ML23012A012 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Monticello ![]() |
Issue date: | 09/28/2022 |
To: | Nuclear Management Co |
Iskierka-Boggs T | |
Shared Package | |
ML21188A292 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML23012A012 (1) | |
Form 2.3-4 Written Examination Quality Checklist Facility: Monticello Date of Exam: 10/17/2022 Exam Level:
RO x SRO x Item Description (Y)es / (N)o a
Questions and answers are technically accurate and applicable to the facility. Each question
) "
includes a technical reference.
- a. All questions reference NRC knowledge and abilities (K/As) requirements.
- b. Facility learning objectives are referenced as available.
'I y
- c. All questions include an explanation of the correct answer explanation and a distractor analvsis.
Senior reactor operator (SRO) questions test at the SRO license level.
'I y 4.
The sampling process was random and systematic. (If more than four reactor operator (RO) or two SRO questions were repeated from the last two NRC licensing exams, including full i y (1 GO-question) retake examinations, consult the NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation operator licensing program office.)
Question duplication from the licensee screening/audit exam was controlled as indicated below (check the item that applies) and appears appropriate:
_ The audit exam was systematically and randomly developed.
_ The audit exam was completed before the license exam was started.
_ The examinations were developed independently.
j){ The licensee certifies that there is no duplication.
Other (explain):
Bank use meets limits (no more than 75% from the bank, Bank Mod New at least 10% new (at the comprehension/analysis level),
and the rest new or modified); enter the actual RO/SRO-RO/SRO RO/SRO RO/SRO f only question distribution >
70% / 72%
5% / 16%
25% / 12%
y 7.
Between 38 and 45 questions of the questions on the RO Memory C/A exam and at least 13 of the questions on the SRO-only portion of the exam are written at the RO/SRO RO/SRO f comprehension/analysis level; enter the actual 35 / 5 40 / 20 y
RO/SRO-only question distribution >
References/handouts provided do not give away answers or aid in the elimination of distractors.
'-I y 9.
Question content conforms to specific K/A statements in the previously approved examination y y outline and is appropriate for the K/A statements' assigned tier; deviations are justified.
- 10. Question psychometric quality and format meet the instructions and guidelines in ES-4.2.
"/ 'I
- 11. The exam contains the required number of one-point, multiple-choice items; the total is correct
\\/ y and agrees with the value on the cover sheet.
Printed Name/Signature Date
/?omM ;fee/I
7 :15* -J b.
Facility Reviewer(*)
, l1...sL1.1..
NRC Reviewer (#)
NRC Chief Examiner NRC Regional Supervisor
- The facility licensee signature is not applicable for NRG-developed tests.
- An independent NRC reviewer performs steps in column c. This may be the NRC Chief Examiner if he/she did not develop the written examination under review.
TI TI TI TI TI TI TI TI TI TI TI Travis D. Iskierka-Boggs Digitally signed by Travis D. Iskierka-Boggs Date: 2022.09.19 11:50:17 -04'00' Digitally signed by Randal D. Baker Date: 2022.09.19 11:21:16 -05'00' Robert J. Orlikowski Digitally signed by Robert J. Orlikowski Date: 2022.09.28 15:15:50 -05'00'