ML23012A098 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Monticello ![]() |
Issue date: | 11/10/2022 |
From: | Nuclear Management Co |
Iskierka-Boggs T | |
Shared Package | |
ML21188A293 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML23012A098 (1) | |
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 1 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: OCTOBER 17 -21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
Explanation SRO ADMIN LOD REF IC TSK CUE CS TL Pre-Job Brief A
N 2
S NRC: - Performance Step 4: BOLD the bullet item that the applicant is required to be using to determine that the task is Complex.
MNGP: Bolded bullets 2 and 4.
NRC: JPM is SAT License Responsibilities A
N 2
S NRC: The Task Standard may be enhanced to require the applicant to determine which watches may be credited so that Step 3 is actually a Critical Step.
MNGP: Task standard has been enhanced adding detail for critical step 3.
NRC: Changes made are SAT.
N 2
S NRC: Explanation/References needed to determine why Step 5 is critical but Steps 6 and 7 are not.
MNGP: Clerical error. Steps 6 and 7 are critical. Errors corrected.
NRC: Changes made are SAT.
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 2 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: OCTOBER 17 -21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
Explanation SRO ADMIN LOD REF IC TSK CUE CS TL ODCM Requirements A
N 3
S NRC: - Task Standard needs to be more detailed such that the information provided in the Key on page 2 of 8 is incorporated into the second bullet of the TS. As written the task standard is very vague and does not provide adequate overall grading criteria during the JPM.
MNGP: Updated Task Standard
- Performance Step 3: Discharge Canal Radiation Monitors does not match nomenclature of Table 3 for same Rad Monitors. Stated in Table 3 as Discharge Canal Gross Radioactivity Monitor MNGP: Updated nomenclature
- Performance Step 4: Service Water Radiation Monitors does not match nomenclature of Table 3 which lists the RMs as Service Water Discharge Pipe Gross Radioactivity Monitor MNGP: Updated nomenclature
- Editorial: Add space on Turnover/Cue Sheet handout for applicants use between Discharge Canal answer and Service Water answer for applicants to write information as they may write entire actions out from Table 3.
MNGP: Space provided on Page 8 NRC: JPM is SAT
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 3 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: OCTOBER 17 -21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
Explanation SRO ADMIN LOD REF IC TSK CUE CS TL Classify Event A
N 3
S NRC: - The way that the IC is written with the last bullet stating that after 15 minutes from the loss of 1R all applicable procedures are entered, and the Task Standard stating that the EAL will be declared within 15 minutes of the loss of 1R is confusing. Task Standard does not provide applicant 15 minutes to make the declaration with this verbiage. Remove the last bullet from ICs MNGP: In order to meet the UE, power has to be lost for 15 minutes first. This is before the 15 minutes they have to declare the UE. The last bullet in the IC lets the examinee know that 15 minutes have elapsed with the power loss.
- Recommend removing of loss of 1R from the Task Standard.
MNGP: Removed
- Performance Step 8 is in BOLD when others are not.
MNGP: Un-bolded.
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 4 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: October 17 - 21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
Explanation RO ADMIN LOD REF IC TSK CUE CS TL Reactive Cap vs MW Load Determination A
N 3
NRC: - Provide Key in JPM packet for Figure 2 on where applicants are to determine where MG is currently operating for grading purposes.
- Add to Performance Step 3 for Evaluator to compare applicants determination to key provided.
MNGP: Figure 2 added to assist evaluator NRC: JPM is SAT
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 5 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: October 17 - 21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
Explanation RO ADMIN LOD REF IC TSK CUE CS TL Bulk DW Temp Calc A
N 3
S NRC: - Evaluation location is listed as Simulator, IC and Performance Steps appear to indicate that this may be performed in Classroom MNGP: Updated
- Task Standard is not written specifically to the grading criteria. Include the calculation results that are expected in the Task Standard (i.e. 229.6+/- 2°F)
MNGP: Added
- Please explain tolerance values for above MNGP: Tolerances are based on the number of significant digits the examinee uses.
- Performance Step 1 is critical and provides exact numbers following calculations. As it stands currently, without a band, rounding errors would result in overall JPM failures. Suggest adding acceptable ranges for calcs.
MNGP: Added +1
- Performance Step 4 is in BOLD when others are not. Also, Critical is missing the colon and N and there is no information provided for the Standard.
MNGP: Updated
-Applicant Turnover handout has Word Macros instructions that should be removed, and there is no space for applicants to document their responses for the JPM. Add additional page, or space on handout.
MNGP: Macros are not on my copy.
Space added.
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 6 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: October 17 - 21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
N 3
S NRC: - Initiating Cue: Remove comma after verification on pages 2 and 16.
MNGP: Removed
- Task Standard needs to include the three components that are misaligned.
Not considered unsat as TS as written states there are three components misaligned. Enhancement is to specify which ones.
MNGP: Enhanced
- Add step to include administrative documentation that IV is complete identifying misaligned components.
Needs to have admin item otherwise it is a Sim JPM.
MNGP: Additional Step not require IAW NUREG 1021 Rev 12 ES-3.1 page 1.
Admin JPMs can be performed in the simulator. Task is an IV which is administrative in nature and appropriate for the RO candidate. No switch manipulations are being performed.
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 7 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: October 17 - 21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
Explanation RO ADMIN LOD REF IC TSK CUE CS TL Determine Primary Containment Water Level A
N 2
S NRC: - Task Standard should state, water level has been determined to be 959.6 feet in accordance with MNGP: Updated NRC: JPM Is SAT
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 8 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: October 17 - 21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
- a. CRD Pump Swapover S
Y 3
S NRC: - IC: Add space after Mode 1 and prior to and.
MNGP: Added
- Remove third bullet in Initial Conditions.
Not needed as direction is given in initiating cue to place 12 CRD in service.
MNGP: Removed
- Add procedure nomenclature following the procedure name in the IC.
MNGP: Added.
- Ensure all are changed on Student Handout as well.
MNGP: Done
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 9 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: October 17 - 21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
N 2
S NRC: - The initial conditions provided simply state that HPCI suction from Torus is desired. There are no initial plant conditions provided to applicant regarding plant conditions, or how the plant got to the condition it is in. The statement provided as an IC is not necessary since it is provided as an Initiating Cue.
Remove the bullet and place plant conditions in the IC.
- Add procedure nomenclature following the procedure number on IC and student handout.
- Include HPCI Torus suction valve numbers in the Task Standard.
MNGP: All fixes above complete.
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 10 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: October 17 - 21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
- c. Respond to Inadvertent ADS Initiation S
Y 3
NRC: - Initiating Cue: Second bullet needs more clarifying information. State something similar to Desired lineup is two RHR pumps and two RHRSW pumps
- Task Standard should state through starting RHR pumps using hard card and respond
- Performance Step 4 (Critical) states to throttle to 3500 gpm per pump, Standard states to throttle to ~7,000 gpm, and the Critical Task Measurable states to verify at least 1500 gpm. What provides RHR HX and Pump min flow requirements?
Critical element should be to throttle to procedure requirements +/- a range, maybe around 500 gpm. Ensuring greater than 1500 gpm, while maintaining min flow requirements does not demonstrate control of system iaw procedure requirements for the task.
MNGP: Cue fixed, task standard updated.
PS4 updated with range and removed minimum flow verbiage.
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 11 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: October 17 - 21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
- d. Swapping Stator Cooling Pumps S
Y 3
NRC: - Add procedure nomenclature following number in the Initiating Cues.
MNGP: Added
- Evaluator Note in Performance Step 5 states, Performance Steps 12-14 may be marked N/A This should state Performance Steps 6-8 instead. Typo in which Procedure Steps 12-14 are being performed in Performance Steps 6-8.
MNGP: Fixed
- Performance Step 7 Evaluator Cue states to report that when Stator Cooling Pump 12 trips, REPORT inlet pressure has dropped to 0 psig. Is this valid? There is 0 psig suction pressure supplied to the pumps when the pumps are secured, is this correct?
MNGP: Will verify during Prep week NRC: JPM Is SAT
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 12 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: October 17 - 21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
- e. Manually Insert Group 3 Isolation S
Y 3
S NRC: - Task Standard needs to be a bit more specific. Insert something similar to manually isolate a RWCU leak by manually closing MO-2387 (RWCU INBD ISOL) and MO-2398 (RWCU OTBD ISOL) when the Group 3 MNGP: Updated NRC: JPM is SAT
- f. Reset APRM Trip and Alarm Indications S
N 2
S NRC: - Task Standard is fine as written.
Keep in mind that when writing a Task Standard to perform a task IAW a procedure, that any procedure mistake, including non-critical tasks, result in an overall JPM failure as the applicant failed to perform the task properly according to the procedure.
- Initiating cues need procedure nomenclature following procedure number on both pages.
MNGP: Updated TS and cues.
- g. Transformer Deluge initiation from Control Room S
N 2
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 13 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: October 17 - 21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
2 X
NRC: - Add to the Initiating Cue, The SRO directs you to remove the A Off-gas
- Add the procedure nomenclature to Initiating Cue following the procedure number.
- Task Standard needs to include specifics regarding actions taken to include using Key #64 on Control Room Assembly and turning to SUPV position along with depressing PUMP ON/OFF to turn off the pump.
- Performance Step 3 is missing the Critical Step annotation of Y or N MNGP: All items above updated NRC: JPM is SAT
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 14 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: October 17 - 21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
- i. Electrically Isolate a CRD P
N 3
S NRC: - Task Standard is fine as written.
Keep in mind that when writing a Task Standard to perform a task iaw a procedure, that any procedure mistake, including non-critical tasks, result in an overall JPM failure as the applicant failed to perform the task properly according to the procedure.
- Multiple Performance Steps identified as Performance Step 2 for each amphenol plugs removed. Renumber each one so that each plug is its own Performance Step.
- The last performance step has a Note regarding location of FME plugs can be described located in the Evaluator Cue.
This should be moved up and separated from the cue and identified as a standalone note.
MNGP: All items above fixed NRC: JPM is SAT
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 15 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: October 17 - 21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
- j. Firewater Cross-tie to LPCI P
N 3
S NRC: - Include the procedure nomenclature following the number in the Initiating Cues on both sheets.
- Task Standard is fine as written. Keep in mind that when writing a Task Standard to perform a task IAW a procedure, that any procedure mistake, including non-critical tasks, result in an overall JPM failure as the applicant failed to perform the task properly according to the procedure. (It may be better to just add the two valve numbers for this Task Standard)
MNGP: Items above updated.
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 16 Facility: MONTICELLO Exam Date: October 17 - 21, 2022 1
JPM # or title 2
Type (S/P/A) 3 ALT (Y/N) 4 LOD (1-5) 5 JPM Errors 6
U/E/S 7
- k. Pri Cntmt Vent from ASDS P
N 3
NRC: - Include the procedure nomenclature following the number in the Initiating Cues on both sheets.
- Performance Step 5 Evaluator Cue states As SRO, direct the examinee to open the valves in Step 3.a. This should be Step 5.a as the applicant is performing Step 5 at this point of the procedure.
- Task Standard is written to vent primary containment through the Hard Pipe Vent per C.5-3505 Part A Steps 4 and 5. As the Task Standard is written, Performance Step 5, currently designated as non-critical, would actually be a critical step as it is to perform Step 5.a.4 of the procedure. If it is not the intent to have this be a critical step, then state per Steps 4 and 5.a.1-3 in Task Standard MNGP: All fixes above complete.
- Please provide all marked-up copies of the procedures that will be provided to the applicants for all JPMs in the appropriate exam packages
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (JPMs) 17 Form 2.3-3 Instructions for Completing the JPM Table
- 1. Enter the JPM number and/or title.
- 2. Enter the type of JPM(S)imulator, (P)lant, or (A)dministrative.
- 3. Enter (Y)es or (N)o for an Alternate Path JPM.
- 4. Rate the level of difficulty (LOD) of each JPM using a scale of 1-5 (easy-difficult). A JPM containing less than two critical steps, a JPM that tests solely for recall or memorization, or a JPM that involves directly looking up a single correct answer is likely LOD = 1 (too easy).
Conversely, a JPM with over 30 steps or a JPM that takes more than 45 minutes to complete is likely LOD = 5 (too difficult).
- 5. Check the appropriate block for each JPM error type, using the following criteria:
LOD = 1 or 5 is unsatisfactory (U).
REF: The JPM lacks required references, tools, or procedures (U).
IC: The JPM initial conditions are missing or the JPM lacks an adequate initial cue (U).
CUE: The JPM lacks adequate evaluator cues to allow the applicant to complete the task, or the evaluator cues are subjective or leading (U).
TSK: The JPM lacks a task standard or lacks completion criteria for a task standard (U).
CS: The JPM contains errors in designating critical steps, or the JPM lacks an adequate performance standard for a critical step (U).
TL: The JPM validation times are unreasonable, or a time-critical JPM lacks a completion time (U).
- 6. Mark the JPM as unsatisfactory (U), satisfactory (S), or needs enhancements (E). A JPM is (U) if it has one or more (U) errors as determined in step 5. Examples of enhancements include formatting, spelling, or other minor changes.
- 7. Briefly describe any JPM determined to be unsatisfactory (U) or needing enhancement (E).
Save initial review comments and detail subsequent comment resolution so that each exam-bound JPM is marked by a satisfactory (S) resolution on this form.
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (Scenarios)
Early Look Unsat Enhancement Satisfactory 18 Facility: MONTICELLO Scenario: # 1 100% Rx Power Exam Date: OCTOBER 17 -21, 2022 1
Scenario Event ID/Name 2
Scenario Event Errors 3
U/E/S 4
Explanation Realism/
Credibility Performance Standards Verifiable Actions Critical Task TS General:
- Rev numbers of the scenario in the header do not match between upper left and the main title.
MNGP: The rev number in the upper left is the template rev, not the scenario rev.
- Please add Form 3.3-1 (formerly D-1) to the front of the scenario guide.
MNGP: Will be included as a separate sheet.
- Format the Scenario guide to add space for Evaluator Notes when locations do not have much.
i.e., Event 4, Event 7 (Item 15 on page 21 of 28)
MNGP: Space added as allowed by our template.
- What is the need for SEQ column next to the Sequence of Events/Instructor Notes? Maybe label this column Time MNGP: This is how our template is formatted.
- OVERALL, for all Scenarios - It would be preferred to have the Key Expected Alarms listed in bullets.
MNGP: This is how our template is formatted.
EVENT 1 Perform Reactor Scram Function Test S
NRC: - Bold TS LCO and Condition and Actions SRO is expected to take.
MNGP: Bolded
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (Scenarios)
Early Look Unsat Enhancement Satisfactory 19 Facility: MONTICELLO Scenario: # 1 100% Rx Power Exam Date: OCTOBER 17 -21, 2022 1
Scenario Event ID/Name 2
Scenario Event Errors 3
U/E/S 4
Explanation Realism/
Credibility Performance Standards Verifiable Actions Critical Task TS EVENT 2 MFRV A Lockup S
NRC: - Booth operator instructions are not clear.
States to verify FW20A actives and deletes.
MNGP: This allows the operator to manually reset the lock.
NRC: Event is SAT EVENT 3 SJAE Steam Supply PCV Fails Closed E
S NRC: - Expected Student Response does not provide clarifying information in terms of actions the BOP will be taking when coordinating with TB operator to take manual action to restore steam and reset the air ejector as described in the Scenario Overview.
MNGP: The TBO is directed by the BOP to restore.
The BOP only observes the pressure coming up and then resets the SJAE.
NRC: Event is SAT EVENT 4 Rapid Power Reduction for Degrading Main Condenser Vacuum S
NRC: Event is SAT EVENT 5 Inadvertent Initiation of 14 RHR Pump S
NRC: Bold TS LCO and Condition and Actions SRO is expected to take.
EVENT 6 Stator Water Cooling S
NRC: Event is SAT
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (Scenarios)
Early Look Unsat Enhancement Satisfactory 20 Facility: MONTICELLO Scenario: # 1 100% Rx Power Exam Date: OCTOBER 17 -21, 2022 1
Scenario Event ID/Name 2
Scenario Event Errors 3
U/E/S 4
Explanation Realism/
Credibility Performance Standards Verifiable Actions Critical Task TS Pump Trip Requiring Manual SCRAM EVENT 7 Hydraulic ATWS (CT)
S NRC: - Actions listed for the BOP are formatted with different styles of bullets for 11. Hydraulic ATWS section. Are they meant to be? Meaning of different styles if they are meant to be different?
MNGP: Switched to same bullets.
NRC: Event is SAT EVENT 8 RWCU Fails to Isolate (CT)
S NRC: - Bold steps to Perform Part C and Part D are located near the end of the page. Place on the same page as the actions that are associated with each section accordingly.
MNGP: Fixed
- Page 19 of 28 appears to have an additional Booth action identified in SEQ column with nothing associated with it.
MNGP: Removed NRC: Event is SAT
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (Scenarios)
Early Look Unsat Enhancement Satisfactory 21 Facility: MONTICELLO Scenario: # 2 38% Rx Power Exam Date: OCTOBER 17 - 21, 2022 1
Scenario Event ID/Name 2
Scenario event errors 3
U/E/S 4
Explanation Realism/
Credibility Performance Standards Verifiable Actions Critical Task TS General:
- Scenario Overview lists the CT on the Event they are associated with for this scenario. This is done on this Scenario only and not the other three. Make all similar. Prefer to have the other three formatted similar to this scenario so that the CT is listed on the Event in the Scenario Overview.
MNGP: Done
- Add space for notes below expected actions for the following Events: Event 1, Event 2 MNGP: Done
- Booth and Booth Inst seem to be used interchanged throughout the SEQ column. Are they same roles or different roles?
MNGP: Fixed EVENT 1 Place the second MFRV in Service S
NRC: - Editorial item: Typo. The ) following Place Remaining B MFRV CV-6-12B In Service should be quotation marks.
MNGP: Fixed NRC: Event is SAT EVENT 2 Raise Reactor Power with Recirc flow for Startup S
NRC: - Monitors the following parameter is listed for Event 2 and Event 3 has the parameters that the OATC is monitoring. Ensure that the parameters for Event 2 are located in Event 2 row.
MNGP: Fixed
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (Scenarios)
Early Look Unsat Enhancement Satisfactory 22 Facility: MONTICELLO Scenario: # 2 38% Rx Power Exam Date: OCTOBER 17 - 21, 2022 1
Scenario Event ID/Name 2
Scenario event errors 3
U/E/S 4
Explanation Realism/
Credibility Performance Standards Verifiable Actions Critical Task TS NRC: Event is SAT Event 3 Recirc Pump Scoop Tube Lock S
NRC: - If OATC action to Call RBO to verify ASD indication, and Reset the scoop tube lock are part of B.01.04-05.H.2, then make them bulleted steps under the procedure. If these actions are taken from some other guiding document, then document as such.
MNGP: Fixed NRC: Event is SAT Event 4 Control Rod Drift IN S
NRC: - Bold expected TS LCO and Conditions/Actions for the SRO MNGP: Done NRC: Event is SAT Event 5 Inadvertent RCIC initiation S
NRC: - Bold expected TS LCO and Conditions/Actions for the SRO MNGP: Done NRC: Event is SAT Event 6 Multiple earthquakes requiring a Reactor Scram (CT)
NRC: - Add in Sequence of Events/Instructor Notes column for CT-10 Time of DB Earthquake:_____
and, Time of Scram:____ to allow properly documenting the CT.
- Move OATC Scram Part A to next page to align with other actions better.
- Place BOP Scram Part B actions all on one page
- Place a CRS next to response of Entering C.4-H.
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (Scenarios)
Early Look Unsat Enhancement Satisfactory 23 Facility: MONTICELLO Scenario: # 2 38% Rx Power Exam Date: OCTOBER 17 - 21, 2022 1
Scenario Event ID/Name 2
Scenario event errors 3
U/E/S 4
Explanation Realism/
Credibility Performance Standards Verifiable Actions Critical Task TS Currently appears that it is under the BOP expected response.
MNGP: All changes added NRC: Event is SAT Event 7 Small LOCA and LOOP requiring Alternative RPV Level Control (CT)
S NRC: - Event 7 and Event 8 are not properly separated into different rows on page 18 of 26. The two events appear to be combined with the 12th sequence running into Event 7 instructor notes as well as expected student response.
MNGP Reformatted.
NRC: Event is SAT Event 8 EDG-ESW Pump fails to Auto Start S
NRC: - Does the Note pertaining to the following actions not being able to be performed correlate with the SW, RBCCW, CRD Pumps and Drywell cooling, hence the additional spacing from the EDG-ESW pump?
MNGP: Yes, reformatted for clarity NRC: Event is SAT
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (Scenarios)
Early Look Unsat Enhancement Satisfactory 24 Facility: MONTICELLO Scenario: # 3 90% Rx Power Exam Date: OCTOBER 17 - 21, 2022 1
Scenario Event ID/Name 2
Scenario event errors 3
U/E/S 4
Explanation Realism/
Credibility Performance Standards Verifiable Actions Critical Task TS General
- Sequence of events has #11 SDV Vent and Drain valves fail to close for Event 8 listed after Event 6 and before Event 7. If it is expected that this will occur in this order, then it may be best to renumber the events as they are expected to occur. We can validate this during OV week. No actions necessary for this at this time.
Event 1 Perform Test 0141 (RB/Torus Vacuum Breaker Operability Check)
S NRC: - Instructor/Booth notes are not organized using alphabetical or bulleted format similar to other JPMs. All items seem to run together.
- Bold expected TS LCO and Conditions/Actions for the SRO MNGP: Fixed NRC: Event is SAT Event 2
- 11 Recirc Pump Runback S
NRC: - Bold expected TS LCO and Conditions/Actions for the SRO
- OATC has two bullets for taking action IAW two different procedures, but not specific actions are provided in the expected student response column
- Move Event 3 to start on next page leaving space for notetaking by the evaluators.
MNGP: fixed NRC: Event is SAT
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (Scenarios)
Early Look Unsat Enhancement Satisfactory 25 Facility: MONTICELLO Scenario: # 3 90% Rx Power Exam Date: OCTOBER 17 - 21, 2022 1
Scenario Event ID/Name 2
Scenario event errors 3
U/E/S 4
Explanation Realism/
Credibility Performance Standards Verifiable Actions Critical Task TS Event 3 Insert Control Rods to exit Unanalyzed Region of P-F Map S
NRC: - There are no specifics provided for the actions taken by the OATC to insert control rods, nor are there any in the procedure. Will evaluate on Onsite Validation if further information should be provided to assist in evaluating the applicants properly.
MNGP Added Actions NRC: Event is SAT Event 4 RBCCW Trip S
NRC: Event is SAT Event 5 CRD Flow Control Valve fails closed S
NRC: - Bullet the actions identified for the OATC in coordination with the RBO MNGP: Bulleted NRC: Event is SAT Event 6 Loss of all CRD flow E
S NRC: - Add Time CRD Pumps Lost:____ and Time of Scram:____ to Sequence of Events/Instructor notes under CT-1.
- Add line for OATC: Takes actions IAW C.4-A, Reactor Scram PART A: and bullet actions on page 16 of 29 that OATC takes.
MNGP: Fixed NRC: Event is SAT
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (Scenarios)
Early Look Unsat Enhancement Satisfactory 26 Facility: MONTICELLO Scenario: # 3 90% Rx Power Exam Date: OCTOBER 17 - 21, 2022 1
Scenario Event ID/Name 2
Scenario event errors 3
U/E/S 4
Explanation Realism/
Credibility Performance Standards Verifiable Actions Critical Task TS Event 7 Unisolable RCIC steam line break requiring a Blowdown E
S NRC: - Add Time Two Max Safe Values Exceeded:____, and Time of Emergency Depressurization:____.
- Will evaluate during OV but would like to get the two areas that will be exceeded for Max Safe along with the associated temperatures that this will occur at added to the Instructor Notes as a note for the evaluators to use in CT grading.
- Bulleted item for CRS to Enter C.5-1300 should be un-bulleted and aligned left.
MNGP: All fixed NRC: Event is SAT Event 8 SDV fails to automatically isolate S
NRC: - Are the actions taken by the OATC governed by a procedure or from memory? If procedurally driven, then add procedure to the Expected Student Response column.
MNGP: Fixed
- BOP Actions iaw Part B should have a bullet for step in which BOP will Open Main Generator output breakers 8N7 & 8N8. As written it looks like an overarching title for the steps that follow when it is a standalone step in the procedure.
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (Scenarios)
Early Look Unsat Enhancement Satisfactory 27 Facility: MONTICELLO Scenario: # 3 90% Rx Power Exam Date: OCTOBER 17 - 21, 2022 1
Scenario Event ID/Name 2
Scenario event errors 3
U/E/S 4
Explanation Realism/
Credibility Performance Standards Verifiable Actions Critical Task TS Event 9 SRV C fails to open on ED S
NRC: Event is SAT
Form 2.3-3 Operating Test Review Worksheet (Scenarios) 31 Form 2.3-3 Instructions for Completing the Scenario Table
- 1. For each scenario, enter the scenario event names and descriptions.
- 2. Review the individual events contained in each scenario, and identify and mark event errors:
The scenario guide event description is not realistic/credibleunsatisfactory (U).
The scenario guide event description lacks adequate crew/operator performance standardsneeds enhancement (E).
The scenario guide event description lacks verifiable actions for a credited normal event, reactivity event instrument/component malfunction, or technical specification (TS) event (or a combination of these) (U).
The scenario guide event description incorrectly designates an event as a critical task (i.e., a noncritical task labeled as critical or a critical task labeled as noncritical).
This includes critical tasks that do not meet the critical task criteria (i.e., the critical task does not have a measurable performance standard) (U).
The scenario guide event description incorrectly designates entry into TS actions when not required or does not designate entry into TS actions when required (U).
- 3. Based on the outcome in step 2, mark the scenario event as unsatisfactory (U), satisfactory (S), or needs enhancements (E). An event is (U) if it has one or more (U) errors as determined in step 2. Examples of enhancements include formatting, spelling, or other minor changes.
- 4. Briefly describe any scenario event determined to be unsatisfactory (U) or needing enhancement (E). Save initial review comments and detail subsequent comment resolution so that each exam-bound scenario event is marked by a satisfactory (S) resolution on this form.