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RB-09-2004 - Final - Outlines
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/23/2004
From: Gody A
Operations Branch IV
To: Hinnenkamp P
Entergy Operations
50-458/04-301, NUREG-1021, Rev 9, RB-09-2004 50-458/04-301
Download: ML042990548 (36)


ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Facility: River Bend Station Date of Exam: September 2004 RO K/A Category Points SRO-Only Points Tier Group K K K K K K A A A A G K A A G Total Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

  • 2 *
1. 1 1 6 3 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 3 20 1 1 2 4 8 Emergency &

Abnormal 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 7 1 1 2 0 4 Plant Evolutions Tier 3 6 5 0 0 0 5 4 0 0 4 27 2 2 4 4 12 Totals

2. 1 3 2 4 1 2 4 4 2 0 2 2 26 0 0 2 2 4 Plant Systems 2 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 2 2 2 0 12 1 1 0 0 2 Tier 4 2 5 2 2 6 5 4 2 4 2 38 1 1 2 2 6 Totals
3. Generic Knowledge and 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Abilities Categories 10 7 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 Notes:
1. Ensure that at least two topics from every K/A category are sampled within each tier of the RO outline (i.e., the Tier Totals in each K/A category shall not be less than two). Refer to Section D.1.c for additional guidance regarding SRO sampling.
2. The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/- 1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.
3. Select topics from many systems and evolutions; avoid selecting more that two K/A topics from a given system or evolution unless they relate to plant-specific priorities.
4. Systems/evolutions with in each group are identified on the associated outline.
5. The shaded areas are not applicable to the category/tier.
6. The generic (G) K/As in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the K/A Catalog, but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system. The SRO K/As must also be linked to 10 CFR 55.43 or an SRO-level learning objective.
7. On the following pages, enter the K/A numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics importance ratings (IR) for the applicable license level, and the point totals for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above; summarize all the SRO-only knowledge and non-A2 ability categories in the columns labeled K and A. Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.
8. For Tier 3, enter the K/A numbers, descriptions, importance ratings, and point totals on Form ES-401-3.
9. Refer to ES-401, Attachment 2, for guidance regarding the elimination of inappropriate K/A statements.

9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 1 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9


E/APE#/NAME/SAFETY FUNCTION K K K A A G K/A TOPIC(S) IR TYPE QNO QID CFR REFERENCES 1 2 3 1 2 295001 Loss of Forced Core Circulation / 1 & 4 1 The interrelations between Partial or Complete Loss of 3.6 BANK 1 419 CFR 41.3/41.5/41.6/41.14 Forced Core Flow Circulation and the Recirculation 2000 System.

295003 Partial or Total Loss of AC Power / 6 1 Determine/interpret the cause of partial or complete 3.4 NEW 2 888 CFR 41.8-41.10 loss of A.C. power as it applies to partial or complete loss of A.C. power.

295004 Partial or Total Loss of DC Power / 6 3 The reasons for reactor SCRAM as it applies to partial 3.1 NEW 3 889 CFR 41.7/41.8 or complete loss of D.C. Power.

295005 Main Turbine Generator Trip / 3 2 The interrelations between Main Turbine Generator Trip 2.9 NEW 4 890 CFR 41.4 and feedwater temperature.

295006 SCRAM / 1 1 The reasons for reactor water level response as they 3.8 NEW 5 887 CFR 41.10/43.5 apply to SCRAM.

295016 Control Room Abandonment / 7 6 Determine/interpret cooldown rate as it applies to 3.3 NEW 6 942 CFR 41.7 Control Room Abandonment.

295018 Partial or Total Loss of CCW / 8 1.28 Knowledge of the purpose and function of major system 3.2 NEW 7 891 CFR 41.4/43.5 components and controls.

295019 Partial or Total Loss of Inst. Air / 8 4 Operate/monitor service air isolation valves as they 3.3 NEW 8 54 CFR 41.741.10/43.5 apply to Partial or Complete Loss of Instrument Air.

295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling / 4 2 Operate/monitor RHR/Shutdown Cooling as it applies 3.5 NEW 9 892 CFR 41.2/41.3/41.8/41.14 to Loss of Shutdown Cooling.

295023 Refueling Accidents / 8 8 Operate/monitor Containment Building Ventilation as 3.3 NEW 10 893 CFR 41.11/41.12/43.5/43.7 it applies to Refueling Accidents.

295024 High Drywell Pressure / 5 4.4 Ability to recognize abnormal indications for system 4.0 MOD 11 444 CFR 41.9/41.10 operating parameters which are entry-level conditions for emergency and abnormal operating procedures.

PAGE 1 TIER 1 GROUP 1 TOTAL 0 2 2 3 2 2 PAGE ONE TOTAL POINTS 11 9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 2 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

RIVER BEND STATION BWR EXAMINATION OUTLINE ES-401-1 September 2004 EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PLANT EVOLUTIONS - TIER 1 GROUP 1 (RO), continued E/APE#/NAME/SAFETY FUNCTION K K K A A G K/A TOPIC(S) IR TYPE QNO QID CFR REFERENCES 1 2 3 1 2 295025 High Reactor Pressure / 3 4 Determine/interpret suppression pool level as it applies 3.9 NEW 12 948 CFR 41.5/43.1/43.2 to High Reactor Pressure.

295026 Supp. Pool High Water Temp. / 5 4 The reasons for SBLC injection as it applies to 3.7 MOD 13 816 CFR 41.6/41.9/41.10/43.5 Suppression Pool High Water Temperature.

295027 High Containment Temperature / 5 4 The interrelations between High Containment 2.6 NEW 14 894 CFR 41.9/41.10/43.5 Temperature and ERIS.

295028 High Drywell Temperature / 5 2 The operational implications of equipment 2.9 BANK 15 895 CFR 41.5/41.7/41.14 environmental qualification as they apply to High Drywell Temperature.

295030 Low Suppression Pool Water Level / 5 3 Operate/monitor HPCS as it applies to Low Suppression 3.4 NEW 16 896 CFR 41.9/41.10/41.14 Pool Water Level.

295031 Reactor Low Water Level / 2 16 The interrelations between Reactor Low Water Level 4.1 NEW 17 897 CFR 41.2/41.14/43.2 and Reactor Water Level Control.

295037 SCRAM/Power >APRM Dnsc/Unkn / 1 8 The interrelations between Scram Condition Present and 2.7 NEW 18 898 CFR 41.1/41.2/41.6/43.5/43.6 Reactor Power Above APRM Downscale or Unknown and ERIS.

295038 High Offsite Release Rate / 9 1.30 Ability to locate and operate components, including 3.9 NEW 19 886 CFR 41.7/41.13/43.4 local controls.

600000 Plant Fire On Site / 8 1 The interrelations between Plant Fire On Site and 2.6 NEW 20 923 CFR 41.4/41.10/43.3 sensors, detectors and valves.

PAGE 2 TIER 1 GROUP 1 TOTAL 1 4 1 1 1 1 PAGE TWO TOTAL POINTS 9 PAGE 1 TIER 1 GROUP 1 TOTAL 0 2 2 3 2 2 PAGE ONE TOTAL POINTS 11 K/A CATEGORY TOTALS 1 6 3 4 3 3 TIER ONE GROUP ONE TOTAL 20 9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 3 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9


E/APE#/NAME/SAFETY FUNCTION K K K A A G K/A TOPIC(S) IR TYPE QNO QID CFR REFERENCES 1 2 3 1 2 295009 Low Reactor Water Level / 2 2 Operate/monitor Reactor Water Level Control as it 4.0 MOD 21 954 CFR 41.7 applies to Low Reactor Water Level.

295010 High Drywell Pressure / 5 2 Determine/interpret drywell pressure as it applies to 3.8 NEW 22 899 CFR 41.7 High Drywell Pressure.

295011 High Containment Temperature / 5 1 The reasons for increased containment cooling as they 3.6 NEW 23 900 CFR 41.9/41.10/43.2 apply to High Containment Temperature.

295012 High Drywell Temperature / 5 1.2 Knowledge of operator responsibilities during all 3.0 BANK 24 901 CFR 41.9 modes of plant operation. 2003 295013 High Suppression Pool Temp. / 5 1 The operational implications of pool stratification as 2.5 NEW 25 953 CFR 41.9/41.10 they apply to High Suppression Pool Temperature.

295034 Sec. CTMT Vent. High Radiation / 9 4 The reasons for the Fuel Building Ventilation responses 3.7 NEW 26 903 CFR 41.9/41.11/41.13/43.4 as they apply to Secondary Containment Ventilation High Radiation.

295036 Sec. CTMT High Sump/Area Levels / 5 1 The operational implications of radiation releases as 2.9 NEW 27 904 CFR they apply to Secondary Containment High Sump/Area Water Level.

K/A CATEGORY TOTALS 2 0 2 1 1 1 TIER ONE GROUP TWO TOTAL 7 9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 4 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9



CFR REFERENCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 203000 RHR/LPCI Mode 2 The operational implications of core 3.5 NEW 28 905 CFR 41.7/41.14 cooling methods as applied to RHR/LPCI.

205000 Shutdown Cooling 2 Electrical power supplies to motor 2.5 MOD 29 906 CFR 41.7/41.14 operated valves.

209001 LPCS 3 The effect a loss or malfunction of the 2.9 MOD 30 819 CFR 41.5/41.7/41.8/43.2 LPCS will have on emergency generators.

209002 HPCS 4 Predict/monitor changes in reactor 3.3 NEW 31 907 CFR 41.7 pressure with operating HPCS controls.

211000 SLC 2 The physical connections/cause-effect 2.7 NEW 32 1078 CFR 41.6/41.7 relationships between SLC and core plate P indication.

212000 RPS 5 The effect that a loss or malfunction of the 3.5 NEW 33 885 CFR 41.2/41.7 sensor inputs will have on the RPS.

215003 IRM 7 Manually operate/monitor in the CR to 3.6 BANK 34 29 CFR 41.2/41.7/43.6 verify proper functioning/operability.

215004 Source Range Monitor 1 The effect a loss or malfunction of RPS 3.2 NEW 35 908 CFR 41.2/41.5 will have on the SRMs.

215004 Source Range Monitor 2 Predict/monitor changes in reactor power 3.6 NEW 36 799 CFR 41.2/41.5 indication with operating the SRM controls.

215005 APRM / LPRM 7 The effect a loss or malfunction of flow 3.2 NEW 37 884 CFR 41.2/41.5 converter/comparator network will have on APRM/LPRM.

PAGE 1 TIER 2 GROUP 1 TOTAL 1 1 1 0 1 3 2 0 0 1 0 PAGE ONE TOTAL POINTS 10 9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 5 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9


CFR REFERENCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 215005 APRM / LPRM 5 The effect a loss or malfunction of the 3.8 NEW 38 952 CFR 41.2/41.5 APRM/LPRM will have on reactor power indication.

217000 RCIC 5 Manually operate/monitor in the control 3.2 NEW 39 943 CFR 41.5/41.7/41.8 room reactor water level.

217000 RCIC 4.31 Knowledge of annunciators alarms and 3.3 BANK 40 820 CFR 41.5/41.7/41.8 indications, and use of the response instructions.

218000 ADS 6 Predict impacts of initiation signals present 4.2 NEW 41 910 CFR 41.7/41.8 on the ADS; and use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate.

223002 PCIS / NSSSS 1 Electrical power supplies to the logic power 2.4 NEW 42 911 CFR 41.7/41.9 supplies (See NOTE below).

223002 PCIS / NSSSS 7 The effect a loss or malfunction of the 3.7 NEW 43 912 CFR 41.7/41.9 PCIS/NSSSS will have on reactor pressure.

239002 SRVs 5 Predict/monitor changes in reactor water 3.7 NEW 44 913 CFR 41.2/41.3/41.14 level associated with operating SRV controls.

259002 Rtr Water Level Control 2 The physical connections/cause-effect 3.2 NEW 45 941 CFR 41.7 relationships between Reactor Water Level Control and main steam flow.

261000 SGTS 4.6 Knowledge symptom based EOP mitigation 3.1 NEW 46 812 CFR strategies.

PAGE 2 TIER 2 GROUP 1 TOTAL 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 PAGE TWO TOTAL POINTS 9 NOTE: K/A statement 223002 has IR of 2.4 but is plant specific priority due to NSSSS logic being supplied by RPS power. RPS bus power transfer or loss will result in a Divisional isolation causing half of the BOP valves to close. This can have a significant impact on plant operation if not quickly identified and restored when operating at power.

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CFR REFERENCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 262001 AC Distribution 9 Predict the impacts of exceeding voltage 3.1 NEW 47 914 CFR 41.4/41.10/43.3 limitations on AC Distribution; and use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate.

262001 AC Distribution 1 The operational implications of the 3.1 MOD 48 818 CFR 41.4/41.10/43.3 principle involved with paralleling two AC sources as applied to AC Distribution.

262002 UPS (AC/DC) 1 The physical connections/cause-effect 2.8 NEW 49 951 CFR relationships between UPS (AC/DC) and Feedwater Level Control.

263000 DC Distribution 3 The effect a loss or malfunction of the DC 3.4 BANK 50 679 CFR 41.4/41.5 Distribution will have on systems with DC 2000 components.

264000 EDGs 9 Predict/monitor maintaining minimum 3.0 BANK 51 916 CFR 41.7 load associated with operating EDG controls.

300000 Instrument Air 12 The effect a loss or malfunction of the 2.9 NEW 52 917 CFR 41.4/41.7 breakers, relays and disconnects will have on the Instrument Air System.

400000 Component Cooling Water 1 Design feature(s)/interlocks which provide 3.4 NEW 53 405 CFR 41.4 for automatic start of standby pump.

PAGE 3 TIER 2 GROUP 1 TOTAL 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 PAGE THREE TOTAL POINTS 7 PAGE 2 TIER 2 GROUP 1 TOTAL 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 PAGE TWO TOTAL POINTS 9 PAGE 1 TIER 2 GROUP 1 TOTAL 1 1 1 0 1 3 2 0 0 1 0 PAGE ONE TOTAL POINTS 10 K/A CATEGORY TOTALS 3 2 4 1 2 4 4 2 0 2 2 TIER TWO GROUP ONE TOTAL 26 9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 7 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9



CFR REFERENCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 201001 CRD Hydraulic 14 Predict the impacts of low drive header 2.8 NEW 54 918 CFR 41.6/41.7 pressure on CRDH; and use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate.

201003 Control Rod and CRDM 2 Predict/monitor changes in CRD drive 2.8 NEW 55 813 CFR 41.2/41.5/41.6 pressure with operating the CRDM controls.

201005 RCIS 2 The physical connections/cause-effect 3.3 NEW 56 811 CFR 41.5/41.6/41.7/43.2/43.6 relationships between RCIS and the reactor pressure control system.

202001 Recirculation 9 Design feature(s)/interlocks which provide 2.7 NEW 57 919 CFR 41.7 for pump minimum flow limit.

204000 RWCU 5 The effect a loss or malfunction of AC 2.6 NEW 58 920 CFR 41.4 power will have on RWCU.

239001 Main and Reheat Steam 3 Manually operate/monitor system flow in 3.5 NEW 59 921 CFR 41.4/41.5 the control room.

239003 MSIV Leakage Control 7 Manually operate/monitor status lights 2.8 NEW 60 922 CFR 41.7/41.9 and alarms in the control room.

245000 Turbine Gen. and Aux. 10 Monitor auto operations of the Main 2.5 NEW 61 404 CFR Turbine Generator output voltage/reactive load 271000 Offgas 1 The effect a loss or malfunction of the 3.5 MOD 62 881 CFR Offgas will have on condenser vacuum.

PAGE 1 TIER 2 GROUP 2 TOTAL 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 PAGE ONE TOTAL POINTS 9 9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 8 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9


CFR REFERENCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 286000 Fire Protection 6 Monitor automatic operations of the Fire 3.0 BANK 63 167 CFR 41.4 Protection System fire dampers.

288000 Plant Ventilation 2 The effect a loss or malfunction of the 2.5 NEW 64 924 CFR applicable component cooling water system will have on the Plant Ventilation.

290003 Control Room HVAC 3 Predict the impacts of 3.4 BANK 65 864 CFR initiation/reconfiguration failure on the 2003 Control Room HVAC; and use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate PAGE 2 TIER 2 GROUP 2 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 PAGE TWO TOTAL POINTS 3 PAGE 1 TIER 2 GROUP 2 TOTAL 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 PAGE ONE TOTAL POINTS 9 K/A CATEGORY TOTALS 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 2 2 2 0 TIER TWO GROUP TWO TOTAL 12 9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 9 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9



CFR REFERENCE 2.1 CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS 22 Ability to determine Mode of Operation. 2.8 MOD 66 870 CFR 41.7/43.2 2.1 CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS 24 Ability to obtain and interpret station electrical and mechanical drawings. 2.8 MOD 67 925 CFR 41.7 2.1 CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS 29 Knowledge of how to conduct and verify valve lineups. 3.4 BANK 68 949 CFR 41.10 SUBTOTAL 3 2.2 EQUIPMENT CONTROL 12 Knowledge of surveillance procedures. 3.0 BANK 69 164 CFR 41.10 2003 2.2 EQUIPMENT CONTROL 26 Knowledge of refueling administrative requirements. 2.5 NEW 70 927 CFR 41.10/43.2/43.6 SUBTOTAL 2 2.3 RADIATION CONTROL 4 Knowledge of radiation exposure limits and contamination control, including 2.5 BANK 71 434 CFR 41.10/41.12/43.4 permissible levels in excess of those authorized.

2.3 RADIATION CONTROL 11 Ability to control radiation releases. 2.7 NEW 72 955 CFR 41.11/41.12/43.4 SUBTOTAL 2 2.4 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES / PLAN 8 Knowledge of how the event-based emergency/abnormal operating procedures are 3.0 NEW 73 928 CFR 41.10/43.5 used in conjunction with the symptom-based EOPs.

2.4 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES / PLAN 18 Knowledge of the specific bases for EOPs. 2.7 BANK 74 210 CFR 41.10/43.5 2.4 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES / PLAN 50 Ability to verify system alarm setpoints and operate controls identified in the alarm 3.3 NEW 75 852 CFR 41.10/43.5 response manual.

SUBTOTAL 3 TIER THREE POINT TOTAL 10 9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 10 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9


E/APE#/NAME/SAFETY FUNCTION K K K A A G K/A TOPIC(S) IR TYPE QNO QID CFR REFERENCES 1 2 3 1 2 295001 Loss of Forced Core Circulation / 1 & 4 2.25 Knowledge of bases in technical specifications for 3.7 BANK 76 833 CFR 41.3/41.5/41.6/41.14/43.1/43.2 limiting conditions for operations and safety limits. 2003 295003 Partial or Total Loss of AC Power / 6 2 Determine/interpret reactor power, pressure, and level 4.3 NEW 77 217 CFR 41.8-41.10/43.5 as they apply to Partial or Complete Loss of AC Power.

295005 Main Turbine Generator Trip / 3 8 Determine/interpret electrical distribution status as it 3.3 NEW 78 200 CFR 41.4/43.5 applies to Main Turbine Generator Trip.

295006 SCRAM / 1 3 Operational implications of reactivity control as it 4.0 NEW 79 814 CFR 41.10/43.5 applies to SCRAM.

295018 Partial or Total Loss of CCW / 8 1 Operate/monitor backup systems as they apply to Partial 3.4 NEW 80 229 CFR 41.4/43.5 or Complete Loss of Component Cooling Water.

295019 Partial or Total Loss of Inst. Air / 8 1.33 Ability to recognize indications for system operating 4.0 MOD 81 815 CFR 41.741.10/43.1/43.2 parameters which are entry-level conditions for technical specifications.

295025 High Reactor Pressure / 3 4.30 Knowledge of which events related to system 3.6 MOD 82 931 CFR 41.5/43.1/43.2 operations/status should be reported to outside agencies.

295028 High Drywell Temperature / 5 1.23 Ability to perform specific system and integrated plant 4.0 NEW 83 932 CFR 41.5/41.7/41.14/43.5 procedures during different modes of plant operation.

K/A CATEGORY TOTALS 1 0 0 1 2 4 TIER ONE GROUP ONE TOTAL 8 9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 11 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9


E/APE#/NAME/SAFETY FUNCTION K K K A A G K/A TOPIC(S) IR TYPE QNO QID CFR REFERENCES 1 2 3 1 2 295020 Inadvertent Containment Isolation / 5 2 The reasons for Drywell/containment pressure 3.5 NEW 84 933 CFR 41.9/41.11/41.13/43.5 response as they apply to Inadvertent Containment Isolation.

295032 High Sec. CTMT Area Temperature / 5 2 The reasons for reactor SCRAM as they apply to High 3.8 NEW 85 934 CFR 41.9/43.5 Secondary Containment Area Temperature.

295035 Sec. CTMT Vent. High P / 5 1 Determine/interpret secondary containment pressure 3.9 NEW 86 950 CFR 41.9/43.4 as it applies to Secondary Containment High Differential Pressure.

500000 High Containment Hydrogen Conc. / 5 4 Determine/interpret combustible limits for wetwell as 3.3 BANK 87 674 CFR 41.7-41.10/43.5 they apply to High Primary Containment Hydrogen 2000 Concentrations.

K/A CATEGORY TOTALS 0 0 1 1 2 0 TIER ONE GROUP TWO TOTAL 4 9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 12 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9



CFR REFERENCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 205000 Shutdown Cooling 1.14 Knowledge of system status criteria which 3.3 NEW 88 936 CFR 41.7/41.1/43.2 require the notification of plant personnel.

212000 RPS 21 Predict the impacts of the failure of 3.9 NEW 89 937 CFR 41.2/41.7/43.5 individual relays to reposition on RPS; and use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate.

263000 DC Distribution 1.32 Ability to explain and apply system limits 3.8 NEW 90 946 CFR 41.6/41.7 and precautions.

264000 EDGs 3 Predict the impacts of operating unloaded, 3.4 NEW 91 232 CFR 41.7/43.2 lightly loaded, and highly loaded on the EDGs; and use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate.

K/A CATEGORY TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 TIER TWO GROUP ONE TOTAL 4 9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 13 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9



CFR REFERENCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 234000 Fuel Handling Equipment 2 Monitor auto operations of Fuel Handling 3.7 MOD 92 882 CFR 41.6/41.7/43.7 Equipment including interlock operation.

290002 Reactor Vessel Internals 4 The effect a loss or malfunction of the 3.2 MOD 93 940 CFR 43.4/43.6 Reactor Vessel Internals will have on plant radiation levels.

K/A CATEGORY TOTALS 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 TIER TWO GROUP TWO TOTAL 2 9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 14 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9



CFR REFERENCE 2.1 CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS 1 Knowledge of conduct of operations requirements. 3.8 BANK 94 1063 CFR 43.4 2.1 CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS 2 Knowledge of operator responsibilities during all modes of plant operation. 4.0 MOD 95 624 CFR 43.2 SUBTOTAL 2 2.2 EQUIPMENT CONTROL 5 Knowledge of the process for making changes in the facility as described in the 2.7 NEW 96 876 CFR 41.10/43.3 SAR.

2.2 EQUIPMENT CONTROL 22 Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and safety limits. 4.1 NEW 97 926 CFR 41.10/43.3/43.5 SUBTOTAL 2 2.3 RADIATION CONTROL 1 Knowledge of 10 CFR 20 and related facility radiation control requirements. 3.0 MOD 98 632 CFR 41.11/41.12/43.4 SUBTOTAL 1 2.4 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES / PLAN 5 Knowledge of the organization of the operating procedures network for normal, 3.6 MOD 99 675 CFR 41.10/43.5 abnormal, and emergency evolutions.

2.4 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES / PLAN 21 Knowledge of the parameters and logic used to assess the status of safety functions 4.3 MOD 100 370 CFR 41.10/43.6 including (1) Reactivity control (2) Core cooling and heat removal (3) Reactor coolant system integrity (4) Containment conditions (5) Radioactivity release control.

SUBTOTAL 2 TIER THREE TOTAL 7 9/10/04 Rev. 2 Page 15 of 15 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-401 Record of Rejected K/As Form ES-401-4 Facility: RIVER BEND STATION Date of Exam: 9/17/2004 Exam Level: RO Page 1 Tier / Randomly Reason for Rejection Group Selected KA 1/1 295024, G 2.4.30 RO IR is 2.2 (<2.5) with no site-specific priority justification.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, G 2.4.4.

1/1 295038, G 2.2.25 Moved to SRO Tier 1 Group 1 topic 295001 (See SRO Record of Rejected K/As).

Replaced with KA statement G 2.1.30, randomly selected for SRO topic 295001.

1/1 600000, AK2.02 RO IR is 2.4 (<2.5) with no site-specific priority justification.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, AK2.01.

1/2 295012, G 2.1.27 KA statement Knowledge of system purpose and or function is inappropriate for Hi DW Temperature abnormal evolution.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, G 2.1.2.

2/1 211000, K1.08 RO IR is 2.3 (<2.5) with no site-specific priority justification.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, K1.02.

2/1 215005, K6.05 Not a feature of River Bend. A loss or malfunction of IRMs does not affect the APRMs or LPRMs.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, K6.07.

2/1 215005, K3.06 Not a feature of River Bend. A loss or malfunction of APRMs or LPRMs does not affect the IRMs.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, K3.08. Rejected this KA on the basis of it being beyond the scope of RO responsibilities at River Bend to determine the effect that an LPRM failure will have on core thermal calculations. No River Bend RO task supports requiring this knowledge. The ROs responsibility at River Bend is limited to the ability to identify thermal limit values calculated by the Core Monitoring System that require LCO entry. This ability is evaluated in the RO ADMIN - 1 JPM, RJPM-OPS-ADM-R01.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, K3.05.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-401 Record of Rejected K/As Form ES-401-4 Facility: RIVER BEND STATION Date of Exam: 9/17/2004 Exam Level: RO Page 2 Tier / Randomly Reason for Rejection Group Selected KA 2/1 262002, K1.11 Question 49 developed and submitted in exam materials was rejected as too simple with use of AOP attachments. All River Bend Control Room Recorders are fed from UPS and operators are not expected to have UPS power sources to each recorder memorized. It was determined that a question of suitable difficulty to be discriminating at the RO level could not be developed for this KA.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, K1.01 2/1 300000, K6.11 RO IR is 2.3 (<2.5) with no site-specific priority justification.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, K6.04 and rejected this KA to avoid double jeopardy with exam item for KA 295019 A1.04. Service Air Refusal valve is one of two auto valves in air systems. In order to develop a sufficiently discriminating question for either KA requires using both automatic valves in the question.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, K6.12 2/2 288000, K2.01 RO IR is 2.4 (<2.5) with no site-specific priority justification. Also, the only remaining statement in this category, K2.02 has RO IR of 1.8 (<2.5) with no site-specific priority justification.

Randomly selected new KA category and statement, K6.02.

3/ G 2.1.8 This ability is evaluated in the simulator part of the operating test.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, G 2.1.22.

3/ G 2.1.26 RO IR is 2.2 (<2.5) with no site-specific priority justification.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, G 2.1.16, which was also rejected due to it being evaluated in the simulator part of the operating test.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, G 2.1.24.

3/ G 2.2.22 Exam question submitted was questioned by NRC reviewers as an SRO-only may not be appropriate for RO exam. Facility agreed and moved question and KA to the SRO exam to replace rejected SRO-only exam question for SRO KA 2.2.20 in same Generic Category of Tier 3.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement for RO, G 2.2.12.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-401 Record of Rejected K/As Form ES-401-4 Facility: RIVER BEND STATION Date of Exam: 9/17/2004 Exam Level: RO Page 3 Tier / Randomly Reason for Rejection Group Selected KA 3/ G 2.3.8 RO IR is 2.3 (<2.5) with no site-specific priority justification.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, G 2.3.11.

3/ G 2.4.33 RO IR is 2.4 (<2.5) with no site-specific priority justification.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, G 2.2.18.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-401 Record of Rejected K/As Form ES-401-4 Facility: RIVER BEND STATION Date of Exam: 9/17/2004 Exam Level: SRO Page 1 Tier / Randomly Reason for Rejection Group Selected KA 1/1 295001, G 2.1.30 KA statement Ability to locate and operate components, including local controls is inappropriate for SRO-only knowledge level.

Moved KA statement G 2.1.30 to RO Tier 1 Group 1 topic 295038 (See RO Record of Rejected K/As). Replaced with RO randomly selected KA statement, G 2.2.25 which is SRO-only knowledge.

1/1 295003, AA1.02 The KA selected is inappropriate for developing a psychometrically sound question that adequately discriminates at the SRO level.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, AA2.02.

1/1 295005, AA2.02 The KA selected is inappropriate for developing a psychometrically sound question that adequately discriminates at the SRO level.

Turbine Vibration as it applies to Turbine Trip does not have multiple procedures to from which to choose nor any applicable Technical Specifications from which to develop an SRO-only question.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, AA2.08.

1/1 295006, AA1.01 The KA selected is inappropriate for developing a psychometrically sound question that adequately discriminates at the SRO level.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, AK1.03.

1/1 295028, G 2.1.27 KA statement Knowledge of system purpose and or function is inappropriate for Hi DW Temperature emergency evolution. Also, the K/A statement is inappropriate for SRO-only knowledge level.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, G 2.1.23.

2/1 263000, K4.01 River Bend does not have features or interlocks as part of the D.C.

Electrical Distribution System that provide for manual or automatic transfer of control.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, G 2.1.32.

3/ G 2.2.20 Question submitted for KA was rejected by NRC review as not at SRO-only level. Determined it would take excessive amount of time to develop a suitable replacement question for this KA, Knowledge of the process for managing troubleshooting activities.

Replaced question with RO question that was removed from RO exam because it was determined to be at SRO level. Replacement KA is G 2.2.22, randomly selected originally for RO exam.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-401 Record of Rejected K/As Form ES-401-4 Facility: RIVER BEND STATION Date of Exam: 9/17/2004 Exam Level: SRO Page 2 Tier / Randomly Reason for Rejection Group Selected KA 3/ G 2.4.41 Knowledge of EAL thresholds and classifications will be evaluated in SRO Admin JPM (960-01).

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, G 2.4.5.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: RIVER BEND STATION Date of Examination: 9/20/2004 - 9/24/2004 Examination Level: _____RO______ Operating Test Number: __1___

Admin Topic Description of activity to be performed (Type Code*) KA IR Notes Exam JPM No. K/A Statement(s)

Conduct of Complete the Daily Logs verification of power Operations distribution limits during Single Loop Operation (M) (A) Use plant computer to obtain and evaluate 2.1.19 3.0 ADM-R01 parametric information on system or component status.

Conduct of Determine Primary Containment water level and Operations correlated RPV water level per EOP Enclosure 23 (M) Ability to perform specific system and 2.1.23 3.9 ADM-R02 integrated plant procedures during different modes of plant operation.

Equipment Identify required tags and hanging sequence for Control SLC Pump Relief Valve removal and replacement.

(N) Knowledge of tagging and clearance 2.2.13 3.6 ADM-R03 procedures.

Radiation Enter and exit a High Radiation Area for a valve Control lineup.

(N) (A) Ability to perform procedures to reduce 2.3.10 2.9 ADM-RS04 excessive levels of radiation and guard against personnel exposure.

  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path Page 1 of 2 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: RIVER BEND STATION Date of Examination: 9/20/2004 - 9/24/2004 Examination Level: _____SRO_____ Operating Test Number: __1___

Admin Topic Description of activity to be performed (Type Code*) KA IR Notes Exam JPM No. K/A Statement(s)

Conduct of Determine Alternate Decay Heat Removal Method Operations Ability to obtain and interpret station reference (N) (A) materials such as graphs / monographs / and 2.1.25 3.1 ADM-S01 tables which contain performance data.

Conduct of Complete LCO Status Sheet for inoperable Control Operations Room Fresh Air initiation instrumentation. 2.1.12 4.0 (N) Ability to apply technical specifications for a ADM-S02 system.

Equipment Review completed Quarterly SLC Pump and Valve Control Operability surveillance procedure for approval.

(N) (A) Knowledge of surveillance procedures. 2.2.12 3.4 ADM-S03 Radiation Enter and exit a High Radiation Area for a valve Control lineup.

(N) (A) Ability to perform procedures to reduce 2.3.10 3.3 ADM-RS04 excessive levels of radiation and guard against personnel exposure.

Emergency Classify an Emergency Event Plan 2.4.41 4.1 Knowledge of emergency action level (M) thresholds and classifications.


  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path Page 2 of 2 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: RIVER BEND STATION Date of Examination: 9/20/2004 - 9/24/2004 Examination Level: RO Operating Test Number: 1 CONTROL ROOM SYSTEMS (8 for RO)

System / JPM Title and No. / (Type Codes*) SF KA IR Notes

1. 201005 Rod Control and Information System 7 K1.02 3.3 295037 SCRAM and Reactor Power Above K5.02 2.8 APRM Downscale or Unknown A1.01 3.2 Defeat RCIS Interlocks Per EOP Enclosure EK2.12 3.6 14 EA1.08 3.6 Exam JPM No. CRS-01 (D) (C)
2. 400000 Component Cooling Water System 8 K1.01 3.2 Loss of Normal Service Water creates Alternate CCP Valve Quarterly Stroke Test A4.01 3.1 Path requiring action to Surveillance AK3.07 3.1 allow initiation of Exam JPM No. CRS-02 (N) (A) (S) AA1.01 3.3 Standby Service Water.
3. 223001 Primary Containment and Auxiliaries 5 K1.13 3.4 Failure of RHS-AOV63 creates Alternate Path Makeup to Suppression Pool Using A2.11 3.6 requiring use of HPCS SPC/ADHR for SP makeup.

Exam JPM No. CRS-03 (M) (A) (S)

4. 259002 Reactor Water Level Control System 2 K5.01 3.1 Failure of FWRC C to open creates Alternate Place FWRV C in service on Master A1.05 2.9 Path requiring selection FWLC with Startup FWRV A4.03 3.8 of alternate FWRV Exam JPM No. CRS-04 (M) (A) (S) (L)
5. 239001 Main and Reheat Steam System 3 K1.01 3.4 Bypass MSR Steam Supply Valves Interlock K1.05 2.8 per EOP Enclosure 5 Exam JPM No. CRS-05 (D) (C)
6. 288000 Plant Ventilation System 9 K4.03 2.8 Restore Fuel Building Ventilation to A2.01 3.3 Standby Following Auto Initiation. A4.01 3.1 Exam JPM No. CRS-06 (D) (S)
  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path, (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, (L)ow-Power, (R)CA entry Page 1 of 6 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: RIVER BEND STATION Date of Examination: 9/20/2004 - 9/24/2004 Examination Level: RO Operating Test Number: 1 CONTROL ROOM SYSTEMS, continued (8 for RO)

System / JPM Title and No. / (Type Codes*) SF KA IR Notes

7. 262001 AC Electrical Distribution 6 A2.01 3.5 Generator Ground condition creates 295003 Partial/Complete Loss of AC Power A2.05 3.6 Alternate Path requiring Parallel Offsite Power to ENS-SWG1B A4.02 3.4 manual trip of O/P Supplied by Div II EDG AA1.02 4.2 breaker and Diesel Exam JPM No. CRS-07 (M) (A) (S) (L) shutdown.
8. 201003 Control Rod and Drive Mechanism 1 K4.02 3.8 Control Rod Overtravel alarm indicating Perform Control Rod Operability Check A2.02 3.7 uncoupled rod, creates Exam JPM No. CRS-08 (D) (A) (S) A4.02 3.5 the Alternate Path.


1. 201001 Control Rod Drive Hydraulic System 1 K1.09 3.1 Requires CAA and Primary Containment 295037 SCRAM and Reactor Power Above EK3.07 4.2 entry.

APRM Downscale or Unknown Vent Scram Air Header per EOP Enclosure 11 Exam JPM No. IPS-01 (D) (R)

2. 264000 Emergency Diesel Generators 6 K6.07 3.8 Trip of SWP-P2A creates Alternate Path 295016 Control Room Abandonment AK2.01 4.4 requiring start of SWP-Place Standby Service Water in service for AK2.02 4.0 P2C from different panel Div I EDG from Remote Shutdown Panel (EGS-PNL4C)

Exam JPM No. IPS-02 (D) (A) (L)

3. 212000 Reactor Protection System 7 K1.04 3.4 Restore RPS B Normal power supply. K2.01 3.2 Exam JPM No. IPS-03 (D) A1.01 2.8 A2.01 3.7
  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path, (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, (L)ow-Power, (R)CA entry Page 2 of 6 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: RIVER BEND STATION Date of Examination: 9/20/2004 - 9/24/2004 Examination Level: SRO-Instant Operating Test Number: 1 CONTROL ROOM SYSTEMS (7 for SRO-I)

System / JPM Title and No. / (Type Codes*) SF KA IR Notes

1. 201005 Rod Control and Information System 7 K1.02 3.5 295037 SCRAM and Reactor Power Above K5.02 3.3 APRM Downscale or Unknown A1.01 3.3 Defeat RCIS Interlocks Per EOP Enclosure EK2.12 3.8 14 EA1.08 3.6 Exam JPM No. CRS-01 (D) (C)
2. 400000 Component Cooling Water System 8 K1.01 3.3 Loss of Normal Service Water creates Alternate CCP Valve Quarterly Stroke Test A4.01 3.0 Path requiring action to Surveillance AK3.07 3.2 allow initiation of Exam JPM No. CRS-02 (N) (A) (S) AA1.01 3.4 Standby Service Water.
3. 223001 Primary Containment and Auxiliaries 5 K1.13 3.5 Failure of RHS-AOV63 creates Alternate Path Makeup to Suppression Pool Using A2.11 3.8 requiring use of HPCS SPC/ADHR for SP makeup.

Exam JPM No. CRS-03 (M) (A) (S)

4. 259002 Reactor Water Level Control System 2 K5.01 3.1 Failure of FWRC C to open creates Alternate Place FWRV C in service on Master A1.05 2.9 Path requiring selection FWLC with Startup FWRV A4.03 3.6 of alternate FWRV Exam JPM No. CRS-04 (M) (A) (S) (L)
5. 239001 Main and Reheat Steam System 3 K2.01 3.2 Bypass MSR Steam Supply Valves Interlock K4.05 3.7 per EOP Enclosure 5 K6.04 3.2 Exam JPM No. CRS-05 (D) (C) A2.03 4.2
6. 288000 Plant Ventilation System 9 K4.03 2.9 Restore Fuel Building Ventilation to A2.01 3.4 Standby Following Auto Initiation. A4.01 2.9 Exam JPM No. CRS-06 (D) (S)
  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path, (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, (L)ow-Power, (R)CA entry Page 3 of 6 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: RIVER BEND STATION Date of Examination: 9/20/2004 - 9/24/2004 Examination Level: SRO-Instant Operating Test Number: 1 CONTROL ROOM SYSTEMS, continued (7 for SRO-I)

System / JPM Title and No. / (Type Codes*) SF KA IR Notes

7. 262001 AC Electrical Distribution 6 A2.01 3.6 Generator Ground condition creates 295003 Partial/Complete Loss of AC Power A2.05 3.6 Alternate Path requiring Parallel Offsite Power to ENS-SWG1B A4.02 3.4 manual trip of O/P Supplied by Div II EDG AA1.02 4.3 breaker and Diesel Exam JPM No. CRS-07 (M) (A) (S) (L) shutdown.


1. 201001 Control Rod Drive Hydraulic System 1 K1.09 3.2 Requires CAA and Primary Containment 295037 SCRAM and Reactor Power Above EK3.07 4.3 entry.

APRM Downscale or Unknown Vent Scram Air Header per EOP Enclosure 11 Exam JPM No. IPS-01 (D) (R)

2. 264000 Emergency Diesel Generators 6 K6.07 3.9 Trip of SWP-P2A creates Alternate Path 295016 Control Room Abandonment AK2.01 4.5 requiring start of SWP-Place Standby Service Water in service for AK2.02 4.1 P2C from different panel Div I EDG from Remote Shutdown Panel (EGS-PNL4C)

Exam JPM No. IPS-02 (D) (A) (L)

3. 212000 Reactor Protection System 7 K1.04 3.6 Restore RPS B Normal power supply. K2.01 3.3 Exam JPM No. IPS-03 (D) A1.01 2.9 A2.01 3.9
  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path, (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, (L)ow-Power, (R)CA entry Page 4 of 6 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: RIVER BEND STATION Date of Examination: 9/20/2004 - 9/24/2004 Examination Level: SRO-Upgrade Operating Test Number: 1 CONTROL ROOM SYSTEMS (2 or 3 for SRO-U)

System / JPM Title and No. / (Type Codes*) SF KA IR Notes

1. 201005 Rod Control and Information System 7 K1.02 3.5 295037 SCRAM and Reactor Power Above K5.02 3.3 APRM Downscale or Unknown A1.01 3.3 Defeat RCIS Interlocks Per EOP Enclosure EK2.12 3.8 14 EA1.08 3.6 Exam JPM No. CRS-01 (D) (C)
2. 400000 Component Cooling Water System 8 K1.01 3.3 Loss of Normal Service Water creates Alternate CCP Valve Quarterly Stroke Test A4.01 3.0 Path requiring action to Surveillance AK3.07 3.2 allow initiation of Exam JPM No. CRS-02 (N) (A) (S) AA1.01 3.4 Standby Service Water.
3. 223001 Primary Containment and Auxiliaries 5 K1.13 3.5 Failure of RHS-AOV63 creates Alternate Path Makeup to Suppression Pool Using A2.11 3.8 requiring use of HPCS SPC/ADHR for SP makeup.

Exam JPM No. CRS-03 (M) (A) (S)


1. 201001 Control Rod Drive Hydraulic System 1 K1.09 3.2 Requires CAA and Primary Containment 295037 SCRAM and Reactor Power Above EK3.07 4.3 entry.

APRM Downscale or Unknown Vent Scram Air Header per EOP Enclosure 11 Exam JPM No. IPS-01 (D) (R)

2. 264000 Emergency Diesel Generators 6 K6.07 3.9 Trip of SWP-P2A creates Alternate Path 295016 Control Room Abandonment AK2.01 4.5 requiring start of SWP-Place Standby Service Water in service for AK2.02 4.1 P2C from different panel Div I EDG from Remote Shutdown Panel (EGS-PNL4C)

Exam JPM No. IPS-02 (D) (A) (L)

  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path, (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, (L)ow-Power, (R)CA entry Page 5 of 6 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: RIVER BEND STATION Date of Examination: 9/20/2004 - 9/24/2004 Examination Level: ALL (Backup JPM) Operating Test Number: 1 CONTROL ROOM SYSTEMS IN-PLANT SYSTEMS System / JPM Title and No. / (Type Codes*) SF KA IR Notes RO/SRO

1. 223002 Containment Isolation System 5 K1.10 3.1/3.2 500000 High Containment Hydrogen Conc. K4.08 3.3/3.7 Perform emergency containment venting for EK1.01 3.3/3.9 high H2 concentration per EOP Enclosure 21 Exam JPM No. BU-02 (D) (R) (L)
  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path, (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, (L)ow-Power, (R)CA entry Page 6 of 6 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: River Bend Station Scenario No.: 1 (SIS-19.0, IC-163) Op.-Test No.: 1 NEW SCENARIO Examiners: Operators: CRS - Control Room Suprv. (SRO)

ATC - At-the-Controls (RO)

UO - Unit Operator (BOP-RO)

Initial Conditions: Plant startup in progress at 40% power. Reactor Recirc pumps were shifted to fast speed last shift. Reactor Engineering has requested that reactor power be raised with recirc flow to raise core flow to 50%.

Turnover: APRM C INOP and bypassed due to power supply failure. Heater Drain Pumps, HDL-P1A and C tagged out due to excessive leakage. Main Generator voltage regulator in Manual due to erratic operation in Auto. Continue plant startup by raising core flow with Recirc flow control valves per Reactor Engineer request.

Event No. Malf. No. Event Type

  • Event Description 1 N/A R Raise power and core flow with recirc flow control valves T = 0 min. (ATC) 2 CRD001B C CRD Pump B trip.

T = 8 min. (UO/CRS)

CRDM4813(2) I Accumulator instrument failure causes accumulator trouble to (ATC/CRS) not clear when CRD Pump A is started. (Tech Specs for CRS) 3 CRDM2405(1) C Control Rod Drifts out. (Tech Spec for CRS)

T = 20 min. (ATC/CRS) 4 RPS003B C Loss of RPS B T = 30 min. (ALL) 5 FWS007C I FWRV C control signal fails high failing FWRV open.

T = 40 min. (ATC/CRS)

Automatic scram signal will be initiated on (or manual scram signal before reaching) high reactor water level.

6 CRD014 M Hydraulic ATWS T = 40 min (ALL) 7 RCIC003 C RCIC flow controller fails low. (After EOP Entry)

T = 42 min. (UO/CRS)

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: River Bend Station Scenario No.: 2 (SIS-21.0, IC-165) Op.-Test No.: 1 MODIFIED SCENARIO Examiners: Operators: CRS - Control Room Suprv. (SRO)

ATC - At-the-Controls (RO)

UO - Unit Operator (BOP-RO)

Initial Conditions: Steady state operation at 100% power. RHR B is in suppression pool cooling.

Turnover: APRM C INOP and bypassed due to power supply failure. Heater Drain Pumps, HDL-P1A and C tagged out due to excessive leakage. Main Generator voltage regulator in Manual due to erratic operation in Auto. RCIC slow roll was completed last shift and suppression pool temperatures have been returned to normal. Remove RHR B from suppression pool cooling.

Event No. Malf. No. Event Type

  • Event Description 1 N/A N Remove RHR B from suppression pool cooling.

T = 0 min. (UO/CRS) 2 HPCS004 C Spurious HPCS automatic start and injection. (Tech Specs for T = 10 min. (UO/CRS) CRS) 3 NMS015F I APRM F flow reference signal fails downscale.

T = 17 min. (ALL) (Tech Specs for CRS) 4 MSS010 C Turbine gland seal pressure regulator valve fails closed.

T = 27 min. (UO/CRS) 5 P680_2a:e_8 C Heater Drain Pump HDL-P1D overload.

T = 35 min. (ATC /CRS)

N/A R Lower reactor power with Recirc flow to maintain RPV level (ATC)

Scram will be automatically initiated on high drywell pressure.

6 RCS001 M Rupture of A recirculation loop (Large break LOCA)

T = 45 min (ALL)

Override C Recirc loop A suction isolation valve fails in open position.

(ATC/CRS) (After EOP Entry) 7 LPCS002 C LPCS injection valve fails to open (After EOP Entry).

T = 47 min. (UO/CRS)

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: River Bend Station Scenario No.: 3 [BU] (SIS-20.0, IC-164) Op.-Test No.: 1 BANK SCENARIO Examiners: Operators: CRS - Control Room Suprv. (SRO)

ATC - At-the-Controls (RO)

UO - Unit Operator (BOP-RO)

Initial Conditions: Power ascension to rated in progress, holding at 90% power for Reactor Engineer to check core performance and effects of new rod pattern. RHR B in Suppression Pool Cooling Mode for RCIC slow roll to be done this shift.

Turnover: APRM C INOP and bypassed due to power supply failure. Heater Drain Pumps, HDL-P1A and C tagged out due to excessive leakage. Main Generator voltage regulator in Manual due to erratic operation in Auto. Complete preparations and slow roll RCIC following lube oil addition.

Event No. Malf. No. Event Type

  • Event Description 1 N/A N Place Containment HVAC in High Volume Purge.

T = 0 min. (UO/CRS) 2 NMS011D I APRM D fails upscale with single rod scram.

T = 10 min. CRDM4829 (ATC/CRS) (Tech Specs for CRS) 3 RCIC001 C RCIC trip throttle valve fails to open during turbine slow roll.

T = 20 min. (UO/CRS) (Tech Specs for CRS) 4 OR_P680_3a:d-2 C Loss of TPCCW to Reactor Feed Pump FWS-P1A Gear T = 30 min. (Alarm Override) (ATC/CRS) Increaser Lube Oil Cooler (requiring P1A shutdown).

N/A R Lower power with Recirc flow as needed for RFP shutdown.


Scram should be manually initiated before automatic on high reactor pressure with Turbine CVs shutting.

RPS failure to scram requires ARI initiation to insert control rods.

5 EHC001 M Turbine governor fails low closing Turbine Control Valves T = 40 min (ALL)

ED002B Loss of NPS-SWG1B on transfer from Main Generator to Preferred Transformer.

RPS001A RPS fails to scram automatically and manually.

6 MSS001 A steam leak in Drywell rises to 500 GPM over 3 minutes.

T = 41 min. (After EOP Entry).

7 HPCS003 C HPCS fails to auto initiate. (After EOP Entry).

T = 42 min. (UO/CRS)

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

River Bend September 2004 RO/SRO License Exam Outline Change Justifications SIMULATOR SCENARIOS

1. In Scenario 1 (SIS-19) Event 1, replaced shifting Reactor Recirculation Pumps to Fast Speed with raising power with Recirc Flow Control Valves. During validation the pump shift was done twice and took ~30 minutes each time. The replacement evolution, raising power with flow, can be done without ramp restrictions at this power level and can be complete the required reactivity manipulation (>5% change in power) in about 8 minutes.
2. In Scenario 1 (SIS-19), changed the CRD Pump Trip Event 2 to the B pump to make the operating pump in this scenario consistent with the other two scenarios.

This had no effect on the UO actions for the trip or the outcome of the scenario.

3. In Scenario 1 (SIS-19), changed Event 3, APRM Flow Reference Failure Downscale to Control Rod Drifting out. During validation, the rod line at which the scenario began was determined to be too high for pump shift. At a more appropriate lower rod line, the APRM Flow Reference Failure no longer resulted in a half scram, which minimized the action for the ATC. The Control Rod Drifting out provides sufficient verifiable actions to evaluate the RO in the ATC position for a required component malfunction.
4. In Scenario 1 (SIS-19), changed Event 7, SLC Pump failure to RCIC Flow Controller failure. During validation, the crew quickly lowered RPV water level as part of EOP-0001A action to prevent flux instability. At the lower rod line established for scenario initial conditions, SRV operation was not enough to raise suppression pool temperature to require SLC injection. With the EOP-0001A, Level/Power Control requirement to lower level to -56 inches, RCIC will auto initiate if the crew does not initiate it earlier. This malfunction will produce the component malfunction actions for the Unit Operator RO instead of the SLC pump failure.
5. During the NRC prep week, it was determined that the scenario originally submitted as Scenario 3 (backup scenario SIS-21) would be better suited for the exam and designated it Scenario 2. Originally submitted Scenario 2 (SIS-20) is now designated Scenario 3 (Backup). References to changes in Scenario 2 below are for originally submitted Scenario 3 and references to changes in Scenario 3 are for originally submitted Scenario 2.
6. In Scenario 2 (SIS-21), changed Event 4 to provide the Unit Operator RO sufficient verifiable actions. The Level transmitter failure provided insufficient action for evaluation.

Page 1

River Bend September 2004 RO/SRO License Exam Outline Change Justifications

7. In Scenario 2 (SIS-21), moved APRM Flow Reference Failure Downscale from Scenario 1 to this scenario as Event 3. The rod line at 100% results in a half scram from this malfunction. The malfunction involves the UO with backpanel actions and provides more verifiable actions for the ATC than the APRM failure downscale in the original outline submitted.
8. In Scenario 2 (SIS-21), Event 4 in the original outline identified lowering power as a critical task to avoid a low RPV level scram from a low suction pressure trip of one of the operating Reactor Feed Pumps. During validation, it was determined this would not be a critical task. If reactor power was not lowered before securing the Heater Drain Pump, a Recirculation flow control valve runback following the RFP trip maintained level above the low RPV level scram.

Added the loss of Turbine Seal Steam malfunction as new Event 4 to provide another component failure for UO RO with verifiable actions and a critical task to recover seal steam to prevent a loss of vacuum Turbine Trip and scram.

9. In Scenario 3 (SIS-20) Event 4, the specific Reactor Feedwater Pump with the TPCCW malfunction was changed to FWS-P1A to set up a loss of all RFPs in Event 5.
10. In Scenario 3 (SIS-20) on the original outline Event 7, the action to address the turbine bypass valve failure was determined to not be a critical task since the leak would reduce pressure rapidly enough to exceed the cooldown rate even if the MSIVs were closed. Replaced the Turbine Bypass Valve malfunction with a failure of the RPS to scram to create a replacement critical task for the ATC to initiate Alternate Rod Insertion (ARI) to insert all control rods.
11. In Scenario 3 (SIS-20) added a loss of NPS SWG1B to Event 5 creating a loss of normal Feedwater to ensure the UO initiation of HPCS is a critical task.
12. In Scenario 3 (SIS-20) changed Turbine failure malfunction to Turbine governor fails low to close Turbine Control Valves slower allowing the operators a more reasonable opportunity to determine that a manual scram is required and to attempt the scram and initiate ARI for critical task completion. With Turbine Speed signal failure the crew during prep week failed to get ARI initiated before it was automatically initiated by high reactor pressure.

Page 2

River Bend September 2004 RO/SRO License Exam Outline Change Justifications JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURES

1. The topic and KAs for Control Room Systems JPM Number 5 were changed to accommodate changing the JPM. The original outline proposed modifying a bank JPM to remove fuses in the Main Control Room backpanels as part of the actions for closing a Stuck Open SRV (River Bend Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-0035). During validation, it was determined that while modification of the JPM added a step to manipulate a control switch, the JPM actually had only one critical step - remove the second set of fuses. The JPM was replaced with one directly from the bank in the same Safety Function to install jumpers per EOP Enclosure 5 to provide a JPM with a sufficient number of critical steps. As a result the KA statement was changed to match the JPM.
2. The topic and KA for SRO Admin JPM Number 1 was changed because the original JPM concept could not be developed into a sufficiently challenging JPM.

The originally proposed JPM topic was replaced with a newly developed JPM titled Determine Alternate Methods of Decay Heat Removal. This task has more safety significance than the originally proposed task and involves the use of a graph and tables.

3. Two of the Control Room Systems JPMs, Number 3 and Number 8 (for ROs only) proposed as being taken directly from the bank, were instead, significantly modified. JPM Number 3 was modified since JPM Number 5 is now being taken directly from the bank as discussed in Item 1 above. The JPM Number 8 was modified to add a critical step.
4. The specific descriptions of some of the JPMs in the Admin and Systems Walkthrough portion of the exam outlines were modified to reflect the titles of newly developed or modified JPMs.

During NRC review of JPMs, Control Room Systems JPM, CRS-08, Reset Reactor Recirc Flow Control Valve Runback, was deemed too simple and rejected. Replaced with Backup JPM No. 1, Perform Control Rod Operability Check.

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River Bend September 2004 RO/SRO License Exam Outline Change Justifications WRITTEN EXAM The following changes were made to the RO and SRO written exam outlines and, if the change involved a KA rejection, it was included on the ES-401-4, Record of Reject K/As.

1. RO Exam Tier 1/Group 1 KA 295016 AA2.06 had the wrong K/A Topic and Importance Rating. Corrected both in the final outline.
2. RO Exam Tier 2/Group 1 KA 215005, K3.06 Not a feature of River Bend. A loss or malfunction of APRMs or LPRMs does not affect the IRMs.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, K3.08. Rejected this KA on the basis of it being beyond the scope of RO responsibilities at River Bend to determine the effect that an LPRM failure will have on core thermal calculations. No River Bend RO task supports requiring this knowledge. The ROs responsibility at River Bend is limited to the ability to identify thermal limit values calculated by the Core Monitoring System that require LCO entry. This ability is evaluated in the RO ADMIN - 1 JPM, RJPM-OPS-ADM-R01.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, K3.05.

3. RO Exam Tier 2/Group 1 KA 262002, K1.11 All control room recorders at River Bend are fed from UPS power supplies.

Developed exam item QID 951 and submitted with exam materials 7/23/04 for this topic with AOP handout required for exam. Question was rejected as too simple. Determined that within the job scope of RO the KA would not allow a sufficiently discriminating question to be developed.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, K1.01

4. RO Exam Tier 2/Group 1 KA 300000, K6.11 RO IR is 2.3 (<2.5) with no site-specific priority justification.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, K6.04 and rejected this KA to avoid double jeopardy with exam item for KA 295019 A1.04. Service Air Refusal valve is one of two auto valves in air systems. In order to develop a sufficiently discriminating question for either KA requires using both automatic valves in the question.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, K6.12 Page 4

River Bend September 2004 RO/SRO License Exam Outline Change Justifications

5. RO Exam Tier 3 KA 2.2.22 Question developed for RO exam (QID 926) was determined to be more appropriate as SRO-only and moved to SRO exam Tier 3 to replace NRC rejected SRO-only question (QID 945) for KA 2.2.20.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, 2.2.12

6. SRO Exam Tier 1/Group 1 KA 295005 AA2.02 Exam item selected (QID 951) and submitted with exam materials 7/23/04 for this topic was rejected as not at SRO level. Based on criteria for SRO-only question, determined that a question on this topic could not be developed that could be tied to any of the 10CFR55.43(b) items.

Randomly selected replacement KA statement, AA2.08

7. SRO Exam Tier 3 KA 2.2.20 Replaced with KA 2.2.22 which was randomly selected for RO exam for which a question was developed that fit the SRO-only criteria. QID 945 for originally selected KA 2.2.20 was rejected by NRC as not SRO-only level.

See discussion above for RO Tier 3 KA 2.2.22 Page 5