ML061000236 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Palisades ![]() |
Issue date: | 02/07/2006 |
From: | Harden P Nuclear Management Co |
To: | Walton K NRC/RGN-III |
Shared Package | |
ML060760460 | List: |
References | |
50-255/06-301, NUREG-I021 | |
Download: ML061000236 (14) | |
Palisades Nuclear Plant Operated by Nuclear Management Company, LLC November 22, 2005 NUREG-I021 Mr. Keith Walton Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 111 2443 Warrenville Road Suite 210 Lisle, IL 60532-4352 Palisades Nuclear Plant Initial License Retake Examination Outline Nuclear Management Company, LLC, is submitting the initial license retake examination outline, for the Palisades Nuclear Plant, in accordance with NUREG-I021,
"Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors," Revision 9. The initial license retake examination is scheduled for February 6, 2006, through February 10, 2006. The following materials are enclosed:
One Form ES-201-2, Examination Outline Quality Checklist One Form ES-401-2 (5 pages), PWR Examination Outline One Form ES-401-3, Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)
One Form ES-401-4 (2 pages), Record of Rejected WAS Site-specific explanation of K/A sampling process Pursuant to NUREG-I 021, these materials shall be withheld from public disclosure until after the examination is complete.
27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway Covert. Michigan 49043-9530 Telephone: 269.764.2000 NOV 2 8 2005
Mr. Keith Walton Page 2 Please contact Ross Snuggerud at (269) 764-2129 if you have any questions regarding this submittal.
Site Vice President, Palisades Nuclear Plant Nuclear Management Company, LLC
ES-201 Examination Outline Quality Checklist F
ES-201-2 L110101 Date of Examination:
/b -*
- 1.
w A
E h,
I tern
- a.
- b. Assess whether the outline was systematically and randomly prepared in accordance with Section D.l of ES-401 and whether all WA categories are appropriately sampled.
Verify that the outline@) 6t(s) the appropriate model, in accordance with ES-401 M wp pJ pps j(&@L Pq./y\\ d
- c.
- d. Assess whether the justifications for deselected or rejected KIA statements are appropriate.
Assess whether the outline Overemphasizes any systems, evolutions, or generic topic?..
& & Klh Task Description Initials h
-5. verify that the proposed scenario sets cover the required number,
, instrument and component failures, technical specifications, (4
the number of new or modfed tasks meets M exceeds ule minimums speafled on the form
- a. Author
- b. Facility Reviewer r)
- c. NRC Chief Examiner (#)
- d. NRC Supervisor
- Independent NRC reviewer initial items in Column "c"; chief examiner wncurrence required.
ES-401, Rev. 9 PWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-2 RO WA Categoly Points K
1 2
3 4
5 6
1 2
3 4
T o
t a
l Tier Group
- 1.
1 4
1 4
3 3
Emergency 8 N/A N/A Abnormal 2
2 2
1 1
1 2
9 Plant Tier Totals 6
3 5
4 4
5 27 Evolutions SRO-Only Points G'
Total A2 lam
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
- 8.
on Form ES-401-3. Limit SRO selections to WAS that are linked to 10 CFR 55.43.
Ensure that at least two topics from every applicable WA category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outlines (i.e.. except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the 'Tier Totals" in each WA category shall not be less than two).
The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +I from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.
Systemslevolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to ES-401. Attachment 2. for guidance regarding the elimination of inappropriate WA statements.
Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.
Absent a plant-specific priority, only those WAS having an importance rating (IR) of 2.5 or higher shall be selected. Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.
Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and KIA categories.
'The generic (G) WAS in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the WA Catalog, but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system.
On the following pages, enter the WA numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics' importance ratings (IRs) for the applicable license level, and the point totals (#) for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above; if fuel handling equipment is sampled in other than Category A2 or G' on the SRO-only exam, enter it on the left side of Column A2 for Tier 2. Group 2 (Note # 1 does not apply). Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.
For Tier 3. select topics from Section 2 of the WA catalog, and enter the WA numbers, descriptions, iRs. and point totals (#)
P a l i s a d e s NRC 2006
ES-401, Rev. 9 2
EIAPE # I Name I Safety Function 000007 (BWlE028E10; CEIE02) Reactor Trip - Stabilization - Recovery i 1 000008 Pressurizer Vapor Space Accident 13 000009 Small Break LOCA i 3
00001 1 Large Break LOCA 1 3 000015117 RCP Malfunctions 14 000022 Loss of Rx Coolant Makeup I 2 000025 Loss of RHR System 14 000026 Loss of Component Cooling Water i 8 000027 Pressurizer Pressure Control System Malfunction 1 3 000029 ATWS I 1 000038 Steam Gen. Tube RuDture 1 3 000040 (BWIEOS: CEiEOS: WIEIZ)
Steam Line Rupture - Excessive Heat Transfer 14 000054 (CEIEOG) Loss of Main Feedwater i 4
000055 Station Blackout 16 000056 Loss of Off-site Power i 6 000057 Loss of Vital AC Inst. Bus 16 000058 Loss of DC Power I 6 000062 Loss of Nuclear Svc Water I 4 000065 Loss of Instrument Air 18 WIE04 LOCA Outside Containment 13 WiEl1 Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirc. 14 BWIE04: WIEOS Inadequate Heat Txfer -
Loss of Secondarv Heat Sink 14 WA Category Totals:
PWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-2 lency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions -Tier IlGroup 1 (RO i SRO) o annuncia ors and Features 1816 Palisades NRC 2 0 0 6
ES-401, Rev. 9 3
Form ES-401-2 Palisades NRC 2006
ES-401, Rev. 9 4
Form ES-401-2 ES-401 PWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-2 Plant Systems - Tier 2IGroup 1 (RO I SRO)
KIA Topic(s) 25 X Charg ng PLmp 8,s Power SLPP es 3 3 A Conlro Rao auon releases 27 K Effect of Loss of RHR heat exchangers 2.5 A Operatorlmonitor CCW pumps 3.1 K Accumulator level and pressure 2.8 A Monitor Accumulators 4.0 A Predicthitigate abnormal pressure 2.6 I A PredicVmonitor CCW control 2.7 1
K Bus power supplies for PZR spray 2.5 K Losslmalfunction of heaterispray 3.2 K Operational implications of Pwr Density 3.1 1
K ESFAS featurelinterlock to prevent 3,8 DTC K Effect of loss of containment Cooling I 2.9 I 1 K Connections between CSS & ECCS K Water supply to CSS including RAS K Loss of MRSS on RCS A Use procedures to reduce dose A Recover from automatic feedwater iso.
3.1 1
K Relationship between PRMs and AFW 2.6 A Monitor for leakage 2.5 A PredicWrecover from mis-operation 2.9 1
A Monitor battery discharge rate 2.5 1
4.2 4.2 3.6 2.9 I 3.2 I 1 K Loss fo fuel oil storage on EDIG K radiation intensity changes on PRM I 2.5 I 1 K Design featurs for start of SWS pumps 1 2.9 I 1 K Loss of IAS on plant equipment 3.4 1
Group Point Total:
2815 Palisades NRC 2006
ES-401, Rev. 9 5
Form ES-401-2 016 Non-nuclear instrumentation 035 Steam Generator ITurbine Bypass A Monitorloperate ADVlTBV WntrOlS 072 Area Radiation Monitoring Palisades NRC 2 0 0 6
ES-401, Rev. 9 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)
Form ES-401-3 Facility: Palisades Date of Exam:
2/06/06 - 2/10/06 Conduct Radiation Procedures /
Palisades NRC 2006
ES-401, Rev. 9 Record of Rejected K/As Form ES-401-4 7er I
- roup I I1 I1
- I1 I12 I12 I /2 I12
?I1 Randomly Selected WA 000009 A2.12 000022 K2 000065 K2 000037 K2 000051 K1 000059 G 2.2.25 000074 G 2.2.23 076 K4.01 Reason for Rejection This KIA refers to a charging pump ammeter. Palisades does not have ammeters for its charging pumps. Reselected A2.13 for charging pump flow indications.
There are no WAS in this category that have an importance of greater than 2.5. The only topic not randomly selected in Tier 11Group 1 is 000058 Loss of DC Power. This topic also has no items under K2 with importance of greater than 2.5. Reselected within 000022 under K1 (just moved one column to the left).
There are no WAS in this category that have an importance of greater than 2.5. The only topic not randomly selected in Tier IIGroup 1 is 000058 Loss of DC Power. This topic also has no items under K2 with importance of greater than 2.5. Reselected within 000065 under K3 (just moved one column to the right since I had already selected and extra K1 as described above).
There are no WAS in this category that have an importance of greater than 2.5. The next topic selected was 000076 High Reactor Coolant Activity. This topic only has one item with an importance of greater than 2.5. AK2.01 Process Radiation Monitors. Palisades has abandoned in place its failed fuel monitor. This same WA was selected during the development of the CERT exam scheduled for January of 2006. For the CERT exam I wrote a question relating the Off-gas process monitor to changes in reactor coolant activity, assuming a tube leak in the steam generators. Since Palisades doesn't have the piece of equipment this KIA is designed for and since it was already selected for the CERT exam I rejected this KIA.
Reselected CE/AI 1 RCS Overcooling-PTS AK2.01.
There are no WAS in this category that have an importance of greater than 2.5. Reselected CE/A16 Excess RCS Leakage AK1.03.
This generic WA is directed at the Tech. Spec. Basis. This is not required knowledge for RO candidates. The WA is not appropriate for the NCO portion of a written RO exam. Reselected 2.2.24 using same random number with one fewer possible outcomes.
This generic KIA was also selected in Tier 3. It is specific to tracking LCOs which is more a function of the SROs. The importance for a RO candidate is only 2.6. It is our feeling that selecting this item twice on one exam is over emphasizing this topic. Reselected 2.2.22 using same random number with one fewer Dossible outcomes.
This WA StateS"Know1edge of Sws design feature (s) and /or interlock(s) which provide for the conditions initiating automatic closure of closed cooling water auxiliary building header supply and return valves." TheCCW system at Palisades is the closed loop cooling system. There are header isolation valves that isolate the system from the spent fuel pool and the radwaste evaporators, however these valves only get a closure signal from Safety Injection Actuation. There is no feed to these valves or any other valves in the CCW system from the Service Palisades NRC 2006
Water Svstem. Reselect 076 K4.02 21 1 078 K3.03 This WAStateS"Know1edge of t h e e f f e c t t h a t a loss o r m a l f u n c t i o n of t h e IAS w i l l have on t h e C r o s s - t i e d u n i t s. 11 same random number with one fewer possible outcomes.
Palisades is a single Unit site. Reselect 078 K3.02 using 211 103 K2 There are no WAS in this category that have an importance of greater than 2.5. Reselected in the first topic in Tier2IGroup 1, 003 Reactor Coolant Pump, to only have been selected once. KIA 003 K2.02 2/1 025 K2 Palisades doesn't have Ice Condensers. Reselected in the next topic in Tier 2IGroup 1, 004 Chemical and Volume Control, to only have been selected once. KIA 004 K2.03 21 1 022 K6 There are no WAS in this category that have an importance of greater than 2.5. Reselected in the next topic in Tier2IGroup 1, 005 Residual Heat Removal, to only have been selected once. KIA 005 K6.03 Palisades doesn't have Ice Condensers. Reselected in the next topic in Tier 2IGroup 1, 006 Emergency Core Cooling, to only have been selected once. KIA 006 K5.02 There are no WAS in this category that have an importance of greater than 2.5. Reselected in the next topic in Tier2IGroup 1, 008 Component Cooling Water, to only have been selected once.
However the only WA in this topic is for the power supply of the CCW pumps (008 K2.02) This is the same as a previously selected KIA (003 K2.02). So I reselected in the next topic, 010 Pressurizer Pressure Control. KIA 010 K2.02 211 025 K5 211 059 K2 211 059 A4.10 This WA refers to the ICs (Integrated Control System) - a B&W system that doesn't apply to Palisades. Reselected 059 A4.11 using same random number with one fewer possible outcomes..
212 016 A I There are no WAS in this category that have an importance of greater than 2.5. Reselected in the next topic in Tier21Group 2, 045 Main Turbine Generator Removal, to only have been selected once. KIA 045 Al.05 212 028 K4 There are no WAS in this category that have an importance of greater than 2.5. Reselected in the next topic in Tier21Group 2, 068 Liquid Radwaste, to only have been selected once. KIA 068 K4.01 NOTE:
Topics 055 and 056 were skipped due to not having any items in K4 with importances of greater than 2.5 212 033 K2 There are no WAS in this catagory that have an importance of greater than 2.5. Reselected in the next topic in Tier2IGroup 2, 075 Circulating Water, to only have been selected once. KIA 075 K2.03 NOTE: Topics 055,056,071, and 072 were skipped due to not having anv items in K2 with imDortances of areater than 2.5
041 A4.01
This KIA refers to the ICs (Integrated Control System) - a B&W system that doesn't apply to Palisades. Reselected 041 A4.02 using same random number with one fewer oossible outcomes..
212 Palisades NRC 2006
Site Specific Explanation of K/A Sampling Process The WAs were sampled using the system described below and a list of random numbers generated using the website www.random.orq. For any given choice there is a set number of possible outcomes (somewhere between 2 and 50) depending on the decision being made. I generated a list of random numbers. Each number in the list was between 1 and 1000. If it were necessary to chose between 6 outcomes, I would multiply the next number on the list by 6, round up, and divide by 1000. Whatever values this resulted in would be my selection. A printout of the random numbers used to generate this outline is available on request.
WAS were selected following a diagonal slash from right to left. The starting point of the slash within each tier/group was randomly selected. Within each selected evolution/system the specific WA was also selected randomly. Once the original starting point was selected for within each tier/group marks were placed in the boxes for the questions on the diagonal that would be sampled as a result. This is important because it means that when a specific WA for an evolution/system was determined not to have any items with importance greater than 2.5 and a new evolution/system had to be selected, boxes that had dots in them were considered to have been selected already. The starting points for this exam were Tier/Group 1/1 000062 K3, TierlGroup 1/2 000037 K2, Tier/Group 2/1 039 G & 022 K6, Tier/Group 2/2 015 A2, and Tier 3 was section 2.4. Two starting points had to be selected in Tier/Group 2/1 because there are 22 systems and 11 K/A categories this results in overlap using the slash method.
In the event that the sampling process resulted in the selection of a K/A for which no items had an importance greater than a 2.5, the next topic down in the selection process, that had not been selected the maximum number of times was used. This means for Tier 1, Groups 1 and 2 and for Tier 2, Group 2 any topic already selected was not used. For Tier 2, Group 1 any topic already selected 2 times was not used.
When a selected K/A was rejected because it did not apply to Palisades the original random number was reused with the new set of possible outcomes to determine which K/A would be used, accept where described on ES-401-4 Record of Rejected K/As.
Finally, for the Generic WA outline (ES-401-4) I predetermined that the first section selected would get three questions sampled from it, as would the next proceeding section. The two remaining sections each had 2 questions selected from them.
Letter to File, I received and reviewed the Palisades written retake exam outline the week of December 5,2005 I did not have any comments on the outline.