MONTHYEARML21075A1582021-03-15015 March 2021 E-mail from T. Silko to J. Parrott, NMSS, Vermont Yankee on the State of Vermont Comments on the Review of the Draft Final SER and EA for 20.2002 Alternate Disposal Request ML21006A0242020-12-22022 December 2020 E-mail from J. Parrott to J. Tierney and N. Creed Vermont Yankee Request to NRC for Alternate Disposal of Wastewater ML20358A0702020-12-22022 December 2020 E-mail Acceptance Review for Request for Indirect License Transfer (License DPR-28, Docket No. 50-271) ML20175A2122020-06-23023 June 2020 Acceptance Review of Request for Alternate Disposal of Wastes Under 10 CFR 20.2002 (License DPR-28, Docket No. 50-271) ML19289A1292019-10-11011 October 2019 Email from Daniel Doyle to Mark Leyse Status of PRM-50-93 and PRM-50-95 ML19288A0292019-10-11011 October 2019 NRC Acceptance Review - Northstar Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 20, App G, Section Iii.E (License DPR-28, Docket No. 50-271) ML19198A2512019-06-20020 June 2019 Alternate Disposal Request - Rail Shipments (License DPR-28, Docket No. 50-271) ML19059A1782019-02-28028 February 2019 Acceptance Review Results for Relief Request No. EN-19-RR-1 to Use ASME Code Case N-831-1 for Entergy Fleet ML18289A3622018-10-11011 October 2018 Email from Daniel Doyle to Mark Leyse Status of PRM-50-93 and PRM-50-95 ML18127A5582018-04-25025 April 2018 Email to State of Vermont on Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station - Forthcoming Issuance of a License Amendment Regarding the Requirement for the VYNPS to Have a Cyber Security Plan ML18045A0862018-01-25025 January 2018 Email Request for Review of the Draft Safety Evaluation for Implementation of a Revised Emergency Plan at Vermont Yankee to Reflect an ISFSI-only Configuration ML17353A0092017-12-18018 December 2017 E-Mail from William Irwin, Vermont Department of Health to Y. Chen/Dsfm Response: Draft Environmental Assessment: Exemption Request for Vermont Yankee Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation ML17289A4222017-10-16016 October 2017 E-Mail from Y. J. Chen to W. Irwin Draft Environmental Assessment Exemption Request for Vermont Yankee Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation ML17257A0022017-09-14014 September 2017 Email to VY Shpo W Ltr Re VYNPS Exemption Load Campaign - Sept 2017 ML17229B4842017-08-16016 August 2017 Request for Supplemental Documentation to Support Review of the Physical Security Plan ML17219A0472017-08-0303 August 2017 8/03/2017, E-Mail from Y. J. Chen/Nmss to T. B. Silko/Vermont Yankee Regarding Need for Additional Information Entergy'S Exemption Request for Vermont Yankee ISFSI, Dated May 16, 2017 (ML17142A358) ML17144A0452017-05-23023 May 2017 5/23/2017, E-Mail to I. William/Vermont Dept. of Health from Y. Chen/Nrc Response: Draft Environment Assessment: Exemption Request for Vermont Yankee Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (W/Attachment Ltr to Address Comments on EA) ML17080A4752017-03-16016 March 2017 3/16/2017, E-Mail from I. William/Vermont Department of Health to Yen-Ju Chen/Dsfm/Sflb, Providing Comments on Draft Environmental Assessment for Entergy/Vermont Yankee'S Exemption from Requirement of 10 CFR 72.7 for CoC No. 72-1014, Amendm ML17055A6262017-02-24024 February 2017 Cover Email from VY Shpo W Concurrence on No Effects Determination ML17040A3372017-02-0909 February 2017 Email and Letter to Vermont Shpo ISFSI Exemption No Effects Determination ML17038A4682017-02-0707 February 2017 2/07/2017, E-mail from Yen-Ju Chen/NRC-DSFM to W. Irwin/Vermont Dept. of Health Draft Environment Assessment for Entergy/Vermont Yankee'S Exemption from Requirement of 10 CFR 72.7 for Certificate of Compliance No. 72-1014, Amendment 10 ML17012A2472017-01-11011 January 2017 E-mail - State of Vermont Comments Regarding Vermont Yankee'S 10 CFR 20.2002 Request ML16349A2492016-12-13013 December 2016 E-Mail to T. B. Silko/Entergy from Yen-Ju Chen/Dsfm Regarding Need for Supplemental Information for Entergy'S Exemption Request for Vermont Yankee ISFSI, Dated November 9, 2016 (ML16319A102) ML17013A2502016-12-12012 December 2016 Email Requesting Review of Draft EA and SER for Vermont Yankee Request to NRC for Alternate Disposal of Waste ML16231A0282016-08-11011 August 2016 Response to NRC Questions Related to Request for 20.2002 Disposal of Contaminated Water ML16231A2192016-07-28028 July 2016 Follow-up Questions Related to Entergy Request for 20.2002 Disposal of Contaminated Water ML16069A0952016-03-0303 March 2016 Request for 20.2002 Disposal, Request for Additional Information ML16053A5152016-02-17017 February 2016 Comment (037) of Emma Stamas on ANPR-26, 50, 52, 73, and 140 - Regulatory Improvements for Decommissioning Power Reactors ML15329A1802015-11-24024 November 2015 E-mail from J. Whited Draft RAIs Re Duke License Amendment Request to Adopt TSTF-523 (CAC Nos. MF6413 Through MF6422) ML15295A2132015-10-21021 October 2015 NRR E-mail Capture - VY RAI for Off-site Insurance Exemption (10 CFR 140.11) - MF3980 ML15289A6002015-09-24024 September 2015 La 3 - Vermont Yankee Draft Responses or Edits 9 24 15.docx ML15289A6012015-09-23023 September 2015 La 3 - Nrr_Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Decommissioning Status.Docx ML15288A3532015-09-21021 September 2015 La 3 - VY Dtf LAR - Status ML15257A6172015-09-14014 September 2015 La 3 - Testing the New Profile for Vermont Yankee La 3 - Public ML15195A3592015-07-14014 July 2015 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review for Vermont Yankee Amendment -Revise Cyber Security Plan Implementation ML15289A0022015-06-17017 June 2015 La 3 - Question from Ma ML15289A5982015-06-0909 June 2015 La 3 - FW: Docket No. 50-271 (Vermont Yankee); June 5 2015 Letter from Vermont, Vynpc, and Gmp to NRC Attached ML15289A0072015-06-0505 June 2015 La 3 - Information Regarding Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Trust Fund Exemption ML15289A2432015-06-0404 June 2015 La 3 - FW: Docket No. 50-271 (Vermont Yankee); June 4 2015 Vermont Letter to NRC Attached ML15289A0062015-06-0404 June 2015 La 3 - FW: Information Regarding Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Trust Fund Exemption ML15288A3592015-06-0101 June 2015 La 3 - Vermont Yankee LA3 - Availability for Oral Argument ML15288A3602015-06-0101 June 2015 La 3 - Vermont Yankee LA3 - Availability for Oral Argument ML15288A3622015-06-0101 June 2015 La 3 - Vermont Yankee LA3 - Availability for Oral Argument ML15288A4822015-05-22022 May 2015 La 3 - Vermont Reply to NRC & Entergy Answers Re VY LA-3 ML15289A0042015-05-19019 May 2015 La 3 - New Proposal Dates for Phone Call with VT ML15289A0052015-05-11011 May 2015 La 3 - ML Numbers for Disbursement Letters for Vermont Yankee ML15289A5992015-05-0808 May 2015 La 3 - Call with State of VT ML15289A0032015-05-0707 May 2015 La 3 - Other than for Comanche Peak, ML15289A1252015-05-0606 May 2015 La 3 - FRN Review - VY Dtf Exemption ML15128A0232015-04-27027 April 2015 NRR E-mail Capture - Petitioners Response to Request for Comments on the Proposed Director'S Decision on the 2.206 Petition Regarding Financial Qualifications of Entergy 2021-03-15
[Table view] Category:Request for Additional Information (RAI)
MONTHYEARML19224A4722019-08-26026 August 2019 VY Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Shutdown Reactors Enclosure ML18094B0922018-04-0505 April 2018 Enclosurequest for Additional Information (Letter to B. S. Ford RAI Regarding Entergy Operations, Inc.'S Decommissioning Funding Plan Update for ISFSI Docket Nos.: 72-43, 72-51, 72-1044, 72-07, 72-12, and 72-59) ML18045A8172018-04-0505 April 2018 Request for Additional Information on Vermont Yankee License Transfer Request (License DPR-28, Docket No. 50-271) ML17341A3842017-12-14014 December 2017 Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Change Physical Security Plan to Reflect an ISFSI-Only Configuration ML17313A4312017-11-0303 November 2017 NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding the Request for Direct and Indirect License Transfers from Entergy to Northstar ML17279B1452017-10-24024 October 2017 Request for Additional Information Regarding the License Amendment Request to Change the Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme to Reflect an ISFSI-Only Configuration ML17244A0982017-10-12012 October 2017 NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding the Request for Direct and Indirect License Transfers from Entergy to Northstar ML17229B4842017-08-16016 August 2017 Request for Supplemental Documentation to Support Review of the Physical Security Plan ML16090A0292016-04-0505 April 2016 Request for Additional Information Related to Proposed Changes to Quality Assurance Program Manual, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station ML16077A3452016-03-22022 March 2016 Request for Additional Information Related to 10 CFR 20.2002 Alternate Waste Disposal Request For Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station (CAC No. L53116) ML16069A0952016-03-0303 March 2016 Request for 20.2002 Disposal, Request for Additional Information CNRO-2015-00008, Responses to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding Change in Corporate Form of Entergy Nuclear Holding Company2015-02-18018 February 2015 Responses to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding Change in Corporate Form of Entergy Nuclear Holding Company ML14318A4002014-12-17017 December 2014 Vermont Yankee Nuclear and Big Rock Point - Request for Additional Information Regarding Change in Corporate Form of Entergy Nuclear Holding Company (Tac Nos. MF3218 - MF3221) ML14289A3942014-11-21021 November 2014 Redacted, Request for Additional Information, Review of Revision 14 to the Physical Security Plan, Safeguards Contingency Plan, and Training and Qualification Plan Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(p)(2) BVY 14-069, Request for Exemptions from Portions of 10 CFR 50.47 and 10 CFR 50, Appendix E - Supplement 22014-10-21021 October 2014 Request for Exemptions from Portions of 10 CFR 50.47 and 10 CFR 50, Appendix E - Supplement 2 ML14192A8352014-08-19019 August 2014 Request for Additional Information, Exemption from 10 CFR 50.47 and Appendix E to Allow Reduced Emergency Plan Requirements and Revise Radiological Emergency Response Plan Consistent with Permanently Defueled Reactor ML14231A0172014-08-13013 August 2014 Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 309, Defueled Technical Specifications and Revised License Conditions for Permanently Defueled Condition - Supplement 4 ML14163A5902014-07-0101 July 2014 Request for Additional Information, Round 2, Amendment Request to Revise Site Emergency Plan for Permanently Defueled Condition to Reflect Change in On-Shift Staffing and Emergency Response Staffing ML14115A0292014-05-0505 May 2014 Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request for Emergency Plan Change ML14024A0412014-01-29029 January 2014 Request for Additional Information Regarding Entergy Request for Rescission of and Scheduler Relief from Order EA-13-109 on Reliable Hardened Containment Vents ML13311B0772013-11-26026 November 2013 Interim Staff Evaluation and Request for Additional Information Regarding the Overall Integrated Plan for Implementation of Order EA-12-051, Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation ML13304B4182013-11-0101 November 2013 Request for Additional Information Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3, Seismic Walkdowns ML13218A0122013-08-0606 August 2013 E-mail from R.Guzman to P.Couture, Request for Additional Information - Relief Requests ISI-04 Dated March 27, 2013 - Bvy 13-018 ML13205A1762013-07-24024 July 2013 Supplemental Request for Additional Information - Relief Request ISI-03 ML13179A4622013-07-0505 July 2013 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Decommissioning Funding Status Report Request for Additional Information Regarding the Decommissioning Funding Status Report ML13186A1142013-07-0505 July 2013 Email from R. Guzman to P.Couture Request for Additional Information - Relief Request ISI-02, Application of Code Case N-716 ML13165A2792013-06-20020 June 2013 Request for Additional Information Overall Integrated Plan for Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation (NRC Order EA-12-051) ML13163A2582013-06-17017 June 2013 Request for Additional Information - Response to March 12, 2012, Commission Order EA-12-049 to Modify Licenses Requirements for Mitigating Strategies for Beyond Design Basis External Events ML13149A2652013-05-28028 May 2013 Email from R. Guzman to P. Couture - Request for Additional Information Relief Request ISI-05 (TAC No. MF1194) -Updated RAI-2 (Revision 2) ML13130A0562013-05-0909 May 2013 E-mail from R.Guzman to P.Couture Request for Additional Information - Relief Request RR-P02 Dated February 1, 2013 - Bvy 13-008 ML13130A0472013-05-0808 May 2013 Email from R.Guzman to P.Couture Request for Additional Information - Relief Requests ISI-01 and ISI-03 Dated March 27, 2013 - Bvy 13-018 (TAC Nos. MF1196/1198) ML13119A2462013-04-29029 April 2013 Request for Additional Information, E-mail from R. Guzman to P. Couture Relief Request ISI-05 ML13097A0032013-04-0808 April 2013 Request for Additional Information Change to 10 CFR 50.63 Licensing Basis - SBO EDG ML13087A3922013-04-0202 April 2013 Request for Additional Information to Support the Review of Relief Request RR-P-01 ML13081A7522013-03-22022 March 2013 Email from R.Guzman to P.Couture Request for Additional Information for License Amendment Request to Change 10 CFR 50.63 Licensing Basis ML13077A2062013-03-20020 March 2013 Request for Additional Information Regarding 10 CFR 50.33 Financial Qualification Review ML13067A0912013-03-0808 March 2013 Request for Additional Information Change to TS 3.3.B Inoperable Control Rods ML13050A4692013-02-21021 February 2013 Request for Additional Information Change to Licensing Basis for Station Blackout Diesel Generator ML13018A4592013-01-15015 January 2013 Request for Additional Information - E-mail from R.Guzman to P.Couture Relief Request ISI-PT-02 Alternative to the System Leakage Test for Rv Head Flange Leakoff Lines ML1228403332012-10-10010 October 2012 Request for Additional Information - E-mail from R. Guzman to P. Couture License Amendment Request to Revise License Condition 3.P and 3.Q ML12278A3862012-10-0404 October 2012 ANO 1 & 2, Big Rock, FitzPatrick, GGNS, Indian Point 1, 2, and 3, Palisades, Pilgrim, RBS, Vermont Yankee, and Waterford, Request for Additional Information, Round 2, Amendment Request to Revise QA Program Manual and Staff Qualification TSs ML13070A2032012-09-17017 September 2012 Email from R. Guzman to R. Wanczyk and P. Outure Draft Request for Additional Information - LAR to Revise License Renewal Commitments One Time Inspection Program ML13070A1742012-09-10010 September 2012 Email from R. Guzman to R. Wanczyk Draft Request for Additional Information - LAR to Revise License Renewal Commitments Selective Leaching Program ML12122A8072012-05-0707 May 2012 Request for Additional Information Regarding Physical Security, Safeguards Contingency and Training and Qualification Plan, Revision 11 ML1300902982012-04-10010 April 2012 E-mail from J. Kim to J. Devincentis Request for Additional Information - Rod Worth Minimizer Bypass Allowance Amendment ML1209604492012-04-0505 April 2012 ANO 1 & 2, Big Rock, FitzPatrick, GGNS, Indian Point 1, 2 & 3, Palisades, Pilgrim, RBS, Vermont Yankee, and Waterford - Request for Additional Information, Revise Quality Assurance Program Manual and Staff Qualification Technical Specificat ML12056A0482012-03-12012 March 2012 Enclosure 2 - Recommendation 2.1: Flooding ML12056A0502012-03-12012 March 2012 Enclosure 4 - Recommendation 2.3: Flooding ML12056A0512012-03-12012 March 2012 Enclosure 5 - Recommendation 9.3: Emergency Preparedness ML12056A0492012-03-12012 March 2012 Enclosure 3 - Recommendation 2.3: Seismic 2019-08-26
[Table view] |
I Rick Ennis - VY EPU RAI Page 1 X From: Rick Ennis To: Ronda Daflucas Date: 8110/05 11:13AM
VY EPU RAI Ronda, Attached are the first set of followup draft RAls based on your recent responses to our 7/27/05 RAls.
Please let me know when we can discuss.
thanks, Rick
I c:\temp\GW)00001.TMP Page Paqe iIi I I c:\temp\GWIOOOOI.TMP Mail Envelope Properties (42FA1991.A3E: 11: 372)
VY EPU RAI Creation Date: 8/10/05 11:13AM From: Rick Ennis Created By: RXE~nrc.gov Recipients Action Date & Time entergy.com rdafluc (Ronda Daflucas)
Post Office Delivered Route Pending entergy.com Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 697 08/10/05 11:13AM draftl raiO8 mc0761.wpd 54793 08/10/05 10:56AM Options Auto Delete: No Expiration Date: None Notify Recipients: Yes Priority: Standard Reply Requested: No Return Notification: None Concealed
No Security: Standard To Be Delivered: Immediate Status Tracking: Delivered & Opened
2003, January 31 (2 letters), March 4, May 19, July 2, July 27, July 30, August 12, August 25, September 14, September 15, September 23, September 30 (2 letters), October 5, October 7 (2 letters), December 8, and December 9, 2004, and February 24, March 10, March 24, March 31, April 5, April 22, June 2, August 1, and August 8, 2005, (References 1 through 32),
Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy or the licensee), submitted a proposed license amendment to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station (VYNPS). The proposed amendment,
'Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Extended Power Uprate" would allow an increase in the maximum authorized power level for VYNPS from 1593 megawatts thermal (MWT) to 1912 MWT.
The NRC staff is reviewing your Extended Power Uprate (EPU) amendment request and has determined that additional information is required to complete the review. The specific information requested is addressed below.
Electrical and Instrumentation and Controls Branch (EEIB)
Electrical Engineerinq Section (EEIB-A)
Reviewer: Amar Pal
- 6. As followup to the response to request for additional information (RAI) EEIB-A-4 in Supplement 30, Attachment 4, it appears that the direct current required to close the required breakers in order to provide an alternate alternating current (AAC) power source was not considered in the original coping analysis. Additionally, 6 amps are needed to close one breaker. However, two breakers are involved for the AAC power source. Furthermore, the spring-charging current after the breakers are closed will be much higher. Please explain why the spring-charging current is not considered in the battery capacity and voltage calculations. Are there any other loads not currently considered in the coping analysis calculation?
- 7. As followup to the response to RAI EEIB-A-2 in Supplement 30, Attachment 4, your response indicated that "should the SBO [station blackout] event occur during a winter snow storm that could delay VHS [Vernon Hydroelectric Station] startup, the conservatism in heat sink temperature (which assumes peak summer allowable temperature) would allow for additional coping time." It appears from this statement that the coping time could be more than two hours during a snow storm. Please provide Enclosure
information regarding the worst-case coping time under any conditions and demonstrate that the current coping analysis timeframe of two hours, and the associated conservatisms, is bounding.
In addition, the response stated "Based on their experience, which includes off hours events in which the VHS needed to be re-started, TransCanada indicated that they had restarted the unit within the required ISO-NE response timeframe." Please provide details regarding the ISO-NE response timeframe.
- 8. Supplement 25, Attachment 1, Table 1, provides the timeline for AAC source startup and alignment. Step 3 describes the activities associated with notifying and staffing the VHS personnel in preparation for blackstart. The time assumed for these activities is
- 90 minutes. The response to RAI EEIB-A-1 in Supplement 30, Attachment 4 discusses a tabletop review of the procedures of the actions required for an SBO event.
Provide additional information regarding how the tabletop review will verify this step can be accomplished in 90 minutes under worst-case conditions.
Reactor System Branch (SRXB)
Boiling Water Reactors and Nuclear Performance Section (SRXB-A)
Reviewer: Muhammad Razzaque
- 59. The response to RAI SRXB-A-8 in Supplement 30, Attachment 9, is not clear regarding whether single loop operation of shutdown cooling (SDC) is assumed as part of the VYNPS Appendix R analysis. If single loop operation is assumed, has an evaluation been performed at the proposed EPU conditions to demonstrate that VYNPS can achieve cold shutdown, within the required time, with only a single SDC loop during an Appendix R fire event?
- 60. Clarify the distinction between the terms "equilibrium core," in the response to RAI SRXB-A-10, 'representative cycle core" in Section 2.2 of the VYNPS Power Uprate Safety Analysis Report (PUSAR) (i.e., Attachment 4 of the application dated September 10, 2003), and "power uprate representative equilibrium cycle (PUREC) core design" in the response to RAI SRXB-A-9.
- 61. The response to RAI SRXB-A-1 I in Supplement 30, Attachment 9, states that the current licensing basis requirements for new or spent fuel storage are not being changed by the proposed EPU. However, the response does not address whether any analysis was performed regarding the affect of the proposed EPU on new and spent fuel storage. Please address whether this analysis was done and, if so, the results of the analysis. The response should address the affects of enrichments levels in new fuel, and potential increase of some elements/isotopes (such as Plutonium) in spent fuels, etc..
- 1) Entergy letter (BVY 03-80) to NRC dated September 10, 2003, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Extended Power Uprate"
- 2) Entergy letter (BVY 03-90) to NRC dated October 1, 2003, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 1, Extended Power Uprate -Technical Review Guidance"
- 3) Entergy letter (BVY 03-95) to NRC dated October 28, 2003, 'Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 2, Extended Power Uprate - Grid Impact Study"
- 4) Entergy letter (BVY 03-98) to NRC dated October 28, 2003, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 3, Extended Power Uprate - Updated Information"
- 5) Entergy letter (BVY 04-009) to NRC dated January 31, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 4, Extended Power Uprate - NRC Acceptance Review"
- 6) Entergy letter (BVY 04-008) to NRC dated January 31, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 5, Extended Power Uprate - Response to Request for Additional Information"
- 7) Entergy letter (BVY 04-025) to NRC dated March 4, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 6, Extended Power Uprate - Withholding Proprietary Information"
- 8) Entergy letter (BVY 04-050) to NRC dated May 19, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 7, Extended Power Uprate - Confirmatory Results"
- 9) Entergy letter (BVY 04-058) to NRC dated July 2, 2004, 'Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 8, Extended Power Uprate - Response to Request for Additional Information"
- 10) Entergy letter (BVY 04-071) to NRC dated July 27, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 9, Extended Power Uprate - Revised Containment Overpressure Envelope"
- 11) Entergy letter (BVY 04-074) to NRC dated July 30, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 10, Extended Power Uprate - Response to Request for Additional Information"
- 5.
- 12) Entergy letter (BVY 04-081) to NRC dated August 12, 2004, 'Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 11, Extended Power Uprate - Response to Request for Additional Information'
- 13) Entergy letter (BVY 04-086) to NRC dated August 25, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 12, Extended Power Uprate - Revised Grid Impact Study"
- 14) Entergy letter (BVY 04-097) to NRC dated September 14, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 13, Extended Power Uprate - Response to Steam Dryer Action Items"
- 15) Entergy letter (BVY 04-098) to NRC dated September 15, 2004, 'Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 14, Extended Power Uprate - Response to Request for Additional Information"
- 16) Entergy letter (BVY 04-100) to NRC dated September 23, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 15, Extended Power Uprate - Response to Steam Dryer Action Item No. 2"
- 17) Entergy letter (BVY 04-101) to NRC dated September 30, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 16, Extended Power Uprate - Additional Information Related to Request for Additional Information EMEB-B-5"
- 18) Entergy letter (BVY 04-107) to NRC dated September 30, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 17, Extended Power Uprate - Response to Request for Additional Information related to 10 CFR 50 Appendix R Timeline"
- 19) Entergy letter (BVY 04-106) to NRC dated October 5, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 18, Extended Power Uprate - ECCS [emergency core cooling system] Pump Net Positive Suction Head Margin"
- 20) Entergy letter (BVY 04-109) to NRC dated October 7, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 19, Extended Power Uprate - Initial Plant Test Program"
- 21) Entergy letter (BVY 04-113) to NRC dated October 7, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 20, Extended Power Uprate - Meeting on Steam Dryer Analysis"
- 22) Entergy letter (BVY 04-129) to NRC dated December 9, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 21, Extended Power Uprate - Steam Dryer Power Ascension Testing"
- 23) Entergy letter (BVY 04-131) to NRC dated December 8, 2004, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 22, Extended Power Uprate - 10 CFR 50 Appendix R Timeline Verification"
- 24) Entergy letter (BVY 05-017) to NRC dated February 24, 2005, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 23, Extended Power Uprate - Response to Request for Additional Information"
- 25) Entergy letter (BVY 05-024) to NRC dated March 10, 2005, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 24, Extended Power Uprate - Response to Request for Additional Information"
- 26) Entergy letter (BVY 05-030) to NRC dated March 24, 2005, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 25, Extended Power Uprate - Station Blackout and Appendix R Analyses"
- 27) Entergy letter (BVY 05-034) to NRC dated March 31, 2005, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 26, Extended Power Uprate - Steam Dryer Analyses and Monitoring"
- 28) Entergy letter (BVY 05-038) to NRC dated April 5, 2005, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 27, Extended Power Uprate - Dryer Acoustic Load Methodology Benchmark"
- 29) Entergy letter (BVY 05-046) to NRC dated April 22, 2005, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 28, Extended Power Uprate - Response to Request for Additional Information"
- 30) Entergy letter (BVY 05-061) to NRC dated June 2, 2005, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 29, Extended Power Uprate - Computational Fluid Dynamics"
- 31) Entergy letter (BVY 05-072) to NRC dated August 1, 2005, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 30, Extended Power Uprate - Response to Request for Additional Information"
- 32) Entergy letter (BVY 05-074) to NRC dated August 4, 2005, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263, Supplement No. 31, Extended Power Uprate - Response to Request for Additional Information"