ML23012A216 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Monticello ![]() |
Issue date: | 08/28/2022 |
From: | Nuclear Management Co, Xcel Energy |
Iskierka-Boggs T | |
Shared Package | |
ML21188A291 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML23012A216 (1) | |
Form 3.2-2 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Facility: Monticello Date of Examination: 10/17/2022 Operating Test Number: 2022-301 Exam Level:
RO System/JPM Title Type Code Safety Function Control Room Systems
- a. JPM-B.01.03-019 (CRD PUMP SWAPOVER): 201001 - A4.01 (2020 NRC Exam)
A, D, P, S 1
- d. B.06.02.04-001 (SWAPPING STATOR WATER COOLING PUMPS) - 245000 - A4.03 A, D, S 4
- e. JPM-C.4-B.04.01.C-001 (MANUALLY INSERT A GROUP 3 ISOLATION): 223002 - A4.02 - 2018 NRC Exam A, D, EN, P, S
- f. JPM-B.05.01.02-009 (RESETTING APRM TRIP AND ALARM INDICATIONS) - 215005 - A4.03 N, S 7
- h. JPM-B.05.11-002 (REMOVING A STACK WRGM FROM SERVICE) 271000 - A1.12 (2015 NRC Exam)
D, S 9
In-Plant Systems
201003 A2.02 D, R 1
- j. JPM-C.5-3203-001 (FIRE WATER CROSS-TIE TO LPCI) 295031 EA1.08 - 2016 NRC Exam D, E, R 2
- k. JPM-C.5-3505-002 (PRIMARY CONTAINMENT VENTING FROM ASDS): 223001 - A4.17 - 2015 NRC Exam D, E 5
- 1. Determine the number of control room system and in-plant system job performance measures (JPMs) to develop using the following table:
License Level Control Room In-Plant Total Reactor Operator (RO) 8 3
11 Senior Reactor Operator-Instant (SRO-I) 7 3
10 Senior Reactor Operator-Upgrade (SRO-U) 2 or 3 3 or 2 5
- 2. Select safety functions and systems for each JPM as follows:
Refer to Section 1.9 of the applicable knowledge and abilities (K/A) catalog for the plant systems organized by safety function. For pressurized-water reactor operating tests, the primary and secondary systems listed under Safety Function 4, Heat Removal from Reactor Core, in Section 1.9 of the applicable K/A catalog, may be treated as separate safety functions (i.e., two systems, one primary and one secondary, may be selected from Safety Function 4). From the safety function groupings identified in the K/A catalog, select the appropriate number of plant systems by safety functions to be evaluated based on the applicants license level (see the table in step 1).
For RO/SRO-I applicants: Each of the control room system JPMs and, separately, each of the in-plant system JPMs must evaluate a different safety function, and the same system or evolution cannot be used to evaluate more than one safety function in each location. One of the control room system JPMs must be an engineered safety feature.
For SRO-U applicants: Evaluate SRO-U applicants on five different safety functions.
One of the control room system JPMs must be an engineered safety feature, and the same system or evolution cannot be used to evaluate more than one safety function.
- 3. Select a task for each JPM that supports, either directly or indirectly and in a meaningful way, the successful fulfillment of the associated safety function. Select the task from the applicable K/A catalog (K/As for plant systems or emergency and abnormal plant evolutions) or the facility licensees site-specific task list. If this task has an associated K/A, the K/A should have an importance rating of at least 2.5 in the RO column. K/As that have importance ratings of less than 2.5 may be used if justified based on plant priorities; inform the NRC chief examiner if selecting K/As with an importance rating less than 2.5.
The selected tasks must be different from the events and evolutions conducted during the simulator operating test and tasks tested on the written examination. A task that is similar to a simulator scenario event may be acceptable if the actions required to complete the task are significantly different from those required in response to the scenario event.
Apply the following specific task selection criteria:
At least one of the tasks shall be related to a shutdown or low-power condition.
Four to six of the tasks for RO and SRO-I applicants shall require execution of alternative paths within the facility licensees operating procedures. Two to three of the tasks for SRO-U applicants shall require execution of alternative paths within the facility licensees operating procedures.
At least one alternate path JPM must be new or modified from the bank.
At least one of the tasks conducted in the plant shall evaluate the applicants ability to implement actions required during an emergency or abnormal condition.
At least one of the tasks conducted in the plant shall require the applicant to enter the radiologically controlled area. This provides an excellent opportunity for the applicant to discuss or demonstrate radiation control administrative subjects.
If it is not possible to develop or locate a suitable task for a selected system, return to step 2 and select a different system.
- 4. For each JPM, specify the codes for type, source, and location:
Code License Level Criteria RO SRO-I SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 4-6 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank 9
8 4
(E)mergency or abnormal in-plant 1
1 1
(EN)gineered safety feature (for control room system) 1 1
1 (L)ow power/shutdown 1
1 1
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (must apply to at least one alternate path JPM) 2 2
1 (P)revious two exams (randomly selected) 3 3
2 (R)adiologically controlled area 1
1 1
Form 3.2-2 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Facility: Monticello Date of Examination: 10/17/2022 Operating Test Number: 2022-301 Exam Level:
SRO-I System/JPM Title Type Code Safety Function Control Room Systems
- a. JPM-B.01.03-019 (CRD PUMP SWAPOVER): 201001 - A4.01 (2020 NRC Exam)
A, D, P, S 1
- d. B.06.02.04-001 (SWAPPING STATOR WATER COOLING PUMPS) - 245000 - A4.03 A, D, S 4
- e. JPM-C.4-B.04.01.C-001 (MANUALLY INSERT A GROUP 3 ISOLATION): 223002 - A4.02 - 2018 NRC Exam A, D, EN, P, S
- f. JPM-B.05.01.02-009 (RESETTING APRM TRIP AND ALARM INDICATIONS) - 215005 - A4.03 N, S 7
- h. N/A In-Plant Systems
201003 A2.02 D, R 1
- j. JPM-C.5-3203-001 (FIRE WATER CROSS-TIE TO LPCI) 295031 EA1.08 - 2016 NRC Exam D, E, R 2
- k. JPM-C.5-3505-002 (PRIMARY CONTAINMENT VENTING FROM ASDS): 223001 - A4.17 - 2015 NRC Exam D, E 5
- 1. Determine the number of control room system and in-plant system job performance measures (JPMs) to develop using the following table:
License Level Control Room In-Plant Total Reactor Operator (RO) 8 3
11 Senior Reactor Operator-Instant (SRO-I) 7 3
10 Senior Reactor Operator-Upgrade (SRO-U) 2 or 3 3 or 2 5
- 2. Select safety functions and systems for each JPM as follows:
Refer to Section 1.9 of the applicable knowledge and abilities (K/A) catalog for the plant systems organized by safety function. For pressurized-water reactor operating tests, the primary and secondary systems listed under Safety Function 4, Heat Removal from Reactor Core, in Section 1.9 of the applicable K/A catalog, may be treated as separate safety functions (i.e., two systems, one primary and one secondary, may be selected from Safety Function 4). From the safety function groupings identified in the K/A catalog, select the appropriate number of plant systems by safety functions to be evaluated based on the applicants license level (see the table in step 1).
For RO/SRO-I applicants: Each of the control room system JPMs and, separately, each of the in-plant system JPMs must evaluate a different safety function, and the same system or evolution cannot be used to evaluate more than one safety function in each location. One of the control room system JPMs must be an engineered safety feature.
For SRO-U applicants: Evaluate SRO-U applicants on five different safety functions.
One of the control room system JPMs must be an engineered safety feature, and the same system or evolution cannot be used to evaluate more than one safety function.
- 3. Select a task for each JPM that supports, either directly or indirectly and in a meaningful way, the successful fulfillment of the associated safety function. Select the task from the applicable K/A catalog (K/As for plant systems or emergency and abnormal plant evolutions) or the facility licensees site-specific task list. If this task has an associated K/A, the K/A should have an importance rating of at least 2.5 in the RO column. K/As that have importance ratings of less than 2.5 may be used if justified based on plant priorities; inform the NRC chief examiner if selecting K/As with an importance rating less than 2.5.
The selected tasks must be different from the events and evolutions conducted during the simulator operating test and tasks tested on the written examination. A task that is similar to a simulator scenario event may be acceptable if the actions required to complete the task are significantly different from those required in response to the scenario event.
Apply the following specific task selection criteria:
At least one of the tasks shall be related to a shutdown or low-power condition.
Four to six of the tasks for RO and SRO-I applicants shall require execution of alternative paths within the facility licensees operating procedures. Two to three of the tasks for SRO-U applicants shall require execution of alternative paths within the facility licensees operating procedures.
At least one alternate path JPM must be new or modified from the bank.
At least one of the tasks conducted in the plant shall evaluate the applicants ability to implement actions required during an emergency or abnormal condition.
At least one of the tasks conducted in the plant shall require the applicant to enter the radiologically controlled area. This provides an excellent opportunity for the applicant to discuss or demonstrate radiation control administrative subjects.
If it is not possible to develop or locate a suitable task for a selected system, return to step 2 and select a different system.
- 4. For each JPM, specify the codes for type, source, and location:
Code License Level Criteria RO SRO-I SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 4-6 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank 9
8 4
(E)mergency or abnormal in-plant 1
1 1
(EN)gineered safety feature (for control room system) 1 1
1 (L)ow power/shutdown 1
1 1
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (must apply to at least one alternate path JPM) 2 2
1 (P)revious two exams (randomly selected) 3 3
2 (R)adiologically controlled area 1
1 1