MONTHYEARML24222A6992024-08-16016 August 2024 August 6, 2024, Summary of Regarding Potential License Amendment Request Change to Surveillance Requirements for Moderator Temperature Coefficient for Millstone, Unit No. 3, North Anna, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, and Summer, Unit No. 1 - ML22130A1702022-05-20020 May 2022 Summary of April 21, 2022, Public Meeting to Discuss Potential Emergency Preparedness License Amendment Request ML22028A3502022-01-21021 January 2022 Green Mountain Power, 2021 Annual Summary of Special Nuclear Committee ML21027A0232021-01-28028 January 2021 Summary of January 26, 2021 Closed Meeting with Dominion Energy Regarding Performance of Force on Force Exercises in a Pandemic Environment ML19165A1192019-06-14014 June 2019 Memoranda to File Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for the Virginia Electric and Power Company, Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc., and Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.'S Decommissioning Funding Plans Submitted ML17271A0532017-09-29029 September 2017 2017 Summary of Annual Decommissioning Funding Status Reports for Reactors in Decommissioning ML16088A2042016-03-28028 March 2016 Memo T Bowers from s Ruffin, Technical Assistance Requests - Review 2015 Tri-Annual Decommissioning Funding Plans for Multiple Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations W/ Encl 2 (Template) ML16088A2052016-03-28028 March 2016 Enclosure 1 - (72.30 DFP Reviews to Be Completed 2015) - Memo T Bowers from s Ruffin, Technial Assistance Requests - Review 2015 Tri-Annual Decommissioning Funding Plans for Multiple Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations ML15075A1922015-03-26026 March 2015 Reactor Coolant System Alloy 600 Inspection Program for License Renewal Commitment No. 14. (Tac No. MF3433) ML13031A1832013-02-0505 February 2013 Closed Meeting Announcement Millstone Drop-In ML13032A0572013-01-30030 January 2013 2012 Annual Summary of the Green Mountain Power Special Nuclear Committee ML12178A6132012-06-27027 June 2012 Notice of Forthcoming Pre-Application Meeting with Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. to Discuss a Proposed Millstone Power Station, Unit 2, License Amendment Request Concerning Spent Fuel Pool Criticality Re-Analysis ML13196A2202012-06-0606 June 2012 Memo from B. Balsam, NRR and D. Logan, NRR to J. Susco, NRR on Summary of Section 7 Consultation Activities Related to the National Marine Fisheries Service'S Final Rule to List the Atlantic Sturgeon ML11271A1782011-10-0303 October 2011 Review of Topical Report, Revision 11 for Kewaunee Power Station and ISFSI, Millstone Power Station, Units 1, 2, & 3 and ISFSI, North Anna Power Station, Units 1 & 2 and ISFSI, Surry Power Station, Units 1 & 2 and ISFSI (Tac ME6649, ME6650, ML11250A1712011-09-14014 September 2011 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Petitioner Requesting Action Under 10 CFR 2.206 Regarding Immediate Suspension of the Operating Licenses of General Electric (GE) Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors (Bwrs) ML1116804602011-06-30030 June 2011 Review of Commitment Change Report for 2009 ML1103106822011-02-0101 February 2011 Revised Notice of Forthcoming Public Meeting with Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc., to Discuss Millstone Power Station Licensing Activities ML1100701752011-01-11011 January 2011 Request for Technical Assistance on Request for Exemption Form Certain Requirements of 10 CFR 73.55 for Millstone Power Station, Unit 1 ML1035103202010-12-20020 December 2010 30-Day Report of Emergency Core Cooling System Model Change ML1033305502010-12-15015 December 2010 Potential Notice of Enforcement Discretion for the Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump ML1031202422010-11-0808 November 2010 Notice of Teleconference with Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. to Discuss Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 3 Generic Letter 2004-02 Supplemental Response ML1030100732010-10-28028 October 2010 Meeting Notice Milestone Power Station Revised 10 CFR 73.55 ML1019502842010-07-14014 July 2010 Notice of Forthcoming Public Teleconference with Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. to Discuss Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 3 Generic Letter 2004-02 Supplemental Response ML1008204222010-03-26026 March 2010 Notice of Conference Call with Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. to Discuss Millstone Power Station, Unit Nos 2 and 3 Generic Letter 2004-02 Supplemental Responses ML1003314992010-03-0101 March 2010 Notice of Conference Call with Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc., to Discuss Millstone Power Station, Unit Nos. 2 and 3 Generic Letter 2004-02 Supplemental Responses ML0931406252009-11-17017 November 2009 Summary of Teleconference Verbal Authorization for Relief Request RR-89-67 ML0913401332009-05-15015 May 2009 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. to Discuss the Submittal of a License Amendment Request Regarding the Removal of Charging Pumps from the Technical Specifications for Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 2 ML0906205722009-03-0303 March 2009 Meeting Minutes of the Power Uprates Subcommittee, July 8, 2008 ML0811500912008-04-23023 April 2008 Proposed Stretch Power Uprate to Millstone Power Station, Unit 3 ML0807400842008-03-14014 March 2008 Draft Regulatory Guide for Comment ML0734708412007-12-11011 December 2007 Drop-In Visit from Dominion (Millstone) ML0730304052007-10-31031 October 2007 E. Marinos Memo Technical Assistance Request-Dominion Resources, Inc.'S December 6, 2006, Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 74.13(a) Requirements Regarding Material Status Report Submittal Time Frame ML0715100542007-05-31031 May 2007 Closeout of TAC Numbers for Licensing Activities That Do Not Require Staff Review ML0710201942007-04-24024 April 2007 Draft Open Items from Staff Audit of Corrective Actions to Address Generic Letter 2004-02 ML0707902492007-03-20020 March 2007 Facsimile Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Steam Generator Tube Integrity ML0634902692007-01-11011 January 2007 Memo: K. Mcconnell to M. Lesar - Notice of Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Related to Partial Exemption from 10 CFR Part 50, Recordkeeping Requirements - Millstone Power Station, Unit 1 ML0633901162006-12-19019 December 2006 Fax - Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Post-Maintenance/Modification Surveillance Requirements ML0630701472006-12-12012 December 2006 Facsimile Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information ML0631101502006-11-13013 November 2006 Request for Additional Information Regarding Human Factors - Millstone, Unit 2, Alternate Source Term License Amendment Request ML0626800242006-10-0202 October 2006 Transfer of Project Management Responsibilities ML0625100662006-09-29029 September 2006 Facsimile Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Extension of Integrated Leakage Rate Test Interval ML0619500042006-07-14014 July 2006 Facsimile Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Post Maintenance/Modification Surveillance Requirements ML0619500092006-07-14014 July 2006 Facsimile Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Relaxation Request IR-2-46, Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Inspections ML0617805592006-07-10010 July 2006 Revised Closeout Letter for Bulletin 2003-01, Potential Impact of Debris Blockage on Emergency Sump Recirculation at Pressurized-Water Reactors. ML0617701952006-06-26026 June 2006 Closeout of Tac Number for Licensing Activities Incorrectly Identified for Staff Review ML0606702532006-03-24024 March 2006 Facsimile Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information to Be Discussed in an Upcoming Conference Call ML0608601632006-03-21021 March 2006 Handouts to Applicants (Folder 3) ML0604005082006-03-0202 March 2006 Facsimile Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information to Be Discussed in an Upcoming Conference Call ML0602700882006-01-31031 January 2006 Facsimile Transmission Draft Request for Additional Information to Be Discussed in an Upcoming Conference Call (Tac No. MC8327) ML0602502612006-01-26026 January 2006 Facsimile Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information to Be Discussed in an Upcoming Conference Call 2024-08-16
[Table view] |
October 2, 2006 MEMORANDUM TO: Larry Camper, Director Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards FROM: Ho Nieh, Acting Director /RA by John Lubinski for/
Division of Policy and Rulemaking Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
MILLSTONE UNIT 1 - TRANSFER OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES On October 1, 2006, project management for Millstone Unit 1, was transferred from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Division of Policy and Rulemaking, to your organization. This change was made to consolidate the NRC decommissioning activities into one central organization.
Millstone Unit 1 was shut down on November 4, 1995, and transfer of the spent fuel to the pool was completed on November 19, 1995. On July 17, 1998, the licensee decided to cease operations. Certifications per 10 CFR Part 50.82(a) were submitted July 21, 1998. The owner's current plan is to leave the plant in safe storage and delayed dismantling (SAFSTOR) until the Unit 2 license expires. The owner submitted its required post-shutdown decommissioning activities report (PSDAR) on June 14, 1999, and has chosen a combination of the strategy for prompt decommissioning (DECON) and SAFSTOR options. NRC conducted public meetings in Waterford, CT, on the decommissioning process on February 9, 1999, and on the PSDAR on August 25, 1999. Owner responsibility for the Millstone site was transferred from Northeast Utiliaties to Dominion Nuclear Connecticut on March 31, 2001.
Unit 1 has established a spent fuel pool island including those systems required to support safe storage of spent fuel. The balance of systems not required to support the facility have been abandoned. Irradiated reactor vessel components not able to eventually be disposed of with the reactor vessel have been removed.
The staff has reviewed the guidance in NRR Office Instruction COM-101, NRR Interfaces with NMSS, and finds that Millstone Unit 1 is in a safe, stable condition and can be transferred to the Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection, NMSS (NMSS/DWMEP).
The safety and regulatory milestones identified in COM-101 have been met and no open items remain that would preclude the transfer of the facility.
The NRR staff reviewed the items listed in Appendix C, The Checklist, of COM-101 and determined that there are no open issues for Millstone Unit 1. We have completed the transfer of documents and files to your staff, and coordination of future activities will be pursuant to COM-101.
Joe Golla, Project Manager, at 415-1002, will provide support to your staff as requested and has informed the licensee that NMSS/DWMEP will now provide regulatory oversight of its facility.
Docket Nos. 50-245
October 2, 2006 MEMORANDUM TO: Larry Camper, Director Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards FROM: Ho Nieh, Acting Director /RA by John Lubinski for/
Division of Policy and Rulemaking Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
MILLSTONE UNIT 1 - TRANSFER OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES On October 1, 2006, project management for Millstone Unit 1, was transferred from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Division of Policy and Rulemaking, to your organization. This change was made to consolidate the NRC decommissioning activities into one central organization.
Millstone Unit 1 was shut down on November 4, 1995, and transfer of the spent fuel to the pool was completed on November 19, 1995. On July 17, 1998, the licensee decided to cease operations. Certifications per 10 CFR Part 50.82(a) were submitted July 21, 1998. The owner's current plan is to leave the plant in safe storage and delayed dismantling (SAFSTOR) until the Unit 2 license expires. The owner submitted its required post-shutdown decommissioning activities report (PSDAR) on June 14, 1999, and has chosen a combination of the strategy for prompt decommissioning (DECON) and SAFSTOR options. NRC conducted public meetings in Waterford, CT, on the decommissioning process on February 9, 1999, and on the PSDAR on August 25, 1999. Owner responsibility for the Millstone site was transferred from Northeast Utilities to Dominion Nuclear Connecticut on March 31, 2001. Unit 1 has established a spent fuel pool island including those systems required to support safe storage of spent fuel. The balance of systems not required to support the facility have been abandoned. Irradiated reactor vessel components not able to eventually be disposed of with the reactor vessel have been removed.
The staff has reviewed the guidance in NRR Office Instruction COM-101, NRR Interfaces with NMSS, and finds that Millstone Unit 1 is in a safe, stable condition and can be transferred to the Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection, NMSS (NMSS/DWMEP).
The safety and regulatory milestones identified in COM-101 have been met and no open items remain that would preclude the transfer of the facility.
The NRR staff reviewed the items listed in Appendix C, The Checklist, of COM-101 and determined that there are no open issues for Millstone Unit 1. We have completed the transfer of documents and files to your staff, and coordination of future activities will be pursuant to COM-101.
Joe Golla, Project Manager, at 415-1002, will provide support to your staff as requested and has informed the licensee that NMSS/DWMEP will now provide regulatory oversight of its facility.
NAME JGolla Cjackson for CJackson JLubinski for HNieh CHawes DATE 9/25/2006 10/2/2006 10/2/2006 10/2/2006 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY