA438Y closed BOP Verify FHB ventilation aligned
  • Train B fan 0VA04CB running
  • 0VA055Y open
  • 0VA062Y open
  • 0VA435Y closed RO Check PZR sprays & PORVs closed
  • Normal spray valves closed 1RY455B and 1RY455C (NOTE: valves are failed closed due to loss of IA due to Cnmt Phase A)
  • PORVs closed (1RY455A/456)

RO/BOP Maintain RCS temperature control

  • Determine RCPs running
  • Throttle AFW flow to SGs maintaining > 10% (ADVERSE >31%) in at least 1 SG.

RO Check if RCPs should be stopped

  • Check if trip criteria satisfied
  • HHSI flow >100 gpm OR SI pump discharge flow >200 gpm AND o RCS pressure < 1425 psig o Trip RCPs if controlled cooldown NOT in progress and above criteria satisfied (performed earlier)

BOP Check if SG Secondary Boundaries are Intact

  • No SG Pressure dropping in an Uncontrolled manner
  • No SG Completely Depressurized BOP/US Check secondary radiation trends normal for plant conditions:
  • RM11 Grid 1 indications for:
  • SJAE/ gland steam exhaust gas
  • SG blowdown liquid radiation
  • Main steamline MSIV rooms Comments:

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ALL Diagnose SGTR on 1C SG o Secondary area rad monitors levels increasing or in ALARM ALL Transition to 1BEP-3 "STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE US Implement 1BEP-3 "STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE and direct operator actions.

  • Notifies SM of BEP entry
  • Requests Emergency Plan evaluation RO/US Check status of RCPs and determine none running If any running, Check trip criteria satisfied
  • HHSI flow >100 gpm OR SI flow > 200 gpm AND o RCS pressure > 1425 psig Controlled cooldown NOT in progress or previously initiated Stop all RCPs ALL Identify ruptured SG Unexpected rise in NR level, OR Main steamline rad monitor, OR 1RT-AR022 Grid 1 4AC422 1RT-AR023 Grid 1 4AC423 High activity for any SG sample Reset CNMT isol Phase A Notify Chem to locally sample Open SG blowdown sample valves at Chem request ALL Identify/report 1C SG as ruptured BOP Isolate flow from ruptured SG by verifying
  • Verify closed when SG pressure < 1115 psig
  • Verify SG blowdown valves closed unless open for sampling
  • 1SD002G
  • 1SD002H
  • Check PORVs on intact SGs available for RCS cooldown BOP Check ruptured SG level
  • Narrow Range >10%
  • Verify/Close AF isol valves (should have been closed earlier)
  • 1AF013C
  • 1AF013G Comments:

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BOP Check ruptured SG pressure

  • Ruptured SG pressure greater than 320 psig US US/RO Initiate RCS Cooldown
  • Determine required CETC from Table (516 degrees F)
  • Block Main Steamline SI when PZR pressure is < 1930 psig BOP
  • Dump steam from the Intact SGs at MAXIMUM rate using Steam Dumps
  • Place MS header pressure controller in Manual at 0
  • Place steam dump MODE select to Steam Press
  • This will have to be opened in Manual since AUTO was lost due to 1PT-507 failure.


  • Cooldown to < 516 degrees


  • Stop cooldown


  • Maintain CETC < 516 degrees F Establish a range of control (i.e. 500 - 515ºF)

BOP Check Intact SG levels

  • NR levels > 10%
  • Maintain 18-50% NR
  • Verify none rising in an uncontrolled manner.

BOP/US Check PZR PORVs an Isolation Valves

  • PORV Isol Valves Energized - 1RY8000A and B
  • PORVs Closed - 1RY455A and 456
  • At least 1 PORV Isol Valve open - 1RY8000A or B US/BOP Reset SI
  • Depress both SI reset pushbuttons
  • Verify SI ACTUATED permissive light is NOT LIT
  • Verify AUTO SI BLOCKED permissive light is LIT US/BOP Reset CNMT Isolation
  • Check SACs running
  • Open IA CNMT Isol Valves (1IA065 and 066 on 1PM011J)

US/BOP Verify all AC Buses energized by offsite power:

  • Check 4KV ESF Buses 141 and 142 energized from offsite power.
  • Check 4KV Non-ESF buses 143 and 144 energized by offsite power.
  • Check 6.9KV buses 156, 157, 158, and 159 energized from offsite power.

US/RO Check if RH pumps should be stopped:

  • Check suction aligned to the RWST
  • RCS pressure > 325 psig
  • Stop RH pump Comments:

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  • Verify RCS temp < CETCs target of 516 degrees F and cooldown is stopped US/BOP
  • Check ruptured SG pressure stable or rising US
  • Check RCS subcooling adequate per ATT A and Figure 1BEP 3-2 US/RO
  • Depressurize RCS using PZR Sprays (PORVs are optional) to minimize break flow and refill the PZR

[ CT ]

  • Spray with Max spray available (or PORVs) until:

[ E-3-C] o Both RCS pressure is < 1C SG press AND PZR level is > 12%, OR o PZR level is >69%, OR o RCS subcooling is NOT acceptable

  • Close spray valves when criteria is met NOTE: With lead examiners concurrence, this scenario can be terminated.

Evaluate the SRO for EAL classification (EAL FA1)


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Unit Supervisor Turnover -FOR TRAINING ONLY PLANT STATUS Grid Status: Green "B" Train Week WWM: R. Freidel Shift: 95 to 96 Date: TODAY Unit 1 Unit 2 Mode: 1  % Pwr: 75 MW: 865 OLR: Yellow Mode: 1  % Pwr: 99.9 MW: 1229 OLR: Green CB: 1000 Xenon: Steady State Rod Height: 171 CB: 1168 Xenon: Steady State Rod Height: 221 IN PROGRESS IN PROGRESS

-1B DG Turbo Charger work -2HD099 contingency plan to Furmanite.

-1C HD pump seal replacement -SAT 242-2 bank 4 deenergized with EST tag

-1A FW pump speed increaser work (cooling fan 2 missing)


-1BOL 8.1 1B DG 2HD0099B ACB 1423 1C HD pump 1A FW pump 1A FW pp Aux Oil pp LCOARs Exited: LCOARs Exited:


-1B DG -SAT 242 bk 4 fans

-1C HD pump



      • NO LIQ REL w/o permission from Ops Dir & SVP*** -U2 EH sample

-U1/U2 Cnmt Release Package prep Byron Demo 06-2 nrc.doc Page 19 4/24/2006

Unit Supervisor Turnover - FOR TRAINING ONLY ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS Temporary Alterations X Unit 0 Logbook X Unit 1 Logbook X Unit 2 Logbook X Train Inop Status Board X Degraded Equipment Log X Daily Orders X

  • CRs X Abnormal Component Posit. X TURNOVER ITEMS Normal COMMENTS YES/NO NSO Shiftly and Daily Surv Yes SYS - Primary Yes SYS - Balance of Plant No -1C HD pump OOS, 1A FW pump OOS Nuclear Instrumentation Yes MCB Instrumentation Yes MCB Controllers Yes Electrical Distribution - AC No -1B DG OOS; RTS by end of shift today Electrical Distribution - DC Yes Electric Operations Yes Blowdown (CW/SD) Yes Alarms (MCB) Yes Chemistry Yes Radiation Precautions Yes FME Issues Yes UNIT 1 TURNOVER EFPH: 6900 U-1 Reactivity: Dilute 42 gals=.3 °F Nuke Engineer: K. Elam Boron to ramp to 780 MW: 525 700 MW: 360 gals BAT = 7581, BA Pot = 3.91 Equals 15.6 gpm @ Steady State FUEL DEPLETION: 130 gallons/shift RWST = 2383 ppm 1A CV pp Cb = 1000 ppm U-2 Reactivity: Dilute 20 gal=.2°F Nuke Engineer: F. Funke Boron to ramp to 780 MW: 480 700 MW: 290 gals BAT = 7579, BA Pot = 4.61 Equals 18.4 gpm @ Steady State FUEL DEPLETION: 40 gallons PW/shift RWST = 2350 ppm 2B CV pp Cb = 1188 ppm Exceptional OOSs Requiring Special Plant Conditions MISCELLANEOUS Review BA Pot settings on turnover 2HD099B steam leak (~120 drops/min) Monitor 2X/shift Post Reviews: FS, US, Unit NSO, Turnovers Logs, MCR Tour, Daily Orders and Standing Orders OFF-GOING ON-COMING Unit 1 Supervisor U-1 Unit Supervisor Unit 2 Supervisor U-2 Unit Supervisor STA STA Byron Demo 06-2 nrc.doc Page 20 4/24/2006

Center Desk Operator Turnover- FOR TRAINING ONLY PLANT U1 Mode: 1  % Pwr: 75 MW: 865 IN PROGRESS STATUS U2 Mode: 1  % Pwr: 100 MW: 1229 CW Warming line is OFF MUDS BOILER IA DRYERS ON LINE 0A: Standby U1: Wet L/U U1/U2 0B: Exhausted U2: Wet L/U AS U1 ES ADMINISTRATIVE

1. Temporary Procedures X
2. Temporary Alterations X
4. Unit 0 Logboook X
5. Center Desk Routine X
6. Daily Orders X
7. SM Notes X
8. Switching Orders / Electric Ops / Division LD X
9. Control Board Walkdown X
10. 1st Shift Annun Check Completed NA LCOAR C/O / RTS Surveillances Maint / WR TURNOVER ITEMS Normal
1. HVAC Yes
2. 345 KV Systems, Relay House No OCBs 12-13, 4-5, & 11-12 have temporary Cabinet Htrs
3. Air Systems (IA, SA) Yes
4. Fire Protection Yes
5. Blowdown Yes
6. Radiation Releases Yes
7. MCB Instrumentation Yes
8. MCB Controllers Yes
9. Tank Capacity Yes
10. Chemistry Yes
11. Radiation Protection Yes
12. Alarms - MCB Annun Yes
13. Alarms - FP / Other Yes
14. SYS - Safeguards No/14 1B DG OOS for Turbo Charger work
15. SYS - Primary Yes
16. SYS - Balance of Plant No/16 2HD099B steam leak, 1C HD pp, 1A FW pp
17. MDCT Yes
18. NDCT, Flume Yes
19. FME Issues Yes TIME DATE SHIFT OFF-GOING ON-COMING Now TODAY 95 to 96 Center Desk Byron Demo 06-2 nrc.doc Page 21 4/24/2006

Unit 1 Nuclear Station Operator Turnover - FOR TRAINING ONLY PLANT Mode: 1  % Pwr: 75 MW: 865 ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS Grp: CBD 171 CB: 1000 ppm Xe: Steady State 1. Temporary Procedures X TURNOVER X

2. TCCPs EFPH: 6900 LCOAR C/O / RTS Surveillances Maint / WR 3. ESTs X 1B DG (1BOL 1B DG C/S 1BOSR 8.1.1-1 X
4. Unit 1 Logbook 8.1)

ACB 1423 C/S 5. Unit Routine X 1C HD pp C/S 6. Aux Elec Equip Rm General Inspection X 1A FW pp C/S 7. Daily Orders X 1A FW pp Aux X

8. SM Notes Oil pp C/S
9. Control Board Walkdown X
10. Abnormal Component Positions X
11. 1st Shift Annun Check Completed NA IN PROGRESS PENDING BA Pot = 3.91 Equals 15.6 gpm @ Steady State 1B DG Turbo Charger work/1A DG Protected FUEL DEPLETION: 130 gallons/shift IC HD pp seal replacement Dilute 42 gals =.3 °F 1A FW pp speed increaser Exceptional C/Os Req Plant Cond:


1. No Major Procedures in Progress Yes
2. NSO Shiftly and Daily Surveillance Yes
3. SSPS Channels / Bistables Yes
4. ALARMS - SER / Annunciators Yes
5. ALARMS - Process / RM-11 Yes
6. SER / Alarm Typer / Trend Typer Yes
7. Alarms - FP / Other Yes
8. Tank Capacity Yes
9. Chemistry Yes
10. Radiation Precautions Yes
11. Nuclear Instrumentation Yes
12. MCB Instrumentation Yes
13. MCB Controllers Yes
14. Electrical Distribution - AC No/14 1B DG OOS
15. Electrical Distribution - DC Yes
16. SYS - Safeguards No/16 1B DG OOS
17. SYS - Primary Yes
18. SYS - Balance of Plant No/18 1C HD pp OOS, 1A FW pp OOS
19. FME Issues 20.


TIME DATE SHIFT OFF-GOING ON-COMING NOW TODAY 95 to 96 Unit 1 NSO Byron Demo 06-2 nrc.doc Page 22 4/24/2006

BCB-1 Figure 35 Revision 1 Information Use BORATION / DILUTION CALCULATIONS


The purpose of this power change reactivity worksheet is to establish a boundary for the amount of boration /

dilution that may be required and to assist in meeting industry expectations for reactivity control during a power ramp. The worksheet assumes steady state reactor power prior to the ramp and DOES NOT consider Xenon effects. Since the worksheet establishes a boundary, the operator experience plays an equal if not more important role in ensuring proper reactivity controls.

40% to 70% of the boration / dilution amount will normally be added.


1. Basis: Approx Cycle Burnup: __6900____ EFPH Initial Cb: _1000___ ppm Initial Reactor Power: __75_____ % Initial CBD: __171___ steps Final Reactor Power: __50____ % Final CBD: __130___ steps (est)
2. Determine the change in power defect:

Use BCB-1 Figure 17A, pages 1-4 or Table 2-1:

(-)__950______ - (-)___1375______ = ____+425_________pcm final power defect present power defect Change in power defect

3. Determine the amount of reactivity change due to control rod repositioning:

Use BCB-1 Figure 2C, pages 1-4 or Table 1-7 (Ensure correct curve w/respect to core life):

____140_________ - _____250_________ = _____-110___________pcm present inserted rod worth final inserted rod worth Change in control rod worth

4. Determine the reactivity the boration / dilution will compensate for:

___425________ + ____-110_________ = ___+315___________

step 2 result step 3 result Reactivity to compensate for

5. Determine the Differential Boron Worth (DBW):

Use BCB-1 Figure 10B, pages 1-4 or Table 2-4: 7.42 pcm/ppm (Avg of 2 values)

(Use the DBW absolute value, i.e., positive)- differential boron worth

6. Determine the ppm change in RCS boron concentration:

(NOTE: + number indicates boration; - number indicates dilution)

(step 4 result) _+315/7.42___ = __+42.5____ ppm change in RCS boron conc.

(step 5 result)

7. Determine the amount of boration / dilution required: (Data taken using 570ºF)

Use Table 3-1 __~ 455 gallons BA BORATION or DILUTION required

( circle one )(BOLDED)


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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Byron Scenario No.: 06-3 Op-Test No.: 2006-301 Examiners: _______________________ Operators: ______________________ SRO

_______________________ ______________________ RO

_______________________ ______________________ BOP Initial Conditions: IC-21; 100% power, 1235 Mwe, BOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state, 1B CS Pump has been removed from service for one hour due to high vibration. Engineering is investigating. 1C HD Pump OOS for seal replacement and not expected back until the end of shift.

Turnover: The plant is at 100% power, BOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state, 600 EFPH, 1000 ppm boron concentration. The 1B CS Pump has been OOS for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and Engineering is investigating. LCOAR for Tech Spec 3.6.6 Condition A has been entered. 1C Heater Drain Pump is OOS for mechanical seal replacement. Power Team has just notified Byron Unit 1 that power needs to be reduced to 1000 MWe as soon as possible and requests a 5 MW/Min ramp. The SM has given the direction to lower power at 5MW/Min and initiated 1BGP 100-4T.1 for Power descension. On-line Risk is yellow.

Event Malf. Event Event Type*

No. No. Description Preload IOR ZDI1CS01PB PTL 1B CS Pump OOS IOR ZZDI1HD01PC PTL 1C HD Pump OOS IMF RP02A Reactor trip breaker RTA fails to open IMF RP02B Reactor trip breaker RTB fails to open MRF RP49 OUT SI Train A K603 failure (1CV112B, 1CV112D)

MRF RP75 OUT SI Train B K603 failure (1CV112C, 1CV112E) 1 US Direct the Unit ramp to 1000 MWe power.

R RO Perform Reactivity calculation for ramp to 1000 MWe Ramp down the Unit to 1000 MWe power N BOP Ramp down the Unit to 1000 MWe power 2 IMF RX21A 2500 30 I RO 1PT-455 Controlling PZR Pressure Channel fails high over 30 seconds causing PORV and Sprays to open. Enter Tech Specs US 3.3.1/2 for actions.

3 IMF RX29A 0 30 I BOP Steam Generator 1A FW Reg Valve will fail closed in automatic requiring manual control and restoration of 1A SG level to US program. Auto control will not be restored.

4 IMF FW02A C BOP 1B FW Pump trips requiring 1BOA SEC-1 action to recover and stabilize by starting the 1A FW Pump.

5 IMF RP10A C ALL Inadvertent Phase A actuation on Train A causes L/D to be lost, DMF RP10A after 5 seconds IA to Cnmt, SG Bldn Isolation, and loss of Cnmt chillers.

Requires 1BOA PRI-13 actions to recover and stabilize.

6 IMF CV01A C RO Running CV pump trips before L/D restoration. This will require Tech Spec 3.5.2 action.

7 IMF MS07A 4 M ALL 1A SG Steamline Breaks at 4 Mlb/hr inside of Cnmt. This will C RO generate a reactor trip signal. The reactor will not trip and requires IOR ZDIBKSEL AUTO M entry into 1BFR-S.1 for ATWS. Rod insertion is failed in AUTO IMF RD09 8 and rod insertion will fail to 8 steps/minute for max insertion rate.

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Transient Byron Demo 06-3 nrc.doc Page 1 4/21/2006

SCENARIO 06-3 OVERVIEW The scenario will begin at 100% power, BOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state. The 1B CS pump has been OOS for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> due to failure of the monthly surveillance and is being investigated by Engineering for corrective actions.

LCOAR for Tech Spec 3.6.6 Condition A has been entered. 1C Heater Drain Pump is OOS for mechanical seal replacement and is not expected back until the end of this shift. Power Team requires a Byron Unit 1 ramp down to 1000 MWe power as soon as possible and requests a 5 MW/Min ramp.

The RO will be required to perform a reactivity calculation and coordinate with the BOP and commence the ramp down to 1000 MWe power.

After Unit ramp down is commenced, 1PT-455, Controlling PZR Pressure Channel, fails high over 30 seconds causing PORV (1RY-455A) and PZR Spray valves to open, causing RCS pressure to drop. The RO will diagnose the malfunction from alarms, meter indications, and dropping PZR pressure. Manual action should be taken to close the PORV or PORV Block Valve prior to reaching 2185 psig and must be taken to close the PZR Spray valves to stop the pressure drop. The US will enter 1BOA INST-2 to ensure manual actions are taken, select an operable control channel, restore automatic PZR pressure control, trip bistables, and identify appropriate Tech Specs 3.3.1/2, 3.3.4, and 3.4.1 for applicable actions. The most limiting Tech Spec is 3.4.1, DNB Limits Condition A, 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> to restore pressure to at or above 2209 psig. The remainder of the Tech Specs most limiting action requires tripping bistables within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. US will notify the SM and WEC for maintenance support.

After the crew has taken actions for failure of 1PT-455, the 1A SG FW Reg Valve will fail closed in automatic requiring BOP to manually control the 1A SG main feedwater regulating valve to recover 1A SG level. The US will notify the SM and WEC for maintenance support. This will require manual level control of 1A SG for the remainder of this scenario.

Following actions for the 1A SG FRV failure, the 1B FW Pump will trip requiring BOP action to recognize the malfunction from alarms and pump speed indication and take action to close the recirc valve on the tripped FW Pump, start the 1A FW Pump and restore FW flow to all SGs. The US will enter 1BOA SEC-1 for these actions and actions to stabilize the FW system for continued operation. US will notify the SM and WEC for maintenance support.

Once the plant has stabilized, an Inadvertent Phase A on A Train will occur requiring entry into 1BOA PRI-13. The crew will recognize the event from alarms and valve closure indications. The RO will take manual control of charging and PZR pressure. Upon reset of the Phase A, IA will be restored to Cnmt, L/D and normal charging must be restored, normal PZR pressure control established, normal RCP seal return flow, restart of Cnmt chiller, and restoration of SG Bldn. The actuation will appear to be spurious. US will notify the SM and WEC for maintenance support. During response to the Inadvertent Phase A, the 1A CV pump will trip and will require a manual start of the 1B CV Pump for recovery. This will also require entry into Tech Spec 3.5.2 Condition A for ECCS Operability (7 Day action). US will notify the SM and WEC for maintenance support.

Once the plant has recovered from the Inadvertent Phase A and normal charging and L/D are restored, a Main Steam line break will occur inside Cnmt on the 1A SG. The reactor will not trip from the MCR and 1BFR-S.1 will be entered to locally trip the reactor. This will occur after the NLO is dispatched to open the reactor trip breakers locally and after the steam dumps are isolated in Step 7 of 1BFR-S.1. RO will have to Manually insert rods to ensure rods are being inserted at max rate, which will be failed to a maximum insertion rate of 8 steps/minute in AUTO, emergency boration must be manually aligned, PORVs are operating as required. BOP ensures turbine is tripped, AF Pumps are running, Cnmt Vent Isolation has occurred; Crew directs NLO to trip Rx locally. After Rx is tripped crew completes 1BFR-S.1 including isolating the faulted 1A SG, then enters 1BEP-0. US will transition to 1BEP-2, then to 1BEP-1. Transition will be made to 1BEP ES-1.1 to terminate SI.

The scenario ends after transition to 1BEP ES-1.1.

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ERG Based Critical Tasks:

1. FR-S.1C: Insert negative reactivity into the core by initiating emergency boration before completing step 4 of 1BFR-S.1.
2. E-2A: Isolate the faulted S/G before transition out of 1BFR-S.1.

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Reset to IC-21; 100% power, BOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state.

Go to run.

Run batch file & CAEP by typing bat a:/06-3 Align switches:

1B CS pump C/S PTL and OOS 1C HD pump C/S PTL and OOS Place LCOAR placards for: 1B CS LCO 3.6.6 Condition Place On-Line risk to Yellow Provide a copy of the LCOAR paperwork for the 1B CS pump OOS.

Provide copies of turnover sheets Provide 1BGP 100-4T.1 for power decension Perform Ready for Training checklist.

Insert all PRELOAD Events from page 1 Set AB Pot to 3.91 for 1000 ppm boron Event 1 Perform a reactivity calculation using 1BCB Figure 35 (Rod insertion will be as necessary to control I and per the REMA). Commence a ramp down to 1000 MWe power as requested by Electric Operations Event 2 PZR Pressure control channel, 1PT-455, fails high.

Initiate event after load ramp down is commenced, with the lead examiners concurrence.

Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, and maintenance. To trip bistables perform the following Remote Functions:

SDG: RX8 IMF RX21A 2500 30 MRF RP20 OPEN/CLOSE MRF RX Trip MRF RX Trip Event 3 1A SG FRV will fail closed in AUTO.

Initiate event after event 2 actions completed, including addressing Tech Specs for action requirements, with the concurrence of the lead examiner. Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, and maintenance.

SDG: RX20 IMF RX29A 0 30 Event 4 1B MFP trips requiring start of the 1A FW Pump.

Initiate event after event 3 actions are completed with the lead examiners concurrence.

Acknowledge info passed to the SM, WEC, maintenance, and in plant operators. No local indication of pp trip.

SDG: FW7 IMF FW02A Event 5 Inadvertent Phase A on Train A.

Initiate event after actions for the tripped 1B FW Pump have been addressed.

Acknowledge info/requests passed to the SM, WEC, maintenance, and in plant operators.

SDG: RP13 IMF RP10A DMF RP10A after 5 seconds Byron Demo 06-3 nrc.doc Page 4 4/21/2006

Event 6 1A CV pump trips during actions for Inadvertent Phase A.

Initiate malfunction while the BOP is taking actions to restore Train A, Phase A valves to ensure the RO responds to this failure, with lead examiners concurrence. Acknowledge info to the SM, WEC, and maintenance.

SDG: CV5 IMF CV01A Event 7 1A SG Steamline breaks at 4 Mlb/hr inside CNMT.

Initiate malfunction after start of 1B CV Pump, letdown is restored, Tech Spec 3.5.2 actions are addressed, with lead examiners concurrence. Acknowledge info to the SM, WEC, request for STA.

NOTE: The Rx trip breakers will open on a trigger when the Step 7 action in 1BFR-S.1 is taken to isolate the Steam Dumps by taking the Bypass Interlock switches to OFF.

SDG: MS1 IMF RD09 8 IMF MS07A 4 Byron Demo 06-3 nrc.doc Page 5 4/21/2006

Scenario No.: 06-3 Event No.: 1 Event


Perform Reactivity calculation for power ramp to 1000 Mwe and commence the power ramp to 1000 Mwe.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES: Directed to perform during turnover RO Performs reactivity calculation for Unit 1 ramp up to 1235 Mwe power.

(Should calculate ~320-370 gal Boration and setup to borate 40-70%)

BOP US Direct actions for ramp to 1000 Mwe power.

Monitor effects of boration RO Initiate boration (BOP CV-6)

  • Place MU MODE CONT SWITCH to STOP position.
  • Set MU MODE SELECT to BOR position.
  • Verify 1CV110A in AUTO
  • Verify 1CV110B in AUTO
  • Ensure Boric Acid Transfer Pump Control Switch is NOT in PULL OUT
  • Place MAKE-UP CONTROL Switch to START
  • Verify proper operation of valves & BA Transfer pump (1CV110A modulates OPEN, and 110B opens, BA Transfer Pump is running)
  • Verify expected BA flow on recorder 1FR-110
  • Monitor Boration effects
  • Verify at least two B/U Heater groups ON and spray valves 1RY455B/C modulate OPEN.
  • Monitor for RCS Tave drop.

BOP Initiate turbine load ramp: Using graphic 5501 Verify/Select Impulse Pressure IN

  • ENTER 5 MW/MIN rate in the RATE window
  • ENTER 1000 in the REF DEMAND window
  • SELECT EXIT Inform US/RO of pending drop in turbine load
  • SELECT GO (when RO reports expected Tave drop)

Verify load drops as expected.

NOTE: The next malfunctions may be entered at lead examiners direction after 5-10% power change.


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Scenario No.: 06-3 Event No.: 2 Event


1PT-455 Controlling PZR Pressure Channel fails high.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES: Annunciators:

1-12-A2 PZR PRESS HIGH RX TRIP STPT ALERT 1-12-B2 PZR PORV OR SAF VLV OPEN 1-12-C1 PZR PRESS CONT DEV LOW HTRS ON 1-12-D2 PZR PRESS CONT DEV HIGH 1-12-C6 PZR PORV DSCH TEMP HIGH Pzr pressure dropping PORVs open PZR sprays open Master Pressure Controller at 100%

1PI-455 indicates 2500 psig RO/US Identify/report failure of 1PT-455

  • Take Manual control to stop the depressurization o PZR pressure Master Controller to Manual and lower output to close PORVs and sprays.

o Manually close PORVs and sprays to stop depressurization.

Implement 1BOA INST-2, Operation With a Failed Instrument Channel

  • Notify SM to evaluate for E-plan o Place ramp on HOLD BOP o Refer to BARs on 1-12-A2/B2/C1/D2/C6 for operator actions o Check HMI for time line for exceeding DNB pressure limit US/RO Check PZR pressure:
  • Restore pressure in manual - place Master pressure controller in Manual
  • Select an operable pressure control channel
  • Check PORVs closed - 1RY455A and 456
  • Check sprays operating normally - 1RY455B and C
  • Check PZR heaters operating normally - Backups should be on until PZR pressure is > 2218 psig
  • Place PZR pressure control in AUTO
  • Select operable channels to PZR pressure recorder and Loop Delta-T o Identify/flag failed instrument o Request extra NSO to trip bistables for 1PT455 o Check RCS > 1930 psig for P-11 Interlock
  • Refer to Tech Specs for actions ; 3.4.1, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, and 3.3.4 - limiting LCO will require placing channels in trip within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> - most limiting is 3.4.1, if pressure dropped to < 2209 psig - 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> action to restore. May also look at TRM 3.4.d.

o Consider resuming ramp BOP Monitor plant for effects of power ramp and take any actions directed by the US o Provide peer checks for RO switch manipulations NOTE: When actions have been completed to respond to failed PZR pressure channel and lead evaluators concurrence, Event 3 is entered.


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Scenario No.: 06-3 Event No.: 3 Event


Steam Generator 1A Feedwater Regulating Valve fails closed in AUTO Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: Annunciators:

1-15-A4 S/G 1A FLOW MISMATCH FW FLOW LOW 1-15-A9 S/G 1A LEVEL DEVIATION HIGH LOW 1A FW Flow dropping to 0 1A SG level dropping 1A FRV controller 1FW510 output drops to 0 BOP/US Identify/report failure of 1A FRV.

o Place ramp on HOLD US/BOP

  • Direct Manual control of 1FW510 to stablize 1A FW flow to match steam flow
  • Restore 1A SG level to normal in Manual o Identify/flag the 1FW510 controller o Notify SM/Maintenance to investigate o Consider recommencing ramp RO Monitor plant response to FW transient and take actions directed by the US NOTE: When the above actions have been taken for the failed FRV and lead evaluators concurrence, Event 4 is entered.


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Scenario No.: 06-3 Event No.: 4 Event


1B MFP trips requiring entry into 1BOA SEC-1, Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES: Annunciators:

1-16-B1 FW PUMP 1B TRIP 1-16-D2 FW PUMP DSCH FLOW HIGH 1-15-A/B/C/D S/G 1A/B/C/D FLOW MISMATCH FW FLOW LOW 1C MFP speed rising All SG levels dropping BOP/ Identify/report trip of 1B MFP US Implement actions in 1BOA SEC-1, Attachment A BOP

  • Close 1B MFP recirc valve - 1FW012B
  • Check turbine load > 700 MW
  • Check 1C MFP running
  • Start the 1A MFP Aux Oil Pump
  • Verify 1FW016 controller in MANUAL at 20% demand
  • Check 1A discharge flow > 3 MLB/HR - Adjust 1FW016, if necessary o Start standby CD/CB pump - start aux oil pump first, then the standby CD/CB pump
  • Check feed flow > steam flow - adjust 1FW016 as necessary o Raise FW Pumps suction pressure
  • Check FW Pump NPSH low alarm LIT (1-16-E1)
  • Check CP bypass valves open - 1CD210A/B
  • Check standby CD/CB pump running
  • Verify HD pump discharge valves responding as necessary - 1HD046A/B
  • Check CB pump recircs in AUTO - 1CB113A/B/C/D
  • Check CD pumps recirc valve closed - 1CD152
  • Check Gland steam condenser bypass valves open - 1CD157A/B
  • Check Feed Flow greater than or equal to steam flow
  • Check SG levels stable or trending to normal
  • FW Pump Discharge Flow High alarm (1-16-D2) NOT LIT - balance flow as necessary US/RO/ Check Plant Status:
  • Control Delta-I near target

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US/ Restore Plant Conditions BOP

  • Balance MFP flows as necessary
  • Verify MFP recircs are in MODULATE
  • Verify all valve controls are in AUTO - HD pump discharge, CB recircs, CD recirc, GS cond bypasses.

Review 1A MFP startup procedure Shut down unnecessary CD/CB pump per BOP CD/CB-2 Complete shutdown of 1B MFP per BOP FW-2 Adjust SG BLDN flows and calorimetric inputs as necessary Verify DEHC feedback loop in service - Impulse/MW US Request maintenance to troubleshoot. Notify SM for IR/WR RO Monitor plant for effects, address BARs, and take any actions directed by the US NOTE: When actions have been completed to respond to 1B MFP trip and lead evaluators concurrence, Event 5 and 6 are entered.


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Scenario No.: 06-3 Event No.: 5/6 Event


Inadvertent Phase A on the A Train; 1A CV pump trips prior to L/D restoration Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: Annunciators:

1-5-B7 CNMT PHASE A ISOLATION 1-7-C3 RCP SEAL LEAKOFF FLOW LOW 1-9-B1 LP LTDWN RLF TEMP HIGH Group 3 CNMT isol monitor lights LIT Phase A CNMT isol valves indication - CLOSED ALL Identify/report PHASE A CNMT ISOLATION US Direct implementation of 1BOA PRI-13, Recovery From Inadvertent Phase A Containment Isolation.

  • Manually control charging to minimize PZR level rise
  • Turn off Backup Heaters
  • Start available RCFCs in High Speed
  • Determine Train A by verifying 1CV8100, 1WO006A, and 1WO020A are closed.
  • Check ATT. A to verify Train A valves are closed.
  • Reset CNMT Isolation:
  • Reset Phase A
  • Place PZR spray controllers in MANUAL - for 1RY455B and C
  • Open IA to CNMT - 1IA065 and 66
  • Restore PZR Pressure control to normal - heaters and sprays
  • Restore letdown per 1BOA ESP-2, Re-establishing Letdown Check Letdown isolated:
  • 1CV8149A/B/C (Letdown Orifice Isol Vlvs) are closed.
  • 1CV459/460 (Letdown line Isol Vlvs) are closed.

Check Letdown Flowpath

  • Letdown Hx Isol Vlv open (1CV8401A for 1A Hx or 1CV8401B for 1B Hx)
  • Regen Hx Isol Vlvs open (1CV8324A/8389A for 1A Hx or 1CV8324B/8389B for 1B Hx)
  • Letdown CNMT Isol Vlvs open (1CV8152 and 1CV8160)
  • BTRS MODE Select Switch in OFF Align Letdown Controllers:
  • Place 1CV131 in Manual with 40% demand
  • Place 1CC130 in Manual with 60% demand Verify Charging Flow is established:
  • Check Charging Line CNMT Isol Vlvs open (1CV8105 and 1CV8106)
  • Throttle 1CV182 to maintain PCP Seal Injection 8-13 gpm per RCP
  • Throttle 1CV121 to establish at least 100 gpm Charging Flow.

NOTE: Event 6 can be entered when the BOP is taking 1BOA PRI-13 actions to ensure the RO takes the action for the 1A CV pump trip, with lead examiners concurrence. 1A CV pump trip event actions are on the next page.


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CUE: Annunciator:

1-9-A3 CHG PUMP TRIP 1-9-D3 CHG LINE FLOW HIGH LOW 1-7-B2 RCP SEAL WTR INJ FLOW LOW Trip indication on 1B CV pump C/S US/RO Identify / report 1B CV pump trip BOP Notify SM/Maintenance and dispatch NLO to investigate

  • Address actions in BAR 1-9-A3
  • Verify Letdown isolated - 1CV9149A/B/C are closed
  • Check 1CV459 and 460 are closed
  • Ensure a borated water source is available to the 1A CV pump (VCT or RWST)
  • Discuss gas binding to eliminate as cause
  • Verify miniflow recirc path for 1A CV pump (1CV8111 and 8114 open)
  • Place 1CV121 in Manual at 10% open demand
  • Start 1A CV pump - monitor amps and flow for indications of gas binding.
  • Throttle charging flow to establish 70 gpm
  • Address going to BOP CV-17 to re-establish letdown - 1BOA ESP-2 already in use.
  • Determine cause of the 1B CV pump trip
  • Initiate corrective action Exit BAR and continue with 1BOA ESP-2 RO/ Establish Letdown Flow:


  • Open Letdown Line Isol Vlvs (1CV459 and 1CV460)
  • Open Letdown Orifice Isol Vlvs to obtain desired flow (1CV8149A and/or B and/or C)
  • Adjust 1CV131 to control letdown pressure at ~ 360 psig
  • Adjust 1CC130 to control letdown temperature between 90 and 115 degrees F.
  • Place the controllers for 1CV131 and 1CC130 in AUTO.
  • Throttle 1CV121 and 182 to maintain PZR level program and 8-13 gpm RCP seal injection per RCP
  • Re-establish RCP seal leakoff to the VCT
  • RCS pressure > 100 psig
  • VCT pressure 15-65 psig
  • Open seal water return CNMT isol valve - 1CV8100
  • Check No. 1 seal leakoff isol valves open - 1CV8141A/B/C/D Comments:

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  • Restore CNMT cooling - open 1WO006A/B, 1WO020A/B, and 1WO056A/B, and start CNMT chiller per BOP VP-1 (Detailed procedure below)
  • Restore CNMT ATMOS monitor:
  • Verify 1PR001A/B (CNMT isol vlvs) are open
  • Verify 1PR066 (PR return to CNMT) is open
  • Start 1PR11J - CNMT ATMOS monitor per BAR RM-2-1PR11J o Restore SG Bldn per BOP SD-101 and update calorimetric
  • Restore normal valve lineups per ATT A for Train A valves.
  • Refer to Tech Specs - condition will be cleared, no actions will be required RO/
  • Monitor plant for effects and take any action directed by the US US NOTE: When actions have been completed for the Inadvertent Phase A and 1A CV pump trip and lead evaluators concurrence, Event 7 is entered.

NOTE: Recommend providing a CUE to the crew that BOP VP-1 will be performed by a Unit 2 NSO. This is lengthy and no real value added since most actions are performed outside of the MCR.


  • Verify/open 1SX016A/B, 27A/B, (on 1PM06J) 112A/B and 114A/B (on 0PM02J)
  • Verify 1WO006A/B, 20A/B, and 56A/B are open on 1PM06J.
  • Verify at least 10 psig suction to chilled water pump - 1WO01PA/B
  • Start either 1WO01PA or B Verify flow on 1FI-WO026/27 is > 2700 gpm (throttle to 2700-3000 gpm)

Verify oil in chiller sight glass and oil reservoir temp 135-150 degrees F Place local Capacity Control Switch in AUTO Place electrical demand switch locally to 60%

Place local control switch in STOP Place LOCAL/REMOTE switch in REMOTE

  • Place remote control switch on 0PM02J to CLOSE Push reset button for safety indicators locally and release Verify program timer light comes ON locally Verify oil pump starts locally (~25 sec)

Verify compressor starts in ~ 30 seconds after oil pump Check that program timer light goes OFF

  • Verify VP chiller condenser pressure will automatically control
  • Momentarily close 1SX147A/B from 0PM02J until dual indication is present.
  • Verify 1SX112A, 1A VP chiller SX Sup Valve, is open on 0PM02J.
  • Verify 1SX147A C/S in AUTO o Verify oil DP on 1PI-WO040/64 remains 6-40 psig o Verify oil reservoir temp stabilizes 135-160 degrees F o Verify bearing oil temp stabilizes 140-170 degrees F o Set electric demand at 60% and hold for at least 5 minutes o Raise electric demand to 80% and hold for at least 5 minutes o Ensure load demand is set for 100%

o Ensure thermostat set to maintain chilled water outlet temp 42-48 degrees F Comments:

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Scenario No.: 06-3 Event No.: 7 Event


1A SG Steamline breaks inside CNMT with a failure of the Reactor to trip (ATWS) and AUTO and MANUAL rod insertion will fail to 8 steps/minute.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: Annunciators:

1-15-E2 MS PRESS LOW 1-15-A/B/C/D4 SG 1A/B/C/D MISMATCH FW FLOW LOW 1-12-C1 PZR PRESS CONT DEV LOW HTRS ON 1-11-E1 CNMT PRESS HIGH SI/RX TRIP first out PZR pressure dropping rapidly CNMT pressure rising rapidly ALL Identify/report indications and failure of the reactor to trip.

US Direct a Manual reactor trip.

Direct implementation of 1BFR-S.1, Response to Nuclear Power Generation/ATWS

  • Direct operators to take immediate actions
  • Announce Adverse Cnmt conditions when > 5 psig RO
  • Verify reactor tripped
  • Rod bottom lights are NOT LIT, Reactor trip breakers are CLOSED
  • Attempt to Manually trip Reactor at both 1PM06J and 1PM05J
  • Rods inserted at maximum rate -Manual or AUTO is only 8 steps/min BOP
  • Verify turbine tripped
  • All turbine throttle valves closed
  • All turbine Governor valves closed
  • Check AF pumps running - AF pump run lights LIT NOTE: The SI Train relays did not function to shift CV pump suction to the RWST and tied to these relays, also, are the 1SI8801A and 1SI8801B valves that need to be manually opened during this event.


  • Initiate Emergency Boration
  • Check at least 1 CV pump running


  • Verify RWST suction valve OPEN - 1CV112D or 112E


  • Close 1CV112B or 112C S.1-C]
  • Maximize charging flow (report boration flow rate is > 30 gpm)
  • Check PZR pressure < 2335 psig BOP/ Verify CNMT Vent Isol RO
  • Group 6 CNMT Vent Isol monitor lights LIT Verify Reactor is Subcritical
  • PR channels > 5% - Go to step 7 Isolate Steam Dumps
  • Place steam dump BYPASS INTERLOCK switches (A and B train) to OFF RESET
  • Check if reactor has tripped
  • Dispatch an operator to locally open reactor trip and bypass breakers - May have been done Comments:

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NOTE: RCPs are required to be tripped after Rx is < 5% AND IR SUR is negative AND CNMT PHASE B has occurred.

NOTE: SI equipment actuation can be verified via the OAS page in this procedure and should be done as time permits.

BOP Check SG levels:

  • NR in at least 1 SG > 10% (31% ADVERSE) o Verify AF flow > 900 gpm
  • Maintain > 900 gpm until at least 1 SG is > 10% (31% ADVERSE)
  • Control SG NR levels 10% (31%) to 50%
  • Check SG BLDN isol valves CLOSED - 1SD002A-H RO Verify all dilution paths isolated
  • Check reactor makeup dilution valves closed - 1CV111A and B
  • Verify BTRS MODE SELECT switch in OFF
  • Dispatch an NLO to verify dilution paths identified in 1BFR-S.1, Step 10. c. are closed ALL Stop Reactivity Insertion from RCS Cooldown
  • RCS NOT DROPPING in an UNCONTROLLED manner - go to step 12
  • SG pressure , NONE dropping in an UNCONTROLLED manner -go to step 12
  • Identify 1A SG as FAULTED - pressure dropping in an UNCONTROLLED manner OR completely DRY.


  • Check FW to faulted SG ISOLATED - associated ROW on FW Isol Monitor Lights Panel LIT.
  • Isolate AF to 1A SG by closing 1AF013A and E


  • Check 1MS018A closed (1A SG PORV)


  • Verify 1SD002A and B closed (1A SG BLDN valves)
  • Verify1SD005A closed ( SG BLDN sample valve)


  • Check CETCs < 1200 degrees F
  • Verify reactor is subcritical
  • PR channels < 5%
  • IR channels - negative startup rate US
  • Transition to 1BEP-0 and direct operators to perform their immediate actions.
  • Notify STA to evaluate BSTs Comments:

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US Implement 1BEP-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION and directs operator actions.

  • Notifies SM of EP entry
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Turbine throttle valves closed
  • Turbine governor valves closed BOP Verify power to 4KV busses
  • Bus 141 alive light lit
  • Bus 142 alive light lit ALL Perform immediate operator actions of 1BEP-0:

Check SI status RO

  • SI actuated
  • SI First OUT annunciator lit (1-11-B1, 1-11-C1, 1-11-D1, 1-11-E1)
  • SI ACTUATED lit (1-BP-4.1)
  • SI Equipment running (SI pumps running, CV Cold leg injection SI8801A/B open)

Determine SI actuated

  • Actuate SI by taking either SI switch to ACTUATE (1PM05J or 1PM06J)

BOP Verify FW isolated

  • FW pumps tripped
  • Isolation monitor lights lit
  • FW pumps discharge valves closed 1FW002A-C Comments:

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RO Verify ECCS pumps running

  • CENT CHG pumps
  • RH pumps
  • Verify RCFCs Accident Mode lights lit
  • Verify Phase A isolation - Group 3 monitor lights lit
  • Verify CNMT Ventilation isolation - Group 6 CNMT Vent Isol monitor lights lit BOP Verify AF system:
  • AF pumps running
  • AF flow control valves throttled 1AF005A-H, except A and E Verify CC Pumps running Verify SX Pump running Check if Main Steamline Isolation required
  • Check SG pressure > 640 psig, 1A SG will NOT be
  • Check CNMT pressure > 8.2 psig
  • Check if CNMT pressure has increased to greater than 20 psig
  • Check Group 6 CS monitor lights LIT - NOT 1B CS pump
  • Check Group 6 Phase B isol monitor lights LIT Stop ALL RCPs - verification
  • Check CS eductor suction flow on running pumps greater than 15 gpm
  • Check CS eductor additive flow on running pumps greater than 5 gpm
  • All 8 riser valves open 0SX163A thru H
  • All 4 Hot Water Bypass valves closed 0SX162A thru D
  • AF flow > 500 gpm
  • SG levels maintained between 10% (31% Adverse) and 50%
  • SG levels NOT increasing in an uncontrolled manner BOP Verify ECCS valve alignment
  • Group 2 Cold Leg Injection monitor lights lit
  • Verify 1SI8801A and 1SI8801B are OPEN Comments:

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BOP Verify ECCS flow

  • RCS pressure NOT <1700 psig RO Check at least one PZR PORV relief path is available
  • PORV isol valve - both ENERGIZED (1RY8000A/B)
  • PORV relief path - both AVAILABLE (1RY455A/456)
  • Isolation valves open BOP/US Verify Generator Trip
  • GCB 3-4 and OCB 4-5 open
  • PMG output breaker open BOP Verify DGs running,
  • SX valves open 1SX169A/B
  • Dispatch operator locally to check operation Examiners note: US and RO will likely continue in 1BEP-0 while BOP is performing the next 3 ventilation steps:

BOP Verify Control Room ventilation aligned for emergency operations:

  • Dispatch NLO to trip VV supply fans
  • Operating VC train equipment running Train A
  • Supply fan
  • Return fan
  • M/U fan
  • Chilled water pump
  • M/U fan outlet damper NOT full closed 0VC24Y
  • VC train M/U filter light LIT
  • Operating VC train Charcoal Adsorber aligned for train A
  • 0VC43Y closed
  • 0VC21Y open
  • 0VC22Y open
  • Control Room pressure greater than +0.125 inches water on 0PDI-VC038 Comments:

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BOP Verify Auxiliary Building ventilation aligned

  • Two inaccessible filter plenums aligned
  • Plenum A fan 0VA03CB running
  • Plenum C fan 0VA03CF running
  • Damper 0VA438Y closed BOP Verify FHB ventilation aligned
  • Train B fan 0VA04CB running
  • 0VA055Y open
  • 0VA062Y open
  • 0VA435Y closed RO Check PZR sprays & PORVs closed
  • Normal spray valves closed 1RY455B and 1RY455C (NOTE: valves are failed closed due to loss of IA due to Cnmt Phase A)
  • PORVs closed (1RY455A/456) - identify that PORVs are cycling to maintain PZR pressure RO/BOP Maintain RCS temperature control
  • Determine no RCPs running
  • Throttle AFW flow to SGs maintaining > 10% (ADVERSE >31%) in at least 1 SG. (Except the faulted SG)

RO Check if RCPs should be stopped

  • NO RCPs running BOP Check if SG secondary pressure boundaries are intact:
  • Check pressure in all SGs:
  • None decreasing in an uncontrolled manner
  • None completely depressurized - 1A SG is DRY - GO TO 1BEP-2 Comments:

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Scenario No.: 06-3 Event No.: 7 Event


1A SG Steamline breaks inside CNMT with a failure of the Reactor to trip (ATWS)

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ALL Transition to 1BEP-2 FAULTED STEAM GENERATOR ISOLATION UNIT 1 US US Enter and direct actions of 1BEP-2 FAULTED STEAM GENERATOR ISOLATION UNIT 1

  • Notifies SM of BEP entry
  • All MSIVs and MSIV Bypass valves closed BOP Check if any SG secondary pressure boundary is intact:

BOP/US Identify Faulted SG

  • Check pressure in all SGs
  • Any decreasing in an uncontrolled manner

BOP Isolate 1A S/G:

Close 1AF013A & E

  • Check FW to faulted SG isolated (should have performed in 1BEP-0)

Associated row on FW isolation monitor lights panel LIT for faulted SG.

  • Verify 1A S/G PORV closed (1MS018A)
  • Verify 1A S/G Blowdown valves closed (1SD002A and B)
  • Verify 1A S/G Blowdown sample isolation valves closed (1SD005A)

BOP Monitor AF pump suction pressure:

  • AF PUMP SX SUCT VLVS ARMED alarm 1-3-E7 NOT lit US/ Check secondary radiation trends normal for plant conditions:


  • RM11 Grid 1 indications for: ( May elect to use HMI for trends)
  • SJAE/ gland steam exhaust gas
  • SG blowdown liquid radiation
  • Main steamline MSIV rooms
  • Reset CNMT isol Phase A
  • Request chemistry to sample all SGs US GO TO 1BEP-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant Comments:

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ALL Transition to 1BEP-1 US Implement 1BEP-1 and direct operator actions.

  • Notifies SM of BEP entry
  • Requests E-plan evaluation RO/US
  • Check status of RCPs and determine none running BOP/US
  • Identify faulted 1A SG and that 1BEP-2 has been completed
  • Check Intact SG levels > 10% (31% ADVERSE), controlled 10% (31%) to 50% NR and NONE rising in an UNCONTROLLED manner
  • Check Secondary rad levels NORMAL US/RO
  • Check PZR PORVs and Isol Valves o PORVs isol vlvs energized o PORVs closed - identify cycling to maintain pressure o PORV isol vlvs - at least 1 open ALL
  • Check if ECCS can be reduced
  • RCS subcooling adequate - iconic display or ATT A
  • Secondary heat sink established - at least 1 SG > 10% (31%) OR > 500 gpm AF flow
  • RCS pressure stable or rising
  • PZR level > 12% (28% ADVERSE)
  • GO TO 1BEP ES-1.1, SI Termination NOTE: With lead examiners concurrence, terminate this scenario.

Evaluate SRO for EAL (MS3)


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Unit Supervisor Turnover -FOR TRAINING ONLY PLANT STATUS Grid "B" Train Week WWM: R. Freidel Shift: 95 to 96 Date: TODAY Status:Green Unit 1 Unit 2 Mode: 1  % Pwr: 100 MW: 1235 OLR: Yellow Mode: 1  % Pwr: 99.9 MW: 1229 OLR: Green CB: 1000 Xenon: Steady State Rod Height: 221 CB: 1168 Xenon: Steady State Rod Height: 221 IN PROGRESS IN PROGRESS

-1B CS Trouble shooting -2HD099 contingency plan to Furmanite.

-1C HD pump seal replacement -SAT 242-2 bank 4 deenergized with EST tag (cooling fan 2 missing)


-1BOL 6.6 1B CS pump 2HD0099B 1C HD pump LCOARs Exited: LCOARs Exited:


-1B CS pump -SAT 242 bk 4 fans



      • NO LIQ REL w/o permission from Ops Dir & SVP*** -U2 EH sample

-U1/U2 Cnmt Release Package prep Unit Supervisor Turnover - FOR TRAINING ONLY ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS Temporary Alterations X Unit 0 Logbook X Unit 1 Logbook X Unit 2 Logbook X Train Inop Status Board X Degraded Equipment Log X Daily Orders X

  • CRs X Abnormal Component Posit. X TURNOVER ITEMS Normal COMMENTS YES/NO NSO Shiftly and Daily Surv Yes SYS - Primary Yes SYS - Balance of Plant No -1C HD pump OOS; RTS by end of shift today Nuclear Instrumentation Yes MCB Instrumentation Yes MCB Controllers Yes Electrical Distribution - AC No -1B CS OOS; RTS by end of shift today Electrical Distribution - DC Yes Electric Operations Yes Blowdown (CW/SD) Yes Alarms (MCB) Yes Chemistry Yes Radiation Precautions Yes FME Issues Yes U-1 Turnover EFPH: 600 U-1 Reactivity: Borate 10gals=.3 °F Nuke Engineer: K. Elam Boron to ramp to 780 MW: 555 700 MW: 400 gals BAT = 7581, BA Pot = 3.91 Equals 15.6 gpm @ Steady State FUEL DEPLETION: 11 gallons/shift RWST = 2383 ppm 1A CV pp Cb = 1000 ppm U-2 Reactivity: Dilute 20 gal=.2°F Nuke Engineer: F. Funke Boron to ramp to 780 MW: 480 700 MW: 290 gals BAT = 7579, BA Pot = 4.61 Equals 18.4 gpm @ Steady State FUEL DEPLETION: 40 gallons PW/shift RWST = 2350 ppm 2B CV pp Cb = 1188 ppm Exceptional OOSs Requiring Special Plant Conditions MISCELLANEOUS Review BA Pot settings on turnover 2HD099B steam leak (~120 drops/min) Monitor 2X/shift Post Reviews: FS, US, Unit NSO, Turnovers Logs, MCR Tour, Daily Orders and Standing Orders OFF-GOING ON-COMING UNIT 1 Supervisor U-1 Unit Supervisor UNIT 2 Supervisor U-2 Unit Supervisor STA STA Center Desk Operator Turnover- FOR TRAINING ONLY PLANT U1 Mode: 1  % Pwr: 100 MW: 1235 IN PROGRESS STATUS U2 Mode: 1  % Pwr: 100 MW: 1229 CW Warming line is OFF MUDS BOILER IA DRYERS ON LINE 0A: Standby U1: Wet L/U U1/U2 0B: Exhausted U2: Wet L/U AS U1 ES ADMINISTRATIVE
1. Temporary Procedures X
2. Temporary Alterations X
4. Unit 0 Logboook X
5. Center Desk Routine X
6. Daily Orders X
7. SM Notes X
8. Switching Orders / Electric Ops / Division LD X
9. Control Board Walkdown X
10. 1st Shift Annun Check Completed NA LCOAR C/O / RTS Surveillances Maint / WR TURNOVER ITEMS Normal
1. HVAC Yes
2. 345 KV Systems, Relay House No OCBs 12-13, 4-5, & 11-12 have temporary Cabinet Htrs
3. Air Systems (IA, SA) Yes
4. Fire Protection Yes
5. Blowdown Yes
6. Radiation Releases Yes
7. MCB Instrumentation Yes
8. MCB Controllers Yes
9. Tank Capacity Yes
10. Chemistry Yes
11. Radiation Protection Yes
12. Alarms - MCB Annun Yes
13. Alarms - FP / Other Yes
14. SYS - Safeguards No/14 1B CS OOS for Trouble shooting
15. SYS - Primary Yes
16. SYS - Balance of Plant No/16 2HD099B steam leak, 1C HD pp
17. MDCT Yes
18. NDCT, Flume Yes
19. FME Issues Yes TIME DATE SHIFT OFF-GOING ON-COMING Now TODAY 95 to 96 Center Desk Unit 1 Nuclear Station Operator Turnover - FOR TRAINING ONLY PLANT Mode: 1  % Pwr: 100 MW: 1235 ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS Grp: CBD 221 CB: 1000 ppm Xe: Steady State 1. Temporary Procedures X TURNOVER X
2. TCCPs EFPH = 600 LCOAR C/O / RTS Surveillances Maint / WR 3. ESTs X 1B CS pp 1B CS C/S X
4. Unit 1 Logbook (1BOL 6.6 ) 1C HD pp C/S
5. Unit Routine X
6. Aux Elec Equip Rm General Inspection X
7. Daily Orders X
8. SM Notes X
9. Control Board Walkdown X
10. Abnormal Component Positions X
11. 1st Shift Annun Check Completed NA IN PROGRESS PENDING 1B cs Trouble shooting Load ramp down to 1000Mwe at 5Mwe/minute BA Pot = 3.91 Equals 15.6 gpm @ Steady State IC HD pp seal replacement FUEL DEPLETION: 11 gallons BA/shift Borate 10 gals =.3 °F Exceptional C/Os Req Plant Cond:


1. No Major Procedures in Progress Yes
2. NSO Shiftly and Daily Surveillance Yes
3. SSPS Channels / Bistables Yes
4. ALARMS - SER / Annunciators Yes
5. ALARMS - Process / RM-11 Yes
6. SER / Alarm Typer / Trend Typer Yes
7. Alarms - FP / Other Yes
8. Tank Capacity Yes
9. Chemistry Yes
10. Radiation Precautions Yes
11. Nuclear Instrumentation Yes
12. MCB Instrumentation Yes
13. MCB Controllers Yes
14. Electrical Distribution - AC Yes
15. Electrical Distribution - DC Yes
16. SYS - Safeguards No/16 1B CS pp OOS
17. SYS - Primary Yes
18. SYS - Balance of Plant No/18 1C HD pp OOS
19. FME Issues 20.




The purpose of this power change reactivity worksheet is to establish a boundary for the amount of boration / dilution that may be required and to assist in meeting industry expectations for reactivity control during a power ramp. The worksheet assumes steady state reactor power prior to the ramp and DOES NOT consider Xenon effects. Since the worksheet establishes a boundary, the operator experience plays an equal if not more important role in ensuring proper reactivity controls. 40% to 70% of the boration / dilution amount will normally be added.


1. Basis: Approx Cycle Burnup: __600____ EFPH Initial Cb: _1000___ ppm Initial Reactor Power: __100_____ % Initial CBD: __221___ steps Final Reactor Power: __ 80____ % Final CBD: __175___ steps (est)
2. Determine the change in power defect:

Use BCB-1 Figure 17A, pages 1-4 or Table 2-1:

(-)__1300______ - (-)___1600______ = ____+300_________pcm final power defect present power defect Change in power defect

3. Determine the amount of reactivity change due to control rod repositioning:

Use BCB-1 Figure 2C, pages 1-4 or Table 1-7 (Ensure correct curve w/respect to core life):

____10_________ - _____105_________ = _____-95___________pcm present inserted rod worth final inserted rod worth Change in control rod worth

4. Determine the reactivity the boration / dilution will compensate for:

___+300________ + ____-95_________ = ___+205___________

step 2 result step 3 result Reactivity to compensate for

5. Determine the Differential Boron Worth (DBW):

Use BCB-1 Figure 10B, pages 1-4 or Table 2-4: 6.68 pcm/ppm (Avg of 2 values)

(Use the DBW absolute value, i.e., positive)- differential boron worth

6. Determine the ppm change in RCS boron concentration:

(NOTE: + number indicates boration; - number indicates dilution)

(step 4 result) _+205/6.68___ = __+30.7____ ppm change in RCS boron conc.

(step 5 result)

7. Determine the amount of boration / dilution required: (Data taken using 575ºF)

Use Table 3-1 __~ 345 gallons BA BORATION or DILUTION required

( circle one )(BOLDED)


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Byron Scenario No.: 06-4 Op-Test No.: 2006-301 Examiners: _______________________ Operators: ______________________ SRO

_______________________ ______________________ RO

_______________________ ______________________ BOP Initial Conditions: IC-18; 75% power, 864 Mwe, MOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state, following maintenance activities on 1C low pressure heater string. 1B SX Pump has been removed for 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> to replace the aux oil pump and is expected back in service by the end of this shift. LCOAR 1BOL 7.8 has been initiated. 1C HD Pump OOS for seal replacement and not expected back until the end of shift.

Turnover: The plant down powered 3 days ago from 106 days at 100% power to make repairs on the 1C LP Heater string and is currently at 75% power, MOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state, 7500 EFPH, and 780 ppm boron concentration.

Repairs are complete on 1C LP Heater string. 1B SX Pump has been removed for 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> to replace the aux oil pump and is expected back in service by the end of this shift. LCOAR 1BOL 7.8 has been initiated. 1C Heater Drain Pump is OOS for mechanical seal replacement. Power Team has been notified Byron Unit 1 is ready to return to 1235 Mwe.

The SM has given the direction to raise power at 3%/hr to 1235 Mwe. Power Team requests Unit 1 return to 1235 Mwe power as soon as possible. 1BGP 100-3 is in use and currently at Step F.63. On-line Risk is Yellow.

Event Malf. Event Event Type*

No. No. Description Preload IOR ZDI1SX01PB PTL 1B SX Pump OOS IOR ZLO1SX01PBC OFF 1B SX aux oil pump OOS IOR ZDI1HD01PC PTL 1C HD Pump OOS IMF FW44 1B AFW Pump fails to start/trips MRF SI24 OVER 1SI8801A fails to open on SI signal MRF SI25 OVER 1SI8801B fails to open on SI signal 1 US Direct the Unit ramp to 1235 MWe power.

R RO Perform Reactivity calculation for ramp to 1235 MWe Ramp up the Unit to 1235 MWe power N BOP Ramp up the Unit to 1235 MWe power 2 IMF RX18M 650 I RO RCS Loop 1A Thot RTD (1TD411) fails high. This will require US entry into 1BOA INST-2 for stabilization and recovery. Tech Spec 3.3.1/2 actions.

3 IMF RX06H 0 120 I BOP Steam Generator 1B controlling level channel fails low (0%, 120 seconds). Enter 1BOA INST-2 for actions and Tech Specs 3.3.1/2 US for actions.

4 IMF MS04B 100 C BOP 1MS018B, 1B SG PORV fails open which requires action to close US or isolate. Tech Spec 3.7.4 may be addressed.

5 IMF TH11A 50 C RO PZR PORV 1RY455A fails open at 50% requiring the block valve US 1RY 8000A to be closed to limit RCS depressurization. Tech Spec 3.4.11 will be addressed.

6 IOR ZDI1FW009B CLS M ALL 1FW009B fails closed requiring a manual Reactor trip.

7, 8 IMF TH03B 450 60 M ALL Upon reactor trip, 1B SGTR at 450 gpm, ramped over 60 seconds.

Preloaded C RO Following SI actuation, 1SI8801A and 1SI8801B must be manually opened to initiate High Head ECCS flow 9 IMF MS03B 100 M ALL Upon reactor trip, the pressure surge in the 1B SG causes 2 safetie IMF MS03B 100 to open and stick open.


  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Transient Byron Demo 06-4 nrc.doc Page 1 4/21/2006

SCENARIO 06-4 OVERVIEW The scenario will begin at 75% power, MOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state, following maintenance on 1C low pressure heater string. The 1B SX Pump has been removed from service for 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> to replace the aux oil pump and is expected back in service by the end of the shift. LCOAR 1BOL 7.8 has been initiated. 1C Heater Drain Pump is OOS for seal replacement and not expected back until the end of shift. Power Team requests a Byron Unit 1 ramp up to 1235 MWe power as soon as possible. SM has directed the ramp to 1235Mwe at 3%/hr.

The RO will perform a reactivity calculation and coordinate with the BOP and commence the ramp up to 1235 MWe power.

After Unit ramp is commenced, RCS Loop 1A Thot RTD fails high requiring entry into 1BOA INST-2, which directs ensuring rod control in manual, possibly restoring Tave to Tref, addressing Tech Spec 3.3.1/2 actions and tripping failed channel bistables. US will direct restoration for plant conditions, notify the SM of conditions and the WEC for maintenance support.

After the crew has taken actions for the failed Loop 1A RTD , the 1B SG level control channel fails low requiring manual control to stabilize and control 1B SG level. The US will enter 1BOA INST-2 to verify actions and select a new controlling channel to restore 1B SG level control to automatic. The US will address Tech Specs 3.3.1, 3.3.2, and 3.3.3, for tripping the appropriate bistables within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. The US will notify the SM of conditions and the WEC for maintenance support.

Following the required actions for the SG level channel failure, the 1B SG PORV, 1MS018B fails open causing a small reactivity transient requiring manual action to close or isolate the PORV. Operability should be addressed in Tech Spec 3.7.4 with no action required. The US will notify the SM of conditions and the WEC for maintenance support.

Once the SG PORV is closed or isolated, the PZR PORV 1RY455A fails to 50% open requiring RO action to close the PORV block valve, 1RY8000A, to stop the RCS depressurization. Tech Spec 3.4.11 will be addressed for operability with action required to deenergize 1RY8000A to maintain operability of the PORV. If RCS pressure falls below 2209 psig, a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> action will be required to restore RCS pressure per Tech Spec 3.4.1. The US will notify the SM of conditions and the WEC for maintenance support.

Following actions for PZR PORV 1RY455A failure, 1FW009B will close causing FW to be lost to the 1B SG requiring a manual reactor trip and entry into 1BEP-0. Immediately following the trip, a SGTR will occur in the 1B SG at 450 gpm with 2 stuck open safeties resulting in an SI actuation. The SI may be manually initiated upon recognition of the SI being required. The RO will be expected to recognize 1SI8801A and 1SI8801B did not open as required on the SI and is expected to manually open them for high head injection flow. The crew will take required actions in 1BEP-0, and will transition to 1BEP-2 to isolate the faulted 1B SG, then to 1BEP-3 to take action for the ruptured 1B SG and isolate the ruptured 1B SG. Then transition to 1BCA-3.1 to cooldown the RCS and depressurize the RCS to equalize RCS pressure with the ruptured SG to control RCS inventory loss.

The scenario ends with the transition to 1BCA-3.1.

ERG Based Critical Tasks:

1. E-0I: Manually initiate high head injection via 1SI8801A/B before exiting 1BEP-0.
2. E-3A: Identify the 1B SG as the ruptured SG and isolate prior to transition to 1BCA-3.1.

SCENARIO 06-4 Byron Demo 06-4 nrc.doc Page 2 4/21/2006


Reset to IC-18; 75% power, MOL, equilibrium Xenon, steady state.

Go to run.

Run batch file & caep by typing bat a:/06-4 Align switches:

1B SX C/S PTL and OOS 1B SX aux oil pump OOS 1C HD pump C/S PTL and OOS Place LCOAR placards for: 1B SX LCO 3.7.8 Condition A Place On-Line risk to YELLOW Place Protected Equipment placard on 1A SX Pump C/S Provide a copy of the 1BGP 100-3 Flowchart at Step F63 Provide 1BOL 7.8 for the US to review if desired Provide copies of turnover sheets Perform Ready for Training checklist.

Insert all PRELOAD Events from page 1 Set AB Pot to 3.05 for 780 ppm boron Event 1 Perform a reactivity calculation using 1BCB Figure 35 (Rod withdrawal will be to ARO position from 171 steps). Commence a ramp up to 1235 MWe power as requested by Electric Operations Event 2 RCS Loop 1A Thot RTD (1TD411) fails high.

Initiate event after load ramp down is commenced with the lead examiners concurrence.

Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, and maintenance.

Reminder to place TO402 back in scan on PDMS, if removed by the crew.

SDG: RX2 IMF RX18M 650 MRF RP20 OPEN/CLOSE MRF RX Trip MRF RX Trip Event 3 Steam Generator 1B controlling level channel fails low (0% 120 seconds).

SDG: RX18 IMF RX06H 0 120 Initiate event after event 2 actions completed, including Tech Spec actions of 3.3.1/2, with lead examiners concurrence. Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, and maintenance. If requested to trip bistables and lead examiner concurs:

MRF RP20 OPEN/CLOSE MRF RX057 Trip MRF RX058 Trip Event 4 1MS018B, 1B SG PORV fails open.

Initiate event after event 3 actions are completed, including Tech Spec 3.3.1/2 action, with the lead examiners concurrence. Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, and maintenance.

SDG: MS4 IMF MS04B 100 MRF MS52 0 to close 1MS019B Byron Demo 06-4 nrc.doc Page 3 4/21/2006

Event 5 PZR PORV 1RY455A fails open to 50%

Initiate event after actions for the failed SG PORV have been addressed including Tech Spec actions in 3.7.4, with lead examiners concurrence. Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, maintenance, and in plant operators.

SDG: TH7 IMF TH11A 50 MRF ED058C OPEN to deenergize 1RY8000A Event 6 1FW009B fails closed resulting in a reactor trip Initiate malfunction after actions are taken for 1RY455A failure, including Tech Spec actions of 3.4.11, with the lead examiners concurrence. Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, and maintenance.

SDG: FW9 IOR ZDI1FW009B CLS Event 7/8 1B SGTR at 450 gpm post-trip with failure of 1SI8801A/B to open on SI actuation Malfunction is initiated upon reactor trip to cause a SGTR on 1B SG.

Acknowledge info to the SM, WEC, request for STA.

SDG: TH4 IMF TH03B 450 - triggered from Rx trip SI preloaded Event 9 1B SG Safety will open and stay open after the MSIV is closed in 1BEP-3 Malfunction initiated from Rx trip to cause two safeties to open and stick open on the 1B SG.

Acknowledge info to SM, WEC, and maintenance.

SDG: MS4 IMF MS03B 100 - triggered on Rx trip IMF MS03F 100 - triggered on Rx trip Byron Demo 06-4 nrc.doc Page 4 4/21/2006

Scenario No.: 06-4 Event No.: 1 Event


Perform Reactivity calculation for up power to 1235 Mwe and commence the ramp up to 1235 Mwe.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES: Directed to perform during turnover RO Performs reactivity calculation for Unit 1 ramp up to 1235 Mwe power.

(Should calculate ~3300 - 3700 gal dilution and setup to add 40-70%)

BOP US Direct actions for ramp up to 1235 Mwe power.

Monitor effects of dilution RO Initiate dilution (BOP CV-5)

  • Place MU MODE CONT SWITCH to STOP position.
  • Set MU MODE SELECT to DIL or ALT DIL position.
  • Set 1FK-111 PW/Total Flow Cont Pot to desired dilution rate (Batches desired)

Flag the controller

  • Verify 1CV111A in AUTO
  • Set 1FY-0111 Primary Water Control Preset Counter to desired volume.
  • Verify 1CV111B & 1CV110B in AUTO
  • Place MAKE-UP CONTROL Switch to START
  • Verify proper operation of valves & PW pump (1CV111A &111B OPEN, PW pump is running, (and 110B opens, if in ALT DIL)
  • Verify expected PW flow on recorder 1FR-110
  • Monitor Dilution effects
  • Verify at least two B/U Heater groups ON and spray valves 1RY455B/C modulate OPEN.
  • Monitor for RCS Tave rise.

BOP Initiate turbine load ramp: Using graphic 5501(may use 1BGP 100-3 step or 100-3T4 load swing sheet)

Verify/Select Impulse Pressure IN

  • ENTER 1120 (or 1125 from Load Swing Sheet) in the REF DEMAND window
  • ENTER 5 MW/MIN rate in the RATE window Inform US/RO of pending rise in turbine load
  • SELECT GO (when RO reports expected Tave rise)
  • Verify load rises as expected.

NOTE: The next malfunction may be entered at lead examiners direction after 5-10% power change.


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Scenario No.: 06-4 Event No.: 2 Event


RCS Loop 1A Thot (1TD411) fails high.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES: Annunciators:

1-9-D3 CHG LINE FLOW HIGH LOW 1-10-A5 OP DELTA-T HIGH ROD STOP ALERT C-4 1-10-C5 OT DELTA-T HIGH ROD STOP ALERT C-3 1-12-B4 PZR LEVEL CONT DEV LOW 1-14-A1/B1/B3/B5/C3/C5/D1/D3/D5 - RX TRIP ALERTS/TAVE DELTA-T DEV HIGH/LOW Loop 1A Tave indication higher than the other 3 loops Rods stepping in, if in AUTO RO/US Identify/report failure of Loop 1A Tave/Thot Implement 1BOA INST-2, Operation With a Failed Instrument Channel

  • Notify SM to evaluate for E-plan o Place ramp on HOLD RO/US Place Rod Bank Select switch in Manual
  • Manually Defeat failed RTD channel by selecting Loop 1A Tave channel with TAVE DEFEAT switch
  • Manually Defeat Delta-T channel by selecting Loop 1A Delta-T channel with Delta-T DEFEAT switch
  • Select an operable RTD channel to the Delta-T recorder.

Check if Rods can be placed in AUTO

  • Tave-Tref stable and within 1 degree F - restore if not
  • Check PZR level normal and stable - manually restore if not.
  • Request extra NSO to brief for tripping bistables o Identify/flag TSLBs for the Loop A trip functions o Check P12 Interlock for Tave > 550 degrees F - LO-2 TAVE STM DUMP INTLK P12 (1-BP-4.5) NOT LIT o Defeat Loop 1A channel input to PDMS by placing T0402 (Loop A Tcold) IN TEST
  • Refer to Tech Specs 3.3.1/2 and TRM 3.3.h - 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> action to place bistables in trip.

o Consider reestablishing ramp BOP Monitor plant for effects of power ramp and take any actions directed by the US o Provide peer checks for RO switch manipulations.

NOTE: When actions have been completed to respond to failed RTD channel and lead evaluators concurrence, Event 3 is entered.


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Scenario No.: 06-4 Event No.: 3 Event


Steam Generator 1B controlling level channel fails low (0%, 120 sec)

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: Annunciators:

1-15-B9 SG LEVEL DEVIATION HIGH LOW 1-15-B5 SG 1B LVL LO-2 RX TRIP ALERT 1B FRV opening Feedwater flow > steam flow on 1B SG BOP/US Identify/report failure of 1LI-557, 1B steam generator level channel.

  • Direct/take Manual control of 1B FRV 1FW520 and match F/F with S/F Place the ramp on HOLD US Enter and direct actions of 1BOA INST-2, OPERATION WITH A FAILED INSTRUMENT CHANNEL Attachment E
  • Notifies SM of BOA entry
  • Determine SG level not normal
  • Take manual control of 1FW520 M/A station and restore SG level to normal
  • Restore Automatic level control ALL
  • Identify/flag TSLB lites associated with failed channel Identify/flag failed channel
  • Request operator to locally trip bistables for the affected channel:
  • Request operator to locally align AMS for the failed channel US Performs administrative requirements
  • Determines Tech Spec for 3.3.1/2/3 RPS/ESFAS/PAM Instrumentation applies - 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> to trip bistables
  • Requests IR/WR/LCOAR Consider reestablishing the ramp RO Monitor plant response to FW transient and take actions directed by the US NOTE: When the above actions have been initiated for the failed SG level channel, with lead examiners concurrence, initiate Event 4.


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Scenario No.: 06-4 Event No.: 4 Event


1MS018B, 1B SG PORV fails open Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUES: Open indication on 1PM04J 2-3% rise in NI power.

Small drop in Tave BOP/ Identify/report 1MS018B open indication US

  • Direct actions to close 1MS018B using the C/S on 1PM04J to close and/or dispatch an operator to verify that it is open and locally isolate 1MS018B by closing 1MS019B in the Safety Valve room.
  • Address the Tech Spec issue in 3.7.4 and 3.6.3 to ensure the PORV is still considered operable.

US Acknowledge and direct where and how 1MS018B is to be controlled BOP Identify/flag 1MS018B as a failed valve US Request maintenance to troubleshoot. Notify SM for IR/WR RO Monitor plant for effects and take any actions directed by the US NOTE: When actions have been completed for failed 1MS018B, with lead examiners concurrence, initiate Event 5.


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Scenario No.: 06-4 Event No.: 5 Event


PZR PORV 1RY455A fails open at 50%

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: Annunciators:

1-12-B2 PZR PORV OR SAF VLV OPEN 1-12-C6 PZR PORV DSCH TEMP HIGH Open indication on 1RY455A on 1PM05J PZR pressure dropping on 1PM05J RO/ Identify/report 1RY455A open below PZR pressure setpoint.


  • Direct closing 1RY455A.
  • If it does not close, close 1RY8000A, PORV Block valve to stop depressurization o Place the ramp on HOLD RO/ Refer to BAR 1-12-B2, PZR PORV OR SAF VLV OPEN and address operator follow up actions:


  • Place 1RY455A C/S in Close, verify closed, if not, close PORV Block valve 1RY8000A Declare entry into Tech Spec 3.4.1 for PZR pressure < 2209 psig and take actions to restore pressure normal control band.
  • Dispatch an operator to de-energize 1RY8000A
  • Notify SM/maintenance to investigate repairs and an IR/WR Consider resuming ramp BOP Monitor plant for effects and take any action directed by the US NOTE: When actions have been completed for the PORV failure, with lead examiners concurrence, initiate Event 6.


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Scenario No.: 06-4 Event No.: 6/7/8/9 Event


1FW009B fails closed resulting in a reactor trip. A SGTR in 1B SG and stuck open safety occurs upon reactor trip and SI High Head Injection valves 1SI8801A and 1SI8801B will not Auto upon SI Actuation.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CUE: Annunciators:

1-15-E7 FWIV NOT FULL OPEN 1-15-B4 S/G 1B FLOW MISMATCH FW FLOW LOW 1-15-B9 S/G 1B LEVEL DEVIATION HIGH LOW 1B SG level dropping 1FW009B closed indication FW flow/Steam flow mismatch for 1B SG ALL/

  • Identify/report 1FW009B closed and 1B SG level dropping US


  • Manually trips reactor NOTE: Rx trip triggers the 1B SGTR and stuck open safeties.

US Implement 1BEP-0, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION, and directs operator actions.

  • Notifies SM of EP entry
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Turbine throttle valves closed
  • Turbine governor valves closed BOP Verify power to 4KV busses
  • Bus 141 alive light lit
  • Bus 142 alive light lit ALL Check SI status SI actuated RO o SI First OUT annunciator lit (1-11-B1, 1-11-C1, 1-11-D1, 1-11-E1) o SI ACTUATED lit (1-BP-4.1) o SI Equipment running (SI pumps running, CV Cold leg injection SI8801A/B open)

Determine if SI required:

  • Check PZR pressure < 1829 psig
  • Check Steamline pressure < 640 psig
  • Check CNMT pressure > 3.4 psig
  • Check PZR level can not be maintained > 4%
  • If SI is determined to be required:
  • Actuate SI by taking either SI switch to ACTUATE (1PM05J or 1PM06J) and continue in 1BEP-0 Comments:

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NOTE: If the crew does not wait to establish trends post trip they may transition to 1BEP ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response US Request STA for monitoring BSTs and Notify SM to evaluate for E-plan These are 1BEP ES-0.1 steps, if entered BOP Verify Generator tripped

  • PMG output breaker open RO Maintain RCS Temperature Control
  • RCS temp stable or trending to 557°F Determine if Boration required
  • FW isolation valves lit
  • Trip all HD pumps
  • Total feed flow to SGs- > 500 gpm
  • SG Blowdown isolation valves closed - 1SD002A-H (8)


  • Verify all rod bottom lights are LIT
  • Check PZR level > 17%
  • Check charging in service
  • PZR level trending to program - this should raise the flag that inventory is not recovering and require a decision to SI and return to 1BEP-0 NOTE: This is where step 5 of 1BEP-0 begins BOP Verify FW isolated
  • FW pumps tripped
  • Isolation monitor lights lit
  • FW pumps discharge valves closed 1FW002A-C RO Verify ECCS pumps running
  • CENT CHG pumps
  • RH pumps
  • SI pumps Comments:

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  • Verify RCFCs Accident Mode lights lit
  • Verify Phase A isolation - Group 3 monitor lights lit
  • Verify CNMT Ventilation isolation - Group 6 CNMT Vent Isol monitor lights lit Note: With the combination of the inventory loss from the SGTR and primary shrinkage from the cooldown, RCP trip criteria may be reached.
  • Check if trip criteria satisfied:
  • HH SI flow >100 gpm OR SI pump discharge flow >200 gpm AND
  • RCS pressure < 1425 psig Trip RCPs if controlled cooldown NOT in progress and above criteria satisfied BOP Verify AF system:
  • AF pumps running - recognize 1B will not start.
  • AF flow control valves throttled 1AF005A-H Verify CC Pumps running Verify SX Pump running - 1B SX pump is OOS Check if Main Steamline Isolation is NOT required
  • Check SG pressure > 640 psig
  • Check CNMT pressure < 8.2 psig o If either condition is NOT met, then verify MSIVs and MSIV Bypass valves closed BOP Check if CNMT Spray is NOT required
  • Check if CNMT pressure has NOT increased to greater than 20 psig BOP Verify Total AF flow:
  • AF flow > 500 gpm
  • SG levels maintained between 10% (31% Adverse) and 50%NR
  • SG levels NOT increasing in an uncontrolled manner - (this is where 1B SG should be identified US as ruptured and 1AF013B and F isolated. This can also be done here as directed by the OAS page since abnormal secondary radiation will be seen on the RM-11)

BOP Verify ECCS valve alignment

  • Group 2 Cold Leg Injection monitor lights lit


  • Manually open 1SI8801A and 1SI8801B, if not done previously


BOP Verify ECCS flow

  • RCS pressure NOT <1700 psig Comments:

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RO Check at least one PZR PORV relief path is available

  • PORV isol valve - both ENERGIZED (1RY8000A/B - 1RY8000A may be de-energized)
  • PORV relief path - both AVAILABLE (1RY455A/456 - 1RY455A switch is in CLOSED)
  • 1RY456 Isolation valve is open - 1RY8000A is closed to isolate 1RY455A BOP/US Verify Generator Trip
  • GCB 3-4 and OCB 4-5 open
  • PMG output breaker open BOP Verify both DGs running
  • SX valves open 1SX169A and B
  • Dispatch operator locally to check operation Examiners note: US and RO will likely continue in 1BEP-0 while BOP is performing the next 3 ventilation steps:

BOP Verify Control Room ventilation aligned for emergency operations:

  • Dispatch NLO to trip VV supply fans
  • Operating VC train equipment running Train A
  • Supply fan
  • Return fan
  • M/U fan
  • Chilled water pump
  • M/U fan outlet damper NOT full closed 0VC24Y
  • VC train M/U filter light LIT
  • Operating VC train Charcoal Adsorber aligned for train A
  • 0VC43Y closed
  • 0VC21Y open
  • 0VC22Y open
  • Control Room pressure greater than +0.125 inches water on 0PDI-VC038 BOP Verify Auxiliary Building ventilation aligned
  • Two inaccessible filter plenums aligned
  • Plenum A fan 0VA03CB running
  • Plenum C fan 0VA03CF running
  • Damper 0VA438Y closed BOP Verify FHB ventilation aligned
  • Train B fan 0VA04CB running
  • 0VA055Y open
  • 0VA062Y open
  • 0VA435Y closed Comments:

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RO Check PZR sprays & PORVs closed

  • Normal spray valves closed 1RY455B and 1RY455C (NOTE: valves are failed closed due to loss of IA due to Cnmt Phase A)
  • PORV 1RY456 is closed (1RY455A is partially open and isolated)

RO/BOP Maintain RCS temperature control

  • Determine RCPs running
  • RCS stable at or trending to 557 degrees F.

o Verify AF is proper and no excess cooldown in progress, if temperature is continuing to drop US because of the SI flow, close the MSIVs and Bypass valves. Keeping the condenser available is desirable, but not required.

RO Check if RCPs should be stopped

  • Check if trip criteria satisfied
  • HHSI flow >100 gpm OR SI pump discharge flow >200 gpm AND
  • RCS pressure < 1425 psig Trip RCPs if controlled cooldown NOT in progress and above criteria satisfied (performed earlier)

BOP Check if SG secondary pressure boundaries are intact:

  • Check pressure in all SGs:
  • None decreasing in an uncontrolled manner (1B SG is decreasing in an uncontrolled manner)
  • Notify SM to evaluate for E-plan BOP Check main steamline isolation:
  • All MSIVs and MSIV Bypass valves closed BOP Check if any SG secondary pressure boundary is intact:
  • Identify 1A/1C/1D intact BOP/US Identify Faulted SG
  • Check pressure in all SGs
  • Any decreasing in an uncontrolled manner

BOP Isolate 1B S/G:

  • Close 1AF013B & F (performed earlier in 1BEP-0 at Step 15 or OAS action after Step 15)


  • Check FW to faulted SG isolated (should have performed in 1BEP-0)

E-3--A Associated row on FW isolation monitor lights panel LIT for faulted SG.

  • Verify 1B S/G PORV closed (1MS018B)
  • Verify 1B S/G Blowdown valves closed (1SD002E and F)
  • Verify 1B S/G Blowdown sample isolation valves closed (1SD005C)


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BOP Monitor AF pump suction pressure:

  • AF PUMP SX SUCT VLVS ARMED alarm 1-3-E7 NOT lit BOP/US Check secondary radiation trends normal for plant conditions:
  • RM11 Grid 1 indications for:
  • SJAE/ gland steam exhaust gas (1PR27J)
  • SG blowdown liquid radiation (1PR08J)
  • Main steamline MSIV rooms (4AB222/223)

ALL Transition to 1BEP-3 "STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE US Implement 1BEP-3 "STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE and direct operator actions.

  • Notifies SM of BEP entry
  • Requests Emergency Plan evaluation RO/US Check status of RCPs and determine none running If any running, Check trip criteria satisfied
  • HHSI flow >100 gpm OR SI flow > 200 gpm AND
  • RCS pressure < 1425 psig Controlled cooldown NOT in progress or previously initiated Stop all RCPs ALL Identify ruptured SG Unexpected rise in NR level
  • Main steamline rad monitor 1RT-AR022 Grid 1 4AB222 1RT-AR023 Grid 1 4AB223 ALL Identify/report 1B SG as ruptured BOP Isolate flow from ruptured SG by verifying
  • Verify closed when SG pressure < 1115 psig
  • Verify SG blowdown valves closed unless open for sampling
  • 1SD002E
  • 1SD002F
  • Check PORVs on intact SGs available for RCS cooldown Comments:

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BOP Check ruptured SG level

  • Narrow Range not > 10% - adhere to CAUTION prior to step to leave AF isolated
  • Verify/Close AF isol valves (should have been closed earlier)
  • 1AF013B
  • 1AF013F BOP Check ruptured SG pressure
  • Ruptured SG pressure greater than 320 psig US

NOTE: With lead examiners concurrence, the scenario can be terminated. If continuation is desired, 1BCA 3.1 is continued on the next page.


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US Implement 1BCA-3.1, SGTR LOSS OF REACTOR COOLANT - SUBCOOLED RECOVERY DESIRED, and direct operator actions.

  • Address CAUTIONs for RWST <46% action and manual RH and SI pump starts after SI reset.
  • Notifies SM of BCA entry
  • Reset CNMT isolation Phase A
  • Restore Instrument Air to CNMT BOP/US Verify all AC buses powered from offsite
  • Buses 142 and 143
  • Buses 143 and 144
  • Buses 156/157/158/159 US Check if CS should be stopped:

BOP/US Check ruptured SG level

  • Narrow Range >10% (31% Adverse)

Abide by caution to maintain feed flow isolated to faulted / ruptured SG RO/US Check if RH pumps should be stopped:

  • Check RCS pressure:
  • RCS pressure greater than 325 psig
  • RCS pressure stable or increasing
  • Stop RH pumps and place in standby ALL
  • Initiate evaluation of plant status - check Aux Bldg Radiation Trends normal
  • Request sampling
  • Request SM input as to running hydrogen recombiners Comments:

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BOP Check if SG secondary pressure boundaries are intact

  • Check pressure in all SGs
  • No SG pressure decreasing in an uncontrolled manner
  • No SG completely depressurized BOP Check intact SG levels:
  • Narrow range levels > 10% (31% Adverse).
  • Control feed flow to maintain narrow range levels between 18% (31% Adverse) and 50%.
  • Check narrow range levels not increasing in an uncontrolled manner.

Note: The next step initiates a plant cooldown to 200°F. Because of the faulted steamline, the cold leg temperature decrease limit of <100°F in any 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> has been exceeded and it is not allowed to conduct a controlled cooldown until back within the limit. Therefore the Crew will elect to wait at this step and conduct a summary, and delay performing this step (as it is considered a continuous action) and perform other steps. The lead examiner may decide to terminate the scenario at this point as continued delay will result in a LO-2 RWST level and subsequent transition to 1BEP ES-1.3 for cold leg recirc.

BOP o Initiate RCS Cooldown to 200°F (must be discussed and delayed for Integrity SF)


  • Maintain cooldown rate in RCS cold legs <100°F in any 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> E-3---A
  • Check PZR pressure < 1930 psig
  • If NOT continue with procedure until P-11 Lit before blocking STM LINE SI
  • Block Steamline Isol SI
  • Place STM LINE SI BLOCK switches to BLOCK for train A and B
  • Determine steam dumps not available
  • Dump Steam to via SG PORVs BOP Check if subcooled recovery is appropriate:
  • Check RWST level greater than 67%
  • If NOT > 67%
  • Verify per Fig 1BCA 3.1-3 than CNMT Floor Water Level is AS EXPECTED
  • Check ruptured SG level less than 93% (81% Adverse)

RO/US Check RCS subcooling:

  • Acceptable per ICONIC or Attachment A and Figure 1BCA-3.1-1 Comments:

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RO Check if ECCS is in service:

Any SI pump running 1SI 8801A or B open Any RH pump running in ECCS mode RO Deenergize PZR heaters:

  • Place variable heaters control switch in AFTER TRIP RO Depressurize RCS to refill PZR o Use normal sprays
  • Determine NOT available due to no RCPs o Use PZR PORV (preferred) o Use Aux spray NOTE: Scenario may be terminated at this point with lead examiners SRO(s) concurrence. EAL will be determined by the SRO candidates for the events.



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Unit Supervisor Turnover -FOR TRAINING ONLY PLANT STATUS Grid Status: "B" Train Week WWM: R. Freidel Shift: 95 to 96 Date: TODAY Green Unit 1 Unit 2 Mode: 1  % Pwr: 75 MW: 865 OLR: Yellow Mode: 1  % Pwr: 99.9 MW: 1229 OLR: Green CB: 780 Xenon: Steady State Rod Height: 171 CB: 1168 Xenon: Steady State Rod Height: 221 IN PROGRESS IN PROGRESS

-1B SX pump Aux Oil pump replacement -2HD099 contingency plan to Furmanite.

-1C HD pump seal replacement -SAT 242-2 bank 4 deenergized with EST tag (cooling fan 2 missing)


-1BOL 7.8 1B SX pump 2HD0099B 1C HD pump LCOARs Exited: LCOARs Exited:


-1B SX pump -SAT 242 bk 4 fans



      • NO LIQ REL w/o permission from Ops Dir & SVP*** -U2 EH sample

-U1/U2 Cnmt Release Package prep

-Power Team has requested power ascension to 1235 Mwe as soon as the Unit is capable.

- SM directed power ascension at 3% power per hour.

Unit Supervisor Turnover - FOR TRAINING ONLY ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS Temporary Alterations X Unit 0 Logbook X Unit 1 Logbook X Unit 2 Logbook X Train Inop Status Board X Degraded Equipment Log X Daily Orders X

  • CRs X Abnormal Component Posit. X TURNOVER ITEMS Normal COMMENTS YES/NO NSO Shiftly and Daily Surv Yes SYS - Primary No -1B SX pump Aux Oil pump, 1A SX pump is Protected SYS - Balance of Plant No -1C HD pump OOS; RTS by end of shift today Nuclear Instrumentation Yes MCB Instrumentation Yes MCB Controllers Yes Electrical Distribution - AC Yes Electrical Distribution - DC Yes Electric Operations Yes Blowdown (CW/SD) Yes Alarms (MCB) Yes Chemistry Yes Radiation Precautions Yes FME Issues Yes UNIT 1 TURNOVER EFPH: 7500 U-1 Reactivity: Dilute 55 gals=.3°F Nuke Engineer: K. Elam Boron to ramp to 780 MW: 525 700 MW: 360 gals BAT = 7581, BA Pot = 3.05 Equals 12.2 gpm @ Steady State FUEL DEPLETION:150 gallons/shift RWST = 2383 ppm 1A CV pp Cb = 780 ppm U-2 Reactivity: Dilute 20 gal=.2°F Nuke Engineer: F. Funke Boron to ramp to 780 MW: 480 700 MW: 290 gals BAT = 7579, BA Pot = 4.61 Equals 18.4 gpm @ Steady State FUEL DEPLETION: 40 gallons PW/shift RWST = 2350 ppm 2B CV pp Cb = 1188 ppm Exceptional OOSs Requiring Special Plant Conditions MISCELLANEOUS Review BA Pot settings on turnover 2HD099B steam leak (~120 drops/min) Monitor 2X/shift Post Reviews: FS, US, Unit NSO, Turnovers Logs, MCR Tour, Daily Orders and Standing Orders OFF-GOING ON-COMING UNIT 1 Supervisor U-1 Unit Supervisor UNIT 2 Supervisor U-2 Unit Supervisor STA STA Center Desk Operator Turnover- FOR TRAINING ONLY PLANT U1 Mode: 1  % Pwr: 75 MW: 865 IN PROGRESS STATUS U2 Mode: 1  % Pwr: 100 MW: 1229 CW Warming line is OFF MUDS BOILER IA DRYERS ON LINE 0A: Standby U1: Wet L/U U1/U2 0B: Exhausted U2: Wet L/U AS U1 ES ADMINISTRATIVE
1. Temporary Procedures X
2. Temporary Alterations X
4. Unit 0 Logboook X
5. Center Desk Routine X
6. Daily Orders X
7. SM Notes X
8. Switching Orders / Electric Ops / Division LD X
9. Control Board Walkdown X
10. 1st Shift Annun Check Completed NA LCOAR C/O / RTS Surveillances Maint / WR TURNOVER ITEMS Normal
1. HVAC Yes
2. 345 KV Systems, Relay House No OCBs 12-13, 4-5, & 11-12 have temporary Cabinet Htrs
3. Air Systems (IA, SA) Yes
4. Fire Protection Yes
5. Blowdown Yes
6. Radiation Releases Yes
7. MCB Instrumentation Yes
8. MCB Controllers Yes
9. Tank Capacity Yes
10. Chemistry Yes
11. Radiation Protection Yes
12. Alarms - MCB Annun Yes
13. Alarms - FP / Other Yes
14. SYS - Safeguards No/14 1B SX OOS for Aux Oil pp replacement
15. SYS - Primary Yes
16. SYS - Balance of Plant No/16 2HD099B steam leak, 1C HD pp seal replacement
17. MDCT Yes
18. NDCT, Flume Yes
19. FME Issues Yes TIME DATE SHIFT OFF-GOING ON-COMING Now TODAY 95 to 96 Center Desk Unit 1 Nuclear Station Operator Turnover - FOR TRAINING ONLY PLANT Mode: 1  % Pwr: 75 MW: 865 ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS Grp: CBD 171 CB: 780 ppm Xe: Steady State 1. Temporary Procedures X TURNOVER X
2. TCCPs EFPH: 7500 LCOAR C/O / RTS Surveillances Maint / WR 3. ESTs X 1B SX (1BOL 1B SX C/S X
4. Unit 1 Logbook 7.8) 1C HD pp C/S
5. Unit Routine X
6. Aux Elec Equip Rm General Inspection X
7. Daily Orders X
8. SM Notes X
9. Control Board Walkdown X
10. Abnormal Component Positions X
11. 1st Shift Annun Check Completed NA IN PROGRESS PENDING 1B SX pp Aux Oil pp replacement work/1A SX pump Protected Load ramp to 1235 Mwe at 3%/hr BA Pot = 3.05 Equals 12.2 gpm @ Steady State IC HD pp seal replacement FUEL DEPLETION: 150 gallons/shift Dilute 55 gals =.3°F Exceptional C/Os Req Plant Cond:


1. No Major Procedures in Progress Yes
2. NSO Shiftly and Daily Surveillance Yes
3. SSPS Channels / Bistables Yes
4. ALARMS - SER / Annunciators Yes
5. ALARMS - Process / RM-11 Yes
6. SER / Alarm Typer / Trend Typer Yes
7. Alarms - FP / Other Yes
8. Tank Capacity Yes
9. Chemistry Yes
10. Radiation Precautions Yes
11. Nuclear Instrumentation Yes
12. MCB Instrumentation Yes
13. MCB Controllers Yes
14. Electrical Distribution - AC Yes
15. Electrical Distribution - DC Yes
16. SYS - Safeguards No/16 1B SX pump OOS
17. SYS - Primary Yes
18. SYS - Balance of Plant No/18 1C HD pp OOS
19. FME Issues 20.




The purpose of this power change reactivity worksheet is to establish a boundary for the amount of boration / dilution that may be required and to assist in meeting industry expectations for reactivity control during a power ramp. The worksheet assumes steady state reactor power prior to the ramp and DOES NOT consider Xenon effects. Since the worksheet establishes a boundary, the operator experience plays an equal if not more important role in ensuring proper reactivity controls. 40% to 70% of the boration / dilution amount will normally be added.


1. Basis: Approx Cycle Burnup: __7500____ EFPH Initial Cb: _780___ ppm Initial Reactor Power: __ 75_____ % Initial CBD: __171___ steps Final Reactor Power: __100____ % Final CBD: __221___ steps (est)
2. Determine the change in power defect:

Use BCB-1 Figure 17A, pages 1-4 or Table 2-1:

(-)__1800______ - (-)___1375______ = ____-425_________pcm final power defect present power defect Change in power defect

3. Determine the amount of reactivity change due to control rod repositioning:

Use BCB-1 Figure 2C, pages 1-4 or Table 1-7 (Ensure correct curve w/respect to core life):

____140_________ - _____10_________ = _____+130___________pcm present inserted rod worth final inserted rod worth Change in control rod worth

4. Determine the reactivity the boration / dilution will compensate for:

___-425________ + ____130_________ = ___-295___________

step 2 result step 3 result Reactivity to compensate for

5. Determine the Differential Boron Worth (DBW):

Use BCB-1 Figure 10B, pages 1-4 or Table 2-4: 7.26 pcm/ppm (Avg of 2 values)

(Use the DBW absolute value, i.e., positive)- differential boron worth

6. Determine the ppm change in RCS boron concentration:

(NOTE: + number indicates boration; - number indicates dilution)

(step 4 result) _-295/7.26___ = __-40.6____ ppm change in RCS boron conc.

(step 5 result)

7. Determine the amount of boration / dilution required: (Data taken using 575ºF)

Use Table 3-1 __~ 3550 gallons PW BORATION or DILUTION required

( circle one )(BOLDED)
