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NAI Report Release, NAI-1149-007, Revision 0, Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades.
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/20/2004
From: George T, Guidotti T, Harrell J, Sinodis J
Numerical Applications
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NAI-1149-007, Rev 0
Download: ML062830440 (65)


NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 Page 1 of 18 NAI Report Release Report Number: NAI- 1149-007 Revision Number:0


Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades



The purpose of this calculation is to determine the activity in the ptimary coolant system assuming 1%fuel failure. The endsf-cycle core inventory was provided by a separate ORIGEN calculation. This analysis balances the addition of nuclides from the fuel and daughter products with the loss of nuclides due to decay and filtering within the purification loop. A GOTHIC calculation was used to model the fuel nuclide source term in the primary coolant system dong with the flow through the purification loop which extracts nuclides in.themixedbed derninetalizer, cation demineralizer,degassing volume control tank and radwaste demineralizerlevaprator system. Corrosion products were assessed using the approach of ANSYANS-18.1-1999.

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Author Date Tim Guidotti 1 e/w/oy Date Joe Sinodis

'keviewer Date Jim Harrell

, OeaCa~,zeaq NAI Management Date Tom George

NAI- 1149-007, Rev. 0 Page 2 of 18 NAI Calculation Approval Calculation Number: NAI- 1149-007 Revision Number: 0


Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation


The purpose of this calculation is to determine the activity in the primary coolant system assuming 1%fuel failure. The end-of-cycle core inventory was provided by a separate ORIGEN calculation. This analysis balances the addition of nuclides from the fuel and daughter products with the loss of nuclides due to decay and filtering within the purification loop. A GOTHIC calculation was used to model the fuel nuclide source term in the primary coolant system along with the flow W u g h the purification loop which extracts nuclides in the mixed bed demineralimr. cation &minerah%, degassing volume control tank and radwaste &m.nemlizerJevaporator. Corrosion products were assessed using the approach of ANSUANS-18.1-1999.

C f'fl.&&

Author ate' '

Tim Guidotti l c/>o/o'~'

/Author, Section 5.3 Date Joe Sinodis Scope of Review:

Computer codes were checked for appropriate qualification. Calculation and code inputs and assumptions were verified against input documents and/or checked for reasonableness and conservatism Computations were checked for correctness. References were verified as appropriate. Reported results were verified against computer outputs. Results and conclusions were reviewed for reasonableness. The document was checked for grammatical and typographical errors.


Date Jim Harre11

NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 Page 3 of 18 Check items in the following lists to verify that project documentation and engineering calculations are complete. Mark any items that are not applicable with N/A notation.

Project Documentation Checklist:

Project QA Plan.

Project Organization.

Project Work Scope and Design Plan.

Project Calculation and Document Index.

Project QA Requirements.

Project Engineer Training and Qualification Forms.

Project QA Training Certification Forms.

Project Correspondence.

Engineering Calculations Checklist:

dIdentification by subject, originator, reviewer, date and Project so that the calculation is retrievable.

d Table of contents.

t f Statement of the objective of the analysis.

/Analysis inputs and their sources.

d ~ s s u m ~ t i oand n s how they were developed or determined.

d N a n d calculations.

d~dentificationof computer calculations, including computer type, computer program name and version, code input and output.

a/ Conclusions.

B' ~eview summary.

Q/ Responses to review comments.

.'a References.

d Each page of the calculation shall be numbered and the first page shall indicate the total number of pages. The calculation pages may be numbered by sections with the first page of the section indicating the total number of pages in the section.

d The Calculation Approval Sheet shall be signed and dated by the originator.

NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 Page 4 of 18 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS INC.

NAI-1149-007 (CALCULATION #)

Revision 0 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades for Nuclear Management Company

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 5 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No.

1.0 PURPOSE ...................................................................................................7 2.0 RESULTS ....................................................................................................7 3.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND INPUTS....................................................................7 4.0 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................7 5.0 COMPUTATIONS........................................................................................8 5.1 GOTHIC Model................................................................................................................................ 8 5.1.1 Control Volumes......................................................................................................................... 9 5.1.2 Flow Paths .................................................................................................................................. 9 5.1.3 Volumetric Fans ......................................................................................................................... 9 5.1.4 Isotopes....................................................................................................................................... 9 5.1.5 Source Term ............................................................................................................................... 9 5.1.6 Filters........................................................................................................................................ 12 5.2 GOTHIC Results ............................................................................................................................ 13 5.3 Corrosion Product Activities ......................................................................................................... 16 6.0 COMPUTER FILES ...................................................................................17



NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 6 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 LIST OF TABLES Page No.

Table 1 - GOTHIC Source Term Calculation .............................................................................................. 10 Table 2 - Activity Results ............................................................................................................................ 13 LIST OF FIGURES Page No.

Figure 1 - GOTHIC Model ............................................................................................................................ 8 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Page No.

Attachment A - GOTHIC Input ...................................................................................................................A1 Attachment B - GOTHIC Graphical Results ............................................................................................... B1 Attachment C - Review Comments and Response ...................................................................................... C1

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 7 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this calculation is to determine the activity in the primary coolant system assuming 1% fuel failure. The end-of-cycle core inventory was provided by a separate ORIGEN calculation. This analysis balances the addition of nuclides from the fuel and daughter products with the loss of nuclides due to decay and filtering within the purification loop. A GOTHIC calculation was used to model the fuel nuclide source term in the primary coolant system along with the flow through the purification loop which extracts nuclides in the mixed bed demineralizer, cation demineralizer, degassing volume control tank and radwaste demin/evaporator. Corrosion products were assessed utilizing the approach of ANSI/ANS-18.1-1999 from Reference 1.

2.0 Results The results of this calculation are the primary coolant activity levels as given in the rightmost column of Table 2 on page 13. Note that the results for six corrosion product isotopes (Co-58, Co-60, Cr-51, Fe-55, Fe-59 and Mn-54) are determined via the methods described in Reference 1.

3.0 Assumptions and Inputs This analysis assumes 1% of the fuel is failed (with the exception of the corrosion product activities which are based on Reference 1).

The Waste Gas Processing System is assumed to be active due to the duration required to achieve steady-state isotopic concentrations.

The inputs for this calculation are summarized in Reference 2, with supporting information in Reference 3.

The initial core nuclide inventory calculated by ORIGEN in Reference 4 is used to determine the GOTHIC source term.

4.0 Methodology GOTHIC version 7.1pcs is used for this analysis. This version of GOTHIC was developed as a branch of version 7.1 to allow input for multiple nuclides per GOTHIC source and add a filter model that removes nuclides from the flow stream according to an input efficiency. GOTHIC version 7.1 is documented in References 5 to 7. The changes for version 7.1pcs are qualified in Reference 8. The calculation was executed on an HP J5600 workstation.

Corrosion product activities are determined in accordance with ANSI/ANS-18.1-1999 in Reference 1.

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 8 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 5.0 Computations The GOTHIC model is described in Section 5.1. The ORIGEN core inventory at end-of-cycle is converted to a nuclide source term for GOTHIC in Subsection 5.1.5. Dose significant nuclides are selected for the analysis by using the same set of nuclides as the Palisades RADTRAD model from Reference 4. Results from the GOTHIC calculation are presented in Section 5.2.

5.1 GOTHIC Model GOTHIC was used to model the primary coolant system and purification (letdown) loop which includes the mixed bed demineralizer, cation demineralizer, radwaste demineralizer/evaporator and degassing system as shown in Figure 1. Three control volumes are used to represent the primary coolant system, the outlet of the mixed bed demineralizer and the outlet of the cation demineralizer. An isotope source is placed in primary coolant system volume to represent the release from the failed fuel in the core.

Flow rates are set by three volumetric fans - one for the total purification flow (1Q), another for cation demineralizer flow (2Q) and the last for the radwaste demin/evaporator flow (3Q). A portion of the purification flow bypasses the cation demineralizer through flow path 2.

Four filters are used, one each for the mixed bed demineralizer (1S), cation demineralizer (2S), degassing system (3S) and radwaste demin/evaporator (4S). Filters remove nuclides from the flow stream according to a filter efficiency that is specified for each isotope.

Attachment A lists the GOTHIC input tables used in this analysis. The principal input for these tables are developed in the rest of this section.

Mixed Bed Demineralizer 1 2 1Q 1S 1

Ver. Dim.

PCS 2Q 3 2 1 Cation 2S Demineralizer 3

3S 4

4S 3Q Degassing 5

Radwaste Demin/Evaporator Figure 1 - GOTHIC Model

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 9 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 5.1.1 Control Volumes Three control volumes are used to represent the primary coolant system, the outlet of the mixed bed demineralizer and the outlet of the cation demineralizer. The volume of the primary coolant system is used.

References 2 and 3 give the total primary coolant system mass as 459,445 lbs based on a volume of 10,105.4 ft3. This was arbitrarily divided as 9,905.4 ft3 in the PCS and 100 ft3 in each of the demineralizer outlet volumes. The volume only impacts the transient response of the concentration. The equilibrium nuclide concentrations will be independent of the volume. Arbitrary and default values were used for the other control volume data since they have no impact on the calculated equilibrium activity results. Air is used for the working fluid since GOTHIC isotopes can only exist in the vapor phase.

5.1.2 Flow Paths Five flow paths are used to connect the volumes as shown in Figure 1. The elevation and heights were uniformly set to the same values in all the flow paths to prevent gravity induced flow. Once again, the geometry values are arbitrary and do not impact the equilibrium activity results.

5.1.3 Volumetric Fans Three volumetric fans are used. Fan 1Q models the total purification flow of 40 gpm (Reference 2, Attachment A, Sheet 2) in Flow Path 1. This was converted to 5.348 cfm. The minimum cation demineralizer flow is set by Fan 2Q as 58,400 gal/year (Reference 2, Attachment A, Sheet 4) or 0.01486 cfm in Flow Path 3. Fan 2Q specifies the radwaste demin/evaporator flow rate of 586,600 gal/year (Reference 2, Attachment A, Sheet 4) or 0.1492 cfm in Flow Path 5. This flow was confirmed in Table 11-2 and Section the Palisades FSAR (Reference 10). It represents the flow stream through the Clean Waste Section of the Liquid Radioactive Waste System. In the case of the letdown flow and cation demineralizer flow, the minimum flow values were selected to minimize isotope removal rates and conservatively maximize the PCS activities. In the case of the Liquid Radioactive Waste System flow associated with CVCS, the direct value from the Palisades FSAR was used as it produced reasonable equilibrium isotopic concentrations when compared with other PWRs. Default values are appropriate for the other volumetric fan parameters.

5.1.4 Isotopes The 107 isotopes, half-lives and decay daughter fractions were obtained from the Palisades RADTRAD nif file in Reference 4, Attachment 14.

5.1.5 Source Term A spreadsheet was used to calculate the GOTHIC source term from the ORIGEN nuclide inventory.

Rounded results from the spreadsheet are shown below in Table 1. The number, nuclide and half-life in the first three columns are from the Palisades RADTRAD nif file in Reference 4, Attachment 14. The ORIGEN data from Reference 4, Attachment 22 is shown in the fourth column. The core inventory in the fifth column was calculated from:

A A(Ci)

  • 3.7 x 1010 (atoms/s/Ci) n(atoms) = =

0.693 t1/ 2 where, A is the activity in curies and t1/2 is the half-life in seconds. The sixth column is the escape rate coefficient for each nuclide as taken from Sheet 3 of Attachment A of Reference 2. Finally, the GOTHIC source term in the seventh column is calculated as the product of the core inventory, the escape rate coefficient and a 0.01 factor for the assumed 1% failed fuel. This data was electronically imported into GOTHIC.

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 10 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 Table 1 - GOTHIC Source Term Calculation GOTHIC ORIGEN Core Escape GOTHIC Nuclide Nuclide Half-life Activity Inventory Coeff. 1% Source No. (sec) (Ci) (Atoms) (1/s) (Atoms/s) 1 Co-58 6.117E+06 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2 Co-60 1.663E+08 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 3 Kr-85 3.383E+08 1.010E+06 1.824E+25 6.50E-08 1.186E+16 4 Kr-85m 1.613E+04 1.961E+07 1.689E+22 6.50E-08 1.098E+13 5 Kr-87 4.578E+03 3.781E+07 9.242E+21 6.50E-08 6.007E+12 6 Kr-88 1.022E+04 5.324E+07 2.906E+22 6.50E-08 1.889E+13 7 Rb-86 1.612E+06 2.026E+05 1.744E+22 1.30E-08 2.267E+12 8 Sr-89 4.363E+06 7.231E+07 1.685E+25 1.00E-11 1.685E+12 9 Sr-90 9.190E+08 8.148E+06 3.998E+26 1.00E-11 3.998E+13 10 Sr-91 3.420E+04 8.935E+07 1.632E+23 1.00E-11 1.632E+10 11 Sr-92 9.756E+03 9.615E+07 5.008E+22 1.00E-11 5.008E+09 12 Y-90 2.304E+05 8.448E+06 1.039E+23 1.60E-12 1.663E+09 13 Y-91 5.055E+06 9.281E+07 2.505E+25 1.60E-12 4.008E+11 14 Y-92 1.274E+04 9.655E+07 6.569E+22 1.60E-12 1.051E+09 15 Y-93 3.636E+04 1.107E+08 2.149E+23 1.60E-12 3.438E+09 16 Zr-95 5.528E+06 1.236E+08 3.648E+25 1.60E-12 5.837E+11 17 Zr-97 6.084E+04 1.210E+08 3.930E+23 1.60E-12 6.289E+09 18 Nb-95 3.037E+06 1.248E+08 2.024E+25 1.60E-12 3.238E+11 19 Mo-99 2.376E+05 1.377E+08 1.747E+24 2.00E-09 3.494E+13 20 Tc-99m 2.167E+04 1.206E+08 1.395E+23 2.00E-09 2.791E+12 21 Ru-103 3.394E+06 1.241E+08 2.249E+25 1.60E-12 3.598E+11 22 Ru-105 1.598E+04 9.186E+07 7.839E+22 1.60E-12 1.254E+09 23 Ru-106 3.181E+07 5.492E+07 9.328E+25 1.60E-12 1.493E+12 24 Rh-105 1.273E+05 8.485E+07 5.767E+23 1.60E-12 9.227E+09 25 Sb-127 3.326E+05 9.001E+06 1.599E+23 1.00E-09 1.599E+12 26 Sb-129 1.555E+04 2.552E+07 2.119E+22 1.00E-09 2.119E+11 27 Te-127 3.366E+04 8.929E+06 1.605E+22 1.00E-09 1.605E+11 28 Te-127m 9.418E+06 1.198E+06 6.024E+23 1.00E-09 6.024E+12 29 Te-129 4.176E+03 2.513E+07 5.603E+21 1.00E-09 5.603E+10 30 Te-129m 2.903E+06 3.742E+06 5.800E+23 1.00E-09 5.800E+12 31 Te-131m 1.080E+05 1.110E+07 6.401E+22 1.00E-09 6.401E+11 32 Te-132 2.815E+05 1.049E+08 1.577E+24 1.00E-09 1.577E+13 33 I-131 6.947E+05 7.475E+07 2.772E+24 1.30E-08 3.604E+14 34 I-132 8.280E+03 1.069E+08 4.726E+22 1.30E-08 6.144E+12 35 I-133 7.488E+04 1.471E+08 5.881E+23 1.30E-08 7.645E+13 36 I-134 3.156E+03 1.611E+08 2.715E+22 1.30E-08 3.529E+12 37 I-135 2.380E+04 1.377E+08 1.749E+23 1.30E-08 2.274E+13 38 Xe-133 4.532E+05 1.475E+08 3.569E+24 6.50E-08 2.320E+15 39 Xe-135 3.272E+04 4.725E+07 8.255E+22 6.50E-08 5.366E+13 40 Cs-134 6.507E+07 2.153E+07 7.480E+25 1.30E-08 9.724E+15 41 Cs-136 1.132E+06 6.055E+06 3.659E+23 1.30E-08 4.757E+13 42 Cs-137 9.467E+08 1.092E+07 5.520E+26 1.30E-08 7.176E+16 43 Ba-139 4.962E+03 1.311E+08 3.473E+22 1.00E-11 3.473E+09 44 Ba-140 1.101E+06 1.264E+08 7.428E+24 1.00E-11 7.428E+11 45 La-140 1.450E+05 1.312E+08 1.016E+24 1.60E-12 1.625E+10 46 La-141 1.415E+04 1.197E+08 9.042E+22 1.60E-12 1.447E+09 47 La-142 5.550E+03 1.160E+08 3.437E+22 1.60E-12 5.500E+08

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 11 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 GOTHIC ORIGEN Core Escape GOTHIC Nuclide Nuclide Half-life Activity Inventory Coeff. 1% Source No. (sec) (Ci) (Atoms) (1/s) (Atoms/s) 48 Ce-141 2.808E+06 1.212E+08 1.817E+25 1.60E-12 2.907E+11 49 Ce-143 1.188E+05 1.120E+08 7.104E+23 1.60E-12 1.137E+10 50 Ce-144 2.456E+07 9.667E+07 1.268E+26 1.60E-12 2.028E+12 51 Pr-143 1.172E+06 1.107E+08 6.925E+24 1.60E-12 1.108E+11 52 Nd-147 9.487E+05 4.811E+07 2.437E+24 1.60E-12 3.899E+10 53 Np-239 2.035E+05 1.818E+09 1.975E+25 0.000E+00 54 Pu-238 2.769E+09 4.586E+05 6.780E+25 0.000E+00 55 Pu-239 7.594E+11 3.520E+04 1.427E+27 0.000E+00 56 Pu-240 2.063E+11 5.628E+04 6.199E+26 0.000E+00 57 Pu-241 4.544E+08 1.349E+07 3.273E+26 0.000E+00 58 Am-241 1.364E+10 1.622E+04 1.181E+25 0.000E+00 59 Cm-242 1.407E+07 5.115E+06 3.841E+24 0.000E+00 60 Cm-244 5.715E+08 1.117E+06 3.408E+25 0.000E+00 61 I-130 4.450E+04 3.926E+06 9.327E+21 1.30E-08 1.213E+12 62 Kr-83m 6.588E+03 9.182E+06 3.230E+21 6.50E-08 2.099E+12 63 Xe-138 8.502E+02 1.214E+08 5.511E+21 6.50E-08 3.582E+12 64 Xe-131m 1.028E+06 8.357E+05 4.588E+22 6.50E-08 2.982E+13 65 Xe-133m 1.890E+05 4.675E+06 4.719E+22 6.50E-08 3.067E+13 66 Xe-135m 9.174E+02 2.997E+07 1.468E+21 6.50E-08 9.542E+11 67 Cs-138 1.932E+03 1.344E+08 1.386E+22 1.30E-08 1.802E+12 68 Cs-134m 1.044E+04 4.892E+06 2.727E+21 1.30E-08 3.545E+11 69 Rb-88 1.068E+03 5.409E+07 3.084E+21 1.30E-08 4.010E+11 70 Rb-89 9.120E+02 6.946E+07 3.382E+21 1.30E-08 4.397E+11 71 Sb-124 5.201E+06 1.834E+05 5.093E+22 1.00E-09 5.093E+11 72 Sb-125 8.741E+07 1.524E+06 7.113E+24 1.00E-09 7.113E+13 73 Sb-126 1.071E+06 1.105E+05 6.321E+21 1.00E-09 6.321E+10 74 Te-131 1.500E+03 6.601E+07 5.287E+21 1.00E-09 5.287E+10 75 Te-133 7.470E+02 8.658E+07 3.453E+21 1.00E-09 3.453E+10 76 Te-134 2.508E+03 1.223E+08 1.638E+22 1.00E-09 1.638E+11 77 Te-125m 5.011E+06 3.311E+05 8.859E+22 1.00E-09 8.859E+11 78 Te-133m 3.324E+03 5.423E+07 9.624E+21 1.00E-09 9.624E+10 79 Ba-141 1.096E+03 1.191E+08 6.971E+21 1.00E-11 6.971E+08 80 Ba-137m 1.531E+02 1.035E+07 8.461E+19 1.00E-11 8.461E+06 81 Pd-109 4.834E+04 3.303E+07 8.524E+22 0.000E+00 82 Rh-106 2.990E+01 5.977E+07 9.542E+19 1.60E-12 1.527E+06 83 Rh-103m 3.367E+03 1.117E+08 2.008E+22 1.60E-12 3.213E+08 84 Tc-101 8.520E+02 1.261E+08 5.736E+21 2.00E-09 1.147E+11 85 Eu-154 2.777E+08 1.282E+06 1.901E+25 0.000E+00 86 Eu-155 1.565E+08 8.899E+05 7.437E+24 0.000E+00 87 Eu-156 1.312E+06 2.314E+07 1.621E+24 0.000E+00 88 La-143 8.538E+02 1.112E+08 5.069E+21 1.60E-12 8.111E+07 89 Nb-97 4.326E+03 1.220E+08 2.818E+22 1.60E-12 4.509E+08 90 Nb-95m 3.118E+05 8.864E+05 1.475E+22 1.60E-12 2.361E+08 91 Pm-147 8.279E+07 1.193E+07 5.273E+25 1.60E-12 8.437E+11 92 Pm-148 4.640E+05 2.045E+07 5.066E+23 1.60E-12 8.105E+09 93 Pm-149 1.911E+05 4.442E+07 4.532E+23 1.60E-12 7.251E+09 94 Pm-151 1.022E+05 1.588E+07 8.668E+22 1.60E-12 1.387E+09 95 Pm-148m 3.568E+06 2.711E+06 5.165E+23 1.60E-12 8.264E+09 96 Pr-144 1.037E+03 9.721E+07 5.381E+21 1.60E-12 8.610E+07

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 12 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 GOTHIC ORIGEN Core Escape GOTHIC Nuclide Nuclide Half-life Activity Inventory Coeff. 1% Source No. (sec) (Ci) (Atoms) (1/s) (Atoms/s) 97 Pr-144m 4.320E+02 1.161E+06 2.678E+19 1.60E-12 4.285E+05 98 Sm-153 1.681E+05 4.325E+07 3.882E+23 0.000E+00 99 Y-94 1.146E+03 1.110E+08 6.792E+21 1.60E-12 1.087E+08 100 Y-95 6.420E+02 1.188E+08 4.072E+21 1.60E-12 6.515E+07 101 Y-91m 2.983E+03 5.186E+07 8.258E+21 1.60E-12 1.321E+08 102 Br-82 1.271E+05 5.357E+05 3.635E+21 1.30E-08 4.725E+11 103 Br-83 8.604E+03 9.158E+06 4.207E+21 1.30E-08 5.469E+11 104 Br-84 1.908E+03 1.601E+07 1.631E+21 1.30E-08 2.120E+11 105 Am-242 5.767E+04 7.812E+06 2.405E+22 0.000E+00 106 Np-238 1.829E+05 4.576E+07 4.469E+23 0.000E+00 107 Pu-243 1.784E+04 4.739E+07 4.514E+22 0.000E+00 5.1.6 Filters Four filters are used to remove nuclides from the primary coolant system. Since every nuclide is removed by at least one filter, all nuclides will come to equilibrium when the removal rate through the filter in the purification loop and by decay matches the nuclide source term production rate. Filter efficiency is input for each nuclide for every filter. Since Reference 2 only provides decontamination factors (DF), they were converted to efficiency () by the following equation:


= 1 DF Mixed Bed Demineralizer Filter Filter 1S models the mixed bed demineralizer in Flow Path 1. Reference 2, Attachment A, Sheet 4 gives a mixed bed DF of 10 (=0.9) for all isotopes except Cs, Y and Mo which are not removed and have a DF of 1 (=0) according to Reference 9, Table 3, page 22. Noble gas isotopes are not removed either. Cation Demineralizer Filter Filter 2S models the cation demineralizer in Flow Path 3. Consistent with Reference 2, Attachment A, Sheet 4, Reference 9, Table 3, page 22 gives a cation decontamination factor of 10 (=0.9) only for Cs, Y and Mo isotopes. Degassing Filter Filter 3S models the degassing in the Volume Control Tank assuming the Waste Gas Processing System is active in Flow Path 4. Reference 2, Attachment A, Sheets 2 and 3 give the gas stripping fractions as 0.85 for Kr-83m, 0.66 for Kr-85, 0.78 for Kr-85m, 0.88 for Kr-87, 0.81 for Kr-88, 0.58 for Xe-131m and Xe-133, 0.59 for Xe-133m, 0.65 for Xe-135, 0.95 for Xe-135m and 0.96 for Xe-138. These values are used directly as the filter efficiencies in Filter 3S. These values were confirmed via comparison with values previously determined for plants with similar design.

The gas stripping fractions for Kr-89 and Xe-137 from Reference 2 are not used because their half lives of 3.16 and 3.84 minutes are less than 15 minutes. The definition of E-bar (average disintegration energy) in Palisades Technical Specification Section 1.1 only addresses radionuclides with half-lives greater than 15 minutes. Additionally, Table III.1 (Dose Coefficients for Air Submersion) and Table A.1 (Summary Information on the Nuclear Transformation of the Radionuclides) of Federal Guidance Report 12 do not include these isotopes. That means there are no dose conversion factors specified for these two isotopes in the NRC-recommended source for air submersion dose conversion factors

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 13 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 Radwaste Demineralizer/Evaporator Filter Filter 4S models the Clean Waste Section of the Liquid Radioactive Waste System in Flow Path 5. This waste is processed through demineralizers which have a DF of 10 for all isotopes except noble gases per Reference 2, Attachment A, Sheet 5. It then passes through the radwaste evaporators which have a DF of 1000 for iodine isotopes and 10,000 for all other isotopes. Noble gases are totally removed by vacuum degassing, diffusion in the clean waste receiver tanks and by the evaporators. Since the DF for components in series is the product of the individual DFs, the DFs for Filter 4S become 10,000 (=0.9999) for iodine, infinite (=1) for noble gases and 100,000 (=0.99999) for all other isotopes.

5.2 GOTHIC Results The GOTHIC calculation is executed for 50 million seconds which is well past the time when equilibrium activities are achieved. Columns three and four in Table 2 show the GOTHIC calculated activities at 4.9x107 and 5x107 seconds. The fifth column shows the percent change in activity between those two times.

The maximum change is 0.00% so equilibrium is reached for all isotopes. This is also confirmed by the plotted activities in Attachment B.

The sixth column gives the final result of this analysis. The activity at 50 million seconds is converted from Ci/ft3 to Ci/g by dividing by the average PCS density of 45.47 lbm/ft3 (calculated from the ratio of the PCS mass to volume, 459,445/10,105.4 per References 2 and 3) and converting units.

The first six isotopes are corrosion products whose activity was determined via the methods of Reference 1 as discussed in Section 5.3 below.

Table 2 - Activity Results GOTHIC Activity at Activity at Nuclide Nuclide 4.9e7 sec 5e7 sec Activity Activity No. (Ci/ft3) (Ci/ft3) Change (Ci/g) 1 Co-58 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 7.0E-03*

2 Co-60 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 8.0E-04*

Cr-51 4.7E-03*

Fe-55 1.8E-03*

Fe-59 4.5E-04*

Mn-54 2.4E-03*

3 Kr-85 1.102E-02 1.102E-02 0.00% 5.3E-01 4 Kr-85m 2.564E-02 2.564E-02 0.00% 1.2E+00 5 Kr-87 1.554E-02 1.554E-02 0.00% 7.5E-01 6 Kr-88 4.638E-02 4.638E-02 0.00% 2.2E+00 7 Rb-86 3.112E-04 3.112E-04 0.00% 1.5E-02 8 Sr-89 1.110E-04 1.110E-04 0.00% 5.4E-03 9 Sr-90 1.013E-05 1.013E-05 0.00% 4.9E-04 10 Sr-91 3.174E-05 3.174E-05 0.00% 1.5E-03 11 Sr-92 1.224E-05 1.224E-05 0.00% 5.9E-04 12 Y-90 1.326E-05 1.326E-05 0.00% 6.4E-04 13 Y-91 3.800E-04 3.800E-04 0.00% 1.8E-02 14 Y-92 1.480E-05 1.480E-05 0.00% 7.2E-04 15 Y-93 9.083E-06 9.083E-06 0.00% 4.4E-04 16 Zr-95 2.420E-05 2.420E-05 0.00% 1.2E-03 17 Zr-97 1.001E-05 1.001E-05 0.00% 4.9E-04 18 Nb-95 2.478E-05 2.478E-05 0.00% 1.2E-03 19 Mo-99 8.584E-02 8.584E-02 0.00% 4.2E+00

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 14 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 GOTHIC Activity at Activity at Nuclide Nuclide 4.9e7 sec 5e7 sec Activity Activity No. (Ci/ft3) (Ci/ft3) Change (Ci/g) 20 Tc-99m 6.702E-02 6.702E-02 0.00% 3.2E+00 21 Ru-103 2.410E-05 2.410E-05 0.00% 1.2E-03 22 Ru-105 2.877E-06 2.877E-06 0.00% 1.4E-04 23 Ru-106 1.090E-05 1.090E-05 0.00% 5.3E-04 24 Rh-105 1.127E-05 1.127E-05 0.00% 5.5E-04 25 Sb-127 8.894E-04 8.894E-04 0.00% 4.3E-02 26 Sb-129 4.880E-04 4.880E-04 0.00% 2.4E-02 27 Te-127 9.434E-04 9.434E-04 0.00% 4.6E-02 28 Te-127m 1.489E-04 1.489E-04 0.00% 7.2E-03 29 Te-129 7.883E-04 7.883E-04 0.00% 3.8E-02 30 Te-129m 4.554E-04 4.554E-04 0.00% 2.2E-02 31 Te-131m 7.701E-04 7.701E-04 0.00% 3.7E-02 32 Te-132 9.989E-03 9.989E-03 0.00% 4.8E-01 33 I-131 1.076E-01 1.076E-01 0.00% 5.2E+00 34 I-132 2.436E-02 2.436E-02 0.00% 1.2E+00 35 I-133 1.111E-01 1.111E-01 0.00% 5.4E+00 36 I-134 9.690E-03 9.690E-03 0.00% 4.7E-01 37 I-135 4.844E-02 4.844E-02 0.00% 2.3E+00 38 Xe-133 1.443E+00 1.443E+00 0.00% 7.0E+01 39 Xe-135 1.534E-01 1.534E-01 0.00% 7.4E+00 40 Cs-134 1.020E+00 1.020E+00 0.00% 4.9E+01 41 Cs-136 8.931E-02 8.931E-02 0.00% 4.3E+00 42 Cs-137 5.369E-01 5.369E-01 0.00% 2.6E+01 43 Ba-139 8.942E-06 8.942E-06 0.00% 4.3E-04 44 Ba-140 1.459E-04 1.459E-04 0.00% 7.1E-03 45 La-140 7.051E-05 7.051E-05 0.00% 3.4E-03 46 La-141 4.992E-06 4.992E-06 0.00% 2.4E-04 47 La-142 1.407E-06 1.407E-06 0.00% 6.8E-05 48 Ce-141 2.352E-05 2.352E-05 0.00% 1.1E-03 49 Ce-143 1.304E-05 1.304E-05 0.00% 6.3E-04 50 Ce-144 1.912E-05 1.912E-05 0.00% 9.3E-04 51 Pr-143 2.143E-05 2.143E-05 0.00% 1.0E-03 52 Nd-147 8.774E-06 8.774E-06 0.00% 4.3E-04 53 Np-239 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

54 Pu-238 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

55 Pu-239 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

56 Pu-240 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

57 Pu-241 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

58 Am-241 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

59 Cm-242 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

60 Cm-244 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

61 I-130 2.172E-03 2.172E-03 0.00% 1.1E-01 62 Kr-83m 6.584E-03 6.584E-03 0.00% 3.2E-01 63 Xe-138 9.668E-03 9.668E-03 0.00% 4.7E-01 64 Xe-131m 9.258E-03 9.258E-03 0.00% 4.5E-01 65 Xe-133m 3.500E-02 3.500E-02 0.00% 1.7E+00 66 Xe-135m 9.947E-03 9.947E-03 0.00% 4.8E-01 67 Cs-138 1.445E-02 1.445E-02 0.00% 7.0E-01 68 Cs-134m 9.470E-04 9.470E-04 0.00% 4.6E-02

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 15 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 GOTHIC Activity at Activity at Nuclide Nuclide 4.9e7 sec 5e7 sec Activity Activity No. (Ci/ft3) (Ci/ft3) Change (Ci/g) 69 Rb-88 4.721E-02 4.721E-02 0.00% 2.3E+00 70 Rb-89 1.186E-03 1.186E-03 0.00% 5.8E-02 71 Sb-124 2.243E-05 2.243E-05 0.00% 1.1E-03 72 Sb-125 1.893E-04 1.893E-04 0.00% 9.2E-03 73 Sb-126 1.273E-05 1.273E-05 0.00% 6.2E-04 74 Te-131 3.096E-04 3.096E-04 0.00% 1.5E-02 75 Te-133 1.259E-04 1.259E-04 0.00% 6.1E-03 76 Te-134 4.336E-04 4.336E-04 0.00% 2.1E-02 77 Te-125m 4.119E-05 4.119E-05 0.00% 2.0E-03 78 Te-133m 2.524E-04 2.524E-04 0.00% 1.2E-02 79 Ba-141 1.876E-06 1.876E-06 0.00% 9.1E-05 80 Ba-137m 5.079E-01 5.079E-01 0.00% 2.5E+01 81 Pd-109 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

82 Rh-106 1.090E-05 1.090E-05 0.00% 5.3E-04 83 Rh-103m 2.396E-05 2.396E-05 0.00% 1.2E-03 84 Tc-101 3.096E-04 3.096E-04 0.00% 1.5E-02 85 Eu-154 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

86 Eu-155 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

87 Eu-156 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

88 La-143 2.189E-07 2.189E-07 0.00% 1.1E-05 89 Nb-97 1.674E-06 1.674E-06 0.00% 8.1E-05 90 Nb-95m 1.747E-07 1.747E-07 0.00% 8.5E-06 91 Pm-147 2.379E-06 2.379E-06 0.00% 1.2E-04 92 Pm-148 3.437E-06 3.437E-06 0.00% 1.7E-04 93 Pm-149 6.105E-06 6.105E-06 0.00% 3.0E-04 94 Pm-151 1.722E-06 1.722E-06 0.00% 8.3E-05 95 Pm-148m 5.262E-07 5.262E-07 0.00% 2.6E-05 96 Pr-144 1.912E-05 1.912E-05 0.00% 9.3E-04 97 Pr-144m 3.398E-07 3.398E-07 0.00% 1.6E-05 98 Sm-153 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

99 Y-94 2.937E-07 2.937E-07 0.00% 1.4E-05 100 Y-95 1.766E-07 1.766E-07 0.00% 8.6E-06 101 Y-91m 1.846E-05 1.846E-05 0.00% 8.9E-04 102 Br-82 5.176E-04 5.176E-04 0.00% 2.5E-02 103 Br-83 1.353E-03 1.353E-03 0.00% 6.6E-02 104 Br-84 5.651E-04 5.651E-04 0.00% 2.7E-02 105 Am-242 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

106 Np-238 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

107 Pu-243 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -

  • These isotope activities were determined in accordance with Reference 1 and not using the GOTHIC system model.

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 16 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 5.3 Corrosion Product Activities The corrosion product activities from Table 2 above are taken from the ANSI_Primary_Activity.xls Excel spreadsheet that implements the methodology of Reference 1 combined with the inputs specified in Reference 2. The columns of the spreadsheet are defined as follows:

Column B - Base activity in Ci/gm from the Reactor Coolant column of Table 6 of Reference 1 Column C - Half-life in seconds Column D - Decay constant = ln(2)/half-life Column E - Removal rate, Rn, from Table 9 of Reference 1 in sec-1 Column F - Palisades Boron recovery flow (FB) in lbs/sec Column G - Palisades letdown flow (FD) in lbs/sec Column H - Weight of water in reactor coolant system (WP) from Table 2 of Reference 1 in lbs Column I - Palisades reactor coolant weight in lbs Column J - VCT stripping fraction (Y)

Column K - Palisades cation demineralizer flow (FA) in lbs/sec Column L - Palisades cation removal fraction (NA)

Column M - Palisades mixed bed demineralizer removal fraction (NB)

Column N - New R value calculated as follows based on Palisades values and depending on the nuclide class:

FB + (FD FB ) x Y R1 =

WP R 2 , 3, 6 =

(FD x NB ) + (1 NB )(FB + (FA x NA))

WP Column O - Thermal power from Table 2 of Reference 1 in MWt Column P - Palisades thermal power in MWt Column Q - New activity in Ci/gm

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 17 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 6.0 Computer Files The computer files used and created in this analysis are archived in CentralStor as:

$ cstor -d projects/nmc/1149_CRHab/pcs ls -lCcv 23329 -rwxdc tim 29696 ------ Jul 22 2004 09:08:58 ANSI_Primary_Activity.xls:1 "Activity spreadsheet for corrosion product isotopes" 37956 -rw-dc tim 1245980 ------ Jul 28 2004 14:23:29 pal_activity.GTH:1 "GOTHIC model" 28928 -rw-dc tim 1278415 ------ Jul 28 2004 14:16:11 pal_activity.SGR:1 "GOTHIC solver graphics" 19709 -rw-dc tim 15455 ------ Jul 26 2004 14:25:37 pal_activity.SIN:1 "GOTHIC solver input" 46487 -rw-dc tim 1831948 ------ Jul 28 2004 14:16:11 pal_activity.SOT:1 "GOTHIC solver output" 10580 -rwxdc tim 46080 ------ Jul 29 2004 14:45:08 pal_activity.xls:1 "Activity spreadsheet for non-corrosion isotopes"

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page 18 of 18 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 7.0 References

1. ANSI/ANS-18.1-1999, Radioactive Source Term for Normal Operation of Light Water Reactors, approved September 21, 1999.
2. NAI-E03-211 Project Memo - 2004-08, Primary Coolant System Activity Inputs, from Jeffrey L. Voskuil, NMC, to Jim Harrell, NAI, dated 8/18/04.
3. NAI-E03-211 Project Memo - 2004-09, Additional Inputs, from Jeffrey L. Voskuil, NMC, to Jim Harrell, NAI, dated 10/20/04.
4. Calculation NAI-1149-001, Revision 1, Source Terms for Palisades Dose Calculations, 10/6/04.
5. NAI 8907-02, Revision 14, GOTHIC Containment Analysis Package User Manual, Version 7.1, January 2003.
6. NAI 8907-06, Revision 13, GOTHIC Containment Analysis Package Technical Manual, Version 7.1, January 2003.
7. NAI 8907-09, Revision 7, GOTHIC Containment Analysis Package Qualification Report, Version 7.1, January 2003.
8. GOTHIC Action Item 7.1-60, GOTHIC Primary System Activity Validation, October 28, 2003.
9. Report ORNL-4792, Use of Ion Exchange for the Treatment of Liquids in Nuclear Power Plants, K. H. Lin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, December 1973.
10. Palisades Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Revision 24.

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page A1 of A22 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 ATTACHMENT A GOTHIC Input Listing Filename: pal_activity

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_ Build

_ Resources

_ Results

_ Control Options

_ Volumes Tools Vol Vol Elev Ht Hyd. D. L/V IA Burn

  1. Description (ft3) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft2) Opt 1 PCS 9905.4 0. 30. 1. DEFAULT NONE 2 MB Demin Outlet 100. 0. 30. 1. DEFAULT NONE 3 Cation Outlet 100. 0. 30. 1. DEFAULT NONE Laminar Leakage Lk Rate Ref Ref Ref Sink Leak Vol Factor Press Temp Humid /Src Model Rep Subvol Area
  1. (%/hr) (psia) (F) (%) BC Option Wall Option (ft2) 1 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 2 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 3 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT Turbulent Leakage Lk Rate Ref Ref Ref Sink Leak Vol Factor Press Temp Humid /Src Model Rep Subvol Area
  1. (%/hr) (psia) (F) (%) BC Option Wall Option (ft2) fL/D 1 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 2 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 3 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT Flow Paths - Table 1 F.P. Vol Elev Ht Vol Elev Ht
  1. Description A (ft) (ft) B (ft) (ft) 1 Mixed Bed Demin 1 5. 0.1 2 5. 0.1 2 Bypass 2 5. 0.1 3 5. 0.1 3 Cation Demin 2 5. 0.1 3 5. 0.1 4 Degassing 3 5. 0.1 1 5. 0.1 5 Boron Bled/Feed 3 5. 0.1 3 5. 0.1

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_ Build

_ Resources

_ _ Flow Paths Results _Options - Table

_ 2 Tools Flow Flow Hyd. Inertia Friction Relative Dep Mom Strat Path Area Diam. Length Length Rough- Bend Trn Flow

  1. (ft2) (ft) (ft) (ft) ness (deg) Opt Opt 1 10. 1. 10. 10. - NONE 2 10. 1. 10. 10. - NONE 3 10. 1. 10. 10. - NONE 4 10. 1. 10. 10. - NONE 5 10. 1. 10. 10. - NONE Flow Paths - Table 3 Flow Fwd. Rev. Critical Exit Drop Path Loss Loss Comp. Flow Loss Breakup
  1. Coeff. Coeff. Opt. Model Coeff. Model 1 OFF OFF 0. OFF 2 OFF OFF 0. OFF 3 OFF OFF 0. OFF 4 OFF OFF 0. OFF 5 OFF OFF 0. OFF Volumetric Fan - Table 1 Vol Flow On Off Min Max Fan Path Trip Trip DP DP
  1. Description # # # (psi) (psi) 1Q Total flow 1 DEFAULT DEFAULT 2Q Cation flow 3 DEFAULT DEFAULT 3Q Boron flow 5 DEFAULT DEFAULT Volumetric Fan - Table 2 Vol Flow Flow Heat Heat Fan Flow Rate Rate Heat Rate Rate Disch
  1. Option (CFM) FF Option (Btu/s) FF Vol 1Q Time 5.348 Time 2 2Q Time 0.01486 Time 3 3Q Time 0.1492 Time 3

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_ Build

_ Resources

_ Results

_ Isotopes Options

_ Tools Half Dtr Dtr Dtr Dtr Dtr Dtr Iso Life #1 #1 #2 #2 #3 #3

  1. Description (s) Frac Frac Frac 1 Co-58 6120000. 0. 0. 0.

2 Co-60 1.66e+08 0. 0. 0.

3 Kr-85 3.38e+08 0. 0. 0.

4 Kr-85m 16100. 3 0.211 0. 0.

5 Kr-87 4580. 1. 0. 0.

6 Kr-88 10200. 69 1. 0. 0.

7 Rb-86 1610000. 0. 0. 0.

8 Sr-89 4360000. 0. 0. 0.

9 Sr-90 9.19e+08 12 1. 0. 0.

10 Sr-91 34200. 101 0.578 13 0.422 0.

11 Sr-92 9760. 14 1. 0. 0.

12 Y-90 230000. 0. 0. 0.

13 Y-91 5060000. 0. 0. 0.

14 Y-92 12700. 0. 0. 0.

15 Y-93 36400. 1. 0. 0.

16 Zr-95 5530000. 90 0.007 18 0.993 0.

17 Zr-97 60800. 0.947 89 0.053 0.

18 Nb-95 3040000. 0. 0. 0.

19 Mo-99 238000. 20 0.876 0.124 0.

20 Tc-99m 21700. 1. 0. 0.

21 Ru-103 3390000. 83 0.997 0. 0.

22 Ru-105 16000. 24 1. 0. 0.

23 Ru-106 3.18e+07 82 1. 0. 0.

24 Rh-105 127000. 0. 0. 0.

25 Sb-127 333000. 28 0.176 27 0.824 0.

26 Sb-129 15600. 30 0.225 29 0.775 0.

27 Te-127 33700. 0. 0. 0.

28 Te-127m 9420000. 27 0.976 0. 0.

29 Te-129 4180. 1. 0. 0.

30 Te-129m 2900000. 29 0.65 0.35 0.

31 Te-131m 108000. 74 0.222 33 0.778 0.

32 Te-132 282000. 34 1. 0. 0.

33 I-131 695000. 64 0.0111 0. 0.

34 I-132 8280. 0. 0. 0.

35 I-133 74900. 65 0.029 38 0.971 0.

36 I-134 3160. 0. 0. 0.

37 I-135 23800. 66 0.154 39 0.846 0.

38 Xe-133 453000. 0. 0. 0.

39 Xe-135 32700. 1. 0. 0.

40 Cs-134 6.51e+07 0. 0. 0.

41 Cs-136 1130000. 0. 0. 0.

42 Cs-137 9.47e+08 80 0.946 0. 0.

43 Ba-139 4960. 0. 0. 0.

44 Ba-140 1100000. 45 1. 0. 0.

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_ Build

_ Resources

_ Isotopes_Options

_Results (cont.) Tools Half Dtr Dtr Dtr Dtr Dtr Dtr Iso Life #1 #1 #2 #2 #3 #3

  1. Description (s) Frac Frac Frac 45 La-140 145000. 0. 0. 0.

46 La-141 14100. 48 1. 0. 0.

47 La-142 5550. 0. 0. 0.

48 Ce-141 2810000. 0. 0. 0.

49 Ce-143 119000. 51 1. 0. 0.

50 Ce-144 2.46e+07 97 0.0178 96 0.9822 0.

51 Pr-143 1170000. 0. 0. 0.

52 Nd-147 949000. 91 1. 0. 0.

53 Np-239 203000. 55 1. 0. 0.

54 Pu-238 2.77e+09 1. 0. 0.

55 Pu-239 7.59e+11 1. 0. 0.

56 Pu-240 2.06e+11 1. 0. 0.

57 Pu-241 4.54e+08 58 1. 0. 0.

58 Am-241 1.36e+10 1. 0. 0.

59 Cm-242 1.41e+07 54 1. 0. 0.

60 Cm-244 5.72e+08 56 1. 0. 0.

61 I-130 44500. 0. 0. 0.

62 Kr-83m 6590. 0. 0. 0.

63 Xe-138 850. 67 1. 0. 0.

64 Xe-131m 1030000. 0. 0. 0.

65 Xe-133m 189000. 38 1. 0. 0.

66 Xe-135m 917. 39 1. 0. 0.

67 Cs-138 1930. 0. 0. 0.

68 Cs-134m 10400. 40 1. 0. 0.

69 Rb-88 1070. 0. 0. 0.

70 Rb-89 912. 8 1. 0. 0.

71 Sb-124 5200000. 0. 0. 0.

72 Sb-125 8.74e+07 77 0.228 0. 0.

73 Sb-126 1070000. 0. 0. 0.

74 Te-131 1500. 33 1. 0. 0.

75 Te-133 747. 35 1. 0. 0.

76 Te-134 2510. 36 1. 0. 0.

77 Te-125m 5010000. 0. 0. 0.

78 Te-133m 3320. 35 0.87 75 0.13 0.

79 Ba-141 1100. 46 1. 0. 0.

80 Ba-137m 153. 0. 0. 0.

81 Pd-109 48300. 0. 0. 0.

82 Rh-106 29.9 0. 0. 0.

83 Rh-103m 3370. 0. 0. 0.

84 Tc-101 852. 0. 0. 0.

85 Eu-154 2.78e+08 0. 0. 0.

86 Eu-155 1.57e+08 0. 0. 0.

87 Eu-156 1310000. 0. 0. 0.

88 La-143 854. 49 1. 0. 0.

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_ Build

_ Resources

_ Isotopes_Options

_Results (cont.) Tools Half Dtr Dtr Dtr Dtr Dtr Dtr Iso Life #1 #1 #2 #2 #3 #3

  1. Description (s) Frac Frac Frac 89 Nb-97 4330. 0. 0. 0.

90 Nb-95m 312000. 18 1. 0. 0.

91 Pm-147 8.28e+07 1. 0. 0.

92 Pm-148 464000. 0. 0. 0.

93 Pm-149 191000. 0. 0. 0.

94 Pm-151 102000. 1. 0. 0.

95 Pm-148m 3570000. 92 0.046 0. 0.

96 Pr-144 1040. 0. 0. 0.

97 Pr-144m 432. 96 0.999 0. 0.

98 Sm-153 168000. 0. 0. 0.

99 Y-94 1150. 0. 0. 0.

100 Y-95 642. 16 1. 0. 0.

101 Y-91m 2980. 13 1. 0. 0.

102 Br-82 127000. 0. 0. 0.

103 Br-83 8600. 62 1. 0. 0.

104 Br-84 1910. 0. 0. 0.

105 Am-242 57700. 59 0.827 0.173 0.

106 Np-238 183000. 54 1. 0. 0.

107 Pu-243 17800. 1. 0. 0.

Isotope Source 1

Isotope Isotope Rate Rate

  1. Name (p/sec) FF 1 Co-58 0.

2 Co-60 0.

3 Kr-85 1.186e+16 4 Kr-85m 1.098e+13 5 Kr-87 6.007e+12 6 Kr-88 1.889e+13 7 Rb-86 2.267e+12 8 Sr-89 1.685e+12 9 Sr-90 3.998e+13 10 Sr-91 1.632e+10 11 Sr-92 5.008e+09 12 Y-90 1.663e+09 13 Y-91 4.008e+11 14 Y-92 1.051e+09 15 Y-93 3.438e+09

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_ Build

_ Isotope Resources

_ Source Results

_ (cont.)


_ Tools 1

Isotope Isotope Rate Rate

  1. Name (p/sec) FF 16 Zr-95 5.837e+11 17 Zr-97 6.289e+09 18 Nb-95 3.238e+11 19 Mo-99 3.494e+13 20 Tc-99m 2.791e+12 21 Ru-103 3.598e+11 22 Ru-105 1.254e+09 23 Ru-106 1.493e+12 24 Rh-105 9.227e+09 25 Sb-127 1.599e+12 26 Sb-129 2.119e+11 27 Te-127 1.605e+11 28 Te-127m 6.024e+12 29 Te-129 5.603e+10 30 Te-129m 5.8e+12 31 Te-131m 6.401e+11 32 Te-132 1.577e+13 33 I-131 3.604e+14 34 I-132 6.144e+12 35 I-133 7.645e+13 36 I-134 3.529e+12 37 I-135 2.274e+13 38 Xe-133 2.32e+15 39 Xe-135 5.366e+13 40 Cs-134 9.724e+15 41 Cs-136 4.757e+13 42 Cs-137 7.176e+16 43 Ba-139 3.473e+09 44 Ba-140 7.428e+11 45 La-140 1.625e+10 46 La-141 1.447e+09 47 La-142 550000000.

48 Ce-141 2.907e+11 49 Ce-143 1.137e+10 50 Ce-144 2.028e+12 51 Pr-143 1.108e+11 52 Nd-147 3.899e+10 53 Np-239 0.

54 Pu-238 0.

55 Pu-239 0.

56 Pu-240 0.

57 Pu-241 0.

58 Am-241 0.

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_ Build

_ Isotope Resources

_ Source Results

_ (cont.)


_ Tools 1

Isotope Isotope Rate Rate

  1. Name (p/sec) FF 59 Cm-242 0.

60 Cm-244 0.

61 I-130 1.213e+12 62 Kr-83m 2.099e+12 63 Xe-138 3.582e+12 64 Xe-131m 2.982e+13 65 Xe-133m 3.067e+13 66 Xe-135m 9.542e+11 67 Cs-138 1.802e+12 68 Cs-134m 3.545e+11 69 Rb-88 4.01e+11 70 Rb-89 4.397e+11 71 Sb-124 5.093e+11 72 Sb-125 7.113e+13 73 Sb-126 6.321e+10 74 Te-131 5.287e+10 75 Te-133 3.453e+10 76 Te-134 1.638e+11 77 Te-125m 8.859e+11 78 Te-133m 9.624e+10 79 Ba-141 697100000.

80 Ba-137m 8461000.

81 Pd-109 0.

82 Rh-106 1527000.

83 Rh-103m 321300000.

84 Tc-101 1.147e+11 85 Eu-154 0.

86 Eu-155 0.

87 Eu-156 0.

88 La-143 81110000.

89 Nb-97 450900000.

90 Nb-95m 236100000.

91 Pm-147 8.437e+11 92 Pm-148 8.105e+09 93 Pm-149 7.251e+09 94 Pm-151 1.387e+09 95 Pm-148m 8.264e+09 96 Pr-144 86100000.

97 Pr-144m 428500.

98 Sm-153 0.

99 Y-94 108700000.

100 Y-95 65150000.

101 Y-91m 132100000.

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_ Build

_ Isotope Resources

_ Source Results

_ (cont.)


_ Tools 1

Isotope Isotope Rate Rate

  1. Name (p/sec) FF 102 Br-82 4.725e+11 103 Br-83 5.469e+11 104 Br-84 2.12e+11 105 Am-242 0.

106 Np-238 0.

107 Pu-243 0.

Isotope Filter 1S Isotope Isotope Efficiency Efficiency

  1. Name (frac) FF 1 Co-58 0.9 2 Co-60 0.9 3 Kr-85 0.

4 Kr-85m 0.

5 Kr-87 0.

6 Kr-88 0.

7 Rb-86 0.9 8 Sr-89 0.9 9 Sr-90 0.9 10 Sr-91 0.9 11 Sr-92 0.9 12 Y-90 0.

13 Y-91 0.

14 Y-92 0.

15 Y-93 0.

16 Zr-95 0.9 17 Zr-97 0.9 18 Nb-95 0.9 19 Mo-99 0.

20 Tc-99m 0.9 21 Ru-103 0.9 22 Ru-105 0.9 23 Ru-106 0.9 24 Rh-105 0.9 25 Sb-127 0.9 26 Sb-129 0.9 27 Te-127 0.9

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_ Build

_ Isotope Resources

_ Filter Results

_ (cont.)


_ Tools 1S Isotope Isotope Efficiency Efficiency

  1. Name (frac) FF 28 Te-127m 0.9 29 Te-129 0.9 30 Te-129m 0.9 31 Te-131m 0.9 32 Te-132 0.9 33 I-131 0.9 34 I-132 0.9 35 I-133 0.9 36 I-134 0.9 37 I-135 0.9 38 Xe-133 0.

39 Xe-135 0.

40 Cs-134 0.

41 Cs-136 0.

42 Cs-137 0.

43 Ba-139 0.9 44 Ba-140 0.9 45 La-140 0.9 46 La-141 0.9 47 La-142 0.9 48 Ce-141 0.9 49 Ce-143 0.9 50 Ce-144 0.9 51 Pr-143 0.9 52 Nd-147 0.9 53 Np-239 0.9 54 Pu-238 0.9 55 Pu-239 0.9 56 Pu-240 0.9 57 Pu-241 0.9 58 Am-241 0.9 59 Cm-242 0.9 60 Cm-244 0.9 61 I-130 0.9 62 Kr-83m 0.

63 Xe-138 0.

64 Xe-131m 0.

65 Xe-133m 0.

66 Xe-135m 0.

67 Cs-138 0.

68 Cs-134m 0.

69 Rb-88 0.9 70 Rb-89 0.9

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_ Build

_ Isotope Resources

_ Filter Results

_ (cont.)


_ Tools 1S Isotope Isotope Efficiency Efficiency

  1. Name (frac) FF 71 Sb-124 0.9 72 Sb-125 0.9 73 Sb-126 0.9 74 Te-131 0.9 75 Te-133 0.9 76 Te-134 0.9 77 Te-125m 0.9 78 Te-133m 0.9 79 Ba-141 0.9 80 Ba-137m 0.9 81 Pd-109 0.9 82 Rh-106 0.9 83 Rh-103m 0.9 84 Tc-101 0.9 85 Eu-154 0.9 86 Eu-155 0.9 87 Eu-156 0.9 88 La-143 0.9 89 Nb-97 0.9 90 Nb-95m 0.9 91 Pm-147 0.9 92 Pm-148 0.9 93 Pm-149 0.9 94 Pm-151 0.9 95 Pm-148m 0.9 96 Pr-144 0.9 97 Pr-144m 0.9 98 Sm-153 0.9 99 Y-94 0.

100 Y-95 0.

101 Y-91m 0.

102 Br-82 0.9 103 Br-83 0.9 104 Br-84 0.9 105 Am-242 0.9 106 Np-238 0.9 107 Pu-243 0.9

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_ Build

_ _ Isotope Resources _ Filter Options Results _ Tools 2S Cation Demin Isotope Isotope Efficiency Efficiency

  1. Name (frac) FF 1 Co-58 0.

2 Co-60 0.

3 Kr-85 0.

4 Kr-85m 0.

5 Kr-87 0.

6 Kr-88 0.

7 Rb-86 0.

8 Sr-89 0.

9 Sr-90 0.

10 Sr-91 0.

11 Sr-92 0.

12 Y-90 0.9 13 Y-91 0.9 14 Y-92 0.9 15 Y-93 0.9 16 Zr-95 0.

17 Zr-97 0.

18 Nb-95 0.

19 Mo-99 0.9 20 Tc-99m 0.

21 Ru-103 0.

22 Ru-105 0.

23 Ru-106 0.

24 Rh-105 0.

25 Sb-127 0.

26 Sb-129 0.

27 Te-127 0.

28 Te-127m 0.

29 Te-129 0.

30 Te-129m 0.

31 Te-131m 0.

32 Te-132 0.

33 I-131 0.

34 I-132 0.

35 I-133 0.

36 I-134 0.

37 I-135 0.

38 Xe-133 0.

39 Xe-135 0.

40 Cs-134 0.9 41 Cs-136 0.9 42 Cs-137 0.9 43 Ba-139 0.

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_ Build

_ Isotope Resources

_ Filter Results

_ (cont.)


_ Tools 2S Cation Demin Isotope Isotope Efficiency Efficiency

  1. Name (frac) FF 44 Ba-140 0.

45 La-140 0.

46 La-141 0.

47 La-142 0.

48 Ce-141 0.

49 Ce-143 0.

50 Ce-144 0.

51 Pr-143 0.

52 Nd-147 0.

53 Np-239 0.

54 Pu-238 0.

55 Pu-239 0.

56 Pu-240 0.

57 Pu-241 0.

58 Am-241 0.

59 Cm-242 0.

60 Cm-244 0.

61 I-130 0.

62 Kr-83m 0.

63 Xe-138 0.

64 Xe-131m 0.

65 Xe-133m 0.

66 Xe-135m 0.

67 Cs-138 0.9 68 Cs-134m 0.9 69 Rb-88 0.

70 Rb-89 0.

71 Sb-124 0.

72 Sb-125 0.

73 Sb-126 0.

74 Te-131 0.

75 Te-133 0.

76 Te-134 0.

77 Te-125m 0.

78 Te-133m 0.

79 Ba-141 0.

80 Ba-137m 0.

81 Pd-109 0.

82 Rh-106 0.

83 Rh-103m 0.

84 Tc-101 0.

85 Eu-154 0.

86 Eu-155 0.

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_ Build

_ Isotope Resources

_ Filter Results

_ (cont.)


_ Tools 2S Cation Demin Isotope Isotope Efficiency Efficiency

  1. Name (frac) FF 87 Eu-156 0.

88 La-143 0.

89 Nb-97 0.

90 Nb-95m 0.

91 Pm-147 0.

92 Pm-148 0.

93 Pm-149 0.

94 Pm-151 0.

95 Pm-148m 0.

96 Pr-144 0.

97 Pr-144m 0.

98 Sm-153 0.

99 Y-94 0.9 100 Y-95 0.9 101 Y-91m 0.9 102 Br-82 0.

103 Br-83 0.

104 Br-84 0.

105 Am-242 0.

106 Np-238 0.

107 Pu-243 0.

Isotope Filter 3S Degassing Isotope Isotope Efficiency Efficiency

  1. Name (frac) FF 1 Co-58 0.

2 Co-60 0.

3 Kr-85 0.66 4 Kr-85m 0.78 5 Kr-87 0.88 6 Kr-88 0.81 7 Rb-86 0.

8 Sr-89 0.

9 Sr-90 0.

10 Sr-91 0.

11 Sr-92 0.

12 Y-90 0.

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_ Build

_ Isotope Resources

_ Filter Results

_ (cont.)


_ Tools 3S Degassing Isotope Isotope Efficiency Efficiency

  1. Name (frac) FF 13 Y-91 0.

14 Y-92 0.

15 Y-93 0.

16 Zr-95 0.

17 Zr-97 0.

18 Nb-95 0.

19 Mo-99 0.

20 Tc-99m 0.

21 Ru-103 0.

22 Ru-105 0.

23 Ru-106 0.

24 Rh-105 0.

25 Sb-127 0.

26 Sb-129 0.

27 Te-127 0.

28 Te-127m 0.

29 Te-129 0.

30 Te-129m 0.

31 Te-131m 0.

32 Te-132 0.

33 I-131 0.

34 I-132 0.

35 I-133 0.

36 I-134 0.

37 I-135 0.

38 Xe-133 0.58 39 Xe-135 0.65 40 Cs-134 0.

41 Cs-136 0.

42 Cs-137 0.

43 Ba-139 0.

44 Ba-140 0.

45 La-140 0.

46 La-141 0.

47 La-142 0.

48 Ce-141 0.

49 Ce-143 0.

50 Ce-144 0.

51 Pr-143 0.

52 Nd-147 0.

53 Np-239 0.

54 Pu-238 0.

55 Pu-239 0.

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_ Build

_ Isotope Resources

_ Filter Results

_ (cont.)


_ Tools 3S Degassing Isotope Isotope Efficiency Efficiency

  1. Name (frac) FF 56 Pu-240 0.

57 Pu-241 0.

58 Am-241 0.

59 Cm-242 0.

60 Cm-244 0.

61 I-130 0.

62 Kr-83m 0.85 63 Xe-138 0.96 64 Xe-131m 0.58 65 Xe-133m 0.59 66 Xe-135m 0.95 67 Cs-138 0.

68 Cs-134m 0.

69 Rb-88 0.

70 Rb-89 0.

71 Sb-124 0.

72 Sb-125 0.

73 Sb-126 0.

74 Te-131 0.

75 Te-133 0.

76 Te-134 0.

77 Te-125m 0.

78 Te-133m 0.

79 Ba-141 0.

80 Ba-137m 0.

81 Pd-109 0.

82 Rh-106 0.

83 Rh-103m 0.

84 Tc-101 0.

85 Eu-154 0.

86 Eu-155 0.

87 Eu-156 0.

88 La-143 0.

89 Nb-97 0.

90 Nb-95m 0.

91 Pm-147 0.

92 Pm-148 0.

93 Pm-149 0.

94 Pm-151 0.

95 Pm-148m 0.

96 Pr-144 0.

97 Pr-144m 0.

98 Sm-153 0.

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_ Build

_ Isotope Resources

_ Filter Results

_ (cont.)


_ Tools 3S Degassing Isotope Isotope Efficiency Efficiency

  1. Name (frac) FF 99 Y-94 0.

100 Y-95 0.

101 Y-91m 0.

102 Br-82 0.

103 Br-83 0.

104 Br-84 0.

105 Am-242 0.

106 Np-238 0.

107 Pu-243 0.

Isotope Filter 4S Boron Bled/Feed Isotope Isotope Efficiency Efficiency

  1. Name (frac) FF 1 Co-58 0.99999 2 Co-60 0.99999 3 Kr-85 1.

4 Kr-85m 1.

5 Kr-87 1.

6 Kr-88 1.

7 Rb-86 0.99999 8 Sr-89 0.99999 9 Sr-90 0.99999 10 Sr-91 0.99999 11 Sr-92 0.99999 12 Y-90 0.99999 13 Y-91 0.99999 14 Y-92 0.99999 15 Y-93 0.99999 16 Zr-95 0.99999 17 Zr-97 0.99999 18 Nb-95 0.99999 19 Mo-99 0.99999 20 Tc-99m 0.99999 21 Ru-103 0.99999 22 Ru-105 0.99999 23 Ru-106 0.99999 24 Rh-105 0.99999

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_ Build

_ Isotope Resources

_ Filter Results

_ (cont.)


_ Tools 4S Boron Bled/Feed Isotope Isotope Efficiency Efficiency

  1. Name (frac) FF 25 Sb-127 0.99999 26 Sb-129 0.99999 27 Te-127 0.99999 28 Te-127m 0.99999 29 Te-129 0.99999 30 Te-129m 0.99999 31 Te-131m 0.99999 32 Te-132 0.99999 33 I-131 0.9999 34 I-132 0.9999 35 I-133 0.9999 36 I-134 0.9999 37 I-135 0.9999 38 Xe-133 1.

39 Xe-135 1.

40 Cs-134 0.99999 41 Cs-136 0.99999 42 Cs-137 0.99999 43 Ba-139 0.99999 44 Ba-140 0.99999 45 La-140 0.99999 46 La-141 0.99999 47 La-142 0.99999 48 Ce-141 0.99999 49 Ce-143 0.99999 50 Ce-144 0.99999 51 Pr-143 0.99999 52 Nd-147 0.99999 53 Np-239 0.99999 54 Pu-238 0.99999 55 Pu-239 0.99999 56 Pu-240 0.99999 57 Pu-241 0.99999 58 Am-241 0.99999 59 Cm-242 0.99999 60 Cm-244 0.99999 61 I-130 0.9999 62 Kr-83m 1.

63 Xe-138 1.

64 Xe-131m 1.

65 Xe-133m 1.

66 Xe-135m 1.

67 Cs-138 0.99999

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_ Build

_ Isotope Resources

_ Filter Results

_ (cont.)


_ Tools 4S Boron Bled/Feed Isotope Isotope Efficiency Efficiency

  1. Name (frac) FF 68 Cs-134m 0.99999 69 Rb-88 0.99999 70 Rb-89 0.99999 71 Sb-124 0.99999 72 Sb-125 0.99999 73 Sb-126 0.99999 74 Te-131 0.99999 75 Te-133 0.99999 76 Te-134 0.99999 77 Te-125m 0.99999 78 Te-133m 0.99999 79 Ba-141 0.99999 80 Ba-137m 0.99999 81 Pd-109 0.99999 82 Rh-106 0.99999 83 Rh-103m 0.99999 84 Tc-101 0.99999 85 Eu-154 0.99999 86 Eu-155 0.99999 87 Eu-156 0.99999 88 La-143 0.99999 89 Nb-97 0.99999 90 Nb-95m 0.99999 91 Pm-147 0.99999 92 Pm-148 0.99999 93 Pm-149 0.99999 94 Pm-151 0.99999 95 Pm-148m 0.99999 96 Pr-144 0.99999 97 Pr-144m 0.99999 98 Sm-153 0.99999 99 Y-94 0.99999 100 Y-95 0.99999 101 Y-91m 0.99999 102 Br-82 0.99999 103 Br-83 0.99999 104 Br-84 0.99999 105 Am-242 0.99999 106 Np-238 0.99999 107 Pu-243 0.99999

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_ Build

_ Resources

_ _Volume Initial Results Options

_ Conditions Tools Total Vapor Liquid Relative Liquid Ice Ice Vol Pressure Temp. Temp. Humidity Volume Volume Surf.A.

  1. (psia) (F) F (%) Fract. Fract. (ft2) def 14.7 80. 80. 60. 0. 0. 0.

Initial Gas Pressure Ratios Vol Air

  1. Gas 1 Gas 2 Gas 3 Gas 4 Gas 5 Gas 6 Gas 7 Gas 8 def 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

Noncondensing Gases Gas Description Symbol Type Mol. Lennard-Jones Parameters No. Weight Diameter e/K (Ang) (K) 1 Air Air POLY 28.97 3.617 97.

Noncondensing Gases - Cp/Visc. Equations Gas Cp Equation (Required) Visc. Equation (Optional)

No. Tmin Tmax Cp Tmin Tmax Viscosity (R) (R) (Btu/lbm-R) (R) (R) (lbm/ft-hr) 1 360. 2880. 0.238534-6.2006 Ice Condenser Parameters Initial Bulk Surface Area Heat Temp. Density Multiplier Transfer (F) (lbm/ft3) Function Option

15. 33.43 UCHIDA

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_ Build

_ Resources

_ Run

_ Control Results _ Parameters Options _ (Seconds)

Tools Time DT DT DT End Print Graph Max Dump Phs Chng Dom Min Max Ratio Time Int Int CPU Int Time Scale 1 0.001 50. 1. 1e+06 1e+05 10000. 7200. 1e+06 DEFAULT 2 0.001 100. 1. 2e+06 1e+05 10000. 10800. 1e+06 DEFAULT 3 0.001 200. 1. 4e+06 5e+05 20000. 14400. 1e+06 DEFAULT 4 0.001 200. 1. 5e+07 1e+06 2e+05 2e+05 2e+06 DEFAULT Solution Options Time Solution Imp Conv Imp Iter Pres Sol Pres Conv Pres Iter Differ Burn Dom Method Limit Limit Method Limit Limit Scheme Sharp 1 SEMI-IMP 0. 1 DIRECT 0. 1 FOUP 0.

2 SEMI-IMP 0. 1 DIRECT 0. 1 FOUP 0.

3 SEMI-IMP 0. 1 DIRECT 0. 1 FOUP 0.

4 SEMI-IMP 0. 1 DIRECT 0. 1 FOUP 0.

Run Options Option Setting Restart Time (sec) 0.0 Restart Time Step # 0 Restart Time Control NEW Revaporization Fraction DEFAULT Fog Model OFF Maximum Mist Density (lbm/ft3) DEFAULT Drop Diam. From Mist (in) DEFAULT Minimum HT Coeff. (B/h-ft2-F) 0.0 Reference Pressure (psia) IGNORE Forced Ent. Drop Diam. (in) DEFAULT Vapor Phase Head Correction INCLUDE Kinetic Energy IGNORE Vapor Phase INCLUDE Liquid Phase INCLUDE Drop Phase INCLUDE Force Equilibrium IGNORE Drop-Liq. Conversion INCLUDE QA Logging OFF Debug Output Level 0 Restart Dump on CPU Interval (sec) 3600.

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_ Water

_Build _Properties Resources Results

_ Options

_ Tools Option Setting Water Type LIGHT Graphs Graph Curve Number

  1. Title Mon 1 2 3 4 5 0 M&E Imbalance EM EE 1 Br-82 Br-83 Br- 102i1 103i1 104i1 2 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr 3i1 4i1 5i1 6i1 62i1 3 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr- 8i1 9i1 10i1 11i1 7i1 4 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 12i1 13i1 14i1 15i1 5 Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb- 16i1 17i1 18i1 6 Mo-99 Tc-99m 19i1 20i1 7 Ru-103 Ru-105 R 21i1 22i1 23i1 24i1 8 Rh-106 Rh-103m 82i1 83i1 84i1 9 Sb-124 Sb-125 S 71i1 72i1 73i1 25i1 26i1 10 Te-127 Te-127m 27i1 28i1 29i1 11 Te-129m Te-131m 30i1 31i1 32i1 61i1 12 I-131 I-132 I-1 33i1 34i1 35i1 36i1 37i1 13 Xe-133 Xe-135 38i1 39i1 14 Cs-134 Cs-136 C 40i1 41i1 42i1 80i1 15 Ba-139 Ba-140 L 43i1 44i1 45i1 46i1 47i1 16 Ce-141 Ce-143 C 48i1 49i1 50i1 51i1 52i1 17 Xe-138 Xe131m X 63i1 64i1 65i1 66i1 18 Cs-138 Cs-134m 67i1 68i1 69i1 70i1 19 Te-131 Te-133 T 74i1 75i1 76i1 77i1 78i1 20 La-143 Nb-97 Nb 88i1 89i1 90i1 79i1 21 Pr-144 Pr-144m 96i1 97i1 99i1 100i1 101i1 22 Pm-147 Pm-148 P 91i1 92i1 93i1 94i1 95i1 Envelope Sets Set Set No.

No. Description Type Items

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B1 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 ATTACHMENT B GOTHIC Graphical Results Filename: pal_activity

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B2 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 23 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 1

Br-82 Br-83 Br-84 X1e3 102i1 103i1 104i1 2.5 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B3 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 24 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 2

Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 Kr-83m X1e3 3i1 4i1 5i1 6i1 62i1 50 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 40 30 20 10 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B4 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 25 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 3

Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Rb-86 8i1 9i1 10i1 11i1 7i1 400 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 300 200 100 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B5 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 26 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 4

Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 12i1 13i1 14i1 15i1 400 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 300 200 100 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B6 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 27 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 5

Zr-95 Zr-97 Nb-95 16i1 17i1 18i1 30 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 25 20 15 10 5

0 0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B7 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 28 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 6

Mo-99 Tc-99m X1e3 19i1 20i1 100 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 80 60 40 20 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B8 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 29 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 7

Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Rh-105 21i1 22i1 23i1 24i1 25 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 20 15 10 5

0 0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B9 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 30 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 8

Rh-106 Rh-103m Tc-101 82i1 83i1 84i1 400 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 300 200 100 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B10 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 31 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 9

Sb-124 Sb-125 Sb-126 Sb-127 Sb-129 1000 71i1 72i1 73i1 25i1 26i1 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 800 600 400 200 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B11 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 32 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 10 Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 1000 27i1 28i1 29i1 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 800 600 400 200 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B12 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 33 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 11 Te-129m Te-131m Te-132 I-130 X1e3 30i1 31i1 32i1 61i1 12 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 10 8

6 4

2 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B13 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 34 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 12 I-131 I-132 I-133 I-134 I-135 X1e3 33i1 34i1 35i1 36i1 37i1 150 125 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 100 75 50 25 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B14 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 35 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 13 Xe-133 Xe-135 X1e6 38i1 39i1 2

Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 1.5 1

0.5 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B15 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 36 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 14 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Ba-137m X1e6 40i1 41i1 42i1 80i1 1.2 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B16 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 37 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 15 Ba-139 Ba-140 LA-140 La-141 La-142 43i1 44i1 45i1 46i1 47i1 150 125 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 100 75 50 25 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B17 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 38 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 16 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-143 Nd-147 48i1 49i1 50i1 51i1 52i1 25 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 20 15 10 5

0 0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B18 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 39 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 17 Xe-138 Xe131m Xe-133m Xe-135m X1e3 63i1 64i1 65i1 66i1 50 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 40 30 20 10 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B19 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 40 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 18 Cs-138 Cs-134m Rb-88 Rb-89 X1e3 67i1 68i1 69i1 70i1 60 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 45 30 15 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B20 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 41 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 19 Te-131 Te-133 Te-134 Te-125m Te-133m 74i1 75i1 76i1 77i1 78i1 600 500 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 400 300 200 100 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B21 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 42 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 20 La-143 Nb-97 Nb-95m Ba-141 88i1 89i1 90i1 79i1 2.5 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 2 1.5 1

0.5 0

0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B22 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 43 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 21 Pr-144 Pr-144m Y-94 Y-95 Y-91m 96i1 97i1 99i1 100i1 101i1 20 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 15 10 5

0 0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page B23 of B23 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 pal_activity 44 Jul/28/2004 14:23:15 GOTHIC Version 7.1pcs(QA) - August 2003 File: /home/gothic/projects/nmc/palisades/pcs/pal_activity 22 Pm-147 Pm-148 Pm-149 Pm-151 Pm-148m 91i1 92i1 93i1 94i1 95i1 10 Volumetric Activity (microCi/ft3) 8 6

4 2

0 0 1 2 3 4 X1e6 Time (sec)

GOTHIC 7.1pcs(QA) Jul/26/2004 14:26:52

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page C1 of C2 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 Review Comments Tim Guidotti was the author and Jim Harrell was the reviewer of this notebook except for the corrosion product activity determination per ANSI/ANS-18.1-1999. Joe Sinodis and Jim Harrell were the author and reviewer of the corrosion product activity spreadsheet.

1. Correct typographical errors based on mark-up.
2. The description of Flow Path 5 includes a typographical error (Bled instead of Bleed), which does not impact the results and may be left as-is to eliminate modifying computer runs.

NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS, Inc. Page C2 of C2 Primary Coolant Activity for Palisades Calculation Number: NAI-1149-007, Rev. 0 Review Response

1. Added based on mark-up.