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RIC 2005 Presentation - B3 - Clark A. Price - Objective Measures of Safety Culture
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/09/2005
From: Price C
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML052140335 (7)


RIC 2005 - Session B3: Objective Measures of Safety Culture Clark A. Price, Manager - Site Regulatory Compliance Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station March 9, 2005 1

FENOC SAFETY CULTURE MODEL S afety C u ltu re T hat assem bly of ch aracteristics an d attitudes in orga nizations an d individ uals w h ic h estab lish es an overridin g priority to w a rds nucle ar safety activities an d ensures that issues receiv e the attention w a rrante d b y their sig nifica nce.

S afety C on sciou s W ork E nviron m en t A n environm ent in w h ich p erso nn el are e nco ura ged to ide ntify prob lem s, are co nfid ent that prob lem s w ill b e effectively evalu ated a nd corrected, an d are protecte d from an y form of reta liation as a result of having ra ise d issues.


Safety Culture Drive for Excellence Questioning Attitude Rigorous Work Control and Prudent Approach Commitment to Safety Open Individual Commitment Communications Goals, Roles and Area Teamwork Nuclear Professionalism Ownership and Accountability Plant Management Statement of Qualification and Commitment Area Safety Policies Training Management Value Commitment to Structure Continuous Policy or Corporate Improvement Level Commitment Resources Cross-Functional Area Work Management &

Communication Self Assessment Environment of Engagement and Commitment Independent Oversight Commitment Areas (3)

Indicator Criteria (17)

Attributes (121) 3 Performance Criteria (Green, White, Yellow, Red)

FENOC SAFETY CULTURE MODEL Commitment Area - Policy or Corporate Level Indicator Criteria - Statement of Safety Policy Attribute - Worker Understanding of Responsibility to Raise Safety Concerns Performance Criteria

- Surveys/Interviews Indicate Workers Understand their Responsibility to Raise Nuclear Safety or Quality Concerns

  • Site Wide Survey / Interviews / 4Cs Data 4

FENOC SAFETY CULTURE MODEL Commitment Area - Plant Management Indicator Criteria - Commitment to Safety Attribute - Decision Making Performance Criteria

- Majority of Safety Significant Decisions were made in the Section with Adequate Information, Management Oversight, Involvement, and Peer Checking as indicated by no Significant Conditions Adverse to Quality for the Designated Period

  • Section Manager Report-Outs 5

FENOC SAFETY CULTURE MODEL Commitment Area - Plant Management Indicator Criteria - Ownership and Accountability Attribute - Timeliness of SCAQ and CAQ Remedial and Preventive Corrective Actions Performance Criteria

- Percentage of Section SCAQ and CAQ Remedial and Preventive Corrective Actions Completed on Time

  • Corrective Action Program / Section Manager Report-Outs 6

FENOC SAFETY CULTURE MODEL Commitment Area - Individual Indicator Criteria - Drive for Excellence Attributes - Maintenance Rule (a1) Systems

- Operator Work Arounds

- Control Room Deficiencies

- Temporary Modifications Performance Criteria

- Number of Open Items

  • Monthly Performance Indicators 7