ML052010429 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Monticello ![]() |
Issue date: | 05/02/2005 |
From: | Ruth J Nuclear Management Co |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
Shared Package | |
ML051680154 | List: |
References | |
50-263/05-301 50-263/05-301 | |
Download: ML052010429 (27) | |
Monticello Outline Submittal Contains the following:
Station Cover Letter transmitting the outline ES-201-2 Examination Outline Quality Checklist ES-301-1 ES-301-2 ES-301-5 Transient and Event Checklist ES-401-1 BWR RO/SRO Examination Outline ES-401-3 D-1 NRC comments on the Outline Submittal (there were no comments on the submittal)
Administrative Topics Outline (RO) (SRO)
Control Room and Facility Walk-Through Test Outline (RO) (SRO-I) (SRO-U)
Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline Dynamic Simulator Scenario Outline for 4 scenarios
Monticello Nuclear Generatina Plant Operated by Nuclear Management Company, LLC January 13,2005 L-MT-05-004 10 CFR Part 55.40 Regional Administrator, Region 111 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, Illinois 60532-4351 Attention: Dell McNeil Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Docket 50-263 License No. DPR-22 Examination Outlines For The Initial Licensinq Examination To Be Conducted The Week of Mav 2,2005 and Mav 9,2005 Reference 1: NUREG 1021, Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 55.40(b)(4), a power reactor facility licensee must receive NRC approval of their proposed written examination and operating tests. Further, 1 OCFR55.40(a) requires that examinations meet the requirements of Reference 1. Therefore, enclosed for your review are the proposed examination outlines for the initial license examinations for our operator license applicants.
In accordance with IOCFR 55.49, Integrity of Examinations and Tests and Reference 1, Section ES-201, Attachment 1, Examination Security and Integrity Guidelines, the Nuclear Management Company, LLC requests that the enclosed materials be withheld from public disclosure until after the examinations are complete, and further that the enclosed materials only be viewed by the NRC examiner, Mr. Dell McNeil.
The proposed examination outlines were prepared per the guidelines of Reference 1, sections ES-301 and ES-401. Proposed outlines have been prepared to support development, by the NMC, of examinations for seven (7) Reactor Operator (RO) license candidates, one (1) Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) - Upgrade license candidate and five (5) SRO - Instant license candidates.
Reference 1 permits licensees to screen the entire Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) catalog to eliminate inapplicable WA statements. A listing of the KIA statements that were suppressed from selection for outline generation is provided in the enclosed report entitled, Monticello Suppressed WA Report.
Reactors, Revision 9 2807 West County Road 75 Monticello. Minnesota 55362-9637 Telephone: 763-295-51 51 Fax: 763-295-1454 JAN 2 4 2005
USNRC Page 2 Enclosed are the following specific items for your review.
ES-201-2, Examination Outline Quality Checklist ES-201-3, Examination Security Agreement ES-301-1, Administrative Topics Outline ES-301-2, Control Roomlln-Plant Systems Outline (1 copy for the RO (1 copy for the RO examination and 1 copy for the SRO examination) examination, 1 copy for the SRO-Instant examination and 1 copy for the SRO-Upgrade examination)
ES-301-5, Transient and Event Checklist ES-D-1, Scenario Outline (1 for each scenario for 4 total)
ES-401-1, BWR Examination Outline ES-401-3, General Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)
ES-401-4, Record of Rejected WAS Monticello Suppressed WA Report This letter makes no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments.
Thomas J. Palmisano Site Vice President, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Nuclear Management Company, LLC Enclosures cc:
Administrator, Region 111, USNRC (w/o attachments)
Project Manager, Monticello, USNRC (w/o attachments)
Resident Inspector, Monticello, USNRC (wlo attachments)
Per the requirement of NUREG 1021, OPERATOR LICENSING EXAMINATION STANDARDS FOR POWER REACTORS, Revision 9, Section ES-401.D.l.b, I hereby state that the method for developing the written examination outline was that as described in Attachment 1 of that section of the NUREG.
Per the requirement of NUREG 1021, OPERATOR LICENSING EXAMINATION STANDARDS FOR POWER REACTORS, Revision 9, Section ES-401.C.l.f, I hereby state that as part of the examination submittal that there is no question duplication between the facility licensees audit and the NRCs written examinations.
1 Josep
. Ruth, ILT Exam Project Manager Date
ES-201 Examination Outline Quality Checklist Form ES-201-2 Task Description
- a.
- b. Assess whether the outline was systematically and randomly prepared in accordance with Section D.1 of ESdOl and whether all WA categories are appropriately sampled.
Verity that the outline(s) fit(s) the appropriate model. in accordance with ES-401
- 3.
- d. Assess whether the justifications for deselected or rejected WA statements are appropriate.
- a. Using Farm ES-301-5, verity that the propwed scenario sets cover the required number of normal evolutions. inStNment and component failures. technical specifications, and maior transients.
Assess whether the outline overemphasizes any systems, evolutions, or generic toplcs.
Date of Examination: -g/alOs
%cili: M G p Initials a
b' c#
9, & A +
Q - L P 0 6 h
- 1.
- 2.
T 0
- 3.
W i
T 4
L -
- b. Assess whether there are enough scenario sets (and spares) to test the projected number and mix of applicants in accordance with the expected crew composition and rotation schedule without compromising exam integrity, and ensure that each applicant can be tested using at least one new or significantly modified scenario, that no scenarios are duplicated from the applicants'audit test@), and that scenarios will not be repeated an subsequent days.
- c. To the extent possible. assess whether the autline(s) confarm(s) with the qualitative and quantitative criteria specified on Form ES-2014 and described in Appendix D i*..
Its specified on the form minimums specified on the form a Author b Facility Reviewer V) c NRC Chief Examiner (#)
d NRC Supervisor N01e P noepenoem hRC rev ever initial,lem fin Co Lmn c ' cn el examiner concrnence IeqL reo
ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1
- Type Codes & Criteria:
Monticello Nucle; ixam Level (circle o n 4 R (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank (53 for ROs; 54 for SROs & RO retakes)
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (21)
(P)revious 2 exams (51; randomly selected)
(S)imulator Administrative Topic (see Note) 3onduct of Operations Sonduct of Operations
- quipment Control 3adiation Control Emergency Plan merating Plant Date of Examination:
5/2/05 Operating Test Number:
w90115 SRO N
Describe activity to be performed Overtime Restrictions JPM-4 AW1.08.10.01-001 2.1.1 3.8f3.7 Independent Verification 2.1.29 3.413.3 JPM-4 AW1.04.04.02-003 Rod Block Monitor Functional Test JPM-0045-001 2.2.12 3.0f3.4 High Radiation Area Entry JPM 4 Awl-08.04.06 2.3.10 3.3/2.9 Not Selected ES-301, Page 22 of 27
ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1
'Type Codes & Criteria:
Monticello Nuclear 1 Exam Level (circle one): RO (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank (s3 for ROs; <4 for SROs & RO retakes)
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (21)
(P)revious 2 exams (51; randomly selected)
(S)imulator Administrative Topic (see Note)
Conduct of Operations Conduct of Operations Equipment Control Radiation Control Emergency Plan Type Code' D
5/2/05 Date of Examination:
Operating Test Number:
w90115 Describe activity to be performed Bypass Configuration Verification of Electrical Circuits JPM-4 AW1.04.04.03-002 2.2.1 1 2.513.4 Determine Current Procedure Revision JPM-4 AW1.02.01.02-001 2.1.21 3.U3.1 Rod Block Monitor Functional Test 2.2.12 3.013.4 JPM-0045-001 High Radiation Area Entry JPM 4 AWI-08.04.06 2.3.10 3.312.9 Off-Site Protective Action Recommendations SS304.121 2.4.44 4.012.1 JPM-A.2-204-003 ES-301, Page 22 of 27
ES-301, Rev. 9 Control Roodln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 I.
Vent the HCUs I.
k Take Local Manual Control of Feedwater Reg Valves Respond to a Failure of Diesel Fire Pump to Manually Start Facility: Monticello Nuclear Generatina Station Date of Examination: Mav 3 - 12, 2005 ExamLevel: RO L53 SRO-l 0 SRO-U 0 Operating Test No.:
W90115 Control Room Systems" (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-t); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
R, D, E 1
P. D, R 2
A, M 8
System / JPM Title
- Type Codes I
I Safety Function Type Code' Criteria for RO / SRO-l I SRO-U Control Rod Drive Exercise I A, N, S I 1
HPCl Manual Initiation I A, D, S I 2
Alternate RPV Depressurization with Turbine Bypass Valves 1 N, S I
3 II c.
Shutdown of One Recirc Pump with the Reactor at Power I D, S I
4 II d.
H,O, Analyzer Operation C.5-3501 I
5 II f.
Manually Start No. 11 EDG (Control Room Actions)
I P,D,S I 6
II 9.
Verify RWM Operability I P, D, S, L 1
7 II h.
Swapping Off-Gas Storage Tanks I A, D. S I 9
(A)lternate path (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant (L)ow-Power I Shutdown (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including l(A)
(P)revious 2 exams 4-6 / 4-6 12-3 i 9 / < 8 / i 4 L 1 1 2 1 / L 1 L 1 / L 1 / 2 1
> 2 / > 2 / L t i 3 / I 3 I i 2 (randomly selected)
L 1 / > 1
L 1
[ (S)tmulator I
ES-301, Rev. 9 Control Roodln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2
- 9.
Verify RWM Operability
- h.
Swapping Off-Gas Storage Tanks Facility: Monticello Nuclear Generatina Station Date of Examination: Mav 3 - 12. 2005 Exam Level: RO 0 SRO-l W SRO-U 0 Operating Test No.:
W90115 Control Room Systems' (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
P, D, S, L 7
A. D, S 9
N I.
Vent the HCUs
- i.
Take Local Manual Control of Feedwater Reg Valves Respond to a Failure of Diesel Fire Pump to Manually Start
- k.
System / JPM Title R, D, E 1
P. D, R 2
A, M 8
Safety I Type Code. I Function Control Rod Drive Exercise I A, N. S I 1
HPCl Manual Initiation I A, D, S I 2
II c.
Alternate RPV Depressurization with Turbine Bypass Valves I N, S I
3 II d.
Shutdown of One Recirc Pump with the Reactor at Power I
D, S I
4 II e.
H,O, Analyzer Operation C.5-3501 I
5 (A)lternate path (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank (E)rnergency or abnormal in-plant (L)ow-Power / Shutdown (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including l(A)
(P)revious 2 exams 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3
< 9 1 C 8 / 1 4 L 1 / L 1 / 2 1 I
L l / > l / > l L 2 / L 2/r 1 i 3 I s 3 / < 2 (randomly selected) 2 1 l L l / > l
ES-301, Rev. 9 Control Room/ln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2
- a.
Control Rod Drive Exercise
- b.
HPCl Manual Initiation Facility: Monticello Nuclear Generatino Station Date of Examination: Mav 3 - 12. 2005 ExamLevel: RO 0 SRO-l 0 SRO-U Operating Test No.: W90115 Control Room Systems" (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U. including 1 ESF)
A, N, S 1
A, D. S 2
System I JPM Title ir
- k.
Respond to a Failure of Diesel Fire Pump to Manually Start Safety Type Code' Function A, M 8
- Type Codes lA)lternate Dath I
I Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 I
I nla II e.
nla I1 f.
Verify RWM Operability 11 Implant Systems" (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U) 11 i.
Reset RClC Overspeed Trip I D. E, N I 4
11 j.
n/a (cjontrol room (D)irect from bank (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant (L)ow-Power / Shutdown (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A)
(P)revious 2 exams
( R K A I 9 / s 6 / 5 4
> I / > 1 1 2 1 L 1 / 2 112 1 L 2 / > 2 / > 1 I 3 / i 3 / I 2 lrandomiv selected) ii2iiLi
ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-5 CREW POSITION CREW POSITION Instructions:
- 1.
Circle the applicant level and enter the operating test number and Form ES-D-1 event numbers for each event type; TS are not applicable for RO applicants. ROs must serve in both the at-the-controls (ATC) and balance-of-plant (BOP) positions; Instant SROs must do one scenario, including at least two instrument or component (I/C) malfunctions and one major transient, in the ATC position.
Reactivity manipulations may be conducted under normal or controlled abnormal conditions (refer to Section D.5.d) but must be significant per Section C.2.a of Appendix D. Reactivity and normal evolutions may be replaced with additional instrument or component malfunctions on a I-for-I basis.
Whenever practical, both instrument and component malfunctions should be included; only those that require verifiable actions that provide insight to the applicants competence count toward the minimum requirement.
- 2.
- 3.
NRC Reviewer:
x?mMl,d,y ES-301, Page 26 of 27
ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1
-acility: MNGP Date of Exam: 05/02/2005
- 3. Generic Knowledge and Note: 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- 0.
- 9.
Ensure that at least two topics from every WA category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outlines (i.e., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the 'Tier Totals" in each WA categoty shall not be less than two).
The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by *I from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.
Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to ES-401, Attachment 2, for guidance regarding the elimination of inappropriate WA statements.
Select topics from as many systems and evolutions and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.
Absent a plant-specific priority, only those WAS having an importance rating (IR) of 2.5 or higher shall be selected. Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.
Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and WA categories.
The generic (G) WAS in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the WA Catalog, but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system.
On the following pages, enter the WA numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics' importance ratings (IR) for the applicable license level, and the point totals (#) for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above. Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.
For Tier 3, select topics from section 2 of the WA catalog, and enter the WA numbers, descriptions, IRs, and point totals (#) on Form ES-401-3. Limit SRO selections to WAS that are linked to 10 CFR 55.43.
ES-401, Page 16 of 33 1/6/2005 9:51 AM
ES-401 2
Form ES-401-1 WA Category Totals:
l l
ES-401, Page 17 OF 33 1/6/2005 9:51 AM
ES-401 3
Form ES-401-1 Form E S 4 1 - l EAz.01 Reactor Pressure uppression Pwl High Water 1/6/2005 951 AM
ES-401 4
Form ES-401-1 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES401-Emergency and Abnormal Mant Evolutions -Tier 1/Gmup 2 b
UAPE # / Name / Safety Function 295032 High Secondary Containment 295035 Secondary Containment High WA Category Point Totals:
I 1
KIA Topic@)
IR i2.01, Condenser Vacuum/ALmlute Preaure t
2 1 -
AK2.04, Nitrcgen Makeup System 2.6 I 1
AA1.02, RPS 4.0 1
3.3 1
AK3.05, Control Room Ventilation EK2.04, WS/NSSSS I 3.6 1 1
EA2.03, Cause of High Area Radiation 3.7 1
1 I
EK2.01, Secondary Containment Equipment and floor Drain Sptem 3,1 I
I Group Point Total:
ES-401, Page 18 of 33 1/6/2005 9:51 AM
ES-401 5
Form ES-401-1 ES-401 BWR Examinabon OAne Emergency an0 ADnonnal P.ant EvolJbons - Ter l/GmJp 2 (RO Form ES-401-E/APE # / Name / Safety Function 295002 Loss of Main Condenser Vac / 3 295007 High Reactor Pressure 13 295008 High Reactor Water Level / 2 295009 Low Reactor Water Level / 2 295010 High Drywell Pressure / 5 29501 1 High Containment Temp / 5 29501 2 High Drywell Temperature / 5 29501 3 High Suppression Pool Temp. / 5 295014 Inadvertent Reactivity Addition / 1 295015 Incomplete SCRAM I 1 295017 High Of-site Release Rate / 9 295020 Inadvertent Cont. Isolation I 5 B 7 295022 Loss of CRD Pumps / 1 295029 High Suppression Pool Wtr Lvl / 5 295032 High Secondary Containment Area Temperature / 5 295033 High Secondary Containment Area Radiation Levels / 9 295034 Secondary Containment Ventilation High Radiation / 9 295035 Secondary Containment High Differential Pressure / 5 295036 Secondary Containment High Sump/Area Water Level / 5 500000 High CTMT Hydrogen Conc. / 5 KIA Category Point Totals:
1/6/2005 9:51 AM
ES-401 6
Form ES-401-1 E S 4 0 1 Form ES-401-System #/Name 203000 RHWLPCI: Injection Mode 205000 Shutdown Cooling 206000 HPCi 207000 Isolation (Emergency) Condenser 209001 LPCS 209002 HPCS 21 loo0 SLC 212000 RPS 215003 IRM 215004 Source Range Monitor 21 5005 APRM / LPRM 217000 RClC 218000 ADS 223002 PCIS/Nuclear Steam Supply Shutoff 239002 SRVs 259002 Reactor Water Level Control 261000 SGTS 262001 AC Electrical Distribution
262002 UPS (ACDC) 263000 DC Electncal Distribution 264000 EDGs 300000 Instrument Air 400000 Component Cwling Water KIA Category Point Totals:
A KIA Topic@)
4 ge of System Setpoinhl Interlds and Automatic Actions A2.11. Standbv Uauid Initiation yc es ReYllbng from Re1 ef ValveCvdina Durina Decav Heat I
3.4 1
1 inah perid late in an Isolation ES-401, Page 19 of 33 1/6/2005 9:51 AM
ES-401 7
Form ES-401-1 E M 0 1 F
8WR ExaminatiOn Outline lant %terns - Tier 2/Group 1 (RO Form Es401-System #/Name 203000 RHWLPCI: Injection Mode 205000 Shutdown Cwling 206000 HPCi 207000 Isolation (Emergency) Condenser 209001 LPCS 209002 HPCS 211OOOSLC 212000 RPS 215003 IRM 215004 Source Range Monitor 215005 APRM / LPRM 217000 RClC 21 8000 ADS 223002 PCIS/Nuclear Steam Supply Shutoff 239002 SRVs 259002 Reactor Water Level Control 261000 SGTS 262001 AC Electrical Distribution 262002 UPS (AClDC) 263000 DC Electrical Distributim 264000 EDGs 300000 Instrument Air 400000 Component Cooling Water WA Category Point Totals:
KIA Topic(@
Safetv pmcedu& (e.a.: Rotatina A2.01, Grounds Group Point Total I
2.6 t
1/6/2005 951 AM
ES-401 a
Form ES-401-1 c:\\2005 it M eram\\nrc wMhn\\nurql021 rev 9 fam e401-1 bw mmlnatlcm Mlhedo:
1/6/2005 9:51 AM
ES-401 9
Form ES-401-1
S-401 G e k c KnowMge and A b i l i Outline (TIM
- 3)
Form ES-401-3 1
Containment Conditions, Ridioactivity Release Control) 2.4.35, Knowledge of Local Augliav Operator Tasks During 2.4.25, Knowledge of Fire Protection Pmcedures Emergency Operations including System Geography and System Facility: MNGP Date of Exam: 05/02/2005 I
2.9 1
3.3 1
- 1.
Conduct of Operations
- 2.
Equipment Control
- 3.
Radiation Control
- 4.
Emergency Procedures I Plan Coclina and Heat Removal, Reador COOlant SWem Integrity, Subtol 2.4. -
Implications I
I 2.4.14. Knowledae of General Guidelines for EOP flowchart use I
13.9 I 1
Tier 3 Point Total I
ES-401, Page 26 of 33 c:W2w5 ill nrc exambnrc wnllen\\n~reg-1021 rev 8 form 89-401-3 generic knowlsdge and abiliiliea Outline tier Page1 of 1 1/6/2005 1004 AM
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Event Malf.
Event No.
Type' 1
NI14D I(R0)
CH05 C(R0)
Event Description Complete steps 23-25 of test 1040-01. (Turbine Bypass Valve Exercise and Speed Load Changer Exercise portions of Turbine-Generator testing).
Raise power with recirc pumps.
APRh4 #4 Fails hop Single Control Rod Scram due to failed RPS fuse and recoverv I
I T.S. L ~ O review for APRM 3
I HPCI inadvertent initiation 5
- \\ -
I T.S. LCO entry, shutdown requirement with RCIC inop 4
I HP07 I M (ALL)
I HPCI steam line break (ramD)
HPO8 Failure of group 4 isolation (HPCI Isolation Valves fail to close on PCIS automatic action)
Unable to manually isolate HPCI EOP 1300 entry (Secondary Containment Control)
EOP 1100 entry (RPV Control) Scram SDV failure to close (RPV - Secondary containment leak) scram will not reset (cannot isolate SDV)
EOP 2002 entry (Emergency RPV Depressurization) 1 ADS SRV fails to manually open (opens 1 non-ADS SRV)
SO54-01 C (BOP)
(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (1)nstrurnent. (C)omponent, (M)ajor Appendix D, Page 38 of 39
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ESD-1
MNGP Scenario No.:
2 Op-Test No.: W90115 Examiners:
Perform surveillance test 0143.
Event Type N (BOP)
C iRO)
R (RO)
(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (1)nstrurnenl Description Perform test 0143, Drywell -Torus Vacuum Bkr Check B drvwell - torus vacuum b!u fails to fullv close T.S. L ~ O entry for PCIS Recirc Scoop Tube Lockout and Subsequent Reset 4160V AC Essential Bus #15 Lockout Loss of and start #12 CRD pump due to the bus lockout T.S. LCO entries due to loss of power A SRV fails open and & closed by pulling fuses-Rapid Power Reduction due to open SRV Leak inside Primary Containment I scram (ATWS)
EOP 1200 (Primary containment Control) and EOP 2007 (Failure to Scram) entry Rods insert when ATWS (ARI) initiation, exit EOP 2007 C)omponent, (M)ajor Appendix D, Page 38 of 39
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ESD-1 Facility:
MNGP Scenario No.:
3 Op-Test No.: W90115 Examiners:
Initial Conditions: ADDrOXimatelV 100% reactor Dower Normal electrical IineuD. HPCl is noperable due to planned maintenance on the aux oil !Jump and is scheduled to be returned to jervice tomorrow. Surveillance test 0225-14-IA-1, Reactor Water CleanuD Valve ODerabilitv and Position Indication Tests is to be performed.
Perform surveillance test 0225-14-IA-1.
I 6
TU03E TC07D I PP06 I
I *
(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (1)nstrurnenl Description CRD FCV fails closed Perform test 0225-14-IA-1 (shuts down RWCU)
MO-2398 closure outside required range T.S. LCO entry due to test failure
'A' FW REG valve lock up and subsequent reset Loss of power to Alternate S/D panel, T.S. LCO RFP bearing high temp / vibration RFP Remove from service Rapid Power Reduction to 50%
Main turbine vibrations with failure to auto trip Turbine Bypass Valves Failure to Open Scram due to turbine vibrations(ATWS)
ATWS, EOP 1100, 1200, & 2007 entry Level Power control and SBLC injection required C)omponent, (M)ajor Appendix D, Page 38 of 39
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ESD-1 Event Type' N (RO)
I (RO)
MNGP Scenario No.:
4 Op-Test No.: W90115 Examiners:
Event Description Transfer to A F W REG valve from Low Flow Valve Continue power rise with control rods Withdrawal of CRD with High Drive Pressure RPS EPA bkr failure Xfer RPS to Alt power supply T.S. LCO for EPA bkr failure Respond to RBCCW pump trip High F.W. conductivity, scram, start RCIC, shutdown Condensate & Feedwater, close MSIVs, and shutdown Circ water Initial Conditions: ADDrOXimatelV 20% reactor Dower with a startuD in Droaress. Current steD in procedure C.1 is Vlll.A.3.
The initial next task to SUDDOII the startuD is to transfer control to the A main FW REG valve from the Low flow FW REG valve. Normal electrical IineuD. HPCl is InoDerable due to maintenance on the aux oil D u m and is scheduled to be returned to service tomorrow.
Continue reactor startw.
Event Malf.
Feed water block valve fail to open Low flow FRV fail closed Break on recirc line (ramp). Drywell temperature /
pressure rise, Place torus and drywell sprays in service RCIC flow controller failure in auto, take manual control, subsequent RCIC trip Initiate 2 CRD pump and SBLC injection Emergency RPV Depressurization due to low RPV water level PPO 1 A MC02AIS RRO 1 B I
(N)ormal. (R)eacti\\
SRO I T.S. LCO due to RPV conductivity I EOP 1100,1200 entry I
, (I)nsltument, (C)omponent. (M)ajor Appendix D, Page 38 of 39
There were no NRC comments on the outline submittal for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant exam.