CY-06-065, Final Status Survey Final Report - Phase III, Book 8 of 8, Appendix A7, Survey Unit Release Record 9531-0000, South End of Peninsula

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Final Status Survey Final Report - Phase III, Book 8 of 8, Appendix A7, Survey Unit Release Record 9531-0000, South End of Peninsula
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/2006
From: Mccarthy J, Randall D
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
9531-0000, CY-06-065
Download: ML061360405 (354)


j .

Final Status Survey Final Report Phase Ill l

'm Appendix A7 Survey Unit Release Record 9531-0000, South End of Peninsula May 2006 (


Reviewed By: eFaSS fgine Date: 3 -I-ag FSS EngineerI Approved By: _ Date: f-it- 0 6 Technical Support Manager Revision 0


1. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION ..................................................... 3
2. CLASSIFICATION BASIS ............................ ......................... 4
3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO) ............................................ 6
4. SURVEY DESIGN .................................................... 8
5. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION .................................................... I1
6. SURVEY RESULTS .................................................... 12
7. QUALITY CONTROL .................................................... 16
8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS ................................................. 17
9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS .................................................... 18
14. ATTACHMENTS .19 14.1 Attachment 1 - Figures (6 pages including cover) 14.2 Attachment 2 - Sample and Statistical Data (328 pages including covers)

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SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 9531 -0000 RELEASE RECORD SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION Survey Unit 9531-0000 (Southern End of Peninsula) is designated as Final Status Survey (FSS) Class 3 and consists of 108,222 m2 (26.8 acres) of uninhabited open land located approximately 0.77 miles from the reference coordinate system benchmark used at Haddam Neck Plant (HNP) (see , Figure 1). The area is mostly wetlands and wooded lowlands with large clumps of heavy brush. The topography of the southern portion of the peninsula is somewhat flat with sloping banks to the Discharge Canal and Connecticut River. The soil is mostly sand and the area is covered with dense grass or brush with some spots being heavily wooded. Survey Unit 9531-0000 is bounded on the east by the Discharge Canal, on the south and west by the Connecticut River, with a portion of Survey Area 9530 bounding the north perimeter. A small pond is contained in the interior of the survey unit. An old roadway allows for access to the end of the peninsula.

The reference coordinates associated with this survey unit are E020 through E008 by S125 through S160 (refer to License Termination Plan (LTP) Section 5.4.4). The reference coordinates provide the maximum dimensions of a rectangle containing this survey unit. Some areas contained in this rectangle may not be part of this survey unit. The boundary of the survey unit was defined using a Global Positioning System (GPS).

There are no known events potentially impacting this survey unit. The historical files indicate that there was evidence of past soil disturbance in this survey unit as indicated by mounds along the roadway. There was also evidence of past use of the peninsula for recreational use (e.g., fishing) and there is debris along the bank and in the lowland area adjacent to the Connecticut River.

There are several standing, capped pipes in the survey unit indicating that test wells were sunk sometime in the past. The objective and date of installation could not be established. There is a ten inch (10") capped metal pipe in the interior of this survey unit. A review of site drawings (Property Plan 10899-FX-IR) show this to be an old industrial well sunk in 1963 by the S. B. Church Company. A discussion with a contract hydro-geologist indicates that this well was never used due to insufficient well yield.

In Section of the LTP, Equation 5-1 expresses the total dose contribution from three (3) components; soil contribution, existing groundwater contribution and future groundwater contribution. The survey data results for this release record address the dose contribution due to soil as provided in LTP Equation 5-

1. This survey unit is not considered impacted by existing groundwater radioactive contamination as the survey unit is outside the capture zone perimeter for an affected monitoring well. The dose contribution from existing groundwater, the second component of Equation 5-1, is therefore zero. This survey unit is not considered impacted by future groundwater radioactive contamination, as there are no underground structures, systems or components Revision 0 3

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 953 1-0000 RELEASE RECORD containing residual radioactive material within the groundwater saturated zone in the area. The dose contribution from future groundwater, the third component of Equation 5-1, is therefore zero.

2. CLASSIFICATION BASIS The survey unit was classified in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-10, "Survey Unit Classification." The historical information, scoping analyses and characterization results provided sufficient data to designate Survey Unit 9531-0000 as Class 3 in August 2001.

The "Classification Basis Summary" conducted for Survey Unit 9531-0000 consisted of:

a) A review of the I0CFR50.75 (g) (1) database, b) A review of the "Initial CharacterizationReport " and the "HistoricSite Assessment Supplement, "

c) Historic and current survey records review, d) Visual inspections and a "walkdown."

A review of the 10CFR50.75 (g) (1) database report identifies seven (7) documents associated with or relating to this survey area.

a) Event PIR 80-37: Contamination was documented to be present in an area outside the restricted area. Small areas of low-level contamination were found on the facility grounds through routine survey in a normally non-radioactive area. The areas were cleaned up in 1980. The records show that no contamination was found in 953 1-0000.

b) Radiological Assessment Branch (RAB) memo NE-86-RA-1 142 (November 1986): Radiological analysis of the Discharge Canal.

Memo discusses dredging the Discharge Canal and identifies a proposed location for the dredge spoils. The storage location for these dredged materials was a disposal area with sloping berm located in an adjacent Survey Area 9530. NE-86-RA-1 142 is not directly associated with Survey Area 9531, however, related documents (e.g., NE-86-L-1229) and drawings indicate that approximately 12,000 cubic yards of dredged materials from 1979 were removed from the disposal area and spread over the peninsula in nearby Survey Unit 9530-0004.

c) Condition Report (CR) 02-0133 identified three (3) rusty drums that were found on the peninsula during scoping surveys. These barrels were surveyed for radioactivity and meet the release criteria.

d) Condition Report (CR) 02-0185: gamma spectroscopy reported a Co-60 result meeting the accepted criteria for detection (i.e., a result greater than two standard deviations uncertainty). The identification of more plant-related radioactivity led to a shift of the survey area boundary to remove approximately two (2) acres from survey area 9531. The two Revision 0 4

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 953 1-0000 RELEASE RECORD (2) acres were included in adjacent survey area 9530 which already contains several survey units with the potential to contain plant-related radioactivity.

e) Condition Report 03-1020: Unusually high rainfall and tide have introduced Discharge Canal water into the middle of the peninsula.

Subsequent surveys did not identify significant change from the FSS results.

f) Condition Report 04-0456: Unusually high rainfall and tide have introduced Discharge Canal water into several areas including the peninsula. Subsequent surveys did not identify a significant change from the FSS results.

g) Memo ISC 05-045: Periodic surveillance following final status survey.

Surveillance is required periodically by the LTP to ensure the radiological condition does not significantly change from the FSS results. The memo documents no negative change in the radiological status.

A review of the "Initialand Supplemental CharacterizationReports" as well as the previous "Classification Basis Summaries" provided no additional information pertinent to classification.

A characterization survey plan was initiated and executed by Site Closure personnel in March and April 2002 to determine existing conditions and obtain radiological data for Final Status Survey (FSS). Radiological results from the recent surveys indicated that plant related radioactive materials in soil (e.g., Co-60) were below the Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA). No areas of elevated radioactivity were identified in the survey unit.

Eighteen (18) samples were taken initially in accordance with the plan. Of the 18 samples initially taken, seventeen (17) sample results were used to determine the variability of radioactivity concentrations in this survey unit.

The identification of Co-60 meeting the accepted criteria for detection in the remaining sample led to an investigation, the identification of more Co-60 and ultimately a shift of the survey unit area boundary to remove approximately two (2) acres from Survey Unit 9531-0000 into adjacent survey units. Table 1 provides an overview of the statistical quantities from the seventeen (17) samples taken during the survey. The Co-60 reported results did not meet the accepted criteria for detection in this set of samples.

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SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 9531-0000 RELEASE RECORD Table 1 - Basic Statistical Quantities for Cesium-137 from the Characterization Survey Parameter Cs-137 (pCi/g)

Minimum Value: 2.1 OE-02 Maximum Value: 2.72E-01 Mean: 1.32E-01 Median: 1.41E-01 Standard Deviation: 6.98E-02 The FSS Engineer performed several visual inspections and walkdowns during 2002 to assess the physical condition of the survey unit, evaluate access points and travel paths and identify potentially hazardous conditions.

Assessment of the groundwater impact is discussed in Section 1 and Section 13.

The classification basis shows that the expected residual radioactivity in the survey unit would be below the site remediation criteria and are consistent with procedural guidance, thereby sufficient to justify the final designation as Class 3.


FSS design and planning is based on the Data Quality Objective (DQO) process as described by the LTP, Procedure RPM 5.1-11, "Preparationof FinalStatus Survey Plan," and the "Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual" (MARSSIM). A summary of the main features of the DQO process are provided herein.

The DQO process incorporated hypothesis testing and probabilistic sampling distributions to control decision errors during data analysis. Hypothesis testing is a process based on the scientific method that compares a baseline condition to an alternate condition. The baseline condition is technically known as the null hypothesis. Hypothesis testing rests on the premise that the null hypothesis is true and that sufficient evidence must be provided for rejection. In designing the survey plan, the underlying assumption, or null hypothesis was that residual activity in the survey unit exceeded the release criteria. Rejection of the null hypothesis would satisfy the release criteria objective of the FSS. Probabilistic sampling is a preferred method to select a sample so that each item in the population being studied has a known likelihood of being included in the sample. Probabilistic sampling might include simple random sampling where every sample has the same chance of being included, or systematic random sampling where samples are arranged in some order and a random starting point is selected.

The primary objective of the Final Status Survey Plan (FSSP) was to demonstrate that the level of residual radioactivity in Survey Unit 9531-0000 did not exceed the release criteria specified in the LTP and that the potential dose from residual radioactivity is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).

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SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 9531 -0000 RELEASE RECORD A fundamental precursor to survey design is to establish a relationship between the release criteria and some measurable quantity. This is done through the development of Derived Concentration Guideline Values (DCGLs). The DCGLs represent average levels of radioactivity above background levels and are presented in terms of surface or mass activity concentrations. Chapter 6 of the LTP describes in detail the modeling used to develop the DCGLs for soil (called Base Case Soil DCGL), existing groundwater radioactivity and additional future groundwater radioactivity from building basements and footings.

A reduction to the Base Case Soil DCGLs provided in Chapter 6 of the LTP must be performed to ensure compliance with the release criteria of twenty-five millirem (25 mrem) in a year Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) when all three pathways (soil, existing groundwater and future groundwater) are potentially present. Chapter 5 of the LTP shows a compliance formula, Equation 5-1, for including the total dose from the three media. The reduced DCGL is called the Operational DCGL whose relationship to the Base Case Soil DCGL is shown by Equation 5-3 of the LTP. The Base Case Soil DCGL for Cs-137 and the DCGLs for all the other radionuclides potentially present in soil were administratively reduced by about 60% to ensure compliance with the 25 mrem in a year TEDE criterion (Table 2).

Table 2 - Radionuclide Specific Base Case Soil DCGL, Operational DCGLs and Required Minimum Detectable Concentrations Radionuclide Base Case Soil Operational DCGL Required MDC DCGL (pCi/g)(') (pCag) (2) (pCi/g)(3 H-3 4.12E+02 1.65E+02 1.65E+01 C-14 5.66E+00 2.26E+00 2.26E-01 Mn-54 1.74E+01 6.96E+00 6.96E-01 Fe-55 2.74E+04 1.1OE+04 1.10E+03 Co-60 3.81E+00 1.52E+00 1.52E-01 Ag-108m 7.14E+00 2.86E+00 2.86E-01 Ni-63 7.23E+02 2.89E+02 2.89E+01 Sr-90 1.55E+00 6.20E-01 6.20E-02 Nb-94 7.12E+00 2.85E+00 2.85E-01 Tc-99 1.26E+01 5.04E+00 5.04E-01 Cs-134 4.67E+00 1.87E+00 1.87E-01 Cs-137 7.91E+00 3.16E+00 3.16E-01 Eu-152 1.01E+01 4.04E+00 4.04E-01 Eu-154 9.29E+00 3.72E+00 3.72E-01 Eu-155 3.92E+02 1.57E+02 1.57E+01 Pu-238 2.96E+01 1.18E+01 1.18E+00 Pu-239/240 2.67E+01 1.07E+01 1.07E+00 Revision 0 7

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 9531-0000 RELEASE RECORD Table 2 - Radionuclide Specific Base Case Soil DCGL, Operational DCGLs and Required Minimum Detectable Concentrations Radionuclide Base Case Soll Operational DCGL Required MDC

_DCGL (pCi/g)(' (pCilg) (2) (pCI/g)(3 )

Pu-241 8.70E+02 3.48E+02 3.48E+01 Am-241 2.58E+01 1.03E+01 1.03E+00 Cm-243/244 2.90E+01 1.16E+01 1.16E+00 (1)The Base Case Soil DCGLs for soil are specified by the LTP in Chapter 6 (2) The Operational DCGL is equivalent to achieving 10 rnrem per year TEDE (3) The required MDC was 10% of the Operational DCGL Another important facet of the DQO process is to identify the radionuclides of concern and determine the concentration variability. Seventeen (17) samples were collected and analyzed during characterization as discussed in Section 2.

The samples were collected through biased sampling over a simple grid design.

Characterization did not include analyses for Hard to Detect (HTD) radionuclides as data from previous survey and sampling in adjacent areas did not identify HTDs in significant quantities. Cesium-137 was found to be the predominate radionuclide of concern. The mean and variability of Cs-137 in 953 1-0000 was determined during characterization.

Instrument DQOs included a verification of the ability of the survey instrument to detect the radiation(s) of interest relative to the DCGL. Survey instrument response checks were to be performed before issue and after the instrument had been used. Control and accountability of survey instruments was to be maintained to assure the quality and prevent the loss of data.

Laboratory DQOs and analysis results were to be reported as actual calculated results. Results reported as less than Minimum Detectable Concentration

(<MDC) would not be accepted for FSS. Sample report summaries were to include unique sample identification, analytical method, radionuclide, result, and uncertainty of two standard deviations, laboratory data qualifiers, units, and the required and observed MDC.

4. SURVEY DESIGN The level of effort associated with planning a survey is based on the complexity of the survey and nature of the hazards. To assist the FSS Engineers when preparing survey plans for FSS, guidance is provided in Procedure RPM 5.1 -11, "Preparationof Final Status Survey Plans". By design, the FSSP meets the ALARA criteria for soils as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP. The FSSP uses an integrated sample design that combines scanning surveys and sampling which can be either random or biased.

Seventeen (17) data points from characterization were used to determine concentration variability. The samples were collected through biased sampling over a simple grid design. The DQO process determined that Cs-137 would be the radionuclide of concern in 9531-0000 (refer to Section 3). The Operational Revision 0 8 Revision 0 8

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 9531-0000 RELEASE RECORD DCGL of 3.16 pCi/g for Cs-137 was to be used to ensure compliance with the release criteria. Other radionuclides identified during FSS would be evaluated to ensure adequate survey design.

Surrogate DCGLs were not required for this survey unit because of process knowledge from characterization of nearby adjacent areas and via screening under LTP Section Radionuclide screening or de-selection is a process where an individual radionuclide or aggregate may be considered insignificant and eliminated from the FSS. The criteria for de-selection are concentrations less than 5% for individual radionuclides and less than 10% for aggregates.

The Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) did not apply to this survey unit since discrete, elevated areas of contamination were not expected.

The Sign Test was selected as the non-parametric statistical test. The use of the Sign Test did not require the selection or use of a background reference area, which simplified survey design and implementation. This approach was conservative since it included background Cs-137 as part of the sample set.

The number of soil samples for FSS was determined in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-12, "Determination of the Number of Surface Samplesfor FinalStatus Survey. " The Lower Bound of the Gray Region (LBGR) was set in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-11 to 3.02 pCi to maintain the relative shift (A/a) in the range of I and 3. A Prospective Power Curve was generated using COMPASS, a software package developed under the sponsorship of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) for implementation of the MARSSIM in support of the decommissioning license termination rule (10 CFR 20, Subpart E). The result of the COMPASS computer run showed adequate power for the survey design. Survey design specified fifteen (15) surface soil samples for non-parametric statistical testing.

The grid pattern and locations of the soil samples were determined using Visual Sample Plan (VSP) in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-14, "Identifying, and Marking Surface Sample Locations for Final Status Survey." Visual Sample Plan was created by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) for the United States Department of Energy. A systematic triangular grid pattern with a random starting point was selected for sample design, which is appropriate for a Class 3 area.

Sample locations were identified using AutoCAD-Lt, a commercially available plotting software package with coordinates consistent with the Connecticut State Plane System. These coordinates were integrated with a GPS to locate sample locations in the field. Sample Measurement Locations for the design are listed with the GPS coordinates in Table 3.

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SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 953 1-0000 RELEASE RECORD Table 3 -Sample Measurement Locations with Associated GPS Coordinates Designation Northing Easting 9531-0000-OO1F 234015.10 672435.70 9531 -0000-002F 234706.10 671808.70 9531-0000-003F 234065.60 672831.50 9531 -0000-004F 234456.00 672718.20 9531-0000-OOSF 234269.80 672381.10 9531 -0000-006F 234368.10 671985.40 9531-0000-007F 234243.90 672190.20 9531-0000-008F 234339.60 672316.70 9531 -0000-009F 234841.30 672016.60 9531-0000-OIOF 234556.60 672154.70 9531-0000-01IF 233872.10 672615.60 9531-0000-012F 234221.90 672081.10 9531-0000-013F 234410.90 672613.00 9531-0000-014F 234120.80 672417.10 9531-0000-015F 234229.50 672649.50 A minimum of twelve (12) judgmental or biased samples were to be collected at locations selected by FSS Supervision based on professional judgment and observation during characterization and walkdowns to determine areas having the potential for residual radioactivity (e.g., runoff and collection, area disturbance). The number of judgmental samples represented 80% of the number of samples that would be used for non-parametric statistical testing.

Although Procedure RPM 5.1-11 only specified that 5% of the samples be selected for HTD analysis, two (2) soil samples, or 13% of the number of samples that would be used for non-parametric statistical testing, were randomly selected for HTD radionuclide analysis using the Microsoft Excel "RANDBETWEEN" function. Each sample would be sent off-site for a full suite analysis of the HTD radionuclides specified in the LTP, Table 2-12, "Radionuclides Potentially Present at Haddam Neck Plant."

The implementation of survey specific quality control measures as referenced by Procedure RPM 5.1-24, "Split Sample Assessment for Final Status Survey, "

included the collection of two (2) soil samples for "split sample" analysis by the off-site laboratory. These locations were selected randomly using the Microsoft Excel "RANDBETWEEN" function. The number of quality control soil samples was determined to be 13% of fifteen (15) samples, rounded up to the next whole number.

The LTP specifies that scanning will be performed in judgmental measurements for a Class 3 land area and cover a selected amount of the area. The fraction of scanning coverage was determined during the DQO process with the total amount and location(s) based on the likelihood of finding elevated activity during FSS. Elevated areas of residual radioactivity were not considered likely based on characterization data. Consequently, the decision was made to scan Revision 0 10

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 953 1-0000 RELEASE RECORD slightly less than 1% of the total area. Scans were also prescribed for a one (1) meter radius around each random and biased sample measurement location.

For this Class 3 survey unit, the "Investigation Level" for area scanning and soil sample measurement results are those levels specified in LTP, Table 5-8, "Investigation Levels."

Table 4 provides a synopsis of the survey design.

Table 4- Synopsis of the Survey Design Feature Design Criteria Basis Survey Unit Land Area 108,221 m 2 Based on AutoCAD-Lt and Visual Sample Plan calculations Type I and Type 2 errors were 0.05, sigma was 0.069 pCi/g, m15 the LBGR was adjusted to 3.02 Number of Measurements 1pCi/g to maintain Relative Shift in the range of I and 3, Relative Shift was 2 Random and Grid Spacing random start Appropriate design for Class 3 Interval Spacing Not Applicable Not appropriate for Class 3 Opertioal DGL .16Administratively set to achieve Operational DCGL 3.16 10 mrem in a year TEDE Judgmental scanning coverage Scan Survey Area 988 m2 for Class 3 area based on Coverage likelihood of finding elevated areas Scan Investigation Level Detectable over Based on achieving the background Operational DCGL

5. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION Final status survey field activities were conducted under Work Plan and Inspection Record (WP&IR) 24265-000-GEN-0000-00107-000. The WP&IR package included a detailed FSSP, job safety analysis, job planning checklist and related procedures for reference. Daily briefings were conducted to discuss the expectations for job performance and the safety aspects of the survey. The "Daily Survey Journal" was used to document field activities and other information pertaining to the FSS.

Survey activities occurred August 19, 2002 through October 21, 2002.

The scan areas were marked out and scanned for elevated readings (see Attachment 2 for Scan Area Results). Scanning was performed with an Eberline E-600 using a SPA-3 sodium iodide detector. The E-600 was operated in the rate-meter mode and used with audio response. The probe was positioned as close to the ground as possible and was moved at a scan speed of about 0.5 meters per second. A little less than 1% of the survey unit was scanned.

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SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 9531 -0000 RELEASE RECORD Using GPS coordinates; sample measurement locations were identified and marked with a surveyor's flag for identification. At each sample measurement location, a one (1) meter radius around the sample flag was scanned for elevated radiation levels.

Fifteen (15) surface soil samples were collected and packaged in accordance with Haddam Neck Plant (HNP) Procedure RPM 5.1-3, "Collection of Sample Media for Final Status Survey" and FSS design. Samples were controlled, transported, stored, and transferred to the off-site laboratory using Chain-of-Custody (COC) protocol in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-5, "Chain of Custodyfor FinalStatus Survey Samples. "

Two (2) samples (9531-000-013F and 9531-0000-015F) were randomly selected for HTD radionuclide analysis by the off-site laboratory.

Fifteen (15) biased soil samples (were collected and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by the on-site laboratory.

The implementation of survey specific quality control measures included the collection of two samples (9531-0000-002F and 9530-0000-008F) for "split sample" analysis by the off-site laboratory.

6. SURVEY RESULTS The twenty-seven (27) sample measurement locations identified in the FSS plan were scanned about a one (1) meter radius for elevated radiation levels. Table 5 provides an overview of the scan area survey. Scan area results are provided in Attachment 2.

Table 5- Scan Area Results for Sample Measurement Locations Sample Highest Logged Action Level Measurement Reading (kcpm) Above Action Level Location (kcpm)

I 5.64 6.41 No 2 8.45 9.31 No 3 7.58 7.85 No 4 7.46 8.96 No 5 8.15 8.65 No 6 6.44 9.69 No 7 6.64 7.32 No 8 6.82 8.41 No 9 7.89 9.29 No 10 8.36 9.09 No 11 5.96 7.78 No 12 6.66 7.57 No 13 7.54 8.03 No Revision 0 12

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 9531 -0000 RELEASE RECORD Table 5- Scan Area Results for Sample Measurement Locations Sample Highest Logged Action Level A Measurement Reading (kcpm) Above Action Level Location (kcpm) 14 7.44 8.75 No 15 7.15 8.60 No 16 6.67 7.49 No 17 6.64 7.22 No 18 6.52 7.81 No 19 7.67 9.09 No 20 6.37 7.68 No 21 6.61 8.86 No 22 8.56 9.63 No 23 7.45 8.05 No 24 6.23 7.93 No 25 6.87 8.99 No 26 8.53 8.30 Yes 27 7.08 8.75 No (1) FSS sample plans require movement of the sample measurement location to the area within the 1 meter radius yielding the response above the action level Three (3) areas were scanned for elevated radiation levels. Several elevated areas were identified. Table 6 provides an overview of the scan area survey.

Scan area results are provided in Attachment 2.

Table 6- Scan Area Results Scan Highest Action Elevated Reading Investigation Area Reading Level Identification (1) Sample (2)

(kcpm) _ _ _ _ _ _

9531-00-ER-01-08-1 9531-0000-034FM 1 8.16 7.74 9531-0000-034FMD 9531 ER-01 2 9531 -0000-035FM 2 7.82 9.16 None - no elevated None areas identified Revision 0 13

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 9531 -0000 RELEASE RECORD Table 6- Scan Area Results Scan Logged Action Elevated Reading Investigation Area Reading Levem Identification (1) Sample (2)

__ __ (kc pm) ___ __ __ __ __

9531-O0-ER-03-03-1 9531-0000-029FM 9531-0000-032FMD 9531-00-ER-03-03-2 9531-0000-03OFM 9531-00-ER-03-04-1 9531-0000-028FMD 9531 -0000-028FM 3 8.97 8.38 9531-0000-028FMD 953 1-00-ER-03-04-2 9531-0000-03 I FMD 9531-0000-032FMD 9531-00-ER-03-05-1 9531-0000-032FMD 9531 -0000-032FNM 9531 ER-03-06-1 9531 -0000-033FMD (1) ER and SC are nomenclature associated with the barcodes used in the field where ER stands for Elevated Reading and SC refers to Scan (2) FM and FMD are nomenclature used to distinguish between surface samples collected in a one liter (I L) marinelli container at depths up to fifteen centimeters (15 cm) and deeper samples collected in a I L marinelli container at depths up to ninety (90) cm from the same sample location The off-site laboratory employed for the radiological analyses of samples was Severn Trent Laboratories - STL Richland, Richland, Washington. The laboratory analyzed the fifteen (15) samples taken for non-parametric statistical testing and the associated duplicates using gamma spectroscopy. Gamma spectroscopy analysis was performed to the required MDC. Gamma spectroscopy results identified some radionuclides meeting the accepted criteria for detection (i.e., a result greater than two standard deviations uncertainty). All but one (1) radionuclide could be deselected or excluded using the 5% and 10%

rule described in Section 4. The exception was Cs-134 which was reported in one (1) sample at a concentration equivalent to 6% of the Operational DCGL.

Further explanation of Cs-134 will be provided in Section 10.

Cesium-137 was identified in fourteen (14) of the fifteen (15) samples. Cobalt-60 was identified in one (1) of the fifteen (15) samples. The mean of the results of gamma spectrometry analysis for each of the samples indicated Cs-137 at levels lower than the concentrations of Cs- 137 found in soil at off-site locations within the vicinity of the HNP as presented in the Health Physics TSD BCY-HP-0063.

Sample analysis did not indicate any anomalies requiring further investigation.

A summary of the sample results is provided in Table 7.

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SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 9531-0000 RELEASE RECORD Table 7- Summary of Soil Sample Results Cs-137 Co-60 Fraction of the Sample Number pClg pCi/g Operational DCGL (1 9531 -0000-001F 5.42E-01 -7.24E-03 0.167 9531-0000-002F 1.06E-0 1 1.1 OE-02 0.041 9531-0000-003F 3.38E-02 -1.5 1E-03 0.010 9531-0000-004F 8.45E-01 1.12E-01 0.341 9531-0000-005F l.O1E-01 2.22E-03 0.033 9531-0000-006F 3.54E-01 2.16E-02 0.126 9531-0000-007F 3.80E-01 9.16E-03 0.126 9531 -0000-008F 2.22E-01 -1.25E-02 0.062 9531 -0000-009F 6.14E-0 1 1.OSE-02 0.201 9531-0000-OlOF 3.86E-01 -1.54E-02 0.112 9531-0000-01 IF 2.2 1E-01 -3.19E-02 0.049 9531-0000-012F 4.77E-01 -2.73E-03 0.149 9531-0000-013F 5.50E-01 1.56E-02 0.184 9531 -0000-014F 2.75E-02 -7.30E-03 0.004 9531-0000-01 SF 9.24E-02 1.09E-02 0.036 (1) The Operational DCGLs are 3.16 pCi/g for Cs-137 and 1.52 pCi/g for Co-60 used in conjunction with the unity rule The off-site laboratory also processed two (2) samples for HTD analysis as required by the sample plan. The samples were The requested analyses included alpha spectroscopy, gas proportional counting, and liquid scintillation depending on the radionuclide and the measurement method. All analyses met the required MDC with the exception of Sr-90. However, the DQOs recognize that for some HTD analyses, the radionuclides may not meet MDC requirements due to analytic method (e.g., Carbon-14 in soil). In these cases, comparison to a higher value (i.e., 50% of the DCGL) is acceptable and consistent with the LTP. Table 8 lists the results for those radionuclides meeting the accepted criteria for detection (i.e., a result greater than two standard deviations uncertainty) in more than one sample.

Table 8-Hard-to-Detect Sample Results Fraction of Sample Sr-90 NI-63 Tc-99 Pu-241 the (pClIg) (pCi/g) (pCI'g) (pCL/g) Operational

_ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D C G L ~

9531-0000-013F 1.69E-01 1.06E+01 _ 1.09E+01 0.403 9531-0000-013AF _ 3.15E-01 -----

9531-0000-015F 5.86E-02 1.51E+O 1 9.71E+O0 0.202 9531-0000-015AF _- 3.17E-01 -----

(1)Additional sample material was required for volatile HTDs (e.g., H-3 and Tc-99) as the laboratory inadvertently dried all provided sample material prior to extracting sample media for HTD analysis (refer to Section 10)

(2) The Operational DCGLs are 0.62 pCi/g for Sr-90, 289 pCi/g for Ni-63, 5.04 pCi/g for Tc-99 and 348 pCi/g for Pu-239 used in conjunction with the unity rule Revision 0 15

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 953 1-0000 RELEASE RECORD Fifteen (15) biased samples were collected at locations selected by FSS Supervision based on professional judgment and observation. Gamma spectroscopy analysis was performed by the on-site laboratory to the required MDC. None of the samples exceeded 18% of the Operational DCGL. No further action or investigations were required (see Table 9).

Table 9- Biased SamDle Results Sample Number (S) Cs-137 pCi/ Co-60 pCi Fraction of Operational the 2 )


9531-0000-016FM 1.04E-01 4.02E-03 0.035 9531-0000-017FM 2.60E-01 1.47E-02 0.092 9531-0000-018FM 2.82E-O1 -9.37E-03 0.083 9531-0000-019FM 2.99E-01 -1.26E-03 0.094 9531-0000-02OFM 8.27E-02 1.54E-02 0.036 9531-0000-021FM 4.5 1E-02 -2.66E-03 0.013 9531-0000-021FMD 1.13E-02 1.48E-02 0.013 9531-0000-022FM 4.77E-01 1.76E-02 0.163 9531-0000-023FM 5.32E-01 1.83E-02 0.180 9531-0000-023FMD 5.15E-01 2.20E-02 0.178 9531-0000-024FM 1.02E-01 1.19E-02 0.040 9531-0000-024FMD 1.61E-01 3.80E-03 0.053 9531-0000-025FM 1.27E-01 1.87E-02 0.052 9531-0000-026FM 2.81E-01 -4.24E-03 0.086 9531-0000-027FM 1.80E-01 2.70E-02 0.075 (1) FM and FMD are nomenclature used to distinguish between surface samples collected in a I L marinelli container at depths up to fifteen centimeters (15 cm) and deeper samples collected in a I L marinelli container at depths up to ninety (90) cm from the same sample location (2) The Operational DCGLs are 3.16 pCi/g for Cs-137 and 1.52 pCi/g for Co-60 used in conjunction with the unity rule

7. QUALITY CONTROL The off-site laboratory processed the split samples and performed gamma spectroscopy analysis. Thirteen percent (13%) of the samples were selected for analysis, which exceeds the 5% minimum required by the LTP. The data were evaluated using USNRC acceptance criteria specified in Inspection Procedure 84750 as detailed in HNP Procedure RPM 5.1-24, "Split Sample Assessmentfor Final Status Survey." There was acceptable agreement between field split results.

The sample analysis vendor, Severn Trent Laboratories - STL Richland, Richland, Washington, maintained quality control and quality assurance plans as part of normal operation. Refer to Attachment 2 for data and data quality analysis results.

Revision 0 16 Revision 0 16


8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS Additional scanning was performed in one (1) small location in February 2006 to obtain additional data relevant to the DQOs. The scanning was performed in a single three foot (3 ft) by thirty foot (30 ft) strip located in scan area 2. No elevated readings were identified.

Additional soil sampling was performed under an Addendum to the FSS plan.

The soil was collected from locations 13 and 15 to support HTD analyses after it was identified that the laboratory had prematurely dried the original sample material prior to determining what the required analyses were to be. The two samples were identified as 9531-0000-013AF and 9531-0000-015AF. The off-site laboratory properly processed and analyzed the additional samples for HTD.

Eight (8) localized areas were found to verifiably exceed their investigation level during the scan area survey. Two (2) samples were collected from each location. The samples consisted of a surface sample collected in a I L marinelli container at depths up to 15 cm and deeper samples collected in a I L marinelli container at depths up to 90 cm from the same sample location. The samples were analyzed on-site using gamma spectroscopy. The analyses reported Cs-137 as shown in Table 10.

__ Table 10- Confirmatory Sample Results Sample Number Cs-137 Co-60 Fraction of the SampleNumber pCi/i pCits Operational DCGL a 9531-0000-028FM 3.99E-01 -2.15E-04 0.126 9531-0000-028FMD 7.72E-03 1.20E-02 0.010 9531-0000-029FM 2.23E-01 1.72E-02 0.082 9531-0000-029FMD 1.27E-01 9.355E-03 0.046 9531-0000-03OFM 2.06E-01 -1.51E-02 0.055 9531-0000-03OFMD -6.72E-03 1.97E-02 0.011 9531-0000-031FM 2.27E-01 6.54E-03 0.076 9531-0000-03I1FMD 2.14E-01 2.86E-02 0.086 9531-0000-032FM 4.69E-02 4.93E-03 0.018 9531-0000-032FMD 1.89E-03 8.27E-03 0.006 9531-0000-033FM 1.87E-01 1.43E-04 0.059 9531-0000-033FMD 2.36E-02 2.45E-02 0.024 9531-0000-034FM 1.74E-01 6.09E-04 0.056 9531-0000-034FMD 8.55E-02 1.85E-02 0.039 9531-0000-035FM 2.08E-01 2.30E-02 0.081 9531-0000-035FMD 2.48E-03 4.72E-03 0.004 (1) FM and FMD are nomenclature used to distinguish between surface samples collected in a I L marinelli container at depths up to fifteen centimeters (15 cm) and deeper samples collected in a I L marinelli container at depths up to ninety (90) cm from the same sample location (2) The Operational DCGLs are 3.16 pCi/g for Cs-137 and 1.52 pCi/g for Co-60 used in conjunction with the unity rule Revision 0 17


9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS Historically, no radiological remedial action as described by MARSSIM Section 5.4 was performed in this survey unit prior to or as a result of the FSS. Health Physics TSD BCY-HP-0078, "ALARRA Evaluation of Soil Remediation in Support of Final Status Survey," determined that remediation beyond that required to meet the release criteria was unnecessary and that the remaining residual radioactivity in soil was ALARA.
10. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN Several HTD radionuclides were reported in concentrations exceeding the 5%

and 10% rule for de-selection. Therefore, the individual Operational DCGLs for these radionuclides were included into sample design to demonstrate compliance with the unity rule and ensure adequate survey design in accordance with the DQOs. The result of the COMPASS computer run showed adequate power for the revised survey design. The revised survey design maintained the original fifteen (15) surface soil samples for non-parametric statistical testing.

Cesium-134 was reported in concentrations exceeding the 5% rule for de-selection in one sample. A review of the data shows that the ratios of Cs-134 concentration to Cs-137 concentration are low enough not to impact or change the number of samples needed to demonstrate compliance with the DQOs.


The DQO sample design and data were reviewed in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-23, "Data Quality Assessment," for completeness and consistency.

The sampling design had adequate power as indicated by the Retrospective Power Curve. The Sign Test was performed on the data and compared to the original assumptions of the DQOs. The Sign Test shows that the survey unit passes FSS.

Documentation was complete and legible. Surveys and sample collection were consistent with the DQOs and were sufficient to ensure that the survey unit was properly designated as Class 3.

The preliminary data review consisted of calculating basic statistical quantities (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation).

The range of the data, about 3.7 standard deviations, was not unusually large.

The difference between the mean and median was 15% of the standard deviation. The difference is enough to indicate skewness in the data. The data was represented graphically through posting plots, a frequency plot, and a quantile plot. The frequency plot shows slight negative skewness as confirmed by the calculated skew of 0.5 and some bimodality probably due to the differences in terrain.

All data, assessments, and graphical representations are provided in Attachment 2.

Revision 0 18


12. ANOMALIES No anomalies were noted.
13. CONCLUSION Survey Unit 9531-0000 has met the final DQOs of the FSS. The ALARA criteria for soils as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP were achieved. Elevated Measurement Comparison and remediation was not required.

The sample data passed the Sign Test. The null hypothesis was rejected. Some anomalies were observed in the graphical representation of the data which could be attributed to differences in terrain. The Retrospective Power Curve generated using COMPASS shows adequate power was achieved. The survey unit was properly designated as Class 3.

As discussed in Section 1, the survey data results for this release record address the dose contribution due to soil as provided in LTP Equation 5-1. This survey unit is not considered impacted by existing groundwater radioactive contamination as the survey unit is outside the capture zone perimeter for an affected monitoring well. The dose contribution from existing groundwater, the second component of Equation 5-1, is therefore zero. This survey unit is not considered impacted by future groundwater radioactive contamination as there are no underground structures, systems or components containing residual radioactive material within the groundwater saturated zone in the area. The dose contribution from future groundwater, the third component of Equation 5-1, is therefore zero.

14. ATTACHMENTS 14.1 Attachment I - Figures 14.2 Attachment 2 - Sample and Statistical Data Revision 0 19 Revision 0 19

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 953 1-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 1 Figures (5 pages)


$00 ReferwenceCoordhote System Benchmor*

- 29?8524.3 / Fboste - w8136. 14 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company e Figure 1 Site Map With Reference To Survey Unit9531-0000 Febnary2w6 T McC.

4 13 Lead 0

Sample Location 0

15 0 0 3 10 S 0 90 100 5 FeeM 14 I 11 S 0 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9531-000 FinalStasSurveyDesign

4-WO1 0\ \\.5

\0.09 Ho~L w\/WetLand z 1 0. 8 0.03 01 100 90 IS0Oe

/ / Ad m°' - 3an-035 0.38 0.54 a22 Ad 0ftikcampav Connecticut Yankee Atomic PowerCompany By Figure3 9531-0000Fina Status Survey Cs-137PosqngPlot Febnaiy2006 l McC.


Lefwd Sample Location 0 90 ISO FM AWN Bw*g dunpdiw16.6

- to 7.9ki11a dvtlWiaebyin Owit MPA-3APbo AerwsD I6fir Mb Rmfmramdftal6 Connectcut Yankee Atomic PowerCompany 9531-0004 FinalSWta Survey Scan Amas


f 22 Legad Q Sample 0 Location 21 WetLand 0 90 ISO Feet AWe Rfha, Tab 9frbid Connecticut Yankee Atomic PowerCompany 9531-0000Biased and ConfirmatorySample Locations

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 953 1-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2 Sample and Statistical Data

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 953 1-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2a Sample Data (276 Pages)

Analytical Data Package Prepared For Bechtel CT Yankee Project Rndiochemical Analysis By STL Pichland 2800 G. W. Way, R sdland Wa, 99352, (509)-3 75-313L Assigned Labormtory Code: STLRL DataPackage Caniais Pages Report No.: 20779 SDG No. Order No. Mlont Smple ID(List Order) Lut-Sn No. Work Orderr Report DIS ID Batch No.

2110 8631.0004O01F J21300127-7 EU4IAA 9E84MtO 227u373 9531-0000-002F J21300127-12 E84WHIAM 9El4WHIO 2278373 9531-co000002PS J2130Q121-13 E84WJIAA SE84WJIO 2276373 9531-0000-003F J213001274 E4V61AA 9E84V510 2278373 9531-0000-004F J21300127-3 E84VLiAA 9ES4VLIO 2278373 9531-0000-005F J21300127-17 EB4WTIAA I GES4WTIO 2276373 8531t400-OOF J21300127-14 E84WKIMA6 9E84WKI1 2276373 9531-OfD-007F J2130027-1 EM4MJIAA 9EB4VJIO 2275373 9631'-O0-008F Jo3t012745 E84WN1AF 6 9E84WNi0 2278373 9531-000D008FS J21300127-16 E84WRIAA1 0E04WRI1 2278373 9531-000-009F J213001274 E84VPIAA SE84VPIO 2276373 9531-0000-1OF J21300127.4 EB4VNIAA 9EH4VN1O 2275373 963140000-11F J21300127-9 EM4VMtAA SE84V810 2276373 9531-OOOM12F J2130012712 E04VKIAA 9E84VKiO 2275373 9531-0000-014F J213U0127-6 E84VTIAA 8E84VTI1 2275373 S5LUlchland rp1SrLRchTl111. v73 STL RICEAND 1

-P ME3110 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS October 30, 2002 Bechtel Corporation 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, CT 06424 Attention: Alan Hcter SDONumber  : 21180 Date SDG Received September 25,2002 NwnberofSaxnples Fifteen (15)

Sample Type Soil Data delicvrable  : Suwmnary Report t Introduction On September 25, 2002, fifteen soil samples were received at STL Richland (STLR) for radiochemical analysis on four ITLV COCs (2002-08, 0066, 0064 and 0062). Upon receipt,

  • the samplewas assigned to Lot Number J21300127 with the laboratory ID numbers to correspond with the Bechtel Corp. (BCT) specific IDs as listed on the cover page.

II. Analytical ResultstMethodology The analytical results for this report are presented by laboratory sample ED. Each set of data includes sample identificatlon information; analytical results and the appropnate associated statistical errors.

The requested analyses are: Gamma Spectrascopy Gamma Spec by method RICH-RC-5017 EL Quality Control The analytical results for each analysis performed under SDG 21 180 includes a minimum of one Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) and one method (reagent) blank and one duplicate sample analysis. Any exceptions bave been noted in the "Comments' section.



- r

_w Bechtel Corporation October 30,2002 Page 2 QC and sample results are reported in the same units.

IV. Comments Two additional samples listed on COC 2002-0064 for analysis Type I (BFSSALL) were put into an independent lot and will be reported separately as per agreement with the client.

Gamma Spectroscopy GarMna Spec by method HICH-RgC-501 7:

Seventeen of the eighteen requested radionuclides have been reported fOr each sample. The Bi-212 was over eight half lives since collection, therefore, not reported. Except as noted, the LCS, sample duplicate, batch blank and sample results are within required limits.

I certify that this Certificate of Analysis is in compliance with the SOW, both technically and For completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager, or a designee as verified by the following signature.

Reviewed and approved; Barbara M. Gillespic Project Manager STL RisOP3 3

Drinking Water Method Cross References DRINKING WATER ASTM METHOD CROSS REFERENCES Referenced Method lsotopeLs) STL Rlchland's SOP number EPA 901.1 Cs-134, 1i131 RIt-RCH-017 EPA 900.0 ha & Beta RICH-RC-5014 EPA 903.1 Ra-M RIH-RC-6005 EPA 904.0 Ra-228 PICH-RC-5O5 EPA 905.0 Stwo9o RLWB - 005 ASTM 02480 Toal Radium RICH-RC-6027 Standard Method 7500-U-C & ASIM 05174 Uaniurn - RICH-RC-6058 EPA 906.0 Tdln RICH-fRC-SO Grms Alpha LCS Is praed with Arn-241 (uiless ohetrwise peclfied In Ut case rnrtwie) lhe Gross Beta LCS Is prepared with rIY-90 (unless othewise spaclied Inthe case narratie)

Uncertainty Estimation STL RIchiand has adopted the Internatlonally accepted approach to estimating uncertaintles described In lNIST Technical Note 1297.19Y4 Edition". The approach, "Law of Propagatlon of Errors".

Involves the Identification orull variables Inan mnalytical method which ar: used to derive a rmsuil. These variables are related to the analytical result (R) by some 0=1aonl ralatlanship, R - constants lrztXJ*Zy,.).

The components txVyXz) are evaluated to determine their contribution to the overall method unucerint.

The Individual component uncertaInties (uj amr thhn combined using astatistical model that pmvides the most probable overall uncertajnty value. All component uncertaintIes arc categorized is type A, evaluated by statistical methods, or type B, evaluated othermcans Uncertainties not Included in the compononts.

such as sample homogeneity, mm combined with th component uncertainty as the square toot aftho sum-ofthe-squares ofthe Individual uncertlanties. The uncertainty associated with the derived esult Isthe combined uncertanlty (us) multiplied by the coverage factor (1.2, or 3N When three ormorcsample replicates ae used to derive the mnalytical result, the qtpe A uncertainty Isthe standard deviation of the mean value (Svn), where S is the standard deviation of the derived results. The type B uncertaInties are all other madoam or non-random components that am nol Included In the standard deviation.

Th derivation ofbe eneral uLaw of Propagation af Errors"equations and specilte example are available on request.

STL Rlchland rptLherallntb 30.7 STL RICHEIMD 4

Reqport Definitions

  • Actntltikcl AesulL used ID trigger aiiictIon when the final Isjreatcr tnor qual to th Actiw  ;
Lvel. Oln the c on vel Isrelated to the Decision Lhit.

Batch The QC preparation Latch number that reates labomity samples to QC smples ta were prepared aid analyzed together.

BEu Dcfined by the equation (tlsUExpEicd)l as defmcd by ANSIN13.30.

COC No Chain arCustody Number assigned by the Client or STL RfchWnd.

Count Error (is) PoIss5n countlngDtIstlOrtbes Cr 59grsssmpleaunt d bagound. 111Unceranty Isabsolute andi he same I units as the result. Far Uqutd Scintllation Counting (LSC the batch blank tount Is khe background.

Total Uncert (Is) All known unceradntis associated with the prepuaation and analysis OrthC saple arkpropagated to givo a measure u0,Coaialied atheunrerihyssoialed wh thlhe mulliwcomb bd raiTheuncantbtsolute d hbe hcernaraany. smae unalstas thegreslL (is),Coverage Tc coverageCbtordellncs the width orthe canfidence Interval. 1.2 r3 standard dviatlos Factor CRDL (11L) Cwdramciml Required Detection Unih as detcld Ingh aient's Sarcntat OrWork or STL Rihland'deliulf" Inuiwnl detectlon limit. Oltme referrmD lo the reporting level (RI.)

Lc Decision Level based un ksinunent baclground orblank. adusted by the Efficiency, Chemical Yilcd, and Volume assnclaed wthithe unple. TbrTypc I errorprobubiylsapprma eily. Lc-(1.645't Sq rK2"(5 lkgprndcn tinySCatMin)) *(ConvFcI(EIT*YkdtAhn*Vot) 4 IngrFet). For LSC methods the dCnit butch bhrk is usd ns a meas lsur othe backgund varabIlILy. Lc eannot bc calculated hen th backround cunrat Iszcro.

Lot-Sample No Thenumberassigned by the UMS solwareIn truick mpesrcived on die ne day arngiven clicnL 11 ample number Isa sequenlial number assigned to cock sample in the LeL

&MDCIDA Deection LvCl based an instrument background or biank adjusted by the Efficlency, Chemical Yield, amd Volume wiShaTypelimdlerorpr babliliy afpprosdialy5L MDC- (4.55' qrit((BkgmdCntJ9dCotin)/SC-lin)+2.7l1CSnMln) * (CornFctEf Yl Vd Ahn, *Vat)

  • IngrFca For LSC methods the batch blank Isused as a measwr irle background varIability.

Primry Detector The lnsfrum nt ldetlllr assodiated with the analysisorthc sampil atiquot.

Ratio U4211AN3 The U-234 result dfvtded by die U-238 esuL The UL-2341U238 ago for netural uranium InNIST SRM 4321C Is 1.038.

RstJMDC Ratio atie Resultto The MDC. A value grcater Oan I may indicate activity above bacground inta high level or confidence. autton should be used when applying this rucr and Itshould be used Inconcert with the qualifiers associated with the result.

tstlTatUucrt Raio Oatthe Rsul so the Tohal Uncanty. Ihe unceraInty ha a coverage Ibctorof2 a value greater than I nay indict ctivity ovebacground t appmrmalatylhee9%M lvel otcarene assuming at o4dtcd confidence interval. Caution should be ased when applying this tector mid it should be used in concert with the qualitiers associated with Ihe result.

Report Du NC SampIe identifier used by the report system. 'Me aumber Is based upon gh rim live digits tire Work Order Number.

RER The equation Replicate £rror ltio - "Yr(S-D)4s'Us'+ MPM) us defined by ICFT BOA where StI the original sample esumL D Isthe result of lime duplicate, TFlP Is thtiotad uncertainty oFthe origtnal sample and TPd Is lire total uncertainty orthn dupllcate sample.

SDO Sample Delivery Gnn p Nunber assigned by dhe Client or assigned by 5Th Richland upon sample reccipt.

Siam Rpt Alpha The sum of he reparted alpha SPCC rcsums Fr tests derived hrn the sam sample excluding duplicate result where Spec Istts) he esults are hithe same units.

Work Order he LIMS soRw asi cstspecific:dentfer.

Viced The recov ry oftiTe tracer added la ftiusanple such as Pa-242 d to trace nPu-239140 smelhod.

  • u.J-r.a~'

- * . s * **r SLRcand rVtCernratllao v.72 ST RICEND 5

Sample RemUlts SummarY Date: 30-Oct-02 STL Ricliand STLRL Ordered by Clent SampleT ID, Batch No.

RepOrt No.: 20779 BUG No: 21180 Waork Ordur ClrAntin Numbur Paramurla Resu!1-Uncartalnly( 2s) Qual Units TIfd MDC1MDA RER 6531C00-DW F 2E84V1AM ACTINIUM-228 .33E-1 *- 15E2-01 U pCJ/ 3.10E-1 AG-108M -1.8E-03 4- 2E-02 U pCUv 4.25E-02 AMERICIUM-241 -4.13E402+ 1.1E01 U pCUv t.84E-01 BISMUTH-214 3.72E-01 - 1.0E-1 U pClrO 1.1E2-1 COBALT-6D -724E-03 +- 2.22-02 U pCI~g 5.07E-02 CESIUM-134 3.02E-4 lOE-02 U U pcug .33E-02 CESIUM.137 5.42E-01 9.3-02 UE pCI~g 6.07E-02 EUROPIlUM-152 -2.72E.02 9.0E-02 G U PCUg 13E-O1 EUROPIUM-154 -1.44E-02 - 92E4Z U pGI/

PCV9 1.84E-01 EUROPIUM-155 6.06E-0 - SAE-02 U pCIUg 1.45E-01 POTASSIUM40 L81iE+D0 1.6E+50 P@s 491E-01 MAGNESIUM-54 356E-02 +- 33E-02 U pQ~g 3SE-02 NIkBIM-94 -8.18E-03 4-eE-02 U pCIh PWvS 4.52E-02 LEAD-212 4.4E-01M 1.2E-01 .2E-02 LEAD-214 4.1E-01 4- 1 1 u Pcua 9.49E-02 PC11 RADIUM-228 3.72E-01 1.E401 U pCIAg 1.51E-01 THAUIUM-208 15E-01 - E.1-02 Pct/g 4.50E-2 9531-00004002F EE4WH1M ACTNIUM-228 7.2E-01 -S.QE-01 LI PCV0 4.29E01 A2-108M 8.66a-04 +- 3.E-02 U PCvG 6.30E-02 AMECXtlUM-241 8.E4302 4- 3.E-01 U pai~g 6.42E-01 BISMUTH-14 8.3E-1 4- 2J.E-01 Uj PCI1g 2.3E-01 COSALT-W0 1.I0E4CZ 4- 4.1E.02 U POIUg 7GE5-02 CESIUM-134 7.82E.02 - 4.EE-02 U PCIvg 9.54E-02 CEStUM-137 1.5E-01 1- 83E-02 U pctlg 1302-01 EUROPMIM-152 ES0-02 4- 1AE-01 U PCvg 1.8E-01 EUROPIUM-154 7.772-02 +- 1.2E-01 U pCX/g 2.28E-01 EUROPILM-UE5 1.87E-01 +- 1.82-01 U PCVfg 2.55-01 POTASSIUMt40 1.39E+01 +- 2.22+00 .46E-01 MAGNESIUM454 1.9l602 4- 4AE402 .13E-02 NIOSIUM-94 411t 3 4- 3.6-02 U PCIvg .37E-02 LEAD-Z12 724E-a1 4- 1.G9-01 paveg 1.19E-01 LEAD-214 761 E-01 4- 1.82-0 pCIVG 128E-01 RAlIUM-228 6M3E01 - 2.UE.01 U PCVG 23E-01 THAllUM-20B 2A2E-01 4- 7.6E-02 PCIvg 7.28E-02 S7lLIchiand gEM n Rcptf* zmRntlo- qrtD)slsTP~h)l4q 1 d)I ude aby IlCrrIDA.

pSWLRchSaSum UQu! -alyzad rr,bat Sef nuZ 1skbn Ibhcflu bldarrx Uncert *r gamma sanuftwarc Idai Ie uudli ild ntMa V3.93 A97 STL RICHLAND 6

Sample Results Summany Date: 30-Oct-02 STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Cient Sample ID, Batch No.

Report No.: 20779 SOG No: 21180 Work Oftfer CUent i Number Pamwer tesult - Uncaftanly 2s3 Qua? UMis Wtd MDCIMDA RE-R 9531-MO-OD2FS EB4WJ1M AC1INIUM-225 9.5E-41i - 2A.5E01 PChtg 1.97E4-1 AGi10BM 8.98E-03 4- 2.9E-02 U PCIVg 6.25E-02 AMERICIUM-241 1.78E-03 +- 6.3E-2 U pCV6 1.0DE-01 BISMUTH-214 8.43E-01 1- 1.EEO1 U pcUa 2.88E-0 COBALT-eD 1.17EM-24.- 3.7E-02 U pfIg 7.1E-02 CESIUMi134 4.78E-02 4- 4.6E42 U pCV4 8a.8E-02 CESIUM4-I37 1.E-01 .- UE-02 pCkG SA.7M8-2 EUJROPIUM.152 L44E-02 4- 1.0-01 U pCVg 1.76E8-1 EUROPIM54 B 48-02+- 1.18-01 U PCIVg 2.IIE-01 EUROPIUM-155 6.03E-02 4- 8.8E-02 U pCV0 1A58-01 POTASSIUM40 1.33E+Cl +- 18E400 p0(19 663E-01 MAGNESIUM-54 -2E402 +- 3.E-02 U PO~fg 634E-02 NIOBIUM-94 4.77E-03 = 3.4E-02 U PCvig 6.148-02 LEA1.212 8.43E8-1 +- 1.GE-01 pcug 1.5E-01 LEAD-214 8.70E 2.0E-01 P0(Ig 1.21MEa1 RADIUM-226 8.438 - 1.8E-01 POVg 1.20E-01 THALLIUM-2U8 2.71E-01 - S.AM02 POVg .48Z-02 S531-00004OI3F EB4VblM ACTINIUM-228 4.ME3-1 +- 1.8E-01 U PCII9 3.2E-01 AG-108M -4.13E-3 Z.18-02 U PCtlg 340 AMEMRCIUM-241 -1.988E- +- 7.58-0 U pCl~g 1.31E-01 ISMUTH-2L14 5ME841 4- 1.801 U PCI/g 2.Q4E-01 CO8ALT-ED -1.SIE03 3.1502 U PC90 5.74E-02 CESIULM134 l.62E-02 +- 3.2E-02 U pCVg U.E-0 CESMUM-137 3.3BE .4E-02 U pQmg 6A4-OZ EUROPIUM-152 5.5E88-3 4- 7.0-02 U PCl~g 123E-01 EUROPIUM-154 -14.8E asE-02 U pQvg t.S98-01 EUMROPIUM-155 1.83E-2 +- U.8E-0 U p0(fg 1.17E-01 FOTASSIUM-40 1.05E+01 - 1.7E+00 pWOI 4.24E-01 MAGNESIUM-64 1.44E-02 4- 3E.- U poais B.69E402 NOGIUM-94 -. 028E03 - 2.EE-02 U pCIVg 4.GBE-02 LEAD-212 574E-01 4- 1.4E-01 I.1E-O1 LEAD-214 h43E-01 4- IAE-01 LU4E-02 RADM226 6.85u1 - 1.3E-01 U pMOt 2.048-01 THALWUM208 1.7E 6.3E-02 POI/g 4.6998 STL Rkchitnd RIER -Rgptacule Error RA~a-I. IjsqrIlsq(TFW)+q(TUd)j szdcfncd by Wrl BOA.


Sample Results Summary Date: 30-Oct-02 STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.

Report No.: 20779 SDG No: 21180 Work Order altantlo N~umber Paramater RAU1fl-Uncurtawnty( 2m1 Qua! Units Yield UOCIMDA RER 9531.0000-004F EB4VLIM ACTINIUM-22B 9.19E-01 - 4.5E-01 Pcllg 3MoE-0 AG-ICBM 3.42E-03 4 4.-02 U ~CIvg 8.02E-AMERIOtM-241 2.50E-02 1.1E-01 U pC110 1.E9£-01 B)SMUTH-214 1.15Et00 2.-01 U PCllg 4.015E-01 COBALT-6O 1.22E-O1 +- 8.E-02 U p~ivg 1.4-01 CESIUM-134 1.13E401 4 72E-02 U PCL/g IA4E.0i CESIUM-137 8.45S-01 1.72-01 9.657-02 EUROPIUM-152 -4.44E-02 e 1.5E-01 U polio 47E-01 EUROPIUM-154 -7.55E-02 - 1.5E-01 U PCIvg 2.6E-01 EUROPIUM-165 &72E-02 1.2E-01 U pCf/g 2.iIE-1 POTASSIUM-40 1.80401 +- .1EgO0 1.31E+00 IAGNESIUM-64 4.57-02 .9E-02 U PCI~g 1.14E-01 NICBIUM-94 *.28E-03 - 4.7E02 U PCIVg L47E.02 LEAD-212 12JEtOO+- 2.7E-01 Padog z08E-C1 LEAD.214 1.34E+OD 32E-01 peug 1.55E-01 RADIUM-226 1.152Es +- 27GE-01 U pOIVg 4.05E-M THALUM-20a S.65E-01 +- 132.01 U PCOJ~ 2.2-01 9531-OW40-O5F ES4Wr1PA ACTINIUM-228 9.12E-01 - 2.1E01 U pCfiu 3.67E-01 AG4-OEM -5.44E-03 2E-02 U U p~t'g 4.40E-02 AMERICIUM-241 4.71-01 4- 3.0EQ1 U pC1/g 4.74E-01 BISMUTIH-214 6.74E21 - 1.4E-1 U pcug 2.06Z-01 COBALT-G6 2qME.-03 +- 2.M20 U PCIUG 5.51E02 CESIUM-134 7.73E03 V E.7202 U pwtg E2-02 CESIUM-137 l.CIE-01 4.3E-02 U ParIg 624E-02 EUROPIUM452 -7.2E-02 9.2E.02 U Pato 1.3SE-01 EUROPIUIM-164 Z62E-02 4- 9.6-02 U pcug t.Brz-l EUROPIM-155 2.HOE-02 +- 12E.Ol U Palrg L05-01 POTASSIUM-40 1.E+01 +- 1.7E00 FMl~ 3.44E-01 MAGNESIUAM4 3.12E- +- .702 U pwlg .9E a02 NIOBIUM-94 4.USE-2 L-E-02 U PCI/G 6.06E-02 LEAD-212 93E6-01 1.4E-E- 1.0iE-01 LEAD-214 UMSE1 I.GE-01 9.63E-02 RADIUM-225 5.74E-1 1.4E-01 E U PCvg 206E-01 THAWJM-4oa 2.E-01 - E.7E-02 U PCUg C.2E.02 STL Richtilnd KEl *-ReplkuteErrar Itat-o ( uDselacd iqrldlleesqgTPLldpl by ICITBO.

fptSTLRchSaSum I Qil

  • fhr but the rsult h les thu Ie aldcldsal Lwar: *rgnmewn wnre did nu 1le111! Ihe ,ucItdc.


Sample Results Summary Date: 30-Oct402 STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Client Sample 10, Batch No.

Report No.: 20779 6DG No: 21180 Wark Wr UJIatlO Numbar PUamemar Rasun+-Uacrntinty( I) Qual Unas Yhetd MDCIMDA RER 9531-000Q 6F EB4WKUA ACTINIUM-228 8.38E-1 *- 2.SE-01 PClVg 1.0-01 AG-ICBM 1.OSE.02 -0 2AE.2 U palfg 4.60C-02 AMERICIUM-241 4.24E-02 9.0E-02 U PCl 1.1E6-1 BISMUTHI214 .38E-01 4- 1.4E-01 U PCVlg 222E-01 COBALT-6C 2.16E-02 4- &3E-02 U PCI 9 62E9-02 CESIUM-134 1.0E-02 4 3.0E-02 U P~lvg GmZ02 CESIUM-137 3.64E-01 7.2E-02 6.18E-02 EUROPIUM-182 -6.28E.02 S48.1E02 U pclig 1.392-0 EtJROPILt-164 0.44E 1.1E-01 U pCI/g 2.04E-01 EUROPUFA-155 1.17E-01 E.1-02 U pcyg 1.464E1 POTASSIUM.40 1.11EOI 4- 1.SEFO PCl/G 5.38-01 MAGNESIUU-54 1.58E-02 +- 3.7E-02 U Pwlg 6A9E-02 HtOBIUM-94 Q.53E-M3 4 2.E-02 U pCV0 625E-02 LEAD-212 7.11EQ1E 1.5E-01 9.696-02 LEAD-214 7.t0101 4 1.7-01 9.3E6-02 RADIUM-M 6.38E-01 4- 1E-01 U pClit 222E-01 ThAuuM208 3.20E-01 47.1-2 6.07E-02 95314XO007F E84VJIAA ACTMIUM-228 SiDE-01 .L3.01 U patlg 3.44E-01 AG-1OEM -1.07E-02 2.9-02 U PCflg 4.78E-02 AMERICIUM-241 -7.87E-02 +- 1.3-01 U PCVfg Z13E-01 BISMUh14I4 6.E2 .IE-01 U Prlvg 211E-01 COSALT.60 G.19E-03.- 3.3E-02 U p~l/g 6.24E2-CESJUM-134 3.10E-02 3.8E602 3- U PuIg 7.11Z-02 CESIUM-S137 3.1E-01 4- M.56-02 L61E02 EUROPIUM-152 2.066-02 4 1.3E-01 U Palig 1.49E2-1 EUROPIUM-154 4. 0QZ 9.3F-02 U PC%~ 1.77E-01 EUROPIUM-155 1.58E202 .6E-02 U PCI1g 1.62E-01 POTASSIULM40 1.024+01 4 1.62+00 pCtlG &.33E2-1 MAGNESIUM-64 7.17E-03 4 3.7E-02 U pcllg 6.6342£ NIOBIUM-94 2.28E-02 +.Z2BE-02 U PCvQ h.42E4Q LEAD-212 6.17E-01 ItE-1SE01 PCwg 1.I020 LEAD-214 .0SE-01 1.501 pC111g .68E-02 RADIUM-22 6.38E 1.6Q01 U pCIyg 2.11IE-ThAWUM-208 Z14E-01 4 7.1E02 PCIvg 5.42E202 8f1RIchfand RER -RapUiae Emr Raio- (lsqrt(sq U)xsqTPuW))j uaaenad by RPT BOA.

rpSTLRcfiSaSum U QuJl-Anid br, hut the rllsnh tbe ham i 1.lzMtdnjTea! Uumtrgammla an softare did nol Ideril4ry thle undid..


Sample Results Summary Dato: 30-oct-02 STL Richland SThRL Ordered by Client Sample ID,Batch No.

Report No.: 20119 SOG No: 21180 Walh Order COIntDD Number Pammetar Rosult-Uncectalnty t R) QMa Unlts Yield MOCDA RER 9531OWOa-O0aF E84WNIM ACTINIUM-2 5.102-1 +. 2.0E-01 pCUg 1.33E-01 AG-10M 4.83S-03 4- t8E-02 U pClig 3.23E-02 AMERICIUM-241 &44E-02 4. 5.E202 U potlg 6.392E2 BISMUTH-214 4.2S-01 4- 122E-M U pg/ 1.69E-01 COBALT-6O -1.25E-02 +. 2.4E-02 U pCig 4.08E-02 GESIUM-134 &13E-02 .- 4.2E-02 U pOUN 5.93E-02 CESIUM-t87 222E-01 6 2E-02 i pCJg 4.42-0 EUROPIUM-152 4.60E-03 +6.OE-02 U pati1 1.001 EUROPIUM-154 2.12-02 .- E.4E-02 U pWG 1.66241 EUROPIUM-155 4.07E2- +- 68.i02 U pCig 1.laE-10 POASSIUM-40 1.21E401 +- 1.8400 P(W 3.85E-1 MAGNESIUM-64 6.35E-04 4- 2ZE-02 U pCJ/g 4.572-02 NIOBIUN-94 1.18E-02 +.- 4E-02 U pCIg 4A4E-02 LEAD-212 &75E-01 4- 1.IE-01 pCI/g B.18E-02 LEAD-214 BC.E2-01 +.1.1E-01 724E-02 RADIUM-228 4.25E2-0 +- 12E-O1 pCi/g 7.1 1E-02 THALUUM4I2S 1.87E 01 - 6.1E-02 U pCI/a 7.98E-02 G531-0000-oo0Fs E84WR1M ACTNUM-8 6.402-01 4- 1.0E-01 U pCIs 3.11E-01 AG- 10M &03E-03 4- 2.4E-02 U pCUg 428E-02 AMERICIUM-241 -7T64-02 *- 1.1E-01 U PGIg 1.69E-01 BWSMUTH-214 4.32E-01 +- 1.2E401 U PCvg 1.5E2-01 COBALT-CO -1.10E-02 4- 2.6E-02 U pCgfg 4.44E-02 CESIUM-134 364202 - .GE-02 U PCsl 6.74E-02 CESIUM-137 125E201 4- 6.9EOZ J P9ig 4.97E-02 EUROPIUM-152 -aASE802 4- 8.4E-0 U pCl/ 1.28-01 EUROPIUM-154 6.762-02 4- 9.0E-02 U pCvg 1.74E-01 EUROPIUMI5f -3E.02 +- .6E-02 U pC1/g 142E-01 POTASSIUM-4 1.102401 4- 1.7200 pCug 4.26E-01 MAGNESIUM-54 .SME-03 4- 3.4E-02 U pcUg 6.02E-02 NIOSiUM-94 -14.2E 2.E2-02 U pCVg 4.64E-02 LEAD-12 5.25E-O1 4- 1.7E.01 pCUO 7.272-02 I.EAD-214 4.985011 9- 1.1501 plIgo 9.39202 RADIUM-226 4.32E-01 +- 1.2E2- U pCi/ 1.6-1 WLUUM-208 2.04E-01 6.3E-02 U pCUg 8.ME-02 STL Rachland RER -RepUg nucrrr~sflntc-(Ds. qrt(sqtTVI~s-sq~tITM))Isusdgaeiaedby ICPT BA.

WSTLRchSaSUm J Quid-NaUquaflifirh baeeau ulnedcad Lc recalsu below lzeRepurtlq Uzutt iL(CR04 rReport YahzEI £tmntedL VSA5ASY STL RICHLAND 10

Sample Results Summary Date: 30-Oc-02 STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.

Report No.: 20779 SDG No: 21180 Work Ordar CoiuntlD iumbur Parmetgr R6Mdt+-4 Cviwz( 13) Olua? Uat YZied MDCIMA RER 9531-00o-FOOF ES4VPIAA AC=NIUWM 7.9-01 +- 2.E-01 PCIVg 1.9E-01 Aw-aaM -7.04E-04 4- L7E-02 U P~1fg 4.E7-02 AMERICIUM-241 -&0E-02 U Polug .SE-01 BISMUTH-214 7.4E-01 +- 1.72-1 U pCvQ 2.54E-01 COBALT-SD 1.05E-2 4- 3.8602 U PClvg 7.Z1E-02 CESMt-134 5.72E-02 +- 4.3E-02 U PCilg 8.S82-0 CESIIJM-137 6.14E-01 - 1.1-E1 PClfg 6.SE-02 EllROPIUM-152 -27BE-02 - A.4E.02 U pCllg 1.4-01 EUROPUlM-154 6.01E-02 4- 1.1-01 U Pclfg OSE-C01 EUROPIUM-155 2.E-02 4- 8.BE02- U Paog 1U8E-01 POTASSIUM-40 1.28E+01 4- 2.1E400 .J4E-01 MAGNESIUM-54 -8.931-04 +- 3.7E-02 U pOl/g G.S3E-02 NIOWIUM-94 -2.29E-03 4- 3AE402 6.1CE-02 U PCI1g LEAD-212 II95E-01 +- 1.8E-0I 8.GE-02 POffg LEAD-214 6.98-1 +-2-1-01 1.03E-01 RADIUM-226 7.S-01 4- 1.72-E0 1.02E-01 THAWUIM-2 2.93E-01 4- 7.6E-02 5.-02 9531-0000-OIOF 04VN1AM ACTINIUM-228 1.0E030 4- Z.6E-01 1.681E-01 AG-1C2M -424E-4 +- 2.9E-D2 5.13E-02 U PCls AMERICIUM-241 -427E-0 +- 1.E-01 U.SE-01 U PCug BISMUTH-214 7.16E-01 +- 1.7E-01 2.36E-01 U PCI/g COaALT-60 -1.64-E02 SA E.0-0 8612C-02 U PM~t CESIUM-134 7.19E-02 4.202

- 5.78E-02 CESIUM-137 3.E-01 - 8.6E-02 U P~Us 7.34E-02 EUROPIUM&152 4.232-2 e- 1.4E01 1.89E-01 EJROPIUM-154 -1.94E-01 1.31

-0 U pctlg t.88E 01 EUROPIUM- 156 2.37E.02 1.1E-01 u Pato 1.92E-01 POlASSIUM-40 1.27E+01 4 Z2.02O pctlg 4.44E-01 MAGNESIUM-54 2.1E2-02 4 4.2E202 U PCvO 7.74E-0Z NIOBIUM-94 2.O0E- 3.E-02 U pCIvg 5.772-02 LEAD-212 725E-01 1.QE-01 PYOl~ 1.15E-01 LEAP-214 7A49E-01 -1SE-01 PONf 1.21E431 RAUM-22 7.15-E01 4 1.7E-01 U PCtlg Z36E-01 THAWUM-2M0 3.1-3-01 - 9.42-02 U PC119 1.15E2-l GTL RPckand RER - Repilcate£rRduau(SD-D)4rgqf U~s)*sqtMrUiasdefldeby DL BT aptSTLRcbSaBum UQO-Annlyu dbr, but Iherrtis tbaNcIbdeiddmltt Untrt rierpm 1hs nsnftre did it tdtn1!fy Ihe audid VWUS AST STL RXCHLEND 11.

Sample Results Summary Date: 30-ct-02 STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Client Sample ID,Batch No.

ReportNo.: 20779 SDG No: 21180 Work Ordar CUentiD Number Paramater Rssutt-Uncurlnayl( 2s) Quat Uni. Yteld MqMMDA p.ER 9531-000W-1iF E84V81AA ACTINILUM228 &OaE-01 1.-1E0 U PClvg 3.11501 AG-1S0M 6.15E03 2.5E-02 4.42E-02 U PCV0 AMERICIUM-241 -1.02E-01 12-01 U PClvg BISMUTH-214 5.6E2-01 12E-01 1.J3E-U1 U PCt~g COEALT-60 4.19E-02 4-322-02 M02E-02 U PO!Ig CESIUM-134 .1E-02 3.E-02 7.48E-02 CESI6M-137 221E-01 4 6.12-02 U pcug 6.7E-02 EUROPIUM-162 -4.71E-02 l.tE-01 M 1.37E-01 U Palog EUROPIUM-1i84 -5.25E-02 4 DE-01 1.74E-01 U pci/a EUROPILIM155 -1.69E-02 9.4E02 A- 1.5701 POTASSUM.40 1.0501 4- 1.7VE-0 U PCl/g 4.511501 MAGNEKUM-54 1.44E-02 4 3.5E412 E.39E-02 U pci/a NIOEIUM-04 3.EOE 2.702 4.79E-0O LEAD-212 6.34E01 - 1AE-1 6.96E-02 LEAD-214 6.68E-01 4S 1.fE-01 PCVg 1.02E-01 RADIUM-225 6.86E.t +- 1.2E-01 U pCtvg 1.93E-01 THAULJLM-208 2.73601 - 6.7E-02 4.0E2-02 9531-000O12F E84VKIM ACTiNIUM-2 .14E-01 +- 2.02E01 U PWO/ 3.602-01 AG-106M 7.03EM03 4-2.6202 U FCl/g 4.S7E-02 AM6RPCPUM-241 4.17-02 8.1-02 U pCvg 1.39E-01 BISMUTH-214 . 6.4BE-01 - 1.4E-01 U Pwo/ 2.23E-1 COBALT-60 -2.73E-03 4 S3E-02 U Peve 6.132-02 CESIUM-134 1.84E-03 4 3.4E-02 U PCVg 6.182-0 CESIUM-137 417E-01 SA.ME02 PCVg 6.21E0 EUROPIUM-152 -1.31E-02 -7.5E-02 U P~I/g 1.33E-01 EUROPIUM-154 -3.08E 1.0E-01 U PCIUU 1.79E-01 EUROPIUM-155 M41E-02 7.1-02

- U pO/g 126E-01 POTASSIUM-40 1.02E+01 1.7E+00 4.G99E-O MAGNESIUM-54 1.182E-02 3.E-02 6.7E-02 NIOBIUM-94 *1.6SE-03 - 2.GE-02 U pCT/g 27E.02 LEAD-212 61GE-01 I AE-01 GA2E-02 LEAD-214 B.SE-01 + 1.E-1 1.02E41 RADIUM-22f B.46E-01 1.4E-01 U P~L/g 2.23E-01 THALLUUM-208 1.72E4i1 4- 6.8E-02 U PCl/g 9.73E-02 STL Richiand NER -Jlpgce Errr Rratioa 3 (sqfl'U4sq i] huidefland bylCPr BOA.

U Qual-ANeaUtly er, but rarn istguud a!ie tcnsultttdt rptSTLRchSaumn UQuel-Asealyze~d lr, but Ihe reaultilas Ohn She R~dcd?4IZJTIA I t Uthe Rarllamma U sto nlfLCIJusrepdri nt IVe MEsntid.

V3J5 A97 PUcert argum sarnsefiare dWd eel hlcenlUy tec aueld STL RIC=LAND 1.2

Sample Results Summary Date: 30-O-02 STL Ribhland STLRL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.

ReportN4o.: 20m SDG No: 21180 WorkOrdar Client ID Number Parameter ReBsut4-LICU1n a1AIr( to) Qual Unib YWd MD1IMVA RER 9531-0000-014F E84VTIM ACTNIUM-228 BE-Q1 2.1MM1 U pcivg AGt-108M -38E-03 4 2.5E-02 U PCllg 4.32E-02 AMERJCIUM-241 Z94E-02 5.3E-02 U PClvg LGIEM0 SMUTI-214 5.30E 1AE-01 U pcllg 2.14E-01 COBALT-80 E-

-7.33E03 2.8E02 U PCJIN 5.08E-02 CESIUM-134 3.0GE-2 e- 3.502 U PCllg 6.75E-02 CESIUM-137 2.7E 3AE-OQ U P~vg &28E-0 EUROPIUM-152 5.49E2.- f.3E-02 U P?~vQ 1A0E-01 EUROPIUM-154 3.28E-02 UE932-02 U PCt/g 1.76E-01 E0ROPIUM-t55 3S1E-2 4 7.OE42 U PCllg 1.22E-01 POtASSIUMA40 1.07EGQ1 11.7E+00 2 E2-01 MAGNESIUM-64 -1.28E 3aE-02 U POttg I.68E-02 NIOBIUMA-4 -7.6E5-03 SE-2.502 U pvGlt 4.M4E-02 LAD-212 7.3ZE-1 4- .6E-0 PCvg 1.02E-01 LEAD-114 6.23E01 4- 152- pCIVg 8.69E-02 RADIUM-228 53E-01 *- 1.42-1 PGvg 9.32E-02 THAlJUM-208 2.73E-01 9.3E-02 PCIvg 4.9GE-02 9531-000M015F OUP E87CA1AM ACT NIMM-228 623E-01 4 2.02-01 U pCI1g 3.42E-01 AG-108M -1.03-02 4- 2.3E-02 U pCI-g 3.82E-02 AMERICIUM.241 2.SE02 - 8.E-02 U pCl~g 1.40E-01 BISMUTH-214 4.8E-01 1.-01 U pCIg 1.82E-01 cOsALT-60 8.72E-03 t 2.920 U P.C/g 6.84E 02 CESIUM134 Ml7E-02 34-02 U pcllg 8.48E2-0 CESIUM-137 7.45E-02 66E-0

- J pCIUg 4.65EO-2 EUROPJUM-152 -238E-02 +. B.7E-02 U pcr-g 1.27E-01 EUROPIUM-154 -6.60E02 42 1.4E02 U PCt8 1.6E-01 EUROPIUM-15S 6.10E-02 6.9-02 U pIJg 12YE-Ot POrASSILM40 9.8E800 1J.E+00 PCUb MAGNESIUM-54 -LO7E-03 3.2E-02 3 U pCIvg &.63E-02 MOEBIUM-94 -6J7E-03 t. 2.E-02 U peUe 4.63E-20 LEA-M12 6.712-01 1.4 A- pCUg 8.60-E02 L1AD-214 4.672-01 .-1-01 pCLg 5.842E-0 RADIUM-226 4.08E-01 1.3E01 U pCVG 1.89E-01 TALIWUM-206 1.79E-01 4- 6.0E-02 PCug 4.37E-02 STL Fdchland RER -Replatct Ernr atiR -(S3D. srqfltUz).sqlUd)3l us delfnd hy ICPTDOA.

pITIchSatm J Qucl- Na U qlUaterIaws ken Igu md Ite raut I bdaw the Ieportlnggihmb RL (CRD4 cr Report Vat.. IsEltllated.

VY.5 A97 U Qual-Analyd bIhr. batthe result Is less than the AMAhdalrrtal Uner3Uor Ua scan sauftwe did ot fdradly ite guettde.


Sample Resulis Summary Date: 30-Oct-02 STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Client Sample ID,Batch No.

Report No.: 20779 SDG No: 21203 Work Order CientlO Humbar Paranoter RalUtL+-Uncntaintyw( II Qual Uat Ytld MOCIMDA RER NumberorRaults:' 272 SIL Rlchland REK -Replcate m Errr Rode-O(ylqrta7U44qtd)3lju udeeedby lCarTIA.

rplSTLRchSasum VWS1 A97 SmT RICHLA4 14

QC Results Summary Date: 30-ct-02 STL Richland STLRL Orderd by CIG Type, Batch No.

Report No.: 20779 SOG No.: 21180 WorkOrder cc Type, umaber Parmler Rastit*-UncarnInty I 2a) CQual Units Yied Raciwwr kas MqWCMA BLANK QC E8B8NIM ACTINIUM-228 -9.35-03 +- 12E-01 U Pc-vg 2.16E-01 AG4I8M -1.9723-02 +2.28E-0 LI POvg 4.53E2-AMERICIUM-241 1.2E-01 4- 2.E-01 U FCvG 6.13E-01 BISMUTH-214 -L21E-02 4-8.E2- U pCIvg 1.47-i01 CO8ALT-60 -4.4E203 4- 32E-02 U PCIjg U5E-02 CESIUJM-134 -1.15E-02 -3.7-02 U patog 8.6CE-02 CESIUM-137 3.7E2-04 4- 3.8E.02 U PtLgq 5.962-EUROPIUIM-162 -155202 4 9.1-0 U P~lg 1.9S-01 EUROPIUM-154 1.76E02 +- 1.CE-01 U PCt/G 1.ME-01 EUROF'IUM-165 -3.87E-02 +- 1.1E-01 U patg 1.87E-01 POTASSIUM40 01 4-6.3E201 U PCI/G 1.27E+00 MAGNESIUM-E4 A45E-03 4- 3.0E02 UI pClV 6.91E-02 NIOBIUM-94 4.E-02 4- 7E-02 U pCi/g 74E-02 LEAD-212 -Z48E-02 4- 6nE-D2 U Pvcg 1.03E-01 LEAO.214 341E 7.0E-0Z U pcifg 1.29E-01 RADIUM-226 -2.19E- - I-02 U PCI/G 1.47 l THAUUM-208 8E22-a3 +-4.4E-02 U Pwlg 827E-0 LCS EISSNIA CESIUM-S137 1.07E+00 +-1J2E-1 PCug9 104.77% CA a.1iE-02 Numborof Rusufbl 1l 81L Rtidhand ZSb .(Ru Exqped)-1 rs Laled by ANSI1l.3D.

U -utlyzzd VItSTLRchgzeSum °ua brahulheraultb k Ike IfddlltSct1 Ux7crt ar amnsafiwaretId not enIke ude.

V3.66A97 8Th RICHLMOD 1.5

I Lab Name:

Lot-Sample No.:

STL RichlUnd J21300127-7 SDG:

Report No.:

FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS 21100 20779 Coffection Dat.

Received Dte:

Date: 30-ct-2 812012002 1:53:00 PM 912512002 3:13:00 PM Client Sample ID: 9531.0000.O1F COC No.: Matrbc SOIL Ordered by Clent Sample ID,Batch No.

Count Total M0qMDA, Rpt WAt, Yeldd RstlMOC, Anstys, Totel Sa Aliquot Analy Metod, Parmeter Result Oust Wor(2s) Unat 28s1 Action Lev La CRDL(RL) RstlTatUaert Prep Data mu She Pdmary Detetor Batt 271D73 Work 0der. 284VM ReportDBID: MB4VI0 ACTNIUM-25 6.33E-01 U 1.15-01 1.E-01 3.10E01 pCl/O (2J 10124102 09.49 343. E9Otl (6.1) g GERISI AG-ICBM -1.65805 U 2.41-02 ZAE-02 425E-0 pCg -0.4 1024102 09:49 a 343.8 E901.1

-0.13 g GlER1t AMERClU 41 -4.13E-2 U 1.1E-01 1.11E.0 1814E-01 pQag -0.23 10/24102 0949 a 343. E901.1

-0.76 g GER1Si BISMAUTh-214 a2n-01 U 1.0E 01 1.0E01 1.1E-01 pCl/g () 10/24/02 09.49 a 343. 0901.1 (7.2 9 GMI$1 COBALT-6 -7.24 E-0 U 780 2.gfE2 8.07C-2 pClfg -0.14 1012412 09:49 a 343.8 E901.1 1.52E-01 -0.51 9 GERISI C!SfJM-134 3.025-04 U 3.05-02 3.E002 h331-2 pCUg Ol 102401209.49 a 343.0 E9D1.1 1.875-01 Q02 9 tERIal CESIUM-137 5.421-01 0.3E-02 9.3E02 5.07E 02 pClg (10.7) 1024102 09.49 a 343 501.1 3.16E-01 (11.73 9 GRS1 EUROPIM-152 -9.725-02 U 9.0QQ02 O.0E-02 133E-01 pC9g -. 73 10124102 09:49 a 343. E901.1 4.04E-01 -2. a GER Ia EUROPM..154 -1.445E02 U 92E-02 9.25-2 1.54E-01 pCif .os09 l4/02 MAO9 a 343.6 E901.1 3.72E-01 -0.31 a GER1 EUROPIUM-5 5.803 U 8.5E.0 8.502 1.4U -01 pttfg W04 10f24102 0.49 8 343. 501.1 1.7E+01 0.14 0 GR1S SU Richimd I2CMDVA.L - DotclfmN Decision Lal baied an hatrunment baeftmund or blnk,aKusd by the "mopl filency. Yild, and Volume.

MSTLftoample U Ohtl -Analzdfvlbut thenrasuft Is l1a n tMdcMdalrral Uncfrtorgammssfare did not Idmwg mthentda.


FORM I Date: 30-OC-02 H

SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richlmnd SDG: 21180 Coffectlon Date: 8/201002 1:53:00 PM Lot-Sample No: J21300127-7 Report INo.: 20779 Received Date: 9/25/2002 3:13:00 PM Client Sample ID: 983,10=0401F COC No: Matrix: SOIL Ordered by ClIent Ssmph ID,Bath No.

Ek(2It TcteA MDIMOA. RptUnt, Yild tIWMDC, MM Tl SO AIuat Tat, Anwly Jediod Parmr R!tult auw Unae" a t) Aeffon Lemv Le CROLML) Re"Dweet PM Data Sas SIM Pfltmy Detdtor

- - M -

POTASSlM40 9.81540 I.56.00 4.91E-1 pC~g (204 101241M 0949 a 343.5 E901.1 9 B ER1$1 MAGNEUM-4 3. 8 0 U 3.26-02 6356-02 .6M 10&4/02 09:49 a 343.8 E901.1 P~v 6.u1 (2.1) 9 GER1S1 N10UM-o4 4.16-03 U 2.61B-02 2.61M0 09.49 a 343A E9t1.1

-0.1 10 124 /

-(l$ 10/24102 9 GER151 LEAMM2 4.40E-0 1.25-01 8.52-02 pCvg 09:A9 a 343.5 E9O.1 MM pCl/ 9 CI3R151 LEAD14 4A1-01 1.35.01 9A9A&MPCV (2.3) 10124/02 !9-A9 a 343.6 E901.1 1.55-01 (7.2) a GERS1i M0AM426 3.72E-01 U IME1- (NJ)ln~

1.0m U3.116-01 09:49 a 343. EMA.1 pCYO g GER1$1 TKALLNI-MB 1.5015-0 5.16.02 4.80E-02 (3.3) 10124/02 09:49 a 343.6 ED.1 (59 g GER1$1 NuMber Results: 17 camInws smi Rltwnd M0 c*D o Deblon Lerel based Onk 1trwntbcdgWunrbieaniadjsted by eth sample SfluencyYieKlndVolume U1al.AnM UptWQ ydfor, butdmmefsl hls t O dMd a Uv er mm cnIde ef VS.!! MT WASA2

023 M

I4 Lab Namne FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS Date: 30-Oct-2 Sm Richland SDG: 21180 Collection Date: 81912002 2:27:00 PM Lot"Sample No.: J21300127-12 Report No.: 20779 Received Date: 512512002 3:13:00 PM Client Sample ID: 9531-mo0002 Coc No.: Mabrt SOIL Ordered by C11ent Sample ID, Batch No.

Count TOal WOCpMOA, Rpt Unt, Yield RstMOC, Anuysf% Tol Ss Aliquot Analy Metod, Pareer Result QUul EfOf(i2) Uncwg 2 u) Atoi"Lsv LO CRDL4RL) RtlTotUcert Prep Date siz Ske PrffM Detector fltah: 2Z7373 lWorkOrdern EB4WHf1M RepM3DIO GE14WHIO ACMlNIUM 7.2550 U &DE-DI 3&05-01 429E-01 pCVg (1.7) 10J24/02 11:32 a 2734 E9.1 (4.9) 8 GER2$1 AG-ICBM SASE-04 U 3.15-02 5.15-02 5.30-02 pCI/g 0.02 1024102 11:32 a 273. E901.1 Q.0 g GER2S1 AMERCUM.241 5A415-02 U 3E-01 5.8-E01 U425-01 pCl/a o.09 1 41242t1:32 a 273. 001.1 Q.31 g GER2S1 StSMfTK-214 5.83-01 U 2.0GE-0 2.0 235E-01 pCIg (2. 10124/02 11:32 273A E01.1 (a9) a GER251 COBALT4O 1.105-02 U 4.1E-02 4.1-02 7.881;02 pCI/g 4.14 =0124102 11:32 a 273A E501.1 1AM2-01 0.54 9 GER2S1 CESIUM-134 72-02 U 4.115-0 4.8E02 .8413-02 pC1/a 0.82 10124/0211:32 a 273.4 E91.1 1.87E-01 (3.2) g 6ER2$1 CESIUMIS37 1.055-01 U 5.3E-02 5.35-02 1.005-01 pCV/ (1.1) 10124/02 11:32 a 273A EMSI.1 3.16E-01 (4J g GER2$t EUROPIJM*152 2.05-02 U IASE-01 IAE4-01 1.78S-1 pCV Q.14 10M241211:32 a 273.4 E51tt 4.04E-01 0.36 a GE"R2$

EUROPIUM-54 7.77S-0 U 12-0 12E0 228-01 pCifg 0.34 102410211 :5 a 273.4 E501.1 3.72E-01 (1.3) g GEM2S EUROPIUM-B1S 1B7E-01 U 1.01 15-01 2 -01 pCU8 Q0. 102402 11:32 a 273.4 E901.1 1.7EtO01 (2.1) g GER¢$I MT Rhtand e MDOWALa-Vvedfn, Deehan Lewd boed a wtrmentbeclvgm md or bank, adjwted by thde sw e EftCery, YAd, avid Volume.

U Qul *Analyzed for, but tfh result la fess Men the MdaNJda[Votal Uemrt or gamma scn aaftwwu did not Idenft thS nueide.

V195 AO?


I FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS Date: 30-Oct02 Lab Name: STL Richland am. 21180 Collecton Date: 8M92002:2:00 PM Lot-Sample No.' J2=117-12 Report No.: 20779 Received Date: 91251202 3:13:00 PM Client Sample D: 8531-00O-0F CoC No.: Matrbx: SOIL Ordered by Crlnt Sample IQ Batch No.

Count Total MOcqmWA, Rpt Unit Yield RtMO, Ananya, ToWal S Aliquot Anhly Methodi PTuv0m1tav Rnesut OhWus ft( Al Uncuttl 2 ) Action Lew La CROD4L)4 AsbTotUdt Prop Date Sl Si PrImmy Deteor a- -

Wsiu"ao 1.39+01 2.2E500 22E+00 BASE401 pCIIg (21.5) 10124102 ! i:32 a 273.4 E901.1 pom (12.8) g GER251 NOSIUM-14 1.96E-02 U 4.46-0 B.13E-02 paLg 0.24 10124/02 11:32 a 273.4 E901.

81.983-01 0.89 9 GERM MCDlUM4l4 .5.11E-03 U 3.E5-02 3.615-02 375E02 pCVg 10/24102 11:32 a

-0.09 274 E901.1 2.8501 -. 28 p GER2$1 RAGEA0212 7.24E-01 1.95-01 1.9 0 (6.1) 10124102 !11:a 273.4 E901.1 U (2-8)

E~AD4 7.51E5-t 1.5-01 1.85-01 1.258-01 pCV9 (8.1) 10124/02 !11:32 a a 27S4 GER2$1 0DlIt R8 (.4)

O -UM2 5835-1 U 2.0E-1 MIMI 2.53E-01 pC119 (2.3 10124/02 11:32 a 273.4 E901.1 FM (5.3) GE9R251 WUM11S 2A2E5-1 75-2 7.T 72aE-02 pCIIg (3.3) 10124102 11:32 a 273.4 E M.1 (6.1) 9 02 25 Number of Rsufte: 17 Comwafmt 1.Rieblmnd MClOA, -DeOttio Decsion Level bed onltunment ba md or bhml adjusted byt mamptEf nqYed. andViuMe.

,ptoTWLs Sumple U Q *-Analbedfot, butb remultls lestan t Mddeldt Uncest orarmm gino ifrf dsid notl en~ mnuctde.

ihtei V3ASA9?


FORM I H Date: 30-Oct-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Nanie STL Richland SDG: 21180 Collecfton Date: an8/00 2Z:700 PM Lo8tampl No.: J21300127-43 Report No.: 20779 Received Date: 91251200 3:13:00 PM ClIent Sample ID: 9531.o00.O12FS COC No.: Matrbc SOIL Count Orad y CWent 8amp t ID.Botch Na.

Cotft Totl MDCIMDA, Rpt Udk, ield StUMOC, Analysis. Totl S. Allquot Analy Meftod, Pftelea Reault Quni Erroi2s) Uncate 25a) Actlon Lev Le CR0L(RL RdtfbtUWet Sta Sia I Prop awe Pltvry Detcwr Bxt 22773 Wotn Orden EB4WJIM ReportD8mt OEU4WJl0 ACTIMUM.225 9.1 52.01 2.6E-01 2.52.01 1.97E-01 pC119 (4.6) 10J2412 1137 a 2772 E901.1 17.3) 9 A8-I0SM BOE-03 U 2.920 2.9-0-2 525E-02 pCl/g 0.17 10102 41 I37 2772 9 GERM AMRIUY24I 1.78E-0 U 8.31-02 5.3m 1.09-1 PCUR 0.OZ 10Q2410211.J7 a 2772 001.1 aas a GERS BISMUTI214 BASE-01 U 1.8E-01 1.8-01 2O8-01 pCl/9 (3.1) 1tQJ4102 11:37 a 2772 COSALT-GO 1.1 7202 U 3.7W-02 3.7E-02 7.18E2-0 pCVg 0.16 10124102 1137 a 2.2 E901.1 1525-01 O~a3 B GER5$1 CESIUM-134 4.78502 U 4.5W502 4.8E-02 8.85E-02 pCIIb O.54 10R24102 11:37 a m2 E901.1 1.7-01 a G£R551 EWoti GERMS CEIUM-137 1.30-E0 J 6.E- .8-M02 &75E-02 PCt (1.9) 10124102 11:3Sa 277.2 3.16E; 01 (3.8) 8 EMROUM-152 BA4SE02 U 1.0E-01 1.05-01 1.765-01 pCI/b a48 1024102 11:37 a 277.2 5901.1 EUROPI.154 4.04S401 (1.5) a GERS$1 8.502-0 U 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 2.11E-01 pCtg 04 10124/02 itS? a 277.2 E901.1 3.72E-01 (1.6) 0 GER5M1 EUROPIJM41S5 6.03S-02 U I8.E-02 .8RE-02 1.55001 pCl 0.39 10/24/021137a 277.2 E901.1 157EtO1 (1.4) 9 GERS mTL Rtlehland EDCJqM0AbLs.utvcft Decisi on Lal based an lrotrumen bsaagrmund or blani, Slustid by tim sal EfflelencY.Yfeld, and Volume.

rptLrLRe mp% J QUal -No Uqwfalerha bnasignodad theesltd Isbelow 1ReprftiLiolt RL(CRDL)orRepoftVI eswtimued.

V3A.5 AS? U Qu-al -Andfor, butteresutlss tathueMdoMda TotaUnest or gpmma seen sftar dd not ldmnt thnuclide.


FORM I Date: 30-COt-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland 8D0: 21180 Collection Date: a)1912002 2:27.00 PM Lot-Sample No.: .21300127-13 ReportNo.: 20779 Recehoed Date: 925202 3:13:00 PM Client Sample ID: 9531-0000-O2PS COC No.: Mawtr SOIL Anal Ordered by Clhut Snple ID,odc No.

Yield RstIMDC, Count Tal MOIDCIMt Rpt Unit, Yield RsUMDC, AnalIpls, Total BR AlPquot Analy Method, pa-er Itasuft Coal Srormfis) UneertI i.) Acotln Law Lc CROLR4 RstUet Prep V. - -

lz sin sinm PlimewyDetacim PCMASSIUM40 I.33E501 2.1E+00 5.63E-01 (23.6) 10/24/02 a GER531 MbtNESILM-4 -223E-02 U 3US-02 3.E-02 6.34E-02 pCVg -Q35 10124102 !1:37a 277.2 o1.1 5.5-01 -(2 1 GERMSI NIOSIUM94 4.77-03 U 3.413-0 3AEo42 6.14E-02 0.0a 10124=0 t37a 277.2 E01.1 PCag 7 55-01 028 9 GER551 LEAD-212 BA.3 tosol 1.4550 (5.8) 10)24=01137 a 277 E.1.1 1.21E-01 (9.1) o GERS$1 LEAT-214 5.706-0 2.OE-01 206.1 pCag PMS (?.2) 10/4/02 11-37 a 2772 WA.1 a GER5S1 M0Um 8.43E-01 1.8E-01 1.81101 120601 pc~l/g (74 10/24/0 11:37a 2772 E01.1 a GER5St THAURW= 2.71 E-0 35-02 8.456-02 (4.2 10/24102 11:378 2772 EsI1.1 (65) g GER8St NonbermafRIsull 17 Comment=

SyL-Rlclhtnd MOCIMDALO -Detectlen, Deodalon Leve baled on mratnavwwtrbackound or blanrk. a stAd by fe aemple elceney, WeM,ad Vahmn.

rMlRht'"amls J 0'i -No U qulifar has been ssigned and te idtla below Me Repoeftng Unit, Rl.(CRL) or RepoVtmie stbte d.

V"U5 r U koml-Analyid ft butid su letsk tMenh MdutbrrTadt Undt or wnmeA ensafhwa did nwt Idnify thi nOmf .ws.



I P-Lab Name: Sll RIchland SDG:

FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS 21180 Date: 30-Ot-02 Conlectlon Date: 8520)2002 2 200 PM Lotample No.: J21300127-8 Report No.: 20779 Received Date: 9125/002 31300 PM ClIentSample 10: 9531.0000.003r COO No.: Mabhc SOIL Ordeed by Client Semple ID, Batch No.

Count Tetl MDCjDA, Rpt Unft Yield RstfMDC Anna1% Toal Sa Aliquot Anay Method, Parametr Restit Duel ErrE(2o1 Uncertg 1a1 ActlonLe Le CRDL(RL) RsroWct Prep Date 51 Sk Prtma.Y Deetor BUWc 227373 Wm* Orden ES4VS1M RepertOBID: 9e4V510 ACTINIUM-228 4.53E.01 U 1.81.01 1.824.1 3.20-01 pC9g (1.4) 10124102 095 a 324A 01.1 (5) 9 GERMSI At:1t M -4.135-03 U 2.1E-02 2.1E202 3.64E-02 pCIg -0.11 1W24102 09:45 a 324A E0R.l

-139 9 GERI1 AMCMUW-241 -1.g8Eg0 U 75-02 750 1.31E-01 pC119 -0.15 10124/ C2.45 a 324.4 Em.1

-0.52 A GERBS1 BISWT14 5I-01 U 1.3E-01 13E01 2.046-01 pC g (2.9 10R24102 M.45 a 324.4 E901.1 (9) 9 GMERM COBALT-60 -1.1IE-03 U 3.11.02 312E02 6.741502 pCltg -003 1012410209:465 324.4 E01.1 1 ,5-01 _0. g GERM57 CESPJIU134 1'2-S02 U 3.E-0M 32E-02 5.851-i2 pvlg 027 1024102 09:45 a 324A 9001.1 1.87E-01 (1.) 9 GER031 CE!SRJM137 38E-02 U 3AE-2 3AE.02 8A9E.02 pC'Jg 0.52 10 4/4202.45 a 324.4 E901.1 3.16E-1 (2 4 GER6SI EUROPIM.1142 5.5E3 U 70-02 7.0E-02 1235-01 palQg 0.05 101241020M45 a 324A E901.1 4.04E-01 0.16 a GERMAI EUROPIUW18S4 -1.58E5-0 U B.92-02 8.8E-02 1.59E601 pCtJg .1 101241020:45 a 3244 E01.1 3.72E-01 -0.35 0 GER5$1 EuROPUM-6S 1.83-02 U 8JE-02 5.852 1.171301 pCMb 0,16 10124/0209:45 a 324.4 501.1 1.57101 054 9 GERMS1 i

STLLRlohked MOC L. -teoton, Decion Lel bd onbetmient bselgund or bt adud bY the uatnMpem EdY.ed, and Volum.

nOSTLROhample J Qul -No U qualilerhos brnt d andemultu beOwe Reporn Unit RL (CRDLoarRepotValu Is Etmte VJ3M .Anlwd U Qud n hks Ue ter hu e ult dd Dun Madcdaidota U orgnnma n si not f e N)

I Lab Name STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: 1213001274w Client Sample [D 9531-0000-03F SDG:


COC No.:

FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS 21180 20779 Collection Date; Recelved DaWe Matrix:

Date: 30-Oct-02 12012002 2:20z:00 PM 9/2512002 3:13:00 PM SOIL Ordmd by CUeMn Bample ID.Btch No.

Count Tofta I MWCMDA. Rpt Unit. Yhd RsMWDC, N Tblal Ba Tss Aliqwt Anay Method, PuraMeta Rmflsu ow Acton LOy LC CRDL4R14 RsbaTbtUcet ptwlP t b Sm PrmayDetector pOASSUM40 1 .055E0 1.713+0 I 13500 4.24E-01 (2.8) 10124/02 !09:45a 324A E901.1 (12.5) a GEROSI MAONESIUMI34 1A44M02 U 3.85-02 6.59-02 0.22 10)24102 a 32A4 20945 01.1 pCVg 6.155-01 C.81 g GERM61 NIO!UM-9 AL02E.03 U 2.85-02 4.856-02 -0.13 101240 09:45 324.4 E9Ot.1 2.85m01 -0.46 9 GERS LE2AD212 5.74B-01 .4E-01 1.4E-01 1.01E.01 (r7) 10124102 09:U5 324.4 E901.1 (a ) 9 GERMS1 LEAD-214 BA3E-01 1IA5-01 1AE-01 5.74E502 (5.2 10124102 *09:45 a 324.4 E901.1 (7.a) 9 GER651 RAMIUM1I5 68055-0 U 1.313-0 1.31-01 2.045-01 PC~g (2.9) 1024102 09:45 a 324.4 8101.1 (S.) a GERM1 TMAWUAM-M 1E715-01 8.36-02 B.BE-02 4.996-02 (3.3) 10)24/02 09:45 a 324.4 E9t.1 (5 J U GER5$1 Kwnber of iesul; 17 Com:nb slL mbhbntd MnqMDAe-Detsen, Deison Lesel bed on umeb und orbmk adjsted by th nmpl Effielney, Yi and Volum "ptf~s J QuJS - No U Quhh rhabe ssied dthe insltsblow t RepotnhLmitRL(CR94or hpnedl bValutdsoRtimatd.

UU Oml.- Anl d tf obta thet uutiulas the tte MdalrTh Uw Dor wnm-m aefwurs m didnot den fthenued9.


I Lab Name: STL Rlohland FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS Date: 30-Oct-02 SDaG 21180 Coffection Date: 121/200210:35:00 AM LoA*aOMpl No.. J213001274 Report No.: 20779 Recelved Date: 912S1200 3:13:00 PM Cient Sample ID: 9531-0000004F COC No.. Matrbc SOIL Ordered by Client Samplo ID.BRtch No.

comd Tohtl M A.DARpt Unit Yield RziDC, Auiuyzls, Total Ss AlIqtmt Aaly?Method, Result Qual E!rL29) Uftcadl(2) Action Lev La CRLRL) RatUTatUae Prep DO Silz Shkm BPa~amtrs Prlntsry Dutaor I -

unif, R2753?3 Work Ordr EiMAM Report B M10BEVLIO ACTMU=228 9.195-01 4 1 4.41 3.8015-1 pCUg (2.5) 10124102 07:0 a 175.0 (4.1) 9 GER5$1 AG-108M 3.42E-03 U 4.05-02 4.65.02 8.072-02 pC1/g U04 101241007:05 a 175.0 E901.1 0.15 A GER5$I AMEUMM41 2.60-E02 U 1.1s01 1.1E-01 1.69"-01 pCUP 0.15 10C24/M2 07:05 a 175.0 0.47 B BISNUh"4 1.16E500 U 2.E-01 2.6E01 4.05501 pCtg (+/-8) 1012402 07:05 a 175.0 E9D1.1 E901.1 (8.) a GERSS1 GER6S1 COAT-e 1.225-01 U 6.55-02 6.B5-02 1.425-01 pClg 0.86 1024102 07:05 a 1750 Em1.1 15212-01 (3.7) 9 CESKA&134 1.1JE-0 U 7.21-02 722;02 IME-01 pC1/g 0.70 10DV=0070 a 175.0 1.87E-01 (3.1) B GER551 CESIUM137 SAWS5C1 1.7-1 1.72E-01 9.57E-02 pClg (8.0) 0/24102 07:05 a 175.0 E901.1 3.16&01 (9.7 g EUROP~IM-182 -1.44E5- U 1.8E-01 1.51-01 2A713-01 pCIg -0.06 1012402 07.05 a 175.0 4.04E-01 -0.19 9 GE35S1 UROPIUM-154 -75E-02 U -W29 10/24102 07.05 a 175.0 3.72E-01 -1.

MUROPIUMB-ID 3.721-02 U 1.26-01 1.5E-01 2.11E-01 pCV/ 0.18 1/24102 0:05 a 175.0 E901.1 1.575401 061 a GERS1 51t Richland MOCPMPAc - Dacdfon, Deexlen Level based an Inarinue bahatround or blank, adjustd by the aunipla Efficiency. Yield, rptnRemmph J QRml - No U quler has been asgnred ond tMe ut I belo Oth Reporin Umt, AL (CROL or Report Value and Vodme V3Anale is Pfmtad.

Ud Qal-A h r. bae thieuft inless tns MddaoaI Unmt wgmmasn mitwa dld not idrntlth nualide.

ID FORM I Date: 30-Oc02 9 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SDM. 211W0 Collecton Date 81211202 10:3B:00 AM LotSample NCJ J21300127.3 Report No.: 20779 ReceWed D e 91252M02 3:13.00 PM Client Sample ID: 9531-0000-004F COC No.: Matft SOIL Oider by CInt 8amplh ID.fatch No.

Count TYMI ?MRCIMDA, Rpt.Unit, Yield RstIm Ana ". Tol SR AIlut AT" Method, Pammetar Result Qual 5ir{r( s) Unaert2,) Aefon Lay La CRDL45) Rsl'otUct p,,p Dote Ske Saim Primawy Detetor ft -

v. -

PoTassnmU- 1.80CE01 3.1E+00 3.1E00 1.31 5+00 pClg (13.7) 10124102 07g:05 a 175.0 50t1.

(11.7) Bt GERMS1 MAON!IUM44 4.875-02 U 6.96-0 5.95-02 1.14E-01 pCVIg 04 1012410 07:05 175.0 E901.1 6.985-01 (1.6)

MOtUMU4 528s U 4.75-02 4.7E-02 8.47E-02 pCI/g -. o06 10124102 07:05 a a 175.0 GERSSI E901.1 2.95E-01 -0.2 A GER5SM LEAD-212 1.27*500 2.7"01 2.715-01 2.8-0 pClq (0.1) 10124102 07:05 a 173.0 E01.1 (9.0 9 GERM$1 LEAO4I4 1.34E500 3.201 3.2E-01 1.85"-1 pC1g (7.2) 10124102 07:05 a 175.0 901.1 (IL4)

RAOIUM-= 1.15E+00 U .E8-01 2I8-01 4A0 1 pCI/9 (2.6) 10124102 !07:05 a 175.0 50t1.

g GER5$1 THALUUM 5.e5-01 U 13s-01 1.3E-01 2.02E-01 pCV9 (2.a) 10124102 07D05 a 175.0 E901.1 (66 O OERSS¶ Numberof Resul  : 17 comanent STLRkhmand V=P DAAX-DetmtnDeciinLeveI hazed onbsm mantbmolmundvrhak, s te by _t m pla Elerm M,and_V_ fme_

vITlLIclse"Iftp J Quel-NO U u benasnd andt utt Is beow the RepOng Limi RL RL Or Repoat VlueS EstiUtd.

V3M AST U hml.- AM&ymd foy- butte ftolesn teen the MdONVdIVTOa Unced or gmma eansotwum dld net Ish" thed macde.


I Lab Names SrL Riohland FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS Date: 30-Oc-02 8am 21180 Collecton Date: 811912002 320:00 PM Lot-Sample No: J2130127-17 Report No.: 20779 Received Date: 9/25=2002 3:13:00 PM Client Sample ID: 9531-0000-05F COC No.: Matxt SOIL Ordered by Client Sampoa ID, Batch No.

Cowlt TOM M0CIV1DA, Rpt UniL Yield RsUM Analysis TO So Aliquat Paramew Rewut O2val Eror (2) Any Method, UnceM25) Acltlo ewL La CRGLR1) RutFo t Prop Det SI= St" PttDefetor Bata 21s73m Wv* Order: EUW AA ReportM us OEOWrw ATINIUMM28 9.126-01 U 2.11501 2.1aa1 3f5M-01 pCli/ (I6) 1012410201:20 p 335.8 0O1.1 (BA) 9 GER2$1 AB-ISM -A4E-03 U 2.E5-2 2.-02 4A4Z-02 pCItg -12 10124102 01:20 p 335.8 6901.1

-0.2 9 Gv21 ANERIMUM.241 -3.71IB-01 U 3.0EO-1 3001 74.7401 pCV9 4Q78 10124/020120 p 335.8 .t

-M4) 9 GER2S1 UISMUTl-214 5746-0l U 1A4M01 1AW1 2.1K-01 pC119 (18) ll4/ 012

! p 335.8 901.1 (8.2) 9 GEMt251 COBA 2225-03 U 2.96-02 2.95.02 5.51602 pCVg 0.04 10Q24/0201:20 p 335.6 Ot1.1 1.5-E01 0.15 g GERM CESIM1S4 7.73M03 U 3.7.02 3.7E502 S68-02 pCIg A12 10O24tO 0120 p 335.6 E101.1 1.8-01 0.42 9 G0R2$1 CESIUM-IS? 1.016-01 U 4.3B-02 4.3E-2 8246-02 pi (1.2) 10124102 01:2 p 335.6 MA01.1 3.15-01 (4.7) a GER2I1 EULIOPIUM.2 -7.42M-02 U 921.02 92E.02 1.39601 pCg 0.5 1024102 01:20 p 335.6 O9f1.1 4.04E0 41.7) 9 GMR2$1 EUROPWM-154 2.625-02 U 9E-0 9.E02 1.BOE-01 pC/ 0.14 10124/02 01:20 p 335.5 901.1 3.72501 0.52 9 GOR2$1 UROPIUM1455 2.0E-02 U 1.2E-01 12.0 2.06E01 pCV9 414 101241020120p 335. E901.1 1.7401 0.47 a GER2$1 ZTE. IeWmnd MOCMDALa . Peten, Dislon Lewd be on Wuyt...nnt backugrnd or bani, idjusftd by ft ample Offelancy, Yield, and Volume.

rpTsctishlMG Jp u a-Re U qualtWr bs beennalins andt lsbelowthe Reportng Lmlft RL (C14or RportValue Essmated VJ.X Af U t-Amlwdfr,but tres t lestn lb MdcMdhTe Uncet erhmmainaoftwar dfd net Idndw the nu W

I Lb FORM I Date: 30Ot-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: 8TL Rchand SOG: 21180 Collecton Datb: Ut19R2002 3:20-.00 PM Lot-Sampte No: J21300127-17 Report No.: 20779 Receved Date: 9J251202 3:13:00 PM Client Sample IoD 9531-000-0O05 COC No.: matrix SOIL Ordawd by Cbnt Sample ID,Batch Nx.

Count Toad MDCIMOA. I Rpt Unlt Yrd RstPMDG, Anal "sla, Toa Sa Aliquot Analy MeUOd, Parae Rwsut Quwl Lfmr( zs) Unarq 2 s) Acon Lev Le CROL(RL) RtOtUOnt PM EDPa 92si SM Primy Deatctor PCTABSIUM-4a 1.08a+41 1.78400 1.7E+00 3.448-01 pC1lg (31.4J 101241M 0120 p 335J5 EOO1.1 (12.8)

  • 08ER2$1 MAMM 4UM-4&12E-0 U 3.7E-02 &75-2 OE-02 pCtg 1.45 10124102 !012:0 p 335J6 E901.1 5R9E-01 (1.7) 9 GER2SM NIOBIUM94 4 .5 8-02 U 3.0-02 3.082 8.088-02 pClg 0.78 1014102 01:20 p 335.6 E11M.1 2.H55501 (34 LEAO-212 53913-0 1.4- IAE401 1.06E41 polg (5.1) 1014 =0 a

O GERMS GER81I LEAO.214 6.055-01 1AE-1 1f.i-01 9.53E02 pCvg (W) 10/4102201:20 p 335.6 E901.1 (7-8)

RAMIUII 6.74E-0l U 1AE-01 1AE-01 2.08-1 pC/g (2.8) 10124/02 n GER2$1 THALLW 2DB.-0 U 0.713-0 5.7E402 9E28-02 pCIn (21) 100412 01:20 p 335.6 E91.1 9 GsR2$1 NumberlfResufts: 17 ommen_.

m7.Mehtla MIqMDCAL*. Dad1tan, Deeldon Leve bd en lntwnt bm*gund orbhnh, ua td by the sample !u17@Ievicy, Yidd, md Vourme.

naj~itdj~ Pis JQualNUqalfier hasbeena edand teremulbelow eRepon Um RLCRL or ReportVakieis

& AO? U OW -Anamrad far, but lf ut Is Ws thm fti NMdIMdterrotl Unert or gamm owan saftmra did "ot hdent antlmatad nuelldm6


03 I Lab Namew STL Rchand SID:

FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS I 21180 Date: 3s-Oct-02 Collection Date: 811/92002 2:38:00 PM Lot-Sample No. J21300127-14 Report No.: 207 Recolved Date: 96/2002 3:13:00 PM Cllent Sample ID: 95314100040DF COC No.: tuft. SOIL Orderfd by Clent Sampb ID,BaBth No.

Caumt Toet" MUCjMOA, Rpi Ult, Yield RstamDO. Aigb4, Taa Sa Afquot AnWdy MehOd, Peremeta Result Qals gr(2 ) Unct 25) Action LAv Lo CIWL(RL RFtIOtfOt PPiupOat S1 Pdmsm' Debtnr Batch: 2275373 Work Orndr EB4IACAM Report DR IO: RS4WKIO ACTMNRU J 5.355-01 2.5E-01 2.5201 1.80-E01 pCIg (4.6) 12410211:33 a 290.B E!01.1 (6.) 9 GERS AG108M 1.08-02 U 2M5 ZBE-02 4.50E-02 pa/ 0.23 10C24102 11:33 a 2son E5?01.1

.83 g GERM1 AMERIM41 4.24E-02 U 9.06-02 90202 1.61E-01 pWlS 0.26 1012410211:33 a 290.6 E901.1 a.94 9 GERM05 BISMUTH214 8.355-0 U 1.41-0 1AE-01 2.22201 pCVt (2.9) 10124102 1133a 290A M1 (9.4) a GRU COBALTMo 2.166-02 U 3.0602 3.0602 62E-02 pCVlg 034 10/24102 11:33 a 290.5 MU01.1 1.52S-01 (1.4) g GSMR5 CESIUM.134 1.0Z5-02 U 3.5-02 3.52 6.92E02 p/9 0.16 1D/24/02 11:33 a 20.6 E901.1 1.578-01 0.57 9 GERS$1 CESlUM.137 545-01 7.2-02 72S02 6.182-02 pCi (&7) 10124102 11:33 a 290.8 001.1 3.16D1 (9.9) 9 GERM UROPV.*152 .6.25E-02 U 9.16-02 9.1602 1.39W-1 pClI/ 045 1024W1011:33 a 290.8 E901.1 4.04E-0 -(1.4) g GERM MElAU-154 8U43-03 U 1.1s-01 1.1E601 2.04W-01 pCJIg a0.4 102410211:33 a 290a EB911 3.72-01 0.15 0 GM EUROPIUMWtM 1.17E6-1 U 8.15-02 I.lE-02 3.46E-01 pCIg 0.8 10I2410211:33a 290. E590.1 1P .9) a GER81 sTi R1alsind MOCMDALc De* mi, Deciston Lewel bosd an bnstment btmtgund or bnk^ adjustd by b samse mqY. id, nd Volmu

.A. J Ous-No Uqualirhas been assgned and ghe rult Isbelow Oa RepotIng Umt, RL.(CR) or RepoftVtusistimated.

VP.3!MV UlOuQM- Amyzed ftr. bat Om manI less Otbm the MddujTca Urnbot or gmines n soomre did not kutm" the nuelde.

m A

I-M FORM I date: 30-Oc-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Narme Sm Rlchhand SDG: 21180 Collection Dat. 811812002 2380M PM Lot-Sample No .2130127-14 Report No.: 20779 Received Oat.: 9)25)2002 3:13:00 PM Client Sample D. 9531-0000-00812 COe No.: Matrkb SOIL Oftered by Clint Sample 1D, Batch No.

P count MDCIMDA, 4pt Unit, deld R dtMO, Anal IysIs, Total 04 Alqwaot .AMIY Method, Parametst fnault Oval Eror ( 2 ) Unaatj 3. Action Law Le CR0L4 RatiToWeft Prop Date simE atzo Pryndector

- .0-POTA SSIM4 1.112*01 1.B2*00 1.92*00 5.38201 I (20.) 10)24102 11:33 a 290.5 1.1 pca (11.8) 9 GliR53I 1.6BED02 U 3.73-02 89E-02 PCIA m23 10124102 1133 290.6 E901 8.962-01 0.86 a GERM U0IM44 8.E-03 U 2.8202 2ZE-02 5.25 2 0Q12 10124102 11:33a 290. 0M.1 2SE-01 0Q46 9 GERM$1 LEAO-212 7.112-01 1.5 0 1.E2-1 (2.1) 10124/02 11:33 a 290. M01.1 pcvb Pft O GERM$1 LAD214 7.012.101 1.72.01 1.72154 11:33 a 290. E901.1 (am 9 GERM3 M0IU26 5.38E.01 U 1AE-l IAEW0 5.93E-02 pcug (;!09) 10/24102 11:33 a 290A E901.1 (94) 1 O GER0$1 ThAWM4OS 3.20Y-01 7.1-02 7.1E 02 PCUg (6.3) 10124)02 1133a 290.5 MA1.1 (Di) a GMER651 fumberofReftg; 17 coln"en"M STL 10 4M DttIoL Dese0n Loyal based anbw n background orbhank, ted hs18 Elfienq, Yidd, ard Voam Jbeen -No Ue utSalfSVeRrm1 nr ss ed an dht eudther t s bnlgedlow Rhe n UwImRi, RL. CWR014 Re Value 1 f.E WA US UQuSd-A hr.df d butfi r s les B theddMdalTrol Unert orgemlma m softwaredd notM taf l nuclca.

V2 6 D to

Io Lab Name: STL Rilhhand Lot-sanple No: J21300127-1 RepOrt No.:

FORM I SAMIPLE RESULTS 8DG0 21180 20779 Collecton Date:

Received Date:

Date: 30-Oc-02 8/21/002 10 00 AM 9/2512002 3:13:00 PM ClIent Sample ID: 931.0000"007F COC No.: Matrbc 5OIL Count Thu! MOCIMDA, Rk Unils Orded by Client SamPla 10 FCh No.

Co TOM MDCMNO R9 nl Yield tIMDC, Analysk Total Sa AffqsOt Ansf Methd Restft Qual Errw 2a) Uncft 2 a) Action Low La CROL(RL) R1t8TatUuWC Prep Dit stm size Pinm" Dowd" Batftt 2278373 WorkOrder. EUVJIM Reof 10 Ith: vBJ10 AC11lUM-2 B.E5-01 U 2.3-01 2.3501 3.445-01 pCUg (2) 102410208:11 a 3233 GERMAi (M) a GER1S1 AG-408M 48.7E02 U 2.-0 902 4.75E8-2 pCtg -0.3 10/24102 06.11 a 3233 E91.1

-(1.3) 9 GERI1S AWERICIUM-241 -7.8702 U 1.3.01 1.301 2.135-01 pCI/9 -a37 101241M 02:1I a 323.

11S4uih-214 9 E~MU E901.1 5.338-1 U 1.58-01 1.55-01 2.118-1M PCUG (34 10124102 0:11 a 323.3 (6.4) B GERI$1 COBALT-S 9.185-03 U 3.15-02 3.9E3-2 624-02 PCMg 0.15 10Q1020511a 323.3 E9O.1 1280 Q5S GERISI CESIUM-IN 810E-02 U 38E-O2 3.85.02 7.118-02 pCl 0.44 10241020611 a E9t.1 1.875-01 (1.5) GERISI CESAUN-13J 3.803-01 8.5S-02 a.51-02 .18-02 pCl19 (6.6 10124/02 08:11 a E90.1 3.1-G01 (D.) 9 GER1$1 EUROCPUM-152 2.085-02 U 1J-01 1.3E1 1.49A-01 pCl 0M14 1On4/O2O:11 a 323.3 32&33 4.04E-01 Q3s B a GERISI EUROPIUM-154 4.36E-02 U 9.3E-02 9.3.02 1.771-01 pCY/ a2s 10124/0208:11 a 323.3 3.728-01 0.4 g GER151 EUROPIUM-153 1.565-02 U 9.0 9.5-02 1.8-01 pC a1 10124O20611 a EB .1 1.578#01 0.33 GER1I1 81 RIchhbd M0C ALe

  • DOtIe0 DdeafOn Led an kntumeni beotund 0rbbmka, amd by Ut mpleh ulde, Y, and VoiU rpts87LsSwP~l J QUal - No U qUfiefr has been saReoed and the h b ft RePmf9 Ltnit I (ML) at R rt Value Is BaUmaed.

V25 AV, U Qui -Avmlyzed for, bu tah rsut 18oN8Uuen MdthMde al UnOst Or Jelt ssoNWwv did netIdeml'tha nas.

w 0

I Lab Name; STL Rlehhand Lot-Sampla No: J2130M274 SDG:

Report No.:

FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS 21180 20779 Colecton Date:

Receved Dakte:

Date: SO-Oct-02 8/21/2002 10.00:00AM 92002M31300 PM Client Sample fD M31-0000007F COC No.: Matmbc SOIL Ordremd bY Cllent SamP.! ID.Batch NQL Count Ttal MOCIDA, Rpt UnI Yield RMMDC, Anal ya, Total Se Alluot A" Method, inmeter Resut QaU ftri2 s) Ur-MMt 2 .) Action Lev La CROL(MI RstITtGeI Fp iat 5128 MM PrIMDetector Pav SM.A0 1.0,01 1.8500 1.85.00 53E6-01 (1&8) 10R24/02 05.11 a pCf/g 323.3 E111.1 fmah (114) a GER1sI MAO? FJE8UM-54 7.176-03 U 3.75-02 3.7-0 sm.-0 palo 0.11 10A4102 0a.11 323.3 8 B901.1 5.982-01 0.39 g GERISI RuM-94 2.255 U 2.8--02 2A802 5.42E-02 pCV9 0.42 1024/02 051:1 a 323.3 0M.1 85SM (1.5) g GERISI L6212 5.1761-a 1.5-01 1.851 1.08&01 palg (4.5) 10Z/02 0611a IM M901.1 (71) a GER151 AD4214 .086-01 1.5-01 1.53-01 0.11E-02 pCk (" 10/24102 08:11a 323.3 E51.1 (8.2) wI 3IUM.2265 B35E-01 U 1.5-M1 1.5-01 E.11-0 pCl/ (3.) 10J24102 06118 323.3 E9D1.1

(.4) O GER131

'THAI L IUM-2"2.146-01 7.1E-02 7.1E5-02 a.42E-02 pCig (4.) 10C24132 05.1l a 323.3 E0.1 (M4) g GER1SI NUmberarRetils: 17 Commenw 5TLm Rictilnd MVqMDALe -etection, Duoson LeVel based On 011umet btckgraund of bMik, astfjvdid 12 .sampthIftft y,Yldd, and VetuImv rpiSll.Rctsempt J Oul -No U q fhrhas been melgived nd the mutt Is below fie RepotIrn Umit, RLCR04 o IrtprtVaeib Eistmated.

V3.95 AS? U Chal - Amld for, butte rsult Is les than ths IdMddarrotWl Unceft orum a an sf did not idefiftl. nuelide w

I 0

FORM I Date: 30-Oct-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lob Name: STL Rtchland BOO: 21180 Colleetaln Date: 811/2002 32MOD PM Lot-Sample No. 12300127-15 RepartNo.: 20779 Received Date: 925/2002 3:13:00 PM Client Sample 1D: 9531-0000.08F COC No.: Matiti: SOIL Ordoed by Clent 8ampe IDB,Wch No.

Total MOCIMOA. RPt UnIt, yneld RtIMMcI Ansla, Total Be Analy Method, Parameer Result Qual EwOrlza) Uincrtl 2el Actfon Lav La CRDLIRW RSWo tCert Prep Date SIm Sim PrImary Datector I -

Da8hl Z27W33 Work or K"WN1MAA R.lortl 9!BOWNMI ACTINIUM-228 6.10S-01 2.0"i.0 2.E-01 133E-01 pCV9 (4.6) 10124102 11:34a 356.5 E901.1 (0.1) 9 GER851 AG-ICBM 4.53i-03 U IBE-02 1.8E-02 3,235E02 pCVg 0.14 1O/24/0211:348 355.6 EBM.1 a52 9 GER8$1 AMERIOIUM-241 3.44-02 U 52.-02 52E-2 8.39C-02 pClIg 0.41 10124102 11:34 a 3W E901.1 (1.3) 0ER8$1 BISMUTH4-214 425E-01 U 1.21-01 ssa 1.2E-1 1.6g6-0 poli /2.) 1/24/02 11;34 a E901.1 (8.9) 355a6 COBALT- -1.25602 U 2.42-02 2.4E-02 4.020 PCV9 -0.3 10124102 11:34 a a 1.821-01 (1.) 365.6 GERS$1 CESUM- 134 5.13E02 U 4.2E-02 425.02 5.935-02 pCV9 0.I 10Q2410211:34a 356.8 E9.1 1.r7-01 (2.4) 9 GER3$I CEStUM.137 222E-01 J .2E2-2 2E-02 4.42E-02 pCIb (5.) 1024102 11:34 a 355.8 356.6 EM0.1 3.16E-01 (7.2) a GEROS1 EUROQPIM162 .E2-03 U 8.E-0 8.EQ-02 1.2201 pCiY -0.09 10/2410211:34 a ElOt.1 4.842-01 -32 9 GER8S1 EUROPlM-164 2.16E-0 U U4E-02 BAE-02 1.58601 pCI/g ,14 1024/02 11:34 a 356.6 35.

3.72E01 an2 a GER8$1 EUROPRIM-165 4.07E-0 U9W U .2E.m 52E-02 1.10E-01 pCIp 037 10/24102 11:3 4 M1I 35g 1i72m 1.3) mRs8i 85L Rand 0ClMDA.-Dv0etn, ecfIson LevM based an fimtum beouund or blanadusted by th amWe £fleny Yield. dVodume.

h p Jut-No Jpt U quseer he beenasigned andtheresusbew theRepoarng Lhnit RLtC1 o*Repot VailsIs~mated.

VW.U5 A97 U Ab ter, _ les h MaIodmITota Un orgo mnssa n m fe dddnot Id tile de.


ID Lab Name: 5TL Rlehland FORM I


Date: 30-Oct-02 21180: Collectlon Date. 1192002 3:20:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J213O127-15 Report No.: 20779! Received Date: 9/25/200 3:13:00 PM Client Sample IM: 953140"4081P COC N:. Mawrc SOIL Ordered by Client Swapl ID.Bstch No.

CouM Twol 7 MOqMCIO RptUnttM etld' RstMDC. Ahbils, TotalSa Alkluot Any Method, Paameter Retult, 06.1 Mo (2 94 UncetU 2i) Action Lew La CRDL(PL) Rst CM PrepDatel Slm sin PltmuyDtelcttr POTAS8NM40 1.21E401 1AE100 1.82E00 3.6SE-1 pCl/g (31.4) 1012402 11:34 a 356.8 A0.1 MAOGVESM44 U35E604 U 2.52.02 2.5E-02 4.67E-02 pCfb . 0.1 10/24102 1134 a 356.5 Ego1.

e.966- 0.04 GR NIO1UM494 1.18- U 2A4E2 ZAE-02 4.A4E02 p'I/ .7 10/24M/ 11:34 358.6 M1.1 2.55-01 (.) 9 6ERBS1 LAD-21Z 5.756-01 1.1E Qt 1.1 t01 6.18E az pC0g (*3) 10r24102 11:34 a 3565 Esmj,1 (10,) 9l G SR8$1 LSAD.214 5005-01 1.11.01 1.1E-01 7.24-2 pCl/g (5.2) 10r24/0211:34 a 35l.6 E901.1 9 GER9$1 RAIUM-226 425601 12E-01 12E501 7.11E-02 pCfg (8.) 10124M0211:34 a 355.5 01.1 (659) GQERS$1 ThWUM-L2 1.87E-01 U 5.15-02 5.1-02 758E-02 pCfg, (2.3) 1012410211:34 355 001.1 (7.3) GERMS1 Nmber.tResulb: 17 0ommnents:

SILRckiand MWCDALc. DetectIon, Dodseon Le band an hieftntbu ond ot bMa, ms Wd by the emple EfTlbncy, 17df, and V nlme r~6Sefl 1ple J~Oual - ro Uqu aflwr been asgne andi u iIs below the R artg Um!t Rt. "=4 or RepofiVallue Is 92tmeted Ah U aual -Analzd fm but te stbsle than MdeMdute Uncurt or nma 36. softw did not Idmnt the nucfldo.



I Lab Name: STL Richland Lotample No: J21300127-1f Reporto.:

FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 21180 20779 Date 30-Ot-02 CoflectYon Date: 8/192002 32000 PM Recelved Date: 912512002 3:13:00 PM CUM t Sample ID: O531-0000-008F3 COC No.: Matrk SOIL count erexd byj Cnent Sampl 10. Belch No.

count TOW MOCIMDA. Rpt Unt Yiefd RANC Anayt Toal an Aliquat Aaly Methold pmnetr Pesudl Qua] Ernor( 20) UnCW42 ) Aat L&q La CRM4RL) RsTUcert Pep Dats SWM Stl PdmmM Delectur I

ateh: 227373 Work Ordon EamWRIM Report V 1 ga"Ria 0W ACINW2 "OE-0 U 1.9501 1.9E501 3115-01 pCl9 (1) 10R24102 C1:23 p 359.2 £1.1 (U6) 9 BER151 AG-loM 5.03E-03 U 2.4-02 2.4E-02 4.25E- pCIYg 0.12 10241020123p 35!9 E901.1 0.42 9 GER1S1 AMERCLU2t41 -7.64502 U 1.1E501 -04 10124102 01:23 p 359.2 EgW.1

-(1.3) a 6ER1S1 OMMUTN-214 42E-01 U 125-01 1.2E-01 1.586-01 pCI/ (2.8) 1412 0 2 01:23p 3592 B01.1 COMALTvea (7.6) a GER1S1

-1.10E-02 U 2.OE-02 2.W6-02 4.44E-02 pCIVg .0.25 10124102 01:23 p E90.1 1.52E-01 -a86 GERtSl CESSRM-134 3.546-02 U 3.BE-02 .65-02 6.74C-02 pCf/ 0.53 10/24/0201;23P a 359.2 Eg0.1 1.57E-01 (2.) 359.2 S592 GER1SI CESLUM.137 1.2601 J 5&E-02 5.-02 97E-2 pCItg (lb) 1D24R0 0123 p 0 ESOI.1 3.165-01 (4.3) 359.2 GERISt EUROP4M-162 .8.-m U 8.AE.02 8Eo-02 12E-01 pCl19 -0.69 10124102 OlMp 0 E901.1 4.046-01 -(21) 359.2 GER151 UROPIUM-154 6.705-02 U 9.0-02 UM502 1.74E-01 pCug 0.39 10124/0201:23p a E514 3.725-01 (1.4 359. GERiSI EUROPAN-155 -3.A3E-02 U 8.6502 M M-2 1A425-01 pCfg -0.25 10124/02 01:23 p a E1.1 1575.01 -82 GER1S1 STL Rfchimnd NMCIMDA.Lu. Detction, Dedlon Level bhad cnlomnbutrrent bamgod orblurks, adusted by the sumple Effiriency, YIdK nd Volume rpfMTLjthS~nple JO QU- Io U qualiferhas boe massfged utd oeslt Is below teRepedng Und RL(CRD)4 eRepotValuebIsbnatd.

V:ISA9 A7 U Cho. Aralmd for, but n1w teIs Mslim lt MdcoduljTotl Uneet or gamma mn xolim ded not blomfy the nmfseaf W

I m

Lab Name: w STLRIchiand SOG:

FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS 21180 Collection Dae:

D[Ve: 30-Oc-02 aM9/2002 320. 00 PM Lot-Sample No: J213017-10 Report No.: 20779 Recelved Date: 9/25/2002 3:13:00 PM Cent Sample ID: 9531-00008FS COC No.: Matrk: SOIL Ordered bY MM 8aiple ID, Beh No.

Thdd NCSIDAl RptMUn Yed RVMMC, Anal*13 ToemlS. Anqut AnalyMethod.

Itenul Ca ta 5vro(2 M Unceg a it) ActonLew La CFRDL(mL Rat eert P aft

- Slro Size Pimufy De rca PCOTASSIU10 1.10E+01 1.72400 1.7E00 428a1 pCIlg (27) 1012410 2 0 2 3 p 3592 E901.1 t13. a MMIS MENESIUM54 69E-03 U 3AE602 S.4502 502E202 paig .09 1/24102 01:23 p 3592 a901.1 5S.E-01 .34 9 GER1S1 NIOBUM944 -. 2,03 U 2.-02 2-.662 4.5E-02 pCug . 10/24102 01:23 p 3592 E901.1 2.85I-01 -. 12 9 GERS1 6.26-0 1.72-01 1.7E.01 2757 2 pClS (&6) 10124102 Ot2Sp 359.2 E901.1 a GER151 LEAD-214 4.3852- 1.1601 1.1.01 9S9ME02 pClg (47) 10124O2 01Z23 p 359.2 E901.1 (7-7) g GER1S1 M0UUm 4.322401 U 1.2E.01 1.2201 1.868-01 pCI/ (Z6) 10/24102 01:23 p 3592 E901.1 (7.3) o GER1$1 ThAWUM2 2.04M U E3-m 653-02 5.006-02 pCWg (2.5) I0/4102 0123 p 3592 001.1 (7.6) a GER1R1 Numnber of Rusulme 17 mL Ruhied rmCIMWWLc - Deftelm Deeslon Leve based an bnstrweftbsactgmtd asbink, aduted by me sample ESfidema. Yfeld, and Voturm mMTL.tdlmPl* Owl-No U quatlrh been mined and thef mt b belowthe RportiB Umt, RL.. (CR4aReportVWini Iuilma U VllS hAnlyd far, butthe remt tess Un dew MdoMdatI Uncotor gommaseen aew ddo d f h dd nA


Date: 30-Oct-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Narne: STL Richland SDG- 21180 Collection Date: 8/21n2002 1:46:00 PM Lot-Sampbe No.: J*30012746 Report NM: 20779 Recelved Date: 9/25Q20M 313:00 PM CiMOl Sample ID: 0531-0000-OOIF Coe No.: Matrkh SOIL Ordered by COnt Samle 1D, Btch No.

Count Todtl MOCJMDA, Rpt Unit Yieid RsabJC. Anls Toal S. Aliquot Analy Method.

Pa nmter Result Qut EmarC2s) Unowt 29 Acto Lev La CROL(RL) Rstrttced prp onto sin Slts PImey Detector BEh: 22753M WC Order EBVPIM Repar 05t. ffB4VPI1 ACTINIUM.2a 7.39-01 2.JE-41 2.85-01 1.98E501 pC9g (3.7) 1012410 07:51 a 280.8 801.1

.3) g GERS$1 A06108M -7.04E604 U E7-02 2.7&.02 4.875-02 pC/g -02 10124102 07:51 a 280.8 A01.1

-00 g GER851 AMERICMI1 -3.06.02 U 9.11-02 9.1E02 18E-01 pCI/g .0. 10i24102 07:51 a 20.8 E01.1

-Q67 9 GEIR631 B1SMUTH.214 7.546-01 U 1.7E-01 1.7E-01 2.54U-01 pCg (3.1) 1012410207:51 a 2608 01.

(9a) D BERt OOMLT.0 1.05-02 U 3.BE- 3.5E-02 7.215-02 pCI/g (0.15 1012402 07:51 a 280.8 001.1 1.521-01 0.5B aGs$1 g

CESIIU-134 8.72E2- U 4.3.02 4.3E.02 8.68EL02 pCtig (1.J 10124102 07:51 a 280.8 E01.1 1.87E-01 (4.1) g GERM CES1UM-137 6.14E-01 1.1£-01 1.1641 6.80-02 p0CUq (9.) 10124/02 0M1 a 280.8 M1 3.1-1 (11.3) a GrER5S1 uROPIIUM-152 -279E.02 U 8.4a-02 IAE-02 I4-01 pCIg -0.19 1024102 :51 a 280.5 E0.1 4.045-01 4-.7 g GERM5i EUROPRUM.154 5.01E02 U 1.16-01 1.11501 2.05E201 pCig 0.24 10124102 07:51 a 28508 E901.1 3.72E-01 0.95 G9RSSI EUROPIULM-l 2.55E-02 U 8E5- 85Eo-02 1.485-01 pCIg 0.17 10fi4102 0751 a 2808 E01.1 1.764E0 0.6 g GERBSI sn mRchiudw MPCIMlALa Defection Decdsio Level based onkIsr~ument baclegvimud orbfank, ad]usted by the sample !ftlceneyVieldstandVolume.

rplSMelSapt. J QMW-NO Uqualw habeen assigned ad he rMst ks beow the Reprting Umr RL(CtRDLJ or Reprt Value sestutd.

V3SA97 U Qual -Anled tor, but h esuI lesstan tMdlRdaTotal lneertorgmm nftwar did not Idety nucife.


FORM I H-Dat: 30-Oct-02 SAIYIPLE RESULTS Lab Narm; STL Richand SDG: 21180 Colledlon Date: 8121/2002 1:45:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J21300127-5 Report No.: 20779 Received Date: 9=2 3:13:00 PM ClIent Sample ID: 953140000009F COC No.: Matrhc SOIL Oftered by Cient Sumpis ID,- Bstrh No.

I Count Totl MDCJM , RptUn t Yield RsUMDC, Amd lysis. Total Sa Aclquct Anaw MetOd.

wemett PResul, QuM ERW(22) Urmmt 2a) Actlon Lev LB CRDLRL RstUcert PMtD Daftiz Ps -

Pimaty Detectr ParA fSIUM.40 1.28E+01 2.15+00 2.1E600 5.84S-M pCIVg ) 10124/02 .07:t1 a 280.8 E9M.1 (11-4) g GERM ESIU*S4 -8.935-04 U 3.71-0 37S-2 E.3-02 pCV9 401 10/2402.07:51 a 210.8 01.1 659-01 -. 05 a GeRml1 MaIBIUM94 -2.29E-0 U 3.45-02 3.41502 8.10a-02 pClg -ao4 10/24102 07:51 a 280.1 EG01.1 2.85-01 -0.13 g GER651 u 0D-2l2 8S5E-01 1.83-01 1.8El01 8.0513-02 pCi/b (11.1) 10/24/02 0751 a 280.8 EO01.1 (10.1) 9 ER61 EDA214 8Q-M1 2.1E-01 2.113-0 1.036-01 pCWg (&.J 10124102 Z07:5 a 280.8 E901.1 1GER5$1 DIIM-fl 7.85501 1.72-01 1.7Ea01 101 pCI/g (7.7) 10124102 Z07:51 a 280.8 901.1 (9.1) g GER8S1 THA WULM201 2.93D-01 7AE432 7.55-02 5.02-02 pCI/b (.2) 10W24102 07:51 a 20.8 E901.1 (47) a GER5$1 NmnbeotResndsb 17 Commenbe aT). RIchlnd lDCIMDA.L - Detectin, Daemn Level bued an biument backWmd of NW4,adlistad by the smple E mie Yield. and Volumv.

J -tch Na U e betO lad and th rtdt ISbel h Rquovng Umlt RL. 0I1.or ReportValue Is t V3J937 UV Q i .Anaryzed for, but treetib les .

n MMd daIlTue Unr or n.. .. sam seftware did rot Mwfffy the nuatid.

VS!  !


Ia FORM I Date: 30-WOt-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: SML Richland SBG: 21150 Collection Vate= 812112002 2:40'.00 PM Lot-Sample Nob J121300127-4 Report No.: 209 Receed Dae: 912512002 3:13:00 PM Cilent Sample ID: 9531-0000-IOP COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Clint Same IO,Baft Na.

Count Tam MDCIMA. PM Unk Yield RMQC, AlyK Total So Aliquot pormneter n* Method, Result Chst l r( 23) UWNWev2as) Action Lev La CROULM ftstrotct Prep Dat 813 Sohs PtilfmlynDector Batetl 2275373 Work Orde0 E84VNIM Report OSID9: OESMN1 AC1n nWW 1.000.*0 2S.-1 2.8501 1.99-01 pcI! (5) 10124102 07:55 a 29A4 E9M.1 (7T) 9 GERISI Ar105M -4.245-04 U 2.E-02 2.E-02 5.135-02 pClhg -0.01 10Q24102 07:55 a 289A E01.1

-0.03 9 GERISI AMMCIUM.241 -1.27E-01 U 1.SE-01 1.ZE01 249E-01 pC9g -0.51 10/2410207:655 289A E901.1

-(.7) 9 GEISI BISWAmUh4 7.1651-0 U 1.75-01 1.7E.01 2.3s01 paog (3 10J4102 07:t5 a 289.4 E901.1

(.3) 9 GERI$1 COMLT.0 -1.54E-02 U 38E-52 3.9E502 .81E-02 pClg -023 1024102 07:§5 a 289.4 E9D1.1 1.625-01 -0.78 9 GERISI CESUM-134 7.1 502 U 45-02 4.502 .7185-02 pCIg 0.82 1/24/0207:55a 259A 501.1 1.7E-01 (3.2 g GERISI CESIUM-137 3.a85-0 8.55-02 8SA0 734E-02 p=ig 1(54 10124102 07:55 a 29.4 E901.1 3.185-01 (p. o GERI$1 EuRCPXUM152 -4ME-2 U IAE-01 1Ai401 1.01 pCl!9 -0.S 10/24/0207:55 a 289A 501.1 4.E4-01 -0.62 g MSI$1 EUROP0UM154 -1.94E01 U 1.V:-1 1.31501 1.88E-01 pCUg -(1J 10124102 07:55 a 289A E901.1 3.72E-01 -(.) 9 GER1$1 EUROPJUM155 2.37502 U 1.15-01 1.1E 01 1.92E-01 pClg 0Q12 101241D207:5 a 289.4 901.1 1.57EF01 0.42 9 GERI$I SL RICIInd MDCEfDA.L teeun, ee Le bused onhmn ba d r , adjustd by te sampl IclcYIdd and Voue.

pSrLotsample J Qlual - No U qualf has been assigned and he sut Is below the Report Liit, RL (CROW ar Report Val h Esdmtet V33."AS U Qual- Amtpd for. but Om rstbIs le. ffmn t h&damTbw Unaert orunumsawniftware did not Idnf the nuelds.



FORM I Date: 30-0ct02 H

SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Nome:. m Riland SD: 21180 Collecffon Date: 8121/2002 24A.00 PM LotSampae No.: J2l300127-4 Report No: 20779 Received Date: 9125J002 3:1300 PM CtlietSample ID: 9531-0000-1OF COC No.: Matrhc SOIL Onered byCflent Samph ID.Bach No.

I count Toel MDlMDJ k, Rpt Unt, Yield RsUM1DO, AnO yals, Total Su Aliquet Ambp Msthcd Paramutar Result Oul &nWr(2°) Action Lav LC CRDRIL4 ft tUcert Prop Date Skoi Stan Pdfmary Detetor POTABSIIJM40 1;27E01 2.OE.00 4A44E-01 I (28.8) 10124102 07:658 289A ED1.1 (lam 9 GERISI MAGNEtUM-04 2.1aE-02 U 42R-0 4.29-0 7.74E-0 I pCI19 0.20 10124102 07:55 a 289.4 E51.1 fiME-01 (1.) 9 G!R1SI NIOUIUM-4 iE4 O U 359- 3.3E.02 5.77E5- 2 pCM/ 0. 10124102 07:55 a 289A E91.1 2.859-01 0. a OER1$1 LEFD212 7.23E-1 1.E-01 1.915-01 1.15E-01I palt9 (5.3) 102412 07.55 a 289.4 EUOI.1 (7.8) O GGR1SI LEAD214 7A9E01 1.9-01 1I9E-01 121E-01 I pCl/g 07 55 a 289.4 E901.1 (7.9) 9 GER1$1 RA22B5 7.1501 U 1.79-01 1.79-01 1 pCU3 (3J 10/24102 07:55 a 289.4 501.1 (0.3) O GERI$1 THAn UM 3.13E-M U BAE-02 9A4E-02 1.15E01 1 pcig (2.7) 10124/02 078.5 a 289.4 E01.1 (6.8) 9 GER151 Number of Re08tl: 17 Comments.

8TL Riftand MDWMDALc -Delton, Dealion Level bned on Instrumen backround or blnk, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, nd Valu.

rpWLRoSunpls J1 - Na U qxluillerhas ben assgned and the wulti beow the Repoing Lmt RL (CRD14 or RepoatVeins Is 1 _tlmad 3 AW7 UOI-Ana d far but thtreuh lenthanthe d Mdurroa Uneert gt u. can softre nd notdemn5?the nuct m w I to I I


I Lab Name: STL Rkhland LotWaMple No.: J213001279 Report No.:

FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 21180 20779 Collectlon Date:

Receved Date:

Date: 30-Oc0D2 8120/200 2:23:00 PM 9/2002 3:13:00 PM Client SamplolPD 9531.00D0)IIF COC No.: Matrl SOIL Count Total MCCJUOA, RptUril Ordered by cWnt ammle ID,Butch No.

count Telal MOCIMOA. Rpt WA^ Yield n RsRND, Anud "W. Toatl a Aliquet ifflthad, Pamnete Re t Qual Urrora25 UMC9 a51 Action Lev Lo CRDL(RIJ R 1Tloeert Pr"P I [We Siz Sb!& Prim0my Detector


Bautch 227537 Work Order ESIAM Itepartrievb D9584Va ACTINIU29 siofl.11 U 15E-01 1.8E01 IIE.01 pCIa (1.6) 10124/02 11:3Ba 340.5 SKI.1 (6.4 a GERISI AG-10aM B.15-03 U 2a E-02 2.85-02 4.42E-02 pCIg 0.12 10*4102 11:35 a E101.1 3406 0.41 9 GERISI AMSRICIUM-241 -1.02"i01 LI 1.215-01 12E 2.00E.01 pC:Vg .0.51 10124102 113. a 340.6 E01.1

-(1.7) 815=7m-214 5. o0M U 1.2E-M 12S4 1.93E-01 pCllg 1024102 11:= a a E01.1 (9.3) 340.5 9 GERi51 COBALT.80 U 325-02 3.2ED2 5.02-02 pCl1g -0.54 10/24/02 11:35 a 340.6 E901.1 152E-0 GER1$1 CBSI-1S4 U 3.9E-02 3.9-02 7.48E02 pCi/9 0.82 10=2402 11:38 a 9 E01.1 1.87E01 (3.2) 340A GER1$1 CE;IUM-137 22115-02 .1 6.SE-02 &BE-02 5.1575-02 pCIlg (4.) 10124102 11:35 a 34O.5 a 901.1 S.16G- GER1$1 EUROPLUM.152 -4.7115.0 U 1.1E-01 30A 1.115M Z7E-01 pClfg .0.34 10J24102 11:35 a E501.1 4.046-01 -0.24 GER1$I EIROPIUM-164 -5.25E.02 U 1.051 1.05.01 1.74E-0 pClg a03 10124102 11:38 a 340.6 3.725-01 -(1.) 340.6 0 GER1$1 EUROPIUM155 -1.595.02 U 9AE-2 9.45-02 1.67E01 pCM -0.1 10/24102 11:35 a E901.1 1J7E+01 -0.34 9 GER1$1 11I.ltIlnd NQClP4DIAL -Dtecllon, Decislm Level bawed on litshment beckgrotod orblk adjtd by Umplh Emdency, Y1e9l, and Volhm pt d pbJ Maend *No U qualifier hs been usigned aWd Meresltlu below hMe RspoIns LIMf% RL(CRO4 or ReportVlue* s Setim.

v3x5ASP U Oi -Abed or butthe ruft i le tlh I MduIMdurob Uncefrtargamm n infw did neat denft mcld..u 0

I Lab Name: STL Richland LOt-Guapte No: J2130012t-9 Report No.:

FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS sDG: 21100 20779 Collection Date:

Received Dote:

Ont8: 30-t-02 5120/2002 2:23:00 PM 925=2002 3:13:00 PM Client Sample ID: 9531-0W00-OIIF COC No.: Matrb SOIL

~by9Cloent sample ID,EBsteh No.

Total MOCPMOA. Rpt Unlk I Yield RotomK Anal ds. To Sa Alkpt AnalYMethod, Parwtv Rmst Oual Enw ( 2 S) Uncewt(2 u) A~on Lan La CRDOLRL) RsUIaert Pr" I ,nts Slz SIN Puinwy Detector POTASSIUM.40 1.05E+01 1.7E500 1.7E600 4.51E- pClog I (23.4) 10124102 1135a 340.8 E9D1.1 (12-7) g GER$1 PIGNEStUM4 1.44E-02 U U.E-02 6.395-02 pCiug 0.23 10)24102 11:35 a 340.8 EMOl1 6.9601 a.2 9 GERISI NIOBIUM-94 3"Fres u 2.76.02M 4.7915-02 pCIg 0.O0 10/24102 11:36 a 340.8 E1.1 2.85E-01 0.29 a GER1$1 1A212 5.346-01 1AM 14AE01 BMSS.2 pCIg (6) (8.1.10/24/02 11:35 a 340.6 E901.1 (7.4) g GER1$1 IEAO24 1.5-01 1.25E-1 pCg (.M) 10/24/02 11:35. 340.6 901.1 O GERM$

OADIUM-22 5.136-01 U 125-01 121-01 1.031-01 pCl)9 (29) 104/02 (0.3)

THALUM-4 2.73E-01 a.76-0 fu7l-OZ 4.90502 p9 ( 10)24102 :11:38 a 340.6 E901.1 9 GRM1 Numb of Resuft: 17 Comments:

STL Rlichand L -Decbon,Decison Lev based oliu l hueetmd orblanl, adustd by samup leElenc, Yild. ndVolume.

nnsuamweJ Coaul-NoUquafertbeen med andthesultis belowthe Repar L . rRVuua is e V3."Ag7 U CudeAneb.d owbut the1rel is Sn t MdMdurro Ueert orgmma amx voftwsmdid?*?dmvytheutlk e4.

I Lob Name:

Lot-Sample Now STL Richiand J21300127-2 SDG:

Report No.:

FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS 21150 207fO Collection ODte:

Received Date:

Date. 30-Oct-02 812112002 10 05.00AM 9g25/2002 3:13:00 PM Cllent Sample ID: 9531-0000-12F COC No.: Matrir. SOIL MOC1MOA, RptUnR, Ordejd by Client SamPle ID. Batch No.

Count 11.I I COWn* Taoul MJDCIMOA, ItptUnR. Yhid Riat"MO Analysi, Total Sa Atquot Andly Method, P:mmel" Rwfult Gull IErwfe291 Uncs(2 N) ActlOnLev LWe CRD4RL) RsetoWrt Prop Oate Stn Sta PrImmy Detec"W WtkOCor E4 CIM Repoit D8 0 9B4KO ACTIum-2 5.145-01 U 2.501 2.O-01 3.80-01 pCiLg (1.7) 10124/02 08D07 a 294.8 E901.1 (0.1) 9 GEM1 AG-ICBM 7.03503 U 2.0 2.6E-02 41571-02 pCi/g a0S 10124/0 0:07 a 294.8 0.Q5 a G3ER6$1 AMERICIWI241 4.1715-2 U 8LIE-M ILIE-M 139E-01 pCltg -0.3 10R4J02 0&07 a 294.8 EQO1.1

-(1.) a GER8SI BISMUTh214 .A-O01 U 1.451 1AE-01 2.233-01 pCUq (2.I) 10)24102 05:7 a 294.8 001I.1 a GERS$

COBALrT- .7273S-03 U 3.3-02 33-02 6.135-02 pC119 -0.04 10124/0205:0 a 294. E901.1 1.625-01 -016 9 GER8SI CESUM -134 1.4E-03 U 3.4-02 45-02 .1e-0 pCi/ Q03 10124/02 0507 a 294.8 E901.1 1.875-01 0.09 2 GER6St CESIM-137 4.77E-01 9.E-M .1E-02 521E-02 plg (9.1) 10/24J0208k07 a 294.a 0901.1 3.IE0-01 (104) 9 GERBS1 UROPUM152 -1.315-02 U 7.8E.02 7.6E02 1.335-01 pCi9 -0.1 10124J02 05k07 a 294.8 E901.1 4.0401 -0.35

!tmoPIUM164 -3.8502 U 1t5D0 1.0Em0 1.7QE01 pClU -a17 10124102 06OWa 294.8 0901.1 3.725-01 -0.81 GER6St EUROPIUM-1S5. 141S-02 U 7.15-02 7.102 1.2s-1 pC~g 0.43 10124102 03:07 a 284.8 E901.1 1.6713+01 (f - 9 ERB1 5TL Olehfand MOCMAL - DeItLcdcn Dealon Level lbased on bosumen bakrgtnd or blank, adjused by m smple Efdem, Yield, and Volume.

rpt5Reh3etlplS JUUd- No U quafliferhas been sne whe rs sbelowt Rnprng Lhnr RL(CRL) or RepoCVdiw b EsftmatL V3.e 5 7 apm 1JA iw ly d t r, b utthe h n d 1s I .

U Qd ~ M d al r f jo taI U nuet er aw n s w n s t i d ~d n otI e flf1 fit nuelid ..

th mU eat

FORM I Date: 30-Oct-02 H

SAIMIPLE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Rchland SDG: 21180 Collection Date. 812112002 10:05:00 AM Lot-Sampie No.: .121300117 Report No.: 20779 Recelved Dats: 912512002 3.13:00 PM Client Sample [D: 95311-08C012F COC No.: Mstrba SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID,Batch No.

I Court ToM moqMo& Rpt unit, Yield RSMWI, Anisksls, TOWl a8 Alquot Auly Method, Parmer RmU1l CQua Etrr(2 8) Unei et 2a AcUo LAy Lc CROL(RLK) RFTaticee Prep Oft tze Slam Polm ryneltec PfTrASSIUMO 1.02E+01 I 1.7E500 1.7&0 4.99601 pCI/ (2a.0 10124102 0t07a 294.8 MI (11.) a GER6$1 MAGN!SUM54 1.1515-02 U 3.55 3.8502 67BE-02 pCvg a0 10)24102 0&07 a 294.8 E01.1 9 MER$1 MAM 4 -1.52E0S U 2.E9-02 2.502 5.27-02 pClg -003 10)24102 06:07 a 294.8 E901.1 2AE-01 -0.1 LEA-212 6.1E5-M .45-01 1.45E01 0.4215-2 pCl/g (6.6) 10124102 0O07 a 294.8 ES01.1 (9.1) g GER51 LEAMD214 B31SE-01 58E-01 1.85-0 1.0al0 PCV9 (6.2 10/24/02 Ot:07 a 294.8 E9D1.1 U G5EM$

RA0WM-22 aAG5-0 U 1AE.- 1A4501 1.E.01 pCI/g () 10124102 0507 a 294.81 MA1.

(6.9) 9 GERM TKAWUIJAW 1.72E401 U 5.5E-02 5S85-02 9.73E02 pCi/g (1.8) 1I014/020t07a 294.8 E913.1 (3.0 E I Number ofReultIr 17 comGms s511 .Lchlnnd cn fnuMtbuclcgrod orbbnk out by iewmmpi Efeency, V1d. and Vohme.

rptsJww i l -Noo U udfthr huubeen uid mmd the iultia blow he RepeotngU Lmit, RL (CRD4 or Rpot IEsmte VWS A9? U k I fl-Atidftr, but thesult Is le tan the lddMdarrotd Unet orumac ao did not en nuc w

I Lab Name:

Lot-Sample Na.:

1STL Richland 321300127-8 SDG; ReportNo.:

FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS 21180 20779 Date: 30-Oct02 Collection Date: 812012002 1:50:00 PM Received Date: 912512002 3:13:00 PM Client SampIS ID:S 9531-0000014F COC No.: Ndftr SOIL Ordered by Cllent Sample ID.Balch No.

S Count TOW M)DCMDA, Apt Il1 Yield ~stIMD Analysh, Total On Aliquot Analy NaftK Psbr Result st IErou2!) UncIM4t ) Action Ler Lc CRDLRM4 RstTotUen Prep Date Shea Stfs Prmany Detector I

Bvtoh 2275373 Wor Order. EB4V1 rIM Reportasim 9!4Vlo ACTINIUM-22 iE.OBR- U 2.16.01 2.1M01 3.8E-01 pCI1 (1.7) 10124102 08:52 a 3334 9

AG-OtM -2134-3 U 2.81-02 2.55-02 4.3215-02 pCIg -0.05 10124102 05:2 a 333.4 GER5S1 sm.1

-49 a AMWCUM-241 2.94-02 U 5.33-02 5.3i.0 8.8116-02 pCI/ 0.33 10I24/0208:52a 3334 E901.1 a GERSS1 15=111*214 9.305-01 U 1A41 1.AE01 2.146-01 pCVg 333.4 s9D.1 P.4) 9 G3ER5S1 COEIALT-O -7.9015-0 U 2.8-02 2.8502 8.E-02 pCfg -0.14 1012402 08:52M 333.4 E990.1 1425-01 -a52 GER551 OESMS1434 .09E-02 U 3.6E-02 3.6E02 5.715-02 pCIIg 046 10/24/02 08:.2 a a E901.1 1.07E-M (1.8) GERS$1 COSIUM-IS3 2.756-02 U 3AE-02 3.45-02 S82E-02 pCI/g 0.44 10124/02 08:52 a U 3334 E591.1 3.16-E01 (1.8) GERSSI EJRWIM-152 B9-02 U 8.56-02 5.36-02 1.AE-01 pCUt 0.39 10124102 08:52 a 333.4 E9O.1 4.04E-01 (1.3) 333-4 9 GER5511 EUROPUM154 3286-02 U .3E-02 .3I.02 1.76E-01 pCLb 0.19 10124102 08.:52 U 6901.1 001.1 3.721-01 a7 333.4 GER5S mmOpMW55 3.81E02 U 70Z 7.0E-02 1.22W301 pCUb 0.31 10124102 08:52a g 157E+01 (1.1J GERS$1 571LIat2,d MDCtMDA3A-Dutectlor, Dechhlon Level based om lntent baiigromd or bhn1 adjustd by the aMple Mft nCYn Weld, End Volum rpmWaciusnpi J Qoal - No U qualfiur has been assined and fte sult h below th Repordno Umit, RL (R014 or Report Value Is hellast.

V3I5A97 U Omml-Anayd trbuttherounbl is l a MdIMdureo Uneter mmanaunaftws didnotidenf te nuclide.

  1. l

I Lab Name:

Lot4aMple NoW STL Richland J213001274 80:


21180 20779 Collecfton Date:

Recelved Date:

Date: 30-Oct-02 202002 1:5600 OWMM PM 123:13:00 PM CpentM Smpa ID: 953-1.00-014F COO No.: MatrIf SOIL Ordered by CWentSampIla ID,Batdc No.

count 7etal MDCMmA RptUnt Yield 1wmC Anal Us, Total Sa Aliquot Analy Method.

pmtef Ere2 5) Uncentj a8) Actin Lev La CROLRIL ratrotUcevt Prp IDae slin Sle Prbny Detector

- - M POTASSIUM.40 1.07E401 1.715+00 2.555-0 p aiI (40.) 10124102 08:I2 a 333.4 E90I.1 (125) g GER5S1 MAGNES S*4 -1.256.0 U 32E-02 USE.02 pC419 -002 10Q24102 09B52 a 333.4 E901.1 1.52-01 8.9s-m1 -0.08 ag GER5S1 NMOBUMD4 -7.ME-03 U 2z 2.E502 4A445-02 pCV9 -I?1 104102 058:2 a 333.4 E901.1 2.855-01 -0.6 LEAD2Z 7.32E-01 15 1.SE01 1.02£-01 pCVg (7.2) 104/02 0I 52 a 333A E901.1

(.n7) a GERSSI1 LEAD-214 5.23m 1.655.1 tEE l 8.AM-02 pCV9 (7.2 10124102 08:52 a 333.4 590.1 (11,4)

  • 0ERs$1 RADIUM-W1 5.30641 1AS41 1.4E-01 9.32E-02 pCV9 (5.) 10a4M .0o:62 a 333.4 E01.1 (7.4) 9 0ER551 IAWUM.208 2.7361 0.5A 9.360;! 4.952-02 pClVg (5.) 10/24/02 Z0852 a 333.4 E901.1 (5.) 51 GSR5sI Number of Resulft 17 cmmits Sriychand MqDCAc- DateL-on, DeishineLed based on bstum* background orhimn%, etomted byft NMPle9111dency, Yidld, and Volume.

rST'..RchS5We J QY"I -No U quaflv has been assaotd and the ult In below the Rqmoit9 LhI% RI (CR01.) er RepoftVahl Is ES*Mted.

V3.sA97 UQu Anld

.- r, bhute mutles Uthan thUMddMdaIThtI Unct oreram aac s nmdIdnt idn thaenmadi.


I Lab Name: STL Richland LOt-Eample No: J2.010260-1 SDG3:

Report No.,

FORM II DUPLICATE RESULTS 21203 20779 Date: 30-Oct-02 Colectlon Date: 82012002 2A4800 PM Received Dato: 9125/202 3:13:00 PM CrIent sample ID: 0531-0000c-ais DUP COO No.: Matrx: SOIL Result, Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, RsYMcA, AunalyslT, Total 8a pfw arta Mt Qtd AlIquot Anagl MSuliod.

emrw(2s) Unmt( $a) Actlon Lv CRDL Ydld Ruttotcer Prep ab Sko SDze Pilmoty ttor Batic: 2275m Work ordei EUCA1AM Repat Da 1MEB7CA1MR Oung an Da1V AC¶IMUMM28 BME- U 2. 1 2.0E-01 3A2E6-1 pCi/ (1.8) 10R24102 01:20 p 341.7 E901.1 7A9i-O1 U RER 0.8 (6.1) 9 GERMS1 AG-10M -1.03502 U 2.3E6-0 2.3E 3.82E-02 pCg -. 7 10J24102 01:20 p 340.7 2901.1 2.16E-02 U RER 1.9 .0. GER9SS AMER1cU241 2.30iO2 U 8.1E02 I.1E5-0 1.40E-01 pCI/g 0.17 10/242 0120 p 340.7 E901.l 4.80£-02 U RER 0. 0.55 a GERM$1 BISMUTHI214 4.856-01 U 1.3E-a Us-Cl 1.89E-1 pUG (2.6) 10124102 01:20 p 340.7 2901.1 5A7&01 U RER 0.6 (75)

COMMLT4U 9 GERMS1 8.72-03 U 2.91.02 2.5E-0 5.64E-02 pCU9 0.15 10)24/02 D1:20 p 5407 0901.1 1ME-02 U RER 0.1 1.6E-01 0. a GEROSI CBSUM434 317E402 U a.45.02 3.460* 5.46E-02 pCVg OA9 10t24/02 D0120 p 340.7 E9D.1 529E-02 U RER 0.9 1 -1 (1.9) 9 GER0Si CEUM-137 7AOE-0 J 5.B0 5.E8-02 4.65-02 pC (.) 1024/0 0120 p 340.7 90.1 924E-02 J RER 05 31501 9 GERM EUROMM152 -2385.0 U 8.72 87-0 127E-01 pCIq -0.19 10/24/02 0120 p 340.7 .1

-2.195-M U RER 0.0 4.04E-01 -0.55 9 GERIS EUROPUM-154 .0E-02 U A.02 9.4-2 1.58E601 pCl/ -0.42 1024102 0120 p 340.7 S01.1

-2.9B8-0 U RER 0.8 &72E-01 -1.4) a GERM EUROPIUM-I55 B.1E-02 U m9o OZw02 122E-01 pCvg 0.6 1024/02 O1: 2 O p 340.7 E901.1

-3.7M03 U RER 1.6*01 (1.8 POTASSIUM-40 9 GERM 9.6E500 1.85. 1.BE0 3.03-0 PcI/ (1.9) 10)24/02 0120p 340.7 2901.1 1.086.1 RER 0.9 (11 g GR qf l n qe %1w AA

'I U - U .


. . V ame

~ b iwe.~ ~ l i A .. t ~. & , T Wd t . . d M, 4 r f A t.. 8 -XrX^W4-

-wi ._ . CHAR n"BTL"ahopY MDqMDA,LU-Dtft% Deanu Lad bud a loubvumt bicieruld r blsnk, adjut4i by thiumo Enlm, Vidi, mad Volume.

DSAST J Qut-N. TqwUlrbnbunmmi mid lbensulth bow ithoRlugZJmlt rIL (CRDL) of Rert Valum tfeiL U Qud.Amlyusd hIr betre altl Irsmm the MdiMd<fhitln Ugerorgumusmofwa did acdwf' tlBheme.


co FORM It Date: 30-Oct-02 DUPUCATE RESULTS Lab Nam: STL Rlcbland SDG: 21203 Coflecton Date. 8120/202 2:48OO PM Lot-Sample NO.: J01=02 Report No.: 20779 Recefved Date: 91252002 3:13:00 PM Client Sample ID: 9531WOOOMIS-1 DUP COC No.: Matx: SOIL Rmurl Cotmt Total MD)CNDA, Rpt Unik RstmDc. AnM"ylh, Totd Sa Allquat Amly Methat 'I paIamtM Oft Rst Qual Effy 12a) Unceig 2 ,0 Actbn LaV CRDL yield ItbraUcet prp I Date Mm size Ptlaiy Detect :or MAOT4SIM-54 4.07E-3 U 3.2SE02 32E-02 5.M3-02 .11 1OI24I02 1020p 340.7 E901.1 1.12E-02 U RER 0.7 8.08"-01 -8 9 GERM NIO8IUM4 4.B7203 U 2.5.02 2B11302 4.3E-02 -0.15 1012401 20t:20p 340.7 E.01 L2203 U RER 0.0 255-01 -0.82 n GERMt LEAO-R12 6.71E-01 1.401 1AE41 6.60E-02 (10.2) 1012410 Ica~o P 340.7 E901.1 5.402-01 RER 0.3 Pcv (9-) 9 GERM$1 WLA-214 4A7E-01 1.501 1Usm 10120p 340.7 m01.1 5.115-01 RER 1.2 (5.5) a GERMS RAt"MS-2S 4.85-01 U 1VE-01 13E4-1 1J89E-01 PCV9 " 10124CD a 0120 p 340.7 E901.1 5.47EO1 U RER D. (7.5) S GERMSI THALUUM-2M 1.79E-01 B.0-12 0.E 02 4.3TE-02 Pcft (4.1) 1012411X a 0120 p 340.7 E901.1 2.53-1 RER 1.7 (5.9) S GERM i"bvr of Rasllls 1I Comments:

5TL Rtehhnd RER . Rapitln Irr (S.)uql(U d M dle4 y icIT BOA.

rptsTLRchOupV. N1DALe- D DeU La! basd - fdd erbb, adlutd by thea , Ylel4 and Volume.

aSA V Qua) -Anald r., bat tbe rodsb 1 th fte Otn lThJtn1u Unnn arpmm son sptw redid no Ideilly On trundid

I M-Lab Name: sTL RMIcfnd FORM 11 BLANK RESULTS SDG: 21180 Oate: 30-Oct-02 LoSample No.: J2J020000.M Report No.: 20779 Matrb SOIL Totel MOCpYIDA, Rpt Unit, Rat1MDC, Analysis, count Total MOCplDA, ltptUn% RtsUoae Analpb, Total Sa Alquot Analy Method, Parmeter Rsaglt Qual rb(22) Un"Cafg 2 3) Lae Yield RPttllbteeft Prap Date Sla Sian Pffmary Deteotr Rataft 2275373 Work Ordu, E8881lAA RepartDBO; l WN1AD AalNIUM4225 -9.355-03 U 12E-01 12E-01 2.165-01 pCVlg -0.04 i01241D2 0317 p 2000 EO.1

-0.18 g GER2S1 AG-1loM -. 972-02 U 2.85-02 285Q2 4.689-02 pCi' -0.43 10124102 03:17 p 200.0 E2901.1

-(1.4) 9 GSR2$1 AMERICIU*241 1285-01 U 2.9E-1 2;01 5.135-01 pCl19 0.25 10124102 03:17 p 200. E01.1 0.58 A GERS 30.1 BISMUTH.214 -2.211E-02 U 83-2 835-02 1A7i501 pCI1g 4-16 10124102 0317 p 200.0

-0.54 Eot' GER2SI COBALT-SO -1.54E-03 U 35.02 32;42 52S5-02 pCilg -0.03 10124102 03:17 p 200.0 1.521-01 -01 9 GER2$1 CESIUM-134 -1.155-02 U 3.73-02 3.71-02 5.OE-02 pCltg -IL17 10124 ID2 0 3 17 p 200.0 E901.1 1.87201 40.3 GER2$1 CESKIM-I3? -3.795-04 U 3.85-02 3.85-02 6.E-02 pC1l9 -0.01 10124/02 03.17 p 200.0 3.155-01 4-02 S GER2$1 E901.1 EUROP1UM.lU -1.S5-2 U 9.15E-02 9.11-02 1.59E-01 pCyg -01 10124102 03:17 p 200.0 GIMM2$

E801.1 4.046-01 -0.34 GER2S1 EUROPIUM-154 1.755-02 U 1.0E-01 1.0-01 1.585-01 pci' 0.09 10124102 03:17 p 200.0 0ER21 3.725-01 0.35 200.0 a

EURO'§!S -3.7E02 U 1.1E-01 1.1i 1.8715-01 pClg 402 10124102 03:17 p E901.1 1.M7401 4-057 POTASSIUMO -5.535-0 U .2501 5.3-01 1.37E+00 pCILg -OA1 1014/020 3.17 p 200

-(1) g GER2$1 MAGNEIUM4 3.A8E-03 U 3.0E5-2 3.0--02 5.21E-2 pCtg 0.M 101241020S:17 p 200. 3I.1 8.9813-01 0.23 9 GER2$1 STL Ield MOCjMAL - Dtsetn, Dact Lovel bsed onfnsum baekrund or blnk, alutld by the samph Elleny, Yldd, and Vlume.

rptSTLRchn U Qu Alid hr. be th Ie fn MWMdurl UN ama a st did act 1at tfe mud VJSA97 w

FORM 11 Date; 30-Oc-02 L aBLANK RESULTS Lab Name. STL RI~hlld SD¢: 21180 Lot-Sample No: J24o02= 73 Report No.: 20779 Natriz SOIL Coant Total MDCMDA. M*Unit, RMOC Amspt Totas AqIJ>t AWsY Mlth PR.t Owl Enaw (24 Unmfl 25) LC CRDL Ylidd tRstbWa Prp DM 81W 81W Pairfmy DemtE NmOflWM-4 4 - U 3.7-02 33E-M 7.4-M pClg 0M 10124)M M1.7 p 200.0 .1 2.855-01 (2.5) GER2S1 LBAD.212 -248 2 U 6.0E-02 a 8-02 1.03"E1 pCUg -0.24 10124102 03:17 p 2000 W1 L0.3 a GE~2S3 LEA"14 3.41 E-02 U 7.0- 7.0- 1.29E-01 Pcqg 0.2 101241M 03.17 p 2M.0 501.1 0.97 a GEsR2$1 RADIUM-225 -2.195-02 U E-03 ozE- 1.475-0 pCVQ -0.15 10124102 03:17 p 20.0 Eg01.1

-O.3 9 GR2$1 THALLUM.208 B.l-03 U 4AE-M 4AE.02

  • 827E-02 PClq 011 10140203:17 p 200.0 1.1 0.4 g GER25I Nunber of Results: 17 sn. Ichfsnd NDCfMA, - Detbetlotn, e nLevellbsed4 o jnmwitbachusmd arbri, dused bY the sn ny, 2d,
  • ndVahme.

IMk Out -naUYJzed rw,bu th rutths Iiil the MdebdatIl Ucewrt rpmmuzemm awhm did ot fdacnlI) the mutde.

V3.A97 D

02 PORM 11 Date: 30-Oct-2 m-LCS RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SOG. 21180 Lot-Sample No.: J23onace-3 Report No.: 20TT9 Matrkc SOIL Cunt Total Report Expeled Rcvr, Analyi, aAlqm Amayf Method, Permer Rsft Quail for( 26) Uncesft a) MflC1MDA Unit YhId Expeted Unem Wlas Prep Data Sl Primary Debtr Beth 227 3 Wbrk Orden EBORNIAC Rfeportos5D E885mcs CESIU137 1.0700 1.8El-01 1.E-1 8.100E2 pC~lg 1.0200 3.AE502 104.77% 101241D2 :19 p 200.0 E8M91 Rec Lbnts 70. 130. 0.0 GER1Si Nsumber otRucultr.I STLRlhhlnd Miu -(R teatEI dtftned hbyAlmllt STLRetas VWA AS7 n


U- 4757,3- I h 1-5 0

tom inet Yankee Decorifislaving Prject 242M-000-G"-GGOR-R5104*QAftchrt, A Oecbtd Procedum j)X0 O1 X7 Sayl 1o I I.

PaoIlofI Bechtel Power Corporation Chdn of Custody Form COC No: 2002-0068 362 tjea Halow Road.VMstHwnp~mm C? 0624 j P.O. #1 242054SD-6552-0 AC 86_ _ _ __6 . ActMty Code: 24262O034AA3 ProjecfNamet HuddruiNeckDeeomnndianing 7L Use Qely COmtat Name: lack McCorby Commlents ne: 1-267-26 4 . A ss Anyst. Andys A cal Lab (Name, Cty, Stste): I @ l Type 1 Type2 Type3 280 George Washington Way Richland, WA 99352 Attenton Barb G0lesi b PrIodW.I 30 D. a 1D.0 7 D.OAw ( j Smple Desigmatlon Dnate Commt, Lab Snanme m

_ 00953100007F 10_ 0 TS _ BP I B1SSGAM _ _ _ NWA

, 9531.0000.012F 8M/202 1005 TS G BP I BPSSGAM _4_V_ N/A V 9531- 4 8allr02 1035 TS G BP I BFSSGAM E____ = NIA jI- - - - _Containe NOTE: Mutdple IndvIduals perfrmidng samling. refer to Daily Survey Jo shet for ist of tunm o Sbpleds ITernal CDeg. C

3) telm Dalm 2)P Received By /,tot WV\ DufwThnF UPS Costody Sealen

-Jg ._ a=a - _Md YQ NO 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ __e_ __BY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __By_ _D_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ciartody Seal Intact?

5)RelftuIshed By DaIlOTh" 6) Received By Dat= / NQ,

_ _ BDill LdfIngms#

Meeft Cads WG; a udWm, W S am tR,Rlv vhm, WE.F sa W7 WS.&a Wu Ea. I0m 9W.T SudlmiWt, sh T7M Vesarn. CIF E Ot _

Cmnaa>P. DPk. Pigadafgbc ChebBa, Shm * -C5. ; :ins, hi bula, Vil fiL- I ________

Bechtel tn i


YbozmecftlcutYan DecommdssionWng Phcct 24265 000D G-GGGR-R5104-03Attnchrneut A tseetal Procedum pageIOfI I Bechtel Power Corporation Chain of Custody Form COC No: 2002-0066 3f1 m HolloW R un cro624 r.M # z42640-FS5-MAC JMettanMe: Sadd=Neck5D9i=inm ALabUsesRequeted nly Contact Name: lack McCarthy _ __

Phone: 1460.267-25S6a t3024 Analysis A.Yss Anys A tcal Lab (Name, Ciy, tat):5 8 Type 1 Type2 Typ 3 .

2800 mgp WashliM Way lfcbhln!WA99352 Atnodon: Barb Ofte!sb Pfotv M30 D.2Q 5D. 7DMlASAP ...

Sample Designation Date Time a Cou"m XAb Sample M

_ . Preton "53 I.O00MIOP Br120 1440 TS a BP 1 BFSSGAM _____ NIA

_ _ _ _ S2ii8nm 1346 Ts G BP I BFSSOAM __ _ _ NIA NOTES: Multiple ndivIds perfonnig vampmt rfer to Dariy Sorvey aul shaet for lidt of team mmb samples T CntaDeg. C SB B\ I) NNled rime Da *TIpS = u y eedg.C v UP CmioySede7 Dateime 4)Received By Dale/Tlme BRdfnpshcd y Datef-ime 4) Tteceved By Dotu lme DI ofl~ fadtn aWG: GivadWYA W. SeeWu RWUwr WE: yWan, tWS: S=W tr~,EW: l ue"Wd&T 5di,SE:Smflmc SaG bW DMC B sgwk.P V So mt am, 0: Fib, la kC , R gBL:V h. ok,? D:MaIxSMi bD or . Oth C m-hiwT p. BD1PP ba B a, 10 Clot flag, P PbadaSC:S wAC ., 0: Olan, A k m b etgln. Y: Vb lv tI E wmc1r O Other Bechtel W


co Om uYanke Decoumisdo1ning P9oject 24265400 MGPP-OOR-R5104.003Attdacbent A I n- L~-t JUULL zLuIII11g Page of I I Bechtel Power Corporation 3ft 1vjtn %M R EARMntvm CrOW4 I Chain of Custody Form COC No: 2002.0064 P.O.47 2426W5!;}RWW55Z3AC 86M57I06 Adllty Code: 242M6S00034A3 ProjectName: ixiiaming = = A=baddmaNeckc

. Use OVlY Contact llame: lack McCarOhy CommentA:

Fbn 1-860-267-2556 ext3(24 Analyss Analyss Analysi Phonwi -M267-2C6 gbdes24 . J Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 STLRIdulaod, S 210 George Washinton Way RichnodWA99352 AfutiowBuarb Giflespi { h .

piorfy 30 D.[lSD. 7D.ASAP Sample Designtion Date Thne 8 C o LabSampl1 L.'9531X00W.14F 1350 TS U0 BP I BFSSOAM __ . NIA

  • 9531-000-G41FP =O0120M 1353 TS 0 BP I BPSSOAM F53 WNA 95314000003 820/2002 1420 TS a BP 1 BFSSGAM __ WIA

%09S3101117IP 810?Z0O1 1423 TS G B? 1 BUSSOAM - NJA V'9S31.000-WF 3 20 1448 TS a BP I BFSS ____._ NIA V9S3140000-013? 3/201201 45S TS G BP B FSSALP _______ NIA_

ISamples Internalcontuine MmES Muliple Individuals perfrmhng saplin . rt to Daily Survey IycMl sheet for lt of team members Shipped Va:. Teaw .De- C

12) ReSadvod By 100 WI DateJma Fed Ex WPS Custody Semled
3) Rec ed yaTime 4) Reced By Datefmc

.Custody Sea Intncd S)RcinlqulsiedBy Datdna e 6) Received By Dzmt >b o; Y1 NO Bill ofLding Tdedh Ced WGs Ihad WarntMVM' SfwfamWateBRi, 1 lW tuy WW S: Sea Watm EW: EfwaneW, T& Sol, SEM sa ..

AS~ sutaLT Yuad C?.Cm . OT: Other_

SNWGInpaF"cudoI C m .D~it,5 pi~P3 ~tdBek ~ ~u DI=%~0Cmue blm ISB:. Mani Spike IVup. OT:. Othe CGROWmTMp TFP FGudODWS0 Cloh ao% P.'Pbutik, So sue Cam Ch GmhuA: Asbarshem V:-VKam. LM: ibm 11iOn DOtWe Huebtal Un bi

M ROnneCdcut YanceefecoummSonig Project 24265-000-PGGGR-R5104-O03Attachnent A I echitel Procedum Page 1 of 1 Bechtel Power Corporation Cha of Custody Form:

362 ljn RHlw RmAl Esnt Rtm Cr 05424 P.Qs 24265-FSfl055C 860.267y56 , Act Cods 2,465200034AA Pr-o"ectl N: EiddAM Nec~k DeoriimoniG t* _ ]Reaueti Lab UseOnl ConftetNe: J.LM ft _ _ Comments:

Phonn. 146o267-2WG ext 3024 Anals Anesfs Analyfsi Arabledlcu ab (Name, Amyel City~,bState):

aeCiySte: X l Type I Type 2 Type3.-

STLRlcbxund, 2500 Gemrg Washington Way lichiand. WA 99352 Attaniow: Barb GllC50h Priorffyt_y30D-15 D. 0 7D.O ASAP 1 :A _

Sample Designation Date TIme .uCemwent, LbSaulpleD

. _ . Preservtime _

V7 9531-0O0 8119n2=2 1427 Ts G BP I BFSSOAM F______ NIA 953140N00 FS 8/19ROtll 1427 TS W BP I I BFSSGAM

. 9531. 6F 8119/200 1438 TS G BP 1 BFSSGAM ____ N/A W 953 1.00-OS BW/M=2002 - 20 TS G BP I BFSSGAMC N/A

' 9531400 S 0119)12002 1520 TS a 8F I BFSSGAM _--FN/A

. 9531.000.00P 8119)2002 1520 TS G BP I BFSSGAM N__A NOTES. Muldpl indtduls prfrnilng qllngrto Dally Survey Jowu eet tfr lof team member Samples Interval Container ShIppe Via: Temp. DuC 2 1)DomI~me 2) Recerived BY lelt(O Dateivhe 'Fedi Ex Cl t91foQ. VOhMai jCL5 Y0 NO

3) nAinqad y Dam 4)ice By Dhtefme 0Other

-C .m Seal bIta7

5) RelnqIshed By DaRIMUM 6) heceived By DaetIme Y L_ N 1ifi 6Lading#

Mis ccs IW md Ws W.VP:3 Woui RM ROWWEr,\WL W utEs"idWs- SM WaM W.MuEd WARwT SaiEre Slmui


ImITr. xoegaft. Ml.caaaw O?, 0dmr I*sapisWyp Gxmb, C Cii Rud. CL- hD:

PiPS>4: SPQFB: Field Bb4 Rs Rmb m MS IMas piDO. WM iluK, os

£atlnrTy. BPzc 9u: DVClmDu~it XPlastjo.SC:-Sd Cas,:A-bjis,'?:YVIa, G, ILMI UtnmlalNT: 0dm BechtEl Ul df

Analytical Data Pckage Prepared For Bechtel CT Yankee Project Radiochemieal Analysis By STL Richland 2800 G.W. Way, Rildimnd Was 99352, (509)475-3131.

Assigned Laboratory Code: STLEL DalaPackage Contanbs Pages Report No.: 20994 SDG No. Order No. CIknt Sample ID (Lbt Order) Lt-Sa No. Work Order Report DB ID Batch No.

21414 9523 Q000.OIIAF J2J240307-4 FAPRTIAD 9FAPR710 2298423 9523-0000-011AF J2J240307-1 FAPR71AC 9FAPR710 2298424 523M-D00-OIIAF J2J240307-1 FAPR7iM 9FAPR710 2298425 9523-OOCO-OIIAFS J2J240307-2 FAPTFIAD GFAPTFI0 2295423 9523-000Q0-1iAFS J2J240307-2 FAPTFIAC GFAPTFI0 2298424 9523-OOOOl-OiAFS J2J24030742 FAPTFIM 9FAPTFIO 2298425 0523430000026AF J2J240307;3 FAPTLIAD SFAPTLIO 2298423 9523-00040020AF J2J240307-3 FAPTLIAC OFAPTLIO 2298424 0523-00U0002GAF J2J240307-4 FAPTLIAA OFAPTLID 2298425 95314-000013AF J2J240307-4 FAPTRIAD 9FAPTRIO 2298423 9531-G00413AF J2J240307-4 FAPTR1AC OFAPTRIC 2298424 95314000-D13AF J2J240307-4 FAFTR1AA 9FAPTRIG 2298425 953"1000415AF J2J240307-S FAPTVIA1D 9FAPTVI0 2298423 9531-0000-01SAF J2J24030745 FAPVfMAC OFAPWVID 2298424 9531-0000-OISAF J2J240307-5 FAPTVIAA VFAPlVID 2298425 STL RIchland rptSTLRcbTtI Y3.173 8TL RICH N 11

cotago mgmtek"'U CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS November20, 2002 Bechtel Corporation 362 jun Hollow Road East Hampton, CT 06424 .

Attention: Alan Heter SDGNumber 21414 Date SDG Received  : October24, 2002 NumberofSamples .. Five (5)

Sample Type Soil i Data deliverable  : SummaryRoport

. Introduction On October 24,2002, five soil samples were received at STL Richland (STLR) fbr radiochemical analysis. Upon receipt, the samples were assigned to Lot Number J2J240307 with the laboratory II numbers to correspond with the Bechtel Corp. (BCT) specific Ms as listed on the covet page.

11. Analytical ResultafMethodology The analytical results br this wport are presented by laboratory sample ID. Each set of data includes sample identification information; analytical results and the appropriate associated statistical errors.

The requested analyses are: Liquid Scintillation Counting Tritium by method RICH-RC-5037 Techneftum-99 by method RICH-RC-5078 Carbon-14 by meffiod RICH-RC-5022 a Quality Control.

The analytical results for each analysis performed under SDG 21414 includes a minimum of one Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) and one method (reagent) blank and one duplicate sample analysis. Any exceptions have been noted Inthe uCommentsn section.



=W,§Ekw Bechtel Corporation November20, 2002 Page 2 QC and sample results are reported In the samnc uits.

IV. Comments Liquid Scintillatin Counting dti2um by method RICH-RC-5037:

The LCS, sample duplicate, batch blank and sample results are within contractual requirements.

Technetium-99 by method RICH-RC-5078:

The LCS. sample duplicate, batch blank, matrix spike, and sample results ae within contractual requirements.

Carbon-14 by method lUCfi-RC-5022:

The LCS, sample duplicate, batch blank and sample results are within contractual requirements.

I certhfj that thUs Certificate ofAnalysis is in compliance with the SOW, both technically and fbr completeness, fbr other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager, or a tesignee as verfied by the folawing signature.

Revewed and approved:

BarbaraM. Gillesjie Project Manager STL RICMIAND 3

Drinking Water Method Cross References F- LKKIiM'NNU VWA I. .1 EM MC:1nUU LJz IStF'IULu r ri I Referenced Method Isotope(e) STL Richland's SOP number EPA 801.1 Cs-134, 1-131 RIC 5017 EPA 900.0 Alpha & Beta PICH-RC-5014 EPA Q03.1 _Ra-226 RICt M005 EPA 904.0 Rs-as2 RICH-RC-5005 EPA 905.0 sl89190 RIC-RCH-106 ASTM 02460 Total Radium RItCH-RC-5027 Standard Method 750-U-C &ASTM 05174 Umanium RIGH-RC-U58 EPA 0S.0 Tillun RICH-RC-6007 NOTE:

E _O _ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _

iThe Gross Alpha LCS Is prepared wt Arn-241 (unless oihemise specited In the case nanmUie)

The Gmss Beta LCS Is prepared with S6rY-90 (unless otherwise specilled In the case nawatha)

Uncertainty Estimation Sm Richland has adopted the Internationally accepted opproach to estimating uncertaInties described In -M ST Technical Note 1297, 1994 Edidon". The approach, 'Law af Prpagtlion of Errors",

Involves the kIdnification of all variables In an analytcal method which are used to derive a rsul. These variables gm related to the analytical msult (R) by some 1mclional retlaonsbipl R - constants 9 f(l;yz,.).

The components (xyz)aQe evaluated to determine teir contribution to die overall method uncertainty.

The Individual component uncertainties (u uam then combined using a statistical mode[ that provides the most probble overall unertainty value. All component uncertainties am categorized as tpe A, evaluated by statistical methods, or type B, evaluated by other means. Uncertainties not incluoedel Inthecompoucats, suci as sample homognefty, in combined with the component uncuiranty u ho squae rot of ft sum-or-the-squarcs of the Individual uncertainties. Thc unecrtalnty associated with the derived result Is the combIn:d uncertainty (us multiptled by the caverage flctor (1CA o 3).

When three or more sample replicates am usstd to derive the analytical msult the tp A uncertainty Is the standard deviation ofthe mean value (St1), whero S is thc standard deviation ofthe derived results. The pe B uncertalnties ar all other random or non-random components that are not Included Inthe standard deviation.

The derivation of the general 1Law of Propagation orErrars" equations and specific example are available on requesL STLRlch~and rptGenllaFo 3.n2 STL RICHLAND 4

l  :* t _ -

Report Definitions II Actionlev An agreed upon activity level used to trigger some action when the final result Is reter then or equal to the Actlon LeveL Often the "ain Level Is elated to the Decision Lit!t I Batch The QC preparation baleb umber that relates lbomty samples to QC samples that wr prepared and autdyzed I together.

i !Bls Deflncd by the equation (ResultlExpccted)-l as defined by ANSI N1330.

COC Nn Chain orCustodyNuber assigned by the Client or STL Richlend.

Count Error (Ns) Poisson counties statistlcs oflhc grs sampl countand background. The uncertaInty Isabsolute and In the sime unit as tbzrcI!L Far Itquld ScitilltatIonCmzng(LSC) d batch blank eount isthc bkgound.

Tetal Usert (Ns) All knh uncertaintnes associated with the preparation and analysis orthe sample ir propagated to give a measure u,. -Cnihbned erhe mcertn associated with dhe m, dle combIncd aWt iy. Thc uncctainty Isabsolute and Inthc Unurtainty. sane units as the rultL (Ns), Camarage The coverage Ihotor defines the width ofthe confidence Interval, 1,2or3 standard devIatfors.

. Factor CRDL (R3 Conntactual Required Detection imlt as defined Inthe Clicet's Statement Of Waok or m PT Rchland "deflW '

nominal deedcion limit. Oftcn referred to tle reporting level (RL Le Decision Level based on Instrment background or blank, adjusted by the Eflicieacy, ChemIcel Yield, mnd Volume assoaiated with the sample. 77e Type I earr prabablihly Isapproxlmntcly 5M. Le.(1645

  • Sqo(2'EkgndCntlBkgdCntMlnySCotMn)) ' ConvFctkElPYltd*AbnYoil) 4 fgFctl). For LSC niethods the batch blank Isused as a measure ofthc background vuldbIllIy. La cannot ba calculated when die background count Is zero.

Lot-Sample No Thenumbrasigned by tIhUMS sftwar Ito trackslc s recIved on tbesmanc dayfori given elienL The samnple number Isa sequential number assigned to eah sample In the Lot.

MDqMDA Dciection Level based on lastrunent background or blank, adjusted by the Eficitncy, Chemical Yicld, nid Volume wiUhaTypcl ntdI rrrprobabflityorapprxm y5% MDC - (4.15 Sqdmk1natlkn dQ:WwtYSln)+lNtm +2.711SCalMn) * (CanvFetl(E* Yld

  • Ab 'Val) *IngrPc). For LSC methods the batch blank Isuscd as amcasure otlhec background vauinbility, Primary Detector The Instrument Idcntlllcrussucltod with the analysis of the sample aliquot; Ratio U-234111-238 Thc U.234 rcsult divided by h U-2389 resuL Tbc U-234U-23 rato r nalumi un InN ST SIM 4321C Is 1.031.

RsMM=DC Rtlo ortte Result to the MDC. Avalue grcater than I may indicate activity above baclground ala high level of canfidence caution should be used when applying this limder and it should bC used In concert with the qualiEries casociatd With the resUL RsUrrotlecrt Ratio ofthe Result to the Total Ulcertalnty. Irthe uncertainty bas a coverage i=or of 1 valuegrcater than I way Indicatc activity ahove background d approximately tme 9S% ltvel ofarnfidence assuming a two.sdded confidence Interval. Cumionnshould be used when applying bis Ibtor md k should be used In conccrt wlih dth qualifirs uissocited with the sulL Report DI No Samplb Identifier sd by die eprttsystem heanumber Isbased upon the first five digits ofri e Work Order Number.

RER The equation Replicate Error Ratio - (S-DYsqdMt.PF+ TPUd 1)] as defined by ICFT BOA when S Is the ariginal sample result. lIs the result afthe duplicte, TPtIs Isdte total uncertainty ofthe original sample mid TPId Iste lot! ncertainty ofthe duplicate SapsI.

SDG Sample Delivery roup Nutnbcr assigned by th Client or assigned by Sm Richland upon sample receipt.

I Sum Rpt Alpha The sumoflte reported alpha spec msults hr teats derived ffa the same sample excluding duplicate tent where I Spec Rsts) the results are ti the sane unis.

I Work Order The LIMS softwareu.sgn est specief Identifier.

  • Yield The recoveouibIicradded to th sample such as Pu-242 used to traceaft-239140 Einthod.

.. . - .. J STL Rdchland rplGcntrallnrav3.72 STL RICMLAND 5

S&mple Results Summaty Date: 20-Nov402 STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Client Sanple ID,Batch No Report No.: 20994 5DG lNo: 21414 Woyk Order CUont Number Pwamninr Result - Uncertaintr ( 2s) Qual Units Yield MI3CNO0A RER 95234M0WC"11AF FAPR71AD TRmIUM 721E42-0 3AE-02 J pCtlg 10.O00% 7.195-02 9523-M0001iAF FAPR7IAC TECHNElUM-99 -7.5M2 4 22E-01 U pCUIIg 100.00% 314 i01 9523-000QOIAF FAPR71M CARBON-14 1.28ME0 - 7.7E.02 U pCig 100.00% 1.43E-01 9523-001001 1AF DUP FAPR71AE TRITIUM 8E-02 - 3.7E-02 U pClg 100.00% 7.61E-02 0523-ooa0W OaAFS FAPTFIAO TRITUM 2.822 s 4.1E-02 U pCVIg 10.00%A 8.88E-02 9523-O0O011AFS FAPTFIAC TECHNET1UM-99 -1.17E-O 21-01 I U pWC 100.00%Y 3.10-01 9523-M000011AFS FAPTFIM CAR3ON14 -1.1E202 7.E02

- U pCltg 10.W% 1.431-01 0523G0.C0i0AFS DUP FAPTF1AE TECHNErlUM-99 -1.02-E1- 2201 U pCUG 100.00 3.12-01 9523-C000-026AF FAPTLIAO TRITIUM 7.48E-02 65E.8-02 U pCVg 100.00% 1E3-01 9523OoXa.2ffAF FAPTL1AC TECHNETnUM-99 1.8E-01 2.3E-01 U pCGIg 10Q.00% 3.1901 0523-0000-025AF FAPTLIM CAREON-14 5.12E-3 - 7.6E-02 U pCVg 100Q.% 1.43E-01 0531-00MO13AF FAPTR1AD TRITIUM 1.72E-01 6.1E-02 G J pCVg 100.00% 1.32E-01 95314oO-013AF FAPTRlAC TECHNETIUM-9S 3.15E201 4 24AE-01 J pCg 100.00% 3.8E-01 9531-00o-013AF FAPTRIM CARBON-14 L73E-02 4- 7.5-02 U pCVg 10Q.W% 1.43E-01 531^-000-OI3AF CUP FAPTRIAE CAR1ON-14 -3A9-02 4 7.SE-02 U pCUg 100.00% 1.43E-01 9531-00v 010W-Af FAPTVIAD TRITIUM 4.82-E2 +- 3.0E-02 U pCS:U 100.00% L.032-02 9531-M000-1iAF FAPTVIAC TECHNELUM-99 3.17E-01 24E-01 J pCMQ 100.Q0% 3.0BE.01 9531-0000-015AF FAP1Y1M CARBON-14 - .31E-E02 +- .6T2- U pCV9 10.00% 1.43E-01 NumzaerafReeUtts: 18 STL Richiand R= -rtptcsm Et r RtmrR- 05-IAsqrltsqMrVl)hqTPUd))3 u ddl9ltd by lCTIOA.

IpLTLRchSaSum JQu *e #UqutliflerbInseme iugned adthe aulib belwlRe portlm RL(CRDL)e prlqer Value Is Ea mate V311 AST U Qua - A=Iyztd far, but gme cdl it ten Gmethen tb deladulTt Uuart orugmma Kcan sftware f1d not WattUy the audide.


QC Results Summarly Date: 20-Nov-02 STL Richland STLRL Ordered by QC Type. Batch No.

Reprt No.: 20994 SDG No-' 21414 Work Order WorkOrder QCTypae Number Parameter Rosultl-Uncertalnty I 2s) Cu Units Yheld RaDvez Stas UB Dq A I

MATRIX SPIK FAPTLIAE TECHNETIUM-99 2.52E+01 - 1.fE+00 pMtg 100.00% 92.70% -0.1 325E-01 BLANK ac FAREFIM TRITM -3UGE I.4E-01 U pCVg 100.00% 3.08E-01 BLANK QC FAR8K1M TECHNETlM-99 2.02E-01 +-2.32.01 U pCVg 100.00% 305E-01 BLANKQC FAROMIM CARBON-14 -4.7aE-02 -7.SE.02 U pCUg 1W.C0% 1.44E-01 LWS FARMFIAC 7TRIUM 5L74E+00 +- 3.921-01 J pC11j 100.013a 08.78% 0.0 3.17E-01 LCS FARBKIAC TECHINElUM-s 1.31E+01 4-1.0Et00 J pCUg 100.01% 85.89% 0.0 3.0E-01 LCS FARBMIAC CARBON-14 2A9E41 4-1.5E21 J pCV9 100.I% 99.00% 0.0 1.44E2-1 Number of Resufls: 7 hlLRlcland 0D1s -.(RuWEzpeftd3- hsdedIaedhyANSNIN3X.

tpSTLRchucSum JQud -No Uqnlas tecn uupud cuthe 11 k tcow Ibe Rpordag Lii, RL(IL) *r ReportVluels Eted. AO? U QualtJAmabed hr.butthorudultsen Ohli Ihe UdeiiItTeol Unter or gammua stn s0hn diudlfotutilify *A enSide.


I Lab Name: STL Riehhand Lot-Sample No.: J2403074 SDG:


21414 20994 Date: 20-Nv-02 Cofleotton Date: 10117120022:10:0OPM Received Date: 10/242002 11:55:00 AM Client Sample1 D: 9523-O00041DAF COC No.: Marbc SOIL Ordered by cOent. ganueID.Batch N.

Count Tefl MDCIMDA, Rpt Un4t Yield RmC, An ysl Total go AlIquot Analy Muthod, P sumatr ROeu Qud MrW(25) Uneert(2 ) ActonLev L L CRDU RtIotet Prp Oa ST= Size Pflnmy Detector Rat in:994 Wutk Ordtw. FAPRTIAD ReportDDt OFAPR71O TllmUM 7.21E-02 J "E-02 3.5-02 7.195S02 pM 100.00% (1. 111610 10.15 p 1002 Em 3.34E-02 1J.BS5t (I.1) g Lscs Beatch 220424 Wo* Ortder FAPR7"AC mport 8 9 0FAPR7IO TECINETIUM-9 -7.50E0 UI 1.3"-1 2.2151 3.14501 pCIfg 100.00% -0.24 111102 01:43 a &0 MM 1.52E-01 5.04E-01 -0ff. 9 Lsc atan 229M8425 Work Orden FAPR71M ReportDO. OtAPR7¶ CAR9OT414 1.28E-02 U &B1E-2 7.7EiO2 1A3E-01 pCtf 100.00% Q09 1110/02 09:13.a B.04 RC5422 7.04E-M 2.26E01 a34 LSC3 Number.1Reenl~ 3 Co_:enb STL Richiand MDIMMDALo - OVetacn Deaision Lay, based anetnamant biftaund or bank, adNsted by the sampt. Offlancy, YW, and Volume ptsn.l gaipl J Oum - No U qirnliffr has been assged and the uiaftiS below tm Repotting Ulnfl, RL (CR01.) or R t Vdue Is EsMated V3WN6 AST U Cu.-Anyd tor, but ie amttlssan FdMdalTotl Unoertorganmscara softa dd notiden uthenlid.

FORM I H Date: 20.Nov-0 SAMPLE RESULTS t1 Lab Name; Lot-Bgampt ST2 Richland No.: J2J240307-2 Client S8mple D: 9523-000-OIIAFS SDG:

Report No.:

21414 20994 Callection Date: 10f1712002 2:10:00 PM Recived Date: 10/24J2002 11:55:00AM COC No.: Matrhi SOL Ordered by Client Spale ID.Butch N.

Count TOt MADCMD, Rpt Unit, Ypdd RfUM Analysis. rOtl 5a Afiquot At Meted, Paanmeter Result Owtl E-r(2s) Ums1 2a) AMOM Lev La CRMRL) RatlbHiert prp DatA Size sb Primawy Dehtctor Oatah: 22923 Wovk Ordne FAPTFIAO RepotD010; 9FAPTFIO TRf11UM 2.JE8 2 U VE-02 U E4.1-02 -. 85M pCT 1Q00 t03 11-1021139p 1OU B sO 4.11E-02 1.s5.ol 11.3) 9 LBC5 Dab: E2293424 W CidOver FAPM1AC ReptdD0M: 9FAPTlt 1ECHNTUAM. -1.17t-01 U 1.3-01 2.16.01 Meg-Di pCIg 100.0% -031O 11fl5O62M 2:45a 5.0 RICHR78 1.51E-01 a.042E01 -(1.1) n Lscs Betch: 229UZS Work Order FAPTFIM Report D8 ID: 9FAM10 CARBON-14 -1.06E02 U B.02-02 7..02 1.43E-01 pClg 100.00% -0.07 11102 12:35 p 6011 R=5022 7.04E-02 22-?;01 426 ISC3 Number of Resutb. 3 commerds SYL fthland H IDMAALs- Defteoloni Decislon LeW Oebn ltoimmnt.nbaokground orblank, Wputd MI the vimphl EfldeMy, Yild, md Vorme n f S mh J Ou- lNo U quliferhas been adsigd and the reultIs below Om RePortng Lmlt RIL (CRD4 or Report Valu es fsftm V3 9O U t .Au.Alsy edfo.b tU ir*lslaet n tisU Md al htI leumisofthae U a W did attdm fft Isnc d

%o I

FORM I Date; 20DNov-0 I SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name STL Rlchland SM.0 21414 Colectlon Date: 1011M002 0:00 PM Lotaeample No4 12J240307-3 Repot No.: 20994 Receeved Dstt 104/2002 11:655:00 AM ClIent Sample 1D 9523Q00O*02SAF CO No.: Matrb SOIL Ordered by Cried 5anPle ID.Batch No Count TOWa MatmOA& Rpt unlt, Yfdd RtIMOC, Anani, Ttal Sa Aflquot AnaV Metfhd, Pemetur ReSult QuO Enrr(2 Uneft2 e) Atfn Lev La CRFlD4RL R otUot Prep Dats She Si5 PmyDer Batclh 2293423 W Or1er. INAPTUIAD RepevrtDSD 9FAPTLI0 TRITIUM 7.485E02 U S5-0 11=-0 138E-01 pCNg 100.00% 0.54 1117/021221 50.6 M 5.41F -02 1.65E+01 (3) Q LSC8 z22e424 2a29h: Worktar. FAPILAC ReportDi 10 UFAPTLUO leIN5 tM9 1.OSE-0 U IAE.-1 201 S19O1 pCUM 100.C0% 053 llf1W02 04:49 a 5.0 RICRC5 115S!101 5.04&01 (1.6) 9 LSC Sh: 229Mm25 WVourOkrd FAPTLIlM Reprt DB D OFA910 CARBON14 5.12E.03 U B.Mi02 7=S!02 143Ei01 pCIg 100.00% 0.04 11/10/02 03:5 p 5.027 RC50m 7.J0E-0 2.2ME01 a13 8 LSC3 NumberofResutis 3 Comment.

8TLRbhhand MCNDA. Deon, Deeafdon 1! d d on l t bechgmd orbink, aLsd by te same Isenc Yeldd, and Volu rpt9TLP4impls J QuC.-NOU qaiffer has been msid and he filt Isbelow the ReporY RL R4 CReprta h.Esmad elnta V35 AST UCW -Alm"d fot, btte eult Is less M the MdeMdftThtI UneOr arMnw sui seoest did n Idsntf ttm uvueffde H



£ Lab Namer. 311 Rlchlarld FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG:

Date: 20-NoVO2 21414 Collecton Date: 10121/20021::2M:0 PM Lot-Sample No: J2J2403074 Report No.:. 20994 Received Date: - 102412002 11:55:00 AM CIrent Sample ID: 9531-00C0.3SAF COC No.: Maubw SOIL Ordered bv dlent Semolei ID.Batch No.

Count TOMa MDCfMDA, RPt Uit. Yield RsIIMOC," AnalYsis, Tatalfl Atlqxot AuWYMyMeiDd Puruumeter Result Qual Invt ( 2 ) Uncefl2a3) Actlon Lav La CRDL(RL) Ra otieut Prep Ode St Wna Primary Detector Battle 229S423 Wjoik Ordler FAPIRAD fteportosifti WAPTRIO TRITIUM 1.725-01 J 5.7-02 8.15-02 1.325.01 pCtIg 100.0% (1.3) 11/7/0201:048 50.8 s9V1 8.313!-2 1.65E401 (L7) Lem8 Butch: 2298424 Wa*Onren FAPTR1AC Report fliD11 UFAPmIVI TECHPJfflUM-99 S.1SE.01 J 1AE:-01 2AE-01 3.0215431 pCVtg 100.00 (1.) 11/1/0 oe65 5.0 RICHRC5O7 IA9E-01 5.04E-01 (Z7) S Batch-. 223842 Work Order. FAPTRIM RepartDOV.~ BFAPTRIO CARBON44 .3.73E.02 U 8.0E.02 7.5-02 IA2E-01 pCtVg 100.00% .0.5 110102 0720 p 5.043 RC502 5.99E-02 2.26551 -1. g L5C3 Numberof Resftitt 3 51.Lcdtilad MDCJMD,LC-Det"0tor% Declafon Lovw bused onhwharnieft bacround orbiank. adjuste by th sample 01IT~ency, Yield and VoluRme rptMURchffample J Qunl -No Uqualflherhas been miguedoen thetesat is below five Rapeftfn Limi, RL.(CRDL) vrReparti Vue Is Wutmeed VS." A97 UQWm -Anaolyzed for.butthe fesult is Less flin di.lldcIMdal"ta Uncett or gamnme scan xontwavo did flat derr~ty Itthe nucffde.


I Lab Name: SL Riohiand Lot-Sample Noz J240307-5 SOG:

Report No.:

FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS 21414 20994 Colleetion Date:

ReceveWd Date:

Date: 20-Nov-02 10/21/2002 1:2000 PM 10/24/2DO2 11:55:0D AM Clent Ssmple tD. 9531-OO4ISAF COC No.: Marbc. SOIL Total MDCIMDA, Ordered by Cen Sample 10, Bach No.

Count liptuaft, Yield lo TOWs Mq~MD.% Rptum Yielnd RStMOC, Antayals, Toal Sa Aliquot Arna MaUtod, Par ResAlt Oust Enr 2x) Unaetlz) ActionLav La CRDLMJ RatToUesrt Prep Data1 Dss 812 PrtlDaltactor I -

Rtu 2M9M2 Work orde. FAP1TVAD R t DB ID 9FAPVO TRmUM 4.85E-02 U 2.85.02 30502 8.03E-02 pC9 100.00% 11170201:48 a 1002 E90M 3.73E402 1.O5E+01 o LSCG Buatch 229824 Work OEer FAPTVIAC RepoftD9lD: 9FAPTV10 TECHNEU9M 3.17E-01 .1 1.A- 2AE.401 348E.01 pCUf 100.00% (1.) W1n8/2 m07:5 5.0 RHRK80?

1A 2501 8.04E-01 (2.7) I . L.

Batlch 229842 Work Order. FAPTVIM Report De W.: FAPTVO CARDONr4 1.31E-02 U 8.15.02 7.8502 1.4S-01 pCtO 10.00% 111/02 02:05 a 5.01B 7.035-02 22EO1 0.34 9 LSC3 Number of Resuft: 3 CommenW:

8TL liotnd MDCRMDA-,-Defetfon Dechlon Loyal based an Inroumm enbukgmun oabmK adjustid by the xample E!llae, Yeld, and Volume.

pLfhftle J Qod - No Uqualr has been masIgned adnthe moult is below the Reporting Lmit RL (CRL or ReponVue Is fstimbeK V= AS? U Qul -Anlyd t butihmlt bi l than t MdalTobI Uetor gmuna aen aofta dkdnt fthd . ittiuldO.

Io Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-nSmple No.: J240307-1 SDG:

Repoft No.: 20994 FORM 11 DUPUCATE RESULTS 21414 Date: 20-Nov-2 Coflecilon Date: 1D1712002 2:10:W PM Recelved Oatt 10/241200211:65:00 AM CieOt Sample IQ: 9523-o4OO11AP DUP COC No.: Matft. SOIL Rull; Count TOM MDCpMAI RptUnitk RIMIC A*alsi. TcblSa Aqut AnaYFlethO Pamma OCfgtRt MM ftW(2') Unceft(I a) ActIon Lev CRDL Yifol RSWDWrmt Pep Data SEIM Sit PduayDe2tdor ataht 22423 Work Owdun FAPRiC Raped ID: FAPR71ER Oda aSias .I TITIUM 3.88- U 3E-02 7.E02 7813E-m pCug 100M0% 0.51 111801Wp 100.2 EM 7.1E- J RER 1.3 -1.801 21) LSCB Numberof Rmuro: I Comnments a-" 1n.Iamu

_-. n__ie

_ _--I

".i- Inf - M s~eyIU w ueaedbf CrBOIA I

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02 FORM 11 I Lab Nameg STL Mchland SUG:

DUPLJCATE RESULTS 21414 Date: 20-Nov-02 Collection Date: 1017/2002 2:100O PM Laot-Smple No: J2J240307-2 Report No.: 20994 Receihed Dats: 10/2412002 11:56D0 AM Client Sample ID: 9523a0000I4AFS DUP COC No.: Matft SOIL ROM1, Count ToMl MDCIMOA, RptUrtktX PstIM AfneWls, To SB Atfqut Awly Mt Pagawlg aO uSttdCl Emt(2) Ulcerg2s) AelonLew CRDL yiel RsdotUJM PWp Da 8 m Pdmwy Detedor Och,: 22944 WVAOrdax. FA IAE aPMOt S Ik FAPTF1Eft Oil S DB t0:

IECKNtI1UM4 -1.- U 1.3-01 2.2P50 3.125-01 pCV9 1O0.OD% -0.33 11115203:479 A.0 RICHRC507

-1.17E-0t U RER 0I S.0461 0. U LaCe Nuniberao Rmuftb I Comanlbi 7LRlflhhnd tim t..n...Wf Er.t ,u~ ~lhfL.

- _d1..

_ vjn vt U-1 idlec, by flBAW H


  • ^--r MDCINAA.nDtewde, Dcddm Leyd huudn inauuim bwkgraved arbt"14squite by it..

U Qug -Muted Irs, batTh zwkl luatbn tbe.idMdeujl Uluft or psuSa ieifwtdM r@dtttylb.f mie.

to Smelmney, Yid, md Vats. r-*v-,--


I Lab Name:

Lot-Sample No,: J240307-4 icand STL RM SDG:

Report No.:

FORM II DUPLCATE RESULTS 21414 20994 Collection Date: 101a2 Date: 20-NoV-02 m002'1-28:00 PM Received Date: 101241200211:!5:00 AM CUent Sample ID: 9S31.000.I3AF DUP COC No.: Matrk SOIL Rest, Count TOtW MOCfMDA. RptUnft, RtIMwoc Auulps, T DS AlMquot Ady Metdhod, Palm Oft Ret aujl &Mr (2s) Unwq 2 e) Awan Lev CRWM. Yvd Rstfbtu PreppVato aim Eko Prmarioetetw Bstta 2298425 WbkCrde: PAPTRIAE lRpt COMl FAPTRIER Odfsaftao .

CAREONt14 3.809-02 U 8.05-02 7.5MM0 1.43E-01 pCIg 100.00% -027 1111010210A4 p a.025 RC5022

-3.73E02 U RER 0.0 22sO -1.) LSC KmberafResur. t Cammufwut, 3.

7LRAS aT d . Reenur RER nR d - DS IqS l ddad by ICIT BOA.

rpaT~LRstDupV2.S M DCJ DAC.Dbtfcg Deeia Leyt bstdefl h tiwjen bma r~m or bLak adluffd by (fiesapk E mduiY ldd, *rdVae 6 As r u Quul A a y m . hWrb at the tu if isb a tt1 Ik M wIM d zhIbtu uhe or pe a, mn s w r cdM ne t ld ut t Ee a ~ .



co FORM 11 Date: 20-Nov-02 BLANK RESULTS Lab lName: STL R~chiarld SOG: 21414 Lot-Sample No.: 12250000-423 Report No.: 20994 Matix: SOIL COunt TOW mqMDAI ptUnltt R ntIMC, Ansbmd% Total Oa Alqott Analy Method, Parametf ROSMut QuaM wr () Unwet ) La CflL Yield Rstateeft Prep DataSrim Size PHnuyDeater bt 229M423 Wrk Order. FAR8MM ReporDDIM: FPARIPAS TmhUM 42002 u 1.2E-01 AES-0 3.0E- pC 100.00% -0.1 11020M51 p 10.0 E9080 1.4301 IASE+0 4S 89 L tio

- _ . _~ . 1.80 -. .OA - -. _-. -_ .- ,*_,_

beofResult I Cwmmenta SmRdand MOCMIALA. - VDdettlon Dcfsion Lad boxed on hotument bockaand or blank. adestd by the nample Eicieny, Yeld, xnd Volume.

bWLRcbM=nl U Owd -Ahabd for, bat hm lIS Im Om the M"Idhotf Uurerf orwamma gmr sft e did au hfdetIl the ndifd.



I FORM 11 BLANK RESULTS Date: 20Nov-02 Lab Name: STL Rlehland SDG: 21414 Lotmpt~fs No- 32250000424 RepoitNo.: 20994 Matrbc SOIL count Tow M DA. RptUnit, RBVIMC, Adsy, ToelUs A rlquot A"ly P1hod PaRumeawr Retjt Cunt EI (25) UncerXl2s) La CFIDL Yield PstraJtceit pmp Wit Sb e Pwmafyotmctr Batch: 2298424 WorkOrder. FARSlIM RePei DCM: FARUKIAS TECtHNEMTU 202S41 U I1M-01 23E-01 .SED01 pCVU 100.00% ABs 11/1802 0857 a 5.0 RIWORCM78 1.8O-01 5.04EO1 _(1.8) g LSCB Numbwrof Reuta I Cm,,nt STL Ritand MOCPaL . Detechin, Decislon Level bued on hobturflet baekgrouid or blank, dusted bytIho smp ElefTny, Yied, and Vom MtLRwnMnk U Qmd-.Aud for, bht Onemrs Irn lesm the b dNdWdEITO Uweart e ' MOn so1twure did t Idmafi Ihe nadde V3M Agr p-


m 0

FORM II Date: 20-Nov-02 H

BLANK RESULTS Lab Name: 8. RMchiand 800: 21414 Lot-Sample NoJ .12J2OOW425 ReportNo.: 2099 Matrir: SOIL Count TOW MOCIMDA, RtptUntt, RtumO. Ary TcftjlSa AMlquot Ansly MetGod Pwtar Rmlt Qual ermr(21 UnCat 2.) La CRDL yld Utuctd pM Date MM slM Prmat cta batata m2294 Work owder.n ARRMM Rpot D8 Io: FARDM1A CARSON-14 -4.739-02 U &LOE-02 7.WA-2 1.44E-01 pCV9g 1000Q% 40M 111O10202:28a 5.0 RC3022 7.05Q 226-01 -(1.3) 9 LSC3 Cummbeof

=MLeddtand MDCjMDA- Detcon. Zledaiaon Lewi baed anob btn ttoa orulu,w ijustd bythe sample Eff y, idandValum hSTLRctdbn* Ii Qud -Mhlyad Ibhueth matu the the Mtlusa set l dord gamma earpsu v sdid as de~dtf the ueld&d V3.WA7


Ul1 a)

FORM B Date: 20-Nov-02 LCS RESULTS Lab Name: ST Richland SOO: 21414 LaSampla No: J2J2500-423 Report No.: 20994 MatC SOIL Count ToMal Report Expected Reavay, Arnlyss. Aliquot, Analy Method, PraMm e r Result Qual Ew ( 2 u) UIncerl(a 3) MMMDA Unit Yield Ewpectd UVcct Dins Prep Date Sim Primay petactor B utWt 22994 3 WorkOrder. FARBFIAC ReportB X: FAREMCS 7Rmum 6.74E+00 &S54-1 3SE-01 3MM74E1 pCilh 100.00% 8.83E50 2.35-01 88.78% 111810209:33p 10.0 E908.0 Rec Umits: 70. 130. 0.0 U Lscs Numberof Resuut. 1 C.e BTL Rfteand 12s - (RahltEzpewd)-l as defined by AI N13J rptsTLRtLas I.V3.96AS7 Fw v

I Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No6: J2J250000-424 FORM 11 LCS RESULTS SDG: 21414 Report No.: 20994 Matrx SOIL Date: 20"Nov-02 Count Totl Repoft Eqma Rfcmry, Analys,% AUqut Anaty Mutaod, Pnmefer Reslt MI EBDr(2) Uant(2 a) MDIMOA UnIt Yield Exliud Uneert mu PrpoDate Bmm Prmay Daector Balat 2295424 WorkOrder FARI11AC Report O : FARIKICS

  • rCHNETWUO99 1.31 E+01 3.2E01 1.EtOO 3."-1 pCI 100.0% 1.362.01 3.15.01 95.89% 111110209:698a 5.0 R!CHRCSO7S Rec UmnIrn 70. 130. 0.0 LWCS Number of Regulfta I Comens SLRthbnd mu -(ReudVEped1). - bddWlbfAMMU.

V3.95 Asr a

I w-FORM 11 LCS RESULTS Date: 20-Nov-02 Lob Namie. SiL Rfctifand SDG: 21414 Lot-sample No.: J2J260009425 Report No.: 20994 Matrix: SOIL Count Total Rejoft E~veted Ram~ry. Analyisho Alquot Ansfy Meffwd, P mrtfarN Result QLunt wn(2.) Unceaft2 s) PJ!DqMDA Unit Yield lFperted Uncurt Digs Piep Ogi Otto PrlmaMyDitacr I

Batcla 229B42 Woik* Order-. FARMMAO ReportlD310: FAROMICS 0AR50144 2A9E400 JE-OM I.SE-0' 1A415-01 pCl/g 100.00% 2.72Ei00 SJE02 99.00% 11110/M2 05:50 a 5.0 RCSM2 Rea LUmit: 7 130. 0.0 a L5C3 Nwaberof Resuris I omn SILRlchland Mus- (Ruutffzpecft*xl s defiwedbyAVMSNL3XO 1-&

I Lab Name: ST` Richland Lot-Sample No- J2J240307-3 FORM 11 MATRIX SPIKE RESULTS SDo: 21414 Report No.: 20994 Matbim SOIL Date: 20-Nov-02 SpkeeRMA Camit Taf! RptUnit, Rio- Eqp. Exp Aualysi Alfquot Arqly Method, Paramebr Drg Rst Qual Ermr125s Unet2 s) MBWMIDA CRDL - Yield avey eatd Uncert Prep Data Elb Pufilay Detectar Batcti 2291424 Work OiorAP1AMME Repat DB 10 FAPTLIEW OrfSo DBID:

TECHN8fWu99 2.52E+01 4A4M-01 1.8*E00 325E-01 pCVIg 100.00 92.70% 2.72E+01 8.1E0 11161U0205:51 a .0 RHRCKI78 RER g LsCe Humber of Res~tr. I RER ror Ibfo

-PRtp=at =.D)tpqvtq(TPUS 1 debnd n BOA VNRAhMs Bos . (u ft am defined by ANSI N13.30.



ConiecftlcYhhkeeD==ccinmseo ?oct242jO0.PP-GOGR-1R51U4-MOAwwmcmetA oRchtel Procedurel--II U -...

I Dedhtd Powr Corporation 362 Win EOfhIW RWARuftE=l, C0 MoM Name: HaddamNac Conactae Naue: Imck1Aa~atby ThcbMP 1460-267-25560It3D24 lssioihm Chain of Custody Form

_ Anun inyz COCNo: 00101 PAL # 2426tSB-S40532-AC L~tI IM14sted*

1 -

AyfIicta Lob (Nauie, City, SJate Type 1 Tpe2 Type3 MLRRcblnand,4  : . .

2800 aeoWashWi ouWiy Riddand WA99352 Attendn.Burb0lespi _

Priodmzs Q s30D.OEl O7D. LSASAP,-

SampleDedgnation Date Time lug 952344000.001AP" 10/17/2002 1410 Ts I a I1 BFSSOTHIR A VI___

9523-0000 PS / 10117002 1410 TS a* BP 1 BPMSOTH1R N/A

,______ ._ 1430 (-,

-. _ _ .~ l fl~____ - _S


- . . .- - .IA -

NOTES: Maltiple

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3) Relinq"dshet!By Dddlm 4)ReceiedBy DttIamo; . ., tody. alet7.

3 Refllidshed By D /ztfrne ) By,'

  • pRath-ad ateg - . . .

Bil ofIadIng#

Keen G3! YWet%1WSTO _ .E . .

Cuufnar¶~p B?.. Fis Ba,BC lb~g,. PlSC5Jld~m OGG~s,M:hlberg2sY .VizllJ [I~t0t Frechtel 4M- .-

  • MATRIX OF R]EQUUI ANALYSES AND DETECTION SENSITVITIES ColualnI Colun=2 Calumn3 Colun 4 BFSSOTHR Rndianuilidc Analysts SollMDC (pcLV) Requimd Arnalysis7 C-14 CLIquidScintillation) 22w-l1 y H-3 squid Scintillation) 1.6513+01. Y Tc-g9 (Lquid Scintillation) 5.0413-01 Y
  • 1 ST RICEMAND 24

kbwnectcut Yankee Decoumissionig Proct 2425GUGGR-R5104-03AttaW nt A I kJechtel Procedure Pago 1 oF I I Bechtel Power Corporation 3dti Jzm Hol tm Rizpton crm0424 860.2679256 ProjeCt N=ae: Haddum NeckDecommissoni-=

f Chain of Custody Form An >es eiI COC No: 2002-00102 P.O. #- 24269-FS-00352-AC AsM Code: 24265-200.034AA3 Lab Use oniy Contact Name: Jack McCarys CO r.

Phonw. 1460.267-2556 ext 3024 d

Analoylcal Lab (Namne City, State): Typel Typo 2 Type 3 STLRIchimuld, 2800M G Washington Way Richand. WA9952 Atentlo: Barb OMill s } b b .*

readt El 30D.C3 7D. ASAP a  ; ____.

Sample Designation Date Tiue CMnMt, lmbSwumptlD 9531s-000013A7 1J0I 2 2 1328 TS_ BPG. 1 ESO'ZHR _A_ WA 9531.00001isAY 1M02 _ 1320 TS G BP BFSSOTBR B1 _ ___ PRAI NOTS: Muldple IndIvIdwoIs perfrming sampling. reer to I3ily Survey jouna &eet fhr n of team mniem Simpleds ntetnaI Cofltniner

__ ___ ___ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ shipp d VhIa T~Ympa - Deg. C meBDatelrme 2)n= H Fed Ex UH~and Custody YO Sealed?


Pelinquished By Dstme 4 i 7 baldr

5) Relinquished By Datedlme 6) Received Bj
  • Di Bill of Ldlng#

Meu i3 Cet WVGOGtwaea WFs SwfEtc Wo .t M "

wWmaer WF.' uy Wl:Sm Worn, FWW: iflaWnt War .Ws ASt . SWIlM SE: Sudu, G:

TV . CflS C , or 0b Saw*I7AwCode SimPle1yeC U0.CBaCOwupnuC CD: DuPuS: pt ^ hdBlkSD: akfi tMinISP!Ut~O~Oihu

_otlo~p - -uBOUaP.bIeS 1._GuAmcr~uV _ _e .TO Bechfel to

MATRIX OF REQUIRED ANALYSES AND DElhUCION SENSITIVItIES Column I Column 2 Column 3 Cldumn 4 BFSSOTHR Radionuclidc Anailyses Soll MDC (FpCag) adysis?

C-14 (liquid Sdntlfladon) 2.25E.1 y H-3 (aqud Scltdltion) I.M5E.1 y Tc-99 (quid Scnfgat) 5.04EI-O1 y


Standing Order HPM 02-002 Attachment B Sample Notification Date: October21, 2002 To: Barbara Gillespie From: Jack McCarthy Please be advised that sample numbers 9521-0000-008F, 9521-0 013F and 9521-0000-015 in this package may contain trace 009F, 9521B00O0 amounts terlal tt has been determined to be below the DOT requirement of radioactive cmnie. to be regulated in Please handle them whh standard laboratozy practices.


Analytical Data Package Prepared For Bechtel CT Yankee Project Radiochemical Analysis By STL Richland 2800 G.W. Way, Richland Wa, 99352, (509)-375-3131.

Assigned Laboratory Code: STLSL DataPackage Contabis Pages Report No.: 21071 SDG No. Order No. Ofent Saplc ID (List Order) LotnSa N Work Order Repor D ID Batch No.

21203 9531-0000-013F 42J010260-2 E87CNIAL 9E87CN1O 2275373 9531-OOG-01 SF J2J010260-2 E87CN1AG 9EU7CN10 2275384 9531-0000-013F J2J010260-2 E87CNlAH DEB7CNIO 2276389 9531-000D-013F J2J010260-2 ES7CNAC 9EB7CNIO 2275400 9531-000C013F J2J01026t-2 E87CN1AA 9587CN10 2275403 9531-OiOO-013F J24010260-2 EO7CNMAF 9E87CN10 2275404 9531-3000013F J2J010260-2 E87CNlAE 9EB7CN1O 2276407 9531-C00013F J2JO102GO-2 EB7CNtAK SEU7CNIO 2276409 9531-0000.I03F J2J010260-2 EM7CN2AD 9E87CN20 2305287 9531-C009-U1SF J2J010251 EB7CAIAL 9E87CAI1 2275373 9531 -000S5F W2010260-1 ES7CAIAG SE87CAIO 22753B4 9531 -0000-05F J2J10260-1 E87CA1AH SE87CA10 2275389 95310000-O1ISF J2JU10260W1 ES7CAIAC 9S7CA1O 227540D 9531-0000-015F J2J010260-1 ES7CA1AA OE87CAP0 2275403 9531O000D-015F J2JO1D260-1 ES7CA1AF OE87CAU1 2275404 9531000-015F J2J010260-1 E87CAIAE SE87CA10 2275407 9531-0000-015F JJ4O10260-1 ES7CA1AK OES7CA1O 2275409 9531-G000.015F 2J010260-1 E87CA2AD 9E87CA20 2305287 sTn Richland rptSThRMhltev3.73 BTLi RICMBIAND 1

Moatgu eaivb CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS December 18, 2002 Bechtel Corporation 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Cr 06424 Attention: Alan Heter AMENDED SDG Number 21203 Date SDG Received September25, 2002 Number of Samples Two (2)

Sample Type Soil Dao deliverable Summary Report L Introduction On September 25, 2002, two soil samples were received at STL Richland (STLR) for radiochernlcal nnalysis on one chain-of-custody (2002-0064). Upon receipt, the samples were assigned to Lot Number 12.010260 with the laboratory ID numbers to correspond with the Bechtel Corp. (BCr) specificIDs as listed on the cover page.

IL Analytical ResultsMethodology

'ne analytical results for this report arm presented by laboratory sample MD. Each set of data includes sample identificarlon information; analylical results and the appropriate associated statistlicl trrors.

The requested analyses are:. Alpha Spectroscopy Americium/Curium-isotopic by method RICH-RC-5080 Plutonium-238, 2391240 by method RICH-RC-5010 Gas Proportional Counting Strondun-90 by method RICH-RC-5006 Gamma Spectroscopy Gamma Spec by method RICH-RC-5017 Liquid Scintillation Counting Tridurm by method RICH-RC-5037 2


Moicom FUuwq Bechtel Corporation December 18, 2002 Page 2 Technedum-99 by method RICH-RC-5065 Carbon-14 by method RICH-RC-5022 Iron-55 by method RICH-RC-5074 Nickel-3 by method RICH-RC-5069 Plutonium-241 by method RICH-RC-5O0L

m. Quality Control The analytical results for each analysis perfonned under SDW 21203 includes a minimum of one Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) and one method (reagent) blank and one duplicate sample analysis. Any exceptions have been noted in the "Comments" section.

QC and sample results are reported In the sanme units.

IV. Comments Alpha Specdroscopy Arnericium/Curium-isotooic by method RICH-RC-5080:

All results are below the CRDL and/or below the MDC. Except as noted, the LCS, sample duplicate, batch blank and sample results arc within contractual requirements.

Plutonium-238, 239/240 by methodRlCH-RC5010:

All results are below dte CRDL andfor below the MDC. The LCS, sample duplicate, batch blank and sample results ar within contraclual requirements.

Gas Proportlonal Counting Slrontlurn-90 by method R[CHl-RC-M0O6 The samples were processed twice. For the first process batch, the chemical yields were very low or zem. For the second processing set, the yields Were low but acceptable. However, the MDAs are greater than the CRDL. Through all the failed analyses and re-batching, a sample duplicate was inadvertently left out. Except as noted, the LCS, batch blank and sample results am within contractual Tequirements.

Gnmmn Spectroscopy Gamma Spec by method RICH-RC-5O17:

Seventeen oF the eighteen requested radionuclides have been reported for each sample. The Mi-212 was over eight half lives since collection, therefore, not reported. Except as noted, the LCS.

sample duplicate, batch blank and sample results arc within required limits.


WIVE Bechtel Corporation December 18, 2002 Page 3 Liquid ScIntlllatlon Counting Tsitlum by method R!CH-RC-5007:

The samples were dried and prepared for analysis before the technician realized these samples were supposed to have tritium analysis performed on non-dried samnple. No results will be reported for this test Technetlum-99 by method RICH-RC-5065:

The samples were dried and prepared for analysis before the technician realized these samples were supposed to have technlclum-99 analysis perfouned on non-dried sample. Any volatile technicium will not be captured by this test. All results arm below the CRDL and/or below the MDC The LCS, sample duplicate, batch blank, matrix spike, and sample results are within contratual requirements.

Carbon- 14 by method RICH{-RC-5022!

The samples were dried and prepared for analysis before the technician realized these samples were supposed to have carbon-14 analysis performed on non-dried sample. Any volatile carbon that would be driven off during the drying process will not be captured by this test. All results ae below the CRDL and below the UMC. The LWS, sample duplicate, batch blank and sample results are within contractual requirements.

Irmn-55 by method RICH-RC-5074:

All results are below the CRDL and below the MDC. The LCS is at 48%. Since all results are well below the CRDL, the data are accepted as is. Except as noted, the LWS, sample duplicate, batch blank, matrix spike, and sampic results are within contractual rcquirerents.

Nickel-63 by method RICHIRC-5069:

All results are below the CRDL and/or below the MDCQ The LCS, sample duplicate, batch blank, matrix spike, and sample results are within contractual requirements.

Plutonium-241 by method RICH-RC-5080:

The batch blank result is greater than the MDA but below the CRDL There appears to be some background counts, although most likely not Pu-241, In all the samples due to an extraneous source. The laboratory does not subtract the batch blank from sample results unless directed by the client, therefore, all samples may be slightly elevated in activity due to this source of beta energy. All results are below the CRDL andFor below the MDC. The LCS, sample duplicate, batch blank, matrix spike, and sample results are within contractual requirements STL RICEDLA 4

IM NII Bechtel Corporation December 18, 2002 Page 4 I certify that this Certificate of Analysis is Incompliance with the SOW, both technically and for completeness, for other than tet conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager, or a designee as verified by the following signature.

Reviewed and approved:

Earbara MK Gilledple Project Manager STL RICHLAD

Drinking Water Method Cross References



--lnt.ttn. fl I A a. n- n t.. DCD..-. o t

LUnIJL2 TYVAItCA0 IWI Mc InlUU UmuzO mO-sam'Ic Referonced Method Isotope(s) STL Richiand's SOP number EPA 901.1 Cs-134, 1-131 CH1iC-W17 EPA 900.0 Alpha & Bela ICgi-RC-5014 EPA Ra-21 RaJ26Cl-RC50 EPA 904.0 Fla-228 RICH-RC-5005 EPA B05.0 sisa RImlCH-CISW6_

ASIM 02460 Total Radilm RlP-IRC-5027 Standard Method 7TOD-UG & ASIM 15174 Uranium RIGH-RC5058G7 EPA 908.0 Tdil RICH-RC-5Q07 NOTE:

The Grose Alpha LCS la prepamed with Arn-e41 (Unless otriwse spealled In the case narratiw) lhe Gross Beta LCS Ls prepared with SdY-90 (unless othewlse apecilled In the case naiiathsL Uncertainty Estimation Sll Richland has adopted the Internwltonally accepted approach lo estimating uncertaintIes described In"NIST Technical Note 1297, 1994 Edition". The approach, Law a Propagation of Etrrors'.

Involves the Idenifcatinon of all varIables Inan analytical method which ar used to derive a msultL These variables am related to the analytical result (R) by some fundctonal relationship. R - constants

  • f(xy~z,).

The components (xyz) arc evaturted to determine Their contribution to Ihe overall method unertainty.

The Individual component uncertainties tuj are then combinez using a statistical model that provides the most probable overall uncertainty value. AU conmonent uncertainties ar categorized as type A, evaluated by staitstical methods, or type B, evaluated by other means. Uncertainties not Included in the components, such s sample homogeneity, ae combined with the cowmonen auncertainty as the squar root of the sum-or-tim-squaras ofdhe Individual unertainties. The unc~itlty ussoclaied with the derived result Is the combined uncertainty (us) mrutiplicd by the coverage factor (12, or 3).

When the or mor sample replicates are used to derive the annlytica result, the type A uncertainty Is she standard deviation of the mean value (Slvy), where S Is the standrd deviation of thc derived mesults. The type B uncertalntles arm all other random or non-random components that are not Included In the standard deviation.

The derivation of the general Lw of Propagation of Errore equations and specific example arm available an request.

STL RIchland rlCtnueralnto V3.71 STL RICHLAND 6

-ReportDefinitions An agreed upon activity level usedi toigger same actlon when the final ;Rsultis greater than or equa to the Action X

Action Ley


Level. Often dhe Action Level is related to the Decision LnMIL Thc QCpepauon bautch nubrtIhat elates laborty samples to QC smples dt c ppard mad minlyzed to-gcher.

Bias Defined by the equation (ResultiExpected)-l as defined by ANSI N133Q.

JCOCINU iaoln rCusrudy Numibr assigned by the OieaorSTLRUchland Count Error (Ns) Polssun counting statIstics oie gross ample count and background. 'ib uncertainty Isabsolute Ind Inthe wrn units as tie msull. For Uquid Scilatillaton Counting (LSC) the batch blank count IsOhbackground Taint Uncert (Us) Al11 nown uncertalnties associated with the preparation and analysis of the sample ue propagated o give a measum ofdhc uncezlunty associated withhe result, ugdaecorn tnducenalrny. Th ouncandrnaty Is bsolute an In the same units as the Mmsu (is)l. Cavertxge The coverge fifactor defines die width othe confidence Interval. 1.2 or 3 standart deviations.


'CRDL(I1L) Contractual Required Detection Limit as derned Indie alient's Slateenat Of Work or STIl Richland "dJeruhr nomialt detcton limit. Often rererd to the reparing level (R4 LC Decision Level based on knstrumeatt background or btank juslcd by the Efliciency, Cheodcal Yield, and Volume associated with hesaunple. beTyp emorprbabllly I Is appxzclmacly Sb . LeCt456 Sqrt(2w(BkgmdCOtkgmdCnMilnySCnlMin)) * (ConvFtElTEYIdAbn*Val)

  • Ingr~ct). For LSC methods the batchl blank Is used as a measure otlhe background variability. La cannot be calculated when the background count Is zer.

jLol-Sample No The number assigned by the UMS softwure to track samples received on the same day or t given eliant Ibe sample number Isasequential number assigned to each samplc In die Lot.

Detection Level based on Instrunt bm*groud or blank, austed by dhe Eficlency. Chemical Yield, and Volume with t Type I ad 11 eror probability orapproxmntaely 5s. MDC * (4AS6 SqrtyBkgmdCat/BkgrndCtMlnYSnMlu) + 2.7 WAMln) * (Con cif(EITY' Yld

  • Abu
  • Val)
  • IngrFct. For LSC methods the batch blank Isuset as a measure of Oi backgund variability.

I rlmary Detector Tke lualnsitnii Idenatter associated withhe analysis ofthe Usmple allquar.

Mfa U-2341U-238 lhe U-234 resull divided by dhe U-238 eult. The U-234JU-.238 rtio for Riuad wanulum in NIST SlM 4321C Is 1.138.

Ratio ofddi Resull to dhe MDC. A value greater than I may Indicate activity above background atahigh lcel of ccalldeace. Cauton should be used when applying ibis fator and It should be used Inconceit with die qualifie associated with the result.

DstfrotUcert Ratlo orlhe Rcsult to Ie Toal Uncenaanty. Ifthe uncertainty ha acovcrgec actr nr2 avalue reaer than I may Indicate activity above background at .pprlxiately the 95% level of confidence assuming at iwo-sded cenfidene Interval. Caution should be used when applying this fuclor end It should be used inconcen with the qualifn er associated with the esult.

IReport 01iNo Samnple Identller used by ihlempon system. Thc nmmbr Isbased upon the lirst lEve digits of the Work Order Number.

The equation ReplIcate Eror Ratio= (S-D))4sqrttTPU1?sTPUd2 N as defined by ICPM BOA where S Is the original IRER sample result, D I the nmult atthe duplicate. TPUs Isthe toeld uncertaintyoftie oiginal ample and TW1d is the total uncernany of the duplicate sample.

SDG Sample Delivery Oap Number assigned by the Client or assigned by STLRlicland upon sample eceipL ISam Rpt Alpha ISpec Rdf4s Ihe sum orthe reported alpha spec esulls hor tests derived from the ame sample excluding duplicate result where the results ae In the same nlt Work Order meLIMS saftware assign east specific Idauctlfir.

IYleld The ievczy ofdie tracer added to dhe sample such as Pu-241used to tuace a Pu-239Y4a method.

a STL.I'llohiand rat~itsirallnfo w3.72 STL RICIULAWD7 7

Sample Results Summary Date: 1e-Dec-02 ST1 Richland STLRL Ordered by Client Sampla ID, Batch No.

Roport No.: 21071 SDO No: 21203 Work Order Work Order alent ID Number Parameter Hasu1 -Uncertalnty( Ru) Qua! units Moeld MDCIMPA RER 9531-0000-01 F E87CNIAL ACTINIUM-2M 1.04E+00 +- 27E-01 pCIg 2.21E-01 AG-lOEM 1.20E-02 +- 2GE-02 U pCUg 6.19E-QZ AMERAOIUM-241 1.29E-02 7E-02 E U pCFW 1.14E-01 BISMUTH-214 6BE.66E0 1.7E-01 U pCvIg 2.57E-01 COBALT-60 1.56E.02 - S.7E02 U pClg 7.2E-02 OESIUM-134 6.E1E-02 4.6E-02 U pCug 9.14E.02 CESIJM-137 60E-01 F 1.1E-O1 7.2()E.C2 EUROPIUM-i52 -329E.02 s.7E*02 J U PCvg 1An6E-01 EUROPIUM-154 -M7E-02 - 1.1E-O1 U pCUg 1.E-01 EUROPIUM-155 0JOE-02 .- GAE-02 U pafg 1.551-01 POTASSIUM-40 1A2E+01 +- 2.2E+00 PCV9g 6.20E-01 MAAGNESIUM-54 4.71E-o3 UEa.-02 U prlvg 6.62E.02 NIOBIUM-94 .6.38E.03 - s.1E-02 U pClg 6.6SIE02 LEAD-212 7.93E-01 4- 1.7E-01 pCUg 1.21E-01 LEAD-214 M36E1 V1.YE-01 pC~g 1.18E01 RADIUM-226 6.SE-01 V1J-01 E u pGig .67E-01 TAUUIM-208 3.03E-01 +E-LE-02 U plg 1.17E-01 9531-'000013F E87CN1AG NICKEL-63 1.06EtO1 65.3E.0 J pCl~g 96.26% 5.91Ea+0 9531400000131F E87CN1AH IRON-55 1A6E+01 +- 1.4E401 U P0Ug 61.28% 4QSE+01 9531-O000-O1SF E87CN1AC TECHNETUM-99 2.22E-01 2.2E-01 U pCt~g 100.8(3% 9.17E-01 9531.0000-0131 ES7CNIM CARBON-14 676E2 +- G.AE-0O U PGog 100.0% 1.43E-01 85310000013F E87CNAF PLUTOPIUM-241 1.09E441 4- 1.4E+00 J pOX 72.90% 1.64E+00 9S31-2OW-013F EB70NIAE PLUTONIUM-238 .OOE+a0o- 1.2E-02 U pCVg 72.90% 1.32E-02 PLUTOMUM. 2.34E-02 4 a2E.02 J pCl-g 72.90% 2.33E02 239140 531i-0OD-013F E87CNtIA AMIMIClUM241 8.OE-03 U-

.E.02 U pCUG 86.43% 2.13E-02 CWMUM-242 0.OOE00 1tAE-02 U pOMg 9GA3% 1110E02 CURIUL*2431244 8.6GE-03 0- :t.2-03 U pClIg 9I643% 2.1GSE102 9531-0000-013F EU7MAD STRONTIUM-9o 1.E9E-01 4 1ZE-01 19.98% 1.6SE-O1 9531-WOQ-013F DUP E07CNlAV CARBON-14 9.39E02 - 8.2E-02 U pCVg 100.A0% 1.43E01 0.6 9531-000013P DUP EB7CNlAW PLUTONILIM-241 1.62E+01 t- U.OE+O0 47.90% 2.36E+00 4A 9531-W00-013F DUP E17CNlAX PUMTONIUM-238 o.0aE&00 4 1.7EZ02 U palg 47.94% 1.93E-02 0.0 PLUTONIUM. 2.13E412 4- 2.SE.02 U pci/ 47.94% 1.62E-02 0.1 239140 Ell Rl0j3id RER *SpUcete Emrr Rnrao IS4)IsqtsqflhPIqUdDIMu ddned by lCr BOA.

hSnurn j Qua! -NeU qualer habgen cd md rsltk b tReporting cw LkJnl. RL (CDLIA r Repr Valuc Is Esdute&L 3U. um UQua! Amiityd Falfor, IutIIhe rnfl Is les dianthesdelMdTuta Uncert or gnm= .n sefliwrv did ROL Mcnafy thea.dle.


Sample Results Summary Date: 18-Dec.02 STL Richiand STLRL Ordered by Clent Sample ID,Batch No.

Report No. : 21071 SDG No: 21203 WarhOrder WecntID Number Parnamtor R3sult4-UAcrtalnly( 4 Cu2! UnIs Yield AIICIMDA RER 9531 016F E37CA1AL ACTINIUM-22E 7.49E01 - 2.4E-a1 pCVg 1.782-01 AG-108M 2.16E-02 +4- E-02 U pClg 4.39E-02 AMEMMOUM-241 4.502-02 6.6E-02 U pCVs 9.42E-02 BPlMUlH.214 5.47E.0l 4- 1.S-01 U pClg 2.00E-01 COBALT-60 1.09E-2 2.z9E-02 U pOCg 6.67E-02 CESIUM-134 6292-02 E- 3.6E-02 U pCMII 7.13E-02 CESIUM-137 9.24E-02 6.3E-02 J pCvg r.47E-02 EUROPIUM tE2 -2.19E.02 8.2E02 E U pC/g 1.36Eul EUROPIUM-154 -2.98E.02 .1E-02 U pClg 1.59E-01 EUROPIUM-15S .7-03 .e- 7.ME-02 U pCllg 1.24E-01 POTASSfUM.40 1.oaE+o01 1.7E+00 pCtg 4.03E-01 MAGNESIUM-64 1.12E02 3.4 E-02 U pClg 6.27E-02 NIOSIUM-94 -622E03 e 2.4E-02 U pCIVg 4.25E-02 LEAD-212 .40E-01 4- 1.6E-01 pCMg .M9E-01 LEAD-214 6.16E2C +- 1.6E-01 pC'g 8.BlE-02 RADSUM-225 .47E-1 Vt-01 U pCl 2.LBE-C1 THALIUM-208 2.53E-01 6.6-02 E U pONg 9.80E-02 s910000-015F E87GAlAO MO1KEL.3 1.61E*0t1 6.8E+00 J pCJg 93.42% 6.16E600 9531.WO C16SF E87CA1AH IRON-65 -1.116E00 1.6E+01 U pOlg 62.91% 4.19E401 95310010-0.16F E87CAIAC TECMNEflUM-99 8.7302 4- 2.2E-01 U pCIg 100.0C% 3.07E-01 9531.OO-016F E17CA1AA CAREON-14 6.222-02 + 8.1-02 - U pOig 10G.0% 1.42E-01 9831-C O-015F EB70AIAF PLUTONIUM.241 9.712+00 4- 1.6E00 J pCVg 53.90% 2.16+E0 9531-0000.015F E87CAIAE PLUTONUM-238 0.0OE+00 i- 1.GE-02 U pCGg 53.87% 1.7E2-C2 PLUTONIUM- 0.0OE0 4- 1.6-02 U pClg 63*7% 1.78E-02 239140 9531t00001SF EB7CA1AK AMERICIUM-M4 9OM6E-O 4- L3E-02 U pCtg 04.78% 127E-0 CURIUM242 O0E400+- 1.6E-02 U pCfg 94.79% l.89E-02 CIIRIUM-243244 0.906*00 4 1.2E202 U pGlg 94.79% 128E-02 9531-MD-016F EB7CA2AD STRONTIUM-80 586.2-0 S4E-.02 U pCVg 37M.% 8.45E-02 9531-O000.01F OUP EB7CA1AM ACTINIUM228 6.23E01 -OE-001 U pClig a42E-01 0.8 AG-lO8M -1.03E-02 +- 2.9E0.2 U PON 682E-02 1.9 AMERICIUM-241 2U.3E-OZ +15.E2- U pCGo 1.4E-01 0.5 BISMUTH-214 4.AE8-01 1.E-01 U pCvg lASE-01 0.6 S1IL Jhblud RER . Rep dtecErRalouD

  • IU4tsqrlPUd)) daned be 1yF BOA.

rpMLSchSaSum jQud.No Uqnl~erbsbccnS5Knrdrnd axcondlbdowtcgcparargl, lILCILorepcrtiucI led.

V3.A97 Aud v IAd rr, mt a mwt Is mmn WMd4Utd Uncutoreamm stwe dld ntIdeaffy Me ondil STL RICHLAND 9

Sample Results Summary Date: 18-Dec-02 STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Clent Sample ID,Batch No.

Report No.: 21071 SDG No: 21203 Work Ordar Client ID Number Prameter Result +-Uncogtalnty( Rs) aunt unnia Yield MDCIMDA FIER -

9531-0000O1SF DUP EB7CAIAM COBALT.60 3.72E203 2.9E.

M U pCfg 6.641-02 0.1 CESIUM.134 9.17E-02 - 3.4I02 U pCtg 5E.U02 0.9 CESIIUM-137 7.45E-02 1- 5.UE102 J pCIIg 4.USE-2 0.6 EUROPIUM-152 *2.38E-02 8.7E-02 6 U pCItI 1.27E-01 0.0 EUROPIUM-154 -6.601+02 9.4E02 U pCIg 1.C8E-01 0.6 EUPJOPIUM-166 .1OE.02 6.9E-02 U pCtUG 122E.01 1.3 POTASSIJM.40 9.6HE+0 . 1.SE*M pCU9V OSE-0l 0.9 MAGNESItUM-4 60.07E.03 4- 3.2E.02 U pCON 6.63E-02 07 NIW31LVMwQ -6.87E-C03 . 2.6E-2 U pCUg 4.83E-02 0.0 LEAD-212 8.71E-01 1AE-01 pCVg B.18E.02 0.3 LEAD.214 4.87E-01 I-1.E-01 pC/g 8.84E-02 1.2 RADIUM.228 4ASBE-01 + 1.3E01 U p1l;g 1A9E-01 0.6 THAUWUM208 1.79E-01 4- L.OS-02 pClg 4.37E-02 1.7 9531-000001 SF DUP E87GAIAN NIOKL-63 2.DtE+01 +- 6.IEtO0 J pCIIg 94.98% 5.09E+00 1.2 9531-0000.015F DUP E67CA1JA lIRON-65 4.1UE00 +- 1AE401 U pCLg 63.01% 3.73E+01 0.5 9E31-0000.016F DUP EB7CA1AV TECHNETIUM.99 1.62E01 212E-01 U pCtg 100.00% 3.09E.01 0.5 9531-000001SF DUP E87CAlAW AMAENCIUM-241 1A7E-i2 +- 1.E-02 J pCIg E9.0f% 133E-02 0.6 CURIUM242 O.OOE+OO . 1.EE02 U pCvg E9.06% 1.76E-02 0.0 CURIUM-243J244 0.W0E+00 1.2E-02 U pClg 89.08%. 134E-02 0.0 Numberof Reaulta: 83 CTL Rlohland RER . lepUcait Errar Rail * (S.D1JTsqrlbqTU sqtTPUdll usiddiadhr tCPT ODA.

VS.eTL h aSU J Qual -RI. Uyquufarkr bas bs kn hssg an Mand Ihe fiildsbdarwlIhrurliq org it, tu t DLw cr Rdiast Variah MsUIZWI sCm V 91 I7 m UiQual. Arr~yzu mr. butlb Ihruu s Is hnn dzhfdmalltdrall Unftrt argemsacas aftrnsdid antl~danrl se utidlde.


QC Results Summary Date: 18-Dec-02 STL Richland STLRL Ordered by 00 Type, Batch No.

Report No.: 21071 8OG No.: 21203 Work Order OCCypn unumber Parmotor RIN4-UncUtInty (2.) OUl Units Yhed Rlcavury Sias UDCIMI2A MATRIX SPIK ES7CN1AM NICKEL-63 4.IE+.02 +-4AEs01 pCI~g 95.09% gs5B% o.a 8.6013*00 MATRIX SPIK E87CN1AT IRON655 7.46E+01 l.E0t I. P~v 5D.93% 65.92% -0.3 12*01 MATRIX SPIK E7lNlAR TlECHNEUM-99 2.43E01 -1.7E+U0 POU9 100.00% 89.70% -0.1 3.12E-01 LANK OC E6a8NIAA AOTINIUM-228 *9.35Ea03 4-1.2E-01 U pClg 2.18E-01 AG-ICM -1.7E02 +-Z.E.02 U POvG 4.58E-02 AMERICIUM-241 12E-01 292E-01 U pCvg 6.13E-01 BESMUTH-214 -2.21E-02 - L3E-02 U POJ/g t.47E-i1 COBALT-So -1 M4E. 3.2E.02 U pCvg 52E2-02 CESIUM-134 -1.18E-02 4-3.7E-02 U pcvg 6.60E-02 CESIUM-137 4.79E-04 .UE.02 U pCug .S95E-02 EUROPIUM-152 -1.6M02 AE.12-02 U pCvg 1E92-01 EUROPIUM-164 1.78E-02 - 1.0E-1 1.982-1 U .pC11g EULROPIUM-156 -3.67E-02 4 1.1E"1 U pfug 1.J7E01 POTASSIUM40 W3E-01 - 6.3E-01 U pavg 1.375E00 MAGNESIUM-54 3.465-03 3.0E202 U pCOg 6.91E-02 NIOBIUM-94 4.622-02 .37E-02 U pCIg 7.64E-02 LEAD-212 -242-02 E1-5 02 U pCl/g 1.Q3E-01 LEAD-214 3.41 E-02 7.0E-02 U pOIg 1.29S01 RADIUM-228 E02 +-8.3EC02 U u pctg pCug 1.47E-01 THALUM-208 8.8.2-03 4- 4.4E02 J pClug 827E-02 BLANK ac E8JIAM NICKEL-63 1.21 E*01 +--BEIao U pCtlg E9.51% 6.414E00 BLANK(C EBs9WIAA IRON-65 -1.67E+01 +- 9.7E+00 U pCI~g 71t.5% 2.04E#01 BLANK 0c EBB991AA TECHNETflUM99 -2.22E.02 -2.1 E-01 100.00% 2.9SE-01 BLANK 00 EB9AW1M CARBON-14 6A2E-2 + I.1E-02 U pCXg 100.00% 1.43E-01 BLANK 0C ESOACiM FLUTONIUM-241 1.20E+01 I AE,0O J pCI/U 71.70% 1.865E00 BLANK C00 EE9A71M PLUTONIUM-235 0.00E+00 1.2E02 U pCvg 71.72% 1.27E-02 PLUTONIUM- O.OE+000 4 1.2E-02 U pCav 71.72% 1.E7E-02 239140 BLANK 00 EE9CDIM AMERICIUM-241 0.0EiOO+0 1.1-E02 U pCfg 101.16% 1.16E-02 CURIUM-242 0.00O0 IAE1.4E-02 U pCIg 101.16% 1.65E-02 GM Mcftand Dis - (izlUEspdcedNs ddtnrd by £1I NIS.

mpSTLRchacSum JQua *N UquuSSlerbusbeennuIgurd i theuesulIsbdw Itqnl Uib, RL ICUiDLr .pufltulucbEsilkt.

V3.97AS7 UQual.Anlyzmd Ibr, bdtSh lthbusnthMdd lrpwsma=uwrudid niktshuryhe udlde-ntal wrt S=


QC Results Summary [late: 18-Dec-02 STL Rlcbland STLRL Ordered by WC Type, Batch No.

Report No. : 21071 S9G No.: 21203 Work Order OCType Number Parameter Rasulti- unceutainty ( 2s) QuaI UnIts Yield Recovwry Ela MOCJMOA I

BLANK 00 EBSCD1M CUFIIUM2431244 -8.63E-04 +- 1.71203 U PUtG 101.1 6% 2.07E-02 BLANK 0c FA8EK1AA STRONTIUM-DO 13.08-03 4-2.5E-02 U pclvg 72.00% 4.07E602 LCS E08N1AC CE1SUM-i137 1.O7E+00O. 1.9E130 pOvg 104.77% 0.O G.'IDE-02 LCS E88YJ1AC NICKEL-W3 4.95E+02 +-4.4E.1 PCvg 956.2% 97.8% 0.0 5.986+00 LCS E889W1AC IRON-5S L?812.O1 a-I.21401 P01/9 69.01% 48.57% -0.5 2.0JE+401 LCS E0B991AC TECHNETIUM-99 1.2313401 +9.SE2-01 .1 pCJtg 100.00% 90.55% 4O.1 3.07E-01 LOS E09AWlAC CARBON-14 2.S5E+aOD 1.5E-01 J poI/g 100.20% 100.67% 0.0 1.43&W0 LCS EU9AMlAO PLUTON4UM-241 2.57E*01 -2.1E+00 P~fvg 76.10% 112A9% 0.1 1A8EOOG LCS E89A71AC PLUTONIUM. 5.61 E-01 4-1.3E-01 J polvg 76.07% 113.80% 0.1 1.22E-02 239140 LOS E59COlAC AMERIGIUM241 4.49E*00 4- 8.21E-01 pcllg 103.19% 97.82% 0O, 2.07E.02 LCS FABEKlAO STRONTIlUM90 5.lIE-01 *-12E-01 povtg 62.76% 112.00% 0.1 4.11E-02 tIumber of Results: 40 E RIlchand Bias *(csulUExpcctcd)-1 as defined byANS1INL3.30.

rptlLTIRchacsum J Qual -No Uqualfier fun becn mssxped and lho resul Ivhdaw the Reparting Lhumb, EL. (CRDL) or Report VinuhiIkEitliuted.

V3.9 A97 UQual -Analyzed Dir, but the result Islz as than hdldch~dItrol! Uiacert or gnuumsc safet voum did not Wdttly, the mnmbldr.


02 Id P FORM I Date: 18-Dc.02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Rlchiand SDG: 21203 Collectlon Data: a/20/20022.W5-00 PM Lot-Sample No j2j0102602 Report No.: 21071 Received Date: SM2512002 3:1=00 PM Cult Sample M: 9531-0000.13F COC No.: Matrix SOIL Ordered by Client Sphle I., Batch No.

Cw*t To MOClNIDA, ptUnit, Yield slMD, Analy, Tboal so Afquot Amly Method, Pemnrelet Rehlt Cud rI0 (2') Uflutt2 s) Actnr Lev La CRDLR Rsl tcert Prep ODte aise Size Prim"Dteaor Batch: 227SS73 WorkOrder. E87CRMAL Report OBiD mN10 ACTNIUM-28 1.045*00 2.7E-01 2.7E-01 2.21E-01 pOV9 (4t) 10/24102 01:21 p 287.5 21.1 (7.-8 0 GERBS1 AQ-bUM 1.202 U 2.8E2 2.8E-02 5.19E-02 pCVg 0.23 10/24102 01:21 p 237.5 01.1 0.84 n GERMSI AM. ICIU441 1J2E02 U 7.8R-02 7.8E402 1.14E-01 pCUg 0.11 10/4/02 01:21 p 287.3 E9D1.1 0.33 9 GER18S BISMUTH214 Bile" U 1.7E-01 1.7E01 2.E-01 pCht (27. 1024/02 01:21 p 237.5 2901.1 (8l2) g GER5S1 COBALT-0 1.56I.02 U 3.7E- 7E-02 7.32E02 pCIg 0.21 10124/0201:21p 237.5 E901.1 1.52-01 0.84 n GERBS1 CESUIM34 6.81E02 U 4.5E-02 4.6E02 914E-02 pCVg 075 10/24/02 0121 p 237.5 E901.1 1.87E1;01 ( 9 GEABSt CESM.137 5.5001 1.E-01 1.1E-01 7.20E-02 pCIg (7.6) 10/24/0201+/-21 p 237.5 E290.1 3.1 5601 (.7 9 sE18 EJROPIUM-152 4329342 U 97-2 W9.70 1.0601 PCVg 2 1 02M402 0121 p 287.5 BM.1 4.04E-01 -0.68 9 GERM EIROPIUM-164 4.67M02 U 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 1.t1E-01 pCsg -a46 10/241020121 p 237.5 E0.1 3.72E01 -0tM 8 G6R8 BnOUMW5 .355-02 U 8.E-02 L.o-02 1.55601 PR It O.4 10/4/02 011 p 237.5 2011 1.W7E1 (. gGER STL Richiand MOVCMDA.,- Dtction, Deion Level bwed nbwrum h t baekgmnd orbftln austd bythemmph Eme", Yed, and Vallms.

rowSTisampih J OCud -No U qUwitfiahas been asgndmd Vesults below the Reportg Limn,RL (RD4 Report Value Is Estmated.

3U uaul

.AnAlyed for but hriuft s le Fttan h PMdalMdththI incrartgam amoanaeor dtd not dentyenuegdu.



I-En FORM I Date: 1-Dec-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Namee: STL Rihliand Sao: 21203 Collectlon Date: 81202002 2:55:00 PM Lot-Sample No: J2JM1O2nO-2 Report No.: 21071 Reeilved Date: 9)2512002 3:13:00 PM Client Sample ID: 9531-0000O13F CoC No.: Matrlx SOIL kdoredl bw fllennt Sqnmob 10. AMA Na-count 7Tt1 MOCIMOA, F"t Uni Mleld fRtM% Analysis, Toats Su Aliquot Ansly Method, Parameter Result Ouci Errar(2s) Uncey( 26) Action Lev La CRDLO Rstrbolkerit Ppr Dae Slzo S1ze PrimryDetector POTASSIUM.40 1A21301 2.25.00 2.25E00 5.20E.01 pG/g (274) 10124/02011 p 2371.1 (13.1) a GERM MAGNE81lM.54 JI;-0S U 3.E0-E-03.SM2 B62E-02 pCuq aa.7 102410 201:21 p 237.5 E00t.1 5ESE-01 026 g ER851 M4IOMIUM-4 46.25-CS U 3.1E-02 5.1 E-02 5.511-03 pcIQ -0.12 1014/0020121 p 237s E914 2.85E501 -0.41 9 G3ER LEAi-212 7.E2-0 1.7E-01 1.71-01 1.21 1-01 pCvg 5 10124102 01:21 p 237.5 E901.1 (9.6) a GER851 LIAE-214 8.61 1.71-01 1.71-01 1.18E-01 pCVg (7.1) 10124/020121 p 2375 1901.1 (1a) a GERBSI RAOIUMr-226 "mm601 U 1.7E-01 1.7E-01 2.E-01 pCV9 ( 7) 114102 0121 p 237.5 EWI1

(.(2 g GER93I THALU*208 S.03 I U 6.15-02 .8E-02 1.17E-01 pCVg (A6) 1O/24102021 p 237.5 01.1

(&9) 9 GEHS Dutdr. 227s3e4 WrkOrder: E7CN1A0 ReportDnD: 9ES7CN1O MCKEIA4 1.AGS11 J 2.7E.00 s3.t00 5i.9E00 pCUg 92s-% (1.8) 11/160212:57p 0. 2CSI9 2.885400 2g9EBo01 (4.) g LS04 Dativ 2275389 Work Orden 187?N1A11 Report ID Mt 7CNt0 IRON-65 1AO2.01 U 1.4E01 4.05E101 pCIg a1.20% 0.36 11/19012:65p 0.2521 FBXZ 1.809E01 1.10E*02 (2.1) g 1507 Baelo 27540 WorkOrden ESNIAC FleportDI: 9DEHCN nM Richlend MOCpIMAL - Dedeefon Decision Level bned on rineument bukground or blank, adjted by the sample Eafenvoy Yldd, end Volume.

pt dcsb pis JOwl -lNoU quallffer has been asgned aid the reuft Is below the Report Umnt, RL(CROL) or Report Vaue Is Estmad.

V3,97A97 U Oal -Anuled fob but thue huoft to lwo then the Md*WvsItnd Uncer gsmm mn sofiwa,. did rot khetffy Om nuildo I- I

FORM I Date: 1I5Dec-02 H

SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: mTL Richland SDG: 21203 Collecton Date: 8aP02002 2:55:00 PM Lot-Sample No. Jl02260- Report No.: 21071 Received Date: 9)2502002 3:13:00 PM Client Sample ID: 531-0000-0M3F COC No. ! Matrix: SOIL Ordered by cOert HamahN ID. Batch Na.

Count TOW MOCjMDA, mpt Unit,

  • Yildd Rst)IJDC Analyisis Tolataa Aliquot Anrty Method, Parameter Ream Oval Error(g2) Uner2s) ActIon Lev La CROLCRL) RUmt/r lrt Prep Date Sze Sai PrImeryDetecor TECHNEnuM-9 2.22 1 U 1AE-01 2E-01 3.17E-01 pCUg 100.00% 0.7 10t 0 09:54 a &.0 RICI10 1.54"-01 f.04E-01 (24 g L8C4 Dtch: 217U403 WorkOrdenr EU7CM Reporl D81D: 7CN10 CAION-14 5.751-02 U f .1-E02 I02 1 4AE-01 pCVg 100.00% 0.4 10118102 0:29 p 5.003 RC5022 7.00-E02 2.2E-01 (1.4) 9 LSC3 Boteld 2275404 Work Order: S7CN1AF Report ODe: geu7N10 PLUTONUM-E41 I 501M J 1.15400 1.4E+00 1.04E+00 pCVg 72.90% A7) 11/16102 12:51 a 1.97 RICH5III 7.J9101 3.4E501 (101) 0 LSC7 stch: 2275407 WorkOrden ESN1AE Report OalO: 9E87CN1O P TffONRNIms 0.002+00 U 0.0E410 1.2E-02 1 .2E.02 pClg 72.90% 0. 10/31/02 01:10 p 197 R1C)R010 1.1mEo0 0. 0 ALP123 PrLWONIUM- 2.34E-02 J 2.2-02 22S-02 23E-02 pcig 72.90% (1J 10/31/02 01:10 p 1.97 RC10 010 239140 5.0503 1.07E+00 (21) ALP123 Patch: 2275409 Work Order: E7CNIAI( Rleport  : E7CN10 AM!MRCUM241 8.0 t43 U 1  :.5-02 1.3E-02 2.1E-02 pClg 95.43% W38 1028/02 05:37 p 1.99 0CIRCS0 4.35-03 J.000 (1.3) g ALP124 CURIUM-242 0.00U+00 U 0.0+00 1.4E-02 1.0-02 pCllg 96.43% 0 102102 0 5 : 3?p 1.99 RCIfflCS08
0. 9 ALP124 WURIUM2451?244 3.E-03 U 9.1EC09 9.2-03 2.1f5-2 pM 95AS% 017 10J2fi02 05:37 p 1.99 RICHRCSM8D 4.6E-03 1.1600 1a7s g ALP124 8rL Rte~hnd MDCMDP,Lto -D dlc~e Dectulo Lord basd on bisbment bacgon or btank, adjusted by the umpte E~llcimny. Ytntd, and VOlte

. J MMl - He U qualifier has been asigned and the result ls below the Reporting .Itmlt RL (CROL) or Report Value Is Est _te.

VM MUpr u Ouul- Aneb,"d for, but thie eut Is ess than Mthe lfdwAdaThtI Unt or gamea smn software dd not Identify the ntimlie laJ uL

1-FORM I Dae: 18-Dec-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 21203 collecton i Date: 820/2002 2:55:00 PM LotA-Sampl No.: J2J0102504 Report No.: 21071 Reedved Date: 925002 3:13.00 PM ClIent Sample ID: flm-0000-03p COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Ordered by ClIent Sample ID,Balch No.

Count Total MOCJUnA. Rpt Unit 1 YIeld count Total MDCpwA, Rp Unl% Yield RstMDCs Andlysis, TblaISa Albquot AnalyMethad, Paranelar Result COal Enor(29) Uncerl(2s) Action Low La CROL(RL) FIstrrotUert Prop Data SIze Sie PrimaryDelector etai. 230S27 Worf Orden ElUCN2AD Report 05 ID.: sa7CNuO STRONNmM4o IA1M 1.0101 1.01E-01 1.655-01 pCUg 19.98% (1J 111 N201:02p 101 WMU0 7.775-02 6.0E-02 .)_ 9 GPC1 B NumberofResullm 29 Cammtents S. Llhland MOCIMOAe- Deonlem, Decision Ll b anIns et baipunderbianr adpjuted bytheample Efoleoy, Yeld, andVohnme RTIlehSamI Juad- No U qualfrbaaoasigned d therelt Ibelowt the Rpong Lmit, RL(CRL) orRotValuob Esthnated.

V.9A_ U O Al-naed or,but the rsdlt Ia lon than the Md&MdaRl Unoert orgamin eson satiwaro did not kdent the nultide.


03 FORMI I Lab Nan= STL Richland LotSampte No.: J2J010260.1 SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 21203 Coflection Datt Date: 18-Dec-02 8/2012002 2;48.00 PM Report No.: 21071 Received Datef 9/25M02 s:13X.o PM Client sample W0: 9531-000005F CoC No.: Matrif: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample 1, fatch No.

Count T1IN MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RZtMOC Analysis, Total an Alpat Aiily Meftod, Parameter Reult Ouia Ear(2s) Unert(a ) Action Low Le CRD4LRL) RstdVtcwi Prep Dt St. Sihe PrimmmDetector Baldtu 275373 Wurk Orden ECAMI Repod131 D. 570AC 1 ACtINM-228 7A9S 2.4E-01 24A-01 1.78E-1 pC/g (42) 10124/02 0124 p 341A E901.1

(.2) g GERS AG-loUM 2.165-02 U 24A-02 2.4-0 4.395-0 pCVg G4 10124/02 0124 p 341.4 E90.1 (1.8) g GE15S1 AMERIM241 4.80502 U J5.E02 5B.5-02 9A2502 pC9g a51 101241020124 p 341A E901.1 (1.7) g GER1M SlSMU1TI214 A471601 U 1.5E-01 1.3Et01 2E -01 pCV (t27) I 01 24/02 0124 p 341A EE101.1 (Me) g GER5S1 WoBALT-OD 1OSE-02 U 2Q£-02 .95-02 6.7E-0 pCVlA 0.19 10124/02 0124 p 941.4 001.1 1.52501 7 0.M g GERMSt C!SMU-134 S.296-02 U .- 02 3.5-02 7.1E8-02 pClg .74 10/24102 0124 p 341.4 E591.1 1.87Eo1 (t9.) a SER5S1 CSSIUhM137 9.245-02 J 5.E-02 5.3E-02 5A7E02 pCp (1.7) 10124/02 0124 p 341.4 W01.1 3.15E-01 (3.5) 9 GERMS1 EUROPIIJ162 4-19-E02 U 8.2E.02 EL2E-02 1.36E-01 pCVg -016 10/24/02 0124 p 341A E901.1 4.04E-01 -0m g GER5$1 EUROPIUM154 4.BE42 U 9.1E-02 9.1502 1.59E5-0 plvg -0.9 10124102O0124p 341.4 E901.1 3.721-01 -0.65 a GERSSI EU6ROM 15 4.7BSW03 U 7.35-02 7.35-02 1.245-01 pCVg -0.03 10/24/020124 p 341A E9M.1 1.5713.01 -0.1IGERS1 g STL Rkhhnd MDC- OWA o- ntaom DeMisten Leel based an bbtrnotrgramud orblank, adjusted byihe mample Ed&ee YMed, and Volume.

plo J Owl -No U quifier has been anIgned and the fesulth below the Reporpng Umit, RL(CROL) or Report Vaiu. IsEstimated.

tfpRa VUTOhalUAiu yzasrd butdmmless tntheMdc/darrotUncertor, gmma n ssofwar did nothmetiff Uargn dilde.


ci, FORM I Date: 18I.eD-02 SAMPLE RESUI Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 21203 Colectton Oate: 8/2012002 2+/-400 PM LotSample NoW J2.010250-1 Report No.: 21071 Recelved Date: 9/25/202 3:13:00 PM ClIent Sample ID: 95o3-00 13F CQC No.: Matrbc SOL Ordned by ClWart SaMbp , Batch No.

C-n Tbtal MOCfMOA, l" Unit Yield "St/mmDC, Aral lts, Total 6a Aiquf Amly Method.

Parywetw Result UBI Etor( a2s) Uncurt 2 a) A-tUon Lev La CRD(RI RstIrouert Prep IOate She Sle PdmaryDalector a -

POTASSUM-I 1.08501 1.7500 1.73+00 4.0SE-01 pCv/g (287) 10/24102 01:24 p 341.4 E901.1 9 GERSS1 MAGNESIUM-64 1.12S4 U .4-02 SA8-02 O 176-02 pCVb 0Q10 10)24/02 012 4p 341.4 E901.1 g GER5S1 NIOBIUMN4 = M22603 U E46-02 2.46.02 4.25S02 pCVg .415 10124102 01:24 p 341.4 E901.1 2.a55-0 a GER5S1 LEAO 12 SA4M0 1.5.01 1.5601 1.01S-01 pCL' (.0) 10/241D2 01: 2 4 p 341A E901.1 (5.0)

(".) 1Q124102 LEAu 4 6.1EOl 1.-01 1.6K.01 8.81 602 pCvQ (7) 104/02 (7.5) a BERS ;1 RAOHM.225 5A47241 U 1AIE-01 1.31501 2.056-01 pCVg (2.7 1024t02 !01:24p 941.4 E101.1 36QR5$1 T LAWUM425 2.836. U 5.8E-02 65E-02 9.900 pc/g (7.8)

(2.6) 10/24/02 01:24p 341A E801.1 a GEF155t Daltht fl7584 WorkOrder. ETCIAO Report DOM:l oB7CAI MCKEL-0 1.5115+01 J 2ZO3400 5BE1D00 L186.5+00 pC/g 903.42 (2.5) 11/15/0 09:93 a 0.2501 RCD69 3.005+00 2.8a+c (5.9) g LSC4 Ratet 2275389 Work Orden E57CA1AH Report DO MD 1B70M0 MOWM -1.11I40 U 1.5E+01 4.19E2*01 pCVlg 8291 -azs 1/19102 !12:65 p 0.2501 FBXZ 1.956+01 I.tQE+C -0.15 o .Sc_

Oatr. 5275400 Work Ordn Ef7CAIAC Repolt DOV. 9E67CA1O STL Mehiend MDNPALo - Detlecton, Decision Leel based on h mlenM bakgroud or blal; adjusted by the sanple Wlclefew, Yield, and Volume.

J 0u1l l-o Uquaminer ha beena sgned and the rsult Is belw the Rporting Umit, RL (CR) or Report Value I stmated.

V 3 .9 Cal(Anolyzed f-or buthie ruilless then the MddMdaW Unetor gmnaa ftwm did notidentto nuaede.

I-h 0E

I FORM I Date: 18-Dec-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: STL RIchiand BOG: 21203 Collection Dale: 8O0120022:48:00 PM Lot-Sample No: J2J0o32D5-1 Report No.: 21071 Recelved Date, /O23/2002 3:100 PM ClIent Sample ID: -M0000-MSF COC No.: Matrbr SOIL Ordered byCent Sample ID,Bstch No.

Count Totel McMIMOA, Rpt Unt, Yield RsEMDO Anabsol Total Oa Allquot AnslyMethad, Paramer IReMt Oh Eror(23) U"ertf28) AtO" Lev La C0804Fl) RsUtatUcerf Prep Date Slze mme PuimilaOlacter TECN uNTI99 5.73602 U 1E-01 22E-01 3.07E-01 pC~qg 1lo0oo0 a.28 1 /02 07:50 a 5.0 RlalRC 491.9-01 5.04E-01 Ma1 9 U;C4 Oxtdl. 27403 Work Order r7AIM neportos09r 9BE17A10 CAR80*14 5.22M2 U 6.1 o-02 .1-E02 1A2E-01 pCvg 100.00% 0.37 1018/2 0s 07 p 5.017 RC!2 8.8 D02 2.26E-01 (1.3J g LsO3 Batch: 2275404 WotOrden ED7CAIAF Report DIt0 9B57CA0M PLUTOtUM241 9.7115ED J 1.2E+00 1.500 2.16E400 pCVg 5.90% (4. 111/0212:51 a 2.0 RIC50=10 1.01E+00 3.48E+01 (128) 9 .8C7 Batch: 2275407 Work Orde: E87C6tAE Report DI t0E57CA10 PUTOIUMN-231 0.006 U O.0E+00 1.6-02 1.75E-02 pCVg 53.87% EL 10131102 01:10 p 2.0 RICHRCSMOI 1.18E.00 a 9 ALP121 PLJTO?4IUM o.064 U 0o0o00 1.6-02 1.75Eo2 pC/g 587% a 10/31/0201:10 p 20 RICIMC5010 23sr40 1.07E+00 0 9 ALPt21 8a1W 227549 WorkOrden EA7CAIAK Report 09 SEl97010 AMERlCMM241 9,3603 U 1.31-02 1.3E.02 127E-02 pCt/g 94.79% 474 10/26/2 053 p 2.0 1lICHRCSOSO 1USE00 (1.4) 9 ALPP1 CUmIWUt242 0 15M0 U 0.05+00 1.Mm02 1.9E-02 pCIA 3479% 0 1Ora=052 W7 p zo HiCHoam

0. 9 ALP121 CURILUM 44 0.00600 U 0.0E+00 12E502 1.2E9-02 pCVg 94.79% a 10126020537 p 2.0 R O8O 1.15E540 0 9 ALP121 STL Rchimnd MIVCIMDAJa- Detection. Decision Led bu endInsbuffleM bultnround or blank. , ted by the sample Effney,tleld. ad Volume.

J O Uqual

- h Uit (CR or Report Value .IsEstimaled rptSll eteb"em U us - d o but lth V337 Aff dd t Ide the M tealIde.

gFa H0

I Lab Name: STIL Richland Lot-Sample Noz: JW010260-1 SDO:

Repoti No.:

FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS 21203 21071 Cofecftin DIt.

Receveld IODte:

82 Date: 18-Dec-02 002 2:45:00 PM OMMM30023:13.O0PM Client Sample ID: 9531-0 5F COC No.: Matrbc: SOIL ret Tbtal MI2OIMOA, flpt Unit, Ordered bY Clint SamPle 1D. Bffoh No.

ot Total MOOCMM. flptUnbt Vield RUMDC, Afttls$ Total 5a AlIquot AnMetlhod, Parmeter Result Ousl &r (23) UMMK2*) AtlOn Lev >. CRDL(RL) RWFOlUaert Prep Data Sime sin Primary Detector I

Dat8i 2327 Wor Ordern E7CAZAD RepertDUIs 91597 AM aTlROMM-0 5.861M02 U S4AE iCZ 5AE-M2 9AS5E4 PCII 37.03% 62) 11/2°0I2 01:02 p 10.01 CMUD 4AC8-02 0.00E-02 0 GPClA Number of Results 25 Commems 9TI.'Ridhlund MDCIMDJAI.De~tecioDeCiSionLevelbaued on itumn~tbackground or bla*naduedo by fU.saqfMpl Elc~etcWYfehLdItVohmke.

J Oum - No U ualfferhtns been esipud andlb.resunlts belwthe Reporting UmfiRI.(CROL) or Report Vabuis.Estimated.

=l U niedfr u i.rmlbtftMe tMaIhse" nor rgnaceIsfwr li u dntlsoiuia tu 0

I Lab Namm. STL Richland Lot-Sample No.:*2J010250-2 SDG:

Report No.:

FORM 11 DUPUCATE RESULTS 21203 21071 Recehved Date: 9M2002 Date: 18-1De-02 Collection Date: 8/2002 2:5500 PM 1+/-3:00 PM Client Sample IP: 95S1.0000.013F DUP CoC No.: Matrle SOIL RMI1% Cou Total MDcPMA, Rpt MM. RSWMCb Analyst Total St Alquot Analy Method PaOvtR Or t 01M1l Erorz(29) Uncemrt(f) AaWn Lev CROL yjvjd RShtuW Prep Date S1!n Slz ParlOetectar Bach: 27s0 Work Order: E01AV Report 0510: E7CNVR Odg Ca Do_0: B!170N1 CARBO-14 9.39E-02 U 62E02 .2E-02 1S43E-01 pCUg 100.00% 0.66 10/1 M2 09:51 p 5.009 RG5022 5.75E- U RMR 0. 2.285501 (23) a LSC3 Batch: 2275404 Work Order: 5?CNAW leptOB: E57CN1W5 siOff). E170CN10 ortgm P1U11M-241 1.62E401 J 1.M00 2.05+00 2U5E+00 pCUg 472(M (8.) 1/1510212:51 a 1.99 RlCHRMC10 1.09Ec

- e J RFIER 4.4 3.48EF01 (163) 9 LSO7 Batcl: 2275407 Work Order. EWCN1AX Report DolDt ES7CNIXR Odagm800: 9E117CNt0 PWTONI+28 0.006+0 U 0.E40 1.75-0 1.93502 pCU9 47.94% 0. 10i31/02 01:11 p 1.99 R1HCSOIl0 0.00si00 U RER M0 1.18E+00 0. 9 ALP124 PLUTONIM 2.13E-02 J 2sEZ 2A.2 1.92E.02 pCflg 47.94% (1.1) 10131102 01:11 p 1.99 RICHRC5s1o 2.34E02 J RER t01 1.07E100 (1.7) 9 ALP124

-Alpha Spea uhitut 8u .2ISEea Numberof Resultw. 4 Commentr:

pornmdou"m 7AtE LJchduNwU3.9 ?ee AIS.D uDs>d

  • ho bdO rb dt zdby thew Efim cid Vpl 7A 97 , andm J Qua!. N.U quaifer h o bea aalgnaia dtt mu ftbd uwb u~ep rulu LU m RL. (CIWL) er a oeptVetuebEiuniu 11Q auI- Au.l ze d for , li t die ut t Isle a thc Ndd ~d uj a 11 ea e r p a.. s een mf w m dld atd en lil theaveRle

I Lab Narne Lot-Sampla No.:

STL Richland J21010260-1 SDm:

Report No.:

FORM It DUPLICATE RESULTS 21208 21071 Reoelved Date:

Dale: 18Dec-02 ColleotTon Date: 8120/2002 2:48:00 PM 00002 3:13:00 PM ClientSample ID. 9SM30000m5F CUP COC No.: Maitrbi SOIL Result, count TOtMl MDOCMA, pt Unitk RsUMDC, Anvys, Teald So Aiquot Anily Melod, Parmater Oaft FM o ErSro (is) Uncet(2 s) AMiln Lev CRDL Ylel RsUTotlllMt Prep Ott Size Sizm PtmmyrDpotetr Butih: 92ZS73 k Wotorden :ESA1AM Repodt OtMO: E07CAIMR Orig ga DS tID 9ER7A10 ACTRNOU*MI 6235-01 U 2.015- 2.0E-01 3A2E-01 p1g .8) 11402 0120 p 340.7 EA.1 7A9E-M U RER 0. (1) 9 GER6S1 AG-10tM -1.03E-02 U 2.3E-02 2.35-0 3.2-02 pCtg -027 10/241020120 p 340.7 E901.1 2.1E5-02 U FRER 1.9 -0.9 g GER"1 AMERICIUM541 2.355E02 U .115-02 8L1E-02 1ADE-01 pCIVA 0.17 10124102 01 20 p 340.7 E90.1 4.801-02 U RER 0.6 0.58 g GERM1 SISVdTfF214 4.E-01 U 1.3E5-1 1.35-01 1.89E-01 pCt/g (2.6) 101241020120 p 340.7 E901.1 5A7E-01 U RER 0.8 W% 9 GER6S1 COBALT-Do a.721-03 U 2.95-02 Z95-02 6.84E-02 pGtn 0.15 10t24102 01 20 p 340.7 E901.1 1.09-E02 U REI 0.1 1.52E-01 0.6 a (ER8S CE!SIUM134 3.17E-02 U 3A5-02 3.E4- A.45E-02 pCVg 0.49 10124/0201 20 p 340.7 E901.1 529E02 U HER 0,9 1575-01 (1.9) 9 GERSS1 CEStUM-137 7.4E-02 J 5.15-02 S5-02 4SE-02 pCVg (1.8) 124102 01:20 p 340.7 E901.1 9245-02 J RER 0.5 3.18E-01 (2.5) 9 GER6S1 EUMOPIUMI -2.353-02 U E7-02 .7E-02 1.27E-01 pCVg -0.19 10124102 01 :20 p 340.7 9001.1

-Q.19E-02 U RER 0.0 4.04E41 -0m l GERS1 EtJROPIUM-154 4-5-02 U 9AE-02 9.46-02 15E-01 pCvG -04A 10124/02 0120 p 340.7 E101.1

-2.98E-02 U RER 0.6 3.72-01 -(1.4) 9 GEReSi UeW11M-*155 5.105-02 U 89-02 6"9E2 122-01 pCV 0Mg 10124102 01 20p 340.7 E901.1

-379E-03 U RER 1.9 1.575+01 (1.8 9 GER6$

POTABSlUM.40 9DAEoW 1R650 1.+tOO 3.03E-01 pCVg (31.9) 10124lO2 0120 p 340.7 E901.1 1.0Es14 RER 0.9 (11.8) 9 GER8S1 UTLlihland RER - apla EH a Bad,- *.Dw _qrXutT~l~ sqiTP m sdedb~e ycflDOA ahmehw rpts wLch vomps.I MMqedbLdb WI

  • A - d co ebo ~ v beili uin ee rsfl~pezd a l' by sunpi, Effdene, cL grmUUI wblank.a4Ju lbU iedad Volhm d .

7 ASN QuI-NoU q d11rhbe eand nttls beRprL ,l(CRLl ortalb _.

U ua - An l ze ., ut t e a l t i I b I b l h-J da a n Un wt wgu u m uu t a a di o da t t he m l .


Io Lab Name:

Lot-Sampl STL Rkchnd No.: j2J010260-1 SDG:

Report No.:

FORM 11 DUPLICATE RESULTS 2120 210f T1 CotlecMffon Data:

Reed ved Datew Oute 1-Dec-02 8P 12002:480a PM 915M023 13o00 PM Clent Smple ID. 9531-000")01PF DUP COD No.: Mat"x SOIL Rest, Count Ttal MDOCMDPA, tUn RtUMDo, Anulyast, Taftl 5a Allquot Analy Metheod pa'n~arg Orig Rdt owl Enw(28) tUoft 2 a) Mtton Lev CBOL Wld fsttlbtUcet PrP Daha asm aSe Putmaryostmb W I MAGNESAU.4 -. 07E2-0 U 3.2E-02 321-42 5.M32-2 pCflg

. -0.11 1024102 012013 340.7 0101.1 1.12E-02 U RER W7 I-01 9 GEtS65t MOSUM-44 -MIT75E03 U 2.615-02 2.5E-0 4.SE622 pClIg 401b 10)2402 01:0 Ip 3407 E9.1

-6.S-0 U RER 0.0 2855-0 -0.52 a GERMS1 LEA"O2 6.71 501 1A4-01 t.4E-01 5.602-0 pcvg 1102) 1012412 01:201 40.7 3p E901.1 AOE-Ot RER 0.3 (9.7) Q GERGS1 LEAD-214 4.71501 1.32-01 1.5IE01 .842E-0 pCI (5.) 1012441201201 p 340.7 001.1 E.1E5-01 RER 12 (5.6) a QERSS1 1MOIUM-05 4.88E01 U 1.32-01 1.E-01 1lE-01 pCV4 (Z) =40 01:201p 340.7 991.1 572E-01 U RER 0.6 a GERUS TMIUM4OS 1.792-01 6.02.02 1.52- 4 E7-02 pCUg (4.1) 10/241201:202p 340.7 E901.1 2.532-01 RER 1.7 g3 GER6S1 Satnbh 2275354 Wovlcrkdu E87CANAN ReportDUlmn EB7OAiNR OWl onas I81 41 1A20 NICKL-3 2.015.01 J .+000 E.1Et00 6509E+OO pCV9 94 .38% (3.3) 11A 6)2 1:15 0:2515 ReCSv 1.51Ett01 J flER 1.2 a896+01 a LS04 Batchi 22=739 Warkc0rder ES135 IAO Repour DS IO EB7CA1OR CT19 SaS ID

  • SUICAIO IRON*5 4.1 EO00 U 1A.201 3.731+01 pCV9 63.01% 0.11 111t9/212:58 0.2515 FOU

-1.115.00 U RER 0.5 1.10E+02 0.58 L8C07 0

Bsloh: 22754(0 WoVkader. ESCIAV Repaft DSl 0 E87CA1VR Og S asB D:9E87010 TECMEfllLMD 18215-01 U 1.1;-01 22E-01 3.09E01 pUag 101 %52 102a02 08.52 5.0 8,735.02 U RER 0.5 5.042-01 (1. n L804 Batch: 2754O9 Wo*Or ES7CIAW RepertDD1lMt ES7CAIW aft an D8eI 3 . _

STL Riehltand RER - apeat Ewr udo aas l) dEfnfid b 1CPT BOA.

slp11T 41Dh~pM . tD8CmCjMDA. tMD sla= LedbAd anItu badq derb k, d d by h mY e d_

7 AX J Q ua-t Usa ba b au ub be L R ( r prun e V Q e d aer,but U utbl e M1 Uh1bS tr a 1MWdohl m-ubr lhwuedMlutIdemdl the m e.

M bJ

02 FORM n N te: 18-Dec-02 DUPUCATE RESULTS Lab Name-. STL Richland SDG: 21203 CollectTon Date: 812112002 2:48:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J2Jo102s01 ReportNo.: 21071 Recelved Date 9i25/2002 3.13:X00 PM Client Sampte ID:0owl3oaooi DUP COC NM: Matrix: SOIL R ,Oount TotT MDCMMDA, Rpt Unl% RfttMC, Analyps, ToltlSe Afquot AWYMothO, Oarmetif fRut o Rrar (20) Unfet(2s) Acton Ley CORL Yield RstlTotuos Prop Dat Sie s8z Pmnaryotetor AMERIIUM41 lA47E-02 J 1.75-02 1.7E 02 1.33E-02 pCf 89WM% (1.1) 1012522 05 7 p 1.98 MC1MC0 9.36P-03 U RER 0.5 1.0'5*00 (1.7) 9 ALP123 CURNJ242 0OOE.0 U o.oE+00 1.-02 1.761-02 pCIg 89.05% 0. 01 02 05:37 p 1.98 RiCHRCSoM O0.E+O0 U Fi1I 0.0 0. 9 ALP123 CURIUMI-n44 0.00600 U 0oE0o0 125.02 1.34E-02 pCVg 89.00% 0. 10125102 05:37 p 1.98 RICHRn5o O.00400 U RER 0.0 1.106100 0. 9 ALP123 Alpfta Spec R9it Swn 1.5.0 hNmborotl~ewultv 23 Oowmienta BTL llhioand MMER- flepteuzE

  • rlbXsmSy sqplmtrPth)ieq"))) dufhrbylCrr BOA A T MD7jQvmA, *s DsaL d bued eml ibu d srbla*awd wth .EsmdaT dd Yn 7 p.7 J Q u nt NoU qai f1 bu e -m umi n ed.i i biUd Isb u tu ~ p l i,tgU RN C 0 . urw Rup ertV. mh ti nt t U3Q ua,.A ty u rwebut dtbb~k1e tha Uen h drtdthtuD N Wdn ta mu aearnUlt u* ii 3 ltdafbhthe adiO..

FORM 11 Date: I H Dea-02 BLANK RESULTS Lab Name: STL Riehfand SCDO: 21180 Lot-Sample Noz J2J020000-373 Report No.: 21071 UsatrbxSOIL Calmit Tot MOCIMA, Rpt UnIk stUMMC, Arufysts. Total St Aliquot Anaty Method, Paa tres En(28) Unceet(2) La CAtL Ydid RsPtlflt c Prep Dte SIze sze Prma Detector Batcl 2277 Work0rdr- ESU81NtM ReportODS lth EMNlA I

ACTNIUM2 -9.35503 U 125-01 1.E-M 2.16E-01 pM -04 10124/02 03:17 p 200.0 EGO1.1

.0.16 g GER2S1 AG-108M -1.87E-02 U 2.8E.02 2.81-02 4.58E-02 pCMt -0A 10124102 03:17 p 200.0 E0t.1

-(IA) a GER2S1 AMRICIUPt*41 12801 U 2.E-01 2E-01 5.1 SE- pCg 025 10/24/02 017 p 200 E901.1 0.88 9 GER2Sl O 4MUT-24-2.210502 U 5-02 3E-02 1.47E101 pC0g -0.15 10)4/02 03:17 p 200.0 E1.1

-0.54 9 GERF2SI CO9ALT-S -1.64503 U 3.2E2 3.2-02 6.2E02 pCt -003 10/24N= 03:17 p 200.0 E01.1 1.52E-01 01 9 GER2S1 CESIMO-134 -1.15E-02 U 3.75-02 .E-02 6.60E 02 pC1/g -0.17 10/4102 03:17 p 200.0 B01.1 lJ7E-01 0.63 9 GER2S1 CESIUtJ137 -379E-04 U 3.8E-02 3.B5-02!02 pClg -0.01 10/24102 0317 p 200.0 Ego1 8.165-01 -0.02 a BSE I EUROPIUM152 -1.02 U 9.1E-02 9.1E-02 1.595-01 pCV -0.1 10124)0203:17 p 2M.0 ES1.1 4.04E-01 -0.34 9 GER2M1 EUROPIUM-154 1.76E02 U 1.0E-01 1.0E-01 ' 1.985-01 pC!g 0.09 10124)02 03:17 p 200.0 0.

3,72E201 0.3 9 GERM EURFPIUM-155 -3.Z7E5.2 U 1.1E-01 1.15-01 1.8701 pCIg -0.2 10124/0203:17 p 200.0 11 i.SmE01 -0.57 a GERM POTASSIM$O -5.33.0 U M6E.01 .E3-01 1.7500 pC/g -0A1 10t24)02 03:17 p 200.0 5901.1

-(1.8) 9 GERtM MAeN SLM'54 8A4E-03 U 3.E-02 3.0-02 5S1E-02 pCtg 0O. 10124/2 03:17 p 200.0 E01.1 9E5-01 a023 GER2S1 STL MAchlend MUIMDAL- Ddeetin, Deehsbon Le! based on Itmnt bockgound or bf edustd by the sample etny, Yied, nd Vclume.

rptSTIflhtihlank UQun-.Aitsyed fhr but fl reVUIL i lGM *fd2roWUibcewor - nSftwardd ad Mmtida titba ie.

V39.7 AST in

FORM II Date: 184Deo-02 BLANK RESULTS Lmlab Name: STL Flchind SDG: 21180 Lot-Sample No_ J2J0W*,  :,D ReportNo.: 2071 Matrb: SOIL Paaeer Resl Oun Efo(2 ) ll"e"(zs) Le CRL Yhd "stfrtUce Prop~a DE" sn sin Prftneafyletetor NlosNMW94 4.52E-02 U WE-02 VE112 7.64E-M pCV I5AM M:7 p oo.o EsO1.1 (22S01 (Z) a GERM LEAi3212 -2.48E-02 U E01542 .05E02 1.03E-O1 pCVg 024 10240 203:17 p 200.0 O1.1 0.8S a GER LBAD-214 SA1E4-2 U 7.01402 7.0DE2 12SE-01 pC/ 0.28 10124102 0:17 p 200.0 E901.1 0.97 g GEM RA0IUM422 -2.195E02 U 8.-M02 8.02 147E-01 pCVg 40.15 10124/02 0317 p 200.0 .1

-0m3 g GEI1 AWUM=2-0 5."E5-O U 4A450 4.4E-c WSW pCV9 0.11 I0/4102 DMZ17p 200.0 E01.1 OA 9 GE Number of Resumfr 17 comienb SL.RMlhiand DCWZDAe- Detectiol, Decislon Level based hIlnsOt bargund or bhnk msd bytfie sampbL Eifotnay, Yldd, nd Vbhrnmt rplSlL.&hBhnk U Qsws-A d lbdlr.

bim e ts Mfddu Ul r 6suarw1mfe d not ldm tsudi tb V3,S M7

FORM 11 Date: 1 -Dc-02 H

BLANK RESULTS LabName: SmIL RIchiand SDG: 21203 Lot-SaMIple No: J2JN2ODI84 Report No.: 21071 Mstfl SOIL cotmt Total MDOMDA. Rpt Unkt RsOOM Anelysts, Totul Sa Allquot Analy Meftod, Parameter Result Ount Eto(2s) Un-rt(2s) La CRDL Yield RWsttUoet Pepr dG tshe size Primary Detecaor Dhtcbt: 227S384 Work OtderEN5 lM Repor1 D9 P. ER IAB NICKL-W 1 21E+01 J 3902.00 5.2E200 6A1 E00 pCIV 89.51:% (1.9) 11/1E2 0421 p 0.25 RCSOG9 3.13E+C 2.89E+01 (4.2) 9 LSC4 Number of Resuhim I Commentb gmh Afthlond MDCIMDAA -Odefectio. DecI Ion Low] basd an barument bankwound or bln, adfustd by thUesamal Efffleaney. Ytild. and Volume.


. QaN; *NtUqbwo laIs an the a bl tP Ruporgn Z LCRDTJ o ---- rt -- s . .lgu V3A7T N


FORM II Date: 18-Dec-02 BLANK RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SOG: 21203 Lot-Sample No.: J2j02W0W-n9 ReportNo.: 21071 Matrix: SOL coint Totl FVCPMUA. Rpt UnMY. fStUID Analysis, Jt1 fa Aliquot AnalI Muthod, Pametr Result Otwl Error C2s ) Uneaas) La CRUL YWeld R ig Prep Data she Sie Pftary Deteator Dakai 2273319 Work Order: EUI9WIAA ReportDBaV ER89WlAS IRON-5 -1.575101 U 9.7E+00 20415+01 pCVg 71.35% 477 1/181O2 12:58 p 0.25 FMQ 9.54E+,0 1.1mEm+02 -. 2) _g , LS-07 Number of Result I Oommerft HTI. rebhand M~cMDAL

-DeeetenDecsin Lvelbasd nhitnzentbuckmuid or blankadluatedbyrnhawipte Elielncyyieldand volume.

rPSTLRChlunlk VIE7 A37 m

I M-Lab Name: STL RIchland FORMII BLANK RESULTS SUG: 21203 Date: 18"ec-02 Lot-Sample No-, J2J02006400 Report No.: 21071 Matrbx SOIL Count ToWu MOCJMDA, TW Unit, RsUADct Analys, Total Be Alquat Analy Method, Putinietw feown aust Eor (2 a) Uneerg2s) La CDL yiel RetfTotruerl Prep Date SIZ she Pmuit Dtector Batchi :27S4M0 - Work0Orden EIAI A RefpotD 0 Ith. EUWAB!

TEcHNEnum -2.22E-02 U 12E-01 2.11E-01 2.SOE-01 pCvg 100.00% 0. 1U2310Z 11:58 a 5.0 RICHRCM78 1.44E-01 5.04E-01 .0.21 9 LSC4 Number of Result: 1 commervis:.

8TL l1hlend McqMDA.Le - Dehed~v% Decilon Lavel bsed an Instrument backgleund or bhlnk adjusted by the aumpi. Efficley, yield, and vuhmm rptcTLRvhnhmk JQuld . nd rF bt lbaa flsadMdTu wloru m sodidmatifyb. nude.

V307A97 Na

M FORM 1t Date: 18-Dec-02 BLANK RESULTS Lab Name: STL RIchland SM: 21203 Lot-Sample No-: J2J200002WO Report No.; 21071 Matrbc SOIL Ornit tt MVUAMOAA. PO Un,1 119MU, AnQsU h s, Total SI AlIq!ot Anly Method, Pae"futer oesult Qkl En( 2a) UnCert(2 a) LC CROL Yield Rstjrollupt Prep DM stm 8st Primary Detector Dutete 22740 WrmkOrden EB9AWIAA Report DE lM. EN9AWIAR CARBEOW-14 5.42E-02 U 8.1E1I n2 lE.02 1A3E-01 pCit P00O.00% OAS A 10/18500:21 a 5.0 RC=

7.01 E-02 2.2E-1 (1.8) 9 LSC3 NUnberof fiesits: I Corments.

8snRUhtod MDAMe.veecllMeeulon Level bued onftrument bsekmndarblk, adused bythiempe E YhIld, nnd Vlume.

rptBsshfnk U Qut-Azl tv ,but radlls hi 1s etbe Md l nb IJg rs f dM.tld tYItsdl VI A97A!

w C

m FORM 11 Date: 18-Dec-02 BLANK RESULTS Lab Name: Sm FTchland SDG: 21203 Lot-Sample No.: J202w00404 Report No.: 21071 Matrif SOIL ount Total MDOtMDA. flptMUnt, RaIMMC, Anayt, Total Allepot AneltMethod, P Result o"1 EmrC2a) Uneet"2s) La cm yiqd RJjUcel Prep M1f lse M Pdwnadeteotor Bu. 927 404 Wayir Omer: E8AOM Repart IB l. E38AOIA9 PLUTONRU*241 1*0E+01 J 1.1+800 1.4E+00 1.56E00 pCT/g 71.0% (7.7) 1116/02 1251 a 2.0 RICHFC5O1 7.SE1-01 UASE+01 (17.2) a L$C7 Number of Reufm I Commentir STL Fdhnd MUCMPAL.. DetentionDeuatataLove!bagedao nsmtnnmnt beeftpvaund orbtanl~adjustd by th amploEfflalenay, Yieldand Vokune pS*Lnhfft J0.8!-1%'4U quaft bmumfadjnImid iraudtlhbdewwd.Rbpwftq aTmRL (C~DL~ar~apartvsnuekxdsmmd.

v&VA97 w,


I FORM 11 BLANK RESULTS Da1te: 18a-Dec-02 Lab Name: STL Ricoh[Mrd SOG: 212(13 LOt-SWMIII No.: J2J020000407 Report No.: 21071 SOIL Count PADCqMDA RFpltinUl. RRWtMD Anelius, Total Sm Aliquot Aziuly Method, Mmft Qawl Erroq(23) Lo CROIL yVIP14 FsV~hUaor Prep Date St=O Prtinauy etector Batch: 2275407 Wo*rd ner-. EBU71AA  !!SA71AS PLUTOIUM423B 0.0050 LI 0.05+G0 1.27E-t 71.72% 0. 10/31/02 0111 p 2.0 MCRMM~Oso 1.215-02 1.181300 0. a ALPI2S PLuTot4ium 0.0015+00 U 0.05+001 1ZE5I~ t 71.72% 0. 10M1302 01:11 p ROCWHcS1l 93940 2.0 1.0715+00 0. B9 ALP12S Number of Reuftst 2 colnmarnts SIL Rlchilod MDCPtRAL.-Dateato,%DecisienmiLvlbd' olttznn acgon rbakerhe aml lltny Yd n ou MM1TLpcbhDnm' tQu-Aml iynd fork butiber klfh,dmu Sm rft*fdarow Uneeut or gie w oiuedduIIsf b ui V3W AgY wi

I3 Lab Namea STL RIchland LotSample No.: J2J02U0o0-409 SDG:

FORM II BLANK RESULTS 21203 Reportft.: 21071 MatrIx: SOIL Date: 18-Dec-02 Total count MOCIMDA RPt Vni RsIMDC Anal^ Total an ANCqut AnIlyMethod, Paameter Result Ouel e j2 S) Unceul2as) La CROL Yield Aetfrowert Pr" Mat sin Sfte Prmaty Ddeteaor e atih: 2r75409 Work Odfer:

0 D IM  : E89CD1AB AMEMMMCIM41 O0E+00 U 0QOE.00 1.1E 02 1.162-02 pClb 101.16% 0. 101M26020:37 p zo RMS 1 .032.0 0. a ALP127 CtUVU242 Oo)EaQ u O.E.00 IAE72- 1.552-0 PCIg 101.16% 0. 10/25M2 05:37 p 2.0 RC1O80

0. 9 ALP127 CURlUM-243M44 -8.69=-04 U 1.7E-0S 1.7E-S 07-02 pC1g 101.16% 43.04 10Z26/02 05:37 p 2.0 RCS5 4.49-E03 1.15400 -1. a ALP127 1Umbwrof Msut. 3 Comments%

ST1 Incld MDClII-AL -atetect, Ddclon LDeve based an hstnnment bsaek btmdarbt, adjuitdbytDeBmp?. tenc% Ynd mnd Volume.

tSphaltlalk UQUb-h Ur Onwar. Ei nsen.

Mt NM" the V3.7A97 w


I3 FORM If BLANK RESULTS Date: 15-Dec-02 Lab Name: STL Rlchland SDG: 21203 Lot-Sample No.: J2KO10000-287 Report No.: 21071 Matrix. SOIL Count Total MOCIMDA, Rpt UnP. Rst/MDC, Anualyis Tblal Se AlIquat Analy Mothod Parameter Result Cual Emr( 2) Unc tt(2 ) La CROL Yield RstlotUdrt Prep oates She Size Primary Detoector Batcu 2027 WorkOrder: FARSEKM Reprt D IDS:FABEICtAB mSOnTIUm-9o 8.08E-03 U 2.5E-02 2.2E.02 4.07202 pCUg 72.00% 0.16 11129102 01:02 p 10.0 CMUD

-_E-2.355- .0DE.02 -D0.52 g 6PC1D Number of Results: I Commanwen STL Richland MDC!MDALO - Detectlon, Decsion Leel based onInstument bhckhjround or bbmnk, adjusted by O e sanple EMcleney, Yied, and Volume.

ow"S isaBhn U Qudl A-AWyzwd rer, but ibe mauntsitx osn am lMriedaIrTbl Uncedorgum. sftn software did not Idan the nudide.



rn FORM II Date: 18-Oee-02 H

LCS RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SOG:. 21180 Lot-Sample No.: J2J02C000-373 Report No.: 21071 Matrix: SOIL Count Total Repart Expktud RffnVe* Analysis. Aliquot AnalyMethod, Parameter Result Oud &r ( 2J) Uncertf2 a) MDCIMDA Unit Yield Expected Uncert Blis prep Dale Size Primary Delector Batch: 2275373 Work Order. E5MNIAC Report On10: EBI1NICS CESIUM-t3t 1.07E+00 .1E-01 1.8E-01 8.1OE-02 pCl/g 1.02E5+00 3AE02 104.77% 10/41D2 03919 P 200.0 EMMI.1 Rem LlmlWt: 70. 130. 0.0 g GERl$1 Number of Results: t Comments:

m Richland in -(.dtIEpeded)-1as da l by ANSI NI3JL rpl5TLRchLcs V397 A97 w


Io Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No- J2J020000484 FORM II LCS RESULTS SD9:

Report No.:

21203 21071 Matrbix SOIL Date. 18-Dec-02 Coun, TWtA Report Eawpzed Rmevoy, Azialyasis Aliquot Anely Method, parameter Result Ouat efray(2s) Unoarltg w) MD0IMDA Unit Yield lbapectel Uncert Sim Prep Date size Primary Dateato Balch. 227354 worko0rder~ Esag1AA ReportMO D: SSB9JICS NICKML3 4i5E+02 0.213+00 4.450IO 5.085+a0 pCig 95.B2% 5.085+02 1.715*01 97.89% 11/15/02 08:02 p 0.25 flC50

_ _ _ _ _Roo LIMOta. 70. 130. 0.0 a L.804 Number of Resuhh 1 Comments:

Sit Richland Slas -(Rasut/Swpeclad)-1 asdefWWu by ANSI NLU30 VWD A9?


C03 FORM 11 Date: 18-Dec-02 H

LCS RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland sBo: 21203 Lot-Sample No.; J2J020001J389 Report No.: 21071 Matrix: SOIL Count: Toal Report Eipedd Recovey, Analysis, Aliquot Analy Method, Parameter Result aual Wror(2s) Uncut2 a) MOC4MDA Unit Yield ExpedaI Unart. of" Prep DaOt She PrimarylDelecter Balhr. 2275359 Wark OJrde E9OWlACG Rmport IDS:t EBSSWICS IRON-M 2.7aE+01 12Et01 2.0SE+01 pCOg 69.01% 5.71E+01 .E+00 4B.57% 11/19(02 1US p 025 Rea Umltb 70. 130. -0.5 Q LSC7 Number of Resulfsi 1 Comments; S1 RlehIand Blas -( POuUJipete) amddind byASINI3JL rptTLMachLcs V3A7A97 w

FORM II Date: 18-Dec02 H

LCS RESULTS Lab Name: STL RIchtland SVG: 212M Lot-Sample Now =2J020000400 ReportNo.: 21071 Mutrlc St:IL Count ToWl ileport Expe Ttanve, n Analysis, Aliqual Analy Method.

Paamnet ROuS OvW ftor(26) Uncerlt2 z) MDCIMDA Unit Yldd Mtpeced Uncr iMax prep Date Size Pdimaryaelector Betch: 2275400 Woekiwden E8E9lAC RupotiDa: 98591cs ECHNETIUM-e9 t.23E+Ot 3.IE-01 MMI1 3.07E-01 pCttg 100.00% 1.35EFO1 3.1E-01 90.55% 101231102 01:00 p 5.0 RCHRCSO78 nee Limls: 70. 130. -0.1 9 LSC4 NumberofResuibr. 1 comments:

STL Richhind DOn - (RM UEspce*1ddhedbI NA~l13.

vPtv"LChLcs V397A97 w


L1- FORM II Date: 18-Dec-02 3

LeS RESULTS Lob Name: STL Richland SOG: 21203 Lot-Sample No.: .12420000403 ReportNa.: 21071 Matrix: SOIL Count Total Report EgpW Hemlvy, Anulysis, Aliquot Analy Method, Parameler Result auOwUror (1a) Uncerg I s) MDCjMOA Unit Yield Epseetd Uncert alas Prep Dat. Ske Primary Detector Match: 2273403 Work Order E8AWIAC Repart D )ID:EUSAWICS CARSON.-4 2.651+00 9.45.02 16E01 1.43E-01 pCl/g 100.00% 2.93EF00 5.55.02 100.57% 10/1B02 11:448 5.0 RC5022 oeoUmita 70. 130. 0.0 8 LSC3 Number of Results: I Comments; SmL Rl and Blms - (IWu/Epwlud) xs defined byANSI1N3I.

rpIST1.11hLes VSE7 AST w


CD U FORM II LCS RESULTS Date: 1 -Dec-02 Lab Name: SrL Richland SDG: 21903 Lot-Sample No.; J2J02C1OC1404 ReporiNa.: 21071 Matrix: SOIL Count Total RePort Eied nReca7, Anulysis, Aliquat Analy Method, Parameter Ruuf Qual Error( 2s) Uncart(2 s) MVCjMDA Unit Yield E'pected Uner Dlti Prep Dat. at" PrimaryDelectar Batbh: 22754D4 WorlkOrder E5AOMAC RepaotDBID: EBAICS PWTONIUM-241 2.S7E+01 1.4E+00 2.1E+00 1.416+00 pC9g 75.10% 2.28E401 1.OE+00 112.49%6111102 12:51 a 2.0 RMCMC510 flea Umltts 70. 130. 0.1 g LSC7 Number nt Heuttso I Commentor.

SYIRablmnd Blea .(RmUlueRted$ as wdined by AN tL3 rptSTLROhLa V3.97A9

3 FORM It Date: 18-Deo-02 LCS RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SBO. 21203 Lot-Sample No.: J2.1 020(00-407 Report No.: 21071 Matrix: SOIL Count ibtal Report ipect R=M7, Anulyws, AJiquot Analy Method, P1mumter Result Qual Emrr2m) Unouta a) MDCjMOA Unit Yield Expftad Unrt ffia Prop Data Size PrimaryDetector Batch: 2275407 Work ordler E89A71AO ReportD81D: !UA71CS PWUTONIUM- 5.61E-01 1.0E5O1 13E-01 1.22E-02 pClg 76.07% 4.93E-01 2.5E-02 113.O0% 10/31/02 01:11p 2.0 RJCHReCSOo 230140 RCM Umtnlt

_ 70. 130. 0.1 9 ALP127 Number of Resultt 1 Comments:

S1L Richland Bia - (RWVExe1e*das deined by AN31M330.

rptSLflchLcm Vd A9?

H vas

[a FORM II Date: 18-Oec-02 1-4I LOS RESULTS Lab Name: STL Allhiand SaOB 21203 Lot-Sample No.: J2d020000409 Report No.: 21071 Matrix: SOIL Count 1otul Report Epeezd Recavery, Analysis, Aliquot Analy Method, Parametel Resuft Qual Frro(2s) Unc<er2 a) MDCjlMA Ulnit Yied Expaced Unrt tiss Prep onto Size Primawry Detector Batch: 2275409 WorkOrder: EI9COIAC ReportDBID: EBSCD1CS AMERICIUM-241 4.49E440 2.816Ol 82E01 2AM7-02 pCVg 103.19% 4M59E+00 1.5E-01 97.82% 10126/205:38p 2.0 RlCHRCS50 lea umits 70. 130. 0.0 a ALP128 NumberofResult I commentsz STL Pleflhand Iss . t is pgte*l as ddloed byANSN u3L tSTLRchl VI.97A97

I co FORM 11 Date. 18-Dec-02 LCS RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 21203 Lot-Sample No.: J2K010000-287 Report No.: 21071 Matrbxc SOIL Count Count Tnabl Report Expqectet Recovry. Analyis. Aliquot Andly Methods Paramuelr Result cual cr (28a) Unceriy2 a) MDCjMDA Unit Yield Expected Uncut oIfs Prop Dute Slum Pritery Outector I

Batch: 22057 Work Order FA8EK1AC Report DB ID: PA8ECICS STRONTIUM4O 5.11E-01 5.E.02 1.2U-01 4.11E-02 pCi9 52.75% 455E-01 8.9E-03 112.00% 11/29/02 01:04 p 10.0 CMUD Ree Limits. 70. 13O. 0.1 0 GPC2A fnmiber of Results:


STL Richland Mm . (RU/Expltd).1 asdrrnd by ANSN13JO.

rptlSTLJhLcs w

Cr N. FORM 11 Date: 18-Dec-02 MATRIX SPIKE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richiand SOG: 21205 Lot-Sample No- J2,100260-2 Report No.: 21071 Matrlrx SOIL Spiklwusun, Count Total apt Unit, Reo- Esp- VIp Analyshi Parameter OrIg fist oust Enw (2:) Aliquot Analy Method, UnoM2a) MOCIMDA CROL Yield overy acted Uneext Prep Data She Primary Defector Ralch; 2278884 WokOrdor: ES7GN1AM Report on: oWCNIW OrgS.DB51:

WICKEL-03 4.51E+02 82E+00 4AE401 6.00E+00 pCVg 95.59% 95858% 5.03E+021.-760111/1510202:39p 02517 FCS059 RS__ g . LSC4 Batch: 2275389 Wu ES7CN1AT 135den Report DO 11: 5870NI1W Ong SoD 1D.

IRON-55 7A6E+01 1.9E+01 1.25E+01 pCVg 80.93% 85.92% 1.13E.026.013.00111910212:558p 02517 FGXZ RER 9 LSC7 Butch: 2275400 Workcrder EM7CNIAR Report D0I: ES7CN1RW Orig So 0D ID TECIINETIU*99 2.435401 4.22-01 1.71300 3.12E-01 pCVg 100.00% 89.701 2.70E+01 6.15-01 10/230210:58a 5.0 RICHERC5o78 RER 9 LSC4 Number of Resuft. 3 Comments:

STL Rchlmnd RER -Repilcate error Ro a(S.OD)qtsq(Ts)eqUd))as defned byICPTBOA.

rptaTLRahMs Dies -(R* t xpefted).1 ^a defnied byMtM m3.s.

V3*IA97 A~

50x) 9-0  ?W3 Tv jg5 qCoeaecticut Yankee Decomiissioning Project ZJM[

I 24265-0O-GPP-GGR-R.5104-O3Attchment A t'Bechtcl Ptoceduse 0 ,2 PageI of I Bechtel Power Corporation Chain of Custody Form COC No: 2002-0064 362 JuW Rollow Road, atHailaplon, Cr06424 P.O. Di 2426"SB-S-005S2-AC a6d.2673536 I. Activif Code: 24265.200.04AA3 Mraec N c.,4td RekLab Use-OnyI I..

5 Contact Name: Jack McCNekat -- _ _ al _

Phone; 1-850.267-2556 ' 3024..... Conntm

£ a q, ~ X.:-.-;..

  • ni * -,**: *.

Analytical Lab (Name, Caty, State) Typchland, I ~ Type2 TypeS * *.*-

2800 Cmrge Washingn Way Rlchland, WA 99352 Attentam Barb Gilne i .  :

S if Pdomird; 30 D. EI5 7D. M ASAP _ ____* ;_*_*

SampleDesignation Date Tlime Comment, Lab Stroid .,.

u-9.31-O00014F 8/20/2002 1350 TS C] BP I BFSSGAM ENWT I/A .

.-1 9531-4O0-OIF 8/012002 1353 TS G BP I BFSSGAM . N/A ._._.

4- 953 I-000-00P 3 /20/002 1420 TS a BP I BVSSGAM V NIA __..._..

.9,53 l-G00- I 8I2F/2002 1447 TS 0 DlP 1 BSSALI 4 F N/A _

V9531.0000"1OtS 8120/2002 14$5 TS a BP I BFSSAL. L4_ NIAq NIA __U_

NOTES, Multiple Individuals perlbrmlng sampling, refer to Daily Survey Journal sheet for lst of team meibabr Samples Wiernat CQnbtahlr

__ __ _ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ Shipped Via: Temp.: _ e.C

)s Date3me .2) Received By -4)0 cOD V Datrime - Fed Ex Hand . Y1 . .NOI

3) RerquIshld Byme 4)Received By DatemTle

- ,.CustodySeal Intad

5) Ralinqulshed By Datafrime 6) Received By 'Z -' DXWTIns -3 .

Bill of Lading iD MmdlI Code wa. Qzuwd Water, W.: Surifce war, FE . EsG WB:We

%YEr Wo, WS: s aWV.:

oum x EMeat Mac IS: SoU segent, AS: Asyb T. V . Cs% Cnoe Or.00hu SaplType Cade 0; Gnb, Co CanPwlM, Cam D.Dapff4,S: Spt.FBh FSdd MBuk, RH: Rif13x bink. B: PRal SpkDup an Other C"10unarnte - . Plutic Bsa&DC:COuh aSn, P. tiaSQ ed 00, G:G1 A-.Amb gsY: Vlsim. I UterIeH; Or.Other Bechtel IL.


MATRIX OF REQUIRED ANALYSES AND DETECION SENSITIVITIES Colimn I Column 2 Column3 Column4 Corumui S BFSSGAM BFSSALL Radionuclidc Analyses Soilt D (pcig) Required Requdir?

analysis? analysis 7 Ac-228 (OEA) NIA YES YES Ag-103m (GEA) 2.636E-01 YES YES Amn-241 (GEA) L03E+OD YES YES Am-241 (AEA) 1.03E+D0 YES Bi-212 (CEA) NfA YES YES Bi-214 (CIEA) IUA YES YES C-14' (Liquid Scintillation) 2.1E0l YES Cn-243J244 (AEA) 1.16E+00 YES CO-60 (CEA) 1.52E-01 YES YES Cs-134 (GEA) 1.97EB01 YES YES Cs-137 (GEA) 3.1613-01 YES YES Eul152 (UEA) 4.041301 YES YES Eu-154 (UEA) 3.72- 01 YES YES Eu-155 (GEA) 1.2E+01 YES YES Fc-55 1.1OE+03 YES U-3 (Liquit Scintillatlon) 1.fi5E+al YES K40 (MBA) MA YES YES Mj-54 (CBA) 6SGE-0I YES YES Nb-94 (MUA) 2.5101 YES YES N-63 (Liquid Scintillation) 2.89E-+01 YES Pb-212 (GEA) MA YES YES Pb-214 (CEA) NIA YES YES Pu-233 (AEA) 1.18E+00 YES Pu-2391240 (AEA) l.7E+OD YES Pu-241 (Liquid Scintllation) 3ABE+01 YES Ra-226 (CIEA) KWA YES YES Sr-90 (GPC 6.20E-02 YES Tc-99 (LiquIdScintillation) 5.04E-01 . YES TI-20B (GUA)N WA YES YES STL RICHLAND

Analytical Data Package Prepared For Bechtel CT Yankee Project Radiochemical Analysis By STL Richland 2800 G. W. Way, Richland Wa, 99352, (509)-3 75-3131.

Assigned Laboratory Code: STLRL DataPackageContains Pages Report No.: 20994 SDG No. Order No. Client Sample ID (List Order) Lot-Ss No. Work Order Report DB ID Batch No.

21414 9523-0000-011AF J2J240307-1 FAPR71AD 9FAPR710 2298423 9523-0000-011AF J2J240307-1 FAPR71AC 9FAPR710 2298424 9523-0000-011AF J2J240307-1 FAPR71AA 9FAPR710 2298425 9523-0000-01 1AFS J2J240307-2 FAPTF1AD 9FAPTF10 2298423 9523-0000-01lAFS J2J240307-2 FAPTFIAC 9FAPTFIO 2298424 9523-0000-OIIAFS J2J240307-2 FAPTFIAA 9FAPTFIO 2298425 9523-0000-026AF J2J240307-3 FAPTL1AD 9FAPTLIO 2298423 9523-0000-026AF J2J240307-3 FAPTLIAC 9FAPTLIO 2298424 9523-0000-026AF J2J240307-3 FAPTLIAA 9FAPTL10 2298425 9531-0000-013AF J2J240307-4 FAPTRIAD 9FAPTRIO 2298423 9531-0000-013AF J2J240307-4 FAPTRIAC 9FAPTRIO 2298424 9531-0000-013AF J2J240307-4 FAPTRIAA 9FAPTRIO 2298425 9531-0000-015AF J2J240307-5 FAP1V1AD 9FAPTV10 2298423 9531-0000-015AF J2J240307-5 FAPTVIAC 9FAPTV10 2298424 9531-0000-016AF J2J240307-5 FAPTVIAA 5FAPTVtO 2298425 STL Richland rptSTLRchTIte v3.73 STL RICHLAND 1

Ml CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS November 20, 2002 Bechtel Corporation 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, CT 06424 Attention: Alan Heter SDG Number  : 21414 Date SDG Received October 24, 2002 Number of Samples .  : Five (5)

Sample Type Soil Data deliverable Summary Report I. Introduction On October 24, 2002, five soil samples were received at STL Richland (STLR) for radiochemical analysis. Upon receipt, the samples were assigned to Lot Number J2J240307 with the laboratory ID numbers to correspond with the Bechtel Corp. (BCT) specific IDs as listed on the cover page.

II. Analytical Results/Methodology The analytical results for this report are presented by laboratory sample ID. Each set of data includes sample identification information; analytical results and the appropriate associated statistical errors.

The requested analyses are: Liquid Scintillation Counting Tritium by method RICH-RC-5037 Technetium-99 by method RICH-RC-5078 Carbon-14 by method RICH-RC-5022 Il. Quality Control.

The analytical results for each analysis performed under SDG 21414 includes a minimum of one Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) and one method (reagent) blank and one duplicate sample analysis. Any exceptions have been noted in the "Comments" section.


Bechtel Corporation November 20, 2002 Page 2 QC and sample results are reported in the same units.

IV. Comments Liquid Scintillation Counting Tritium by method RICH-RC-5037:

The LCS, sample duplicate, batch blank and sample results are within contractual requirements.

Technetium-99 by method RICH-RC-5078:

The LCS, sample duplicate, batch blank, matrix spike, and sample results are within contractual requirements.

Carbon-14 by method RICH-RC-5022:

The LCS, sample duplicate, batch blank and sample results are within contractual requirements.

I certify that this Certificate of Analysis is in compliance with the SOW, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager, or a designee as verified by the following signature.

Reviewed and approved:

Barbara M. Gillespie Project Manager STL RICHLAND 3

Drinking Water Method Cross References DRINKING WATER ASTM METHOD CROSS REFERENCES Referenced Method Isotope(s) STL Richiand's SOP number EPA 901.1 Cs-134,1-131 RICH-RC-5017 EPA 900.0 Alpha & Beta RICH-RC-5014 EPA 903.1 Ra-226 RICH-RC-5005 EPA 904.0 Ra-228 RICH-RC-5005 EPA 905.0 Sr89/90 RICH-RC-5006 ASTIM D2460 Total Radium RICH-RC-5027 Standard Method 7500-U-C & ASTM D5174 Uranium RICH-RC-5058 EPA 906.0 Tntium RICH-RC-5007 NOTE:

The Gross Alpha LCS is prepared with Am-241 (unless otherwise specified in the case narratie)

The Gross Beta LCS is prepared with SrIY-90 (unless otherwise specified in the case narrative)

Uncertainty Estimation STn Richland has adopted the internationally accepted approach to estimating uncertainties described in "NIST Technical Note 1297, 1994 Edition". The approach, "Law of Propagation of Errors",

involves the identification of all variables in an analytical method which are used to derive a result. These variables are related to the analytical result (R) by some functional relationship, R = constants

  • f(x,y,z,...).

The components (xy,z) are evaluated to determine their contribution to the overall method uncertainty.

The individual component uncertainties (ui) are then combined using a statistical model that provides the most probable overall uncertainty value. All component uncertainties are categorized as type A, evaluated by statistical methods, or type B, evaluated by other means. Uncertainties not included in the components, such as sample homogeneity, are combined with the component uncertainty as the square root of the sum-of-the-squares of the individual uncertainties. The uncertainty associated with the derived result is the combined uncertainty (us) multiplied by the coverage factor (1,2, or 3).

When three or more sample replicates are used to derive the analytical result, the type A uncertainty is the standard deviation of the mean value (S/vn), where S is the standard deviation of the derived results. The type B uncertainties are all other random or non-random components that are not included in the standard deviation.

The derivation of the general "Law of Propagation of Errors" equations and specific example are available on request.

STL Richland rpioenerallnro v3.72 STL RICHLAND 4

Report Definitions Action Lev An agreed upon activity level used to trigger some action when the final result is greater than or equal to the Action Level. Often the Action Level is related to the Decision Limit.

Batch The QC preparation batch number that relates laboratory samples to QC samples that were prepared and analyzed together.

Bias Defined by the equation (Result/Expected)-l as defined by ANSI N13.30.

COC No Chain of Custody Number assigned by the Client or STL Richland.

Count Error (Ns) Poisson counting statistics of the gross sample count and background. The uncertainty is absolute and inthe same units as the result. For Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) the batch blank count is the background.

Total Uncert (Us) All known uncertainties associated with the preparation and analysis of the sample are propagated to give a measure

- Combined of the uncertainty associated with the result, u, the combined uncertainty. The uncertainty is absolute and in the Vneerflanty. same units as the result

(#s), Coverage The coverage factor defines the width of the confidence interval, 1, 2 or 3 standard deviations.

Factor CRDL (RL) Contractual Required Detection Limit as defined inthe Client's Statement Of Work or STL Richland "default" nominal detection limit. Often referred to the reporting level (RL)

Lc Decision Level based on instrument background or blank, adjusted by the Efficiency, Chemical Yield, and Volume associated with the sample. The Type I error probability is approximately 5%. Lc=(I .645 Sqrt(24(BkgrndCnt/BkgrndCntMinySCntMin)) * (ConvFct/(EflYld*Abn*Vol) IngrFct). For LSC methods the batch blank is used as a measure of the background variability. Lc cannot be calculated when the background count is zero.

The number assigned by the LIMS software to track samples received on the same day for a given client. The i Lot-Sample No sample number is a sequential number assigned to each sample in the Lot.

I MDCJMDA Detection Level based on instrument background or blank, adjusted by the Efficiency, Chemical Yield, and Volume with a Type I and 11 error probability of approximately 5%. MDC - (4.65

  • I Sqrt((BkgmdCnt/BkgmdCntMin)/SCntMin) + 2.71/SCntMin) * (ConvFct/(Eff
  • Yld
  • Abn
  • Vol)
  • IngrFct). For LSC methods the batch blank is used as a measure of the background variability.

Primary Detector The instrument identifier associated with the analysis of the sample aliquot. I Ratio U-2341U-238 The U-234 result divided by the U-238 result The U-234/U-238 ratio for natural uranium in NIST SRM 4321C is 1.038. I Rst/MDC Ratio of the Result to the MDC. A value greater than I may indicate activity above background at a high level of confidence. Caution should be used when applying this factor and it should be used in concert with the qualifiers associated with the result.

RsVTottUcert Ratio of the Result to the Total Uncertainty. If the uncertainty has a coverage factor of 2 a value greater than I may indicate activity above background at approximately the 95% level of confidence assuming a two-sided confidence interval. Caution should be used when applying this factor and it should be used in concert with the qualifiers associated with the result.

Report DB No Sample Identifier used by the report system. The number is based upon the first five digits of the Work Order Number.

RER The equation Replicate Error Ratio = (S-D)/[sqrt(TPUs2 + TPUd2) as defined by ICPT BOA where S is the original sample result, D is the result of the duplicate, TPUs is the total uncertainty of the original sample and TP7Ud is the total uncertainty of the duplicate sample.

SWG Sample Delivery Group Number assigned by the Client or assigned by STL Richland upon sample receipt.

Sum Rpt Alpha The sum ofthe reported alpha spec results for tests derived from the same sample excluding duplicate result where Spec Rsts) the results arc in the same units.

, Work Order The LIMS software assign test specific identifier.

Yield The recovery of the tracer added to the sample such as Pu-242 used to trace a Pu-239/40 method.

STL Rlchland rptGentrallnfo v3.72 STL RICHLAND 5

Sample Results Summary Date: 20-Nov-02 STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.

Report No.: 20994 SOG No: 21414 Work Order Client ID Number Parameter Result.- Uncertainty ( 2s) Qual Units Yield MDCIMDA RER 9523-0000-01 1AF FAPR71AD TRITlUM 7.21 E-02 +- 3.6E-02 J pCug 100.00% 7.19E-02 9523-0000-01 1AF FAPR71AC TECHNETIUM-99 -7.50E-02 +- 2.2E-01 U pCilg 100.00Yo 3.14E-01 9523-0000-01 IAF FAPR71AA CARBON-14 1.28E-02 +-7.7E-02 U pCig 100.00% 1.43E-01 9523-0000-011AF DUP FAPR71AE TRITIUM 3.88E-02 4.- 3.7E-02 U pCig 100.00% 7.61E-02 9523-0000-01 1AFS FAPTF1AD TRITIUM 2.68E-02 4- 4.1E-02 U pCi'g 100.00% 8.85E-02 9523-0000-01 IAFS FAPFIF AC 7ECHNETIUM-99 -1.17E-0l +- 2.1 E-01 U pCvg 100.00% 3.1OE-01 9523-0000-01 1AFS FAPTFIAA CARBON-14 -l.O1E-02 +- 7.6E-02 U pCig 100.00°h I1.43E-01 9523-0000-01AFS OUP FAPTF1AE TECHNETIUM-99 -1.02E-01 *- 2.2E-01 U pCilg 100.000/c 3.12E-01 9523-0000-026AF FAPTLIAD TRITIUM 7.48E-02 +- 6.6E-02 U pCig 100.00% I1.38E-01 9523-000-026AF FAPTL1lAC TECHNETIUM-99 1.69E-01 +- 2.3E-01 U pcelg 100.00% 3.19E-01 9523-0000-026AF FAPTLIAA CARBON-14 5.12E-03 +- 7.6E-02 U pCilg 100.00% I1.43E-01 9531 -0000-013AF FAPTRIAD TRITIUM I1.72E-01 *- 6AIE-02 J pCi/g 100.00% I1.32E-01 9531 -0000-013AF FAPTRIAC TECHNETIUM-99 3.15E-01 *- 2.4E-01 J pC/g 100.000h 3.08E-01 9531-0000-013AF FAPTR1AA CARBON-14 -3.73E-02 +- 7.5E-02 U pCI/g 100.00%0 I1.43E-01 9531-0000-013AF DUP FAPTRIAE CARBON-14 -3.89E-02 +- 7.5E-02 U pCilg 100.00% 1.43E-01 9531 -0000015A FAPTVIAD TRITIUM 4.86E-02 +- 3.OE-02 U pCiIg 100.00% 8.03E-02 9531-0000-015AF FAPTViAC TECHNETIUM-99 3.17E-01 +- 2A4E-01 J pCI/g 100.000/% 3.08E-01 9531 -0000-015AP FAPTVIM CARBON-14 1.31E-02 *- 7.6E-02 U Pci/g 100.00% 1.43E-01 Number of Results: 18 STL Richland RER - Replicate Error Rado - (S-D)yIsqrt(sq(TFUs)+sq(T'PUd)) uadefned by ICPT BOA.

rptSTLRchSaSum J Qual - No V qualifier has beta assigned and the result isbelow the Reporting Limit, RL (CRDL) or Report Value is Estimated.

V3.S A97 U Qual - Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdclMdalTotal Uncert or gamma team software did not Identify the nuetide.


QC Results Summary Date: 20-Nov-02 STL Richland STLRL Ordered by QC Type, Batch No.

Report No.: 20994 SDG No.: 21414 Work Order QC Type Number Parameter Result - Uncertainty ( 2s) Qual Units Yield Recovery Bias MDCIMDA MATRIX SPIK FAPTL1AE TECHNETIUM-99 2.52E+01 +- 1.8E+00 pC/g 100.00% 92.70% -0.1 3.25E-01 BLANK QC FAR8F1M TRITIUM -3.20E-02 +- 1.4E-01 U pCiV9 100.00% 3.08E-01 BLANK QC FAR8K1AA TECHNETIUM-99 2.02E-01 +- 2.3E-01 U pCi/g 100.00%/0 3.05E-01 BLANK QC FAR8M1M CARBON-14 -4.78E-02 +- 7.5E-02 U pCiIg 100.00% 1.4.4E-01 LCS FAR8FIAC TRITIUM 6.74E+O0 +- 3.9E-01 J PCilg 100.00% 98.78% 0.0 3.07E-01 LCS FAR8K1AC TECHNETIUM-99 1.31E+01 +- 1.0E+00 100.00% 95.89% 0.0 3.06E-01 LCS FAR8MIAC CARBON-14 2.69E+00 .- 1.5E-01 J PCVg 100.00% 99.00Yo 0.0 1.44E-01 Number of Results: 7 STL Richland Bias - (Result/Expected)-[ as defined by ANSI N1330.

rptSTLRchtcSum J Qual - No U qualifier bas been assigned and the result Is below the Reporting, RL (CRDL) or Report Value IsEstimated.

V3.96 A97 U Qual - Analyed for, but the result Isless than the Mdc/Mdarrotal Uncert or gamma scan software did mot Identify the nuclide.


Ca t.4 FORM I H

Date: 20-Nov-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 21414 Collection Date: 10/17/2002 2:10:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J2J240307-1 Report No.: 20994 Received IDate: 10/24/2002 11:55:00 AM Client Sample ID: 9523-0000-01 IAF COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID,Batch No.

Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RStMOC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Analy Method, Parameter Result Qual Error(2s) Uncet(2 s) Action Lev Le CRDL4RL) Rat/Toticet Prep Date Size Size Primary Detector Batch: 2298423 Work Order FAPR71AD ReportOBID: 9FAPR710 TRITIUM 7.21 E-02 J 3.3E-02 3.6E-02 7.19E-02 pCig 100.000/a (1.) 1 1M2 10:15 p 100.2 E906.0 3.34E-02 1.B5E+01 (4.1) 9 LSC6 Batch: 2298424 Work Order FAPR71AC Report DB ID: 9FAPR710 TECHNETIUM-99 -7.50E-02 U 1.3E-01 2.2E-01 3.14E-01 pC!lg 100.00% -0.24 11/16/0201:43a 5.0 RICHRC5078 1.52E-01 5.04E-01 -0.69 9 LSC6 Batch: 2298425 Work Order. FAPR71M Report DB ID: 9FAPR710 CARBON-14 1.28E-02 U 6.1E-02 7.7E-02 1.43E-01 pCVg 100.00%/h 0.09 11/10/02 09:13 a 5.004 RC5022 7.04E-02 2.26E-01 0.34 9 LSC3 Number of Results: 3 Comments:

STL Richland MDCIMDALc - Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Effieny, Yield, and Volume.

rptSTLRchSample J Qual - No U qualifier has been assigned and the result is below the Reporting Urmit, RL (CRDL) or Report Value Is Estimated.

V3.96 AS7 U Qual - Analyzed for, but the result Is lesS than the Mdc/MdalTotM Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nuclide.

FORM I Date: 20-Nov-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 21414 Collection Date: 10/17/2002 2:10:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J2J240307-2 Report No.: 20994 Received Date: 10/24/2002 11:55:00 AM Client Sample ID: 9523-O000-011AFS COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID,Batch No.

Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RsUMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Analy Method, Parameter Result Qual Error (2 s) Uncert 2 a) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RatlTotUcert Prep Date Size Size Primary Detector Batch: 2298423 Work Order FAPTFiAD Report DB ID: 9FAPTF10 TRITIUM 2.68E-02 U 3.7E-02 4.1E-02 8.85E-02 pCVg 100.00M 0.3 11/6/02 11:39 p 100.2 E906.0 4.11E-02 1.65E+01 (1.3) 9 LSC6 Batch: 2298424 Work Order FAPTFIAC Report DB ID: 9FAPTF10 TECHNETIUM-N9 -1.17E-01 U 1.3E-01 2.1E-01 3.10E-01 pCQg 100.00% -0.38 11/16/02 02:45 a 5.0 RICHRC5078 1.51E-01 5.04E-01 -0 .1) g LSC6 Batch: 2298425 Work Order. FAPTFIM Report DB ID: 9FAPTF10 CARBON-14 -1.OIE-02 U 6.OE-02 7.6E-02 1.43E-01 pCl/g 100.00% -0.07 11/10/02 12:35 p 5.011 RC5K2 7.04E-02 2.26E-01 -0.26 9 LSC3 Number of Results: 3 Comments:

STL Rlchland MDCIMDA,Lc - Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.

rptSTLRchSample J Qual - No U qualifier has been assigned and the result Is below the Reporting Umit, RL (CROL) or Report Value Is EsUtmoted.

V3.96 A97 U Qual - Analyzed for, but the result is less than the MdceMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nuclide.

FORM I Date: 20-Nov-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SDG3: 21414 Collection Date: 10/17/2002 2:30:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J2J240307-3 Report No.: 20994 Received Date: 10/24/2002 11:55:00 AM Client Sample ID: 9523-0000-026AF COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.

Count 0

Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstlMDC, Anal ysis, Total Sa Aliquot Analy Method, Parameter Result Qual Error ( 2 s) Uncert( 2 a) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RSVTotUceft Prep Date Size Size Primary Detector Batch: 2298423 Work Order FAPTL1AD Report D ID: 9FAPTL10 TRnTIUM 7.48E-02 U 5.9E-02 6.6E-02 1.38E-Oi pCi/g 100.00%/ 0.54 11/7/02 12:21 a 50.6 E906.0 6.41 E-02 1.65E+01 (2.3) 9 LSC6 Batch: 2298424 Work Order FAPTL1AC Report DB ID: 9FAPT-10 TECHNETIUM-99 1.69E-01 U 1.4E--01 2.3E401 3.19E-01 pCVg 100.00% 0.53 11/16/02 04:49 a 5.0 RiCHRC5078 1.55E-01 5.04E-01 (1.5) g LSC6 Batch: 2298425 Work Order. FAPTLIAA Report Da ID: 9FAPT-10 CARBON-14 5.1 2E-03 U 6.0E -02 7.6E-02 1.43E-01 pCilg 100.00% 0.04 11110102 03:58 p 5.027 RC5022 7.OOE-02 2.26E-01 0.13 9 LSC3 Number of Results: 3 Comments:

STL Richland MDCIMDALc - Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Effciency, Yield, and Volume.

rptSTLRchSample J Qual - No U qualifier has been asigned and the result Is eow the Reporting Llmitt RL (CRDL) or Report Value Is Estimated.

V3.98 A97 U Qual - Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdclMdalTotal Uncert or 0amma scan software did not Identify the nuclide.

P 0

FORM I Date: 20-Nov-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SOG: 21414 Collection Date: 10/21/2002 1:28:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J2J240307.4 Report No.: 20994 Received Date: 10/24/2002 11:55:00 AM Client Sample ID: 9531-O0000O13AF COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample IO,Batch No.

Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit Yield Rst/MDC, Anagysis, Total Sa Aliquot Anaty Method, Parameter Result Qual Error (28) Uncert( 2 s) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RsttTotUcert Prep Date Size Size Pnmary Detector Batch: 2298423 Work Order: FAPTRIAD ReportDBID: 9FAPTR1O TRITIUM 1.72E-01 J 5.7E-02 6.1E-02 1.32E-01 pCi/9 100.00% (1.3) 11/7/02 01:04 a 50.6 E906.0 6.13E-02 1.65E+01 (5.7) 9 LSC6 Batch: 2298424 Work Order. FAPTRIAC Report D0 ID: 9FAPTR10 TECHNETIUM-99 3.15E-01 J 1.4E-01 2.4E-01 3.08E-01 pCVg 100.00% (1.) 11/16102 06:53 a 5.0 RICHRC5078 1.49E-01 5.04E-01 n (2.7) LSC6 Batch: 2298426 Work Order FAPTR1M Report lIDO:9FAPTR10 CARBON-14 -3.73E-02 U 6.OE-02 7.5E-02 1.43E-01 pCiig 100.00% -0.26 11/10/02 07:20 p 5.043 RC5022 6.99E-02 2.26E-01 -1. 9 LSC3 Number of Results: 3 Comments:

5TL Rlchland MDCIMDALc - Detection, Decision Level based an Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.

rptSTi.RchSample J Qual - No U qualifier has been assigned and the result Is below the Reporting Umit, RL (CRDL) or Report Value Is Estimated.

V3.96 A97 U Qual - Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdclMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nuclide.

FORM I Date: 20-Nov-02 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: ST Richland SDG: 21414 Collection Date: 10/21/2002 1:20:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J2J240307-5 Report No.: 20994 Received Date: 10/24/2002 11:55:00 AM Client Sample ID: 9531-0000-01SAF COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.

Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RFt/MDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Analy Method, Parameter Result Qual Error ( 2 8) Uncert( 2 s) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RstfottUcert Prop Date Size Size Primary Detector Batch: 2298423 Work Order FAP7VIAD Report DO ID: 9FAPTV1 0 TRmUM 4.86E-02 U 2.8E-02 3.0E-02 8.03E-02 pC/g 100.00% 0.61 11/7/0201:48 100.2 E906.0 3.73E-02 1.65E+01 (3.3) 9 LSC6 Batch: 2298424 Work Order: FAP1VIAC Report DB ID: 9FAP1V1O TECHNETIUM99 3.17E-01 J 1.4E-01 2.4E-01 3.08E-01 pCVg 100.00% (1.) 11116/02 07:55 a 5.0 RICHRC5078 1.50E-01 5.04E-01 (2.7) 9 LSC6 Batch: 2298425 Work Order. FAPiV1AA Report DO ID: 9FAPTV10 CARBON-14 1.31E-02 U 6.1 E-02 7.6E-02 1.43E-01 pCig 100.00% 0.09 11/1110202:05a 5.016 RC5022 7.03E-02 2.26E-01 0.34 9 LSC3 Number of Results: 3 Comments:

STL Richland MDCIMDALc - Detection, Decision Level based on Instmument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.

rptSTLRchSample J Qual - No U qualifier has been assigned and the result Is below the Reporting Umit, RL (CROL) or Report Value i Estimated.

V3.96 AST U Qual - Analyzed for, but the resut Is iess thn the MdcIMdalTotaI Uncert or gamma scan software did not identify the nucilde.


FORM 11 Date: 20-Nov-02 DUPLICATE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SOG: 21414 Collection Date: 10/17/20022:10:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J2J240307-1 Report No.: 20994 Received Date: 10124/2002 11:55:00 AM Client Sample ID: 9523-0000-011AF DUP COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Result, Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Rst/MDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Analy Method, Paramet Orig Rat Qual Error ( 2 s) Uncert( 2s) Action 1ev CROL Yield RatrrotUtert Prep Date Size Size Primary Detector Batch: 2298423 Work Order FAPR71AE ReportOBID: FAPR71ER Orig Sa DB ID:

TRMUM 3.88E-02 U 3.3E.02 3.7E-02 7.f1E-02 pCi/g 100.00% 0.51 11/=2 10:57 p 100.2 E906.0 7.21E-02 J RER 1.3 1,65E+01 (2.1) 9 LSC8 Number of Results: I Comments; 5TL Richland RER - Replicate Error Ratio - (S.DyjIqrt(sq(rPUs)+sq(rPVd))l as defined by ICIT BOA.

rptSTLRchDupV3.9 MDC1MDALc - Detetion, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efiidenty, Yield, and Volume.

6 AS? J QuaI - No U qualifier has been assigned and the result is below the Reporting Umit, RL (CRDL) or Report Value IsEstimated.

U Qvnal - Analyzed for, but the result Isless than the Mde/MdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nacIlde.


FORM II Date: 20-Nov-02 DUPLICATE RESULTS Lab Name: STh Richland SDG: 21414 Collection Date: 1011712002 2:10:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: .J2J240307.2 Report No.: 20994 Received Date: 1012412002 11:55:00 AM Client Sample ID: 9523-0000-OIAFS DUP COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Result, count TOtal MO)CIMODAS Rpt Unit, Rst/MDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Anialy Method, Parameter OrIg Rut Qual Error (2 8) UnCart(2 a) Action Ley CROL Yield RstirotUCert Prep Date Size Size Primary Detector Batch: 2298424 Work Order: FAPTFIAE Report DB ID: FAPTF1 ER Orig Si DB ID:

TECHNETIUM-99 -1 .02E-01 U I1.3E-01 2.21E-01 3. 12E-01 pCi/g 100.00% -0.33 11/16/02 03:47 a 5.0 RICHRC5078

-1.17E-01 U RER 0.1 5.04E-01 -0.94 gLC Number of Results: 1 comments:

STL Richland RER - Replicate Error Ratio - (S-Dy qr(sq(PUs)4.q(MId))I as defined by ICPT BOA.

rptSTLRcht~upV3.9 MDCIMDAUL - Detection, Decision Level based on instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.

6 A97 U Qual - Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the Mdc/MdieTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the naclide.


FORM 11 Date: 20-Nov-02 DUPLICATE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 21414 Collection Date: 10/21/2002 1:28:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J2J240307-4 Report No.: 20994 Received Date: 10/24/2002 11:65:00 AM Client Sample ID: 9531-0000-013AF DUP COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Result, Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, RstIMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Analy Method, Parameter Ofig Rst Qual Error (2 8) UnOOTt( 2 s) ActionLev CRDL Yield RstrTottcert Prep Date Size Size Primary Detector Batch: 2298425 Work Order FAPTRIAE Report DB ID: FAPTR1ER Ortg Sa DB ID:

CARBON-14 -3.89E-02 U 6.0E-02 7.5E-02 1.43E-01 pCig 100.00% -0.27 11/10/02 10:43 p 5.026 RC5022

-3.73E-02 U RER 0.0 2.26E-01 -(1) 9 LSC3 Number of Results: 1 Comments:

STL. Richland RER - Replicate Error Ratio - (S-D)/jsqrt(#q{Ms)eq(TPUd))I msdefined by lCPT BOA.

rptSTL~ch~upV3.9 MDCIMDALc - Detection. Decision Level based on instrument background or blank. adjusted by the sample Efficleney, YIeld, and Volume.

6 A97 U Qual - Analyzed for, but the results less than the Mdc/Mds(Total Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identif the nucilde.



20-Nov-02 BLANK RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 21414 Lot-Sample No.: J2J250000-423 Report No.: 2099 Matrix: SOIL count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, RstfMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Analy Method, Parameter Result Qual Error ( 2 a) Uncert( 2 6) LC CROL yiel RStlTotUCert Prep Date size size Primary Detector Batch: 2298423 Work Order~ FAROF1MA Report 08 ID: FAROFIAB TRITUM -3.20E-02 U 1.2E-01 1.AE-01 3.08E-01 pC!/g 100.00% -0.1 11/6/02 08:51 p 10.0 E906.0 I1.43E-01 1.65E+00 -0.46 g LSC6 Number of Results:


STL Richland MOCIMOA,Lc - Detection, Decision Level based on Instnument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.

rptSTLRchl~lank U Qual - Analyzed for, but the result ft less than the MdclMdarrotal Uncert or gamma Stan software did not identify the Rudilde.

V3." A97

FORM 11 Date: 20-Nov-02 BLANK RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 21414 Lot-Sample No.: J2J250000-424 Report No.: 20994 Matrix: SOIL Count Total MOCIMDA, Rpt Unkt, RstlWDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Analy Method, Parameter Result Qual itror ( 2 s) Uncert( 2 1) Lc CROL Yjd RsVJTotUcert Prep Date Size Size Primary Detector Batch: 2298424 Work Order. FAR8K1M Report DR ID: FAR8K1AB TECHNETIUM-99 2.02E-01 U 1.3E-01 2.3E-01 3.05E-01 pCi/g 100.00% 0.66 11/16/02 08:57 a - 5.0 RICHRC5078 1.48E-01 5.04E-01 (1.8) g LSC6 Number ol Results: I Commen"t:

8TL Richland NCDqMOA.Lc - Detecton, Decision Level based on Instrument beckground or blank. adlusted by the sampte EflIclencv. Yied. and Volume.

rpt5TLRchB3Ianl U Qu*1 - Aaalyzed for, but the result is less than the MN!MdarTotal Uncert or gamma msesoftwre did not identify the nuclide.

V3.96 AS7

FORM 11 Date: 20-Nov-02 BLANK RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 21414 Lot-Sample No.: J2J250000.425 Report No.: 20994 Matrix: SOIL Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, RstlMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Analy Method, Parameter Result Qual Error' 2 s) Uncert( 2 8) Le CROL Yield RstlTotUcert Prep Date Size Size Primary Detector Batch: 2298425 Work Order: FAR8MIM Report DO ID: FAR8M1AB CARBON-14 -4.78E-02 U 6.0E-02 7.5E-02 1.44E-01 pCi/g 100.00% -0.33 11/10/02 02:28 a 5.0 RC5022 7.05E-02 2.26E-01 -(1.3) 9 LSC3 Number of Results: I Comments:

ST1. Richland MDCIMDALc - Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency. Yield, and Volume.

rptSTLRch~lank U Qual . Analyzed for, but the mult isles than the Mdc/MdxlTotnl Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nucilde.

V3.96 A97

FORM 11 Date: 20-Nov-02 LCS RESULTS Lab Name: STI Richland SDG: 21414 Lot-Sample No.: .J21250000-423 Report No.: 20994 Matrix: SOIL Count Total Reprt Expected Recovery. Analysis, Aliquot Analy Methiod, Parameter Result Qual Error I 2s9) Uncert(2 a) MOCIMOA Unit Yield Expected Uncert Bias Prop Date Size Primary Detector Baftih: 2298423 Work Order FARSFIAC ReportODBID: FAR8FICS TRITIUM 6.74E+00 3.5E-01 3.9E-01 3.07E-01 pCilg 100.00% 6.83E.O0 2.3E-01 98.78% 11M/2 09:33 p 10.0 E906.0 Roe Limits: 70. 130. 0.0 g LSC6 Number of Results: 1 Comments:

STL Richland Bias - (Result/Expected)-1 as defined by ANSI N13.30.

rptSTLRchLcs V3.96 A97

FORM IE Date: 20-Nov-02 LCS RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SOG: 21414 Lot-Sample No.: J2J250000-424 Report No.: 20994 Matrix: SOIL Count Total Report Expected Recovery, Analysis, Aliquot Analy Metod, Parameter Result Qual Error ( 2 s) Unoet1c 2 s) MDCIMDA Unit Yield Expected Uncert Bias Prep Date Size Primary Detector Batch: 2298424 Work Order FAR8K1AC Report DOID: FAR8K1CS TECHNETIUM-99 i.31 E+01 3.2E-01 1.0E+00 3.06E-01 pCVg 100.00% 1.36E+01 3.1E-01 95.89% 11116M0209:59a 5.0 RICHRCS578 Rec Limits: 70. 130. 0.0 t LSC6 Number of Results: I Comments:

STL Rlchland Bias (Result/Expected)-l as deflled by ANSI N1330.

rptSTLRchLcs V3.96 A97

FORM 11 Date: 20-Nov-02 LCS RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SOG: 21414 Lot-Sample No.: J2J250000-425 Report No.: 20994 Matrix: SOIL Count Total Report Expected Recovery, Analysis, Aliquot Analy Method, Parameter Result Qual Error (2 a) Uncewt(2 s) MDCIMDA Unit Yield Expected Uncert Bias Prep Date Size Primary Detctr Batch: 2298425 Work Order FAR8M1AC Report DB ID: FAR8M1 CS CAR8ON-14 2.69E+00 9.5E-02 1.5E-01 1.44E-01 pCi/g 100.00% 2.72E+00 8.8E-02 99.00% 11/10/02 05:50 a 5.0 RC5022 Rec Limits: 70. 130. 0.0 9 LSC3 Number of Results: 1 Comments:

STL Richland Bias - (Result/Expected)-I as defined by ANSI N1330.

rptSTLRohLcs V~3.96 A97

FORM 11 Date: 20-Nov-02 MATRIX SPIKE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 21414 Lot-Sample No.: J2J240307-3 Report No.: 20994 Matrix: SOIL SpikeResult Count Total Rpt Unit, Rec- Exp- Exp Analysis, Aliquot Analy Method, Parameter Orig Rst Qual Errr (2 s) Uncert 2 s) MDCIMDA CRDL Yield overy ected Uncert Prep Dabt Size Primary Detector Batch: 2298424 Work Order. FAPTLIAE Report DB ID: FAPTLIEW Orig Sa DB ID:

TECHNETIUM-99 2.52E+01 4.4E-01 1.8E+00 3.25E-01 pCi/g 100.00% 92.70% 2.72E+01 6.1E-01 11/16/02 05:51 a 5.0 RICHRC5078 RER g LSC6 Number of Results: 1 Comments:

RER STL Richland - Replicate Error Ratio - (S-D)qtjsq (TPs)+sq(WUd))] as defined by ICPT BOA.

rptSTL~chMs Bias - (ResulUExpected)-1 as defined by ANSI Ni 3.30.

W3.N A97

MConnecticut Yankee Decommissioning Project

- Bechtel Procedure 00%p< 6 Ai) )&;O2# ~

24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5104-003Attacbmuent A I)I?.


__ ___ PageIof I I

Bechtel Power Corporation Chain of Custody Form COC No: 00101 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Ha1pton, CT 06424 P.O. #: 2426S-FSB-SOO552-AC 860.267-2556 _ Activity Code: 24265-200034AA3 U Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning A y Re tLab Use.Only; Contact Name: Jack McCarthy Phone: 1-860267-2556 xt 3024 Comns 3 Analysis Analysis Analysis Analytical Lab (Name, City, State): Type1 Type2 Type3 STL Richland, 2800 George Washington Way  ; J Richland, WA 99352 Attention: Barb Gille i Priorit:-030D.Q 15 DD.07D. 3ASAP A er _________

Sample Designation Date Time o Comment, Lab Sample I)

____ .Prtservation 95230000-001AF '-' 10117f2002 1410 T_S P 1 9523-0000-OOIAFS BFSSOTHR __ NIA N___ F Z lYI7fl002 1410 TS a BP 1 BFSSOTHR 952340000-026AF l0/l7f2002 NIA____ ,:

1430 TS G BP I BFSSOTUR N/A NOTES: Multiple individuals performing sampling, refer to Daily Survey Journal sheet for list of team members

__ ____ _ _Shipped Sampled InternalC ontalner Via: Temp.: -' Deg.

Sam By BA DatedTime 2 e By 44 ,,~f/y'DRWT1tMe 0 Fed Ex l)0 UPS Custody Sealed?

3) Relinquished By iD/I7(00 J - Hand YQ NO.

Date/Time 4) Received By Datetlime O .

Custody Se ct?

5) Relinquished By DatefTime 6) Received By Date/Time . .O:

Bill of Lading #

Media Code WG: Gonud Water, WF: Surffae Water, RW: River Water. WE: Bstuazy Water, WS: Sea Water, EWlY Effluent Water,S: Soil. SE: Sediment. AS:

&E TG: V tion, CT Cnmcrete, 01': Othr Sample Type Code G: Grab, C: Cmpite. CR Coe D. DupliteKS: Split, PB; field Blank, RE: Riusate Blank, MSB: Matrix Spike Dup. OT: Other Containerl Type DIP Plastic Bag, BC: Cloth Ba& P: Plastic, SC: Steel CM, G: Glass. A: Amber glass, V: Vial, 1LK I lite marinefli; OS: Ohr Bechtel

( z N.

MATRIX OF REQUIRED ANALYSES AND DETECTION SENSITIVITIES Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Cohlnn 4 BFSSOTHR Required Radionuclide Analyses Soil MDC (pCi/g) analysis?

C-14 (Liquid Scintillation) 2.26E-01 y H-3 (Liquid Scintillation) 1.65E+01 y Tc-99 (Liquid Scintillation) 5.04E-01 y STL RICHLAND

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MATRIX OF REQUIRED ANALYSES AND DETECTION SENSITIVITIES Column I Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 BFiSSOTHR Required Radionuclide Analyses Soil MDC (pCi/g) analysis?

C-14 (Liquid Scintillation) 2.26E-01 y H-3 (Liquid Scintillation) 1.65E+01 y Tc-99 (liquid Scintillation) 5.04E-01 y

, A.


Standing Order HPM 02-002 Attachment B Sample Notification Date: October 21, 2002 To: Barbara Gillespie From: Jack McCarthy Please be advised that sample numbers 9521-0000-008F, 9521-0000-009F, 9521-0000-013F and 9521-0000-015F in this package may contain trace amounts of radioactive rWterial that has been determined to be below the DOT requirement to be regulated in commerce. Please handle them with standard laboratory practices.

t /~Jack Mg~


26-AUG-2002 16:52:52.26 CONNECTIC1UT YANKEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-016 FM REASON POP. ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020826023

  • 13NERY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHAi'JNEL :5.00707E-Ol
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ Dt.ATE & TIME :26-AUG-2002 16:35
  • DEADTIME (%) :0.0k PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME 1000.0 Sece
                  • h******t*******************t***t****************************************


COMMENTl3  : -

          • PsP************************** ********************************************

Post-MID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw VErr Fit Nuclides 40 115 0.65 126.93 124 6 45.6 TH-234 2 ,'l.8f 103 114 0.86 149.84 146 14 17.6 2 .58E+O0 PE-212 PB-214 2 .7 .1'2 153 82 0.87 154.32 146 14 12.2 P3-214 PB-212 0 912. 91 89 124 1.45 1B5. 8B 182 9 25.0 1 145.59 46 54 1.15 371.00 367 11 30.4 7.11E+00 1 156.59 26 46 1.15 373.00 367 11 53.2 RA-226 0 238 .95 246 73 1.31 477.61 472 14 9.7 PB-212 0 270.13 24 40 0.87 539.92 535 10 53.4 AC-228 0 295.18 69 33 1.18 589.96 586 11 19.7 P3-214 O 337.98 73 16 0.91 675.49 670 11 15.9 AC-228 O  ;:2.04 10 46 1.15 703.58 698 13 16.1 PB-214 0 l:.oi 45 18 1.02 1021.30 1016 11 24.1 O 53. 45 50 16 1.42 1166.10 1158 11 20.3 TL-208 0 6'-9.44 84 21 1.57 1216.07 1211 16 16.1 BI-214 0 61.L. 61 74 12 1.12 1322.36 1317 10 14.7 CS-137 0 , :7. 663 20 2 0.96 1454.37 1451 7 24.8 BI-212 0 ' I. 3 31 14 1.01 1821.72 1816 11 29.0 AC-228

I Post-NiD Peak Search Report (continued) Page: 2 Sample ED 020B26023 Acquisition date : 26-AUG--2002 16:35:57 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw VErr - Pit Nuclides 0 9t8.74 27 9 1.54 1936.58 1932 9 27.4 AC-228 o 1460.60 212 0 2.09 2920.87 2915 13 6.9 I-40

Combin-d Activity-MDA Report Page : 3 Sample ID : 020826023 Acquisition date : 26-AtYG-2002 16:35:57

Identified Nuclides Activity Ant error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclid-. (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 4.611E+0O 3. 33E-01 5.894E-02 2.761E-03 78.229 CS-137 1.036E-01 1.633E-02 1.900E-02 1. 065E-03 5.454 TL-208 6.410E-02 1.344E-02 1. 596E-02 8. 607E-04 4.017 BI-21:2 2.226E-O1 5.66OE-02 1. 504E-01 8. 180E-03 1.480 PB -212 2.964E-01 3.232E-02 2. 543E-02 1.2B7E-03 11.654 BI-214 2.035E-Ol 3.461E-02 3.720E-02 2.037E-03 5.469 PB-214 2.111E-Ol 2.737E-02 2.768E-02 1. 327E-03 7.625 RA-226 3.747E-0l 2.003E-01 3.238SE-01 1. 615E-02 1.157 AC-228 2.739E-01 3.670E-02 7.522E-02 3.390E-03 3.641 TH-234 4.G1OE-01 2.145E-01 3.925E-01 3.722E-02 1.175

MI{zii-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K. L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 -4.6313-02 3.636E-02 1.0513-01 5.222E-03 -0.441 MN-54 -2.179E-05 4.437E-03 1.933E-02 9. 528E-04 -0.001 CO-60 4.02IE-03 4.164E-03 2.274E-02 1.057E-03 0.177 NB-94 -1.526E-03 3.428E-03 1.492E-02 7.001-04 -0.102 RU-106 -8.989E-03 2.828P-02 1.259E-01 6.938E-03 -0.071 AG-10614 -6.337E-03 5.131E-03 1.743E-02 9.569B-04 -0.364 AG-l1OM 2.094E-03 4.430E-03 1. 894E-02 1.060E-03 O.111 SB-12 . 6.273E-03 9. 764E-03 4.066E-02 1. 917E-03 0.154 CS-134 1.22BE-03 2.503E-03 1. 160E-02 6.335E-04 0.106 EU-152, 5.298E-02 2.8413-02 1. 519E-01 7.107E-03 0.349 EU-154 1. 666E-03 1.40SE-02 6.4273-02 3.363E-03 0.029 EU- 155 2.439E-02 1.413E-02 5. 653E-02 2.640E-03 0.431.

RA-223 1. 026E-01 5.49SE-02 1.078B-01 5.45DE-03 0.952 TH-226 6.470E-02 2. 956E-01 1.074E+00 5.2083-02 0.060 PA-234 1.292E-Ol + 1.696E-02 2.624E-02 1.2903-03 4.924 U-235 3.974E-02 4 1.226E-02 3.194E-02 1. 592E-03 1.244 AM-24] -1.700-03 1.005E-02 3.651E-02 1. 974E-03 -0.047

interference between AC-228 and RA-223 ----

        • AC-228 energy linei5 ****

Energy ft Disint. k Error Comments 209.28 Line not identified 270.23 Line interferes with RA-223 338. 32 2.398E+04 16.63 463.00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Line not identified 794.70 Line not identified 83S.50 Line not identified 911.07 9.845E+03 29.37 961 .60 Line not identified 96'. 11 1. 514E+04 27.73 Averacge: 1.482E+04 13 .60

Interfered energy lines Nuclieae Energy old Area New Area Critical Level New Activity k Error (pCi/GM)

RA-22 2 69.46 24.0 7.3 19.5 O.OOOE+O0 0.00 269.46 Line invalidated: New Area less than critical level RA-22.: has been rejected: Failed abundance Test I

REPORT NAME : QACHECK (V9.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 26-AUG-2002 16:52 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NITD QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-016 FM SAMPLE No.  : 020826023 OPERATOR NAME  : CA 3AMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY : ILMARSAND COUNT TIME  : 26-AUG-2002 16:35:57 SAMPLE QUANTITY : 1.48200E-03 SAMPLE TIME  : 21-AUG-2002 14:59:00 DETECTOR  : DET S LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS F.-40 1460.80 -0.20 4.613E+00 QA Results oK CS-137 661.65 -0.04 1.036E-01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.31 6.410E-02 QA Results OK BI-212 727.17 0.46 2.226B-01 Results OK PB-212 238.63 0.32 2.964E-01 QA Results OK B1-214 609.31 0.13 2.03SE-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.12 2. 111E-01 / QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 0.3B 3.747E-01 QA Results ox AC-228 911.07 0.25 2.739E-01 QA Results OK TH-234 63.29 0.11 4.610E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF = 0.18 6.821B+00 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.88 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.12 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENER-J'Y NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY

92. -'L 89. 1.45 1.957E+00 1.320E-03 25.0 PE X-RAY 0.000E+00

-XAC <£-226 1. 026E+00

/zr ' ~TH-234 1.32aE+00 18.5.59 46. 1.15 y1.176E+00 7.938E-04 30.4 r A-223 6.541E-01

(,.s-235 3.976E-02 511.01 45. 1.02 2.350E+00 1.586E-03 24.1 RD 0.000E+00

REPORT NAME : QA CHECK (V19.1) PAGE 2 OF REPORT DATE : 26-AUG-2002 16:52 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAMI NECK STATIONF POST NID QA ANALYSIS Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks 3 a Unidentified/Rejected Peaks 15.79 Flags; U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Posicively Identified (line not in analysis library)

Performed by:  ! . O Reviewed by: )N

        • End OfNeport ( 2 Pages ) ****


  • SAMPLE QUANTITY : 1.67600E+03 GM
    • ***.s***********************************************t**************************


  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1. 0000 KEY/CH1AJNNEL :5.00823E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START ZI-IANHEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL :4096 ACQ DATi E & TIME :26-AUG-2002 17:02
  • DEAFTIME (k) :0.01 PRESE'T LIVE TIME :0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.1 Secs
  • GJUSSI3 SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME 1000.0 Secs


        • i************************t******** ****************************t***********

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Etiergy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw *Err Fit Kuclides 0 77.29 71 115 1.05 154.50 152 8 28.7 PE-214 PB-212 O w6, . 9 57 77 1.45 173.88 170 7 29.0 PB-212 0 .8. 02 68 81 1.12 371.67 365 13 30.1 RA-226 0 :t*9.36 44 67 1.27 418.28 413 12 39.8 AC-22 4 2,38.70 174 54 1.16 476. 8 472 21 9.8 1. 91E+00 PB-212 4 241.62 29 59 1.60 482.71 472 21 60.7 PB-214 1 ?Cj4.94 56 18 1.27 .589.23 563 13 20.7 2.28B+00 PB-214 1 2 - .71 27 25 1.27 590.77 583 13 43.0 0 'I 8.40 56 14 1.15 676.05 671 11 18.6 AC-228 0 I-2.26 74 31 1.15 703.74 698 12 19.3 PB-214 0 Ei0.77 46 7 2.42 1020.48 1015 14 19.1 0 583.51 61 13 1.31 1165.86 1160 10 16.7 TL-208 0 JC. 9.61 76 8 1.25 1216.04 1213 12 14.0 BI-214 o z.47( 95 9 1.66 1322.27 1317 12 12.1 CS-137 0 sI . 54 34 4 1.78 1821.69 1815 14 20.6 AC-228 0 1 l':1.0 108 6 2.26 2921.20 2916 11 10.5 K-40

Combijiwd Activity-MDA Report Page: 2 Sampl. tO : 020826024 Acquisition date: 26-AUG-2002 17:02:39

- - - Identified Nuclides Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA NuclI idj (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 4. 954E+00 5. 725E-01 4.272E-01 2.033E-02 11.599 CS -137 2.596E-0l 3.474E-02 3.445E-02 1. 972E-03 7.538 TL-208 1.51OE-Dl0 2. 660E-02 3.733E-02 2. 045E-03 4.046 PB -212 3. 889E-Ol 4. 044E-02 4.769E-02 2.2995-03 B.154 BI - 2114 3.525E-01 S. 296E-02 3. 881E-02 2. 162E-03 9.081 PB -214 2. 898E-01 4. 120E-02 5.4121-02 2.514E-03 5.355 RA-226 1.694E+00 5.16OE-01 5.227E-01 2.540E-02 3.241 AC-222 4.83fE-01 6. 702E-02 7.96OB-02 3. 690E-03 6.075

- - -- Isun-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K. L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 1. 835E-01 6.574E-02 3 .298E-01 1.648E-02 0.556 MN-54 4 .212E-0i3 8. 723E-03 4.006E-02 2.030E-03 0.105 CO -60 1.474E-02 1.205E-02 6.033E-02 2.843E-03 0.244 NB-94 -2.051E-03 6.996E-03 3.103E-02 1. 497E-03 -0.066 RPU- lo( -4.370E-02 8.023E-02 2.706E-01 1.518E-02 -0.161 AG-1l0cM -3 .730E-03 7.307B-03 2. 535E-02 1.416E-03 -0.147 AG-lflM 3.102E-03 8.7811E-03 3.450E-02 1.971E-03 0.090 51- 12.. 2.042E-02 1. 912E-02 8.3585-02 3.939E-03 0.244 CS-134 1.984E-03 6.248E-03 2.600E-02 1. 444E-03 0.076 EU-15_ 1.686E-02 4.949E-02 2.381E-01 1.13IE-02 0.071 EU- 154 1.569E-02 2.735E-02 1.349E-01 7.18IE-03 0.116 EU-155 4.449E-02 2.919E-02 1. 1815-01 5.065E-03 0.377 BI-212 1.550E-01 7.738E-02 3.808E-01 2.121E-02 0.407 RA- 22 . -3.59GE-02 4.661E-02 1. B5E-01 7.487E-03 -0.227 TH-22.. 1. 433E+u0 6.173E-01 2.617E+00 1.352E-01 0.548 PA- 234 1.81lsB-al 5.318E-02 7.037E-02 4.216E-03 2.574 TR-234 -3.268E-OI 3.581E-03 1.318H+00 1.766E-01 -0.248 U-235 1.028E-01 3.130E-02 4.777E-02 2.321E-03 2.152 AM-241 6.530E-02 4.60SE-02 1.93SE-01 2.645E-02 0.337

REP(RT NAME : QACHECK (V9.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 26-AUG-2002 17:19 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO IHDDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-017 FM SAMPLE No.  : 020826024 OPERATOR NAME  : CAS SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : ILMARSA1 COUNT TI4E  : 26-AUG-2002 17:02:39 SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.67600E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 21-AUG-2002 14:10:00 DETECTOR  : DET I LIBRARY  : FBSDIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 0.27 4.954E+00 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 O.11 2.596E-01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.37 1.51DB-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 0.07 3.B89E-01 OA ResultB OK BI-214 609.31 0.30 3.525E-01 QA Results OK PP.-214 351.92 0.34 2.898E-0l OA Results OK RA- 226 186.21 -0.19 1.694E+00 QA Results OK AC- 228 911.07 0.47 4.836E-01 QA Results OK A'f, ENERGY DJFF - 0.22 B.574E+00 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY-77.29 XeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UUIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM k ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY t

295.71 27. 1.27 1.922E+00 1.146E-03 43.0 PB-214 1. 624E-01 510.':7 46. 2.42 5.239E+00 3.126E-03 19.1 ANN-RD 0.000E+00 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks 2 2

. Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 12.50 Fiags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in library)

Performed by: L. ..

I S - f, REPORT NAME : QA CHECK (V9.1) PAGE 2 OF P.EPC'RT DATE  : -AUG-2002 17:19


        • End Report ( 2 Pages ) ****

26-AtUG-2002 17:21:04.75 CONNECTICUT YANKEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-018 FM REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020826025

  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANNEL  : 5.01038E-01 *EALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME 26-AUG-2002 17:04
  • DEADTIME (t)  : 0.01 PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.3 Seca
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs


        • t*************P*************** ******************************************

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Eiiergy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw Err Pit Nuclides 3 :l.78 110 137 1.11 149.82 144 15 19.6 1.25E+00 PB-212 PB-214 3 77.1s 125 105 0.93 154.57 144 15 15.7 PB-214 PE-212 0 $6.97 56 129 1.03 174.16 172 7 35.8 PB-212 0 185.50 57 110 0.94 370.88 366 11 38.3 RA-226 1 238.52 292 39 1.28 476.76 471 20 7.0 1.71E+00 PB-212 1 241.03 37 50 1.34 481.76 471 20 44.2 1 242.17 36 52 1.34 484.05 471 20 40.3 PB-214 0 29a4.88 83 55 0.91 565.30 564 11 20.6 PB-214 0 3:t3.65 64 68 1.21 676.73 670 14 29.6 AC-228 0 .I.8-1 144 48 0.97 703.07 697 12 12.7 PB-214 0 c.1L.51 62 19 1.74 1022.07 1016 15 20.7 0 E 3.I" 111 0 1.48 1165.21 1160 10 9.5 TL-208 0 ie(99.30 135 17 1.42 1217.50 1212 12 10.7 BI-214 0 G6 1. 55 136 12 1.41 1321.95 1316 12 10.0 CS-137 0 727.47 30 5 1.46 1453.74 1448 12 24.5 91-212 0 9i1.3.i8 57 29 1.53 1821.11 1815 14 23.0 AC-228 0 96 9.3S 35 17 0.79 1937.54 1932 11 29.5 AC-228

PostL-N r Peak Search Report (continued)

Sample ID : 020826025 Page : 2 Acquisition date : 26-AUG-2002 17:04:05 It En~ergy Area Blcgnd FRWM Channel Left Pw PErr Fit Nuclides 0 1120.4G 32 5 0.83 2239.80 2234 11 22.8 flI-214 0 1460.61 271 3 2.24 2920.74 2914 13 6.2 K-40

combin.,d Activity-MDA Report Page: 3 Sample ID: 020826025 Acquisition date : 26-AUG-2002 17:04:05

Identified Nuclides Activity Act error ?4DA MDA error Act/MDA Nuc-lid.- (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 8. 783E+00 6.897E-01 3. 026B-01 1. 446E-02 29.021 CS -137 2. 820E-01 3.252E-02 3 .530E-02 2. 041E-03 7.990 TL-201. 2. 088E-01 2. 289S-02 1.589B-02 8. 721E-04 13.141 BI -212 4.821E-01 1. 212E-01 1.799E-01 1. 0083-02 2.680 PB-212 5.209E-01 4.307E-02 4. 00E-02 1. 913B-03 13.020 BI-214 4. 944E-01 5. 300E-02 4.79gE-02 2. 684E-03 10.303 PB-214 4. 004E-01 4. 393E-02 S. 026E-02 2. 316E-03 7.968 RA-226 1. 193E+00 4. 609E-01 S. 721E-01 2.777E-02 2.085 AC-22f 5. 094E-01 6. 020E-02 1. 25BE-01 5. 828E-03 4.049

tk-Identified Nuclides - ---

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nucl id*I- (pCi/GM) Ided (pci/GM)

BE-7 -B.682E-02 7.383E-02 2.187E-01 1. 089B-02 -0.397 MN-54 7. 749E-03 7.367B-03 3.423E-02 1.735E-03 0.226 CO-60 -9.369E-03 8. 424B-03 2.9923-02 1.425E-03 -0.313 NB-94 -3.837E-03 6. 269E-03 2.534E-02 1. 223E-03 -0.151 RU-10. 6.3818-02 6. 306E-02 2.869E-Ol 1.630E-02 0.221 AG - lO L i -4 .39EE-O3 5.3643-03 2.153E-02 1.20B8-03 -0.204 AG-ll l1;! 6.930E-03 4.572E-03 2.418E-02 1.395E-03 0.287 SB-125. 3.754E-03 1. 583E-02 6. 090E-02 2.859E-03 0.062 CS -13 1 -5.215B-03 5. 694E-03 2.0353-02 1.135E-03 -0.256 EU- 15_ 9.423E-02 5.1D8E-02 2. 551E-01 1.219Q-02 0.369 EU- 1541 9.030E-03 1. 499E-02 B. 1193-02 4.331E-03 0.111 EU-155 1.124E-02 2.504E-02 9.315E-02 4.061E-03 0.121 RA-223 4.082E-02 4.3973-02 1. 643E-01 7. 706E:03 0.24B TH-228 2. 195E+0O 6. 04SE-02 2 . 522E+O0 1.281E-01 0.870 PA-234 2. 377E-01 + 3.968E-02 5. 893E-02 3.335E-03 4.034 TH-234 l.287E-01 3.11O-01 1. 1613+00 1.362E-01 0.111 U-235 7 .23BE-02 + 2.797E-02 4 . 876E-02 2.3673-03 1.484 AM-241 4 .032E-02 3. 875E-02 1.4BBE-01 1. 524B-02 0.271

IREPORT NAME : QA CHECK (V9.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 26-AUG-2002 17:21 REQUESTOR  : CASTECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST KID QA ANALYSIS rITLE: - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-018 FM SAMPLE No.  : 020826025 OPERATOR NAME  : CAB SAMPLE TYPE : DIRT/SBDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : iLMARSANND rOUNT TIME  : 26-AUG-2002 17:04:05 SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.48200E+03 SAMPLE TIME : 1 -AUG-2002 14:30:00 DETECTOR  : DET 2 IIBP RY  : FS_DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (REV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 -0.19 B. 783E+00 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 -0.10 2. 820E-01 QA Results OK TL-20 B 583.14 -0.01 2. 08BE-01 QA Results OK EI-212 727.17 0.30 4.C21E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 -0.10 5.209E-01 QA. Results oK BI-214 609.31 -0.02 4. 944E-01 QA Results OK P2 - 214 351.92 -0.0B 4. 004E-01 QA Results o0 RA-226 186.21 -0.71 1. 193E+00 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.11 5. 094E-01 QA Reeults OK AVG ENERGY DIFF = -0.09 1.287E+01 = TOTAL GAMMA, ACTIVITY 7,1.78 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.15 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFI ED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMRA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 241.03 37. 1.34 1.621E+00 1.094E-03 44.2 J;~ PB-214 3.972E-01 511. 5 I 62. 1.74 4.B35E÷00 3.262E-03 20.7 r AXN`-RD 0.000E+00 Trotal UnidenPified/Rejected Peaks e22

% Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 10.53 lw U4' Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analy library)


        • End Report ( 2 Pages ) ****


  • LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL  : 26-AUG-2002 07:13
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANNEL  : 5.00707E-01
  • HALF LIFE RAPIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • mn CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 26-AUG-2002 14:39
  • DEDTIME ()  : 0.1k PRESET LIVE TIME: 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY :5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000 . Secs
  • GIAUSIAN SEN :10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs
  • CORRECTION FACTOR: 1.ODOOOE+06 DECAYED TO 4 DAYS HOURS FILE IDENT  : CAS$DISK: ENEU.SAMPLE .R.NW]020826017_ADC5_DIRTSEDIMENT.CNF;1 ANALYSES  : PEAK V16.8 NID V3.2 MINACT V2.6 WTMEAN V1.6 r******************************* **********************************************

Collected by : SOSA REVIEWED BY COMMENTS E@ G 13?  %


                                                    • ********* ************************************t******

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnm FWHM Channel Left Pw %Err Fit Nuclides a 63.55 103 265 1.12 127.22 123 9 30.0 TB-234 2 74.83 259 180 1.10 149.76 144 20 10.7 2. 57E+OO PB-212 PB-214 2 77.14 350 148 1.05 154.37 144 20 7.9 PB-214 PB-212 4 84.20 78 197 1.47 168.46 164 19 33.4 1.61E+00 TH-228 4 67.18 163 175 1.47 174.42 164 19 16.9 PB-212 4 89.81 102 102 1.35 179.67 164 19 19.7 0 93.08 176 137 1.46 186.20 183 8 13.8 0 185.11 111 119 1.60 370.06 364 15 2B.6 0 208.91 71 98 0.99 417.59 414 B 27.0 AC-228 2 238.56 418 83 0.98 476.83 472 16 6.0 8.93E-01 PB-212 2 241.39 56 122 1.46 482.49 472 16 41.2 PB-214 0 295.46 119 80 1.11 590.52 564 11 17.1 PB-214 0 300.38 29 42 1.25 600.36 596 B 43.7 0 338.31 104 58 1.17 - 676.14 670 13 18.0 AC-228 0 351.83 204 69 1.10 703.17 697 12 10.7 PB-214 0 463.59 34 46 1.62 926.51 921 14 45.8 AC-228 0 510.49 76 27 1.25 1020.26 1014 13 17.9

Post-NID Peak Search Report (continued) Page: 2 Sample ID: 020826017 Acquisition date : 26-AUG-2002 14:39:35 It Energy Area Ekgnd FWHI Channel Left Pw PErr Fit Nuclides 0 583.34 124 36 1.45 1165.89 1160 12 13.5 T1-208 0 609.31 156 33 1.42 1217.81 1212 11 10.7 EI-214 0 661.46 211 12 1.51 1322.07 1317 10 7.6 CS-137 0 727.52 33 21 1.62 1454.14 1449 11 32.6 BI-212 o 861.40 36 12 0.95 1721.87 1714 16 27.0 0 911.29 108 22 1.75 1821.66 1812 18 14.1 AC-228 0 970.20 36 31 0.88 1939.49 193a 12 34.9 0 1110.86 14 7 1.41 2220.90 2215 11 46.7 0 1120.51 34 7 1.13 2240.21 2235 9 22.0 BI-214 o 1460.57 448 10 1.81 2920.80 2914 14 5.0 K-40 0 1764.39 28 3 1.69 3529.19 3522 12 22.9 BI-214

Combined Activity-MDA Report Page : 3 Sample ID : 020826017 Acquisition date ; 26-AtG-2002 14:39:35

Identified Duclides ----

PActivity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 9.814E+00 6.702E-0l 2.599B-01 1.215E-02 37.755 CS-137 2.991E-01 2. 818E-02 2.214E-02 1.241E-03 13.510 TL-206 1.589E-0l 2.305E-02 2.406E-02 1.298E-03 6.603 BI-212 3.649E-01 1.20BE-O1 1.426E-01 7.757E-03 2.559 PB-212 5.297E-01 3.828E-02 3.724B-02 1.884E-03 14.223 BI-214 3.983E-U1 3.856E-02 4.807B-02 2.632E-03 8.285 PB-214 3.906E-01 3.730E-02 4.454E-02 2.135E-03 8.769 AC-228 6.456E-01 6.735E-02 8. 066E-02 3.635E-03 S.005 TH-228 2.629E+OU 8.8GOE-01 1. 0465E+00 5.073E-02 2.513 TH-234 1. 205E+D0 3.795E-01 4.791E-01 4.544B-02 2.515

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 1.224E-01 5. 647B-02 2.314E-01 1.150E-02 0.529 MW-54 7 986E-04 5.5SOB-03 2.360E-02 1.164E-03 0.034 CO-60 -1.262E-03 7.632E-03 3.083E-02 1.434E-03 -0.041 NB3-94 6.125E-03 5.565E-03 2.556E-02 1.200E-03 0.240 RU-106 -1. 012E-02 3.670E-02 1.564E-01 8.617E-03 -0.065 AG-1OBM -5.338E-03 4.725E-03 1.797E-02 9.866E-04 -0.297 AG-1lOM -4.048E-03 5.392E-03 1.542E-02 1.D7B-03 -0.208 8B-125 2.064E-02 1.560E-02 6.195E-02 2.921E-03 0.333 CS-134 1. 933E-04 5.460E-03 1. 927E-02 1. 053E-03 0.010 EU-152 6.387E-02 3.063E-02 1.629E-01 7.61EE-03 0.392 EU-154 6.384E-03 1.881E-02 8.2185-02 4.301E-03 0 . 075 EU-155 2.355E-02 1.725E-02 6.577E-02 3.071E-03 0.358 RA-223 4 . 510E-02 3.778E-02 1.385E-01 7.003E-03 0.326 RA-226 6.170E-01 1. 488E-01 6.017E-01 3. 000E-02 1.026 PA-234 2.978E-01 4 2.778E-02 4.176E-02 2.0538-03 7.131 U-235 9.68a6E-02 4 2.816E-02 3.949E-02 1.969E-03 2.453 AM-241 4. 171E-03 1.446E-02 5.211E-02 2.81BE-03 0.080

REPORT NAME : QA,_CHECK (V .1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 26-AUG-2002 14:56 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYA.PCO HADDDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE: - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-019FM SAMPLE No.  : 020Q26017 OPERATOR NAME . CAS SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY : 1LARSAND COUNT TIME  : 26-AUG-2002 14:39:35 SAMPLE QUANTITY : 1..47000E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 22-AUG-2002 10:47:00 DETECTOR  : DET 5 LIBRARY  : FSSDIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pci/Gm COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 -0.23 9. 814E+00 QA Results OK CS-1 37 661.65 -0.19 2.991E-01 QA Results OK TL- 208 583.14 0.20 1.589E-01 QA Results OK BI-212 727.17 0.35 3.649E-01 QA Results OK PB -212 238.63 -0.07 5 .297E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.00 3.983E-01 OA Results OK PB-214 351.92 -0.09 3.906E-01 QA Results OK AC- 228 911.07 D.22 6.456E-01 QA Results OK TH-228 84.37 -0.17 2.629E+00 QA Results OK TM-234 63.29 0.26 1.205E+00 OA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF = 0.03 1.644E+01 - TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.83 KeY Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.14 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEARS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY

__ 9.____ 102. 1.3_ ---------___--- --- -- -- - -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -

89.81 102. 1.35 2.252E+09 1.532E-03 19.7 .A $BI-214 1.539E501

. - AC-22E 1. 984E+00 93 .08 176. 1.46 3.864E+00 2.629E-03 13.8 .Z_-AC-228 2.043B+00 P§,.TH-234 2.645E+00 1B5.11 111. 1.60 2.841E+00 1.932E-03 28.6 B -235 9.680E-02 300.38 29. 1.25 1.003E+00 6.822E-04 43.7 4P PS-212 5.441E-01 510-49 76. 1.25 4.008E+D0 2.726E-03 17.9 EAC-22B 1. 578E+01 i AEM - RD O.OOOE+00 661.40 36. 0.95 vi..12E+00 2.049E-03 27.0 970.20 36. 0.88 LA.291E+00 2.239E-03 34.9 1110.86 14. 1.41 1.453E+00 9.887E-04 46.7 8.149E+OO


%a Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 25.57 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)

Performed b Reviewed by: AZa 2 Pages ) ***t

- ' *** *** **** ** ****** ***** *t***** ** **** ** **


  • SAMPLE QUANTITY : 1.55100E+03 GM

__ _ ~~~ - - rs- -r - -


LAST ENERGY CAL  : 26-AUG-2002 08:36

  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANNEL: 5.00823E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL 100 END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 26-AUG-2002 15:43
  • DEADTIME (%)  : 0.0k PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.1 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs
  • PV************t***T***********************************************************



orl)71 9 Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd- FWHM Channel Left Pw ,Err Fit Nuclides 3 74.76 66 67 1.09 149.46 144 19 24.9 1.44E+00 PB-212 p3-214 3 77.22 82 59 1.10 154.37 144 19 20.1 PB-214 PB-212 0 238.56 167 85 1.24 476.60 472 9 12.6 PB-212 O 495.15 61 21 1.15 589.66 586 9 18.6 PB-214 0 338.41 41 27 0.77 676.07 672 9 27.7 AC-228 0 351.99 93 33 1.05 703.21 697 12 16.1 PB-214 0 409.27 22 5 1.55 817.66 812 10 28.6 0 480.70 17 8 1.14 960.39 954 11 39.9 0 511.22 51 6 2.39 1021.38 1015 19 17.5 0 583.34 49 22 0.97 1165.53 1160 12 23.5 TL-201 0 609.20 59 7 1.28 1217.21 1210 13 15.9 BI-214 0 662.16 2B 10 1.51 1323.07 1317 10 28.5 CS-137 0 861.29 15 3 1.19 1721.20 1718 7 32.5 TL-208 0 911.25 0 1.96 1821.11 1815 11 15.1 AC-228 0 968.86 4 1.07 1936.34 1932 9 27.2 AC-228 0 1460.93 190 0 2.31 2920.92 2914 16 7.3 K-40

Combined Activity-MDA Report Page : 2 sample ID : 020826018 Acquisition date : 26-AUG-2002 15:43:14

Identified Nuclides Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nucl ide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 9.462E+00 8.210E-01 1.350B-01 6.423E-03 70.111 CS -137 8.270E-D2 2.400E-D2 3.186E-02 1. 824E-03 2.595 TL- 208 1.462E-01 3.074E-02 3.288E-02 1. BOlE-03 4.446 PE3-212 3.691E-01 5.262B-02 6.170E-02 2.974E-03 6.307 BI-214 2.951E-01 4.961E-02 4.194E-02 2.336E-03 7.036 PB- 214 3.663E-01 4.660E-02 5.849E-02 2.717E-03 6.296 AC-228 5.195E-01 6.403E-02 1. 078E-01 4.996E- 03 4.820

- ---- on-Identified Nuclides - - - -

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error NA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 -5.666E-02 5.844E-02 1. 862E-01 9.302E-03 -0.304 MN-54 6.908E-03 1.185E-02 5.206E-02 2.638E-03 0.133 CO-60 1.542E-02 1. 103E-02 5.953H-02 2.805E-03 0.259 NB-94 9. 719E-03 5.664E-03 3.513E-02 1.695E-03 0.277 RU-106 -3.469E-02 7.503E-02 2.62SE-01 1.473E-02 -0.132 AG-IOSM -4.018E-03 7.89GE-03 2.741E-02 1.531E-03 -0.147 AG-l10M -1.334E-02 1.121E-02 3.223E-02 1.841E-03 -0.414 SBE-125 7.1992-03 2.524B-02 9.637E-02 4.541E-03 0.075 CS-134 4.77UE-03 7.199B-03 3.101E-02 1.722E-03 0.154 EU-152 -2.440E-02 2.443E-02 6.742E-02 3.202E-03 -0.362 EU-154 8.868E-03 2.766E-02 1.347E-01 7.166E-03 0.066 EU-15S -2.632E-02 2.654E-02 9.488E-02 4.069E-03 -0.277 BI-212 1.789E-02 7.516E-02 3.333E-01 1.657E-02 0.054 P.A-223 -9.410E-02 4.571E-02 1.324E-01 6.255E-03 -0.711 RA-226 2.062E-01 2.079E-01 7.968E-01 3.8722-02 0.259 TH-228 6.789E-01 6.637E-01 2.666E+00 1.378E-01 0.255 PA-234 2.236E-01 + 4.697E-02 7.487E-02 4.486E-03 2.986 TH-234 8.901E-01 4.353E-01 1.801E+00 2.413E-01 0.494 U-235 3.091E-02 1. 256E-02 5.160E-02 2.5072-03 0.599 AM-241 -1.894E-03 4.660E-02 1. 849E-01 2.527E-02 -0.010


ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (EV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 0.13 9.462E+00 QA Results OK CS- 137 6b1.65 0.51 8.270E-02 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.20 1.462E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 -0.07 3.891B-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 -0.12 2.951B-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.07 3.683E-01 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0 .15 5.195E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF - 0.13 1.126E+01 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.76 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotcopes 77.22 X&V Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM lk ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 409.27 22. 1.55 2.052E+00 1.323E-03 28.6 E1 AC-228 1.689E+00 480.70 17. 1.14 1.866E+00 1.203E-03 39.9 P/ PB-214 9.62BE+00 511.22 51. 2.39 5.201E+00 3.740E-03 17.5 ANN-RD 0.OOOE+00 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 3

% Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 18.75 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in anal is library)



Reviewed by: _

        • End O Report 1 2 Pages ) ****

27-AUG-2002 21:12:07.92 CONNECTICUT YANKEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-021 FM REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020827012

  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/C/ANNEL :5..00SSE-01
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME :27-AUG-2002 20:55
  • DHADTIME (k)  : 0.0Q PRESET LIVE TIME  : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELA1PSED REAL TIME  : 1000.4 Seca
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME s 1000.0 Secs
        • *************************************************************************t*

Collected by : TORRE9 REVIEWED BY :

()qbLD \ %.i >


                            • t********************* * ************************t*****************

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw *Err Fit Nuclidem 0 74.79 103 140 0.91 149.88 145 8 22.2 PE-212 PB-214 O 77.30 144 130 0.98 154.89 152 7 15.5 PB-214 PB-212 0 186.00 57 115 1.-12 371.94 368 9 36.6 RA-226 0 238.44 334 79 1.15 476.65 473 8 7.1 PB-212 0 241.69 67 56 1.48 483.14 481 7 22.7 PB-214 O 295.03 96 43 1.16 589.67 585 9 15.9 PB-214 0 300.50 38 38 0.98 600.60 596 9 33.5 1 328.11 34 19 1.39 655.75 652 27 29.B 1.88E+00 1 338.12 86 1S 1.19 675.75 652 27 13.5 AC-228

° 351.71 172 49 1.24 702.89 696 14 11.5 PB-214 0 510.62 57 27 1.68 1020.39 1016 10 21.8 0 583.00 140 14 1.55 1165.05 1157 13 10.0 TL-208 0 609.23 148 22 1.40 1217.47 1210 13 10.6 BI-214 0 661.10 22 14 3.22 1321.16 1316 9 37.6 CS-137 0 727.17 29 21 2.08 1453.25 1447 12 36.2 BI-212 0 860.03 25 2 1.83 1718.93 1714 9 22.7 TL-208 0 911.36 72 23 1.82 1821.59 1814 13 18.0 AC-228

Post-NID Peak Search Report continued) Page: 2 Sample ID : 020827012 Acquisition date : 27-AUG-2002 20:55:09 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw *Err Fit Nuclides 0 969.12 42 31 1.47 1937.13 1930 12 31.5 AC-228 o 1120.15 43 4 1.22 2239.32 2232 13 17.4 BI- 214 o 1460.45 307 3 1.48 2920.57 2914 13 5.8 K-40 0 1764.31 17 8 2.08 3529.33 3522 11 41.8 BI-214

combined Activity-MDA Report Page: 3 Sample ID : 020827012 Acquisition date : 27-AUG-2002 20:55:09

Identified Nuclides Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 1. 002E+01 6.990E-01 3.949E-01 1.509E-02 25.374 CS-137 4.506E-02 1. 702E-02 2.995E-02 1.040E-03 1.504 TL-208 2.771E-01 2. 715E- 02 2.658E-02 9.564E-04 10.425 EI-212 4.R28E-01 1.757E-01 2 .499E-01 8.666E-03 1.932 P8-212 S. 912E-01 5. 597E-02 4.632E-02 2.874E-03 12.764 BI-214 5.564E-01 5.207E-02 6.180E-02 2.163E-03 9.003 PB-214 4.867E-01 4.387E-02 4.632E-02 1.545E-03 10.507 RA-226 1. 185E+00 4.395E-01 6.079E-01 3.573E-02 1.949 AC-228 6.843E-01 7.170E-02 1.057E-0l 3.337E-03 6.472

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MJJA !MnA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BB-7 1.762E-04 4.775E-02 1.786E-01 7.154E-03 0.001 MW-54 2. 015E-03 6.458E-03 2.909E-02 9g803E-04 0.069 CO-60 -2.660E-03 7.2788-03 3.080E-02 1.053E-03 -0.086 N1-94 1.140E-02 7.664B-03 3.689E-02 1.210E-03 0.309 RU-106 1.529E-03 5.304E-02 2.333E-01 8.189E-03 0.007 AG-1OBM -2.274E-03 7. 085E-03 2.905E-02 1. 023E-03 -0.078 AG- 1IOM -5.172E-03 7.067E-03 2.570E-02 8.93OE-04 -0.201 SB-125 2.127E-02 1. 754E-02 7.377E-02 2.961E-03 0.288 CS-134 -2.854E-04 5. 824B-03 2.356E-02 8.345E-04 -0.012 EU-152 -1.549E-02 2.869E-02 1.226E-01 4 .539E-03 -0.126 ED-154 1. OBOE-02 1. 979E-D2 9.676E-02 3.915E-03 0.112 Et- 155 -1.720E-02 2.619E-02 9.218E-02 3.232E-03 -0.187 RA-223 . 8.132E-02 4.197E-02 1.695E-01 7.686E-03 0.480 TH-228 1. 208E+00 5. 166E-01 2. 112E+00 1. O1OE-01 0.572 PA- 234 2.526E-01 + 4.143E-02 6.2108-02 3.255E-03 4.067 TE-234 7.617E-01 2.935E-01 1.15BE+00 1.083E-01 0.636 U-235 7.187E-02 + 2.665E-02 5.545E-02 3.229E-03 1.296 AM-241 7.092E-03 3.146E-02 1.210E-01 6.129E-03 0.059


.APORT DATE : 27-ATJG-2002 21:12 REQUESTOR CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-021 FM SAMPLE No.  : 020827012 OPERATOR NAME  : CAB SAMPLE TYPE : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : ILMAR COUNT TIME : 27-AUG-2002 20:55:09 SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.36100E+03 SAMPLE TIME : 26-AUG-2002 14:20:00 DETECTOR  : DET 2 LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT PEAC ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 -0.35 1.002E+01 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 -0.55 4.5SOE-02 QA Results OK TL-208 5B3.14 -0.14 2.771E-01 QA Results OK BI-212 727.17 0.00 4.82BE-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 -0.19 5.912E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 -0.08 5.564E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 -0.21 4.867E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 -0.21 1.185E+00 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.29 6.843E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF = 1.433E+01 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.79 XeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.30 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM t ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 300.50 38. 0.98 1.764E+00 1.296E-03 33.5 e4 PB -212 1. 034B+00 328.11 34. 1.39 1.691E+00 1.242E-03 29.6 I -212

- 2.599Ei01

21. AC-228 1. 056E+00 510.62 57. 1.68 4.045E+00 2.972E-03 21.8 r- h"AN-RD 0. OOOE+00 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 3 k Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 14.29 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)


Reviewed by: (NlvkzX

        • End A Report I 2 Pages ) ****


  • ***** **** **** ** ** ***** ***t*** **** ******

SAMPLE TITLE: - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-021 FMD REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020827013

  • ENERGY TOIjElRANCE: 1.0 00000 EEVCHANNEL  : 5.00876E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  ; 27-AUG-2002 20:56
  • DEADTIME (k) :O.

0.J PRESET LIVE TIME :0 00:16:40

  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.6 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN :10.00000 ELAPSED IMVE TIME: 1000.0 Secs
      • i****************************** *********************************************

Collected by : DORULLA /



                                                                          • *********i********************************

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw kErr. Fit Nuclides 0 63.09 94 326 0.88 126.38 122 9 36.2 TH-234 2 74.77 247 229 0.87 149.70 146 14 11.0 3.46E-01 PB-212 PB-214 2 77.10 355 244 0.93 154.35 146 14 8.8 PB-214 PB-212 0 87.17 114 170 1.05 174.47 172 6 20.3 PB-212 6 89.88 87 109 1.00 179.86 178 15 19.9 8.57E-01 6 92.97 155 247 1.60 186.05 178 15 21.1 2 184.22 31 35 1.06 368.26 .367 10 26.7 3.08E+00 2 185.81 85 163 1.25 371.43 367 10 28.4 RA-226 0 209.79 111 147 1.13 419.34 414 12 23.8 AC-228 O 238.55 509 165 0.92 476.77 472 9 6.4 PB-212 0 241.69 77 89 1.40 483.05 481 6 23.0 PB-214 0 270.17 53 78 0.86 539.93 536 9 33.0 AC-228 0 277.52 35 77 0.96 554.61 549 10 51.3 TL-208 0 295.25 179 52 0.65 590.03 586 9 10.4 PB-214 0 328.67 so 61 1.58 656.78 652 11 33.6 0 338.49 105 44 0.88 676.40 672 9 15.1 AC-228 0 351.78 287 80 1.15 702.96 696 14 8.9 PB-214

Post-NMh Peak Search Report (continued)

Sample ID : 020827013 Page: 2 Acquisition date : 27-AUG-2002 20:56:54 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw !Err Fit Nuclides 0 463.06 40 35 1.20 925.28 919 12 33.8 AC-228 o 511.24 92 35 1.48 1021.56 1015 14 17.5 0 583.59 167 59 1.19 1166.14 1160 11 11.9 TL-208 0 609.34 208 18 1.21 1217.59 1212 10 7.9 BI-214 0 727.77 46 18 1.52 1454.32 1450 10 23.1 BI-212 0 768.39 31 22 1.39 1535.51 1528 15 38.3 BI-214 0 785.89 21 16 1.20 1570.50 1564 10 43.3 0 795.35 30 15 1.65 1589.41 1582 12 31.6 AC-228 0 911.21 127 12 1.93 1821.07 1812 16 10.7 AC-228 0 969.24 68 18 1.69 1937.12 1933 10 16.7 AC-22 B 0 1120.47 67 a 1.95 2239.58 2231 16 15.4 BI-214 0 1238.42 29 24 2.85 2475.55 2465 16 42.3 BI-214 0 1460.66 562 0 1.B7 2920.67 2912 16 4.2 K-40 0 1764.51 44 a 1.66 3528.59 3522 12 15.1 BI-214

  • Combined Activity-MBA Report Page : 3 Sample ID : 020827013 Acquisition date : 27-AUG-2002 20:56:54

Identified Nuclides Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 1.166E+01 7.348E-O1 2.430E-01 1.136E-02 47.974 TL-208 2.052E-01 2.604E-02 2.544B-02 1.372E-03 6.066 BI-212 4.864E-01 1.155E-01 1.750E-01 9.518E-03 2.780 PB-212 5.802E-01 4.394E-02 3.854E-02 1.950E-03 15. 055 BI-214 5.480E-01 3.974B-02 3.163E-02 1.731E-03 17.328 PB-214 5.312E-01 3.847E-02 3.264E-02 1.564E-03 16.276 RAL-226 1.157Et00 3.339E-01 4.609E-01 2.29BE-02 2.509 AC-228 G.BSGE-01 5. 043E-02 7.044E-02 3.175E-03 9.776 TH-234 1.031E+00 3.86EB-01 4.529E-01 4.295E-02 2.277

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 4. 6305-02 4.109E-02 1. 660E-01 B.246E-03 0.279 MN-54 8 .354E-03 5.061E-03 2.432E-02 1.199E-03 0.343 CO-60 1.484E-02 7.794E-03 3.720E-02 1.730E-03 0.399 NB3-94 -3.970E-03 5.754E-03 2.251E-02 1.056E-03 -0.176 RU-106 -3.493B-02 4.638E-02 .1. 495E-01 8.234E-03 -0.234 AG-ICBM -5.1805-03 5. 693E-03 1.776E-02 9.746B-04 -0.292 AG-llOM -4.403E-03 5.563E-03 1.760E-02 9.846E-04 -0.250 SB-125 6.186E-04 1.452E-02 5.224E-02 2.463E-03 0.012 CS-134 -2.025E-03 4.666E-03 1.58E-02 8. 672E-04 -0.128 CS-137 1.131E-02 5. 899E-03 2.596E-02 1.455E-03 0.436 EU-152 6.092E-03 2.890E-02 1.284E-01 6.006E-03 0.047 EU-154 2.125E-03 1.504E-02 6.724B-02 3.519E-03 0.032 BU-155 3.061E-02 1.851E-02 7.151E-02 3.339E-03 0.428 RA-223 2.167E-01 7.239E-02 1.303E-01 6.586E-03 1.664 TH-228 3.847E-01 3.760E-01 1.407E+00 6.821E-02 0.273 PA-234 5.347E-03 9.875E-03 3.637E-02 1.788E-03 0.147 U-235 7.016E-02 + 2.026E-02 4.056E-02 2.023E-03 1.729 AM-241 -1.471E-03 1.197E-02 4.416E-02 2.38eE-03 -0.033 Interference between AC-228 and RA-223 ----

        • AC-228 energy lines ****

Energy # Disint. ' Error Comments 209.28 6.914E+04 24.28 270.23 --------- ------ Line interferes with RA-223 338.32 3.456E+04 15.83 463.00 4.393E+04 34.14 794.70 5.043E+04 32.01 835.50 - Line not identified 911.07 4.002E+04 11.64 964.60 Line not identified 969.11 3.757E+04 17.35 Average____________________7.50_

Average: 3.933E+04 7.50

Interfered energy lines Suclide Energy Old Area New Area Critical Level New Activity i Error (pCi/Gm)

RA-223 269.46 53.2 8.8 26.3 0.DOOE+00 0.00 269.46 Line invalidated: New Area less than critical level RA-223 haLs been rejected: Failed abundance Test

REPORT NAME : QA_CHECK (V9.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 27-AUG-2002 21:13 REQUESTOR  : AB-TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-021 FMD SAMPLE No.  : 020827013 OPERATOR NAME  : CAS SAMPLE TYPE : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : 1LMARSAND COUNT TIME  : 27-AUG-2002 20:56:54 SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.55400E+03 SAMPLE TIME : 26-AUG-2002 14:25:00 DETECTOR  : DET 5 LIBRARY  : PSS DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (WEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 0.06 1.166E+01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.46 2.052E-01 QA Result6 OK BI-212 727.17 0.60 4.864E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 -0.08 5.802E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.03 5.480E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 -0.14 5.312E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 -0.40 1.157E+00 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.14 6.886E-01 QA Results OK TH-234 63.29 -0.20 1. 031E+00 QA Results ox AVG ENERGY DIFF = 0. as 1.688E+01 - TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.77 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.10 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS

. GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWEM GAMMA/SEC /GM t ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 69.88 87. 1.00 1.913E+00 1.231E-03 19.9 P BI-214 1. 236E+01 AC-228 1.595E+00 92.97 155. 1.60 3.402E+00 2.189E-03 21.1 PBX-RAY 0.OOOE+00 AC-228 1.701E+00 TH-234 2.202E+O0 184.22 328.67 31.


1.06 1.58 E.042E-01 5.175E-04 1.844E+00 1.186E-03 26.7 33.6 4 BI-212 2.483E401 511.24 92. 1.48 4.856E+00 3.125E-03 17.5 ANN-RD 0.000E+00 785.89 21. 1.20 1.585E+00 1.020E-03 43.3 BI-212 1.409E+00 BI-214 3. 678E+00 PB-214 2.525E+00


% Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 19.35 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)

Performed by: f lo Reviewed by: b__

_____I 2 Pages 1 ****

I. **1*****3********************************

26-AUG-2002 18:11:3w5. 6Z CONNECTICUT YANNEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE rITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-022 FM REASON FOR AMAIAYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020826027

  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 EV /CHIANNEL 5.007078-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHAIEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 26-AUG-2002 17:54
  • DEADTIME (k)  : 0.1%L PRESET LIVE TIME 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.5 Secs
  • GUSSIAK SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs
        • kA k**** *****************************************************************


          • ,st* *********************** ******************************************t*****

Collected by : TORRES l3n-REVIEWED BY : U J-COMM'E'TS  :

      • * * *** *** ******* * * **** * *****i***********************

Posc-!ID Peak Search Report It Ect-irgy Area Skgzid FWHM Channel Left Pw -Err Fit Nuclides 0 i3 .81 106 363 1.05 127.75 123 10 35.1 TB-234 3 74 .86 257 246 1.13 149.61 143 15 11.6 1.27E+00 PB-212 PB-214 3 77.13 318 183 1.08 154.34 143 15 9.2 PB-214 PB -212 2 87 . 50 103 166 1.22 175.06 171 20 24.6 4.20E+00 PB-212 2 .92.67 135 201 1.23 15.39 171 20 19.5 0 185.74 100 192 1.74 371.31 367 11 28.6 RA-226 4 238.59 407 74 1.23 476.89 471 17 6.0 9.52E-01 PB-212 4 ,l-; 1 .;44 110 84 1.54 482.59 471 17 20.6 PB-214 0  :;5S.35 138 76 1.22 590.31 586 10 14.8 PB-214 0 -37.76 135 53 1.54 675.04 668 15 14.S AC-228 0 J1.82 240 49 1.12 703.15 698 12 8.7 PB-214 0 E-10.61 81 46 1.48 1020.89 1014 13 20.4 0 SS3.23 141 38 1.27 1165.66 1160 13 12.4 TL-206 O t 1.32 178 22 1.46 1217.83 1212 11 9.1 BI-214 0 0,4 l.53 370 12 1.60 1322.21 1316 12 5.5 CS-137 0 727.67 31 34 1.24 1454.45 1448 16 44.4 BI-212 0 911.30 . 93 18 1.38 1821.69 1816 12 13.9 AC-22E

Post -i10 Piak Search Report (continued) Page: 2 Sampi ;. ED : 020826027 Acquisition date : 26-AUG-2002 17:54:36 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw ikrr Fit Nuclides 0 534.24 12 15 1.20 1867.56 1863 9 63.8 0 9i58.97 56 8 1.82 1937.04 1931 11 16.7 AC-228 0 1 :'3.47 5 - 17 1.38 2240.13 2233 15 22.4 BI-214 0 14 ).44 401 4 1.91 2920.54 2914 14 5.1 K-40 0 1 7 i3.95 37 0 1.02 3528.32 3521 14 16.4 BI-214

Combined Activity-MDA Report Page : 3 Sample ID : 020826027 Acquisition date : 26-AUG-2002 17:54:36

- ntified

!-- Nuc1ides ----

Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA NucI ide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 7.979E+00 5.520E-01 1.443E-01 6. 7B4E-03 55.095 CS -137 4.770E-01 3.753E-02 1.923E-02 1.078E-03 24.811 TL-208 1.643E-01 2.223E-02 1.932E-02 1. 042E-03 8.503 BI-212 3.159E-01 1.413E-01 1.375E-01 7.479E-03 2.298 PB- 214 4.509E-01 3. 381E-02 2.874E-02 1.454tE-03 15.6E8 BI-214 4.327E-01 3.678E-02 3.669E-02 2.009E-03 11.794 PB-214 4.284E-01 3.371E-02 3.077E-02 1.475E-03 13.925 RA- 22C 1.306E+00 3.792E-01 4.423E-01 2.205E-02 2.952 AC-22b 5.425E-01 4.973E-02 6.877E-02 3.100E-03 7.888 TH-234 1.114E+OO 4.057E-01 4.429E-01 4.201E-02 2.516

-- - - Don-Identified Nuclides Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act4/MDA NUClide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 5.946E-02 5.662E-02 2.103E-01 1. 045E-02 0.263 MN-S54 -8.222E-34 4.570E-03 1.910E-02 9.417E-04 -0.043 CO - .;O 1.762E-!!2 8. 669E-03 4.052E-02 1.884E-03 0.435 NB-94 3.846E-04 4.596E-03 1. 976E-02 9.273E-04 0 .019 RU- IO -1.763E-02 3.641E-02 1.497E-01 &.250E-03 -0.118 AG-106131 8.422E-04 4.433E-03 1.e94E-02 2. 040E-03 0.044 AG-110M -3.136E-03 3.654E-03 1.330E-02 7.443E-04 -0.236 SB- 12I -1.404E-02 1. 495E-02 4.677E-02 2.205E-03 -0.300 CS-134 2.245E-U3 4.762E-03 1.76BE-02 9.766E-04 0.126 EU- 152 3.106E-02 4.245E-02 1.793E-01 8.387E-03 0.173 EU- 154 -6.310E-03 1.104E-02 4.645E-02 2.431E-03 -0.136 EU- 155 3.12DE-02 1. 835E-02 6.933E-02 3.237E-03 0.450 RA- 223 -1.214E-03 3.605E-02 1.225E-01 6.193E-03 -0.010 TH-22F 7.732E-n1 3.657E-01 1.381E+00 6.697E-02 0.560 PA- 234 2.452E-U.1 + 2.562E-02 3.75SE-02 1. 847E-03 6.523 U-235 7.921E-02 2.300E-02 3.833E-02 1.911E-03 2.066 AM-241 1.227E-02 1.359E-02 4.988E-02 2.697E-03 0.246

REPORT NAME : QACHECK (V9.1) PAGE I OF REPORT DATE : 26-AUG-2002 18:11 REQUESTOR  : CASTECH CYAPCO HADlDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE  : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-022 FM SAMPLE No.  : 020826027 OPERATOR NAME  : CAS SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : ILMARSAND COUNT TIME  : 26-AUG-2002 17:54:36 SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.62100E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 21-AUG-2002 10:45:00 DETECTOR  : DET 5 LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (REV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 146r@..80 -0.36 7.979E+0O QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 -0.11 4.770E-01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.09 1. 643E-01 QA Results OK BI-212 727.17 0.50 3 .159E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 23a.63 -0.04 4 .509E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.01 4.327E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 -0.10 4. 284E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 -0.47 1.306E+00 QA,Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.23 5. 425E-01 QA Results OK TH-234 63.29 0.52 1. 114E+00 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DTF = 0.03 1.3211+01 3 TOTAL WM ACTIVITY 74.86 ReV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.13 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes lUNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEARS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL EtIERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM  ; ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY

~2 7135. 1.23 2.96181-00 1.827E-03 19.5 PB X-RAY 0.OOOE+00 P / AC-228 1.420E+00 P/ TH-234 1.838E+00 510. b1 81. 1.48 4.264E+00 2.631E-03 20.4 0. 000E+00 934.24 12. 1.20 1.1O1E+00 6.792E-04 63.8 5.758E-01 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 3 k Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 13.64 Flags
U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - P.t:sicively Identified (line not in library)

Reviewed by: _il

        • End Of ort ( 2 Pages ) ****

- t 27-AUG-2002 20:46:44.37 CONNECTICUT YANKEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPELE 9531-0000-023 FM REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020827008

  • LIBRARY  : PSS DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL  : 27-AUG-2002 07:50
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANNEL  : 5.0082BE-01
  • END CHANZEL  ; 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 27-ADG-2002 19:56
  • DEADTIME ()  : 0.

PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40

  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.3 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs
                                                                  • t *********************************************

Collected by : DORULLA REVIEWED BY COMMENTS i************************************> ****************************************

Past-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw %Err Fit Nuclides 0 74.70 61 106 0.77 149.37 145 8 31.9 PB-212 PB-214 0 77.23 79 113 0.99 154.41 152 8 26.2 PB-214 PB-212 0 186.57 37 78 1.61 372.78 368 10 47.3 RA-226 0 238.74 161 68 0.99 476.98 473 8 12.0 PB-212 0 295.17 44 40 0.98 589.73 584 10 30.6 PB-214 0 338.20 41 36 0.95 675.68 670 12 33.4 AC-228 0 351.86 91 25 0.88 702.97 699 9 14.6 PB-214 0 583.65 51 19 0.85 1166.17 1158 12 21.8 TL-208 0 609.46 51 17 1.03 1217.77 1213 11 20.9 BI-214 0 661.92 142 12 1.12 1322.63 1318 11 9.6 CS-137 0 860.82 13 2 1.29 1720.32 1716 8 33.4 TL-208 0 911.54 40 0 1.30 1821.75 1817 11 15.8 AC-228 0 1461.26 161 6 1.57 2921.69 2916 11 8.4 K-40

I -

combined Activity-MDA Report Page : 2 Sample ID : 020827008 Acquisition date : 27-AUG-2002 19:56:46

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pci/GM)

K-40 9.575E+00 B.8289-01 5.507E-01 2.111E-02 17.387 CS-137 5.315E-01 5.404E-02 5.256E-02 1. 831E-03 10.114 TL- 20 1. 871E-01 3. 64BE-02 5.059E-02 1.826E-03 3.699 PB-212 4.611E-Ol 6.225E-02 7.593E-02 4.721E-03 6.072 BI-214 3.229E-01 6.B52E-02 7.B6BB-02 2.788E-03 4.104 PB-214 4.060E-01 5.4859-02 6.655E-02 2.226E-03 6.101 RA-226 1. 218E+00 5.807E-01 7.794E-01 4 .589E-02 1.562 AC-22a 6.14S9-01 B.936B-02 1.727E-01 5.467E-03 3.559

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/?4DA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 -8.738E-02 8.744E-02 2.760E-01 1.1089-02 -0.317 MN-54 -7.038e-03 7.979E-03 3.296E-02 1.114E-03 -0.214 CO-60 1.830E-02 1.542B-02 7.740E-02 2.654E-03 0.236 NB-94 -2.614E-03 6.280E-03 3.025E-02 9.952E-04 -0.086 RU-106 -1.513E-01 1.24BE-01 3.613E-0l 1.272E-02 -0.419 AG-1OBM 1.968E-04 B.7B1E-03 3.511E-02 1.241E-03 0.006 AG-llOM -1. 069E-02 9.453E-03 2.677E-02 9.33O9-04 -0.399 SB-125 4.541B-02 2.79O0-02 1.253E-01 5.044E-03 0.362 CS-134 1.17SE-02 B.187E-03 4.038E-02 1.435E-03 0.292 9tT-152 -1.505E-02 3.537E-02 1.754E-01 6.513E-03 -0.086 BU-154 -1.394E-02 2.657E-02 1.179E-01 4.782E-03 -0.118 N -155 -1. 372E-02 3.207B-02 1. 15E-01 4.153E-03 -0.116 BI-212 2.698E-01 1.131E-01 S.596E-01 1.947E-02 0.482 RA-223 -6.238E-02 5.B65E-02 1.935E-01 B.792E-03 -0.322 TH-228 1. 424E+00 7.509E-01 3.119B+00 1.493E-01 0.457 PA-234 2.375E-01 6.352E-02 8.9738-02 4-707E-03 2.647 TH-234 5.646E-01 4.161E-01 1.734E+00 1.570E-O1 0.326 U-235 7.383E-02 3.520E-02 5.797E-02 3.382E-03 1.273 AM-241 -2.326E-04 5.021E-02 1. 983E-01 1.012E-02 -0.001

REPORT NAME: QA_ _CHECK (V9.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 27-AUG-2002 20:46 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - SOIL SAMPILE 9531-0000-023 FM SAMPLE No.  : 020627008 OPERATOR NAME  : CAS SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAM!PLE GEOMETRY  : IMR COUNT TIME  : 27-AUtG-2002 19:56:46 SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.18900B+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 26-AUG-2002 13:45:00 DETECTOR  : DET 1 LIBRARY  : FS DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 0.46 9.575E+U0 QA Results OX C0-137 661.65 0.27 5.315E-01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.51 1.871E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 0.11 4.611E-01 QA Results OX BI-214 609.31 0.15 3.229E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 -0.06 4.060E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 0.36 1.218E+00 QA Results OK AC-226 911.07 0.47 6.148E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF = 0.28 1.332E+01 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.70 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.23 KeY Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM ' ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY No Unidentified/Rejected Peaks Reviewed by:

Report ( 1 Page ) ****

27-AUG-2002 21;10:36.40 CONNECTICUT YANKEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-023 FMD REASON FOR AMaLYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020827011

  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANNEL  : 5.00626E-01
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 27-AUG-2002 20:53
  • DEADTIME (k)  : 0.0k PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.1 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs
                      • t*********t**********+*********************************t***************


                                                                • " ****************************t*****************


                              • t*******************
  • t******************************************

Post-NID Peak Search Report IL Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw %3rr Fit Nuclides 2 74.84 44 69 1.01 149.65 143 15 35.3 1.68E+00 PB-212 PB-214 2 77.09 84 69 1.00 154.14 143 15 19.2 PE-214 PE-212 0 186.16 45 70 1.00 371.96 367 11 39.1 RA-226 2 238.66 187 50 1.13 476.82 472 15 9.4 1.B1E+00 PB-212 2 241.48 43 44 1.33 482.46 472 15 35.6 PB-214 0 270.44 23 29 1.00 540.32 534 9 47.8 AC-228 0 295.52 45 33 1.09 590.42 584 10 27.9 PB-214 1 337.98 36 7 1.33 675.24 671 20 25.8 1.14E+00 AC-228 1 338.98 29 9 1.33 677.24 671 20 32.2 0 352.12 78 53 1.57 703.50 698 14 23.2 PE-214 0 583.65 39 14 1.29 1166.17 1161 10 24.4 TL-208 0 609.60 70 8 1.39 1218.04 1210 16 15.0 BI-214 0 661.92 144 20 1.51 1322.63 1317 15 10.6 C8-137 0 861.17 15 3 0.70 1721.00 1717 8 34.9 TL-208 O 911.38 26 7 1.56 1821.42 1817 9 26.6 AC-228 0 969.86 15 B 1.12 1938.39 1932 11 45.6 AC-228 0 1461.10 170 0 1.84 2921.37 2915 14 7.7 K-40

Combined Activity-MDA Report Page : 2 Sample ID : 020827011 Acquisition date : 27-AUG-2002 20:53:38

- Identified Nuclides Activity Act error MnDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 9.678E+00 8.298E-Ol 4.16SE-01 1.597E-02 23.221 CS-137 5.153E-01 S. 750E-02 4.473E-02 1.55GE-03 11.520 TL-208 1.364E-01 3.013E-02 4.409E-02 1.591E-03 3.093 PB-212 5.ll9E-Ol 5.789E-02 5.709E-02 3.550E-03 8.966 BI-214 4.23EE-01 6.525E-02 5. 02BE-02 1.7828-03 8.428 PB-214 3. 649E-O1 G. 014E-02 8.106E-02 2.711E-03 4.501 RA-226 1. 414E+00 5.587E-01 6.923E-01 4.076E-02 2.042 AC-228 4.373E-01 7.277E-02 1.648E-01 5.217E-03 2.653

Non-Identified Nuclides Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

EE-7 4.276E-02 7.283E-02 3.043E-01 1.222E-02 0.141 MN-54 -2.429E-03 7.303E-03 3.372E-02 1.139E-03 -0.072 CO-60 2. 19B-02 1.556E-02 7.863E-02 2.687E-03 0.260 NB-94 -1.784E-03 7.845E-03 3.642E-02 1.198E-03 -0.049 RU-106 -5.602E-02 6.704E-02 2.153H-01 7.579E-03 -0.260 AG-108M -1.049E-02 B.471E-03 2.302E-02 B.132E-04 -0.456.

AG-hU0M 1.176E-02 1.067E-02 4.713E-02 1. 642E-03 0.249 SB-125 3.983E-02 2.340E-02 1.102E-01 4.437E-03 0.361 CS-134 -1.269E-03 S.01E-03 2.101E-02 7.465E-04 -0.060 EU-152 8. 582E-04 3.965E-02 2.095E-01 7.777E-03 0.004 EU-154 -2.B43E-02 3.548E-02 1.390B-01 5.634E-03 -0.205 EU-155 -4.260E-03 3.1B9E-02 1.196E-01 4.191E-03 -0.D36 BI-212 5.664E-02 8.977B-02 4.132E-01 1.437E-02 0.137 P.A-223 2.225E-01 1. 069E-01 2.253E-01 1.023E 0.988 TH-228 -4.3i9E-0l 6.520E-01 2.398E+00 1.14BE-01 -0.183 PA-234 -B .393E-03 1.896E-02 7.088E-02 3.71BE-03 -0.118 TH-234 4.472E-01 3.646E-01 1. 534E+O0 1.388E-01 0.292 U-235 8.572E-02 + 3.387E-02 5. 819E-02 3.395B-03 1.473 AM-241 6.80EE-02 4.533E-02 1.967E-01 1. 004E-02 0.346

Interference between AC-228 and RA-223 ----

        • AC-228 energly lines ****

Energy # Disint. t Erncor Comments 209.28 --------- Line not identified 270..23 --------- Line interferes with RA-223 338.32 2.359E+04 26.t03 463.00 --------- Line not identified 794.70 --------- Line not identified 835.50 --------- Line not identified 911.07 1.775E+04 26.78 964.60 --------- ------ Line not identified 969.11 1.768E+04 45.89 Ave_______________________1____6 Average: 1.954E+04 17.46

Interfered energy lines Nuclide Energy Old Area New Area Critical Level New Activity v Error (pCi/GM)

RA-223 269.46 22.7 11.3 16.0 O.OOOE+00 0.00 269.46 Line invalidated: New Area less than critical level RA-223 hits been rejected: Failed abundance Test



K-40 1460.80 0.30 9. 678E-+00 QA Results OX CS-137 661.65 0.27 5 .153E-01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.51 1.364E-01 QA Results OK PB-21.2 238.63 0.03 5 .119E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.29 4. 23SE-01 PB-214 351.92 0.20 3.649E-01 QA Results OK RA- 226 186.21 -0.05 1.414E+00 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.31 4 .373E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF = 0.23 1.348E+01 - TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.84 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.09 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMA/SEC /GM k ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 338.9B 29. 1.33 2.159E+00 1.733E-03 32.2 AC-228 4 .133E-01 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = I

% Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 5.68 Flags: U - Unknown Line R. - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in library)

Performed by: C& (~Ld


        • Enld Oport ( 2 Pages ) ****

27-AUG-2002 20:48:47.01 CONNECTICUT YANKEE HAfDDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-024 FM REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020827009

  • LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL  : 27-AUG-2002 07:14
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 XEV/CHANNEL  : 5.00995E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.oooo0 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 27-AUG-2002 19:58
  • DEADTIME (t)  : O.0.

PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40

  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.2 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN :10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs

CODMTS  :=-M i-P S

                                                              • *****************************************e Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw kErr Fit Nuclides 0 76.63 124 185 1.01 153.55 148 11 23.1 PB-214 PB-212 0 186.27 43 B1 0.97 372.46 366 9 40.4 RA-226 2 238.49 274 49 1.02 476.75 472 21 7.2 1.17E+00 PB-212 2 240.90 41 46 1.30 481.56 472 21 41.9 2 241.66 36 45 1.40 483.51 472 21 43.7 PB-214 1 295.28 75 23 1.35 590.17 583 20 16.3 1.36E+0O PB-214 1 300.08 33 13 1.35 599.75 583 20 24.0 0 338.26 46 40 1.07 676.03 673 9 28.7 AC-228 0 351.90 146 34 1.19 703.27 698 12 11.5 PB-214 0 463.11 31 15 1.22 925.47 920 12 31.1 AC-22B 0 511.14 61 22 1.57 1021.44 1016 14 22.0 0 582.86 91 18 0.94 1164.76 1159 12 14.1 TL-208 0 609.09 112 6 1.08 1217,20 1211 12 10.4 BI-214 0 662.53 48 47 1.74 1324.03 1316 18 35.8 CS-137 0 728.89 26 26 0.66 1456.69 1449 17 49.5 0 911.11 57 22 1.57 1821.10 1813 15 22.3 AC-228 0 968.86 21 9 1.13 1936.62 1932 9 33.8 AC-228 0 1460.50 275 8 2.03 2920.69 2913 16 6.5 K-40

combined Activity-MDA Report Page : 2 Sample ID : 020827009 Acquisition date : 27-AUG-2002 19:58:05

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error Mm MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 9.083E+00 6.812E-01 3.578E-0l 1.367E-02 25.388 CS-137 1.02OE-01 3.672E-02 2.870E-02 9. 966E-04 3.554 TI-208 1. 736E-01 2.519E-02 2.052E-02 7.3B4E-04 8.462 PB-212 4.915E-O1 4.659E-02 4.17SE-02 2.591E-03 11.771 BI-214 4.049E-0l 4.453E-02 2.441R-02 8. 623E-04 16.585 PB-214 3.394E-01 3.694E-02 4.684E-02 1.562E-03 5.315 RIA-226 9.104E-01 3.719E-01 4.643E-01 2.729E-02 1.961 AC-228 4.301E-01 6.325E-02 1.290E-01 4.072E-03 3.334

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM4 Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 -2.771E-03 4.787E-02 1.777E-01 7.11SE-03 -0.016 MN-54 -4.325E-03 7.166E-03 2.861E-02 9.639E-04 -0.151 CO-60 1.194E-02 9.016E-03 4.500E-02 1.538E-03 0.265 NB-94 -2 . 211E-03 6.701E-03 2.803E-02 9.197E-04 -0.079 RU-106 -3.142E-02 3. 855E-02 1.620E-01 5.684E-03 -0.194 AG-108M -1.433E-03 5. 86SE-03 2 .501E-02 8. 8l1E-04 -0.057 AG-liOM -2.090E-03 8. 040E-03 3.055O-02 1.061E-03 -0.068 SB-125 6.422E-03 1. 905E-02 7.187E-02 2.864E-03 0.089 CS-134 2.003E-03 3.892E-03 1. 87SE-02 6.650E-04 0.107 EU-152 1.171E-04 3 .320E-02 1.54OE-01 5. 699E-03 0.001 EU-154 2.787E-02 2.924E-02 1.338E-01 5.414E-03 0.208 EU-155 -1. 384E-02 2.308E-02 8. 216E-02 2.BB1E-03 -0.168 BI-212 3.369E-01 9. 01BE-02 4.323E-01 1.499E-02 0.779 RA-223 5.427E-02 3.BB6E-02 1.547E-01 7.013B-03 0.351 TH-228 1. 295E+00 4.997E-01 2.079E+00 9.9415-02 0.623 PA-234 -6.366E-03 1.426E-02 5.172E-02 2.711E-03 -0.123 TH-234 6.840-01 2.862E-01 1.170E+00 1.057E-01 0.585 U-235 5.522E-02 + 2.255B-02 4.84SE-02 2.823E-03 1.139 AM-241 1.610-02 2.572B-02 1.041E-01 5.272B-03 0.155


REPORT DATE : 27-AUG-2002 20:48 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-024 FM SAMPLE No.  : 020827009 OPERATOR NAME . CAS SAMPLE TYPE : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : ILMAR COUNT TIME  : 27-AUG-2002 19:58:05 SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.34600E+03 SAMPLE TIME : 26-AUG-2002 13:42:00 DETECTOR  : DET 2 LIBRARY  : PSS DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (XEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 -0.30 9.083E+00 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 0.86 1.020E-01 QA Results OK TL-20 583.14 -0.28 1.736E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 -0.13 4.915E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 -0.22 4.049E-01 QA Results 0O PB-214 351.92 -0.02 3.894E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 0.05 9.104E-01 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.04 4.301E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF - 0.00 1.198E+01 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 76.63 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA, FWM GAMMA/SEC /GM

  • ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 1 .30 _3 - -- --- -

E- __ _ _-__


1.30 1.623E+00 1.206E-03 41.9

- I 240.90 41.

300.08 33. 1.35 1.543E+00 1.146E-03 24.0 ,V PB-212 9.141E-01 511.14 61. 1.57 4.361E+O0 3.240E-03 22.0 re ANN-RD 0.OOOE+00 72B.89 26. 0.661.4. 499E+00 1.BSE-03 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 4 I Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 22.22 Flags: U - Unknown Line v R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)

        • End Of ort ( 2 Pages ) ****

27-AJtG-2002 20:51:21.71 COI&ECTICE1T YANKEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMIPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-024FMD REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020827010

  • SAMPLE QUANTITY : 1.46700E+03 GM
                              • t***************************************************************t*


  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANEL :5.00676E-O1
  • HALEF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEls :100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME :27-ADG-2002 20:00
  • DEADTIME (1)  : 0.01 PRESET LIVE TIME :0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME 1000.5 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME 1000.0 Secs
                                                                • ,*********+*************************************


_ 5 nI

    • *********************t************ ***t***************************************

Poat-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd EWHM Channel Left Pw -Err Fit Nuclides 0 63.33 101 238 1.06 126.85 123 9 29.3 TH-234 3 74.81 207 174 1.07 149.78 144 14 12.1 B.67E-01 PB-212 PB-214 3 77.07 290 153 0.98 154.29 144 14 9.4 PB -214 PB-212 0 67.10 97 218 1.05 174.32 171 8 28.4 PB-212 2 92.57 69 90 0.97 165.24 183 7 23.2 2.48E+00 2 93.36 so 121 0.95 186.82 163 7 26.7 0 186.17 83 160 1.33 372.16 368 12 33.1 RA-226 1 236.60 405 58 1.06 476.86 472 16 5.8 1.28E+00 PB-212 1 240.56 38 63 1.21 480.78 472 16 59.7 1 241.78 59 61 1.21 483.22 472 16 27.4 PB-214 1 295.23 111 42 1.27 589.96 566 23 14.2 1.26E+00 PB- 214 1 300.13 30 38 1.26 599.77 586 23 41.6 0 336.71 85 51 1.12 676.84 671 13 20.6 AC- 228 0 352.04 206 59 1.13 703.47 698 12 10.3 PB-214 0 463.56 30 31 1.36 926.29 920 14 43.7 AC-228 0 511.27 76 30 1.64 1021.60 1013 17 20.0 0 583.15 116 20 1.37 1165.25 1160 10 11.8 TL-208

Post-&ID Peak Search Report (continued) Page : 2 Sample ID : 020827010 Acquisition date : 27-AUG-2002 20:00:28 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw IErr Pit Nuclides 0 609.44 129 27 1.39 1217.80 1213 11 12.0 BI-214 o 661.62 113 15 1.59 1322.09 1316 12 11.6 CS-137 0 727.25 30 16 0.69 1453.27 1448 13 32.8 BI-212 0 795.23 iB 4 0.78 1569.17 1585 8 30.4 AC-226 o 911.43 75 9 2.09 1821.50 1517 9 13.6 AC-228 1 964.73 26 15 1.60 1928.09 1923 19 29.8 1.25E+00 AC-228 1 969.09 63 10 1.80 1936.81 1923 19 16.1 AC-228 0 1120.90 40 8 1.71 2240.43 2235 15 23.5 I-214 0 1460.77 435 4 1.83 2920.50 2914 14 4.9 K-40 0 1764.40 23 5 1.93 3528.38 3521 12 29.2 BI-214

Combibed Activity-MDA Report Page : 3 Sample ID : 020827010 Acquisition date : 27-AUG-2002 20:00:28

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error MDA MKDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pci/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 9.563E+00 6.469E-01 1. SSSE-01 7.423E-03 60.349 CS-137 1. 609E-01 2.07SE-02 1.512E-02 B.475E-04 10.637 TL-208 1.494E-01 1. 933E-02 1. 764E-02 9.513E-04 8.472 B2-212 3.386E-01 1.124E-01 1.1982-01 6.516E-03 2.826 PB-212 4.936E-01 3.6632-02 3. 049E-02 1.542E-03 16.187 BI-214 3.406E-01 3.714E-02 4.219E-02 2.310E-03 8.074 PB-214 3.856E-01 3.339B-02 3.Y12E-Q2 1.875E-03 9.856 PA-226 1.19S+00 3. 999E-01 4.143E-01 2.066E-02 2.886 AC-228 5.107E-01 4.502E-02 7.934E-02 3.576E-03 6.437 TH-234 1.179E+00 3.6302-01 4.042E-01 3.834E-02 2.918

Non-Identified Nuclides Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 -1.894E-02 4.744E-02 1.617E-01 8.035E-03 -0.117 MN-54 -7.092B-03 4.8332-03 1.755E-02 8.652E-04 -0.404 CO-60 3.796E-03 4.995E-03 2.511E-02 1.168E-03 0.151 NB-94 1.773E-03 5.737E-03 2.477E-02 1.162E-03 0.072 RU-106 3.684E-03 4.404E-02 1.655E-01 9.116E-03 0.022 AG-108M -3.032E-04 5.657E-03 2.018E-02 1.108S-03 -0.015 AG-lOM -6.699E-03 5.673E-03 1.665E-02 9.317E-04 -0.402 sB-125 1.8422-02 1.392E-02 5.739E-02 2.706E-03 0.321 CS-134 1.110-04 5.6112-03 1.997E-02 1. 09O0-03 0.006 EU-152 6.28SE-02 2.64SE-02 1.523E-01 7.122E-03 0.413 EU-154 4.4202-04 1. 559E-02 6.907E-02 3.614B-03 0.006 EU-155 5.507E-02 1.645E-02 6.9252-02 3.2332-03 0.795 RA-223 1.276E-02 2.862E-02 1.062E-01 5.371E-03 0.120 TH-226 5.254E-01 3.692E-01 1.410E+00 6.834E-02 0.373 PA-234 1.049E-03 8.354E-03 3.086E-02 1.517E-03 0.034 U-235 7.252E-02 + 2.426E-02 3.976E-02 1. 982E-03 1.624 AM-241 1.35BE-02 1.18BE-02 4.62OH-02 2.498E-03 0.294


REPORT DATE : 27-AUG-2002 20:51 REQUESTOR  : CASTECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-024FMD SAMPLE No.  : 020827010 OPERATOR NAME  : CAS SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : 1LKARSAND COUNT TIME  : 27-AUG-2002 20:00:28 SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.46700E-03 SAMPLE TIME  : 26-AUG-2002 13:50:00 DETECTOR  : DET 5 LIBRARY  : FS8_DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM tOMMENTS K-40 1460.80 -0.03 9.563E+00 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 -0.03 1. 609E-01 QA Results OX TL-20B 583.14 0.01 1. 494E-01 / QA Results OK EI-212 727.17 0.08 3.386E-01 /* Peak FWHM = 0.69 PB-212 238.63 -0.02 4.936E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.13 3.406E-01 QA Results OX PE-214 351.92 0.12 3.85GE-01 QA Results OX RA-226 186.21 -0.04 1. 195E+OO QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.36 5.107E-01 QA Results OK TH-234 63.29 0.04 1. 179E+00 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF - 0.06 1.432E+01 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.81 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.07 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes TUNIDENTIFIED/REWECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMAISEC /GM V ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 92.57 69. 0.97 1.526E+00 1.040E-03 23.2 ,A B X-RAY 0.OOOE+00

.4Se'AC-228 8.OBOE-01

.f TE-234 1.046E+00 93.36 80. 0.95 1.750E+O0 1.193E-03 26.7 AC-228 9.269E-01

-234 1.200E+00 240.56 38. 1.21 1.131E+00 7.706E-04 59.7 T 300.13 30. 1.28 1.031E+00 7.027E-04 41.6 7> PB-212 5.604E-01 511.27 76. 1.64 4.012E+00 2.735E-03 20.0 Tr ANN-RD 0.000E+00

' REPORT NAME : QACHECK (V9.1) PAGE 2 OF REPORT DATE : 27-AUG-2002 20:51 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = S V Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 18.52 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)

Performed by: caw Q 0 J, _

Reviewed by:

        • End 0 Report ( 2 Pages ) ****
        • i****** ** ** *** ***** ** *** ****t***
  • 26-AUG-2002 14:54:23.78 CONNECTICUT YANKCUE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-025FM REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020826015
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANNEL :5.00623E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 26-AUG-2002 14:37
  • DEADTIME (t)  : 0.0%

PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40

  • SENSITIVITY 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.2 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs
                  • ****** ****************9 ***********************************************

Collected by : TORRES, E REVIEWED BY :


Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw IErr Fit Nuclides 3 74.82 e1 88 1.09 149.57 143 19 22.9 2.09E+00 PE-212 PB-214 3 77.21 123 84 1.10 154.36 143 19 15.7 PB-214 PB-212 0 93.20 53 111 1.28 186.28 183 8 37.2 0 185.46 37 85 1.00 370.54 368 9 47.8 RA-226 0 209.31 40 44 1.09 416.19 414 8 32.4 AC-228 1 238.65 265 39 1.14 476.76 472 26 7.3 2.53E+D0 PB-212 1 241.15 35 45 1.20 481.78 472 26 42.2 1 242.26 30 46 1.09 484.00 472 26 43.8 PB-214 2 295.10 71 23 1.10 589.55 583 12 18.1 2.33E+O0 PB-214 2 296.08 23 24 1.40 591.51 583 12 57.5 0 338.53 32 26 0.91 676.32 672 8 32.3 AC-228 0 351.92 100 30 1.03 703.06 699 10 14.3 PB-214 0 511.43 25 26 0.93 1021.80 1016 12 46.7 0 583.33 79 14 0.74 1165.50 1160 11 14.5 TL-208 0 609.22 75 17 1.17 1217.25 1210 14 16.6 BI-214 0 661.71 41 14 1.39 1322.17 1318 12 23.2 CS-137 O 911.00 49 4 1.48 1820.62 1813 15 16.6 AC-228

Post-NID 'Peak Search Report (continued)

Sample ID : 020826015 Page: 2 Acquisition date : 26-AUG-2002 14:37:24 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw UErr Fit Nuclides 0 969.56 26 9 1.31 1937.73 1932 12 30.0 0 1460.92 191 AC-228 0 2.45 2920.90 2915 12 7.2 K-40

combined 'Act ivity-MIA Report Page : 3 Sample ID : 020826015 Acquisition date : 26-AfG-2002 14:37:24

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/BM)

K-40 9.875E+00 8.552E-01 3.799E-01 1. 808B-02 25.995 CS-137 1. 26E-01 3.024E-02 3.864E-02 2.212E-03 3.280 TL-208 2. 18E-01 3.381E-02 4.188E-02 2.294E-03 5.224 PB-212 6.404E-01 5. 60SE-02 S.771E-02 2.782E-03 11.096 BI-214 3.905E-O1 6.838E-02 6.503E-a2 3.622E-03 6.004 PB-214 4.210E-01 4.786E-02 6.472E-02 3.007E-03 6.504 RA-226 1.034E+00 4.970E-01 6.94IE-01 3. 73E-02 1.490 AC-228 S.73SE-01 7.402B-02 1. 119E-01 5. 187E-03 5.129

Non-identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 4.657E-02 7.591E-02 3.072E-01 1. 535E-02 0.152 M4I-54 4.716E-03 9.765E-03 4.485E-02 2.272s-03 0.105 CO-60 1.866E-02 1.392E-02 6.9802-02 3.289E-03 0.267 NB -94 1.437E-02 9.170E-03 4.7552-02 2.295E-03 0.302 RU-106 7.378E-02 6.496E-02 3.158E-01 1.772E-02 0.234 AG-108M 1. 023E-02 7.35BE-03 3.611B-02 2.017B-03 0.283 AG-11OM 1.421B-03 9.528E-03 3.654E-02 2.08BE-03 0.039 BB-125 2.154E-02 1. 856E-02 G.564E-02 4.0362-03 0.252 CS-134 3.635E-03 7.2502-03 3.077E-02 1.7099E-03 0.118 Et-152 4.950B-04 3.6lBE-02 1.901E-01 9.028E-03 0.003 Et-154 3.78B-02 2.957E-02 1.605E-01 8.540E-03 0.236 ELT-15 -6.921E-04 3.120E-02 1.17G6-01 5.045E-03 -0.006 BI-212 1. 061E-01 1.033E-01 4.581E-O1 2.5522-02 0.232 BA-223 6.939E-02 .5.451E-02 2.1612-01 1.02138-02 0.321 TH-228 3.505E-01 7.573E-01 2.928E+00 1.513E-01 0.120 PA-234 3.503E-01 + 5.900E-02 9.224E-02 S.52GE-03 3.798 TH-234 4.352E-01 4.76828-01 1. 904E+.O 2.551E-01 0.229 U-235 6.273B-02 + 3.015E-02 5.74QE-02 2.769E-03 1.093 AM-241 9.844E-03 4.724E-02 1.90BE-01 2.609E-02 0.052

  • R9~PORT NAME : QACHECK (V9.1) PAGE . OF REPORT DATE ; 26-AUG-2002 14:54 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE: - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-025FM SAMPLE No.  : 020826015 OPERATOR NAME  : CAS SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY : ILMARSAND COUNT TIME  : 26-AUG-2002 14:37:24 SAMPLE QUANTITY : 1.49400E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 22-AUG-2002 09:50:00 DETECTOR  : DET I LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMENTS K-40 1460.80 0.12 9 .875E+00 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 0.06 1.26BE-01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.19 2. I18E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 0.02 6. 404E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 -0. 09 3. 905E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.00 4 .210E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 -0.75 1. 034E+00 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 -0.07 5. 73EE-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF = -0.07 1.328E 01 = TOTAL. GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.82 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.21 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM V ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 93.20 53. 1.28 3.037E500 2.033E-03 37.2 eI@ 6C:-228 1. 579E+00 TR-234 2. 045E+00 241.15 35. 1.20 2.102E+00 1.407E-03 42.2 {PB-214 5. 11OE-01 296.08 23. 1.40 1. 616E+00 1. 082E-03 57.5 P13-214 1. 533E-01 a>

511.43 25. 0.93 2.802E+00 1.876E-03 46.7 ANN-R O.OOOE+00 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 4 (1

% Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 21.05 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in ana is library)


2 Pages ) ****

26-AUG-2002 14:55:31.59 CONNECTICUT YANKEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-026FM REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020826016

  • LIBRARY  : FS9 DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL  : 26-AUG-2002 07:54
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANNEL  : 5.0103SE-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • EMD CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME 26-AUG-2002 14:38
  • DEADTIME ()  : O.01 PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.2 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs
                    • ***************t******************t****t***********t*******************


        • +*** ***** *******************************************************************

Collected by : SOSA REVIEWED BY :


& 132 Pomt-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area . Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw iErr Fit Nuclides 2 74.70 146 127 1.09 149.67 144 17 14.9 3.53E+00 PB-212 PB-214 2 77.17 213 93 1.07 154.60 144 17 10.1 PB-214 PB-212 1 87.35 74 133 1.10 174.93 171 12 27.7 6.04E+00 PB-212 1 89.94 45 87 0.95 180.08 171 12 39.1 3 92.63 45 64 1.29 185.46 183 9 37.8 1.08E+00 3 93.72 39 120 1.34 187.64 183 9 53.2 0 186.14 91 161 1.34 372.15 365 14 31.3 RA-226 0 209.48 56 83 1.63 418.75 413 9 32.7 AC-228 8 237.46 39 65 2.55 474.k4 471 9 56.1 7.60E+00 8 238.59 302 71 0.94 476.89 471 9 7.3 PB-212 0 242.10 65 67 0.89 483.90 481 7 25.1 PB-214 0 295.35 90 62 1.25 590.24 585 10 19.4 PB-214 0 299.87 40 32 1.36 599.27 595 a 28.8 0 338.15 71 62 1.52 675.74 671 11 24.5 AC-228 O 352.11 158 59 0.98 703.61 698 12 12.9 PB-214 0 462.56 26 35 0.68 924.26 916 13 51.9 AC-22a 0 511.14 64 30 1.93 1021.34 1015 14 22.3

Post-&ID Peak Search Report (continued) Page: 2 Sample ID : 020826016 Acquisition date : 26-AUG-2002 14:38:32 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw %Err Fit Nuclides 0 583.28 96 33 1.25 1165.51 1159 14 16.1 TL-208 0 609.11 137 20 1.21 1217.14 1210 13 10.8 BI-214 0 661.74 131 31 1.25 1322.33 1317 12 12.3 CS-137 0 727.98 18 20 0.81 1454.74 1447 10 51.7 BI-212 0 840.60 13 4 1.40 1679.94 1675 9 41.0 o 911.29 95 21 1.31 1B21.31 1813 13 14.0 AC-228 0 969.68 47 17 0.80 1938.11 1931 14 24.0 AC-228 0 1460.71 294 10 2.01 2920.95 2914 14 6.3 K-40

Combined Activity-MDA Report Page: 3 Sample ID : 020826016 Acquisition date : 26-AUG-2002 14:38:32

Identified Nuclides Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

X-40 9.831E+00 7.760E-01 3.619E-O1 1. 729E-02 27.168 CS-137 2 .8lIE-Ol 3.819E-02 3.640E-02 2.104E-03 7.721 TL-208 1.869E-01 3.171E-02 3.13SE-02 1.721B-03 5.959 BI-212 3.039E-01 1. 579E-O1 2.556E-O1 1. 432E-02 1.19 PB-212 5.636E-01 4.712E-02 5.366E-02 2.566B-03 10.502 BI-214 5. 023E-01 6.121E-02 3.983E-02 2.228E-03 12.611 PB-214 4.726B-01 4.935E-02 S.183E-02 2.358E-03 9.118 P.A-226 1.98aE+00 6.290E-O1 6.01OE-01 2.917E-02 3.308 AC-228 7.642E-01 6.045S-02 9.B863E-02 4.569E-03 7.748

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 4.421E-02 8.663E-02 3.106E-01 1.5463-02 0.142 MN-54 5.25BE-03 7.162E-03 3.287E-02 1.666E-03 0.160 CO-GO -4.240B-03 8.474E-03 3.415E-02 1.626E-03 -0.124 NB-94 1. 15GE-02 7.243E-03 3.581E-02 1.72SE-03 0.323 RU-106 -1.394E-01 6.047E-02 1.911E-01 1. p78E-02 -0.72g AG-lOSM -9.944E-03 6.713E-03 2.433E-02 1.3663-03 -0.409 AG-llOM 3.602E-03 7.464E-03 3.104E-02 1.790E-03 0.116 SB-125 1. 9B2E-02 1.832E-02 7.569E-02 3.553B-03 0.262 CS-134 5.505E-03 4.702E-03 2.3123-02 1.289E-03 0.238 EU-152 8.383E-02 3.769E-02 2.197E-01 1.050E-02 0.381 EU-154 3.035E-02 2.420B-02 1.209E-Ol 6.4513E-03 0.251 EU-155 4.654E-02 2. 894E-02 1.1233-01 4. 89SE-03 0.414

.RA-223 3. 150E-02 4 .300E-02 1.726E-01 B.097E-03 0.472 TH-228 2.942E-01 6.873E-01 2.506E+00 1.273E-01 0.117 PA-234 4.173E-01 + 4.S21E-02 6.78BE-02 3.842E-03 6.148 TH-234 1.207E-01 3.44SE-01 1.2733+00 1.493E-01 0.095 U-235 1.206E-01 + 3.816E-02 5.395E-02 2.619E-03 2.236 AM-241 -1.342E-02 3.958E-02 1.427E-01 1.461E-02 -0.094

,. I REPORT NAME : QACCHECK (MV.1) PAGE I Or REPORT DATE : 26-AUG-2002 14:55 REQUESTOR  : CASTECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE: - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-026FM SAMPLE No.  : 020826016 OPERATOR NME  : CAS SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY . ILMARSAND COUNT TIME  : 26-AUG-2002 14:38:32 SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.43700E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 22-AUG-2002 09:55:00 DETECTOR  : DET 2 It TUIPRY  : FSSDIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR rfSOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (CEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 -0.09 9.831E+00 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 0.09 2.811E-01 Q& Results OK TL-20B 583. 14 0.14 1.BE9E-Ol / QA Results OX BI- 212 727.17 0.81 3.039E-01 1/*Peak FWHK4 0.61 P8-212 238.63 -0.03 5.636E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 -0.20 5.023E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.19 4.726E-01 QA. Results OK RA-226 186.21 -0.07 l.966Ei-00 QA Results OX AC-228 911 .07 0.22 7.642E-01 QA Results OK AVG EN4ERGY DIFF = 0.12 1.489E+01 - TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.70 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.17 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UUIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 89.94 45. 0.95 1.382E+00 1.309E-03 39.1 I?#<I-214 1. 315E+01 7 '>AC-228 1. 695E+00 92.63 45. 1.29 1.839E+DO 1.280E-03 37.8 Z2SBSX-RAY 0.000E+00 9.940E-01 YoT-234 1.287E+00 93.72 39. 1.34 l591E+00 1.107E-03 Er AC-228 8.600E-01 237.46 39. 2.55 L. 679Ei00. 1.16BE-03 06.1 299.87 40. 1.36 2.056E+00 1.431E-03 e P2-212 1. 141E+00 511.14 64. 1.93 4.980E+00 3.466E-03 22.3 rAN-RD 0.OOOE+00 840.60 13. 1.40 1.513E+00 1.053E-03 41.0 Et' AC-228 3.045E+00

  • REPORT NAME : QA_CHECK (V9.1) PAGE 2 OF REPORT DATE : 26-AUG-2002 14:55 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST KID QA AMhLYSIS Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 7 AI Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 28.00 Flags: U - Unknown Line P. - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)

Performed Reviewed by: _ \A tf

        • End Of aO2 Pages ) ****

el .. *

      • 1*************************************

26-AUG-2002 16:01:30.54 CONNECTICUT YAMKEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE 9531-0000-027 REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020826019

  • LIBRARY  : FS8 DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL  : 26-AUG-2002 07:54
  • ENDCANNEL :4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  ; 26-AUG-2002 15:44
  • DEADTIME (k)  : 0.Il PRESET LIVE TIME  : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.6 Secs
  • GASSIAN BEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Sece
    • ******************************t*****************t*************t***************


    • i*************t************t***** ********************************************

Collected by : TORRES REVIEWED BY  : vq COMMENTS ** * :** * -

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWEM Channel -Left Pw IErr Fit Nuclides 3 74.73 98 124 1.08 149.73 146 15 20.2 3.OOE+00 PB-212 PB-214 3 77.16 169 125 1.00 154.57 146 15 12.7 PB-214 PB-212 0 87.09 73 9S 1.40 174.41 172 6 24.0 PB-212 0 93.74 48 1B6 1.39 187.68 182 9 53.2 O 1E6.06 73 150 1.41 371.99 366 13 36.8 RA-226 6 238.58 368 56 0.96 476.87 472 17 6.2 1.45E+00 PB-212 6 241.53 r.1 1 i1 2.16 482.77 472 17 49.6 PB-214 0 270.11 24 47 1.15 539. a4 535 10 63.7 RA-223 0 295.04 126 52 1.10 589.63 585 9 13.7 PB-214 0 300.20 21 45 1.0E 599.92 596 6 58.8 0 338.26 76 48 0.87 675.94 672 9 20.0 AC-228 0 351.94 166 83 1.31 703.26 696 15 14.3 PB-214 0 511.62 54 32 1.56 1022.29 1017 14 26.6 0 583.49 88 27 1.24 1165.93 1159 14 16.5 TL-206 0 609.21 138 20 1.34 1217.32 1209 14 11.0 BI-214 0 662.2E 90 41 1.72 1323.41 1316 17 19.7 CS-137 0 727.26 21 17 0.65 1453.32 1449 9 42.6 BX-212

Post-NID Peak Searclh Report (continued) Page: 2 Sample ID: 020826019 Acquisition date : 26-AUG-2002 15:44:31 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw IkErr Fit NTuclides 0 794.64 36 3 1.78 1588.03 1582 11 19.0 AC-228 o 911.23 98 4 1.84 1821.20 1814 15 10.9 AC-228 0 969.53 44 26 0.93 1937.82 1930 13 29.2 AC-228 0 1460.52 320 0 1.89 2920.57 2911 18 5.6 K-40 0 1763 .86 17 0 1.35 3528.29 3523 10 24.3 BI-214

Combined Activity-MDA Report Page : 3 Sample ID : 020826019 Acquisition date : 26-AUG-2002 15:44:31

Identified llu._ides ----

Activity Act error !4DA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pci/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 1. 006E+01 7.396E-01 2.322E-01 1.109E-02 43.312 CS-137 1.804E-01 3.696E-02 3.034E-02 1.754E-03 5.946 TL-208 1. 608E-O1 2.802E-02 2.831E-02 1.554E-03 5.6BO BI-212 3.267E-01 1.405E-01 2.268E-01 1.213E-02 1.428 PB-212 6.382E-01 4.749E-02 4.500E-02 2.152B-03 14.182 BI-214 4.603E-O1 5.094E-02 5.5590-02 3.127B-03 8.234 PB -214 5.057E-01 5.190E-02 5.5E1E-02 2.572E-03 9.061 RA-223 1.47'E-01 9.403E-02 1.118E-01 5.242B-03 1.317 RA-226 1.4BE+00 5.531E-01 5.107E-01 2.479E-02 2.915 AC-226 7.774E-01 6.986E-02 8.31EE-02 3.853E-03 9.346 Non-Identified Nuclidee ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 4.730E-02 6.053E-02 2.365E-01 1.177E-02 0.200 MN- 54 3.03'1E-03 7.423E-03 3.234E-02 1.639E-03 0.094 CO-60  :.* 9i.d-02 9.265E-03 5,112E-02 2.434E-03 0.528 NB-94 -7.408E-03 7.171E-03 2.67EE-02 1. 292E-03 -0.277 RU-106 1.459E-02 S.038E-02 2.274E-01 1.283E-02 0.064 AG-lO8M -1.548E-02 5. 8O1E-03 1.674E-02 9.396E-04 -0.925 AG-l1OM 3.383E-03 7. 011B-03 2.915E-02 1. 6B2E-03 0.116 SB-125 -1.090E-02 1. 991E-02 6.587E-02 3.092E-03 -0.166 CS-134 -1.041E-03 5.081E-03 2.044E-02 1.1403-03 -0.051 EU-152 -1.254E-02 3.591E-02 1.513E-01 7.232E-03 -0.083 EU-154 -9.566E-03 2.156E-02 8.81OE-02 4.699E-03 -0.109 EU-155 4.440E-.02 2.722E-02 1. 057E-01 4.609E-03 0.420 TI--22B 1.367E+00 6. 032E-01 2.3B9R+00 1.214E-01 0.572 PA-234 3.118E-01 + 4.34EE-02 6.302E-02 3.567E-03 4.947 TH-234 -1.566E-01 3.005E-0l 1.068E+00 1.252E-02 -0.147 U-235 9.033E-02 + 3.355E-02 4.93BE-02 2.397E-03 1.829 AM-241 -9.99UE-03 3.582E-02 1.299E-01 1.331E-02 -0.077

Interference between AC-228 and RA-223 ----

        • AC-228 energy line,Lg ****

Energy # Disint.  % Error Conments 209.286---- ---- ------ Line not identified 270.23 -- Line interferes with RA-223 338.32 3.703E2-rv 20.53 463.00 ------ Line not identified 794.70 8.750E+04 19.74 835.50 --------- ------ Line not identified 911.07 4.538E+04 11.86 964.60 --------- ------ Line not identified 969.11 3.5B6E604 29.61 Average: 4.401E+04 B.99

Interfered energy lines Nuclide Energy COld Area New Area Critical Level New Activity e Error (pCi/(3M)

RA-223 269.46 57.7 24.1 21.2 1.472E-O1 63.87


1. 608E-01 3 .267E-01



  1. QA Results OK WEHM = 0.65 PB-212 238.63 -0.04 6 .3E2E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 -0.11 4. 603E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.02 5. 057E-01 QA Results OK PA -223 :169.4. 0.65 1. 472E-01 /~*aunt Rate Error - 64.

RA- 22 t L86.21 -0.15 1.469E+00 Pl 2QA Results OK AC- 228 911.07 0.16 7. 774E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF - 0.13 1.474E+01 TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.73 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.16 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 270.11 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UWNIDENTI FIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTI ENERGY NET AREA PWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 93.74 46. 1.39 1.961E+00 1.282E-03 53.2 . AC-228 9 .960E-0l 300.20 21. 1.08 1. 072E+00 7. 007E-04 58.8 PE-212 5. 589E-01 511.62 54. 1.56 4.226E+00 2.762E-03 26.6 > ANN-RD 0. 000E+00 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks -

% Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 13. 64 3 fl I Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in 'is library)

I- -.


Reviewed by:

        • End Of Wart ( 2 Pages ) ****

. ******** ** **** ***** * *** **t*t** ***** ****


  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.0Q000 KEv/aIm L 5.00745E-01
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME 4-SEP-2002 10:34:
  • DEADTIME (k)  : 0.01 PRESET LIVE TIME 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME 1000.1 Seca
  • GAUSSIAN BEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME 1000.0 Secs
                                                                    • ***PPc***********************************t*

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw tErr Fit Nuclides 2 74.81 54 84 1.05 149.64 145 14 30.3 2.05E+00 PB-212 PB-214 2 77.09 79 72 0.91 154.19 145 14 19.5 PB-214 PB-212 4 238.71 244 46 1.07 477.03 473 16 7.6 4.33E+00 PB-212 4 241.43 36 37 1.37 4B2.47 473 16 46.4 PB-214 4 242.70 29 27 1.12 485.00 473 16 44.5 0 270.58 28 30 1.41 540.71 537 9 39.1 AC-228 0 278.74 56 28 2.24 557.00 551 15 23.9 0 295.54 53 42 1.12 590.58 585 11 27.0 PB-214 0 338.61 64 32 1.24 676.64 671 13 22.0 AC-226 2 350.54 21 13 1.46 700.48 695 14 61.8 2.32E+00 2 352.03 107 13 1.15 703.45 695 14 11.9 PB-214 0 511.01 23 17 1.27 1021.20 1015 10 40.1 0 563.35 s6 5 1.42 1165.80 1161 10 13.5 TL-208 0 609.56 75 10 1.42 1218.19 1211 14 14.8 BI-214 0 661.73 122 6 1.52 1322.51 1317 10 10.0 CS-137 0 769.12 14 5 1.35 1537.23 1531 11 42.0 BI-214 0 861.21 13 6 0.90 1721.42 1717 9 46.4 TL-2aa

PoSt-NID Veak Search Report (continued) Page: 2 Sample ID: 020904003 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 10:34:06 It Energy Area Bkgnd FiM Channel Left Pw -Err Fit Nuclides 0 911.54 45 14 1.55 1622.07 1814 13 22.1 AC-228 0 969.76 22 9 0.72 1938.54 1933 9 32.2 AC-228 0 1461. OS 151 4 1.74 2921.61 2915 14 B.5 K-40

Combined Adtivity-MDA Report Page : 3 Sample ID ; 020904003 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 10:34:06

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error mDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 7.915E+00 7.410E-01 3.833E-0l 1.469E-02 20.651 C8-137 3.999E-01 4.232E-02 4.386E-02 1.528E-03 9.118 TL-208 2.046E-01 2.765E-02 3.110E-02 1.123E-03 6.579 PB-212 6.11SE-01 6.023E-02 5.762E-02 3.583E-03 10.617 BI-214 4.276E-01 6.219E-02 5.933E-02 2.102B-03 7.207 PB-214 4.280O-01 4.701E-02 5.873E-02 1.964E-03 7.287 AC-228 6.634E-01 9.029E-02 1.364E-01 4.316E-03 4.662

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pci/GM)

BE-7 8.413E-02 7.355E-02 3.182E-01 1.2782-02 0.264 MN-54 5.130B-04 6.112E-03 3.094E-02 1.0452-03 0.017 CO-60 -2.153E-04 1. 220E-02 S.445E-02 1.867E-03 -0.004 N3-94 1.6484-03 5.117B-03 2.914E-02 9.586E-04 0.063 RU-106 -1. 601E-01 9.429E-02 2.210E-01 7.782E-03 -0.724 AG-10BM -6.463B-03 8.444E-03 2.740E-02 9.6822-04 -0.236 AG-llOM 1. 042B-02 1.OOIE-02 4.557E-02 1.588E-03 0.229 6B-125 2.193B-02 2.473E-02 1.02BE-01 4.1372-03 0.213 CS-134 3.966E-03 7.739E-03 3.277E-02 1.164E-03 0.121 EU-152 7.5BSE-02 6.797E-02 3.385E-01 1.257E-02 0.224 EU-154 6.257M-03 4.344E-02 1. 862E-01 7.5482-03 0.034 EU-155 B.6442-03 3.032E-02 1.154E-01 4.0442-03 0.077 BI-212 3.092E-02 9.043E-02 3.973E-01 1.3822-02 0.07B RA-223 5. 066E-02 3.8342-02 1. 658E-01 7.5302-03 0.306 RA-226 4.9012-01 2.509E-01 9.783E-01 5.761E-02 0.501 TH-228 1.048E+00 6.867E-01 2.776E+00 1.329E-01 0.378 PA-234 -4.2382-03 1.873E-02 6.995E-02 3.670E-03 -0.061 TH-234 -2.462E-01 4.163E-01 1.535E+00 1.390E-01 -0.160 U-235 5.259E-03 1.62SE-02 5.644E-02 3.409E-03 0.090 AM-241 -2.170B-03 4.987E-02 1.923E-01 9.813E-03 -0.011

RgPaRT NAME : QA_CHECK (V9.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 4-SEP-2002 10:51 REQJESTOR  : CAB TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-028FM SAMPLE No.  : 020904003 OPERATOR NAME  : CAB SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : LLMAR COUNT TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 10:34:06. SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.35700E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 3-SEP-2002 13:16:00. DETECTOR  : DET 1 LIBRARY  : FS_DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE IENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-tO L460.80 0.25 7. 915E+00 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 0.09 3.999E-01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.21 2.046E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 0.08 6.118E-01 QA Results ox BI-214 609.31 0.24 4.276E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.11 4.280E-01 QA Results OK AC-22B 911.07 0.47 6.634E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF - 0.21 1.065E+01 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.61 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.09 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 242.70 29. 1.12 1.645E+00 1.212E-03 44.5 ' PB-214 4.403E-01 278.74 56. 2.24 3.560E+00 2.623E-03 23.9 U B-Th 2. 828E-01 9.295E-02 C-228 3.242E+01 350.54 21. 1.46 1.638E+00 1.207E-03 61.8 I 511.01 23. 1.27 2.483E+00 1.630E-03 40.1 ANN-RD 0.OOOE+00 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 4 a, t Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 20.OC

"- - - . "- -.. Y*JA -

r.Lftg U - UA.LaUWW LLneLU R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)


Reviewed by:

        • End Of R ort ( 2 Pages ) ****


  • t** **** *****

SAMPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-028FMD REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020904013

  • LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL  : 4-SEP-2002 07:49:
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEW/CHANNEL  : S-00931E-01
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIMB  : 4-SEP-2002 12:17:
  • DEADTIME (k) :0.0 PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.4 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs


                                                  • t************ *******************t*********************

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left -*Pw &Err Fit Nuclides 3 74.60 97 110 0.90 149.92 147 14 18.5 3.90E+00 PB-212 PB-214 3 77.02 156 108 0.85 154.35 147 14 12.6 PE-214 PB-212 0 87.17 47 142 1.14 174.63 172 7 44.2 PB-212 0 185.96 75 91 0.85 371.90 367 9 25.8 RA-226 O 209.43 41 98 1.21 418.77 413 9 46.7 AC-228 3 236.51 389 49 1.15 476.85 471 16 5.9 9.52E-01 PB-212 3 241.49 86 52 1.47 482.01 471 16 22.2 PB-214 0 295.09 130 39 1.46 569.88 582 14 13.4 PB-214 0 338.61 97 49 1.10 676.81 672 11 17.2 AC-228 0 352.08 165 69 1.15 703.72 698 13 13.1 PB-214 0 511.03 59 27 1.32 1021.35 1015 14 23.1 0 583.06 132 16 1.21 1165.34 1159 13 10.7 TL-208 0 609.36 114 26 1.07 1217.96 1212 10 12.5 BI-214 0 727.13 30 14 1.03 1453.39 1450 10 29.3 BI-212 0 768.76 14 18 0.97 1536.63 1531 9 62.8 BI-214 0 860.23 26 6 2.44 1719.59 1714 12 27.5 TL-20B 0 911.41 74 17 1.93 1821.97 1814 14 16.7 AC-228

Post-'NID peak Search Report (continued) Page: 2 Sample ID : 020904013 Acquisition date: 4-SEP-2002 12:17:14 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWEM Channel Left Pw -Err Fit Nuclides 0 1120.03 43 0 1.03 2239.44 2233 13 15.2 BI-214 0 1460.30 328 0 2.58 2920.79 2912 is 5.5 K-40 0 1764.23 15 6 1.30 3529.81 3525 E 38.4 BI-214

Combined Activity-MDA Report Page: 3 Sample ID: 020904013 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 12:17:14

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pci/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 1. 014E+01 7 .407E-O1 2. 291E-01 1. 094E-02 44.285 TL-208 2. 46BE-01 2. 778E-02 2. 107E-02 1. 156E-03 11.718 BI-212 4. 571E-01 1. 366E-01 2 .564E-Ol l .436E-02 1.783 PB-212 6. 469E-al 4. f5OE-02 3 .990E-02 1.90SE-03 16.213 BI-214 4.380E-0l 4 .521E-02 4.562E-02 2 .552E-03 9.601 PB- 214 5. 16SK-O1 4.806E-02 5.866E-02 2 .703E-03 S.a11 RA-226 1. 507E+00 3 956E-0l S .075E-01 2.463E-02 2.969 AC-228 6.659E-Ol 8.114E-02 8 . 165E-02 3 .792E-03 8.135

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

xey-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 -5. 240E-02 4.488E-02 1.318E-0l 6.561E-03 -0.398 W-54 3. 574E-03 6.366E-03 2.899E-02 1.469E-03 0.123 CO-60 1 .204E-02 S. 612E-03 4.295E-02 2. 04SE-03 0.2a0 NB-94 -6 .960E-03 6.801Q-03 2.438E-02 1.176E-03 -0.368 RU-106 6.382E-02 5.663B-02 2.657EK-l 1.499E-02 0.240 AG-108M -8 .231E-03 5.217E-03 1.871E-02 1. OBE-03 -0.440 AG-1104M -7.4M3E-03 5. 957E-03 2.218E-02 1.27SE-03 -0.337 S3-125 1. 661E-02 1.492E-02 6.411E-02 3.009B-03 0.259 CS-134 6.357E-03 5. 591E-03 2. 540E-02 1.416E-03 0.250 CS-137 7.715E-03 9.009E-03 3.890E-02 2.249B-03 0.198 EU-152 3.37SE-02 4.449E-02 2.062E-Ol 9.854E-03 0.164 EU-154 -1. 547E-02 2. O1OE-02 7.774E-02 4.147E-03 -0.199 EU-155 2.145E-03 2.903E-02 1. 046E-01 4.559E-03 0.021 RA-223 -2.993E-03 4.834E-02 1. 664E-01 7. 05E-03 -O.0oi TH-226 4.907E-01 5. 836E-Ol 2.204E+00 1.120B-01 0.223 PA-234 -3.245E-02 1. 631E-02 5.304E-02 3.002E-03 -0.612 TH-234 4.677E-0l 2.795E-Ol 1. loOBE+00 1.300E-Ol 0.422 U-235 9.141E-02 + 2.400E-02 5.135E-02 2.492E-03 1.780 AM-241 -6.679E-03 3. 5SSE-02 1.305E-01 1.33GE-02 -0.067


_------QA Re____ult_______O K-40 1460.60 -0.50 1.014E+01 QA Results OK TL-208 583 .14 -0.08 2.468E-01 QA Results OK BI-212 727.17 -0.04 4.571E-01 QA Results OK PB1-212 238.63 -0.11 6.469E-0Q. QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.07 4.380E-01 QA Results OX PB-214 351.92 0.16 5 .166E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 -0.25 1.507E+00 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.34 6. 659E-01 QA ResultsI OK AVG ENERGY DIFF - -0.05 1.462E+01 - TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.80 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.02 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /014 - ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY

- 5 1 1 03- --5 9. 1 2---- - - - - - - - - - - - -- 3 2 3. 1 A NN-- OE 511. 03 59. 1.32 . 570E+00 2.939E-03 23 .1- --/ ANN-RD- o .0ooEs0o Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - I t Unidentified/Rejected Peaks =

Flags: U - Unknown Line 5.00 62D R - Rejected During Analysis U P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)

Performed _


        • End Of ( 2 Pages ) ****

4-SEP-2002 10:54:01.77 CONNECTICUT YANKEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-029FM REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID.  : 020904004

  • LIBRARY  : F9S DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL :4-SEP-2002 07:49:
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEy/cHANNEL :5.00931B-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHAENEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME :4-SEP-2002 10:37:
  • DEADTIME (I)  : 0.0k PRESET LIVE TIME :0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME 1000.3 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs


    • *** * * ** **t** ******** * ****** ******** ** *********** *** *****

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw kErr Fit Nuclides 5 74.95 91 129 0.99 150.22 146 12 22.1 9.16E-CI1 PB-212 PB-214 5 77.15 155 111 0.95 154.61 146 12 13.5 PE-214 PB-212 P

0 67.31 52 129 1.14 174.90 172 6 37.6 PB-212 0 93.04 55 146 1.14 186.34 182 8 40.4 0 185.74 79 99 1.33 371.45 368 10 25.9 RA-226 0 209.07 32 71 1.35 418.05 416 7 46.6 AC-228 3 238.61 358 58 1.03 477.05 473 15 6.2 7.11E-0 11 PB-212 3 241.55 75 72 1. 58 482.91 473 15 26.6 PB-214 0 270.41 46 62 1.14 540.58 537 11 35.7 AC-228 0 295.07 119 44 1.39 589.84 585 10 13.8 PB-214 o 338.28 77 50 1.11 676.16 670 10 20.7 AC-228 0 351.97 186 30 1.43 703.51 697 15 9.7 PB-214 0 462.6B 41 22 1.88 924.73 919 10 26.9 AC-228 0 510.62 71 40 3.30 1020.54 1013 16 23.2 0 583.12 100 16 1.23 1165.46 1159 11 12.7 TL-208 a 609.85 131 35 1.66 1218.69 1211 17 13.9 8I-214 0 661.71 115 30 1.10 1322.56 1316 11 13.1 CS-137

Combined Activity-MDA Report Page : 3 Sample ID: 020904004 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 10:37:02

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 7.730E+O0 6.479E-01 3.670E-0l 1.753E-02 21.064 CS-137 2.229E-O1 3.198E-02 3.291E-02 1. 903E-03 6.773 TL-208 1.763E-O1 2 .434E-02 2.217E-02 1.217E-03 7.952 BI-212 5.155E-01 l.190E-01 1.679E-01 9.403E-03 3.070 PB-212 5.863E-01 4.508E-02 4.3BBE-02 2.09SE-03 13.360 BI-214 4.832E-01 5.611E-02 4.951E-02 2.770E-03 9.759 PB-214 5.116E-Ol 4.26SE-02 3.507E-02 1.616E-03 14.592 RA-226 1.561E+00 4.120E-01 4.759E-01 2.310E-02 3.281 AC-228 6.613E-01 6.404E-02 6.943E-02 3.217E-03 9.524

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 -8.325E-02 7.160E-02 2.137E-01 1. 064E-02 -0.389 MN-54 1.333E-03 6.395E-03 2.797E-02 1.418E-03 0.048 CO-so 1.722E-02 1.028E-02 4.936E-02 2.350E-03 0.349 NB-54 2.035E-03 S. 016E-03 2.396E-02 1. 157E-03 0.085 RU-106 e. 908E-02 5.650E-02 2.715E-01 1. 532E-02 0.328 AG-1O0M -2.951E-03 5. 033E-03 1.931E-02 1. 04E-03 -0.153 AG-1£0M 3.316E-03 6.186E-03 2.636E-02 1.520E-03 0.126 SB-125 1. 751E-02 1.789E-02 7.197E-02 3.378E-03 0.248 C8-134 B.386E-03 5.336E-03 2.536E-02 1.414E-03 0.331 EU-152 1. 32sE-02 2.584E-02 1.380E-O1 6.594E-03 0.096 BU-154 8.389E-04 1.62oB-02 7.644E-02 4.077E-03 0.011 EU-155 2.340E-02 2.697E-02 1.015E-0l 4.422E-03 0.231 RA-223 2.736E-01 9.E52E-02 1. 674E-01 7.651E-03 1.635 TH-228 -1. 996E-01 6.302E-01 2.240E+0O 1.13EE-01 -0.089 PA-234 2.760E-01 + 4.053E-02 6.170E-02 3.492E-03 4.473 TH-234 1. 698E-01 2.15E-01 1.072E+00 1.258E-0l O.1SE U-235 9.472E-02 + 2.500E-02 5.074E-02 2 .463E-03 1.E67 AM-241 -1.452E-03 3.092E-02 1.160E-01 l.lB8E-02 -0.013

Interference between AC-228 and RA-223 ----

        • AC-228 energy linei s ****

EnergyF # Disint. 'k Error Comments 209.28* 2.946E+04 46.82 270.23S --------- Line interferes with RA-223 336.32! 3.743E+04 21.21 463.00I 6.GO1E+04 27.34 794.70I Line not identified 835.50I Line not identified 911.07 3.749E+04 12.64 964.60 Line not identified 969.11 Line not identified Average: 3.814E+04 10.00

Interfered energy lines Nuclide Energy Old Area New Area Critical Level New Activity k Error (pCi/GM)

RA-223 269.46 46.4 17.3 24.8 0..OE+0 0.00 269.46 Line invalidated: New Area lees than critical level RA-223 has been rejected: Failed abundance Test

REPORT NAME : QA_CHECK (v9.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 4-SEP-2002 10:54 REQUESTOR  : CAB TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-029FM SAMPLE No.  : 020904004 OPERATOR NAME  : CAB SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY : ILMARSAWD COUNT TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 10:37:02. SAMPLE QUANTITY : 1.56600E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 3-SEP-2002 13:18:00. DETECTOR  : DET 2 LIBRARY  : F8SDIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 -0.12 7.730E+00 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 0.06 2.229E-01 QA Results OX TL-208 563.14 -0.02 1.763E-01 QA Results OK BI-212 727.17 0.22 5.155E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 -0.01 5.863E-01 QA Results oK BI-214 609.31 0.54 4.832E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.05 5.11EE-01 QA Results Oc RA-226 186.21 -0.47 1.561E+00 QA Results OX AC-228 911.07 0.05 6.613E-01 QA Results OK AVB ENERGY DIFF = 0.03 1.245E+01 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.95 KeY Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.15 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UqIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM k ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 93.04 55. 1.14 2.25SE+00 1.422E-03 40.4 1..05E+00 1.430E+00 510.62 71. 3.30 5.512E+00 3.475E-03 23.2 0. 000+00 784.97 14. 1.34 1.518E+00 9.570E-04 35.5 1. 321E+00 2.367E+00 967.72 68. 9.159E+00 5.775E-03 21.0 1377.77 12. Q i5 2.186E+00 1.37EE-03 44.3 9.123E-01

REPORT NAME : QA_CHECK CVS.1) PAGE 2 OF REPORT DATE : 4-SEP-2002 10:54 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 5 t Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 20.83 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)

Performed Reviewed by:

        • End ( E2 Pages ) ****


  • ***t* **** **** ** ******t******* * ****** *t****

SAMPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-O29FMD REASON FOR ANALYSIS: site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020904014

  • LIBRARY  : FS DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL  : 4-8EP-2002 12:28:
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEyV/CANNEL  : 5.00547E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO ; 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • ED CHANEIL 4096 ACQ DATE & TIE  : 4-SEP-2002 12:34:
  • DEADTIME (k)  : O.t0 PRESET LIVE TIME: 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.2 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN BEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Seas

COMMENTS CS_139 5-2)b Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw kErr Fit Nuclides 0 77.95 66 184 0.78 155.91 151 8 38.9 PB-214 PB-212 0 93.06 64 129 1.52 186.10 183 9 34.1 0 129.0S 40 135 0.75 258.01 253 10 56.0 3 236.59 256 46 1.11 476.93 472 17 7.5 1.2BE+00 PB-212 3 241.49 68 43 1.47 4B2.73 472 17 26.2 PB-214 1 295.17 92 25 1.28 590.03 SB3 24 13.6 2.45E+00 PB-214 1 300.20 31 27 1.29 600.07 583 24 33.0 1 338.20 41 20 1.34 676.03 672 9 27.3 3.65E+00 AC-228 1 339.13 27 13 1.34 677.90 672 9 36.4 0 351.90 114 46 1.19 703.41 696 13 15.4 PB-214 0 511.54 57 23 1.77 1022.60 1015 18 24.9 3 583.34 76 15 1.59 1166.18 1161 10 14.9 TL-208 3 609.23 89 7 1.54 1217.96 1212 14 12.3 BI-214 1 661.98 43 24 1.52 1323.48 1316 16 29.7 CS-137 1 727.15 28 6 1.09 1453.84 1448 11 25.2 BI-212 I 911.40 62 11 1.54 1622.46 1815 14 16.8 AC-22E 970.95 27 19 1.66 1941.64 1933 16 44.0 1120.29 27 0 0.83 2240.56 2235 12 19.2 BI-214

f. I P6ov;-NID Peak Search Report (continued) Page :02

".,%ple ID : 020904014 Acquisition date :4-SEP-2002 12:34:02 It Energy Area Bklgnd FWIM Channel Left Pw UErr Fit Nuclides 0 1460.77 186 4 2.27 2922.37 2915 13 7.6 K-40


Combined Activity-MDA Report Page : 3 Sample ID : 020904014 Acquisition date : 4-8EP-2002 12:34:02

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error MDA MnA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 9.209E+00 8.258B-01 3.644E-01 1.7340-02 25.274 CS-137 1.265E-01 3.825E-02 3.710E-02 2.124E-03 3.409 TL-205 2.013E-01 3.192E-02 3.674E-02 2.012B-03 5.478 BI-212 6.380E-01 1.648E-01 3.643E-01 2.029E-02 1.751 PE-212 5.922E-01 5.291E-02 4.538E-02 2.187B-03 13.049 BI-214 4.882E-01 5.576E-02 4.179E-02 2.32BE-03 11.682 PB-214 S.121E-01 5.273E-02 6.914E-02 3.212E-03 7.408 AC-22B 6.293E-01 9.497E-02 1.381E-01 6.401-03 4.556

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 -1. 4O1E-01 8.28O-02 2.249E-01 1.124E-02 -0.623 M-54 2.754E-03 8. 1903-03 3.816E-02 1.9343-03 0.072 CO-60 9. 352E-03 9.5413E-03 5.167E-02 2.435E-03 0.181 NE -94 -1. 083E-02 7. 860E-03 2.831E-02 1.366E-03 -0.383 RU-106 -1.555E-02 7. 776E-02 2.842E-01 1.595E-02 -a.055 AG-108M -5. 617E-04 6.874E-03 2.686E-02 1.500E-03 -0.021 AG-110M 2.636E-03 7.964E-03 3.472E-02 1.984E-03 0.076 SB-125 -1 . 356E-02 2.047E-02 6.996E-02 3.297E-03 -0.194 CS-134 8.335E-03 6.327E-03 3.093E-02 1.718E-03 0.269 EU-152 7.225E-02 7 .351E-02 3.457E-01 1.642E-02 0.209 BU-154 -3.595E-02 3.836E-02 1.417E-01 7.538E-03 -0.254 EU-155 1.372E-02 3.433E-02 1.300E-01 5.575E-03 0.106 RA-223 4.4603-02 5.23SE-02 2.012E-01 9.507E-03 0.222 RA.-226 8.512E-01 2.274E-01 9.582E-01 4.656E-02 0.888 TH-228 -2.286E-01 7.134E-01 2.649E+00 1.369E-01 -0.086 PA-234 1.790E-01 + 7.054E-02 8.516E-02 5.102E-03 2.102 TI-234 -2.139E-02 4.186E-01 1. 616E+00 2.165E-01 -0.013 U-235 3.159E-02 1.539E-02 5.976E-02 2.904E-03 0.529 AM-241 -3.8673-02 5.388E-02 2.005E-01 2.741E-02 -0.193

II REPORT NAME : QA CHECK (V9.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 4-SEP-2002 12:51 REQUESTOR  : CAB TECH CYAPCO EADDAM NECK STATION POST KID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-029FMD SAMPLE No.  : 020904014 OPERATOR NAM  : CAS SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : lLMARSAND COUNT TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 12:34:02. SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.56300E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 3-SEP-2002 13:30:00. DETECTOR  : DET 1 LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 -0.03 9.209B+O0 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 0.33 1. 265E-01 QA Results OK TL-208 563.14 0.20 2.013B-01 QA Results OK EI-212 727.17 -0.02 6.380E-01 QA Results OX PB-212 238.63 -0.03 5. 922E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 -0.09 4. 862E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 -0.02 5. 121E-01 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.33 6. 293E-01 OA Results OXC AVG ENERGY DIFF - 0.08 1.240E+01 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 77.95 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /tM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 93.06 64. 1.52 3.675E+00 2.351E-03 34.1 4< AC-22E 1.826E+00

,- SC( TH-234 2.364E+00 129.05 40. 0.75 .'685B+00 1.206E-03 3.925E+02 E i Y~ AC-228 1.171B+00 300.20 31. 1.29 2.215E+00 1.417E-03 33.0 1 PB-212 1. 130E+00 339.13 27. 1.34 2.117E+00 1.354E-03 36.4 AC-22a 3.230E-01 511.54 57. 1.77 6.506E+00 4.163E-03 24.9 'J ANN-RD 0. OOE+00 970.95 27. 1.66 5.657E+00 3.619E-03 44.0 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 6

% Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 31.58 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in library)


-j.r Performed by:

Reviewed by:

        • End Of R zot ( 2 Pages ) ****


  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CAE  : 5.00745E-01
  • ALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHNEL  : 100
  • END CHANL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 11:00:
  • DEADTIME (%)  : 0.01 PRESET L}VE TIME: 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.1 Sees GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Sacs

-C$-Q(q J- -

R*******************t ***************

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw kErr Fit Nuclides 0 77.40 74 99 0.85 154.81 152 8 27.0 PE-214 PB-212 0 186.02 51 44 0.97 371.7B 368 8 26.8 RA-226 0 209.65 29 44 0.93 418.98 415 7 42.2 AC-228 3 238.70 194 29 1.14 477.02 473 16 8.4 1.38E+00 PB-212 3 241.82 34 26 1.5D 483.26 473 16 38.1 PB-214 0 295.62 47 22 1.06 590;.74 586 9 23.5 PE-214 0 338.61 36 17 1.26 676.65 671 11 27.8 AC-228 0 352.01 76 22 1.21 703.42 698 11 16.5 PB-214 0 511.76 14 17 1.37 1022.68 1017 12 66.0 0 583.36 52 10 0.93 1165.82 1160 10 18.1 TL-208 0 609.36 68 6 1.28 1217.79 1211 q.114.0 BI-214 0 662.13 61 6 1.60 1323.30 1317 13 15.4 CS-137 0 911.69 37 3 1.07 1522.39 1617 10 16.2 AC-228 0 969.26 22 5 1.40 1937.53 1934 9 28.0 AC-226 0 1461.44 139 4 1.62 2922.5B 2915 14 8.9 K-40

Combined.Activity-MDA Report Page: 2 Sample ID : 020904006 Acquisition date: 4-SEP-2002 11:00:30

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pci/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 7.507E+00 7.306E-0l 3 .952E-01 1. 515E-02 1E.994 CS-137 2. 062E-01 3 .252E-02 3.964E-02 1. 381E-03 5.201 TL-208 l.560E-01 2. 873B-02 3 .207E-02 1. 15BE-03 4.866 PB -212 S. 026E-01 5 .254E-02 4. 917E-02 3.057E-03 10.222 EX-214 3.872E-01 S. 5s3B-02 4. 781E-02 1. 694E-03 8.098 PB -214 3 . 344E-01 & .359E-02 5. 538E-02 1. 852E-03 6.039 RA-226 1. 512E+00 4 .14BE-01 5. 487E-01 3 .231E-02 2.756 AC-228 5.199E-0l 6.723E-02 9.721E-02 3. 077E-03 5.348

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 1.179E-02 B.28SE-02 3.119E-01 1. 253E-02 0.038 MDT- 54 -6.725E-04 7.371E-03 3.471E-02 1.173E-03 -0.019 CO-60 -1.506E-02 1. 152B-02 3.926E-02 1.346E-03 -0.384 NB-94 -5.471E-03 6.479E-03 2.73SE-02 8. 999E-04 -0.200 RU-106 8. 940B-02 S. 988E-02 3.949E-01 1.390E-02 0.226 AG-108M -2.707B-04 9.731E-03 3.664E-02 1.294E-03 -0.007 AG-ilOM 1.521E-02 6.814E-03 3.962E-02 1.3SBE-03 0.382 SB-125 -1. 692B-02 2. 544E-02 f.602E-02 3.461E-03 -0.197 CS -134 O. OOE+0ao O.000E+O0 2.8BB1E-02 1.024E-03 0.000 EUl-152 -7.940E-02 5. 883B-02 1.953E-01 7.252E-03 -0.406 Et- 154 -1.276E-02 2.41OE-02 1.066E-01 4.320E-03 -0.120 EU-155 -3.956E-03 2.909E-02 1.088E-01 3.812E-03 -0.036 BI-212 2.264E-01 9.50BE-02 4.801E-01 1.670E-02 0.471 RHA-223 3.091E-02 5. 737E-02 2.15E-01 9. 801E-03 0.143 TH-228 4.708E-01 6.640E-01 2.607E+00 1.248E-01 0.181 PA-234 2.005E-01 + 5.521E-02 6.327E-02 3.3195-03 3.169 TH-234 4.E70E-01 3.420E-01 1.448B+00 1.311E-01 0.336 U-235 9.167E-02 4. 2.514E-02 5.83SE-02 3.404E-03 1.571 AM-241 -3.862E-02 3.957E-02 1.461.E-01 7.456E-03 -0.264


  • QA CHECK V9. 1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 4-8EP-2002 11:17 REQUEBTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-000-030FM SAMPLE No.  : 020904006 OPERATOR NAME  : CAS SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : ILMAR COUNT TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 11:00:30. SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.31600E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 3-SEP-2002 13:20:00. DETECTOR  : DET 1 LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.60 0.64 7.507E+00 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 0.48 2.062E-01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.22 1.560E-01 QA Results OX PB-212 238.63 0.06 5.026E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.04 3.872E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.09 3.344E-01 QA Results OX RA-226 186.21 -0.15 1.512E+00 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.62 5.199E-01 QA Results OK AVG EN1ERGY DIFF = 0.25 1.112E+01 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 77.40 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/RE]JEcTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM t ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 14.____1.37-- ------- E - --------- ------- - A--- R-- -

511.76 14 . 1.37' 1. 523E+00 1 .157E-03 66, 0 1 ANNT-RD 0. 000E+0'0 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 1 k Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 6.67 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)

Performed by92 Ofz


        • End Of (port l 2 Pages ) ****

5-SEP-2002 12:08:56.78 CONNECTICUT YANKEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE : 9531-0000-030FMD REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Bite Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020904016

  • LIBRARY  : F9S DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL  : 4-SEP-2002 12:26:
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANNEL  : 5.00547E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME :4-SEP-2002 13:40:
  • DEADTIME (t)  : 0.01 PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.2 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELkPSED LIVE TIME.: 1000.0 Secs


                        • t************'*********t*********t**************************t*********

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw kErr Fit Nuclides 2 74.90 53 97 0.89 149.81 147 11 29.1 4.72E+00 PB-212 PB-214 2 77.06 102 89 0.86 154.12 147 11 17.1 PE-214 PD-212 3 238.64 256 47 1.09 477.02 471 23 7.6 1.27E+00 PD-212 3 241.76 34 59 1.47 483.27 471 23 46.2 PE-214 1 295.28 73 25 1.29 590.23 585 19 16.1 1.73E+00 PB-214 1 300.08 21 27 1.29 599.83 585 19 48.3 0 338.92 45 42 1.04 677.46 672 11 31.6 AC-228 0 352.10 103 20 1.10 703.82 701 9 13.2 PB-214 0 510.45 45 13 1.77 1020.42 1014 13 22.2 0 583.12 69 18 1.05 1165.74 1160 12 17.2 TL-208 0 609.37 82 12 1.37 1218.25 1212 13 14.2 BI-214 0 790.94 11 5 0.63 1581.46 1575 10 46.0 0 911.46 45 8 1.60 1822.56 1814 14 19.5 AC-226 0 1120.50 25 6 0.84 2240.98 2235 10 28.6 BI-214 0 1460.97 171 3 2.21 2922.77 2916 14 8.0 K-40

I t Combined Activity-MDA Report Page : 2 Sample ID : 020904016 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 13:40:54

Identified Nuclides Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 S.735E+00 E.129E-01 4.763E-01 2.267E-02 18.340 TL-208 1. 686E-01 3.410E-02 2.908E-02 1. 593E-03 6.494 PB-212 6.127E-01 5.531E-02 5.179E-02 2.49g6E-03 l1.E30 BI-214 4.527E-01 6.193E-02 6.468E-02 3.603E-03 6.998 PB-214 4.322E-0l 4.537E-02 S. 609E-02 2.606E-03 7.705 AC-228 5.686E-01 9.650E-02 1.235E-01 5. 956E-03 4.426

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 -1.2b0E-03 5.756E-02 2.241E-01 1.120E-02 -0.006 MW-54 6.211E-03 9.107E-03 4.3153-02 2.186E-03 0.144 CO-60 1. 973E-02 1.220E-02 6.545E-02 3.084E-03 0.301 NB-94 1.086E-03 6.186E-03 3.121E-02 1.506E-03 0.035 RU-106 5.087E-03 6.871E-02 2.747E-01 1.541E-02 0.019 AG-1OBM 4.665E-03 9.535E-03 3. 2SE-02 2.131E-03 0.122 AG-liOM -4.092E-03 6.959E-03 2.9603-02 1. 692E-03 -0.138 B3-12.5 -2.236E-02 2.252E-02 7.184E-02 3.386B-03 -0.311 CS-134 -1. 222E-02 1.OOIE-02 2.87EE-02 1.599E-03 -0.424 CS-137 -6.717E-03 S.845E-03 3.603E-02 2.062E-03 -0.186 EU-152 1.002E-01 7.186E-02 3.55OE-01 1. 700E-02 0.280 EU-154 3.265E-03 1.979E-02 1.062E-01 5.653E-03 0.031 EU-155 4.492E-02 3.182E-02 1.282E-01 5.49BE-03 0.350 BI-212 1.537E-O1 1.048E-01 4.745E-01 2.643E-02 0.324 RA-223 5.983E-02 5.694E-02 2.199E-01 1.039E-02 0.272 RA-226 4.9866-01 2.44S5E-03 9-602E-01 4.666E-02 0.519 TH-226 6.066E-01 6.478E-01 2.6063+00 1.347E-01 0.234 PA-234 -4.005E-02 2.240E-02 7.640E-02 4.577E-03 -0.524 TH-234 E.485E-01 4.764E-O1 1.937E+00 2.596E-01 0.438 U-235 8.370E-03 1.471E-02 5.418E-02 2.633E-03 0.154 AM-241 1.341E-02 4.671E-02 1.959E-01 2.679E-02 0.060


BI-214 609.31 0.06 4.527E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.16 4.322E-01 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.39 5.686E-01 OA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF = 0.13 i.o09E+a1 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.90 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.06 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWEM GAMMA/SEC /GM ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 300.08 21. 1.29 1.508E+00 9.990E-04 46.3 .E4 PB-212 7.965E-01 510.45 45. 1.77 5.122E+00 3.394E-03 22.2 AC-228 1. 963E+01

  • X ANN-RD O.OOOE+00 790.94 11. 4.63A.908E+00 1.264E-03 T P1 1/

Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks=2 3 Ir Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 20.00 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)

. S

        • End 1 Report ( 2 Pages ) ****
  • e** ****** **** *** **** ** *** **** **** ** ****
  • 4-SBEP-2002 11:18:53.04 CONNECTICUT YANKEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-031FM REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Bite Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020904007
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANNEL s 5.00931E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  ; 4-SEP-2002 11:01:
  • DEADTIME (k)  : 0.ok PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME 1000.3 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw -Err Fit Nuclides 3 74.65 95 95 1.24 149.61 144 17 19.0 3.51E+00 PB-212 PB -214 3 77.18 154 73 1.25 154.67 144 17 12.8 PB-214 PE-212 0 93.02 57 75 1.1B 186.30 163 7 26.5 0 186.30 49 84 1.28 372.58 36E 9 36.2 RA-226 0 209.16 39 44 1.25 418.22 415 7 32.4 AC-228 0 238.50 230 105 0.90 476.84 472 9 10.4 PB-212 0 241.54 51 53 1.36 482.90 4B1 6 27.3 PB-214 0 295.08 73 45 1.04 589.85 586 10 20.4 PB-214 0 338.46 85 16 1.38 676.51 669 16 15.1 AC-228 0 351.84 129 39 1.29 703.25 696 14 13.4 PB-214 0 510.43 70 22 2.32 1020.17 1013 19 19.3 O 593.20 89 14 1.43 1165.61 1160 13 14.1 TL-208 0 609.45 99 16 1.27 1218.10 1212 13 13.6 BI-214 0 661.45 107 11 1.42 1322.06 1316 10 11.4 CS-137 0 910.97 60 0 2.24 1821.10 1814 13 12.9 AC-226 0 969.15 31 6 1.82 1937.49 1931 10 22.5 AC-228 0 1120.48 26 8 1.70 2240.34 2235 11 29.4 BI-214

Podt-NID Peak Search Report (continued) Page: 2 Sample ID : 020904007 Acquisition date : 4-BEP-2002 11:01:55 It Energy Area Bkgnd FEd Channel Left Pw KErr Fit Nuclides 0 1460.4.1 221 0 2.08 2921.00 2913 15 6.7 K-40

Combined Activity-MDA Report Page : 3 Sample ID : 020904007 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 11:01:55

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

X-40 7.326E+00 5.66BE-01 2.455E-01 9.383E-03 29.838 CS-137 2.273E-01 2.716E-02 2.723E-02 9.457E-04 8.345 TL -208 1.69SE-01 2.471E-02 2.571E-02 Y.253E-04 6.603 PB-212 4.133E-01 5.011E-02 5. 129E-02 3.163E-03 a.060 BX-214 3.734E-01 4.752E-02 3.072E-02 1.085B-03 12.153 PB-214 3 .745E-01 4. 01E-02 3.369E-02 1.124E-03 11.115 RA-226 1.043E+OO 3.827E-01 5.547E-O1 3.260E-02 1.341 AC-228 5.633E-01 5.08E-02 7.674E-02 2.422E-03 7.341

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 -6.078E-02 6.765E-02 2.105E-01 8.431E-03 -0.2B9 MU-54 9. 076E-03 5.305E-03 2.906E-02 9.793E-04 0.312 CO-60 6.542E-03 9.240E-03 4.297E-02 1.469E-03 0.152 NB-94 -9.18EO-03 6.651E-03 2.453E-02 B.OSOE-04 -0.374 RU-106 3.329E-02 4.748E- 02 2.290E-01 8.039E-03 0.145 AG-108M 3.499E-03 5.969E-03 2.634E-02 9.279E-04 0.133 AG-1.OM 2.616E-03 3.581E-03 1.899E-02 6.599E-04 0.13B 5B-125 -8.400B-03 1. 769E-02 6.036E-02 2.422E-03 -0.139 CS-134 1.326E-03 5.692E-03 2.392E-02 8.472E-04 0O.055 EU-152 2.416E-02 3.894E-02 1.888E-01 6.987E-03 0.128 EU-154 -8.900E-03 1. 9S2E-02 8.193E-02 3 . 315E-03 -0.109 EU-155 -2.890E-03 2.296E-02 E.350E-02 2.928E-03 -0.035 BI-212 1.365E-01 7.729E-02 3.505E-01 1.216E-02 0.389 RA-223 -5,782E-03 3.587E-02 1.272E-01 S. 769E-Q3 -0;045 TH-220 5.565E-O1 5. 564E-01 2.123E+00 1.01SE-Ol 0.262 PA-234 2.744E-0l -I. 3.786E-02 5. 653E-02 3.06BE-03 4.687 TH-234 3.18BE-Ol 2.68E-O1 1.060E+00 9.565E-02 0.301 U-235 6.32SE-02 + 2.321E-02 4.689E-02 2.730E-03 1.350 AM-241 -4.837E-02 3.017E-02 1.022E-01 5.174E-03 -0.473

REPORT NAME : QACHECK (V9.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 4-SEP-2002 11:18 REQUESTOR  : CAB TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NKD QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-031FM SAMPLE No.  : 020904007 OPERATOR NAME CA8 SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY : 1LMAR COUNT TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 11:01:55. SAMPLE QUANTITY : 1.3410OE+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 3-SEP-2002 13:40:00. DETECTOR DET 2 LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 -0.39 7.326E+00 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 -0.20 2.273E-01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.06 1.69BE-01 QA Results OK P3-212 238.63 -0.12 4.133E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.14 3.734E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 -0.08 3.745E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 0.09 1.043E+00 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 -0.10 5.633E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERMY DIFF - -0.07 1.049E+01 TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.65 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.18 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTEP PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL EWERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM

  • ERROR FLAG ID ACT 'IVITY 93.02 57. 1.16 1.975E+00 1.473E-03 28.5 > AC-228 1.1 44E+00 k_ TH-234 1.4 82E+00 510.43 70. 2.32 4.979E+00 3.713E-03 19.3 Kz AC-228 2.146E+01 V AN-RD 0 .0OOE+00 Total Unidentified/ReJected Peaks - 2 I Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 11.11 Flags: U - Unknown Line a R - Rejected During AnalysiL P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)


2 Pages ) ****


  • LIBRARY  : F8S DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL :4-SEP-2002 12:52:
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.0000D KEV/CHANNEL :5.01030E-01
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME :4-SEP-2002 14:37:
  • DEADTIME (*)  : 0.1t PRESET LIVE TIME :0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME 1000.9 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME 1000.0 Secs
                                                                  • **********t***********************************

Collected by : DEGOSTIN REVIEWED BY : R-f -137 9"A1 COMVMENTS

          • +******************************* [******************************************

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw kErr Fit Nuclides 0 77.74 61 211 1.03 155.74 151 7 42.2 PB-214 PB-212 0 87.05 46 100 O.94 174.34 172 6 37.0 PB-212 0 18S.89 35 113 1.17 371.67 368 e 55.1 RA-226 3 238.58 289 42 1.10 476.89 472 21 7.0 I.17E+00 PE-212 3 241.49 68 45 1.57 4E2.70 472 21 25.4 PE-214 0 295.32 e1 62 0.95 590.20 55 11 21.6 PB-214 0 338.52 77 22 1.05 676.49 674 6 16.2 AC-228 0 352.04 127 40 1.15 703.49 698 10 12.9 PB-214 0 512.61 46 59 2.28 1024.30 1014 23 47.2 0 583.31 95 29 1.37 1165.58 1158 15 16.2 TL-208 0 609.41 113 12 1.39 1217.75 1211 12 11.3 BI-214 0 661.67 104 39 1.55 1322.21 1317 14 15.6 CS-137 0 767.74 23 5 3.65 1534.27 1528 11 28.1 BI-214 0 795.73 24 2 0.96 1590.23 1s5s 13 25.7 0 911.44 77 0 1.20 1821.62 1816 12 11.4 AC-228 0 969.12 33 3 0.65 1937.01 1931 11 19.9 AC-228 0 1020.03 14 2 0.67 2038.86 2033 10 34.1 o 1120.35 21 8 1.14 2239.58 2235 8 31.7 BI-214

Post-NID Peak Search Report (continued) Page : 2 Sample ID : 020904020 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 14:37:57 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWEM Channel Left Pw VErr Fit Nuclides 0 1460.89 245 8 2.69 2921.31 2913 15 6.8 K-40

Combined Activity-NDA Report Page : 3 Sample In : 020904020 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 14:37:57

- Identified Nuclides Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pci/GM)

K-40 7.834E+0O 6.541E-01 2. 998E-01 1.432E-02 26.133 CS-137 2.136E-01 3.553E-02 3.0812-02 1.781E-03 6.933 TL-208 1. 764E-Ol 3.013E-02 2.178E-02 1.195E-03 8.100 PB-212 5. 025E-01 4.141E-02 3.775E-02 1.605E-03 13.310 BI-214 4.084B-01 4.532E-02 5.4S3E-02 3.050E-03 7.490 PB-214 3.767E-01 4.O8lE-02 6.054E-02 2.79O0-03 6.222 RA-226 7.281E-01 4.029E-01 6.227E-0l 3.022E-02 1.169 AC-228 6.005E-01 5.408B-02 2.246E-02 1.040E-03 26.740

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 -8.135E-02 5.923E-02 1.687E-01 8.401E-03 -0.482 MN-54 4.768E-03 7.271E-03 3.260E-02 1. 653E-03 0.146 Co-60 2.861E-02 1.O61E-02 5.527E-02 2.632E-03 0.518 NB-94 3.654E-03 6.259E-03 2.914E-02 1.406E-03 0.125 RU-106 -2.907E-02 5.821E-02 2.374E-01 1.340E-02 -0.122 AG-108M -4.968E-03 5.558E-03 2.2.01E-02 1.23GE-03 -0.226 AG-llOM -2.722E-03 6.752E-03 2.554E-02 1.479E-03 -0.106 BB-125 -3.507E-02 2.161E-02 6.033E-02 2.832E-03 -0.581 CS-134 4.515E-03 4.328B-03 2.125E-02 1.185E-03 0.212 EU-152 8.70EE-02 4.399E-02 2.326E-01 1.111E-02 0.374 EU-154 -8.243E-04 2.379E-02 1.015E-01 5.416E-03 -0.008 EU-155 5 .556E-02 2.394E-02 9.901E-02 4.316E-03 0.561 BI-212 7.171E-02 7.268E-02 3.155E-01 1.767E-02 0.227 RA-223 S.978E-02 4.740E-02 1.79O0-01 8.398E-03 0.334 TH-228 -8.094E-02 5.62E-01 2.047E+00 1.040E-01 -0.040 PA-234 1.148E-01 + 4.884E-02 5.682E-02 3.216E-03 2.021 TH-234 1. 0072+00 3.170E-01 1.269E+00 1.489E-01 0.793 U-235 4.417E-02 + 2.445E-02 4.778E-02 2.319E-03 0.924 AM-241 2.444E-02 2.969E-02 1.184E-01 1.213B-02 0.206

REPORT NAME : QA _CHECK (V9.1) PAGE i OF RIPORT DATE : 5-SEP-2002 12:10 1}EQUF.STOR CAM TECH CYAPCO BADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANAIYSIS TITLE : 9531-0000-033FbM SAMPLE No.  : 020904020 OPERATOR NAME  : CAS SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY: 1LMARSAND COUNT TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 14:37:57. SAMPLE QUANTITY: 1.50300E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 3-SEP-2002 13:51:00. DETECTOR DET 2 LIBRARY  : FS_DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pci/am COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 0.09 7.834E+00 QA Results OK CB-137 661.65 0.02 2.136E-01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.17 1.764E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 -0.04 5.025E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.10 4.084E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.12 3.767E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 -0.32 7.281E-01 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.37 6.00SE-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFE - 0 .06 1.084E+01 - TOTAL GAMM& ACTIVITY 77.74 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM t ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 512.61 46. 2.28 3.575E+00 2.376E-03 795.73 24. 0.96 2.670E+00 1.776E-03 5. 627E-02 1020.03 14. 0.67 1.949E+00 1.296E-03 34.1 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 3 V Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 15.79 Flags: U - Unknown Line R. - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)


2 Pages ) ****


- SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-032FM REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020904008

  • LIBRARY  : F8SDIRT LAST ENERGY CAL  : 4-SEP-2002 08:19:
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANNEL  : 5.00745E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 4-BEP-2002 11:25:
  • DEADTIME (1)  : 0.01 PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.2 Seces
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Sees

COMMENTS Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Ekcgnd *FWHM Channel Left Pw &Err Fit Nuclides 0 77.64 109 110 1.07 155.29 152 6 19.8 PB-214 PB-212 0 93.79 53 142 1.14 187.53 163 12 48.2 O 185.86 55 51 1.13 371.46 368 7 25.6 RA-226 3 238.67 241 36 1.20 476.96 471 17 7.7 1.07E+00 PB-212 3 241.55 53 56 1.49 462.70 471 17 32.7 PE-214 0 294.78 go 22 1.23 589.07 583 11 14.5 PE-214 0 300.33 25 16 1.12 600.16 597 7 35.0 0 338.84 50 26 1.20 677.11 673 9 24.3 AC-228 0 352.22 112 36 1.03 703.64 698 12 14.3 PB-214 0 511.53 59 12 2.39 1022.23 1016 16 19.5 0 553.66 60 36 1.48 1166.43 1160 14 19.7 TL-208 0 609.73 89 11 1.45 1216.54 1211 13 12.8 BI-214 0 661.78 17 11 1.12 1322.59 1316 11 44.9 CS-137 0 586.37 11 2 1.31 1771.72 1766 7 35.4 0 911.82 51 9 1.66 1822.64 1816 12 18.3 AC-228 0 969.32 41 4 1.12 1937.66 1933 9 18.3 AC-226 0 1120.63 22 2 1.54 2240.39 2236 9 24.9 BI-214 0 1461.31 183 6 1.52 2922.32 2916 13 7.9 X-40

Combiped Activity-MDA Report Page : 2 Sample ID : 020904008 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 11:25:52

Identified Nuclides Activity Act error mmDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 6.470E+00 7.833E-01 4.284E-01 2.039E-02 19.768 CS-137 4.680E-02 2.122E-02 3.235E-02 1. 852E-03 1.449 TL-208 1.991E-01 4.072E-02 4.337E-02 2.375E-03 4.590 PB-212 S. 229E-01 4.740E-02 4.435E-02 2.137E-03 11.790 EI-214 4.401E-0l 5.420E-02 5. 009E-02 2.790E-03 8.787 PB-214 4.565E-0l 4.734E-02 6.187E-02 2.874E-03 7.378 RA-226 1.387E+00 3.60BE-01 5.778E-01 2.80EE-02 2.400 AC-226 6.353E-01 7.564E-02 1. 290E-01 S. 979E-03 4.926

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 5. 954E-02 e .056E-02 3.13BE-01 1.568E-02 0.190 MN-54 -2.664E-03 8.996E-03 3.777E-02 1.914E-03 -0.071 CO-60 4.929E-03 1.002E-02 4.905E-02 2.312E-03 0.100 Nb-94 7.128E-03 4.676E-03 2.995E-02 1.445E-03 0.238 RU-106 5.494E-02 S.591E-02 2.693E-01 1.511E-02 0.204 AG-IOEM -7.526E-04 7.BB1E-03 2.937E-02 1.641E-03 -0.026 AG-llOM 0.OOOE+00 0.OQOE+0O 2.670E-02 1.526E-03 0.000 SB-125 -4.965E-02 2.483E-02 6.38SE-02 3.010E-03 -0.777 CS-134 3.184E-03 6. SOSE-03 2.749E-02 1.527E-03 0.116 EU-152 2.125E-02 3.903E-02 2.107E-01 1.OO1E-02 0.101 EE-154 -2.151E-02 1.708E-02 5.477E-02 2.914E-03 -0.393 EU-155 5.904E-03 3.119E-02 1.165E-01 4.996E-03 0.051 BI-212 1.547E-01 7.776E-02 3.622E-01 2 .129E-02 0.405 RA-223 7.972E-02 4.639E-02 - 1.904E-01 8.997E-03 0.419 TH-228 1. 654E-01 6.551E-0l 2.492E-00 1.288E-01 0.066 PA-234 2.767E-01 + 5.72SE-02 S. 141E-02 4.878E-03 3.399 TH-234 4.374E-0l 4*586E-01 1. BOOE+00 2.411E-01 0.243 U-235 8.411E-02 + 2.189E-02 5.387E-02 2.61BE-03 1.561 AM-241 -6.512E-02 5. 421E-02 1. 911E-01 2.613E-02 -D.341

, REPORT AME : QA_CHEK (V9. 1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 4-SEP-2002 11:42 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE :.- SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-032FM SAMPLE No.  : 020904008 OPERATOR NAME  : CAS SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : 1LMARSAND COUNT TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 11:25:52. SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.66700E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 3-8EP-2002 13:45:00. DETECTOR  : DET 1 LIBRARY  : F9S DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (EV) pCi/am COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 0.51 8.470E+OO QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 0.13 4.688E-02 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.53 1. 991E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 23B.63 0.05 5.229E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.42 4.401E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.30 4.565E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 -0.35 1.367E+00 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.75 6.353E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF = 0.29 1.215E+O1 J TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 77.64 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM 'k EROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 93.79 53. 1.14 3.021E+00 1.B12E-03 48.2 AC-228 1.406E+00 300.33 25. 1.12 1.765E+00 1.059E-03 35.0 PB-212 E.440E-01 511.53 59. 2.39 6.783E+00 4.069E-03 19.5 ,R, Aw-D 0. OOOE+00 886.37 11. 1.31 2.163E+00 1.29SE-03 3( f Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 4 k Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 22.22 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)


2 Pages ) ****

5-SEP-2002 12:11:41.45 CONNECTICUT YANKEE BADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE : 9531-0000-032FMD REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020904021

  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CZANNEL  : S.00547E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME :4-SEP-2002 14:39:
  • DEADTIME (I)  : 0.0%

PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40

  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.2 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME 1000.0 seas


                            • t********t************ *********t******t**t************************

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw *Err Fit Nuclides 2 74.96 99 83 0.93 149.93 144 15 17.9 1.54E+00 PE-212 PB-214 2 77.17 146 71 0.90 154.34 144 15 11.8 PB-214 PB-212 0 87.17 47 116 1.29 174.32 171 7 41.0 PE-212 0 93.09 72 140 1.50 186.16 183 9 32.0 0 165.98 51 85 0.92 371 ;79 366 34.8 RA-226 0 209.08 57 74 1.45 417.95 412 10 31.1 AC-228 0 238.95 296 135 1.11 477.65 472 13 9.9 PB-212 0 295.53 54 47 1.25 590.74 586 9 26.5 PB-214 0 338.46 63 42 0.61 676.54 673 9 22.7 AC-228 0 351.91 123 16 1.05 703.45 699 B 10.7 PB-214 0 462.83 33 13 0.63 925.21 919 13 26.6 AC-228 0 510.69 32 19 1.01 1020.91 1016 11 32.3 0 583.56 94 41 1.52 1166.62 1159 17 19.0 TL-208 0 609.42 91 18 1.76 1216.35 1212 12 14.0 BI-214 0 860.96 19 1.46 1721.54 1714 15 39.8 TL-20B is0 0 911.04 58 1.13 1821.76 E166 12 13.1 AC-228 0 969.13 40 5 1.47 1938.01 1933 9 18.4 AC-228

Post-NID Peak Search Report (continued) PageA: 2 Sample ID : 020904021 Acquisition date 4-SEP-2002 14:39:45 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWM Channel Left Pw %HErr Fit Nuclides 0 1120.00 18 3 0.90 2239.99 2233 13 31.3 BI-214 0 1460.89 I80 7 1.62 2922.60 2915 13 8.0 K-40

Combined Activity-MDA Report Page : 3 Sample ID : 020904021 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 14:39:45

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error mm MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 7.797E+00 7.280E-O1 4.*04E-O1 1. 923E-02 19.299 TL-208 2.298E-01 4.159E-02 3.534E-02 1.936E-03 6.500 PB-212 5.970E-01 6.376E-02 3.527E-02 1.700E-03 16.929 BI-214 4.05GE-01 5.526E-02 5.487E-02 3.056E-03 7.392 PB-214 3.824E-01 4.111E-02 5.125E-02 2.3B1E-03 7.461 RA-226 1.197E+00 4.211E-01 6.208E-01 3.017E-02 1.929 AC-228 6.969E-01 6.42E-02 7.525E-02 3.489E-03 9.261

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 -4.52BE-03 3.913E-02 1. 576E-01 7.875E-03 -0.029 MN-54 1.369E-02 8.484E-03 4.233E-02 2. 145E-03 0.323 CO-60 8.272E-03 1.027E-02 5.073E-02 2.390E-03 0.163 NDB-94 3.344E-03 8.47SE-03 3.E43E-02 1.854E-03 0.087 RU-106 -1.366E-02 6.633E-02 2.497E-01 1.40IE-02 -0.055 AG-108M -2.68SE-04 7.46SE-03 2.605E-02 1.567E-03 -0.010 AG-l1OM 6.429E-03 6.043E-03 3.053E-02 1.745E-03 0.211 SB-125 2.324E-02 2.060E-02 B.708E-02 4.104E-03 0;267 CS-134 B.279E-04 6.955E-03 2.674E-02 1.485E-03 0.031 CS-137 1.893E-03 5.612E-03 2.782E-02 1.592E-03 0.068 Et-152 O.OOOE+O0 o. OOOE+00 5.876E-02 2.791E-03 0.000 EU-154 7.760B-03 1.543E-02 9.990E-02 5.316E-03 0.078 EU-155 1. 590E-02 2.842E-02 1. 092E-01 4.682E-03 0.146 BI-212 1.220E-01 8.792E-02 3.971E-0l 2.212E-02 0.307 RA-223 .1.824E-02 4.981E-02 1.829E-01 B.641E-03 0.100 TI-228 9.802E-01 6.708E-01 2.681E+OD 1.386E-Ol 0.366 PA-234 3.490E-01 + 4.633E-02 7.682E-02 4.603E-03 4.543 TH-234 5.42SE-01 3.979E-01 1.607E+O0 2.154E-01 0.338 U-235 7.262E-02 + 2.554E-02 5.682E-02 2.761E-03 1.278 AM-241 5.773E-02 4.676E-02 1.923E-01 2.630E-02 0.300

REPORT NAME : QACHECK (v9.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 5-SEP-2002 12:11 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : 9531-0000-032FMD SAMPLE No.  : 020904021 OPERATOR NAME .CAS SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : ILMARSAND COUNT TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 14:39:45. SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.77900E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 3-SEP-2002 13:57:00. DETECTOR  : DET I LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE IENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMEMTS K-40 1460.80 0.09 7.797E+00 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.42 2.29EE-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 0.33 5.970E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.11 4.056E-01 QA Results OK PE-214 351.92 -0.01 3.824E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 166.21 -0.23 1.197E+O0 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 -0.03 6. 969E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF = 0.10 1.131E+01 - TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.96 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.17 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMKA/SEC POTENTIAL EWERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM l ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 93.09 72. 1.50 4.081E+00 2.294E-03 32.0 AC-228 1.782E+00 TH-234 2.307E+00 510.69 32. 1.01 3.590E+00 2.01GE-03 32.3 ANN-RD O.OOOE+0a Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks , 2 k Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 10.53 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in library)


2 Pages ) ****


  • LIBRARY  : F8S DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL  : 4-SEP-2002 07:49:
  • EMERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANNEL 5.00931E-01
  • END CHANNEL,  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 11:27: t DEADTIME (k)  : 0. 0 PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY :5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME: 1000.3 Secs GAUSSIAN BEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME .: 1000.0 Secs
                          • t*********************^ **************t*****************************

Collected by DEGOSTIN REVIEWED BY  : _ Cx~  :-


                        • P*********************** ****************************************

Post-NIPD Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWRM Channel Left Pw kErr. Fit Nuclides 0 77.28 103 196 0.61 154.86 152 8 26.1 PB-214 PB-212 0 87.23 75 129 0.83 174.74 171 7 27.9 PB-212 1 92.47 30 59 0.87 185 .19 184 12 38.7 2.69EB+0 1 93.27 64 114 1.07 186.51 164 12 29.7 0 185.76 63 87 1.23 371.50 368 8 28.3 RA- 226 4 236.54 361 45 1.06 476.91 470 16 6.0 1. 99E+00 PB-212 4 241.72 Bs 64 1.56 483.27 470 1B 19.9 PB-214 0 295.72 81 75 1.00 591.12 586 11 24.0 PB-214 0 329.30 37 79 1.61 658 .21 652 17 56.8 0 338.51 65 28 1.06 676.61 673 7 18.4 AC-22B 0 351.97 168 45 1.16 703.52 697 14 11.5 PB-214 0 462.91 16 25 1.40 925.19 922 9 56.0 AC-228 0 510.85 68 22 1.19 1020.99 1015 13 19.0 0 583.07 120 18 1.39 1165.36 1158 15 12.0 TL-206 0 609.25 137 17 1.07 1217.69 1213 11 10.3 BI-214 0 661.71 98 30 1.47 1322.57 1316 14 16.1 CS-137 0 727.61 27 15 2.03 1454.34 1449 12 35.0 BI-212 0 910.98 70 9 1.78 1621.12 1815 16 15.1 AC-228

Post-NID Peak Search Report (continued) Page: 2 Sample ID: 020904009 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2OO2 ll:27:03 It Energy Area Blcgnd FEHm Channel Left Pw K-Err Fit Nuclides 0 969.58 22 24 0.65 1938.34 1930 12 49.4 AC-228 0 1460.28 256 4 2.06 2920.74 2911 18 6.5 K-40

Combindd Activity-MDA Report Page : 3 Sample ID : 020904009 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 11:27:03

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 7.615E+00 6.169E-O1 2.204E-01 1.053E-02 34.548 CS-137 1.866E-01 3.197E-02 3.341E-02 1.931E-03 S.584 TL-208 2.069E-01 2.737E-02 2.313E-02 1.269E-03 8.947 BI-212 3.965E-01 1.406E-01 1..481E-01 8.295E-03 2.677 PB-212 5. 931E-01 4.383E-02 4.218E-02 2.017E-03 14.061 BI-214 4.457E-01 5.231E-02 3.847E-02 2.152E-03 11.585 PB-214 4.387E-01 4.410E-02 4.579E-02 2.110E-03 9.582 RA-226 1.226B+00 3.524E-01 5.164E-01 2.516E-02 2.365 AC-228 4.946B-01 5.799E-02 6.E14E-02 3.157E-03 7.256

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/BM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 1.772B-03 5.449E-02 1. 95BE-01 9.749E-03 0.009 MN-54 1. 727E-03 8.048E-03 3.353E-02 1.700E-03 0.051 C0-60 1.426E-04 8.294E-03 3.543E-02 1.687E-03 0.004 NB-94 -7.623E-04 6.219E-03 2.642E-02 1.275E-03 -0.029 RU-106 3.036E-02 5.319E-02 2.400E-01 1.354E-02 0.127 AG-108M -2.337E-03 5.865E-02 2.414B-02 1.355E-03 -0.097 AG-11OM -4.965E-03 5.946E-03 2.134E-02 1.231E-03 -0.233 SB-125 -6.954E-03 2.332E-02 7.749E-02 3.637E-03 -0.116 CS-134 1.173E-02 5.291E-03 2.667E-02 1.487E-03 0.440 EU-152 8.940-02 3.674E-02 2.1OIE-Ol 1. 004E-02 0.426 EU-154 2.281E-02 2.353E-02 1.112E-01 5.929E-03 0.205 EU-155 3.887E-03 2.462B-02 9.011E-02 3.927E-03 0.043 RA-223 4.003E-02 4.325E-02 1.603E-01 7.521E-03 0.250 TH-22B 1.502E+00 5. 717E-01 2.304E+00 1.171E-01 0.652 PA-234 1. 804E-01 4.81OE-02 6.224E-02 3.523E-03 2.899 TH-234 7.53BE-01 3.191E-01 1.247E+00 1.462E-01 0.605 U-235 7.438E-02 + 2.13BE-02 4.761E-02 2.311E-03 1.562 AM-241 8.351E-03 3.523E-02 1.321E-01 1.353E-02 0.063

REPORT NAME : QA_CHECK (V9.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 4-SEP-2002 11:44 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE; - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-033FM SAMPLE No.  : 020904009 OPERATOR NAME  : CAB SAMPLE TYPE : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : ILMARSAND COUNT TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 11:27:03. SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.61600E+03 SAMPLE TIME : 3-SEP-2002 14:03:00. DETECTOR  : DET 2 LIBRARY  ; FBSDIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.B0 -0.52 7.615E+00 QA Results OX CS-137 661.65 0.06 1.86GE-01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 -0.07 2.069E-01 QA Results OK BI-212 727.17 0.44 3.965E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 -0.0O 5.931E-01 QA Results OK BI-Zi4 609.31 -0.06 4.457E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.05 4.387E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 156.21 -0.45 1.226E+00 QA Results OK AC-226 911.07 -0.09 4.946E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF = -0.08 1.160E+01 - TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 77.28 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 92.47 30. 0.B7 1.216E+00 7.535E-04 38.7 F PB X-RAY 0.000E+00

w ACd-228 5. Q55E-01 V-' TR-234 7.579E-01 93.27 64. 1.07 2.593E+00 1.605E-03 29.7 AC-228 1.247E+00 329.30 37. 1.81 2.015E+00 1.247E-03

- , K. TRH-o 23 4 1. 614E+00 510.65 68. 1.19 5.246E+00 3.246E-03 ANN-RD 0.000E+00 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 4

  • Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 20.00 Flags t U - Unknown Line v R - Rejected During Analysis p _ Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)


2 Pages ) ****

5-8EP-2002 12:28:59.97 CONNECTICUT YANM HEDDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE: 9531-0000-033FMD REASON FOR AMILYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020904023

  • LIBRARY  : FS8 DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL  : 4-SEP-2002 07:50:
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 EEV/CHANEL  : 5.00665E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 15:47:
  • DEADTIME (M)  : 0.1k PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME 1000.6 Secs
  • GASSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME: 1000.0 Secs


                                                    • t******** *********************** *********

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw tErr Fit Nuclides 0 63.39 103 273 0.78 126.89 123 B 29.5 TH-234 2 74.87 234 206 0.86 149.82 146 L8 11.1 2.30E+00 PB-212 PB-214 2 77.14 380 156 0.91 154.36 146 18 7.2 PB-214 PB-212 0 87.28 84 176 1.06 174.62 172 6 27.3 PB-212 4 89.90 84 119 1.06 179.85 178 15 21.2 1.49E+00 4 92.77 158 173 1.06 185.57 178 15 15.2 0 186.05 119 149 1.27 371.93 367 10 21.4 RA-226 0 209.52 50 110 1.13 418.82 413 9 40.8 AC-228 1 238.56 529 66 1.02 476.85 473 19 4.9 1.57E+O0 PB-212

3. 241.03 67 64 1.23 481.78 473 19 30.6 1 242.09 57 61 1.23 483.90 473 19 31.0 PE-214 0 295.02 162 60 1.40 589.66 584 11 12.2 PB-214 0 300.74 75 84 1.45 601.09 595 14 28.4 1 337.84 73 62 1.34 675.24 671 10 23.3 1.41E+01 1 338.72 67 57 1.22 677.00 671 10 23.9 AC-228 0 3S1.92 245 68 1.16 703.38 697 13 9.4 PB-214 0 510.63 103 41 1.14 1020.60 1014 14 16.6

Post-NrJM Peak Search Report (continued) Page: 2 Sample ID : 020904023 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 15:47:19 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel .Left Pw kErr Fit Nuclides 0 583.15 171 34 1.40 1165.56 1159 15 10.7 TL-208 o 609.04 212 25 1.30 1217.33 1210 13 8.5 BI-214 0 661.87 17 17 1.41 1322.97 1319 9 50.2 CS-137 5 726.76 44 12 2.43 1452.71 1446 19 22.3 1.77E+00 BI-212 5 731.13 24 1 2.11 1461.45 1446 19 24.1 0 910.93 109 21 1.60 1821.06 1814 14 13.1 AC-228 4 964.71 37 10 2.41 1928.65 1922 28 22.6 1.42E+00 AC-228 4 968.93 75 4 1.63 1937.09 1922 28 13.6 AC-228 0 1120.00 38 19 1.60 2239.33 2230 14 29.6 BI-214 0 1460.32 504 6 1.99 2920.51 2914 13 4.6 K-40 0 1763.70 49 0 1.50 3528.06 3522 11 14.3 BI-214

combined Activity-MDA Report Page : 3 Sample ID : 020904023 Acquisition date : 4-SBEP-2002 15:47:19

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 1.067E+01 6.98SE-01 2.232E-01 1.04EE-02 47.798 CS-137 2.362E-02 1.192E-02 2.416E-02 1.354E-03 0.978 TL-208 2.1Z2E-01 2.535E-02 1.709E-02 9.21EE-04 12.420 BI-212 4.776E-01 1. 095E-01 1. 732E-01 9.418E-03 2.758 PB-212 5. 943E-01 4.098E-02 3.025E-02 1.530E-03 19.649 BI-214 5.346E-01 4.393E-02 3.833E-02 2.098E-03 13.950 PE-214 4.656E-01 3.724E-02 3.797E-02 1.820E-03 12.264 RA-226 1.657E+00 3.634E-01 4.148E-01 2.06SE-02 3.995 AC-228 5.942E-O1 5. 173E-02 8.106E-02 3.654E-03 7.331 TH-234 1. 156E+00 3.586E-01 4.457E-01 4.227E-02 2.593

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDm MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 7.863E-02 4.783E-02 1.946E-01 9.671E-03 0.404 MN-54 2.391E-03 5.433E-03 2.364E-02 1.165E-03 0.101 CO-60 2.450E-02 9.992E-03 4.631E-02 2.153E-03 0.529

-M-94 -- 6-52EO03- -C.§-O&-E-0-3-l- 12-7-E -8.--11-SE _erf96-RU-106 -9.275E-02 6.253E-02 1.758E-01 9.687E-03 -0.528 AG-1OBM -2.330E-03 5.27BE-03 1.763E-02 9.765E-04 -0.131 AG-llOM -5.415E-03 4.566E-03 1.317E-02 7.368E-04 -0.411 SB-125 -2.309E-03 1.311E-02 4.671B-02 2.203E-03 -0.049 CS-134 4. 815E-03 3.726E-03 1.662E-02 9.185E-04 0.286 EU-152 7.042E-02 3.415E-02 1.728E-01 8. 04E-03 0.407 EU-154 1.820E-02 1. 658E-02 8. 029E-02 4.202E-03 0.227 EU- 155 2.575E-02 1. 834E-02 7.026E-02 3.261E-03 0.366 1RA-223 5.531E-02 3.43SE-02 1.315E-01 6.f649E-03 0.421 TE-228 5.629E-01 3.787E-01 1.433E+00 6.948E-02 0.393 PA-234 3.125E-0l + 2.722E-02 3.884E-02 1.909E-03 8.046 U-235 1.005E-01 *1- 2.204E-02 4.157E-02 2.072E-03 2.419 AM-241 6.724E-03 1.322E-02 4.935E-02 2.669E-03 0.136

REPORT NAME : QACHECK (V9.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 5-SEP-2002 12:29 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO EHDDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : 9531-0000-033FMD SAMPLE No.  : 020904023 OPERATOR NAME . CAB SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY : ILMARSAND COUNT TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 15:47:19. SAMPLE QUANTITY : 1.52100E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 3-SEP-2002 14:12:00. DETECTOR  : DET 5 LIBRARY  : FSSDIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 -0.48 1. 067E+01 QA Results ox CS-137 661.65 0.22 2.362E-02 QA Results OK TL-208 563.14 0.01 2.122E-01 QA Results OK EI-212 727.17 -0.41 4.776E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 23B.63 -0.06 5.943E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 -0.26 5.346E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.00 4.656E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 -0.16 1. 657E+00 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 -0.14 5.942E-01 QA Resulta ox TH-234 63.29 0..10 1.155E+00 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF - -0.12 1.639E+01 - TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.87 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.14 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWXM GAMMA/SEC /GM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 89.90 64. 1.06 1.847E+00 1.215E-03 21.2 I -214 1. 220E+01 P' AC-228 1.573E+00 92.77 158. 1.06 3.464E+00 2.27EE-03 15.2 < PB X-RAY 0. 000E+00 t AC-228 1.770E+00 P' TI-234 2.292E+00 241.03 67. 1.23 1.979E+00 1.301E-03 30.6 P.'5 PB-214 4.72EE-01 300.74 337.84 75.


1.45 1.34 2.579E+00 2.748E+00 1.696E-03 1.607E-03 28.4 23.3 V PB 212 4r_,AC-228 1.353E+00 4.310E-01 510.63 103. 1.14 5.362E+00 3.538E-03 16.6 1 UZ AM-RD 0. OOOE+00 731.13 24. 2.11 1.688E+00 1.110E-03 24.1 i

  • Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 25.00 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)

Performed by::<

Reviewed by: l 1

        • End Report ( 2 Pages ) ****


  • LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT LAST ENRGY CAL  : 4-SEP-2002 08:19:
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CmAumNE  : 5.00745E-01
  • MPLF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 11:46:
  • DEADTIME CI)  : 0.01 PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.2 Seas
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME 1000.0 Secs
                        • ************************ * ****************t************************

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left. Pw kErr Fit Nuclides 1 74.91 73 79 0.95 149.83 145 15 23.1 1.32E+00 PB-212 PB-214 1 77.08 126 71 0.87 154.17 145 15 13.2 PB-214 PB-212 3 90.05 45 98 0.95 180.06 177 25 36.0 9.02E-01 3 92.90 64 99 1.20 165.76 177 25 28.6 0 186.06 50 78 1.19 371.85 367 8 33.7 RA-226 0 209.37 31 67 1.34 418.42 413 8 50.1 AC-228 0 238.61 250 47 1.25 476.84 473 8 7.9 PB-212 1 241.24 33 22 1.16 482.08 481 7 25.8 7.28E+00 1 242.30 39 48 1.24 464.21 481 7 35.6 PB-214 0 278.23 43 31 1.35 556.00 551 13 31.3 TL-208 2 294.00 18 21 1.28 587.50 585 10 56.9 2. 87E+O0 2 295.38 74 25 1.43 590.26 S55 10 17.7 P3-214 4 337.79 24 20 1.23 675.00 672 15 34.7 6.73E+00 4 338.53 32 31 1.49 676.46 672 15 36.2 AC-228 4 341.79 22 16 1.81 682.99 672 15 37.5 0 352.45 99 47 1.05 704.35 698 12 17.2 PB-214 0 511.77 42 27 1.75 1022.71 1014 19 34.0

Post-NID Peak Search Report (continued) Page: 2 Sample ID : 020904010 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 11:48:34 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw VErr Fit Nuclides 0 583.43 73 10 1.28 1165.97 1160 13 14.7 TL-208 0 609.67 88 4 1.28 1216.42 1214 9 11.5 BI-214 0 662.23 63 10 1.50 1323.49 1318 10 15.7 CS-137 o 911.77 39 7 1.63 1822.55 118 9 19.9 AC-228 o 1121.08 20 8 1.14 2241.31 2237 9 35.2 BI -214 0 1461.29 143 6 1.75 2922.29 2916 12 9.0 K-40

Combiiied Activity-KbA Report Page : 3 Sample ID : 020904010 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 11:48:34

Identified Nuclides -- --

Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 6.664E+00 6.795E-01 4.983E-01 2.371E-02 13.372 C--137 1. 743E-01 2.916E-02 2.983E-02 1.708E-03 5.842 TL-208 1. 897E-01 2.BlE-02 2.640E-02 1.446E-03 7.1E4 PB-212 5.44BE-01 5.034E-02 4.874E-02 2.349E-03 11.179 BI-214 4.207E-01 5.074E-02 3.929E-02 2.188E-03 10.708 PB-214 3.971E-01 4.808E-02 6.528E-02 3.033E-03 6.083 RA-226 1.264E+00 4.306E-0O 6.590E-01 3.202E-02 1.917 AC-228 4.361E-01 7.393E-02 1. 294E-01 6.001E-03 3.369

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 2.643E-02 6.424E-02 2.541E-01 1.270E-02 0.104 MN-54 -8.032E-03 8.872E-03 3.459E-02 1. 752E-03 -0.232 CO-60 6. OBSGE-04 1. 0973-02 4.928E-02 2.322E-03 0.012 NB-94 1.907E-03 7.867E-03 3.64BB-02 1.760E-03 0.052 RU-106 6.292E-02 7.220E-02 3.143E-0l 1.763E-02 0.200 AG-108M 6.005E-03 8. 894E-03 3.624E-02 2.025E-03 0.166 AG-llOM -4.996B-03 7.050E-03 2.678E-02 1.530E-03 -0.167 SB-125 9.690E-03 2.224E-02 E.710E-02 4.104E-03 0.111 CS-134 9.527E-03 7.547E-03 3.375E-02 1.875E-03 0.282 EU-152 6.748E-02 3.971E-02 2.470E-01 1.173E-02 0.273 EU-154 5.280E-03 3.009E-02 1.373E-01 7.309E-03 0.036 EU-155 1.748E-02 3. 115E-02 1.186E-01 5.087E-03 0.147 BI-212 2.913B-01 1. 028E-01 4.89BE-01 2.729E-02 0.595 RA-223 -5.242E-02 5.146E-02 1.6E7E-01 7.971E-03 -0.3.1 TH-228 1.431E+00 6.475E-01 2.697E+00 1.394E-01 0.530 PA-234 2.565E-02 1. 84E-02 7.576E-02 4.539E-03 0.339 TH-234 3.460E-01 4.3463-01 1.710E+00 2.291E-01 0.202 U-235 7.665E-02 + 2.612E-02 5.798E-02 2.81BE-03 1.322 AM-241 5.433E-02 5. OEOE-02 2.054E-01 2. BO0E-02 0.265

REPORT NME : QA CHECK (V .1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 4-SEP-2002 12:05 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO EADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-034FM SAMPLE No.  : 020904010 OPERATOR NAME CAS SAMPLE TYPE : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY : iLMARSAND, COUtNT TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 11:48:34. SAMPLE QUANTITY: 1.66100E+03 SAMPLE TIME 3-SEP-2002 14:09:00. DETECTOR DET 1 LIBRARY  : FSSDIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR Is9TOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 0.49 6.664E+00 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 0.58 1.743E-01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 0.30 1.897E-01 QA Results OK PB-212 238.63 -0.01 5.448E-O1 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.36 4.207E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.56 3.971E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 -0.15 1.264E+0O QA Results OK AC-226 911.07 0.70 4.361E-01 QA Results OX AVG ENERGY DIFF - 0.35 1.0 09E+01 2 TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.91 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.08 KeY Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMAMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /cM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 90.05 45. 0.95 2.673E+00 1.609E-03 36.0 XEBI-214 1.615E+0l

rcA,-226 2.083E+00 92.90 64. 1.20 3.640E+00 2.192E-03 2.6PBX 0.OOOE-00 r AC-228 1.703E+0O 1"5 TH-234 2.204E+DO 241.24 33. 1.16 1.987E+00 1.196E-03 2SQ2 PB-214 4.344E-01 294.00 18. 1.28 1.289E+00 7.759E-04 ^6.9 1 337.79 24. 1.23 1.895E+00 1.141E-03 C37'P AC-228 2.721E-01 341.79 22. 1.81 1.761E+00 1.060E-03 37.5 AC-228 6.661E+00 511.77 42. 1.75 4.790E+00 2.884E-03 34.0 ANN-RD a. OOOE-.00
  • REPORT NMME : QA_CHECK ('9.1) PAGE 2 OF REPORT DATE : 4-SEP-2002 12:05 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NIK QA ANALYSIS Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 7 e Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 30.43 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)

Performed Reviewed by: /

2 Pages ) ****

.- ******* ** **** *** ****** *** *****t****

4-SEP-2002 16:05:16.15 CONNECTICUT YANKEE EADJAM NECK sTATION SAMPLE TITLE : - 9531-0000-034 FMD REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020904024

  • LIBRARY  : FS8 DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL :4-SEP-2002 12:52:
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANNEL  : 5.01030E-01
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME :4-SEP-2002 15:48:
  • DEADTIME (k)  ; 0.0k PRBSET LIVE TIDE  : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME 1000.2 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN BEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME 1000.0 Seca


          • t************************** **********************************************

Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw IErr Fit Nuclides 2 74.B8 113 100 0.86 150.03 147 14 16.0 2.24E+OO PB-212 PEI-214 2 77.06 171 130 1.09 154.38 147 14 13.7 PB-214 PB-212 o 186.31 72 93 0.91 372.50 368 9 27.1 RA-226 4 236.56 349 53 0.99 476.66 471 23 6.2 1.04E+00 PB-212 4 241.41 68 71 1.69 482.53 471 23 36.5 4 242.48 34 67 1.73 484.66 471 23 57.7 PB-214 0 2g5.18 110 60 1.15 589.93 585 12 17.2 PE-214 0 338.47 72 49 1.47 676.39 672 10 21.6 AC-228 0 351.86 173 38 1.25 703.13 696 12 10.3 PB-214 0 462.86 30 14 0.82 924.69 921 6 28.4 AC-228 a 511.01 46 21 1.19 1021.09 1015 13 25.9 0 583.40 146 15 1.41 1165.76 1161 13 10.0 TL-208 0 609.21 129 14 1.30 1217.35 1213 11 10.4 BI-214 0 661.02 41 8 0.79 1320.92 1315 11 20.8 CS-137 0 727.68 17 17 1.09 1454.17 1448 13 53.8 BI-212 o 911 .10 61 11 1.67 1620.95 1615 14 17.1 AC-228 0 969.08 60 12 2.11 1936.93 1931 12 17.2 AC-226

Post-NID Peak Search Report (continued) Page: 2 Sample ID : 020904024 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 15:48:17 It Energy Area Ekgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw -WErr Fit Nuclides d 1121.51 22 17 1.16 2211.90 2236 13 45.3 o 1238.13 15 10 1.05 2475.30 2472 9 44.B BI-214 0 1460.82 272 21 2.34 2921.17 2914 15 7.1 K-40

Combined Activity-MDA Report Page: 3 Sample ID : 020904024 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 15:48:17 Identified Nuclides Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pci/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 8. 946E+00 7. 680E-01 4. 679E-01 2 .235E-02 19.120 CS-137 B. 550E-02 . 04SE-02 3. 015E-02 1. 743E-03 2.836 TL-208 2. 773E-O1 3. 173E-02 2. 692E-02 1.477E-03 10.300 BI-212 2. 843E-01 1. 539E-01 1. 9B1E-01 1.1OSE-02 1.435 PB-212 6. 277E-01 4. 936E-02 4 .330E-02 2. 070E-03 14.497 BI -214 4. 703E-01 5 .417E-02 5. 824E-02 3. 258E-03 8.075 PB-214 4..954E-01 4. 679E-02 4 .470E-02 2. OGE-03 11. 085 RA-226 1. 544E+OO 4. 246E-0l 5. 800E-01 2. B15E-02 2.661 AC-228 6.415E-01 6. 747E-02 S. 669E-02 4 .489E-03 6.621

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA. MDA error Act/MDA Nuczlide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 5. 6G1E-02 6. 120E-02 2 .428E-01 1.209E-02 0.233 IN-54 6. 751E-04 6.814E-03 2. 557E-02 1.499E-03 0.023 CO-60 1. 649E-02 1.28EE-02 5. 822E-02 2 .772E-03 0.318 NB-94 7.309E-04 7. 680E-03 3.266E-02 1. 576E-03 0.022 RU-06 -4. 213E-03 4 .439E-02 1. 999E-01 1.12EE-02 -0.021 AG-108M 2. 594E-03 7.172E-03 3.O99E-02 1. 740E-03 0.064 AG-llOM -3 .28OEH-04 S .463E-03 2. 269E-02 1.309E-03 -0.014 S1-125 6. 553E-03 1. 7B7E-02 6. E47E-02 3 .214E-03 0. 096 CS-134 -8. 924E-04 6.099E-03 2 . 562E-02 1.429E-03 -0.035 EUT-152 4. 973E-02 4.386E-02 2. 164E-01 1. 034E-02 0.230 EU-154 1. 641E-03 3 .496E-02 1. 403E-01 7 .482E-03 0.012 EUt-155 -2. 641E-02 2. 890E-02 9.953E-02 4 .338E-03 -0.265 RA-223 6.381E-02 4. 654E-02 1. 783E-01 8 .364E-03 0.358 TH.- 228 9. 492E-01 7 .387E-01 2. 789E+00 1.417E-0O. 0.340 PA-234 1. 433E-02 1. 721E-02 6. 534E-02 3. 698E-03 0.219 TE-234 5.146E-01 3. 605E-0l 1. 385E+00 1. 624E-O1 0.372 U-23S 9.365E-02 + 2.576E-02 5 .527E-02 2. 6B3E-03 1.694 AM-241 3 .592E-02 3. 578E-02 1. 405E-01 1.439E-02 0.256

REPORT NAME : QA_CHECK (V9.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE : 4-SEP-2002 16:05 REQUJEBTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - 9531-0000-034 FMD SAMPLE No.  : 020904024 OPERATOR NAME  : CA SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY : LMARSAND COUNT TIME  ; 4-SEP-2002 15:48:17. SAMPLE QUANTITY : 1.46400E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 3-SEP-2002 14:22:00. DETECTOR  : DET 2 LIBRARY  : FPS DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 0.02 8. 946E+00 QA Results ox CS-137 661.65 -0.63 5.55OE-02 QA. Results OX TL-208 583.14 0.26 2.773E-01 QA Results Ox BI-212 727.17 0.51 2.843E-01 QA Results OIC PB-212 238.63 -0.04 6.277E-01 QA Results 0K BI-214 609.31 -0.10 4.703E-01 OK QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 -0.06 4.954E-01 QA Results RA-226 186.21 0.10 1.544E+00 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.03 6.415E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF - 0.01 1.337E+01 - TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.88 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.06 KeN Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes NIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 241.41 68. 1.69 2.991E+00 2.043E-03 36.5  ;%PB-214 7.420E-01 511.01 46. 1.19 3.SS6E+00 2.429E-03 25.9 fAN-R 0.OOOE+00 1121.51 22. 1.18 3.412E+00 2.330E-03 45.3 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 3

% Unidentified/Rejected Peaks

  • 15.00 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in library)


2 Pages ) ****

i*. -

, *******t * *** *** * **** **** *t*

4-SEP-2002 12:06:41.43 CONNECTICUT YAEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE : - SOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-035FM REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020904011

  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEV/CHANNEL  : 5.00931E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 11:49:
  • DEADTIME (I) :0.ot PRESET LIVE TIME  : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME  : 1000.3 Seas
  • GAUSSIAN 8EN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME  : 1000.0 Secs
                                                        • t**** *************t~******************t************

Collected by : TORRES REVIEWED BY :

Post-KID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWXM Chennel Left Pw kErr Fit Nuclides 3 74.72 154 112 1.24 149.75 144 14 13.9 4:04E+00 PE-212 PB-214 3 77.0i 166 85 1.01 154.46 144 14 11.3 PB-214 P5-212 0 66.95 36 153 0.96 174.17 172 7 60.0 PB-212 O 93.06 65 91 1.09 166.37 184 6 26.5 0 186.19 52 71 1.06 372.35 369 6 29.6 RA-226 4 238.56 371 58 1.05 476.95 472 17 6.1 6.87E-01 PB-212 4 241.36 84 78 1.70 482.54 472 17 30.5 PB-214 0 295.16 90 55 0.92 590.01 586 9 16.2 PB-214 0 338.36 78 50 0.91 676.31 671 11 20.9 AC-228 0 351.88 153 69 1.33 703.34 697 13 14.0 PB-214 0 462.73 23 40 0.64 924.83 920 10 55.5 AC-22B 0 510.49 56 34 1.09 1020.27 1015 12 24.4 0 582.86 116 19 0.97 1164.93 1159 11 11.9 TL-208 0 609.48 131 18 1.53 1218.15 1213 13 11.1 BI-214 0 661.59 111 23 1.32 1322.33 1318 10 12.6 CS-137 0 727.49 25 6 0.75 1454.10 1450 9 27.4 BI-212 0 911.34 80 14 1.02 1821.64 IB1S 11 14.4 AC-228

Post-NID Peak Search Report (continued) Page: 2 Sample ID: 020904011 Acquisition date: 4-SEP-2002 11:49:46 It Energy Area Bkind FWEM Channel Left Pw IKErr Fit Nuclides 0 969.69 38 29 0.89 1938.57 1930 13 33.2 AC-228 0 1001.83 13 4 2.20 2002.88 1999 7 37.6 0 1120.61 26 13 1.19 2240.99 2235 13 34.8 BI-214 0 1460.38 287 0 2.26 2920.94 2914 13 5.9 K-40 0 1764.26 26 3 1.06 3529.89 3524 11 22.9 EI-214

Comibined Activity-M4DA Report Page: 3 3

Sample ID : 020904011 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 11:49:46

- - - - Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

K-40 6 .421E+OO 6.395E-0l 3. 182B-01 1.520B-02 26.464 C8-137 2.078E-01 2.B90E-02 3. S99E-02 2. OBOE-03 5.774 TL-208 1. 965SE-01 2.569E-02 2.63GE-02 1.446E-03 7.457 BI-212 3 .595E-01 1.007E-01 2. 133E-O1 1.195E-02 1.685 PE-212 S.807E-01 4 .482E-02 4. 159E-02 1. 986E-03 13.964 BI-214 4.417E-01 4.670E-02 5. 205E-02 2.912E-03 B.486 PB-214 4. OOBE-01 4. 417E-02 6 .265E-02 2. 887E-03 6.397 RA-226 9.8SOE-01 2.953E-01 5 .390E-01 2. 616E-02 1.527 AC-228 5 .967E-01 6.784E-02 1. 013E-01 4.693E-03 5.890

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity X.L. Act error MDA MBA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pci/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 5.96SE-02 3. 447E-02 1. 712E-01 8.526E-03 0.349 MN-54 -1 .217E-02 5.49BE-03 1.598E-02 6.102E-04 -0.762 CO-60 2.299E-02 B.251E-03 4.591E-02 2.186B-03 0.501 NB-94 1. 849E-03 4.098E-03 2.075E-02 1.OOIE-03 0.089 RU-106 -4.435E-02 4.752E-02 1.870E-01 1.055E-02 -0.237.

AG-108M -1.556E-03 5. 085E-03 2.024E-02 1.136B-03 -0.077 AG-lO0 -2.852E-03 7.066E-03 2.635E-02 1.520E-03 -0.105 SB-125 2. 884E-02 1.979E-02 E.024E-02 3.766E-03 0.359 CS-134 -7.689E-03 5. 643E-03 2.061E-02 1. 160E-03 -0.370 EU-152 1.438E-02 3.899E-02 1.764B-01 8.432E-03 0.081 EU-154 -2.249B-02 2.055E-02 7.355E-02 3.923E-03 -0.306 EU-155 2.649E-02 2.730E-02 1. 026E-01 4.472E-03 0.256 RA-223 6.262E-02 4.422E-02 1.678B-01 7.870E-03. 0.373 THE-228 -2.161E-01 6.372E-01 2. 256E+00 1.146E-01 -0.096 PA-234 1.073E-02 1.455E-02 5.518E-02 3.123B-03 0.195 TH-234 6.966E-01 2.774E-01 1.111E+00 1.303E-01 0.627 11-235 5.976E-02 + 1.792E-02 4.408E-02 2.140E-03 1.356 AM-241 -1.272E-02 3.114E-02 1.139E-01 1.167E-02 -0.112

REPORT NAME: QA CHaECK (V9. 1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE: 4-SEP-2002 12:06 REQUESTOR  : CAS TECH CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS TITLE : - BOIL SAMPLE: 9531-0000-035FM SAMPLE No.  : 020904011 OPERATOR NAME :CAS SAMPLE TYPE  : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : ILMARSAND COUNT TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 11:49:46. SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.63900E+03 SAMPLE TIME  : 3-BEP-2002 14:11:00. DETECTOR  : DET 2 LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 -0.42 8.421E+00 QA Results OK CS-137 661.65 -0.06 2.07BE-01 QA Results OK TL-208 583.14 -0.28 1.965E-0 QA Results OK BI-212 727.17 0.32 3.595E-01

  • Peak FWHM - 0.75 PB-212 238.63 -0.06 5.807E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.17 4.417E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 -0.04 4.008E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 186.21 -0.02 9.850E-01 QA Results OK AC-228 911.07 0.27 5.967E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF = -0.01 1.219E+01 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.72 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.07 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWEM GAMMA/SEC /IGM ' ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 93.06 65. 1.09 2.666E+00 1.627E-03 26.5 I 1.264E+00
1. 636E+00 510.49 56. 1.09 4.377E+00 2.671E-03 2' 1.545E+01 0.000H+00 1001.83 13. G3@ 1.732E+00 1.057E-03 3' Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 3

% Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 13.64 Flags: U - Unknown Line V R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)


2 Pages ) ****


      • ********** * **** *** ****t*** *** **t***

SAMPLE TITLE : - 9531-0000-035 FMD REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 020904025

  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 1.00000 KEW/CHANNEL  : 5.00547E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CEHANEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 4-SEP-2002 15;49:
  • DEADTIME (k)  : ok PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.3 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN BEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs
                                                                          • P************S****************t**********t Post-NID Peak Search Report It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw VErr Fit Nuclides 3 74.97 66 102 1.11 149.95 146 15 27.9 1.40E+00 PB-212 PB-214 3 77.26 122 93 1.11 154.52 146 15 16.3 P3-214 PB-212 0 185.76 47 83 1.30 371.35 367 10 39.4 RA-226 0 209.62 41 45 1.05 419.03 415 9 34.2 AC-228 4 238.57 230 31 1.04 476.89 471 17 7.6 1.42E+00 PB-212 4 241.65 30 58 1.62 483.05 471 17 56.0 PB-214 0 295.56 96 40 1.36 590.50 586 13 17.3 PB-214 0 339.03 51 42 1.36 677.66 671 15 30.9 AC-228 0 351.95 115 23 1.06 703.52 699 11 12.3 PB-214 0 510.75 35 17 1.59 1021.01 1014 14 30.8 0 583.24 s0 14 1.46 1165.98 1160 11 14.3 TL-20B 0 609.43 64 14 0.92 1218.36 1213 11 16.8 EI-214 0 860.61 13 0 1.45 1720.85 1716 B 27.7 TL-208 0 911.30 54 o 1.79 1622.26 1816 13 13.6 AC-228 0 969.33 28 7 1.26 1938.41 1933 9 25.4 AC-228 0 1119.45 22 8 0.64 2238.87 2232 12 34.7 BI-214 0 1460.80 186 3 1.67 2922.44 2916 13 7.6 K-40

Combiied Activity-MDA Report Page : 2 Sample ID : 020904025 Acquisition date : 4-SEP-2002 15:49:12

Identified Nuclides ----

Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

X-40 9.442B+00 8.469E-01 5. 462-01 2.609E-02 17.225 TL-208 2.313E-01 3. 158E-02 3.778E-02 2.069E-D3 6.123 PB-212 5.472E-01 4.923E-02 4*96SE-02 2.404E-03 10.968 BI-214 3.494E-01 S. 632E-02 7.199E-02 4. 010E-03 4.853 PB-214 4.847E-01 5.109E-02 3.911E-02 1. 817E-03 12.395 R1A-226 1.287E+00 5.106E-01 6.722E-01 3.266E-02 1.914 AC-228 6.731E-01 7.464E-02 1.275E-01 5. 913E-03 5.278

Non-Identified Nuclides ----

Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

BE-7 1.214E-02 3.682E-02 1.745B-01 8.717E-03 0.070 MN-s4 -3.616E-03 9.027E-03 3.795E-02 1.924E-03 -0.095 CO-GO 4.719E-03 1. 094E-02 5.310E-02 2.502E-03 0.09 NB-94 -8.347E-03 4.836E-03 9.066E-03 4.375E-04 -0.921 RU-106 9. 952E-02 5. 007E-02 2.98EE-01 1. 677E-02 0.333 AG-108M 4.736E-03 8.009E-03 3.407E-02 1. 903E-03 0.139 AG-lOM -9. 509E-03 5. 782E-03 2.032E-02 1.161E-03 -0.468 SB-125 2.174E-03 1. BlE-02 7.277E-02 3.429E-03 0.030 CS-134 1.455E-03 8. 220E-03 3.184E-02 1.768E-03 0.046 CS-137 2.476E-03 7.469E-03 3.577E-02 2.047E-03 0.069 EU-152 5.097E-02 5.071E-02 2.732E-01 1.297E-02 0.187 EU-154 -3.416E-02 3.538E-02 1.312E-01 6.979E-03 -0.260 EU-155 -2.302E-02 2.990E-02 1.076E-01 4. 614E-03 -0.214 BI-212 2.3563-01 9.673E-02 4.764E-01 2.654B-02 0.495 RA-223 8.703B-03 5.074E-02 1.E71E-O1 8.841E-03 0:047 TH-228 1. 004+00 7. S51E-01 3.115E+00 1.610E-01 0.322 PA-234 3.397E-O1 5.912E-02 8.659E-02 5.186E-03 3.923 TH-234 5.844E-01 + 4.802E-01 1.923E+00 2.577E-01 0.304 U-235 7.806E-02 3.097E-02 5.8533-02 2.844E-03 1.334 AM-241 3.534E-02 4.495E-02 1.87BE-01 2.567E-02 0.1.8


SAMPLE No.  : 020904025 OPERATOR NiME  : CAS SAMPLE TYPE : DIRT/SEDIMENT SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : ILMARSAND COUNT TIME : 4-SEP-2002 15:49:12. SAMPLE QUANTITY  : 1.52000E+03 SAMPLE TIME : 2-SEP-2002 14:30:00. DETECTOR  : DET I LIBRARY  : FSS9DIRT PEAK ENERGY DECAY CORR ISOTOPE ENERGY DIFF (KEV) pCi/GM COMMENTS K-40 1460.80 0.00 9.442E+00 QA Results OK TL-206 563.14 0.10 2.313E-01 QA Results OK P3-212 238.63 -0.05 5.472E-01 QA Results OK BI-214 609.31 0.12 3.494E-01 QA Results OK PB-214 351.92 0.03 4.847E-01 QA Results OK RA-226 166.21 -0.45 1.287E+00 QA ResultE OK AC-228 911.07 0.23 6.731E-01 QA Results OK AVG ENERGY DIFF - 0.00 1.301E+01 = TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 74.97 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.26 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWUM GAMMA/SEC /GM I ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 510.75 35. 1.59 3.932E+00 2.587E-03 30.8 --- 0. OOOE+0O Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 1 k Unidentified/Rejected Peaks - 5.88 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analy La library)

Performed by.


        • End Of ( 2 Pages ) ****

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 9531-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2b Sample and Scan Area Data (5 Pages)

Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9531-0000 Background Action Level Results Above Lon Date Loa Time E600 SIN Probe SIN Sample Name (cDm) icoin) AL 9531-00-SL-00-01-0 5360 6405 5640 08/20/2002 1:51 PM 1109 1004 9531 SL-00-02-0 8030 9309 8450 08/1912002 3:44 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SL-00-03-0 6680 7846 7580 08/2012002 2:17 PM 1109 1004 9531-00-SL-00-04-0 7710 8963 7460 08/22/2002 3:00 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SL-00-05-0 7420 8649 8150 08/19/2002 3:27 PM 1105 1003 9531 SL-00-06-0 8380 9686 6440 08/19/2002 3:36 PM 1105 1003 9531 SL-00-07-0 6200 7324 6640 08/2/2002 2:39 PM 1105 1003 9531 SL-00-08-0 7200 8411 6820 08/19/2002 3:30 PM 1105 1003 9531 SL-00-09-0 8010 9287 7890 08/2112002 1:42 PM 1105 1003 9531 SL-00-1 0-0 7830 9093 8360 08/2112002 2:24 PM 1105 1003 9531 SL-00-1 1-0 6620 7781 5960 08/2012002 2:22 PM 1109 1004 9531 SL-00-1 2-0 6430 7574 6660 08/2212002 2:41 PM 1105 1003 9531 SL-00-1 3-0 6850 8031 7540 08/2012002 2:52 PM 1109 1004 9531 SL-00-1 4-0 7510 8747 7440 08/20/2002 1:47 PM 1109 1004 9531 SL-00-1 5-0 7370 8595 7150 OO/202002 2:47 PM 1109 1004 9531 SL-00-16-0 6350 7487 6670 08/21/2002 2:17 PM 1105 1003 9531 SL-00-1 7-0 6100 7215 6640 0821/2002 2:05 PM 1105 1003 9531 SL-00-1 8-0 6650 7814 6520 08/2112002 2:12 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SL-00-19-0 7830 9093 7670 08/22/2002 10:03 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SL-00-20-0 6530 7683 6370 08/22/2002 2:06 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SL-00-21-0 7610 8855 6610 08/26/2002 2:17 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SL-00-22-0 8330 9633 8560 08/22/2002 3:10 PM 1105 1003 9531 SL-00-23-0 6870 8053 7450 08/2612002 1:42 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SL-00-24-0 6760 7933 6230 08/2612002 1:39 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SL-00-25-0 7730 8985 6870 08/22/2002 9:44AM 1105 1003 9531 SL-00-26-0 7100 8303 8530 08/22/2002 9:50AM 1105 1003 9531 SL-00-27-0 7510 8747 7080 08/22/2002 9:57 AM 1105 1003 AL - Action Level

Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9531-0000 9531-0000 SCAN AREA 1 Background Action Level Results Above Loa Date Loa Time E600 SIN Probe S/N Sample Name LcOmrn (com) (com) AL 9531-00-SC-01-01-0 6860 8042 7850 08/27/2002 1:59 PM 1108 1005 9531-00-SC-01-02-0 6580 7738 7300 08/27/2002 1:58PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-01-03-0 6860 8042 7150 08/27/2002 2:02 PM 1108 1005 9531-00-SC-01-04-0 6480 7629 6290 08/28/2002 2:35 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-01-05-0 6860 8042 7220 08/27/2002 2:06 PM 1108 1005 9531-00-SC-01-06-0 6580 7738 6860 08/27/2002 2:05 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-01-07-0 6860 8042 7500 08/27/2002 2:09 PM 1108 1005 9531-00-ER-01-08-1 6580 7738 8160

  • 08/27/2002 2:09 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-ER-01-08-2 6580 7738 7740 + 08/27/2002 2:13 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-01-09-0 6860 8042 6730 08/27/2002 2:16 PM 1108 1005 9531-00-SC-01-10-0 6580 7738 6060 08/27/2002 2:16 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-01-11-0 6860 8042 6610 08/27/2002 2:39 PM 1108 1005 9531-00-SC-01-12-0 6580 7738 7100 08/27/2002 2:39 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-01-13-0 6860 8042 6430 08/27/2002 2:46 PM 1108 1005 9531-00-SC-01-14-0 6580 7738 6940 08/27/2002 2:42 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-01-15-0 6860 8042 6210 08/27/2002 2:48 PM 1108 1005 9531-00-SC-01-16-0 6580 7738 7350 08/27/2002 2:46 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-01-17-0 6860 8042 6760 08/27/2002 2:52 PM 1108 1005 9531-00-SC-01-18-0 6580 7738 6900 08/27/2002 2:49 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-01-19-0 6580 7738 6950 08/27/2002 3:00 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-01-20-0 6580 7738 7160 08/27/2002 3:03 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-01-21-0 6580 7738 6980 08/27/2002 3:06 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-01-22-0 6580 7738 6520 08/27/2002 3:08 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-01-23-0 6580 7738 7430 08/27/2002 3:10 PM 1105 1003 AL - Above Action Level

Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9531-0000 9531-0000 SCAN AREA 2 Sample Name Background Action Level Results Above Loa Date Loa Time E600 SIN Probe SIN (con) (cpm) (com) AL 9531-00-SC-02-01-0 7890 9158 7120 08/2712002 9:45 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-02-02-0 7890 9158 7820 08/27/2002 9:50 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-02-03-0 7890 9158 6820 08/27/2002 9:54 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-02-04-0 7890 9158 7250 08/27/2002 9:58 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-02-05-0 7890 9158 6820 08/27/2002 10:02 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-02-06-0 6850 8031 6940 08/27/2002 10:20 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-02-07-0 7290 8509 6650 08/27/2002 10:25 AM 1108 1005 9531-00-SC-02-08-0 6850 8031 7340 08/27/2002 10:25 AM 1105 1003 9531 SC-02-09-0 6850 8031 6380 08/27/2002 10:29 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-02-11-0 6850 8031 6980 08/27/2002 10:33 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-02-12-0 7420 8649 6800 08/27/2002 10:44 AM 1105 1003 9531 SC-02-13-0 7050 8248 7200 08/27/2002 10:46 AM 1108 1005 9531-00-SC-02-14-0 7420 8649 7150 08/27/2002 10:48 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-02-15-0 7050 8248 6540 08/27/2002 10:51 AM 1108 1005 9531-00-SC-02-16-0 7420 8649 7740 08/27/2002 10:56 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-02-17-0 7050 8248 6150 08/27/2002 10:58AM 1108 1005 9531-00-SC-02-18-0 7420 8649 7580 08/27/2002 10:58 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-02-19-0 7050 8248 6410 08/27/2002 11:00 AM 1108 1005 AL - Action Level

Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9531-0000 9531-0000 SCAN AREA 3 Background Action Level Results Above Loa Date Loa Time E600 SIN Probe SIN Sample Name (com) 8c3m7 (corn) AL 9531-00-SC-03-01-0 7170 8378 7780 08/28/2002 9:35 AM 1105 1003 9531 SC-03-02-0 7170 8378 7550 08/28/2002 9:37 AM 1107 1006 9531-00-SC-03-03-0 7170 8378 7050 08/28/2002 9:53AM 1105 1003 9531-00-ER-03-03-1 7170 8378 8420 + 08/28/2002 9:50 AM 1107 1006 9531-00-ER-03-03-2 7170 8378 8530 + 08/28/2002 9:45 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-03-04-0 7170 8378 7520 08/28/2002 9:54AM 1107 1006 9531-00-ER-03-04-1 7170 8378 8600

  • 08/28/2002 9:44 AM 1107 1006 9531 ER-03-04-2 7170 8378 8650 + 08/28/2002 9:51 AM 1105 1003 9531 SC-03-05-0 7170 8378 6570 08/28/2002 10:05 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-ER-03-05-1 7170 8378 8490 + 08/28/2002 9:57AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-03-06-0 7170 8378 7870 08/28/2002 10:08 AM 1107 1006 9531-00-ER-03-06-1 7170 8378 8970 + 08/28/2002 10:04AM 1107 1006 9531-00-SC-03-07-0 7170 8378 7080 08/28/2002 10:11 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-03-08-0 7170 8378 7520 08/28/2002 10:13AM 1107 1006 9531-00-SC-03-09-0 7170 8378 6990 08/28/2002 10:27 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-03-10-0 7170 8378 6790 08/28/2002 10:29 AM 1107 1006 9531-00-SC-03-1 1-0 7170 8378 6410 08/28/2002 10:31 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-03-12-0 7170 8378 6730 08/28/2002 10:36 AM 1107 1006 9531-00-SC-03-13-0 7170 8378 7170 08/28/2002 10:36 AM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-03-14-0 7170 8378 7170 08/28/2002 10:42 AM 1107 1006 9531-00-SC-03-15-0 7170 8378 7470 08/28/2002 1:44 PM 1107 1006 9531-00-SC-03-16-0 7170 8378 7530 08/28/2002 1:44 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-03-17-0 7170 8378 6830 08/28/2002 1:49 PM 1107 1006 9531-00-SC-03-18-0 7170 8378 6960 08/28/2002 1:49 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-03-19-0 7170 8378 7120 08/28/2002 1:55 PM 1107 1006 9531 SC-03-20-0 7170 8378 7740 08/28/2002 1:54 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-03-21-0 7170 8378 8190 08/28/2002 2:07 PM 1107 1006 9531-00-SC-03-22-0 7170 8378 7550 08/2812002 2:07 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-03-23-0 7170 8378 6540 08/28/2002 2:13 PM 1107 1006 9531 SC-03-24-0 7170 8378 6930 08/28/2002 2:13 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-03-25-0 7170 8378 6390 08/28/2002 2:18 PM 1107 1006 9531-00-SC-03-26-0 7170 8378 6990 08/28/2002 2:16 PM 1105 1003 AL -Action Level

Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9531-0000 9531-0000 SCAN AREA 3 Sample Name Background Action Level Results Above Lon Date Lon Time E600 SIN Probe SIN (cqm) (com) AL 9531 -OO-SC-03-27-0 7170 8378 7090 08/28/2002 2:26 PM 1107 1006 9531 SC-03-28-0 7170 8378 6940 08/28/2002 2:26 PM 1105 1003 9531-00-SC-03-29-0 7170 8378 6330 08/28/2002 2:31 PM 1107 1006 AL - Action Level

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 953 1-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2c Split Sample Assessment Forms (2 Pages)

Health Phlysics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-;GOR-R5124-00-Rev.CY-000 Attachet A Health Physics Procedure 24265-O00-GPPGR-R5124-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment A Split Sample Assessment Form Survey Area#: 9531 lSurvey Unit #: 0000 Survey Unit name: Southern End of Peninsula Sample Plan or WPIR#: 24265-000-GEN-0000-00107-000 I SML#: 9531-0000-002 Sample


Comparison of split samples collected from sample measurement location #2 and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by the off-site Vendor Laboratory. The standard sample was 9531-00004-02F, the comparison sample was 9531-0000-002FS.

STANDARD COMPARISON Radionuclide Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable Value Error Range Value Error Ratio (Y/N)

Cs-137 1.06E-1 2.70E-2 4 0.5 -2.0 1.30E-1 3.40E-2 1.2 Y Comments/Corrective Actions: N/A Table is provided to show acceptance criteria used to assess split samples.

RBoyto ran~n age 4 -7 0.5 -2.0 8 -15 0.6 -1.66 16 -50 0.75 -1.33 51 -200 0.80 - 1.25

>200 0.85-1.18 Perm dB: Date R B at()

d) Core- As}

Page 1 of I

- - Health Physics Procedure - - -24265-000-GPP-4GGR-R5 1-24X000Rev.CY-0O-&Attachment A--- ---- - -----

Split Sample Assessment Form Survey Area#: 9531 l Survey Unit #: 0000 Survey Unit name: Southern End of Peninsula

--- 24265-000-GEN-0000-00107-000 -- -------- --

-- - Plan -or WPIR#:

-Sample ISML#: 9531-0000-008 Sample


Comparison of split samples collected from sample measurement location #8 and snalyzed using gamma spectroscopy by the off-site Vendor Laboratory. The standard sample was 9531-0000-008F, the comparison sample was 9531-0000-008FS.

STANDARD COMPARISON Radionuclide Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable Value Error Range Value Error Ratio (Y/N)

Cs-137 2.22E-1 3.1OE-2 7 0.5 -2.0 I.26E-1 3.OE-2 1.2 Y CoMMents/Corrective Actions: N/A Table is provided to show acceptance criteria

. used to assess split samples.

Resolution AeM~ent Rmgc 4 -7 0.5 - 2.0 8-15 0.6-1.66 16 -50 0.75 - 1.33 51-200 0.80 -1.25

>200 0.85 -1.18 Perfiormed By: D te ReiwdB:/ / Date-6--

Page 1 of 1

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 9531-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2d Preliminary Data Forms (3 Pages)

PRELIMNARY DATA REVIEW FORM WP&IRN No.: 24; 265-O00-O0"000-00107-000 Survey Unit: 95131-0000

, Survey Unit Name: Sol thern End of the Peninsula Classification: 3 Survey Media: Soi lTpe of Survey : Fina! Status Survey Type of Measurement: Ra dionuclide Specific NumberofMeaswMuments: 15 BASIC STATISTICAL QUANITIES Cs-137 Co-60 Si-90 Ni-63 To-99 Pu-241 erational DCGL (pCi/g): 3.16E+00 1.52E+00 6.20E-01 2.89E02 5.04E+00 3A8E+02 Minimum Value: 2.75E-02 -3.19E-02 5.86P,02 1.06E+01 1.37E-01 9.71B+00 Maximum Value: 8.45E-01 1.12EB01 1.69E-01 1.51E+01 3.15E-01 1.09E+01 Mean: 3.30E-01 7.63E-03 1.14E-01 1.29E+01 2.26E-01 1.03EFO1 Median: 3.54E-01 2.22E-03 1.14E-01 1.29E+01 2.26E-01 1.03E+01 Standard Deviation: 2.43E-01 3.20B-02 7.811-02 3.18E+00 1.26E 01 8.41E-01 Reported Results Cs-137 Co60 Sr-90 Ni-63 To-99 Pu-241 Concentration Concentration Concentation Concentraton Concentration Concentration Fruotion of Sample Identification (pCi/g) (PCi/g) (pCi/g) (Ci/g) (pCi/g) Target Level 9531-0000-OOlF 5.42E-01 -7.24E-03 0.167 9531-0000-002F 1.06E-01 1.IOE-02 0.041 9531-0000-003F 3.38SE-02 -1.51E-03 0.010 9531-0000-004F 8.45-01 1.12E-01 0.341 9531-0000-OOSF L.OIE-01 222E-03 0.033 9531-0000"006F 3.54E-01 2.16E-02 0.126 9531-0000-007F 3.80E-01 9.16E&03 0.126 te Y,'- eO 3 /-OZ Submitted by/Date, 1 of 2

PREL1MNhiARY DATA REVIEW FORM Reported Results Cs-137 Co-GO Sr-90 Ni-63 Tc-99 Pu-241 Concentration Concentlation Concentration Concenhation Conceaon Concentraon Fraction of Sanple Identification (pCU) (PC1g) (pCi/g) (pCUg (PCVB) Target Level 953 1-0000-008F 2.22E-01 -1.25E-02 0.062 9531-0000-009F 6.14E-01 1.05E-02 0.201 9531-000-OIOOF 3.86E-01 -1.54E-02 0.112 9531-0000-OlF 2.21E-01 -3.19E-02 0.049 9531-0000-012F 4.77E-01 -2.73E-03 0.149 9531-0000-013F 5.50E-01 1.56B-02 1.69E-01 1.06E+01 3.15E-01 1.09E+01 0.403 9531-0000-014F 2.75E-02 -7.30E-03 0.000 9531-0000-015F 9.24E-02 1.09E-02 5.86E-02 1.51E+01 137E-01 9.71E+00 0.202 Raportcd eults fbr the listed radionuclides did not always meat the accepted level of detection O.e, a result greater than two standard deviations uncertainty)

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WP&IRNo.: 2' 4265-000-GEN40000-00107-000 Survey Unit: 9'531-0000 Survey Unit Name: SiDuthern End of Peninsula Classification: 3 Survey Media: SiDil Type of Survey: F inal Status Survey - Confirmatory Type of Measurement: Radionuclide Specific Number of Measurements: Ii65

- - BASIC STATISTICAL QUANTITIES Cs-137 Co-60 Operational DCGL (pCi/g): 3.16E+00 1.52E+00 Minimum Value: -6.72E-03 -1.51E-02 Maximum Value: 3.99E-01 2.86E-02 Mean: 1.33E-01 1.02E-02 Median: 1.50E-01 8.81E-03 Standard Deviation: 1.16E-01 1.14E-02 Reported Results Cs-137 Co-60 Concentration Concentration Fraction of Sample Identification (pci/) (pCi/g) Target Level 9531-0000-028FM 3.99E-01 -2.15E-04 0.126 9531-0000-028FMD 7.72E-03 1.20E-02 0.010 9531-0000-029FM 2.23E-41 1.72E-02 0.082 9531 0000-029FMD 1.27E-01 9.35E-03 0.046 9531-00004-3OFM 2.06E-01 -1.SlE-02 0.055 9531-0000-03OFMD -6.72E-03 1.97E-02 0.011

-9531-000031FM 2.27E --6.54E4-03 - 0.076 9531-0000-031IFMD 2.14E-01 2.86E-02 0.086 9531-0000-032FM 4.69E-02 4.93E-03 0.018 9531-0000-032FMD 1.89E-03 8.27E-03 0.006 9531-M00033FM 1.87E-01 1A3E-04 0.059 9531-0000-033FMD 2.36E-02 2.45E-02 0.024 9531-00004-034FM 1.74E-01 6.09E-04 0.056 9531-0000-034FMD 8.55E-02 1.85E-02 0.039 9531-0000-035FM 2.08E-01 2.30E-02 0.081 9531-000-035FMD 2.48E-03 4.72E-03 0.004 Reported results for the listed radionuclides did not always meet the accepted level of detection (i.e., a result greater than two standard deviations uncertainty)

A, e, 1W¶ W 9 -

Submitted by/Date 1 aII of I

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 9531-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2e dical Repesentation ofData (2 Pages)

-- -- -kiealtl FYUisrcdue-- ----- -- (iRK U-ezCYU (JIW1-At let--- -- - - -

FREQUENCY PLO3T FOR CESIUM-137 Survey Unit: 95314-0000 Survey Unit Name: Southern End of Peninsula Mean: 3.30E3-01 pCi/g Frequency Plot For Cesium-137 5

4 t!3 I

0 0.028 0.148 0.269 0.390 0.510 0.631 0.752 0.873 Upper End Value (pC119)

UppEr M Observation Otusrvation Value Frequency Frequency 0.02K 1 7%

0.148 4 27%

0.269 2 13%

0.390 3 20%

0.510 1 7%

0.631 3 20%

0.752 0 0%

0.873 1 7%

Total: Is lo0s 6

Submitted By/Data Reviewed By/Date Page I of I

- - - neaim-rmnics -rroceaur- --- -- - --- *-- -.- ---- - ---

QUANTELE PLOT FOR CESIUM-137 SurveyUnit: 9531-0000 Survey Unit Name: Southern End of Peninsula Mean: 3.30E-01 pCi/g Quantile Plot For Ceslum-1 37 9.OOE-01 BIMI 8.OOE-01 6.00E-01 i Z 1l iD 5.OOE-01 64.OOE-01 c 3.00E-01 2.OOE-01

.OOE-01 0 0.OOE+00 tz' 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percentage Cs-137 Rank Percetagp 2.75E-02 1 3%

3.38E1-02 2 10%

9.24E-02 3 17%

I.OIE-01 4 23%

1.06E401 5 30%

2.21I-01 6 37%

2.22E41 7 43%

3.4E-01 U 50%

3.SOE-01 9 57%

3.S6E41 10 63%

4.77EBO1 11 70%

5.42E41 12 77%

5.50E41 13 33%

6.14E-01 14 90%

S.4E-I 15 97%

JkcAW1Z4 9ti 5theo 7 * -F - -

-i Submd BByaptd

- Od Reviewed By/Date Page 1 of 1

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 9531-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2f Sign Test Calctation (1 Page)

Connecticut Yankee Decommissioning Project GPP-GGGR-R5121-001 AttachmentB Health Physics Procedure Rev. CY-001 MAJOR Sip Test Calculation Sheet'For Multiple adilonuclides Srve AraNumber 9531 Survey Unit Number. 0000 WPIR# 24265-000-GEN-0000-00107-

_ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _000 Sdirvey Area Name: South End of Peninsla Classification: 3 TYPE I (a error): 0.05 lN 15 I Radionuclides: Cs-137 Co-60 Sr-90 Ni63 Tc-99 Pu-241 DCGL: 3.16E+00 1.52E+00 6.20B-01 2.89B+02 5.04B+00 3.48E+02 Results 1g Results 2' RasulI3ults 4# Results S Results 61_

IRaiouclid Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionudclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Weighted 1- W. Sign (Pci/g) (pCVg) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) Wild WU) -Sum (W.)

5.42E-01 -7.24B-03: 0.167 0.833 +

1.06E-01 1.10E02 . 0.041 0.959 +

338E-02 -1.5B-03 _ 0.010 0.990 +

1.12E-01 0341 0.659 +

1 8.45E-01 _

!_I.oE__ 2.22B-03 : - ._. . 0.033 0.967 +

3.54E-01 2.16B-02 __

0.126 0.874 +

3.80.B-01 9.16E-03 _

0.126 0.874 +

2.22E01 -1.25E-02 _ 0.062 0.938 4

! 6.14E-01 1.0502 - 0.201 0.799 +

i 3.86E-01 -1.54E-02 0.112 0.888 +

_ 0.049 0.951 +

2.21E-01 -3.19E-02 _

0.149 0.851 +

4.77E-01 -2.73E-03. _

1.56B-02 1.69E-01 _ 06E+01 3.15E-01 1.09E+01 0.403 0.597 +


- 2.75E-02 -7.30-03 _ 0.000 1.000 +

i 9.24B-02 1.09E-02 5.86E-02 1.51E+01 1.37E-01 9.71B+00 0202 0.798 +

Number of posiidve differences (S+): 15 Critical Value: II Survey UnitMX Acceptance Criterion


e Pe al X.,41

, 29,/, -/S P-erformed by: Al' Date: 3a/d/-I Page 1 of 1

SOUTHERN END OF PENINSULA SURVEY UNIT 953 1-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2g COMASS DQ Srce Soil Reprt ith Retrospctiv Pow Cru (4wages)

DQA Surface Soil Report Assessment Summary Site: 9531-0001 FSS (retrospective)

Planner(s): McCarthy 6n '3/it/oj e.1 Survey Unit Name: Southern End of Peninsula Report Number:

Survey Unit Samples: 15 Reference Area Samples: 0 Test Performed: Sign Test Result: Not Performed Judgmental Samples: O EMC Result: Not Performed Assessment


ReJect Null Hypothests (Survey UnHt PASSES)

Retrospective Power Curve

p. i I -I I 0.8 -  : I- I T a a^

e I.

-t 0.7:

tOE - I-U-I-----..---4 I-4 3 0.4 - ,I - I-___

II II I  % .__I 1 0.4 P.. 03.

r- 02 i - _ _ _ __ _ _ _

t 0.1 0.


0.0 02 0.4 0s 0. 1.0 1.2 Unity Rule Sm-stRtaioshcuimfinlgackgxwuld

-- Prospective Power

  • 1-beta -* ActualtPower

- LBG - - Estmated Power

- DC6L --- Rectspeie Power COMPASS v1.0.0 21612006 Pag

DQA Surface Soil Report Survey Unit Data NOTE Type aS hdicates surWy uit sample.

Type - 'R Indicates reference ea sample.

Sample Number co-s6 (pCvg) Cs-S7 (pCVg) NI-43 (pCVg) 0531-M0000001F Typ -0.01 0.54 0 S

S531000-002F 0.01 0.11 0 S

9531-0000-003F 0 0.03 0 S

953100 00W4F 0.11 O4 0 S

9531i0000405F 0 0.1 0 95314000-006F $

S 0.02 0.35 0 9531-O000-007F S

0.01 0.38 0 9531-0000-008F -0.01 0.22 0 S

95314XOW0009F 0.01 0.61 0 953t 0000C010F S S -0.02 0.39 0 9531-0000-01IF -0.03 0.22 0 S

9531-0000-012F 0 0.48 0 S

531-0000-013F 0.02 0.55 10.6 S

9531-0000-014F -0.01 0.03 0 S

9531-000-015F 0.01 0.09 15.1 Sample Number Type Pu-241 (pCvg) SrY-90 (pC1g1 Tc49 (pCVg) 9531-0000-001F S 0 0 0 9531-0000-002F S 0 0 0 9531-0000.003F S 0 0 a 9531-0000-004F S 0 a 0 9531-0000.005F S 0 0 0 9531-000-006F S 0 0 0 9531-0000-007F S 0 0 0 9531-O.-00008F S 0 0 0 9531-0000-009F S 0 0 0 9531-000-OIOF S 0 0 0 9531-0000-OttF S 0 0 0 9531-0000>012F S....

. S. .. ... 0 .. - - ... . ..

9531-0000-013F S 10.9 0.17 0.32 s531-00004141: S 0 0 0 9531-0000-015F S 9.71 0.06 0.14 COMPASS V.0.0e t62=006 Page 2

W- DQA Surface Soil Report Modified Data (Unity Rule SOR)

NOTE: Type - S hdcales survey unt sample.

Type m ndicates reference area sample.

IR Sample Number Type Sum-of4RaUos (SOR)

I53143000-001F S 0.17 9531-0000-002F S 0.04 9531-0000-O03F S 0.01 9531D00C--004F S 0.34 9531-0000-005F S 0.03 9531-0000-006F S 0.13 9531-0000-007F S 0.13 95310000-008F S 0.06 g531-0000-0O9F S 0.2 g531.0000-010F 8 0.11 gS3I-000-o011F S 0.05 9531-00004012F S 0.15 9531-0000-013F S 0.59 9531-0000-014F S 0 9531WXXX01 5F S 0.24 COMPASS v22P.0 2AM06 Page 3

-%J DQA Surface Soil Report Basic Statistical Quantities Summary Statistic Survey Unit Background DQO Results Sample Number 15 NWA N=15 Mean (SOR) 0.15 N/A 0.35 Median (SOR) 0.13 N/A N/A Std Dev(SOR) 0.15 NIA 0.13 High Value (SOR) 0.59 NWA NIA Low Value (SOR) 0.00 N/A NIA 2/8/2005 Page 4 COMPASS vl.O.0 COMPASS vtl.0.0 2W2008 Page 4